
Essay on Ambition To Be A Police

Students are often asked to write an essay on Ambition To Be A Police in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Ambition To Be A Police


Ambition is a strong desire to achieve something in life. Many people dream of becoming police officers. This essay discusses the ambition to be a police officer and its importance.

Why Police?

Police officers are crucial for maintaining law and order. They protect us from harm, ensuring our safety. Their role is challenging yet rewarding, making it an admirable ambition.

Characteristics Required

To become a police officer, one needs certain qualities. These include honesty, bravery, and a sense of justice. These traits help officers perform their duties effectively.

Training and Education

Becoming a police officer requires proper training and education. This prepares one to handle different situations, making them competent in their role.

In conclusion, the ambition to become a police officer is noble. It involves serving the community and ensuring peace and safety.

250 Words Essay on Ambition To Be A Police

Why be a police officer.

Many people dream of becoming a police officer. This job is a great choice for those who want to help others and keep their community safe. A police officer’s role is to maintain law and order, protect citizens, and prevent crime. They are the brave hearts who risk their lives for the safety of others.

The Power of the Uniform

The police uniform is a symbol of authority, respect, and responsibility. When a person wears this uniform, it shows that they have the power to enforce the law. It also tells others that they are there to help in times of need. Many children look up to police officers as role models and aspire to wear the uniform one day.

Training and Skills

To become a police officer, one needs to undergo rigorous training. This training helps in building physical strength and mental toughness. It also teaches various skills like problem-solving, quick decision-making, and effective communication. These skills are crucial for handling different situations in the field.

Job Satisfaction

Being a police officer can be very rewarding. They get the chance to make a real difference in people’s lives. Saving someone in danger, helping solve a crime, or simply helping a lost child find their way home can bring immense job satisfaction.

The Path Ahead

If you have the ambition to be a police officer, start preparing from an early age. Focus on your studies, stay physically fit, and develop good communication skills. Remember, it is not just a job, but a commitment to serve the community.

In conclusion, the ambition to be a police officer is a noble dream. It requires dedication, courage, and a strong desire to make a difference. It’s not an easy path, but the rewards are worth the effort.

500 Words Essay on Ambition To Be A Police

The ambition to become a police officer is a noble dream that many young people have. It is a job that requires bravery, honesty, and a strong sense of justice. This essay will explore the reasons why someone might want to become a police officer, the qualities required, and the steps one needs to take to fulfill this ambition.

Why Become a Police Officer?

Being a police officer is not just a job, it’s a calling. It’s about making a difference in the world, keeping people safe, and upholding the law. Many are drawn to this profession because they want to help people and make their communities safer. Others may be inspired by family members who are police officers or by stories of heroic cops they’ve heard or read about.

Qualities Needed

To be a good police officer, one must possess certain qualities. These include bravery, as police officers often find themselves in dangerous situations. They must be honest, as they are trusted to uphold the law. Good judgment is also important, as they must make quick decisions that can have serious consequences. They should also be physically fit, as the job can be physically demanding.

Education and Training

To become a police officer, you need to complete your high school education. After that, many choose to earn a degree in criminal justice or a related field, though it’s not always required. Next, you must attend a police academy, where you’ll learn about the law, criminal investigation, and police procedures. You’ll also undergo physical training to ensure you’re fit for the job.

Challenges and Rewards

Being a police officer can be challenging. They often work long hours and have to deal with difficult situations. They may have to confront criminals or deal with accidents and emergencies. Despite these challenges, many find the job rewarding. They get the satisfaction of knowing they’re helping to keep their community safe. They also have the respect and gratitude of the people they serve.

In conclusion, the ambition to be a police officer is a commendable one. It requires a person to be brave, honest, and dedicated. It involves rigorous training and can be challenging. But for those with a strong sense of justice and a desire to serve their community, it can be a fulfilling career. So, if you have the ambition to be a police officer, pursue it with all your heart. It’s a noble goal that can make a real difference in the world.

Word Count: 500

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Essay On My Career As A Police Officer

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Crime , Army , Experience , Police , Skills , Career , United States , Law

Words: 1300

Published: 11/06/2019


Objective: My objective is to prove myself an asset to the department and provide value addition to further its growth. It would not only act as a platform to augment my career growth but also provide me an opportunity to hone my skills, and to excel as an honest and trustworthy police officer, serving a great and diverse department with complete dedication and hardwork. Myself Duke Komsuwan, and mentioned below is my brief profile which includes my experience, achievements and vision.

I've always wanted to serve my country or my community in some type of a capacity. I think it is a privilege and an honor trying to help other, with this statement as my goal I joined the US Army right after High School, I have served the US Army from 1987-1991 and earned an honorable discharged in July 1991. During this period I’ve started from scratch and learned the basics of administration and discipline, this also helped me identify that my ultimate goal is to join the police forces and to serve the community directly. Despite being a strong person from inside, I am equally sensible towards people and I considered that as an advantage to seek a role in the Police Department. In order to fulfill my dream to serve the people, I went to the Indian River Community College Police Academy where I was a platoon leader for my academy class. This was the time when I got an extensive training on Law Enforcement and other important aspects of Police training. I have worked very hard during that period to ensure that I do not loose out on mastering any single lesson that was taught and I was very proud to have graduated from the police academy in 1993.

Considering my academic profile and army experience I was selected to serve the Seminole Department of Law Enforcement for one year. This was the period when I started having practical experience of the police services and have used the best of this to develop my expertise, in that year I worked at the Hollywood reservation as a patrol officer and then an undercover narcotic officer conducting investigations on different reservations through out the State Of Florida. After having served the of Law Enforcement for about an year, I realized that my passion was to pick up more responsibility and take bigger assignments hence I joined the Lauderhill Police Department back in December 1994, which at that point of time was a new initiative for me.

I've had the opportunity to work for all and current administration when the department opened its door in 1994. I used my then experience to the best of my knowledge and ensured that any given task or role is handled to its best and the results were very positive. I ensured that I always look forward to my seniors and learn from them regularly, for example, the opportunity to work with the first police chief (Mike Scott) and learning about his theory of community policing was an asset to me and I use it through out my 16 years tenure at the department. In order to obtain a specialization and to ensure that I excel I have worked on both Alpha and Bravo Squads as a patrol officer and have honed my skills as a traffic homicide investigator for the past 10 years while I was assigned to the traffic unit. During this period I have ensured that I not only ensure the work as usual but have also taken several initiatives to ensure that the changes take place with time and the improvement is ongoing.

While being in to the role of traffic homicide investigator I have maxed out on all traffic related investigations courses & training, this has helped me to become a subject matter expert. In order to ensure that I am up to the mark with the different set of skills I have also completed a totaled of 240 hours of basic and advanced police motorcycle courses and advance training as a police motorcycle instructor which will help me to multi-skill and if required I can develop training plans and work as an instructor. In order to be a leader and grow the department by helping my juniors, I became the only certified police motorcycle instructor for the Lauderhill Police Department, which added to my previously acquired qualification of being a certified field training officer since 1996 within the department and a state certified instructor in police driving. All the above have been fairly practiced by me and have also got relevant experience against the qualifications that I have and hence I honestly believe that I will be able to do justice with the role of a sergeant

I would now like to share some of the awards that I have received as a token of appreciation towards the work that I had done in both the Army and Police Department.

  • Army Service Medal
  • Army Achievement medal 2x with an oaklief cluster
  • Army Commendation Medal
  • Good conduct medal
  • Oversea service medal

Apart from the abovementioned honors I would like to draw your attention towards, the 16 years of history and paper trails that I have generated here at this department, and it has all positive things in my personal file.

The above mentioned is an account of my total work and academic experience, however there are certain other traits that will help me to handle the responsibility of a sergeant. I maintain a perfect work-life balance by ensuring that I prioritize my work pretty well. I have a creative bent of mind which helps me to think out of the box. Also I have always been an extremely hard worker, always going the extra mile and do a little extra of what is asked of me. In the last few years of my service I have prepared my self for the role of a Sergeant and in order to do that I have done a revision of all that I had learnt in the past and at the same time developed the required expertise, one of the most important requirements from an individual in this role is to have patience and to take correct decisions quickly I might not be the best judge of myself but I believe that these traits will be displayed by me always and that I will ensure that my junior officers always feel free to consult me and ask me if they need help. Similarly I agree that as a Sergeant there are lot of instances where an individual has to take tough decisions within short span of time and I would like to give this assurance that based on the experience that I’ve had in the past, I will be able to co-relate the same with my past experience of that situation and hence will empower me to take the right decision within time.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude towards all my senior officers who have helped me to enhance my skills, I have worked for them all and have taken something from each of them to make me a better police officer and to learn to serve my community, without the guidance of my senior folks and the support of my peers, I would not have been able to present myself as an eligible contender for the post of a sergeant. Lastly I would say that I Love my career as a police officer working for such a diverse department and serving such a diverse community, if given a chance I would give the best I can.


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Why I Want to Be a Police Officer

Do you want to join the police and become a police officer when you grow up? Then make sure to check out this “why I want to be a police officer” short essay! Here, you’ll learn more about the author’s ambition. So, why do you want to become a police officer? Essay samples on this topic can help you put your ideas into words. 

Why I Want to Be a Police Officer: Essay Introduction

Why i want to be a police officer: short essay main body, why do you want to be a police officer: essay conclusion.

The police force is an essential branch of our society. It has a crucial role to play in maintaining peace and order. The police force also plays a significant role in protecting citizens from the many ills that could befall them, such as crime, traffic accidents, etc.

I am a lady, currently a college sophomore, and I want to be a police woman because of many reasons. I will explain why I want to be a police officer in the following essay.

When I was young, I was amazed at how well police officers carried out their work, and I have always wanted to be a police officer. Now that I am old enough to join the police force, there is no job I would rather do. 

Being a law-abiding citizen of this country, I would love the chance to be involved in enforcing the law of the land. It would give me great personal satisfaction.

Another reason why I would like to be a police officer is because I love hands-on jobs and situations. I believe the work of the police force is an engaging job that would keep me on my toes and in touch with people daily. This fact would suit me since I have a way with people.

I am also attracted to the prospect of becoming a police officer because of its dynamic nature. I believe many situations in which police officers are involved require a person who is flexible and willing to deal with varied problems in day-to-day police work.

I am a decisive and straightforward person. I believe this would be an added advantage if I became a police officer since police officers must make split-second decisions on life and death matters daily.

One of the main reasons why I want to be a police officer is because I am a true Patriot. I love my country and would be privileged to serve in the police force, which plays a significant role in protecting my beloved country. I would therefore give my time and energy when serving as a police officer.

Being a Criminal Justice major, I have been trained in our criminal justice system, and I, therefore, have some knowledge that would enable me to carry out work as a police officer well. 

In addition, it would give me great pleasure to see justice being done and to participate in the enforcement of justice through police work, such as through arresting criminals and playing a part in their facing the book and also in the overall dispensation of justice in the country.

I would also like to be a police officer since it would put me in a position to assist and help people, which is very close to my heart. I would be able to help people resolve their disputes, break up fights, deal with domestic disturbances, and assist people who are, for example, have been assaulted or robbed.

With time and effort, I would eventually like to become a detective. It would be a dream come true since I would be involved in crime detection and solving.

I have for a long time admired police officers. I like how they conduct themselves and have been trained for their work. I am impressed by how they use their ammunition and other weapons during duty calls. I am a car enthusiast, so police cars also excite me.

Police work, in my view, is very dynamic. No two situations are exactly similar, so police officers are trained to adapt to different circumstances. I can adjust to many diverse conditions and still think clearly.

Police work is a high-pressure job. I am good under pressure, and I can respond commendably and appropriately whenever I am under pressure.

I believe that being an animal lover, in working on the police force and more so in working with police dogs, I would be helping in detecting crime, arrests, and situations like searches for missing persons.

There has been a cry for justice in this country for a long time now. I know friends and relatives who have not seen justice being done in cases where they have been victims in one situation or another. It would be a great honor to join this country’s distinguished police force and, in so doing, help to bring justice to cases I would be assigned to.

The dream of many people is to make a mark in the world. They would like to feel that they have made a difference in one way or another and have impacted the world and their society. I, too, would like to make a difference in our society and the world, and in my eyes, there is no better way to do that than to be a police officer for a living.

I believe I would make a difference in society and the world by helping people, detecting and solving crimes, responding to threats to citizens, and so on, as discussed above.

For a long time, specific jobs were viewed as the preserve of men worldwide, despite ladies being equally capable of doing them well. For this reason, I would like to be a police officer to help change the attitudes of those who probably think the same way.

In line with this change of attitude, I would be honored to be a mentor and a role model to other ladies and little girls who would like to become police officers when they grow up, just like I did.

I am also level-headed, and self-control is one of my attributes. Calmness and rational thinking help me deal with issues even in high-pressure and otherwise heated situations. I would bring these attributes to the police force and, in so doing, get my dream of a safe and peaceful world closer to being realized and accomplished.

In short, I would like to be a police officer to enable the enforcement of justice and law, to help people in trouble and those in disputes, to inspire fellow women to join the force and not shy away from it, and to make a difference in the world through my work.

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1. StudyCorgi . "Why I Want to Be a Police Officer." September 24, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/why-i-want-to-be-a-police-officer/.


StudyCorgi . "Why I Want to Be a Police Officer." September 24, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/why-i-want-to-be-a-police-officer/.

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  • My dream job, being a police officer

My dream job, being a police officer Author:   Selab P. Level:   6 Instructor:    Karen L. Photo Credit:   arindambanerjee / 123RF Stock Photo Article ID:   892  [Employment- Summer 2018]

Four Toronto Police officers standing side by side wearing gear. Cropped image without faces visible

Police officers are true protectors of a community. They spend their lives serving and protecting humanity. That is why I want to be a police officer to spend all my life protecting people and serving humanity, to protect good from evil, to protect people who are in need, and make sure everyone is safe and following the rules and laws of our country, Canada.

Since I was a kid, whenever I saw a police officer in uniform I watched him until he disappeared from my eyes. And I wanted to be a good, brave, and honest police officer. Sometimes I imagine that I am wearing the uniform and I am a police officer and I am on duty. That’s the most amazing feeling I cannot describe that. Hopefully I will achieve my goals and become a good police officer. And I am sure if I work hard towards it, I will.

I have looked at different kinds of websites for different types of police careers. I love them all. Their duties are different, but their main goals are the same: to serve our country in many ways and protect our people-they are all our heroes. And I love them all. I want to be an auxiliary police officer. I will have to work very hard to protect our local communities, cities, our people, and to serve our country with pride.

In the coming 25 years, I want to become a really successful police officer. I want to have accumulated a body of good service; Honestly, I would love to achieve awards, and medals in recognition of bravery from my department, and country. I want to serve my country with pride in a perfect way.

If I had been in Canada while I was a teenager I would have become a police officer by now. There are a lot of good opportunities for education, and making a good career for yourself in Canada. But I am glad that I am here now and I am sure that if I try hard I will achieve my goal in a few years.

Being a police officer is a really tough job and has lots of responsibilities in Canada, and I am sure in every country. But its way harder in Afghanistan because they don't get proper training, and they don't have the proper equipment. It's a dangerous job and nobody cares about a police officer's family.

I am really sad for saying this, but this is the reality. Afghanistan is a really poor country because of the past 45 years of war. Most of the people are not educated there which makes living harder. Nobody respects the police officers, and nobody cooperates with them or helps them. They don’t get paid regularly, sometimes not for months. Sometimes they don't have food for a long time while they are working. But they still do a wonderful job. With all the difficulties and challenges they still sacrifice their lives to protect the people. I love them for their bravery, dedication, and strength.

Hopefully, one day there will be complete peace in Afghanistan and for all countries that need it.


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Personal Experience: Why Do I Want to Become a Police Officer

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Published: Feb 9, 2023

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Why I Want To Become A Police Officer (Essay Sample)

Why i want to become a police officer.

I want to become a police officer because of the increasing number of crimes that is affecting society today. It can also be said that the types of crimes people commit nowadays are sometimes unimaginable and shocking. In addition to this, even the young ones are aware of how to plot a crime to avoid getting caught. I also want to provide protection to the innocent lives being violated by these offenders who have nothing better to do. In the recent years that have passed, it has bene observed that victims of violence, rape, and hate crimes have increased. One of the crimes that make me worry are the hate crimes because they are being killed or tortured just because society does not agree with their identity or their practices. This is regardless if they are not harming others. This is crucial because people might think it is acceptable to commit these crimes.

If I become police officer, I will only use my authority against criminals who deserve justice. There are a lot of issues that have to be corrected and people need someone like me to defend them. I want to promote honesty, transparency, and integrity in the police force because sometimes even police officers get tempted to commit crimes when they are trapped or desperate. This is one of the issues that I will concentrate on and I want people to understand that they should watch out for each other because police officers are not always there to stop the crime. For instance, someone witnesses a crime, he or she must not be afraid to report the incident because their reputation will be kept confidential and it is part of their duty as responsible citizens. If criminals are aware that people are afraid to report crimes because their life might be in danger, they will keep on doing crimes until they are caught red handed, which can be difficult. There are criminals who have become experts and use their high intelligence to hide their tracks. Sometimes, even if they become a suspect, it can take months or sometimes even years before they are proven guilty. This is why, aside from being a dependable police officer, I want the citizens to trust me. This can only be possible if I keep my records clean and avoid giving in to temptations. I understand that people need someone who they can easily turn to if they are faced with situations like these, and if everyone in the police force will continue to become accessible, citizens will not hesitate to approach them.

I know that being a police officer is a difficult job because aside from solving crimes, I am also putting my life in danger every time I get out there to stop crime. However, this is part of accepting the job and being mentally ready for whatever happens should be part of the journey. Becoming a police officer is exciting, challenging, and risky, but that there is no fulfillment if a person does not find purpose in what they do. This is why I want to become a police officer to prevent crime and send a message to society that we are just here to save their lives no matter what time it is.

my ambition police officer essay

English Compositions

An Essay on My Aim in Life to Become a Police Officer [PDF]

Hello there! I hope you are doing great. Today we came with another essay presentation on My Aim in Life to Become a Police Officer. So let’s dive into it!

Essay on My Aim in Life to Become a Police Officer feature image

There are a lot of good professions one can choose for a career. Some require a lot of education, others need people with talent, still more need people who can use their hands well.

The line ups for signing up at those careers are quite long. They are in high demand and very popular. But I am not the type of person who likes to follow the crowd. I enjoy finding a job or situation that fits my lifestyle, my thinking, and my beliefs.

One career that has caught my eye is law enforcement. Not just any level of this industry but what some may describe as a lowly police officer. I do not care about their opinion because I find being a police officer to be an honorable career.

Yes, corruption is high in this field. The reason for that is that the police officer position doe snot pays a lot of money. Good men and women are tempted by the large sums they can make if they turn a blind eye at the right moment.

That is a hard temptation to reject. Not everyone can do it and some of the finest people have succumbed to taking payments when they should be upholding the law. I have a plan that should help me withstand that temptation as being honorable and honest mean more to me than being rich.

My aim is to draw upon the example set by some of the finest crime fighters we have in this country. If they could do it so can I. Those examples are my inspiration and motivation.

Also, when good cops do nothing, then we do not have a very safe country or even city to live in. The bad guys get to do what they want leaving honest citizens to pay the price. That is just not right in my mind.

Why should those who break the law get to have everything society has to offer? It should not be that way. We need good police officers to level the playing field once again and let criminals know that they cannot get away with their lawbreaking schemes.

I grew up with honest parents who taught me the values of life. They also taught me right and wrong and that doing the wrong things is not the way to live. In my aim to be a police officer I want to make my parents proud and see that all their teaching and effort did not go to waste.

Also, I feel that I can make my best contribution to society by doing my part to help it remain strong, honest and out of the hands of those who are greedy and seek monetary gain through illegal activities.

I may not get far in life but at least I will be able to stand in front of a mirror and be able to look at myself. That means more to me than getting a few extra dollars under the table.

Also, I want to be an example for my children when I have them. Having a wife and children proud of you is worth more than money. Then being an inspiration for future police officers is also an enticing thought. Their seeing honest police officers still exist should inspire them to be honest in whatever profession they sign up for.

Being a police officer may be a lowly position in the eyes of many people but in reality, it has a wider impact on people than doctors or lawyers can have. There is something special about being a policeman and I want to be a part of that something special.

That is what is driving me to become a police officer. Even though I am not someone who is very important, I can still make an impact on my society and hopefully my country that will outlive all the criminals I have to deal with.

I hope you like the essay on My Aim in Life to Become a Police Officer. Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

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Jun 22, 2021

my ambition police officer essay

Essay on My aim of Life to become a police officer? -10 Essential Qualities

my ambition police officer essay

Reason for My Aim

My passion is to become a Police Officer. The reason for my having such an aspiration is that I intend to add to the progress of the order in this nation. There are seen lots of criminal acts in the whole nation and also the common people live in terror and anxiety.

A policeman's Experience:

As I have become a young man, I have studied so many things in the police academy. There are seen many things in the police academy that are hard to imagine. It is said that the police academy is one of the hardest training in the whole country. And there are many things that are hard to imagine in police academy. In the police academy, they have trained you to be a policeman in such a way that if any bad thing happens to you or your family, you will be helpless to stop it. This training has been done in such a way that even if you are the best cop in the whole world, you will have no choice but to obey and serve the law. And you will have no choice but to abuse citizens in a manner that the people will despise the police officers.

Essay on My aim of Life to become a police officer? -10 Essential Qualities

Despite all these negatives, I have a positive attitude to serve nation. It is only possible if I find myself in the system of law. Therefore police is my choice. Now I have got many information about how to become a police officer. Here I am going to describe in my words.

How to become a police officer?-10 Essential Qualities

To become a police officer in India is not as difficult as it sounds and you can do it if you are determined to do it. To become a police officer, you need to fulfill these conditions.

Quality 1: Your motivation:

Become a cop in India if your intention is to serve and protect the people of the country not for reasons of personal advancement.

If you are going to become a cop, you need to become motivated and determined not to allow your life to get bogged down in things of the past or excuses why you can not become a cop.

You need to understand that cop is not a career for you, but a calling that you were designed to fulfill. If you are capable of becoming a cop, you should go for it without any hesitation.

Quality 2: The Right studies:

no-2 quality The Right studies

If you have the capability of becoming a cop, you need to ensure that you have the right studies that can help you in making a successful cop. There are different subjects that can help you in making a successful cop, but you have to ensure that you have the choice of what you want to study. You need to have the choice of what subjects you want to take and in what subjects.

A policeman may not have all the subjects in their courses but you need to study the basic subjects such as History, Geography, Political science, Law and Engineering. These are the subjects that a policeman needs to study so that he can speak clearly in front of people. A policeman should have the knowledge of these subjects in order to be able to police the crowd and know how to take statements and so forth. These subjects should also be included in the exams that the police applicants have to take.

Quality 3: The Right Class:

A police officer needs to have the capability of attending police exams in his own class. Even if he has to take the exam in a lower class, he still has to take the exam in his own class. In this condition, a policeman will be able to stand among the crowd and not be afraid.

Quality 4: The Right Gender:

A police officer is male or female. If he is female, she should be at least 25 years of age. A police officer is female. If she is male, he should be at least 21 years of age. The police officer is male. He is allowed to be in police service until he becomes 21 years old. He should be wearing the uniform of police officer. He may participate in police tests. All these conditions can be satisfied.

Quality 5: The Right Status:

This is a condition for a police officer to possess the capability to take exams and other activities required for promotion and for advancement in the service. The police officer must be in the service of the state, or the city, or the district. He must have the capability to reach the levels required for the service. If he is in the city, he should be in the service of the highest government official, and he should have sufficient resources in his control to be able to serve the government officials and reach the levels and responsibilities required for service.

Quality 6: The Right Leadership:

my ambition police officer essay

If a police officer has fulfilled the requirements in the above 4 conditions, he can advance to the next level. He is promoted when he is able to do so. He reaches the higher levels with the approval of the higher authorities. The police force must have one such policeman to supervise the progress of the new recruit. If he has fulfilled all the conditions, he is promoted and is a certified police officer. He is a certified police officer. He is now able to supervise other certified police officers. This is the way in which certified police officers are promoted.

Quality 7: The Right Knowledge and Wisdom:

There must be police officers who are knowledgeable, who have wisdom, who know the laws of the country, of the city, who use the laws, and who know the rules of engagement of the police force. They must be able to supervise the progress of new recruits and monitor them in the performance of the duty to be performed and have the power to take action as required.

Quality 8: The Right Intellect and Emotions:

He should be sensitive to the emotions of the new recruits, they must be able to give instructions and have the power to enforce commands and should be able to see the fear and to deal with the situations that emerge as the officer monitors the progress of the new recruit.

Quality 9: The Right Personality and Emotional Stability:

He must be stable and have a proper mindset and to have the personality to perform in this job. The person should be knowledgeable of laws of the country, city and country of where he is, he should have the proper emotions, he should have all the emotions to handle situations and to be calm under the pressure.

Quality 10: The Right Knowledge and Spiritual Observance:

He should be knowledgeable of the laws of the country, city, and country of where he is, he should have a proper mindset, he should have all the knowledge to handle situations and to be calm under the pressure. He should be observant of the spiritual orders of the country, city, and country of where he is. He should be strong in knowing the rules of engagement of the police force and able to enforce them. He must be strong enough to do what is required of him.

Quality 11: The Right Attitude and Professionalism:

He should have a proper attitude and mindset towards the job. He should have a proper mindset and be able to fulfill the duties required of him in a professional manner. He should be professional and have the attitude to achieve the results. He should be strong in knowing the rules of engagement and ability to enforce them in a proper manner. He must be strong in knowing the emotions required for the job and able to do what is needed of him.

In this article, I have discussed 10 essential qualifications for a police recruit training course. They are the condition for a police recruit trainee.

If you are serious about your aim of life to join the police force, do the next best thing: Become a Police Recruiter!

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EssayBanyan.com – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on Why I want to Become Police Officer

Police is an interesting profession and our Indian movies and cinemas have played a very important role in making them our heroes. They ensure our security and work day and night for us.

Short and Long Essays on Why I want to Become a Police Officer in English

We have brought here some long and short essays on Police and their importance in society, hope you will like them.

Why I want to Become a Police Officer Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Since childhood I have a dream to become a police officer.

2) Police are the real heroes of our country.

3) I want to end crime in my country.

4) I also want to exercise the power that a police officer gets.

5) By becoming a police officer I want to ensure the security of my people.

6) Their duty and uniform inspire me for this job.

7) I want to help people by becoming trustworthy police.

8) The news of the increasing crime rate prompts me to become a cop.

9) Whenever I see any police officer, my dream gets stronger.

10) I want to become a police officer because I want to make a safe and peaceful country.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Why I want to Become Police


Our society needs a doctor to treat people, an engineer to build buildings similarly we also need police to maintain harmony and peace in the locality. Different types of people live together in a society and this can also raise conflict among them. So, it’s the duty of our police to maintain peace and stop any kind of crime in society.

Some Major Qualities of Police

Police are the most trusted authorities of society. They help others without thinking about their life. They have to face different problems while helping us still, they never hesitate and this encourages me to be a police officer. Some major qualities of police are;

  • They help everyone either someone is rich, poor. They never discriminate against people for money.
  • They have the power to catch the criminals and this develops a positive attitude in society because people fear of being caught when they do something wrong or illegal.
  • They never hesitate to handle any case because they are brave and courageous.
  • Although helping people is their duty, still sometimes they work overtime for people without thinking about themselves and their family.

I would really want to become a police officer and want to help the nation. I am also strong and will not allow any thief or criminal left outside. Our sisters and mothers will feel safe on the road and the crime rates will decrease. I really want to do something for our society as well as the nation, and becoming a police officer is one of the best ways to help others.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – How Police Officer Helps Us

Every country has its own rules and regulations and these rules are made to maintain harmony in the country. Sometimes people neglect the rule and do some unwanted things and others get disturbed. So, to have an eye on the society government made police. Police are the government bodies that maintain peace in society. They help people in different ways and never let people face any difficulty.

How Police Helps People

I don’t think I can mention all of their duties and work in a small essay but I will try my best to show the responsibilities of the police.

  • There are different police stations made in every locality and they always be to hear from you. Sometimes we can face some difficulties like troubling neighbours, any kind of theft, land issue, etc. So, we can visit a nearby police station and they will help you.
  • They work 24×7 for you and make sure you are safe on the road, in your home, etc.
  • They solve various unsolved cases and help the law to bring the real thief into the jail.
  • Police also provide information, for example in the Corona epidemic; I have seen police announcing various information.
  • They always ensure your safety and will always protect you. Although it’s their duty they treat people like their family.
  • They feel it’s their duty to protect the entire nation and they play their role very well.
  • They are also clever at the same time and can easily solve any issue with the help of their social power and some brain work.

Police: the Real Heroes

There are many cases that clearly show how brave our police officers are. There are many movies made on these real-life warriors. Really it needs lots of courage to choose police as a profession. Who would like to stay away from his/her family for many days, just to solve a case? They inspire us and are the real heroes of our society as well as our nation.

They have a positive image in the society and most of us want to become like them. They never leave any criminal and thieves. They always make sure that their people are safe. They also worked like a warrior in the corona epidemic. Really, we should respect them and their work.

If you are in trouble and luckily you hear the siren of police, literally it will bring tears in your eyes. Their siren itself makes sure that they are coming to help you. Police make us feel safe and safety is something you cannot trust others. You cannot be sure that your servant will always be loyal to you, but you can be sure about the police. I also want to become a police officer and want to help people.

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Importance of Police Officer in Our Society

Police are the government authorities build in our cities and societies, to decrease the crime rates. They perform their duty and check if ever thing ok in the locality. They are of different types, some of them handle the criminals, whereas some of them check the license. You would have seen some police officers checking your driving license and other important things on the road. On the other side, you would also have seen some police officers solving a case and taking the thief or criminal to jail. All together maintain the harmony in our country.

Importance of a Police Officer

A police officer has many responsibilities, one side they have to maintain peace in the society and the other side they also have to catch the criminals. If the crime rate increases in a particular area then they have to answer the higher authorities. Police are not those who remain in a police station and write your report. They also have to solve many cases and some unsolved murder mysteries.

They have to be smart, brave, clever, and focused at the same time because a single mistake can keep the matter unsolved. Really, they are the real heroes. Many of us say, that it’s a duty of the police to maintain peace in society and decrease the crime rates. But in my opinion, one should also try his best and cooperate with the police officers. Because we live in society and one should always keep his eyes open when he/she is out from home.

How to Cooperate with Police

  • When you step out of the house always be careful. Sometimes a chain snatcher or a purse snatcher can attack you. So, instead of cursing the police one should be alert on road. Because the police cannot be present everywhere, there are more than 135 crore people in India and it is not possible to provide security to each and every one.
  • Sometimes police can stop you and ask you a few things, so never hinder their work and cooperate with them, because sometimes it is necessary to have some details regarding any case. So, rather misbehaving and arguing, respect them and answer them.
  • One of the most important things is to follow the rules, if the government has made certain rule please follow. You never know how difficult and annoying it is for the police, to always make sure that you are wearing a helmet. It is just for your safety; they make sure that everyone follows the rule.
  • Be a true citizen, suppose you see someone doing anything wrong just knock them. Being a citizen of the country, you also have equal rights to raise your voice against anything wrong. Nowadays people wait for the police and start making videos. Instead of making videos and posting it on social media, help others and also the police at your level.

Many of us curse the police for even a small incident, without thinking about the mental and physical pressure that they daily. It is possible for us to be stressed sometimes but you have no idea how much stress they handle daily. Respect them and appreciate their work. In the COVID epidemic, apart from the hospital staff and the other warriors were the police officers. They worked 24×7 without thinking about their own life and they really need a heartily salute and lots of wishes. They inspired many of us and I am one of them. I want to be a police officer and protect my country; it will be a matter of pride for me.

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My Ambition Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my ambition.

Almost everyone dreams of something while growing up. We all have ambitions when we are little, which change as we grow up. Ambitions lead us to a definite aim in life. Furthermore, they help us focus on our goal no matter the cost. It drives us to do better in life. Ambitions differ from one person to another.

However, one common thing usually found is that over time, people switch their ambition to something else than that which they wished to be when little. We have many people in the medical field who wanted to be dancers. Similarly, some of the greatest politicians wanted to be artists. So we see how easily one gives up on their dreams and ambition to adapt to society.

My Ambition Essay

My Ambition

The ambition of any person’s life usually depends on their choice and interests. I aspire to be a great dancer . I have always had the knack for dancing from an early age. My parents always encouraged me to pursue my passion. Like most of the parents, they never discouraged me because it is not the most sought after career.

Subsequently, I wish to become a good dancer. I do not want the fame of being a dancer; rather I want the acclaim of being a good dancer. As my parents motivated me to pursue my dream, they enrolled me in dance classes. It helped me grow a lot as a dancer and also enhance my skills.

Most importantly, I wish to be a dance because I want to remove the stigma surrounding this career path. I want to set an example that you can do well in life if you’re not a doctor or engineer. Especially in India, where these two ambitions are considered the most valid.

I believe in the power of dance, and how it conveys the message without words. Dance is the language of the soul, and it makes me feel alive when I indulge in it.

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Why I Chose this Ambition?

It would seem odd to choose to be a dancer as an ambition, especially when everyone is in the race of becoming a lawyer , doctor or engineer . But, I still believe that just because something is not common, doesn’t mean we cannot attain it.

my ambition police officer essay

I wish to dance so I could teach others to become experts in this field. Furthermore, I wish to help the underprivileged section who are interested in this ambition. I want to reach a height which enables me to offer them proper dance training free of cost so they can reach great heights.

Above all, I wish to be the wind beneath their wings. I want to create awareness about the importance of dance and how it benefits us physically as well. I hope I can achieve this ambition of mine someday. Till then, I won’t leave any stone unturned in reaching the finish line.

FAQ on My Ambition Essay

Q.1 How do ambitions help people?

A.1 Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition.

Q.2 Why must one have an ambition?

A.2 We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline and hard work. Having ambition gives you something to look forward to each day. In addition, it makes you determined.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do ambitions help people?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why must one have an ambition?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline and hard work. Having ambition gives you something to look forward to each day. In addition, it makes you determined.”} }] }

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my ambition police officer essay

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Expansion of life-saving opioid overdose treatment

New 10-year plan to expand and improve the drug and alcohol workforce published.

my ambition police officer essay

  • Police officers, probation workers, paramedics, nurses and other professionals will be able to provide take-home supplies of opioid overdose treatment to save lives
  • New 10-year plan to expand and improve the drug and alcohol workforce published
  • Part of government mission to reduce drug deaths and support people with recovery

More professionals such as nurses, paramedics, police officers and probation workers will be able to supply a life-saving opioid overdose antidote without a prescription to save the lives of the most vulnerable, the government has announced. 

The government will shortly update legislation to enable more services and individuals to provide take-home supplies of naloxone, which almost immediately reverses the effects of an opioid overdose by reversing breathing difficulties. 

This means the medicine can be given to a family member or friend of a person who is known to be using opiates - such as heroin or opioids, including potent synthetic opioids like fentanyl or nitazenes - or to an outreach worker for a homelessness service working with people who use these drugs, to save lives in the event of an overdose. 

Alongside this, the government is today (14 May 2024) publishing a new 10-year strategic plan to expand and improve the drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce.  

This is the first national workforce plan for this specialist part of the health workforce in England and outlines key milestones to grow, train and develop staff. This will include bringing more new and experienced professionals into the sector and developing better training for roles that are currently unregulated such as drug and alcohol workers.   

Health and Social Care Secretary Victoria Atkins said:  

Opioid addiction can ruin lives and is responsible for the largest proportion of drug-related deaths across the UK.   We are working hard to reduce those numbers by expanding access to naloxone to save the lives of the most vulnerable.  Our 10-year workforce plan will expand and boost the training of the next generation of drug and alcohol workers to improve services and support people to get their lives back on track.

The workforce plan builds on the government’s 10-year drugs strategy to combat illicit drug use and reduce drug deaths. Expanding access to naloxone will contribute to the government’s ambition to prevent nearly 1,000 drug-related deaths in England by the end of 2025, reversing the upward trend for the first time in a decade. 

As part of the strategy, an additional £532 million is being invested between 2022 and 2025 to improve the capacity and quality of drug and alcohol treatment. This additional funding is supporting the expansion of the workforce by the end of 2024 to 2025 with:  

  • 800 more medical, mental health and other regulated professionals
  • 950 additional drug and alcohol and criminal justice workers
  • more drug and alcohol commissioners in every local authority to commission services more effectively

More than 3,900 additional staff have already been recruited using drug strategy funding.  

The new workforce plan, developed by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities ( OHID ) and NHS England, builds on this progress and maps out the next 10 years of workforce transformation with key 1-year, 3-year and 10-year milestones.   

This includes: 

  • new training curriculums for 3 currently unregulated roles by March 2025. These roles are drug and alcohol workers, children and young people’s drug and alcohol workers and peer support workers. Accredited training will be available for these roles by March 2027 and the first cohorts of trainees will complete their training by March 2029
  • more addiction psychiatry training posts to expand the bank of posts currently available by March 2025
  • more regulated professionals working in the sector will mean services have high-quality clinical governance and clinical supervision in place by March 2027

Naloxone can currently be administered by anyone in an emergency but can only legally be supplied without prescription by a drug and alcohol treatment service to a person to take home for future use.    

The government will update legislation via a statutory instrument to expand the number of services and professions which can supply the medicine over the next few weeks. 

It follows a public consultation in which the responses were overwhelmingly supportive of proposals. 

Opioid-related deaths make up the largest proportion of drug-related deaths across the UK, with an average of 40 deaths a week, and widening access to naloxone for those at risk of overdose will make a substantial difference.  

In 2022, opioids were involved in:  

  • 73% of drug misuse deaths registered in England
  • 60% of drug misuse deaths registered in Wales
  • 82% of drug misuse deaths registered in Scotland
  • 60% of drug misuse deaths registered in Northern Ireland

Background information

The 10-year strategic plan for the drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce (2024 to 2034) is published on the NHS England website.

Dame Carol Black’s independent review of drugs called for radical reform of the drug and alcohol treatment workforce, leadership, funding and commissioning, so that services can be rebuilt and transformed to meet the needs of the people they serve.

The government’s 10-year drug strategy, From harm to hope: a 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and lives , committed to developing “a world-class drug and alcohol treatment and recovery system across England, delivered via a highly trained and motivated workforce offering a full range of evidence-based interventions.”

The workforce plan will be followed this summer by a new drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce capability framework. This new framework will identify the core capabilities of 15 core roles in the sector. It will help to ensure safe and effective practice across drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services.

Additional quotes

Dame Dame Carol Black, independent adviser to the government on drugs, said:

When I did my independent review of drugs, I heard first-hand what a life-saving intervention naloxone is. Widening access to naloxone is key to reducing the number of lives lost to overdose and will help support the government’s ambition to prevent nearly 1,000 deaths in England by the end of 2025. I am pleased to see such a strong positive response to the consultation and welcome the government moving forward with these important changes. I am delighted that the government has delivered on one of the key recommendations from my independent review of drugs with a new 10-year plan to help rebuild the drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce. It is imperative that this vital, specialist part of the health workforce has the skills and capacity to help people who are dependent on drugs and alcohol make positive changes to their lives.

Clare Taylor, chief operating officer at Turning Point and interim chair of Collective Voice, which represents third sector drug and alcohol treatment providers in the UK, said   

The expansion and professional development of our treatment and recovery workforce is recognised in both Dame Carol Black’s independent review of drugs and From Harm to Hope. It is absolutely critical if we are to achieve the ambition, we all hold for a world class treatment and recovery system.  The new workforce plan sets out a clear set of actions to increase capacity in the system and the quality of services.  It recognises the need for the right mix of medical and mental health professionals working alongside keyworkers and peer support workers and should help strengthen clinical governance to enable the best possible outcomes for the people we support.  Working in this sector can be incredibly rewarding and formalising training routes and developing better opportunities for career progression will help ensure it’s a sector people want to join.  Continued funding of the drug strategy beyond March 2025 is now essential in ensuring these plans can come to fruition and we as a sector are able to reach more people. 

Dr Sarah Stacey, chair, Division of Clinical Psychology’s Faculty of Addictions, British Psychological Society, said:   

We wholeheartedly welcome the publication of the 10-year drug and alcohol treatment and recovery workforce strategic plan.  The plan recognises the vital role that practitioner psychologists hold in multi-disciplinary teams, supporting workforce development through clinical leadership, supervision, and knowledge of relevant evidence. Psychologists and wider psychological professions also provide effective interventions that acknowledge the underpinning causes and contexts through which problematic drug and alcohol use and co-existing difficulties develop.  In addition to the forthcoming capability framework and workforce calculator, the plan provides a strong foundation for delivery of training, supervision and accreditation, building on the passion and commitment of the sector.  The focus on workforce wellbeing and career development supports the development of high quality, effective treatment and recovery services. We look forward to collaborating closely with OHID and NHS England colleagues and welcome the commitment to addressing training, recruitment, development, and retention of psychologists in drug and alcohol services.

Alice Wiseman, vice president of the Association of Directors of Public Health, said:    

Staff on the ground working in this area are extremely dedicated and do an amazing job and, over recent years, we have focussed on recruitment and workforce development in order to support the delivery of high-quality services for this vulnerable patient group. However, the workforce is under immense pressure and deserves more sustainable employment, support, recognition and training. This 10-year plan promises to give that recognition and support which is very welcome news, as is the commitment to expanding the workforce to include a wider range of professional expertise.   It is vital now that we make sure this investment is sustained and that these roles continue to be filled by high quality people long into the future so that people needing treatment receive the very best support to stay healthy long after treatment ends.

Dr Ed Day, the government’s National Recovery Champion, said:   

I welcome the new 10-year strategic plan and its aims of deepening the quality and broadening the knowledge of the workforce. This will be crucial if we are to deliver a full continuum of care from harm reduction, through engagement and behaviour change, to long-term recovery support. The clear timescales plot a road map to rebuilding the full range of regulated professional roles within the field, alongside proper accreditation of the drug and alcohol worker role.   The emphasis on strengthening clinical supervision in the short term, and training and accreditation in the longer term, will allow a greater focus on delivery of quality psychosocial interventions. I particularly welcome the definition of the peer support worker role and everything that it can bring to the treatment and recovery system. This role is a crucial part of the recovery-oriented system of care and requires its own training and supervision structure to ensure that it has parity of esteem in the wider system.

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