How to Write an Essay on Sportsmanship (Complete Details)

Sports is not only about physical activity, it teaches us ethics and techniques to cope with some serious life troubles. In short, the sportsmanship or sportsmen spirit learned through the sports is something of great value for the human race. This article is about how to Write an Essay on Sportsmanship?

Write an Essay on Sportsmanship

The definition of sportsmanship.

How to Write an Essay on Sportsmanship

How to Write an Essay on Sportsmanship

There’s a lot more involved when it comes to sportsmanship than simply taking part in a specific kind of sport or to merely comply with the rules of the game. Real sportsmanship is a way of life and it is showing fairness and integrity also when it comes to other issues of life. Therefore it could be said that someone who are clearly exhibiting a high level of sportsmanship is also a person who are maintaining a high level of morality in all other areas of life and not only when competing on the sports field. We often see highly competent athletes that compete exceptionally well on the sports field but they are complete failures when it comes to the game of life and the general opinion is that such people does not bring honor to Write an Essay on Sportsmanship. It is always a pleasure to see a person which is exhibiting a high level of sportsmanship when competing on the sports field. It often happens that someone who becomes involved in some kind of sport, eventually develop into a real sportsmen. This is because as they grow as competitors they go through a transformation because of those experiences on the sports field.Let’s check how to Write an Essay on Sportsmanship.

Fair play and sportsmanship goes hand in hand

It is very often seen in professional sports that competitors goes beyond the reasonable requirements of the game and they will not hesitate to engage in things which is known as professional fouls as long as that will provide them with some benefit over the opposition. However this is not the actions of a real sportsman. This is exactly why foul play on the sports field will always lead to a penalty and likewise this is also what happens in civilian life. Those who continually break the rules is not sportsman and at some time or another they are penalized for their actions. Someone who has not grown up in an environment where they were exposed to qualities such as integrity, honesty, frankness, fairness and similar qualities could find it significantly more difficult to become true sportsman which are able to display all of these aforementioned qualities both in their private life and also on the sports field. They should never be deceit or dishonesty among to sportsman but they should be people with inherent humility and also diplomacy to allow them to contribute both on the sports field and also away from it.

May never compromise

A true sportsman will always hold themselves to highest levels of morality and integrity and therefore they will never take advantage of the weaknesses of those they encounter and they will be perfectly fair in all of their dealings. Their real sportsmen understands the need to submit to those in authority such as the leader or the captain of the team or the supervisor or manager in the business world. To Write an Essay on Sportsmanship, the need to take instruction from those leaders and to comply with all their desires even if they are not convinced that doing so is the best action to take. They should keep on trusting in the abilities of those leaders and once again this will apply to the sports field and also to the corporate world. There is no compromise when it comes to discipline as far as sport or business is concerned because respect for discipline is an integral part of sportsmanship. Likewise the unity of the team will always be important to the true sportsman. Without that unity in a team it will be difficult and even impossible to win any match. Any professional sports team who regularly competes on the highest levels is fully aware that everyone needs to work together towards the common goal if they are going to be successful as a team. This same thing is also true in the corporate world and in most areas of life where effective cooperation is essential in order to achieve success and expressing this kind of attitude is the mark of a true sportsman.

Harmony between people

Without harmony between people and between members of a team it will be difficult to claim genuine sportsmanship because that is one of the identifying characteristics of real sportsmanship. An old boer general was famous for saying, unity is strength and this is most certainly true when it comes to success both in life and also in sports. When success is desired either in life or in competitive sports, unity and harmony will be necessary and negative things such as jealousy or other kinds of conflict must be put aside because doing so will be the true indication of sportsmanship. However when a team of genuine sportsman have done everything possible and they have competed to the best of their ability and those efforts still result in defeat, then that result must still be accepted cheerfully and with a positive attitude because this is the way in which to sportsman do things. Likewise in a one-on-one sports such as boxing, tennis or wrestling the loser accepts defeat with good grace without harboring any grudge against the person who was victorious. In fact the loser even goes beyond that and he wholeheartedly congratulates the victor, shakes hands with them and wish them the best for the future. This is simply how an excellent sportsman conduct himself and how he chooses to live his life on a day to day basis.

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sportsmanship definition essay

What Role Does Ethics Play in Sports?

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What Role Does Ethics Play in Sports?

Photo by @mikepick available under a Creative Commons license of .

Distinguishing between gamesmanship and sportsmanship.

To understand the role ethics plays in sport and competition, it is important to make a distinction between gamesmanship and sportsmanship.

Gamesmanship is built on the principle that winning is everything. Athletes and coaches are encouraged to bend the rules wherever possible in order to gain a competitive advantage over an opponent, and to pay less attention to the safety and welfare of the competition. Some of the key tenants of gamesmanship are:

  • Winning is everything
  • It's only cheating if you get caught
  • It is the referee's job to catch wrongdoing, and the athletes and coaches have no inherent responsibility to follow the rules
  • The ends always justify the means

Some examples of gamesmanship are:

  • Faking a foul or injury
  • Attempting to get a head start in a race
  • Tampering with equipment, such as corking a baseball bat in order to hit the ball farther
  • Covert personal fouls, such as grabbing a player underwater during a water polo match
  • Inflicting pain on an opponent with the intention of knocking him or her out of the game, like the Saint's bounty scandal
  • The use of performance-enhancing drugs
  • Taunting or intimidating an opponent
  • A coach lying about an athlete's grades in order to keep him or her eligible to play

All of these examples place greater emphasis on the outcome of the game than on the manner in which it is played.

A more ethical approach to athletics is sportsmanship. Under a sportsmanship model, healthy competition is seen as a means of cultivating personal honor, virtue, and character. It contributes to a community of respect and trust between competitors and in society. The goal in sportsmanship is not simply to win, but to pursue victory with honor by giving one's best effort.

Ethics in sport requires four key virtues: fairness, integrity, responsibility, and respect.

  • All athletes and coaches must follow established rules and guidelines of their respective sport.
  • Teams that seek an unfair competitive advantage over their opponent create an uneven playing field which violates the integrity of the sport.
  • Athletes and coaches are not discriminated against or excluded from participating in a sport based on their race, gender, or sexual orientation.
  • Referees must apply the rules equally to both teams and cannot show bias or personal interest in the outcome.
  • Similar to fairness, in that any athlete who seeks to gain an advantage over his or her opponent by means of a skill that the game itself was not designed to test demonstrates a lack of personal integrity and violates the integrity of the game. For example, when a player fakes being injured or fouled in soccer, he or she is not acting in a sportsmanlike manner because the game of soccer is not designed to measure an athlete's ability to flop. Faking is a way of intentionally deceiving an official into making a bad call, which only hurts the credibility of the officiating and ultimately undermines the integrity of the game.


  • To be sportsmanlike requires players and coaches to take responsibility for their performance, as well as their actions on the field. This includes their emotions.
  • Many times athletes and coaches will make excuses as to why they lost the game. The most popular excuse is to blame the officiating. The honorable thing to do instead is to focus only on the aspects of the game that you can control, i.e. your performance, and to question yourself about where you could have done better.
  • Responsibility requires that players and coaches be up to date on the rules and regulations governing their sport.
  • Responsibility demands that players and coaches conduct themselves in an honorable way off the field, as well as on it.
  • All athletes should show respect for teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials.
  • All coaches should show respect for their players, opponents, and officials.
  • All fans, especially parents, should show respect for other fans, as well as both teams and officials.

The sportsmanship model is built on the idea that sport both demonstrates and encourages character development, which then influences the moral character of the broader community. How we each compete in sports can have an effect on our personal moral and ethical behavior outside of the competition.

Some argue for a "bracketed morality" within sports. This approach holds that sport and competition are set apart from real life, and occupy a realm where ethics and moral codes do not apply. Instead, some argue, sports serves as an outlet for our primal aggression and a selfish need for recognition and respect gained through the conquering of an opponent. In this view, aggression and victory are the only virtues. For example, a football player may be described as mean and nasty on the field, but kind and gentle in everyday life. His violent disposition on the field is not wrong because when he is playing the game he is part of an amoral reality that is dictated only by the principle of winning.

An ethical approach to sport rejects this bracketed morality and honors the game and one's opponent through tough but fair play. This means understanding the rules and their importance in encouraging respect for your opponent, which pushes you to be your best.

Kirk O. Hanson is the executive director of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Matt Savage was a Hackworth Fellow at the Center. These materials were prepared for the Institute for Sports Law and Ethics, of which the Markkula Center is a partner organization.

Return to Sports Ethics: Mapping the Issues

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[ spawrts -m uh n-ship , spohrts - ]

  • the character, practice, or skill of a sportsman .
  • sportsmanlike conduct, as fairness, courtesy, being a cheerful loser, etc.

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If the roller-coaster Tokyo 2020 Olympics did anything, they stoked our enthusiasm for the return of global sports with their rivalries, upsets, superhuman athletic feats, and moments of sportsmanship that can make a rugby player cry.

Depending on where you sat, it was either the ultimate display of Olympic sportsmanship, or further proof that competition-averse millennials are ruining everything.

A paternal figure to his players, he cares more about teamwork and good sportsmanship than winning.

The article said “a lot of teams would slap a fine on a player who was sucker enough to bite on it,” making it unclear if the problem was about sportsmanship or strategy.

Chara — who missed only one game this season and played the 1,600th game of his career in April — was nominated for the Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy, which is awarded for perseverance, sportsmanship and dedication to hockey.

Kessenich, to be fair, has also lavished the Iroquois with praise for their skills and sportsmanship in subsequent games.

Impeccable sportsmanship of children at school matches is legendary.

But JFK backed down when Cronkite called it “the lousiest bit of sportsmanship I ever saw in my life.”

Sportsmanship, sheer sportsmanship, carried him through all!

I'm sure the Cassylians don't want to advertise their bad sportsmanship so there won't be anything as crude as a roadblock.

The barbarian culture shows sportsmanship, status, and anthropomorphism.

There is also a livelier sense of honor—an expression of sportsmanship and a derivative of predatory life.

With such a spirit as is displayed in this letter the sportsmanship of the Pacific coast is bound to thrive.

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English Summary

Sportsmanship Essay in English

The sporting spirit is another name of sportsmanship. It means the fair, honest, earnest and generous way in which a game is played. The best players all over the world play the game with the sporting spirit.

In the play field sportsmanship is needed most. The law of game requires That we should play in a fair manner. We must not take an undue advantage of our opponents; nor should we try to deceive them.

The play must be neatly carried on. Even if our party is being defeated, we must no get impatient and run into a passion. The true sporting spirit wants even a losing game to be played honestly and in conformity with the rules.

The sporting spirit requires that the players must obey the referee the umpire. Whatever decision is given by him, the players must not grumble nor murmur. If he makes an error of judgement, we must respect his announcement and not ridicule his error.

If a game is being played between two unequal sides, the sporting spirit is best needed there. The stronger side must play with zest in order that the spectators should enjoy the game and that the weaker side must be able to do its best. If the stronger side trifles with the weaker party by playing in a half-hearted manner, the play will suffer.

Sportsmanship is rightly estimated at the time when a party is defeated. It is then that we have to see how a player takes his defeat. If he grows sulky and sad and begins to quarrel and fight with his opponents, he is not a true player. He is said possess no sporting spirit.

The baser instincts that are jealousy, meanness, quarrelsomeness are not worthy of a sportsman. He must take success and failure with the same equanimity. A true sportsman does not hesitate to praise the superior game of his opponents and rejoices even at their victory.

The sporting spirit is not merely confined to the playfield. It must also be carried into the other walks of life. In everyday life we need it. There are so many mishaps, worries and troubles in the world that a man needs sportsmanship at every step.

A man gifted with the sporting spirit has an optimistic view of life. He considers the world a big play field and pays his part without grumbling. He is satisfied with doing his duty best. His is not the job to think of consequences. He leaves them to God. He takes pleasure in what he does not remains cheerful under all circumstances.

A man with a true sporting spirit plays the game of life also in a fair manner. He does not take recourse to meanness and never hits below the belt. The sporting spirit is a trait of broad mindedness and must be cultivated by all. Our motto should be

Play up! play up! play up the game.

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sportsmanship definition essay

Cambridge Dictionary

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Meaning of sportsmanship in English

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  • all's fair in love and war idiom
  • anti-discrimination
  • anti-egalitarian
  • anti-nepotism
  • due process
  • egalitarian
  • egalitarianism
  • get your just deserts idiom
  • it's a fair cop idiom
  • sportsmanlike
  • what goes around comes around idiom
  • without fear or favour idiom

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450 Words Essay on Sportsmanship

sportsmanship definition essay

Sportsmanship does not mean only taking part in sports and playing the game in conformity with the rules prescribed, but also playing the game of life in the spirit imbibed on the playing fields.

A true sportsman is he who observes all those rules in life which he has been taught to observe in games. One who has achieved skill or proficiency in games but does not learn to apply the principles of sports to life in general does not deserve to be called a sportsman.

On the contrary, a man who gives evidence of possessing a sporting spirit in games is still a sportsman. Usually those who play games develop into true sportsmen because their character is molded by the training they are given on the field.

It implies fair play. Just in games if any player plays foul, the side to which he belongs is penalized, similarly in the bigger game of life one must always be fair in one’s dealings with others.


Fairness, honesty, integrity, openness of heart and frankness -these are the qualities that a sportsman must display in life. One should not practice deception, should not bluff, should not cheat others and should indulge in diplomacy or humility. A sportsman never takes undue advantage of the weakness of his adversary nor does he hit below the belt.

The art implies obedience to the leader. In games the players have to obey their captain and yield to him on points on which they are in disagreement with him. They must repose the fullest confidence in him. In life too, a sportsman yields to his superior even if he does not agree with him. Respect for discipline is an essential part of sportsmanship.

Team spirit is another important element of sportsmanship. In games the various players must cooperate with one another if they wish to win a match. Without mutual co-operation success is impossible. Similarly in whatever sphere of life one may be, one must aid and be aided by one’s friends if one is a true sportsman.

Sportsmanship consists in working in full harmony with others. In cooperation indeed lies strength. Wherever a common aim binds a number of people together, they must display their sportsmanship by working harmoniously, without friction or mutual jealousy.

Finally, the spirit of sportsmanship demands cheerfulness even in the face of a defeat. When two players play a tennis match, the loser does not cherish any grudge against the winner. In fact the loser congratulates his opponent on his success and shakes hands with him.

Fair play, respect for discipline, recognition of the need for teamwork and cheerfulness even in the event of defeat are thus the dominant marks of a sportsman. Sportsmanship is worthy of admiration

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