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9 Items to Include in a Winning Prelisting Package (+ Free Checklist)

Published January 10, 2024

Published Jan 10, 2024

Gina Baker


Jealie Dacanay

WRITTEN BY: Jealie Dacanay

This article is part of a larger series on Real Estate Lead Generation and Marketing .

  • 1 The Introduction Letter
  • 2 A Brief Professional & Personal Biography
  • 3 Introduction to Your Brokerage & Team
  • 4 Marketing & Advertising Plan
  • 5 Statistics Showing Strong Performance
  • 6 An Overview of the Sales Process
  • 7 Market Statistics & Explanation of Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)
  • 8 Sample Contracts & Disclosures
  • 9 Checklists & Anticipatory Questions
  • 10 Prelisting Package Best Practices
  • 11 Examples of Prelisting Packages
  • 12 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • 13 Bottom Line

A prelisting package (a pitch packet or pitch deck) is a document you send to sellers before a meeting to introduce yourself and explain why they should list with you. It includes a personal introduction, marketing plans, and performance statistics to show potential clients that you understand today’s market and are valuable to their homeselling process. A comprehensive prelisting package can take a potential client from a skeptical lead to a loyal customer.

Download our free prelisting checklist below and then read along for a breakdown of each element to include in your prelisting package.


Free Prelisting Package Checklist

Preview of Prelisting Package Checklist

Thank you for downloading!

1. the introduction letter.

The introduction of your prelisting presentation should be a personalized letter that directly addresses the homeowner and explains what the package includes. You don’t have to write a new letter every time, and you can save time in the future by creating a basic prelisting packet introduction letter, but you should include some personalization.

Dear ________ (Seller Name(s)),

I look forward to chatting with you about the sale of your house at _________(insert property address). Our ultimate goal is to sell your home for the most money and in the shortest amount of time. We have outlined our strategies within this package. The methods we discuss will give us the greatest possibility of achieving these goals with you.

I’ve attached various helpful documents about the homeselling process and the services I will provide. I’m eager to communicate with you, sell your house, and assist you, your friends, and your family with your real estate goals.

Your Phone Number

Your Email Address

Your Website and Social Media Handles (if Applicable)

Since your prelisting presentation packet is meant to demonstrate why you are uniquely qualified to sell their home, sending them a generic package with clip art won’t be impactful. Instead, prepare an introduction letter template for types of listing clients, like FSBOs (for sale by owner), expired listings, real estate referrals , or leads from your sphere of influence.

2. A Brief Professional & Personal Biography

The next section of your prelisting package template should be a brief biographical summary (aka bio section), similar to a resume. While your leads won’t have the time or interest to read through your junior high soccer history, they want to get a sense of your success as a real estate professional and who you are as a professional. After all, they will be working with you on what may be a stressful and emotional transaction for the next few months.

Make sure your bio includes the following:

  • Brief summary of your experience
  • What makes you unique
  • Testimonials from former clients
  • Your headshot
  • Any real estate designations and their importance (make it clear how it helps your clients)
  • Personal tidbits about you so clients can relate

Example of a real estate agent bio that highlights each item it should contain

Example real estate bio (Source: )

3. Introduction to Your Brokerage & Team

While most homesellers focus more on the real estate agent than their real estate brokerage , providing a brief overview of your brokerage and team is beneficial. It shows clients what services you can offer and that you have additional resources at your disposal.

Include information about your brokerage’s history, sales records, awards, and current or recent real estate listings comparable to the prospect’s home. Also, add evidence of your firm’s marketing prowess to assure prospective real estate clients that a top-notch brokerage further supports your efforts.

Screenshot of Brokerage Team Introduction

Prelisting packet sample of company overview (Source: Top Producer Pre-Listing Packet )


Screenshot of company team members (Source: Top Producer Team Members )

If you work within a real estate team, this is the time to introduce each member’s name and job position, especially any team members the sellers will contact or may be working with in case of your absence. Include short bios with headshots of your team leader, associate broker(s), marketing support, and virtual assistant to let potential listing clients know who they should talk to if issues arise.

4. Marketing & Advertising Plan

While you should hold off on making specific pricing recommendations or sharing customized marketing plans (this will be done when you’re hired), you should include an overview of the marketing skills and tools you plan to use to capture and generate high-quality leads. The following are some examples of marketing materials and strategies to help you grow your audience and increase your engagement:

  • Virtual staging or tours
  • Online real estate ads through social media platforms
  • Direct mailing
  • Social media posting on Facebook or Instagram
  • Syncing your real estate listings to various online platforms, like Zillow or

Screenshot of Sample Marketing Strategy

Real estate prelisting packet example of marketing strategy (Source: Sample Marketing Strategy )

Furthermore, include a marketing case study to show how you achieved a successful sale with a similar home. The study should provide specific details about the tactics you used to demonstrate a property’s value, time on the market, and marketing channels you used. For example, if you’re pitching an FSBO lead, include a marketing case study on an FSBO property you recently closed. Show the channels you used to market the property and statistics to depict these channels’ success and closing timeline.

Sample of an agent dashboard with To-do and Activity feeds.

Market Leader agent dashboard (Source: Market Leader )

For agents and brokerages that require lead generation and marketing tools, check out Market Leader. It provides exclusive leads, print and online advertising, and a website builder to help you make your marketing efforts more efficient and stand out from the competition. It also features client relationship management (CRM) integration with 40-plus lead sources, including Zillow, Trulia, and

Visit Market Leader

5. Statistics Showing Strong Performance

Along with introducing your brokerage, include statistics about your performance and the performance of your brokerage. These numbers will show your listing clients how quickly you’ve been able to sell houses and how well you can achieve (or even exceed) the listing prices.

Statistics like the average days on the market, the percentage of sales closed over ask, and the number of sales closed in a specific area will support and act as evidence for your claims. Incorporate pictures and data for comparable properties to show your neighborhood expertise. This can help establish your presence and value of knowledge in the area where your potential client is selling their home.

Screenshot of Sample Statistics

Sample company market statistics (Source: Sample Statistics )

6. An Overview of the Sales Process

Including an overview of the sales process gives homeowners a clear view of their next steps and helps them envision working with you. While you don’t need to write lengthy explanations of the sales process or cover all of the possibilities, a bulleted list of the basics will go a long way to educating your clients and demonstrating your value.

Screenshot of Double Edge Homes

Example of an overview of a sales process (Source: Double Edge Homes )

Be sure to include information about how negotiations work, the fee structure for sellers, and any additional services they’ll need, such as title company, escrow, real estate attorney, and mortgage broker. The list you give clients should match your real estate listing checklist to keep everyone on the same page throughout the process.

7. Market Statistics & Explanation of Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)

The prelisting package is the place to introduce local real estate market data. Include a few statistics about similar homes in the prospective client’s area and mention that you’ll present a comparative market analysis (CMA) during your meeting. Don’t send the complete CMA to the sellers before your listing presentation, but explain what it is and how it will help them price their home accurately so they can get the most money from the sale of their home.

Zillow Comparative Market Analysis sample.

Example of a simple CMA PDF (Source: California Solutions Team )

Providing this data and information gives homeowners time to think about the market data and anticipate the information that will be included in your CMA. You can also mention that you must tour their home before making a final pricing recommendation and ask to schedule a time.

8. Sample Contracts & Disclosures

Including a sample real estate listing agreement contract in your prelisting packet helps sellers consider getting their property on the market. Homeowners are often so focused on the overwhelming number of tasks and decisions they’ll have to make to list their home that they don’t think about other vital details, like contracts and disclosures. These documents prepare them for what they’ll face during and after accepting an offer.

Screenshot of eSign exclusive contract sample.

Example of an exclusive contract or disclosure (Source: eSign )

When you and the homeowners are on the same page about the homeselling process and their goals, it allows the whole process to run more smoothly. It will also give you a moment to explain these documents, giving homeowners transparency throughout the process. Discussing potential disclosures during the listing presentation often reveals important information that prevents problems or miscommunications.

9. Checklists & Anticipatory Questions

A great way to end your prelisting package is with a checklist and questions for the homeowners to consider when choosing an agent to list their home. This helps prepare them for your listing presentation meeting and shows them that your priority is genuinely helping them in the best possible way. Of course, when you present a list of questions to ask a real estate agent, you should also be prepared to answer each question.

  • Is it a buyers’ market or a sellers’ market?
  • Should I hire a real estate agent or sell my home alone?
  • What about all the paperwork and legalities? Can I do it all by myself?
  • How much should I price my home?
  • What should I do to have my home in top-selling condition and increase the property’s value?
  • Should I do some renovation or not? If yes, how much should I allot for the renovation?
  • How much should I fix? How much should I leave as is?
  • Which part of the property needs to be renovated?
  • Should I hire a contractor, painters, homestagers, and photographers? Or will I do everything on my own?
  • What marketing strategies are effective and will help me sell my home quickly?
  • Do I need to host an open house? If so, how many?
  • How much of a hassle is involved in showing my home?
  • Should I list my home on public sites like Zillow and
  • Should I buy or rent my next home? If I buy a home, how will I finance it?

Copy to Clipboard

You can also personalize these questions based on the seller’s situation. For instance, if your potential client is an FSBO or expired listing, include questions like “How long have you been trying to sell your home?” and “Do you have access to all the appropriate contracts, disclosures, and other legal paperwork?”

Prelisting Package Best Practices

Like most effective marketing materials, building an excellent prelisting presentation is as much an art as it is a science. What you include will be primarily determined by your experience, preferences, skills, and what type of homeowner you’re pitching. This is why you want to keep the various sellers in mind when constructing your package—to tailor it to their particular needs.

For example, a for sale by owner (FSBO) lead needs different types of education than a typical seller (e.g., the value of working with an agent rather than selling their home independently). A first-time seller might need a more in-depth understanding of the homeselling process than someone who’s sold multiple homes. Or an expired listing seller might need to be re-encouraged to work with an agent if their first agent failed to sell their home the first time.

However, in general, a prelisting package should address the following:

  • Demonstrates how the real estate agent can sell the client’s home to meet the homeowner’s goals
  • Describes what the homeowner can expect during the process of selling their home
  • Gives the homeowner an in-depth look at the agent’s marketing and sales skills
  • Provides statistical and social proof of the agent’s successful track record
  • Provides the homeowner with a realistic view of the marketplace and how it relates to their property

It is also good to send a prelisting package at least a few days before your first meeting with a potential client. This way, the sellers can review the prelisting package before the actual listing presentation.

Examples of Prelisting Packages

Here are some prelisting packet examples that will guide you in creating an excellent prelisting packet that will convert your leads into clients. These prelisting package examples showcase the above items, like an introduction letter, professional biography, and market statistics, demonstrating the agent’s expertise and achievements.

This example prelisting package shows its resume as its first page. It highlights the professional and personal biography of the agent as well as its real estate philosophy. Including this information summarizes and boosts your credibility.

Screenshot of Pre-Listing Package

This prelisting packet example highlights their marketing plan. Outlining your marketing strategy and what you offer creatively to get the job done will show you are different from other agents. Include your past work as an example of your approach to real estate, and you could also have a mission statement.

Screenshot of Real Estate Listing Marketing Strategies

This example includes a pricing strategy. It contains how they will determine the market value of your property to get the most money for your home but not over-price it to the point where you discourage offers.

Screenshot of Real Estate Services Proposal

This prelisting packet contains a step-by-step guide on selling your home. Since clients want their agent to be experienced and know every detail in the transaction process, including a concise guide will give clients confidence in your knowledge and inform them of the details they will experience.

Exampel of prelisting packet contains a step-by-step guide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a prelisting package.

A realtor prelisting packet is a marketing document you give to a potential client to enlighten them about the selling process and persuade them to cooperate with you. To give your prospect some background and demonstrate to them how you operate and what they can expect, you should present this package to them before the listing consultation. This realtor prelisting packet should be concise, persuasive, and easy to understand so that you can present your services with ease and confidence.

What should real estate prelisting packets include?

Winning and creative prelisting packets for real estate professionals typically include the following components:

  • Your biography
  • Client testimonials
  • Your strategy or plan for marketing
  • Previous examples of your best-performing marketing resources
  • Market statistics
  • Your competitive value

What are the benefits of creating a real estate prelisting package?

The benefits of creating a prelisting packet before meeting a potential client are it makes you stand out from other realtors, and it helps to build credibility and trust. It also showcases your expertise in the industry and sets the stage for a successful listing presentation.

Bottom Line

Your prelisting package is one of the most effective and influential real estate lead generation tools you can create, so spending some time and money to make it shine can positively impact your entire business. Creating different real estate prelisting packages for different types of homesellers and including the correct information will maximize your chances of converting real estate leads into real estate listings.

About the Author

Jealie Dacanay

Find Jealie On LinkedIn

Jealie Dacanay

Jealie is a staff writer expert focusing on real estate education, lead generation, marketing, and investing. She has always seen writing as an opportunity to apply her knowledge and express her ideas. Over the years and through her internship at a real estate developer in the Philippines, Camella, she developed and discovered essential skills for producing high-quality online content.

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The Ultimate Pre-Listing Package Template for Real Estate Agents

A pre-listing package is one of the most important marketing materials in a real estate agent’s portfolio. That’s because you will use it to do just that – pre-sell your services before you get in touch with potential clients. 

A pre-listing packet allows you to market yourself and offer all the relevant information your leads need to reach their goals, without any active input.

If you don’t have a pre-listing package yet, we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to create the ultimate real estate listing and service presentation. Plus, we’ll give you a free template that will help you close more deals .

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What Is a Pre-Listing Package

First thing first – what is a pre-listing package (also known as a pre-listing packet)? More importantly, how can it provide value for both you as a real estate agent and your customers?

A real estate pre-listing package is marketing collateral or a presentation that you share with your prospective customers to provide all the information they need to know about working with you.

This includes insights about:

  • The process of selling a property
  • Your services and your portfolio
  • Supporting data to persuade them to work with you

You should deliver this package before the actual listing consultation to provide some context and show your prospects how you work and what they should expect.

The selling process doesn’t begin when you first shake hands with your lead. Positioning yourself as a trusted agent beforehand, and during the closing process, is the number one factor in closing deals !

By the time you connect with your potential client, you’ll want them to have an idea of who you are, and start on the right foot. As a real estate professional, impressions matter because they build trust.

And what better way to make a great first impression than to have your pitch and real estate listing presentation ready to go? That is why pre-listing packages should be informative, concise, and persuasive.

What Should a Pre-Listing Package Include

Here are the main elements of a pre-listing package kit for real estate experts:

  • Your biography, including aspects that highlight your value as a human, not just a professional
  • Client testimonials that build social proof and rapport with the network related to your past work
  • Your marketing plan or marketing strategies for their listing
  • Prior examples of your most effective marketing materials
  • Relevant statistics and current market trends that show that you are up-to-date
  • Your competitive value, backed by real use cases, the number of closed deals, and some unique situations you handled
  • A roadmap of your sales process, educating sellers on your lead generation and closing approach.

You can adapt them as you see fit to ensure they provide the most valuable information to your customers.

Should you use a pre-listing presentation template?

Yes – but hear us out. Even if you use a template, our best advice is to personalize your pre-listing package for every client (your pre-listing package is likely not going to speak much to luxury buyers , first-time home buyers, or investors altogether).

If you don’t have the time to tailor it to each prospective client, make sure to at least include a personalized letter. While you’re at it, check out these free letterhead templates .

Ensure all the information you provide is relevant and unique so that the customer you’ve researched gets unique value from your pre-listing presentation.

Your Pre-Listing Packet, Step-By-Step

Now, let’s take your pre-listing kit step by step and see what you can do to maximize your go-to-market strategy and presentation.

Your Real Estate Agent Biography

The first thing you need to do in your pre-listing package is to introduce yourself or your team to your customers. Include relevant information about:

  • Your real estate agent career (include a great deal of professional photos too, including a professional portrait of yourself and the team). Don’t forget to add a human touch as well.
  • Your USP and extensive abilities (such as creating compelling real estate listings that sell, on average, in X time; the skill of in-depth research required to create a comprehensive comparative market analysis and find the best deals; the most exhaustive marketing strategy in your local market area ).
  • Any qualifications, certifications, and awards.
  • Your mission statement, along with values that align with the way you understand today’s market
  • Your contact information and availability. Provide multiple ways for potential clients to contact you, such as by phone, email, or social media, and let them know the best time to reach you.

Make sure your biography is not just a sum of your realizations but a story your customers can relate to and find value in. Feel free to share personal details but within the scope of your presentation. Position yourself as a professional, yet humane and approachable individual. 

In addition, include an introduction letter . This is to create a personal connection and gain your clients’ confidence. Share your background, experience, and why you are passionate about real estate.

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Client Testimonials

Client testimonials are among the most valuable assets in a real estate agent’s portfolio, so they need to exist in your pre-listing package.

Your customers want to know how you’ve gained the knowledge and hear about past clients’ experiences. Plus, you need social proof to establish trust and build a lasting business relationship, so this aspect is non-negotiable.

  • Consider highlighting some of your most successful transactions and include quotes and reviews from happy clients.
  • You can also include statistics such as the average number of days your properties are on the market compared to the industry average.

Providing this information will give potential clients a clear idea of your experience and expertise in the real estate industry. And when clients gain trust, you close more deals, according to Deloitte .

Obtaining customer reviews doesn’t occur by chance. You should actively reach out to customers. However, asking for reviews can appear intimidating, particularly if you’re not a salesperson. You may be concerned about coming off as insistent, needy, or hopeless. Requesting reviews is not seen as negatively as you might believe; it demonstrates that you care. Asking for customer reviews is not that challenging, and with repetition, it can become as easy as riding a bike.

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Your Marketing Plan

Your clients need to know that you’ve got a marketing plan that works for them. Otherwise, they might as well sell their homes without your help. With a comprehensive real estate marketing plan in your pre-listing packet, you can showcase your:

  • Market knowledge
  • The unique strategies you employ to sell homes quickly and at the best possible price

That’s why including a listing marketing plan in your real estate listing package is a must.

Many agents do not provide a marketing plan, so this is your chance to differentiate yourself and demonstrate your dedication to selling the client’s property. But, make sure to tailor your marketing plan to the specific property of potential sellers. Once again, personalize your approach to match their needs, goals, and local market.

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Examples of Your Most Effective Marketing Materials

Feel free to include any examples of your past marketing materials , as they will help the client understand how you work and what you can do for them.

You can include any successful materials you curated, such as:

  • just-sold flyers
  • just-listed flyers
  • real estate Facebook post examples
  • any successful listing presentation you’ve used in the selling process and worked wonders (especially in the real estate investing business with commercial or large properties)

Another essential material to consider is a listing presentation, which can showcase your expertise and services to potential clients.

You can also include past examples of virtual tours, brochures, postcards, and email campaigns. Showcase a variety of materials that have worked successfully for you or other agents to give the client a comprehensive understanding of the whole process.

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Market Statistics

Customers may have limited knowledge of how the real estate market works, the current prices of properties in their area, and how to find information. Therefore, providing valuable data about the current state of the real estate market will position you as a professional.

Make sure you choose the most relevant information for your customer from sources like NAR, Gartner, Harvard Business Review, Zillow, or The Big Four.

Don’t add too many numbers, as it might confuse them. Instead, use icons, infographics, charts, and other graphics to provide some context for the data.

Opt for Xara’s extensive features to visually represent complex data with charts, tables, bars, and icons .

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What Differentiates You From Other Real Estate Agents?

At this time, your customer probably received offers and pre-listing packages from your competition as well. Think about what can differentiate you from your competitors and how you can convince your prospects to work with you.

In short, they should choose you because…

  • You have the highest closing rates among local real estate professionals
  • Your fee is lower or extremely competitive
  • You’re available at all times (don’t take much time off)
  • You’re known for being able to sell anything and get any listing appointment you want
  • You nail any listing meeting and always get the best price for your potential buyers and sellers
  • You’re a thought leader and all the other realtors are learning from you

Nailing your USP is difficult, especially in the beginning, when you don’t know yet what you excel at. But, this could also be a great chance to pick your strengths and form your strategy around them. Be creative, offer value, and your clients will find you.

To gain some more exposure, consider social media and direct mail in your marketing strategy.

Pre-Listing Agreement

You can save time for both you and your client if you fill out a listing agreement and share it within your pre-listing package.

You can pre-fill all the information you already have and leave the price section blank, as you might need to consult with the client first for accurate data or additional services.

What Is A Pre-Listing Agreement?

A pre-listing agreement is a contract between a real estate agent and a property owner interested in selling their property. It outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement between the two parties before the property is listed for sale.

The pre-listing agreement typically includes:

  • The listing price of the property
  • The commission rate that the real estate agent will receive
  • The length of time that the agent will represent the property owner
  • The responsibilities of both the agent and the property owner during the selling process

By signing a pre-listing agreement, the property owner indicates their intent to work with you, the agent, to sell their property. They also agree to pay the commission rate outlined in the agreement. The agent, in turn, agrees to represent the property owner and use their expertise to market and sell the property.

Our Free Pre-Listing Template

If you already have a pre-listing package template but you’re not getting the results you want, it’s time to level up your game. If you don’t have a pre-listing package template yet, but it’s been on your to-do list for a long time, there’s no better time than now.

Our pre-listing package template is proven to bring results and now you can use it for free . All you have to do is click on the image below and follow our step-by-step guide below to get started.

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How to Create Your Own Pre-Listing Package to Boost Your Selling Process Now

Here’s a step-by-step guide on using our pre-listing package template to get the best results and wow your customers. It’s easy, and you don’t need any design skills to get started!

  • Once you click on the template, you will be prompted to create an account on Xara Cloud if you don’t already have one.
  • Edit the pre-listing package template as you see fit. You can change the images, fonts, and colors to match your brand style guide.
  • Once you are happy with your work, save your design.
  • Download your brand-new pre-listing package in the desired format.
  • Print your marketing material.

Your Prelisting Presentation Can Get You Through the Door, But to Stay There...

There’s so much more to the real estate game than just nailing first impressions, building trust, and getting your pre-listing package right. While social media, real estate farming, and direct mail and print can help your marketing efforts…

There’s a lot more to be done to climb and stay at the top. Once you have a recurrent client base, or even start getting referrals (if you’re not already there by now), you’ll see that teamwork really does make the dream work.

Forget the Heavy Paperwork, the Back and Forth, and the Branding Struggle 

Your brokerage needs a digital asset management platform and a brand management feature to maintain order.

We speak real estate automation, so we developed a system that keeps your real estate business above everyone else in the game.

To keep your brand consistent and communications up to date, you need to try Xara’s all-in-one real estate marketing center .

No heavy design work, no back and forth – just automated real estate marketing. Try it for free here . 

One moment please... PRO

  • Local Expert Toolkit
  • Listing Agent

Listing Presentation Template

  • December 13, 2018

listing presentation package

Download and customize this professionally designed presentation with your own information and leverage it at your next listing appointment!

  • Completely customizable for digital or print use
  • Allows you to highlight your specific online marketing strategies
  • Shows statistics on consumers’ buying habits and how they have moved online
  • Can integrate slides into your own corporate listing presentation

Click to Download Listing Presentation Template

listing presentation package

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listing presentation package

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Luminary Agent

Everything You Need for a Killer Pre-Listing Presentation [Complete Guide with Examples]

Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Post Last Updated on 

A persuasive pre-listing presentation can be a killer part of your marketing arsenal. A great one can help you stand out amongst your competitors and will greatly reduce the time you spend answering questions during your in-person listing presentation. A poor pre-listing presentation, on the other hand, can harm your chances of securing a listing and make the listing appointment more arduous than it needs to be.

If you don’t have a listing presentation, or if you cringe every time you pass it out, this post is for you. We’re going to go deep into what a pre-listing presentation is, what it should look like, and what you should include—with a long list of success tips and examples.

[highlight icon=”fa-cloud-download-alt”]PSST! There’s a FREE download below. Don’t miss it!!![/highlight]

What is a Pre-Listing Presentation?

Pre-listing presentation vs listing presentation.

Many people confuse a pre-listing presentation and an actual listing presentation. So first, let’s separate the two. A pre-listing presentation is something you deliver BEFORE the actual listing appointment. This is not an in-person presentation—your listing presentation is your actual in-face presentation/interview.

The Setup Before the Big Show

A pre-listing presentation is a great way to get a potential client acquainted with you and your team, your marketing, and even your market. You want your face-to-face time to be as effective as possible. The pre-listing presentation helps reduce a lot of the explanation time and leaves more time open for questions, interview time, and the house tour.

Does Not Replace You or Your Listing Presentation

As is often the case, you will be the main reason someone chooses to hire you and your team. The pre-listing presentation is not meant to replace your sales pitch or your charm (though it can certainly help). You will likely still need to do some in-person selling at your actual listing presentation appointment.

It’s Not About You

The biggest problem we see with many pre-listing presentations is how self-absorbed they are. The typical pre-listing presentation is all about the agent—the awards they’ve won, the houses they’ve sold, etc.

Remember, the client only cares about themselves. They want to know what you can do for them. So, while you should absolutely build your credibility with your stats/awards, that should be secondary, or even tertiary, to what you’re going to do to help them get their home sold.

Pre-Listing Presentation Design Rules

Now that we know what a pre-listing presentation is, let’s talk about the general principles for putting one together. Then we’ll get into the meat of a pre-listing presentation’s content.

Rule #1—Keep It Concise!

The best way to bore someone quickly is to drone on and on and on about, well, anything. Keep your copy concise and to the point. Don’t waste the seller’s time.

Rule #2—Break Up Your Content

A wall of text is a surefire way to get your presentation overlooked. In addition to keeping things concise (rule #1), you need to break up your content into easily digestible bites. Use lots of headings, subheadings, bullet and number lists, and assets.

Rule #3—Use Plenty of Assets

Speaking of assets, the adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” is very applicable to a pre-listing presentation. Images help break up content (rule #2) and breathe additional life into your presentation. Even better than images? Illustrations! Illustrate as many points as you can. Illustrations help get important points across and are easier for most people to digest.

Rule #4—Keep It On-Brand and On-Message

Remember, the pre-listing presentation comes BEFORE your actual listing appointment. You want the seller’s impression of you to be an excellent one. Your pre-listing presentation should convey what working with you and your team will be like.

Think about your target audience when you’re putting your presentation together (as you should do with all marketing). If you’re a friendly and fun team, your pre-listing presentation should reflect that in both the copy’s tone and the template’s design.

Rule #5—Less is More

When we were looking through pre-listing presentations in preparation for this article, we all noticed that the presentations we were most drawn to as a team were the ones that took a less-is-more approach. Let your design give the content room to breathe, even if it makes your pre-listing presentation a few pages longer.

What Should Your Pre-Listing Presentation Include?

Brace yourself, Effie—this section is very detailed! We’ve broken up what should be included in your pre-listing presentation into sections, topics, examples, and resources. This will help you arrange your own pre-listing presentation in a way that’s easy for sellers to understand. Ready? Let’s get it!

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Download our Pre-Listing Presentation Resources

You’ll get all of the ideas below in an easy-to-follow outline as well as a sample of the pre-listing presentation offered in our own product, Sidekick .

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Section #1—Introduction

Your introduction should be a brief hello from you and your team. Don’t go deep here. Save that for later. For now, you’re just welcoming the seller and thanking them for reading through your pre-listing presentation and potentially choosing your team to list their home.

Idea—Welcome Letter

Tips for Success

  • Include your photo
  • Include your signature
  • Make it heartfelt and warm
  • Include your “big why”—why are you in real estate anyway?

Chris Morrison, Welcome Letter, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Chris Morrison , Henry Billete , and Justin Oberholtzer .

Idea—Table of Contents

Any way that you can help the seller navigate your listing presentation, please do so.

  • Break it up into sections and topics
  • Use color-coded sections to further tie sections together

Table of Contents, Mary Pope-Handy, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Mary Pope-Handy ,  Ann Kieran , and Houlihan Lawrence .

Idea—Questions to Ask

The seller will obviously have a lot of questions both before and after reading this presentation. Remind them to write them all down and give them space to do so. This will help your listing presentation go smoother.

  • Leave them enough space to write all their questions
  • Remind them that the listing presentation is the perfect time to go over these questions
  • Give them a few reminders throughout the pre-listing presentation to go back and write down their questions on this page

Section #2—Understand the Market

Before you talk about pricing and marketing strategies, you should prep the seller by helping them understand the market. Your local market has its own unique intricacies. Remember, real estate is local. This is a good place to show off your local know-how.

Idea—Local Market Statistics

  • Cover the big 3 stats—sales price, inventory, days on market
  • Use graphs to show market trends
  • Explain the graphs so the seller knows what they’re looking at
  • Update these numbers frequently! (at least every quarter)
  • Explain a buyers’ vs. a sellers’ market

Local Market Stats, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: The Hollinger Team .

Idea—Where Buyers Come From

Different markets and even different segments of markets have different ways of attracting buyers. Sign calls may be popular in your area, while Craigslist may not be. Or vice versa. Having this conversation now will help prep the seller for your marketing strategies laid out later in your pre-listing presentation.

  • Use a graph to teach and explain
  • Show differences in national vs. local numbers
  • Give them stats showing where your last 20 buyers came from

Where Buyers Come From, Kentwood Real Estate, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Kentwood Real Estate , Realty Partners , Robin Fink , Ranch & Recreational Group , Farrell Realty .

Section #3—Hire a Professional

There are many ways to sell a house. New startups crop up every day with a new way to sell your home without the use of a Realtor®. While that may work for some, the majority of homeowners need your expertise.

Idea—Why Use a Realtor®

It’s important to not only point out why using an agent is important, you’ll also want to emphasize why using a Realtor® is better than a regular agent.

  • Talk about the Realtor® Code of Ethics, and even link to it in this presentation
  • Show them how you save them time, money, frustration, and anger
  • Remember, you are shielding them against buyers and other agents—that’s valuable!

Why Use a Realtor®, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Idea—Interview Your Realtor®

A seller may not know good questions to ask when she is interviewing Realtors®. This idea gives them a list of hard-hitting questions to ask during the listing presentation with the goal being your answers will be better than your competitors.

  • Put in questions that matter to you and your market
  • Be prepared to answer them!
  • Touch on this section in your listing presentation and ask what other agents have said

listing presentation package

Special thanks to: The Hollinger Team , Tristan & Associates , Mary Pope-Handy , and Katie DeBill .

Idea—Commission Explained

Oh, commissions. The oft-talked about subject. It’s important to have this conversation in your pre-listing presentation before it comes up in person. It may help remedy any objections once you’re speaking face-to-face. It’s also a good place to educate sellers about where commission goes and explain how you get paid.

  • Be matter-of-fact in your explanations
  • Educate the seller on all the things you pay for to market their home
  • Emphasize that Realtors® often get their clients more money for their homes

Commission Explained, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ashley Garner and Ranch & Recreational Group .

Section #4—Price Your Home

Now that we’ve taken the time to explain the local market and we’ve educated the client on why they should hire a professional, it’s time to talk price. Pricing can be seen as very mysterious to many sellers and, with automated tools like Zillow around, it’s important to highlight the correct way to arrive at a proper price and what happens when you don’t.

Idea—How to Find Price

This is a great place to go into some detail about how price is determined. Even a simple example here could help provide much clarity to the seller

  • Talk about how comparable sales are adjusted to arrive at a price
  • Provide a side-by-side example of three properties with similar features. If this takes up too much space, link to an example on your website.
  • Mention that real examples from their neighborhood will be shown in the in-person listing presentation

Determining Price, Ben Beesley, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ben Beesley , Tom Savage , Daniel Walker , Bunch Real Estate Group , At Properties , and Kentwood Real Estate .

Idea—Pricing Factors/Non-Factors

We recommend being very bold here. Make sure the seller understands what does and does not matter when determining price.

  • Emphasize the market dictates price—you’re just the messenger
  • Again, visual elements make a huge difference here

listing presentation package

Special thanks to: Henry Billette , Steve Shalongo , Robin Fink , and Karen Fallon .

Idea—Price/Time Comparison

Make sure the seller understands how time affects price.

  • Remind them that the longer a home is on the market, the less interest there will be and buyers will start to assume something’s wrong with the home
  • Include examples of past listings in your local area with price problems (don’t identify them outright)

Pricing vs. Time, Bunch Real Estate Group, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Bunch Real Estate Group , Karen Fallon , and Chris Morrison .

Section #5—Prepare Your Home

It’s a great idea to give sellers some tips to get their home market-ready. This is a great section to highlight how you go above and beyond most Realtors® with your access to home stagers and other contractors who can help prep the home.

While this section isn’t absolutely necessary for a pre-listing presentation—you could just as easily provide it later—it’s common practice to include it here. We will warn you that this should NOT be half of your pre-listing presentation. (Many we previewed were mostly made up of this section.)

Idea—Staging Tips

  • DON’T give a huge list here—provide a concise list of items that can be done
  • Mention your access to professional stagers who can help
  • Talk about how staging shortens time on market and increases price
  • Collaborate with or ask a professional stager for advice on this section

Staging Tips, Adam Powers, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Adam Powers , Farrell Realty , and Brandy Underberg.

Idea—Curb Appeal Tips

  • Like the Staging Tips idea above, don’t give a huge list. Keep it concise.
  • Provide before/after photos of homes with great curb appeal updates
  • Create a Pinterest board with curb appeal ideas and link to it

Curb Appeal Tips, Ann Kieran, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ann Kieran and Kentwood Real Estate .

Idea—Cleaning List

  • Create a simple checklist of items that are UNCOMMON—things people don’t think about
  • Link to a Pinterest board or some videos with cleaning hacks for those harder tasks
  • Include a checklist or handout as an appendix to this presentation or as a download on your website for sellers to follow

Idea—Info for Buyers

This is not about seller disclosures but is more about providing that extra information that most buyers will be curious about.

  • Tell sellers not to pack things like appliance manuals
  • Create a separate handout to be left at the listing with utility averages, paint colors, appliance warranties, and past contractors who have worked on the home
  • Include a checklist or handout as an appendix to this presentation or as a download on your website that sellers can fill out

Section #6—Market Your Home

Up until now, we’ve provided a lot of education but haven’t been too strong on sales. This section is where you get to really show how you market listings. The biggest advice we have for this section is to provide concrete examples. Let’s dive right in.

Idea—Marketing Plan

Add your step-by-step marketing plan to your pre-listing presentation. Make it thorough and provide numerous examples. This pairs well with a marketing timeline (discussed below) so your seller can see when items will be executed.

  • List important steps, not basic steps (think “send postcards to closest 100 homes” not “put keybox on property”)
  • Point out the items that are “exclusive” to you and your team
  • This is a good place to call out your questions page

Marketing Plan, Ben Beesley, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ben Beesley , Karen Fallon , Katie DeBill , Novello Group , Robin Fink , and Ann Kieran .

Idea—Marketing Items

Showcase the pieces of marketing you and your team create and use to market a home. This is a great place to showcase the cohesion of your branding and marketing.

  • Provide visual examples of your listing materials
  • Include brief descriptions of how the materials will be used
  • Customize the preview items for the seller
  • Include a link to your website where a seller can go download a sample packet of materials

Marketing Items, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Chris Morrison , Daniel Walker , Greg Barteluk , Hancock Group , Listing Power Tools , Steve Shalongo , Tom Savage , At Properties , and Kentwood Real Estate .

Idea—Marketing Timeline

Sellers want to know when things are going to happen. This timeline will help them understand at what point in the process you’ll be doing these marketing activities.

  • Separate pre-market and on-market activities
  • Highlight one-time vs ongoing activities
  • Point out items that are “exclusive” to you and your team

Marketing Timeline, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ann Kieran .

Idea—Generating Awareness/Interest/Traffic

This idea focuses on the activities you and your team will perform to generate awareness about your new listing.

  • Focus on things not represented in your Marketing Items section above. A good rule of thumb is if you can’t represent it with a photo example, put it here
  • Highlight things like calls you make, industry events you attend, relationships you have, etc.
  • Tie this in with the “Where Buyers Come From” idea from the “Understand the Market” section

listing presentation package

Special thanks to: Daniel Walker .

Section #7—Timeline to Sell

We’ve previously mentioned that sellers like to know the timeline of selling a home so they know what to expect. Any way that you can give them a complete glimpse of the process is helpful. This section is pretty straightforward so we don’t have individual ideas, but here are some tips for success.

  • Separate pre-market, on-market, and in-contract activities
  • Color code these separate activity sections
  • Provide a rough time estimate of when each stage happens
  • Tie in items from previous sections

Timeline to Sell, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Section #8—About You/Your Team

After seven sections all about the client, this section CAN and should be all about you and your team. Make this as personal and friendly as possible. Make sure you only choose two or three of the items below.

Idea—Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

A USP (unique selling proposition) is that one thing that makes you totally different from the competition. It could be huge thing like “we’ll sell your home in 30 days or less” or something small like “every home gets a 4k video shoot.” Whatever it is (and we wrote a whole blog post about it), it has to be one-of-a-kind to count.

  • Your USP doesn’t have to be mind-blowing, but it should be unique
  • Consider branding your USP to help it stand out
  • Call out to your USP in the marketing section above

Unique Selling Proposition, Michael Davis, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Michael Davis .


A biography is great for Realtors® who may be new to the business or whose resume is light in features. It’s a great way to talk about your love for real estate or your background in other fields.

  • Add some personal touches to humanize your biography
  • Use either a bio or a resume, but shy away from using both
  • Include a photo of yourself doing something you love like gardening, skiing, or playing with your dog

Biography, Ashley Garner, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ashley Garner .


If your professional experience includes lots of honors, awards, or educational history, consider adding your resume to your pre-listing presentation.

  • Break up your resume into sections: Education, Experience, Awards, Personal/Volunteer
  • Keep each point brief; don’t drone on in paragraphs
  • Keep it to one page or less
  • Only include items that are applicable to real estate; truncate any non-related items

Resume, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Hancock Group and Michael Davis .

Idea—Your Team

If you have a team of people helping you, showcase them here. This will show strength in numbers but will also help the seller know who is who.

  • Give a brief explanation of each person’s role
  • Include a professional or fun photo of each person—make sure it’s high-quality!
  • Consider adding # of years in real estate or similar compelling statistic
  • If you have a large team, keep it to staff directly involved in home selling
  • Add a link to your website’s team page where people can get a more detailed biography of each person

Your Team, Hancock Group, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Hancock Group and The Hollinger Team .

Idea—Your Stats

Stats are compelling. If you don’t know your numbers, how can you improve? Include your own statistics to show the seller how you’re better.

  • Include things like how much more you net your sellers than others, how much faster you sell homes than the typical agent in your area, etc.
  • Make sure these stats are seller-focused, not you-focused
  • Use charts/graphs to show the differences in numbers between you/your team and your market average
  • Have a map on your website that shows your entire listing history and link to it here

Your Stats, Baldwin Team, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: The Baldwin Team , Novello Group , KJK Properties , Karen Fallon , Jim Maloof , GoodLife Team , At Properties , Ewing & Associates , and Kentwood Real Estate .

Idea—Office/Company Info

If you have a large office or work for a franchise with global capabilities, consider adding a section to your pre-listing presentation to showcase this.

  • Keep this section brief. If you can give it no more than a half-page, do it
  • Only include items that benefit the seller
  • Add a link to view more information on your website

listing presentation package

Special thanks to: Brandy Underberg, Daniel Walker , Engle & Völkers , The Hollinger Team , Ann Kieran , At Properties , and Kentwood Real Estate .


You have two options for testimonials. You can include them all on one page or you can sprinkle them throughout the pre-listing presentation. It’s up to you!

  • Include the client’s full name, whether they were a buyer or seller, and a date from their transaction
  • Update these when you update your stats (at least once a quarter)
  • Extra points if you include a photo of the client or a photo of you and the client together
  • Keep the testimonial to 1–3 sentences. If it’s longer, consider truncating it
  • Add a link to view a complete list of testimonials on your website

Testimonials, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ben Beesley , Chris Morrison , Hancock Group , and Michael Davis .

Bonus Ideas

Bonus idea #1—create an online resources page.

Many of the items in your pre-listing presentation can be expanded on with additional info, checklists, examples, etc. Consider creating one page on your website that provides all of the additional information in one place.

  • Arrange the page in the same order as this pre-listing presentation
  • Use the same section headings for easy navigation
  • If items are in different places on your website, at least link to all of them here

Bonus Idea #2—Create an Autoresponder for Sellers

A pre-listing presentation can be a lot of information at once. Some sellers may simply glance over it but fail to read the more important details. Consider creating an email autoresponder that will go over one specific item every couple of days. This is a great way to highlight the most important information in a focused manner.

  • Cover only one specific item in each email
  • Keep the emails short and sweet
  • Include one or two visuals in the email itself
  • Link to additional items on your website
  • Follow up with a phone call

A pre-listing presentation is an important element of your overall brand and seller strategy. It should not be an afterthought but should be put together with careful planning. Above all, make sure it is seller-focused, not you-focused. Follow these tips and you’ll have a killer pre-listing presentation that will get you more sellers and make your competitors jealous!

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Kyle Handy

7 Must-Haves In Your Real Estate Pre-Listing Package (2023)

Meeting with a seller before you have signed to list their piece of real estate is a critical part of the real estate process. You need to convince that seller that you are the best agent for their listing, so they will sign with you. This is where having a clear marketing plan for your prelisting package is crucial.

When working as a real estate agent and creating a listing for a seller, your marketing plan is going to be an important part of the process. At the listing appointment where you talk to your seller about that plan, you can help land the listing with a prelisting package.

For many new agents, the prelisting presentation is where they fall short. A solid plan for presenting your pre listing package can help you put forth your best at your next listing presentation. Here is a guide to help.

What Is a Prelisting Package?

A pre list package is a document you send to sellers before a listing meeting to tell them a little bit more about you and why they should list with you.

This document has several purposes to help attract a seller to you as a real estate professional. These include:

  • Showing a potential client who you are and how you understand today’s market.
  • Educating sellers about the home selling process
  • Showcasing your value through the listing and selling process.
  • Making the pre listing meeting easier.
  • Introducing your marketing plan using social media and similar technologies to reach interested buyers.

This listing package helps limit the amount of seller homework a potential client must do before listing with you. It shows the person receiving the packet exactly why they should sign a listing agreement with you or your firm.

Two people going over documents

What Should My Real Estate Listing Package Contain?

If you are going to send a prelisting package to potential clients, there are several things it should contain. These will give your potential client the right information they need before your listing presentation .

1. Introduction Letter

First, the pre listing packet should include an introduction to yourself as a real estate professional. This should be highly personal to the seller.

Creating a custom, personalized letter as part of your listing package will show the seller that you are serious about working with them. You should also include some information about what the pre listing package will contain, so the seller will know what information is inside the packet.

2. An About You Page

Next, go beyond the introduction letter to tell your prospective client more about you as a person, not just a Realtor. Think about any question that might come up about you and your real estate experience, and include information about that. This is a great place to include a professional portrait or headshot , so the recipient knows what you look like when you meet in person.

If you work with a team or brokerage, give the seller an idea of who is on that team. This will help them make the right decision about working with you.

3. Statistics About Today’s Local Market

This is the chance to show the seller that you have done your homework. Show statistics about the current market, using infographics if you can.

Consider adding a portion of the comparative market analysis that shows your understanding of the seller’s home and how it fits into the current market. Save the full CMA for the actual listing appointment , but show part of it in the packet.

A real estate agent going over a prelisting package with a young couple

4. Education about the Home Selling Process

Sellers, especially those who have never sold a home before, need some education about the home selling process. Have a section that explains what the process entails and how you will reach prospective buyers through your marketing material.

You can get creative here. An FAQ section or a flow chart that walks through the selling process can help the seller understand what you are saying.

5. A Peek at Your Marketing Strategy

While you do not want to give away your entire marketing plan in the listing package, giving a taste of what you will do to market the property to a potential buyer will help set the stage for a positive working relationship with the seller.

Highlight the various tools you use to market properties, such as social media and open houses. Show why you are the best real estate agent to partner with to reach a buyer and sell the home quickly.

6. Testimonials from Happy Clients

Get some testimonials from past clients that you can include in your listing package. These testimonials will show the potential client why working with you makes sense. Testimonials show your value as a real estate agent, and they increase the chances that a seller will have the confidence to sign with you.

7. Your Contact Information

Always include your contact information and the website for your real estate business. This ensures the homeowner can reach you when ready to make an actual listing presentation appointment.

A young real estate agent sitting down with a couple

Impress Buyers with a Real Estate Listing Package That Shines

Your listing package is one of the most helpful tools in your pocket as a real estate agent. It gives you the ability to connect with potential sellers to show your worth, so they will trust you to help them find a buyer.

Take the time to develop a listing package template, then customize it for each seller. This will help you turn a potential client into a signed listing.

FAQs About Pre Listing Packets

How to create a prelisting package.

To create a pre listing packet or presentation, you must think through the potential questions a seller will have. Create a packet of information that answers those questions and highlights your skills as an agent. Send this to a seller before you meet for a listing appointment to set the stage for a successful in-person meeting.

What is typically included in a listing packet?

A listing package will include information about the real estate agent, the marketing process, and the local market. The goal is to show the potential client that the agent is worth listing with.

Kyle Handy

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

Do you want to close more leads on a regular basis?

In that case, you may need to level up your communication skills. To win more listings, move on from having a polite “pre-sales” chit chat with prospects to doing full-scale presentations of your services.

What is a Real Estate Listing Presentation?

A listing presentation is your pitch to a prospective seller to represent them in a Real Estate transaction. Succeeding with your presentation means that you will sign on a new client and receive a bigger commission this month.

But of course, there will be other agents knocking on the seller’s door, offering their services. In fact, 55% of sellers interview two or three agents before making the decision. So how do you get chosen among the sea of other agents? Wrong, if you thought that most prospects will stick with someone offering the highest listing price and asking for the lowest commission.

When putting up their homes for sale, most people want to partner with a competent, forthcoming and proactive agent, capable to broker the best arrangement for them. Obviously, the best Real Estate agents are rarely those charging the lowest commission.

In fact, the main goal of conducting a full-scale, deck-ready listing presentation is to persuade the prospect that you are their optimal choice.

The best listing presentation isn’t a brief oral interview on the porch; it’s a carefully staged, full-scale demo of your professional capabilities. Keep in mind that creating a listing presentation isn’t the only way to market effectively in your industry. There are dozens of other Real Estate marketing ideas that can help you beat out the competition and stand out from the pack. For example, if you can’t make time for an in-person listing presentation, consider recording a seminar and linking it to your email subscribers.

How to Prepare for a Listing Presentation: 7 Key Steps

Building a rapport with a new prospect is never easy. But there are a few quick neuroscience tricks you can leverage to appear instantly more likable to prospects, even before you pull out your Real Estate brochures and other collateral.

  • Give a firm handshake . Scientists proved that a handshake preceding any social interaction has a strong positive impact on how the recipient will further evaluate this social interaction.
  • Have some brew ready. Pleasant smells like those of fresh coffee make us act nicer to one another and be more cooperative.
  • Appear interested and ask questions.  Again, science proves that people are more willing to engage with an interlocutor, eagerly posing questions, and also act in a more receptive manner.

Now with a few neat physiological tricks in your sleeve, let’s move on to how you should approach listing presentation design.

1. Open with a Brief Introduction

A Real Estate listing presentations can start with a short overview, recapping who you are, what you do and what’s your success record.

To save you time on design, we have lined up a few short Real Estate bio templates you can grab and customize.

listing presentation package

Sellers want to be reassured that you can close the deal fast and secure them a fair price. They want someone confident in their abilities and capable to back up their skills with examples and data.

Here’s listing presentation sample questionnaire you can answer to fill in your first few slides:

What are your top skills? Are you a Real Estate marketing guru? Do you have exceptional graphic design skills and can create for sale by owner flyers that stand out from the crowd? Do you have a photography background and can shoot professionals photos without hiring any external help? Show exactly what you can do. Bonus point if you manage to align your key skills with your buyer’s needs.

How many houses have you sold in this area? It’s best to line up some fresh data e.g. the past 12 months. Specifically, mention what types of properties have you sold and whether any were similar to this particular buyer’s estate.

Now comes the tricky part: offer some numbers comparing the original list price versus the final sales numbers (if the latter are more favorable) and the average day on the market (DOM) numbers for the property.

Such numbers will also help you justify higher commission rates. Of course, every sane buyer would rather stick with an agent charging a higher rate (e.g. 6% commission for houses for sale), but who also secures them a higher sales price due to better marketing experience.

2. Toss in Some Social Proof

People are social creatures and thus, we are extremely prone to opinions shared by others. To learn what’s good, we observe what others are doing and this extends to our purchase decision making: 92% of consumers state that word-of-mouth recommendations carry the most value to them.

You shouldn’t hard-sell your services. Instead, just show that “others” already think you are that good . There are a few ways you can use “social proof” as a Real Estate agent:

Ask past sellers to provide quick testimonials (with photos) and use them in during your presentation. Here’s a quick example from one of our PowerPoint templates :

Example of Low Poly slide design for PowerPoint with Testimonial slides

Add a separate slide highlighting your key achievements up-to-date (personal or agency-wide).  The good “boasting” figures to include are:

  • Total number and value of properties sold.
  • Total number of clients you have worked with.
  • Average time to close a deal.
  • Average customer satisfaction rate.
  • “Big name” corporate clients and partners.
  • Professional organizations you are part of e.g. National Association of Realtors.

Gather and display reviews online.  Of course, prospects will google you post-presentation. Your job is to ensure that they’ll find only positive stuff, rather than nothing at all. You can set up a dedicated profile on popular review services or display ratings directly on your website.

3. List The Benefits of Your Brokerage

Keep this one succinct and on-point. Most buyers are interested in just three things:

  • Receiving a fair price for their property.
  • Getting it sold off fast.
  • Avoiding the associated sales hassle as much as possible.

Your Real Estate presentation should address how you will deliver them just that. You can also sweeten the deal here by including a few “promos” e.g. list special circumstances for when you will accept a lower commission or pitch them with some bundled promos your agency currently runs.

At this point, you should also explain how that communication will occur: what types of updates they can expect and when.

4. Walk The Prospect Through The Home Sales Process

Not everyone is experienced in flipping property. So be sure to customize your listing presentation template so that includes this optional slide – for when you are presenting to first-time buyers.

There’s no need to go into many details at this point. Just briefly mention the overall timeline, key milestones and what kind of actions we’ll be required from them.  All of this can be neatly packed into one slide like this one :

Presentation timeline Real Estate - Example of a timeline design in a listing presentation

If needed you can separately walk them through the home inspection and appraisal processes; Real Estate presentations to the buyers; negotiations and closing process.

5. Present a Comparative Market Analysis for a List Price Range

Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) is another nugget to persuade the client that you know your deal.

Price Comparison Real Estate Houses Slide design for PowerPoint

The wrinkle, however, is that it’s not always easy to come up with good numbers if you are yet to see the property in person. That’s why most agents will do two CMAs. First, one using the comps and their educated guesses based on prices for similar homes. And the second, more refined CMA after seeing the property, talking to the owners and digging further into the data.

6. Explain Your Marketing Strategy

Realtor Client meeting drinking a coffee

Image Source: StockSnap

What channels do you plan to leverage – digital, offline or a mix of both? Give the clients some general insights and explain why your approach works. They certainly don’t want to know all the nitty-gritty, but we’ll appreciate some general insights.

Show them a few video demos you have created; your standard property templates for websites; copywriting and other marketing collateral you plan to use and distribute during open house visits.

7. Wrap It Up with a Killer Case Study

The best listing presentation examples we have ever seen always included case studies. They are another form of “social proof”, and a direct illustration of your professional abilities.

You don’t need to make this one lengthy though. Just stick to a simple copywriting formula:

  • Customer background (e.g. a mid-aged couple just like you based in NYC).
  • Challenge: what kind of a problem those former customers had? (e.g. needed to sell a house in 1.5 months in an unpopular neighborhood).
  • Solution: how your agency helped them?
  • Results: some quick numbers illustrative the positive outcome you have helped them achieve e.g. house sold in 35 days for 5% higher than the initial listing price.

This way you are finishing your listing presentation with a bang, and encourage the prospects to take further action.

Listing Presentation Templates for Real Estate Pros

To ease up the processes of preparing for your listing presentation, our team has lined up a few neat templates you can download and customize in PowerPoint to match your current needs.

1. Commercial Real Estate Template for PowerPoint

listing presentation package

A versatile template that could be easily adapted for both residential, commercial listings or for land sale listing presentation. It includes excellent slides (e.g. US Map slide ) to present your market analysis and pitch the approximate listing price.

Use This Template

2. Real Estate Industry PowerPoint Template

listing presentation package

Another template that makes it easy to turn your scattered data into a coherent and persuasive story. Customize it in a few quick clicks in PowerPoint to match your corporate branding, add additional slides and elements from our collection and voilà – you now have a shining new listing presentation to dazzle even the most reluctant prospects!

3. Real Estate Listing PowerPoint Template

listing presentation package

Work with all the assets required to showcase a property in a neat layout that contains tools such as market price comparison, team introductory slides, housing interior details, key features & more.

4. Residential Real Estate Illustrations PowerPoint Template

listing presentation package

If you want to boost your listing presentation for real estate, get to know these professional-design vector images tailored for the real estate industry. A selection of slides that go through the entire process of acquiring a property from both realtor and customer’s perspective. High-end graphics to enhance the impact of your presentation.

5. Proptech PowerPoint Template

listing presentation package

Get ready to introduce in-the-market properties with a high degree of smart home devices or sustainable housing solutions with a slide deck filled with visual cues for that talk. This tech-savvy listing presentation template is ideal for targeting properties to millennials and discussing the infrastructure in the neighborhood or building complex.

6. Real Estate Open House PowerPoint Template

listing presentation package

Graphics can make or end a business deal, and that’s why your next real estate listing should count on carefully designed slides that boost the performance of your speech. This listing slide deck includes a selection of icons that help increase the retention rate of key information disclosed about the property while keeping the right balance between whitespace and content. With a striking color combination, go ahead and edit this template to meet the demands of your work.

listing presentation package

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Agent, Listing, Real Estate, Realtor, Sales Process Filed under PowerPoint Tutorials

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listing presentation package


The 20 Best Real Estate Listing Presentation Tools

The 20 Best Real Estate Listing Presentation Tools

Attractive, professional listing presentations win over clients, so we’ve identified 20 great tools to make your presentations stand out. With these handy resources, you don’t have to be a graphic designer to get beautiful results.

Graphics are obviously important to the visual appeal of your listing presentation, but there are other elements you may not have considered, like stylish fonts, informative charts, and presentation software (there’s more to life than PowerPoint). We’ve touched on all the bases so you can create a listing presentation that looks great on every level.

Price: Free ‍

Arguably the most popular tool in this post, Canva makes graphic design easy — even if you consider yourself a not-so-tech-savvy real estate agent. The platform offers numerous design formats that fit all of your real estate marketing needs, including listing presentations. You can upload images, add text overlays and icons, create photo collages, and beautify your listing presentation in countless ways using Canva.

Top Features

  • Easy drag-and-drop interface for adding text and visuals to your presentations.
  • A seemingly endless library of images, templates, fonts, and icons to choose from.
  • Detailed but straightforward photo-editing tools to adjust your designs accordingly.
  • A new iPad app that makes designing on the go simple and convenient.

2)   Piktochart

Price: $29/month ‍.

Real estate listing presentations usually entail a fair amount of data. Blow them away with easy-to-read stats and figures related to your real estate sales history and local market (like home values) in the form of beautiful infographics featuring graphs and charts created with Piktochart. If you’re concerned about starting from scratch and organizing your data, don’t worry: Pre-made templates (several of them) are at your disposal when designing this intuitive tool, while you can also import Google Spreadsheets and similar data files to develop comprehensive number-based visuals.

  • Simple dashboard interface, which makes it simple to identify the right editing tools to use.
  • Tons of pre-loaded images and icons that can make your charts and graphs more attractive.
  • An interactive map feature to showcase a variety of details about your area.
  • Integration with Evernote and SlideShare (should you want to publish your graphics online).

3)   Google Slides

This is the first of three Google listing presentation tools listed in this post. Ease of use is the main selling point of Slides, as you can access it on just about any device (desktop or mobile), share your work with others, and edit and comment on your work in mere seconds. It has the feel of PowerPoint but with much more capabilities and design offerings to make your real estate listing presentation look as professional as possible (though if you’re an avid PowerPoint user, you can also upload your PPT listing presentation into Slides).

  • No internet connection? No problem: Work on your listing presentation offline with Slides.
  • Auto-saves all of your work, so you don’t have to fear losing design updates and alterations.
  • Embed videos and select from thousands of images and icons in Google’s extensive database.
  • Available on iOS and Android devices, so you can fine-tune your presentations on the fly.

Price: Public plan is free; Enjoy plan is $59/year; Pro plan is $159/year

One of the more popular listing presentation software options among real estate agents and firms is Prezi — and it’s very easy to see why. The platform makes it a cinch to present your listings, company history, and sales pitch to your real estate leads in style. Think of the tool as the anti-slideshow presentation software, thanks to its simple design functions, smooth transition features, and modern-looking effects capabilities.

  • Fade-in animation that brings new text, icons, and images onto the screen in a stylish manner.
  • Plain-English navigation setup, meaning you won’t spontaneously combust using the platform.
  • An array of tutorial articles and videos on the Prezi website that help with every possible usage scenario.
  • Handy timing feature that allows you to keep your listing presentation moving along at the right pace.

5)   TouchCMA

Price: monthly plan is $25/month; annual plan is $15/month.

TouchCMA is one of the best listing presentation software solutions out there today, and that’s the case for several reasons — chief of which is you don’t have to spend a lot of time or energy compiling data, imagery, and resources for your presentation. Rather, the iPad app automates all of that work for you by providing up-to-date listing data for your area. Use the area-mapping tool to highlight specific neighborhoods and communities where sellers reside to give them a glimpse of niche market conditions. To add your own personal flare to your listing presentation, real estate data and videos can be added into the software.

  • Directly connects to your MLS, giving you real-time data to share with potential clients.
  • Comb over listing after listing — including their pricing details, images, and other key info — in minutes.
  • Compare homes for sale side by side to give your leads a snapshot of local property values and other key info.
  • Add all of your branding collateral to TouchCMA to prove you’re a reputable professional.

Price: Essentials plan is free; Pro feature is $6.99/year ‍

Adobe’s Creative Suite is a pretty fantastic investment for agencies and brokerages who can afford these resourceful programs. For solo agents, though, it can be costly and, thus, not worth it. Pixlr offers a suitable alternative. The photo-editing software is essentially a simplified version of Photoshop that offers the same image adjustment tools but in a more comprehensible manner that befits those who aren’t design experts. For your listing presentation, use Pixlr to bolster your branding and make your real estate business look trustworthy and reputable — something practically all buyers and sellers take into account when selecting representation.

  • Text masking allows for text overlay additions to your photos that can be stylized with flashy designs.
  • Simple image-layering capabilities so you can make your presentation look like a pro created it.
  • Cropping, blending, and adding effects to photos and images is a painless task for Pixlr users.
  • The Pixlr Express mobile app means you can snap shots of your listings and effectively edit them seconds later.

Price: Basic plan is free; Pro plan is $5/month ‍

Deemed “ the PowerPoint killer we’ve all been waiting for ” by TechCrunch, Bunkr is one of the more fashionable listing presentation software options for agents. The French company has grown a solid reputation as the go-to presentation solution for big brands (a look at the Bunkr site shows Evian, Foursquare, and LinkedIn have all utilized the service). Where it distinguishes itself from PowerPoint (though the UI functions quite similarly) is its content-collecting features: Find anything you want online and save it with ease to your Bunkr folders. No matter what you’re working on, you can access this content bank and add images and video to enliven your presentation.

  • Install Bunkr’s bookmarklet to easily save relevant, interesting content you come across online for later use.
  • The “Lists” feature acts as both a note-taking system and as reminders to incorporate certain points and content in your presentation.
  • Broad selection of fonts, backgrounds, borders, colors, and type-editing features to make presentation creation simple.
  • Mobile-ready, meaning your presentations look top-notch and function well on tablets and smartphones.

8)   Haiku Deck

Who said creating real estate listing presentations can’t be fun? Haiku Deck is a premier presentation service that truly makes working on projects an enjoyable (and stress-free) experience. Whether you work on desktop or use the iOS app , Haiku Deck offers an array of elegant-looking imagery and text options to make your presentation look like a professional designer spent hours polishing it up. When you’re done completing your masterpiece, you can use your iPhone as a remote to meticulously guide your real estate leads through your pitch.

  • A limited navigation bar that includes only the essentials (for text, image, and formatting) needed to create a compelling listing presentation.
  • Exhibit your real estate business and market data in easy-to-create charts and graphs that come with relevant icons.
  • An image search feature that navigates Flickr’s Creative Commons database, so you don’t have to spend hours finding the right photos for your presentation.
  • Plenty of interesting presentation themes are available along with budget-friendly theme packs to enhance your design work.

9)   PicMonkey

Price: basic plan is free; royale plan is $4.99/month ‍.

Edit and touch up photos and other images, create various types of collages, and design your own presentation slides from the ground up (or with the help of pre-loaded themes) using PicMonkey, an alternative to Canva that’s just as easy and enjoyable to learn and use. Unique icons and other visuals at your disposal mean your presentation can be jazzed up in seemingly innumerable ways. Given you can use the service for your real estate website (landing pages, blogs — any web page, really), this is a can’t-miss platform.

  • The PicMonkey blog and Features page offer insightful articles and tutorials to help you craft amazing presentations and edit images with ease.
  • The Royale plan offers several more fonts, layouts, and pre-set designs to choose from to set your presentation apart from the competition.
  • Crop, sharpen, rotate, resize, and add exposure to any and all images and photos you add to your PicMonkey account.
  • Want to add a holiday or other niche theme to your presentation? PicMonkey has many unique ones to choose from.

10)   Office Timeline

Price: basic edition is free; business plus edition is $49/year.

Here’s a common listing presentation scenario: Your prospective clients want to know more about your background and history as an agent. You don’t want to forget to include a visual representation of your past. To avoid this, use listing presentation software like Office Timelines, which makes showing important dates a cinch. Simply set the parameters for how long of a period you want to display in your presentation and then add notes to each notable date: when you became an agent, when you earned specific certifications, when you opened up your firm — any date that can inform your leads and help you tell your story.

  • Selecting a timeline format, adding your milestones, denoting the dates, and customizing timelines with various colors and fonts is simple.
  • Several timeline chart styles to choose from, allowing you to expertly show off your business and personal background.
  • Another platform that integrates with PowerPoint, so you can enhance your PPT listing presentation slides even more.
  • The Timeline Wizard feature allows you to create your own timeline from scratch, if you don’t feel like using one of the templates.

11)   Recite This

Price: free.

You won’t find an easier site to use on this list than Recite This, a service that allows users to enter copy (quotes, tips, whatever) into a text box and select a design theme to create their own designs featuring the excerpts. If you want to use a different background with your copy, simply select the “Try Another Template” button. Once you’re done, you can download the image and use it for your presentation. If you have testimonials from happy clients, use them in Recite This to create eye-catching text designs that can grab the attention of your prospective clients. All in all, this is a minor tool to assist your presentation development, but one that can save you lots of time crafting your own text-based design.

Top Features:

  • As long as you have specific copy in mind at the ready, you can create a Recite This quote design in seconds.
  • You can preview how your copy will look using each design option as you enter in your text.
  • There are several background templates to choose from, so you can easily find ones that fit your stylistic preferences.
  • Share your text-based designs, like client testimonials, on social media — in addition to using them for your presentation.

12)   Placeit

Price: comp plan is $12/month; several other pricing packages, depending on use ‍.

Showing off your responsive real estate website is a surefire way to impress leads. Placeit’s main service is to provide a canvas for websites to be shown on mobile devices. Use the platform to upload images of your website onto the template slides that feature blank iPhone, iPad, and other mobile screens so your leads can see what it’s like to navigate your site on different devices. Show buyers and sellers your ability to understand technology and how to aptly use it to help them purchase and sell their homes.

  • Got a mobile-friendly real estate website? Take screenshots of it and add them to the nifty slides Placeit offers.
  • Match a device with one or more appealing backgrounds depicting different kinds of scenery, like offices and homes.
  • It’s not just for website screenshots: Upload video to show off on mobile devices as well, like listing video snippets.
  • There are plenty of different pricing packages to choose from, so analyze which one works best for your budget.

13)   Google Hangouts

Sometimes, you have real estate leads you simply can’t meet with in person, like those who live several hours away or even across the country. That’s where platforms like Hangouts come into play. Simply log in to your Google account (or create one, if you don’t have one) and invite your leads to a Hangout. As long as you both have a strong Internet connection, you can conduct your presentation as normal (and sharing your screen — whether it’s a website, slideshow, or video — is a cakewalk).

  • It’s available on practically all major mobile devices, so if you must present on the go, you can.
  • Need to present one party of buyers or sellers instead of individual ones? With Hangouts, you can invite up to 10 people.
  • You can record your Hangouts — meaning you can learn from past listing presentations via the platform.
  • Perform other tasks on your desktop, tablet, or smartphone (like pulling up important files) mid-conversation.

14)   PowToon

Price: basic plan is free; pro plan is $57/month; business plan is $127/month ‍.

Explaining your value proposition to buyers and sellers with data is an effective presentation method. Sometimes, though, presenting charts and graphs can … well … bore them. Prevent yawns by sprucing up your sales pitch with a unique visual element. PowToon is a viable option, as users can create animated videos of their products and services — or, in the case of real estate agents, videos to show sales history, local market details, and other interesting tidbits. Just take a look at some notable real estate companies and professionals who’ve used PowToon to bolster their presentations.

  • Add music and voiceovers to your animated listing presentation videos to make them more informative and appealing.
  • Share your work on your real estate YouTube page (just be sure to promote it on other social media channels).
  • PowToon’s dashboard is more than manageable, as it includes all of the icons and editing tools you need to craft amazing videos.
  • Countless icons, characters, backgrounds, and other visual aids to choose from.

15)   Infogram

Price: basic plan is free; pro plan is $18/month; white label plan is $50/month ‍.

The best listing presentation is the one that both educates and enthralls buyers and sellers. With Infogram, you’ll accomplish both. Just choose a template, input your data, add some explanatory copy for your figures, and you have a beautiful, informative graphic that can wow your audience. What’s more is you can add numerous icons, along with images and videos, to your presentation, meaning you don’t have to stumble over countless slides during your meeting with leads. Instead, you’ll have one single infographic that incorporates all of the info you need.

  • Connect your data software with Infogram so your graphics can automatically populate new data.
  • A lustrous look on all devices, thanks to the infographic tool’s responsive design setup.
  • Create bar and line graphs, fill out area charts, and utilize the map feature to power your presentation.
  • The new video infographic creator means your data will look alive during your presentations.

16)   emaze

Price: basic plan is free; pro plan is $4.90/month; emazing plan is $9.90/month ‍.

Plentiful listing presentation templates that can be edited with a plug-and-play design in minutes: That sums up what you get when using the intuitive presentation software emaze. The HTML5 platform is a cut above the competition due to its template options, ability to add sound effects, and distinct transition elements. And if you don’t want to start over from scratch using emaze, import your PowerPoint listing presentation copy and images in seconds.

  • Many attractive 2D and 3D presentation templates at your disposal.
  • Pre-loaded placeholder images and text make it easier to input copy and graphics.
  • The ability to embed YouTube videos in your presentation.
  • Access your work anywhere, anytime thanks to the tool’s cloud storage.


Price: basic plan is $3.95/month; pro plan is $17.95/month ‍.

For listing presentations done remotely from clients, offers an intriguing structure: Viewers of the video presentation platform can see you on one side of the screen and your presentation on the other half. This means no more having to explain your presentation to buyers and sellers over the phone. Use and your leads can watch your presentation whenever they have free time. Though you’ll definitely need to follow up with your leads to ensure they understand everything you can offer them, this is a helpful tool for those times when you simply can’t be there in person to pitch them.

  • Edit and trim your videos so that your voice recording aligns with your presentation’s visuals.
  • Your PowerPoints, PDFs, and Google Docs can be integrated with
  • The service offers a handful of plugins to make it easy to share presentations on your real estate website.
  • If you don’t want to post presentations on your site, email presentations or create a subdomain to host them.

18)   Google Fonts

It may seem like a small component of your real estate listing presentation, but using the right font can make all the difference. Comic Sans won’t cut it if you’re trying to impress prospective clients. Instead, comb through Google Fonts to find one (or more) suitable typefaces to use. For instance, if you create a Keynote or PowerPoint slideshow, you can use one font for slide titles and another for the body copy. If you want to know the best of the best Google Fonts (and how to actually use the font service), check out this informative post from BootstrapBay .

  • There are more than 650 font families you can choose from for your presentation.
  • Every single one of those 650 font families? Oh, yeah: They’re 100% free.
  • Once you select a font, you can instantly use it in your presentation.
  • Google lets you know the page load times for each font (in case you want to use them on your website).

19)   SlideDog

Price: basic plan is free; pro plan is $8.33/month ‍.

Many agents transition from clicking through slideshows during their presentations to showing videos and guiding leads through their real estate website. That means having to switch from screen to screen, which can make presentations drag and, more importantly, seem disjointed and unorganized. SlideDog provides a solution to this dilemma. Drag and drop multiple screens at the bottom of your SlideDog dashboard to create a playlist. Then, adjust the screens for sites and other files (like PowerPoint and Prezi presentations) in the order in which you want to present them. This listing presentation software tool is as straightforward as they come.

  • Simply click on any of your uploaded screens for websites, videos, and other files to make them populate the screen.
  • Use any mobile device connected to SlideDog as your remote control for your presentation.
  • Your audience can view your presentation on their own devices as well, thanks to the platform’s Live Sharing feature.
  • Use the dual screen function to present your listings on a larger format, like a TV or projection screen.


A big problem with most graphic design services that claim to be easy to use is … well … they’re not. The learning curve is bigger than stated. The user experience isn’t as uncomplicated as promised. That’s not the case with, which is a time- and headache-saving tool that offers an intuitive drag-and-drop design tool that’s as accessible as any infographic platform out there. It has just enough templates and resources so as not to overwhelm novice designers. Use to showcase your value proposition, notable deals you’ve closed, or your plan for selling a prospective client’s home.

  • You can create a fully detailed infographic in mere minutes with the template, icon, and text overlay features.
  • Too many tools and widgets can frustrate graphic design beginners — offers just enough to make each graphic distinct and gorgeous.
  • Your final product can be saved and exported in a variety of files types, like PNG and JPG, as well as downloaded as a PDF.
  • A clean, sleek canvas is all you see when working on your presentation graphic.


listing presentation package

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Pre Listing Presentation Guide For Real Estate Agents

Posted by Grant Findlay-Shirras | | Technology | 0 |

Pre Listing Presentation Guide For Real Estate Agents

What if every pre-listing consultation you booked was a success? Imagine a 100% close ratio 🙂

The in-person listing presentation is a critical step on the long, precarious road towards homeownership. Sellers must be convinced that you are the right realtor that they can trust.

And you only get one chance to win their trust.

So when you schedule an in-person appointment, make sure you follow these tips to make the most of it.

A strong pre-listing presentation can vastly improve your conversion rate, and turn your listing consultations into productive meetings. Creating a great one, of course, takes time, but, once it’s done, you’ll have a template for the future.

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

What Is A Pre-Listing Presentation?

Research by NAR points clearly to the fact that an overwhelming 70% of homeowners interviewed ONLY 1 agent .  So, if your pre-listing presentation is lackluster, it’s unlikely you’ll win their business during an in-person consultation.

The goal of a pre-listing presentation is NOT to sell you or your agency. It’s not to promote your brand either.

A pre-listing package or presentation is a marketing tool that informs prospects of your unique qualifications and expertise as a real estate agent. The collateral contained in your pre-listing package should convince prospective homeowners that your strategy for selling their property or finding their dream home will work for them. Zillow’s 2016 survey found out that local market knowledge is the number 1 factor when selecting a real estate agent.

Factors for selecting seller agents Zillow

Zillow Survey Results When Selecting A Local Agent

Factors Contributing To The Credibility Of Your Local Market  Knowledge:

  • Recently sold homes in the area
  • Local testimonials
  • Local brand for your real estate brand (online)

Your pre-listing package should cover four key topics:

  • Your marketing strategy – demonstrate why your strategy works
  • Knowledge of the housing market – educate clients about local market conditions
  • Professional real estate expertise – ability to guide clients through each legal step
  • Character traits – trustworthiness, transparency, integrity

Everything you include in the pre-listing package (ie photos, infographics, housing data) should be there to support the goal of presenting your unique value proposition.

House Purchase

Benefits of a Professional Looking Pre-Listing Presentation

Spending time on a polished pre-listing presentation benefits real estate professionals in a number of ways:

  • Saves you time and reduces the risk of canceled, failed in-person appointments. 
  • Distributing copies allows you to reach more people at once
  • Qualifies prospects before the meeting
  • Provides prospects with valuable marketing data
  • Reaches prospects before they are aware of a need and raises brand awareness

Pre listing presentation example

5 Tips To Creating A Pre-Listing Presentation

1. keep it simple.

Your pre-listing package should educate prospects, but there’s a lot of information to digest. Try not to overwhelm clients with technical data. Simplify your content with bullet points, graphs, and other visual aids. Avoid using technical terms that your client doesn’t need to know immediately.

2. Be Strategic

Distributing your package to prospects with no interest is a waste of time. Create a drip campaign to gauge interest from your contacts. Create a customized pre-listing package for each segment of your marketing database. If you are presenting multiple areas, use colors to distinguish separate neighborhoods.

3. Know Your Audience

Who is seeking to prospect? Are you focused on first-time buyers? Sellers moving from a home to a condo? Make it clear who your pre-listing package is aimed at. Learn the unique pain points of your target market so you can craft marketing copy that appeals directly to them.

4. Include Testimonials With Pictures & Videos Of Your Clients

Trust is the key to any relationship. Asking potential home buyers or sellers to trust you with their investment needs some persuasion. Like star ratings for hotels or businesses, your testimonials are proof that people are willing to vouch for you. Heartfelt testimonials offer your prospects some insight into what they can expect if they choose you as their real estate agent. Make sure that the testimonials are easier to read and each of them has a picture attached to them. Including pictures of other happy clients instantly improves the credibility of your testimonial page. If you can get to shoot a video of your client experience after you close a deal, you can easily repurpose those videos to impress your prospects.

Testimonial Video Real Estate

5. Use High-Quality Images

High-quality photos of past clients you’ve helped, homes you’ve sold, and people you work with can make a huge difference to your pre-listing package. Consumers respond to images more favorably than text.

67 Strategies to Get More Referrals

How To Create a Polished Pre-Listing Presentation

Step 1: choose a strong title..

Great marketing appeals to the emotions of your audience. What do buyers want? What do sellers look for? If you think of what your prospects are looking for, use those keywords in your title. Position your title like a call-to-action that motivates your prospects to take action as well:

“Buy Your Dream Home At Last”

“Sell Your Home Without The Stress.”

“Succeeding In The Buyers’ Market”

Step 2: Use a high-quality team photo or professional profile image.

63% of consumers indicated that an image is more impactful than a product description . You don’t have to be a model, but the image you use should be of the highest resolution and quality. Poor pixel quality makes you look second-rate and doesn’t inspire confidence. Your photo image has more of an impact than you think.

Step 3: Create the content

The content of your pre-listing package should include the following collateral:

Cover Letter

Your unique selling proposition is your chance to show prospective sellers and buyers what makes you different and why.

Imagine you’re meeting a prospect casually over coffee. What would you tell them about yourself? Tell them about your past, your reason for becoming a real estate agent, as well as your personal and professional goals. We can put prospects at ease before the in-person meeting if they know something about our personal history and preferences.

Describe the sales process step by step using a flow chart that clearly illustrates the entire buying or selling cycle. Transparency now will save you and your potential client headaches down the road.

Steps to Selling or Buying A Home

Most clients, especially first-time home buyers and sellers, need guidance and information about the process. Create a flowchart that walks your clients through each step. Provide them with an estimated timeline. You can manage their expectations more effectively, and ease the anxiety of clients if you prepare them in advance for the challenges they will face.

Marketing Strategy

Provide your prospects with a clear flow chart or visuals that depict your marketing strategy for selling their home. Social media, flyer-ing, print ads – specify the marketing channels you use and why. Outline the return on investment for each channel and the estimated exposure/reach of each channel. Assure your clients that your marketing will target the right audience.

Relevant Housing Market Data

Use infographics, charts to help your clients understand current market conditions, as well as trends that could impact the market during the buying or selling process. Include local business and neighborhood data as well, to give clients further insight into the community they will be joining.

A lone wolf doesn’t inspire as much confidence as a team. Clients will be more confident in choosing you as their agent or broker if they know you have a strong team behind you. Let your clients know how you’ll be using your sphere of influence to help them reach their goals. Include a contact list of the people you work with: stagers, photographers, other agents, and vendors.

Seller Tips/Showing Tips

List 5 – 10 useful, practical tips that will help your clients get an edge on the competition. The tips you provide are your opportunity to demonstrate your experience with selling or buying homes. Share anecdotes from successful sales in your past. Use images when applicable.

Step 4: Include A Client Checklist.

Provide your prospects with a checklist to help them prepare their home for sale or a checklist of their dream home attributes. Create a document that clients can use to make sure their documents are in order before your meeting and that they meet the criteria for an in-person listing consultation. The checklist should include paperwork your clients will need: a seller’s disclosure form, mortgage statements, HOA documents, title deeds, etc.  You’ll be able to qualify prospects before the meeting and save time.

Example marketing plan listing presentation

Example listing marketing plan illustrated for a potential client

Step 5: Go Heavy With Personal Branding

This is something that many Realtors often overlook. You must be thinking that they already know you, why bother branding the listing presentation?

Well, let me tell you something about presentation psychology. The more branded your presentation, higher is your chance to get the listing. This means you should include a nice cover image for the listing presentation as well as have social media links. Do this even if you are going through a paper presentation.

Getting Help To Improve The Listing Presentation

Often times many realtors do not have the time or the skillset to design a custom PDF presentation template that they can use for their appointments. We recommend that you spend a few hundred dollars and hire a professional graphic designer on sites like UpWork or Freelancer . Trust me it’s worth the money.

About The Author

listing presentation package

Grant is the Co-Founder and CEO of and creator of the Local Leader(RTM) system for real estate professionals. Grant has helped 1000s of real estate agents dominate their local market and get clients by leveraging their local website.

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Administrative Specialist III

Job Description

Requisition Number: S01772P

Position Category: Staff

Hours Per Week: 40

Months Per Year: 12

Alternate Work Schedule: This position is 5 days a week on the Ogden Campus 

Pay Grade: N25

FLSA: Non-Exempt

Job Summary/Basic Function:

This position provides administrative support to the Assistant Vice President for Student Pathways in planning, organizing, and implementing functions, services, and workflow for the Student Pathways Unit. This position will also provide budgetary and higher level administrative functions for the Director of General and Exploratory Studies and Associate Director for Student Pathways. The overall Student Pathways Unit includes: First Year and Family Programs, Starfish, Bounceback program, Career Development, Career Services, General and Exploratory Advising and a dotted line to College Advising Leads. The office oversees a Weber States student from New Student Orientation through Career Connections postgraduate. The Administrative Assistant is required to have excellent interpersonal skills, oral and written communication skills, and be able to communicate with a wide variety of individuals from the campus and community. It is essential that this position exercise discretion, good judgement and maintain confidentiality and privacy. This individual will have knowledge, skills, and experience in administrative, financial, and technological processes, This position will represent the AVP for Student Pathways in meetings and will communicate with internal and external partners on behalf of the AVP for Student Pathways. 

Required Qualifications:

• High school diploma or equivalent

• Three years of full-time related experience that includes administrative support

Preferred Qualifications:


• Previous budget monitoring and spreadsheet experience

• Familiarity with University system, like ePAR, Concur, Banner, PawPlace, etc.

• Familiarity with Canva

• Familiarity with Adobe products

• High level of experience with computer applications including excel, presentations, word processing, spreadsheets, email, video conferencing services, and cloud based document storage

• Demonstrated organizational skills

Background Check? Yes

Benefits Summary:

WSU offers a generous benefits package that includes medical, dental, long-term disability, life insurance, retirement, a wellness program with release time and paid incentives, tuition benefits, free tickets to athletic and performing arts events, and paid holidays, vacation, and sick leave.

Job Open Date: 05/28/2024

Review Date: 06/09/2024

Job Close Date:

Open Until Filled: Yes

Notes to Applicant:

If you are passionate about what you could offer and accomplish here at WSU , we would love to hear from you. The annual salary for this position starts at $38,500 and may go up from there depending on candidate qualifications. The position comes with a generous

To apply, please complete the online application and attach a cover letter, current resume, and the names and contact information for three professional references.

For qualification determination, your application and/or resume must address the required and preferred qualifications and must contain average number of hours worked per week and the dates of employment (i.e., month/year to month/year or month/year to present). If your resume does not contain this information, your application may be considered incomplete.

Screening of applications will begin June 9, 2024. Position will remain open until filled.

Criminal background check required as a condition of employment. 

Physical Activity of this position: Expressing or exchanging ideas. Those activities in which they must convey detailed or important instructions to other workers accurately or quickly. - Work with the AVP office , Ability to receive detailed information with or without assistance. - Work with the AVP office , Repetitive motion. Substantial movements (motions) of the wrists, hands, and/or fingers. - typing and lengthy computer work

Physical Requirements of this position: Light work. Exerting up to 20 lbs of force occasionally and/or up to 10 lbs of force frequently and/or a negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. Use of arm and/or leg controls exerting forces greater than that for sedentary work.

Visual Acuity Requirements including color, depth perception and field of vision: Required to perform activities such as preparing and analyzing data and figures; transcribing; using a computer terminal; extensive reading., Required to have visual acuity to determine the accuracy, neatness, and thoroughness of the work assigned (i.e., custodial, food services,) or to make general observations of facilities or structures (i.e., security guard, inspection).

The conditions the worker will be subject to in this position: None. The worker is not substantially exposed to adverse environmental conditions (such as in typical office or administrative work).

To apply, visit

Weber State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to creating an inclusive environment by welcoming all individuals, including culturally diverse staff, faculty, and student body. WSU values every individual by embracing all identities through the promotion of belonging, creativity, and uniqueness. We strive to create environments which are welcoming, inclusive, and equitable for all. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to protected categories, such as disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion, national origin, veterans status, or others, as required by law and university policy (see Weber State University's Policy and Procedure Manual 3-32).

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  • Posting Date: May 29, 2024
  • Pay Range: N/A
  • Category: Administrative
  • Education Level: N/A
  • Job Type: Full-time
  • Years of Experience: N/A
  • Wildcard and Information Center Coordinator Weber State University
  • Administrative Specialist III Weber State University
  • Honors Program Administrative Specialist Weber State University
  • Lab/Simulation Operations Assistant Weber State University
  • Honors Program Coordinator Weber State University
  • See All Jobs in Ogden, UT

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Contact: Weber State University

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