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personal statement for msc project management

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personal statement for msc project management

29 July, 2022

Personal statement - msc project management share.

  • 12 May, 2013

I have prepared this application with great delight, initiating my journey to study MSc Project Management at the University of Bedfordshire. This course will enhance my current academic knowledge, will give me real-life experiences, will teach to manage critical assessments of project management methods of knowledge, theories, issues, and tools and techniques. Through this course highlights, I would be potential to have a real impact on the transformation of my future career. As my career goal is to create awareness in the business projects, which I found in the study of MSc Project Management, I want to contribute a part of myself to the implementation in developed and developing nations by achieving the degree award. I am very much excited to pursue the course to achieve my future career goal.

I had completed my Senior School Certificate Examination in 2015 from The West African Examinations Council. Then I got admitted into the University of Sussex for my international foundation programme of study and completed in May 2017 in Law, International Relations and Sociology. After then I completed my graduation - Bachelor of Law from Nottingham Trent University in 2020. I started my professional life with Longhall Business Consulting Support Services, Ltd. as a Project Manager in June 2020 and still working there. From my work life I realized that I need to gain more knowledge in business projects for my fastest career growth. So, I decided to pursue the MSc Project Management. Throughout my free time, I have participated with various activities like social volunteering and training sessions. I have improved my English language through my personal practice. Now I want to complete my further higher studies in the UK as I know UK degrees are always professional and my previous graduation degree was awarded from UK University. I have realized that I need to gain the latest knowledge in the field of project management and gain more knowledge of real-world scenario discussions and enhance my problem-solving abilities. The course is flexible and responsive and offers lots of opportunities for future development. With my academic experience, I am confident that my aspects and professional goal make me a suitable candidate for the course.

This MSc Project Management which are organized to develop business competence and strengthen confidence and credibility, providing with a unique learning experience. I have reviewed the programme and found that this course aims to develop the skills set in particular and seeks to develop enquiry skills through conducting case studies and projects requiring a search for information using a range of sources to support learning methods. The modules are designed to be engaging, attractive and flexible in the current global marketplace where, apart from being introduced to the University and the Faculty, and adaption with the project management field to prepare me for the rest of the studies. The assessment includes coursework to test student knowledge and understanding and to demonstrate their ability to research, apply theories and models, critically thinking, communicate, and work in teams. The study environment definitely is demanding but it will be a rewarding experience for the students. Throughout the year includes- Business Dissertation, Leading People in Creative Teams, Performance Achievement Planning, Project and Operations Management, Project Management Practice, Risk and Procurement Management. These units will teach me to become an independent and self- directed lifelong learner. All assessments are rooted in authentic and practical workplace scenarios to enable the integration of theory and practice in dynamic `real world work contexts. Moreover, I have found the University’s Learning Resources provide a Study Hub from which I can improve my assignment-based skills by accessing free professional support to develop a wide range of relevant and valuable academic skills. By completing this course, I want to be a successful Project Manager or Project Coordinator at a higher level in well-reputed organizations in my home country. I believe this course will be the right choice for my career plans and objectives.

The brand of having a degree from the UK is highly respected by all over the developed countries such as mine – Nigeria. In Nigeria they believe that UK education builds proper professionals and there is a high expectation from applicants with such degrees. Where the educational system is in my home country is in assorted crises of infrastructural decay, neglect, waste of resources and sordid conditions of service. Thus in recent years, most reputed companies in Nigeria are emphasizing hiring civilian graduates with degrees from abroad. This has played a key part in my decision-making when choosing a study destination. Also, a recent Survey of International Graduate Outcomes 2019 by Universities UK International produce graduates shows that 82% of international graduates say that their UK degree is worth the financial investment and the same percentage say they are satisfied with their careers. 83% feel that a UK degree has helped them to get jobs that they would not get otherwise. So this is the reason to choose the UK over other education destinations. I can see myself thriving more in a world of knowledge and teaching methods I’m accustomed to.

The University of Bedfordshire is a public research university which is incredibly welcoming to international students. From the university website, I found that in 2014, the university achieved the fourth-largest improvement of 22 places in the REF Power Ranking in the sector with nearly half of its research considered to be internationally excellent and also coming eighth in the UK in the People and Planet University Green League in 2019 and received the Eco Campus Platinum award in 2020. Most importantly, as I lived before in the UK I know about this university that it is known to support the students, and they have invested heavily in their facilities to shape the physical and intellectual environment of learning. According to DLHE 2018, 91% of graduates are working and/or further studying within six months of graduation. In addition, the university has a well-equipped campus Tutors are high- qualified academics and most of them have received National Teaching Fellowship Awards. Conversely, I will have the opportunity to gain real-world knowledge and transferable skills that employers look for in graduate recruits. And I think it will be a great achievement for me if I get the opportunity to study at the University of Bedfordshire.

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personal statement for msc project management

MSc Project Management Personal Statement Examples

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MSc Project Management Personal Statement Example

I am applying for a place in your university’s project management degree programme, and I hope you will kindly accept my MSc project management personal statement.

I am very interested in the topics covered in the course. My interest in these areas was first aroused during my undergraduate studies at Queen Mary University London, where I studied BSc Financial Management.

Your course covers the above topic and will introduce me to new areas of project management, which will broaden my knowledge and understanding. I achieved a high 2.1 grade on my undergraduate degree and am keen to build on my interest in project management. I believe that my 2.1 grade has demonstrated my academic ability to study at the master’s level.

My work placement, organised by graduate advantage two years ago, reinforced my interest in industrial research, and I could experience the effects of applying business intelligence in a business environment.

My primary role was to develop and upgrade the database using financial analysis and SQL tools while supporting the CEO and promoting the company’s e-business.

I wrote a report on NHS white paper, and my findings were well received by my organisation and published in the company’s monthly bulletin. This experience helped me to develop relevant skills in constructing questionnaires, managing my time effectively and writing succinctly.

I am particularly keen to study at your university simply because of your reputation for excellence. You are known for your world-class teaching quality and strong links to industry, government and commerce. Your reputation attracts various students, and I believe it will be a stimulating environment to study at the master’s level.

Your university also provides excellent working and recreation facilities for graduate students, which demonstrates your commitment to the graduate student body. Following the MSc course, I would like to pursue my interest in a research programme in the form of either DBA or PhD.

I hope to get a place in your programme, and please consider my project management personal statement in support of my application.

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Project Management Postgraduate Personal Statement

Example Project Management Postgraduate Personal Statement

Over the course of my professional life, I have become increasingly involved in project management roles. Doing so has made me aware of the many varied challenges that can face projects and the project managers who are charged with bringing them through to completion. The success or failure of projects, in whatever economic, political or social field, rests not just on the quality of the project’s goals, but also on the abilities of those involved in the project – and above all those who are managing it – to bring it to successful completion. To do this, project managers need to be equipped with a very wide range of skills, many of which are unrelated to the type of project itself. So, for example, a project manager of an engineering project must not only have engineering expertise and experience, but also possess management skills in areas such as budgeting and financial management, operations, personnel and information systems. In many cases, projects fail because they are led by people who lack these skills.

I have very much enjoyed the challenges of working in a project management position in the past, and intend to work in this area in the future. I am committed to developing my professional skills to allow me to work to the fullest of my potential, and as a consequence I am highly motivated to study for an MSc in Project Management. I believe that it is essential for project managers to be equipped with the skills that are necessary to allow ambitious projects to be completed on budget, on time, and according to their original specifications, and I believe that completing this master’s is the best way to acquire those skills.

To help me with my career goal of working in a project management position, I have already taken steps to boost my project management skills through self-study. I regularly read books on the subject of project management, and also like to read about the development of important projects in the news. During the course of working in project management roles in the past I attended short workshops and training courses to help me in my role. At present I am also studying towards the examination to obtain the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Professional status.

I am excited about the prospect of returning to higher education and completing a master’s to the best of my abilities. I enjoyed completing my BSc in Mechanical Engineering, and I believe that the results that I obtained in it demonstrate that I have the abilities and the drive that are necessary to succeed at university. Furthermore, in addition to learning as much as possible about project management prior to beginning the course, I have also been working hard to improve my level of English, and am currently taking an English course at Salford University.

I believe that my professional history demonstrates that I have a solid grasp of the demands of project management, and through working in a project management role in the past I have begun to develop many of the skills that are necessary for a project management role. After qualifying as a mechanical engineer, I held two different engineering-related positions in the Saudi armed forces, before moving on in 2005 to work as a project coordinator at the Alsalam Aircraft Company. In this role I was responsible for managing a range of construction projects carried out for the Royal Saudi Air Force, ranging from new building projects to the installation of sewage systems and water piping. I believe that being placed in this role brought out some of my best professional qualities, such as my ability to learn quickly, to deal with people honestly, to pay attention to details and to quickly formulate solutions to unforeseen problems. After holding this post for three years, my skills as a project manager were further developed in my next position, at the Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities. This role was a step outside of the engineering field, and the fact that I was able to succeed in this role has given me faith in my adaptability. In this role I was responsible for projects that were designed to develop Saudi Arabia’s heritage sites and boost tourism to the country. During my two-and-a-half year tenure at the Commission I was involved in a range of projects that were completed successfully, such as the creation of a provincial tourism body for the Al-Jouf region. The quality of my performance in this role is also demonstrated by the fact that I received the Distinguished Employee of the Year Award for 2009.

In spite of past successes in a project management role, however, I refuse to be lulled into a sense of complacency. I am eager to learn as much as possible about project management to excel in this sector in the future. If accepted to the master’s programme, upon its completion I would like to continue to enhance and broaden my professional skillset through working as a project manager for a construction company, a sector in which I am interested in part as a result of my involvement with helping friends and relatives in the construction of their own homes.

We hope this example Project Management Postgraduate Personal Statement is useful as a guide to help you write an interesting personal statement.

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A guide to writing a Masters personal statement

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If you are considering postgraduate study, you will need to think about writing an application that demonstrates why you are the right candidate for the course and their university. This is where your personal statement comes in. 

You’ll already have written a personal statement for your undergraduate application, so the concept should be familiar. However, there are some things you should be aware of when it comes to writing specifically for postgraduate study. 

In this guide, we’ll explain how to write a stand-out Masters personal statement and provide you with some valuable insights from our Masters Recruitment Manager Danielle, here at Warwick Business School (WBS).

What is a Masters personal statement?

An MSc personal statement, also known as a ‘statement of purpose’, supports your application to study a postgraduate course at university. It should highlight your key skills and experience whilst demonstrating your understanding of the course and conveying your academic skills and interests.

From her experience in the Recruitment and Business Development team at WBS, Danielle gives her take on a personal statement: 

Your personal statement is your opportunity to sell yourself and differentiate yourself from any other applicant, share your passion for joining WBS and link your life experiences and skills to how you could contribute to a cohort.

How long should a Masters personal statement be?

A personal statement for postgraduate study should fit within two pages of A4. Whilst you won’t be penalised if it is slightly longer, you should always make sure the content is relevant and doesn’t repeat information elsewhere in your application. 

What do you need to prepare before writing a Masters personal statement? 

Before writing your personal statement for postgraduate study, there are a few things you should consider.

Research your options

Take the time to read through course pages and brochures. You’ll find in-depth information on what the course involves and how it might align with your career goals. Danielle explains how understanding what the course involves is key in demonstrating your suitability and passion for a course: 

All of our course webpages feature extensive information on the course modules, so take the time to show you’ve done your research in your personal statement. Your personal statement is your chance to relate yourself to our core values and demonstrate what a strong candidate you will be for one of our programmes. Ensure you also use this as an opportunity to link our programme to your future career.

Course titles should not be taken at face value. Whilst some universities will have courses with the same titles, the content will differ. You need to demonstrate you understand what the course entails and why you want to apply for a particular course as. Danielle adds:

Take time to look at the content of the course you are applying for; although course titles may be the same at different universities the course content can be different. Do your research and demonstrate this in your personal statement, showing how invested you are in studying at WBS.

Consider what you want from your studies

The range of choice when it comes to postgraduate study is vast, and it can feel overwhelming when deciding which course is right for you. 

Whilst opinions from your friends and family are important, they shouldn’t be the ultimate deciding factor when choosing a course. Ultimately you need to consider what you really want and whether it aligns with your career goals. 

Begin to prepare your application

Once you have decided which course you would like to apply for and you’ve ensured you meet the entry requirements, you will need to begin preparing your application. This includes collecting the correct documentation such as a CV, transcript, personal statement, and reference.

What should you include in a Masters personal statement?

Recruitment and admissions teams receive thousands of applications each year so it is important that your personal statement is to the point and demonstrates what they are looking for in their students. 

Danielle gives some insight into what our recruitment team looks for in a personal statement for a Masters degree:

Aim to keep your personal statement to the point by making sure you answer the following questions, addressing the key points our Selection Committee will be looking for:

  • Why have you selected this course? What are your motivating factors?
  • How do you see this course benefitting your career plans?
  • What will you contribute to your cohort?

As well as addressing these key questions, you should also include the following:

Academic achievements 

You need to demonstrate how your undergraduate study has prepared you for a postgraduate course. You can do this by highlighting specific achievements, projects and pieces of work as well as mentioning any particular topics that interest you. 

Professional achievements

If you completed any professional work experience alongside your studies, it is a good idea to mention them here. Highlight any duties, tasks and responsibilities you had to demonstrate what you gained from this work experience. 

Relevant extracurricular activities

Including information about relevant extracurricular activities you are involved in can help to give a more rounded view of you as a person. This could include volunteering opportunities and any meaningful hobbies you have. 

Transferable skills

Your transferable skills should be highlighted throughout your personal statement. The types of things you could include are presentation skills, communication skills, analytical thinking and time management. Consider what you can bring to lectures and workshops. For example, if your course involves a lot of group work, use an example where you demonstrate your experience with this.

What should you avoid when writing a Masters personal statement?

Repetition of information.

When submitting both a CV and personal statement it can be easy to fall into the trap of just repeating the same information across both documents. Your personal statement is an opportunity for you to reflect and expand on what you have stated on your CV, rather than repeating the same information.

Not providing enough context

Simply listing your achievements without providing context will not prove to the recruitment teams that you are the right candidate for the course. Provide hard evidence to back up the statements you make and try to give two or three in-depth examples, rather than several weak answers. 

Not tailoring your application to the specific university or course

Recruitment and admissions teams are keen to hear why you have chosen a specific course and why you want to attend their university. You need to provide clear examples of what excites you about their institution and how you can align with their particular values.  

What do recruitment teams look for in a Masters personal statement?

University recruitment teams and selection committees review thousands of applications each year. To ensure your application stands out, you must show that you have taken the time to prepare and research your chosen university.

Recruitment teams want to see your passion for the subject and motivations for joining their institution. Detailing your experience and the skills you can bring will help to emphasise this. Danielle also suggests not overlooking the obvious when it comes to writing a personal statement:

It may sound simple but the first answer to this question is that the Selection Committee wants to see a well written, clearly structured personal statement which demonstrates good preparation and research.

What else do I need to include with my Masters application?

The documents you need to include in your application may vary by institution and course. But generally, as well as your personal statement, you will also need to include: 

  • Academic and professional references
  • Copies of your undergraduate degree certificate and academic transcripts
  • A list of final year modules if you're still studying for an undergraduate degree
  • A research proposal (not all courses will require this)

If you are an international student, there are some additional things you will need to provide including: 

  • A copy of your passport
  • Proof of your language proficiency through either a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) certificate, or any others that meet requirements outlined on our course pages.

When are the deadlines for Masters applications?

Deadlines for Masters programmes vary quite widely between courses and universities. Information on specific deadlines can be found on their respective course pages and postgraduate brochures . You should aim to make an application early in the cycle to ensure there are still places available on the course.

Deadlines for scholarships and external scholarships can also vary, so if you wish to apply for these, you will also have to factor in these deadlines.

Frequently asked questions

Is there an interview for masters programmes.

At WBS, there are no interviews for MSc courses. Instead, all decisions are made based on the application you submit. Your undergraduate transcript will be reviewed in depth along with your CV and personal statement.

How many Masters can you apply for?

If you are applying to a UK university, you can apply for as many courses and universities as you like. However, you should not over-stretch yourself and you should only apply for courses that you are really passionate about.

Writing an appropriately tailored application can be time-consuming and attempting to write too many could jeopardise your chances of being successful. 

Do you have to pay for your Masters application?

We require an application fee of £75 to cover administrative costs. If you're applying to multiple Warwick courses, remember each course will warrant its own application fee. 

How do I apply for a Masters degree?

We have our own application system, and you can find linked 'how to apply' sections on all of our course pages. 


Discover our range of MSc courses at Warwick Business School

Designed for the change makers of the future, our postgraduate courses will drive you to learn, question, debate and make an impact on the world around you.

Our challenging and rewarding courses will provide you with everything you need to take your personal and professional skills to the next level. 

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Personal Statement for Masters in Management: Sample & Tips

Table of Contents

A personal statement highlights why a candidate is applying to a particular program. A personal statement for master’s in management sample is a great way to learn the best practices for crafting your statement.

The admissions committee for your Master’s program will base their decision on the personal statement you provide. Read on to learn the components of an excellent personal statement and how you can put it together to make the best possible impression.

What is a Personal Statement for a Master in Management?

The personal statement is a crucial element of the application process. As part of your application to the postgraduate school, you are required to provide a personal statement of purpose.

It’s your first chance to wow the admissions committee and shows the university you’re the most excellent fit .

When applying to a graduate program, your personal statement must be written specifically for that program. Use this opportunity to show the admissions committee your academic interests and skills.

Admissions officers are always keen to see enthusiasm, interest, and passion for the subject.

What to Include in a Personal Statement for a Masters in Management

The program’s requirements decide your personal statement’s content. On the whole, you should focus your writing on the following:

  • Justification for your application and why you should be accepted into the program over other applicants.
  • Elaborate on your academic interests, career goals, and the renown of the university and the department.
  • Prove that you have the drive, interest, and experience to succeed in graduate school.
  • Highlight your dissertation and favorite subjects to show how your undergraduate education prepared you for graduate school.
  • Provide concrete examples of your expertise in information technology, mathematics, organization, communication, time management, and critical thinking. It will demonstrate your potential to have a positive influence on the department.
  • Discuss your academic achievements, accolades, work experience, supplemental studies, and conference attendance in relation to graduate school readiness.

What do you accomplish by taking this course and detailing your career goals? Explain how you plan to use the skills you learn in your chosen program to achieve your long-term goals and advance your career.

Take steps to improve any glaring flaws, such as failing to complete a required undergraduate course or a lack of a continuous academic record. The college should be informed, so frame your explanation well. Find the silver lining in the cloudy situation. Discuss what has been done to address these issues and how your planned graduate study will differ.

masters in management personal statement

Points to Note When Writing a Personal Statement for Masters in Management

These tips should guide you through the entire process of writing a personal statement for management . Before enrolling, read the rules, check the admissions requirements, and research the program or institution. Other points include:

  • Don’t feel pressed with time; give yourself plenty of lead-ins. Your application’s success depends on a well-written personal statement.
  • The most effective personal statements are presented upbeat, passionately, and expertly. It is usually concise and straightforward. To keep things simple, stay away from flowery language.
  • Unless otherwise specified, all postgraduate admissions essays must be written in English, and you must use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation throughout.
  • Avoid recycling the same justification in several statements. Admissions counselors can detect plagiarism. Generic applications show that you have yet to fully grasp the class material.
  • Master’s level personal statements that fail to demonstrate originality and tailoring to the given subject and institution will not stand a chance.
  • Rewrite your statement till you’re satisfied with it. Then, have a trusted confidante, relative, or career counselor look it through for you.
  • Errors can be avoided with careful proofreading. Be sure to memorize your written responses before attending any interviews.

Personal Statement for Masters in Management Sample

This INK example is excellent, though it may not be ideal for your situation. Evaluate and see what you can learn from it.

I want to further my professional growth by enrolling in the Master of Science in Management program. Combining my experience and superior academic credential, I want to make a difference in any corporate setting, thanks to my extensive industry involvement.

Since adolescence, I have been involved in small firms, which gave me strategic acumen.

This experiential learning allowed me to deploy innovative methods in many areas and think critically and creatively about solving everyday challenges.

My intellectual curiosity has given me the perseverance to chase opportunities and solve complex problems—skills I believe all leaders need.

The greatest assets of an organization are its people. Therefore, I strive to provide managerial support that enhances individual performance and growth potential within teams. Collaboration, communication, and respect are crucial to a successful working relationship, and I try to foster them wherever possible.

I bring passion, knowledge, and enthusiasm to the Masters in Management program. I am dedicated to improving my leadership aptitude while contributing positively to your esteemed institution.

Final Words

The personal statement for the masters in management sample above is a fantastic example of a personal statement. If you need further help crafting your statement, feel free to use INK .

Personal Statement for Masters in Management: Sample & Tips

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Sample Statement of Purpose – MSc with Project Management

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Sample Statement of Purpose (SoP) for MSc in Project Management in the UK

Here is a sample statement of Purpose (SoP) for MSc in Project Management at the  BPP University from a Bangladeshi student. You might consider using this free statement of purpose template to create your own SoP for your desired UK university admission application.

I am Mr XX, and I have chosen to study MSc Management with Project Management programme offered by the BPP University . This MSc programme will help me to explore myself in the practical business area. This Degree will give me a chance to gain more knowledge about business management practical and technical competencies in the real world.

MSc in Project Management Programme involves Operations Management and Service Excellence, Financial Decision Making, Leading Business Organisations, Knowledge Management and Information Systems, Business Research Plan modules. This programme is addressing the current business management issues in the concept of business strategy. Studying in the MSc Project Management course will be a great opportunity for my learning business tools which I can apply in my practical job market and gain all-around expertise in the business management area. I can build my interpersonal skill so as I can be able to interact effectively with a range of specialists and to implement agreed solutions effectively and efficiently.

Basically, I have completed BSC (Hons) in Computer Science from East London University (Dhaka) and I have decided to do my post-graduate degree that is related to the business sector because I believe that along with my current qualification and this MSC Project Management course will help me to achieve my career goal. My desire career goal is to become a database manager in the renowned company and MSc Project Management course will help me to enter the currently growing competitive job market in Bangladesh. This programme also includes internship skills; it will give me a better chance to learn professional work experience. Internship module will be developing my soft-skill and transferable skills and it is including self-management, team working, problem-solving, communication skill, cultural awareness, presentational skills, personal development planning, customer awareness, work experience placement support and applying theory into practice.

I chose BPP university because of its great reputation, its renowned academic excellence, and good industry links as well as flexible postgraduate schemes. I firmly believe that the right education in the right school will open doors of advancement in my chosen field of study. I am applying after carefully reviewing the course curriculum. Since the research focus and facilities available in your university complement my research interests and requirements, I believe that being a student in your University would not only empower my career development but would give me the framework to utilize my full potentials. My interest is, first of all, to get a UK qualification.

The United Kingdom has the reputation of offering high-quality education and receiving students world internationally over for many years. Qualification obtained from the United Kingdom is valued worldwide and most especially in my country. Employer’s value graduates from the United Kingdom. Experience has shown that these graduate are well trained, have the required skills and deliver great results. This is why I choose to further my studies in the UK to become more valuable in the job market, which will enable me to reach my future goal.

I hope that after gaining this MSC Project Management qualification, it would be a great educational achievement for building my professional career and its development.

If you are planning to study in the UK from Bangladesh, and need help with your Statement of Purpose (SoP), contact us today for a free consultation.

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Statement of purpose.


Personal Statement Advice

Your Personal Statement, ( or Statement of Purpose) , is a vital part of your MSc application to study in the WMG department at the University of Warwick. It allows the Course Selector to understand how well your goals and objectives align with those of the course, and helps them to determine whether you will be a good fit for the course. It is therefore crucial that you explain clearly your motivations for applying to your chosen course.

Your Personal Statement also gives us an opportunity to find out more about you. Think of it as an opportunity to tell us about yourself and to highlight your strengths, and how you will contribute to your course, the department, and the University of Warwick.

1. What you should say

Here are the themes that you should consider when writing your personal statement. This list is not comprehensive, but can form the basis of your statement.

  • Why you want to undertake postgraduate study.
  • Your reasons for choosing the specific course. This is vital . Saying you are 'interested' in the subject area is not sufficient - you need to demonstrate a solid rationale.
  • Show to us that you understand the subject and purpose of the course and how it's going to help you towards achieving your longer term goals.
  • Show us how your first degree and/or work experience is relevant to the course, or, if you're changing direction please tell us why and explain your decisions.
  • Discuss the academic skills you have developed and how they relate to the MSc course you have chosen.

Personal Attributes

  • What personal skills can you offer? Again, you must explain how these skills are relevant for your study at WMG
  • What is your motivation for studying this course and how does it fit with your future career goals.

2. How you should say it

Address the subject of the course. WMG do not offer general "management" or "business" courses, so be specific: how are your skills and interests related to Logistics, Project Management, e-Business etc.

Relate the things you say about yourself to the course applied for. Don't just say "I worked for two months at Company X" ; explain its relevance: "At Company X I was involved in troubleshooting project overruns on a new product design. This made it clear to me how important project management and risk management is" . Go on to qualify that statement further.

General statements such as "I want a better job" or "I enjoy studying" will count against you.

3. Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

It is important to get these right. Incorrect grammar, spelling or punctuation can make it difficult for us to read and understand what you are trying to say. For a start, you should use the grammar and spell checker provided in your word processor, but don't rely on these alone. Print your statement and read it with a pen in hand.

We are not expecting perfect English from non-native English speakers though - it's important that your personal statement is your own!

Aim for between 500 and 1000 words. Be concise and straight-forward in your writing. Keep your sentences short and get to the point.   Although the application form states 1000 words for the SoP, we would very much prefer a more concise and focused essay closer to 500 words.

5. Presentation

Use full sentences, starting with a capital letter and finishing with a full-stop. Do not use slang or informal language. Use paragraphs – your statement should read like any other piece of written work, that is, it should have an introduction (the beginning), body (the middle), and conclusion (the end).

  • Don't use your statement to tell us what we already know. For example details of your undergraduate degree will be evident from your transcripts, so you don't need to repeat this information in your statement.
  • A personal statement is not a CV, so avoid listing what you have already done.
  • Avoid using "inspirational quotes" from business leaders or other public figures. They do not add to your statement because they don't tell us anything about you.
  • Donʼt submit the same generic statement for many different courses. You must tailor your statement for the specific course you are applying to with us - demonstrate to us that you have done your research and you understand our course in WMG and why it is particularly suitable for you and your goals.
  • You can include information about your hobbies / voluntary work etc, but you must explain how these either relate to the course you have applied to, have prepared you for study, or have impacted you in some way.
  • Donʼt tell us about other people (e.g. your parents), they aren't the ones who will be studying at WMG.
  • Avoid vague and sweeping statements such as "I have always wanted to go to your University because I have a passion for study".
  • Your statement must be written by you and must be original. We will reject your application if you have copied from an internet source or another applicant. We submit personal statements to a plagiarism-checking tool.
  • Do not use "effective personal statement" type websites or forums.


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A well-composed Construction Project Management Personal Statement is your pitch to an admission committee. It helps you highlight your intellectual and career trajectory, recognitions, and skills, as the case may be. Hence, it is important to put together a good personal statement when seeking admission into one of the universities that offer masters in construction project management. The sample MSc Construction Project Management Personal Statement was written for a UK University; it will guide you on how to approach your UK personal statement in the same course.

Note: If you need further assistance writing your personal statement ,  contact us today .

Top Universities for MSc Construction Project Management UK

  • University of Manchester
  • Robert Gordon University
  • University of West England
  • University of Portsmouth
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • Birmingham City University
  • University of Wolverhampton
  • University Salford
  • Sheffield Hallam University

Personal Statement Writing Service

Sample MSc Construction Project Management Personal Statement

From a young age, I got spellbound whenever I saw nice building designs and skyscrapers; this inspired me to pursue a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Civil Engineering. Upon graduation, I received the rare privilege of being retained by my school to join the Physical Planning Division as Engineer and Site Manager. In the last 6 years that I have worked there, my responsibility at work has involved management and coordination of construction projects. Also, I have been exposed to working with key fieldsmen which has given me a solid understanding of the management process involved in construction projects.  In this process, I have also developed important skills and competencies like time management, teamwork, efficiency, delegation, effective communication amongst others. After some years working as a Civil Engineer, I am now inclined to Construction Project Engineering, and to fully qualify as an expert in this terrain, I would need to equip myself with advanced construction management knowledge.

I was born and raised in a country that can build a construction industry that can equal other top industries in the world. But, so far, it has been sad to acknowledge that despite the human, material, and natural resources, we are troubled by inadequacies in talent, infrastructure and social justice which have hindered the growth of not only the construction industry but other associated industries. For the construction industry, a good percentage of projects that would have helped extend development to other less developed areas are most times abandoned or stalled due to poor resource management, which has resulted in over-population in major cities, unemployment, and rural stagnation. Nonetheless, recent happening in the (….) infrastructure sector has indicated impressive growth; improved construction expenditure by government and private entities, and increased numbers of real-estate companies are all indicators of the growth that is happening and will continue. This has made professionals begin to align themselves to capitalize on this golden opportunity. For a professional like me who has prior knowledge of what it takes to handle projects through informal project management, I know which to position myself properly to benefit from this rapid growth considering that there are also few domestic players in the terrain of construction management.

I believe my qualification in Civil Engineering provides me with a useful background to excel in construction engineering, and I look forward to developing my understanding of construction practices and techniques, as well as gain improved project management skills. My decision to study in the UK is tied to my love for British construction and engineering companies; notable in my list is Atkins, the engineering company that handled the design and construction of the Burj Al Arab. After watching several documentaries of the construction of the world most luxurious hotel, I was inspired to learn more about the company that handled the project and seeing the groundbreaking achievement they have made, I immediately fell in love with the company and the UK education system for having a hand in grooming most of the brains behind the company. So, my love for British construction companies inspired my decision to pick the UK as my master study destination. I wanted to experience learning from the country that produced one of my favourite engineering companies.

After I made my decision to study in the UK, I began to research for top-class universities that will offer me the leverage of classroom, and field knowledge while providing an accommodating environment for a foreigner. Birmingham City University came highly recommended by my colleagues at work, so after thorough research, I discovered that the BCU will be a good investment for my time and money seeing the exposure to practical and engaging learning experience that I would get here. With lecturers who have multidisciplinary consultancy knowledge in this field, engaging learning environment that enables interaction and exchange of knowledge with people from different cultures, studying in BCU will set me up for career success in this field.

I have laid out my goals; my short term goal is to get a degree in Construction Management from a world-class university that would stand as my entry point into handling big construction projects. My medium-term goal is to join a international construction company where I would have the leverage to apply the knowledge acquired while growing through the ranks. My long-term goal is to become an industry expert running a project consultancy agency after years of active service.

Throughout my career, my goals have evolved and matured due to increased knowledge through field experience and acquired skills. Though I have gained knowledge and had the opportunity to apply it in a practical sense, I also understand the invaluable asset of further education. My career progression has also been slow because of my knowledge gap in some key industry practices and techniques which I plan to gain through advanced studies. So, furthering my education is of utmost importance if I am to fulfil my career goals.

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Construction project management personal statement example.

I first discovered my passion for construction during my national service with the South African Defence Force in 1990 – 1991. During this time, I was trained as a combat engineer and this role included a variety of construction related responsibilities such as bridge building, forward base establishment and the repairing and maintenance of roads and airfields. My passion for construction became most apparent during a humanitarian mission in which I was part of a team that provided an isolated village on the border of Namibia/Angola with vital infrastructure. On completion of our mission, we had established a bridge, power, and fresh water supply in the form of a well which was vital to the running of the local clinic. Being a part of a team that was able to use their knowledge and skills of construction to improve the lives of those in need highlighted one of the many benefits of a career in construction.

Consequently, this experience drove me to work as a construction manager in various countries for Africa Tower Technology Holdings. During this time, I acquired experience in the provision of infrastructure sharing services to the communications industry. Fortunately, whilst overseeing the installation of a full turnkey project in the Republic of Chad, I was promoted to the level of project manager. A benefit of this promotion is that it exposed me to the demands and responsibilities expected of a project manager in the construction industry. Moreover, it was during this period of my career that my desire to pursue higher education began.

However, despite this desire I immigrated to the UK in 2006 where I continued to work at the level of construction manager for 13 years. During this period, I acquired valuable experience in different fields of construction such as urban development and housing. Moreover, a further benefit of this period is that it allowed me to acquire valuable experience of the construction industry from the perspective of a developed nation. Therefore, after nearly 30 years in the construction industry my passion for the subject has led me to enrol on a HNC course in Construction Management at West Lothian College.

My decision to enrol on the HNC course has increased my awareness of how I can improve my skills and knowledge. Some of the areas which I have managed to improve include my administrative and communication skills. Moreover, college has provided me with a more well-rounded perspective of the construction industry and increased my confidence in my academic abilities. Additionally, I have discovered new interests in subjects such as Construction Contracts & Procedures and Architectural Drawing.

I believe my experience in the industry and time at college will serve me well during my studies at university. Moreover, pursuing the subject at degree level will allow me to continue to build on the skills I have already acquired. Additionally, acquiring a degree will allow me to continue my career progression and achieve my goal of becoming a well-qualified construction project manager. Finally, being a mature student has provided me with a greater appreciation of higher education and the benefits there of. Consequently, I look forward to pursuing my degree and expanding my horizons by way of higher education.

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There is no profile associated with this personal statement, as the writer has requested to remain anonymous.

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Don't hold back. I want the good, the bad and the ugly. I'm applying for 2nd year at Heriot Watt in Construction Project Management.

This personal statement is unrated

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