My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

89 Medical Speech Topic Ideas [Persuasive, Informative, Nursing]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

Medical speech topic list with public speaking ideas for an informative or persuasive medical text such as speech recognition software, Staphylococcus aureus or self-esteem problems. I have these informative ideas for a public speaking speech in mind for you:

In this article:


  • Safety and legal issues on acupuncture.
  • Frustrations for color blind people.
  • The benefits of ozone therapy.
  • What is Reiki stress reduction and relaxation?
  • Tip for making up a first aid kit for wilderness expeditions.
  • What is autism?
  • Epidemiological studies on the bird flu.
  • Which home tests are safe and reliable?
  • Facts and myths about Cellulitis.
  • Short-sightedness and long-sightedness explained.
  • Medical speech recognition software developments.
  • Heart attack signs.
  • What health problems with diabetes, how to deal with them?
  • Diagnosing a food allergy, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
  • How to prevent Lyme disease, spread to humans by infected ticks.
  • A day with the crew of an air ambulance helicopter.
  • Arguments for embryonic stem cell research.
  • How to patent medicine.
  • Philosophies about genetic engineering.
  • Stages of pregnancy month by month.
  • The importance of organ donation.
  • The principles of medical ethics.
  • What do our kidneys do?

Here are some concrete persuasive medical speech topic samples. Keep going back and forth in your mind to sort out the way you like to talk about it.

  • Isolation is the best way to prevent the spread of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA infections.
  • Medical marijuana must be allowed for ill people – or not.
  • Migraine often is misunderstood in the workplace.
  • Most infertile couples use alternative medicine .
  • Mental health issues affect us all in some way.
  • Food allergy can manifest in behavior issues.
  • Stuttering causes self-acceptance and self-esteem problems.
  • The food industry should be blamed for obesity.
  • Tourette’s syndrome patients can’t help it, let’s help them.
  • Alzheimer’s disease should be involved in the care he or she will get.
  • Atkins isn’t a quick fix for weight loss.
  • Solve asthma by improving air quality.
  • Effective medicines aren’t always expensive.
  • Medical speech recognition and pathology experiences.
  • Stopping smoking speeds recovery after operations.
  • How a donation help your local Alzheimer’s charity.
  • Everyone should donate blood.
  • A woman can be too old to give birth.
  • Air ambulance helicopters are the most efficient way to help victims of road accidents.
  • Back pain is caused by a spinal disk problem.
  • Beauty is not a valid reason to pursue cosmetic plastic surgery.
  • Brushing your teeth twice a day will not keep the dentist away.
  • Cell phones have a dangerous amount of radiation.
  • Children should be first on organ transplant lists.
  • Computer use is the reason for those repetitive strain injuries.
  • Do not be afraid of biotechnology developments.
  • Everyone needs dentistry insurance.
  • Everybody should be an organ donor.
  • Food allergy is a disease.
  • Human fetal tissue research will help patients suffering from Alzheimer disease.
  • Medication for general use should not be protected for 20 years.
  • Needle exchange programs help to prevent the widespread of blood-borne viruses.
  • Newborns without brains should not be used as organ donors.
  • Nutrition patterns will change the human DNA genome structure.
  • Patients should never accept money from the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Pharmaceuticals are not transparent.
  • Techniques and methods for transgenderation need to be assessed better.
  • Terminally ill patients should freely rely on a hospital hospice program.
  • The birth control pill is not safe.
  • The E Coli bacteria is not explained properly enough.
  • The morning-after pill must be freely prescribed in drugstores and pharmacies.
  • The Morning-After Pill must be made available without a prescription.
  • Using a known sperm donor is too risky.
  • War veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress are not treated in time.

Of course these statements for a medical speech are not my opinion, but examples to trigger your mind for finding your own medical speech topic. Let these ideas form a rough outline in your head.

In other articles and entirely new threads I have written detailed tips to convert them into a real public speaking presentation.

Tip: A good topic title is short and sharp, conveys and channels a clear message, is easy to remember for the listeners, has no like or equal, is descriptive, and contains your own personal speaking signature.

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

6 Additional Medical Persuasive Speech Topic Ideas

Medical persuasive speech topic ideas based on official position statements of organizations in the field, they are perfect for building speech topics in public speaking education. I scraped the net and found mission and vision claims that could be transformed into an issue for speechwriting purposes:

Sun Damage – ‘In most situations, sun protection to prevent skin cancer and sun damage to the skin is required during times when the ultraviolet index (UVI)A is raised’. According to the dermatology resource DermNet NZ. Offer pros and cons, and offer tips for listeners.

Dentistry – ‘The ADA Council on Scientific Affairs continues to believe that amalgam is a valuable, viable and safe choice for dental patients.’ Do you agree with the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs? Or not? Try to find persuasive arguments to adstruct the opposite, or weaken this firm medical persuasive speech topic ideas a little bit.

Nutrition – ‘In overweight and obese insulin-resistant individuals, modest weight loss has been shown to improve insulin resistance. Thus, weight loss is recommended for all such individuals who have or are at risk for diabetes.’ The American Diabetes Association writes on its site. Examine and prove direct relations between overweight and diabetes in a persuasion way of talking. Weight loss and diabetes in itself are great medical persuasive speech topic ideas.

Revalidation – ‘In the United Kingdom doctors will need to be revalidated every five years in order to retain their licence to practise.’ A citation of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Good idea? Take a stand and convince your audience.

Equity – ‘A greater equity in health should be a progress indicator of populations within and between countries.’ That’s a formal statement of WHO World Health Organization. Do yo agree? Construct the arguments of this thesis.

Surgery – ‘Pregnant women should be given the right to choose major abdominal surgery (cesarean section) or a normal birth.’ That is the opinion of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Judge pros and cons, convince your public as speaker in all ways. Good idea for an essay too!

Speech topics related to nursing, mental and travel health careh, and dietary counseling on primary care fostering for high school.

Many, especially female students, like to choose to prepare informative public speaking on an assistant to doctors related issue.

Here are twenty sample speech ideas, divided in specific central ideas and more general writing topics.

  • How to help patients with self-care products.
  • Medical treatment is not available to most people in the world.
  • Involve a nurse in developing mental health policies.
  • What community nurses can do for the health of the neigbourhood.
  • Nursing is also an important provider of mental treatment in complex situations.
  • Care in humanitarian disaster areas.
  • Alzheimers and family relations.
  • Travel health care services.
  • The rights of mentally ill persons.
  • Adolescents with disorders of development.
  • Disabled children and their special needs.
  • Neonatal care for premature babies.
  • Benefits of nursery to the health system.
  • Pediatric oncology for children with cancer.
  • Dietary counseling for babies and their mothers.
  • The altering role of male nurses in the past decades.
  • What does the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners do
  • The romantic history of Florence Nightingale.
  • What education is needed to work in the healthcare business
  • Medical ethics explained.
  • The road to becoming a nurse.
  • Please move your patients the right way!

66 Military Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative]

259 Interesting Speech Topics [Examples + Outlines]

1 thought on “89 Medical Speech Topic Ideas [Persuasive, Informative, Nursing]”

You could include a topic on Fibromyalgia chronic disease.

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367 Medical Persuasive Speech Topics & Informative Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 2835 words
  • Icon Clock 13 min read

Medical persuasive speech topics offer a compelling combination of science, ethics, policy, and human interest. These topics often challenge students to form opinions on complex health-related issues, like vaccine mandates, stem cell research, mental health stigma, or universal healthcare. Through persuasiveness, one can advocate for policy changes or raise awareness about less-discussed conditions. The objective is to encourage critical thinking and to inspire action in the audience. Moreover, speakers must balance factual information with an emotive appeal to create compelling arguments. Some themes can range from discussing the pros and cons of genetic engineering to the importance of healthy eating or the ethical implications of euthanasia, among others. As a result, medical persuasive speech topics require not only the knowledge of medicine but also the social, cultural, and personal aspects that are intertwined.

Best Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Revolutionizing Patient Care Through Telemedicine
  • Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering
  • Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Schools
  • Childhood Obesity: Prevention Strategies
  • Antibiotic Resistance: A Looming Global Crisis
  • Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Vaccination: An Essential Tool against Pandemics
  • Legalization and Medical Use of Cannabis
  • Holistic Approach: Integrating Traditional and Modern Medicine
  • Dangers of Prolonged Screen Time on Eyesight
  • Stress Management: Key to a Healthy Lifestyle
  • Modern Medical Technology: Blessing or Curse?
  • Role of Nutrition in Preventing Chronic Diseases
  • Promoting Physical Activity in Youth: A Societal Necessity
  • Advancements in Prosthetics and their Impact on Patients’ Lives
  • Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Healthcare
  • Decoding the Complexities of the Human Genome
  • Pioneering Stem Cell Research: Pros and Cons
  • Mitigating the Impact of Air Pollution on Respiratory Health
  • Substance Abuse: Identifying the Underlying Causes
  • Dementia: Innovations in Early Detection and Care
  • Unpacking the Stigma Around HIV/AIDS
  • Eating Disorders: Causes, Effects, and Treatment
  • Palliative Care: Enhancing Quality of Life for the Terminally Ill

Medical Persuasive Speech Topics & Informative Ideas

Easy Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Breakthroughs in Cancer Research: Hopes and Challenges
  • Understanding the Social Determinants of Health
  • Animal Testing: Necessary Evil or Unethical Practice?
  • Innovations in Surgical Robotics: Risks and Rewards
  • Addressing the Mental Health Crisis Among Adolescents
  • Dealing With Diabetes: Lifestyle Changes and Medical Interventions
  • Tackling the Rise in Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Prevention and Intervention Strategies
  • Roles of Microbiota in Human Health
  • Eliminating Health Disparities in Low-Income Communities
  • Brain-Computer Interfaces: Ethical and Practical Implications
  • Unraveling the Mysteries of Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Plastic Surgery: Vanity or Necessity?
  • Realities of Living With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Navigating the Controversies Around Vaccination
  • Treating Depression With Psychedelic Drugs: Potential and Pitfalls
  • Advances in Neonatal Care: Saving Premature Babies
  • Transgender Healthcare: Rights and Responsibilities
  • Invasive Species: Threat to Human Health?
  • Discerning the Truth About Dietary Supplements
  • Implications of Regenerative Medicine: Healing or Overstepping?
  • Universal Healthcare: A Right or Privilege?
  • Exploring the Power of Placebos in Medicine

Interesting Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Nanotechnology: A New Era in Medicine
  • Understanding and Addressing Health Literacy
  • Repercussions of Climate Change on Mental Health
  • Patient Privacy in the Age of Electronic Health Records
  • Balancing Public Health and Personal Freedom in Pandemic Response
  • Mitigating Medical Errors: A Silent Epidemic
  • Lyme Disease: Unraveling Complexities and Controversies
  • Spreading Awareness About Rare Genetic Disorders
  • Reducing Maternal Mortality Rates: Global Health Initiative
  • Geriatric Care: Meeting the Needs of an Aging Population
  • Medical Malpractice: An Unseen Crisis
  • Therapeutic Potential of Stem Cells in Neurological Disorders
  • Shaping Attitudes Toward People With Disabilities
  • The Power of Music Therapy in Mental Health
  • Impact of Climate Change on Disease Spread
  • Managing Chronic Pain Without Over-Reliance on Opioids
  • Bioethics: Debate on Assisted Suicide
  • Consequences of Sleep Deprivation on Brain Function
  • Prenatal Screening: Ethical Dilemmas
  • Organ Transplantation: Ethical Dilemmas and Policies
  • Consequences of Poor Dental Hygiene on Overall Health

Medical Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Human Enhancement: Bioethical Considerations
  • Benefits and Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Addressing Stigma and Discrimination in Mental Health Care
  • Combatting the Global Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
  • Potential Health Implications of 5G Technology
  • Discussing the Realities of Living With Bipolar Disorder
  • Revitalizing Rural Healthcare: Addressing Disparities and Challenges
  • Augmented Reality and Its Potential in Surgical Training
  • The Global Impact of Tuberculosis and Strategies for Its Eradication
  • Understanding the Role of Epigenetics in Disease
  • Dissecting the Link Between Gut Health and Mental Well-Being
  • Impacts of Domestic Violence on Mental Health
  • ADHD in Adults: Myths and Realities
  • Addressing Health Concerns in LGBTQ+ Community
  • Orthorexia: The Dark Side of Healthy Eating
  • Bioprinting Organs: A Step Towards the Future or a Leap Too Far?
  • Gene Therapy: Promises, Successes, and Challenges
  • Achieving Health Equity: A Long Road Ahead
  • Exploration of Medical Uses for Psychedelics
  • The Role of Pharmacogenomics in Personalized Medicine
  • Effect of Chronic Stress on Physical Health
  • Understanding the Genetic Basis of Autism

Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

  • The Impact of Poverty on Children’s Health
  • Burnout in Healthcare Professionals: Causes and Solutions
  • Emerging Trends in Cosmetic Dermatology
  • Advances and Ethics in Neonatal Intensive Care
  • Modernizing Traditional Medicine: A Cultural Challenge
  • Unpacking the Psychological Impact of Chronic Pain
  • The Role of Exercise in Mental Health
  • Biomedical Engineering: Shaping the Future of Healthcare
  • Understanding the Psychological Impact of Infertility
  • Tackling the Global Obesity Epidemic: Policies and Interventions
  • Exploring the Impact of Virtual Reality on Physical Therapy
  • Unlocking the Potential of Immunotherapy in Cancer Treatment
  • Addressing Eating Disorders Among Athletes
  • Ethical Considerations in Genomic Data Privacy
  • Overcoming Stigma Associated with Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Acupuncture and Its Role in Pain Management
  • The Neuroscience of Addiction: Understanding the Complexity
  • Depression in the Elderly: An Overlooked Crisis
  • Leukemia: Current Research and Future Directions
  • Rehabilitation Robotics: Hope for Individuals With Mobility Impairments
  • Understanding and Preventing Medical Burnout
  • Evaluating the Impact of Video Games on Cognitive Health
  • Revolutionizing Wound Healing With Bioactive Bandages

Science Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Advancements in Genetic Engineering: Implications for Future Generations
  • Nanotechnology: Revolutionizing Medicine and Healthcare
  • Climate Change: The Urgency of Reducing Carbon Emissions
  • Ethical Considerations in Animal Experimentation
  • Technological Innovations for Renewable Energy Sources
  • Human Cloning: Boundaries in Science and Morality
  • Mars Colonization: Possibilities and Challenges
  • Importance of STEM Education for the Youth
  • Addressing Food Scarcity With GMOs: Safe or Risky?
  • Quantum Computing: Transforming the Digital World
  • Telemedicine: The Future of Healthcare Services
  • Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life: Pros and Cons
  • Mandatory Vaccinations: Rights vs. Public Health
  • Space Exploration: Allocating Resources for Knowledge or Extravagance?
  • Coral Reefs Degradation: Implications and Recovery Strategies
  • Developing Biodegradable Plastics: An Environmental Necessity
  • Protecting Biodiversity: Responsibilities of Modern Societies
  • Ocean Acidification: A Silent Threat to Marine Life
  • Benefits and Risks of Nuclear Energy: A Balanced View
  • Roles of Epidemiology in Shaping Public Health Policies
  • Debating the Potential of Immortality Through Science

Health Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Necessity of Mandatory Vaccinations for Public Health
  • Universal Healthcare: An Essential Human Right
  • Proper Nutrition: Cornerstone of Healthy Living
  • Legalization of Medical Marijuana: Benefits and Drawbacks
  • Telemedicine: The Future of Patient Care
  • Prenatal Care’s Impacts on Infant Health
  • Combating the Obesity Epidemic With Effective Policies
  • Preventive Measures Should Be Prioritized Over Treatment
  • Increasing Funding for Cancer Research and Development
  • Rehabilitation Services: Underrated Component of Healthcare
  • Advanced Directives: Encourage End-of-Life Planning
  • Palliative Care: The Necessity for Better Quality of Life
  • Regulation of Prescription Drug Prices
  • Mental Health Parity in Insurance Coverage
  • Emergency Rooms: Overuse and Misuse
  • Importance of Regular Dental Checkups
  • Home Healthcare: A Cost-Effective Solution
  • Roles of Exercise in Preventing Chronic Diseases
  • Government’s Roles in Combating Drug Addiction
  • Alcohol Awareness: Promote Responsible Drinking
  • Mandatory Sex Education in Schools: A Must for Adolescent Health

Fitness Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Embracing a Plant-based Diet for Optimal Health
  • Proving the Importance of Sleep in Fitness Progression
  • Highlighting the Role of Hydration in Physical Performance
  • Yoga: A Comprehensive Approach to Mental and Physical Health
  • Promoting Regular Exercise as a Method to Enhance Cognitive Function
  • Unveiling the Myth of Quick Weight Loss Solutions
  • Understanding the Connection Between Fitness and Lifespan
  • Benefits of Outdoors Activities for Mental Health
  • Decoding the Impact of Stress on Physical Fitness
  • Pilates: An Effective Workout for Core Strength
  • Dietary Supplements: Help or Hindrance in Fitness?
  • Unraveling the Truth Behind Fad Diets
  • Barriers to Exercise: Overcoming Laziness and Procrastination
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Its Benefits
  • Balance of Cardio and Strength Training for Optimal Fitness
  • Debunking Stereotypes Around Women in Weightlifting
  • Regular Physical Activity: A Proven Method to Reduce Anxiety
  • Functional Training: Preparing the Body for Real-Life Activities
  • Advantages of Group Workouts for Motivation and Accountability
  • Importance of Stretching: An Undervalued Aspect of Fitness
  • Roles of Mental Fortitude in Achieving Fitness Goals

Nursing Persuasive Speech Topics

  • The Significance of Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing Practice
  • Enhancing Patient Safety Through Effective Communication in Healthcare
  • Implementing Evidence-Based Practice to Improve Patient Outcomes
  • Promoting Cultural Sensitivity in Nursing Care Delivery
  • Advantages of Advanced Technology in Modern Nursing
  • Reducing Medication Errors Through Enhanced Healthcare Processes
  • Addressing the Nursing Workforce Shortage: Recruitment and Retention Strategies
  • Integrating Mental Health Services Into Primary Care Nursing Practice
  • Enhancing Patient Satisfaction through Compassionate and Person-Centered Care
  • The Impact of Nurse Staffing Ratios on Quality of Care
  • Embracing Diversity in the Nursing Profession for Inclusive Healthcare
  • Promoting Self-Care and Resilience Among Nursing Professionals
  • The Role of Nurses in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Initiatives
  • Effective Pain Management Strategies in Nursing Practice
  • Promoting Collaboration and Interprofessional Communication in Healthcare Settings
  • Implementing Patient-Centered Care Approaches in Nursing Practice
  • Addressing Burnout and Work-Related Stress Among Nursing Staff
  • The Role of Nurses in End-of-Life and Palliative Care Support
  • Advocating for Appropriate Nurse-Patient Ratios in Healthcare Settings
  • Benefits of Integrating Complementary Therapies Into Holistic Nursing Care
  • Empowering Nurses as Patient Advocates for Improved Health Outcomes
  • Enhancing Ethical Conduct in Nursing Research and Scholarly Activities
  • Promoting Health Equity in Nursing Care Delivery

Healthcare Persuasive Speech Topics in Medical Studies

  • Right to Die: Exploring Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
  • Importance of Blood Donation in Saving Lives
  • Medical Privacy: Ensuring Confidentiality of Patient Information
  • Elderly Care: Dignified Aging With Quality Services
  • Mobile Health Applications: Revolutionizing Personal Care
  • Childhood Immunizations: Averting Preventable Diseases
  • PTSD Management: Overlooked Necessity for Veterans
  • Improving Accessibility of Women’s Healthcare Services
  • Understanding Depression: Break Stigma and Foster Support
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders: Investing in Research and Support
  • Tackling Sleep Disorders for Improved Productivity
  • Addressing Health Disparities in Minority Populations
  • Regular Eye Examinations: Prevent Vision Loss
  • Fighting the Silent Killer: Prioritize Hypertension Management
  • Artificial Intelligence: Transform Healthcare Delivery
  • Conquering the Opioid Crisis: Strategies and Solutions
  • Lifestyle Diseases: Effect of Modern Living on Health
  • Driving Progress in Alzheimer’s Disease Research
  • Support Smoking Cessation: Lower Healthcare Costs
  • Dementia Care: Address the Needs of Aging Populations
  • Fostering Innovation in Personalized Medicine

Medical Informative Speech Topics

  • Nanotechnology and Its Applications in Healthcare
  • The Impact of Telemedicine on Patient Care
  • Emerging Technologies in Surgical Procedures
  • Genetic Testing and Personalized Medicine
  • Exploring the Potential of Stem Cell Therapy
  • The Importance of Electronic Health Records in Healthcare
  • Innovative Approaches to Mental Health Treatment
  • Advancements in Robotic Surgery Techniques
  • Understanding Immunotherapy in Cancer Treatment
  • The Future of Wearable Medical Devices
  • Precision Medicine in Cardiovascular Health
  • Exploring the Benefits of Virtual Reality in Rehabilitation
  • Gene Editing and Its Ethical Implications
  • The Rise of Digital Health Platforms
  • Innovative Solutions for Chronic Disease Management
  • Advancements in Non-Invasive Diagnostics
  • Integrating Artificial Intelligence Into Medical Imaging
  • Bioengineering’s Potential in Organ Transplantation
  • Exploring the Gut Microbiome’s Influence on Health
  • Robotics’ Use in Physical Therapy

Nursing Informative Speech Topics

  • The Impact of Electronic Health Records on Patient Care
  • Integrating Technology in Nursing Education: Advantages and Challenges
  • Enhancing Communication in Healthcare Through Telehealth Solutions
  • Utilizing Data Analytics to Improve Healthcare Outcomes
  • Implementing Barcoding Systems for Medication Safety
  • Exploring the Benefits of Mobile Health Applications for Patient Engagement
  • Optimizing Workflow Efficiency With Electronic Documentation Systems
  • Leveraging Big Data for Population Health Management
  • Enhancing Care Coordination Through Health Information Technology
  • Exploring the Potential of Blockchain Technology in Nursing and Healthcare
  • The Use of Social Media in Nursing Practice and Patient Education
  • Enhancing Medication Administration Through Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE)
  • Ethical Implications of Privacy and Security in Nursing Informatics
  • Exploring the Role of Telemedicine in Rural Healthcare Delivery
  • Implementing Remote Monitoring Systems for Chronic Disease Management
  • Enhancing Patient Safety With Automated Medication Dispensing Systems
  • The Integration of Genetics and Genomics in Nursing Informatics
  • Exploring the Role of Informatics in Nursing Leadership and Management
  • Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Practice and Decision-Making
  • The Use of Wearable Technology for Remote Patient Monitoring

Medical Innovations Informative Speech Topics

  • Artificial Intelligence in Disease Diagnosis
  • Nanotechnology and Targeted Drug Delivery
  • Robotic-Assisted Surgery in Modern Medicine
  • Virtual Reality Applications in Pain Management
  • Genetic Engineering for Disease Prevention
  • 3D Printing of Organs and Tissues
  • Telemedicine and Remote Patient Monitoring
  • Wearable Technology for Health Tracking
  • Advanced Prosthetics and Bionic Limbs
  • Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine
  • Personalized Medicine and Genetic Testing
  • Bioprinting for Customized Medical Implants
  • Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation for Mental Health
  • Precision Medicine in Cancer Treatment
  • Wireless Implantable Devices for Medical Monitoring
  • Smart Pills and Drug Delivery Systems
  • Immunotherapy for Treating Autoimmune Disorders
  • Artificial Organs and Transplants
  • Augmented Reality in Medical Education
  • Robotic Exoskeletons for Rehabilitation
  • Bioinformatics and Big Data in Healthcare

Health Education Informative Speech Topics

  • The Significance of Vaccinations in Preventing Infectious Diseases
  • The Influence of Regular Exercise on Physical and Mental Well-Being
  • Understanding the Role of Nutrition in Enhancing Overall Health
  • Managing Stress for a Healthier Lifestyle
  • Exploring the Advantages of Meditation for Mental Clarity
  • Recognizing the Indications of Mental Health Disorders
  • Effective Approaches for Maintaining a Healthy Weight
  • Promoting Safe and Responsible Sexual Health Practices
  • The Importance of Routine Health Checkups for Early Detection
  • Understanding and Coping With Chronic Illnesses
  • Examining the Connection Between Diet and Heart Health
  • Preventing and Managing Diabetes Through Lifestyle Modifications
  • Eliminating the Stigma Around Mental Health Challenges
  • Cultivating Healthy Sleep Habits for Optimal Wellness
  • The Role of Physical Activity in Preventing Osteoporosis
  • Understanding and Addressing Food Allergies
  • The Impact of Technology on Mental Well-Being
  • Exploring Various Modalities of Complementary Medicine
  • The Benefits of Regular Dental Care for Overall Well-Being
  • Recognizing and Overcoming Substance Abuse Issues
  • Promoting Healthy Aging and Prolonged Lifespan
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Gut Health and Well-Being

Medical History Informative Speech Topics

  • Revolutionary Breakthroughs in Medical Imaging Techniques
  • Ancient Medicinal Practices: Unearthing Secrets of Traditional Healing
  • Pioneering Women in Medicine: Shattering Glass Ceilings and Saving Lives
  • The Evolution of Surgical Techniques: From Ancient Tools to Robotic Precision
  • Groundbreaking Discoveries in Neurology: Decoding Complexities of the Human Brain
  • Unforgettable Epidemics: Lessons From History to Combat Modern Health Crises
  • Trailblazers in Vaccinology: Transforming Landscape of Preventive Medicine
  • Fascinating Story of Penicillin: A Miracle Drug That Changed the World
  • From Bloodletting to Transfusions: Tracing History of Blood Medicine
  • Fight Against Polio: Overcoming Challenges to Achieve Global Eradication
  • Impacts of Florence Nightingale: Visionary in Nursing and Healthcare Reform
  • Unconventional Medical Treatments: Examining Historical Curiosities and Controversies
  • Birth of Modern Anesthesia: Transforming Experience of Surgery
  • Great Plague of London: Uncovering Grim Realities of Devastating Epidemic
  • Story of X-Rays: From Mysterious Rays to Essential Diagnostic Tools
  • Medical Advances in War: How Military Conflicts Have Driven Innovations
  • History of Psychiatry: Tracing Evolution of Mental Health Treatment
  • War on Cancer: Milestones in Oncology and Strategies for Prevention
  • Curious Case of Phineas Gage: Insights Into Brain Function and Personality
  • Origins of Medical Ethics: Ethical Dilemmas in Practice of Medicine
  • Breakthroughs in Organ Transplantation: Saving Lives and Prolonging Hope
  • Cholera: Waterborne Killer That Shaped Public Health Policies

Alternative Medicine Informative Speech Topics

  • The Healing Power of Herbal Remedies
  • Mind-Body Connection in Holistic Healing
  • Acupuncture: Ancient Techniques for Modern Wellness
  • Exploring the Benefits of Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Naturopathy: A Holistic Approach to Health
  • Chiropractic Care: Aligning Your Body and Mind
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine: Balancing Yin and Yang
  • Energy Healing: Harnessing Inner Strength
  • Homeopathy: Unlocking Natural Healing Potential
  • Aromatherapy: The Scented Path to Well-Being
  • Reflexology: Stimulating Balance Through Foot Massage
  • The Art of Reiki: Channeling Universal Life Force
  • Crystal Healing: Harnessing Gemstone Energies
  • Holistic Nutrition: Nourishing Your Body for Optimal Health
  • Shamanic Healing: Connecting With Nature’s Wisdom
  • Hypnotherapy: Tapping Into Subconscious Potential
  • Sound Healing: Harmonizing Vibrational Medicine
  • Magnetic Therapy: Balancing Energies With Magnets
  • Color Therapy: Healing Power of Vibrant Hues
  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Cultivating Inner Peace
  • Tai Chi: Harmonizing Body, Mind, and Spirit

Healthcare Policy Informative Speech Topics

  • Ensuring Healthcare Equity for Underserved Communities
  • Advancing Medical Research and Innovation
  • Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure
  • Integrating Technology in Healthcare Delivery
  • Reducing Costs through Efficient Resource Allocation
  • Enhancing Workforce Training and Development
  • Ensuring Ethical Considerations in Policy-Making
  • Enhancing Quality Metrics in Healthcare
  • Safeguarding Patient Data Privacy and Security
  • Promoting Healthy Aging and Elderly Care
  • Addressing Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment
  • Improving Maternal and Child Health Services
  • Implementing Policies for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management
  • Promoting Cultural Competence in Healthcare Delivery
  • Enhancing Health Education and Health Literacy
  • Strengthening Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Response
  • Advancing LGBTQ+ Healthcare Access
  • Regulating Medical Device Safety and Efficacy
  • Explaining Health Information Exchange and Interoperability
  • Improving Palliative and End-of-Life Care

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healthcare persuasive speech

Persuasive Speech Topics and Ideas About Healthcare

healthcare persuasive speech

Can't seem to find a good healthcare persuasive speech topic? Coming up with a good topic for a speech is something that every speechgiver struggles with. A compelling speech is given to convince the audience of particular facts, values, and policies. It is an opportunity to share your beliefs and values to inspire others to join your cause. As nursing students, you will likely write healthcare speeches as part of your course curriculum. So, you must know how to choose a good topic.

In this article, our nursing writers have identified a list of unique healthcare speech topics that will persuade your audience to take action.

Characteristics of a Healthcare Persuasive Speech Topic

The first step to writing a good healthcare persuasive speech is selecting a good topic. But how do you decide between a good topic and a bad one? The following are features that a good healthcare persuasive speech topic must have:

Highly Interesting

A good speech should interest your audience. If your audience feels bored by the topic, they won't listen and will likely leave while you are on the podium. So, to ensure you don't exhaust your listeners to death, select an interesting topic.

An interesting topic is essential for your readers and you as the speech giver. If you don't enjoy the topic, you will have difficulty convincing your readers.

By unique, it means the topic should be original. Don't give a speech about a topic your audiences have heard a million times. Choose healthcare speech topics that have yet to be extensively covered, something intriguing. To find unique issues, look at what is trending in the healthcare industry.

A good healthcare topic should be appealing to the audience. Consider who your audience is by looking at factors such as age, academic level, experiences, etc. Younger audiences won't be fascinated by complex topics.

A good healthcare topic should be relevant. What are you trying to achieve by giving the speech? Since the aim is to persuade readers to take a stance on something, you should include rhetorical techniques, metaphors, and convincing evidence from experts.

With these features in mind, you can choose a persuasive speech topic on health care that meets your objectives.

Healthcare Topics for Informative Speech

If you are struggling to find good topics for a persuasive speech on healthcare, here is a list of topics that our custom nursing paper writers have narrowed down and categorized to make it easy to brainstorm around any of them or select one for your speech.

Persuasive Speech About Nursing

  • The role of nurses in practitioners in primary care settings
  • Ethical dilemmas in nursing
  • The challenges and rewards of emergency modern nursing
  • The delicate dance: balancing art and science in the nursing profession
  • Neonatal nursing: caring for newborns after birth
  • The role of palliative care nursing
  • The rise of Nurse Informaticists in the age of digital healthcare
  • Forensic nursing: the gap between healthcare and criminal justice
  • Pediatric nursing: caring for children
  • The diverse opportunities in public health nursing
  • The role of the nurse anesthetist in surgical settings
  • Occupational health nursing: promoting safety and well-being in the workplace
  • The contributions of nurse midwives to maternal health
  • Exploring the world while caring for patients as a travel nurse
  • Healthcare management: career paths and requirements
  • Community health nursing: addressing health disparities and promoting equity.
  • Cardiac nursing: caring for patients with heart conditions.
  • The importance of case management in nursing.
  • Home health nursing: providing care in the comfort of patients’ homes.
  • The role of nurses in telehealth.

Healthcare Persuasive Speech Topics About Mental Health

  • Should schools give the same priority and importance to mental health as physical health?
  • Should employees be given mandatory mental health days?
  • How does social media influence cognitive and social development in children?
  • How does play help in child development?
  • Should schools be mandated to provide mental health education and resources for students?
  • Should mental health screenings be a part of regular medical checkups in schools and the workplace?
  • Bipolar disorder problem.
  • The role of community nursing in mental health.
  • How positive peer groups can improve mental health
  • Mental Health: how lack of awareness is impacting people in low-income areas.
  • Mental health and eating disorders: what’s the link?
  • Code of ethics for mental health specialists.
  • Can child abuse lead to mental health issues in the future?
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder: How it is affecting you.
  • Should mental health treatment be made less complex and more affordable?
  • How stigmatization is a barrier to mental illness recovery.
  • How are social and cultural influences the most significant barriers to seeking mental health help?
  • Anxiety disorder: how teenagers are dealing.
  • Does drug addiction lead to mental health issues?
  • We are leveraging technology to enhance mental health services.
  • Extreme parental expectations: the most significant cause of drug abuse.
  • How parents cause anxiety to their children.
  • Role of genes in mental health
  • Horman levels in women and how they affect mental health.
  • How sleep disorder affects a person’s psychological health.
  • Financial constraints are the biggest reason why people don’t seek mental health assistance.

Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

  • The role of technology in modern healthcare.
  • The impacts of AI in the surgical rooms.
  • Addressing the stigma surrounding HIV/aids.
  • Advancements in cancer treatment and research.
  • Promoting access to affordable healthcare for low-income families.
  • The ethics of physician-assisted suicide.
  • The impacts of universal free healthcare policy.
  • Understanding the impact of obesity on overall health.
  • The need for increased awareness of rare diseases.
  • Exploring alternative medicine and its efficacy.
  • How to prevent preeclampsia in women.
  • The implications of genetic engineering in medicine and society.

Healthcare Persuasive Speech Topics About Health and Fitness

  • How is health wealth?
  • Master the body: understand how physical fitness impacts your body.
  • How strength training can change your life?
  • Keto diet: Does it work?
  • Simple physical exercises to do when pregnant.
  • How stress is a silent killer.
  • Strength training exercises women can do at home.
  • Resistance exercises for the elderly
  • The role of nutrition in the right body shape.
  • What you should bring with you on a hike
  • Do multivitamins help?
  • Why is protein good for
  • Why is it difficult to create and stick to a workout routine?
  • Ideal exercise for stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Does BMI tell you how healthy you are?
  • Can snacks keep you full?
  • Tips and techniques to avoid sports injury
  • Importance of sleep on physical fitness and mental health.
  • Best exercises for seniors.
  • Advantages of exercising regularly.
  • Balanced diet: Why it is essential for people at risk of developing lifestyle diseases.
  • Smoking is injurious to health
  • Dealing with muscle soreness
  • Excessive alcohol consumption: How much is safe for our health?
  • Sleep: Importance of getting enough.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of different dieting.
  • Yoga and meditation for mental exercise
  • Importance of regular checkups and screenings.
  • How to train right for your body type.
  • Impact of digital screen time on physical fitness.
  • The importance of hydration on athletic performance.
  • The benefits of group fitness classes and exercise communities.
  • How Supplements contribute to keeping fit.
  • What to eat before and after workouts.
  • Do exercise help in preventing chronic diseases
  • The health benefits of daily morning and evening walks.
  • Benefits of aging-in-place for seniors.
  • How to prevent falls among the elderly.

Healthcare Persuasive Speech Topics About Dental

  • Are Dental X-Rays Safe During Pregnancy?
  • How are deciduous teeth important in childhood development?
  • Children’s fear of the dentist
  • Dental Home: When is it right to start?
  • How poor dental hygiene can affect your life
  • Should all insurance cover dental implants?
  • Benefits of professional teeth whitening and why DIY methods don’t work
  • Why clear aligners are growing in popularity
  • The link between oral health and overall health.
  • Overcoming dental anxiety: How to make patients visits more comfortable.
  • Why you should not skip dental checkups.
  • Dental implants vs. dentures: Which is the better for you?
  • Why Adults should get orthodontic treatment.
  • Advancements in technology and what this means for the future of dentistry.
  • Why a Child's Dental Health is a must.
  • How dentistry can help prevent oral diseases.
  • Benefits of minimally invasive dentistry technique
  • The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry in Boosting Self-Confidence
  • The Importance of Dental Hygiene Education in Schools
  • Benefits of dental care during pregnancy

Persuasive speech topics about Maternal Health

  • Why prenatal checkups are essential for both mother and baby.
  • Advocating for the right policies to encourage exclusive breastfeeding.
  • Maternal mental health: why mothers must be aware of mental health issues.
  • Good nutrition is important for mothers and mothers-to-be.
  • Need for increased awareness about postpartum depression.
  • The role of community-based programs in promoting maternal health and well-being.
  • The impact of socioeconomic factors on maternal health disparities.
  • The need for improved access to family planning services to reduce maternal mortality rates.
  • The importance of accessible and affordable prenatal care for all women.
  • The importance of breastfeeding education for maternal and infant health.
  • The need for comprehensive sex education for safe motherhood.
  • The benefits of maternity leave policies in supporting the health of mothers and babies

Healthcare Persuasive Speech Topics in Medical Studies

  • Right to die: exploring euthanasia and assisted suicide.
  • Importance of blood donation in saving lives.
  • Medical privacy: ensuring confidentiality of patient information.
  • Elderly care: dignified aging with quality services.
  • Mobile health applications: revolutionizing personal care.
  • Immunizations: averting preventable diseases.
  • PTSD management: overlooked necessity for veterans.
  • Improving accessibility of women’s healthcare services.
  • Understanding depression: break stigma and foster support.
  • Autism spectrum disorders: investing in research and support.
  • Tackling sleep disorders for improved productivity.
  • Addressing health disparities in minority populations.
  • Regular eye examinations: prevent vision loss.
  • Fighting the silent killer: prioritize hypertension management.
  • Artificial intelligence: transform healthcare delivery.
  • Conquering the opioid crisis: strategies and solutions.
  • Lifestyle diseases: effect of modern living on health.
  • Driving progress in Alzheimer’s disease research.
  • Lower healthcare costs as a way to encourage smoking cessation.
  • Address the needs of aging populations.
  • Fostering innovation in personalized medicine.

Persuasive Medical Innovations Informative Speech Topics

  • the impact of nanotechnology in treatments of cancer
  • exploring the advancements in robotic surgery techniques
  • Will robotic surgery do away with doctors?
  • The role of 3d printing in customized medical implants
  • Dealing with the financial crisis in Mental Health Services
  • Are Antidepressants Safe for Children?
  • Understanding the potential of gene therapy in treating genetic disorders.
  • The evolution of telemedicine and its impact on remote patients.
  • Analyzing the applications of artificial intelligence in diagnostics.
  • Exploring the future of wearable health monitoring devices and their benefits.
  • Exploring the effects of immunotherapy in cancer treatment.
  • Understanding the developments in regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy.

Healthcare Persuasive Speech Topics About Patient Care and Nursing Skills

  • The importance of patient-centered care in nursing.
  • Developing practical communication skills for nurses.
  • The role of evidence-based practice in nursing care.
  • The importance of cultural competence in patient care.
  • Advanced wound care techniques for chronic wounds.
  • The role of nurses in pain management and opioid crisis mitigation.
  • Implementing evidence-based practices in nursing care.
  • Enhancing patient education for better post-discharge outcomes.
  • The importance of critical thinking and clinical reasoning in nursing.
  • Combating healthcare-associated infections: a community-based approach.
  • The role of nurses in pain management.
  • How nurses can promote health literacy among patients.
  • Care for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Cancer pain: assessment, management, and patient empowerment.
  • The nurse’s role in promoting patient adherence to treatment plans.

Persuasive Speech Topics About Alternative Medicine

  • The basics of acupuncture: how it works and its benefits.
  • Exploring the healing power of herbal medicine.
  • The healing power of herbal medicine and techniques.
  • The role of meditation and mindfulness in promoting mental and physical well-being.
  • Naturopathy: A holistic approach to health.
  • treating musculoskeletal issues through spinal adjustments.
  • Aligning your body and mind through meditation.
  • Understanding the benefits of homeopathy
  • Do essential oils work for your health and wellness
  • Exploring the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
  • How you can benefit from hypnosis.
  • Sound healing: harmonizing vibrational medicine.
  • Magnetic therapy for pain management.
  • Color Therapy: the healing power of vibrant hues.
  • Meditation and mindfulness: Cultivating inner peace.
  • Tai Chi: harmonizing body, mind, and spirit.
  • The role of Chiropractic care in treating musculoskeletal disorders.
  • The Power of Ayurveda: ancient Indian medicine for modern health.
  • The benefits and techniques of reiki energy healing.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of naturopathy in holistic health care.

Persuasive Speech Topics on Healthcare Policy

  • Ensuring healthcare equity for underserved communities.
  • Advancing medical research and innovation.
  • Pros and cons of universal healthcare.
  • Measures for strengthening healthcare infrastructure.
  • Integrating technology in nursing.
  • Efficient resource allocation to reduce healthcare costs.
  • Enhancing workforce training and development.
  • Ensuring ethical considerations in policy-making.
  • How pharmaceutical pricing affects patient affordability.
  • Safeguarding patient data privacy and security.
  • Fostering healthy aging and elderly care.
  • Addressing substance abuse and addiction treatment.
  • Improving maternal and child health services.

The Bottom Line

Putting together a persuasive speech involves selecting a good topic. Follow the above guidelines and establish a topic from the above list to ensure you give a speech that persuades readers.

Related Articles:

  • Capstone project topics and ideas for nursing students.
  • Good topics for nursing informatics.
  • How to write a nursing issue paper.
  • Evidence-based practice topics.
  • Good topics for nursing research.
  • Debate topics for nursing.
  • Mental health topics for nursing student papers.

If you need further help writing a good healthcare speech or nursing essays and research papers, we can help. Our team of specialized nursing paper writers are well versed in nursing-related matters, so they can help craft an exemplary speech essay or paper. Feel free to place an order safely and securely anytime. We are here for you.

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Healthcare persuasive speech topics and ideas, rachel r.n..

  • May 6, 2024
  • Essay Topics and Ideas

A persuasive speech is a type of public speaking where the main goal is to convince the audience to agree with your viewpoint or perspective on a particular topic.

You present logical arguments and credible evidence to persuade the listeners to adopt your way of thinking or take a specific action.

The key aspects of an effective persuasive speech are:

  • Having a clear, focused thesis statement about your viewpoint Example: “Today, I will persuade you that universal healthcare should be implemented in our country.”
  • Providing solid reasoning and evidence to support your arguments Example: Cite data on health outcomes, economics and ethics to argue for universal healthcare.
  • Connecting with the audience’s interests, concerns and values Example: Appeal to their desire for affordable quality care and ethical treatment.
  • Using persuasive techniques like rhetorical devices, storytelling and emotional appeals Example: Use vivid real patient stories about insurance struggles to create empathy.

What You'll Learn

Tips for Writing an Excellent Persuasive Speech

  • Choose a topic you are passionate about and have good knowledge of. Your conviction will come through naturally when speaking on something you care deeply about. Example: If you have witnessed inadequate healthcare access challenges firsthand, speak about that.
  • Research thoroughly from credible, expert sources to gather up-to-date facts, data, statistics and evidence to back up your key points solidly. Example: Use research from reputable medical journals, government reports and policy institutes.
  • Identify your target audience and tailor your language, examples and persuasive style to best connect with their specific backgrounds, values and interests. Example: Use less jargon and explain concepts simply when presenting to a general public audience.
  • Have a clear, persuasive thesis statement stating your viewpoint upfront so the audience knows exactly where you stand. Example: “The US healthcare system is in dire need of reform to universal healthcare to ensure affordable access for all citizens.”
  • Organize your key arguments and supporting evidence logically in a structured format that flows well and builds up your case convincingly. Example: Lay out the problems first, then your proposed solution, backing it up with solid data points.
  • Use a variety of persuasive rhetorical techniques strategically like emotional appeals, rhetorical questions, vivid examples, metaphors and storytelling. Example: “How many of you know someone impacted by outrageous medical bankruptcy due to healthcare costs? This is unacceptable.”
  • Respectfully address any major opposing viewpoints and provide solid counterarguments and evidence to disprove them thoroughly. Example: Preemptively discuss and refute claims that universal healthcare would raise taxes greatly or decrease quality.
  • End strongly by summarizing your main points and giving a powerful, passionate call-to-action that reinforces your viewpoint. Example: “I urge you all to join me in advocating for every American’s basic human right to affordable healthcare through universal coverage.”
  • Practice your delivery diligently, focusing on strong voice projection, confident body language and impactful pauses. Use visual aids when appropriate. Example: Display medical bill examples or charts vividly showing cost disparities.
  • Be thoroughly prepared with additional evidence to respond effectively to any questions from the audience that may counter your stance. Example: Have detailed rebuttals on healthcare finance and provider capacity concerns ready.

Format of a Persuasive Speech

I. Introduction • Attention-grabbing opener to hook the audience’s interest Example: A striking statistic, rhetorical question or real anecdote about healthcare struggles. • Clearly establish your connection with the audience on a personal level Example: “As students who may encounter healthcare challenges…” • End with a precise, clear thesis statement stating your viewpoint Example: “Universal healthcare is a moral and economic imperative for our nation.”

II. Body • Main Point 1 (backed by evidence – facts, statistics, expert views etc.) Example: Discuss healthcare affordability challenges and impacts of medical bankruptcies. • Main Point 2 Example: Current healthcare system inefficiencies driving up costs and limiting access. • Main Point 3 Example: Lay out proposed universal healthcare plan, funding it, and benefits. • Address opposing arguments and provide counterarguments Example: “Some claim universal healthcare will raise taxes drastically, but studies show…” • Use persuasive techniques strategically Examples: Emotional appeals with patient struggles, rhetorical questions, metaphors.

III. Conclusion • Restate your thesis statement Example: “Universal healthcare is critical for an ethical, productive society.” • Summarize key arguments succinctly Example: Recap facts on costs, coverage benefits, economic impacts concisely. • End with an impactful call-to-action that reinforces your viewpoint Example: “I urge you all to contact your representatives and demand universal healthcare now!”

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50 Persuasive Speech Topics on Healthcare

1. Universal healthcare should be provided to all citizens by the government 2. Preventive healthcare services should be covered under all insurance plans 3. Mental health counseling must be made mandatory in schools and colleges 4. Healthy school lunch programs are critical for childhood nutrition and wellness 5. Cosmetic surgery for aesthetic reasons should be banned 6. Medical marijuana should be legalized for therapeutic use 7. Vaccination for children should be made compulsory by law 8. Electronic medical records software must be implemented across all hospitals 9. Home-based healthcare services need to be expanded for the elderly 10. Graphic warning labels on unhealthy food products would reduce obesity rates 11. Reproductive health education should be part of the school curriculum 12. Banning fast food advertisements aimed at children and adolescents 13. Medical insurance should cover alternative therapies like yoga and acupuncture 14. Telemedicine will revolutionize and make healthcare more accessible 15. Medical malpractice lawsuits need stricter regulation to reduce frivolous claims 16. The healthcare system is ill-equipped for dealing with rare diseases 17. Animal testing for medical research should be banned entirely 18. Euthanasia or mercy killing should be legalized with proper guidelines 19. Government must subsidize healthcare costs for economically disadvantaged citizens 20. “Fat taxes” should be imposed on processed foods high in sugar and fat 21. Social media is fueling mental health issues like anxiety and depression 22. Mindfulness meditation programs should be offered in the workplace 23. Genetically modified foods need stricter labeling and regulation 24. Expensive medical treatments should have caps based on cost-effectiveness 25. Climate change poses serious public health hazards that urgently need action 26. Universal healthcare would actually reduce the overall economic burden 27. Drug addiction should be treated as a health issue rather than criminalized 28. Paid maternity/paternity leave is beneficial for maternal and child health 29. People should have the right to choose doctor-assisted death in terminal cases 30. COVID-19 highlighted the need for robust public health emergency preparedness 31. Health insurance must cover infertility treatments like IVF 32. Junk foods and sugary drinks should be banned in school cafeterias 33. Prescription drugs advertising needs to be more strictly regulated 34. Corporations have an ethical obligation to provide healthcare to employees 35. Preventive dental care programs should be covered under insurance 36. Environmental pollution is a major cause of chronic diseases and cancers 37. Antibiotics are being overused leading to antibiotic resistance 38. Healthcare data security needs to be urgently prioritized in the digital age 39. Global health inequalities deprive millions of people of basic medical care 40. Healthcare careers should have incentives to attract more talent into the field 41. Organ donation should be opt-out instead of opt-in to increase donors 42. Medical residents and nurses face extremely stressful working conditions 43. Schools need to do more to cater to students with special healthcare needs 44. Unethical practices by pharma companies are driving up costs of medicines 45. Clean drinking water and sanitation are fundamental human rights 46. Expanding Medical AI technologies needs a robust ethical framework 47. Arts therapy programs benefit mental and physical rehabilitation 48. Urban design needs to prioritize walkability and areas for exercise 49. Agriculture runoff chemicals are contaminating the food supply chain 50. Travel medical insurance should be mandatory for international travel

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50+ Great Nursing Speech Topics

Wilson logan.

  • August 31, 2022
  • Nursing Topics and Ideas

List of Great Nursing Speech Topics

Nursing is a demanding profession that requires both physical and mental stamina. To be a successful communicator, it’s important to select the best nursing speech topics. This article also provides tips on how to prepare for and deliver a speech effectively so that you can ensure that your audience understands what you are saying and leaves the event feeling informed and inspired. Here are five of the great nursing speech topics you can talk about;  has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is  place an order  with us.

  • Care of the elderly- As the population ages, nursing speech topics that focus on care for the elderly will become increasingly popular. Topics might include how to prevent falls, manage pain and improve nutrition.
  • Breastfeeding support – Many women choose to breastfeed, but not all are able to do so successfully. Nursing speech topics that focus on breastfeeding support can be extremely valuable to mothers struggling to get the most out of their breastfeeding experience. Topics might include how to pump properly and latch on correctly, as well as tips for dealing with common problems.
  • Managing chronic illness -Nursing speech topics that focus on managing a chronic illness can be extremely beneficial for patients and their families. Topics might include how to take medication correctly, how to deal with side effects, and what resources are available in the hospital or community.
  • Promoting healthy eating habits – One of the most important things nurses can do is promote healthy eating habits among their patients. This can be an especially important topic when it comes to pediatric patients , who often have more difficulty adhering to a healthy diet than adults do. Nursing speech topics that focus on nutrition and diet can be extremely beneficial for patients and their families.
  • Preventing falls – As the population ages, falls are becoming more common. Nursing speech topics that focus on preventing falls can be extremely beneficial to patients and their families. Topics might include how to avoid trip hazards, how to manage low blood sugar levels, and how to reduce the risk of falling in the first place.

Presentation Topics for nursing students

  • Introduction to nursing: What it is, what it does, and the history of nursing
  • The role of nurses in health care: From diagnosis to treatment
  • Understanding patient needs and preferences: From assessment to planning
  • Concepts and theories of nursing: From biology to philosophy
  • Technology in nursing: From monitors to mobile apps
  • Ethics in nursing: From professionalism to patient safety
  • Care of the elderly: From assessment to care
  • Nursing documentation: From charting to electronic health records

Informative Speech Topics for nursing students

Nursing speech topics can come from a variety of different angles, such as personal experiences, professional advice, or informative stories. Some helpful tips on selecting nursing speech topics include considering the audience you are trying to reach and tailoring your speech accordingly. Below are a few ideas to get you started.

Topics for Informational Speeches for Nursing Students:

  • Career options in nursing
  • The importance of teamwork in the nursing profession
  • Advancements in nursing technology
  • The role of the nurse practitioner in the health care system
  • The benefits of breastfeeding
  • How to deal with difficult patients
  • The role of fitness in healthy living
  • The importance of licensing and certification in the nursing profession
  • How to develop a successful nursing career
  • Advice for choosing a nursing school
  • Preparing for the NCLEX-RN examination

Here’s a Persuasive Speech Outline Format + [Guide & 1 Elaborative Example ]

Informative Speech Topics about Nursing

Nursing is one of the most important professions in the world. It is a challenging and rewarding career that helps people stay healthy and live longer. Nurses play an important role in caring for patients, and their speech can have a significant impact on their care. Here are some informative speech topics about nursing:

  • The roles and responsibilities of a nurse .
  • The importance of communication in nursing.
  • Proper hygiene practices for nurses.
  • How to deal with difficult patients.
  • How to deal with stress in a nursing career.
  • The importance of teamwork in nursing.
  • The benefits of nursing education.
  • The importance of nursing research .
  • The growth of nursing since the 1800s.

Good Medical Informative Speech Topics

There are several types of informative speeches that a student or professional can give. These include speeches about health, fitness, nutrition, and personal hygiene.

Below is a list of good medical speech topics to get you started.

  • How smoking and drinking affect your health.
  • The benefits of exercise.
  • Nutrition and its role in health.
  • Health risks are associated with certain lifestyle choices.
  • How to stay healthy during the winter months.
  • How to improve your general health.
  • The importance of preventive care.
  • How technology is changing the way we look after our health.
  • The role of healthcare in society.
  • The future of healthcare.
  • How gene editing is changing the way we treat diseases.
  • The future of healthcare in the age of genomics.
  • How advances in medical technology are helping people with disabilities live fuller and more independent lives.
  • The impact of new cancer treatments on patients and their families.
  • The future of healthcare in the age of artificial intelligence.
  • The impact of climate change on health.
  • The role of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in healthcare.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of genome sequencing.
  • Ways to reduce the risk of chronic disease in the population.
  • How to stay healthy during the holiday season

Working on a call to action speech, here’s are 25 + Best Call To Action Persuasive Speech Topics + [Outline]

Nursing Persuasive Speech Topics

Nursing persuasive speech topics can vary depending on the type of patient or situation. However, some common nursing persuasive speech topics include:

  • The benefits of a particular treatment or therapy
  • The patient’s experience with a particular treatment or therapy
  • The risks and benefits of alternative treatments or therapies
  • The importance of compliance with treatment instruction
  • The patient’s adaptation to treatment
  • The patient’s satisfaction with the treatment
  • The patient’s relationship with the healthcare team
  • The patient’s overall health and well-being
  • The importance of early detection and treatment of health problems

Healthcare Persuasive Speech topics

  • The importance of healthcare
  • Healthcare myths and facts
  • Healthcare reform and the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
  • How healthcare affects our everyday lives
  • How to choose the right healthcare plan for you
  • Choosing a healthcare provider
  • Understanding healthcare expenses
  • Getting the most out of your health insurance
  • Managing chronic health conditions
  • Finding the best doctors for you and your family
  • Dealing with difficult family dynamics in regard to healthcare
  • Making tough decisions about medical treatment
  • Healthcare reform: What you need to know
  • The benefits of healthcare for you and your family
  • How healthcare affects the economy
  • The cost of healthcare in the United States
  • Healthcare in the developing world
  • How healthcare can help you live a healthier life
  • The many different types of healthcare available
  • The importance of early detection and treatment of illnesses
  • The role of medical science in healthcare
  • How to get the most out of your healthcare experience
  • Tips for staying healthy while undergoing treatments for illnesses or injuries
  • Protecting your health through proper diet and exercise
  • How to cope with illness or injury, including advice for seniors and people with disabilities
  • Choosing the right health insurance plan
  • Finding quality, affordable healthcare when traveling abroad
  • The importance of preventive care
  • How to communicate with your healthcare provider
  • Tips for staying healthy during a hospital stay
  • Dealing with chronic health conditions
  • How to find the best doctors for you and your family

nursing speech topics outline and sample

Medical persuasive Speech Topics

  • The benefits of chemotherapy for cancer patients.
  • The importance of early detection in cancer patients.
  • The importance of research in cancer patients.
  • What role do chemo-prevention plays in the fight against cancer?
  • The impact of cancer on the individual and the family.
  • How to deal with the physical and emotional aftermath of a cancer diagnosis.
  • Tips for coping with stress while undergoing treatment for cancer.
  • Ways to stay positive during tough times following a cancer diagnosis.
  • Tips for dealing with financial hardships as a result of a cancer diagnosis.
  • Ways to support others who are going through a similar experience as you are.
  • Coping with changes in daily routines due to illness or treatment.
  • Managing fatigue and staying motivated during treatment for cancerous cells or tumors
  • How to cope with changes in food intake due to chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • Tips for coping with mood swings caused by chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • Methods for coping with feelings of isolation during treatment for cancer。
  • Tips for staying positive when dealing with doctors and nurses who may be insensitive to your cancer diagnosis
  • How to find support groups or charities that specifically address the needs of cancer patients。
  • The importance of maintaining a positive attitude and dealing with feelings of guilt or depression caused by chemotherapy or radiation therapy。
  • Common side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy and how to best manage them。
  • Tips for coping with the emotional impact of losing a loved one to cancer.

What to learn more about soap notes ? You might find these interesting ( SOAP notes objective examples)

  • What is a SOAP Note? [Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan Examples]
  • SOAP Notes Assessment Examples | Guide & Outline
  • Clinical SOAP Note  Depression  (SOAP notes for mental health examples)
  • Comprehensive SOAP Solved Sample
  • SOAP Note Sample | Practical Guide & Outline | Updated

Speech Topics on Nutrition

  • The importance of eating a balanced diet.
  • The benefits of different types of food.
  • How to choose the right foods to eat.
  • The different types of diets and how they work.
  • Tips for reducing calories and losing weight.
  • How to increase your intake of vegetables and fruits.
  • The best ways to avoid eating junk food.
  • Tips for eating healthy at restaurants.
  • Ways to boost your immune system without medication.
  • Benefits of meditation and how to start practicing it.
  • How to deal with cravings and food addiction.
  • The different signs that you need to see a doctor about your diet.
  • How to cook healthy meals for families.
  • How to find healthy meal ideas for special occasions.
  • What is the keto diet and what are the benefits?
  • How exercise can help you live a healthier life.
  • The best foods to eat if you have diabetes.
  • The benefits of Probiotics for people with gut health problems.
  • The importance of drinking enough water every day.
  • Ways to reduce stress and improve your wellbeing

How to prepare for a nursing speech

Nursing is a unique career path with a lot of responsibility and opportunities. People who are interested in this field may want to consider preparing for a nursing speech. This article will discuss some tips on how to prepare for a nursing speech, and provide an outline of what to expect during the speech itself.

Preparing for the Speech

If you are planning on giving a nursing speech, there are a few things that you should do in order to make the presentation as effective as possible. One of the most important things that you can do is to prepare extensively beforehand so that your speech will be well-organized and efficient. Here are some tips on how to prepare for a nursing speech:

– Research the topic that you will be discussing. This will help you to make sure that your points are accurate and relevant to the particular audience that you are addressing.

– Create a timeline of your speech. This will help you to structure your thoughts and keep track of your progress.

– Practice your speech at least once before delivering it. This will help you to get comfortable with the format and delivery of your remarks.

– Be sure to dress professionally for your speech. This will give the audience a sense of respect and professionalism.

The Speech itself

If you are giving a nursing speech, here are some tips to help make it a success.

1. Choose the right topic. A nursing speech can be on any topic that is relevant to your field of nursing. If you are giving a speech on wound care, for example, you might want to discuss different types of dressings or methods for healing wounds. However, be sure to focus your speech on the subject at hand and avoid generalizing about all nurses or discussing personal anecdotes that may not be applicable to your audience.

2. Be prepared for questions. Your audience is likely to have many questions about your topic and what you have to say. Make sure you have adequate answers prepared so that you do not have to waste time responding to unnecessary inquiries.

3. Practice, practice, practice. The more times you can deliver your speech without making any mistakes, the better off you will be. Not only will this make you more confident in what you have to say, but it will also help prevent pesky little glitches from ruining your presentation.

4. Keep a positive attitude. Even if things don’t go as planned during your speech, keep a positive attitude and stay focused on the main

Thinking of using humor, here’s 80 + Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

As a new nurse, it is likely that you will be called upon to give speeches at some point in your career. Whether you are a staff nurse taking care of patients in the hospital or an RN working in a clinic , preparing for and giving a speech can be one of the most challenging tasks you will face as a nurse.

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200+ Best Persuasive & Informative Speech Topics about Health

  • Carla Johnson
  • July 26, 2022
  • Nursing Topics and Ideas

This covers a lists of more than 200 Persuasive & Informative Speech Topics about Health.

When brainstorming a Persuasive or Informative Health Speech topic, consider several factors, including but not limited to how comfortable and enthralled you are writing about the subject. Select topics that address your personal experiences as well as common healthcare issues that interest you.

Thorough and comprehensive research is essential for making the essay stand out.

Approach the essay from the reader’s point of view in order to write an argument or discussion that will appeal to them.

If you don’t want to face challenges in providing quality and premium written pieces, look for a subject that is fun and easy to address.

The issue you choose to address is unimportant as long as you have enough information to write a speech that meets the required word count.

Here are some topics that students of all academic levels can use to write reader-centered and interesting health speeches.

You can also check out Guide to Writing Best Informative Essay Outline

Top Informative Speech Topics about Health

  • The best and worst abdominal exercises in a gym.
  • The body’s coping mechanisms when in a state of shock.
  • Managing and controlling type 2 diabetes.
  • How our culture affects organ donation.
  • Simple AIDS prevention tips.
  • How celiac disease affects our world.
  • The benefits of walking without shoes.
  • How smoking is harmful to your health.
  • The benefits of being an organ donor.
  • The dangers of texting while driving.
  • The importance of vitamins and minerals.
  • The nutritional value of pickles.
  • The importance of wearing your seatbelt.
  • The effects of caffeine on the body.
  • The history of Psychology.
  • Exercise combats health problems.
  • High-risk pregnancy complications.
  • What is narcissistic personality disorder?
  • The effects of fast food on the body.
  • How Monsanto affects our food.
  • How the American diet has changed.
  • The health benefits of dark chocolate.
  • Plastic surgery is bad for your skin.
  • The importance of anxiety and depression awareness.
  • The benefits of regular exercise.
  • How the circulatory system works.
  • How to have a healthy pregnancy.
  • How to get a really good sleep.
  • Why the brain is so important.
  • The effects of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  • Calcium is important
  • Eating disorders in modern times.
  • Herbal remedies that work for common diseases.
  • Junk food and its relation to obesity.
  • Obesity is the next health risk for the western world.
  • Smoking bans and restrictions don’t work.
  • Stretching exercises at the start of your day prevent injuries.
  • The influenza vaccination effectiveness is poor.
  • The losing battle with alcohol abuse.
  • The necessity of mandatory HIV/AIDS testing
  • The need for mandatory drug testing in our society.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of aqua aerobics for your muscles.
  • How to determine your body fat percentage in three steps, and when are you in
  • The effects of dietary health supplements on the long run are not certain.
  • Increasing weight leads to increasing condition and risks.
  • Why performance-enhancing substances such as steroids are banned in sports.
  • Natural bodybuilding supplements and their benefits for normal athletes.
  • Different types of Calisthenics exercises on music beats.
  • Why do people apply to life extension nutrition – there is no life elixir or cocktail?
  • Disadvantages of raw food diets – the flip-side topics to talk about are the
  • Different methods of strength training programs for revalidating patients. Ideas for informative speech topics on fitness:
  • Choosing a gym in your town, what to think of, get them a generic checklist.
  • Workout myths and lies.
  • The history of the Pilates system that was very popular in the nineties.
  • Time-saving fitness training tips for busy persons.
  • Ways to prepare for the types of physical tests, e.g. the Bruce, Beep.
  • Designating a personal trainer helps you to keep on coming to the athletic club.
  • Cardiovascular exercises that really work.
  • Top stretching and warm up tips.
  • Big three men’s salubriousness issues.
  • How to get rid of blubbering cellulite adipose tissue on your waist.
  • Comfortable workout clothing and activewear for women.
  • What is spinning?
  • Tips to stay motivated to go to the gym two or three times a week.
  • Benefits of yoga workout routines.
  • Back pain exercises to stretch and strengthen your back and supporting muscles.
  • Different low-carb diets.
  • Top five sunburn blocking tips, and do share your own wisdom, and empiricism
  • Travel tips for a healthy vacation.
  • How our immune system works to keep you physically strong and capable.
  • Yoga diet and yogic meditation techniques.
  • Strange Allergies and their symptoms and effects.
  • Multiple Sclerosis symptoms, causes, treatment and life expectancy.
  • Asthma solutions and natural remedies.
  • Dental care how to prevent tooth decay.
  • Stress management – reduce, prevent and cope with stress.
  • Yoga tips for beginners and starters – ideal to demonstrate some postures.
  • Why taking a vacation is good for your health.
  • The effects of eating disorders.
  • What is Down syndrome?
  • Alcohol addicts need help, but they are shy to say it
  • Are animal-human transplants save lives?
  • The need for farmers to go organic
  • The use of e-cigarettes is a safe way to enable addicts to quit smoking
  • Vaporizers have side effects and should be avoided
  • The importance of yoga workout routines
  • How to deal with a kid suffering from autism/
  • The need for the supply of birth control pills to increase
  • The first six months of breastfeeding should be made mandatory
  • Cellphones have adverse effects on our health
  • The best way to dress for workouts
  • Tobacco chewing is a dangerous habit that should be discouraged
  • Condoms are a necessary protective measure against early pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases
  • The checklist for selecting the best gym in town
  • The checklist to preventing tooth decay
  • CPR should be a mandatory subject in academic levels
  • Meat is health but eating it daily is bad for your health
  • Euthanasia as a safe way to lower the rates of suicidal cases
  • Fire awareness and preparedness techniques
  • Herbal medicines highly recommended for treating different conditions
  • Proper nutrition is the natural treatment for hair loss in humans
  • Mindfulness for managing stress and depression
  • Natural ways to prevent hangovers
  • Quality and quantity sleep to boost performance at work
  • Are fast foods junk food, and how to minimize intake?
  • Simple yet effective ways to prevent aids
  • Soft drugs aren’t as soft as seem
  • The benefits of slim and black tea
  • Effects of Excessive consumption of black tea
  • Avocados have many health benefits
  • The many health benefits of medical marijuana
  • Extreme levels of salt in food can be harmful to your health
  • What is the Paleo diet and its benefits?
  • Fitness training tips that could save you time
  • Easy tips to keep you motivated to accomplish your health goals

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Informative Speech Topics about Health

Top Persuasive Speech Topics about Health

  • Isolation is the best way to prevent the spread of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA infections.
  • Medical marijuana must be allowed for ill people – or not.
  • Migraine often is misunderstood in the workplace.
  • Mental health issues affect us all in some way.
  • Food allergy can manifest in behavior issues.
  • Stuttering causes self-acceptance and self-esteem problems.
  • The food industry should be blamed for obesity.
  • Tourette’s syndrome patients can’t help it, let’s help them.
  • Alzheimer’s disease should be involved in the care he or she will get.
  • Atkins isn’t a quick fix for weight loss.
  • Solve asthma by improving air quality.
  • Effective medicines aren’t always expensive.
  • Medical speech recognition and pathology experiences.
  • Stopping smoking speeds recovery after operations.
  • Everyone should donate blood.
  • A woman can be too old to give birth.
  • Air ambulance helicopters are the most efficient way to help victims of road accidents.
  • Back pain is caused by a spinal disk problem.
  • Beauty is not a valid reason to pursue cosmetic plastic surgery.
  • Brushing your teeth twice a day will not keep the dentist away.
  • Cell phones have a dangerous amount of radiation.
  • Children should be first on organ transplant lists.
  • Computer use is the reason for those repetitive strain injuries.
  • Do not be afraid of biotechnology developments.
  • Everyone needs dentistry insurance.
  • Everybody should be an organ donor.
  • Human fetal tissue research will help patients suffering from Alzheimer disease.
  • Medication for general use should not be protected for 20 years.
  • Needle exchange programs help to prevent the widespread of blood-borne viruses.
  • Newborns without brains should not be used as organ donors.
  • Nutrition patterns will change the human DNA genome structure.
  • Patients should never accept money from the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Pharmaceuticals are not transparent.
  • Techniques and methods for transgenderation need to be assessed better.
  • Terminally ill patients should freely rely on a hospital hospice program.
  • The birth control pill is not safe.
  • The E Coli bacteria is not explained properly enough.
  • The morning-after pill must be freely prescribed in drugstores and pharmacies.
  • The Morning-After Pill must be made available without a prescription.
  • Using a known sperm donor is too risky.
  • Most infertile couples use alternative medicine .
  • How a donation help your local Alzheimer’s charity.
  • Food allergy is a disease.
  • War veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress are not treated in time.

You can also check out Creative Topics for Narrative Writing / Essays

Related FAQs

1. what is an informative speech topic.

An informative speech is one that provides information and educates the audience on a specific topic. An informative speech should help your audience learn, understand, and remember information you are presenting. How do you choose an informative speech topic?

2. How long should an informative speech be?

Mind your volume. Mostly your informative speech should take no longer than 5 to 7 minutes, so picking vast topics would be illogical. You won’t cover all the necessary information within such a tight deadline.

3. What is the difference between persuasive speech and informative speech?

Persuasive speeches are intended for persuading your audience and informing them on a particular topic or idea. Informative speeches, however, focus more on providing information without any intention of persuasion whatsoever… Provide examples from the real world so that your audience can relate to your topic of the speech on a practical basis.

4. Why do informative speeches become boring?

Informative speeches can easily become boring for an audience for several reasons. First, the speaker should be sure not to present a topic which is already well known, or the audience will quickly lose interest. The topic should be something the audience has never encountered, or at least include new and exciting information on a familiar topic.

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healthcare persuasive speech

Healthcare Public Speaking: Engaging the Power of Personal Persuasion

room with chairs

Physicians, medical practice administrators, hospital public relations executives, and corporate representatives can all find and use community or professional talks to directly engage one listener. Speaking in public can cause an institutional image (health system, hospital or medical group) to be transformed—in the mind of each listener—into a fellow human being.

The trouble is, many people are not comfortable with public speaking. And, although the cost is relatively low, finding, preparing and delivering speeches is often underutilized in healthcare marketing. Here’s how to turn that around…

  • It gets easier with preparation and practice. Virtually everyone can gain self-confidence and overcome the fear of the podium when they have confidence in their material and a little rehearsal. Ask a friend or colleague to coach or provide feedback.
  • A video camera is better than a mirror. Practice talking to a video camera to help overcome any hypercritical self-awareness. Talk to one person in practice and talk to one person in the actual presentation.
  • The audience wants the speaker to succeed. Individuals in the audience are genuinely interested in you and the topic…or, frankly, they probably wouldn’t be in the audience at all.

Finding speaking engagements can also be easier than you think…

1. You've got to ask.  It shouldn't be surprising, but the number one way that speakers are invited to be speakers is to ask to be asked. If you’re too busy or reluctant to champion yourself, an experienced public relations office can help connect your availability with program chairmen, event sponsors and the like.

2. Include “speaker” on your website and be easy to contact. As above, use your website, CV, social media outlets and other communications to position your availability.

3. Publish articles and/or get quoted in the media. Spotlight yourself once in a while to be recognized as an authoritative voice and an experienced public speaker. Can you identify yourself as an author, expert and/or public speaker?

4. Pursue specific targets of opportunity. List the professional organizations, public events, association meetings and the like where you would like to be on the speaker’s list. Identify the program chairman or organizer and let them know you are available, and offer a list of appropriate topics.

5. Promote every speech or media appearance. Connect with the media in advance and provide information about your speaking topic. Publicity before and after an event helps build awareness and enhance your recognition and reputation.

For more on this, here’s a related article, Eight Public Speaking Tips for Maximum Marketing Mileage; How to succeed at public speaking , enhance your reputation and produce new revenue.

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healthcare persuasive speech

112 Persuasive Speech Topics That Are Actually Engaging

What’s covered:, how to pick an awesome persuasive speech topic, 112 engaging persuasive speech topics, tips for preparing your persuasive speech.

Writing a stellar persuasive speech requires a carefully crafted argument that will resonate with your audience to sway them to your side. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start.

When it comes time to select a topic for your persuasive speech, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options to choose from—or your brain may be drawing a completely blank slate. If you’re having trouble thinking of the perfect topic, don’t worry. We’re here to help!

In this post, we’re sharing how to choose the perfect persuasive speech topic and tips to prepare for your speech. Plus, you’ll find 112 persuasive speech topics that you can take directly from us or use as creative inspiration for your own ideas!

Choose Something You’re Passionate About

It’s much easier to write, research, and deliver a speech about a cause you care about. Even if it’s challenging to find a topic that completely sparks your interest, try to choose a topic that aligns with your passions.

However, keep in mind that not everyone has the same interests as you. Try to choose a general topic to grab the attention of the majority of your audience, but one that’s specific enough to keep them engaged.

For example, suppose you’re giving a persuasive speech about book censorship. In that case, it’s probably too niche to talk about why “To Kill a Mockingbird” shouldn’t be censored (even if it’s your favorite book), and it’s too broad to talk about media censorship in general.

Steer Clear of Cliches

Have you already heard a persuasive speech topic presented dozens of times? If so, it’s probably not an excellent choice for your speech—even if it’s an issue you’re incredibly passionate about.

Although polarizing topics like abortion and climate control are important to discuss, they aren’t great persuasive speech topics. Most people have already formed an opinion on these topics, which will either cause them to tune out or have a negative impression of your speech.

Instead, choose topics that are fresh, unique, and new. If your audience has never heard your idea presented before, they will be more open to your argument and engaged in your speech.

Have a Clear Side of Opposition

For a persuasive speech to be engaging, there must be a clear side of opposition. To help determine the arguability of your topic, ask yourself: “If I presented my viewpoint on this topic to a group of peers, would someone disagree with me?” If the answer is yes, then you’ve chosen a great topic!

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork for what it takes to choose a great persuasive speech topic, here are over one hundred options for you to choose from.

  • Should high school athletes get tested for steroids?
  • Should schools be required to have physical education courses?
  • Should sports grades in school depend on things like athletic ability?
  • What sport should be added to or removed from the Olympics?
  • Should college athletes be able to make money off of their merchandise?
  • Should sports teams be able to recruit young athletes without a college degree?
  • Should we consider video gamers as professional athletes?
  • Is cheerleading considered a sport?
  • Should parents allow their kids to play contact sports?
  • Should professional female athletes be paid the same as professional male athletes?
  • Should college be free at the undergraduate level?
  • Is the traditional college experience obsolete?
  • Should you choose a major based on your interests or your potential salary?
  • Should high school students have to meet a required number of service hours before graduating?
  • Should teachers earn more or less based on how their students perform on standardized tests?
  • Are private high schools more effective than public high schools?
  • Should there be a minimum number of attendance days required to graduate?
  • Are GPAs harmful or helpful?
  • Should schools be required to teach about standardized testing?
  • Should Greek Life be banned in the United States?
  • Should schools offer science classes explicitly about mental health?
  • Should students be able to bring their cell phones to school?
  • Should all public restrooms be all-gender?
  • Should undocumented immigrants have the same employment and education opportunities as citizens?
  • Should everyone be paid a living wage regardless of their employment status?
  • Should supremacist groups be able to hold public events?
  • Should guns be allowed in public places?
  • Should the national drinking age be lowered?
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
  • Should the government raise or lower the retirement age?
  • Should the government be able to control the population?
  • Is the death penalty ethical?


  • Should stores charge customers for plastic bags?
  • Should breeding animals (dogs, cats, etc.) be illegal?
  • Is it okay to have exotic animals as pets?
  • Should people be fined for not recycling?
  • Should compost bins become mandatory for restaurants?
  • Should electric vehicles have their own transportation infrastructure?
  • Would heavier fining policies reduce corporations’ emissions?
  • Should hunting be encouraged or illegal?
  • Should reusable diapers replace disposable diapers?

Science & Technology

  • Is paper media more reliable than digital news sources?
  • Should automated/self-driving cars be legalized?
  • Should schools be required to provide laptops to all students?
  • Should software companies be able to have pre-downloaded programs and applications on devices?
  • Should drones be allowed in military warfare?
  • Should scientists invest more or less money into cancer research?
  • Should cloning be illegal?
  • Should societies colonize other planets?
  • Should there be legal oversight over the development of technology?

Social Media

  • Should there be an age limit on social media?
  • Should cyberbullying have the same repercussions as in-person bullying?
  • Are online relationships as valuable as in-person relationships?
  • Does “cancel culture” have a positive or negative impact on societies?
  • Are social media platforms reliable information or news sources?
  • Should social media be censored?
  • Does social media create an unrealistic standard of beauty?
  • Is regular social media usage damaging to real-life interactions?
  • Is social media distorting democracy?
  • How many branches of government should there be?
  • Who is the best/worst president of all time?
  • How long should judges serve in the U.S. Supreme Court?
  • Should a more significant portion of the U.S. budget be contributed towards education?
  • Should the government invest in rapid transcontinental transportation infrastructure?
  • Should airport screening be more or less stringent?
  • Should the electoral college be dismantled?
  • Should the U.S. have open borders?
  • Should the government spend more or less money on space exploration?
  • Should students sing Christmas carols, say the pledge of allegiance, or perform other tangentially religious activities?
  • Should nuns and priests become genderless roles?
  • Should schools and other public buildings have prayer rooms?
  • Should animal sacrifice be legal if it occurs in a religious context?
  • Should countries be allowed to impose a national religion on their citizens?
  • Should the church be separated from the state?
  • Does freedom of religion positively or negatively affect societies?

Parenting & Family

  • Is it better to have children at a younger or older age?
  • Is it better for children to go to daycare or stay home with their parents?
  • Does birth order affect personality?
  • Should parents or the school system teach their kids about sex?
  • Are family traditions important?
  • Should parents smoke or drink around young children?
  • Should “spanking” children be illegal?
  • Should parents use swear words in front of their children?
  • Should parents allow their children to play violent video games?


  • Should all actors be paid the same regardless of gender or ethnicity?
  • Should all award shows be based on popular vote?
  • Who should be responsible for paying taxes on prize money, the game show staff or the contestants?
  • Should movies and television shows have ethnicity and gender quotas?
  • Should newspapers and magazines move to a completely online format?
  • Should streaming services like Netflix and Hulu be free for students?
  • Is the movie rating system still effective?
  • Should celebrities have more privacy rights?

Arts & Humanities

  • Are libraries becoming obsolete?
  • Should all schools have mandatory art or music courses in their curriculum?
  • Should offensive language be censored from classic literary works?
  • Is it ethical for museums to keep indigenous artifacts?
  • Should digital designs be considered an art form? 
  • Should abstract art be considered an art form?
  • Is music therapy effective?
  • Should tattoos be regarded as “professional dress” for work?
  • Should schools place greater emphasis on the arts programs?
  • Should euthanasia be allowed in hospitals and other clinical settings?
  • Should the government support and implement universal healthcare?
  • Would obesity rates lower if the government intervened to make healthy foods more affordable?
  • Should teenagers be given access to birth control pills without parental consent?
  • Should food allergies be considered a disease?
  • Should health insurance cover homeopathic medicine?
  • Is using painkillers healthy?
  • Should genetically modified foods be banned?
  • Should there be a tax on unhealthy foods?
  • Should tobacco products be banned from the country?
  • Should the birth control pill be free for everyone?

If you need more help brainstorming topics, especially those that are personalized to your interests, you can  use CollegeVine’s free AI tutor, Ivy . Ivy can help you come up with original persuasive speech ideas, and she can also help with the rest of your homework, from math to languages.

Do Your Research

A great persuasive speech is supported with plenty of well-researched facts and evidence. So before you begin the writing process, research both sides of the topic you’re presenting in-depth to gain a well-rounded perspective of the topic.

Understand Your Audience

It’s critical to understand your audience to deliver a great persuasive speech. After all, you are trying to convince them that your viewpoint is correct. Before writing your speech, consider the facts and information that your audience may already know, and think about the beliefs and concerns they may have about your topic. Then, address these concerns in your speech, and be mindful to include fresh, new information.

Have Someone Read Your Speech

Once you have finished writing your speech, have someone read it to check for areas of strength and improvement. You can use CollegeVine’s free essay review tool to get feedback on your speech from a peer!

Practice Makes Perfect

After completing your final draft, the key to success is to practice. Present your speech out loud in front of a mirror, your family, friends, and basically, anyone who will listen. Not only will the feedback of others help you to make your speech better, but you’ll become more confident in your presentation skills and may even be able to commit your speech to memory.

Hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to write a powerful, unique persuasive speech. With the perfect topic, plenty of practice, and a boost of self-confidence, we know you’ll impress your audience with a remarkable speech!

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healthcare persuasive speech

Persuasive Speeches — Types, Topics, and Examples

Daniel Bal

What is a persuasive speech?

In a persuasive speech, the speaker aims to convince the audience to accept a particular perspective on a person, place, object, idea, etc. The speaker strives to cause the audience to accept the point of view presented in the speech.

The success of a persuasive speech often relies on the speaker’s use of ethos, pathos, and logos.

Success of a persuasive speech

Ethos is the speaker’s credibility. Audiences are more likely to accept an argument if they find the speaker trustworthy. To establish credibility during a persuasive speech, speakers can do the following:

Use familiar language.

Select examples that connect to the specific audience.

Utilize credible and well-known sources.

Logically structure the speech in an audience-friendly way.

Use appropriate eye contact, volume, pacing, and inflection.

Pathos appeals to the audience’s emotions. Speakers who create an emotional bond with their audience are typically more convincing. Tapping into the audience’s emotions can be accomplished through the following:

Select evidence that can elicit an emotional response.

Use emotionally-charged words. (The city has a problem … vs. The city has a disease …)

Incorporate analogies and metaphors that connect to a specific emotion to draw a parallel between the reference and topic.

Utilize vivid imagery and sensory words, allowing the audience to visualize the information.

Employ an appropriate tone, inflection, and pace to reflect the emotion.

Logos appeals to the audience’s logic by offering supporting evidence. Speakers can improve their logical appeal in the following ways:

Use comprehensive evidence the audience can understand.

Confirm the evidence logically supports the argument’s claims and stems from credible sources.

Ensure that evidence is specific and avoid any vague or questionable information.

Types of persuasive speeches

The three main types of persuasive speeches are factual, value, and policy.

Types of persuasive speeches

A factual persuasive speech focuses solely on factual information to prove the existence or absence of something through substantial proof. This is the only type of persuasive speech that exclusively uses objective information rather than subjective. As such, the argument does not rely on the speaker’s interpretation of the information. Essentially, a factual persuasive speech includes historical controversy, a question of current existence, or a prediction:

Historical controversy concerns whether an event happened or whether an object actually existed.

Questions of current existence involve the knowledge that something is currently happening.

Predictions incorporate the analysis of patterns to convince the audience that an event will happen again.

A value persuasive speech concerns the morality of a certain topic. Speakers incorporate facts within these speeches; however, the speaker’s interpretation of those facts creates the argument. These speeches are highly subjective, so the argument cannot be proven to be absolutely true or false.

A policy persuasive speech centers around the speaker’s support or rejection of a public policy, rule, or law. Much like a value speech, speakers provide evidence supporting their viewpoint; however, they provide subjective conclusions based on the facts they provide.

How to write a persuasive speech

Incorporate the following steps when writing a persuasive speech:

Step 1 – Identify the type of persuasive speech (factual, value, or policy) that will help accomplish the goal of the presentation.

Step 2 – Select a good persuasive speech topic to accomplish the goal and choose a position .

How to write a persuasive speech

Step 3 – Locate credible and reliable sources and identify evidence in support of the topic/position. Revisit Step 2 if there is a lack of relevant resources.

Step 4 – Identify the audience and understand their baseline attitude about the topic.

Step 5 – When constructing an introduction , keep the following questions in mind:

What’s the topic of the speech?

What’s the occasion?

Who’s the audience?

What’s the purpose of the speech?

Step 6 – Utilize the evidence within the previously identified sources to construct the body of the speech. Keeping the audience in mind, determine which pieces of evidence can best help develop the argument. Discuss each point in detail, allowing the audience to understand how the facts support the perspective.

Step 7 – Addressing counterarguments can help speakers build their credibility, as it highlights their breadth of knowledge.

Step 8 – Conclude the speech with an overview of the central purpose and how the main ideas identified in the body support the overall argument.

How to write a persuasive speech

Persuasive speech outline

One of the best ways to prepare a great persuasive speech is by using an outline. When structuring an outline, include an introduction, body, and conclusion:


Attention Grabbers

Ask a question that allows the audience to respond in a non-verbal way; ask a rhetorical question that makes the audience think of the topic without requiring a response.

Incorporate a well-known quote that introduces the topic. Using the words of a celebrated individual gives credibility and authority to the information in the speech.

Offer a startling statement or information about the topic, typically done using data or statistics.

Provide a brief anecdote or story that relates to the topic.

Starting a speech with a humorous statement often makes the audience more comfortable with the speaker.

Provide information on how the selected topic may impact the audience .

Include any background information pertinent to the topic that the audience needs to know to understand the speech in its entirety.

Give the thesis statement in connection to the main topic and identify the main ideas that will help accomplish the central purpose.

Identify evidence

Summarize its meaning

Explain how it helps prove the support/main claim

Evidence 3 (Continue as needed)

Support 3 (Continue as needed)

Restate thesis

Review main supports

Concluding statement

Give the audience a call to action to do something specific.

Identify the overall importan ce of the topic and position.

Persuasive speech topics

The following table identifies some common or interesting persuasive speech topics for high school and college students:

Persuasive speech examples

The following list identifies some of history’s most famous persuasive speeches:

John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address: “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You”

Lyndon B. Johnson: “We Shall Overcome”

Marc Antony: “Friends, Romans, Countrymen…” in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

Ronald Reagan: “Tear Down this Wall”

Sojourner Truth: “Ain’t I a Woman?”

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Political Debates Over Health Care Go Back Decades

Ron Elving at NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C., May 22, 2018. (photo by Allison Shelley)

The debate over government's role in health care has been all-consuming recently. But it's not for the first time. Democrats and Republicans have been at odds on this issue for decades.

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

FACT SHEET: President   Biden Takes New Steps to Lower Prescription Drug and Health Care Costs, Expand Access to Health Care, and Protect   Consumers

The President believes that health care is a right, not a privilege, and since day one, he has delivered health care to millions more Americans while also lowering health care costs. The President continues to build on, strengthen, and protect Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act, signing laws such as the American Rescue Plan Act and the Inflation Reduction Act to lower prescription drug costs and health insurance premiums. Thanks to the President’s efforts, more Americans have health insurance than under any other President, and are better protected against surprise medical bills and junk fees. Seniors are already seeing lower prescription drug prices with insulin capped at $35, free vaccines, and out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs capped at $2,000 starting in 2025.  And the Administration is well on its way to lower the cost of range of drugs as Medicare negotiates over the prices of prescription drugs for the first time ever. The Biden-Harris Administration has also taken steps to make sure consumers aren’t scammed by junk insurance and have better access to mental health care. However, the President is not just resting on these accomplishments.  He’s fighting to deliver even lower costs and better health care to Americans. That’s why the Biden-Harris Administration is acting to lower prescription drug costs, keep health insurance premiums low, expand access to health care, especially mental health care coverage, and continue to protect Americans from getting ripped off.

Taking on Big Pharma to Deliver Lower Prescription Drug Costs for Seniors and Families After decades of opposition, President Biden enacted a law that finally takes on Big Pharma and gives Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices. President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act will save millions of seniors money on some of the costliest prescription drugs on the market. Meanwhile, Big Pharma also  executed  over $135 billion in mergers and acquisitions in 2023 alone, while passing the cost to consumers. And eight of the 10 drugs selected for this year’s negotiation program  raised their prices  in 2024 – after all 10 drugs were already  priced  three to eight times higher in the United States than in other countries. President Biden knows how the Inflation Reduction Act is delivering for American families, and his Administration will continue the fight to lower health care costs for more Americans.

  • Announcing that Manufacturers of 10 Drugs Remain at the Negotiating Table . Last month, for the first time in history, Medicare has made offers on the fair price for 10 of the most widely used and expensive drugs. Medicare is no longer taking whatever price for these drugs that the pharmaceutical companies demand. This week CMS announced that manufacturers for all 10 selected drugs are participating in drug price negotiation, with all manufacturers having submitted counteroffers and negotiations continuing.  Later this year, new, negotiated prices for the first 10 prescription drugs selected for the negotiation program will be announced.
  • Let Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices for at least 50 Drugs Every Year. Medicare should not be limited to negotiating just 20 drugs per year. Instead, the President is proposing that Medicare be able to negotiate prices for the major drugs that seniors rely on, like those used for treating heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The Budget cuts federal spending by $200 billion increasing the number of drugs Medicare can select for negotiation and bringing more drugs into the negotiation process sooner, and other reforms.
  • Expand Cap on Out-of-Pocket Prescription Drug Costs. When the $2,000 out-of-pocket cap on prescription drugs applies in Medicare in 2025, nearly 19 million seniors and other beneficiaries are projected to save $400 per year on prescription drugs. The President is calling on Congress to expand the $2,000 out-of-pocket cap to all private insurance so that all Americans have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that they won’t have to choose between filling their prescription or putting food on the table.
  • Capping Medicare Cost-Sharing at $2 for Common Generic Drugs. Medicare will be launching a new model to limit Medicare Part D cost-sharing for certain generic drugs to $2. As Medicare prepares to launch the model, HHS will publish a list of dozens of generic drugs for the model, including drugs like statins to treat high cholesterol, beta-blockers for high blood pressure, and platelet inhibitors to prevent blood clots. In his budget, the President is calling on Congress to limit Medicare cost-sharing to $2 for high-value generic drugs for all Medicare plans.
  • Access to Cell & Gene Therapies . In January, HHS announced that sickle cell disease will be the first focus of the Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Access Model. Under this model, CMS will negotiate with manufacturers on behalf of state Medicaid programs to increase affordable access to potentially lifesaving and life-changing treatment, and lower health care costs for some of the nation’s most vulnerable populations. CMS will release the Request for Applications for drug manufacturers of cell and gene therapies to participate in the model.
  • Expand the IRA’s Requirement that Drug Companies Pay Rebates When They Increase Prices Faster than Inflation. Thanks to the IRA, drug manufacturers must now pay rebates to Medicare if their price increases for certain drugs exceed inflation. The President is calling on Congress to require those rebates for commercial drug sales, as well as sales to Medicare. That will save the federal government billions of dollars, further curb prescription drug price inflation, and reduce health insurance premiums for people with private health insurance coverage.

Putting High-Quality Health Care Within Reach Today, more Americans have health insurance than under any President. The President’s efforts to lower health insurance premiums have led to record-breaking enrollment in the Affordable Care Act’s Marketplaces, with over 21 million people signing up for coverage – 9 million more than when the President took office. The Biden-Harris Administration isn’t stopping there and is building on this incredible success by:

  • Keeping Health Insurance Premiums Low. Thanks to the President’s American Rescue Plan and Inflation Reduction Act, millions of Americans are saving on average $800 a year on premiums. The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to keeping health insurance premiums low, giving families more breathing room and the peace of mind that health insurance brings. To do that, the President is calling on Congress to make the expanded premium tax credits that the Inflation Reduction Act extended permanent. Without Congressional action, millions of Americans will see their health insurance premiums spike by hundreds or thousands of dollars starting in the fall of 2025.
  • Closing the Medicaid Coverage Gap. The President continues to call on Congress to provide Medicaid-like coverage to people in the 10 states that have not adopted Medicaid expansion as well as keeping Medicaid expansion enrollees covered.
  • Keeping Kids Covered. Investing in our nation’s children is a top priority for the President. Research shows that when children have health insurance, they thrive: they’re healthier, they do better in school, and are more likely to succeed in adulthood. Keeping children covered is the right thing to do, which is why the President wants to make sure that children can never lose coverage due to red tape from birth until they turn age 6, and that families only have to submit Medicaid paperwork once every three years.
  • Closing Research Gaps in Women’s Health Research.  In November 2023, the President and the First Lady launched the first-ever White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research to fundamentally change how our nation approaches and funds women’s health research. Women make up more than half the population but have been understudied and underrepresented in health research for far too long. Tonight, the President is calling on Congress to make a bold, transformative investment of $12 billion in new funding for women’s health research .  These investments will support a new fund at the National Institutes of Health to advance an interdisciplinary research agenda and create a new nationwide network of research centers of excellence and innovation in women’s health. The Initiative will also catalyze private and philanthropic commitments to increase funding for women’s health research. These new resources will make investments that maximize our ability to prevent, diagnose, and treat health conditions in women and ensure women get the answers they need when it comes to their health. 
  • Making Home Care More Available. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, President Biden delivered $37 billion to all states to expand access to home care and improve the quality of caregiving jobs. The Biden-Harris Administration is taking steps to improve the quality of Medicaid home care services and to make sure home care workers get a bigger share of Medicaid payments for these critical services.  The President remains committed to further improving and expanding Medicaid home care services, and is calling on Congress to do their part to allow the hundreds of thousands of older adults and individuals with disabilities on Medicaid home care waiting list to remain in their homes and stay active in their communities while continuing to improve the quality of jobs for caregivers.
  • Ensuring Access to Mental Health Care. Ensuring robust access to mental health care has been a bipartisan priority for almost 15 years, including the enactment of mental health parity requirements which require health plans to cover mental health care benefits at the same levels as physical health care benefits. Yet today, too many Americans still struggle to find and afford the care they need. The President is committed to tackling the mental health crisis in this country, which means making health plans do their part and providing agencies with the needed support to make sure they’re doing so. The Biden-Harris Administration is working to finalize the mental health parity rule, which would close existing loopholes as well as ensure health plans evaluate access to mental health care in their networks, and make changes if it’s found to be inadequate. In addition, the President is calling on Congress to further increase access to mental health care by expanding coverage in Medicare and private insurance, applying the mental health parity requirements to Medicare beneficiaries, and extending Medicare incentive programs to address mental health provider shortages.

Cracking Down on Junk Insurance, Surprise Bills and Fees, and Confusing Health Care Pricing Nothing infuriates the President more than seeing Americans get ripped off. That’s why the Biden-Harris Administration has prioritized implementing surprise billing protections, preventing 1 million Americans from receiving surprise medical bills every single month. The President has also taken steps to prevent Americans from being ripped off by junk insurance that preys on vulnerable citizens by closing loopholes to ensure consumers know what they’re buying and can get the health coverage that best meets their needs. But more can be done to protect consumers, which is why the President intends to:

  • Prevent More Surprise Medical Bills. Today, Americans are protected from receiving medical bills for most emergency care and air ambulance services as well as when consumers didn’t know they were getting care from an out-of-network provider despite doing their homework and going to an in-network facility for treatment.  The President wants to further protect consumers by applying surprise billing protections to ground ambulance providers. The last thing people should worry about during an emergency is an unexpected bill for their ambulance ride.
  • Crack Down on Junk Insurance. Last year, the Biden-Harris Administration proposed a monumental rule to help millions of Americans access high-quality, affordable health insurance and protect consumers from being discriminated against because of pre-existing conditions. Making sure Americans aren’t scammed into low-quality coverage, and charged more or denied life-saving care is a key priority for the Administration, which is why we are working to finalize proposed rules that limit the availability of junk insurance.

Honoring America’s Commitment to Seniors The President has always believed that Medicare and Social Security are a promise—a rock-solid guarantee generations of Americans have counted on to be able to retire with dignity and security. The President will reject any efforts to cut the Medicare or Social Security benefits that seniors and people with disabilities have earned and paid into their entire working lives. The Budget honors that ironclad commitment—not only by rejecting benefit cuts, but by embracing reforms and investments that will protect and strengthen both programs. The President is committed to working with Congress to ensure Medicare and Social Security remain strong for their beneficiaries, now and in the future.

  • Securing Medicare. In his budget, the President is calling on Congress to ensure that high-income individuals contribute their fair share to Medicare and directs revenue from the Net Investment Income Tax into the HI trust fund as was originally intended. In addition, the President has proposed to direct savings from further lowering drug costs into the Medicare trust fund.  If Congress were to heed the President’s call and enact these reforms, it would substantially extend solvency for the Medicare HI Trust Fund, guaranteeing seniors the benefits they have been promised.
  • Protects Seniors’ Health and Dignity. As President Biden pledged to do two years ago in the State of the Union, the Biden-Harris Administration is “set[ting] higher standards for nursing homes and make sure your loved ones get the care they deserve and that they expect.” The nursing home industry receives billions of dollars of taxpayer funding each year, but for too long, many facilities have not had the staff required to give residents safe, high-quality care. That is changing. HHS has proposed a new rule establishing a federal floor for nursing home staffing, so that owners cannot cut staffing to unsafe levels simply to turn a profit. This includes a proposal for every facility to have a Registered Nurse on site 24/7, in addition to minimum number of registered nurses and nurse aides to assist with care. Earlier this year, HHS also finalized a rule to increase transparency in nursing home ownership, making it easier for residents and their loved ones to hold facilities accountable. The final rule was just submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for review

Strong Record on Expanding and Strengthening Health Care Nationwide The President’s new actions are all in addition to an already impressive track record on fighting for the health care of Americans across the nation. Over the last three years, the President has:

  • Expanded health insurance through the ACA Marketplaces to an additional nine million Americans and helped over one million people in Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and South Dakota gain Medicaid coverage.
  • Extended postpartum Medicaid coverage to nearly 700,000 women across 44 states and the District of Columbia.
  • Kept children covered continuously in Medicaid and CHIP for a full year.
  • Made it easier for people to enroll in the ACA Marketplaces and Medicaid, including for older adults that are covered by both Medicaid and Medicare.
  • Made critical vaccines free for all Medicare beneficiaries as well as adults enrolled in Medicaid, with seniors on Medicare saving on average $70 in out-of-pockets for vaccines.
  • Lowered maximum out of pocket costs for Americans with employer and ACA coverage by an average of $400.
  • Capped out-of-pocket costs at $35 for a month’s supply of insulin for seniors and people with disabilities on Medicare.
  • Lowered coinsurance for seniors that took the 47 drugs covered by Medicare Part B that hiked prices faster than inflation in 2023, with some enrollees saving as much as $618 per dose.

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Two Harms of Hate Speech and the Limits of Counter-Speech

April 16, 2024 | by Sam Jackson

For more than a decade, we’ve been debating how to respond to hate speech – broadly  understood as “offensive discourse targeting a group or an individual based on inherent characteristics (such as race, religion or gender).” 1 The status quo in the United States holds that governments may not restrict speech outside of narrow exceptions (for things like threats, defamation, and obscenity), 2 and hate speech in general doesn’t fit into those exceptions, though some examples of hate speech might, like if the hate speech is likely to incite “ imminent lawless action ”. Non-governmental actors engaged in content moderation, such as social media platforms, are generally understood to be legally permitted to restrict speech according to their own rules, though whether and how companies exercise this legal right is a matter of ongoing debate.  

A protestor is pinned against a vehicle by Russian security personnel

One response to hate speech is the “ marketplace of ideas ” model, which  argues that the most  effective way to defeat loathsome ideas is to challenge them with other ideas, because good ideas will defeat bad ones on a level playing field. 3 Additionally, according to this approach, restrictions aren’t effective, are too blunt, and will be weaponized by those in power against legitimate critics. And it’s certainly true that  authoritarian  regimes have weaponized terms like terrorism to outlaw dissent, while risk-averse platforms  remove  content from activists that documents hate crimes, violence against civilians, and other violations of human rights. This framework of competition has long been a dominant metaphor to understanding approaches to the regulation of speech in the United States, although  experts have increasingly  pushed  back against it in recent years. 

Persuasive hate speech  

This marketplace approach is rooted in understanding hate speech primarily as persuasive communication of ideas that downplays the immediate harms of that speech. And indeed, some hate speech is persuasive, aiming to change minds. For example, some “academics” peddle pseudo-scientific research arguing that racial minorities are intellectually inferior or pose threats to White people. 4 Part of the purpose of this kind of work is to persuade non-believers of the truth of their hate speech.  

For counter-speech to defeat hate speech in this framework, we need to think of hate speech as something with a “truth value” (i.e., statements that can be said to be true or untrue) that can be contested. In this understanding, counter-speech can become a kind of competitor in the marketplace: calling out hate speech as unacceptable states our values and, at least indirectly, attempts to convince others that our values are good. 

Expressive hate speech  

However, some hate speech is less concerned with “truth value” and more concerned with making targets feel unsafe or unwelcome. 5 When someone uses a racial slur, they are not (primarily) saying anything of substance other than “I believe you belong to this racial group, and I do not like people who belong to this racial group.” 6 While there is persuasive potential in this kind of hate speech (for example, convincing bystanders that the target is part of a harmful minoritized group, or that it is permissible to use racial slurs), that persuasion is secondary to the immediate goal of harming the target.  

Illustration of two people having an argument

At the same time, even the most persuasive of hate speech also has expressive outcomes. When prominent public voices argue, for example, about whether trans folks should be permitted to use bathrooms that correspond to their gender identity, trans folks justifiably hear expressions of the idea that trans people aren’t normal and deserve to have their autonomy disproportionately restricted by the government. 

Just as targets can hear expressive hate within persuasive hate speech, they can hear expressive solidarity within persuasive counter-speech: when an ally argues that legislating bathroom access for trans folks is unjust, trans folks could also hear expressions of affinity and belonging. 

Countering Hate Speech  

As we think about hate speech interventions, we must consider the different types of harms that come with different forms of hate speech. If an instance of hate speech seems more persuasive than expressive in function, counter-speech that argues against the truth propositions in that hate speech might be a reasonable response. For example, in response to assertions that Latinx immigrants are violent criminals, scholars can collect and publish data to  investigate  crime  rates among immigrants versus non-immigrants, using our best relevant evidence to contradict the truth value of the incorrect assertion about immigrant crime. 

Two people examine text on a large computer

However, research on fact-checking and debunking warns about backlash to information correction. For example, when people see negations of false statements (such as “Mexican immigrants are  not  rapists”), they tend to remember the false statement without remembering its negation; e.g., in this example, people would remember “Mexican immigrants are rapists,” forgetting the “ not ” part of that statement. This happens through a few possible  mechanisms , including a tendency to believe that familiar information is true regardless of its truth. That is, the more we hear something, the more we believe it is true, even if we heard about it in the context of refuting the piece of information and including a tendency to forget negation (i.e., forgetting the “ not ” in the above example). 7 As  observers have pointed out in the context of recent fabricated controversies related to DEI efforts, saying that “’malfunctioning doors have nothing to do with DEI’ is still a sentence with both ‘malfunctioning doors’ and ‘DEI’ in it.” A better alternative, according to this perspective, is to change the terms of the discussion to shine a light on the hateful ideas driving the fabricated controversies: don’t say that the racist is wrong, spend your time pointing out the racist’s racism. But this is still engaging in the marketplace of ideas, in a certain sense: rather than a straight competition between two versions of the same “product” (i.e., idea), this is like pointing out the unsanitary conditions in the competitor’s factory.  

Regardless of what we think of the metaphor of the “marketplace of ideas,” we must be clear about what harms we want to reduce and how those harms manifest. Counter-speech against expressive hate speech can only be effective if it undoes the immediate harms of hateful expression, taking someone who was made to feel unsafe and unwelcome and demonstrating that they have support and community. This is the Paxlovid of dealing with hate speech: just as the antiviral medications in Paxlovid reduce the chances that someone will have severe complications from COVID-19 once they’ve already been infected, persuasive counter-speech can perhaps reduce some of the harms that have already been caused by hate speech. But as we know from COVID, prevention efforts (like mask wearing) are more efficient and effective than treatment. 

This distinction between expressive and persuasive hate speech can hopefully lead us to better understand the different types of harm associated with hate speech. 8 Deep knowledge of problems is critical to designing interventions that can address those problems. But unpacking complexity doesn’t necessarily directly lead to better interventions. Though distinguishing expressive hate speech from persuasive may make sense conceptually and might be analytically useful when examining individual cases, I’m not sure that we can distinguish these forms at scale. Identifying expressive hate speech, especially outside of the clearest examples, is challenging for a number of reasons, not least of which is that it’s difficult to know what effects an instance of hate speech will have on those who are the target of the attack until after they have experienced those effects (at which point it’s too late for prevention and we have to think about reducing negative effects after the fact). Instead, this distinction can help us better understand the shortcomings of the marketplace of ideas approach to thinking about harmful speech. 

There are more fundamental hurdles to leveraging the expressive-persuasive distinction for content moderation purposes, though. Most importantly, most instances of hate speech likely contain some degree of both expressive content and persuasive content; there are probably relatively few instances that are pure expression or pure persuasion. 9 The primary utility of deploying this distinction in cases of mixed persuasion and expression is in recognizing that any intervention is likely to only address some of the harms associated with a particular example of hate speech. 

1 As with so many concepts related to extremism, there is considerable debate about the definition of hate speech among experts. Further complicating this, some (but far from all) nation states have laws criminalizing hate speech that also attempt to define the term but within the specific legal and sociopolitical contexts of the nation in question. For an approachable overview, see Caitlin Ring Carlson’s Hate Speech .  

2 Unless, it seems, the government action is led by Republicans alleging anti-conservative bias in content moderation practices based on only anecdotal evidence. The Supreme Court heard challenges to state laws along these lines from Texas and Florida in February 2024. .  

3 Maitra and McGowan summarize some other objections to certain flavors of the “marketplace of ideas” framework, including the idea that such counter-speech expectations often fall on those who are targeted by hate speech even though these folks tend to suffer from discrimination that can limit their ability to talk about issues related to hate speech. 

4 One prominent example is Kevin MacDonald, an evolutionary psychologist who has openly advocated white supremacy for years and retired as a full professor from the faculty of California State University – Long Beach in 2014. .  

5 The idea that speech itself can directly harm has been the subject of scholarly attention for decades. For example, Richard Delgado wrote about what would later be called “assaultive speech” in 1982. See .   

6 “I do not like people who belong to this racial group” is perhaps the mildest of negative sentiments implied by the use of a racial slur. In reality, the negative sentiment is likely to be more severe, along the lines “I believe people who belong to this racial group are inherently inferior to other people” or “I believe people who belong to this racial group do not deserve basic human dignity.” 

7 The tendency to forget negation leads to a very nuts-and-bolts semantic suggestion: counter-speech should use positive antonyms (e.g., “trans women are women”) rather than negating the original words of the speech being countered (e.g., “trans women are not men”). See , pp. 14-15. 

8 Expressive hate speech might refer to the same types of harmful speech as the term “assaultive speech,” a question I intend to take up in future work. 

9 Pure persuasion might be more common than pure expression: propaganda containing hate speech could be understood as pure persuasion, especially if the intended audience of that propaganda is a member of the speaker’s in-group rather than a member of their out-group. 

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  5. Persuasive Speech: Universal Healthcare

  6. Persuasive Speech


  1. 89 Medical Speech Topic Ideas [Persuasive, Informative, Nursing]

    Medical persuasive speech topic ideas based on official position statements of organizations in the field, they are perfect for building speech topics in public speaking education. I scraped the net and found mission and vision claims that could be transformed into an issue for speechwriting purposes: ... Travel health care services. The rights ...

  2. 367 Medical Persuasive Speech Topics & Informative Ideas

    367 Medical Persuasive Speech Topics & Informative Ideas. Medical persuasive speech topics offer a compelling combination of science, ethics, policy, and human interest. These topics often challenge students to form opinions on complex health-related issues, like vaccine mandates, stem cell research, mental health stigma, or universal healthcare.

  3. Persuasive Speech Topics and Ideas About Healthcare

    A compelling speech is given to convince the audience of particular facts, values, and policies. It is an opportunity to share your beliefs and values to inspire others to join your cause. As nursing students, you will likely write healthcare speeches as part of your course curriculum. So, you must know how to choose a good topic.

  4. Healthcare Persuasive Speech Topics And Ideas

    50 Persuasive Speech Topics on Healthcare. 1. Universal healthcare should be provided to all citizens by the government 2. Preventive healthcare services should be covered under all insurance plans 3. Mental health counseling must be made mandatory in schools and colleges 4. Healthy school lunch programs are critical for childhood nutrition and ...

  5. Persuasive Speech Topics in Nursing: A Guide for Students

    When selecting nursing persuasive speech topics, consider your interests, your audience, and the current issues in healthcare that need attention. Top Nursing Persuasive Speech Topics. Choosing the right topic is a crucial first step in creating a persuasive speech. It sets the tone for your presentation and helps engage your audience from the ...

  6. 100 Mental Health Persuasive Speech Topics to Engage Your Audience

    Key Takeaways. Persuasive speeches aim to change the audience's views or actions, making them impactful for discussing mental health issues.; Crafting a persuasive speech on mental health topics requires understanding structure, engaging storytelling, and using emotional connections to influence the audience.; Mental health persuasive speech topics can touch on seeking help, stigmatization ...

  7. 50+ Great Nursing Speech Topics

    Here's a Persuasive Speech Outline Format + [Guide & 1 Elaborative Example ]. Informative Speech Topics about Nursing. Nursing is one of the most important professions in the world. It is a challenging and rewarding career that helps people stay healthy and live longer.

  8. 200+ Best Persuasive & Informative Speech Topics about Health

    Top Persuasive Speech Topics about Health. Isolation is the best way to prevent the spread of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA infections. Medical marijuana must be allowed for ill people - or not. Migraine often is misunderstood in the workplace.

  9. 107 Persuasive Speech Topics: A Comprehensive Guide

    Health. Health persuasive speech topics are always of interest to audiences, offering a chance to persuade on issues from public health policies to personal wellness. The importance of mental health awareness is a poignant example, highlighting the societal stigma and lack of resources that often accompany mental health issues. Persuasive ...

  10. 100 Good Persuasive Speech Topics & Ideas

    What Makes a Good Persuasive Speech Topic? There are multiple factors that make some persuasive speech topic ideas better than others. Three major things to think about when choosing a persuasive ...

  11. PDF Persuasive Presentation in Support of Universal Health Care in the US

    health insurance, or nearly 16% of the total population. (Nations Health) B. This means that a substantial amount of our citizenry do not have access to health care. C. As far back as 1983 our government, in the form of a Presidential commission, recognized that it had a '''ethical obligation to insure equitable access to health care' for

  12. Universal Health Care: Persuasive Speech Outline

    Conclusion. Restate Thesis: Universal health care is a fundamental human right that promotes equality, improves public health, and reduces financial burden for individuals and families. Summary of Main Points: Through its focus on equality, public health, and financial burden reduction, universal health care has the potential to improve the ...

  13. Master Public Speaking in Healthcare: Persuasion Power

    The primary reason that public speaking is a powerful and persuasive tool in healthcare marketing is that it is highly personal. A good speech is a tool of engagement that can make an emotional or intellectual connection—sometimes a bond—between the speaker and individuals in the audience. Physicians, medical practice administrators ...

  14. Universal Healthcare: Persuasive Speech

    Universal Healthcare: Persuasive Speech. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Our life becomes easier with advanced technology, especially in healthcare.

  15. 112 Persuasive Speech Topics That Are Actually Engaging

    112 Engaging Persuasive Speech Topics. Tips for Preparing Your Persuasive Speech. Writing a stellar persuasive speech requires a carefully crafted argument that will resonate with your audience to sway them to your side. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start.

  16. Persuasive Speeches

    Step 2 - Select a good persuasive speech topic to accomplish the goal and choose a position. How to write a persuasive speech. Step 3 - Locate credible and reliable sources and identify evidence in support of the topic/position. Revisit Step 2 if there is a lack of relevant resources. Step 4 - Identify the audience and understand their ...

  17. Persuasive essay outline

    persuasive essay outline universal healthcare nina muhunga grand canyon university phi105 marquita elliot june 25, 2023 universal healthcare introduction: the ... community engagement initiatives play a pivotal role in primary health care towards achieving universal health coverage. These initiatives lead to a significant improvement in service ...

  18. Political Debates Over Health Care Go Back Decades : NPR

    The debate over government's role in health care has been all-consuming recently. But it's not for the first time. Democrats and Republicans have been at odds on this issue for decades.

  19. FACT SHEET: President

    Putting High-Quality Health Care Within Reach Today, more Americans have health insurance than under any President. The President's efforts to lower health insurance premiums have led to record ...

  20. Rhetoric in Reagan's Address at Moscow State University

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which line from President Reagan's Address at Moscow State University shows that one purpose of the speech was to build connections between the Soviet Union and the US?, Read the excerpt from Ronald Reagan's Address at Moscow State University. Freedom, it has been said, makes people selfish and materialistic, but Americans are ...

  21. Two Harms of Hate Speech and the Limits of Counter-Speech

    This distinction between expressive and persuasive hate speech can hopefully lead us to better understand the different types of harm associated with hate speech. 8 Deep knowledge of problems is critical to designing interventions that can address those problems. But unpacking complexity doesn't necessarily directly lead to better interventions.

  22. US announces measures to give Cuban small business a boost

    The United States will allow small entrepreneurs on the Communist-ruled island to open U.S. bank accounts and also reinstates authorization for so-called "U-turn transactions," fund transfers that ...

  23. Digital History

    Ronald Reagan, Speech at Moscow State University. Digital History ID 1234. Author: Ronald W. Reagan. Date:1988. Annotation: During a visit to the Soviet Union in 1988, President Ronald Reagan, a lifelong anti-communist, met with students at Moscow State University and delivered a stirring plea for democracy and individual rights.

  24. South Africa's Ramaphosa badly weakened by ANC election slump

    South African President Cyril Ramaphosa will be badly weakened after presiding over the African National Congress (ANC) party's worst election result since the end of apartheid.

  25. Romeo and Juliet, Northern Ballet, Sadler's Wells, review: A cracking

    As at least one great Russian ballet company has previously found to its cost, bringing any staging of Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet to London - whose ballet-goers are used to the Royal Ballet ...

  26. US accuses China's leadership over Ukraine, delivers new sanctions

    In a speech in Berlin on Friday, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo is expected to call for further action to stem Russia's sanctions evasion and deliver a warning on China's role ...

  27. Russia invites Afghanistan's Taliban to major economic forum

    Russia has invited Afghanistan's Taliban to its biggest annual economic forum as Moscow moves to remove a ban on the Islamist movement, a senior Russian diplomat was quoted as saying on Monday.

  28. Wally Adeyemo visits Ukraine to discuss sanctions on Moscow and seizing

    A senior U.S. Treasury official has met with Ukrainian officials in Kyiv to discuss U.S. financial support, enforcing sanctions on Russia and using frozen Russian assets for Ukraine's benefit in ...