My South Austin Gym Blog

What's new in fitness, gym etiquette: why is it so important.

gym things // Andy // August 15, 2017 // no comments

Do You Have Proper Gym Etiquette?

Gym etiquette seems a lost art at times. Some people tend to think solely of themselves and disregard how they are impacting others with their actions. Thankfully, at my gym that almost never happens. People are people, however, and we should all be a little patient with each other and realize that any one of us could have been distracted and forgotten to put away a barbell, for example.

Gym etiquette is very important as it allows others to get their workouts in while you do yours, and everybody can move about in harmony. It also means that everybody puts away whatever piece of equipment they were using, and wiped off any sweat they may have left on the seating area, or handles. That’s simple manners and it’s what we teach our kids, to varying degrees of success, and it’s known as cleaning up after yourself.

Another important aspect of gym etiquette which pertains further to the harmonious aspect of a bunch of folks using a gym simultaneously, is the allowing of others to work in with you while you are using a piece of equipment. For example, if you are doing sets on the leg press, and someone who is going to be using a similar weight to you, asks to work in, you should do so. It is, however, very reasonable to let them know that it may be more appropriate and easier for everyone if they let you finish up in a few minutes if you are using 8 – 45 lb plates per side, and they will be using 1, for example. If, on the other hand, it is simply a matter of re positioning the pin in the weight stack, that is an entirely different scenario, and there is no good reason why 2 people can’t share that apparatus.

Gym etiquette is always being mindful of your manners. That means that if someone is exercising in front of a mirror, in order to check their form, or because they’re vain, no matter, you don’t walk or stand between them and the mirror. You also don’t strike up unnecessary conversations with people while they’re working out. Especially if they have ear buds in and are thereby sending a clear signal to the world that they do not wish to be disturbed. Some people view the gym as a place to meet people, but not everybody sees it that way and they want to focus on the reason they’re at the gym in the first place. To workout!

Proper gym etiquette simply boils down to being considerate of others. Don’t sit on equipment and play with your phone while others want to exercise on it. Don’t leave a streak of sweat on the bench press for the next person to lay on. It’s really just common sense, and common courtesy. In my gym, Austin Fitness Center, the rules are enforced strictly, thus allowing everybody to get their workout’s in without having one inconsiderate person stand in the way. Not all of the Austin gyms are run that way. Take this into consideration when you check out a gym that you may be interested in joining. Have a look around and see how clean it is. What are people doing between sets? Are they ignoring their messes and talking on their phones? They’re not doing either at my gym.

Gym Etiquette: Why Is It So Important?

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What Does Proper Gym Etiquette Consist Of?

What does proper gym etiquette consist of? Don't be the hazardous disrespectful gym rat that annoys so many. Here's a list of simple common-sense rules for gym etiquette and the most annoying things many still do.

The Question:

Don't be the hazardous disrespectful gym rat that annoys so many. Follow simple, common courtesy rules for proper gym etiquette.

What does proper gym etiquette consist of?

What is the most annoying thing that people do in the gym?

What is the craziest thing you have seen in a gym that would go against normal common sense gym etiquette?

Show off your knowledge to the world!

The Winners:

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Proper gym etiquette consists of stated or unspoken rules. These rules are matters of common sense and respect of others.


Show up expecting to lift. Don't eat pizza/drink coffee at the gym. If you aren't dedicated to improving yourself, go home. Others are serious about their training and those who just want to be able to say that 'they go to the gym' are just in the way.

It's a gym, not Starbucks!

  • Skip the make-up and designer "workout clothing."
  • You should be able to move around without exposing yourself.
  • Watch your language.
  • Be positive and constructive instead of negative.
  • Lend a hand if someone needs help.

This is just a matter of common sense.

Cleaning up is two-fold. Rack the weights AND wipe off equipment. If you're 'strong enough' to load the bar, you're 'strong enough' to unload it. The next person may not be able to use the equipment if he/she cannot lift the weight. Others can also get hurt trying to re-rack the weights. Leaving plates around isn't impressive - it's an example of shear laziness and disrespect towards others.

Wiping the equipment off is a sanitary matter. Nobody wants to lay on a bench coated in the sweat from who knows what kind of slob. It takes very little time to clean up and can be part of a cool down to any routine.

Most gyms have mirrors so that people can gage/correct their form, but many people use these mirrors to look at themselves, put on make up, or watch others. You should not need to spend more than 15 minutes getting ready for the gym. You aren't dressing to impress, you're dressing casual to work up a sweat and improve yourself.

Very few people appreciate being watched by others while they train. Bare in mind that everybody starts somewhere and should not be mocked due to using a lighter weight.

Greet others when they're resting, not while they're lifting. Full conversations can wait until after the workout.

Don't take forever in the shower/changing area. In addition, there is no need to wander around naked. This can be VERY unpleasant for others.

Let others jump in if the gym is crowded. Figure out a way to rotate through the equipment.

Sharing the equipment isn't limited to the free weights and machines including the fountain.

Not only is it intrusive and annoying, not allowing others to have adequate room can be harmful. Out of common decency and for safety, plain and simple, don't get in the way.

If you're going heavy, have someone there in case anything happens to go wrong. If you see someone who looks as if they are unsure about their next set, offer to spot. Once again, this is a matter of safety.

Either turn it off or put it away. Making calls not only impairs a workout, it distracts others from their training. Nobody is so important that they must on the phone for the 30-60 minutes in the gym.

By far, the most annoying thing that people do in the gym would have to be failing to clean up after them selves. Countless times I have come into the gym to find a bar loaded or a machine coated in sweat.

Not only does this take time away from my workout, it is just an unnecessary hassle. I wouldn't go to someone's house and throw their stuff everywhere and then leave and I wouldn't want anyone to do that to my place either. It comes down to respecting others.

Don't fool around. A lot of unnecessary damage (to both equipment and imbecile) is caused by plain old goofing off. I've seen guys making each other laugh on heavy sets of Dumbbell bench presses where an 85 lb dumbbell crashed down on a guys face... I've watched the gym equipment get broken by those trying to make up their own exercises... If it doesn't seem like a good idea, DON'T DO IT!

Gym etiquette is none other than respect. That's right, respect. Respect for the equipment, others, and yourself in the gym. Everybody's there for the same reason, and nobody wants to be distracted or held up. Do yourself and others a favor and follow these simple, easy, and for the most part down-right obvious rules.

Proper gym etiquette consists of a variety of things. I have listed in detail below nearly everything you need to know about gym etiquette.

People are at the gym for one reason: to perfect their bodies'. The last thing they need is some buffoon chatting with his/her friends about how fun last weekend's party was while hogging up an entire machine for a half hour. Not only that, it's just plain distracting.

People are there for their own personal gain and usually have no interest striking up a conversation with you unless it's relative to training. Even then, keep it to a minimal. You should be there to train. The last time I checked all that iron was at the gym for a reason... so use it. You want socialization? Fine. But keep it out of the gym.

Oh Yeah, did I mention to be clean? I can't stress this one enough. People sweat. Alright, that's fine, it's our natural way of cooling down after all. What's not alright, however, is sweating all over the machine, not cleaning up, and transmitting some terrible disease to a guy who is serious about the iron.

When you don't clean up your equipment after you're finished with your sets, you're risking spreading an infectious disease to numerous people. This is extremely stupid, unwise, and lazy. Don't tell me you can't lift a towel you're so tired! If that's the case, then you have bigger problems in your life than an unaesthetic body.

Come on, when you're through with a piece of equipment, just wipe it down and clean up. Also, make sure you take before and after showers and wash your hands frequently. And I don't doubt that people will find your workout stench disgusting. Use deodorant!!

This is just basic common sense.

People need their space. That's just human nature. In the gym, however, it's more than human nature, it's a matter of preventing injury , proper form, and pissing people off. Some gyms are near empty. Others are so crowded you can barely walk. But guess what? You can always find room to bust out your set of squats without intruding into someone else's space.

If you or somebody else is too close to another, you/they risk injury (other's weights hitting them, or vice-versa), not executing proper form to avoid hurting someone else, and pissing someone else off because they are now not getting as much out of their workout as possible, and because they are probably feeling a bit uncomfortable.

If they did, they'd bring their own music and listen to it. Most likely they have different styles that get them psyched to tear up the weights, and yours will only degrade their performance.

So again, if you have music, bring headphones and keep the music at a level which you can hear great and motivates you, but at the same time is completely unheard by your fellow gym-mates.

This is something else that's dangerous and stupid not to do. Somebody could trip and badly hurt themselves on a dumbbell. It also shows severe signs of pure laziness.

Others may not be able to find the specific amount of weights they need if you don't put them back, and so then guess what? You've successfully wasted half of their workout time making them search all around for their desired weights. Congratulations on being very disrespectful.

Remember, the reason everybody's there is to train, and anything you do that prevents them from doing this to their full potential goes against every point of gym etiquette. So put the weights back when you're done... please.

If someone offers up valuable advice, then accept it. They're trying to help you, and more times than not they know what they're talking about or they wouldn't bother.

At the same time, you be a teacher too. If you see a fellow member without proper form, correct him. Just make sure you're doing it because you want to help, not because you want to enlarge your ego and bask in the satisfaction of knowing that you're better than somebody else. You're not, you just happen to have a valuable piece of information that deserves to be shared with others.

If you don't do these two things, then you are once again going against every point of gym etiquette because you are preventing yourself and others from reaching their full potential.

Don't slap on 750 pounds and attempt to do a bench press with it to try and show off. There are so many things wrong with that.

What's Wrong With Showing Off:

  • You more than likely have poor technique when using this amount of weight.
  • You probably can't do one with this amount of weight even with horrible technique, so don't bother and embarrass yourself.
  • This is unsafe for yourself and others, as without a spot (heck, even with a spot) you are risking it coming down and completely crushing your body. You are also risking it hitting someone else and badly injuring them.
  • It's just a waste of time and contributes to hogging of the equipment.
  • You are disrespecting the equipment and others as somebody might actually need those weights for their bench press.
  • Nobody likes a show off.

If I could pick out six reasons not to do something like that, and it was only one scenario, then I don't think you should be doing it. Remember to use a reasonable and controllable amount of weight.

The most annoying thing that people do in the gym is by far and away hog a piece of equipment. This is done in a variety of ways, from conversing in between sets, to trying to perform their whole workout on one piece. Others pay just as much as you do for access to the gym, don't waste it for them by being a hog. Share so that all can benefit from the wonders of an intense workout.

The craziest thing that I have seen in a gym that would go against normal common-sense gym etiquette was that once a rather large person was performing squats (excellent squats I might add).

Anyway, a smaller dude, whom must have not seen the other guy performing squats or was just plain dumb, walked up near him and started busting out barbell curls.

What happened next was also one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

The squats came down and the barbell hit the smaller guy in the head, and he basically thrust his barbell away and it hit the other guy on the toe. They both grunted in pain and had to shake off the pain. The smaller guy really seemed to have taken a heavy blow, as he looked out of it. Anyway, that just goes to show you once again how important personal space is at a gym.

The gym, for many, is a sanctuary. It is a place where those dedicated to the pursuit of a healthier self go to for some stability in this unstable world. So it is no wonder that when there are people that come in to this revered sanctuary and disrupt its stability with their disregard to proper gym etiquette that the rest of us get so perturbed - h#ll, sometimes they just downright piss us off.

The gym is a place to exercise. The bench press isn't your office's water cooler, so don't sit there with your friends and talk about Friday's kegger or about how the Chargers deserved to lose regardless of Ed Hochuli's bad call, while every 10 minutes doing a set of bench presses .

Men sweat. Men working out sweat harder. After you finish your sets, wipe down the equipment.

"Hey! Mind giving me a spot?" "Hey! Yea I Do." The rest of the people at the gym aren't your training partner. If you didn't come prepared with a training partner, well then too bad. There are plenty of ways to tax your muscle fibers other than forced reps. Why should the guy, whose workout YOU'RE interrupting, feel bad about not giving you a spot?

Try and keep a respectable distance between you and that guy busting out some Arnold presses . It can be tough sometimes, especially on Monday's after-work-rush, but people always appreciate the effort and consideration.

Found a bench? Good for you. Sit down, do your sets, wipe it down, and move on. That applies to any piece of equipment.

Sharing is caring. If someone asks to work in between your sets, let them. This type of mutual consideration is an amicable bond between "brothers of iron."

Instead, ask to work in, or do another exercise (T-Bar taken? Why not try bent-over barbell rows?). It is very distracting to feel someone over your shoulder waiting for the machine and is a particular pet peeve of mine.

Put the weights back where you got them from. You just pumped out 5 sets of heavy-@ss deadlifts. You're telling me you can't put back those plates back on the rack?

When a guy is doing EZ-bar curls in front of the mirror it is usually to watch his form and for a little motivational boost as he attains that oh-so-good pump. Don't stand in between him and the mirror. If you need to get that pair of 35s in between him and the mirror try and be quick about it.

There are probably more than these 9 that I have listed, but these are the ones that stick out most in my mind. Any other facet of proper gym etiquette can be easily figured out by common courtesy.

The most annoying thing that a person can do in a gym is treat it as anything other than a gym. Like I noted before, to me, and I'm sure many would agree, seeing guys at the bench press for an hour-and-a-half talking while casually doing a set here and there is probably the most common annoyance at any gym.

The most unbelievable, beyond what words can describe, ridiculous instance of human de-evolution that I have seen in the gym once again centers around the bench press.

Very much like the situation I just mentioned above—three guys were on the bench press, talking about god-knows-what while intermittently doing sets. What was particularly asinine about this was the fact that the three of them were eating burgers and fries from Carl's Jr! Just by recalling that experience, I've caught myself in the same state of awe as I was in that day.

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Gym Etiquette 101: The Do's And Don'ts Of The Gym

gym etiquette essay

Written by Kyle Hunt | BEXSci.

Fact checked by Tyler DiGiovanni, BSBM

Published On: January 04, 2024

Starting a fitness journey can be exciting and daunting, especially when stepping into the gym for the first time. The image of smelly meatheads grunting and dropping weights is not too inviting. That's true even if you are one. Fortunately, gyms have a set of unwritten rules that most members adhere to. We call this gym etiquette.

In this guide, we'll explore the nine fundamental rules of gym etiquette, from wiping down equipment to sharing spaces gracefully. Keep in mind that this is not just for beginners. Many gym veterans could benefit from brushing up on a few of these. Without further ado, let's dive in.

The 9 Gym Etiquette Rules

  • Put equipment away when you are done
  • Wipe down gym equipment
  • Step away from the dumbbell rack
  • Respect personal space
  • Don't give unsolicited advice
  • Share equipment
  • Be mindful of filming setups
  • Respect people's time

9 Gym Etiquette Rules

Follow these rules, and your fellow gym goers will appreciate it.

etiquette gym

1. Put Equipment Away When You Are Done

When I was a kid, my mom had a rule to only play with one toy at a time. If I wanted to play with something new, I had to take care of what I already got out. Of course, I didn't love this setup as a kid, but I recognize the utility as an adult with three kids myself. 

Gyms are like big toy rooms. Clean up after yourself . When you use a piece of equipment, put it back before grabbing something else. We will talk about how to handle superset later on, but for the most part, limit yourself to one piece of equipment at a time . 

Before we move on, we need to talk about unloading weight plates. As someone who has worked in the fitness industry for fifteen years, I find this the most frequently broken rule . When you use weight plates (45s, 25s, 10s, 5s, 2.5s) for bench presses, squats, deadlifts, leg presses, and other machines, put them back on the weight tree you got them from . No one should have to unload your weight to use the equipment. Also, don't leave plates lying all over the gym floor. That's not where they go.

One of the most clever weight room signs I've seen reads something like this,  "If you are too weak to re-rack your weights, please ask one of the front desk girls to assist you."  It works because guys are typically the biggest offenders. Don't be lazy and re-rack your weights. Other gym goers will appreciate it.

gym sauna etiquette

2. Wipe Down Gym Equipment

I have to admit. Pre 2020 and COVID, I could have done better at this one. Before you judge, I trained in a lot of old-school warehouse-style gyms. Cleanliness and sanitation are not the first, second, or third priority at these places. I am talking about the types of gyms where you question if you need a penicillin shot on your way out just to be safe.

One of the things that you will notice throughout this article is that gym culture is specific to each type of gym. Some gyms are cleaner than others. Still, it's not an excuse. Wipe things down after you use them . It's common courtesy. Plus, if nothing else, we are much more aware of germs after the past few years. These days, even grungy gyms make it convenient with wipes or cleaning stations throughout the gym. Use them.

sauna etiquette gym

3. Step Away From the Dumbbell Rack

Proximity to amenities, schools, transportation, and employment opportunities greatly influences real estate value. It's why the saying "location, location, location" is repeated so often. Well, in the gym, some of the most valuable real estate is in front of the dumbbell rack . 

The rack has two things every gymgoer wants: weights and access to a mirror . By standing right in front of the dumbbells, you prevent everyone else from being able to access the weights and block their view of the mirror. Luckily, this is an easy fix. Take a few steps back when you grab your dumbbells . It's a bit extra work, but everyone will appreciate it.

gym eitquette rules

4. Respect Personal Space

There are two main types of gyms. One gym style follows an open concept. Think of functional facilities with ample room and open space. These gyms typically have turf, high ceilings, and minimal equipment. On the other hand, you have gyms with as much equipment as the square footage allows. These gyms are more common. Both have their advantages. 

However, when training in the second type of gym, you must pay extra attention to personal space . Be aware of your surroundings. Try not to get too close to others. Keeping your distance is both for respect and safety . No one wants you right up in their business, but you also don't want to get hit with a weight accidentally. When performing an exercise, you should be far enough away to never be in danger of hitting someone or getting hit yourself.

gym locker room etiquette

5. Don't Give Unsolicited Advice

Even with the best intentions, nobody wants someone they don't know to come up to them and tell them what they're doing wrong . Plus, there are many "correct" ways to do things. It's hard to tell if someone's actions are wrong without knowing their goals. 

Of course, if you see someone who is in imminent danger of injuring themselves, it's a different story. Use your best judgment .

proper gym etiquette

6. Share Equipment

Equipment is currency in crowded gyms. It's especially true for limited-supply things like squat racks, bench presses, and deadlift platforms. If you're using a piece of equipment someone is waiting to use, don't waste time talking or getting the perfect selfie . Buckle down and finish your sets, or offer to let them work with you . 

On the other end of the deal, be flexible about your routine if the gym is crowded. If a piece of equipment you need is in use, do something else first and return to it later. It's okay to ask how many sets a person has left , but don't stand 2 inches away waiting for them to finish up.

So, what about supersets ? Supersets are when you perform two exercises back to back. An example is a dumbbell bench press and a seated cable row. In terms of muscle building, they can be highly effective. The trouble is, you need to tie up two pieces of fitness equipment to do them. If the gym is relatively empty, go for it. Or, if you can set it up to use less equipment, say a cable row super and pushups, that can work. However, during busy gym times, limit supersets .

gym etiquette reddit

7. Be Clean

It should go without saying, but you don't want to be known as the smelly person at the gym. The goal is to be a little sweaty and stinky when you leave, not when you walk in the door.

Wash your gym clothes and wear deodorant . But not too much deodorant. I don't know what's worse, smelling bad or trying to cover it up with a can of Axe Body Spray.

gym shower etiquette

8. Be Mindful of Filming Setups

I started working out at an Upstate New York YMCA when I was thirteen years old. I had a cell phone but kept it in the locker room. It wasn't a smartphone, so all it was good for was texting, calling, or taking a picture. And I'm being liberal with calling it a "picture." My point is that filming your workouts with a phone was well beyond the scope of reality. And even if you did record a set of bench presses, what would you do with it? Make a home VHS tape? Sorry, I'm old.

Fast forward a few years, and I stumbled upon a website called YouTube. I hear it's still around. The year was 2010, and I was already writing fitness articles. With an entrepreneurial mindset, I saw YouTube as a way to send traffic to my blog. With that in mind, I grabbed a flip camera and went to the gym. For many, this was the first time they saw anyone bring a camera to the gym. People didn't like it. I even got kicked out of a few gyms.

Fast forward to today, and everyone is recording their workouts. It's awesome. Few things have had a more significant impact on fitness than social media. I'm all for it. However, it's important to be mindful of your filming setups . Remember, getting the perfect angle for TikTok is not so critical that you can negatively impact the people around you. Stay out of people's way, and keep the camera on you .

gym etiquete 101

9. Respect People's Time 

Most of us live busy lives and are on a tight schedule at the gym. Nothing is worse than having a 45-minute spot to work out and the guy by the squat rack trying to talk your head off. It's alright to be social, but respect people's time . 

Here is a tip: headphones are the universal "do not disturb" sign . When someone has headphones in, they probably don't want to be bothered. If someone wants to talk to you, you will know. 

You may be wondering about asking for a spot. Yes, asking someone for a spot is generally okay . But only ask someone to spot you for one or two sets. You may need a training partner if you require help for multiple sets of an exercise. 

Here are a few more questions and answers on proper gym etiquette.

What is an example of poor gym etiquette?

Breaking any gym rules in the article exemplifies poor gym etiquette. However, the two most common are not putting your weights away and being stinky. 

What is the first rule of the gym?

The first rule of the gym is to put equipment away after you use it. 

What is the gym code of conduct?

Every gym will have a unique code of conduct. For example, some gyms allow you to drop weights, and some do not. That said, most gyms abide by a similar set of rules. 

Is it rude to ask to work in at the gym?

Asking someone to work with them at the gym is perfectly acceptable. However, make sure it's a good fit for both you and the other person. For example, ensure you are about the same strength and size so it's easy to change weights and settings after each person goes. 

There you have it—the top nine gym etiquette rules to follow. It's not an exhaustive list of rules, but if you follow these nine, you will be in the top 1% of gym goers. I admit most of these are common sense. But sense isn't that common. If this reads more like something you learned in grade school, good. Gym etiquette is not much different than how you should act in kindergarten. Put away your things, give people space, and don't be the smelly one. All that's left is to put it to use. Good luck out there!

If you're just getting started at the gym and need some direction, check out our Beginner's guides on Bodybuilding , Strength , and Calisthenics .

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Gym Etiquette: 15 Things You Should (and Shouldn’t) Do

Don’t be “that guy” when it comes to training.

man workout in gym

By Ben Emminger

While there’s plenty of benefits to regularly hitting the gym — both physically and mentally — it’s not the most welcoming place, especially for newbies. Between the heavy plates , complicated machines and more, there’s a lot to digest. The last thing you want is to seem like a careless, insincere athlete as you get your bearings.

woman preparing gym bag for all day chorzow, poland

Gym etiquette is not difficult to master. In general, all you need to do is treat others with respect and be mindful of your surroundings. But things that may seem minor to you could be a bigger deal than you realize.

Below are a few key tips to help you act accordingly between sets, from how you carry yourself and your gear, to how you utilize equipment and more. So, whether just getting started with a normal gym routine or suddenly embarking on a self-awareness trip, keep these morals in-tote for your next training session; your workout partners will thank you.

fit young woman wiping down weight training equipment after a gym workout

Your Gear and Personal Space

Working out in a gym is definitely rooted in self-progress. After all, you’re lifting weights, running on a treadmill or practicing agility drills for your sake, not someone else. But that doesn’t mean you can dispense with being polite to your fellow gym-goers.

Keep your stuff organized.

Hitting the gym can require a lot of gear, depending on your discipline of choice. Some accessories like weightlifting gloves , knee sleeves and a lifting belt may be required for your specific workouts, not to mention a proper gym towel , water bottle and other must-haves. All these accessories can take up a good amount of space, but you shouldn’t treat the gym floor like the floor of your personal bedroom. Try and keep all your gear neatly stacked near the machine or bench you’re using, keeping traffic lanes open for other athletes to walk about the facility with ease.

A good way to ensure your gear storage is as compact as possible is by toting your gym bag with you from station to station. If you do decide to follow this tip, try and keep your tote at a reasonable size. Anything 35 liters and below can be a great starting point, but don’t expect to carry a 55L duffel or larger from bench to bench without causing some gridlock.

Don’t train in stinky attire.

Okay, so fitness and body funk go hand in hand. After all, those exercises and intense regimens are bound to have you working up a sweat and a half. Yet while you might want to wear those sweat stains as a badge of honor, that’s no excuse to victimize other gym-goers’s nostrils. Always try to keep your training attire as fresh as possible, whether through mixing up your wardrobe daily with new shorts and tops , or by allowing your gear to air out properly in-between training days.

Keeping your clothes smell-free will prevent you from making enemies, but also help you make friends. Think about it, would you want to discuss the proper squat form with someone whose smell made you want to make a break for the door? I didn’t think so. Keeping gym apparel fresh and clean is also just good for hygiene reasons. But you shouldn’t stop there.

Always wipe down your equipment.

When you complete an exercise in your routine, you’re bound to leave behind a puddle of your own perspiration. That pool is not something that should stay for long, as it’s both unhygienic and rude for other athletes wanting to use that piece of equipment.

Most training facilities offer cleansing wipes or cleaning spray to help disinfect equipment, so to keep order in your own gym, take advantage of these handouts and keep the gear as clean as possible . You don’t need to disinfect after every set, but wiping down the equipment before moving on to your next station is a must. Plus, this simple act can help preserve the longevity of equipment, as pooling sweat can deteriorate the leather and nylon often used across benches and other fitness equipment. Think of it as an investment in future workouts to come.

Try not to be too loud.

The gym can be a great environment for social interactions, but when talking with someone, whether on the phone or in-person, always try to be mindful of others around you. Odds are they’re far less interested in your discussion.

Same goes for your music. Don’t invade other’s ears with your go-to lifting mix by blaring your favorite music through your phone speakers. Get a pair of headphones or ear buds . It makes for more efficient, streamlined workouts for everyone.

Don’t take up the entire gym floor.

When you got to the gym, it’s not just for you — there are, in fact, other people using the space. Taking up the entire gym floor is rather frowned upon, especially by people trying to get in a proper lift while you’re cutting through their space performing agility drills.

Try and isolate yourself to an area that gives you enough room to successfully train while also staying clear of other patrons in the gym. This eliminates the chances of someone throwing off your rhythm, and vice versa. Many facilities can facilitate these training needs with an errant studio or stretching area that’s free of bulkier equipment or free weights.

heavy weight exercise

Weights, Machines and Racks

You wouldn’t rip apart or tarnish a book you rented from the library, right? So don’t trash the plates, dumbbells , machines and racks you’ll find in a gym. You’re renting the equipment for a given session, and how you care for said equipment can dictate your standing with the establishment itself, as well as how other gym-goers see you.

Treat the weights with respect.

Don’t just throw weight plates and dumbbells around, as this heavy handling can damage the materials, leading to potential malfunctions down the road as well as less accurate weight totals through material loss and chipping.

Treat your plates and dumbbells like your own personal property, as you’re likely to do less damage and mishandle items that you personally invested in. Don’t drop barbells on safety racks or dump heavy dumbbells post-set. Instead, rack them as carefully as you can. This can lead to more structured training and control, as well as eliminate any unnecessary, annoying sounds or clangs that can irritate fellow gym-goers.

Clean up after yourself.

Always. Re. Rack. Your. Weights.

Please! Put your weights back! It’s the least you can do.

Don’t hog equipment.

While an exercise might call for changing weight totals within a given timeframe, or you might want to work a super set into your regimen, try and be mindful of others. After all, you can only lift two dumbbells or accommodate one machine at once, so try not to take up things other people could be using.

If you must super set with additional weights or machines, try and keep your setup as convenient to others as possible. Look to combine exercises that are close by in terms of the gym’s layout, so you aren’t running from one end of the facility to the next for the sake of more intense training. If you’re looking to use multiple weight sets, reserve your sets to just two weight totals. This allows you to accomplish your super set while also freeing up the majority of the rack for other patrons to get their training in.

Be flexible in your routine.

Sometimes things don’t go to plan. A machine could have malfunctioned or broken since you last used it. Someone could be using the machine you want when you go to switch stations. All these potential mishaps require you to be flexible instead of just standing around idly for equipment to become available.

Allowing yourself to be flexible in the exercises you perform in a given day helps you hit your goals and helps other people hit theirs. Sure, it would be nice to use the machine you originally thought of, but the beauty of fitness is that there are a variety of other exercises that can target the same muscle groups, allowing for effective workouts for both parties.

Don’t work out in front of the weight rack.

This tip speaks more so to the dumbbell rack, as this weight storage unit is more than likely nestled near a wall mirror. Don’t be the individual that works directly off the rack itself, as not only does this clog up valuable mirror space — whether for vanity or other means — but this setup also makes it harder for other athletes to reach for their dumbbells when necessary.

It’s best practice to isolate your dumbbell workout to a bench or other area, and transport your chosen weights to that sector for more focused training. This can help other athletes in terms of access to other dumbbells while also clearly marking your chosen dumbbells for your set.

fitness, couple in gym

Your Fellow Gym-Goers

Naturally, proper gym etiquette also involves thinking about others as well as your own actions. Below are a handful of helpful ideas to keep in mind when traversing a typical training environment as they relate to other athletes trying to get a session in.

Give people enough space.

You need a certain amount of space for each exercise performed in a gym, both for effectiveness as well as comfort. While we’re certain you’d enjoy the proper breadth of area for your own workout, why not give your fellow athletes the same luxury? When opting to work out near someone, try to give them ample room to complete their given sets. A good rule of thumb, particularly around free weights, is around three feet of space. This can allow a wider range of motion for both you and your fellow athlete without compromising form or setups.

Don’t cross in front of the mirror.

Mirrors in gyms are used for multiple reasons. While some might take the vanity route and just enjoy staring at their muscular progress throughout a lift, others may use this reflective structure as a sense of motivation or coaching. As such, it can be quite the buzzkill to have someone walk in front of your line of sight, whether you’re monitoring your form in the middle of a dumbbell press or just admiring your biceps in the throws of a curl.

To work around this potential in-gym dilemma, try and forgo passing in front of someone’s field of view, especially when they’re performing a lift. While it might require some recalculations in terms of routes to your desired weights or machine, it can go a long way in maintaining the sanctity of the gym space. Plus, if you withhold crossing their paths, odds are they’re more likely to return the favor when you yourself post up in front of the mirror.

Don’t give unsolicited advice.

There’s plenty of room for advancement when it comes to perfecting certain lifts, but these journeys are often best left to the individual. While you might see an athlete going about a lift in a different manner than what you’ve learned or accomplished, that doesn’t give you the right to go about correcting their form or offering unwarranted advice. Think about it, would you want someone coming up to you unannounced and telling you that your form is incorrect?

While there’s nothing wrong with striking up a conversation with fellow gym goers from time to time, you need to be mindful that what works for you may not work for others. Only offer lifting and training advice when asked, or if you find yourself in a situation that lends itself to safer training practices.

This notion also applies to asking for or giving a spot to someone in the gym. When this level of interaction is reached, you or someone else is asking for an added dose of safety when it comes to a heavier exercise. This is not a free pass to offer specialized tips. Keep it simple, safe and efficient — that’s all that’s required here.

Editor’s Note: There’s also no shame in forgoing giving someone a spot if you’re not comfortable. At the end of the day, a spotter is there to ensure the athlete is kept safe given the chance of a failed lift. If you don’t think you can help control the weight, or think there’s someone better suited for the task, it’s okay to say no.

Be mindful of filming setups.

Whether using video for the sake of self-coaching or wanting to go viral on social media, the presence of filming in gyms is a matter all athletes need to be aware of in today’s day and age. While your gym may have different policies regarding filming on the training floor, it’s important to understand how to act around a camera or smartphone. Don’t stare at an athlete as they film their workouts, as this can create an awkward environment for both parties. Simply go about your workout, and if you are uncomfortable with them filming, speak to them politely and in a professional manner.

Additionally, like the mirror tip listed above, do not cross in front of an athlete’s film setup mid-lift. This not only throws off their entire setup and could potentially hinder their results, but it also shows your lack of decency when compared to other individuals. The gym is a space for individuals to motivate themselves and others around them. How motivating can you be if you’re constantly messing up shots of a lifter’s PR or progress?

Work out in the proper location.

Certain exercises require certain gear, and while free weights and other accessories make working out more versatile, that doesn’t mean that all exercises should be performed wherever you please. Your gym probably has a layout for a reason, meaning there’s more than likely a dedicated area for free weight exercises, bodyweight movements, agility drills and other disciplines. Cluttering up other environments with ill-planned modalities can make it harder for other athletes to work around you, causing gridlock that’s just not warranted in a typical training scenario.

Try and plan your workouts in a station-to-station mentality, i.e., perform certain lifts at certain times to make your use of certain equipment more efficient. Need a rack for multiple lifts? Consider scheduling them back-to-back in your routine. Have some post-workout stretches or bodyweight exercises in your mix? Make sure to secure an area that’s isolated away from the machines and free weights for these needs. Having a blueprint for where your exercises take place can go a long way in ensuring everyone in the gym is able to complete their desired training in as smooth a fashion as possible.

And please, never curl in the squat rack.

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7 Gym Etiquette Rules You Should Follow

7 Gym Etiquette Rules You Should Follow

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

Whether you’re a frequent gym-goer or you just started working out at your local community center , there are a few do’s and don’ts you’re probably aware of. For example, you likely know you should wipe down equipment when you’re done with it and avoid hogging a machine when you see someone waiting patiently. 

Using common sense and courtesy when working out in a public gym will give you (and everyone else) the best experience. But if you feel confused about what to do and what not to do, these seven gym etiquette rules should help!

1. Dress for success.

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

Wearing the wrong clothing to the gym can actually hurt you, or at least negatively impact your workout. Here are a few things you should leave at home, according to Women’s Health : 

  • 100% cotton clothes . Even though it may stink less than synthetic fabrics, cotton absorbs all of your sweat—which may lead to bacterial growth. Instead, try sweat-wicking materials like spandex and polyester.
  • Worn-out sneakers. As tennis shoes get older and lose tread, they provide less shock absorption and can impact the alignment of your feet, knees, and hips. If the designs on the bottom of your shoes are wearing off, it’s time for a new pair.
  • Rings . Wearing jewelry while you lift can cause an injury if you lose your grip on the weights, or the iron bar might scratch the metal or stone of your ring. Leave your jewelry in the locker room or at home, or try wearing a silicon ring to the gym.
  • Ill-fitting clothes . Too-tight gear can cause chafing, leg cramps, or even breathing difficulty. On the other hand, baggy clothes can get in the way while you’re running or lifting. Find a middle ground: workout clothes that fit and flatter you. 

And once you’ve found the best exercise outfits, make sure you’re wearing fresh gear to each workout. You don’t want moist, sweat-filled clothes to grow bacteria in your gym bag!

2. Get to class on time.

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

Group fitness classes are a great way to meet people at the gym or connect with the community you already have there. It’s good manners to arrive on time (and better manners if you can be there early!). 

We suggest skipping classes like restorative yoga if you think you’ll be late; you’ll probably disrupt the quiet atmosphere of the group if you come in 10 minutes after it starts. But if you’re late to a cardio class, you can quickly sneak in the back and set up quietly before catching up with the others.

3. Respect the machines.

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

Before hopping on the treadmill or picking up those weights, check to make sure the equipment is free. If not, ask if you can “work in” with someone, which means trading off sets of cardio or free weights with the other person. But if the other gym-goer is almost finished, he or she may decline your request to work in. Just be patient and give them space until they’re ready to pass the machine or weights off to you.

When you’re using the gym equipment, it’s important to remember that—like you—other people are working out on a tight schedule. So, if you need to use the restroom or grab a drink, drape your towel over the machine and come back quickly (after a minute or two, not 10). And once you’ve finished with the machine, move on. Sitting on equipment you’re not using to text, scroll social media, or take the perfect selfie is disrespectful to the people waiting on you.

4. Give people personal space.

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

Gyms can get busy, but it’s polite to give other gym-goers as much space as you can. Try not to get on a bike or treadmill right next to someone if other machines are open. If you do have to squeeze in your cardio next to another person, keep your eyes on your own machine , TV screen, and workout stats. Your neighbor doesn’t want you watching over his or her shoulder!

Similar gym etiquette rules apply in the weight room: Keep a wide berth around the heavy lifters to keep them (and yourself) safe. You also want to stay out of their line of sight; while this may seem counterintuitive, it’s distracting to weightlifters when they notice someone close to their bench or bar. 

And regardless of where you are, don’t flirt with others who are trying to exercise. The gym is a great place to meet new people, but it should also be a safe space to work out, not a place where people worry about being harassed.

5. Avoid making calls, and use headphones.

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

Using your phone for anything other than music at the gym can be pretty disruptive to others. That’s why you shouldn’t make any calls—or keep them in the lobby, locker room, or community area . If you do have to take a call, try using headphones and excusing yourself from the crowded cardio or weights room. 

Speaking of headphones, you should use these whenever you listen to music or stream a TV show during a workout. But it’s also important to pay attention to others who are wearing them; they may be intently focused on their exercise or jamming to loud workout tunes. For this reason, don’t startle or quickly approach someone with headphones in, even if you know them. You don’t want someone to lose control of their equipment just because you wanted to say hi.

6. Clean up after yourself.

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

During your workout, it’s best to keep your water bottle, towel, mat, and other items close to you instead of spreading them all over the place. This helps other gym-goers know which equipment you’re using and which spaces are available for them to exercise in. And if you spill your water or protein shake, clean it up immediately so nobody slips and falls.

Once you’re finished your reps, put away any weights, mats, or exercise balls you borrowed. And while we mentioned this before, please wipe down any and all machines you used! Bacteria can live for several hours on sweaty gym equipment (and viruses can last several days), but when you use disinfectant spray and paper towels, you’re fighting these germs and helping your gym stay clean.

7. Make friends, and only give advice when asked!

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

It’s perfectly fine (and kind!) to introduce yourself to new members or people you keep running into or seeing at the gym. However, it’s important to only give these new friends workout advice if they ask you. Avoid telling them things like their form is wrong or they should be running faster; comments like these only make people feel judged and unwelcome.

This also applies if someone gives you unsolicited advice. You can just nod politely and move on while continuing to exercise like you were before. If you still have issues with your well-intentioned neighbor, you can always ask a staff member for help. And if you’re unsure about any of these rules, or you’re looking for exercise or form-related tips, your gym’s staff is here to assist you!

Now you’re ready to follow these gym etiquette rules—and you’re one step closer to reaching your fitness goals! But if you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry. A fitness coach or other staff member can provide tips for a great workout while helping you feel more at home.

2020 CTA graphic - reach your fitness goals

With two locations in Lafayette, Indiana, the Lafayette Family YMCA is a community committed to healthy living and social responsibility. For more fitness tips and to stay up to date about YMCA events, connect with us on Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn, and Instagram , or visit our website here .

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Proper Gym Etiquette: 12 Rules to Never Ignore

gym etiquette essay

Written by: Holly Smith, M.D. ,

B.S. - Dietetics, NASM-PES Certified Trainer

Writer , The Fit Mother Project

proper gym etiquette

Are you practicing proper gym etiquette? It's more important now than ever! You may not know it, but there are 12 unwritten rules everyone should memorize and follow.

It’s crazy to think that it’s been about a year since COVID disrupted our lives.

With most gyms locked down, many women have been turning to at-home workouts.

But now that gyms are re-opening, most ladies are ready to get back into the swing of things at their fitness centers and reunite with their workout partners.

While you may still be nervous to jump back into a gym setting, data collected during the pandemic has found that the risk of transmitting COVID is actually pretty low in fitness centers.

This should be reassuring as you look to get back into a fitness routine without the worry of catching or spreading coronavirus.

For example, the U.S. collected extensive sampling, with 2,873 fitness facilities taking part in IHRSA and MXM’s “visit-to-virus” ratio tracker .

The study tracked 49.4 million member check-ins during the study. Of these, the health clubs reported only 1,155 cases of COVID, translating to a 0.0023% infection rate.

On top of that, none of the cases led to community transmission.

However, it should be noted that gyms are taking extensive measures to combat the spread of the virus, along with any other potential bugs that could be spread from person to person.

You can really decrease your risk of getting sick from the gym when you combine your fitness centers rules with proper gym etiquette.

Here are the 12 unwritten rules you need to know!

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12 Keys to Proper Gym Etiquette

If you’re new to the gym, or a little rusty after a long break off from in-person workouts, it’s important to brush up on some of the unwritten rules of the gym.

And with all the COVID precautions added on, proper gym etiquette is even more important than ever.

Wipe Down Your Equipment

You should have been doing this prior to COVID, but the current pandemic situation makes this even more critical now.

As a busy mom your are already used to wiping down handles at home, but don’t forget the barbells and dumbbells as well.

These pieces of equipment carry more bacteria and viruses than most people are aware of .

While cleanliness should be a given when sharing equipment, unfortunately people don’t use a towel or will leave puddles of sweat behind when they move on to their next exercise.

Studies have shown that gym equipment that comes into contact with human skin can host a number of bacteria and pathogens.

Not only does this mean you can pick up an infection from working out, but you can also bring these bacteria and viruses home with you.

Most gyms provide clean towels to use, but you can always bring your own along just to be safe. You can use this to wipe the sweat off your body as you crank out sets.

After you are finished with whatever equipment you are using, be sure to wipe this down with disinfectant wipes.

All fitness centers should have wipes or a spray bottle with disinfectant throughout the gym that you can use to spray and wipe down a piece of equipment.

This has (or at least should be) mandatory especially with the current COVID situation.

This is probably the most important rule of etiquette to follow in the gym.


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Dress For Your Workout

Be sure to wear clean, and appropriate, attire for whatever workout you have planned for the day.

If you know that you are going to be doing some high intensity cardio, shorts and a sweat-wicking t-shirt are a much better option than a hoodie and sweatpants.

No one wants sweat flying at them from all directions!

Also, it should go without saying, but be sure your clothing covers all of your body.

The gym is not the place to wear provocative attire, plus this isn't comfortable or suitable for serious workouts.

Wear Closed Toe Shoes

This is typically a requirement for most gyms, but be sure to wear sneakers or some form of gym appropriate shoes to exercise in. Sandals are a no-no.

Not only will open-toe shoes not provide you support and lead to injuries, but you also risk dropping a weight on your unprotected toes.

Save Selfies For At Home

We know you want to show off your awesome bod, but flexing in the mirror and taking phone selfies can wait until you are in the privacy of your own home.

This is distracting to those working out around you, and a violation of their own privacy.

People come to the gym to work hard and focus on their training.

They aren’t interested in being in the background of your photos that are likely to show up on social media.

gym etiquette essay

Get Off The Phone

Speaking of your phone, do not take calls while you are working out. This is for your benefit and for everyone around you.

Not only will phone calls interfere with your sweat session, it really puts a damper on everyone else's.

Respect the fact that people around you came to work out without interruptions.

Hearing you blab on the phone about your personal life is not what they signed up for.

If you have an urgent call that you need to take, walk outside or into the locker room for your conversation.

Don’t Hog the Weights and Machines

I’m sure you’ve seen other guys and gals who takes up a machine for 30 minutes while they play on their phone or search social media between sets.

Don’t be that person!

Try to move efficiently through your reps and sets, and be aware of those around you.

That doesn’t mean you should rush your workout, but only take the required rest you need.

If you see someone waiting, offer to let them work in between sets while you are taking your breaks.

Clean Up Your Weights

Nothing is more annoying than going to squat or bench press and seeing weights still sitting on the bar.

Not only does this mean putting away someone else’s weights before you can start your workout, but it also means the equipment wasn’t wiped down.

So after you finish an exercise, put the equipment back where it belongs.

And you don’t have to wait until the very end of your workout; you should be cleaning up as you go along.

Also, if you are using weight plates, stack them in the correct order. This makes it easier for others to rack their weights and keeps the gym neat and orderly.


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Warm-up and Stretch Away From the Weights

You still want to warm up prior to your workout session, but just be sure to stay out of the way of your fellow gym-goers.

Most fitness centers have a separate area where you can stretch and warm-up. Often there will be mats set up for your convenience.

It is very irritating to others working out around you if you set up to stretch in the middle of the gym where people are trying to lift.

It can also be a safety hazard as well if there are weights swinging around you while you're in downward dog.

Step Away From the Dumbbells

It can be very frustrating when you are trying to pick up a set of dumbbells, only to have someone standing in front of the whole rack doing their workout and impeding everyone around them.

You will often see people doing this with curls or presses.

Avoid being that person by grabbing your dumbbells and moving over to an empty space.

This allows everyone else to pick up weights without having to squeeze by you and risk getting hit with a stray dumbbell.

Also, don’t hog multiple sets of weights. I know that you may want to do a drop set, but hoarding weights means that others aren’t able to complete their workouts.

Finish your set, return your weights, and then grab another set if needed.

Maintain the 6 Foot Rule

No one wants to be in the middle of a set of dumbbell flyes only to hit someone standing too close to them.

Giving your fellow lifters enough space during a workout is a must, and this is even more necessary as we deal with COVID.

Make sure you give everyone around you enough space to the front and side.

Be aware of your surroundings so you know what type of exercises are being performed around you. This way you know where their arms and dumbbells will be.

You can still move and walk around them, but just walk a wider circle if needed.

Weights can be lifted or swung from anywhere at any time. Pay attention and move slowly if you see somebody with a weight.

gym etiquette essay

Taking Classes? Arrive on Time!

It can be disrupting when people walk into the studio late and try to set up their spot while you’re trying to focus on the instructor.

To avoid this, arrive to class at least five minutes early and find out if you will need any additional equipment for your class, such as steps, bars, or resistance bands.

Not only will this allow you to focus entirely on your workout, but you won’t be interrupting your fellow classmates.

Don’t Forget Locker Room Etiquette!

It should go without saying but remain respectful even in the locker room.

While you may not mind flaunting your body, not everyone wants to see you naked.

Lounging, stretching, and talking with your friends before you're dressed may seem fine to you, but not everyone may be comfortable with this.

Also, don’t sprawl out all of your belongings across the locker room benches.

Your shoes, clothes, gym bags, and water bottles should be kept close by and stored in a locker.

Especially during peak hours, lock up your things so that everyone has enough space.

Strength training for women over 40 is important to combat muscle loss and promote longevity. Find out why!

Anything New With COVID?

As already mentioned, the general rules of proper gym etiquette that were in place prior to COVID shouldn’t have changed much.

But the fact is that a lot of people weren’t following these guidelines as they should have been.

With the pandemic still following us around, it is crucial to adhere to these rules even more closely.

The biggest ones to follow are disinfecting equipment and maintaining a safe distance of six feet between other gym-goers.

Prior to entering the gym and after leaving, be sure to wash your hands for 30 seconds or use disinfecting hand gel.

Since COVID, like all respiratory viruses, can be spread through mucosal surfaces, avoid touching your mouth, eyes, and nose as much as possible.

Most gyms may still have their drinking fountains shut off to limit potential sources of viral spread, so be sure to bring along a water bottle for your workout.

Learn how to keep your immune system strong and fight viruses, bacteria, and stress!

The Unwritten Rules of Gym Etiquette

It can be intimidating to jump back into a gym routine, especially after a long time away.

But proper gym etiquette isn’t just for newcomers.

A lot of women that have been going to the gym for years tend to ignore these rules from time to time.

Luckily, by following some simple guidelines, and using some common sense, you will be back in your comfort zone in the gym.

And after a long break away, this can be some great motivation for getting that fit mom body !

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Holly is an osteopathic physician, runner, triathlete, and fitness and nutrition enthusiast.

She is board certified in nephrology and internal medicine, has a bachelors degree in dietetics and is a certified personal trainer with NASM-PES certification.

Holly has completed four full ironmans, twelve marathons, countless half ironmans, olympic distance triathlons, half marathons and numerous other road races.

Holly joined the Fit Father Project in May 2019 as a regular writer, contributing articles on health, wellness, exercise, and nutrition.

She has also recently qualified for the 2020 World Championships for Ironman 70.3, in New Zealand!

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*Please know that weight loss results & health changes/improvements vary from individual to individual; you may not achieve similar results. Always consult with your doctor before making health decisions. This is not medical advice – simply very well-researched info on proper gym etiquette.

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11 Tips on Proper Gym Etiquette, According to Trainers

Sports & activity.

New to the gym or haven’t been in a while? Check out these recommendations to make your workout as pleasant as possible — for you and everyone else.

11 Trainer Tips on Proper Gym Etiquette

One of the major advantages to a gym membership is that all the equipment and machines you could want are at your fingertips. And when it's not busy (or maybe even when it is), you might even imagine it's a personal home gym — except it's not.

"Gym etiquette is something that seems to have softened," said Rocky Snyder, C.S.C.S., author of strength-training guide “Return to Center.” "Whenever there is an increased interest and a higher number of people pursuing any activity, there is always the chance that time-tested rules may not always be followed."

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If you haven't been to the gym in a while, or if it's an entirely new adventure, it's worth brushing up on your fitness manners before your first visit. Check out these tips from four gym and fitness professionals on how to be courteous to fellow gym-goers.

11 Tips To Mastering Proper Gym Etiquette

1. return equipment to its original place..

That goes for anything, from dumbbells to weight plates to resistance bands. "If you grabbed it from somewhere, put it back when you're done," Snyder said. "Consider it part of your workout."

2. Allow others to work at your station between your sets.

If you're performing a couple sets of an exercise on a machine or weight bench and you have a very short rest time between them, then it’s fine to stay put. But, if you have a longer rest period — enough time for someone else to do a set — then sitting idle at the machine is "camping," Snyder said. Let someone waiting jump or “work” in for a set during your recovery time, he said.

3. Avoid doing a photoshoot during your workout.

Even if you have a robust following on social media, think twice before filming every detail of your workout. While videos can be helpful for seeing your form, they often result in staying on equipment longer than necessary, and you may not be aware of what else you're filming, said Ellen Thompson, C.P.T., head personal trainer at Blink Fitness.

"This puts other members who would not like to be filmed during their workouts in an uncomfortable position," she said.

4. Scroll on your phone off the floor.

On its own, using social media, checking your emails, and texting your friends at the gym isn't bad etiquette — but it's disrespectful if you're on your phone while blocking equipment or camping between sets, Thompson said.

5. Lower weights instead of dropping them to the ground.

You just did an overhead press, and, sure, it's tempting to let the whole barbell drop to the floor, but try to resist.

"Dropping weights is not only counterproductive to getting the full benefit of the movement, it could also startle someone else lifting heavy, causing injury mid-movement," Thompson said.

Plus, you might damage equipment or workout areas, resulting in all members losing access because of replacement or repairs.

6. Keep equipment and surfaces clean.

One of the most courteous gestures you can make to fellow gym-goers is cleaning the machine or equipment you used after your workout is complete. Thompson notes that, ever since gyms have reopened, people have recently been more inclined to wipe down equipment more regularly.

"We're also seeing more members clean their machines before use, not just after," she said. "And we're seeing them toss the wipes in trash cans instead of leaving them on or near machines."

7. Use one machine at a time.

Some gym members tie up multiple machines at the same time, often by putting towels on them and jumping from one to the next, said Tom Holland, C.S.C.S., exercise physiologist, author of “Beat the Gym , ” and host of the Fitness Disrupted podcast.

"This prevents others from using the machine while you're somewhere else, and this is a big no-no," he said. "Like you learned in kindergarten, sharing is caring. You can't play with three toys at once, and you shouldn't tie up multiple machines, either."

If you plan on doing a circuit, invite any other fellow gym-goers to use the machines when you’re using another piece of equipment.

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8. Invest in headphones if you want to listen to your own music.

There's a new trend of blasting music through phone speakers, Holland said. That can feel intrusive and distracting to people around you, even if they're wearing headphones. And if the gym already plays music, it makes the space extra noisy.

9. Step away from the dumbbell rack.

Holland said there should be a sign over the rack, reading: "Please step back three feet." If you stand closer, it prevents others from accessing the weights they need.

10. Give tips only when asked (and if qualified).

If someone asks for suggestions on how to improve their deadlift — great. (Though if you’re not certified to offer such guidance, consider tag-teaming with a trainer in the gym.)

Unsolicited advice, though? Not great, said Aaron Leventhal, C.S.C.S., owner of Fit Studios in St. Louis Park, Minn.

"Please do not give anyone tips on their form," he said. "In terms of liability, it's a horrible idea, but also it just becomes awkward or frustrating for the other person."

This can be especially true when considering different dynamics such as gender, race or age.

11. Communicate.

Not sure if someone is hovering because they want to work in for a set? Feel uncomfortable being in the background of someone's video? Want to know if a fellow gym-goer is done with a piece of equipment? Ask. In general, etiquette is about acknowledging other people, seeing them as equals and respecting what they need. That kind of thoughtfulness can go a long way toward building a sense of camaraderie and community in the gym.

Words by Elizabeth Millard

11 Trainer Tips on Proper Gym Etiquette

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Originally published: May 4, 2022

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Proper Gym Etiquette – How To Behave When You’re in a Gym

Every gym has its own set of rules. These are likely listed in the contract you signed, and possibly posted on the walls throughout the facility and even in the restrooms. There are also unwritten rules. In some ways, the unwritten ones are more important as they are what your fellow gym-goers, group classmates, and trainer want you to know ahead of time to help you and them have a positive and rewarding experience. Take a look at the items below and see if you’re breaking any of these gym etiquette rules!

Personal Care

1. Wear appropriate clothes . This is not the shirt you pulled off the top of the dirty laundry stack. Change your socks daily. Women should wear sports bras. Jewelry can get caught in machines so leave it at home. Wear shirts that don’t bring unnecessary attention to your cleavage. This is a gym, not a bar or nightclub!

2. Wear appropriate shoes . These are not the shoes you wear when mowing the grass or painting your house. Instead, these are likely cross-trainers, unless you are taking a spinning class or only going for a run on the treadmill.

3. Use deodorant . Keep some antiperspirant or deodorant in your gym bag for days that you need to re-apply it before starting your workout. When in doubt, make sure to put some extra on just in case.

gym etiquette essay

4. Yes, we can smell the alcohol on your breath, even if it’s from the night before. In fact, the stale smell lingers after you leave an area of the gym. Use some breath mints or gum.

5. Some shorts and pants are much more sheer than you think. We don’t want to see that you are going “commando” or that you are wearing a thong. Similarly, some shorts are much tighter or shorter than you realize and perhaps you should consider wearing another pair of shorts on top of either of these.

6. We are well aware when you wear too much perfume or cologne. Neither covers up body odor or stale alcohol. Don’t spray it in the locker room or in the hallway leading to the locker room where other people will walk into the “cloud of scent”. Aside from the coughing spell many people will likely get, others may simply be allergic to it.

7. Everyone gets nicks and bruises. Use a band-aid to cover up yours. If it slips off, pick it up and dispose of it in a trash can. Don’t leave it on the weight machine or bench you just used.

Gym Conduct

1. Be considerate of others . Don’t sit on a machine or bench and check your phone or smartwatch for emails or texts. Don’t make phone calls on the gym floor. Leave your phone in a locker. If you absolutely have to make a call, do so in the locker room or better yet, go outside and have an uninterrupted conversation.

2. Wipe off the weight machines and benches after you use them. Most people sweat while exercising, and some sweat more than others. Don’t use your sweaty towel or stretch your shirt out to do this.

3. Respect the equipment . Don’t throw or drop barbells, dumbbells, or other pieces of exercise equipment on the floor. When using a machine, understand how to properly operate it by reading the placard or asking an employee for guidance. Don’t be embarrassed to do this. Don’t assume the guy who used it before you knows what he is doing. Better you use it correctly than injure yourself.

4. If you wear headphones, remember that you are not in your shower or driving in your car, belting out a duet with your favorite band. Singing aloud, humming to yourself, or dancing is going to bring you a lot of unwanted attention.

gym etiquette essay

5. If you have brought a mat, inspect it. If it leaves little pieces behind, replace it. Other gym-goers don’t want your little pink mat pieces stuck to their sweaty bodies during their workout.

6. Don’t eat while using the equipment. Protein bar crumbs and pieces of banana peels have no place in the gym. If you spill your drink, clean it up with a disinfectant spray and rag or a towel. Do not use your shoe to “wipe it up” off the floor or your sweaty shirt to clean off a bench. It will only smear it.

7. If you carry your gym bag with you and the gym is busy, don’t leave your bag on a bench to “save” it until you return from using another machine or to take a phone call. The same goes for your towel and water bottle.

8. Mirrors often line the walls to help you watch your form and technique as you perform an exercise. Standing in front of one and flexing like you’re on stage at the Mr. Olympia is distracting to others. Find an unused group fitness room if you want to practice your poses.

9. When you are finished with the dumbbells and weights, put all of them away. Don’t leave dumbbells sitting on the floor, or a plate on either end of a barbell or on a machine. Not everyone lifts what you do.

10. If you change clothes in the locker room, remember that it is not your private restroom. Don’t leave your clothes or towel on the bench. Leave room at the sink for others. Turn off your hair dryer when not in use.

Working with a Personal Trainer

1. Your trainer asks you questions to learn the answers. They are not judging you. Reading your mind is not one of their skills, and making assumptions is never a good idea.

2. Your trainer views your health and wellness very seriously and expects you to do the same. This is why you hired them.

3. Your trainer wants to help you reach your goals. If you aren’t honest with them, they can not help you and you almost certainly will not reach your goals. This makes the trainer feel like they failed you. In addition to the trainer’s interest in you as a person, they also have a business interest in your success. If you fail, you’ll be upset and you won’t refer your family and friends to them. Referrals are how personal trainers grow their business.

gym etiquette essay

4. Your trainer will help motivate you but they can’t do it alone. You have to want to change. Saying you want to change is not the same as behaving as if you want to change.

5. Proper nutrition is the key to changing your physique. Proper nutrition is not, however, what is posted on Facebook or Instagram next to booty photos! Diets have end dates. Lifestyles do not. Choose a way of eating that you can sustain for the rest of your life.

6. Your trainer wants you to become friends with your training partner or classmates, but if someone is asking for clarification of an exercise, be considerate and stop talking so everyone can hear the question and answer.

7. Arrive ready to work! That means to be on time and properly fueled with enough rest to work hard in the gym and also be properly hydrated.

8. When your trainer asks for progress photos or measurements, it is an effective method of documenting your progress, and to set up your future workouts and nutrition plans. Don’t ignore these requests. They are not intended to embarrass you. Instead, they are to benefit you and help you be successful.

9. There are modifications to exercises for many minor injuries. Being injured is not a reason to cancel your training sessions.

10. Trust the process and you’ll reach your goals. Be patient and stick with the plan!

11. “No pain, no gain” is an awful motto. Soreness is to be expected. Pain is an indication that something is wrong. It’s extremely important to know the difference.

12. If you are sick, stay out of the gym! Exercise is a stressor, and when you are sick, your body needs to focus on recovery or your illness will linger. And, none of the people at the gym want to catch whatever you have.

13. If your watch receives emails or texts, turn it off. Better yet, take it off and store it in your locker next to your phone so you aren’t tempted to look at it. Make sure to bring a lock to secure your personal items.

14. Take your personal belongings and your lock home every day. We don’t want to smell your sweaty clothes or the banana you forgot in your gym bag the next morning.

15. The latest fad exercise or diet is likely not as effective as the tried-and-true basics. Stop jumping from one to the next. Follow a structured workout program designed for you and stick with it.

gym etiquette essay

16. Accept the fact that you aren’t perfect. Everyone has flaws and you are no different.

17. Acknowledge how you are feeling and accept being anxious or nervous. Change usually causes this. It is normal. It is uncomfortable. Channel your extra energy into your workout.

18. Everyone has off days, so just do the best you can. What’s important is that you are at the gym and not sitting on a couch eating chips or at happy hour getting drunk.

19. Laughing at yourself is a good thing. Focus on your goals but don’t be too serious all of the time.

20. Your mind is very powerful. Don’t let your thoughts of self-doubt or low self-esteem sabotage your efforts. Clear your head of negative energy and focus on the positive!

21. Celebrate all of your successes, whether they are big or small. Make sure to reward yourself with something other than food. Go on a shopping spree, schedule a day at the spa, or get a full body massage.

22. Be patient! It took you awhile to look the way you do now, and it’s going to take a while to look the way you want to look so be focused and stay on track for the long haul.

23. Every decision you make – in the gym and in the kitchen – will either help you get closer to your goals or move you further away from them.

Most people would agree that many of these items on the list are basic common sense, but it is truly amazing to see how many people choose not to follow them. Keeping these in mind will help you and everyone around you to focus on the job at hand and follow proper etiquette when you’re training in the gym!

About Author

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From an early age, Sharon was encouraged to participate in competitive sports including soccer, basketball, track, softball, and volleyball. She has been an athlete and fitness enthusiast ever since. She explains that her parents instilled in her a level of self-confidence that has touched everything she does. See my profile page for more information!

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gym etiquette essay

Davis, California


People typically conform to certain norms at the gym, including how to dress and behave properly. Breaking social norms isn’t just about going out and doing weird stuff in public — it’s about eliciting responses from people based on their surprise of someone’s non-conformity.

My goal in this enterprise was to see how people would react when I wore ludicrous clothing to the gym that most people would deem unfit for this particular atmosphere.

My attire included: a loose dress that resembles the appearance of a peacock, a baggy red-and-black striped crop top over the dress, a blue flannel, pink cheetah print pajama pants and Converse. I was looking fierce, featuring an array of prints and patterns. My hair was arranged in a crazy bun at the very top of my head and, in the spirit of working out, I secured one of those sweat bands to my forehead.

Most notably, the outfit wasn’t restricting and I had a full range of motion. Although it might have looked weird, I was comfortable and that’s what matters when you’re at the gym, right? Well, that’s what I was about to find out.

I walked into the ARC and had my card swiped. After taking a gander at me, the guy proceeded to encourage me to “have a good workout,” which was coupled by a faint chuckle. I thanked him and sauntered off, making a beeline for the weight room.

It was 9 p.m. on a Friday night and the room was predominantly populated by men. So, not only was there a woman in the weight room, there was a “weird” woman in the weight room.

I got a lay of the land before heading to the free weights, but I saw that the lightest weight was a 15-pounder. Unsure if they had weights more my speed, I inquired to the guy lifting next to me and he kindly offered me his.

I started using the weights in an incongruous manner, i.e. I did a casual interpretive dance with them and kept deeply lunging with the weights by my side. The mirror in front of me allowed me to investigate people’s reactions behind and around me while I “exercised.”

I noticed that most people glanced in my direction once or twice, but didn’t fixate on what I was doing. The large majority of people are in a “zone,” listening to music and not really paying attention to their surroundings. Some people laughed and pointed to their friends or would try to sneakily peek at me again, but no one made it extremely obvious that they thought I was so out of place.

However, the thing is that people are most likely going to bring it up in some future conversation, saying “Yeah, one time this girl came into the weight room wearing a dress and pajama pants. It was… odd.” I’ve had people voice their opinions to me about what people should and shouldn’t wear to the gym or how they should “properly” work out, which is what prompted me to test it out.

I went up to the man working at the service desk in the center of the room to confirm that most people don’t work out in the type of outfit I was wearing. He substantiated this social norm by saying that he’s never seen anyone wear something similar to me.

Is it socially unacceptable to wear what I did when working out? Because I thought that people just wore what was comfortable for them. And yes, for the majority of people, wearing leggings or shorts and a T-shirt is what’s most comfortable, but there are alternative clothing options as well.

It seems that in the end, people were more inclined to gawk if they were with friends at the gym because they had someone to turn to and laugh with. Otherwise, people kept straight faces and just went about their business, as did I.

Fashion is usually considered subjective, which is why I think it’s interesting that people seem to care so much about what others wear to the gym and is why I broke this social norm.

The results that I got partially confirmed that wearing proper workout attire is considered a norm, but I also established that a fair amount of gym-goers just don’t give a shit.

If swol’s your goal, contact SAVANNAH HOLMES at [email protected] and ask her to be your personal trainer.

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Gym Etiquette: 10 Essential Do's and Don'ts

Gym Etiquette: 10 Essential Do's and Don'ts

Reading Time: 5 minutes 7 seconds

DATE: 2019-09-30

The gym can be intimidating for new clients. There are tons of people, lots of confusing equipment, more classes than they know what to do with, and once they finally start to get the hang of it all, they realize there is whole other set of unwritten rules to learn and follow. But, don't worry! We've got you covered with 10 essential do's and don'ts of proper gym etiquette to help your clients start out right.

Top 5 Do's of Gym Etiquette

Start out on the right foot! Here are the top habits your clients should follow at the gym.

1. DO Wipe Down Gym Equipment When Done

It's the gym! People are working hard and sweating. That is a good thing. But no one, and we mean no one, wants to sit in a pool of someone else's sweat. Most gyms supply paper towels and antibacterial cleaner to wipe down the equipment after use. It's simple, helpful, and appreciated by all.

Bonus Etiquette Tip : Gym equipment is a great place for germs and bacteria to spread. So, it's also a good idea to wipe down the equipment before use, just in case the previous person hasn't yet read this article.

2. DO Use the Squat Rack Appropriately

The average gym typically only has a couple squat racks. Some locations may only have one. Exercises that are right for the squat rack typically cannot be done elsewhere. The exercise may require a safe lift off and adjustable safety bars that can help with depth and double as a spotter. The squat rack can be used for more than just a squat but keep in mind that there are lots of exercises that do not need the squat rack to be done safely or effectively. So, it is best to leave the squat rack for those that need it and do the biceps curls elsewhere.

3. DO Put Weights/Equipment Away When Done

Gym goers definitely don't want to trip over weights that get left out. It's dangerous. And, they surely do not want to have to go on a hunt for the dumbbells that weren't put away properly. Return all equipment to its proper place. And, in the case that it was already in the wrong place when you found it or you don't know where something belongs, ask a gym employee.

Bonus Etiquette Tip : This includes removing weight plates too. Many people see a weightless bar as an indicator that the bar is open to use. That being said, when plates aren't removed, it sends the message that the equipment is still in use. It may cause an unnecessary delay for those waiting to use the equipment.

4. DO Choose Good Timing When Starting a Conversation

Talking at the gym is okay. It's a social place. But, keep in mind that some people don't like to chat much during their workout. If you choose to strike up a conversation, there are a couple things you will want to pay attention to. First, watch for uninviting body language—avoiding eye contact, intense focus, turning to face away, etc. Second, when someone has their headphones in, it is typically an indicator they are not open to talking. And third, give folks a break when they're in the middle of their set. Wait until they're done and have a moment to catch their breath before you strike up a conversation.

5. DO Stay Off Your Phone

Be present. The gym should be the period of the day where we get to turn off distractions and really focus on the body and mind. It's ok to take a call or text, if you need to, as long as it isn't distracting to other gym goers. But, sitting on a piece of equipment while having a long phone or text conversation is highly frowned upon. There may be others waiting to use the equipment. So, proper etiquette is to step away or outside to use the phone. Free up the equipment and come back when the conversation is over.

Top 5 Don'ts of Gym Etiquette

1. don't be too loud.

A little bit of noise is okay. If an individual is working hard, grunting, groans, and even self pep-talks are all very realistic. However, when it's excessive, it becomes a distraction for other gym members. Your client doesn't need to be silent, just remind them to watch the profanity, volume, and consistency of the noise they're making. Be respectful of others.

2. DON'T Overdo Perfume/Cologne

Even if the scent smells good, this is a big no-no. In many situations, a whiff of a good smelling cologne/perfume can be pleasant. But, in an enclosed space with lots of sweaty bodies and lungs that want good clean oxygen to fuel the workout, a gulp of air filled with strong chemicals is anything but pleasant.

Bonus Etiquette Tip : This goes for body odor too. Sweat is normal. And most of us stink when we sweat. However, it's important to be conscious of personal hygiene so it doesn't get excessive or affect other members' workouts.

3. DON'T Drop Weights

Being tired at the end of a hard set can make it a challenge to use that last bit of energy to set the weights down safely. But, dropping the weight is a definite DON'T. Smashed toes, bruised shins, broken weights, and damaged equipment are common results of dropped weights. Plus, the equipment is the gym's property and it's important to treat it with care so all members can continue to use it. And, no one wants to have their toes or shins accidentally smashed because of carelessness.

4. DON'T Hog Machines

For those members working efficiently to get through a workout in their free time, it gets frustrating to have to wait for a piece of equipment someone is just sitting on. If you are taking long rest periods in between sets, step away from the weight machine so someone else can jump in and use it during your rest. And, like we mentioned earlier, definitely don't sit on your phone while on the equipment.

Bonus Etiquette Tip : If you notice someone has an interest in using the machine you're on but you're not done, invite them to jump in between your sets.

5. DON'T Stand Too Close to the Weights

Remind your clients to grab the weights and step back from the rack. The space near the dumbbell rack can be a high traffic area. People are constantly grabbing weights and putting them back. If someone lifts too close to the rack, it doesn't allow the freedom for people to grab the weight they need or return their weight to the proper spot. Give adequate space for people to move in this area and don't be a reason why people are unable to put their weights back in the proper spot (see #3 on the DO's list).

Respect the Shared Space

It comes down to being respectful and mindful of others. The gym is a shared space. So, be courteous to others, be respectful of the equipment, and try to keep it a pleasant space for all those that want to use it.

If you're a beginner to health and fitness and looking for a little more guidance on what to do, check out the ISSA blog for tips on avoiding common workout mistakes .

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Essay on Gym

Students are often asked to write an essay on Gym in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Gym

The importance of gym.

Gyms are places where people go to exercise. They have various machines and weights to help improve strength and fitness. Regular gym workouts can lead to better health and increased energy.

Benefits of Going to the Gym

Going to the gym can help you stay fit and healthy. It can also help to reduce stress and improve sleep. Regular exercise can also boost your mood and improve your mental health.

In conclusion, going to the gym is an excellent way to stay fit and healthy. It can also improve your mood and overall well-being.

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250 Words Essay on Gym


Gyms, short for gymnasiums, are dedicated spaces where individuals engage in physical exercise to maintain or improve their health and fitness. In the modern era, gyms have evolved from simple workout spaces to sophisticated facilities, offering a variety of equipment and services.

The Evolution of Gyms

The concept of a gymnasium dates back to ancient Greece, where it served as a training facility for competitors in public games. Over time, the idea evolved and expanded, with the modern gym emerging in the 20th century. Today’s gyms are equipped with advanced machines for cardiovascular workouts, strength training, and flexibility exercises, reflecting the growing understanding of the human body and the importance of physical fitness.

The Role of Gyms in Society

Gyms play a crucial role in promoting health and wellness in society. They provide an environment conducive to regular exercise, which is essential in combating lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Moreover, gyms foster a sense of community, offering a social platform where individuals can connect and motivate each other towards achieving their fitness goals.

The Future of Gyms

The future of gyms looks promising, with technology playing an increasingly significant role. Virtual reality, wearable tech, and AI-powered equipment are set to revolutionize the gym experience, making workouts more personalized, efficient, and enjoyable.

In conclusion, gyms, from their ancient origins to their modern-day sophistication, have continually adapted to meet society’s changing needs. As technology advances, so will the gym experience, further emphasizing the gym’s importance in promoting health, wellness, and community.

500 Words Essay on Gym

The gym, a physical arena that serves as a battleground for individuals seeking to improve their health, fitness, and overall well-being. It’s a place where personal barriers are broken, goals are set and achieved, and the human body is pushed to its limits. The gym is not just a place for physical exercise but is also a platform for mental growth and social interaction.

The gym’s importance is multifaceted, reaching beyond the simple notion of weight loss or muscle gain. Regular gym attendance promotes a healthy lifestyle, encouraging individuals to prioritize their physical health. Exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Moreover, the gym provides a structured environment that fosters discipline and commitment. Consistent gym-goers must manage their time effectively, ensuring they can balance work, social life, and fitness. This discipline often spills over into other areas of life, leading to more organized, productive individuals.

The Social Aspect of Gym

While the gym is often associated with individual pursuits, it also plays a significant role in social interaction. It serves as a melting pot of diverse individuals, all united by a common goal of achieving better health. This shared experience can foster friendships, camaraderie, and a sense of community. The gym provides a platform for social learning, where individuals can learn from each other’s techniques, routines, and experiences.

Overcoming Challenges in Gym

Despite its numerous benefits, the gym can also pose challenges. These can range from initial intimidation, lack of knowledge, or even physical limitations. However, these challenges can be overcome with the right mindset, guidance, and perseverance.

New gym-goers often feel overwhelmed by the array of equipment and the perceived expectations of others. It’s important to remember that everyone starts somewhere, and most gym-goers are more focused on their own workouts than judging others.

Lack of knowledge can be addressed through personal trainers, fitness classes, or even online resources. Physical limitations can be worked around with modified exercises or alternative workouts, emphasizing the importance of listening to one’s body and not pushing beyond safe limits.

In conclusion, the gym is more than just a place to work out. It’s a community, a school, and a tool for personal growth. It teaches discipline, promotes health, and fosters social interaction. The challenges faced in the gym can be daunting, but they also provide opportunities for learning and growth. By embracing the gym with an open mind, one can reap not just physical benefits, but mental and social rewards as well. The gym, in its essence, is a microcosm of life’s journey, filled with trials, triumphs, setbacks, and victories.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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gym etiquette essay

Reese Witherspoon is standing in front of a lamp-lit bookshelf wearing a gray blouse and a dark pencil skirt. Her right hand rests on the shelf behind her.

Inside Reese Witherspoon’s Literary Empire

When her career hit a wall, the Oscar-winning actor built a ladder made of books — for herself, and for others.

“Reading is the antidote to hate and xenophobia,” Reese Witherspoon said. “It increases our empathy and understanding of the world.” Credit... Jingyu Lin for The New York Times

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Elisabeth Egan

By Elisabeth Egan

Reporting from Nashville

  • May 18, 2024

“You’d be shocked by how many books have women chained in basements,” Reese Witherspoon said. “I know it happens in the world. I don’t want to read a book about it.”

Nor does she want to read an academic treatise, or a 700-page novel about a tree.

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Sitting in her office in Nashville, occasionally dipping into a box of takeout nachos, Witherspoon talked about what she does like to read — and what she looks for in a selection for Reese’s Book Club, which she referred to in a crisp third person.

“It needs to be optimistic,” Witherspoon said. “It needs to be shareable. Do you close this book and say, ‘I know exactly who I want to give it to?’”

But, first and foremost, she wants books by women, with women at the center of the action who save themselves. “Because that’s what women do,” she said. “No one’s coming to save us.”

Witherspoon, 48, has now been a presence in the book world for a decade. Her productions of novels like “ Big Little Lies ,” “ Little Fires Everywhere ” and “ The Last Thing He Told Me ” are foundations of the binge-watching canon. Her book club picks reliably land on the best-seller list for weeks, months or, in the case of “ Where the Crawdads Sing ,” years. In 2023, print sales for the club’s selections outpaced those of Oprah’s Book Club and Read With Jenna , according to Circana Bookscan, adding up to 2.3 million copies sold.

So how did an actor who dropped out of college (fine, Stanford) become one of the most influential people in an industry known for being intractable and slightly tweedy?

It started with Witherspoon’s frustration over the film industry’s skimpy representation of women onscreen — especially seasoned, strong, smart, brave, mysterious, complicated and, yes, dangerous women.

“When I was about 34, I stopped reading interesting scripts,” she said.

Witherspoon had already made a name for herself with “ Election ,” “ Legally Blonde ” and “ Walk the Line .” But, by 2010, Hollywood was in flux: Streaming services were gaining traction. DVDs were following VHS tapes to the land of forgotten technology.

“When there’s a big economic shift in the media business, it’s not the superhero movies or independent films we lose out on,” Witherspoon said. “It’s the middle, which is usually where women live. The family drama. The romantic comedy. So I decided to fund a company to make those kinds of movies.”

In 2012, she started the production company Pacific Standard with Bruna Papandrea. Its first projects were film adaptations of books: “ Gone Girl ” and “ Wild ,” which both opened in theaters in 2014.

Growing up in Nashville, Witherspoon knew the value of a library card. She caught the bug early, she said, from her grandmother, Dorothea Draper Witherspoon, who taught first grade and devoured Danielle Steel novels in a “big cozy lounger” while sipping iced tea from a glass “with a little paper towel wrapped around it.”

This attention to detail is a smoke signal of sorts: Witherspoon is a person of words.

When she was in high school, Witherspoon stayed after class to badger her English teacher — Margaret Renkl , now a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times — about books that weren’t part of the curriculum. When Witherspoon first moved to Los Angeles, books helped prepare her for the “chaos” of filmmaking; “ The Making of the African Queen ” by Katharine Hepburn was a particular favorite.

So it made sense that, as soon as Witherspoon joined Instagram, she started sharing book recommendations. Authors were tickled and readers shopped accordingly. In 2017, Witherspoon made it official: Reese’s Book Club became a part of her new company, Hello Sunshine.

The timing was fortuitous, according to Pamela Dorman, senior vice president and publisher of Pamela Dorman Books/Viking, who edited the club’s inaugural pick, “ Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine .” “The book world needed something to help boost sales in a new way,” she said.

Reese’s Book Club was that something: “Eleanor Oliphant” spent 85 weeks on the paperback best-seller list. The club’s second pick, “The Alice Network,” spent nearly four months on the weekly best-seller lists and two months on the audio list. Its third, “ The Lying Game ,” spent 18 weeks on the weekly lists.

“There’s nothing better than getting that phone call,” added Dorman, who has now edited two more Reese’s Book Club selections.

Kiley Reid’s debut novel, “ Such a Fun Age ,” got the nod in January 2020. She said, “When I was on book tour, a lot of women would tell me, ‘I haven’t read a book in four years, but I trust Reese.’” Four years later, on tour for her second novel, “ Come and Get It ,” Reid met women who were reading 100 books a year.

Witherspoon tapped into a sweet spot between literary and commercial fiction, with a few essay collections and memoirs sprinkled in. She turned out to be the literary equivalent of a fit model — a reliable bellwether for readers in search of intelligent, discussion-worthy fare, hold the Proust. She wanted to help narrow down the choices for busy readers, she said, “to bring the book club out of your grandma’s living room and online.”

She added: “The unexpected piece of it all was the economic impact on these authors’ lives.”

One writer became the first person in her family to own a home. “She texted me a picture of the key,” Witherspoon said. “I burst into tears.”

This is a picture of Reese Witherspoon in profile, lit from above. She's wearing gold hoop earrings, a gray blouse and a serene expression.

Witherspoon considers a handful of books each month. Submissions from publishers are culled by a small group that includes Sarah Harden, chief executive of Hello Sunshine; Gretchen Schreiber, manager of books (her original title was “bookworm”); and Jon Baker, whose team at Baker Literary Scouting scours the market for promising manuscripts.

Not only is Witherspoon focused on stories by women — “the Bechdel test writ large,” Baker said — but also, “Nothing makes her happier than getting something out in the world that you might not see otherwise.”

When transgender rights were in the headlines in 2018, the club chose “ This Is How It Always Is ,” Laurie Frankel’s novel about a family grappling with related issues in the petri dish of their own home. “We track the long tail of our book club picks and this one, without fail, continues to sell,” Baker said.

Witherspoon’s early readers look for a balance of voices, backgrounds and experiences. They also pay attention to the calendar. “Everyone knows December and May are the busiest months for women,” Harden said, referring to the mad rush of the holidays and the end of the school year. “You don’t want to read a literary doorstop then. What do you want to read on summer break? What do you want to read in January?”

Occasionally the group chooses a book that isn’t brand-new, as with the club’s April pick, “ The Most Fun We Ever Had ,” from 2019. When Claire Lombardo learned that her almost-five-year-old novel had been anointed, she thought there had been a mistake; after all, her new book, “Same As it Ever Was,” is coming out next month. “It’s wild,” Lombardo said. “It’s not something that I was expecting.”

Sales of “The Most Fun We Ever Had” increased by 10,000 percent after the announcement, according to Doubleday. Within the first two weeks, 27,000 copies were sold. The book has been optioned by Hello Sunshine.

Witherspoon preferred not to elaborate on a few subjects: competition with other top-shelf book clubs (“We try not to pick the same books”); the lone author who declined to be part of hers (“I have a lot of respect for her clarity”); and the 2025 book she’s already called dibs on (“You can’t imagine that Edith Wharton or Graham Greene didn’t write it”).

But she was eager to set the record straight on two fronts. Her team doesn’t get the rights to every book — “It’s just how the cookie crumbles,” she said — and, Reese’s Book Club doesn’t make money off sales of its picks. Earnings come from brand collaborations and affiliate revenue.

This is true of all celebrity book clubs. An endorsement from one of them is a free shot of publicity, but one might argue that Reese’s Book Club does a bit more for its books and authors than most. Not only does it promote each book from hardcover to paperback, it supports authors in subsequent phases of their careers.

Take Reid, for instance. More than three years after Reese’s Book Club picked her first novel, it hosted a cover reveal for “Come and Get It,” which came out in January. This isn’t the same as a yellow seal on the cover, but it’s still a spotlight with the potential to be seen by the club’s 2.9 million Instagram followers.

“I definitely felt like I was joining a very large community,” Reid said.

“Alum” writers tend to stay connected with one another via social media, swapping woot woots and advice. They’re also invited to participate in Hello Sunshine events and Lit Up, a mentorship program for underrepresented writers. Participants get editing and coaching from Reese’s Book Club authors, plus a marketing commitment from the club when their manuscripts are submitted to agents and editors.

“I describe publishing and where we sit in terms of being on a river,” Schreiber said. “We’re downstream; we’re looking at what they’re picking. Lit Up gave us the ability to look upstream and say, ‘We’d like to make a change here.’”

The first Lit Up-incubated novel, “Time and Time Again” by Chatham Greenfield, is coming out from Bloomsbury YA in July. Five more fellows have announced the sales of their books.

As Reese’s Book Club approaches a milestone — the 100th pick, to be announced in September — it continues to adapt to changes in the market. Print sales for club selections peaked at five million in 2020, and they’ve softened since then, according to Circana Bookscan. In 2021, Candle Media, a Blackstone-backed media company, bought Hello Sunshine for $900 million. Witherspoon is a member of Candle Media’s board. She is currently co-producing a “Legally Blonde” prequel series for Amazon Prime Video.

This month, Reese’s Book Club will unveil an exclusive audio partnership with Apple, allowing readers to find all the picks in one place on the Apple Books app. “I want people to stop saying, ‘I didn’t really read it, I just listened,’” Witherspoon said. “Stop that. If you listened, you read it. There’s no right way to absorb a book.”

She feels that Hollywood has changed over the years: “Consumers are more discerning about wanting to hear stories that are generated by a woman.”

Even as she’s looking forward, Witherspoon remembers her grandmother, the one who set her on this path.

“Somebody came up to me at the gym the other day and he said” — here she put on a gentle Southern drawl — “‘I’m going to tell you something I bet you didn’t hear today.’ And he goes, ‘Your grandma taught me how to read.’”

Another smoke signal, and a reminder of what lives on.

Read by Elisabeth Egan

Audio produced by Sarah Diamond .

Elisabeth Egan is a writer and editor at the Times Book Review. She has worked in the world of publishing for 30 years. More about Elisabeth Egan

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