Graduate Student Success Center

Thesis and dissertation template.

The Graduate College offers a thesis/dissertation template that contains all required content and formatting. You can either write your document from within the template or apply the template’s formatting to your previously created work.

Need help working in the template? Schedule an appointment today.

Before You Begin

The first time you download the template, save the template file to your computer before you begin work on your document. This is important if you are composing your thesis/dissertation within the template or if you are copying and pasting your content into the template. You may need the original template file in the future.

Please note: We offer the Google Doc template for initial drafts of your thesis/dissertation to share easily with your committee chair. We do not accept Google Documents as the final document of your thesis/dissertation. Google Docs does not have the functionality we require for our final theses/dissertations. Please use the Google Doc template while keeping in mind that you will need to convert your document to Microsoft Word later.

Download Thesis and Dissertation Template (Word Doc) Download Thesis and Dissertation Template (LATEX) Download Thesis and Dissertation Template (Google Doc)

Word Template Last Updated: February 2021

Word Document Template Information

Download instructions.

  • Download the Boise State Template from the orange callout ribbon above.
  • Show the downloaded file in the Downloads folder.
  • Right click and select Open
  • Enable Content
  • Click File > Save As and name the file, for instance, Boise_State_Template.dotm (note the extension is “.dotm”) and  Save as type:  Word Macro-Enabled Template (*.dotm) .  It is recommended locating this file on your desktop – it may come in handy if you need to reattach the template to your document in the future (see below).
  • Close this file.

Working Within the Template

To work within the template, styles are applied throughout the document. These styles can be found by clicking the arrow in the lower right hand corner of the Styles section in the Home tab. To apply a style, simply highlight the text that you wish to format and click the appropriate name from the styles list.

When entering your own work into the template, be sure to apply the following styles to the appropriate parts of your document. Failure to do so will mean that your Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables will be incorrect.

  • Format a Heading 1 in all caps, and centered
  • Format a Heading 2 in title-caps, bold, and centered
  • Format a Heading 3 in title-caps, underlined, and aligned left
  • Format a Heading 4 in title-caps, underlined, and indented once
  • Format a Heading 5 in title-caps, underlined and indented twice
  • Figure Captions are bolded and centered in the template. They may also be justified.
  • Table Captions are bolded and aligned left in the template. They may also be justified.
  • Appendix Heading 2
  • Appendix Heading 3

Formatting Landscape Pages

When setting pages of your document to landscape orientation to accommodate large figures or tables, you must reformat their page numbers so that they will still be visible after binding.

  • Open the landscape page’s header by double-clicking within the header.
  • Deselect Link to Previous, located in the Navigation section of the Design tab. Repeat this step for the page following the landscape page.
  • Delete the landscape page’s current page number.
  • Click Insert → Page Number (in the Header & Footer section)→Page Margins.
  • Select Landscape Page Numbers.

Note: If your other pages’ pagination disappears after inserting landscape page numbers, you likely did not turn off Link to Previous. Undo your changes to the page numbers and restart the instructions.

Replacing Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables

After your writing and editing is complete, you will need to replace the Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables.

  • Right click the existing TOC, LOF, or LOT.
  • Click Update Field.
  • Select Update entire table and click Ok.

Note: All other lists (such as a List of Abbreviations or List of Graphs) are not updated automatically. Instead, the template includes examples of manually-created lists that can be altered to fit your needs.

Attaching the Template to a Preexisting Document. If your document is at or near completion, it may be easier for you to attach the template to your existing file than to paste your document into a new template.

Formatting Styles and Applying Styles

Before attaching the Thesis/Dissertation template to your document, you must first apply the following styles to the appropriate sections of your work. It does not matter how these styles look – when you first apply them they will not look right – only that the names of the styles match those in the following list exactly. After you have applied all the styles and attach the template the document will be formatted correctly.

These styles can be found by clicking the arrow in the lower right hand corner of the Styles section in the Home tab. Leave this menu open while you work through the document. To apply a style, simply highlight the text that you wish to format and click the appropriate name from the styles list.

Attaching Styles

  • Access the Styles menu by clicking the lower-right corner of the Styles box on the Home tab in Windows. Keep this menu open on the side of your screen and apply the styles to your document as you work.
  • Highlight the text you wish to format (it is often only necessary to “click in” the section you wish to format)
  • Click the appropriate style from the Styles menu

Note: If the style you are looking for is not included in the list you may need to create the style (see next).

Creating Styles

Some required styles will not be listed in the premade styles, thus you will need to create them yourself.

  • Highlight the text that you wish to format
  • Right click the text and select Styles → Save Selection as a New Quick Style.
  • Enter the appropriate style name and click OK.

Note: Remember, it does not matter how these styles look at this time, only that the style names match the names listed in the table above.

Attaching the Template

After applying styles to your document, you can attach the template, which will fix most of your document’s formatting issues.

  • Download the Boise State Thesis and Dissertation Template and save it to your computer. See instructions above under “Before you Begin.”
  • Open the Word document containing your thesis/dissertation, click file, click options, click add-ins, and select templates from the Manage drop down menu at the bottom of the page. Click go.
  • In the Document Template section, click Attach.
  • Navigate to the folder in which you saved the template and select it.
  • Important: Check the box labeled “Automatically update document styles.”

Adjusting Margins

  • Click Ctrl+A to select the entire document.
  • In the Home ribbon, click layout, click margins and select the mirror margin option that contains inside margin 1.5″, top and bottom margins 1.”

Setting Page Numbers

Be careful that you set section breaks between front matter and body text and also between portrait and landscape-oriented pages (see Manually Formatting Your Document for instructions on setting page breaks). Each has a different way of formatting their pagination.

Front Matter

  •  Set a continuous section break immediately before the Heading 1 on the first page that follows your approval pages.
  • Set a continuous section break immediately before the title of Chapter 1.
  • Open the footer on the first page following your approval page by clicking the Footer button in the Header & Footer section of the Insert tab and selecting Edit Footer.
  • Deselect Link to Previous, located in the Navigation section of the Design tab. This step is only necessary for the first numbered page in the front matter.
  • Insert page numbers. Front matter page numbers should be in lowercase Roman numerals and should be centered at the bottom of each page.
  • Double-click inside the footer of the first page in Chapter 1.
  • Deselect Link to Previous, located in the Navigation section of the Design tab. This step is only necessary for the first page in the body text.
  • Delete the page numbers from the footer.
  • Open the header on the same page by double-clicking inside the header.
  • Deselect Link to Previous, located in the Navigation section of the Design tab.
  • Insert alpha-numeric page numbers, starting with 1, into the upper right-hand corner of the pages.

Landscape Pages

  • Repeat step 3 on the page following the landscape page.
  • Click Insert → Page Number (in the Header & Footer section) → Page Margins.

Inserting Table of Contents and Lists of Figures or Tables

Finally, after your document’s content is complete, you will need to create the Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables.

  • In the Home ribbon, select References , then select Table of Contents and choose the first option.
  • To build your list of tables or figures do the following: on the Home ribbon, select references, select Insert List of Table of Figures, on the options drop down select either table captions or figure captions depending on which you are creating. You will then have to manually insert the heading.

Note: The template does not include macros for automatically generating other lists such as a List of Abbreviations or List of Graphs. However, it does include example lists that can be copied, pasted, and altered to meet your needs.

Helpful Tips

  • Access the Styles menu by clicking the lower-right corner of the styles box on the Home tab in Windows. Keep this menu open on the side of your screen, or on a second screen, and apply the styles to your document as you work. To make the document styles behave, use the styles in the template. For example, for all Heading 1s, use the Heading 1 style, which will automatically insert a break and a 2 inch margin, etc. As long as the styles are used, the document should behave appropriately, and the table of contents will include the headings once updated. To modify the Table of Contents, click once to highlight the table in gray, right-click and select “Update Entire Field.”
  • Show formatting marks as you work in your document.  Click on the File tab, then Options, Display, and click on the box “Show all formatting marks” and OK.

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6 Tips for Writing Your Thesis in Google Docs

a writer

The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, which means it’s officially spring time. This is good news for just about everyone… except those with a looming thesis deadline.

If you’re pursuing a Bachelors, Masters, or PhD, you’re either feeling very good or very not-so-good right about now. For some of you, no words have yet made it onto the page. That’s okay! We’re not here to judge. We’re here to help.

One thing you may or may not have considered yet is where you’re going to be writing your thesis. Sure, Microsoft Word is the obvious choice. But is it the best one? There are a lot of problem with Words including feature bloat, incompatibilities between versions and operating systems and   plain old crashes . If you’ve ever considered Word to be the bane of your existence (and who hasn’t?), you may want to consider a simple cloud-based alternative like Google Docs. You’ll be able to work from anywhere, including offline, and barring circumstances of an apocalyptic proportion, you’ll never lose your work. Sounds like a win-win.

If you decide to make the Google Docs plunge for something as important as your thesis, arguably your magnum opus , here are a few tips for making the transition a success.

1. Enable Offline Access

If you chose Google Docs as your go-tool for your thesis you likely to belong to a generation who is online all time. But there are occasionally moments when you are cut off from the internet and want to work on your thesis. You can enable offline access to your Google Docs simply by checking a box in your Google Drive settings . To make all other files in your Google Drive available offline you can   set up desktop sync . Got a long flight coming up? Work on your thesis. Internet’s down at the local coffee shop? Work on your thesis. Commute by train? Work on your thesis. You get the drift. Don’t set up barriers to keep you from getting work done - take action to bring them down.

2. Decide on an Organizational Structure Ahead of Time

Lets face it: your thesis is going to be a big, unruly document. So big in fact, that it probably makes more sense to break it down in manageable chunks while you’re in the development phase. That means setting up different folders and documents based on how your thesis will be organized.

The way you do this can, and should, vary based on the needs of your project and the way that you like to write. One simple way to do it is to break up your document by section of your thesis, so that you have a Google Doc for each of the following: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, and Conclusion. Alternatively, you may also choose to keep all of your sections in one document, and take advantage of Google Doc’s new outline feature to move from place to place.

Writing your thesis in Google Docs allows you to use the Outline feature

Another way to organize your documents is by theme. If you have topics that cross over sections, this may be the most sensible option. You take the big ideas out of your thesis and write about them one by one. For example, for my thesis in Education, I cover topics like Community of Inquiry, Online Learning, Personality, etc., and I make a document for each of those. When the time comes to pull them all together, I know where to find each of my arguments.

Whatever you do, it’s important to make a decision ahead of time and stick to it . This allows you to keep the same organizational structure across all of your apps. Just like you have the same days of the week across all of your calendars, having your citation management system in the same format as your Google Docs makes life infinitely simpler. Which brings me to my next point…

3. Decide on a Citation Management System

Have you kept track of your sources manually up until now? It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. Your thesis will be the biggest document you’ve ever managed, and quite possibly the biggest document you ever will manage. No sane person keeps track of hundreds of sources by hand . There’s no need to make more work for yourself, and it’s just plain ludicrous if you have a looming deadline.

You have a ton of options to choose from in this arena. Whatever system you decide to work with, whether it’s a simple add-on to Google Docs or a comprehensive PDF management system, make sure it integrates with your workflow . If it’s a pain to enter data, you won’t do it, and you’ll be left with glaring gaps of information at the end of your project. Keep it simple, and keep it smart.

4. Clean up Your Digital Workspace

One of the many benefits to using Google Docs to write a thesis is that you don’t have to constantly move between windows to get things done. Most of your research is done in-browser, and your writing belongs right next to it. But with great power comes great responsibility. It’s very easy to get overwhelmed and distracted by the magic of the Internet. This is why you should make every effort to keep your digital workspace as tidy as your physical one.

What does this mean? For starters, it means making an assessment of the apps and websites you regularly use to do your research, take notes, and write your thesis. Now jot down a list of these. Go into Chrome (or your preferred browser) and pin them . Pinning a tab keeps it open, neatly organized in the left of your browser window, and unclosable. So everything you need is always handy.

5. Make Use of Add-ons

A few years ago, Google Docs might have seemed like a poor-man’s Microsoft Word. But the platform has become increasingly sophisticated over the years, to the point that some now say it surpasses traditional desktop tools. What takes it to the next level? Add-ons, of course. The Google Docs add-on store is full of helpful apps for students, with more being added every day.

Some particular ones to take note of include AutoLaTeX for statistical equations and Thesaurus for when you’ve used the word “nuance” too many times. Paperpile also offers a free citation generator for Google Docs that makes it a breeze to find, cite, and style academic sources within your document.

6. Leave Time to Make it Pretty

One thing Google Docs cannot do is make a truly visually striking document. It suffers from the same limitations that all WYSIWYG editors do - it can’t be both easy to use and complicated to produce. Ever notice how the paper you converted into PDF from Microsoft Word looks nothing like the journal article you downloaded? The spacing, the balance, all the small details that go into putting together a visually appealing document are lost with WYSIWYG authoring. Google Docs is no different, and it isn’t intended to be. It’s an amazing collaborative and drafting tool. But when it comes to the final product, you can and should go the extra mile into making it look good. This is your magnum opus, remember?

There are many ways to go about this. Many scientists use the programming language LaTeX to create elegant research papers. If the idea of coding seems intimidating, look into a publishing program like Adobe InDesign . Whatever you choose, get comfortable with it before your project is done. And give yourself a solid week to turn the final product into one you’ll be proud of. Will it turn a satisfactory grade into an exemplary one? No. But will it be enough to push a “good” to a “very good”? Possibly. And that makes it worth the effort.

Are you currently writing a thesis in Google Docs? Tell us the good, the bad, and the ugly in the comments.

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  • Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates

Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates

Published on 8 June 2022 by Tegan George .

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical early steps in your writing process . It helps you to lay out and organise your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation, such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review, research methods, avenues for future research, etc.)

In the final product, you can also provide a chapter outline for your readers. This is a short paragraph at the end of your introduction to inform readers about the organisational structure of your thesis or dissertation . This chapter outline is also known as a reading guide or summary outline.

Table of contents

How to outline your thesis or dissertation, dissertation and thesis outline templates, chapter outline example, sample sentences for your chapter outline, sample verbs for variation in your chapter outline, frequently asked questions about outlines.

While there are some inter-institutional differences, many outlines proceed in a fairly similar fashion.

  • Working Title
  • ‘Elevator pitch’ of your work (often written last).
  • Introduce your area of study, sharing details about your research question, problem statement , and hypotheses . Situate your research within an existing paradigm or conceptual or theoretical framework .
  • Subdivide as you see fit into main topics and sub-topics.
  • Describe your research methods (e.g., your scope, population , and data collection ).
  • Present your research findings and share about your data analysis methods.
  • Answer the research question in a concise way.
  • Interpret your findings, discuss potential limitations of your own research and speculate about future implications or related opportunities.

To help you get started, we’ve created a full thesis or dissertation template in Word or Google Docs format. It’s easy adapt it to your own requirements.

 Download Word template    Download Google Docs template

Chapter outline example British English

It can be easy to fall into a pattern of overusing the same words or sentence constructions, which can make your work monotonous and repetitive for your readers. Consider utilising some of the alternative constructions presented below.

Example 1: Passive construction

The passive voice is a common choice for outlines and overviews because the context makes it clear who is carrying out the action (e.g., you are conducting the research ). However, overuse of the passive voice can make your text vague and imprecise.

Example 2: IS-AV construction

You can also present your information using the ‘IS-AV’ (inanimate subject with an active verb) construction.

A chapter is an inanimate object, so it is not capable of taking an action itself (e.g., presenting or discussing). However, the meaning of the sentence is still easily understandable, so the IS-AV construction can be a good way to add variety to your text.

Example 3: The I construction

Another option is to use the ‘I’ construction, which is often recommended by style manuals (e.g., APA Style and Chicago style ). However, depending on your field of study, this construction is not always considered professional or academic. Ask your supervisor if you’re not sure.

Example 4: Mix-and-match

To truly make the most of these options, consider mixing and matching the passive voice , IS-AV construction , and ‘I’ construction .This can help the flow of your argument and improve the readability of your text.

As you draft the chapter outline, you may also find yourself frequently repeating the same words, such as ‘discuss’, ‘present’, ‘prove’, or ‘show’. Consider branching out to add richness and nuance to your writing. Here are some examples of synonyms you can use.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organise your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

When you mention different chapters within your text, it’s considered best to use Roman numerals for most citation styles. However, the most important thing here is to remain consistent whenever using numbers in your dissertation .

All level 1 and 2 headings should be included in your table of contents . That means the titles of your chapters and the main sections within them.

The contents should also include all appendices and the lists of tables and figures, if applicable, as well as your reference list .

Do not include the acknowledgements or abstract   in the table of contents.

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ‘Cite this Scribbr article’ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

George, T. (2022, June 08). Dissertation & Thesis Outline | Example & Free Templates. Scribbr. Retrieved 26 May 2024, from

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Tegan George

Tegan George

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  • Dissertation & Thesis Template

As a resource for graduate students, sample Word templates are available to assist with the initial formatting of doctoral dissertations and master's theses. Students are expected to fully format their dissertation/thesis according to the   " Preparation and Submission Manual for Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses ".

  • This template is a starting point and students may have to add or remove sections/text to accurately reflect their document and adhere to all requirements in the manual.
  • Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA) does not provide technical support for any of the templates below.
  • If using these templates, students must still refer to the formatting manual for full instructions.

The below templates are in Word. If you prefer to use LaTeX, here is a recommended unofficial template . We are not able to provide technical support for LaTeX.

Note: opening the Word template in Google Docs may cause auto-formatting features to be lost or auto-formatting features may appear differently.

A sample template of a co-author permission letter and cover letter from the committee chair can be found here . For complete information on submission of permission letters, please see this page and/or refer to the full Manual . 

Master’s Degree Thesis

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Doctoral Degree Dissertation

  • Degree Completion
  • Dissertation & Thesis Submission
  • Dissertation & Thesis Manual

thesis template google docs

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What’s Included: Methodology Template

This template covers all the core components required in the research methodology chapter or section of a typical dissertation or thesis, including:

  • The opening section
  • Research philosophy
  • Research type
  • Research strategy
  • Time horizon
  • Sampling strategy
  • Data collection methods
  • Data analysis methods
  • Conclusion & summary

The purpose of each section is explained in plain language, followed by an overview of the key elements that you need to cover. The template also includes practical examples to help you understand exactly what’s required, along with links to additional free resources (articles, videos, etc.) to help you along your research journey.

The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX.

PS – if you’d like a high-level template for the entire thesis, you can we’ve got that too .

What format is the template (DOC, PDF, PPT, etc.)?

The methodology chapter template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

What types of dissertations/theses can this template be used for?

The methodology template follows the standard format for academic research projects, which means it will be suitable for the vast majority of dissertations and theses (especially those within the sciences), whether they adopt a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods approach. The template is loosely based on Saunders’ research onion , which is recommended as a methodological framework by many universities.

Keep in mind that the exact requirements for the methodology chapter/section will vary between universities and degree programs. These are typically minor, but it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalize your structure.

Is this template for an undergrad, Master or PhD-level thesis?

This template can be used for a dissertation, thesis or research project at any level of study. Doctoral-level projects typically require the methodology chapter to be more extensive/comprehensive, but the structure will typically remain the same.

How long should the methodology chapter be?

This can vary a fair deal, depending on the level of study (undergrad, Master or Doctoral), the field of research, as well as your university’s specific requirements. Therefore, it’s best to check with your university or review past dissertations from your program to get an accurate estimate. 

How detailed should my methodology be?

As a rule of thumb, you should provide enough detail for another researcher to replicate your study. This includes clear descriptions of procedures, tools, and techniques you used to collect and analyse your data, as well as your sampling approach.

How technical should my language be in this chapter?

In the methodology chapter, your language should be technical enough to accurately convey your research methods and processes, but also clear and precise to ensure it’s accessible to readers within your field.

Aim for a balance where the technical aspects of your methods are thoroughly explained without overusing jargon or overly complex language.

Should I include a pilot study in my methodology?

If you conducted a pilot study, you can include it in the methodology to demonstrate the feasibility and refinement of your methods. Be sure to obtain the necessary permissions from your research advisor before conducting any pilot studies, though. 

Can I share this template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template in its original format (no editing allowed). If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, we kindly request that you reference this page as your source.

Do you have templates for the other chapters?

Yes, we do. We are constantly developing our collection of free resources to help students complete their dissertations and theses. You can view all of our template resources here .

Can Grad Coach help me with my methodology?

Yes, we can assist with your methodology chapter (or any other chapter) on a coaching basis. If you’re interested, feel free to get in touch to discuss our private coaching services .

Free Webinar: Research Methodology 101

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How to Use APA Format in Google Docs

Format any academic paper with ease

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What Is APA Format?

  • Step-by-Step: Use the APA Template in Google Docs
  • Use APA Format on Google Docs

Formatting References for APA Style

In-text citations for apa style.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

If you use Google Docs for academic writing, then you'll likely need to be familiar with APA format. While you can use a Google Docs template , it also helps to know how to set up APA format in Google Docs manually, too.

Instructions in this article apply to the web version of Google Docs. The steps are the same for all web browsers and operating systems .

Your instructor might have specific requirements, but most papers in APA format should include the following:

  • Double-spaced text with no extra spaces between paragraphs.
  • Size 12 Times New Roman font, or a similarly legible font.
  • One-inch page margins on all sides.
  • A header that includes the title of your paper and the page number.
  • A title page that includes the title of your paper, your name, and your school's name.
  • Body paragraphs begin with a 1/2 inch indent.
  • A References page at the end of the paper.
  • In-text citations for specific quotes or facts.

The Google Doc APA template includes headings that you may or may not need. For example, your instructor might not require a 'Methodology' or 'Results' section. The American Psychological Association's website has the official guidelines for APA style .

How to Use the APA Template in Google Docs

Google Docs offers several templates that automatically format your documents. To set up the APA template in Google Docs:

Open a new document and select File > New > From template .

The template gallery will open in a separate browser tab. Scroll down to the Education section and select Report APA .

If you need to set up MLA format in Google Docs , there's also a template for that.

A new document will open containing dummy text in APA format. With the proper formatting already in place, you just need to change the words. If there are sections you don't need, delete them.

How to Do APA Format on Google Docs

Since the template can be a little confusing, you should understand how to set up APA style in Google Docs step-by-step. Once you format your paper, you can save it to use as your own personal template for the future:

Change the font to Times New Roman and the font size to 12 .

Google Docs uses 1-inch margins all round by default, so you don't need to change the margins.

Select Insert > Headers & footers > Header .

You can easily change and remove headers on Google Docs at any time.

The font for the header will revert to the default, so change it to  12 point   Times New Roman and type the title of your paper in all caps.

You can use a shortened version of your title if it is particularly long.

Select Insert > Page numbers > Page count .

Move the text cursor to the left side of the page number and press the spacebar or tab key until it is aligned with the top-right margin, then check the box under Different first page .

The text you entered will disappear from the first page, but it will appear on subsequent pages. Type Running head: followed by a space, then type your title in all caps.

Type the number 1 , then move the text cursor to the left side of the page number and press the spacebar or tab key until it is aligned with the top-right margin.

Make sure the font is set to the same font as the rest of your text.

Click or tap anywhere below the header, then select  Format  >  Line Spacing  >  Double .

Alternately, select the  Line spacing  icon in the toolbar at the top of the page and choose  Double .

Press the Enter key until the text cursor is about mid-way down the page and select Center Align .

Type the paper’s full title, your full name, and your school’s name on separate lines.

Select Insert > Break > Page Break to start a new page.

Select Center Align and type Abstract .

Press Enter , select Left Align .

Select Tab to indent, then type your abstract.

Google Doc's default ident of 0.5 inches is appropriate for APA format.

Select Insert > Break > Page Break to start a new page, then press the  Tab  key and begin typing the body of your paper. Begin each new paragraph with an indent.

You can set custom indents in Google Docs using the ruler tool.

When you're finished with the body of your paper, select  Insert  >  Break  >  Page Break  to create a new page for your references.

At the end of your paper, there should be a separate page that begins with the word “References” (without quotation marks) centered below the heading. The appropriate format for each reference depends on the type of source. For instance, use the following format to reference articles found on the web:

  • Author last name, first name (year, month day). Title. Publication. URL.

So, an online news article can be referenced as follows:

  • Kelion, Leo (2020, May 4). Coronavirus: UK contact-tracing app is ready for Isle of Wight downloads. BBC News. .

Your references should be alphabetized by the author's last name, and each entry needs a hanging indent , which means that every line after the first one is indented.

APA style also requires in-text citations. Follow all facts or quotes with a citation in the format (Author last, publication year, p. #) after the quote or before the sentence's end punction. For example:

  • (Atwood, 2019, p. 43)

You can omit the page number if you're referencing an entire work.

The American Psychological Association website has more examples of references in APA style .

Select Insert from the Google Docs menu bar, followed by Table . From the pull-down menu, choose the number of rows and columns for your table (1x1 minimum, 20x20 maximum). Remove all vertical lines in the table by selecting them, then select the Border Color tool and choose a color that matches the table background. Do the same for the horizontal lines, except when those lines are needed for data clarity. Type the number of the table (in bold) above the table, then type the table's title in title case (and in italics) below that. Include any relevant notes below the table.

Change the formatting of citations that have already been written to APA by selecting Tools from the menu bar, followed by Citations . A citation format sidebar will appear on the right side of the screen. Select APA from the drop-down menu to have Google Docs change your citation format accordingly.

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  • How to Do a Hanging Indent Google Docs
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thesis template google docs

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Formatting a Research Paper: The Google Docs Way

As educational institutions move towards a more collaborative and technology-based approach to learning, the need for students to become familiar with the use of digital tools for completing assignments is becoming increasingly important. Google Docs is one such tool which can be used in conjunction with other software programs such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat Pro to create professional quality research papers. This article provides an overview of how formatting a research paper using Google Docs can enhance student productivity while maintaining a high level of accuracy and precision. Topics discussed include setting up document features, organizing sources within the text, applying styles, formatting citations correctly according to accepted guidelines, and sharing documents securely online.

I. Introduction to Formatting a Research Paper in Google Docs

Ii. advantages of using the google suite for writing and formating papers, iii. accessing an existing document or creating a new one within the platform, iv. a step-by-step guide to formatting your research paper utilizing the features of google docs, v. customizing margins, fonts, and spacing for optimal reading comfort, vi. making use of different styles and headings to make your content easier to follow, vii. finishing touches: checking spelling & grammar; inserting citations; and exporting/downloading your finished work.

Formatting Your Research Paper in Google Docs Google Docs is a powerful and user-friendly platform for creating and formatting research papers. This guide will walk you through the steps of setting up your document to make sure that it follows all of the standard academic requirements, such as margins, font size, line spacing, title page information and more. It can also help you ensure consistency throughout your paper by utilizing its helpful features like numbered lists and bolded headings.

To get started with formatting a research paper using Google Docs first create an account if necessary. Next open or create a new document within “My Drive”. Be sure to start with the correct type; from there select either “blank” or choose one of their many templates available specifically tailored towards writing essays or scholarly work including MLA format research paper template google docs or APA style templates which include running headers & footers along with other specifications needed for college level assignments

Real Time Collaboration Google Suite’s cloud-based functionality makes it easier for students to work together on projects, even if they are located in different parts of the world. By syncing documents and allowing multiple users to access them at the same time, Google Drive facilitates collaboration that can help turn an average paper into something more impressive. And by providing a chat window within each document as well as version control capabilities—which track every change made to any part of a paper—students have unprecedented ways to communicate with each other about their written assignments.

Simple Formatting & Styling Tools For those without much experience formatting papers according to style guidelines (e.g., APA or MLA), fear not! The Google Suite offers features like Heading Styles and Line Spacing which make writing research papers simpler than ever before. Students can also use templates in applications like Google Docs , making it easy for them quickly create outlines and adhere to standard format requirements while saving valuable time on tedious tasks such as setting page margins.

  • No longer do you need expert knowledge of Microsoft Word.

. Additionally, basic styling tools enable novice writers perfect their professional presentation skills by adding stylistic elements such as italics or bolds with ease . All these features come together seamlessly so that students get the most out of their writing process regardless of how familiar they are with advanced word processing software

Users of the platform can easily create a new document or access an existing one. With the help of Google Docs , users have multiple options for creating and editing their documents:

  • Create from scratch, using Google’s powerful online word processor.
  • Start with an existing template to get you going in the right direction.

Once they’ve chosen which type of document to work on, users are then able to customize it however they want by adding text, images, videos and other forms of media. For more advanced projects like research papers or presentations, there are plenty of tools available for formatting them according to academic standards – including predefined templates specifically designed for different types of formats such as APA or MLA. Furthermore, features like revision history and sharing capabilities make it easy to collaborate with others on projects while ensuring that everyone is working off the same version.

Creating a Research Paper Format with Google Docs Creating the perfect research paper format can be daunting. But with Google Docs, it’s as easy as 1-2-3! Here is a step-by-step guide to formatting your document using all of its features:

1) Begin by opening up an empty Document in Google Docs. 2) To ensure that you are utilizing proper research paper format, use the built in Heading styles – Heading 1 for your title; and Heading 2 and 3 for subsequent sections throughout your work. This will keep all the titles consistent throughout. 3) With text highlighted, choose whether or not you’d like it to be bolded or italicized – both options are available within Google Docs. Additionally, there are many other font sizes and colors available if desired. 4) Utilize unnumbered lists when outlining items such as points or steps within each section. 5) Insert images into documents directly from either Bing Image search results or saved pictures already uploaded onto Drive (Google’s cloud storage). You also have complete control over placement on page and size adjustments of images.. 6 ) Incorporate tables to show numerical data related to your topic. 7 ) Add hyperlinks so readers can quickly access information related to topics presented in your writing. Once completed, double check links before submitting finished product – this ensures accuracy . 8 ) After these basic formatting tasks are completed , utilize ‘research tools’ feature located at top right corner : just highlight any word in article , click ‘Research Tools’ icon & relevant sources appear immediately below selection ! It ‘ s never been easier reference materials while composing one’ s own thoughts ..

By following these simple instructions found above , users should find no difficulty completing their very own professional looking research papers while utilizing only the powerful capabilities provided through google docs !

For a reader to have optimal reading comfort, customizing the document’s margins, fonts and spacing is essential. When looking at a research paper format on Google Docs for instance, we see that some of these settings are pre-configured.

  • Margins: 1 inch all around
  • Font: Times New Roman size 12

Spacing: Double spaced throughout; no extra spaces between paragraphs or sections. .

As you write a paper, it is important to think about how your readers will process the information. By using different styles and headings, you can help make your content easier for them to follow.

One of the most effective techniques for structuring content in research papers is through the use of Google Docs’ Research Paper Format. This format provides an outline structure which enables easy navigation between sections as well as adding visual cues that draw attention to key points or areas of interest. For example, each section heading should be bold and have its own number; subheadings within those sections can then be denoted with bullets or other symbols:

  • Subheading 1
  • Subheading 2

. Additionally, when introducing new topics in a paragraph, begin with an interesting sentence that captures readers’ attention so they are more likely to stay engaged throughout your writing. To further break up text-heavy material into easily digestible chunks while keeping main ideas clearly visible on the page, consider utilizing lists – both numbered and unnumbered -to present sequential steps in processes such as experiments or summarizing arguments/discussions that otherwise could become difficult for readers to understand due their lengthiness . When done correctly these features add depth and clarity allowing any reader unfamiliar with topic at hand engage quickly without becoming overwhelmed by volumes of dense textual content. Ultimately ensuring all elements work together harmoniously yields concise yet comprehensive documents; this serves not only benefit current audiences but also may create lasting impressions among future viewers who come across materials long after original authors may have forgotten how certain things were originally structured!

It’s finally time to take your hard work and turn it into something tangible. Now that you’ve finished your research paper, all that remains is to check for any errors in spelling and grammar, add the correct citations, then download/export the file as a PDF or other accepted format.

As far as checking for mistakes goes, Google Docs , Microsoft Word (or other similar applications) have spell-checkers available which can help identify misspelled words or incorrect punctuation. Once these are corrected be sure double-check with an online grammar tool such as Grammarly so no mistakes slip through the cracks. After this final step has been completed inserting citations should be easy; there are numerous citation generators available depending on what type of research paper you’re writing such as MLA 8th Edition Format Generator or APA 7th Edition Format Generator – even Google Scholar provides access to properly formatted references based on peer review articles from its database! Finally save/download your document using either a .docx (Microsoft Word), .odt (OpenOffice Writer) or .pdf(Adobe Acrobat Reader).

At the end of this article, it is hoped that readers now have a better understanding of how to format a research paper using Google Docs. With its user-friendly platform and extensive range of features, Google Docs provides an excellent platform for researching and crafting academic papers in an organized manner. As academics continue to embrace technology into their writing process, tools like Google Docs are becoming increasingly important for students hoping to take advantage of digital resources while maintaining scholarly standards. By having a comprehensive knowledge on how to use the functionality within these programs they can save time and improve productivity during all stages of the research paper drafting process.


Graduate College Formatting Guide

  • Page Numbers (Microsoft Word)
  • Page Numbers (Google Docs)
  • Page Breaks and Section Breaks
  • Headings, Subheadings, and Table of Contents (Microsoft Word)
  • Headings, Subheadings, and Table of Contents (Google Docs)
  • Inserting Tables and Figures
  • Comments and Track Changes
  • References, Bibliography, Works Cited
  • Landscape Pages & Special Materials

Setting the Normal Style

Set the "normal" style of font.

Before we can set up headings, we'll need to define the format of the text that  isn't  a heading. The "styles" in Docs set some default formatting for text. Setting up the "Normal" style will create a default font setting to keep the text uniform throughout the document. You will need to start by modifying the font to match the style you will use throughout the paper. This includes changing the font to Times New Roman or a similarly professional font, the font size to 12-pt, and double spacing the text. Set those items up and then type some placeholder text.

screenshot highlighting the font and font size settings as well as the line spacing setting in google docs

Once you've done this, locate the styles options and click the drop down to select "Normal text > Update normal text to match"

Select normal text from drop down and update to match

Adding Headings & Subheadings

Inserting headings and subheadings.

Using the same technique we can create a standard for the various types of headings and subheadings used across the thesis. The Thesis & Dissertation Manual generally follows APA style for heading levels. In order to keep headings consistently correct and link the Table of Contents, the Styles function in Docs is used. This is going to show you some examples of the formatting required for the headings and how to use the various heading levels. We'll also see how to use styles and update your Table of Contents. 

Modifying Heading Levels to Match Required Formatting

Level 1 headings.

Chapters will be linked to Heading Level 1. If you choose not to have chapters, you will use level 1 for your major headings (typically: Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, etc.). They should be typed in title case, center aligned, and bold. The number of the chapter can be in Arabic or Roman numerals or spelled out so long as it is consistently done throughout the document. The heading should be on one line, so if you are using chapters, it should look something like this:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Once you have formatted a chapter heading, select the text of the chapter heading then click on the styles drop down menu, find heading 1, select "Update 'heading 1' to match"

Screenshot of google doc with the styles menu expanded to update heading 1

Adding More Level 1 Headings

Once you have formatted the first heading and updated the style, you simply need to type the new level 1 heading in title case and then select heading 1 from the dropdown list. It will format it (centered and bold) and link it so it appears in the table of contents.

screenshot of selecting heading 1 from styles menu in docs

Level 2 Headings

Subsections of your major headings should be the next level down. Level 2 headings will be left aligned, bold, and title case. They should look like this:

Level 2 Heading

Once you have formatted a level 2 heading, select the text of the heading then click on the styles drop down menu, find heading 2, select "Update 'heading 2' to match"

Screenshot of updating heading 2 in google docs

Adding More Level 2 Headings

Once you have formatted the first heading and updated the style, you simply need to type the new level 2 heading in title case and then, with your cursor in line with the heading, click on the heading 2 button in the styles pane to format it and link it for your table of contents. Make sure to use this feature every time to ensure all headings are properly linked to your table of contents.

Adding a new heading 2 in google docs

Level 3 Headings

If you wish to further subsection your paper, you will use level 3 headings. Level 3 headings will be bold italic, left aligned, and title case. They should look like this:

Level Three Heading

Once you have formatted a level 3 heading, select the text of the heading then hover your cursor over Heading 3 in the Styles dropdown and select "Update Heading 3 to Match." 

setting the level 3 heading

Adding More Level 3 Headings

Once you have formatted the first heading and updated the style, you simply need to type the new level 3 heading in title case and then, with your cursor in line with the heading, click on the heading 3 button in the styles dropdown to format it and link it for your table of contents. Make sure to use this feature every time to ensure all headings are properly linked to your table of contents.

Level 4 & 5 Headings (and beyond)

It is common to find the first 3 heading levels in papers that are as long as a thesis or dissertation. Occasionally, you may find the need to go beyond those levels. It is important to note that for the thesis and dissertation, only the first 3 headings should be included in the table of contents. It is also recommended that you only use the styles function for the first 3 headings because they stand alone on their own line of text. The next heading levels will begin on the same line as the paragraph that starts that section which means that the style function will not work properly. If you were to link the heading, the entire paragraph will appear in your table of contents.

This means that you will need to, carefully, ensure you are formatting the headings manually. Each level should be consistently formatted the same way. APA has standards for levels 4 & 5 which are described here. For heading levels beyond level 5, you should pick a consistent formatting that clearly indicates they are a subsection of the level 5 heading. It is also recommended that you carefully evaluate if this level of heading is truly necessary for your writing.

Level 4 Heading

Level 4 headings will begin on the same line of the paragraph that makes up the section. It will be indented 0.5", much like a normal paragraph indent. The heading will be in title case and bold font with a period at the end of the heading:

            Level Four Heading Here.  Start the first sentence of the paragraph that follows the heading on the same line and continue typing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at pellentesque massa. Sed nec urna nec est efficitur iaculis. Etiam efficitur velit id dignissim eleifend. Duis euismod, nisi sed cursus sodales, sem nisi porttitor ante, eu dignissim justo tortor nec mauris.

Level 5 Heading

Level 5 headings will begin on the same line of the paragraph that makes up the section. It will be indented 0.5", much like a normal paragraph indent. The heading will be in title case and bold italic font with a period at the end of the heading:

            Level Five Heading Here.   Start the first sentence of the paragraph that follows the heading on the same line and continue typing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at pellentesque massa. Sed nec urna nec est efficitur iaculis. Etiam efficitur velit id dignissim eleifend. Duis euismod, nisi sed cursus sodales, sem nisi porttitor ante, eu dignissim justo tortor nec mauris.

Table of Contents

Once you have added headings and used the styles feature, you will be able to use the word function to "generate" a table of contents. You will need to type "Table of Contents" in bold font, centered at the top of the page you will be inserting your table of contents onto. Then, place your cursor on the next line

making room for a new ToC

Click on Insert, hover over Table of Contents and select the first option, which should say "Plain text" as your cursor hovers over it. 

inserting a new table of contents


This will populate your table of contents.

new ToC

From here, you will need to ensure that you double space the new table. Highlight the table of contents, then click the line spacing button in the toolbar and select double. Keep in mind that you may need to repeat this for each time you update the table of contents. 

double spacing the ToC

If set up correctly, your table of contents should look like the image below.

Double spaced ToC

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All Formats

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A simple report is mainly required to present data for a particular audience and intent in a structured style. A report of the research is a paper created by an advisor or strategist who is a component of the equity study group. Such kinds of reports may concentrate on a particular inventory or industry sector, a monetary, product, or fixed-income tool, or a geographic region or nation. From an APA college scientific article to short middle grade history notes, we have a variety of templates for all levels of school like high school , elementary, 5th grade, 4th grade, or 2nd grade. A student has all the options in making a one-page or a formal amount of research report with the executive summary. Research report templates are used to make these kinds of reports.

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You're missing a lot if you haven't used these 10 Google Docs templates

  • Easily start creating specific documents like meeting notes or menus by using pre-made Google Docs templates.
  • Various templates are available online from third-party sources to enhance productivity and creativity in Google Docs.
  • Save time and effort by customizing templates, making edits, and sharing them with team members or clients seamlessly.

Google Docs is a hugely popular with everyone from students and teachers to professionals like marketers. But, regardless of what you want to do with Google Docs, even with the tools and features at your fingertips, creating a new document from scratch can be time-consuming. Here is where templates come into play. And even though Google Docs has a respectable number of templates to begin with, you can also import templates from third-party sources on the web.

Whether you want to create a resume, invoice, software development proposal, or even a menu card for your new restaurant, the templates below should help you get a head start when struggling for inspiration when sitting at your laptop .

How to use Google Docs offline

If you want to use these templates, open them in a separate browser tab. Select File > Make a Copy to save the template to your Google Drive account. Now open the Google Docs file from your Google Drive account to start making edits.

Meeting notes template

If you frequently take notes during meetings, use the default meeting notes template in Google Docs. It’s a basic yet effective form to jot down relevant information during a Google Meet or Teams call. You can enter the meeting date, time, attendees, agenda, action items, and related notes.

Class notes template

Thanks to its real-time collaboration and tight integration with Google Drive, Google Docs is popular among students. The class notes template from Google should be your go-to pick for taking notes in style. It comes with excellent typography, different backgrounds, and lets you add relevant details in an efficient manner.

Software development proposal template

As the name suggests, it’s a must-have template for product managers in the IT field. It's a six-page template developed by PandaDoc (a SaaS software company) to create an ideal software development proposal for potential clients.

You can enter all the relevant details like project overview, technical obstacles, market risks, budgetary risks, software, total estimation for work hours, and more. It definitely saves you hours in Google Docs.

Invoice template

While spreadsheet software like Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel are more suited for creating invoices, you can make one in Google Docs, too. Among all the third-party invoice templates, this one caught our attention. It’s a neatly designed invoice template which is colorful too. You can enter the item description, price, invoice date, number, and shipping details, and even insert a signature at the bottom.

Once the invoice is ready, download it as a PDF on your computer and share it with clients via email.

Resume template

The default resume templates in Google Docs are basic at best. Instead of using them, try the clean CV template to make the perfect first impression. It’s a smartly designed Google Docs template that lets you add relevant details like contact info, portfolio, experience, education, expertise, awards, cover letter, and more. It’s a much better template compared to the bland-looking ones in the Google Docs library.

Brochure template

Due to its adaptability a trifold brochure is a popular format in various fields. Whether you want to create a real estate, medical product, financial, marketing, insurance, or travel brochure, use this eye-catching template with geometric shapes to convey your message in style.

Performance review template

This performance review template from is a solid option for managers and HRs. Instead of creating a performance review doc from scratch, use this template to add relevant details like employee name, number, experience, position, review period, and more.

As for their yearly performance, you can review their work in different categories and give relevant ratings. Enter supervisor comments, employee commitment, and other details to end the review.

Menu card template

Did you recently open a new café or a restaurant? Instead of hiring a designer to create a menu card, use this Google Docs template to get the your menu options out in the world. It’s a four-page template to highlight your main menu and food items with pictures, prices, descriptions, and more.

Graduation template

With a striking theme, the graduation template is a premium-looking Google Docs template for educators and online tutors. Go ahead, download it to your Google Drive account, and start making copies by changing student names and course completion dates.

Corporate vision board template

If you plan to pitch your company vision to a board of directors or potential investors, use this vision board template to lay out your plan for the future. You can mention essential things such as client onboarding, expansion, market trends, and global workforce estimation as you plot the rise of your enterprise. It’s another smartly designed template to convey your message clearly to others.

Boost your productivity in Google Docs

These are just some of the cherry-picked templates for specific use cases. There is no shortage of third-party Google Docs templates on the web. You can simply import one, make tweaks, and share it among team members or relevant parties.

Apart from the templates library, Google also offers an add-on store to integrate third-party tools with the word processor. Check our dedicated post to learn about the top Google Docs add-ons .

You're missing a lot if you haven't used these 10 Google Docs templates

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Simple Blackboard Background presentation template

Simple Blackboard Background

Wipe off the chalkboard and get ready to prepare your classes! Write your ideas, draw some doodles and put your thinking cap on with this cool template for Google Slides and PowerPoint.

Minimalist Korean Aesthetic Pitch Deck presentation template

Minimalist Korean Aesthetic Pitch Deck

Templates based on a minimalist style are usually very useful in business presentations, as they make the audience focus on the content and not on the ornaments of the design. This minimalist style template that we propose here is perfect for a pitch deck to present your product or your...

Cream & Pastel Palette Healthcare Center Characters presentation template

Cream & Pastel Palette Healthcare Center Characters

Let us introduce you to a new way of presenting healthcare centers. Did you think that we were going to use blue? Tut-tut! This time, the palette revolves around cream (the color of the backgrounds) and other pastel tones. As you explain in detail (or in brief) your healthcare services,...

Back to School Social Media presentation template

Back to School Social Media

Back to School time has arrived at Slidesgo! Whether you are a school center or a business focused on stationery and other school supplies, this template will help you plan and report your Social Media Strategy. Your marketing campaign will get to both parents and students, and getting a high...

Notebook Lesson presentation template

Notebook Lesson

These are the last days before the Summer break! We know that there are some pending lessons that you need to prepare for your students. As they may be thinking about their friends and their holidays, catch their attention with this cool template!

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thesis template google docs

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  1. 6 Tips for Writing Your Thesis in Google Docs

    thesis template google docs

  2. FREE 7+ Thesis Writing Samples & Templates in PDF

    thesis template google docs

  3. Thesis Format Template in Google Docs, Word, PDF

    thesis template google docs

  4. 45 Perfect Thesis Statement Templates (+ Examples) ᐅ TemplateLab

    thesis template google docs

  5. Thesis Front Page Template in Word, PDF, Google Docs

    thesis template google docs

  6. 45 Perfect Thesis Statement Templates (+ Examples) ᐅ TemplateLab

    thesis template google docs


  1. Thesis Template Tutorial Class

  2. 02 How to use features in the thesis template

  3. Complete MS Thesis Template


  5. How to create thesis template (arabic )

  6. How to create Editors Templates in Google Workspace


  1. Thesis and Dissertation Template

    Open the Word document containing your thesis/dissertation, click file, click options, click add-ins, and select templates from the Manage drop down menu at the bottom of the page. Click go. In the Document Template section, click Attach. Navigate to the folder in which you saved the template and select it.

  2. 6 Tips for Writing Your Thesis in Google Docs

    If you decide to make the Google Docs plunge for something as important as your thesis, arguably your magnum opus, here are a few tips for making the transition a success. 1. Enable Offline Access. If you chose Google Docs as your go-tool for your thesis you likely to belong to a generation who is online all time.

  3. Free Dissertation & Thesis Template (Word Doc & PDF)

    The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX. Download The Dissertation Template. Download Grad Coach's comprehensive dissertation and thesis template for free. Fully editable - includes detailed instructions and examples.

  4. PhD dissertation template.docx

    Sign in. PhD dissertation template.docx - Google Drive. Sign in

  5. Dissertation & Thesis Outline

    Tip For a more detailed overview of chapters and other elements, be sure to check out our article on the structure of a dissertation or download our template. Dissertation and thesis outline templates. To help you get started, we've created a full thesis or dissertation template in Word or Google Docs format.

  6. Dissertation & Thesis Outline

    Download Word template Download Google Docs template Tip Remember that it's usually considered best practice to use Roman numerals in your formatting (e.g., I, II, III rather than 1, 2, 3), but each citation style has its own best practices for using numerals .

  7. Dissertation & Thesis Template

    Dissertation & Thesis Template. ... Note: opening the Word template in Google Docs may cause auto-formatting features to be lost or auto-formatting features may appear differently. A sample template of a co-author permission letter and cover letter from the committee chair can be found here.

  8. Thesis/Capstone Template

    Mar 28, 2017. 20 KB. More info (Alt + →) 6_List of Tables.docx. Owner hidden. Mar 28, 2017. 18 KB. More info (Alt + →) 7_List of Figures.docx.

  9. Research Guides: Graduate College Formatting Guide: Templates

    Thesis & Dissertation Templates. Please select either the Word template or the Google Docs template. It is recommended that you do not switch between Word and Google Docs but select one and use that for the entirety of the process. Comments and tracked changes are located throughout the templates to assist in completing the requirements.

  10. What Is a Thesis?

    Revised on April 16, 2024. A thesis is a type of research paper based on your original research. It is usually submitted as the final step of a master's program or a capstone to a bachelor's degree. Writing a thesis can be a daunting experience. Other than a dissertation, it is one of the longest pieces of writing students typically complete.

  11. CCC APA 7th ed. Student Paper Template

    Indent every paragraph 0.5 inch (not five spaces). Use 1-inch margins on the top, bottom, left, and right of each page. Use 0.5 inch margins for a header and footer. Left-align your APA paper. Leave the right alignment "ragged"; do not right-justify your paper. Double space every paragraph; make sure there are no extra spaces between ...

  12. PDF Thesis Template Guide

    General. Download the template (this link will prompt a download) when you open the document in Word, click "Enable Editing" in the yellow bar at the top. Please do not try and convert this document to a Google Doc as that platform does not have all of the formatting capabilities needed for the thesis, and the template will not fully convert.

  13. Free Thesis Methodology Template (+ Examples)

    This template covers all the core components required in the research methodology chapter or section of a typical dissertation or thesis, including: The purpose of each section is explained in plain language, followed by an overview of the key elements that you need to cover. The template also includes practical examples to help you understand ...

  14. KOYU45: MA/MSc Thesis/Dissertation Layout and Styling (English)

    To enable screen reader support, press Ctrl+Alt+Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+slash

  15. How to Use APA Format in Google Docs

    Press Enter, select Left Align . Select Tab to indent, then type your abstract. Google Doc's default ident of 0.5 inches is appropriate for APA format. Select Insert > Break > Page Break to start a new page, then press the Tab key and begin typing the body of your paper. Begin each new paragraph with an indent.

  16. Formatting a Research Paper: The Google Docs Way

    But with Google Docs, it's as easy as 1-2-3! Here is a step-by-step guide to formatting your document using all of its features: 1) Begin by opening up an empty Document in Google Docs. 2) To ensure that you are utilizing proper research paper format, use the built in Heading styles - Heading 1 for your title; and Heading 2 and 3 for ...

  17. Free, Downloadable Educational Templates for Students

    Revised on July 23, 2023. We have designed several free templates to help you get started on a variety of academic topics. These range from formatting your thesis or dissertation to writing a table of contents or a list of abbreviations. We also have templates for various citation styles, including APA (6 and 7), MLA, and Chicago.

  18. Headings, Subheadings, and Table of Contents (Google Docs)

    The Thesis & Dissertation Manual generally follows APA style for heading levels. In order to keep headings consistently correct and link the Table of Contents, the Styles function in Docs is used. This is going to show you some examples of the formatting required for the headings and how to use the various heading levels.

  19. Is Google Docs an appropriate tool to write a PhD thesis?

    1. It is perfectly acceptable, if both of you agrees. My recommendation is to try to find a citation manager that can work with Google Docs, though. It makes life a lot easier. On the other hand, you can also give online Microsoft Office (office 365) a try.

  20. Essay Outline Template

    General Background Information (1-2 sentences) i. Attention grabbing intro. ii. Who, What, When, Where - establish topic. b. Write your Thesis Statement. i. an arguable sentence, which is debatable and worth proving. c. Summarize Body Paragraph Sub-points / Arguments (1 sentence)

  21. Anyone use Google Docs to prepare thesis, dissertation, or ...

    Google docs is good for collaboration but limited functionally for it to be used as my daily academic writing tool. I use LaTeX inside my OneDrive folder. This way, everything is automatically backed up and I can still run TeX locally (much faster than Overleaf). 5.

  22. 17+ Research Report Templates in Google Docs

    17+ Research Report Templates in Google Docs | Word | Pages | PDF | XLS. A simple report is mainly required to present data for a particular audience and intent in a structured style. A report of the research is a paper created by an advisor or strategist who is a component of the equity study group. Such kinds of reports may concentrate on a particular inventory or industry sector, a monetary ...

  23. MLA Format

    At the top of every page, including the first page, you need to include your last name and the page number. This is called the "running head." Follow these steps to set up the MLA running head in your Word or Google Docs document: Double-click at the top of a page; Type your last name; Insert automatic page numbering; Align the content to ...

  24. You're missing a lot if you haven't used these 10 Google Docs templates

    If you want to use these templates, open them in a separate browser tab. Select File > Make a Copy to save the template to your Google Drive account. Now open the Google Docs file from your Google ...

  25. The best presentation templates for Google Slides and PPT

    Elegant Black & White Thesis Defense. Present your research findings with grace and assertiveness through this template. Available for Google Slides and PowerPoint, this design set offers minimalistic charm with its simple, gray scale elegance. The template not only provides a polished platform to showcase your thesis but also ensures seamless ...