Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

This essay about travelling abroad explores all the advantages and disadvantages of this activity.


  • Advantages of traveling
  • Disadvantages of traveling
  • How to choose a trip

Traveling refers to movement from one geographical location to another, either for recreation or work. The majority of the people who love traveling do it when they are young because of the availability of adequate time and lack of pressing responsibilities such as work and family (Hasbrouck, 2011). Traveling is an important pastime activity that is fun, and that exposes people to other countries, cultures, and societies. Travelers learn a lot because traveling necessitates changes in lifestyle and ways of communication. Moreover, travelers learn new languages, interact with people from other races and ethnicities, and explore new geographical locations (Mitchell, 2006). Individuals who travel regularly possess adventurous spirits that yearn for new experiences to learn new things. Despite having numerous benefits, traveling has disadvantages too. It is costly, exposes individuals to the risk of contracting diseases, and causes excessive fatigue.

Advantages of Traveling

Traveling offers people an opportunity to visit interesting places, learn new things, and meet new people ( 5 Benefits of Travelling , 2013). It is one of the best ways to interact with people from other races, cultures, and ethnicities. Travelers explore the various beliefs and traditions that guide other people’s lives and learn how interconnected humanity is (Mitchell, 2006). For example, there are very many cultures in the world that have preserved their traditional beliefs, customs, and practices. Visiting countries such as Kenya, Mexico, China, and India is an occasion to experience such unique cultures. On the other hand, meeting new people who speak different languages and who live differently is exciting and educational. Travelers also visit interesting places that have great cultural and historical value ( 5 Benefits of Travelling , 2013). For example, the Eiffel Tower in France, Machu Picchu in Peru, and the Pyramids in Egypt possess great historical and cultural value. Learning about their histories can help travelers to comprehend the cultures, traditions, and customs of different tribes and societies, as well as their dynamics.

Another advantage of traveling is the chance to learn, relax, and widen one’s scope of knowledge (Mitchell, 2006). In certain cases, one of the requirements of traveling abroad is learning the language that is used in the country that one intends to visit. English is an international language. However, it is not spoken in all countries. Therefore, it would be necessary to learn new languages in order to enhance effective communication and interaction with people who speak indigenous languages (Thumb, n.d). There are numerous historical sites to visit around the world, and visiting them teaches furnishes knowledge about their historical significance to various countries and cultures (Marks, n.d). For instance, people who travel to Egypt learn a lot about the pyramids as well as when and why they were built. Exploring the cultures practiced by different communities increases appreciation for human diversity (Mercer, n.d).

Traveling allows people to improve their communication skills and create networks that can be beneficial in their lives (Mercer, n.d). Interacting with people who speak different languages and who have different cultures is challenging. However, it is important for the improvement of communication skills. Multicultural interaction is an important skill in contemporary society, especially due to globalization and technological advancements (Mitchell, 2006). Learning to interact with different cultures inculcates strong communication and social skills that are beneficial in personal and professional life (Marks, n.d). On the other hand, it helps to create networks that can be used in different areas of life. For example, travelers can create business, social, political, and religious networks that can help them to improve their lives, communities, and society at large. The international labor market is open for exploration to everyone around the world. Therefore, possessing strong networks and multicultural communication skills is beneficial and necessary.

Traveling exposes people to different living styles. As a result, it inculcates the value of compassion and changes people’s perspectives regarding life (Hasbrouck, 2011). For instance, travelers from developed countries who travel to developing countries get an opportunity to see the effects of poverty, ignorance, and diseases on communities. This makes them grateful for their lives. Also, it enhances the development of compassion and empathy toward the needy and the suffering. Traveling exposes people to new cultures, societies, people, and lifestyles (Mitchell, 2006). This exposure changes people’s perspectives, attitudes, and opinions. They develop new ways of looking at the world, and it also gives their lives meaning.

Disadvantages of Traveling

One of the major disadvantages of traveling is the costs involved. Traveling is expensive and involves the use of money that many people cannot afford (Thumb, n.d). For example, traveling to foreign countries by plane is costly, and people incur numerous expenses that can have severe financial consequences. Many people only travel locally because they cannot afford to travel internationally. Traveling includes other expenses such as food, entertainment, and accommodation (Thumb, n.d). Both local and international travel offer opportunities for exposure to new people, places, and cultures. However, the pricey nature of trips and vacations prevents many people from indulging and enjoying the many thrills they offer.

Another disadvantage of traveling is the risk of exposure to diseases and deadly illnesses. In the past few years, outbreaks of deadly diseases such as Ebola and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) have been reported in several countries. These diseases put the lives of travelers at risk because they can cause death within a very short time once contracted. In many countries, governments impose travel bans on regions that have been flagged for disease outbreaks. A disease outbreak can lead to the quarantine of affected individuals until the disease is contained. Quarantine causes inconveniences and delays that can interfere with the exhilaration of taking a trip.

Traveling requires a lot of time and planning, which can cause great stress and fatigue (Hasbrouck, 2011). Preparing for a trip is time-consuming because of the need to book accommodation, arrange for transport, and make all the necessary inquiries. On the other hand, trips usually involve pre-arranged plans that eliminate flexibility and the freedom to engage in other unrelated activities. Following strict schedules creates rigidity that eliminates the fun that is involved in traveling.

How to Choose a Trip

Choosing a trip is primarily based on the purpose of travel. People usually travel for reasons that include recreation, tourism, migration, work, religious pilgrimages, business, trade, and volunteer work, among others. Others travel to relax, discover new things, explore, and get acquainted with new cultures (Hasbrouck, 2011). If an individual is traveling to relax or for recreation, they may choose to visit historical sites and beaches. On the other hand, people who travel to learn and explore new places may choose to visit countries where communities that have preserved their traditions are found.

For adventure, they may choose to travel to countries with mountains and forests that can provide fun and enjoyable experiences. Those who travel for migration reasons choose countries that provide the opportunities they are looking for. The steps to choose a trip include the establishment of a purpose for traveling, research regarding countries and regions that can fulfill that purpose, and determination of all the requirements for traveling to that location, such as vaccination and learning a new language or skill. There are various types of trips available that serve the aforementioned purposes. The two most important aspects of taking a trip are determining the purpose of traveling and selecting the most appropriate travel option.

People travel for many reasons, including relaxation, recreation, work, business, adventure, migration, and exploration. Taking trips is beneficial because it offers an opportunity to learn, interact with new cultures, learn new languages, improve communication skills, gain new insights and perspectives regarding life and the world, and meet new and interesting people. In contemporary society, traveling has been made easier by globalization and technological advancements. Despite its benefits, traveling has disadvantages too. It is expensive, time-consuming, causes fatigue, and exposes people to risks of diseases. It is important for travelers to determine the purpose of their trips in order to enable them to choose the most appropriate travel plan or program. It is also important to make all the necessary inquiries and arrangements before traveling to avoid getting stuck in new places. For example, it could be necessary for a traveler to learn the basics of communication or language when traveling to certain areas of the world where indigenous languages are used. This is necessary for the enhancement of communication and interaction.

5 Benefits of Travelling . (2013). Web.

Hasbrouck, E. (2011). The Practical Nomad: How to Travel Around the World . New York, NY: Avalon Travel Publishing.

Marks, H. (n.d). 8 Benefits of Travelling . Web.

Mercer, L. (n.d). Educational Benefits of Travel . Web.

Mitchell, S. (2006). Global Adventure: Travelling Around the World . New York, NY: AuthorHouse.

Thumb, C. (n.d). The Pros and Cons of Travel . Web.

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"Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Essay." IvyPanda , 29 Oct. 2023,

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IvyPanda . "Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Essay." October 29, 2023.

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What Are the Pros and Cons of Traveling Abroad?

Find Out Whether International Travel Is Right for You

pros and cons of holidays essay

Visiting another country can reward you in many ways, but you will also encounter issues you would not face at home. Here are some points to consider as you think about traveling abroad.

What's in It for Me?

  • History - There is something special about standing where history happened. Whether you want to take a photo from Catherine the Great’s doorstep at St. Petersburg’s Winter Palace or walk along the Great Wall of China, there is an unmistakable thrill that comes from being where history was made.
  • World Cultures - Some travelers want to immerse themselves in another culture, trying everything from local foods to traditional sports. If you would like to travel like a local, choose a “home base” and rent an apartment or cottage where you can buy groceries, take walks, experience festivals and hang out with the neighborhood denizens. You will come away feeling you have really learned about your chosen city or region.
  • Food Adventures - For some vacationers, it’s all about the food. You might want to taste all the dishes you have seen on an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern or learn how to make veal marsala. If culinary adventures appeal to you, consider combining your trip abroad with cooking lessons or a wine tasting tour.
  • Sense of Accomplishment - Travel can be challenging if you are unfamiliar with the language, customs and cuisine of your destination country. For some travelers, that’s part of the fun. When you unscramble the dinner menu or finally board the right bus, you will feel an adrenaline rush and a sense of pride.
  • Dream Destinations - Perhaps your grandfather told you stories about Lake Como or played Hawaiian traditional music for you, and those experiences inspired you to consider traveling abroad. If you can supply an answer to “I’ve always wanted to visit (blank) because..." in five seconds or less, consider crossing a border or two during your next trip.
  • Learning Experiences - According to the American Society on Aging, your brain continues to make new cells and establish nerve connections throughout life. For this to happen, you must exercise your brain. Combining travel with learning experiences can keep your brain as healthy as the rest of your body.
  • Wonders of the World - Some travelers like to make lists of related destinations – such as the New 7 Wonders Of the World – and visit each place on their list. If you are looking for a worldwide travel project and climbing the Seven Summits isn’t your thing, a visit to each of the New 7 Wonders of the World could be just the project you’re looking for.
  • Family Connections - Many travelers decide to visit their ancestors’ homeland on their first trip abroad. Genealogy is an extremely popular hobby, and there is nothing quite like doing your research on-scene . You might see the buildings your ancestors lived in or meet a distant cousin. Finding new information about your ancestors and immersing yourself in their culture will add new dimensions to your family history research.

What Problems Could I Encounter While Traveling Abroad?

  • Language Difficulties - Learning a few words in another language can be a daunting experience. If language barriers bother you, but you would still like to visit another country, consider traveling with a tour group.
  • Increased Cost - Transportation costs add up quickly. If you want to travel to another country, you may discover that transportation costs use up a large portion of your budget. Save money by booking a tour or cruise through a travel agent who has access to promotions and discounts.
  • Poor Accessibility - Some destinations are not wheelchair-friendly. Elevators are narrow, important places do not have elevators or wheelchair ramps and curbs lack cuts. Subway travel might prove difficult – long staircases are a hallmark of subway stations – so you will need to check on elevator availability and learn how to request assistance before you travel. Check with a travel agent who specializes in accessible travel to find the best destinations for persons with your particular disability.
  • Dietary Issues - If you like to eat certain types of food – meat and potatoes, for example – expect to pay a premium for the meals you prefer when you travel abroad. Dietary restrictions and food allergies may present special problems. Wherever you travel, bring along a menu translation card or dictionary so you can discuss dining options with the wait staff.
  • Safety - While you can avoid most travel-related crimes by wearing a money belt, securing your valuables in hotel safes and staying away from high-crime areas, safety is still an important concern. You will need to identify safe places to stay and learn how to avoid scams and pickpockets .
  • Passport Problems - If you are traveling on the spur of the moment, you might not have time to get a passport. As soon as you think you might want to travel abroad, find out how to apply for a passport and start the application process.

How Can I Minimize Problems and Still Travel Abroad?

If you do not want to plan every detail of your trip, consider an escorted tour or international cruise. An independent tour, where the tour operator handles travel logistics but does not hold you to a set itinerary, might help you deal with details while giving you more schedule flexibility. Traveling with an experienced companion could be a cost-conscious way to see the world with a readily available helper.

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IELTS Writing Task 2: What Do You Think are the Benefits of Going Away on Holidays?

Haniya A

Updated On Dec 11, 2023

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IELTS Writing Task 2: What Do You Think are the Benefits of Going Away on Holidays?

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Many IELTS candidates struggle with the Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Module. Therefore, it is essential to improve your essay writing skills before taking the IELTS.

The  IELTS Writing Task 2  is a component of the IELTS General Training and Academic tests that evaluates your ability to craft a well-structured and cohesive essay in response to a provided topic.

This task presents you with a  direct question essay  that requires you to answer two direct questions related to a given statement. You are required to answer each question in a separate body paragraph . To further refine your IELTS writing skills, explore’s extensive collection of  IELTS writing task 2 practice tests .

For some people, the ideal holiday is to get away from their normal routine by staying in a hotel or camping in the countryside. Others prefer to stay at home and do things they do not normally have time for. What do you think are the benefits of going away on holidays? You should write at least 250 words.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Structure Breakdown

Band 7 sample answer, introduction.

The word “holiday” evokes a sense of relaxation, fun, and escape from the ordinary. While some people enjoy spending their holidays at home, I believe that the most rewarding and enriching experiences come from venturing away from our usual routines and immersing ourselves in new environments.

  • Body Paragraph 1:

One of the primary benefits of going away on holidays is the opportunity to explore new places, cultures, and cuisines. Traveling broadens our horizons, exposes us to different perspectives, and challenges our assumptions about the world. For instance, my trip to Japan opened my eyes to the beauty of traditional Japanese architecture, the richness of their culinary traditions, and the warmth and hospitality of the Japanese people.

  • Body Paragraph 2:

Travel also provides a much-needed break from the stresses of daily life. Stepping away from work, school, and household responsibilities allows us to relax, recharge, and return home feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. During my hiking trip in the mountains, I was able to disconnect from technology, enjoy the fresh air and scenery, and bond with friends while watching the morning sunrise. In addition to personal relaxation, traveling can also strengthen relationships and create lasting memories. Sharing new experiences with family or friends fosters closer bonds and provides a common ground for future conversations. I cherish the memories of my childhood vacations spent exploring new cities, swimming in the ocean, and playing games with my siblings.

  • Conclusion:

In conclusion, while there is certainly value in relaxing at home during holidays, I believe that the benefits of venturing away from our usual routines far outweigh the comfort of familiarity.

Traveling allows us to explore new worlds, connect with others, and grow as individuals. So, pack your bags, grab your passport, and embark on a journey of discovery – the rewards will be immense.

Band 7 Vocabulary

  • Evoke  – call forth

Example:  The old photograph evokes fond memories of childhood for the family.

  • Enriching  – making someone or something more valuable or enjoyable

Example:  Reading diverse books can be an enriching experience, broadening one’s perspective on various subjects.

  • Horizons  – the range of one’s knowledge or experience

Example:  Traveling to different countries broadens one’s horizons and understanding of different cultures.

  • Perspectives  – different ways of considering or viewing things

Example:  The debate highlighted the diverse perspectives on the issue, leading to a better understanding of its complexity.

  • Venturing  – to go somewhere or do something that is new or exciting

Example:  They are venturing into the world of entrepreneurship with their innovative startup idea.

  • Rejuvenated  – refreshed and made more lively

Example:  After a relaxing vacation, she felt rejuvenated and ready to tackle her work with renewed energy.

  • Reliance  – the state of relying on or depending on someone or something

Example:  The company’s expansion relied heavily on its skilled workforce and efficient management team.

  • Embark  – begin a journey or undertaking

Example:  They are set to embark on a journey to explore the hidden gems of South America.

  • Assumptions  – things that are assumed to be true without proof

Example:  Making assumptions without verifying the facts can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts

  • Rewards  – things that are given to someone as a recognition of their achievements or as compensation for their efforts

Example:  Her hard work and dedication earned her the rewards of a promotion and a salary raise.

Practice & Prepare with  IELTS Direct Question Essay Sample Questions and Answers

Band 8 Sample Answer

  • Introduction:

Some individuals hold the view that the ultimate holiday entails unwinding at home, lounging in bed, and indulging in activities typically sidelined due to time constraints.

Conversely, I am of the opinion that the most remarkable holiday experience occurs when individuals break away from their customary lives and immerse themselves in novel adventures. This essay will explore the benefits of spending holidays away from one’s familiar abode.

One of the main benefits of going away on holidays and trying new things makes us feel ecstatic and excited by giving us different experiences and perspectives. For instance, during my trip to Iceland, I got to witness the awe-inspiring Northern Lights, and explore otherworldly glacial landscapes, and immerse myself in the vibrant culture of Reykjavík. These places filled me with happiness that lasted even after my trip ended.

Furthermore, Another important benefit worth considering is the opportunity to encounter and engage with new individuals, fostering meaningful conversations and connections. For example, during my camping trip by the river, I was excited to meet new friends, which was much more enjoyable than staying at home. Sharing food, discussing life, and telling stories during these conversations made my holiday even more special.


To sum up, it is evident that there are many different ways to spend holidays, but the best way, I’d suggest, is to try something different from your usual routine, as going on holiday to new places can really help people in ways that staying at home can’t.

Band 8 Vocabulary

  • Entails  – involves or necessitates

Example:  Cooking dinner entails preparing the ingredients and following the recipe carefully.

  • Unwinding  – relaxing or resting after being active

Example:  After a long day at work, she enjoys unwinding by taking a warm bath.

  • Lounging  – relaxing in a comfortable or leisurely way

Example:  Spending the weekend lounging on the couch, and watching movies is her favorite way to relax.

  • Indulging in  – enjoying something to the full

Example:  During the vacation, they indulge in delicious local cuisine and decadent desserts.

  • Sidelined  – not included in something

Example:  He felt sidelined during the meeting as his ideas were not considered by the group.

  • Conversely  – on the other hand

Example:  She enjoys hot coffee in the morning; conversely, she prefers iced tea in the afternoon.

  • Remarkable  – worthy of attention; striking

Example:  The singer’s remarkable voice captivated the entire audience during the concert.

  • Immerse  – surround or involve completely

Example:  The virtual reality game allows players to immerse themselves in a completely different world.

  • Abode  – a house or home

Example:  Their new abode in the countryside is a cozy cottage surrounded by greenery and tranquility.

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Band 9 Sample Answer 

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The concept of an ideal holiday varies among individuals. While some prefer the escape offered by hotels or the simplicity of countryside camping, others find comfort in staying at home and engaging in neglected activities. In this essay, Let’s discuss the benefits of going away on holidays, emphasizing its role in personal growth, cultural enrichment, and the fostering of meaningful connections with others.

First and foremost, venturing beyond one’s familiar routine fosters exploration and adventure. Exposure to diverse cultures and landscapes cultivates empathy and cultural awareness. For example, my trip to Korea exposed me to the intricacies of Korean culture, leading to a deeper appreciation for their customs and traditions. Additionally, stepping outside one’s comfort zone and meeting unfamiliar situations cultivates the development of crucial life skills, such as adaptability and problem-solving abilities.

Furthermore, taking a holiday allows individuals to unwind and replenish their energy. Stepping away from daily stressors reduces anxiety and enhances overall mental well-being. Studies have demonstrated that individuals who take regular breaks and indulge in recreational activities exhibit improved productivity and a heightened sense of creativity upon returning to their daily routines.

In conclusion, while some find solace in the familiarity of their homes, I believe that the benefits of going away on holidays are multifaceted. They contribute to personal growth, enhance cultural understanding, and strengthen interpersonal bonds. Thus, recognizing the pivotal role of holidays in promoting holistic well-being is crucial. Finally, embracing the opportunities that holidays offer is essential for a fulfilling and enriching life.

Band 9 Vocabulary

  • Simplicity  – the state of being simple or not complicated

Example:  A plain black dress is an example of simplicity in fashion.

  • Exploration  – the act of traveling or searching in order to find new places or learn new things

Example:  Going on a hike to discover a new trail is an example of exploration.

  • Intricacies  – the details or complexities of something

Example:  Only a true expert could understand the intricacies involved in the process of creating such delicate artwork.

  • Stepping outside  – leaving behind or going beyond something

Example:  Trying a new type of cuisine is like stepping outside your culinary comfort zone.

  • Adaptability  – the ability to change or adjust to different conditions

Example:  Being able to quickly switch from one task to another shows adaptability in the workplace.

  • Problem-solving  – the ability to find solutions to problems

Example:  Figuring out how to fix a broken toy is an example of problem-solving for a child.

  • Replenish  – to fill up or replace something that has been used up

Example:  Refilling a water bottle when it’s empty is a way to replenish your hydration.

  • Stressors  – things that cause stress or anxiety

Example:  Tight deadlines and heavy traffic can be stressors for many people.

  • Mental well-being  – the state of being healthy and happy in the mind

Example:  Engaging in relaxing activities like reading or painting can promote mental well-being.

  • Holistic  – relating to the whole of something rather than just a part

Example:  Treating a patient’s physical, emotional, and social needs all at once is an example of holistic healthcare.

Connectors Used in the Above Sample Answers

Connectors, also known as connectives or transition words, are words or phrases that link ideas or parts of a sentence or paragraph together. Here are some of the connectors used in the above sample answers:

  • First and foremost
  • Additionally
  • For example
  • Furthermore
  • In conclusion
  • For instance
  • Consequently
  • Nonetheless
  • In addition

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Haniya Yashfeen A, a seasoned Senior Content Marketing Specialist in the IELTS domain, blends her passion for reading with a profound understanding of content marketing to craft engaging and informative content for a global audience seeking IELTS guidance. With a strong grasp of SEO principles, she effectively drives organic traffic and enhances online visibility, consistently delivering successful content campaigns.

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  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Traveling Abroad

Advantages and Disadvantages of Travelling Abroad

Lakshmi Lavanya Pagallu

Updated On Oct 13, 2023

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Top 10 Advantages of Traveling Abroad

Top 5 disadvantages of traveling abroad, tips to encash disadvantages to advantages, traveling abroad, surely has much more for you to uncover.

“Live life to the fullest. You have to color outside the lines. Once in a while, if you want to make your life a masterpiece.” - Albert Einstein

The most commonly heard hobby from all age groups is “Traveling”. While few take it as a way to get away from everyday hassles and stress, some of them take it as an opportunity to learn and explore different cultures, and nationalities. Irrespective of whether it is for revitalization or for exploring, there are various advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad.

Amidst this traveling abroad imbibes mixed emotions for the traveler, as on one hand he has the packed excitement from what could be expected to form his or her trip and on the flip side he or she is holding his/her worries for any possible barriers or problems they might have to face in the foreign land.

So, if you are also someone who has the mindset to travel and explore abroad, we have cumulated a quick read through the pros and cons of traveling abroad.

Having the advantages of traveling listed might be long or maybe never-ending because when you travel you grab your own set of benefits, experiences, and certain advantages. However, we have listed the 10 best advantages below:

1. Strengthens your life skills

Life Skills are essential for everyone. Not necessary that you need to be born with it, certainly life skills can be nurtured, and traveling is the best school to strengthen your Life skills from Communication, decision–making, interpersonal skills, creative thinking, empathy, and more.

Traveling in a way introduces you to the hard facts of life that hype your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, ensuring your sustained peace and readiness for future uncertainties or challenges.

2. Helps attain the most required boost for your emotional and mental revitalization

Traveling not just helps with life learning and experiences but has a significant role in wellness and health.

Holiday has been believed for a long as the best getaway from your daily stressful schedules and to replenish your body and soul, through nature’s way (therapy).

3. Expand your thinking horizons

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” - Mark Twain

Traveling to different places or rather a journey away from your safe hub brings in many experiences and learnings, one of the major of which is broad-mindedness and new ways of thinking.

When you travel to different foreign lands you get to explore their culture, festivity, diversity, and much more, (default) as part of your trip but this plays a crucial role in indirectly understanding to evolve from the misconception society that’s been prevailing around.

4. Contributes to your self-development and personal growth

Considering the pros and cons of traveling, one of the major benefits or rather say advantages is that you gain confidence and other major skills (practically) required to sustain a better life.

While you travel you get to explore many places, a chance to witness their lives and strive (which we generally do not specifically take note of in our daily life), this will make you understand and realize the hard facts of life and nurture you towards a more organized and systematized living.

Traveling no doubt involves meeting new people (co-travelers, residents, etc.), hence interactions for sure which bring out or develop your communication skills and build confidence.

5. Experience different cultures and diversity

Exploring and experiencing different diversities and cultures can introduce you to very varied learning concerning their history, living, eating habits, behavior, festivals, celebrations, etc.

This also helps you to view life from a new perspective, strengthening your knowledge and morale.

6. Explore and live the foreign beauty

“Surely, of all the wonders of the world, the horizon is the greatest.” - Freya Stark

One of the additional benefits of traveling also includes the unique and breathtaking sceneries.

Sometimes nothing too very special but the benefit here is the moment you hold on (a while longer) to appreciate its essence, brings you the true definition of utter bliss and satisfaction.

7. Booster to start your career (business)

You never know how! exploring, meeting new people, communicating, and understanding the different perspectives and gaps might hype your interest toward the required push for you to set up your career pathways (business)

8. Explore yourself

“You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your way can illuminate the world.” - Oprah Winfrey.

Traveling can help discover yourself – your interests, your passion, and sometimes even help search for the meaning of your life.

Traveling indirectly (but directly) brings a huge change in your daily routine (for the time being that you travel), hence ropes in great leisure to ponder over your thinking, life, interests, etc helping to strengthen your connection with your soul.

9. The best opportunity to learn foreign languages

Among the best advantages, traveling abroad could include the learning experience of new languages among the natives and not as a course or by being part of an institute. It’s a known fact that we humans learn faster while doing it.

Read More: 11 Ultimate Benefits of Learning a Second Language

10. Networking (personal and professional connections)

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” -Tim Cahill

Traveling not just can be benefiting for learning and exploring but also includes building connections.

These connections can be in terms of new friends (meeting people from different nations and bonding with them on the go, irrespective of their backgrounds, status, etc.) or maybe one of these people you meet could refer you to your future employer (you surely gain the benefit of physical networking rather than online).

Also, international experiences can be the brownie points for your next employment consideration as companies prefer people who are adaptable and flexible. This could be a major advantage for people in the marketing or advertising domain.

Where the list of advantages of traveling abroad is impressively long and unique concerning the individual traveler, this act also accounts for fewer disadvantages that we as well might list down.

Before we read through the list below it is also important to note that the disadvantages do not necessarily apply to every of your foreign travel package, there are as well aspects like time, place (destination), etc.

1. You might miss the Company

Traveling alone does have a few drawbacks and one of the majorly felt or experienced is the feeling of isolation or loneliness.

Where every day of yours is filled with peers or known faces suddenly moving around between unfamiliar places and people might be overwhelming to start with.

2. You might feel disassociated or distanced from your nativity

This is something common among long-term travelers, spending a long period at home surely does introduce you to an altogether new world and scenario, but might have you loosen your strength or hold on to your roots.

This according to me is certainly not a complete disadvantage if you bag in more advantages collateral to it like broadening your perspective or thinking horizons, discovering yourself like such.

3. Traveling might decrease your saving

As the act is certainly not economically free, the cost involved can stress you down a little, but on the brighter side to it, you get to gain a lot more than invested which certainly not in monetary terms but rather, as a person or emotionally (a lot more meaningful than money) along with building ways to economic standing.

4. Health problems

Well changing atmosphere and environment can take a toll on your health, not just that the change in the time zones and different cuisines can further hit you with dietary problems.

5. Might miss important dates

Though this disadvantage is not mandatory, sometimes it might have its reflection on the traveler’s life if you are involved in very long periods of traveling.

Anyway, this problem is not difficult to resolve, you can probably plan your travel dates considering the life events, another way for it to risk missing it (weighing the importance of the event).

  • Ensure to make a note of your travel requirements (necessities) like medicines, things to help your guidance, etc.
  • While ordering food ensure to check with (read through if possible) the ingredients to reduce any possible health issues.
  • Check with the destination’s climate and weather checks to ensure the suitable clothing is packed.
  • Try traveling with a company as this reduces your loneliness yet is effective for exploring and shared learning.
  • Ensure not to have frequent long traveling – traveling can be an advantage when added to your resume but overdoing is not suggestive as this might hinder your work efficiency.

While traveling ropes in many learnings and experiences, the act has been witnessing high growth in numbers year on year. Traveling is a package of numerous factors namely sharing, learning, smiling, enjoying, adventure, exciting, growing, and so on all in all the conclusion that can actively draw here is relaxing, revitalizing, exploring, and most importantly transforming.

Hope this article has charged you up to get on and plan your next destination. Ensure to make your checklist and pinpoint the tips mentioned above so that you do not miss any of the possible experiences of a lifetime.

“You only live once ensure to make the Best of it ”

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  • Settle abroad
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Lakshmi Lavanya Pagallu has been working as Content Marketing Specialist with GetGIS since 2022 and has been extensively working to help candidates’ career transitions. Her experience spans across multiple industries in the fields of Sales and Marketing. Her core competencies include communication and research, which enable her to create and deliver in-depth guides as a Subject Matter Expert

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How to Write a Pros & Cons Essay: Step-By-Step Guide

Trying to convince someone to take your word on a particular subject isn’t straightforward. You must present convincing arguments backed by proof to encourage your opponent to change their mind. Moreover, the pros and cons essay must also cover the opposing standpoints.

You may wonder why this is relevant. Undoubtedly, most issues in our modern society are multidimensional and double or often triple-sided. There’s no concept clearly black and white, for the simple reason that no two people on Earth have an identical point of view.

Therefore, writing pro and con essays is vital for students of all ages. In the process, you will learn to think analytically and reason things from different angles. Whatever your thoughts on the topic, you must prove your point by offering convincing evidence and facts.

For those who never had the chance to write a pros & cons essay, the time has come to take the plunge. The start may be intimidating, but you’ll soon get the hang of it. To help you, we list a few helpful tips and examples to consider for your pro and con paper.

What Is a Pros and Cons Essay?

Before you set your aims high, let’s explain what for and against essays are. You must also understand the importance of this kind of academic assignment to write efficiently. A pros & cons essay is a written task that elaborates on the advantages and disadvantages of a specific problem. The paper covers different sides of a single topic where your argument prevails.

The most challenging aspect for students is that they can’t just list the benefits and drawbacks of a pressing matter. Instead, they must summarize ideas, like when writing a synthesis essay , and pick a side by stating their point. Moreover, the paper must have a logical flow that ends with your attitude.

The introduction should signpost the direction in which you’re steering. State your opinion only after you’ve meticulously analyzed all for and against arguments.

What to Consider When Writing a Pros and Cons Essay

A Compelling Topic

The topic you choose must have inherent positive and negative sides. Avoid themes with evident benefits and no disadvantages. Similarly, skip obviously disadvantageous topics because those are tiresome and time-consuming. For example, write about an issue with pronounced bad and good sides, such as advertising, online education, or modern technologies. However, the ultimate decision will depend on the course specifics and your professor’s guidelines.

Relevant Ideas

Your work must offer a unique perspective on a central idea. And you must support the main claim with at least three arguments. Including every possible pro and con will overwhelm the reader and won’t make your work impactful.

Instead, write about the core aspects of the issue. You can find numerous relevant examples on Paperell if you lack inspiration. Also, ensure you discuss the strongest point at the onset. Similarly, refute the most relevant con in the end to demonstrate your ability to handle opposing views.

Write in the traditional format. It should consist of an introduction, middle paragraphs (one paragraph for each idea), and a conclusion. Use short and concise sentences to avoid losing yourself in your thoughts. Run-on sentences will confuse the reader and impede seamless reading.


Refrain from copying other works without including quotations. Your paper must be 100% authentic. If you decide to seek assistance from a platform that offers online essays for sale , ensure it is reliable. Most custom paper services abide by strict academic standards and deliver plagiarism-free work.

Make sure your ideas are relevant, supported by facts, and not arbitrary. Also, typos are unacceptable for these kinds of assignments. To avoid losing points on technical aspects, review your grammatical structures and use plenty of synonyms for the keywords in the essay.

How to Write a Pros and Cons Essay?

For a rookie, the essay composition process might prove an uphill task. However, with practice, you’ll become more efficient and productive. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write your essay.

Do Thorough Research

Examine the assigned topic and focus on important information on the subject. Try to find credible sources that are objective and fact-based. Though you probably have an opinion on the problem, don’t let it blur your objectivity.

Brainstorm the Advantages and Disadvantages

Once you find enough positive and negative sides of the matter, write them in a list. Ensure you provide examples for each point, as you’d do in exemplification essay writing for your college assignments. Write two columns and rate items by relevance. The top three benefits should go in the paper.

Draft the Essay Skeleton

Decide what outline you’ll use. One approach is to write each pro and con in different paragraphs. Alternatively, you might want to dedicate every paragraph to one aspect of the dilemma, discussing both pros and cons simultaneously.

Be Creative

Start your journey with an attention-grabbing idea that urges your audience to keep reading. To this end, choose a hook for an essay that is topic-related and amusing. Also, when writing a pros and cons paper, the thesis statement should tell the reader what follows.

In the body section, discuss the points you decided to include but with examples and facts. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence, and all explanations should relate to the main claim. The conclusion must summarize the essay, restate your position, and compel the reader to contemplate the problem.

Editing and proofreading your work is critical for an impeccable essay. Ensure your punctuation, spelling, and grammar are error-free.

Plagiarism Free Pros & Cons Essay

Writing a 100% original manuscript isn’t straightforward. As much as you try to paraphrase, sophisticated tools recognize your attempts. The same will happen with the trained eye of your professor. Consider the following tips to avoid plagiarized essays.

Cite Properly

Citations are vital, so you must give credit to all sources you’re using in your paper. This way, you show you can borrow information with integrity. Failure to include quotations and references is plagiarism. The best way to cite a study or research is to follow the APA style.

Use a Plagiarism Checker

Your teachers use specialized tools to check the plagiarism level in your essay. Doing this will spare you a lot of trouble and effort. Try your free plagiarism checker with percentage to get a detailed report on your work. If you spot copied content, rewrite it to express your ideas differently.

Be Original

Pros and cons essays reveal your side on a specific subject. Hence, there’s nothing wrong with sticking to your opinions. With original ideas, you won’t have to worry about plagiarism. Still, always base your thoughts on relevant research and use the conclusion to call for action. Need help with the pros and cons essay? You can pay for papers online to get professional help. Also, ask your instructors or teachers to help you understand the topic.

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The Pros and Cons of Traveling in Your Own Country

Exploring the benefits and drawbacks of domestic travel.

Traveling in your own country offers a wide range of experiences, from exploring hidden gems to revisiting familiar places with a fresh perspective. Many people are rediscovering the charm of domestic travel, appreciating the convenience and opportunities it provides. While it has its advantages, there are also some drawbacks to consider. In this article, we'll delve into the pros and cons of traveling in your own country, helping you make informed decisions for your next adventure.

Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or a longer vacation, understanding the benefits and drawbacks of exploring your own country can enhance your travel experiences. Let's explore the advantages and disadvantages of domestic travel, shedding light on both the positive and challenging aspects.

Discover the numerous advantages of traveling in your own country, from convenience to cultural exploration. Let's delve into the enticing benefits that domestic travel offers.

Missing a pro?

While traveling in your own country is enticing, it also presents certain challenges that can impact your experiences. Let's explore the drawbacks of domestic travel and ways to mitigate them.

Missing a con?

Traveling in your own country offers an array of benefits, from convenience and cultural discovery to supporting local economies. While domestic travel presents some challenges, such as familiarity and limited diversity, overcoming these drawbacks can enhance your explorations and enrich your travel experiences. By understanding the pros and cons of traveling in your own country, you can make informed decisions and maximize the opportunities for memorable adventures close to home.

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Poll: package holidays or independent travel?

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written by Rough Guides Editors

updated 04.03.2019


Let’s be realistic: booking a holiday can be stressful. There’s a torrent of information on the internet on destinations, flights, accommodation and everything in between. Before you start to plan, there are a thousand questions to ask.

Why book a package holiday?

Why book independently, how do you book your holidays.

How do I get the best deal on flights? Where should I stay? When should I go? And the most important question of all: where should I go?

This is where package holidays came in – and they remain extremely popular.

It’s easy, stress-free and often more secure. If you’re booking a package, you’re likely to have an expert on hand to answer questions before you book, during the process and afterwards. They’ll remind you that you’ll need travel insurance , and take care of any extras like car hire and airport transfers.

Packages can sometimes be cheaper too, as travel agents will occasionally offer vast discounts on last-minute departures.

Package holidays are also a blessing when you’re travelling with children : if the prospect of a holiday with the kids seems daunting at first, a package booking will take the weight off your mind and put the responsibility into someone else’s hands. Then you’re just in charge of remembering all the baby food and in-flight entertainment.


© Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Freedom. If you don’t mind doing a bit of research – here is a good place to start – then booking independently can be a little more rewarding, and not just in the financial sense.

Not only will you be able to find the cheapest flights at the best time for you, but you’ll also be able to choose from a wider range of accommodation and can work to far more flexible dates.

If you’re a budget traveller, this is the option for you, as package holidays are often focused on a more luxury experience or they’re designed for families.

If you’re travelling alone or in a couple and still want a bit of comfort on the road, you could book an organised tour for when you arrive so you’re not entirely responsible for the itinerary.

Top image © Preto Perola/Shutterstock

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The Pros and Cons of Year-Round School Calendars

A balanced calendar replaces summer with shorter, more frequent breaks.

Pros and Cons of Year-Round School

Mother and daughters with their backs turned, go hand in hand on the way to school. Concept of education and back to school.

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Although students at a school with a balanced calendar might only get four or five weeks off in the summer, they’ll also get two weeks or so off in the fall, winter and spring.

For most children in the United States, the word “summer” evokes images of a carefree two- to three-month-long escape from the classroom.

But that summer break looks different for those on year-round school calendars, also known as balanced school calendars.

What Is Year-Round Schooling?

School districts using a year-round or balanced calendar redistribute the standard 180 days of classroom instruction more evenly over the course of a year.

Although students at a school with a balanced calendar might only get four or five weeks off in the summer, they’ll also get two weeks or so off in the fall, winter and spring. Some schools on this calendar also use a multi-track system, meaning that students are assigned to different groups, each with its own vacation schedule.

Though the vast majority of schools using a year-round calendar feature 180 days of instruction, some districts have tried extended year-round calendars, which add on extra school days in an effort to increase student achievement. Experts note, however, that these are fairly rare in the United States.

There are many different ways to divide up the balanced calendar, but a common model is the 45/15 version, wherein students attend school for a 45-day period, followed by a 15-day vacation. This cycle repeats four times throughout the school year, taking into account holidays that take place throughout the year (students on a balanced calendar still receive three days off around Thanksgiving, for example).

How Year-Round Schooling Got Started

Though longer, year-round school calendars were fairly common in the early days of American schooling, the traditional nine-month calendar prevailed as the norm by the beginning of the 20th century.

The year-round calendar as we know it today was introduced in the 1970s, as school districts looked for a way to deal with rapidly increasing student populations. By scheduling students on different tracks with staggered vacations, administrators could expand the capacity of existing school buildings. However, the number of public schools using this calendar declined from 6% in 1999 to just 3% in 2018, according to an analysis published in EducationNext . Many districts that do year-round schooling are in the South and West.

But since the COVID-19 pandemic, a few states and districts are looking at balanced calendars as a way to combat the learning loss that occurred following the shift to remote and hybrid learning in 2020. For example in Washington, the state superintendent's office used some of its emergency pandemic funding to introduce the Balanced Calendar Initiative, which has provided grants to more than 40 school districts to study the balanced calendar’s potential for their district.

And in South Carolina, about a quarter of the state’s school districts have switched over to the balanced calendar in the past three years, according to local news reports, with even more planning to make the change.

“The COVID-19 pandemic really gave school districts a reason to look at how we organize when teaching and learning happens,” says Latoya Dixon, assistant superintendent of academic innovation and professional learning at York School District 1 in South Carolina, which will be transitioning to a balanced calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.

Here are some of the pros and cons of year-round calendar systems.

Pros of Year-Round School

More frequent, evenly spaced breaks.

One of the advantages of a balanced calendar is that students get more frequent breaks throughout the year, which proponents of the model say can help reduce burnout among teachers and students.

Daniel Jones, a public high school teacher and doctoral student in educational leadership at St. Louis University , says he suspects that longer breaks during the school year could have a positive effect on students’ mental health, particularly in a post-pandemic world.

Dixon also notes that in her state, students on the traditional calendar have a slightly longer semester in the spring than they do in the fall.

“In terms of instruction, a student who takes Algebra I first semester receives 87 days of instruction, versus a student who takes Algebra I second semester gets 93 days,” she says, noting that the balanced calendar levels out this difference by creating more even periods of instruction.

Intercession Instruction

Year-round education allows for additional enrichment opportunities during the short breaks or "intercessions" that occur throughout the school year, allowing students to either catch up or get ahead in their studies.

Jones and Dixon agree that the year-round calendar can create some challenges for working parents who need to coordinate childcare during the added breaks throughout the year. To make up for that, many schools on balanced calendar systems offer additional instruction during those breaks.

“Some people have a misconception that year-round schools just let the kids go,” Jones says. “But they understand a lot of parents are working, so a lot of those schools will offer programming or enrichment opportunities during those intercessions.”

Less Summer Learning Loss

Advocates of year-round calendar systems often cite reduced summer learning loss as a reason to shift away from the traditional calendar.

The logic here seems sound – since students have shorter summer breaks, there’s less time to forget what they learned during the school year.

That said, a study by Paul von Hippel, associate dean for research at the University of Texas—Austin’s School of Public Affairs, found that while the year-round approach did increase summer learning, learning decreased during other times of the year, ultimately evening out the amount of learning loss between both calendars.

Cons of Year-Round School

Little evidence of academic benefits.

Von Hippel notes that much of the research cited in favor of the year-round calendar falls flat upon further scrutiny, as studies showing significant academic benefits tend to look at a fairly small sample size, and are often not even peer-reviewed.

He says studies that analyze data from several school districts show little in the way of significant educational improvements when schools switched to a year-round calendar – and some even see slight declines in academic performance.

“This is really what policymakers should be looking at,” von Hippel says.

Childcare Difficulties

Year-round education can pose a challenge for working parents who need to arrange childcare during breaks that don't align with their work schedules. When her district was voting on whether or not to adopt the balanced calendar system, Dixon says this was the most frequent complaint that skeptics of the calendar brought up.

Though childcare may be hard enough to figure out during the summer, it can be even more challenging to schedule ways to keep your child safe and occupied during those additional breaks, when most full-day camps and recreation programs are not available. This challenge might even discourage some parents from staying in the workforce altogether – von Hippel cites a 2013 study that found mothers in districts on the year-round calendar were less likely to enter the workforce when their children started kindergarten.

Shorter Summers

It’s no secret that the summer is a popular time for families to take time off. Shortening the season can make it harder for families to find the time for traditional summer vacations like hiking, camping or spending time at a nearby beach.

A briefer summer break also makes it harder for kids to attend a sleepaway camp or for teens to work a summer job or internship.

For families with multiple children, planning a vacation on the year-round calendar can be especially tricky. This is particularly difficult on a multi-track system, where one child might be on break while another child is in class, von Hippel says.

And given the fact that families often plan vacations well in advance, the transition from a traditional calendar to a balanced one can also be challenging. In addition to childcare troubles, Dixon says some parents in her district voted against the switch because they’d already scheduled their summer vacations and would have to go through the trouble of rescheduling to accommodate the new calendar.

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10 Advantages And Disadvantages of Package Tours and Holidays 

Published by roslin dwivedi on april 29, 2023 april 29, 2023.

Last Updated on November 8, 2023 by Roslin Dwivedi

Jungfrau trip

Package tours and holidays are a popular way to travel for decades. With a package tour, you can visit multiple destinations, often at a discounted rate, with all the logistics taken care of for you.

The advantages of package tours and holidays offer convenience, stress-free and cost-saving trips. 

They usually include transportation, accommodation, and other services at one price, which can be significantly cheaper than booking each part separately. 

Another advantage of package tours is that they also provide access to some popular attractions which are not easy to book for a single person. The disadvantages of package tours are that you may not have as much flexibility or freedom as you would if you made your arrangements. 

Once upon a time, we went on a tour of Jungfraujoch . We had booked online for our family of 2 adults and a baby. Upon reaching the destination. Not the train journeys, the main destination where you get to go to the museum and also to the top of Europe, the mountain of Jungfraujoch . What annoyed us was the Indian tour guides treating the Indian tourists like goats. The moment the elevator opened to go up, the guide did not let the people come out of it and yelled at his tourists, “Go go go, run inside, fast-fast.” This scene made us feel bad for those who were unknowingly portraying to the world over there that Indians don’t have etiquette.

Anyways, that was a small example of a package tour. As a large tour group, you may not experience the destination as much as if you went alone. Also, some package tours can be inflexible and may not let you make changes or cancellations if your plans change or in case of an emergency. 

In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of package tours and holidays so you can make a firm decision before your next trip.

people walking on narrow street between residential buildings

10 Advantages and disadvantages of Package tours and holidays

Advantages of package tours and holidays,  1. cost –.

Package tours are money-saving. One of the advantages of package tours and holidays is the cost savings. By booking all your travel arrangements, such as transportation and accommodation, as a package deal, you may get a better rate than booking each component separately. Tour companies often have negotiated rates with hotels, airlines, and other providers, which they pass on to their customers. This means you can enjoy an affordable vacation that you would be able to arrange on your own. A cheap tour package offers hotel stays in a 4-star hotel, which can be expensive if you book it separately. They provide airport transfers and drops and also cover all the famous tourist destinations. But if you arrange your accommodation and travel separately, your trip may become expensive. 

2. Convenience –

You don’t have to worry about booking yourself flights, good accommodations or activities on a package tour. Everything is pre-arranged and incredibly convenient for you. 

So you don’t have to worry about travel arrangements and unexpected changes on your itinerary. You can sit relaxed, knowing that everything has been taken care of.

But if you book it separately, you will have to do plenty of Google searches, look for cheap flight deals, inexpensive hotels, probably not a 4-star, book a rental car for the trip, get an international driving license etc.

3. Variety –

On package tours and holidays, you will have the chance to visit multiple locations in one trip. 

This is great for the people who like to explore more in a short amount of time. 

You can enjoy the convenience of having everything planned out for you, while experiencing a variety of different places

Since package tours cover multiple destinations in one day. They often start early in the morning and finish close to the evening. Which may be very tiring for families with elderly and small kids. They can’t just keep exploring continuously. Whereas when you plan alone for your family, you rent a car and you decide on your trip according to your parents and kid’s convenience. This is a happy experience for everyone in the family other than the fact that you covered many areas of the town in one day. 

4. Stress-free –

All the hard work of research, planning and booking is done for you on a package holiday, so you can relax and enjoy the journey. Planning a trip can be stressful, especially if you are unfamiliar with the destination. With a package tour, all the hard work is done for you. You don’t have to spend hours researching accommodation options or trying to find the best deals on flights. Everything is pre-arranged, so all you have to do is show up and enjoy your vacation.

When you are making the vacation plan yourself, you will have to do all the research yourself. Read multiple Google and Trip Advisor reviews for the best place to stay on your budget and tours and hidden gems if any. 

5. Connections –

Package tours often offer exclusive access to certain attractions, activities and events that you wouldn’t be able to get to on your own. Many package tours offer exclusive access to certain attractions, activities, and events that you wouldn’t be able to get to on your own. For example, you may be able to skip the lines at popular attractions or gain access to exclusive tours that aren’t available to the general public. This can add an extra level of excitement and exclusivity to your trip.

Disadvantages of Package Tours and Holidays

 1. limited freedom – .

You may not have much control over the itinerary, and you may be restricted to the set times for activities. One of the biggest disadvantages of package tours is the limited freedom. You may not have as much control over the itinerary as you would if you planned the trip yourself. The tour company sets schedules and activities that you need to follow, which can limit your ability to explore the destination on your terms. You may also have limited free time to do your activities, which can be frustrating for some travellers.

The package tour itinerary is not as comforting. They have set days for set activities, in case you are not well on a certain day, they won’t refund you the money nor they change the activity date because they have everything lined up as prior decided.

2. Quality of accommodation – 

Another disadvantage of package tours is the quality of accommodation. While some package tours offer high-quality accommodation options, others may provide lower-quality accommodations to keep costs down. This is disappointing if you were expecting a certain level of comfort or amenities. It is based on the package you chose. Do check all the stays, transfers and activities in detail properly before you confirm.

3. Limited flexibility – 

You may not have the chance to stay longer in one place or take detours if you want to. Package tours are often inflexible. This can be frustrating if you want to explore a particular area in detail or if you want to change your plans on the fly. Additionally, some package tours may have strict cancellation policies, which makes it difficult to change your itinerary.

From our past travels, I have noticed that group tours are bound to a specific time limit for a place. For instance, if you want to spend more time at a palace or a palace garden, you can’t do that freely. Because you have to join the group in one hour or less. Me and my husband were left behind because we couldn’t make it to the bus on time and they left us. After we called them they told us to get into another tourist bus and they caught us later at another attraction in Dubai. 

4. Limited options – 

With some package tours, you may not get the chance to choose activities or meals. Once, I was checking for a holiday package for Mauritius, but the provider did not include any activities in the package. The holiday package only had hotels, transfers and basic city tours. If I wanted to add something, I had to pay extra charges. So I dropped the idea of booking with a packaged holiday maker and planned our itinerary. 

 5. Unpredictable weather – 

Your holiday may be affected by unpredictable weather. And you may not change your plans if needed. 

Final words

Whether you go with package tours and holidays or make your travel plans, there will always be advantages and disadvantages of package tours and holidays that will make you think twice. In this article, I have tried to simplify your queries. I hope these comparisons will help you plan your vacation with ease.

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Roslin Dwivedi

Hi! I am Roslin, a travel blogger. I am a gastronomist, an excursionist and love to learn about a different culture. Apart from travel updates, you will find some aha moments and life learnings in my blog. My writing recipe includes a little bit of humour only to see you smiling. You can find me on my website, Facebook and Instagram as Travelnlifewithroaz.

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Vibrant Experiences · January 31, 2024 at 9:51 am

Hey Travel Enthusiasts! At Vibrant Experiences, we believe every journey is a story waiting to be told. We get that package tours have pros and cons, but the magic lies in finding the perfect balance. Our curated packages ensure hassle-free adventures, leaving you free to soak in every moment. Explore the world with us – where memories meet vibrant experiences!

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The pros and cons of school holidays

For children and teachers the holidays are a welcome break from school, but for many parents they can prove a headache

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Children on holiday

1. Pro: sufficient breaks for kids

2. con: effect on learning, 3. pro: good for teachers, 4. con: pressure on parents, 5. pro: summer is best time for break, 6. con: exacerbates inequality.

For most children in the UK, the school holidays are a welcome reprieve after weeks of learning. For some parents, however, the school holidays can be an unwelcome time of logistical stress and financial pressure.

The Week Independent Schools Guide, Spring/Summer 2023 Best children’s books for the summer holidays How to get help with childcare costs

With most working parents unable to take leave for the duration of the school holidays throughout the year, the impending breaks can be a “mix of panic, overwork, trying to find money for childcare and begging for help from grandparents”, said Allegra Chapman for the i news site. The “combination of the cost-of-living crisis and the long school holidays” also piles on the pressure for parents, said Katharine Swindells at City Monitor, and many parents “will be forced to give up work or reduce their hours” to look after their children.

For teachers, the holidays are “necessary for a break for both pupils and themselves”, said Yahoo! News , although they may “benefit from more spread-out breaks”, argued Chapman.

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While the UK’s current school holiday calendar is a long-standing tradition, there is an ongoing debate as to whether school breaks should adapt to changes and pressures in society.

The 91 days of holiday given to schoolchildren in the UK can be beneficial in allowing them time away from the rigours of structured learning.

The six-week summer break particularly gives them time to “just be kids”, mother-of-two and former teacher Jo Otto argued in Yahoo! News, providing sufficient time for “children to have other opportunities” and “learn other skills outside of what they learn at school”. For parents, it can also be “precious time spent with them” within busy schedules.

Pupils can lose up to “40% of the gains they have made over the school year while on summer break”, a 2020 study showed, often known as “‘summer slide’, or ‘summer learning loss’, reversing some of the progress students have made over the year”, said Forbes .

It seems true that “disparities in academic attainment, particularly around reading and language, grow during breaks”, Jon Kay of the Education Endowment Foundation told The Guardian . This can be largely “explained by levels of access to books and stimulation like museum visits”, which is much easier for affluent pupils, while those from poorer backgrounds tend to “stay stationary”.

The idea of shortening holidays is “incredibly unpopular with teachers” and would impact “the recruitment of high-quality teachers”, Kay said, and the UK’s summer holiday is already “one of the shortest in the OECD countries”.

Indeed, when the Welsh government launched a consultation on shortening school holidays and spreading them throughout the year, it immediately put “education unions on the defence”, Neil Butler, the national official for Wales for teaching union NASUWT, told the BBC . He said that if the “six weeks were reduced, you’d see a mass exodus from the profession”.

The summer break is a “key time for teachers to switch off from the stress and demand of the job”, the BBC said.

School holidays “are a nightmare for parents”, writes Chapman at the i news site, arguing for “shorter, more frequent set breaks across the year” or even having schools “operating all year round” and giving “annual leave” to children to match their parents. That would require “more investment into the school system to provide more, better paid, staff who can share the load and cover time off”, to also benefit teachers, she said.

The impending school holidays are an “intricate task demanding hours of planning” for parents, said Susannah Streeter at the BBC , trying to find “childcare and entertainment for the long stretch of summer”.

Increasing costs mean “many parents have to make some stark choices in terms of their careers”, with many choosing to take “a big salary drop as a compromise for flexibility”.

A drastic change to school holidays would almost certainly see a reduction of the long summer stretch, meaning extra weeks earlier and later in the year at half-terms.

“The huge disadvantage of a two-week half-term break at the end of October is undoubtedly the weather,” writes teacher Yvonne Williams in TES Magazine . She argues that a staycation is a “less attractive proposition in the last weeks of October” and that inclement weather and shorter days will keep children “glued even more firmly to the internet”.

An extension of the summer break would be better, she argues, as there are “threads trailing” in the autumn, making it harder for teachers to switch off and for pupils to stay on top of their work.

The increasing cost of childcare and activities during holidays means disadvantaged families are often left worse off. The UK has seen a “decline in the availability and sufficiency of holiday childcare” while the “cost of accessing physical activity spaces” is preventing some children from “doing more physical activity”, writes Katharine Swindells.

Poorer families who rely on free school meals often have to “meet the extra food costs” during the holidays, with some parents having to “skip meals over the summer break” to ensure their children are fed, said The Observer . With lower government support it’s “leaving charities, food banks and businesses to pick up the shortfall”, said Swindells.

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The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

Disadvantages & Advantages of School Holidays

What Is a Suburban School?

What Is a Suburban School?

School holidays comprise a significant portion of any school year. Students attend an average of 180 school days per year. The rest of that time is spent on weekends, holidays and vacations. While students look forward to those holidays as a break from their regular studies, there is a growing fear that American students are falling behind because of the lack of actual classroom time.

Family Time

One of the benefits of school holidays is the time that families can spend together. School work, especially in junior high and high school, becomes a child's job. Holidays give families an opportunity to spend time together and celebrate. The focus for students moves away from school and onto family and culture. Longer breaks such as the winter holidays allow families an opportunity to reconnect.

Time off from school equals time to reconnect with family.

The Downside of Time Off

Just because kids have time off from school doesn't mean parents do. When elementary-age children have holidays and parents do not, parents can be left scrambling for day care options. Many parents do not have the same time off as their children, causing added expense with babysitting or daycare. Instead of being at school, students are merely shuffled to another home or institution.

Student Learning

By most accounts, the United States educational system has fallen behind that of other countries. Many in the education community believe that this is due to an outdated school schedule still based on a harvest schedule that gives students summers off and extensive holidays throughout the year. President Obama called for a longer school year to extend learning opportunities for K-12 students. More school time could increase student learning.

Students Need a Break, Too

While everyone wants American students to be competitive, students need a break from the classroom occasionally. Spending all day in a classroom actively learning is tiring, and there is a limited amount that students can learn. Taking days off here and there can provide students with the mental break they need to be engaged when they go back to school. While students may not need the amount of time off they currently receive, some breaks encourage rest and give students the boost they need to do their best when they are back in class.

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Beach Vacation vs Mountain Vacation: Which One Is Better?

woman with rolling luggage on a beach walkway

Whether a mountain or beach vacation is the better option has been disputed by travelers for decades.

The fact is, there is no right or wrong answer, since both locations make for excellent vacation destinations.

Which option is right for you depends on your personality and what you want from your vacation.

beach vacation vs mountain vacation infographic

One of the biggest differences between mountain and beach getaways is the weather you’re likely to encounter. When people think of a beach vacation, they think of warm, tropical weather.

People enjoy sunbathing or spending time in the water during a beach vacation, so most beach getaway areas are located in places that experience mild weather with infrequent rain.

If it does rain during your beach vacation, spending time indoors can be disappointing.

beach and mountains together

In a mountainous area, the weather can be more temperamental. You probably won’t experience as many sunny days, and the temperature in mountain regions is often much cooler than when you’re by the beach.

Most people don’t come home with a tan when they vacation in the mountains. However, a rainy day won’t ruin your mountain getaway vacation , and you’ll still be able to do most of the activities you planned.

Some people even prefer to visit the mountains during the winter so they can enjoy the snow and some snow sports.

beach with vacation written in sand

Nature and Wildlife Viewing

Although you can definitely take in the beauty of nature at the beach, people who want to get in touch with nature and observe wildlife tend to prefer mountain vacations .

When you’re out in the woods, you’re likely to spot a range of wild plants and animals, and because mountain areas tend to be more secluded, it’s easier for many people to feel like they’re truly getting closer to nature.

Many people also choose to stargaze during their mountain vacation. Because mountain areas are often more remote, stargazing is generally much better than in populated urban areas or near the beach.

Wildlife can also be found at the beach, but spotting wild animals and getting back to nature aren’t usually the goals of a beach vacation.

deer standing in the woods

When people think of a relaxing vacation, the beach is often the first thing that comes to mind. Many people enjoy lounging near the water, lying on a beach blanket on the sand, reading a book, or simply soaking up some sun.

A beach vacation is often a great opportunity to relax, recharge, and take a break from your daily life.

A vacation in the mountains can also be incredibly refreshing, but it’s usually not as relaxing as a beach vacation.

Most people who head to the mountains for a vacation have several outdoor activities planned, and many of those activities can be somewhat strenuous.

Although people often feel recharged and like they’ve left their cares behind after a mountain vacation, a trip into the woods or mountains is often a bit more adventurous and less relaxing than a beach vacation.

woman sitting on the beach with a cold drink

Sports and Activities

As mentioned above, a beach vacation is usually centered around taking it easy, but a mountain getaway often focuses on activities.

Many people head to the mountains to camp, hike, mountain bike, rock climb, kayak, or fish. During the winter, skiing, snowboarding, or snowmobiling might be common.

Other people enjoy spending time in the wilderness so they can observe the local wildlife or work on their photography.

Because vacations in mountain areas are more focused on outdoor activities, there are often many more options available for exciting activities or sports in these areas.

Although most people want to relax and lounge on the beach during a seaside vacation, the beach still offers plenty of sports and activities for anyone who wants to get up and move.

These activities are often quite different than the ones you’ll find in a mountain region, however.

Depending on the beach location, beach volleyball, surfing, swimming, snorkeling, or fishing might be popular options.

man rock climbing

Shopping and Restaurants

Beach vacation areas are often tourism-focused, so there are generally plenty of places to enjoy some casual shopping.

In a beach town, you’ll also find many options for dining, whether you’re looking for something quick and delicious or want to indulge in a fancier experience.

Mountain vacation areas focus on the outdoors and nature. People who head to these regions are usually not as interested in shopping or fine dining, so you might find that your options for these things are relatively limited.

However, what options are available depends entirely on where you stay. Some mountain vacation locations are not far from more urban areas, while some beaches are quite secluded and may have more limited options for other entertainment.

dinner on a beach side table


People tend to think of mountain vacation locations as remote, quiet, and unpopulated. This is generally true, and you’re more likely to have a calm, private vacation experience if you head for the mountains.

Beaches, on the other hand, can be very crowded, especially during the summer months or over popular weekends. If you enjoy socializing or people-watching, a beach vacation is often the better choice.

These generalizations don’t always hold true, however. If you’re heading to a ski area, for example, you can generally expect to spend the day with lots of people.

Conversely, a beach on a cloudy or chilly day can be completely empty, and you might have the whole place to yourself. If you head to the beach on a weekday, you might also find it to be much less crowded.

cross country skiers in the woods

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pros and cons of holidays essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Travelling With Friends

Last Updated on May 5, 2022

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Are you thinking about travelling with friends? Travelling with friends can be an amazing experience, and can really solidify a friendship.

But it can also break a friendship if you don’t figure out how to communicate and compromise on the road.

You should definitely travel with friends at least once in your life. But there are many advantages and disadvantages of going on holiday with friends to consider first.

So let’s weigh up the pros and cons of travelling alone vs with friends before you commit to a holiday together!

Pros and Cons of Travelling With Friends, three women facing away from camera with arms raised at sunset

🧳 MUST-HAVE: Before you head out on your trip, make sure you have travel insurance. I recommend either SafetyWing or World Nomads .

Table of Contents

Advantages of Travelling with Friends

1. share beautiful moments with your besties.

I mean, could you ask for more? When you consider the advantages and disadvantages of travelling with friends, this is definitely one of the biggest pros.

Travelling with friends is something so special that you can look back on when you’re old and crusty.

And if you’re lucky enough to still be friends then it will be all that much more special.

2. Peace of mind

If you’re travelling with friends, you’re not travelling alone, which might help put all your families’ minds at ease.

And knowing you are with someone you will be a bit more confident and you will feel a bit safer, as well.

Plus if anyone hurts you, you know your friend will kick their arse!

Travelling with friends might be especially beneficial if this is your first time travelling.

advantages and disadvantages of group travel, group of friends sitting together facing away from camera with arms over each others shoulders looking at cable cars go over the water

3. Common Interests

One of the biggest advantages of traveling with a group of friends is that you are all likely to share a few similar interests.

This means you should be able to pick things to do that you will all like, rather than bicker at each other constantly about which monument you want to see.

4. Cost-Effective

When considering the advantages and disadvantages of travelling with friends, money is bound to come up.

But the good news is that it’s often cheaper travelling with friends!

For example, it is usually cheaper (or the same price) to stay at a hostel in your own double room rather than paying for 2 single beds in a dorm.

You can also cut your costs by sharing essential travel services like a portable Wi-FI device or a VPN for Hot Spot users.

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If you are trying to save money with food, it will be cheaper to go to the supermarket and get the ingredients to cook your own food.

Splitting that in half will make it cheap as chips!

advantages and disadvantages of going on holiday with friends, two black women on a beach smiling

5. Collaboration

You can collaborate and share your skills with each other. For example, one of you might have saved up a bunch of miles by using a travel rewards credit card.

The best travel credit cards  offer rewards like free flights for every dollar spent on everyday purchases.

Or, one person might be really good at directions and the other might be good at picking restaurants.

If you combine your skills you’re more like to have a hassle-free trip!

📸 PRO TIP: My go-to camera for all my travels is the Sony A7iii – I highly recommend it!

6. Good support bubble

One of the disadvantages of travelling alone is that, out on the road, it can get lonely, especially if you’re travelling for a longer period of time.

So one easy benefit of travelling with friends is that there’s always someone there to keep you company.

Sharing meals and private jokes, witnessing beautiful moments together, that’s what going on holiday with friends is all about!

One of the other advantages of travelling with friends along similar lines is that you’ve also got a support group with you.

No matter if you’re at work doing the daily grind, or out travelling with a friend, life is going to happen.

If something happens to you, or to someone you care about, your travelling buddies will be on hand to help you through in any way they can. If they’re true friends that is!

advantages and disadvantages of travelling with friends, three white people on wooden platform overlooking mountains, two sitting up and one lying back on arms

7. Someone to take photos

Ever been in a situation where you’ve wanted to get the perfect shot but all you can manage is an arm-wrenching selfie? Or set up your camera on a timer only to have it fall over at the crucial moment?

Well, this is why travelling with friends is better! Now you can be perfectly placed without having to put distance between you and your camera, or struggle with a selfie stick.

Admittedly you might have to return the favour for your travelling friend, but you’ll both get great-looking memories out of it!

8. Take turns doing activities for security

If you’re in a cafe or a restaurant, and you want to have a bathroom break, one thing you don’t want to do is have to bring your day bag or backpack with you.

This is where going on a trip with friends can really pay off. While one of you leaves the table, the other can keep an eye on your things, so you don’t have to do any unnecessary juggling.

This also applies to leaving your towels on the beach, keeping your table saved while one of you orders food/drinks at a bar, and so on.

Leaving a place that you’ve saved to go get something, only to come back and find someone else has taken it – or that the bag you left to hold it is missing – is one of the worst things ever.

But no one asks themselves “why travel with friends?” when they help you manage to keep hold of a prime spot of holiday real estate!

Pros and Cons of Travelling With Friends, three friends sitting together on a mountain overlooking desert

Disadvantages of Travelling with Friends

1. increased tensions.

Being together all the time could cause tension which may lead to arguments and might just sour the holiday if you let it fester.

Luckily, because you’re friends already you’ll hopefully talk it through and get over it in a day or two, so don’t let that put you off travelling with friends.

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2. Different interests

Just because you’re friends doesn’t mean you share ALL of the same interests or have similar travel styles.

One of the biggest disadvantages of going on holiday with friends is that at some point you will likely disagree on what exactly you want to do.

You might want to see different attractions, do different activities, or even travel at different speeds.

what's it like going on holiday with friends, two women sitting together looking at landscape of forest, sea and mountains

3. Isolation

You may isolate yourself with your best friend which means you miss out on meeting some awesome people.

Having conversations with the locals and other random people is something that everyone should do while travelling.

But by having another person with you, you may find yourself just talking to your friend and not making an effort to talk to anyone else.

4. Different travel styles

Your plans might change and you just want to travel to a different part of the country while your friend might want to stay. This is not necessarily a bad thing.

You can always meet up in a week or so and part your separate ways, so you can both explore where you want.

It’s okay to compromise because you do not want to regret not seeing or doing something because of someone else’s view and unique travel style

pros and cons of group travel, group of four friends sitting on a wall overlooking water

5. Third wheel syndrome

If you’re travelling with multiple friends – especially an odd number – there’s also the potential someone will wind up feeling left out.

Unless you’re a contrarian, no one wants to be the odd one out. But that can happen when a group of travelling friends has different interests, styles or tastes.

It’s an introvert’s nightmare to find themselves on a group holiday where everyone wants to go out dancing and drinking all night.

And plenty of teenagers have experienced the disadvantages of travelling with family when the younger siblings drag them and the parents to something unbearably childish.

Whatever group you’re in, there’s always a chance that the others will all want to do something that you have no desire to do yourself. Bring a book or some headphones just in case, maybe?

6. Might not be enough space in some places

More people means more beds or rooms needed, more seats on buses, planes and trains, and more available tickets at the activities you all want to do.

It’s one of the unavoidable logistical disadvantages of travelling in a group.

If it’s just you, there’s either enough space for you, or there isn’t. When you’re in a pair or a group and you find yourself one space short, things can get awkward.

It might mean that you all have to look for something else to do or somewhere else to stay. It might mean someone gets left out, or forced to stay in a different hostel. Even worse, that might be you!

why travelling with friends is better, group of four friends laughing in a greenhouse

7. Differing dietary requirements

You might have a friend that you do everything with, and who is on exactly the same wavelength as you, but who has different dietary requirements to you. This can lead to problems on the road.

In fact, certain dietary requirements might alter where you can eat and even where you can travel to at all.

Say one of you is vegetarian, and one of you is lactose intolerant. Either one of those dietary requirements might close off a part of the world to you, due to the culinary norms of some countries.

It’s almost impossible to avoid meat or fish in some rural areas of the world, and it’s hard to avoid both meat AND dairy in some countries such as Albania , for example.

If you and those you’re travelling with have more than one set of dietary needs, then you might find that your options for where to go on holiday with friends are more limited.

Luckily, more and more dietary options are becoming available around the world, especially in major cities.

But if even one member of your party has specific dietary requirements, it might take some extra planning ahead of time, and may even mean you miss out on trying all the local cuisine.

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8. Different expectations & wealth levels

Sometimes having rich friends is great. Sometimes it can cause a lot of tension in a group.

This can happen if your holiday gang ends up visiting expensive sites, dining at high-end restaurants, or staying in five-star hotels.

Not everyone can afford to throw as much money around, and sometimes not everyone can speak up against it with a cheaper alternative. It’s hard when it feels like you might “spoil the fun.”

This one won’t apply to everyone, but if there is a significant wealth gap amongst any of your travel companions, it is worth remembering.

advantages of traveling with a group, three friends jumping at the same time and making faces with their arms in the air

Tips for travelling with friends:

1. practice local languages together.

When visiting a country that speaks a different language, it is always useful to have some key words and phrases in that language available to you.

From being able to ask where the airport is, to a simple “hello,” “please” and “thank you,” knowing some local lingo can prove very valuable.

One of the benefits of travelling with friends is that you can practice these phrases amongst yourselves without having to try them out on a local for the first time.

It can be embarrassing to trip up linguistically, especially if you need their help! Practicing new languages while travelling with friends will help you get by better.

2. Discuss & set out personal boundaries

Right from the outset, especially if you’re travelling with friends for the first time, it can be a good idea to set some personal boundaries. Sometimes, it can actually be essential.

It’s a lot harder to break a habit that’s already being formed than to set it straight before it starts.

If you’re travelling together, a lot of the time you’re sort-of living together. Plenty of people who move in with friends find out that they have habits or practices that are wildly different from them.

So setting up some guidelines or rules beforehand can save everyone from potential future arguments or embarrassment.

Even working out a “safe word” or phrase that implies that you feel unsafe or that you need some space – but without having to say it out loud – can sometimes be a good idea.

benefits of travelling with friends, two women sitting on top of white vehicle under blue sky during day time

3. Make some set plans ahead of time

Even when you’re travelling on your own, it pays to plan ahead. This is even more true if you’re travelling with friends or family.

Making sure there’s something on the itinerary for everyone is a good step towards making sure everyone has a good time. But of course, not everyone’s idea of a good time is the same.

Sometimes one of the disadvantages of travelling with friends is that there’s so many of you that you all want to do different things.

By making sure there’s time set aside for everyone to do their own thing, you can take some of the pressure off of the group.

It may well be that most or all of you end up doing the same thing in your separate time – I guess it depends on how well you’re all getting on!

4. Share emergency contact info with each other

When thinking about the pros and cons of group travel, you can’t ignore the possibility of an unexpected emergency.

Should an accident happen, it’s important that your group be able to get in contact with whoever you need to in an emergency, especially if the person in trouble can’t give you the information.

For example, what happens if you’re on a hike and your friend falls and hits their head? If you don’t know who to call, they’re not in a position to tell you!

By sharing emergency contact information – which may include different embassy or foreign government contacts if you’re on holiday with an international group – you can avoid being caught out in a tight spot.

advantages and disadvantages of travelling in a group, two women and two women having fun and laughing with mountains in background

5. Play to each other’s strengths

I find that when you’re travelling with friends, there’s sometimes a tendency for everyone to want to do everything.

Everyone wants to be the navigator, everyone wants to drive, everyone wants to lead the group. If you know that someone is better qualified, let them take that role if they want it!

It can be infuriating to find yourselves being led into the unknown by an enthusiastic amateur when you happen to be travelling with a trained hiker/tracker, for example.

If someone has the skills, let them pay the bills as it were. Your talents will come into play at some point on your journey, don’t worry!

🛎 TOP TIP: Wondering where to stay on your travels? Check out for the best deals on hotels, guesthouses and hostels.

Frequently Asked Questions

I personally prefer going on holiday with friends. With friends, you often have similar interests and more say in what you want to do.

If you travel with friends you will have a built-in support system, which can be especially beneficial if you are shy or this is your first time travelling. But travelling with friends is also a wonderful bonding experience!

It can be difficult to travel with people – even good friends – and spend all of your time together. The longer the trip and the more disparate your travel styles, the more likely you are to have disagreements.

Are there any advantages and disadvantages of group travel that I missed? Make sure you tell me below which travel you prefer. Do you love travelling with friends or do you prefer to go solo?

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The pros and cons of summer jobs

Have you ever had a summer job? Do students normally work during the holidays in your country? In this video Sophia talks about the advantages and disadvantages of working during the summer holidays.   


Watch the video and use the subtitles and the transcript to help you understand.

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another video for the British Council’s LearnEnglish Teens website and their YouTube channel.

Now, today I wanted us to discuss the pros and the cons of having a summer job. As it is summer, and I actually have a summer job, I wanted to talk a little bit about my experience.

So, starting with the con. The first disadvantage is that, of course, you have to work. So, that means you’ll have less free time to enjoy those beautiful, warm summer days. I could have gone to the park, I could have gone bike riding, I could have had a picnic, could have gone swimming, could have gone to a music festival, could have met up with my friends ... the list really goes on and on and on. There’s so much I think I could have done if I wasn’t working, but here I am working.

So, the second disadvantage follows on from the first one, and that is you could have gone travelling instead of working. Last year when I was at university I had a part-time job and that meant that I could save enough money so that I could just travel during the summer and I didn’t have to work. Especially nowadays where, you know, the summer holidays are really short. I feel like they’re getting shorter every year. You know, you wanna make the most of your summer holiday and I feel like you have to really choose between travelling or working, which can really suck. Working is tiring, it really is. If you think that studying is hard, or waking up for school in the morning is a chore, well, working is exactly the same – if not even worse, because at school, you know, you’re usually sitting down in classes relaxing and all you really have to do is listen and just pay attention to what the teacher is saying. If you’re working in a shop or a café, you’ll usually be on your feet for the whole day and you don’t realise how tired you are until you go home and all you want to do is have a bath and then go to bed because, honestly, during the busy summer months, especially if you live in a city like London or just a tourist area, there are a lot more tourists and that means that you will have to work a lot harder than probably during other months of the year.

And my final con is that you have to wear a uniform. So, you’ve just finished your school, you’ve just finished wearing your uniform and you’re thinking about all the cool summer clothes that you wanna wear. But then you realise that you’re working for the whole summer, so actually you just have to wear a uniform.

Sometimes uniforms aren’t very comfortable and they’re also not suited to the weather, so it can be a hassle ... and it can be really annoying to have to put it on every morning.

Now, moving on to the pros. The first pro is, of course, the biggest one and that is that you will have extra cash in your pocket to spend on things that you like or things that you want to do and no one can really tell you how to spend that money because you earned it. Now, I personally really only took this summer job because I wanted to save up my own money to go travelling just before I go back to uni. And I think it’s nice to earn your own money and not always have to ask your parents for some pocket money when you go to the cinema.

The second advantage is that summer jobs are great for gaining experience. Whether you’re working in a shop or a café or you’re interning at a bank, you will gain a lot of practical experiences, which you can use in your future career, as well as write this experience down on your CV.

When you’re working, you’ll probably make new friends. Your colleagues are not just your colleagues but of course you’re working with them every day, you’re seeing them regularly, so you might actually realise you have a lot in common with someone and they might become a friend even after you’ve finished working there.

And my final pro is that a summer job is the perfect cure for summer boredom, and I know that it may seem like the summer holidays aren’t that long and they really aren’t. Going to school five days a week, eight hours every day or maybe even more, when you have complete freedom, you realise that actually you can get quite bored really easily because you have to think of ways to occupy your time, and I know that when I was in school, I always thought that the summer holidays would be filled with hanging out at the park and just seeing my friends every day, but that’s not always the reality because your friends have other things to do. They might be on holiday. They might have a summer job. So, really on my days off I do find myself just a little bit bored. So, this is the perfect cure if you are bored in the summer. You’ll definitely have something to do and just think about the money you’re earning from it. That will get you through.

Now I wanna hear from you guys, so comment below. Let me know what your pros and cons of having a summer job are, and if you do have a summer job, let me know how you’re finding it. I hope you’re having a great day. Don’t work too hard and I’ll see you in the next video. Bye bye!

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Have you ever had a summer job? If so, tell us about it. If not, would you like to one day? 

pros and cons of holidays essay

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8th Amendment Pros and Cons

This essay about the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution discusses its role in protecting against excessive punishment and upholding human dignity. It highlights the Amendment’s significance in limiting governmental power and ensuring just penalties align with offenses. The text also addresses the challenges of subjective interpretation and inconsistent application, especially concerning capital punishment. Critics’ concerns about potential impacts on public safety and judicial discretion are explored, emphasizing the need for ongoing reflection and adaptation in applying this constitutional safeguard.

How it works

The Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution stands tall as a guardian against the specter of excessive punishment, its resonance echoing through the annals of history. Since its inception in 1791, it has been scrutinized, dissected, and debated, unveiling both the sagacity and intricacies of its mandate.

Advocates hail its role in upholding human dignity, ensuring that no individual, regardless of their transgressions, should endure dehumanizing treatment. It stands as a sentinel against disproportionate punishment, fostering a judicial system where penalties align with the severity of offenses, thereby fostering a fair and just society.

Moreover, the Eighth Amendment serves as a bulwark against governmental overreach, restraining the state from inflicting arbitrary or oppressive punishments and thereby safeguarding individual liberties. Its interpretation has evolved alongside societal moral standards, reflecting an ongoing commitment to justice and human rights.

However, detractors raise concerns about the subjective nature of its language, which leaves room for differing interpretations and inconsistent application. Implementing its principles poses practical challenges, particularly in the contentious realm of capital punishment, where debates over its compatibility with the Eighth Amendment rage on.

Critics caution that strict adherence to its provisions may compromise public safety by diminishing the deterrent effect of punishment. Moreover, the significant judicial discretion inherent in the Eighth Amendment has sparked debates about the appropriate role of judges in shaping policy.

In essence, the Eighth Amendment remains a cornerstone of American democracy, embodying principles of justice and human rights. Yet, its journey is marked by complexities and challenges, requiring continual reflection and adaptation to ensure its enduring legacy as a beacon of justice for generations to come.


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"8th Amendment Pros And Cons.", Apr 29, 2024. Accessed April 29, 2024.

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