1. Creating a Business Logic Layer (VB)

    presentation layer data access layer

  2. .NET Application Architecture: the Data Access Layer

    presentation layer data access layer

  3. Developing N-Tier applications

    presentation layer data access layer

  4. Microsoft Data Access Components Windows 7

    presentation layer data access layer

  5. Data-Access Layer

    presentation layer data access layer

  6. SAP R/3 Architecture has three layers Presentation Layer,Application

    presentation layer data access layer


  1. 004 : الدرس الرابع من مفهوم الداتا الاكسس لاير

  2. LecW5 Presentation Layer Data Compression etc 20230419 120855 Meeting Recording

  3. 08.Learn ASP.NET Core 6.0

  4. ASP.NET Sessions, ViewStates, Repositories, Data Access Layer and Business Logic Layer Overview

  5. Network Architecture: Layers, Protocol, Interface, Peers, Headers

  6. Lesson 19: Create the separate layer for database (Data Access Layer) in C Sharp. (URDU/HINDI)