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Grant Thornton Candidate Assessments Tests, Digital Interviews, Assessment Centre. Full 2024 Guide.

Reading time: 22 minutes

Looking to apply to a Grant Thornton trainee scheme or a more experienced jobseeker aiming for a new career? Discover our top tips to get ahead in your Grant Thornton application and ace your assessments, interviews and more. 

The text below provides a full candidate recruitment, assessment and preparation guide and practice for those applying to Grant Thornton in the US and UK.

Our website provides scientifically validated practice assessments tests, interviews and assessment centre exercises that can be used to practice and prepare for the recruitment and assessment process.

 Not sure if you should practice to prepare for Grant Thornton assessments? According to research, 60-80% of candidates are rejected based on their aptitude tests results. It is proven that practice increases your chances of getting hired.

A recent study (Bradley et al, 2019) found that candidates who do not practise assessments, tend to fail at the first hurdle of psychometric assessments (54%-84%). This study looked at the Top 100 global employers.


How to prepare for the Grant Thornton assessment process and tests to get the job?

  • Complete your Grant Thornton Online Application
  • Fill in your Grant Thornton application online
  • Answer each of the questions honestly and apply as early as possible
  • Match your application to Grant Thornton’s core values
  • Use language from the job post in your resume and application.
  • Practice for the Grant Thornton Online Assessment Test

The Grant Thornton test uses a variety of aptitude assessment questions. These include:

  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Situational Judgement
  • Critical Reasoning

You may get rejected already after this assessment. These tests sift out 50-80% candidates at this stage. The only proven way to get to the next round is practice.

  • Record mock video interviews of yourself

Practice answering questions that typically come up in interviews for accounting and consulting jobs. Your answers should flow and be timely. Avoid filler words. Your verbal communication should be convincing, with content that presents you in the best way for the job. For Grant Thornton HireVue interview practice, use:

  • a smartphone
  • our video interview practice platform

Our video interview practice platform contains predefined competency and industry questions for accountancy and consulting. Always record your answers and watch them to develop your interview technique, timekeeping and words used. Repeat recordings until you feel satisfied.

Use the STAR+R method for your answers and practice each answer several times.

  • Prepare for the Grant Thornton Assessment Centre exercises

Grant Thornton makes use of a variety of competitive exercises during the assessment centre to find the right candidates. Ensure that you practice a variety of exercises including:

  • Written Case Studies
  • Group Exercises

Hone your written and spoken communication technique. Research online, prepare and practice presentation of as many business case studies as possible.

Be aware; not many get to this stage. The competition is very fierce.

  • Final Interview

Prepare for your one-on-one final interview(s) with a senior manager(s) from Grant Thornton. Keep up the good work, as they are looking for the best talent. They likely will have interviewed dozens or hundreds of candidates at this final stage.

Hone your technique for your final Grant Thornton interview to showcase your:

  • deep knowledge 
  • understanding of the role
  • business acumen
  • critical thinking and ability to think on your feet

For this final interview, use the video interview platform and record yourself answering the accountancy and consulting questions using the STAR+R technique.

Continue reading to get answers to critical questions:

  • What is the Grant Thornton interview process?
  • What are the values of Grant Thornton?
  • How to prepare for Grant Thornton assessments?
  • How to prepare for a Grant Thornton interview?

Looking into assessments with Grant Thornton, simply click the table below to practice assessments relevant to your assessment process!

Get the Premium practice for your Grant Thornton application tests with our practice assessment tools to improve your results and get scores above their threshold.

Before we dive in, let’s check out what’s to come in the guide.

Who is Grant Thornton?

Grant thornton online application.

  • Grant Thornton Online Assessments

Grant Thornton Digital Interview

Grant thornton assessment centre, grant thornton final interview, grant thornton trainee careers.

  • Grant Thornton FAQs

Without further ado, let’s dive right in!

Grant Thornton is a leading global company offering auditing, tax services, and business advice. Established in 1924, they have become one of the world’s largest accounting networks. They work with diverse clients, including private businesses and nonprofits, building strong relationships and providing innovative solutions. 

Grant Thornton prioritises diversity, teamwork, and employee satisfaction, earning trust as trusted experts in accounting and business consulting.

Understanding these skills and the company values is crucial for you to ace the application and interview rounds. Let’s check out these values below.

Grant Thornton Values

What are Grant Thornton’s values?

Grant Thornton is a values-driven organisation where its people are deeply committed to upholding these principles. The company embraces six core values, known as CLEARR values. These are:

  • Collaboration : Grant Thornton believes in teamwork, where people help and support each other to achieve shared goals.
  • Leadership : The company values brave leaders who motivate others, creating an environment where everyone can reach their full potential.
  • Excellence : Grant Thornton always looks for ways to get better, challenging the norm and finding superior solutions to exceed client expectations.
  • Agility : The company embraces change, encouraging employees to think broadly and act quickly when faced with new situations.
  • Respect : Grant Thornton promotes listening, understanding, and honesty, valuing different perspectives and building sincere relationships.
  • Responsibility : Employees are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and use their influence wisely.
Grant Thornton Research tip : These CLEARR values are an integral part of the recruitment process. Consider how you align with these and provide examples from your experience that demonstrate these values for your interviews.

Without further ado, let’s dive right into the Grant Thornton application process , starting with the online application.

Back to Contents

The Grant Thornton online application is your first chance to set a good impression and stand out from your competition. Apply as early as possible, as applications are often reviewed on a rolling basis. This can increase your chances of progression to the next stage.

During your online application, you will be required to provide the following information: 

  • Personal Information
  • Work Experience
  • Education and Qualifications
  • Resume/CV and Cover Letter
  • Motivational Questions
  • Skills and Competencies
Good to know : Throughout your application consider the Grant Thornton values and how your personal interests and experiences reflect these attributes.

Once you’ve impressed in your online application, you will be invited to take the online assessment. Keep reading to find out more!

Grant Thornton Online Assessment

What is the Grant Thornton assessment?

The Grant Thornton online test was developed with Cappfinity . The test records and evaluates strengths through your reactions, feelings, and behaviours with scenario-based questions. Additionally, you will answer technical questions based on a case study to assess your verbal and numerical skills.

The test typically lasts for 30 minutes, and can include up to 30 questions. During this assessment, you will be assessed using:

Grant Thornton Situational Judgement Test Questions

Grant thornton numerical reasoning test questions, grant thornton verbal reasoning test questions, grant thornton critical reasoning test questions.

Good to know: for many Grant Thornton trainee roles, you may be required to take a 5 minute online assessment from Neurosight. 

Let’s dive into each of these question types below, starting with the situational judgement questions .

What is the Grant Thornton situational assessment?

The Grant Thornton situational judgement test questions evaluate how you handle work-related scenarios. It consists of multiple-choice questions that assess your decision-making skills and judgement in various situations. 

Gain key insights about Grant Thornton Situational Judgment Tests with our quick video: 

grant thornton written case study

How to Pass Grant Thornton Situational Judgement Test Questions

Here are our top five tips to pass the situational-based questions in your Grant Thornton strengths assessment:

  • Practice situational judgement tests to get familiar with the format of the tests and the various situations that are most commonly used. 
  • Read books and articles on competencies and behaviours. Consider what makes one behaviour more effective than another for a competency.
  • Consider Grant Thornton’s values and culture to gain an understanding of how they may approach the practice scenarios. 
  • Research the role through the job description to further help understand the requirements and Grant Thornton’s preferred competencies taken on the job. 
  • Ask experienced professionals how they would approach a practice situation. Challenge their thinking to improve your own understanding.

Take a sneak peak with our example of how a Grant Thornton situational judgement test may look like: 

Grant Thornton-style Situational Strengths Test Question Example

Grant Thornton situational judgement example

Start your Grant Thornton-style situational judgement test preparation, sign-up for GF’s SItuational Judgement Test package today to access real questions, live test reports, and progress charts!

Keep reading as we cover another key question type in the Grant Thornton test: the numerical questions .

What is the Grant Thornton numerical reasoning test?

The Grant Thornton numerical reasoning test questions measure your ability to work with numbers accurately and efficiently. It includes questions that assess your understanding of numerical concepts, data interpretation, financial analysis, ratios, percentages, and more. 

Discover more about numerical tests and how employers such as Grant Thornton use these to assess you in this short video:

grant thornton written case study

How to Pass the Grant Thornton Numerical Reasoning Test Questions

Here are our five top tips to pass the Grant Thornton numerical test questions:

  • Practice numerical reasoning tests to get familiar with the types of questions used and the skills assessed.
  • Refresh basic maths such as arithmetic, percentages, ratios, and currency conversion.
  • Time yourself during practice tests to help develop your speed and accuracy when answering Grant Thornton aptitude test questions.
  • Ensure you are organised before the test. Bring a calculator, a pen and a notepad to make calculations during the assessment questions.
  • Find a balance between speed and accuracy. Avoid rushing through the questions as you may lose out on accuracy.
Practice FREE numerical reasoning questions with us today or have a go at the below example Grant Thornton style numerical reasoning question that our experts have developed:

Grant Thornton-style Numerical Reasoning Question Example

Grant Thornton numerical reasoning example

Solved it? Check the bottom of the page for the answer.

If you are looking for more Grant Thornton-style numerical reasoning tests with answers, worked-solutions and professional score reports including personalised tips based on your performance – then we at GF have you covered.

For even more Grant Thornton numerical practice, check out the following video for in-depth numerical question practice with 5 worked solutions:

grant thornton written case study

Now, let us move ahead with another key test question type in the Grant Thornton test, the verbal reasoning questions .

What is the Grant Thornton verbal reasoning test?

The Grant Thornton verbal reasoning questions assess your ability to comprehend written information and draw logical conclusions. It includes passages or statements followed by questions to test your understanding, reasoning, and language skills.

Discover more about your Grant Thornton verbal test and what to expect with our quick verbal reasoning test overview video:

grant thornton written case study

Top 5 Tips to Pass the Grant Thornton Verbal Reasoning Test Questions

Here are our five top tips to pass the verbal reasoning questions in the Grant Thornton assessment:

  • Practice reading different types of texts such as broadsheet newspapers and scientific magazines to improve your reading speed and comprehension by.
  • Expand your vocabulary each day and strengthen your understanding of grammar and sentence structure by reading.
  • Practice timed tests to familiarise yourself with the format and the answer options provided.
  • Get plenty of rest the night before to ensure your brain is running at its best so that you can concentrate.
  • Pay attention to the details provided in the passages. Answer only using this provided information, and avoid using any external knowledge.
Practice for your Grant Thornton verbal reasoning test questions with our free verbal reasoning questions , or have a go at this free practice question below:

Grant Thornton-style Verbal Reasoning Test Question Example

Grant Thornton verbal reasoning example

For even more Grant Thornton verbal reasoning test practice , register with GF today and practice verbal reasoning tests with answers, worked-solutions and professional score reports including personalised tips based on your performance.

You may also be required to complete some critical reasoning questions as part of your Grant Thornton online test.

What is the Grant Thornton critical test?

The Grant Thornton critical reasoning questions evaluate your ability to analyse information and make objective decisions. It measures your problem-solving and critical thinking skills through a series of questions.

What will the Grant Thornton critical reasoning test involve?

During this section of the Grant Thornton online assessment, you may be required to complete the following tasks:

  • Does/Doesn’t Follow : Decide whether each of 4 conclusions follows or does not follow the statement
  • Reasonable Doubt : Determine whether 4 conclusions logically follow a statement beyond a reasonable doubt
  • Strong/Weak Points : Work out whether each of the following 4 arguments have weak or strong points related to a question 
  • Truth Statements : Determine whether the 4 conclusions are True, Probably True, Can’t Say, Probably False, False based on the provided statement
  • Assumptions : Figure out whether the 4 statements are assumptions or not based on the provided text passage

How to Pass the Grant Thornton Critical Reasoning Test Questions

Here are our top five tips to pass the Grant Thornton critical reasoning test questions:

  • Use only the provided information : avoid using any external knowledge or attitudes during this test unless you are otherwise instructed to do so.
  • Approach each argument individually : for your Grant Thornton critical thinking test, consider each of the conclusions or argument separately.
  • Read Carefully : ensure to read through the statements and each of the conclusions carefully before attempting each question.
  • Manage your time : to ensure you have enough time to reason with each question, spread the time limit evenly across each question.
  • Approach each question in the Truth Statements section with the assumption that the passage provided is true.
Get the Practice Essentials for your Grant Thornton critical reasoning test questions with our Capp-style practice critical reasoning tests and fast-track your test preparation with worked solutions and progress tracking.

Once you’ve aced your tests, you’ll be invited to an interview. Want to know what Grant Thornton digital interviews are like? Let us head together to the next section to learn more!

What is the Grant Thornton digital interview?

The Grant Thornton digital interviews are provided by HireVue and require you to answer pre-recorded questions within a 2-3 minute time limit. You will also have 1 minute of preparation time. Depending on the role you have applied to, you may be answering competency or strength based questions.

Discover more about digital or video interviews with our 1-minute video guide:

grant thornton written case study

How to Ace the Grant Thornton Video Interview

Increase your chances of success in the Grant Thornton video interview with our top 7 tips: 

  • Familiarise yourself with the technology: Ensure you have the necessary software or platform installed and test your audio and video settings in advance. Familiarise yourself with the platform’s features to navigate smoothly during the interview.
  • Dress professionally: Treat the video interview as you would an in-person one. Dress in professional attire to make a positive impression and show your seriousness about the opportunity.
  • Prepare your environment: Find a quiet, well-lit space for the interview. Remove any potential distractions, ensure a neutral background, and test the lighting to ensure you are clearly visible.
  • Practice common interview questions: Research common interview questions and practice your responses. Prepare examples that demonstrate your skills, experiences, and achievements relevant to the role. Use the STAR+R method to structure your answers effectively.
  • Research the company: Gain a solid understanding of Grant Thornton’s values, culture, and services. This will enable you to tailor your answers and showcase your alignment with their objectives and aims.
  • Be mindful of non-verbal communication: Maintain eye contact by looking at the camera, sitting up straight, and speaking clearly. Use positive body language such as subtle hand gestures to show engagement and enthusiasm.
  • Close your answers properly: You’ll only have up to 3 minutes to answer each question, so make it count. Return back to the question at the end of your response to avoid finishing your answer abruptly. 


Question : Can you tell me about yourself?

For answering this super common Grant Thornton interview question, we recommend using the SEAT format:

  • Skills – Discuss the skills you have which are relevant to the role 
  • Experience – Briefly cover the experiences you’ve had in the field you are applying for
  • Achievements – Here you can summarise your relevant academic and professional achievements
  • Type of person – Discuss your hobbies and interests. Consider how these can relate back to the job.

Discover more tips on how to answer this commonly used Grant Thornton digital interview question with our quick video below: 

grant thornton written case study

Question: How do you handle tight deadlines and multiple priorities?

Example Answer : 

  • Situation: In my previous role as a marketing intern, our team had to deliver a comprehensive marketing campaign within two weeks, which involved creating content, designing visuals, and executing various promotional activities.
  • Task : Therefore I had to effectively manage our time and resources to ensure the project was completed on schedule while maintaining the high quality expected by our clients.
  • Action : I first conducted a thorough assessment of the project requirements and created a detailed project plan outlining all the necessary tasks and their dependencies. Next, I prioritised the team’s tasks based on their urgency and importance and then broke down the larger tasks into smaller ones. To manage the workload efficiently, I delegated each of these tasks to the team based on their skills and expertise.
  • Result : As a result, despite the tight deadline, we were able to produce a high-quality marketing campaign that exceeded our client’s expectations. The success of the project was due to meticulous planning, effective work distribution, and open communication among the team.
  • Reflection : I recognise the importance of assessing task urgency and importance, breaking down tasks, and effective time management. I will continue refining these skills to enhance productivity and meet deadlines consistently.
Question: How do you handle conflicts within the team?

Example Answer :

  • Situation : During my previous role working with a team of retail assistants, there was a situation where the team leader and a few members of the team had a disagreement over the schedule list for next week.
  • Task : We needed to resolve the conflict and find a solution that would be beneficial for all parties and the schedule as quickly as possible.
  • Action : I approached the team leader and discussed the key concerns for each team member and why the schedule didn’t work for them. We worked together to find a compromise for the schedule that worked for each team member and let the team know.
  • Result : As a result, the schedule was quickly organised and each team member was satisfied with the new rotations. 
  • Reflect : I found this experience useful to prevent similar conflicts in the future by implementing better communication and collaboration strategies within the team.
Prepare with more Competency-based interview questions commonly used by Grant Thornton with our 60 unique video interview sets used across top industries on our Practice Video Interviewing Platform .

Video Interview Grant Thornton Example

After you’ve impressed in your online interview, you will shortly be invited to the Grant Thornton assessment centre . Keep on reading to discover more! 

What to expect in the Grant Thornton Assessment Centre?

The Grant Thornton Assessment Centre is a comprehensive evaluation process that assesses you through various exercises and activities. It provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate your skills, knowledge, and suitability for the role, while showcasing compatibility with Grant Thornton’s values and culture. 

What will the Grant Thornton Assessment Centre involve?

The Grant Thornton assessment centre typically includes a:

Grant Thornton Written Case Study Round

Grant thornton group exercise.

What is the Grant Thornton written case study?

The Grant Thornton case study assessment evaluates your written communication, analytical skills, critical reasoning, and written language. The stage takes 22 minutes and requires a computer or laptop to review data and write a mini report.

Good to know : This assessment is typically used for apprentice, graduate, or undergraduate programme applicants that have passed the earlier assessment stages.

Keep reading to discover our top tips to pass the Grant Thornton case study exercise:

7 Quick Tips to Pass the Grant Thornton Case Study Exercise

  • Read the provided information carefully before you begin the exercise to understand what is required of you.
  • Allocate sufficient time across each task to ensure you complete the case study within the given time limit.
  • Use a notepad and pen during the written exercise to write down notes on the key information from the provided data.
  • Minimise distractions . Turn off or put your mobile phone on silent and take the exercise in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Manage time effectively to cover all elements of the task, including reviewing, note-taking, writing, and final review.
  • Address the question (s) directly at the end of the report with clear explanations for any decisions  you have made.
  • Tailor your approach to the intended audience in the case study, considering the most appropriate language and structure for the stakeholders.
Get ahead in your written test exercise with GF and discover real experience with how top employers such as Grant Thornton assess candidates through written exercises and gain professional tips to improve your performance against competencies. 

What is the Grant Thornton group exercise?

The Grant Thornton virtual group exercise is the second-to-last stage of the application process. This exercise helps evaluate work style, teamwork, collaboration, and idea-sharing skills. It’s important to listen actively, understand requirements, and support teammates. 

  • Maintain professionalism even in a virtual setting; your behaviour should align with a professional environment.
  • Choose a suitable location for the exercise to minimise potential distractions.
  • Value active listening and considerate interaction with others; we assess not only individual performance but also collaboration skills.

Uncover more about group exercises and how Grant Thornton use these during assessment centres to hire the right candidates with our video below:

grant thornton written case study

Ace your next assessment centre with our 10 full sets of exercises including role play, presentations, group discussions and more in our Assessment Centre Prep pack .

Once you have aced your assessment centre exercises, you will be invited to the final interview round of Grant Thornton.

What is the final Grant Thornton interview?

The final Grant Thornton interview is online and involves a more informal environment. Typically, a senior team member or company representative will conduct the interview, asking more in-depth questions about your experiences, skills, motivations and fit within the organisation.

Our Top 3 Tips to Ace Your Grant Thornton Final Interview

  • Show enthusiasm and passion: Demonstrate genuine interest in the role and company. Share your excitement and highlight why you are particularly drawn to the opportunity.
  • Showcase your cultural fit: Emphasise how your values, work style, and personality align with the company’s culture. Highlight examples of how you have successfully integrated into similar environments in the past.
  • Prepare thoughtful questions: Take the opportunity to ask insightful questions about the role, team dynamics, company culture, or any other relevant topics. It showcases your engagement and helps you gather essential information to make an informed decision.
Grant Thornton Final Interview tip : Understand the skills Grant Thornton seeks and consider how you can showcase them. During the assessment process, Grant Thornton suggests using the STARE technique,  which is identical to the STARR method. 

Want to know the probable questions that may be asked in your final interview? With our Question Identifier Tool , learn A-Z about what recruiters ask on a final interview and how to prepare for them. 

Once the interview is passed and you have aced the Grant Thornton application process , you will receive an offer shortly after. 

But wait, before you go!

Check out the current and upcoming early careers programmes that are available in Grant Thornton below.

Grant Thornton offers a range of comprehensive programmes, including apprenticeships, internships, and graduate schemes. These programmes provide valuable opportunities for individuals to develop their skills, gain practical experience, and embark on rewarding careers in various fields within the organisation.

The key Grant Thornton trainee areas you can apply to include:

Grant Thornton Graduate Programmes

Grant thornton apprenticeship programmes, grant thornton internship programmes.

  • Other Opportunities

Grant Thornton’s graduate scheme empower recent university graduates to kickstart their professional services careers. These programs deliver structured training, professional growth and hands-on experience in diverse departments and locations, laying the groundwork for a successful career. 

As a Grant Thornton graduate, you’ll acquire valuable skills, study for exams, engage with a variety of organisations, and receive qualification support, paid study leave, and ongoing development check-ins to become a well-rounded business advisor.

Graduate Program key areas: Audit Scheme, Tax Scheme, and Advisory Scheme.

Graduate Programme Eligibility Criteria:

  • Duration : 4-5 Years 
  • Locations : Various locations across the UK (27 offices), and US (59 offices).
  • Eligibility : Flexible academic entry requirements (minimum degree classification)

Grant Thornton’s apprenticeship programs offer practical work experience while pursuing a professional qualification. Over five years , you’ll combine studying and skill development with real-world exposure to diverse organisations. Grant Thornton supports your growth as a versatile business advisor with exam coverage, paid study leave, and regular check-ins.

Apprenticeship key areas: Audit Scheme, Tax Scheme, and Advisory Scheme.

Apprenticeship Programme Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligibility : Completion of secondary education (high school diploma or equivalent qualification).

The Grant Thornton internships offer valuable professional services experience with hands-on learning and exposure to real projects. As an intern, you’ll work with clients, refine your skills, and engage with organisations across a variety of sectors. Many interns secure a fast-track to a full-time trainee role during the programme.

Internship key areas: Audit Scheme, Tax Scheme, and Advisory Scheme.

Internship Programme Eligibility Criteria:

  • Eligibility : Typically open to students pursuing a relevant degree or qualification in accounting, finance, economics, business or related field.

Other Opportunities at Grant Thornton

Grant Thornton also offers other opportunities, including 12-month placements and work experience programs. Here is a brief overview of these options:

12-Month Placements :

  • These placements provide students with the opportunity to work with Grant Thornton on a full-time basis for a duration of 12 months.
  • The placements are available in various departments and locations, allowing students to gain valuable work experience in their chosen field.
Eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and the application process may vary, check the Grant Thornton website for specific details.

Work Experience Opportunities :

  • Grant Thornton offers work experience programs designed to provide students with insights into the professional services industry and the firm’s operations.
  • These programs are typically shorter in duration compared to internships or placements and may range from a few days to a couple of weeks.
  • Work experience opportunities may be available in different departments and locations, allowing participants to explore their interests and gain exposure to real-world work scenarios.
Eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and the application process for work experience programs may vary. Visit the Grant Thornton website for the most up-to-date information!

If you still have more questions about the Grant Thornton recruitment process , below are our answers to top questions about your upcoming Grant Thornton assessments.

Grant Thornton Assessment FAQs

What is grant thornton known for.

Grant Thornton is known for being a globally recognized professional services firm that provides audit, tax, and advisory services. They are renowned for their commitment to delivering exceptional client service, fostering a collaborative work environment, and offering innovative solutions to complex business challenges.

Is Grant Thornton a good place to work?

Grant Thornton is widely regarded as a good place to work. The company prioritises a positive work culture, values diversity and teamwork, and offers opportunities for professional development and career advancement, making it an attractive choice for individuals seeking a rewarding and fulfilling professional experience.

What is the salary of Grant Thornton for freshers?

The salary of Grant Thornton for freshers can vary depending on factors such as location, position, and qualifications. However, as a professional services firm, Grant Thornton typically offers competitive entry-level salaries that are commensurate with industry standards and the candidate’s skills and experience.

Is it hard to get a job in Grant Thornton?

Getting a job in Grant Thornton can be competitive, as they receive a significant number of applications. However, with the right qualifications, skills, and preparation, along with a strong fit for the company’s values, it is possible to secure a position at Grant Thornton.

What is Grant Thornton’s world ranking?

Grant Thornton is consistently recognized as one of the top accounting and professional services firms globally. While specific world rankings may vary depending on the criteria and rankings system used, Grant Thornton is widely regarded as one of the major players in the industry.

How long does it take to hear back from Grant Thornton?

The timeframe for hearing back from Grant Thornton after submitting an application can vary up to a few weeks. However, the exact duration may depend on factors such as the volume of applications and the specific recruitment process for the position.

Practice and Register with GF to get your job with Grant Thornton first time

Do you want to pass Grant Thornton’s assessments first time? Sign up for free assessment practice tests offered by GF, the only aptitude practice test experts that provide tests to over 100 UK universities and their students, and also across Asia, Australia and continental Europe.

Simply get your job for the first time by practicing with GF and select from the range of our products at no risk. We offer a 100% money back guarantee if you do not pass your job test.

Correct answers to example questions:

Numerical Reasoning Test – D

Verbal Reasoning Test – B


grant thornton written case study

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  • Logical Reasoning
  • Game Assessments
  • Situational Judgement Tests (SJT)
  • Assessment Centre
  • 2024 Step-by-Step Employer Guides
  • Test Publishers (SHL, Kenexa, Cubiks )

Hacking The Case Interview

Hacking the Case Interview

Grant Thornton case interviews

Grant Thornton consulting interviews consist of case interviews, behavioral or fit interview questions, and a written case interview for some candidates. There are typically three rounds of interviews that you will need to go through in order to receive a consulting job offer from Grant Thornton.

  • First round interview : 30-minute phone screen with an HR recruiter. Expect to be asked questions on your resume and experiences as well as on your interest in Grant Thornton.
  • Second round interview : Two 30-minute interviews with managers or partners. Expect to be asked behavioral or fit interview questions along with a mini case interview.
  • Third round interview : Two to three 30- to 45-minute interviews with partners. Expect the usual behavioral or fit interview questions. You may also be given a written case interview for this round.

If you have an upcoming consulting interview with Grant Thornton, we have you covered. In this article, we’ll cover exactly what you need to do to crush your interviews and land the job offer. In this article, we’ll cover in detail:  

  • 5 steps to solve any Grant Thornton case interview
  • Grant Thornton case interview examples
  • 8 steps to crush your Grant Thornton written case interview
  • 10 common Grant Thornton behavioral interview questions
  • Recommended Grant Thornton case interview resources

If you’re looking for a step-by-step shortcut to learn case interviews quickly, enroll in our case interview course . These insider strategies from a former Bain interviewer helped 30,000+ land consulting offers while saving hundreds of hours of prep time.

5 Steps to Solve Any Grant Thornton Case Interview

A case interview is a special type of interview that nearly every consulting firm uses. Grant Thornton places a heavy emphasis on case interviews during their interview process.

Grant Thornton case interviews simulate the consulting job by placing you in a hypothetical business situation in which you are asked to solve a business problem. You’ll spend about 30 minutes collaborating with the interviewer to reach an ultimate answer or recommendation.

Grant Thornton case interviews are generally candidate-led. This means that you will be expected to lead the direction of the case. You’ll be responsible for asking the right questions, analyzing data, driving discussion, and proposing each next step.

Case interviews can cover any industry or any type of business problem. Although you cannot predict the exact case interview question that you’ll get, each case interview follows a similar flow and structure:  

  • Understand the case
  • Structure the problem
  • Kick off the case
  • Solve quantitative problems and answer qualitative questions
  • Deliver a recommendation

1. Understand the case

Your case interview will begin with the interviewer giving you the case background information. While the interviewer is speaking, make sure that you are taking meticulous notes on the most important pieces of information. Focus on understanding the context of the situation and the objective of the case.

Don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions if you do not understand something. You may want to summarize the case background information back to the interviewer to confirm your understanding of the case.

The most important part of this step is to verify the objective of the case. Not answering the right business question is the quickest way to fail a case interview.

2. Structure the problem

The next step is to develop a framework to help you solve the case. A framework is a tool that helps you structure and break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components. Another way to think about frameworks is brainstorming different ideas and organizing them into different categories.

Before you start developing your framework, it is completely acceptable to ask the interviewer for a few minutes so that you can collect your thoughts and think about the problem.

Ideally, you want your framework to be as MECE as possible. MECE stands for mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. You want each element of your framework to have zero overlap with the other elements. Additionally, you want the sum of the elements of your framework to cover all of the important issues or areas of the case.

Once you have identified the major issues or areas that you need to explore, walk the interviewer through your framework. They may ask a few questions or provide some feedback.

For a complete guide on how to create tailored and unique frameworks for each case, check out our article on case interview frameworks .

3. Kick off the case

Once you have finished presenting your framework, you’ll start diving into different areas of your framework to begin solving the case. How this process will start depends on whether the case interview is candidate-led or interviewer-led.

If the case interview is a candidate-led case, you’ll be expected to propose what area of your framework to start investigating. So, propose an area and provide a reason for why you want to start with that area. There is generally no right or wrong area of your framework to pick first.

If the case interview is interviewer-led, the interviewer will tell you what area of the framework to start in or directly give you a question to answer.

4. Solve quantitative problems and answer qualitative questions

Your case interviews will most likely have some quantitative aspect to them. For example, you may be asked to calculate a certain profitability or financial metric. You could also be asked to estimate the size of a particular market or to estimate a particular figure.

The key to solving quantitative problems is to lay out a structure or approach upfront with the interviewer before doing any math calculations. If you lay out and present your structure to solve the quantitative problem and the interviewer approves of it, the rest of the problem is just simple execution of math.

When doing the math, make sure to talk through your thinking and calculations out loud. The interviewer should be able to easily follow what you are doing in each step of your calculations. Once you have calculated the answer, explain how your answer impacts the recommendation that you are beginning to form.

Your case interviews will likely also have qualitative aspects to them. You may be asked to brainstorm a list of potential ideas. You could also be asked to provide your opinion on a business issue or situation.

The key to answering qualitative questions is to structure your answer. When brainstorming a list of ideas, develop a structure to help you neatly categorize all of your ideas. When giving your opinion on a business issue or situation, provide a summary of your stance or position and then enumerate the reasons that support it.

When you finish answering a qualitative question, connect your answer back to the case objective. How does your answer impact the recommendation that you are beginning to form?

5. Deliver a recommendation

In the last step of the case interview, you’ll present your recommendation and provide the major reasons that support it. You do not need to recap everything that you have done in the case, so focus on only summarizing the facts that are most important.

It is also good practice to include potential next steps that you would take if you had more time or data. These can be areas of your framework that you did not have time to explore or lingering questions that you do not have great answers for.

Grant Thornton Case Interview Examples

Below are examples of the different types of case interviews you may enter in your Grant Thornton interview.

Example #1 : A client, a leading software company, is considering entering the online streaming services market. Assess the feasibility of this venture and recommend a market entry strategy.

Example #2 : A manufacturing company is experiencing declining profits. Identify the main reasons for the decline and propose actionable steps to improve profitability.

Example #3 : A consumer goods company wants to launch a new product in a highly competitive market. Develop a pricing strategy for the new product, considering various factors like production costs, customer perception, and competitor pricing.

Example #4 : A pharmaceutical company is considering acquiring a smaller biotech firm. Assess the potential benefits and risks of the acquisition and provide a recommendation to the client.

Example #5 : Estimate the potential market size for electric scooters in a major city. Consider factors such as the target audience, adoption rate, and competition to determine the total addressable market (TAM) for the client's product.

For more practice, check out our article on 23 MBA consulting casebooks with 700+ free practice cases .

8 Steps to Crush your Grant Thornton Written Case Interview

In addition to traditional case interviews, you may be asked to do a written case interview. This is an exercise in which you’ll be provided with a packet of materials and asked to do analyses to develop a recommendation. You’ll then create slides to present to your interviewers in the following interview round. Sometimes, this is given as a take-home assignment.

Although this style of case interview is different from the in-person case interview you’ll typically be given, the strategies and approaches are quite similar. Follow these eight steps to nail your written case interview.

1. Understand the business problem and objective

The first step in completing a written case interview is to understand what the objective is. What is the primary business question you are trying to answer with the data and information provided?

2. Read the list of major questions

Some written case interviews will provide you with a list of 3 – 4 key questions that you will be expected to address or answer. Read through these questions first since these will be the questions that you will want to prioritize.

If the written case interview is more open-ended and does not provide you with a list of key questions, skip this step and move onto the next step.  

3. Skim the materials

Next, flip through the information packet that is provided to see what information is available. Identify what data you have and what data you do not have.

The goal in this step is not to read and analyze every slide. That would take too much time. Instead, by seeing what information exists, you will be able to better prioritize what you spend your time reading and analyzing.

4. Create a framework

Before you begin reading and analyzing the information in the slides in more detail, you should create a basic framework to help guide your analysis. If you are provided with a list of key questions or pre-filled slide templates, then this will likely be the foundation of your framework.

Otherwise, based on what information exists in the information packet, identify the three to four key questions you need to answer or investigate.

5. Read and analyze the material 

Afterwards, read and analyze the information that is relevant to each area of your framework. As you begin answering questions and drawing insights, make sure to write a one or two sentence summary. This will make it easier to decide on a recommendation later.

6. Decide on a recommendation

Review the list of key takeaways that you have summarized from answering all of the major questions in your framework. Decide on what recommendation these findings collectively support.

Remember that there is typically no right or wrong recommendation. As long as your recommendation is supported by data and evidence, you will be in great shape.

7. Create your slides

Once you have a recommendation, it is time to start filling in your slides. You should use the following structure when creating your slides:

  • Slide 1: Present your recommendation and the three reasons that support it
  • Slide 2: Present your first reason and the data that supports it
  • Slide 3: Present your second reason and the data that supports it
  • Slide 4: Present your third reason and the data that supports it
  • Slide 5: Summarize everything that you’ve covered so far
  • Slide 6: Propose potential next steps

8. Prepare for potential questions

If you have any time remaining, brainstorm potential questions the interviewer may ask you during your presentation. They may want to know how you performed your analysis or how you reached your conclusions.

Preparing for these potential questions will help your presentation go much more smoothly. You will also feel much more confident while presenting.

For a full guide on written case interviews, check out our consulting written case interview step-by-step guide .

10 Common Grant Thornton Behavioral Interview Questions

In addition to case interviews, you will also be asked behavioral or fit interview questions. These types of questions are much more predictable than case interviews, making them easier to prepare for.

Below are the ten behavioral or fit questions that Grant Thornton most commonly asks candidates.

1. Why are you interested in working at Grant Thornton?

How to answer: Have at least three reasons why you’re interested in working at Grant Thornton. You can speak to Grant Thornton’s deep expertise across private sectors, public sectors, and not-for-profit organizations. You can talk about the people from Grant Thornton that you’ve met so far and your positive impressions of them, which is a reflection of the firm’s people. Finally, you can bring up Grant Thornton’s collaborative, respectful work culture that places a heavy emphasis on each person’s professional development.

2. Why do you want to work in consulting?

How to answer: Again, have three reasons why you’re interested in consulting. You could mention the fast career growth opportunities, the opportunity to develop versatile soft and hard skills, the opportunities to make large impacts on large organizations, or the highly collaborative nature of work.

3. Walk me through your resume

How to answer: Provide a concise summary of your work experience, starting with the most recent. Focus on emphasizing your most impressive, unique, and memorable accomplishments. At the end of your answer, briefly tie your experiences to why you are interested in consulting and why you would be a great fit.

4. What is your proudest achievement?

How to answer: Choose your most impressive, unique, or memorable accomplishment. Structure your answer by providing information on the situation, the task, the actions you took, and the results of your work. Highlight what aspects or qualities of your achievement made you feel proud.

5. What is something that you are proud of that is not on your resume?

How to answer: This is an opportunity to highlight an accomplishment that is not related to your professional work experience. Perhaps there is a non-profit that you volunteer at, a side project or business that you work on, or an interesting hobby that you have won awards or recognition for. Choose something that showcases your qualities outside of a traditional work setting.

6. Tell me about a time when you led a team.

How to answer: Ideally, choose a time or experience when you directly managed a person or a team. Explain the challenge that the team faced, how you handled leading the team, and then quantify the impact and results of your leadership. Highlight the leadership skills that you exhibited and how you worked effectively with others.

7. Give an example of a time when you faced conflict or a disagreement.

How to answer: When answering this question, focus on emphasizing the steps you took to resolve the conflict or disagreement. Speak to the interpersonal skills you had to use in order to mediate the situation. Then, explain the impact that these interpersonal skills made on the situation. Interviewers want to know that you are a great mediator and that you can handle conflict in a constructive way.

8. Tell me about a time when you had to persuade someone.

How to answer: Choose a time when you convincingly changed someone’s mind. Focus on emphasizing the steps that you took to persuade that person and what impact and results this had. Interviewers want to see that you are a great communicator and have great people skills.

9. Describe a time when you failed.

How to answer: Choose a time when you failed to meet a deadline or did not meet expectations. Make sure to choose an actual failure instead of an experience that was a success in disguise. Focus on emphasizing what you learned from the experience and how you used that experience to deliver better results in the next opportunity that you got. Interviewers want to see that you don’t get discouraged from failure and that you treat failures as learning opportunities.

10. What questions do you have for me?

How to answer: This is a great opportunity to get to know the interviewer on a more personal level. Ask them questions about their experience in consulting or their career. Express genuine interest and curiosity in what they have to share and ask follow-up questions. The more you can get the interviewer talking about themself, the more likely they will have a positive impression of you.

For more help, check out our complete guide on consulting behavioral interview questions .

Recommended Grant Thornton Case Interview Resources

Here are the resources we recommend to learn the most robust, effective case interview strategies in the least time-consuming way:

  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.
  • Hacking the Case Interview Book   (available on Amazon): Perfect for beginners that are short on time. Transform yourself from a stressed-out case interview newbie to a confident intermediate in under a week. Some readers finish this book in a day and can already tackle tough cases.
  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook (available on Amazon): Perfect for intermediates struggling with frameworks, case math, or generating business insights. No need to find a case partner – these drills, practice problems, and full-length cases can all be done by yourself.
  • Case Interview Coaching : Personalized, one-on-one coaching with former consulting interviewers
  • Behavioral & Fit Interview Course : Be prepared for 98% of behavioral and fit questions in just a few hours. We'll teach you exactly how to draft answers that will impress your interviewer
  • Resume Review & Editing : Transform your resume into one that will get you multiple interviews

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The digital interview

If you’re invited to complete a digital interview, your recruiter will tell you exactly what you need to do and what’s involved.

We use a system called HireVue for digital interviews. It puts questions on screen, then asks you to record yourself responding to them. It might sound daunting, but it isn’t. It’s not a test of how you speak or what you look like, we just want to get to know you better. And we’ll give you clear instructions to help you do it well.

Why a digital interview?

We do digital interviews because they’re better for us and for you.

  • You get to do them at a time when you feel ready and at your best. Not at a time we have decided for you.
  • It allows for us to connect and engage with more candidates without the restrictions that telephone interviews can sometimes bring
  • It gives you a chance to be yourself. It’s much easier to get a sense of your energy and impact on video vs over the phone.

What it involves

In the interview, you’ll respond to a series of questions. These are linked to the competencies we look for in our trainees. You’ll have up to 1 minute of preparation time and then between 2-3 minutes of speaking time to answer it.

How to do great in your digital interview

  • We strongly recommend you use a computer or laptop to complete your digital interview if you can. You will need a computer or laptop to complete the written case study.
  • Think about your background and what you’re going to wear. This is still an interview, so dress smart. 
  • Go somewhere quiet, where you won’t be distracted.  
  • Keep your answers short and don’t go off topic. You don’t have much time to get your message across.  
  • Look at the competencies we’ll be asking about on the Who we’re looking for. Prepare examples that demonstrate these skills.
  • Believe in yourself. Confidence always shows in an interview, even a digital one. Remember, we want to see your personality, so don’t hide it.

When completing any of our interviews during the assessment process we recommend using the STARE technique when answering interview questions:

S - set the scene, scenario, situation T - the task at hand A - the action you took R - the result R - reflection, critically assess whether you would do it differently if you could

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Case Study of Grant Thornton

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  • Elizabeth Braiden  

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Grant Thornton is an accounting firm which has over 30 offices in different locations around the UK. Each location has a managing partner who has a great deal of autonomy. In addition there are nationally run businesses, also led by a managing partner and often centred in London, but with people based in other offices as well. Consistency of approach with respect to recruitment and talent management is seen more within the national businesses. Each office has a number of partners, and a range of managers, senior managers and Client Service Directors; there is also a local HR officer or manager, and one or two line managers who have taken on the additional role of staff development manager (about 20% of their time). There are approaching 900 people with ‘manager’ in their job title.

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© 2009 Elizabeth Braiden

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Braiden, E. (2009). Case Study of Grant Thornton. In: Blass, E. (eds) Talent Management. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230233522_6

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230233522_6

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, London

Print ISBN : 978-1-349-30916-0

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Home / Case Studies / Grant Thornton

A digital workspace emerges for Grant Thornton with Microsoft and Rightpoint

Published on August 1, 2019

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Grant Thornton

Rightpoint is an independent customer experience agency with technology at its core. They believe it is crucial for companies to adopt a technology-focused approach to business in order to survive and thrive in their market. Rightpoint is passionate about creating impactful digital experiences, driven by insight, strategy, design, and technology to transform the way their clients do business.

Grant Thornton LLP is a professional services firm offering audit, tax ,  and advisory services to dynamic public and  privately – held  organizations. Founded in Chicago in 1924, Grant Thornton has annual revenues  in excess of  $1.8 billion, and more than 8,500 employees working across the United States. Rightpoint partnered with Grant Thornton to transform the way  they  work and collaborate internally, specifically by introducing a new digital workspace.  

Being an almost 100 -year-old company,   Grant Thornton had some legacy systems and processes that  were in need of  updates. Additionally,  the firm’s  intranet lacked core functionality needed to facilitate everyday business tasks. Although the firm consists of a primarily remote workforce, the old intranet was only accessible via a clunky VPN access process  with  was not accessible via mobile at all . In addition, the existing system did not provide  for   user  personalization and  lacked a robust search feature. These shortcomings discouraged employees from using the intranet, forcing team members to come up with inefficient workarounds.  

Grant Thornton needed a new way of working.  They  set out to create a powerful new digital workspace with a product-focused iterative delivery model  in order to  empower  their  primarily remote workforce.

The collaboration between Rightpoint and Grant Thornton began with an in-depth vision for the user experience to define the core capabilities required to transform the existing intranet into a modern digital workspace. Mission-critical features included a personalized user experience, massively improved search functionality, and anywhere, anytime non-VPN access. The goal was to create a digital workspace that would become the primary engagement channel for Grant Thornton’s professionals, providing seamless collaboration across engagement teams, practices, and the entire firm.  

To bring Grant Thornton’s new digital workspace—called Canvas—to life, Rightpoint and Grant Thornton partnered on a wide range of technology integrations, a massive content migration, and the design and implementation of a completely new platform and feature set. In addition, because speed to launch was a critical success factor, the team had to complete the overhaul in less than six months. Highlights include:  

  • Increasing overall project efficiency and bringing award-winning design capabilities to the table by leveraging Spark Workspace, a Rightpoint accelerator powered by Microsoft Office 365 and the SharePoint Modern framework.   
  • Delivering rich employee profiles, groundbreaking search functionality, and a thoughtfully designed brand experience via integrations with innovative Microsoft technology using SharePoint, Yammer, Delve, Flow, Stream, PowerApps, Teams ,  and Azure.  
  • Introducing a revolutionary level of personalization via an integration with  Coveo , an intelligent search technology that enables a deeply impactful and organic search experience. Grant Thornton’s workspace pulls from 15 internal and external sources and allows employees to quickly and easily access the information they need while also providing personalized information based on the user’s organizational alignment, industry preference, career level, and local office.   
  • Ensuring content relevance with a robust content audit and migration that included cleanup of more than 15,000 content artifacts and more than 25 custom-built solutions within the legacy intranet ,  as well as the migration of more than 10,000 content artifacts into the new SharePoint Modern ecosystem.   
  • Providing Grant Thornton employees with a game-changing mobile experience that frees them from VPN and makes remote access and productivity a reality.  
  • Attracting and retaining valuable talent with the help of a richly personalized employee dashboard, internal newsfeed, and the ability to easily locate and connect with colleagues for collaboration.   
  • Introducing Grant Thornton to an  Agile Project Management  methodology ,  which speeds the delivery and testing of critical Canvas functionality while allowing for mid-project reprioritization when direction changes.  

Rightpoint’s strategic reimagining of our intranet into a thoroughly modern digital workspace has profoundly changed the way our employees share and access knowledge, experiences, and insights. The integration of an advanced universal search function was a particularly valuable element of the transformation, providing a major gain in efficiency and giving us a tangible advantage in the market.

Canvas helped Grant Thornton drive business growth and enhance employee satisfaction within the firm. Not only did the new digital workspace create substantial efficiencies in day-to-day work, it also garnered enthusiastic testimonials from across the company’s workforce. Team members were consistently impressed with Canvas’ speed, accuracy, and ease of use. One managing director summed it up, “With no training and very little thought, I quickly found what I was looking for in just a few clicks.”  

Results at a glance:  

  • 99% increase in employee engagement on a regular basis   (Based on web metrics)  
  • 100%  i ncrease in search efficiency   (Results based on firm projections before and after survey data of 2,000 GT employees, Oct 2018 and February 2019).  
  • 500%  i ncrease in mobile users in the first two months   (Results based on before and after survey data of 2,000 GT employees, Oct 2018 and February 2019)  

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How to Pass Grant Thornton’s Online Assessment

Grant Thornton's Online Assessment

About Grant Thornton

Grant Thornton, the world’s seventh largest by revenue and sixth by number of employees, is a professional services network of independent accounting and consulting member firms that provide assurance, tax, and advisory services to privately held businesses and public interest, and public sector entities. Grant Thornton International Ltd. is incorporated in London, United Kingdom and member firms within the global organisation operate in over 130 countries employing over 56,000 people.

Grant Thornton is also one of the big employers in the UK and hires 350 – 400 interns and graduates every year to its 24 local offices across the UK.

Grant Thornton’s Interns and Graduate Recruitment Process

Step 1: Online Application

You’ll start your application by filling in a short online form which is designed to ask for some basic information. On the application form, there are two open ending questions where you need to explain your understanding of the company’s strategy, your chosen business area, and the qualification you will be studying. The application form takes around 25 minutes, and after submission, your application will then be reviewed by a member of staff.

Step 2: The Online Assessment

Grant Thornton’s online assessment is provided by Cappfinity . It combines situational judgement and cognitive ( numerical reasoning and  verbal reasoning ) testing into an immersive assessment that gives a realistic preview into life at Grant Thornton.

The test works by judging your typical reactions, feelings, or behaviours against a realistic scenario-based set of questions. You will also complete technical questions based on a case study of information, testing your verbal and numerical skills.

The assessment is not timed and at the end of your assessment, you’ll get a personalised report of your strengths and the areas you need to work on. If you have any questions about the assessment, your recruiter will be able to answer them.

Step 3: Digital Interview

If you successfully complete your online assessment, you will be invited to complete a digital interview . During the digital interview, the system puts 6-8 questions on the screen and then asks you to record yourself responding to them. For each question, you will have 1 minute to prepare and 2-3 minutes to record your answer. You will not have numerical or situational judgement types of questions during the digital interview. It is important to understand the values and strategy of Grant Thornton, and you should be able to demonstrate your analytical, teamwork and communication skills to perform well during the interview.

Step 4: Virtual Assessment Centre

Grant Thornton’s virtual assessment centre consists of two parts. The first part is a case study analysis. The case study is a great opportunity to learn more about the type of work you’d be doing at Grant Thornton. You will be assessed on your analytical skills, critical reasoning, and written language. During the case study analysis, you will need to read multiple pieces of information, including numerical questions , and provide written responses.

The next part of the assessment is a group discussion. During the group discussion, you will be provided with a case, and, as a group, you will discuss various aspects of the case/topic provided. There is no right or wrong answer. You should encourage your teammates and bounce off their suggestions to get to the best result. Time management is also at play here, so keeping everyone on track will be key.

Step 5: Final Interview

If you successfully pass the virtual assessment, you will be invited to the final interview, which is a one-to-one virtual interview with a senior member of the service line you applied for. It is no different to a typical interview. So, it is important to learn more about Grant Thornton, consider your motivations and be prepared to explain your skills and strengths by using examples from your past before attending the interview. On Learn and Pass , we also have a great online course where you can learn how to answer more than 80 interview questions, which will help you be more confident during your interview.

How to Prepare for Grant Thornton’s Online Assessment

To be successful in Grant Thornton’s online assessment, you will need to practice. Many people fail this stage without practising. You should also take the right approach to practice by understanding what you are good at and what you are not. As there will be four different tests during the online assessment, you must practise each element to ensure success.

We recommend you start from the basic numerical practice tests, especially if you are not good with numbers. You can confidently solve more complex numerical reasoning questions by learning the basics. You will not only apply for Grant Thornton. You will have to sit many numerical assessments before getting a job offer. So, it is important to practise more and be comfortable with these types of questions.

In terms of situational judgment tests , we have developed real assessment-like questions that help you understand yourself as well as corporate cultures more. We provide a detailed explanation to each question so that when you do them again, you will know what you are asked for and provide the correct answer. You can practise our situational judgement tests to be prepared for Grant Thornton’s assessment.

The same applies to  reasoning tests . Only by practising can you master online assessments and secure more job interviews.

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Grant Thornton Partners with Exabeam to Meet the Needs of the Russell 2000

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The Challenge

As an international collection of independent audit, tax, and advisory firms, Grant Thornton must meet the challenge of working with customers at different points in their cybersecurity journey. Some customers might be in the process of handling an ongoing incident or breach without sufficient infrastructure, while others are trying to understand what steps to take to make sure their organization isn’t the subject of tomorrow’s front-page headlines. Because Grant Thornton focuses on the Russell 2000—the high end of the middle market—their customers demand an affordable solution that isn’t going to take years to be designed and deployed.

The Results

Grant Thornton decided to partner with Exabeam because they need a solution that is reasonably priced, can be deployed quickly, and sustain their predicted growth without constant cost increases. They typically complete an Exabeam system integration within just one day, and then start seeing meaningful results within a few weeks as baseline behaviors are established through user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA). Grant Thornton typically recommends that their customers deploy the full Exabeam suite of products, but they primarily focus on the Exabeam Data Lake and Exabeam Advanced Analytics.

Designed for Effective Use by Users at All Levels

Grant Thornton wants their customers to immediately recognize the value of their implementation, and the integrated Exabeam user interface—in particular, the Session Timelines—conveys that value in an easy-to-understand manner. Even non-technical users can understand the way each event appears alongside its time and location, with all critical data in one place to enable an instant response.

Helping the SOC Achieve its Charter

One of many aspects of the Exabeam solution is the Data Lake. Creating a central repository that contains all of the data that the tool needs means that analysts don’t have to waste their time looking for issues across multiple tools. And the tight integration with Advanced Analytics means that the answers to security issues are surfaced automatically, without the need for highly-skilled analysts doing deep, time-consuming manual investigations.

Website: https://www.grantthornton.com/

Exabeam is very open to comments from the clients, recommendations from us as partners, and they're very open to actually integrating those requests into the products. They have rolled those recommendations in within weeks, which is an amazingly fast pace for a company that is very methodical about releases…

Don Sheehan

Director, Cyber Defense Solutions

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Grant Thornton with The Crown Estate

Grant Thornton with The Crown Estate

Commercial Impact

MCA Awards Finalist 2024

This project was a significant departure from previous tender rounds due to the new Net Zero context for UK Energy Policy. The Crown Estate, which manages the UK seabed and a substantial portion of the coastline, required a trusted external consultant to navigate this new landscape. Grant Thornton’s involvement was crucial in updating the objectives for Round 5 of the tender, which aimed to foster the development of the floating wind sector while generating social, economic, and environmental value, all the while maintaining a balance with the needs of the environment, other sea users, and communities.

Throughout 2023, the level of support provided by Grant Thornton to The Crown Estate increased substantially. Grant Thornton offered secondees for key roles such as the Project Director and the PMO team, as well as continuing to deliver Commercial and Financial Advisory support. They also provided specialist support focused on Social Value delivery and introduced an innovative ascending clock auction methodology for price formulation. This new approach replaced the sealed bid structure and was designed to deliver value for money while preserving competitive tension. Additionally, at the request of Crown Estate Management, Grant Thornton took on the document management and control role, developing all the documentation for the tender program and coordinating with The Crown Estate personnel and other advisors who provided technical, legal, and maritime advice.

The skills and experience of the consultants were integral to the project’s success. The Crown Estate is a unique entity, operating independently between the public and private sectors and acting in the national interest. Their need for support in delivering the tender round was met by Grant Thornton’s ability to apply their knowledge of similar tender processes to this new context. The ambition is to support up to 4.5 GW of new floating offshore wind capacity through this tender program.

Grant Thornton’s team was able to leverage their expertise to meet The Crown Estate’s updated objectives, which were centred around innovation, environmental stewardship, and community integration. Grant Thronton provided critical support through strategic roles, including a Project Director and PMO team, to guide The Crown Estate through this transformative project amidst internal changes. The roles quickly became essential to the senior management, and at the Crown’s request, this support was extended to include an additional director role.

In conclusion, the collaboration between Grant Thornton and The Crown Estate for the Round 5 tender has been enhanced throughout 2023 as a result of the collaborative relationship which has been developed between the two teams.

View the Grant Thornton UK LLP profile in the MCA Members Directory.

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Grant Thornton Interview Questions: 25 Essential Questions and Answers to Ace Your Interview

Are you getting ready for an interview at Grant Thornton? To get a job at this prestigious professional services firm, you need to have both strong technical skills and the ability to clearly explain your experiences and qualifications. Here is a complete list of 25 common Grant Thornton interview questions, along with professionally written answers that will help you ace your interview and impress the hiring manager.

Before we dive into the questions let’s take a closer look at the Grant Thornton interview process

The Grant Thornton Hiring Process

The hiring process at Grant Thornton typically involves multiple interview rounds. You can expect to go through an initial screening with an HR representative followed by technical and behavioral interviews with managers and partners. Depending on the role you’re applying for you may also be asked to complete online assessments, case studies, or presentations.

What to Expect During the Interview

Grant Thornton interviewers are generally friendly and professional. They focus on assessing your fit with the company culture and values, as well as your technical skills and problem-solving abilities. The interview process can be lengthy but candidates report a positive experience overall.

Top 25 Grant Thornton Interview Questions and Answers:

1. Can you provide an example of how you’ve previously identified and addressed a risk or control issue during an audit?

“In my previous role at [Company Name], I was tasked with auditing a manufacturing company’s inventory valuation process. During my analysis, I identified a potential risk related to the company’s use of an outdated method for determining the cost of raw materials. This method could have led to significant misstatements in their financial reports.

To solve this problem, I told the senior auditor what I had found and suggested that they change the way they figure out how much inventory costs so that it matches the prices on the market right now. Then, we worked with the client’s accounting team to set up the new system and taught them how to keep it running. This not only lowered the chance of a material misstatement, but it also made the company’s financial reporting more accurate overall.

This experience shows that I can spot and deal with possible risks before they happen, protecting the integrity and accuracy of financial data. “.

2. How do you stay up-to-date on the latest accounting standards and regulations, such as GAAP and IFRS?

“Staying current with evolving professional standards like GAAP and IFRS is crucial for ensuring the accuracy and compliance of financial reports. I make it a priority to stay informed by subscribing to newsletters from authoritative bodies like FASB, IFRS Foundation, and AICPA. These provide regular updates on any changes or new implementations in GAAP and IFRS.

Additionally, I attend industry webinars and continuing professional education (CPE) courses that focus on these areas. These events allow for deep dives into specific topics and provide valuable insights from experts in the field. I also actively participate in local chapters of professional organizations such as the Institute of Management Accountants. The networking events and seminars organized by them often include discussions on recent developments in the field.

Finally, I find academic journals and financial news outlets to be invaluable resources. They offer insights into how new regulations are being applied in practice and the impacts they have on businesses. By staying up-to-date on the latest accounting standards and regulations, I ensure that my work adheres to the highest ethical and professional standards.”

3. Explain your approach to testing account balances and transactions for accuracy and completeness.

“My approach to testing account balances and transactions for accuracy and completeness involves a combination of analytical procedures, substantive testing, and internal control evaluations. I start by examining the reconciliation statements to identify any discrepancies between the general ledger and subsidiary accounts. Then, I conduct vouching and tracing exercises to verify that transactions recorded in the books are supported by appropriate documentation and have been posted to correct accounts.

Moreover, I use ratio analysis and trend analysis to detect unusual fluctuations or inconsistencies in account balances over time. This can often highlight areas where errors may have occurred. Finally, understanding the company’s internal controls around financial reporting is crucial. By assessing the effectiveness of these controls, one can gauge the likelihood of misstatements due to fraud or error. If weaknesses are identified, more intensive substantive tests might be necessary.

These measures collectively ensure both the accuracy and completeness of account balances and transactions, providing a solid foundation for reliable financial reporting.”

4. Describe a time when you had to resolve a complex tax issue for a client. What was the outcome?

“In one instance, I was working with a client who had significant investments in both the US and overseas. The complexity arose from the fact that some of these foreign investments were not initially reported correctly on their U.S. tax returns, leading to potential penalties for non-compliance with Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) regulations.

To resolve this issue, I first conducted an extensive review of the client’s financial records to identify all unreported foreign assets. Once we had a comprehensive understanding of the situation, I worked closely with our international tax specialists to determine the best approach for correcting past filings while minimizing potential penalties. We ultimately decided to use the IRS’s Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures, which allowed us to correct previous years’ tax returns and report the unreported foreign assets without facing severe penalties.

The outcome was highly favorable; not only did we manage to avoid hefty fines, but we also established robust procedures for future compliance. This case underscored the importance of cross-functional collaboration within tax teams and deep knowledge of both domestic and international tax laws.”

5. Can you explain the process of preparing and reviewing financial statements, including related disclosures?

“The process of preparing and reviewing financial statements involves a meticulous approach to ensure accuracy and compliance with relevant accounting standards. I begin by gathering necessary information, including financial records, supporting documentation, and management’s assumptions. Then, I draft the initial statements, including the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement, adhering to GAAP or IFRS principles.

After drafting, I conduct a thorough review for accuracy and completeness. This includes checking calculations, ensuring proper classification of assets and liabilities, and verifying that all necessary disclosures have been made according to the applicable standards. For example, if a company has entered into any related-party transactions during the period, these must be disclosed in the footnotes of the financial statements.

Once the review is complete, the financial statements are finalized and presented to management for approval. After approval, they’re ready to be published in the annual report or shared with investors, creditors, or other stakeholders. It’s crucial that these statements accurately reflect the company’s financial position and performance, as they play a significant role in decision-making processes both within and outside the organization.”

6. How have you effectively managed multiple projects or engagements simultaneously while meeting deadlines?

“Juggling multiple projects simultaneously is a common challenge in the fast-paced professional services environment. I excel at managing multiple projects effectively by prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance, using project management tools to track progress and adjust plans as needed, and communicating regularly with stakeholders to keep everyone informed.

For instance, I once led a team tasked with two major assignments that had nearly the same deadline. To ensure successful completion of both tasks, I developed a comprehensive project plan for each assignment detailing milestones, responsibilities, and timelines. This provided a clear roadmap for what needed to be accomplished and when.

Next, I prioritized tasks based on their urgency and importance, ensuring that critical activities were addressed promptly. I also employed project management tools to track progress and adjust plans as necessary. Communication was another key aspect. Regular updates and feedback sessions were held to keep everyone informed about where we stood and what needed to be done next. Through this approach, we managed to complete both projects within the stipulated time while maintaining high-quality standards.”

7. What steps would you take to ensure compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley requirements during an audit?

“Understanding and adhering to Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) requirements is a cornerstone of conducting effective and compliant audits. To ensure compliance, I would first establish a comprehensive understanding of the company’s internal controls over financial reporting. This includes evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of these controls to identify any potential weaknesses or deficiencies that could impact the accuracy and reliability of the financial statements.

Additionally, I would focus on areas such as management’s assessment process, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication systems, and monitoring activities. It is also crucial to document all processes and findings thoroughly for transparency and future reference. In case of identified deficiencies, immediate corrective actions should be recommended and implemented. Finally, continuous training and education about SOX requirements should be provided to employees involved in financial reporting to maintain awareness and adherence to regulations.”

8. Describe your experience working with various tax forms, schedules, and supporting documentation.

“Throughout my career, I’ve gained extensive experience working with a variety of tax forms, schedules, and supporting documentation. I have regularly worked with Form 1040 for individual income tax returns, Schedule C for profit or loss from business, and Schedule E for supplemental income and loss. Additionally, I’ve dealt with supporting documentation such as W-2s, 1099s, and receipts for deductions.

One particular example that stands out is when I was handling the tax return of a client with multiple sources of income, including rental properties and freelance work. This required careful use of Schedule E and C respectively, along with meticulous organization of supporting documents to ensure accuracy. It was a complex task, but by leveraging my understanding of tax laws and regulations, I was able to complete it efficiently and accurately.

Moreover, I am well versed in using

Grant Thornton Interview Questions

Based on the Interview Insights at this company, the Interview Experience is a score between 1 star (very bad) and 5 stars (very good).

The number in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the mean of all these scores. If you move your mouse over the different parts of the doughnut, you’ll see exactly how each score was calculated.

The title percentile score is based on an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates that is applied to the whole Company Database. This is done to account for companies that don’t have many interview insights. The confidence in a “true score” rises as more reviews are given about a business. This causes the score to move closer to its simple average and away from the average of the whole dataset. 4. 5.

Based on the Interview Insights at this company, the Interview Difficulty is a score that goes from “very difficult” (red) to “very easy” (green).

The number in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the mean of all these scores. The higher the number, the more difficult the interviews on average. This doughnut has different parts that, when you move your mouse over them, show you the 20% breakdown of each score given.

The title percentile score is based on an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates that is applied to the whole Company Database. This is done to account for companies that don’t have many interview insights. That is, as a business learns more, it becomes more sure of a “true score,” which moves it closer to its own simple average and away from the overall average of the data set. 2. 3.

Based on reviews at this company, the 20% of interns getting full-time offers chart is meant to give you a good idea of how the company hires people.

The number in the middle of the doughnut pie chart is the mean of all these scores. This doughnut has different parts that, when you move your mouse over them, show you the 20% breakdown of each score given.

It uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates to account for companies that don’t have many reviews, which is how the percentile score in the title is found. To put it simply, when a business gets more reviews, the “true score” becomes more likely to be accurate. This makes it move closer to the simple company average and away from the average of all the data points. 68%.


Is it hard to get hired at Grant Thornton?

Why do you want to work at Grant Thornton?

What questions are asked at Grant Thornton HR round?

What is the interview process like at Grant Thornton?

I interviewed at Grant Thornton Written test screening, technical, managerial and HR rounds. All the rounds has medium difficulty and can clear the interview. In the technical they mostly touch on the projects worked on and details about it. 40 min länge ca. Teams gespräch mit 2 mitarbeitern aus dem direkten team, kein HR gespräch.

What is the hiring process at Grant Thornton?

The hiring process at Grant Thornton typically consists of multiple interview rounds, starting with an HR interview followed by technical and behavioral interviews with managers and partners. The process may also include online assessments, case studies, and presentations.

How many interview questions does Grant Thornton have?

Glassdoor has millions of jobs plus salary information, company reviews, and interview questions from people on the inside making it easy to find a job that’s right for you. Grant Thornton interview details: 1,696 interview questions and 1,576 interview reviews posted anonymously by Grant Thornton interview candidates.

How long did it take to get a job at Grant Thornton?

The process took 3 weeks. I interviewed at Grant Thornton (Washington, DC) in May 2022 Behavioral interview assessing my relevant coursework and skill set that I’d bring to the position. Interview was with two team members, 30 min session each. HR conducted initial screening call. Tell me about yourself, your experiences, and your qualifications.

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