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Living Alone Essay

In this  living alone essay , you have to examine the trend for more people to live by themselves rather than other people.

IELTS essay questions tend to deal with current topics that are being debated and discussed, and this is a good example of this.

It is another representation of the general trend towards individualism in society.

Remember you should start by examining the question very carefully.

In recent times, many people are making the decision to live alone.  What are the causes of this?  Does it have positive or negatives effects on society?

Ensuring You Address the Task

You should first note that there are two tasks that need to be addressed:

  • The negative / positive impacts on society

You must address all these things.

Living Along Essay

You should also have noted that it says effects on society. So you should not be talking about impacts on the individual (or if you do, you should explain how it will then impact society).

You could do three body paragraphs in the living alone essay:

  • one on the causes
  • one on the positive effects
  • one on the negative.

Or you could just split it into two body paragraphs.

However, you don't have to write about positive and negative effects if you don't want to. It says negative or positive, so you could decide it is one or the other.

You should make those decisions after you have brainstormed your ideas . If you can only think of negative effects then fine, just write about those and make sure your opinion states that.

Now, take a look at the model answer. In the model, positive and negative effects are discussed, so the opinon is that there are both.

IELTS Living Alone Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In recent times, many people are making the decision to live alone.

What are the causes of this?

Does it have positive or negatives effects on society?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

There has been a tendency in many countries over recent years for more people of all ages to choose to live alone. This essay will discuss the reasons for this and explain why this can have both advantages and disadvantages for society. 

One reason for this trend is economic. People are generally more affluent than in the past, and this means that they can afford to make the choice to live alone, something not always possible in the past. In addition to this, there are also cultural factors. There used to be more pressure to marry young and think about having a family. Now though, people desire self-fulfilment, and will marry later or divorce if their marriage is not happy. Also, the developments in communication technology such as social media mean that people can live alone but still feel connected to others.

I would argue that this development has positive and negative impacts on society. A positive impact is that those individuals who are young and single have helped to revitalise cities around the world, as they are more likely to live in central locations and socialise, spend money and participate in public life than those living with others. However, a drawback is that some people living alone who experience problems may not have an outlet to talk about them. This lack of social support could lead to more mental health problems in the general population, which would need to be dealt with by public health care services.  

To conclude, economic and cultural factors, and changes in communication have resulted in more people living alone, and, although this has benefits to society, there are also negative impacts. 

( 277 Words )

This living alone essay would receive a high IELTS score.

It is well structured. Paragraphing is appropriate, with an introduction, conclusion, and two body paragraphs, each one tackling a diffferent part of the question.

The task is fully addressed as well, as the essay discusses both the causes and the impacts on society. The topic sentence in the second body paragraph makes it clear what the view of the author is, as does the thesis in the introduction.

There is also a good mix of topic relevant vocabulary and complex sentences .

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Essay About Being Alone: 5 Examples and 8 Prompts

To explore your understanding of this subject, read the following examples of an essay about being alone and prompts to use in your next essay.  

Being alone and lonely are often used interchangeably, but they don’t have the same meaning.

Everyone has a different notion of what being alone means. Some think it’s physically secluding yourself from people, while others regard it as the feeling of serenity or hopelessness even in the middle of a crowd.

Being alone offers various benefits, such as finding peace and solitude to reflect and be creative. However, too much isolation can negatively impact physical and mental health . 

By understanding the contrast between the meaning of being alone and being lonely, you’ll be able to express your thoughts clearly and deliver a great essay. 

1. Why I Love Being Alone by Role Reboot and Chanel Dubofsky

2. why do i like being alone so much [19 possible reasons] by sarah kristenson, 3. things to do by yourself by kendra cherry, 4. the art of being alone, but not lonely by kei hysi, 5.  my biggest fear was being alone by jennifer twardowski, 8 writing prompts on essay about being alone, 1. why you prefer to be alone, 2. things learned from being alone, 3. pros and cons of being alone, 4. being alone vs. being lonely, 5. the difference between being alone vs. being with someone else, 6. the fear of being alone, 7. how to enjoy your own company without being lonely.

“For me, being alone is something I choose, loneliness is the result of being alone, or feeling alone when I haven’t chosen it, but they aren’t the same, and they don’t necessarily lead to one another.”

In this essay, the authors make it clear that being alone is not the same as being lonely. They also mention that it’s a choice to be alone or be lonely with someone. Being alone is something that the authors are comfortable with and crave to find peace and clarity in their minds. For more, see these articles about being lonely .

“It’s important to know why you want to be alone. It can help you make the best of that time and appreciate this self-quality. Or, if you’re alone for negative reasons, it can help you address things in your life that may need to be changed.”

Kristenson’s essay probes the positive and negative reasons a person likes being alone. Positive reasons include creativity, decisiveness, and contentment as they remove themselves from drama.

The negative reasons for being alone are also critical to identify because they lead to unhealthy choices and results such as depression. The negative reasons listed are not being able to separate your emotions from others, thinking the people around you dislike you and being unable to show your authentic self to others because you’re afraid people might not like you.

“Whether you are an introvert who thrives on solitude or a gregarious extrovert who loves socializing, a little high-quality time to yourself can be good for your overall well-being.”

In this essay, Cherry points out the importance of being alone, whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert. She also mentions the benefits of allocating time for yourself and advises on how to enjoy your own company. Letting yourself be alone for a while will help you improve your memory, creativity, and attention to detail, making them more productive.

“You learn to love yourself first. You need to explore life, explore yourselves, grow through challenges, learn from mistakes, get out of your comfort zone, know your true potential, and feel comfortable in your own skin. The moment you love yourself, you become immune to loneliness.”

Hysi explores being alone without feeling lonely. He argues that people must learn to love and put themselves first to stop feeling lonely. This can be challenging, especially for those who put themselves last to serve others. He concludes that loving ourselves leads to a better life. 

“We have to be comfortable in our own skin and be willing to be who we truly are, unapologetically. We have to love ourselves unconditionally and, through that love, be willing to seek out what our hearts truly desire — both in our relationships and in our life choices.”

The author discusses why she’s afraid of being alone and how she overcame it. Because she was scared of getting left alone, she always did things to please anyone, even if she wasn’t happy about it.  What was important to her then was that she was not alone. But she realized she would still feel lonely even if she wasn’t alone. 

Learning to be true to herself helped her overcome what she was afraid of. One key to happiness and fulfillment is loving yourself and always being genuine.

Did you finally have ideas about how to convey your thoughts about being alone after reading the samples above? If you’re now looking for ideas on what to talk about in your essay, here are 8 prompts to consider.

Read the best essay writing tips to incorporate them into your writing.

Today, many people assume that individuals who want to be alone are lonely. However, this is not the case for everyone. 

You can talk about a universal situation or feeling your readers will easily understand. Such as wanting to be alone when you’re mad or when you’re burnout from school or work. You can also talk about why you want to be alone after acing a test or graduating – to cherish the moment.

People tend to overthink when they are alone. In this essay, discuss what you learned from spending time alone. Perhaps you have discovered something about yourself, found a new hobby, or connected with your emotions.

Your essay can be an eye-opener for individuals contemplating if they want to take some time off to be alone. Explain how you felt when alone and if there were any benefits from spending this time by yourself.

While being alone has several benefits, such as personal exploration or reflection, time to reboot, etc., too much isolation can also have disadvantages. Conduct research into the pros and cons of alone time, and pick a side to create a compelling argumentative essay . Then, write these in your essay. Knowing the pros and cons of being alone will let others know when being alone is no longer beneficial and they’ll need someone to talk to.

We all have different views and thoughts about being alone and lonely. Write your notion and beliefs about them. You can also give examples using your real-life experiences. Reading different opinions and ideas about the same things broadens your and your readers’ perspectives.

Some people like being with their loved ones or friends rather than spending time alone. In this prompt, you will share what you felt or experienced when you were alone compared to when you were with someone else. For you, what do you prefer more? You can inform your readers about your choice and why you like it over the other.

While being alone can be beneficial and something some people crave, being alone for a long time can be scary for others. Write about the things you are most afraid of, such as, “What if I die alone, would there be people who will mourn for me?”  This will create an emotive and engaging essay for your next writing project.

Essay About Being Alone: How to enjoy your own company without being lonely?

Learning to be alone and genuinely enjoying it contributes to personal growth. However, being comfortable in your skin can still be challenging. This essay offers the reader tips to help others get started in finding happiness and tranquillity in their own company. Discuss activities that you can do while being alone. Perhaps create a list of hobbies and interests you can enjoy while being alone. 

Interested in learning more? Read our guide on descriptive essay s for more inspiration!

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Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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  • Solo Living Trend


living alone essay introduction

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words about the following topic:

In many countries, more and more people are choosing to live alone. What are the reasons for this trend? Is it a positive or negative development?

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

  • Paraphrase: Solo living has become increasingly popular in many countries.
  • Main opinion: This essay will explore the reasons behind this trend and discuss whether it is a positive or negative development.
  • Personal experience: Living alone allows for self-exploration and flexibility in modern fast-paced lifestyles.
  • Societal changes: Changing attitudes towards relationships and the pursuit of personal freedom contribute to the rise in solo living.
  • Summarize body paragraphs: Solo living offers both advantages, such as self-reliance and individuality, and disadvantages, including potential loneliness and financial burdens.
  • Restate main opinion: Whether solo living is positive or negative depends on individual circumstances and support systems.

Living alone has become a prevalent trend in numerous countries, and it is a topic that resonates with me due to my personal experiences and observations. In this essay, I will delve into the reasons behind this growing phenomenon and present my perspective on whether it is a positive or negative development.

The rise in solo living can be attributed to various factors. Firstly, modern lifestyles have become increasingly fast-paced, with demanding work schedules and social commitments. As a result, individuals may find solace and flexibility in living alone, without having to accommodate the preferences and routines of others. Secondly, societal attitudes towards marriage and relationships have evolved, with a greater emphasis on personal freedom and independence. Many people now prioritize self-discovery and career advancement over traditional family structures. Additionally, advancements in technology have made it easier to connect with others virtually, reducing the need for physical proximity and companionship.

From my own experience, living alone has allowed me to explore my interests and hobbies without any constraints. I have been able to focus on personal growth and development, fostering a sense of self-reliance and resilience. Moreover, the freedom to design my living space according to my preferences has been liberating, enabling me to create a sanctuary that reflects my identity and values.

On the other hand, the surge in solo living may also lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Without the support of a household, individuals may encounter challenges in times of need or emergencies. Additionally, living alone can be financially burdensome, as shared expenses are not available to lessen the economic strain.

In conclusion, the reasons for the increasing prevalence of people living alone are rooted in the modern-day lifestyle, changing societal norms, and technological advancements. From my perspective, this trend has both positive and negative aspects. On the one hand, it offers individuals a chance for self-discovery and personal growth, granting them the freedom to design their lives according to their desires. However, it can also lead to feelings of loneliness and financial challenges. Ultimately, whether living alone is a positive or negative development depends on an individual’s personality, circumstances, and support networks. Striking a balance between independence and social connections is essential to making the most of this lifestyle choice.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of individuals opting to live alone in various countries. This trend can be attributed to several factors, and in my opinion, it represents a positive development.

Firstly, the desire for independence and personal freedom plays a crucial role in the choice to live alone. Many individuals value the opportunity to have control over their own lives and decisions, without the need to compromise with others. Living alone allows people to establish their own routines, pursue their interests, and make choices that align with their personal preferences. This sense of autonomy can lead to greater self-discovery and personal growth.

Additionally, the rise in single-person households can be attributed to changes in societal norms and values. In today’s fast-paced world, people are becoming more career-focused and ambitious. This often translates into longer working hours and demanding schedules. Living alone provides a peaceful and conducive environment for individuals to focus on their professional goals without the distractions and responsibilities that come with living with others. Furthermore, the changing dynamics of relationships and an increasing emphasis on individualism have also contributed to this trend.

From a social perspective, the growing number of people living alone can foster a greater sense of community and social interaction. Contrary to the belief that living alone leads to isolation, individuals who choose to live alone often actively seek out social connections and engage in activities that allow them to meet new people. This can lead to the formation of diverse networks and the development of strong social bonds. Moreover, living alone encourages self-reliance and the development of important life skills, such as problem-solving and decision-making, which can contribute to individuals’ overall well-being.

In conclusion, the rising trend of people choosing to live alone can be attributed to the desire for independence, changing societal norms, and the pursuit of personal and professional goals. Contrary to the concerns of isolation, this development can have a positive impact, fostering personal growth, social interactions, and community engagement. Therefore, it is clear that living alone is a choice that can bring numerous benefits and should be seen as a positive development in today’s society.

In today’s world, there is a growing trend of individuals opting for solo living in numerous countries. This shift can be attributed to various factors, and from my personal perspective, it is a positive development.

Living alone offers individuals a sense of independence and freedom that cannot be easily achieved when sharing living spaces with others. It allows people to have complete control over their lives and decisions, enabling them to follow their own schedules, pursue their interests, and make choices based solely on their preferences. This self-reliance fosters personal growth, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of one’s own needs and desires.

Furthermore, the rise in single-person households can be attributed to societal changes and evolving values. In today’s fast-paced society, individuals are increasingly focused on their careers and personal goals. By living alone, they can create an environment that is conducive to concentration and productivity, allowing them to dedicate more time to their professional endeavors. Additionally, the shift towards individualism and the changing dynamics of relationships have also contributed to this trend. People are placing greater importance on their own well-being and personal fulfillment, and living alone provides an avenue for them to prioritize their own needs.

Contrary to concerns about isolation, living alone can actually lead to enhanced social interactions and community engagement. Many individuals who choose solo living actively seek out social connections through various activities and events. This can result in the formation of diverse networks and the cultivation of strong relationships. Moreover, living alone promotes self-reliance and the development of essential life skills, such as problem-solving and decision-making.

In conclusion, the increasing number of individuals choosing to live alone is driven by the desire for independence, changing societal values, and the pursuit of personal and professional goals. Rather than being viewed as a negative trend, this shift represents a positive development. Living alone empowers individuals, facilitates personal growth, and encourages social engagement. It is a lifestyle choice that should be embraced and celebrated in today’s society.


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  • Band 9 IELTS Essays

Band 9 essay sample: Is living alone a positive development?

by Manjusha Nambiar · Published August 31, 2015 · Updated April 21, 2024

In some countries people prefer to live alone more often than in the past. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development? Why?

Sample essay

Over the years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people who live alone. Globalisation has made it possible for people to find jobs in nearly all parts of the world. In a bid to build their career, they leave their home and country and live alone in another part of the world.

There has also been an increase in the number of people who prefer to live alone. I think this trend is more popular in western countries. There are at least a few benefits to living alone. When you live alone, you have absolute freedom. You also learn to do things on your own. This makes you stronger as a person.

On the other hand, living alone has several disadvantages too. Psychologists believe that being disconnected from one’s family can make one emotionally weak. As human beings, we need people to share our joys and sorrows with. We need people to take care of us when we are ill. Perhaps this is the biggest disadvantage of living alone. When you need help, you have none to offer it. In addition, people who are used to living alone may have difficulty adjusting when they have to share space with others. They might even come across as unfriendly.

After analysing this development it is not hard to see that living alone has its fair share of advantages and disadvantages. However, in my opinion, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Human beings are gregarious by nature. We seek company and feel happy when we have our friends and family around. It is true that the traditional family setup curtails the amount of freedom an individual can enjoy. However, there are very many ways to improve the situation. In my opinion, there is absolutely no need to live alone just to enjoy freedom.

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Manjusha Nambiar

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Living alone IELTS essay with 7 band answer

In this lesson, you will find IELTS writing task 2 essay and answer “ Living alone IELTS essay “

You should spend about  40  minutes on this task.

Nowadays more people are living by themselves. What are the reasons for this? Will this have a negative or a positive impact on the society? You should write at least  250  words.

Living alone IELTS essay – 7 band essay sample answer

Pace of change has quickened in the recent past and as a result of this our social behaviours have also undergone sea change and in the modern world living alone is a trend and not an aberration any more.

There are many reasons as to why people live alone , the first reason is the freedom individual desires , because in the modern world individualism is respected and is shown to be the ideal by our media who name it as empowerment and life without any boundaries.

Second reason is the development of communications technology which blurs the boundaries between real and virtual , for example we are connected with all our friends with social media such as face book, this kind of connections makes us believe that we know all about our friends and family , therefore, disconnection with real world is not actually felt.

In my view, people living individually will have a bad impact on the society, as there are many disadvantages of living alone, first of all people would not have any social support network because they live alone and in case of any help needed by them, it will not be forthcoming, furthermore, it also promotes sadness because as the age advances people begin to feel void and emptiness which can only be filled by other humans, but since they live alone, it increases, and gives rise to loneliness and sadness leading to diseases such as depression etc.

To conclude, I would like to state that we should try be as social as we can because joys of life are to experienced together and if we continue to live alone , a day might come that will damage the entire social structure of our society beyond repair.

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living alone essay introduction


  • October 9, 2021

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample: Living Alone

Ielts writing task 2 sample living alone positive or negative development

In some countries, many people are choosing to live alone. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Choosing to live alone is lately becoming a trend in some societies. I believe that this type of lifestyle brings about unwelcome consequences to the people who opt for it.

Having a one-person household means that only one person is responsible for all the chores, which take up a lot of time to do and leave the person with little or no free time to spend on more productive activities. Take, for example, a student who lives alone in an apartment. Activities such as shopping, cooking, doing the dishes, or the laundry are a few of the time-consuming tasks that would keep him too busy to spend time on his studies or with his friends. Therefore, I believe that such people would find it difficult to balance their lives and soon become exhausted and demotivated.

Another major issue caused by living alone is that it leads to serious health-related problems. Simply put, Inasmuch as humans are social creatures, it is vital for them to live in groups in order to have a healthy life. Being alone takes away the opportunity for them to have an intimate conversation with another person in order to feel loved and eventually leads them toward loneliness and depression. Moreover, people who live alone are likely to have a shorter lifespan than the ones living with other family members. This is due to the fact that depression is known to be one of the major factors of the weakened immune system, which makes people prone to a variety of deadly diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s. Hence, people should live with other family members to avoid poor health.

In conclusion, I whole-heartedly believe that living alone brings nothing but misery to people and that it is the onset of many other problems in life.

(300 words)

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The benefits of living alone & how to make it work for you.

Acamea Deadwiler, M.S.

Living alone can be challenging if you grew up in a large family or have just always come home to other people. Whether you're a recent empty-nester, breaking up with a live-in partner, moving out of your parents' house, or leaving your roommate days behind, adjusting to an empty abode can be a challenge or a welcome change. Either way, the circumstance takes some getting used to—but the transition can definitely be worthwhile.

Living alone for the first time.

Sleep support+.

living alone essay introduction

It's natural to feel a bit nervous when contemplating a significant life change. "Living alone, especially if it's for the first time or even after a transition, can be a very emotional experience," says Rikki Clark McCoy, LCSW . "There may be feelings of sadness or loneliness, but living alone can also be a time of learning to love yourself."

Your home is your refuge. It should be a place where you feel safe and comfortable. If you live with other people and don't feel this way, it's a key indicator that the time has come to get your own place.

You may just have a strong desire for more peace and quiet or sense that you've outgrown your current environment. Maybe sharing your body wash with someone was always fine, but now it bothers you. If it seems that everything everyone in the house is doing annoys you, that could be a sign that it's time to go as well. Spare them your unwarranted wrath, and spare yourself the unnecessary agony. You could also be perfectly content with your housemates but are just ready to cultivate more independence.

Give yourself some time to sit with the decision if your situation allows. No need to be hasty if you're in healthy surroundings. If you want to test the waters just a little bit, stay in a hotel room or an Airbnb apartment by yourself for a few days to see how you like the solitude.

Benefits of living on your own.

When you share a place of residence with other adults, you often share expenses. This is one of the most coveted advantages of having roommates or a live-in partner. It's much easier on your finances.

However, there are also many benefits of living alone:

You have access to social time without being forced into it.

"Living alone doesn't mean you are lonely," psychologist Fiana Andrews, EdS, CPsych, assures us. "You can enjoy your own company and enjoy the company of others. The difference between you and someone who lives with others is that you can choose the times you want to have company."

You have your own space—and usually more of it.

You're no longer confined to a bedroom for privacy and storage. When you live alone, the entire place is your personal bubble. You can do whatever you want, wherever you want. You're free to place items anywhere you choose and decorate to your heart's content. Want to put a craft table in the kitchen or an extra clothing rack in the living room? Go for it. The space is all yours.

It's empowering.

You're the boss of your domain. All of your decisions are final. When you live alone, you take on added responsibility. You may have to become proficient at tasks someone else in your household used to manage—like budgeting, cooking, and making minor repairs. This can be an ideal situation for life skill development and learning to trust yourself.

You get to know yourself better.

Living alone allows you to spend time with yourself that is absent of outside influence. This is when you really have an opportunity to pay attention to where you are, what you need, and what brings you joy. McCoy calls it "checking in with yourself."

How to know if it's not for you.

There are pros and cons to both solo occupancy and sharing your space with others. Choose the living situation that best supports your well-being. Having your own spot may not be for you, and that's OK so long as you're not staying in a detrimental relationship or environment to avoid being alone. A few signs that you may not enjoy the experience, at least not right now, include:

  • You don't enjoy the moments you already have to yourself.
  • The thought of maintaining a household on your own feels exhausting.
  • You're going through a tough time or are emotionally distressed.
  • You feel a strong sense of loneliness even though you cohabitate.

Tips to make the best of it.

Even if you enjoy your newfound personal space and living alone overall, you may still get lonely sometimes. Everyone does. You just don't want it to consume you. Here are some living-alone tips that will help keep loneliness from lingering:

Establish daily routines.

One of the first things McCoy suggests her clients learn when adjusting to living alone is effective time management. "It's common that loneliness peaks in the morning and at night when we don't have much going on," she explains. Establishing routines for both time periods can help keep you occupied with healthy activities.

For your morning routine, McCoy recommends starting the day with something other than checking the notifications on your phone. "This can be a 10- to 15-minute activity such as meditation, prayer, stretching, or a yoga flow." Once you're up and running, she says it's good to eat breakfast and put clothes on even if you're not leaving the house. "Getting dressed can also boost your mood and help create a positive headspace to tackle the day."

As far as your nighttime ritual , it should help you maintain some structure and prepare for a good night's sleep. McCoy likes aromatherapy for its soothing effects. You could also journal or even practice a nightly skin care routine .

Limit your time on social media.

Being mindful of how long you're on social media is something McCoy emphasizes. "Is it a simple scroll through your timeline, or are you losing track of time and on social media for hours?" She notes that the more we're on the platform, the more we're likely to compare ourselves to others. This will intensify your feelings of loneliness if it looks like everyone except you is in love or having tons of fun with friends. (Here's more on how social media affects relationships .)

"Replace that time with other activities such as reading, listening to a podcast, or doing something for yourself," McCoy recommends. "This gets you out of your head and into the present moment, which is learning to be comfortable on your own."

Stay connected with loved ones.

Andrews says that as soon as you start to feel isolated, you should make a "quick connection." That might be texting a good friend or video calling a family member. Don't allow the feeling to fester.

Just because you no longer live with roommates or loved ones doesn't mean you should detach from them. "Although we want to be comfortable with our solitude, it is still healthy to connect with your support system," McCoy points out. "Stay connected with people who bring you joy and support you. This includes family and friends."

Make new connections.

Both Andrews and McCoy recommend using apps like Meetup and Eventbrite to gather (online or in person) with like-minded people. Whatever you enjoy doing, there are other people who enjoy doing it too. Getting together with them can help curb loneliness.

The bottom line.

There's a difference between loneliness and being alone . It's crucial to your psyche to make that distinction and not believe that because you live alone, you're on an island and no one cares about you. Learn how to cope with living alone and what you need to thrive in the environment. Things like making your place feel like home and indulging in self-care can go a long way. Soon, you probably won't remember how you managed without your own space.

"I woke up this morning and I feel much better."

Bobbi Brown, founder Bobbi Brown Cosmetics

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 1073 - people are choosing to live alone nowadays, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, in some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than in the past. do you think this is a positive or negative development.

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Ielts writing task 2 – people are choosing to live alone.

In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than in the past. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

( 303 Words , 13 Sentences, 4 Paragraphs, Band 9)

In recent years it has become far more normal for people to live alone, particularly in large cities in the developed world. In my opinion, this trend could have both positive and negative consequences in equal measure.

The rise in one-person households can be seen as positive for both personal and broader economic reasons. On an individual level, people who choose to live alone may become more independent and self-reliant than those who live with family members. A young adult who lives alone, for example, will need to learn to cook, clean, pay bills and manage his or her budget, all of which are valuable life skills; an increase in the number of such individuals can certainly be seen as a positive development. From an economic perspective, the trend towards living alone will result in greater demand for housing. This is likely to benefit the construction industry, estate agents and a whole host of other companies that rely on homeowners to buy their products or services.

However, the personal and economic arguments given above can be considered from the opposite angle. Firstly, rather than the positive feeling of increased independence, people who live alone may experience feelings of loneliness, isolation and worry. They miss out on the emotional support and daily conversation that family or flatmates can provide, and they must bear the weight of all household bills and responsibilities; in this sense, perhaps the trend towards living alone is a negative one. Secondly, from the financial point of view, a rise in demand for housing is likely to push up property prices and rents. While this may benefit some businesses, the general population, including those who live alone, will be faced with rising living costs.

In conclusion, the increase in one-person households will have both beneficial and detrimental effects on individuals and on the economy.

( Essay Type: Positive or negative, NB: Follow the above band 9 writing structure for getting higher band score in the IELTS Exam.)

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10 Seriously Useful Tips for Living Alone for the First Time

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living alone for the first time

Whether you’re sick of mom telling you to clean your room or done with roommates (there are only so many passive-aggressive Post-It notes in the kitchen one person can handle), you’ve finally made the decision to fly solo—congrats! Living alone for the first time is an exciting—and yes, slightly nerve-wracking—experience. How will you make delicious meals for just one person? Who’s going to get rid of that spider lurking under your bed? What should you do if the shower breaks? Find the answers to all these questions and more below. You’ve got this.

1. Make a budget

Even if you’re used to managing your own finances, costs can pile up when you’re living on your own. This goes for one-time purchases (like a new couch for your new living room) as well as recurring ones (no more splitting the utilities with your roomies). Sit down and come up with a realistic budget for all your expenses that includes a cushion for surprise costs (like the boiler breaking down). Alarmed by the numbers? Don’t freak out—see if there are any areas that you can trim, like borrowing your brother’s Netflix password or buying second-hand furniture. (Psst: Check out this first apartment checklist to get you started.)

2. Keep a list of emergency numbers handy

Just as you’re about to snuggle into bed with the latest must-watch series and a glass of Pinot (hey, it’s one of the perks of living alone), the internet stops working. Instead of spending hours Googling what to do (something that, um, is significantly harder to do when your Wi-Fi is gone), keep a list of numbers saved on your phone or taped to a wall for all kinds of emergencies. This should include: Your superintendent’s number and/or the building owner’s number, the nearest hospital and/or pharmacy, your water company, your power company, a locksmith and—if you’re living with Fido, a local veterinary hotline. If possible, get the number for one of your neighbors, too. Which brings us to our next point...

3. Be nice to your neighbors

You don’t need to be best friends with the guy next door, but it definitely pays off to learn your neighbors’ names and exchange pleasantries with them on occasion. At the very least, this will ensure that they pick up your Amazon package when it’s left out in the rain. But hopefully, you can (eventually—no need to rush this relationship) rely on your neighbor to look after your plants when you’re away or help you if you get locked out—and you can do the same for them.

4. Decorate with things that make you happy

You’ve always wanted a chaise lounge . Except your last roommate wasn’t thrilled about the idea. Well guess what? Now you can do exactly whatever you want. But before you go crazy at Pottery Barn, do some research to ensure the pieces you get for your new pad will actually fit the space (and your budget). You don’t want to splurge on a fancy piece of furniture only to realize that it takes up the entire living room (and totally clashes with the walls). Our advice? Read up on a couple of feng shui tips and then decorate to your heart’s content.

5. Keep things clean

Without anyone else to remind you to put your clothes away or take a sneak peek into your messy bedroom, it’s easy to let things descend into chaos. But a clean space is a happy space, so resist the temptation to leave those dishes until tomorrow or that pile of laundry until the weekend. We’re not saying you need to do a deep clean every day, but a little effort goes a long way. Before going to bed each night, speech five minutes putting things away and giving the kitchen counters a quick wipe down. And here’s another tip: A vacuum with an extending wand won’t just suck crumbs off the floor but it can also be used to swiftly get rid of creepy crawlies under the bed.

Living alone is awesome. But if you’ve never done it before, it’s OK to feel a little uneasy about the whole thing. To quell any fears, set your new pad up with security devices that will make you feel safe and secure. These can be high tech ( like a security system ) or low-key (like a bell on the door so that you no matter what you “think” you heard, you’ll know if someone has actually opened it). And here’s another tip: Change the locks when you move in (ask your landlord or do it yourself) so that you can be certain that strangers don’t have a key to your place.

7. Stock up on essentials

The last time you had the flu, your mom/roommate rushed to the pharmacy to pick up tissues, electrolytes and medicine. But now that you’re living solo, it’s all up to you (unless your mom is super sweet and feels like driving over). Keep a supply of pain killers and other medicines on hand, plus tissues, a thermometer and disinfectant sprays. Ditto for nonperishable foods (like canned chicken soup and dried pasta). Same goes for matches, flashlights and anything else that might come in handy in the unlikely case of an emergency.

8. Master the art of cooking for one

Note: Just because you’re cooking for one doesn’t mean you have to purchase one sad little chicken breast every time you go to the store. The key here is to plan (that cilantro you bought for tomorrow’s guacamole would also be divine in a broccoli soup ) and also utilize your freezer. You can store leftovers for much longer if you freeze them or make a big batch of food on the weekend and freeze for later enjoyment. Here are 45 freezer meals that couldn’t be easier to get you started.

9. Make an effort to see other people

To be honest, you might find that you love living alone so much that you forget to spend time with other people. And that’s great that you enjoy your own company so much, but it’s important to see other humans, too. Schedule in a weekly facetime chat with your bestie across town, join a class or group or make a point to eat out with friends a couple of times a month (social distancing guidelines permitting). Whatever it is, make a regular appointment with others and stick to it—your social skills will thank you.

10. Enjoy it

For all you know, you may never live by yourself again. So enjoy it while it lasts! Here are some ideas to get you started: Dance around your living room like no one’s watching (because nobody is), throw a movie festival in your bedroom featuring all the movies you love (but can’t convince your crew to sit through) and eat pasta for breakfast because who’s going to judge? You do you.

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    All those things are true. And yet, the appeal of living alone can run much deeper than that. People feel more authentic when they are alone than when they are with other people. Those who are ...

  14. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Alone

    André da Loba. Two recent New York Times articles, " Alone Again, Naturally " by Dominique Browning and " One's a Crowd " by Eric Klinenberg, extol the virtues and perks of living alone ...

  15. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 1073

    Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words. Sample Essay 1: These days many people chose to live alone, especially in metropolitan areas and this rate is far higher in developed countries and seems like this has become quite normal there.

  16. In many cities, people are living alone

    The. first. reason is freedom. Those who want to live alone have an idea of living by themselves and experiencing daily challenges. Tackling those problems allow them to become independent as an individual and will help them to grow mentally and psychologically strong. The other reason which leads to a lonely.

  17. The Benefits Of Living Alone

    Introduction Moving away from home before getting married was not allowed in years before but now 70% percent of the young American people choose to live alone. The share of working-age adults, those 23 to 65 years old, living by themselves has steadily increased over time, reaching an all-time high of 12.3 percent in 2011,(Living Alone?

  18. How to Write an Essay Introduction

    Step 1: Hook your reader. Step 2: Give background information. Step 3: Present your thesis statement. Step 4: Map your essay's structure. Step 5: Check and revise. More examples of essay introductions. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about the essay introduction.

  19. IELTS Writing Task 2

    The rise in one-person households can be seen as positive for both personal and broader economic reasons. On an individual level, people who choose to live alone may become more independent and self-reliant than those who live with family members. A young adult who lives alone, for example, will need to learn to cook, clean, pay bills and ...

  20. Living alone is better than living in with someone

    Living alone means living in a place without anyone else. These days, many. people. enjoy living alone, especially when they move to a new place to work or study. It is claimed that when. people. live alone, they will gain a lot of benefits. This. essay agrees with the above view for the following reasons.

  21. essay-in-alone-life.docx

    Title: The Joys and Challenges of Living a Solo Life Introduction: Living a solo life, free from the constraints and expectations of others, can be a liberating and transformative experience. While society often emphasizes the importance of companionship and social connections, there are unique advantages to embracing solitude. In this essay, we will explore the joys and challenges of living ...

  22. Living With Roommates Or Alone: Free Essay Example, 709 words

    Living With Roommates Or Alone. Category: Sociology. Pages: 2 (709 words) Views: 400. Grade: 5. Download. Moving away from home and embarking on a new chapter of life as a college student or young professional can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. Among the many decisions to make, one significant aspect is finding a place to live.

  23. 10 Seriously Useful Tips for Living Alone for the First Time

    And here's another tip: A vacuum with an extending wand won't just suck crumbs off the floor but it can also be used to swiftly get rid of creepy crawlies under the bed. 6. Be safe. Living alone is awesome. But if you've never done it before, it's OK to feel a little uneasy about the whole thing.