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If you're diving back into the job market after age 50, what you put on your resume can make all the difference. Learn 9 resume writing tips for older adults that will set you up for success.

Work & Retirement for Older Adults

Writing your resume after age 50: a guide for older adults.

Aug 11, 2022

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Key Takeaways

A growing number of older adults are delaying retirement in favor of working longer .

Mature workers often face barriers to finding a job, such as ageism. But having a strategically written resume can help make age a non-issue.

Get tips on how to craft a resume that highlights your skills and work experience without drawing attention to your age.

A growing number of older adults are delaying retirement in favor of working longer. In 1985, just 10% of those over age 65 were either actively working or searching for a job. As of 2019, that percentage has doubled. 1 This trend is expected to continue as more older Americans look to improve their financial security and stay active and engaged in their communities.

Having a strong resume is important for older job seekers

Compared to their younger counterparts, older adults can face more barriers to finding gainful employment. Ageism is one of them. While you may know you have what it takes to perform a job, some employers still believe mature workers are “overqualified” or lacking contemporary skills. Combating these stereotypes starts with having a thoughtfully crafted, up-to-date resume.

Throughout the hiring process, employers rely on your resume to learn more about you and determine whether you’re a good fit for their organization. It’s a golden opportunity to highlight your qualifications, attributes, and relevant experience. A professional resume should always include these key pieces of information:

  • Full name and contact information (phone and email)
  • Professional summary (formerly known as the “objective”)
  • Work experience and history
  • Applicable skills
  • Educational background

Wondering how to write a resume at 50+ years old? Use the strategies below to create one that increases your odds of landing a job interview .

9 resume tips for mature workers

1. Choose the right resume format.

What is the best resume format for older workers? There are three main types:

  • Chronological: This format focuses on your work history, which is presented in chronological order with your most recent employment at the top.
  • Functional: This option focuses more on your relevant skills versus your work history.
  • Hybrid: This approach combines certain elements of the chronological and functional resume formats to create the ideal professional profile.

In most cases, older workers should stick to the tried-and-true chronological format. This allows you to display your years of experience—your leg-up over younger candidates. However, if you've been out of the workforce for a long time, a functional resume will allow you to keep the focus on your skills rather than any gaps in your work history.

No matter which format you go with, try to keep your resume to one or two pages . Browse this library of resume examples across different industries to get started.

2. Limit your work history to 10 to 15 years.

As an older job seeker, there's no need to share your entire work history. Include only those positions most meaningful to the job you're applying for, held during the last 10 to 15 years. If there are major achievements you want to highlight that extend beyond that timeframe, Indeed.com recommends adding an " Early Career " section. This section should not feature specific dates of employment.

3. Don’t include graduation dates.

In the same token, leave graduation dates out of your education section. List only the degrees you hold (with the most advanced degrees first), schools you attended, and any recent training or certifications. This can help reduce the chances of age discrimination while still playing up your credentials.

4. Make the most of your professional summary.

Once called the “objective,” the professional summary is an introductory paragraph on your resume that highlights your biggest skills and achievements. If you have a solid work history, this is your chance to shine! Be sure to include any industry credentials you have and what essential skills, experience, and attributes you bring to the table. Avoid industry jargon that may not resonate with younger hiring managers. And don’t include specifics related to your years of experience (for example, "25 years").

5. Emphasize your technology skills.

A common misconception about older adults is that they haven't kept in step with technological advancements. You can remedy this by adding a section to your resume that highlights your experience and comfort with modern software and platforms (such as Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint). If a job you're applying to mentions a technology you're proficient in, make sure you include it in the experience or skills section of your resume. Steer clear of listing any outdated technologies.

6. Use a modern font (typeface style).

Using certain fonts on your resume can instantly tip off employers that you're an older job seeker. Stay away from serif fonts such as Times New Roman—these do not translate well to a computer screen and are rarely used in business today. Plus, serif fonts are difficult for applicant tracking systems to read, which means your resume may never land on the desk of a real person. Instead, stick to smoother, sans-serif fonts such as Arial and Geneva. A size 12 font is the standard size and will make your resume easy to read.

7. Include a healthy dose of action verbs.

Using action verbs can help you create a more compelling resume that stands out to potential employers. They're especially valuable when describing your work experiences and accomplishments. Examples of resume-boosting action verbs include:

  • Collaborated

8. Tailor your resume to each new job opportunity.

Keep in mind you’ll want to modify your resume for each job listing. Why is this important for older job seekers? It gives you a chance to highlight the skills most relevant to the role you're applying to. You can also feature keywords that make your resume stand out to hiring managers who have specific skills on their wish list. Constantly tweaking your resume can be labor-intensive, but it’s well-worth the time and effort.

9. Show you’re connected by sharing your LinkedIn profile.

As an older worker, you want to show employers you're current with the latest communication technologies. One way to do this is by including a link to your new or updated LinkedIn profile on your resume. LinkedIn is a powerful platform for creating and promoting your "personal brand." Think of it as your online resume. The guidelines above still apply—but here are some additional suggestions for age-proofing your digital calling card:

  • Use a recent photo for your profile: Avoid using an outdated photograph where you look younger; it’s better to be transparent about your age. Use a professional headshot if possible, but otherwise, a DIY headshot is fine (remember to smile!). Avoid distracting backgrounds—such as a messy home office—and wear interview-appropriate attire .
  • Include keywords in your headline: Use language pulled directly from the job descriptions you're responding to. Be sure to stick with current terms (for example, "proficiency in Microsoft Word" versus "word processing skills").
  • Use first-person language in your summary (“About” section): This simple practice can help modernize your LinkedIn profile and create a more personal connection with the people who view it.
  • Include volunteer leadership positions and other accomplishments: These are areas where your age can be a true asset. Don't be shy about noting any high-level volunteer roles, awards, or honors that relate to the type of position you seek.
  • Collect recommendations: LinkedIn recommendations are written testimonials from other members who know your professional worth firsthand (such as a former colleague or supervisor). You can get recommendations simply by requesting them from your LinkedIn connections. Giving recommendations to others can often encourage them to return the favor.

New to LinkedIn? Here’s a simple tutorial to help you sign up and create your profile.

Are you an older worker who needs help finding a job?

Searching for a new job? Or returning to work after a break? NCOA recently launched its new employment tool,  Job Skills CheckUp , to help older adults get tips on how to succeed as a mature worker.  All you have to do is tell us about your goals, describe your current employment situation, and the Job Skills CheckUp will create a personalized plan to help you find job openings, build a professional network, prepare for job interviews, and more.

In addition,  the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is here to help. Created in 1965, SCSEP is America’s oldest program to help older adults with low income find work. It matches eligible applicants (age 55+) with paid, part-time training assignments for nonprofit organizations.

To apply, find your local SCSEP office and complete an application. If you’re eligible for the program and there is no waiting list, you will be enrolled to train at a non-profit organization in your community.

1. Older Americans in the Workforce, United Income. Found on the internet at http://www.advancingstates.org/sites/nasuad/files/United_Income_Older_Americans_in_the_Workforce.pdf

Funding for This Program Made Possible By Our Partner

Get help to land the job you love.

Searching for a new job? Or returning to work after a break? Get tips on how to succeed in your career and make a plan to get there with NCOA's Job Skills CheckUp.

A senior man with a yellow hard hat and glasses works with a large drill bit at a plant workshop.

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functional resume for retired person

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Resume Examples and Writing Tips for Older Job Seekers

functional resume for retired person

How to Age-Proof Your Resume

Choose the best type of resume, resume writing tips for older job seekers.

  • How to Show How You're Qualified
  • Email or Upload Your Resume

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Age isn't always an advantage when you're job searching, especially in a competitive job market. Hiring managers can view older workers as more expensive to hire, as having outdated experience or too much experience, or as not being current with today's technology and workplaces—even though it is  illegal to discriminate based on age .

One way to overcome the perception that your age is an issue is to "age-proof" and carefully edit your resume. Your resume isn’t  your CV , so it doesn’t need to include everything you’ve ever done.

Learn what to include on your resume, what to leave off, how to choose the best resume format, review examples and get a resume template for older job seekers.

Limiting what you include on your resume, from a chronological perspective, can help job seekers avoid the stigma of being considered "too old" by a prospective employer.

Also, showing that you're up to speed with the latest technology and skills needed for your profession will help maximize your chances of getting selected for an interview. The following resume writing tips for older job seekers will help market your candidacy and showcase your skills to employers without highlighting your age.

Consider a Functional or Combination Resume.  If you’re currently using a  chronological resume , which lists your experience in date order, it may be time to switch to a different format that doesn’t focus on the years.

Consider using a  functional resume , which focuses on your skills and experience and lists your accomplishments at the top of your resume. Alternatively, you could use a  combination resume , which features both skills and your work history (just don’t go back more than 10 or 15 years).

Limit Your Related Experience.  Limit the related experience (related to the job you are applying for) you  include on your resume to 10 to 15 years , leaving older jobs off your resume entirely.

Another option is to include the older jobs in a separate section of your resume, but don’t list the dates when you worked.

Drop Your Other Experience.  You want to keep your resume experience relevant for the job you’re hoping to land, and unrelated experience is probably just not necessary. Leave all that experience off your resume or list it without dates in a category labeled “Other Experience” or “Additional Experience.”

Don't Include Education / Training Dates.  Don't include high school and college graduation dates or dates for any other courses you took, or professional development classes that were in the past. If you have a college degree, don't list your high school graduation date on your resume.

Be Careful About Years.  Don't list the length of experience you have in your  resume objective , if you use one. For example, it's not advantageous to say you have 20 or 30 years of experience in anything. It’ll flag you as older, and your resume may just get tossed out.

The best way to show that you are a seasoned professional is to say that you have “10+ years’ experience” in your field. This isn’t a lie, and it allows you to capitalize upon your value as an employee with significant experience.

How to Show How You're Qualified

Target Your Resume.  Take the time to write a  targeted resume  that’s customized so that it specifically highlights the experience you have that’s relevant to the specific job opening you’re applying for. The same targeted resume won’t work for every job, and you’ll need a different one for each job opening.

Highlight Your Skills.  All your years of experience probably means you’ve built up an impressive skill set. Shine a light on the skills that are most valuable and that show you’re comfortable with contemporary technology. Promote the fact that you're up-to-date with current technology by including the latest programs and apps you know how to use and leaving off out-of-date technology.

Show You're Connected.  Include a  link to your LinkedIn profile on your resume . This will show hiring managers you're engaged in current means of communicating and networking. Depending on your usage, you may want to list your social media handles as well, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram—but only if they’re up to professional scrutiny.

Polish Your Resume.  Presentation matters. Make sure your resume is polished and well presented. You don't want your resume to look old-fashioned. Hire a resume writer or browse the various resume sites to find the latest templates that will give your resume a fresh look.

Be Ready to Email or Upload Your Resume

Be Prepared to Email Your Resume.  Keep in mind that most resumes are emailed or uploaded to a company website or job site to apply for jobs. Email a copy of your resume to yourself to be sure the formatting doesn't get lost during transmission (sending your resume as a PDF is probably best). Review these email etiquette guidelines to be sure you're following the right protocol for  emailing your resume .

Download the resume template (compatible with Google Docs and Word) or see below for a text version to get started on creating your own resume.

The Balance

Resume Example (Text Version)

Edward Elder 123 Old Growth Road Mt. Vernon, WA 98273 (123) 456-7890 eelder@email.com www.linked.com/in/edwardelder


Producing consistent YOY growth through strategic goal-setting and sales floor management.

Charismatic and focused in onboarding, developing, and coaching highly productive retail sales teams. Skillfully train sales associates in winning customer engagement, merchandising, and inventory control methods.    

Analytical and cost-conscious in establishing pricing strategies, preventing shrink, and championing effective customer retention programs. Lead by example to ensure provision of best-in-class customer service.  


HOMEWORKS CENTRAL, Mt. Vernon, Washington

SALES MANAGER (February 2016 – Present)

Meticulously perform scope of retail management responsibilities including team building, merchandising, inventory control, scheduling, and sales training and development for established home improvement store. 

Notable accomplishments:

  • Redesigned store plan-o-grams that improved cross-sales by 72% and time-in-store by 81%.
  • Implemented staff recognition and incentive programs that heightened employee retention to 95%.
  • Introduced first-ever succession planning process that ensured seamless transition of sales associates to positions of increased authority as older personnel retired, preventing the need to hire from outside.

CARS R US , Ferndale, Washington

SALES MANAGER (November 2008 – January 2016)

Trained and mentored ~35 Sales Executives in customer service and sales negotiation / closing skills. Forecasted monthly sales expenses, conveyed sales goals, and designed incentive programs.  

  • Pioneered dealership’s launch of online sales arm, increasing lead percentage by 63% .
  • Increased overall market share by more than 15% YOY throughout tenure.
  • Promoted to management from original role as Sales Representative.  ~ Additional experience includes roles as a Sales Executive for Retro Auto (Yakima, Washington) and as a Sales Representative for Home Hardware Sales (Yakima, Washington). ~



Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (Emphasis: Marketing)

Information Technology Skills: Microsoft Office Suite • POS systems • Salesforce

Review more resume samples for a variety of circumstances and get templates you can use to write your own resume.

How to Write a Resume for a Retired Person

functional resume for retired person

It is normal to have felt that you won’t ever have to write a resume again after your retirement. However, plans change and you may now need an additional source of income or something to fill a void.

As a retiree, you have lots of skills and experience to offer your potential employers. You can highlight all you have to offer in a retiree resume. It can also help you land a role that suits your present situation.

In this guide, we will be providing you with well-detailed information on how to write a resume for a retired person. If you do not have time to do all this, you can check our top of the best resume writers .

What Is a Retiree Resume?

A resume for retired person is a type of resume that is written by someone who is currently retired but looking to return to employment. It has to be structured in a way that shows your potential employer why you are the most qualified candidate.

Hence, it should highlight the skills and experience that you have garnered from your previous employment. Learning how to write it is as easy as learning how to send unsolicited resume .

Best Resume Format for a Retired Person

When writing a resume for retirees, you may either use the chronological or functional format. You should have a good idea of how a traditional chronological resume is written. In this format, you will have to list all the positions that you have held, starting with the latest, and in the reverse order.

Alternatively, you may opt for the functional format. This format involves you listing the work that qualifies you the most for a role at the upper part of your CV. The time that you held the position shouldn’t be considered. It is the best method of making career changes less evident and removing gaps from one’s employment history.

Which is the ideal format for a returning to work after retirement resume? A chronological resume is more suitable for someone who is trying to get to a field he or she has just retired from. Meanwhile, a functional resume is an ideal choice for people that retired a while ago or took a break in between their careers.

Tips for Writing a Resume for a Retired Person

A conventional resume is an excellent template for resumes for retirees. But if you want to, you can develop a completely new job summary. The information below will show you how to write a resume for a retired person perfectly:

1. Add Only Relevant Information

Try not to include information that isn’t related to the role that you are applying for. Old positions and expired certifications should be excluded. Check out job listings for your past roles and ensure that your language is in line with that of others in the industry.

That way, you can create a trendy job history. Also, you should only reference dates or years of experience that pertain to the job description. For instance, you may write that you have a decade worth of experience in sales.

2. Include Skills That Employers Need

You should look at your preferred job listings and search for the in-demand skills that you have. Soft skills such as communication and teamwork in particular are vital. You should also include skills that show that you are prepared to learn new things. Your resume should reflect how knowledgeable and experienced you are.

Additionally, you should pay attention to the summary close to the upper part of your resume. Describing your relevant experience and skills in this section can be very beneficial. Mention the technology that you can work with, it will be even better if it’s new or listed in your preferred job description.

You should also add any training or workshop from the last couple of years. Your resume should be revamped if strong verbs haven’t been used to describe your professional accomplishments.

3.  Describe How You Used Your Time for Development

If it has been over a year since you retired, you should describe how you utilized your time for growth. You should also add any volunteer work or new skills you acquired, they don’t have to be related to the role that you are trying to get. For instance, you may mention how you participated in continuing education classes. Your potential employer will be more interested in hiring you if you show that you used your free time productively.

Returning to Work After Retirement Resume Example

Let’s take a look at an example of a functional resume for retired person returning to work. This should give you a good idea of how to write yours:

A dedicated office manager who has always surpassed performance goals. Helps teams to meet their target and give customers the best experience.

  • Training: Added four new employees to the team and trained them on the essential facets of office management. The training covered billing, booking appointments, and customer service.
  • Team Management : Was in charge of a team of eight and entered all information on the system. Ensure all was in order including budget, payroll, and schedule. Also ensured that performance goals were met.
  • Data Security : Taught team members about data security to ensure office compliance. Achieved this via meetings and seminars on HIPAA laws and secure computer practices.

* Office Manager, Safe Hands : Long Island, NY*

* Office Lead, The Wright Company : Buffalo, NY*

* Front Office Assistant, Standard Dental : Rochester, NY”

BSc in Business Management, Fordham University, NY, New York.


Certified Office Manager

Sections to Include in a Retired Person’s Resume

There are certain sections that you have to include in your retirement job history just like when writing a family business resume  or listing patents on resume . You should start with a header that contains your contact information. This should include your main email address and maybe a phone number.

Next in line should be the skills section. Here, you should list out the skills you gained during your time of employment and how you used them. Follow this section with an experience section in which you describe your work history. You should also consider adding a resume objective for retired person.

Remember that this could either be in a chronological or functional format, depending on what suits your situation best.

Next, add an education section to provide your potential employer with a view of your academic background. You may include an additional section for any certification that you have received in a retired resume.

Key Takeaways

A well-written resume for a retired person will go a long way in getting you back in employment. We have done our best to provide all the information you need to get it done in this guide. Remember to opt for a format that describes your qualifications the best.

You should also add only relevant information and modern skills. If you feel a need to, you may pad your resume  too.

1. Why do retirees need a resume?

A retired person may decide to get a new job to increase his or her income, find something interesting, or share experience.

2. What should retiree resume include?

A resume for retired person looking for part-time job or full-time job should consist of the same information as a regular resume. However, more focus should be placed on the skills and qualifications you garnered during your employment.

3. What is a retiree resume?

A retirement resume is a form of resume for a person who is currently retired but wants to start working again.

4. What should I include in a retiree’s resume summary statement?

Your summary statement should tell your employer about your relevant experience and skills. This may include tools you can use or recent training or workshops.

5. How do I format a retired person’s resume summary statement?

First, you should avoid using first-person and third-person pronouns in your resume for retiree returning to work. You should also use sentence fragments only. Finally, use action verbs instead of passive verbs.

functional resume for retired person

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functional resume for retired person

How to Write a Functional Resume [4 Free Templates Included]

Background Image

Struggling with your resume because you just graduated from university and don’t have much work experience?

Or maybe you’re switching careers, and aren’t sure how to make your past position relevant for the new field?

Whichever the case, the solution is pretty simple:

Use a functional resume format!

  • What’s a Functional Resume?

When to Use a Functional Resume?

How to write a functional resume.

  • What Are Some Other Resume Formats (and When To Use Them)

What is a Functional Resume?

A functional resume, also known as the skill-based resume, is a resume format that focuses on your professional skill test as opposed to work experience.

If you were to create a traditional resume, you’d list out your work experience in reverse chronological order as follows:

reverse chronological resume example

Whereas, in the case of a functional resume , you list out each of your skills, and then back them up by highlighting how you’ve practically applied them in the past:

functional resume sample

It’s better to use a functional resume in the following situations:

  • You’re a recent graduate with no work experience. As the functional resume focuses on skills rather than experience, it can be very helpful to students.
  • You’re switching careers . If you have some work experience, but the said experience isn’t relevant for the position you’re applying for, you can use a functional resume to highlight how your skills make you the right candidate.
  • You have a long history of unemployment (or gaps between jobs). Since the functional resume format focuses on skills, you can use it to downplay your work experience gaps.

That being said, in around 90% of cases, we don’t recommend using a functional resume .

While it does have its perks (e.g. standing out as a recent graduate), it also comes with significant downsides.

First off, it’s nowhere near as popular as the traditional resume format, and in certain parts of the world, recruiters might not even know that the functional format is a thing.

In addition, some recruiters might find the lack of work experience in a resume suspicious because it can hint the candidate isn’t being truthful (e.g. red flags, being fired from previous employment, etc.).

These 2 disadvantages combined make a compelling case against the functional resume format.

So, if you do decide to create a functional resume, weigh the pros and cons and proceed at your own risk!

Want to also learn how to create a traditional resume ? Check out our guide!

First things first - pick a compelling resume template to get started. We recommend using our Functional Resume template:

functional resume template

Then, create the following sections on your resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Summary
  • Skill Summary

If you have additional space once you’re finished with these sections, you can fill it up with some optional sections (which we’ll explain a bit down the line).

Now, let’s walk you through each of these sections and explain how to do them right:

#1. Contact Information

While it might sound elementary, there’s a ton of tid-bits you need to know about getting the contact information section right.

Here’s what you need to include in the contact information section:

  • First and last name
  • Current job title
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • City and country you’re based in

Optionally, you can also include links to relevant social media profiles. For example:

  • If you’re a writer, you can link your portfolio page or website.
  • If you’re a developer, you can link your GitHub profile.
  • If you’re a marketer, you can link your Instagram or Twitter page.
  • Your LinkedIn profile link (if it’s up-to-date).

#2. Resume Summary

The next section on your functional resume is the “resume summary.”

This section goes right under your contact information, and looks something like this:

resume summary

In a nutshell, a resume summary is a 2-4 sentence recap of your biggest professional achievements and career highlights.

The goal of this section is to show the recruiter (in one glance) that you’re qualified for the position you’re applying for.

Here’s what a well-written resume summary would look like:

  • Professional executive assistant with experience in supporting high-level CEOs and other executives for over 5 years. Experienced in customer support, data entry, and scheduling meetings. Skilled in time management, MS Office, and Adobe Photoshop.

#3. Skill Summary

This one’s going to be the bulk of your functional resume.

In a skill summary section, you mention the top 3 skills required for the position you’re applying for and then provide information on how you’ve gained the said skills right under them.

Let’s say, for example, you’re a recent graduate applying for a role in marketing. Here’s what your skill summary could look like:


  • Wrote over 20+ well-researched papers for my university.
  • Worked at the university news media as a journalist, interviewing interesting university alumni and publishing their stories on the website.
  • Created and published high-quality tech articles on my personal blog (www.exampleblog.com).
  • Participated in a university project for a real-life company (Company X), where we had to come up with ideas for expanding to a new market.
  • With the help of my team, came up with 5 ideas, out of which 3 were actually implemented by the company.
  • Came up with 100+ topic ideas for content on my personal blog, some of which got over 50 shares when published.

Project Management

  • Acted as a team leader for most of my university projects, ensuring that they were completed on time, and that every group member contributed.
  • Was part of the Startup Weekend organizational committee. Helped source speakers, organize the event, find sponsors, and overall ensured that the event went smoothly.

job search masterclass

#4. Education

The next section on your functional resume is Education , and this one’s actually pretty straightforward.

Here, list out the following information:

  • Name of the degree (e.g. B.A. in Computer Science)
  • Name of the university and dates attended (e.g. Boston State University, 2012 - 2016)

Optionally, you can also include the following as part of your education section :

  • GPA. If you had an impressive GPA in your university (3.5 - 4.0), you can list it in your resume. Most companies, however, don’t really care about your grades all that much .
  • Honors. E.g. Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, etc.
  • Academic Achievements. Your thesis, interesting or noteworthy research papers you’ve written, etc.
  • Courses Attended. If you’ve taken some very impressive classes (and they’re related to the role you’re applying for), you can mention them in your education section.

#5. Optional Sections

Still have some space left on your resume? Here are some other sections you can include:

  • Projects - In our opinion, this one’s the most underrated resume section. Here, you can include any kind of personal or university project you’ve worked on. E.g. blog you’ve started, a piece of software you coded, etc.
  • Extracurricular Activities - If you’re a recent graduate, you can include a section about the extracurricular activities you’ve participated in during university.
  • Languages - Knowing an extra language or two can always come in handy. When filling these out, though, make sure to include your level of understanding (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Fluent, or Native).
  • Work History - Yep, you CAN include work history on your functional resume. If you decide to do this, though, your resume will be a combination resume and NOT the functional one.

Other Resume Formats

There are 2 other resume formats in addition to the Functional one:

  • Reverse-Chronological Resume Format
  • Combination Resume Format

Here’s what they’re about:

#1. Reverse-Chronological Resume Format

This one’s the most common resume format out there and it’s what most people have in mind when they refer to a “resume.”

This resume format simply lists out work experiences in reverse-chronological order and backs them up with other essential resume sections (skills, education, etc.).

Unless you have specific reasons to use either of the other resume formats (combination or functional), we recommend you stick with this one.

#2. Combination Resume Format

The combination resume is almost the same thing as a functional resume, with a small twist.

In addition to the skill summary section on the resume, you also add a work history section (which helps even out the downsides that come with a functional resume).

Usually, the combination resume is used by senior professionals with a decade’s worth of work experience.

4 Free Functional Resume Templates & Examples

Want to get started with your functional resume?

All you have to do is pick one of our free templates and you’re good to go!

#1. Functional Resume Template

functional resume template example

Our functional resume template adds a dash of style to the traditional black-and-white resume.

Use this template to present your skills and talents in the best way possible!

#2. Combination Resume Template

combination resume template

This combination template allows you to showcase your skills without having to cut down on work experience.

#3. College Resume Template

college resume sample

Our College resume template is perfect for recent university graduates, allowing you to emphasize your skill-set over your work experiences.

#4. Professional Resume Template

professional resume example

Looking for something a bit more professional? This resume template is a prime favorite for job-seekers who are serious about their careers.

Key Takeaways

And that just about sums up everything you need to know about functional resumes!

Now, let’s do a small recap of everything we’ve learned so far:

  • A functional resume format is a type of resume that focuses more on skills rather than work experiences.
  • You can use a functional resume if you’re a recent graduate with little work experience or if you’re switching careers.
  • To create a compelling functional resume, you want to get your skill summary section just right.
  • Functional resumes, however, are not that common in most parts of the world, so we recommend sticking to a conventional resume format to most job-seekers, instead.

Discover More Resume Templates

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  • Career Development

7 No-Fail Resume Tips for Older Workers (+ Examples)

Elizabeth Openshaw

While most job seekers experience obstacles during their efforts to find that perfect job, older workers, those with over 20 years of experience, often face unique challenges. For a variety of reasons, a lot of hiring managers seem to give preference to younger workers. Usually, that preference is the result of either conscious or unconscious bias. 

It could be because they might feel older workers are out of touch with modern tech or aren’t as quick at grasping new concepts or ideas. They forget that older workers often have so much more experience and knowledge about their chosen field than someone just entering the workplace.

To counter this bias, older workers need to know how to craft a comprehensive resume that maximizes their odds of landing an interview during the job search process without prejudice creeping in. You don’t want your detailed resume for an older worker ending up on the “no” pile without being considered at all and through no fault of your own.

Read on about how our team of career experts has come up with 7 no-fail tips for resumes for older workers that can help you land more interviews.

How strategic resumes help older workers

First, though, it’s helpful to understand why these tips for resumes for older workers are even necessary. It all comes down to perception. Applications from more experienced job seekers often contain resumes that are filled with years of valuable accomplishments. They have relevant skills crafted over many decades of employment. On the surface, you’d think those would be positive benefits that would excite most potential employers and hiring managers. Sadly, that’s not always the case when compared to younger job seekers.

In fact, many employers view a lengthy work history as a sign that the older worker is probably outdated. They may assume that you can’t possibly be familiar with current technology, trends, and strategies.

Worse still, they may even believe that they can’t afford to hire you. After all, your lengthy experience and impressive skill set should command a high salary, right? Basically, these hiring managers will assume that your age and experience with outdated tech skills represent too great a risk, and you might get turned down at the first hurdle before you’ve even been given a chance to state your suitability for the role.

The best way to avoid that rejection is to update your resume by following the tips below to showcase your skills and qualifications the right way, enabling you to effectively remove the age question from your resume. 

7 tips for resumes for older workers

1. omit dates from your resume.

One of the best tips for resumes for older workers is to avoid using graduation dates in the education section. It’s difficult to work around your age if your college graduation date is there in black-and-white. There’s no requirement to add this, so just skip the dates altogether, but keep it consistent so there are no dates on professional development courses as well.

2. Only include the last 10 to 15 years of your experience

Another of our top tips for resumes for older workers involves relevancy. Instead of including every bit of work experience you’ve ever done, going back to the 1990s, stick to your up-to-date jobs by setting out your career summary in reverse chronological order, with your most recent role at the top. So for older workers - leave some jobs off your resume. 

Your best option is to only include relevant experience from the last 10 to 15 years. For a more detailed explanation of how far back to go, check out our blog on how many years of experience you need to include on your resume .

3. Avoid listing outdated skills 

Many resumes for older workers include outdated and irrelevant skills that can easily give away their age. Include skills, programs, and certifications that are relevant in today’s job market or required for the position you’re targeting. “Typing,” “Microsoft Word,” and “Google” don’t belong on your resume for an older worker or on your cover letter either.

4. Highlight your skills

No list of top resume tips for older workers would be complete without mentioning skills. Many older workers are reluctant to boast about what they excel at, but this is the one place where you can. Your resume for an older worker should highlight your qualifications as much as possible, and skills are an important part of that process. Just be sure to give a place of prominence to your technology skills as well.

Also, remember that most companies nowadays use an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) to automatically screen your resume. These applicant tracking systems automatically screen resumes to see if you’re a good match for the position. An average of 75% of candidates are rejected by ATS and, most of the time, the candidate is qualified; it’s just that their resume isn’t optimized.

Make sure that you use a standard resume format so that the ATS can easily scan your resume for an older worker. You should also include keywords (i.e., skills ) that are relevant to the position. Check out the job description and be guided by what’s on there.

5. Include a LinkedIn URL

The inclusion of a LinkedIn URL also has a place in any list of resume tips for older workers. If you don’t have a LinkedIn page by now, it’s definitely worth getting one. 

This is especially true if you’re looking for a role, as the connections that can be made there are so worth it--for extending your network and for giving you a better chance of finding that perfect position. Be sure to include a link to that page within your contact details on your resume for an older worker. Having a LinkedIn link on there also helps with your ATS score.

6. Use an updated word processor

Since many companies want to see electronic copies of resumes, your word-processing software deserves some attention as well. If you’re using an outdated version of Microsoft Word, upgrade it.

And if you’re using any other type of word processing software, consider switching to Word. It’s pretty much the gold standard for resumes for older workers and others these days.

7. Customize every time you apply

There’s no one-size-fits-all in the resume world, so don’t rely on one basic resume, hoping that it will cover all roles. It won’t. When it comes to tips for resumes for older workers, this one is critical.

Every resume that you submit must be tailored to match the desired position. That means using keywords from the job posting and narrowing down experience and skills to ensure that they’re relevant. The days of using the same resume for every application are a thing of the past.

Resume example for older workers:

Sometimes, it helps to see something to get a real idea of what to do. Notice in the following example how the additional professional experience is listed below without dates--strategic!

Resume Jodie Smith

The good news is that these tips for resumes for older workers can help you avoid bias and give you a better shot at landing an interview. That’s the best way to ensure yourself a fair chance of convincing an employer or hiring manager that you’re the right candidate for the job.

Recommended reading:

9 Tips to Avoid Age Discrimination on Your Resume

 How Long Your Resume Should Be in 2023 (Expert Advice)

Best Email Subject Lines When Sending a Resume (With Examples)

Elizabeth Openshaw, Editor & Content Writer, Elizabeth Openshaw, Editor & Content Writer

Elizabeth Openshaw is an Elite CV Consultant with over 12 years of experience based in Brighton, UK, with an English degree and an addiction to Wordle! She is a former Journalist of 17 years with the claim to fame that she interviewed three times Grand Slam winner and former World No.1 tennis player, Andy Murray, when he was just 14 years old. You can connect with her at Elizabeth Openshaw | LinkedIn .

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Write a Winning Résumé

Learn the basic elements that make up the perfect résumé.

A résumé is not an end in itself; it’s a tool to get the employer’s attention. You need a well-written, up-to-date résumé to market yourself effectively.

An attention-getting résumé is one that conveys your personal brand — the unique combination of skills, achievements and abilities that shows you are an outstanding candidate for the job.

The must-do’s

  • Tailor your résumé to the specific job you’re applying for. Don’t send the same résumé to hundreds of employers.
  • Keep it brief — maximum two pages.
  • Proofread several times. One typo can send your résumé to the trash.
  • Always include a cover letter with your résumé.

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Basic elements of a résumé

  • Contact information: name, mailing address, phone and email address
  • Brief statement of your key experience and strengths. This is optional, but many career experts recommend it as a way to convey key information at a glance.
  • Work experience that is relevant to the job for which you are applying
  • Skills, areas of expertise and specific accomplishments
  • Education, training and certifications
  • Awards, professional memberships and volunteer work — if relevant to the job

Keywords — the key to success

  • Keywords are the industry-specific terms necessary to get attention.
  • Learn more about keywords at QuintCareers.com.
  • Sprinkle keywords throughout the résumé. Use them when referring to job titles, accomplishments, experience, skills, education, career objectives and training.
  • In online résumé, use the exact keywords and language that the employers uses in the job posting, or your résumé will be discarded.

What to include

  • Your most recent relevant jobs — within the past 15 years.
  • Accomplishments, not just job duties. Avoid phrases like “responsible for” or “duties included.”
  • Results and outcomes. Quantify your achievements and use action verbs. For example,  “increased sales by 40%,” “expanded program,” “exceeded fundraising targets.”
  • Skills and experience that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. Include the specific computer skills that are mentioned in the job posting.
  • Transferable skills from nonwork settings such as volunteering — especially if you have gaps in your work history.

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What to leave out

  • Dates of education
  • Early job history
  • Dates of jobs more than 20 years old. Say “five years” instead of “1980-85.”
  • Personal information, such as age, height, race, religion or health status.

Résumé styles

  • A chronological résumé works well if you have had steady employment in an industry or field and want to remain in the field.
  • A functional résumé is organized by skills and expertise. This is especially useful if you’re changing careers, because it focuses on transferable skills that carry over from one field to another.
  • A combination résumé includes elements of both chronological and functional résumés. Organize your résumé by job history as in a chronological résumé. Under each job, list the key skills that you demonstrated in that job.

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Formatting your résumé

  • The print version of your résumé should use at least 11 point font, black ink on white paper. No colors, photos or fancy fonts!
  • A plain text version is the same résumé but without formatting features such as bullets, bold fonts, etc. Use the plain text version for pasting into online forms and databases. The Riley Guide tells you how.
  • Format the résumé yourself instead of using résumé-building tools provided by online job sites. Many online résumé forms require a chronological format.

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Retirement Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Explain (via e mail & telephone) clearly to Advisors how an appropriate holistic income solution(s) impacts a client’s plan and explain how the solution add values to the client’s retirement plan
  • Provide regular feedback to the Retirement Partners Management team to improve both the advisor experience and operational efficiencies
  • Proactively profile participants through outbound and inbound calls with the goal of determining and recommending an appropriate solution based on the participant’s needs and goals
  • Review client’s financial situation and recommend appropriate investments based on the client’s goals and objectives
  • Sales & Practice Management
  • Program and Initiative Development
  • Series 7 and 63 required to be considered for role
  • A student of the industry with demonstrated confidence of topical knowledge
  • Willingness to successfully complete within 60 days the Series 6, 63 and 65 licenses (preference is to currently hold such licenses)
  • Process Request For Proposals (RFPs) by utilizing the LPL Retirement Partners Tool Suite
  • Communicate with plan providers, internal Retirement Consultants and LPL Advisors on gathering and submitting data related to LPL’s Small Market Solution program
  • Create quarterly Investment Monitoring Reports for LPL retirement plan advisors
  • Gather data, update reporting system and review for accuracy utilizing LPL’s Retirement Partners Tool Suite
  • Handling outbound and inbound calls with participants, Plan Advisors and Wealth Management Advisors
  • Provide regular feedback to the management team to improve both the advisor experience and operational efficiencies
  • Considerable initiative, judgment, and leadership skills are also required
  • Providing support to colleagues on all aspects of valuation data and liability calculations and liaising with other Mercer businesses to deliver a streamlined service to clients
  • Performing core technical actuarial calculations for the completion of accounting disclosures, actuarial funding updates, actuarial reports and individual technical calculations
  • Working extensively with in house software, Excel and Valuation tools in order to perform key valuation processes
  • Documenting own work to a high standard, explaining all steps carried out and outcomes to colleagues
  • Acting in accordance with Mercer Professional Standards and following the peer review/checking process
  • Institutional retirement plan sales experience
  • Thorough knowledge of retirement plans (401K, 403B, 457, Profit Sharing, Defined Benefit, Nonqualified Plans)
  • Demonstrated strong organizational skills INDBBTW

Professional Skills

  • Strong interpersonal skills as well as strategic and creative thinking and strong consultative skills
  • Excellent communication skills - demonstrating high level writing and verbal skills. Effective as the dissemination of information and a good listener
  • Excellent prioritisation, attention to detail and problem solving skills
  • Demonstrate excellent judgement and decision making skills
  • Proven skills in leading large complex projects and managing client expectations
  • Excellent verbal and written communication, public speaking, and interpersonal skills
  • Strong analytical and integrative skills including ability to draw conclusions and identify trends from data in a logical, systematic way

How to write Retirement Resume

Retirement role is responsible for analytical, presentation, excel, interpersonal, microsoft, organizational, customer, technical, organization, business. To write great resume for retirement job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Retirement Resume

The section contact information is important in your retirement resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Retirement Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your retirement resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous retirement responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular retirement position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Retirement resume experience can include:

  • Perform different levels of problem resolution & data analysis for all aspects of retirement operations support including contributions, distributions, conversions, recharacterizations and testing all tax data
  • Strong problem solving skills, organization skills, data entry skills and ability to work in a team environment
  • Good problem solving skills and good organization skills
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills; interpersonal, organizations and planning skills
  • Strong analytical, problem solving, organizational and planning skills and excellent follow through
  • Strong data auditing skills with excellent attention to detail

Education on a Retirement Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your retirement resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your retirement experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Retirement Resume

When listing skills on your retirement resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical retirement skills:

  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills coupled with strong written & verbal communication skills
  • Strong IT skills with good working knowledge of Microsoft Office, in particular Excel
  • Strong ability to present information in an objective and logical manner for effective decision making as well as strong negotiation and influencing ability
  • Work effectively in a team and build strong working relationships with peers, senior colleagues and other Mercer businesses
  • Good verbal and written communication and basic reasoning skills
  • Strong oral and written communication skills including the ability to make presentations to large groups

List of Typical Experience For a Retirement Resume

Experience for retirement consultant resume.

  • Use strong problem solving and analytical skills to differentiate between different products and the appropriate processing methods
  • Strong computer skills (Proficiency using Microsoft Office tools (specifically: Excel, Word, and PowerPoint)
  • Strong verbal and written skills with the emphasis on being able to articulate complex benefit information to a variety of clientele
  • Review and validate all error, warning, discrepancy/validation reports, and STAC and MVAS output for incoming and outgoing files to ensure file/data accuracy
  • Experience dealing with pension plans (and experience working with pension plan software)

Experience For Retirement Plan Analyst Resume

  • Exceptional written and oral communication skills, including a developed ability to present to audiences of varying seniority, backgrounds and expertise
  • Effectively managing complex projects based on pension plans across EMEA
  • Strategic thinker with good judgment and strong understanding of process
  • Organizational Skills: Plans, organizes and completes projects and activities independently and thoroughly
  • Establishing project requirements, priorities and deadlines for BRP enhancements or regulatory changes
  • Your demonstrated knowledge of brokerage, insurance, money management, estate planning, financial planning and or retirement planning

Experience For Agent Manager, Medicare & Retirement Resume

  • Provides Mission leadership in the senior living setting, focusing on fulfillment of strategic priorities
  • Demonstrates professional working relationships with other departments or colleagues in a working environment
  • Develop a strong understanding of qualified retirement plan regulations and how these apply to transactional processing
  • Participation in and facilitation of team effectiveness, taking actions demonstrating consideration for the feelings and needs of others
  • Assist the management team in developing metrics that demonstrate the progress / completion of Retirement inquiry resolution
  • Working in an Agile/Scrum methodology with proven success in a Product Owner role

Experience For Retirement Plan Manager Resume

  • Possesses a good understanding of Fidelity’s products, procedures and customer’s needs
  • A good knowledge of Fidelity’s internal Operating systems would be advantageous
  • Omni recordkeeping system experience
  • Strong knowledge of banking, SEC, DOL, IRS, FDIC and securities industry requirements, regulations, and laws
  • Ten (10) + years of experience in Plan Design, Compliance, and Accounting
  • Maintain a good working knowledge of Retirement Plan products available in the market; use this knowledge to market products to bank clients and non-clients
  • Five or more years of experience in pension plan administration, audit, finance, benefits finance, accounting or related field
  • Multitask, shift priorities, and work under pressure with competing daily deadlines

Experience For Retirement Benefits Manager Resume

  • Experience with qualified retirement plans , including defined contribution and defined benefit plans
  • Experience selling Medicare Advantage/ Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs)
  • Measure effectiveness across a variety of dimensions to continuously refine the selling system
  • Represent UHC as the local leader in Provider meetings to review Quality performance and discuss opportunities for improving M&R membership experience
  • Strong technical knowledge of ERISA and IRS regulations pertaining to retirement plans
  • Meet deadlines, balance changing priorities and work well under pressure
  • Relevant experience with compliance filings and understanding the best practices in compliance processes

Experience For Retirement Analyst Resume

  • Experience in employee retirement plan administration
  • Providing assistance and training to staff when necessary to maintain appropriate compliance within a constantly changing legislative atmosphere
  • Responding to participant (and beneficiary) inquiries by delivering information precisely and properly
  • Developing an expert-level knowledge of pension plans necessary to both complete and audit calculations, and to provide feedback and coaching to processors
  • Evaluating historical data sources and retirement record-keeping systems to resolve issues and correct any inconsistencies in the historical data
  • Tracking and reporting the performance of the pension team as a whole as well as the individual members
  • Developing and maintaining processes associated with prototype plan document support

Experience For Retirement Plan Consultant Resume

  • Managing client correspondence, field facing communications and internal webpages for retirement plan information and regulatory required mailings
  • Obtaining and owning critical business information
  • Identifying and supporting opportunities to help grow the Business Retirement plan business products
  • Drawing upon benefit knowledge, understanding of the business environment, and requirements and under Limited supervision
  • Contacting external departments as needed for mailing clarification
  • Coordinating the pension death calculation process with other teams both inside and outside of the Retirement area
  • Managing the triage and assignment of all pension team workflow
  • Liaising with external vendor to provide prototype document services to Morgan Stanley clients

Experience For Retirement Benefits Analyst Resume

  • Acting as point of contact for Financial Advisors and help desk inquires on non-compliant document issues
  • Providing subject matter expertise support for the retirement plan products to internal operations, help desk and information technology partners
  • Ongoing client contact to assist with day to day service issues and vendor management
  • Establishing relationships with community-based organizations, Medical Groups/Providers and distribution channels to generate business
  • Reconciling checks received with print control forms
  • Printing express delivery labels
  • Partnering with relevant stakeholders to ensure consistent service delivery and process alignment across EMEA
  • Understanding of retirement plan design and familiarity with proto-type documents

Experience For Retirement Planning Consultant Resume

  • Providing employee education to client’s employees regarding retirement plan design, products and services
  • Analyzing and benchmarking client’s existing products and services for market competitiveness – strengths, deficiencies, & gaps
  • All facets of annual administration and compliance testing and reporting for defined contribution plans including contribution calculations and 5500 reporting
  • Supervise and provide ongoing support and oversight for the day-to-day operations of the Recordkeeping division of Retirement Plan Services, including
  • Assist in setting the agenda, leading and preparing minutes for Retirement Benefit Plans Committee meetings domestically and internationally

Experience For Retirement Plan Administrator Resume

  • Monitor Pension Administrator vendor activity including vendor compliance with service level agreements, key metrics and ongoing performance reporting
  • Counsel TDA management on IRS, DOL and ERISA, including by identifying risks and proposing alternative structures to mitigate risks in current operations
  • Responsible for escalating issues and identifying implications of business changed from original approach and engaging cross functional team to evaluate impact
  • Establish a market-leading narrative, value proposition, and messaging, including support of thought leadership content
  • Prepare for compliance testing including ADP/ACP, coverage and top heavy

List of Typical Skills For a Retirement Resume

Skills for retirement consultant resume.

  • Strong customer service skills, along with excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills
  • Effectively utilize project management skills to assist team with the execution of projects – updating work plans, communicating progress, etc
  • Excellent verbal and written communication and presentation skills, including experience presenting in front of groups
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to prioritize and meet deadlines with attention to detail
  • Good organizational skills and ability to prioritize and meet deadlines with attention to detail
  • Demonstrate strong of financial / analytical skills
  • Pension experience required. PC skills required. Ability to prioritize

Skills For Retirement Plan Analyst Resume

  • Demonstrated client service orientation, strong communication skills and the ability to make the complex sound simple
  • Maintains professional appearance and demeanor reflective of the firm, and demonstrates effective organizational skills at all times
  • Strong decision making, organizational, mentoring, interpersonal and listening skills
  • Good verbal & written communication skills, particularly when discussing technical concepts & preparing documentation
  • Strong project management, problem solving and highly developed reasoning skills
  • Strong oral/written communication skills, including presentation planning and delivery
  • Exceptional written skills (analytical and research) including experience writing procedural documentation
  • Strong mentoring, interpersonal and listening skills
  • Strong leadership and team building skills required

Skills For Agent Manager, Medicare & Retirement Resume

  • Strong presentation skills with the ability to prepare executive summaries using Microsoft’s PowerPoint, Excel and Word applications
  • Excellent relationship building, interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills
  • Strong computer skills including: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Excellent interactive skills, both one-on-one and working within a team
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including presentations to large audiences
  • Strong plan asset reconciliation skills
  • Excellent Microsoft Office skills, particularly in Access and Excel
  • Strong negotiation, influencing, communication and presentation skills

Skills For Retirement Plan Manager Resume

  • Strong communication, client relationship and leadership skills
  • Good analytical skills and ability to work though tasks in a logical manner
  • Strong customer service and training skills, leader
  • Strong collaboration skills with both actuaries and other business professionals
  • Highly collaborative and action-oriented, with strong communication skills; someone who can build collaborative relationships across a matrixed organization
  • Effective listening and proving skills to identify cures, understand needs and provide relevant solutions
  • Demonstrated sound judgment and analytical skills

Skills For Retirement Benefits Manager Resume

  • Strong data entry skills with minimal errors
  • Demonstrates the ability and initiative to develop the skills necessary to advance to the level of RPS Senior Associate
  • Strong presentation skills with track record of presenting at industry events and to the media
  • Handling incoming client inquires utilizing professional telephone and problem solving skills
  • Developing sophisticated, cost-effective multi-media selling systems; train sales teams on their effective use
  • Outstanding written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills in order to interact with plan sponsors and participants
  • Demonstrated experience in defining and implementing detailed retirement plan business processes

Skills For Retirement Analyst Resume

  • Proficient personal computer skills including electronic mail, routine database activity, work processing, spreadsheet, etc
  • Prior experience recruiting and building successful sales team
  • Demonstrated experience developing and maintaining executive/key influencer/buyer relationships at client institutions
  • Retirement benefit plan experience including: plan sponsor, consulting, or administration experience with qualified retirement plans
  • Retirement plan experience including plan sponsor, consulting, or administration experience with qualified retirement plans
  • Experience working with defined contribution or defined benefit retirement plans, including extensive plan design experience
  • Established relational skills such as diplomacy, judgment, decision making, and discretion
  • Demonstrated experience in implementing retirement plan strategies
  • Have outstanding quantitative and analytical skills

Skills For Retirement Plan Consultant Resume

  • Excellent planning and organisational ability in order to prioritise and complete work in accordance with deadlines
  • Presentation and / or training skills
  • ASA with at least 4 years of strong actuarial, ALM, or investment modeling experience preferably in an insurance company context
  • Highly professional with established relationship building skills
  • Prior experience supporting defined contribution retirement plans is essential
  • Communicate effectively with plan sponsors and clients through relationship building and customer focus
  • Effectively recruit and hire qualified staff and provide for their training and development
  • Demonstrated experience managing all elements of a 401(k) plan
  • Five or more years of employee benefits experience, including pension operations experience

Skills For Retirement Benefits Analyst Resume

  • Technical skills to test proprietary systems to determine whether they are meeting business and regulatory needs required
  • Demonstrated ability to think strategically, build strong relationships and execute across varying market cycles
  • Robust decision making and organizational skills
  • Willingness to listen and provide excellent customer service; ability to quickly develop strong internal working relationships
  • Proven capability to be proactive and demonstrate initiative
  • Your superior customer interaction skills and the ability to handle complex and sensitive client calls
  • Work effectively in a fast-paced, team-oriented, "hands-on" environment

Skills For Retirement Planning Consultant Resume

  • Analyzes and effectively communicates broader operations aspects to help influence decisions across departments for services being implemented
  • Proven experience managing multiple projects within prescribed project guidelines
  • Respond to all communications effectively and in a timely manner
  • Flexibility and proven ability to diagnose and resolve issues; strong client service orientation
  • Advise on development of online retirement calculators and retirement survey development by leveraging prior pension and personal financial experience
  • The position requires client relationship skills, knowledge of investments, and retirement products and services,
  • Work effectively in a team environment or independently as the work product demands
  • Intermediate to Advanced skills with MS PowerPoint and Excel

Skills For Retirement Plan Administrator Resume

  • Cost-benefit analysis skills; Excel, SAP, PowerPoint
  • Analyze and interpret data to communicate effectively and make recommendations to improve strategies/methods
  • Prior sales territory management experience
  • Superior technical skills with ability to understand complex quantitative concepts & models
  • Prior community outreach and/or marketing experience
  • Develop sophisticated, cost-effective multi-media selling systems; train sales teams on their effective use
  • Effectively and correctly discuss complex retirement account issues or questions with internal and external clients
  • Effectively manage clients, projects, and team members to meet client expectations
  • One on one plan presentation skills

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Retirement Resume

Responsibilities for retirement consultant resume.

  • Demonstrate strong communication skills and writing skills
  • Strong analytical, organizational, and interpersonal skills as well as solid verbal and written communications skills
  • Proven interpersonal and communication skills to effectively interface with individuals and groups at all levels of the organization
  • Effectively manage work load, prioritize effectively and handle multiple deadlines
  • Demonstrate effective judgement and decision making skills

Responsibilities For Retirement Plan Analyst Resume

  • Demonstrate problem solving skills in regards to the pensions administration systems (PeopleSoft, Pension Path, and Cox Retirement Website)
  • Strong computer skills; proficiency using Microsoft Office tools (specifically: Excel, Word, and PowerPoint)
  • Analytical and creative problem solving skills; strong attention to detail
  • Demonstrated relationship management skills. Track record of developing business through these relationships
  • Excellent interpersonal, critical thinking, project management, analytical, quantitative and organizational skills
  • Proven organizational, analytical and problem - solving skills

Responsibilities For Agent Manager, Medicare & Retirement Resume

  • Strong MS Office - Access, Excel and Word skills
  • Multi-task oriented and excellent Negotiation skills
  • Excellent verbal, written, interpersonal and presentation skills required
  • Strong HRIS and project management skills
  • Excellent people skills that provide the ability to collaborate and communicate within a team and cross functionally with other team members
  • Experience: 5 years of sales and service experience in the retirement plans field, or an equivalent combination of education and/or related experience

Responsibilities For Retirement Plan Manager Resume

  • Very strong oral communication and interpersonal skills
  • Strong team leadership experience, in addition to a strong customer service focus is required
  • Strong consultative, facilitation, and project management skills
  • Spending approximately 75% of your time in the field, your key responsibilities are to effectively manage and develop the area sales team (all channels)
  • Carries our nursing actions safely and accurately, utilizing knowledge and skills to implement physicians’ orders and the nursing plan of care

Responsibilities For Retirement Benefits Manager Resume

  • Benefit plan experience including: plan sponsor, consulting, or administration experience with qualified retirement plans
  • 4+ four years benefit plan experience including: plan sponsor, consulting, or administration experience with qualified retirement plans
  • Effectively communicate across multiple levels of the organization, including presenting to key stakeholders and employee groups
  • Sufficient problem solving and analytical skills in order to assess client issues and accurately provide resolutions
  • Demonstrated experience with managing relationships with teams members, consultants, and vendors, in person and by phone and email
  • Experience with plan sponsor, consulting, or administration experience with non-qualified plans
  • Relationship Manager II level candidates – demonstrated experience as a mentor for other Institutional sales/relationship management staff
  • Communicate effectively and professionally with various departments

Responsibilities For Retirement Analyst Resume

  • Strong knowledge/experience in segregated funds, mutual funds and other investments used in retirement products
  • Develop effective working relationships with team and internal departments in order to provide effective service for our clients
  • Validate file totals weekly interface error reports. Update vendor website with financial information and adjustments needed in the weekly validation process
  • Proactively anticipate and effectively respond to client service needs via multiple methods of contact (i.e., phone, email, written correspondence)
  • Effectively administer assigned programs, perform both complex and routine administrative works with speed and accuracy
  • Exceptional project management skills and the ability to work and learn independently required
  • Effectively and efficiently implement program changes
  • Consultative skills are important

Responsibilities For Retirement Plan Consultant Resume

  • Proven skill in business and financial analysis
  • Sound judgment skills – ability to distinguish among significant, moderate, low risk and make appropriate recommendations to control those risks
  • Prior broker management experience
  • Demonstrated ability to organize, prioritize and adhere to deadlines and multi-task in a fast paced environment
  • Reporting to the 401(k) Plan Committee and management regarding trends and effectiveness of plans
  • Building and maintaining strong relationships with recordkeeper, investment advisor, legal cousel and subs
  • Willing to consider hiring at a higher-level dependent upon experience and educational background.

Responsibilities For Retirement Benefits Analyst Resume

  • Working closely with other SRPS departments to gain efficiency and mitigate risk in order to create a better participant experience
  • Coordinating professional regional workshops, benefit fairs and employee meetings with strong attention to detail and client satisfaction
  • Experience administering defined benefit pension plans, recalculating defined benefit pension plan payments, auditing and researching credited service issues
  • Evaluates resident’s immediate response to nursing actions, collaborating with other personnel regarding effectiveness of care
  • Experience in developing, documenting, and monitoring SOX related controls

Responsibilities For Retirement Planning Consultant Resume

  • Retirement plan experience, including working directly with plan members and vendors, as well as supporting management on various plan initiatives
  • Work requires continual attention to detail in reviewing materials, establishing priorities and meeting deadlines
  • Resolves issues for clients demonstrate strategic thinking when pursuing issue resolution and end objectives
  • Experience working in a complex multi-site global corporation and global Human Resources operating environment
  • Experience handling large datasets and translating complicated maths into simple language for non-technical stakeholders
  • Between 4 - 6 years of experience with Defined Benefits Schemes (including actuarial calculations, and accounting principles)
  • Experience analyzing and solving customer problems
  • Experience in actuarial modeling systems and programming software such as GGY-AXIS, Prophet, ALFA, PolySystems, C++, Matlab and VBA

Responsibilities For Retirement Plan Administrator Resume

  • Significant previous experience of managing and administering pension benefit schemes
  • Experience being an activist / being involved in the community (outreach programs, community events)
  • Excellent working knowledge of ERISA, IRS and DOL regulations pertaining to retirement and 401(k) plans required
  • Experience preparing and delivering presentations in both formal and informal settings
  • Possess strong service orientation and the ability to ask probing questions and be perceptive in listening to plan sponsors’ needs
  • Experience working with multiple client teams and competing projects
  • We are willing to consider hiring at a higher-level dependent upon experience and educational background.
  • Experience in managing through significant organizational change, including mergers, acquisitions and divestitures
  • Your superb experience in solving problems and addressing customer needs

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  1. How To Write a Retiree Resume (Including Template and Sample)

    An alternative to this traditional format is the functional resume. A functional resume focuses on skills and achievements rather than listing a full work history. Functional resumes typically include a list of positions near the end and list skills and other important information near the top of the resume. Some people choose a hybrid of these ...

  2. Best Resume Format for Retired Job Seekers

    Key takeaways for writinga retiree resume. Choose the resume format for your unique retiree situation. Include a header with your contact information and an updated email address. List your work experience in reverse chronological order. Mention skills, qualifications and experiences that are relevant to the position.

  3. Resume for Older Workers: Examples for 25+ Years' Experience

    Sample resumes for older workers. To give you an idea of what hiring managers expect from you, here are two examples of resumes for older workers to look at before you write your resume: 1. Example resume with 25 years of experience. The example below shows you how to fit 25+ years of relevant work history on your resume (tap or move your mouse ...

  4. The Best Resume Sample for Retirees (+Guide)

    Retiree Resume Sample. Samuel Drake. 314 Rosemary Lane, Herndon, VA 89003. (000) 321-2521. samuel @ email . com. SUMMARY. Accomplished business professional with vast experience in business development and resource allocation. A proven entrepreneur who is attentive to details and produces profitable results, known for taking initiative and ...

  5. 10 Resume Tips for Older Professionals (With Template and Example)

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  6. 9 Tips on How to Write a Resume After Age 50

    A size 12 font is the standard size and will make your resume easy to read. 7. Include a healthy dose of action verbs. Using action verbs can help you create a more compelling resume that stands out to potential employers. They're especially valuable when describing your work experiences and accomplishments.

  7. Guide to Resumes for Older Workers (With Tips and Example)

    Example resume for older workers. Based on the tips above, here's a sample combination resume to use as a guide: ANASHA KENTON Atlanta, GA| [email protected] | 555-555-5555 RESTAURANT MANAGER. Adaptable manager with hands-on experience in daily operations, staff training, workplace health and safety, and marketing.

  8. Functional Resume: Template, Examples, and Writing Guide

    Now that you have an idea of what a functional resume looks like, it's time to learn how to write a resume like this. Here's a helpful section-by-section guide: 1. List your contact information. Include the following contact information on your resume: Your first and last names. Current job title.

  9. How to Write a Functional Resume with Examples

    Steps for writing a functional resume. The following are the steps you should take when creating a functional resume: Start with your name and contact information. Like with other resume styles, you'll want to include your first and last name, your address, your phone number, and your professional email at the top of the resume.

  10. How to Create a Resume for a Retiree Returning to Work

    Here are some basic tips for any retirees trying to get back to the job market. 2. Be absolutely clear. State clearly in your resume summary and the first few lines of your cover letter that you're looking for a post-retirement position. You'll save yourself from hassle and headaches if you're clear about this upfront.

  11. Resume Examples and Writing Tips for Older Job Seekers

    Consider using a functional resume, which focuses on your skills and experience and lists your accomplishments at the top of your resume. Alternatively, you could use a combination resume , which features both skills and your work history (just don't go back more than 10 or 15 years).

  12. Resume for Retiree Returning to Work: Guide & Example

    Meanwhile, a functional resume is an ideal choice for people that retired a while ago or took a break in between their careers. Tips for Writing a Resume for a Retired Person . A conventional resume is an excellent template for resumes for retirees. But if you want to, you can develop a completely new job summary.

  13. What Is a Functional Resume? Template, Examples, & Tips

    The purpose of a functional resume is to present a candidate's experience in a skills summary section instead of the work experience section. Because of its properties, it's sometimes called a skills-based resume. This resume format works for people targeting a job whose work history doesn't relate directly.

  14. Top 10 Retiree Resume Summary Examples

    Top 10 Retiree Resume Summary Examples. 1. Seasoned financial executive transitioning into retirement, bringing a wealth of expertise in investment management, risk assessment, and financial planning. Known for developing innovative financial models and leading successful mergers and acquisitions. Achieved a consistent 15% annual return on ...

  15. How to Write a Functional Resume [4 Free Templates Included]

    Name of the degree (e.g. B.A. in Computer Science) Name of the university and dates attended (e.g. Boston State University, 2012 - 2016) Optionally, you can also include the following as part of your education section: GPA. If you had an impressive GPA in your university (3.5 - 4.0), you can list it in your resume.

  16. Functional Resume Writing Guide [Templates, Examples & Tips]

    A functional resume is a resume format that highlights your professional skills. You should use a functional resume format when you lack relevant work experience or have gaps in your employment history. To write a compelling functional resume, you need to include your contact information, use a resume statement, summarize your skills, and list ...

  17. Functional Resume: Definition, Tips and Examples

    A functional resume is a resume format that primarily showcases a candidate's skills. As opposed to a reverse-chronological resume that organizes a candidate's experience under their previously or currently-held professional jobs held in order of recency, the functional resume groups a candidate's experience under skills or categories of ...

  18. 7 No-Fail Resume Tips for Older Workers (+ Examples)

    1. Omit dates from your resume. One of the best tips for resumes for older workers is to avoid using graduation dates in the education section. It's difficult to work around your age if your college graduation date is there in black-and-white. There's no requirement to add this, so just skip the dates altogether, but keep it consistent so ...

  19. How You Can Write a Winning Résumé

    In online résumé, use the exact keywords and language that the employers uses in the job posting, or your résumé will be discarded. What to include. Your most recent relevant jobs — within the past 15 years. Accomplishments, not just job duties. Avoid phrases like "responsible for" or "duties included.". Results and outcomes.

  20. Functional Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Build Your Resume. Resume Builder offers free, HR-approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. 1. Craft an outstanding profile with a summary of your functional qualifications. On a functional resume, your professional profile should only focus on relevant skills.

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    2. Write a resume summary. Below your contact information, write a one- to two-sentence resume summary that describes how your skills and experience make you a good fit for the position you want to apply for. This statement allows you to reveal your strongest assets and credentials right away. It is your chance to make a good impression on the ...

  22. Retirement Resume Sample

    Excellent verbal and written communication, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. Strong analytical and integrative skills including ability to draw conclusions and identify trends from data in a logical, systematic way. Create a Retirement Resume. Find and customize career-winning Retirement resume samples and accelerate your job search.

  23. How To Create a Retired Resume Objective in 4 Steps

    Here are the steps you can take to create an effective retired resume objective to highlight your experience and abilities: 1. Format the objective properly. Before writing your objective statement, it's important to format it properly on your resume. Place the statement at the top of your document, just below the header that contains your ...