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150 Positive Comments for Student Papers

August 31, 2023 //  by  Maria Van Norman

Teaching is often a time-consuming job, especially for a teacher who must grade papers. It often feels daunting when staring at that stack of papers and wondering how writing constructive feedback on each one is feasible.

However, a teacher knows that even when she is tired, as she grades paper after paper, it is extremely important to give the students constructive comments on their work. The feedback for students is what helps students learn.

The positive feedback outweighs the negative feedback as well, so make it a common strategy to give positive feedback on students’ papers. It is a tremendous opportunity for students to grow.

1. I never thought of it this way. Great job analyzing!

2. What an amazing sentence!

3. This is a wonderful thesis! Good job!

4. I can tell you worked really hard on this!

5. This thesis statement is superb!

6. Wow, this is some of your best work yet!

7. Way to stay focused! I’m proud of you!

8. This is an excellent analytical paper!

9. I can tell you are motivated! I love it!

10. I feel privileged to have gotten to read this work! Great effective paper!

11. Your enthusiasm shows! Wonderful job!

12. This is not just a sheet of paper. It’s wonderful work!

13. This is one of the more superior papers I have read!

14. I really love how creative you get with your descriptions!

15. Out of this world!

16. There is so much to be proud of with your paper assignment!

17. This part made me smile!

18. You are a star!

19. Clever argument!

20. You worked hard; I can tell!

21. What brilliant thinking!

22. Terrific persuasive argument!

23. You have learned so much and it shows!

24. You rocked this essay!

25. I can tell you did your best!

26. You are so smart!

27. What a powerful argument! Keep up the good work!

28. You should be proud of this work!

29. You have made great progress!

30. Your handwriting is just lovely!

31. This is a great example! Good job!

32. I love your thoughts here!

33. I’m very impressed!

34. You have a sophisticated argument! Awesome job!

35. You are artistic and creative!

36. I love your attention to detail!

37. This is a very powerful sentence!

38. You show great promise!

39. What a terrific learner you are!

40. The sentence structure you used here is brilliant!

41. Your skills are stellar!

42. This hypothesis is amazing! I can’t wait to see where you take it!

43. I knew you could do it!

44. Every single sentence in this paper is wonderful!

45. You have a lot of fabulous ideas in this paper!

46. It doesn’t surprise me a bit that I smiled throughout your whole paper!

47. Keep up the incredible work!

48. Way to grab the reader’s attention! Great job!

49. Your handwriting is so neat!

50. This part moved me!

51. You certainly made me open my mind even more! Wonderful job!

53. I see so much improvement in your work! I’m proud of you!

54. I like the way you tackled this assignment!

55. Very impressive!

56. You have very inventive ideas here

57. Smart thinking!

58. You were very clear, concise, and complete!

59. Phenomenal job!

60. This is well thought out and I enjoyed grading it!

61. You outdid yourself with this assignment!

62. What a wonderful assignment!

63. Your work has flair!

64. Such a wonderful perspective on this topic!

65. This is clever!

66. I can tell you had fun with this assignment!

67. You rock!

68. This is stellar work!

69. Your use of this example moves your argument forward!

70. Your algebra is on fire!

71. This is a great metaphor!

72. Nice idea!

73. This is great work!

74. You did it!

75. I knew you could do it!

76. You went above and beyond here! I’m impressed!

77. Magnificent!

78. Marvelous!

79. You did a tremendous job!

80. This paragraph is brilliant!

81. Your science experiment was awesome!

82. Your artwork is exquisite!

83. What an excellent point!

84. Great job making connections here!

85. This sentence is excellent!

86. You chose a great quote!

87. This is a powerful point! Great job!

88. Your argument is very focused and solid!

89. Terrific explanation!

90. I love how you connected these ideas!

91. You are so smart!

92. Perfect!

93. Great stuff!

94. I love this! It made me laugh!

95. Outstanding work!

96. These are amazing ideas!

97. What an amazing way of thinking! Great job!

98. You made me think here! Good job!

99. A wonderful way to present this information!

100. You are showing exceptional understanding!

101. You are an awesome writer!

102. I love reading your essays!

103. You have shown incredible growth!

104. Your work is so neat! Great job!

105. This sentence is right on target!

106. You have an excellent idea here!

107. I can tell you’ve been practicing!

108. You are very preceptive!

109. This sentence is beautifully written!

110. I love your vivid word choice!

111. The way you express your ideas is wonderful!

112. You are quite gifted!

113. You show outstanding attention to detail!

114. You are a superstar!

115. I can tell that you did your best! Way to go!

116. You are very talented!

117. This paragraph is simply tremendous!

118. I appreciate how hard you worked on this assignment!

119. You made me so proud with your examples!

120. You are unstoppable!

121. This sentence sparkles!

122. This is one of the best essays I’ve read!

123. You have exceptional potential!

124. I’m giving you a high-five for this essay!

125. This sentence blew me away!

126. You did quality work! Great job!

127. This is a terrific piece of evidence for your argument!

128. No grammatical errors in this paragraph! I’m so proud!

129. You are an amazing writer!

130. Your organized paragraphs make me very proud!

131. You’ve shown creative problem solving here!

132. Superb word choice in this sentence!

133. What a critical piece to your argument! Great job!

134. You’ve reached your goal! Be proud of yourself!

135. This essay may be your best work yet!

136. Tremendous use of sentence syntax to prove your point!

137. You amaze me with your attention to detail!

138. Great writing!

139. Profound statement!

140. Brilliantly worded!

141. You prove that you can do hard things! Good work!

142. The connections you have made to the real world are stellar!

143. Way to tackle a tough topic! I’m proud of you!

144. Your talent shines through!

145. Terrific answer!

146. Your similes are sensational!

147. You are very intelligent!

148. I love your clarity in this paragraph!

149. This paper really shines!

150. You make me want to learn more about this topic!

Closing Thoughts


Teachers hold a piece of their student’s future in their hands. The responsibility is great. Therefore, even when wanting to mark up all of the errors on a paper, remember to add the positive comments as well. Make sure that students can grow and not feel defeated or frustrated. By including positive comments on students’ papers, students’ spirits will soar in ways you can not even imagine.

students assignment feedback comments examples

5 effective constructive feedback examples: Unlocking student potential

Andrew Tobia

This video provides an overview of the key features instructors need to know to make best use of Feedback Studio, accessed through the Turnitin website.

students assignment feedback comments examples

At Turnitin, we’re continuing to develop our solutions to ease the burden of assessment on instructors and empower students to meet their learning goals. Turnitin Feedback Studio and Gradescope provide best-in-class tools to support different assessment types and pedagogies, but when used in tandem can provide a comprehensive assessment solution flexible enough to be used across any institution.

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Providing constructive feedback examples to students is an important part of the learning journey and is crucial to student improvement. It can be used to feed a student’s love of learning and help build a strong student-teacher relationship. But it can be difficult to balance the “constructive” with the “feedback” in an effective way.

On one hand, we risk the student not absorbing the information, and therefore missing an opportunity for growth when we offer criticism, even when constructive. On the other hand, there is a risk of discouraging the student, dampening their desire to learn, or even harming their self-confidence. Further complicating the matter is the fact that every student learns differently, hears and absorbs feedback differently, and is at a different level of emotional and intellectual development than their peers.

We know that we can’t teach every student the exact same way and expect the same results for each of them; the same holds true for providing constructive feedback examples. For best results, it’s important to tailor how constructive feedback is provided based on content, student needs, and a variety of other factors.

In this blog, we’ll take a look at constructive feedback examples and the value of effective instructor feedback, centering on Dr. John Hattie’s research on “Where to next?” feedback. We’ll also offer key examples for students, so instructors at different grade levels can apply best practices right away.

In 1992 , Dr. John Hattie—in a meta-analysis of multiple scientific studies—found that “feedback has one of the positive influences on student achievement,” building on Sadler’s concept that good feedback can close the gap between where students are and where they aim to be (Sadler, 1989 ).

But before getting too far into specifics, it would be helpful to talk about what “constructive feedback” is. Not everyone will define it in quite the same way — indeed, there is no singular accepted definition of the phrase.

For example, a researcher in Buenos Aires, Argentina who studies medical school student and resident performance, defines it, rather dryly, as “the act of giving information to a student or resident through the description of their performance in an observed clinical situation.” In workplace scenarios , you’ll often hear it described as feedback that “reinforces desired behaviors” or, a definition that is closer to educators’ goals in the classroom, “a supportive way to improve areas of opportunity.”

Hattie and Clarke ( 2019 ) define feedback as the information about a learning task that helps students understand what is aimed to be understood versus what is being understood.

For the purposes of this discussion, a good definition of constructive feedback is any feedback that the giver provides with the intention of producing a positive result. This working definition includes important parts from other, varied definitions. In educational spaces, “positive result” usually means growth, improvement, or a lesson learned. This is typically accomplished by including clear learning goals and success criteria within the feedback, motivating students towards completing the task.

If you read this header and thought “well… always?” — yes. In an ideal world, all feedback would be constructive feedback.

Of course, the actual answer is: as soon, and as often, as possible.

Learners benefit most from reinforcement that's delivered regularly. This is true for learners of all ages but is particularly so for younger students. It's best for them to receive constructive feedback as regularly, and quickly, as possible. Study after study — such as this one by Indiana University researchers — shows that student information retention, understanding of tasks, and learning outcomes increase when they receive constructive feedback examples soon after the learning moment.

There is, of course, some debate as to precise timing, as to how soon is soon enough. Carnegie Mellon University has been using their proprietary math software, Cognitive Tutor , since the mid-90s. The program gives students immediate feedback on math problems — the university reports that students who use Cognitive Tutor perform better on a variety of assessments , including standardized exams, than their peers who haven’t.

By contrast, a study by Duke University and the University of Texas El Paso found that students who received feedback after a one-week delay retained new knowledge more effectively than students who received feedback immediately. Interestingly, despite better performance, students in the one-week delayed feedback group reported a preference for immediate feedback, revealing a metacognitive disconnect between actual and perceived effectiveness. Could the week delay have allowed for space between the emotionality of test-taking day and the calm, open-to-feedback mental state of post-assessment? Or perhaps the feedback one week later came in greater detail and with a more personalized approach than instant, general commentary? With that in mind, it's important to note that this study looked at one week following an assessment, not feedback that was given several weeks or months after the exam, which is to say: it may behoove instructors to consider a general window—from immediate to one/two weeks out—after one assessment and before the next assessment for the most effective constructive feedback.

The quality of feedback, as mentioned above, can also influence what is well absorbed and what is not. If an instructor can offer nuanced, actionable feedback tailored to specific students, then there is a likelihood that those students will receive and apply that constructive feedback more readily, no matter if that feedback is given minutes or days after an assessment.

Constructive feedback is effective because it positively influences actions students are able to take to improve their own work. And quick feedback works within student workflows because they have the information they need in time to prepare for the next assessment.

No teacher needs a study to tell them that motivated, positive, and supported students succeed, while those that are frustrated, discouraged, or defeated tend to struggle. That said, there are plenty of studies to point to as reference — this 2007 study review and this study from 2010 are good examples — that show exactly that.

How instructors provide feedback to students can have a big impact on whether they are positive and motivated or discouraged and frustrated. In short, constructive feedback sets the stage for effective learning by giving students the chance to take ownership of their own growth and progress.

It’s one thing to know what constructive feedback is and to understand its importance. Actually giving it to students, in a helpful and productive way, is entirely another. Let’s dive into a few elements of successful constructive feedback:

When it comes to providing constructive feedback that students can act on, instructors need to be specific.

Telling a student “good job!” can build them up, but it’s vague — a student may be left wondering which part of an assessment they did good on, or why “good” as opposed to “great” or “excellent” . There are a variety of ways to go beyond “Good job!” on feedback.

On the other side of the coin, a note such as “needs work” is equally as vague — which part needs work, and how much? And as a negative comment (the opposite of constructive feedback), we risk frustrating them or hurting their confidence.

Science backs up the idea that specificity is important . As much as possible, educators should be taking the time to provide student-specific feedback directly to them in a one-on-one way.

There is a substantial need to craft constructive feedback examples in a way that they actively address students’ individual learning goals. If a student understands how the feedback they are receiving will help them progress toward their goal, they’re more likely to absorb it.

Our veteran Turnitin team of educators worked directly with Dr. John Hattie to research the impact of “Where to next?” feedback , a powerful equation for goal-oriented constructive feedback that—when applied formatively and thoughtfully—has been shown to dramatically improve learning outcomes. Students are more likely to revise their writing when instructors include the following three essential components in their feedback:

  • Issue: Highlighting and clearly describing the specific issue related to the writing task.
  • Relevance: Aligning feedback explicitly to the stated expectations of the assignment (i.e. rubric).
  • Action: Providing the learner with their “next steps,” appropriately guiding the work, but not giving away the answer.

It’s also worth noting that quality feedback does not give the answer outright to the student; rather, it offers guidelines and boundaries so the students themselves can do their own thinking, reasoning, and application of their learning.

As mentioned earlier, it's hard to balance the “constructive” with the “feedback” in an effective way. It’s hard, but it’s important that instructors learn how to do it, because how feedback is presented to a student can have a major impact on how they receive it .

Does the student struggle with self confidence? It might be helpful to precede the corrective part of the feedback acknowledging something they did well. Does their performance suffer when they think they’re being watched? It might be important not to overwhelm them with a long list of ideas on what they could improve.

Constructive feedback examples, while cued into the learning goals and assignment criteria, also benefit from being tailored to both how students learn best and their emotional needs. And it goes without saying that feedback looks different at different stages in the journey, when considering the age of the students, the subject area, the point of time in the term or curriculum, etc.

In keeping everything mentioned above in mind, let’s dive into five different ways an instructor could give constructive feedback to a student. Below, we’ll look at varying scenarios in which the “Where to next?” feedback structure could be applied. Keep in mind that feedback is all the more powerful when directly applied to rubrics or assignment expectations to which students can directly refer.

Below is the template that can be used for feedback. Again, an instructor may also choose to couple the sentences below with an encouraging remark before or after, like: "It's clear you are working hard to add descriptive words to your body paragraphs" or "I can tell that you conducted in-depth research for this particular section."

students assignment feedback comments examples

For instructors with a pile of essays needing feedback and marks, it can feel overwhelming to offer meaningful comments on each one. One tip is to focus on one thing at a time (structure, grammar, punctuation), instead of trying to address each and every issue. This makes feedback not only more manageable from an instructor’s point of view, but also more digestible from a student’ s perspective.

Example: This sentence might be difficult for your readers to understand. Reword this sentence so your meaning is clear to your audience.

Rubrics are an integral piece of the learning journey because they communicate an assignment’s expectations to students. When rubrics are meaningfully tied to a project, it is clear to both instructors and students how an assignment can be completed at the highest level. Constructive feedback can then tie directly to the rubric , connecting what a student may be missing to the overarching goals of the assignment.

Example: The rubric requires at least three citations in this paper. Consider integrating additional citations in this section so that your audience understands how your perspective on the topic fits in with current research.

Within Turnitin Feedback Studio, instructors can add an existing rubric , modify an existing rubric in your account, or create a new rubric for each new assignment.

QuickMark comments are sets of comments for educators to easily leave feedback on student work within Turnitin Feedback Studio.

Educators may either use the numerous QuickMarks sets readily available in Turnitin Feedback Studio, or they may create sets of commonly used comments on their own. Regardless, as a method for leaving feedback, QuickMarks are ideal for leaving “Where to next?” feedback on student work.

Here is an example of “Where to next?” feedback in QuickMarks:

students assignment feedback comments examples

It can be just as helpful to see a non-example of “Where to next?” feedback. In the image below, a well-meaning instructor offers feedback to a student, reminding them of what type of evidence is required in an argumentative essay. However, Issue and Action are missing, which leaves the student wondering: “Where exactly do I need to improve my support? And what next steps ought to be taken?”

Here is a non-example of “Where to next?” feedback in QuickMarks:

students assignment feedback comments examples

As an instructor in a STEM class, one might be wondering, “How do I apply this structure to my feedback?” While “Where to next?” feedback is most readily applied to English Language Arts/writing course assignments, instructors across subject areas can and should try to implement this type of feedback on their assignments by following the structure: Issue + Relevance + Action. Below is an example of how you might apply this constructive feedback structure to a Computer Science project:

Example: The rubric asks you to avoid “hard coding” values, where possible. In this line, consider if you can find a way to reference the size of the array instead.

As educators, we have an incredible power: the power to help struggling students improve, and the power to help propel excelling students on to ever greater heights.

This power lies in how we provide feedback. If our feedback is negative, punitive, or vague, our students will suffer for it. But if it's clear, concise, and, most importantly, constructive feedback, it can help students to learn and succeed.

Study after study have highlighted the importance of giving students constructive feedback, and giving it to them relatively quickly. The sooner we can give them feedback, the fresher the information is in their minds. The more constructively that we package that feedback, the more likely they are to be open to receiving it. And the more regularly that we provide constructive feedback examples, the more likely they are to absorb those lessons and prepare for the next assessment.

The significance of providing effective constructive feedback to students cannot be overstated. By offering specific, actionable insights, educators foster a sense of self-improvement and can truly help to propel students toward their full potential.

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How to Give Positive Feedback on Student Writing

If your corrective feedback is very detailed but your positive comments are quick and vague, you may appreciate this advice from teachers across the country.

High school teacher handing papers back to teachers

“Nice work.” “Great job.” “Powerful sentence.” Even though I knew they wouldn’t mean much to students, these vague and ineffective comments made their way into my writing feedback recently. As I watched myself typing them, I knew I was in a rut. My critical comments, on the other hand, were lengthy and detailed. Suggestions and corrections abounded. I realized that I was focused too much on correcting student work and not enough on the goal of giving rich positive feedback.

As a writer, I know how hard it is when the negative feedback outweighs the positive. We all have things to work on, but focusing only on what to fix makes it hard to feel that our skills are seen and appreciated. My students put so much work into their writing, and they deserve more than my two-word positive sentences.

I wanted out of the rut, so I turned to my favorite professional network—teacher Twitter—and asked for help . “What are your favorite positive comments to make about student writing?” I asked. Here are some of the amazing responses and the themes that emerged from more than 100 replies from teachers.

Give a Window Into Your Experience as the Reader

Students typically can’t see us while we’re experiencing their writing. One genre of powerful positive comments: insights that help students understand how we responded as readers. Teacher Amy Ludwig VanDerwater  shared these sentence stems, explaining that “commenting on our reading experience before the craft of writing is a gift”:

  • This part really moved me.
  • I laughed out loud when I read this line.
  • Your writing makes me think...
  • You opened up a door in my mind.
  • Now I am questioning...
  • Now I am connecting to...
  • Now I am remembering...

On a similar note, Virginia S. Wood  shared: “I will tell them if I smiled, laughed, nodded my head, pumped my fist while reading their work, and I’ll tell them exactly where and why.”

I used Wood’s advice recently when I looked through a student’s project draft that delighted me. I wrote to her, “I have the biggest smile on my face right now. This is such an awesome start.”

Giving students insight into our experience as readers helps to connect the social and emotional elements of writing. Positive comments highlighting our reading experience can encourage students to think about their audience more intentionally as they write.

Recognize Author’s Craft and Choices

Effective feedback can also honor a student’s voice and skills as a writer. Pointing out the choices and writing moves that students make helps them feel that we see and value their efforts. Joel Garza shared, “I avoid ‘I’ statements, which can seem more like a brag about my reading than about their writing.” Garza recommends using “you” statements instead, such as “You crafted X effect so smoothly by...” or “You navigate this topic in such an engaging way, especially by...” and “You chose the perfect tone for this topic because...”

Similarly, seventh-grade teacher Jennifer Leung suggested pointing out these moments in this way: “Skillful example of/use of (transition, example, grammatical structure).” This can also help to reinforce terms, concepts, and writing moves that we go over in class.

Rebekah O’Dell , coauthor of A Teacher’s Guide to Mentor Texts , gave these examples of how we might invoke mentor texts in our feedback:

  • “What you’re doing here reminds me of (insert mentor text)...”
  • “I see you doing what (insert mentor writer) does...”

O’Dell’s advice reinforced the link between reading and writing. Thinking of these skills together helps us set up feedback loops. For example, after a recent close reading activity, I asked students to name one lesson they had learned from the mentor text that they could apply to their own writing. Next time I give writing feedback, I can highlight the places where I see students using these lessons.

Another teacher, Grete Howland , offered a nonjudgmental word choice. “I like to use the word ‘effective’ and then point out, as specifically as I can, why I found something effective. I feel like this steers away from ‘good’/‘bad’ and other somewhat meaningless judgments, and it focuses more on writing as an exchange with a reader.”

Celebrate Growth

Positive feedback supports student progress. Think of positive comments as a boost of momentum that can help students continue to build their identity as writers. Kelly Frazee  recommended finding specific examples to help demonstrate growth, as in “This part shows me that you have improved with [insert skill] because compared to last time…” As teachers, we often notice growth in ways that our students may not recognize about themselves. Drawing out specific evidence of growth can help students see their own progress.

Finally, I love this idea from Susan Santone , an instructor at the University of Michigan: When students really knock it out of the park, let them know. Santone suggested, “When my students (college level) nail something profound in a single sentence, I write ‘Tweet!’ ‘Put this onto a T-shirt!’ or ‘Frame this and hang it on a wall!’—in other words, keep it and share it!”

These ideas are all great starting points for giving students meaningful positive feedback on their writing. I’ve already started to use some of them, and I’ve noticed how much richer my feedback is when positive and constructive comments are equally detailed. I’m looking forward to seeing how these shifts propel student writing. Consider trying out one of these strategies with your students’ next drafts.

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students assignment feedback comments examples

Positive Feedback for Students (with Examples)

students assignment feedback comments examples

Positive feedback plays a crucial role in the educational process, serving not only as a tool for reaffirming students’ efforts and abilities but also as a foundational pillar for fostering an encouraging classroom atmosphere. By acknowledging students’ accomplishments and the progress they make, educators can encourage continual growth and inspire greater motivation within their students. The act of giving positive feedback is not just about offering praise; it’s about promoting a sense of ability and helping students to recognize their own potential.

Effective positive feedback follows certain criteria—it should be specific, timely, sincere, and constructive. This ensures that students understand what they did well and feel encouraged to continue in the same vein. Let’s consider some practical examples:

Instead of saying “Good job,” which is vague, a teacher could say, “I’m really impressed with how you’ve organized your essay. Your clear thesis statement and the way you’ve supported it with strong evidence show a deep understanding of the topic.”

After a successful group project presentation, a teacher might provide feedback by saying, “Your teamwork during the project was outstanding. Each member brought valuable contributions and the way you seamlessly integrated those ideas into your presentation was impressive.”

When a student makes significant improvement in math, rather than giving generic praise, a teacher might comment, “I noticed you’ve been working hard on your multiplication skills. The improvement in your accuracy and speed is remarkable—isn’t hard work paying off?”

Upon observing a student helping another classmate, an educator could acknowledge this act with feedback like, “Your willingness to help Jason with his science project demonstrates your leadership skills and kindness. This kind of cooperation is exactly what makes our classroom community strong.”

In each example, notice that the feedback is detailed and praises specific actions or skills. Furthermore, these comments offer encouragement while reinforcing behaviors or skills that are beneficial for students’ academic or personal development.

Positive feedback has several benefits. It helps build self-confidence in students by letting them know that their efforts are noticed. It can also strengthen the teacher-student relationship as it shows that the educator is paying attention to each student’s individual progress. Another powerful aspect of positive feedback is its ability to increase intrinsic motivation; when students understand that they have the capability to succeed, they are often more motivated to engage in learning.

To sum up, providing positive feedback to students should be strategic—it must recognize specific achievements or improvements and be delivered in an authentic manner. For educators looking to advance their teaching practices or for those seeking ways to enhance student engagement and performance, mastering the art of giving positive feedback can be one of the most effective approaches.


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Feedback on your assignments: what it is and how to use it

This guide explains how to use your tutor's feedback so that you understand your grade and how to improve your academic performance..

A student taking part in a one-to-one discussion with their tutor.

  • Understand your strengths and weaknesses

When you get your assignments back from your tutor, you will probably initially focus on the grade you have received.

However, your tutor will have given you useful and well thought-out feedback, with the purpose of a) helping you understand the grade and b) providing you with ideas for how to improve in future assignments. It is important that you make good use of this feedback to help you understand your strengths and weaknesses and what you need to do to improve on your grade.

There are three key things you need to do in order to maximise the usefulness of your tutor feedback:

  • Understand the feedback : look at all the feedback provided (sometimes there are comments on your script as well as the overall comments), and read it carefully to ensure you understand each comment.
  • Log your feedback : create a system of storing your feedback that is easily accessible.
  • Use your feedback in future assignments : refer to your feedback in preparation for new assignments, and use it as a checklist.
  • Understand the feedback

Tutors will have different ways of giving you feedback. Some will provide a written summary of your key strengths and weaknesses, and some will provide oral recorded feedback. You may also receive focused, itemised feedback on the script of your work.

Tutors will provide both positive and critical feedback. Generally, the positive feedback is easy to understand, but sometimes the critical feedback can be unclear or can use terminology that is not easy to understand. Some common critical comments are listed below with a glossary to explain what is meant, and suggestions for how to improve as a result of this feedback.

  • Glossary of terms
  • Log your feedback

Once you have read and understood the feedback you have received, it is important to create a system of storing it for future reference. This feedback is useful when preparing your next assignments, and you should find a system of storage that is easily accessible and works well for you.

Not everyone will like the same system. Here are a couple of examples of ways that students have stored their feedback to create an easy reference tool to use as a check list each time they start work on assignments.

Using a table

This method of logging and storing your feedback is commonly used. Here you create a table and cut and past feedback into the appropriate column. In addition, students often include a column for their grade, so that they can see which assignments are likely to have feedback that tells them not only what to improve, but also what to continue doing.

This is what it could look like as a student starts to fill it in:

Using a mind map

Another common way to log your feedback is by creating a mind map.

Use sections to group your feedback so that it is easily demarcated by comment-type. Mind maps work best with the key points from your feedback. It can be a useful review task to pull out the main issues raised by your tutor, and to summarise them using concise language.

Remember that you should choose a way to log your feedback that works best for you. It needs to be achievable and accessible to you, so that you can use it easily to review your tutors’ advice and learn from it.

  • Use your feedback in future assignments

Once you have set up a system for collecting and storing your feedback, you have an important resource to help you improve on your work.

You need to revisit this feedback and review the comments frequently, in order to learn what your strengths and weaknesses are. You will start to identify themes, and this will help you to create a plan for how to improve.

For each new assignment, the following approach should help you to avoid making the same mistakes again, and allow you to consolidate the strengths you have.

  • Summary and next steps
  • Make sure you understand it and can see why your tutors are saying what they are saying.
  • Create a storage system that suits you. Include your own reflection and ideas for what you need to do to improve.
  • As you build up your feedback, start to collate it to show recurring themes and comments.
  • Use your collated feedback as a guide and checklist when planning, preparing and reviewing your work.

Engaging with feedback resource

This short, interactive self-access resource shows you how to:

  • use feedback as a powerful learning tool
  • examine what might be preventing you from using feedback
  • identify patterns in your feedback
  • set goals and create a personal action plan.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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101 Positive Feedback Examples (Copy and Paste)

positive feedback examples, explained below

Positive feedback is essential for providing a supportive and encouraging environment – be it at school, in the workplace, or with personal relationships.

But it needs to be personalized, specific, and encouraging in order for it to have the most effect.

Below are 100 positive feedback examples that you can copy and paste – find the one that’s specific for your needs and then edit it so it’s more personalized for the person receiving the feedback.

Don’t forget to also embrace constructive feedback as well to give the person ideas about avenues for ongoing improvement.

Positive Feedback Examples

1. general praise.

  • Excellent effort: It is clear to see that you put in your absolute best and this is a sign you’ll achieve great success in your life in the future.
  • Writing Skills : Your writing skills are impressive. Specifically, your report started very clearly and remained readable through the body of the piece. The content was well-researched with use of authoritative sources.
  • Presentation: Your presentation was engaging and informative. Well done! Thank you for the effort you put into preparing it.
  • Creativity: Your creativity for this project has been outstanding. The design concept you came up with really sets our project apart.
  • Customer Service: I appreciate your dedication to providing excellent customer service on behalf of the company. Our clients consistently praise your professionalism and helpfulness.
  • Multitasking Skills : Your ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining a high level of quality was impressive and makes me think you have a lot of potential in the workplace.
  • Teamwork Skills: Your teamwork and collaboration skills such as your ability to find common ground have made a significant positive impact on our team’s dynamic and productivity.
  • Leadership: Your leadership has been instrumental in driving the success of our project, and the team truly appreciates your guidance and support.
  • Innovation: Your innovative ideas have led to significant improvements in our processes, saving both time and resources.
  • Problem-Solving: Your problem-solving skills are exceptional; you always approach challenges with a positive attitude and find effective solutions.
  • Public Speaking: Your public speaking skills have greatly improved; your recent presentation was engaging, well-delivered, and captured the audience’s attention.

2. Positive Feedback for Students

  • Hard Work: Your hard work and dedication to your studies have led to a significant improvement in your grades. Always remember this as an exmaple of when hard work leads to self-improvement and mastery.
  • Creativity: Your creativity and unique perspective on the assignment resulted in a thought-provoking and engaging project. Remember that creativity is your strength!
  • Self-Confidence: You’ve shown great progress in your self-confidence, enabling you to tackle these challenges without hesitation. Keep on going, knowing you’re on the right track.
  • Active Participation: Your active participation in class discussions has helped you to get really engaged in the coursework. It has also helped your classmates to see what it means to be a good learner.
  • Collaboration Skills: Your ability to work well with your classmates on group projects demonstrates strong teamwork and collaboration skills. Specifically, you were very good at sharing ideas and brainstorming with your team.
  • Attention to Detail: Your attention to detail and thoroughness is a strength. It ensures that you meet expectations and don’t go off track anymore.
  • Time Management: You’ve shown great improvement in your time management skills. I’ve noticed you turning up to class more prepared and more ready to learn.
  • Communication: Your ability to clearly articulate your thoughts and ideas in written communication is impressive. Your writing is always clear and concise.
  • Seeking Feedback: Your willingness to seek help and learn from feedback demonstrates a strong commitment to personal success. Keep up that growth mindset !
  • Enthusiasm: Your enthusiasm and passion for learning inspire both your classmates and your teachers.

3. Feedback Expressing Encouragement

  • Keep it Up: Keep up the excellent work on the project; your dedication and focus are truly making a difference.
  • Overcoming Challenges: I believe in your ability to overcome this challenge; your resilience and determination have always been inspiring.
  • Making Progress: You’re making great progress in developing your skills; keep pushing yourself, and you’ll continue to achieve even greater success.
  • Pushing through Setbacks: Don’t get discouraged by setbacks; you have the talent and drive to accomplish your goals.
  • Keep Practicing: I can see how much effort you’ve put into improving your communication skills; continue practicing, and you’ll become even more effective.
  • You’re on Track: You’re on the right track with your approach to problem-solving; keep refining your process, and you’ll achieve even better results.
  • Positive Attitude: Your positive attitude and enthusiasm are contagious; continue to bring that energy to our team, and it will inspire everyone around you.
  • Challenge Yourself: Keep exploring new ideas and challenging yourself; your creativity and innovation are valuable assets to our team.
  • Leadership Skills : You’re showing great potential as a leader; continue to develop your leadership skills, and you’ll have a significant impact on our team’s success.
  • Making Progress: Your progress in mastering new software is impressive; keep learning and growing, and you’ll become an invaluable resource for our team.

4. Feedback Expressing Recognition

  • Outstanding Performance: I want to recognize your outstanding performance in meeting and exceeding our sales targets this quarter; your hard work has made a significant impact on our success.
  • Invaluable contribution: Your contributions to the project have been invaluable, and I want to acknowledge your dedication to ensuring its successful completion.
  • Exceptional customer service: I’d like to commend your exceptional customer service skills; we’ve received numerous positive reviews from our clients praising your responsiveness and professionalism.
  • Efficiency improvement: Your ability to streamline our processes and increase efficiency has not gone unnoticed; thank you for your initiative and resourcefulness.
  • Consistent attendance: I want to acknowledge your consistent punctuality and attendance; it demonstrates your commitment to our team and sets a great example for others.
  • Conflict resolution: Your proactive approach in resolving conflicts within the team has been instrumental in maintaining a positive work environment; your leadership skills are truly appreciated.
  • Excellent presentation: I’d like to recognize your excellent presentation skills; your recent presentation was both informative and engaging, and it clearly demonstrated your expertise in the subject matter.
  • Mentorship contribution : Your mentorship of our new team members has played a crucial role in their successful onboarding and integration into the team; thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.
  • Effective multitasking: I want to acknowledge your impressive ability to multitask effectively, juggling multiple projects without compromising the quality of your work.
  • Community outreach volunteering: Your volunteer efforts in organizing and participating in our company’s community outreach initiatives deserve recognition; your commitment to giving back is truly commendable.

5. Feedback Expressing Gratitude

  • Timely completion: Thank you for going above and beyond to ensure the project was completed on time. I hope you’re proud of what you’ve produced!
  • Colleague support: I’m grateful for your willingness to step up and help your colleagues when they needed someone to take up the slack. That sort of dedication makes a big difference in our team’s overall success.
  • Team-building organizer: I appreciate your efforts in organizing the team-building event; it was a great success and helped to strengthen our team’s relationships.
  • Thorough report: Thank you for your hard work in researching and preparing the report; your thoroughness made it an invaluable resource for our team.
  • Commitment to team: Thank you for staying late to resolve that urgent issue; your commitment to our team is truly valued.
  • Productivity improvement: I’m grateful for your initiative in developing a more efficient system for tracking our progress; it has significantly improved our productivity.
  • Client-facing patience: Thank you for your patience and understanding in working with our clients, even when situations become challenging; it reflects positively on our company.
  • Attention to detail: I appreciate your consistent attention to detail; it helps to ensure the quality of our work and minimizes errors.
  • Valuable contribution to brainstorming: Thank you for your valuable input during our brainstorming session; your ideas and insights contributed significantly to shaping our project’s direction.
  • Motivational support: I’m grateful for your support and encouragement during the difficult phase of the project; your positive attitude helped to keep the team motivated and focused.

6. Positive Feedback on Interviews

  • Effective communication: You provided clear and concise responses to the interview questions, demonstrating your strong communication skills.
  • Compelling presentation: Your ability to articulate your experiences and accomplishments in a compelling manner left a lasting impression on the interview panel.
  • Thoughtful questioning: You asked thoughtful and relevant questions during the interview, showing your genuine interest in the position and the company.
  • Professional demeanor: Your professional demeanor and positive attitude throughout the interview process made a strong impression on the hiring team.
  • Problem-solving ability: You effectively showcased your problem-solving skills by providing specific examples of how you’ve tackled challenges in your previous roles.
  • Company research: Your research on the company and its values demonstrates your commitment to finding a role that aligns with your interests and passions.
  • Skills alignment: Your ability to connect your skills and experiences to the requirements of the position showcased your potential for success in the role.
  • Interpersonal engagement: Your active listening and engagement during the interview indicated your strong interpersonal skills and ability to collaborate with others.
  • Industry knowledge: You demonstrated a strong understanding of the industry and its challenges, positioning yourself as a knowledgeable candidate.
  • Thoughtful follow-up: Your follow-up thank-you note after the interview was a thoughtful gesture that reinforced your interest in the position and appreciation for the opportunity.

7. Positive Feedback on Personal Growth

  • Improved public speaking: I’ve noticed your increased confidence in public speaking; your practice and dedication are clearly paying off.
  • Better time management: Your time management skills have improved significantly, allowing you to be more efficient and productive in your daily tasks.
  • Developed leadership: I can see that you’ve made a concerted effort to develop your leadership skills, and it’s making a positive impact on our team.
  • Impressive proficiency: Your growth in mastering new software and tools has been impressive, making you a valuable resource for our team.
  • Clearer written communication: I’ve observed your progress in improving your written communication, and it’s made your reports much clearer and more concise.
  • Enhanced analytical skills: The strides you’ve made in enhancing your analytical skills have resulted in more insightful and data-driven decision-making.
  • Improved empathy: Your ability to handle difficult situations with more empathy and understanding has greatly improved, contributing to better interpersonal relationships within the team.
  • Stronger client relationships: I can see your progress in building stronger client relationships, leading to increased trust and satisfaction.
  • Improved problem-solving: Your commitment to personal development has led to a significant improvement in your problem-solving abilities.
  • Expanded industry knowledge: You’ve made great strides in expanding your industry knowledge, making you a go-to resource for information and expertise on our team.

8. Positive Feedback on Teamwork Skills

  • Effective collaborator: Your ability to collaborate effectively with others has played a crucial role in our team’s success.
  • Supportive knowledge sharing: Your willingness to share your knowledge and expertise with your colleagues is truly appreciated and has fostered a supportive learning environment.
  • Positive attitude and enthusiasm: Your positive attitude and enthusiasm make you a pleasure to work with, and it contributes to a great team dynamic.
  • Skilled listener: You’re an excellent listener, and your ability to understand and consider the perspectives of your teammates has led to better decision-making within the team.
  • Reliable team member: Your consistent reliability and dependability make you a valued team member that others can count on.
  • Effective communicator: Your effective communication skills help keep the team informed and aligned on project goals and progress.
  • Conflict mediator: Your ability to mediate conflicts and promote a harmonious work environment has been instrumental in maintaining strong teamwork.
  • Helpful team player: You’re always willing to lend a helping hand to your colleagues, and your supportive nature makes a significant difference in our team’s success.
  • Resilient under pressure: Your ability to work well under pressure and adapt to changing circumstances demonstrates great teamwork and resilience.
  • Appreciative teammate: You consistently show appreciation for the efforts and contributions of your teammates, fostering a culture of recognition and gratitude within the team.

9. Positive Feedback on Initiative

  • Proactive issue resolution: Your proactive approach to identifying and addressing potential issues has greatly contributed to the success of our project.
  • Initiative in growth opportunities: I appreciate your initiative in seeking out new opportunities for growth and development within the team.
  • Commitment to taking on challenges: Your willingness to take on additional responsibilities and challenges demonstrates your commitment and drive to succeed.
  • Exceptional client service: Your ability to anticipate the needs of our clients and provide exceptional service without being prompted is truly impressive.
  • Effective implementation of new tools: I commend your initiative in researching and implementing new tools and technologies that have improved our team’s efficiency.
  • Industry trend awareness: Your proactive efforts to stay informed about industry trends and share that knowledge with the team have made a significant impact on our strategy and decision-making.
  • Continuous learning: I appreciate your eagerness to learn and grow, continuously seeking out new resources and opportunities to expand your skills and expertise.
  • Stakeholder relationship building: Your initiative in building relationships with key stakeholders has helped to strengthen our partnerships and collaboration.
  • Process improvement: By identifying and addressing gaps in our processes, you’ve demonstrated a strong sense of initiative and commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Feedback implementation: Your proactive approach to seeking feedback and implementing changes based on that feedback shows your dedication to personal and professional growth.

10. Positive Feedback on Leadership Skills

  • Clear communication: Your ability to effectively communicate and articulate a clear vision for our team has been instrumental in our success.
  • Collaborative leadership: Your leadership style encourages open dialogue and fosters a culture of trust and collaboration within the team.
  • Motivational inspiration: Your ability to inspire and motivate your team members has contributed to a highly engaged and productive work environment.
  • Exceptional mentorship: Your willingness to provide guidance, support, and mentorship to others demonstrates exceptional leadership qualities .
  • Effective decision-making : Your ability to make tough decisions under pressure, while considering the best interests of the team and organization, is commendable.
  • Fair conflict resolution: Your approach to conflict resolution is fair and balanced, promoting a harmonious and respectful team atmosphere.
  • Appreciative recognition: Your consistent recognition and appreciation of team members’ efforts and contributions foster a culture of high performance and commitment.
  • Effective delegation : Your ability to delegate tasks effectively and empower your team members to take ownership of their work is a key leadership strength.
  • Commitment to learning: Your commitment to continuous learning and development, both for yourself and your team, sets an excellent example for others to follow.
  • Emotionally intelligent leadership : Your strong emotional intelligence and ability to empathize with your team members have helped to create a supportive and inclusive work environment.

How to Give Positive Feedback

Feedback is often very hard to provide. As experts, we tend to have tacit knowledge of what looks good and what needs work, but this is very difficult to communicate in a simple and actionable way.

When giving your feedback, keep these tips in your mind, as they might help you to formulate more effective feedback:

  • Be specific: Students get very frustrated when the feedback is too general and doesn’t given an exact example. So, be specific. Specificity means that you need to clearly describe what needs to be worked on and, if possible, point to the exact moment or place where the mistakes were made.
  • Be genuine: Insincere feedback will be ignored. If the recipient thinks your praise is just performative, they won’t respect your opinions. In fact, sometimes the best positive feedback comes from someone who you know will give tough negative feedback if that’s what they genuinely think.
  • Be timely: Timely feedback helps to reinforce an action or deter it in the future. If too much time has passed, the recipient will likely feel the feedback’s relevance has waned.
  • Personalize it: Don’t make personal attacks, but rather, make it obvious that the feedback has been tailored to the person’s performance. I remember once my professor gave every student who got an A the same feedback, every student who got a B the same feedback, and so forth. Not many people in that class took the feedback seriously because they felt it didn’t directly address their paper.
  • Strike a balance: The feedback shouldn’t all be overwhelmingly positive or else there’s no room for improvement. Offering constructive feedback alongside continuous and positive reinforcement can ensure the learner can identify ways to continually improve upon themselves over time.
  • Encourage growth: Remind the recipient that feedback is about improvement, not tearing a person down or giving them a big ego. All feedback should be designed to elicit further improvement from the person.
  • Offer examples: Often, examples of ways to improve are required in order for the recipient to truly understand what’s expected of them. Furthermore, noting specific examples of moments within their performance can help achieve more specificity in the work.
  • Open a feedback loop: Ideally, the recipient of the feedback will have a chance to ask clarifying questions or explain themselves. Without dialogue, your feedback may feel unsupportive, miss the mark, or go over the recipient’s head. Conversation usually leads to better results.
  • Allow a chance for improvement: Whenever possible, open the door for the recipient to demonstrate their growth in the future. This may be as simple as offering them the opportunity to come back and show you their next piece of work and tell you how they used your feedback.

By keeping these points in mind, you can provide positive feedback that is effective, meaningful, and supportive.

Strategy: The Feedback Sandwich

The feedback sandwich is an effective way to give constructive feedback that is framed positively and supportively.

This strategy is also known as the “praise-criticism-praise” or “compliment-suggestion-compliment” method.

The idea is to “sandwich” a piece of criticism or suggestion for improvement between two positive statements or compliments.

Because the feedback starts and ends positively, hopefully it will soften the impact of the criticism while also ensiring it is delivered.

This may help the recipient to know that you’re not just tearing them up – you have both positive feedback and constructive criticism to share, but your overall goal is to encourage and help them to improve.

Here’s a breakdown of the feedback sandwich method:

  • Start with a positive statement: The first statement sets a positive tone by highlighting something you felt they did really well. This makes the recipient know you’re here to help and there is some value in their work.
  • Offer constructive criticism: The middle feedback presents an area for improvement. Make sure that you’re specific and clear. Provide examples, if possible, and offer actionable suggestions to address this area for imprveoment for next time.
  • End with another positive statement: Finish the feedback with something encouraging. Ensure it’s genuine, but also on a positive note. This helps to leave the conversation with a sense that the person receiving the feedback (and their work) has value.

One weakness of this approach is that it can come across as insincere. To address this, make sure your positive feedback is genuine and thoughtful.

Furthermore, ensure you allow for a chance to discuss and open the door for back-and-forth discussion about the person’s performance. Feedback should, ideally, be a two-way street and chance for discussion to help the person truly develop their skills.

Positive feedback is an essential part of helping students to understand the correct paths to take and when they did well so they can replicate that behavior. Praise and encouragement can help students stay engaged and develop self-confidence. Don’t forget to also provide constructive feedback that helps the learner know how to achieve self-improvement.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ What is Educational Psychology?
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ What is IQ? (Intelligence Quotient)
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 5 Top Tips for Succeeding at University
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 50 Durable Goods Examples

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  • Tips & Guides

Providing Effective Feedback on Student Papers

  • by Amelia Kennedy
  • Posted on September 1, 2019 April 27, 2021

Providing effective feedback on student papers is one of the most challenging yet rewarding parts of teaching. In general, I’ve found that my students appreciate substantive feedback and nearly always incorporate it into subsequent papers. Watching students grow more confident in their writing voices over the course of the semester is immensely satisfying.

Yet offering helpful feedback is also a definite challenge. How can you phrase criticism clearly and constructively? What elements of paper writing should you emphasize? How can you be sure your students will even read your feedback?!

Well, you have no control over that last one, but assuming that (most of) your students read your comments, there are several strategies you can use to make those comments as helpful as possible.

Have a clear focus

It’s tempting to address every single writing issue all at once. You receive a paper with a weak argument, poor structure, fantastical leaps of logic, sloppy citations, and awkward phrasing, and naturally you want to mop up all these issues. So you fill every page with red ink until it’s almost unreadable.

The problem? This kind of super extensive feedback will almost certainly overwhelm the student . Instead, it’s better to focus on one or two major areas for improvement.

Perhaps for the first paper of the semester, you focus on argument , a fundamental component of most college papers. Is the student’s argument specific, debatable, and evidence-based? Then for the second paper, you focus on organization : Are paragraphs laid out in a sensible order? Does each paragraph have a topic sentence and one main point? The third paper might be all about working with sources and evidence : How well has the student analyzed primary sources? How well incorporated are secondary sources? Is everything cited properly? And then the final paper might bring all these different elements—argument, organization, sources—together.

Tell students upfront what you will be looking for in their papers. Then keep this focus in mind when formulating comments on each paper. If you’re concentrating on argument, provide direct feedback on each student’s argument.

For example: “Your argument is strong, clearly stated, and supported by ample evidence.”

Or: “Your argument needs further refinement. As of now, it is more of an observation or statement of fact than a debatable argument.”

Or: “You’re on the right track, but try narrowing down the scope of your argument.”

Add further details based on the specifics of the assignment and the papers you receive.

Consider providing a rubric

Again, it’s a good idea to tell students what you want from them, and a rubric is a clear way of doing this. A rubric outlines the major components of the paper and your expectations. You can make your own or adapt one your find online. You can find some sample rubrics here:

  • Research paper rubric
  • College writing rubric
  • Collection of rubrics serving a variety of purposes
  • Another collection of sample rubrics

One major advantage of rubrics is that they encourage consistency and transparency. They help you, as the instructor, grade efficiently. And they also help students learn how to evaluate their own work and self-correct issues as they arise.

Provide specific suggestions in the margins

I generally avoid writing in marginal and in-text comments during a first read-through (with the possible exception of correcting grammatical errors). I like to get a sense of the paper first, then go back and add comments where appropriate.

Point out sentences or areas that are confusing to you as a reader. Does the student need to add a transition, clarify a confusing passage, or respond better to a counterargument? Similarly, point out specific areas that are well-executed. If a student deploys an effective transition, defines terms clearly, or offers a strong rebuttal, say so!

You can also ask questions to prompt your students to think more deeply about their arguments. Is a paragraph really vague or confusing? Ask a question to encourage the student to clarify things. Does the argument fail to take a relevant primary source into account? Ask why this source was excluded or how its inclusion might alter the overall argument.

Distinguish between global and local areas of improvement

In general, you’ll want to emphasize global concerns (or “ higher-order ” issues), which encompass the paper as a whole. Does the paper fulfill assignment requirements? Does it have a solid argument? Is the argument supported by sufficient evidence that is arranged in a logical order?

When writing your feedback, reflect on the key global takeaway for the paper. What (if anything) is the biggest area to improve? Or conversely, what does the paper do especially well?

Local concerns (or “lower-order” issues), on the other hand, have more to do with sentence-level issues. Is the paper grammatically sound and stylistically pleasing? Are the citations correctly formatted? Your feedback will likely also include suggestions for improvement on these fronts. If a paper has numerous local issues, try to concentrate on just a few at a time.

Write a final, holistic comment

Your final remarks should take a broad, global view of the paper and give a balanced assessment of its strengths and weaknesses. Avoid overly judgmental comments (e.g.: “You clearly did not spend enough time on this paper”) and stick to the paper at hand. Broadly speaking, what does the paper do well? What could it do better?

Try to keep your final remarks focused by resisting the temptation to cover everything. Stick to just a few main suggestions. For example, you might evaluate the student’s overall argument and structure (global issues), then note a recurring issue with citation format (local issue).

If possible, assign multiple papers or drafts

Ideally, your class design will allow for either multiple papers or multiple drafts of one longer paper. This will give your students the chance to apply your feedback, and you’ll be better able to track their progress over the course of the semester. Students are more likely to take feedback seriously if they are given opportunities for revision.

References and further reading:

Brad Hughes, “ Questioning Assumptions : What Makes for Effective Feedback on Student Writing?” University of Wisconsin—Madison.

“ Commenting on Student Writing ,” Teaching Center, Washington University in St. Louis.

“ Giving Feedback on Student Writing ,” Sweetland Center for Writing, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, University of Michigan.

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students assignment feedback comments examples

Amelia Kennedy

Amelia Kennedy is a PhD candidate in History at Yale University. She has served as a Teaching Fellow for courses on Medieval Europe, the Hellenistic World, Eastern Europe, and the History of Science and Medicine. As a 2016 Lead Instructor for Yale Young Global Scholars, she has also designed and taught high school seminars on the Medical Humanities.

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100+ Positive Comments to Write on Student Papers That’ll Have a Lasting Impact

by Sara Ipatenco

Everyone loves to hear something nice, and that includes your students! Students of any age will feel so good about themselves when they read positive comments written right on their assignments. Seeing positive words will also give students the motivation to keep working hard because they know their efforts are being recognized. Positive and meaningful praise will also help students form a close bond with their teacher, which encourages children to work hard and learn a lot. Pick up your favorite pen and get writing.

Here are more than 100 positive comments your students would love to read!

  • This is some awesome thinking!
  • What terrific math skills you’re showing!
  • You are an amazing writer!
  • Wow! You have improved so much!
  • You are showing excellent understanding!
  • This is clear, concise, and complete!
  • What a powerful argument!
  • I knew you could do it!
  • Wonderful ideas!
  • It was a pleasure to grade this!
  • Keep up the incredible work!
  • My goodness, how impressive!
  • You’re showing inventive ideas!
  • You’ve shown so much growth!
  • Interesting thoughts!
  • I love your neat work!
  • Doesn’t it feel good to do such great work?
  • First-rate work!
  • This is fascinating information!
  • You inspire me!
  • This is right on target!
  • What an astounding observation!
  • This is very well thought out!
  • I can tell you’ve been practicing!
  • You’ve come a long way!
  • This has pizazz!
  • I can tell you’ve been paying attention!
  • Reading this made my day!
  • This is very perceptive!
  • What an accomplishment!
  • You make a great point here!
  • I really like your creativity!
  • You are an exceptional student!
  • You have brilliant thoughts!
  • This is beautiful!
  • Dazzling examples!
  • Vivid language choices!
  • You express your ideas so well!
  • This was a delight to read!
  • This is a persuasive argument!
  • You show an impressive grasp on this subject!
  • You are gifted!
  • You are so clever!
  • What a great learner you are!
  • I value these thoughts!
  • You are such a motivated worker!
  • You show great attention to detail!
  • You are so artistic!
  • I am so proud of you!
  • Lovely handwriting!
  • Great example!
  • You worked so hard!
  • You are a star!
  • You learned so much!
  • You are so smart!
  • You’ve made a lot of progress!
  • What bright thinking!
  • You rocked this!
  • Great thinking!
  • You did your best!
  • I love this!
  • You can do hard things!
  • You are talented!
  • You amaze me!
  • You discovered something new!
  • I enjoyed reading this!
  • You are so ambitious!
  • I appreciate your hard work!
  • This is magical work!
  • You did it!
  • You’ve achieved so much!
  • You really challenged yourself!
  • I admire you!
  • You are unstoppable!
  • You have great ideas!
  • This really sparkles!
  • What a great vision you have!
  • You have really improved!
  • You’ve really grown!
  • You are a snappy problem-solver!
  • This really shines!
  • You make me want to learn more!
  • This made me smile!
  • You are a winner!
  • I love your creativity!
  • You are so intelligent!
  • You should be proud!
  • You have amazing potential!
  • This is top-notch!
  • You deserve a high five!
  • Way to think it through!
  • This blew me away!
  • These are fabulous ideas!
  • This gets my seal of approval!
  • This is quality work!
  • You reached your goal!
  • Out of this world!
  • You’re on top of it!
  • I can tell this is your best effort!
  • I love how motivated you are!
  • You are so focused!
  • I’m so lucky to grade your work!
  • I love your enthusiasm!

Your students will glow when they review their work as they read your positive comments. They’ll love it so much that you can look forward to even more excellent work to comment on!

Come join the conversation in the  #teacherlife community !

100+ Positive Comments to Write on Student Papers That'll Have a Lasting Impact


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How to Provide Mastery-Oriented Feedback (With Examples)

Tom Thibodeau

Let’s get down to the brass tacks of mastery-oriented feedback .  What does it mean in practice?

Assignment example with non-mastery oriented feedback

However, if we rethink our process, add mastery-oriented feedback (MOF), and have our students reflect on and revise their work with the feedback, we can help our students learn from the assignment, providing more satisfaction for you in the process.  Ok.  I know, an elephant has just entered the room, and we need to discuss it.  You are already thinking about how you can possibly find any extra time to do anything more. So, let’s talk about that before we talk about the MOF. Yes, this will take extra time to get your head around this, and yes, it will increase the time it takes to assess student work. But, it will pay you back when you see that the students are learning more and you start to move through your lessons a little faster because of the stronger learning foundation that you have created. So, while you are learning this new process, feel free to reduce the number of assignments you actually assess.  Go over the assignments in class with the students.  Have the students self-assess and self-reflect more as you go over the answers.  Give MOF verbally and support students in the process of achieving the goals of the lesson.  Do more formative assessments.  In short, reduce the quantity so that you can increase the quality of your feedback.

Now, let’s talk about the process of MOF. 

Set Up For Success

MOF is much easier to provide when you design the assessment or assignment with goals and clear outcomes that match the lesson! It will give you a foundation and a standard to evaluate. It helps to make the process more objective instead of subjective as well. 

MOF starts way before you review student work.  It starts at the beginning of your lesson planning when you develop the goals and objectives of your lesson. These goals and objectives should be aligned with the state standards and/or the curriculum.  They also need to be S.M.A.R.T. and be written in user-friendly language that meets the needs of your students.  Setting up S.M.A.R.T. goals sets goals and objectives that your student can understand and that you can use to evaluate the student's work.  It removes the guesswork.  It also gives you the ability to decide upon the options and choices that you can offer that align with your firm goals.  I would suggest that you choose assessments that do not require only one answer or, if that is unavoidable, that you ask students for their reasons for choosing their answer.

MOF continues during the delivery of the lesson as you provide explicit instruction and reinforce the goals and objectives in multiple ways and give your students opportunities to practice the topics, self-reflect on their progress, self-assess their work and try again if they haven’t achieved the goals and objectives or move on to the next step if they have.  Providing options and choices to your students will help them overcome any barriers that they may encounter along the way. 

Kicking Off the Assessment

When the students are ready (notice that I didn’t say when you are!), you can provide them with more formalized assessments.  Encourage students to review the assignment/quiz/exam/project and to ask you any questions about things they don’t understand before they start. Then let them do the work.  When they are done, collect the work and if possible, review the assignment with the students in a side-by-side assessment to ensure everything is complete. This is also an incredible opportunity to ask students to reflect on how they did. Next, within a day or two (the quicker, the better), assess student work.  Before you begin this process, review the goals and objectives one more time and then do a quick review of all the submitted work to see if there were any big misconceptions, misunderstandings, or confusion and get your “arms” around the task.  Be sure to note any delivery issues that arise so that you can revise the assignment for the next time.

Review and Feedback

As you assess each student submission:

  •  If students meet or exceed standards, give positive reinforcement. For example,  “I like how you figured this out and came up with your own process to solve the problem,” “I like how you connected the concepts….” Ask questions like “how would you do this if….”? And "what was your process for learning how to do this?"  It is ok if you want to add global comments to the top of the assignment that congratulates the student on a “job well done” or “keep up the good work,” but avoid comments like “you are so smart” or “you got 98 out of 100!”.
  • If students are not yet meeting standards, tell them where their work is incorrect or needs improvement and encourage the student to keep trying by reviewing a particular resource that you used in the lesson or offer them a strategy for looking at the question or solving the problem.  Be specific. Use this as a “teaching moment” to help the student learn the concept.  Then, give them an opportunity to revise before you post a grade.  Help them succeed.

You don’t have to do all this by writing comments on the page. You could do this one-on-one with each student, or you could record an audio or video (screencast) that reviews the assignment and then send it to the student. Alternatively, you could do a full class review and then meet with small groups of students in a station rotation.  This will give you time to “encourage perseverance, focus on the development of efficacy and self-awareness” (CAST) and reinforce the objectives and goals of the lesson so that students will know what they achieved or what they need to continue to work on.  This would also be a good time to do a “my favorite wrong answer” to highlight that we all make mistakes and that making mistakes is part of the learning process to destigmatize any wrong answers.

Examples of Mastery-Oriented Feedback

The following examples are from a variety of subjects in a few grades.  We have added MOF to each example. All samples have been made anonymous and are used with permission.  Each sample is linked to a video review of the feedback and a Padlet.  Choose whichever samples interest you.

4th Grade Writing Sample (Special Education):   Padlet | Video 

4th Grade End of Unit Self-Assessment: Padlet | Video 

5th Grade Mathematics:   Padlet | Video 

5th Grade Science:   Padlet | Video

HS English:   Padlet | Video

Learn More:

  • How to Universally Design Grading
  • Take a self-paced course on standards-based grading
  • Go beyond the letter grade - A step-by-step overview of mastery-oriented feedback

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Teaching Resources

Templates for Quick Student Feedback

Resource overview.

Gather quick and useful student feedback about your course with our easy-to-use templates.

Gathering Student Feedback

Instructor in front of classroom

Get started with survey templates created through collaboration between CIRCLE and the Center for Teaching and Learning.

We offer templates available for use in Canvas, Google Forms and Qualtrics. The templates all have the same questions and are fully customizable; use whichever platform you prefer. Please note that only Google Forms and Qualtrics offer truly anonymous surveys.

Each format has four templates available for gathering various kinds of feedback:

  • Quick Course Pulse : General feedback on how the course is going overall
  • Quick Feedback on a Course Activity : Feedback on a specific course activity
  • Quick Activity Feedback – Group Work : Feedback on a group assignment or activity
  • Quick Lecture Feedback : Feedback specific to lecture portions of a course

Using these Templates in your Course

  • Consider each template as a jumping off point. You can use them as is, or you can update them to better fit your needs by changing settings or editing, adding, or deleting questions. Instructions and tips are included in the survey guides found on the pages for each survey mode.
  • Under “Downloads” there is a pdf guide explaining how to use each kind of template in detail (Canvas / Google Forms / Qualtrics).
  • If you’d like further help or input on collecting student feedback, schedule a consultation with CTL staff or contact Rick Moore, the Assistant Director for Assessment and Evaluation [email protected]

Created through a collaboration between CIRCLE and the Center for Teaching and Learning. To preview the templates and import them into your courses, log into Canvas, and then follow the links below. Alternatively, you can also search for the templates within Canvas Commons using the instructions further down the page.

See our pdf guide download that includes detailed instructions plus general tips on collecting student feedback using these templates.

Available Survey Templates

Canvas commons logo

  • Quick Course Pulse:  General feedback on how the course is going overall
  • Quick Feedback on a Course Activity:  Feedback on a specific course activity
  • Quick Activity Feedback – Group Work:  Feedback on a group assignment or activity

If you still can’t get to the surveys via the links, please follow the instructions below to access the surveys by searching Canvas Commons. Once you’ve imported a survey into your course, it can be found under the “Quizzes” where you can make any changes you need and publish it to your students.

Accessing Surveys via Canvas Commons Search

Canvas commons logo

Correct results will have the following image:

students assignment feedback comments examples

Google Forms is a easy-to-use survey platform that can be completely anonymous. If you don’t already have one you will need to  create a Google account  to design and send Google Forms, but students do not need to use or even have a Google account to respond.

The templates below were created through collaboration between CIRCLE and the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Click the links below to access the survey templates. Once a template has been opened, click the “USE TEMPLATE” button located in the upper right corner of the screen to import the survey into your Google account.

We also offer a pdf guide that includes  more instructions and general tips  on collecting student feedback using these Google Form templates.

Qualtrics is a professional survey platform to which WashU has an institutional subscription. Details and support can be found on the  Information Technology Qualtrics page .

Although Qualtrics is not difficult to use, because it is relatively feature-rich, it may be easier for you to use our Google Form or Canvas templates if you are not already familiar with designing surveys on this platform.

To import the templates into your Qualtrics account, download and  import the .qsf file for the survey  that you would like to use. In addition to the .qsf files, you can also download a Word version of the survey in order to preview the questions before importing them into Qualtrics.

We offer a pdf guide that includes more instructions and general tips on collecting student feedback using these templates.

  • Quick Course Pulse: General feedback on how the course is going overall [ .qsf  /  Word ]
  • Quick Feedback on a Course Activity: Feedback on a specific course activity [ .qsf  /  Word ]
  • Quick Activity Feedback – Group Work: Feedback on a group assignment or activity [ .qsf  /  Word ]
  • Quick Lecture Feedback: Feedback specific to lecture portions of a course [ .qsf  /  Word ]

Further Tips

  • Collect Something : Don’t get overwhelmed with possibility. Even a single piece of feedback can help you improve your course. Think about what you most want to know about your students’ experience in your course.
  • No need to reinvent the wheel : Use one of our ready-made templates to get started. You can always customize the questions to meet your specific needs, but there’s no need to start from scratch.
  • Wait a bit : Refrain from collecting feedback during the first two weeks of class; this will help you avoid investing effort into fixing issues that will naturally improve as students settle into the course.
  • Explain : Tell students what types of feedback you plan to collect and why.
  • Keep it brief : Try to use surveys that students can complete in a minute or two.
  • Make it convenient : Embed surveys into Canvas modules or send via email to streamline the process for students.to streamline the process for students.
  • Be strategic : Don’t overwhelm your students or yourself by collecting feedback on every activity. Focus your efforts on activities you suspect are not working well or those you’ve had to alter significantly.
  • Provide clear response options : Aim for response options with clear practical meanings (e.g., Needs Improvement/Meets Expectations vs. a 1-5 scale). This approach may help you view, interpret, and respond to feedback more quickly.
  • Give credit : If possible, consider tying surveys to a small amount of points (i.e., completion credit) to encourage participation. For example, this can be easily done on Canvas with an graded survey .
  • Acknowledge : Thank students for their feedback and emphasize its importance for improving the course.
  • Follow-Up : If necessary, make changes and assess their effect with a follow-up survey. For changes made to specific activities, the follow-up can be conducted the next time students complete the activity. For more general course-level changes, allow at least 3-4 weeks for the changes to take hold before reassessing. It’s also good idea to tell students explicitly that you’re making changes based on their feedback. If many students ask for a change that you decide not to implement, you might want to explain why you made that choice, if appropriate. This lets the students know that they were heard.
  • Start small: If your data indicate to you that improvement is needed, start by identifying one concrete change you can make rather than making a major overhaul.
  • Take care of “easy” fixes: Be sure to make “easy” fixes (broken links, pdfs that are hard to read, not be audible during lecture, etc.); even if only one student has mentioned them others have likely had the same problem.
  • Expect some negative feedback: A small percentage of students will always indicate that something “Needs Improvement.” It’s also normal to receive some contradictory results, especially with open ended questions (e.g. discussions are too long / discussions are too short). Keep negative ratings and comments in perspective.
  • Use open-ended feedback: Identify potential changes by consulting open-ended feedback (if you’ve collected it), soliciting follow-up feedback from students, seeking input from colleagues, or consulting with the CTL.
  • Look for patterns: Several students writing similar responses may be evidence of wider agreement on an issue. At the same time, comments that disagree with one another can also point to areas where student experience varies; such variation may signal an area to address in the future.
  • Sort answers: Finding patterns and making sense of qualitative data is not always easy, especially if you have more than just a few responses. One method is to copy and paste the qualitative answers into another program (e.g. Excel, Word, etc.) where you can sort them into categories that are helpful to you. There is no one right sorting strategy for everyone and you should choose the one that works best for you.
  • Follow up: You can always collect another round of feedback to assess changes you make. If this is a course-level change (and not just a change to a specific activity), give several weeks for the change to take effect before assessing.

While designing your survey, consider the advantages and challenges associated with open-ended survey questions.


  • Provides a low-barrier opportunity for students to share concerns and suggestions
  • Can help you interpret and respond to results of the closed questions without additional follow-up


  • Reviewing open responses can be time consuming, especially for a large course.
  • Open questions require more effort from students and can reduce response rates.

Some form of open-ended feedback is crucial to pinpoint problems and identify potential improvements. If you chose not to initially ask open-ended questions, you might consider following up with students via class discussion, email, or another survey on any specific areas of concern identified by your initial survey. While leaving open-ended questions for follow-up steps can help you control the amount and type of feedback you receive, there are also drawbacks to this approach. It creates extra logistical steps for yourself and your students, and surveying people frequently can significantly lower response rates. In general, open-ended questions are easiest to implement in smaller courses and more difficult (although not impossible) to use in larger ones.

Have suggestions?

If you have suggestions of resources we might add to these pages, please contact us:

[email protected] (314) 935-6810 Mon - Fri, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction.

The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives. The Purdue OWL offers global support through online reference materials and services.

A Message From the Assistant Director of Content Development 

The Purdue OWL® is committed to supporting  students, instructors, and writers by offering a wide range of resources that are developed and revised with them in mind. To do this, the OWL team is always exploring possibilties for a better design, allowing accessibility and user experience to guide our process. As the OWL undergoes some changes, we welcome your feedback and suggestions by email at any time.

Please don't hesitate to contact us via our contact page  if you have any questions or comments.

All the best,

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FeedbackFruits Help Center

How does Assignment Review work as a student?

This article will guide you through our Assignment Review tool and its possibilities. This article is written to help you to enhance your understanding of the functionalities of this tool. ​

Step 1: Instructions

In step 1 you will find the instructions that have been set by your teacher, and you will see the people that are in your group.

students assignment feedback comments examples

Step 2: Hand in 

When you scroll down to step 2, you will find the box where you need to hand in your file(s). You can either click select file to upload a file from your computer, or drag a file into the box. You also have the possibility to paste a website link , for example if you want to upload a Youtube video. Click submit . 

NOTE. Make sure to upload your files in the instructed manner (sometimes written just below "Hand in" ) and of course, before the deadline (sometimes, late submissions may be allowed by your teacher). Submissions can be done in most available formats , however, instructions left by your teacher will often clarify this aspect.

When you have handed in your work, the following screen will appear. You should see the name of your file, a green checkmark with the text hand-in received , and a bin symbol in case you want to delete a submission. Note you will only be able to delete a submission before the assignment deadline. If you want, you can add more files . By clicking on your file, you can view your submission in a separate window.

Step 3: Feedback by teacher

Since the teacher is the one to provide feedback in this type of assignment, as a student you can move straight on to the next step (step 4: Read received feedback) after the teacher has finished giving feedback.

students assignment feedback comments examples

Step 4: Read received feedback

When the teacher has completed their feedback, you will see the following. First, you will see the file you submitted again at the bottom of the "Read received feedback" box. As you can see, the number of added comments is displayed next to it (see image below). To start reading the feedback, click on the blue text balloons to see the specific comments. 

students assignment feedback comments examples

To   see all the feedback , click on 'View feedback'. This will open the module's main screen.

On the left side, you will see the document (or a different type of file) with perhaps annotations . The teacher can also simply give you a score and comment without using the in-text annotation option (displayed as grey boxes which will turn purple when you hover your mouse over them). If you click on them, they will reveal the attached comment. 

students assignment feedback comments examples

On the right side, the feedback/social box can be seen. Here you will see all of the scores you obtained, the requirements they were based on, as well as having the possibility see the comments of your teacher. As soon as you read them, this will log in the system, and the teacher will know if you checked your progress.

To help you achieve deeper learning, you can upvote (thumbs up) and reply to your teacher's feedback. This will allow you to clarify whatever you might not fully understand or for adding further explanations. Teachers can also use this to answer to your additions.

You can also download the feedback as seen in the top right of the image below.

Click the top left arrow t o go back to the overview.

students assignment feedback comments examples

Step 5: Reflect on the assignment (if made available)

If your teacher has added the step to reflect on the assignment, it will be shown at step 5. Students can start with this step when step 3 ‘Give feedback to your peers’ is completed. When this is not yet the case, the step will be presented as shown in the image below.

students assignment feedback comments examples

Below is an example of a student that completed their reflection on their assignment with at the top of the step 5 section, the instructions from the teacher. When the deadline has passed (if there is a deadline), the reflection cannot be edited anymore.

students assignment feedback comments examples

Finally, at the bottom of the assignment, the points of the grading are shown (see image below as an example).

students assignment feedback comments examples

When the teacher hasn't enabled grading (yet), then the assignment won't be graded unless your teacher enables it. This grading section will then be shown as in the image below:

students assignment feedback comments examples

This concludes the Assignment Review | Student Perspective tutorial. ​ If you have any questions or experience a technical issue , please contact our friendly support team by clicking on the blue chat button (Note: support is available 24h every weekday & unavailable on the weekend).  

students assignment feedback comments examples


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  2. Click on the image above to download this FREEBIE from Bespoke ELA

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  4. 101 Positive Feedback Examples (Copy and Paste) (2023)

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  6. 25 Peer Feedback Examples (2024)

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  4. Looking at Feedback in Assignment 1 and Assignment 2

  5. Providing Effective Feedback for Students

  6. Report card remarks/result sheet comments..A to C grade students


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    Constructive feedback on Homework. 1. While most of your homework is great, you missed a few points in your rush to complete it. Next time, slow down and make sure your work is thorough. 2. You put a lot of effort into your homework, and it shows. However, make sure to proofread your work for grammar and spelling mistakes.

  2. 150 Positive Comments for Student Papers

    The positive feedback outweighs the negative feedback as well, so make it a common strategy to give positive feedback on students' papers. It is a tremendous opportunity for students to grow. 1. I never thought of it this way. Great job analyzing! 2. What an amazing sentence! 3. This is a wonderful thesis!

  3. PDF Examples of Academic Feedback

    Examples of Academic Feedback Here are some examples of tutors' comments on their students' writing. Click on the sentences below for specific advice on making the most of feedback you have received: ... As with introductions, conclusions vary according to assignment types. In general, your conclusion

  4. 63 Positive Comments for Students To Encourage and Motivate Them

    24 other positive comments to give students. Here are 24 other positive and motivational comments you can give to your students or their parents to help encourage growth and continued excellence: This student is strong-willed. You have a positive attitude. Your love for learning is impressive.

  5. 5 effective constructive feedback examples: Unlocking student potential

    Constructive feedback example tied to a rubric. Rubrics are an integral piece of the learning journey because they communicate an assignment's expectations to students. When rubrics are meaningfully tied to a project, it is clear to both instructors and students how an assignment can be completed at the highest level.

  6. Commenting on Student Writing

    Students should be able to see a clear correlation among 1) written comments on a paper, 2) the grading criteria for the assignment, and 3) the learning objectives for the course. Thus, before you start reading and commenting on a stack of papers, remind yourself of the grading criteria, the learning objectives, and which aspects of the writing ...

  7. How to Give Positive Feedback on Student Writing

    If your corrective feedback is very detailed but your positive comments are quick and vague, you may appreciate this advice from teachers across the country. "Nice work." "Great job." "Powerful sentence.". Even though I knew they wouldn't mean much to students, these vague and ineffective comments made their way into my writing ...

  8. How to Give Positive Feedback to Students (With Examples From Teachers

    They may want to give up and stop trying. Instead, saying things like: "That's a really great start, but perhaps you could…". "You're on the right track, but you're not quite there yet.". Positive phrases such as these help students see that learning is a journey, and there will be some speed bumps along the way!

  9. PDF Providing Effective Feedback on Writing Assignments

    Put minimal comments on the final version. Become the judge at the end of the process. 4) "Less is more" - minimize comments (Werner 2013, review in Underwood and Tregidgo 2006) Try focusing on one specific type of feedback or limit the number of comments (e.g., 3-4 margin comments per page). Limit comments to 2 sentences, but more than ...

  10. Positive Feedback for Students (with Examples)

    Effective positive feedback follows certain criteria—it should be specific, timely, sincere, and constructive. This ensures that students understand what they did well and feel encouraged to continue in the same vein. Let's consider some practical examples: Example 1: Instead of saying "Good job," which is vague, a teacher could say ...

  11. Commenting on Student Writing

    Working through a sequence of shorter assignments (and sets of comments) provides students with opportunities to improve their writing, and allows you to return papers faster. A little bit of formative feedback and a short endnote will often be more effective than a long endnote on a single assignment. Ask students to reflect on their work.

  12. Feedback on your assignments: what it is and how to use it

    Understand the feedback: look at all the feedback provided (sometimes there are comments on your script as well as the overall comments), and read it carefully to ensure you understand each comment. Log your feedback: create a system of storing your feedback that is easily accessible. Use your feedback in future assignments: refer to your ...

  13. PDF Providing Feedback on Student Writing

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  14. Responding to Student Writing

    In addition to providing the student with an evaluation of a particular paper, comments perform several important functions. At their most basic level, comments illustrate to students that their papers are written to be read. ... For example, if the assignment asks students to take a side on an issue, you'll be looking for an explicitly ...

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    Public Speaking: Your public speaking skills have greatly improved; your recent presentation was engaging, well-delivered, and captured the audience's attention. 2. Positive Feedback for Students. Hard Work: Your hard work and dedication to your studies have led to a significant improvement in your grades.

  16. Positive Feedback for Students (with Examples)

    They may want to just give up and stop trying. "That's a really great start, but perhaps you could…". "You're on the right track, but you're not quite there yet.". Positive phrases such as these help students see that learning is a journey - and there will be some speed bumps along the way!

  17. PDF Writing High-Quality Evaluations of Student Performance: Best Practices

    • comments refer to a student's future subspecialty or career path • comments include references to grading or test scores • comments are just a list of quotes or fragments of sentences and have not been synthesized into a well-written paragraph . Examples to avoid (as the only narrative comment) • Overall outstanding job on service ...

  18. Providing Effective Feedback on Student Papers

    Tell students upfront what you will be looking for in their papers. Then keep this focus in mind when formulating comments on each paper. If you're concentrating on argument, provide direct feedback on each student's argument. For example: "Your argument is strong, clearly stated, and supported by ample evidence.".

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  20. Response: Ways to Give Effective Feedback on Student Writing

    The best feedback on student writing gives teachers a window into student thinking; it doesn't just advise students. #5 - Give students an immediate opportunity to use the feedback.

  21. How to Provide Mastery-Oriented Feedback (With Examples)

    Go over the assignments in class with the students. Have the students self-assess and self-reflect more as you go over the answers. Give MOF verbally and support students in the process of achieving the goals of the lesson. Do more formative assessments. In short, reduce the quantity so that you can increase the quality of your feedback.

  22. Instructor's Guide for Giving Feedback

    Kinds of Feedback. Formative feedback is feedback that's offered during a unit, on drafts or on other scaffolding assignments, to help guide students' learning and sometimes revision. It usually helps form the final product. It tends to be more often found embedded in the text using something like Track Changes or marginal comments (also called ...

  23. Templates for Quick Student Feedback

    Each format has four templates available for gathering various kinds of feedback: Quick Course Pulse : General feedback on how the course is going overall. Quick Feedback on a Course Activity : Feedback on a specific course activity. Quick Activity Feedback - Group Work : Feedback on a group assignment or activity.

  24. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects.

  25. Assignment Review: For Students

    First, you will see the file you submitted again at the bottom of the "Read received feedback" box. As you can see, the number of added comments is displayed next to it (see image below). To start reading the feedback, click on the blue text balloons to see the specific comments.