AI Movie Critic

Ai movie critic will give you a true and honest review of a movie of your choice, with no spoilers included.

Genius mode for chat is far more accurate than standard chat and more likely to get the facts correct.

Explore different AI Chat Modes:

Learn more about ai movie critic:, what is genius mode.

It is an enhanced version of AI Chat that provides more knowledge, fewer errors, improved reasoning skills, better verbal fluidity, and an overall superior performance. Due to the larger AI model, Genius Mode is only available via subscription to DeepAI Pro. However, the added benefits often make it a worthwhile investment.

What is Online Mode?

It is an add on that enables AI Chat to browse the web for real-time information. It is a great way to learn new things and explore new topics. Sign in to your DeepAI account (no subscription required!) to gain access to this feature.

Ideas for Chatting with the AI

- Can you describe the concept of relativity to me in layman's terms? - What are some unique and entertaining ways to celebrate a friend's anniversary? - Could you walk me through how to use loops in Python?

- Can recall information from previous conversations to provide personalized responses. - Allows users to correct any misunderstandings or errors in the previous interaction. - Is programmed to refuse inappropriate or harmful requests.

- Can occasionally provide incorrect information due to limitations in its training data or understanding. - May inadvertently provide instructions or suggestions that are harmful or biased without realizing it. - Limited knowledge of current events and developments beyond the training data cutoff of 2021.

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Generation Overview

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AI Video Generator calls

AI Chat messages

Genius Mode messages

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  • Includes 500 AI Image generations, 1750 AI Chat Messages, 30 AI Video generations, 60 Genius Mode Messages and 60 Genius Mode Images per month. If you go over any of these limits, you will be charged an extra $5 for that group.
  • For example: if you go over 500 AI images, but stay within the limits for AI Chat and Genius Mode, you'll be charged $5 per additional 500 AI Image generations.
  • Includes 100 AI Image generations and 300 AI Chat Messages. If you go over any of these limits, you will have to pay as you go.
  • For example: if you go over 100 AI images, but stay within the limits for AI Chat, you'll have to reload on credits to generate more images. Choose from $5 - $1000. You'll only pay for what you use.

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Meet Artificial Intelligence Reviewer: Film Threat’s Computer Generated Contributor Image

Meet Artificial Intelligence Reviewer: Film Threat’s Computer Generated Contributor

By Jason Boog | September 24, 2019

Who was the first artificial intelligence to write movie reviews? We now know the answer to that question. Since we ran our “ 100 Years of Artificial Intelligence in the Movies ” essay last year, a major technological development has arrived: artificial intelligence has grown powerful enough to write movie reviews.

This year, the research company OpenAI revealed a model called GPT-2 , the most powerful artificially intelligent writing tool ever created. This A.I. reads millions of human-generated sentences, learning how to write new sentences in response to human prompts.

For the first time, A.I. can collaborate with human writers on anything: a screenplay, a novel, or a movie review. We began by asked a GPT-2 a leading question: “Who was the first artificial intelligence to write movie reviews?” We got this most excellent computer-generated response (completely unedited):

“ Artificial Intelligence Reviewer. It’s the robot you can pay $15 for to watch your movie while you finish making your dinner at home.”

ai movie review generator

After revealing its name, “Artificial Intelligence Reviewer” listed nine criteria for what makes for a great movie (also unedited):

1. What movie is the best? 2. Should the movie be rated PG-13 (for ages 12 – 16) 3. Is John Malkovich a good actor or a good person? 4. Is this a good movie? 5. Why is the script bad? 6. Would you show this to your parents? 7. Why is the ending horrible? 8. Is you a good person? 9. Is the plot smart? 

Want to try this at home? Visit the Talk To Transformer site to explore the power of this new artificial intelligence model —for free!

Artificial Intelligence Reviews Artificial Intelligence

We used technology to create the world’s first A.I. generated movie reviews for Film Threat, feeding GPT-2 a movie synopsis and Film Threat reviews, and then asked “Artificial Intelligence Reviewer” to write a new review.

We copied and pasted those unedited movie opinions into this article.

“Artificial Intelligence Reviewer” will never replace the army of excellent reviewers we have at Film Threat, but we will tap our computer generated critic for the occasional reviews and think pieces. So let’s read the first movie reviews ever written by our Artificial Intelligence Reviewer! You can learn the answers to burning questions like: “Is the plot smart?”


ai movie review generator

We began with The Terminator series, one of the first movies covered in our essay about artificial intelligence. Our Artificial Intelligence Reviewer gushed about the films:

“ I’m a long-time fan who has followed this franchise for over 20 years 
 The Terminator movie is an incredible statement to technology’s place in our lives. Not only does it show how our world, our human world has changed in the past few years, but it tells a story of how, and how not, our technologies will shape our future.”

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Writing Beginner

Best AI Writer for Movie Reviews (With Examples)

I’ve used AI writers for years, and use them every single day for all my writing needs.

In this article, I’ll share the very best AI writer for movie reviews, why it’s the best, and give real examples of AI-written reviews.

What’s the best AI writer for movie reviews?

The best AI writer for movie reviews is Jasper, also known as Jarvis. Jasper is the most advanced AI, powered by machine learning and trained with patented models to produce high-quality short and long-form content. Jasper can write simple or complex movie reviews in under five minutes.

6 Reasons Jasper Is the Best AI Writer for Movie Reviews

Black and White Theater—Best Movie Review AI Writer

Table of Contents

There are many good AI writers on the market (I’ve tested most of them).

However, none compare to my experience with Jasper. There are at least six good reasons that Jasper is the best AI for writing movie reviews.

Here are those reasons:

  • Jasper uses advanced contextual algorithms to write movie reviews
  • Jasper is hyper-focused on one thing at a time to write movie reviews
  • Jasper follows movie review patterns
  • Jasper produces original, copyright-free reviews
  • Jasper comes with over 50 tools to help you write movie reviews better and faster
  • Jasper produces short and long-form movie reviews in five minutes

1) Jasper Uses Advanced Contextual Algorithms To Write Movie Reviews uses advanced contextual algorithms to write movie reviews that are customized for each client. This is the primary reason Conversion.AI produces high-quality reviews in less than five minutes.

Contextual algorithms mean that Jasper pulls data from your specific data to create a review.

In addition, Jasper pulls contextual patterns from other movies in the same genre, the decade it was filmed, and more.

Advanced contextual algorithms also mean better content, faster––better than any other AI writer I’ve used or tested.

2) Jasper Hyper Focuses on One Thing at a Time To Write Movie Reviews

Most AI writers are not focused on one thing. They try to do too much and end up doing nothing exceptionally well.

For example, I tested another advanced AI writer that could write movie reviews––but couldn’t consistently produce high-quality work without going through a lengthy hands-on process. is the only AI writer I know that hyper-focuses on one thing at a time to write movie reviews.

Yet, Jasper still provides a massive network of computing power to each task.

Programmed with better AI writing models than any other product on the market, I’ve been cranking out movie reviews left and right. You can also use Jasper to write YouTube video scripts for reviewing movies.

3) Jasper Follows Movie Review Patterns To Write Reviews

You may have tried other AI writers––and been disappointed with the results.

Why? Most AI writers don’t follow movie review patterns and require a lengthy process to write good content.

While other products might claim they can use advanced AI writing models, in my experience, they can’t hold a candle to Jasper.

The reason: not only follows movie review patterns but also produces the most creative, original content. As you guide Jasper, the AI will extrapolate and reproduce your tone, sentence structure, and format.

It’s kind of crazy to watch it happen right in front of your eyes.

4) Jasper Produces Original, Copyright-Free Reviews

I’ve used a lot of AI writers to write movie reviews and other forms of content. Why? I’m a big proponent of outsourcing high-volume, high-quality work to help me grow my businesses faster. is the only AI that I know of that produces a large amount of original, copyright-free content.

Most often people want to use AI writers for simple tasks––like writing one or two pieces of content per month ranging from 100 to 500 words.

There’s nothing wrong with that approach.

But if you want good quality reviews faster at a higher volume, Jasper is your guy (or gal).

5) Jasper Comes With Over 50 Tools

No other AI that I’ve tested offers the same battery of tools to help you write your movie review.

Tools such as the long-form editor allow you to personalize your movie review, consider the audience, and condense data from the actors, directors, and script.

Tools such as the sentence expander and rewriter allow you to write catchy, engaging paragraphs to rivet readers to your review.

Tools that allow you to craft meaningful criticism, pointing out character and plot points with ramifications for the audience.

In short, these AI tools help you write movie reviews even better than most human reviewers.

6) Jasper Is Faster Than Any Other AI Writer

Unlike most other AI writers I’ve experimented with, Jasper includes a lightning-fast model of content production. Using the long-form editor, I crank out 1,000 to 2,500-word movie reviews in less than five minutes.

And, most importantly, the reviews are high-quality.

Jasper is faster because it’s programmed specifically to write movie reviews (and other short and long-form content). Most other AI writers are generalists, focusing on copywriting and social media posts–– combines more breadth with more specialization.

It is quite simply more advanced than any other AI software on the market.

Speed means you can quickly focus on doing what you do best––churning out great movie reviews for your audience.

If you also write movie scripts, Jasper can do that, too.

Here is a good video about how fast Jasper can create content for you:

If Jasper can write essays and blog posts, then imagine how quickly it can produce amazing movie reviews for you.

Best AI Writer for Movie Reviews: Pros and Cons

Jasper is not perfect—it’s just the best available AI writer for reviewing movies, TV shows, and other film projects.

Here is a simple chart that compares the major pros and cons:

The biggest thing I learned from testing so many AI writers is that none of them write perfect content.

You need to guide the AI writer, set up patterns, and develop templates.

AI movie review writing will probably get even more automated by AI writers in the future (along with some human reviewer intervention, of course).

But for now, Jasper needs a little focusing along the way.

Jasper still outperforms on all measures:

  • Originality

With the new pricing tiers , Jasper is now more affordable than ever. I onboarded early with a hefty monthly payment that I’m completely happy with—I make way more money with Jasper than I pay.

The Best AI Writer for Movie Reviews: 3 Good Examples

Check out these 100% Jasper-written movie reviews. Jasper generated each one in less than five minutes.

I think you’ll be impressed.

Example 1: Jaws

In the first five minutes, a woman is dragged under the water and killed by a shark. The people on Amity Island need to decide if they should close their beaches or pretend it was an accident.

Jaws is a thriller movie about a giant, man-eating shark who terrorizes the townspeople of Amity Island. The film focuses on three main characters: Chief Martin Brody, Matt Hooper, and Quint.

The first half of the film takes place in June as two young women skinny dip offshore from an abandoned boat. They are then killed by the shark that attacks from underneath them.

In July, following another incident that kills four people at sea, Police Chief Martin Brody tries to convince Mayor Larry Vaughn to close down the beaches and stop all swimming until they catch “Jaws.”

But Vaughn refuses because it would hurt tourist revenue for Amity’s summer economy.

The movie establishes a clear contrast between human morality and greed. This is illustrated in the film by showing the death of innocent people in a town with a high tolerance for violence against its human inhabitants.

The movie tries to demonstrate how it is important to adhere to the rules and if not, then there will be severe consequences.

Jaws is a thrilling motion picture that shaped the face of horror movies forever.

Example 2: Forrest Gump

The movie begins in Alabama in the early 1960s. Forrest Gump is a young boy who has a low I.Q. but a high amount of creativity. He enjoys spending time with his best friend, Jenny, who is the wild-oats contrast to his childlike innocence.

Forrest’s life is full of many unforgettable moments.

He says that the best advice he ever received was from his Mama: “Stupid is as stupid does.”

Ultimately, this movie shows how a pure heart leads to success. Forrest Gump was one of the best-loved movies ever.

Example 3: Elf

Buddy is a happy elf in the North Pole who takes a trip to New York City to find his real father.

There, he tries to fit in with the city folk and win his father’s affection, but is received poorly at first.

The heartwarming Christmas movie follows Buddy’s journey from naivety to knowledge. He learns how to act like a New Yorker, makes friends with a girl named Jovie who works with him at the mall, connects with his father, and helps save Christmas.

How To Write Movie Reviews With AI

Writing movie reviews with AI is pretty straightforward.

You start by giving Jasper instructions like the title of your review, the tone of voice you want Jasper to use (i.e., movie reviewer, engaging, etc), and basic data on the movie.

After feeding Jasper this information, you hit the “compose” button.

Jasper will then compile the data into a catchy movie review. Anytime that you want Jasper to write on a specific topic, you simply start a sentence or feed him some more information.

For example, you could write these sentence starters:

  • The main message of this movie is…
  • [Actor name] delivers one her best performances…
  • The movie starts with…
  • [The Movie title]’s critique of…
  • The film depicts…
  • Underneath the surface story, the film explores…

You can create your own sentences and paragraphs, too.

Jasper will read them and follow the patterns you’ve set up to produce even more focused movie review content.

If Jasper writes something you don’t like, you can delete it and ask the AI to write something else. It really couldn’t be any easier.

Can Jasper Write TV Show Reviews?

Jasper is just as good at writing TV show reviews.

Take this example review of the classic show, The Golden Girls .

Example review:

The Golden Girls is a TV show about four senior women living together in a house in Miami. The show is full of witty one-liners and hilarious slapstick humor that keeps people coming back for more.

Each of the ladies has their own unique personality traits and quirks that add to the dynamics of their friendship.

Blanche is the promiscuous one, always dating and looking for a man to take home. She really cares about her looks and will do anything she can to look young and pretty even if it means lying about her age.

Dorothy is the cynic and skeptic. She can always see right through people’s BS.

Rose is has a good heart and always tries to do the right thing, even if she’s not perfect at it all of the time.

Sophia is very critical of other people’s behavior and tries to get her way by manipulating other people into taking her side—she wants respect from those around her though, not pity.

The Golden Girls is an award-winning show that has stood the test of time since its inception in 1985. It’s arguably one of the best TV shows ever made and will continue to have a cult following for years to come.

How Much Does The Jasper AI Movie Writer Cost?

Jasper is not cheap, but the pricing tiers make it affordable for just about anyone.

There are two monthly pricing tiers for Jasper:

  • Starter: Get the best price .
  • Boss Mode: Get the best price .

At last check, the starter plan begins at around $29 per month and the boss mode plan starts at around $59 per month.

The more you use Jasper, the more it will cost (more words generated = more money).

However, most people don’t go over their monthly limits (with a little careful planning).

I use the highest tier called Boss Mode, which is what I suggest for you to get the most out of the AI engine. Compared to paying someone to write a quality movie review for you, the cost of Jasper is very competitive.

Note: Pricing on software can change, so it’s best to check the website for the latest price.

You can try Jasper right now with a free trial ( Read my complete article about Jasper ).

Best Affordable AI Movie Writer

Jasper is the greatest AI writer, but it’s not the cheapest.

What’s the best affordable AI movie writer?

The best affordable AI movie writer is Rytr. The premium edition is currently under $50 ( Check the price ) and allows you to create unlimited characters. You can expand remarks, restate them, or turn out a paragraph at a time.

The most remarkable feature of Rytr is its capacity to read human input and produce sentences that are similar to it.

This makes writing movie reviews a snap.

Simply keep clicking the “paragraph” button until your review is finished, and Rytr will take care of the rest.

After that, you may modify, polish, and fact-check as much as you want until you’re satisfied.

It’s a piece of cake.

Alternatives to the Best AI Writer for Movie Reviews (With Prices)

If you’re looking for good AI writer alternatives, try out these options:

Just like with any AI writer, it’s best to check the website for the most updated price (things chance quickly online). Also, keep in mind that you typically get what you pay for with AI writers.

Best Free AI Movie Review Writer

The best free AI movie writer is Zyro .

You can generate a complete movie review online from their website. You’ll have to join up for one of their low-cost membership plans if you want more features and capabilities.

But you don’t need to pay for anything.

Simply paste a few lines of text into the AI content generator, and Zyro will handle the rest.

Typically, Zyro automatically writes two distinct versions. Choose your favorite one or a combination of them to create more material.

Zyro won’t give you the same level of quality as a paid AI writer like Jasper. With Zyro, you’ll probably have to do a lot more guiding, editing, and fine-tuning of the material.

Yet, Zyro still gives you the best short-form movie review content generation for free.

Final Thoughts

I’ve used Jasper for over a year and I’m thrilled with the results for movie reviews, blog posts, social media posts, and more.

If you write movie reviews (or any kind of writing), I strongly encourage you to check out  how Jasper can help you .

Related posts:

  • What Is Jasper/Conversion AI? (14 Things You Need To Know)
  • Best AI Blog Writer (Tested and Solved)
  • Can AI Write Poetry? (Answered with Examples)
  • Can AI Write Stories? (SOLVED w/ Examples)
  • Best AI Script Writer (Tested With Examples)

Minds and Machine Journal (2020)

In My Opinion Flicks

AI Movie Review

Welcome to the AI Movie Review Generator where you can let the computer make an AI generated movie review for you for FREE! This tool is in the beginning stages of development and like most AI, gets smarter with more use. So don’t be surprised if your review makes 0% of sense at first. Have fun with it and hopefully it gives you some ideas for your own movie review’s structure and grammar. If you enjoy your review, be sure to share your results on social media!

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5 Best AI video generators — tested and compared

Artificial intelligence will now create video for you — we tried it

Young man on his laptop looking at images and videos

Online apps like Dall-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion allow us to create images (often quite good ones) from just a series of prompts. Video is the next frontier in generative AI art.

We're not at the point where we can simply describe a story and watch AI spin out a movie or TV series — or even create animations approaching the quality of still-image generators. But AI can produce compelling shortform content for entertainment, education, training, or marketing by finding and assembling videos, images, and music, then generating narration — all based on your script. Some apps can even write the script for you.

There's no shortage of apps providing these capabilities. We narrowed our initial list of 10 down to the best five, based preliminary tests, features, popularity among users, and price options.

What makes the best AI video generators?

The best app does the most work for you. This starts with picking the right footage, based on your script, from their clip libraries. We tested this by writing a script for an educational video about the ancient city of Petra in Jordan (a UNESCO World Heritage site and popular movie setting) that ran between one and two minutes, depending on the app. (For the apps that support it, we also tested their ability to generate a full script based on the prompt "create an educational video about petra jordan including the five top sites.") We used Google Chrome for all tests.

Even the best one guessed right only half the time. If the word "Petra" was in a line of the script, the apps generally found a fitting clip for the scene. They had a harder time keeping context--"remembering" to find a scene of Petra for parts without that word (even though it was in the title of every video we generated).

The other AI generation features largely came down to taste: You may or may not like the music and voices the app selects or the font it chooses for subtitles. However, some programs had more natural-sounding AI voices than others.

All these projects require considerable tweaking and refinement, so their tools for this are critical. How big are the libraries of videos, photos, music, and voices? And how precise are the search tools for finding exactly what you're looking for? (These apps also allow you to upload your own visuals and audio and record a human voiceover.)

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The best apps also provide full, intuitive editing control--allowing you to easily adjust audio levels, set the length of clips, change the output dimensions and resolution, tweak the voices, and crop, pan, and zoom in scenes. If you get stuck, some provide online support (one of them available 24/7) to talk you through your project.

Price is also critical. All these apps have free versions, but some are so restricted--with watermarks, resolution caps, length limits, and paucity of media assets--that they are barely usable. Beyond that, they move to subscription plans (monthly or annual). Sometimes the first tier (around $25) offers a rich assortment of features; other times, companies really push you to upgrade to a higher level. We evaluated all apps based on their first paid-tier offerings (priced for a month-to-month, rather than annual, subscription).

Each review shows both the entirely automated video the app created as well as a tweaked version with improved visuals (including original clips and photos of The Siq, Street of Facades, and closing scenes), and often different music, voices, and scene length. 

InVideo interface

Our expert review:

Reasons to buy

Reasons to avoid.

InVideo's editing interface displays the full script on the left, broken into the associated clips. It provides an intuitive overview — especially for a video that was generated directly from that script. A preview of the video appears on the right, with an extensive context-sensitive toolbar. Image adjustment appear when you click on the video preview, and text-formatting tools appear when you click on the script. You can also switch to a traditional timeline view with the video and multiple audio tracks stacked for individual editing.

The app churned out a whopping 15 scenes from our script because (like Designs.AI) it creates a new one for every sentence, and it can't be set to use line breaks instead. (It also generated a passable script on its own, based on our prompt.) InVideo selected a fitting video clip for five of those 11 scenes — a better-than-average success rate. You can choose from a whopping 5000 templates for your video — which can be overwhelming, especially because many look rather similar; and there aren't good search filters. (You can also create your own custom templates.) 

InVideo has several image-enhancement extras, though some are a bit gimmicky. You can overlay emojis or icons, or apply masks that cut out a portion of the video to view. You can also upload your own corporate logo. And InVideo provides generative image creation. (We got a fanciful image from the prompt "map of ancient middle east.")

InVideo provides a rich selection of audio clips. Music can be filtered by 10 categories such as Angry, Relaxing, Love, Epic; or 20 genres such as Rock, Chillout, World, Horror, and Ambient. It also provides 63 categories of sound effects, like Alarms, Bells, and Birds.

If you get stuck using any of these features, you can take advantage of InVideo's 24/7 online chat support (the most generous offering in this roundup).

Fliki interface

Fliki offers a crisp, intuitive interface. Your script appears on the left, broken into scenes, with a thumbnail of the associated video clip. A popup menu on each script item allows you to make extensive edits, such as moving the section up or down in the order or changing voice, video clip, or scene duration. A preview of your resulting video appears on the right. 

Fliki can generate content in 78 languages — the most of all the apps we reviewed — with an inclusive roster including Afrikaans, Amharic, Azerbaijani, Basque, Khmer, Maltese, Sinhala, Swahili, and Zulu. It also offers a huge selection of voice styles — 85 for English alone. 

Several support up to 11 voice styles, such as Cheerful, Excited, Hopeful, Sad, Terrified, and Whispering. Users on the $88/month premium plan can also clone their own voice for text-to-speech generation. For our custom creation we chose "Jane," with a friendly style. She's a bit of a fast talker, though, and the app only allows you to adjust the speed on some voices (excluding Jane).

Fliki found suitable video on just 4 of the 11 scenes — a middling rate. On several, it didn't even try — just showing a colored screen. Uploading our own footage was frustrating because Fliki doesn't allow you to select what portion of the raw footage appears. If, for instance, you upload a 20-second video to use in a 10-second scene, you have no choice but to use the first 10 seconds of that uploaded video. Otherwise, you'd have to edit the clip to that portion in another app before uploading.

We inquired about some of these limitations using Fliki's online chat support, which provides courteous, detailed answers within a few hours.

Fliki can generate a script from a simple prompt, such as "create an educational video about petra jordan including the five top sites," and the text was passable. But Fliki forces you to choose from just three durations for the video: 1, 5, or 10 minutes.

Pictory interface

At $23 (paying monthly) Pictory offers the lowest price of the services. But it also had the lowest success rate finding video clips, getting just three of 11 scenes right. (You can opt for it to autogenerate scenes for each new sentence, paragraph, or both.) For a line about Petra beginning, "It was a significant trade center," Pictory chose a clip from the interior of a commuter rail station located near the World Trade Center in New York City. The interface allows you to highlight key terms in your script to help Pictory better guess what you're looking for, but that didn't seem to help.

Fortunately, Pictory has great tools for finding better clips. Its video library suggests genuinely relevant search terms, and it offers granular capabilities. For instance, we were looking for a clip of a building in Petra known as The Monastery. Just typing in "petra mon" brought up detailed suggestions such as "petra monastery interior" and "petra monastery steps." 

Pictory also has great audio search, allowing you to filter tracks by over 60 moods, over 70 purposes (such as heroic, sci-fi, or game show), over 110 genres, and by any duration up to 20 minutes. Pictory didn't generate a voiceover by default. But it was easy to select a pleasant voice, and the app allows you to adjust its rate of speech.

The interface has the script-on-left/preview-on-right layout we liked with apps such as Fliki. It's easy to tweak scenes such as setting their length or looping the background audio so it doesn't time out. Trimming the raw video clips was a bit awkward though. You drag sliders in a popup interface to set the beginning and end points and the overall length to appear in the scene. But there is no "OK" button in the interface, and clicking the "X" button cancels your changes. So you have to simply click somewhere outside the popup. 

While Pictory allows you to create and download videos with its free service, every clip has a watermark.

Visla interface

Visla offers the most usable free plan of all the apps we reviewed. It allows you to easily select free stock clips, which appear with no watermarks; and it outputs at high resolutions such as 1080p for the widescreen aspect ratio. It likewise breaks audio clip selections into free and paid. And it allows 100,000 characters of AI voice generation. 

The one downside is that free videos feature a Visla-branded splash screen at the end (which you can trim off the downloaded video using even a basic free app like QuickTime Player). The Premium plan, which removes branding and increases allotments (such as unlimited video creation) is the second-cheapest paid tier we reviewed, at $24 (monthly).

Free or paid, Visla was the most accurate at finding video in our tests, succeeding at six of 11 scenes (still not amazing). You can set it to generate a new scene for every sentence or paragraph. Visla can also generate a passable script from a basic prompt, and you can set parameters for the type (such as marketing, technical, or inspirational) and tone (such as professional, relaxed, or witty). You can also order up videos directly in ChatGPT using the new Visla plugin.

However, Visla also has some significant limitations. Top of the list: It supports only English for script-to-video generation and for voiceovers. It also has just 23 voice options, though we found some pleasant ones. There are also some limitations in editing. The tool for changing the length of a scene didn't work in our testing. And we found no way to zoom into a squarish still photo that we used for one of our scenes, so it appeared with blue bars on each side.

Designs.AI interface by Inmagine

Inmagine's is a suite of creation tools. In addition to video, it provides AI-generation modules for text, logos, and designs such as ads or brochures. If your needs extend to any of these other areas, the $29/month price starts looking more reasonable. Its ability to generate content in 27 languages and its choice of 15 interface languages could also broaden the appeal. But, as a video-solution alone, is not your best bet.

The app was mediocre in finding good video content, succeeding in just five of sixteen scenes. (We got so many scenes because the app generates a new one for every sentence in the script; some apps allow you to decide whether each sentence, each paragraph, or both triggers a scene change.) Some of its failures were quite funny, like choosing an orchestra playing to illustrate the line: "Its intricate design reflects the artistry and sophistication of the Nabateans." That said, none of these apps are great in the scene-guessing game. Users on the free plan can generate a video using the full library of clips, but they can't actually download a movie including premium clips without upgrading, and the free clip selection is quite limited.

The voices included in the free and base paid plan sound rather stilted, and accessing "premium" voices requires upgrading to the $69/month Pro plan. The app did automatically set a voiceover volume level that was easy to hear over the auto-selected background music.

Designs.AI was the only program to glitch when we uploaded our own videos, often reporting that they were missing or defective. It took logging out and restarting Chrome to remedy the problem. Even then, we found no way to adjust or mute the volume on the clips — leaving some unwanted noise and chatter in our final movie. The app is also  a tad sluggish to load a video project.

Want to know more about using AI for creative work? Here's our breakdown of the 5 best AI image generators . 

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Sean Captain is a freelance technology and science writer, editor and photographer. At Tom's Guide, he has reviewed cameras, including most of Sony's Alpha A6000-series mirrorless cameras, as well as other photography-related content. He has also written for Fast Company, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Wired. 

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ai movie review generator

AI Movie Generator

Create movies quickly by combining VEED’s powerful suite of AI video editing tools

ai movie review generator

Tools you can use to create movies with AI:

1 generate images and scripts with ai.

Let our AI software generate art and images for you instantly! Use our AI image generator and create videos from images. Add sound effects, background music, and more! You can also use our AI script generator to generate video scripts automatically.

2 Use our AI text-to-voice tool

Add AI narrations to your video using text-to-speech. Click Audio from the left menu and select Text to Speech. Type or paste your text into the text field and click Add to Project. You will see an audio file in the timeline.

3 Add media from our stock library

Select clips from our royalty-free stock media library to add to your video. You can add stock music, sound effects, and even video clips! You can also start with our customizable video templates.

ai movie review generator

Create movies with VEED’s powerhouse of AI tools

VEED is a powerhouse of AI video editing tools that will change the game in video content creation. With VEED, you can turn your text into compelling videos by combining tools like our AI text-to-speech and stock media. Or use our artificial intelligence text-to-video tool. You can also add narrations and voiceovers by converting text into speech .

Watch this walkthrough video to learn more about our AI video tool:

‘Edit Video Online’ Tutorial Large.png

Revolutionize your storytelling with our AI movie generator

Unleash the power of cutting-edge artificial intelligence to craft compelling and unique movie scripts effortlessly. You can use VEED to conceptualize your content, starting from script generation to your visuals, using our state-of-the-art AI script generator. Use our video editor to create the video and streamline your content creation!

Tell stories with a combination of AI tools to make videos

Tell compelling stories through videos using our AI tools. You’ll do it in a fraction of the time you’ll spend doing it all from scratch. With VEED, you can convert text into voiceovers and dub your videos in multiple languages. Select from several voice profiles, languages, and accents. You can also add music, sound effects, and background tracks.

An AI video generation platform and video editor

VEED’s video editing software features a full range of handy instant and manual tools without confusing and complicated configurations. Streamline your content creation process with our intuitive timeline, snap-to-grid, and drag-and-drop interface. Add images, AI avatars , and subtitles to your video in a cinch!

Yes! VEED’s lets you generate AI videos in minutes. Access a wide range of AI tools to create amazing-looking videos even without your own footage. You can use video clips and music from our stock library, create text-to-speech avatars , and more!

Many of VEED’s AI tools are free to use. We offer plenty of ways to let you create AI-generated videos. Convert text to speech or entire videos. Use stock audio and video clips from our stock media library. Or even clone your voice to create personalized narrations. You can also create a video completely from AI-generated images using our AI image generator.

Plenty of ways. You can create videos from text on VEED by converting your text to voice—and then creating a video using our wide variety of tools! You can use stock video and audio clips, create videos from photos, and then add your voiceover. With VEED, it only takes minutes to add voiceovers to your videos—and all you have to do is type or paste your text!

Currently, you can add up to 5,000 characters to convert to speech per video project.

Discover more

  • AI Commercial Generator
  • AI Music Video Generator
  • AI Reel Generator
  • AI Text to Video
  • AI Video Editor
  • AI Video Generator
  • AI Visual Generator
  • AI YouTube Video Maker
  • Animate from Audio
  • Article to Video
  • Blog to Video
  • Script to Video
  • Text to Animation
  • TikTok Video Generator
  • Video Generators
  • YouTube Shorts Maker

What they say about VEED

Veed is a great piece of browser software with the best team I've ever seen. Veed allows for subtitling, editing, effect/text encoding, and many more advanced features that other editors just can't compete with. The free version is wonderful, but the Pro version is beyond perfect. Keep in mind that this a browser editor we're talking about and the level of quality that Veed allows is stunning and a complete game changer at worst.

I love using VEED as the speech to subtitles transcription is the most accurate I've seen on the market. It has enabled me to edit my videos in just a few minutes and bring my video content to the next level

Laura Haleydt - Brand Marketing Manager, Carlsberg Importers

The Best & Most Easy to Use Simple Video Editing Software! I had tried tons of other online editors on the market and been disappointed. With VEED I haven't experienced any issues with the videos I create on there. It has everything I need in one place such as the progress bar for my 1-minute clips, auto transcriptions for all my video content, and custom fonts for consistency in my visual branding.

Diana B - Social Media Strategist, Self Employed

More from VEED

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15 Best AI Tools in 2024 (The Only List You’ll Need)

Here are the best AI tools for video, writing, generating art, and coding. Read to find out which is the best one in each category.

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6 Best AI Avatar Generators in 2024 (The Only List You'll Need)

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8 Best AI Voice Generators to Try in 2024

Searching for the best AI voice generator? We tested the top ones so you don't have to. Check out our comprehensive reviews of the best AI voice generators in this listicle.

Movie creation in a cinch using AI tools and more!

On VEED, you will soon discover that there are plenty of ways to create AI-generated movies. By combining AI tools, you can create videos even without your own script or footage. Plus, it’s a full suite with all the pro video editing tools you need! You can create stunning videos in just minutes—so you can streamline your content creation process. Or start with one of our customizable video templates! Explore our AI and pro video editing tools today!

VEED app displayed on mobile,tablet and laptop

You've unlocked a 7-day free trial to try Jasper!

How to generate reviews & testimonials at scale with jasper ai.

Responding to reviews is important for building a solid brand reputation. Learn how review generators like Jasper AI can help you create reviews at scale.

Published on Aug 19, 2022

By Dave Rogenmoser

ai movie review generator

Customer reviews can make or break your reputation. In fact, two-thirds of buyers rely on online reviews to make an informed buying decision, making them a critical part of building your credibility, driving conversions, and ultimately boosting your bottom line. 

But here's the problem: manually responding to every review is time-consuming and overwhelming. The process is even more challenging for bigger brands, with hundreds of reviews coming in every day. 

The good news is that you don’t have to spend days or weeks writing responses to every review. Marketers can now rely on AI review generators like Jasper AI to do all the heavy-lifting for them and generate high-quality reviews efficiently. 

This post will look at how you can generate reviews in four quick steps and scale your reputation management efforts. Let’s get started. 

A step-by-step guide to generating reviews with Jasper AI

Consider this: A CRM tool named Act! has close to 400 reviews on G2. You can find several 1-star and negative reviews mixed with many good reviews. 

Now, put yourself in the shoes of a prospective buyer considering the decision to buy a monthly plan for the tool. While the good reviews tell you about the different benefits of using this CRM, the bad ones bring up some crucial pain points. The worst part is that there's no response from the brand addressing any of these problems. 

ai movie review generator

When faced with the question to pick or drop Act!, your answer is clear: the product has many problems, and the brand doesn't seem to care about its users. 

How can Act! turn things around and build a better rapport with its existing and potential customers? Simple—by using an AI review generator to create empathetic responses that make every reviewer feel heard and give every prospective buyer a sense of trust. 

This is where Jasper AI can be a game-changer. It allows marketers to generate authentic and accurate reviews at scale without breaking a sweat. 

If you want to create hundreds of brand-aligned reviews with minimal effort, follow these four easy steps:

1. Sign in to Jasper and create an account 

Navigate to and sign up for a new account if you don’t have one. 

ai movie review generator

2. Go to the Templates section and find Review Responder

Once you land on the main dashboard, go to the navigation menu on the left and click on Templates . 

ai movie review generator

Scroll down the templates section to find the Review Responder template. 

ai movie review generator

3. Add your inputs in different fields and adjust the settings

You'll see different fields to share your inputs within the Review Responder template. Jasper will generate multiple reviews based on these inputs. 

ai movie review generator

Here’s what you need to do for each prompt:

  • Add an existing review from any platform in the first field.
  • Add your business name and the reviewer's name in the following two fields.
  • Include the reviewer’s rating and the tonality you want for your response. 
  • Select your preferred language options. 

When you’ve filled all these fields, hit the Generate AI Content button.

ai movie review generator

4. Pick and copy any review from all the variations 

Jasper gives you three variations of responses for any review. You can check all the versions and copy the one you like the most. 

ai movie review generator

And now you can create responses for as many reviews as you want—good, bad, or neutral. 

Top 6 Review Generators To Automate Your Responses 

Creating automated review responses is easy, especially if you use an AI review generator. Each tool we’ve listed below offers something different to create laser-focused and flawless reviews. But before you pick one, weigh in on all your options. 

Let’s look at six of the best review generators to put review responding on auto-pilot:

ai movie review generator

Jasper AI is a feature-packed writing assistant to create content that reads and feels like it's written by humans. The tool has more than 50 templates to cater to varying content needs. You can reach a global audience because the tool supports over 25 languages. 

Jasper’s Review Responder is the perfect solution for marketers looking to leave a message for every reviewer as authentically as possible. All you need to do is enter relevant information, like the review, the reviewer's name, rating, and tonality for your response. The tool will work its magic to produce three great options you can choose from. 

Key features

  • Generate content at scale at 5x the speed with Boss Mode 
  • Create content in different formats for your entire marketing funnel
  • Get quality reviews in any tone of your liking 

ai movie review generator

Rytr is another AI-powered writing tool capable of generating reviews and testimonials for any industry. Start by selecting the language and tone of your review. Then choose "Testimonial & Review" as the use case and add the review title. Rytr will use this information to generate a crisp, concise review of your brand. 

Besides producing reviews, you can also use Rytr to create content in various formats, including blogs, video scripts, ads, social media posts, and SEO content. 

  • Get creative, plagiarism-free, and naturally flowing content 
  • Use AI help for different content needs, both writing and editing

3. Simplified

Simplified is a free tool with an AI copywriter for generating customer reviews at scale. You can choose from over 10 tones to bring more variety to your messages and match every reviewer's emotions more subtly. 

ai movie review generator

The tool is available in 30+ languages and works well for big brands with a global following. It also comes with built-in tools to check grammar and plagiarism. This guarantees that the reviews you create are entirely original and error-free.  

  • A free forever tool to generate as many reviews as you like
  • Get templates for different formats, like long-form content or short-form copies
  • Collaborate with your entire team on a single dashboard

4. CopyMonkey

CopyMonkey is an AI writing tool designed specifically for e-commerce businesses. It offers three main functions: Amazon listing generator, product description generator, and review generator. With its simple yet intuitive review generator, you can create unique and compelling reviews for every product—and save time. 

ai movie review generator

The review generator takes a few details from you, like the product title, type, and some keywords. The tool uses these inputs to produce SEO-friendly reviews that drive conversions for your e-commerce store. 

Key features 

  • Create persuasive product reviews that sound genuine 
  • Generate hundreds of reviews, export them in a file, and upload them to your store 
  • Optimize your product listings across multiple marketplaces, like Amazon and Shopify

5. is another AI-powered writing tool covering over 30 content types. The tool offers versatile use cases for marketers, entrepreneurs, SEO teams, agencies, and content creators. 

ai movie review generator

You can generate authentic reviews as a customer or create responses to existing reviews in three easy steps—choose the content format, answer the given prompts, and choose the best ones from all the diverse options. Its neat interface and user-friendly customer experience make it an excellent choice for producing reviews in bulk. 

  • Save time and manual effort by generating automated reviews 
  • The free plan allows you to generate over 100 copies totaling up to 10,000 words
  • Source quality ideas for any content based on your marketing goals  

6. Tracpoint REVV

Tracpoint is a marketing agency offering an automated review generator tool, Tracpoint REVV . The tool is designed to build and boost social proof for your business with detailed customer reviews and articulate responses.  

ai movie review generator

The tool goes beyond simply generating reviews and allows you to strengthen customer relationships with prompt communication. Any time a customer drops a negative rating or review, your team gets an alert to respond and take proactive action. 

  • Manage your online reputation comprehensively
  • Get more reviews and monitor existing ones from start to finish
  • Keep your team in the loop for all reviews—good or bad

Manage your reputation effortlessly

What’s the easiest way to win a new customer’s buy-in and increase conversions for your business? Trustworthy and positive reviews. Brands can build a healthy customer relationship and establish trust with potential buyers by promptly responding to every review—good or bad. 

An AI review generator like Jasper AI makes it easy to create and respond to customer reviews at scale without spending too much of your time. 

And it can do a lot more than just generate reviews. Whether you're looking to fine-tune your copy or create impactful content from scratch, Jasper has a massive selection of templates for every format to get you started. 

Sign up and take a look at everything you can create with Jasper yourself.


Meet The Author:

Dave Rogenmoser

Dave Rogenmoser

Dave is the Co-Founder Jasper , a Y Combinator-backed tech company based in Austin, Texas. He is also a husband and father of 3 boys.

Enjoy this post? Join over 4 million people who are learning to master AI in 2024.

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Review Generator

AI Review Generator: Create Positive or Negative Reviews

Our AI-powered review generator makes it simple to create authentic and compelling reviews for a wide range of products and services. By answering a series of questions about the product or service you're reviewing, our AI will generate a well-rounded and accurate review that highlights both the positive and negative aspects of your experience.

This powerful tool is perfect for consumers, influencers, and professionals who want to share their honest opinions and insights with others.

Benefits of AI Review Generator

Save time and effort : Let our AI generator do the heavy lifting, allowing you to create reviews quickly and easily.

Authentic and compelling : Craft genuine and engaging reviews that provide valuable insights to potential buyers or users.

If you're not satisfied with the generated review, simply change your input or add additional instructions to create a review that better suits your needs.

Create Authentic Reviews with AI-Powered Assistance

Ready to share your experiences and insights with others through authentic and compelling reviews? Give our AI review generator a try and experience the benefits of crafting genuine, engaging reviews with ease. Don't settle for generic or uninformative reviews—create impactful, insightful reviews with our AI-generated content. Start sharing your experiences today!


Bring ideas to life with authentic screenplays

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Scripting cinematic brilliance

Cinematic vision, scripted precision.

Bid farewell to screenwriting blockers. Our AI movie script generator creates your storylines, character arcs, and dialogues with cinematic flair. Team up with collaborators, enhance your script, and watch your screenplay come to life. It's the new era of scriptwriting - artistic, quick and hassle free.

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Instant draft downloads

When inspiration strikes, you need to move quickly. Our AI movie script generator not only drafts but also formats. Export your script in industry-standard formats, ready for pitching or production. Fast, efficient, and ready for the director’s chair - your script goes from concept to read-through without delay.

Narrative depth and character arcs

Our AI movie script generator ensures every script is crafted with authenticity, aligning with your unique creative vision. Bring complex characters to life and weave intricate plots with our tool designed for depth.

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Dynamic dialogue and scene crafting

Your script's dialogue and scenes can switch tones at a moment's notice. Our AI is equipped to follow your lead, offering dialogue and scene suggestions that match your desired mood and pace.

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Theatre professionals

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How does the AI movie script generator work?

Start with our ai movie script generator, customize your movie script, hit 'generate' and witness the brilliance.

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All the AI movie script generator features you’re looking for

Choose your tone, customise your speech, control the length, one click language translations, this ai movie script generator was a game changer for me. it breathed new life into my screenplays, providing fresh perspectives that kept the creative juices flowing. it's like having a co-writer whose only goal is to amplify your vision..

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Utilizing the AI movie script generator has transformed the way we approach storytelling in our theatre troupe. The AI's ability to offer diverse character perspectives and plot twists is phenomenal.

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Movievanders - AI-Powered Movie Search Engine

Discover your next favorite movie with Movievanders, the AI-powered search engine designed for effortless movie discovery. With personalized recommendations and natural language queries in any language, finding the perfect movie has never been easier. Say goodbye to endless scrolling and let Movievanders handle the search for you.

Movievanders is compatible with the following platforms and devices:

Movievanders can be integrated with the following third-party platforms and tools:

  • Google Analytics

* For the complete list of available integrations visit Movievanders website.

Movievanders offers the following subscription types:

Billing options include the following:

Membership packages:

There are membership packages at Movievanders.

  • API is Not Available.
  • Community Hub is Available.

Movievanders Review: An In-Depth Overview

What Is It?

Movievanders is a cutting-edge AI-powered search engine designed specifically for movie enthusiasts. It revolutionizes the way users discover movies by offering personalized recommendations. With its unique ability to understand natural language queries in any language, Movievanders aims to solve the challenge of finding the perfect movie to watch, making it a go-to solution for movie discovery.

How It Works

At the heart of Movievanders lies advanced artificial intelligence that processes natural language inputs. This technology allows users to search for movies in a conversational manner, making the platform incredibly user-friendly. Whether you're looking for movies based on genre, mood, or specific themes, our AI analyzes your query, sifts through a vast database of movies, and delivers spot-on recommendations tailored to your preferences.

Movievanders is versatile and can be used in various scenarios, including:

Personalized movie night planning.

Finding movies similar to your favorites.

Discovering films from specific genres or countries.

Exploring movies by themes or moods.

Our platform primarily offers a singular, robust product - the AI-powered search engine for movie, series and documentaries discovery. It features:

Personalized recommendations.

Multilingual natural language understanding.

An expansive database of movies from around the world.

Connection to well-known movie databases such as TMDb

Watchlist, favorites and watched logging

Movievanders is designed to be accessible to a wide audience, including those with disabilities. We are committed to continuous improvement to ensure our platform is user-friendly for everyone. While currently focused on end-users, we are exploring options to provide developer tools in the future for deeper integration and customization.

Third-Party Integrations

Google sign-in


Movievanders is compatible with all major web browsers and is designed to function seamlessly across desktop and mobile devices, ensuring that users can enjoy a personalized movie discovery experience regardless of their device or operating system.

We are in the early stages of building a community around Movievanders. This includes creating spaces for movie lovers to share recommendations, discuss their favorite films, and provide feedback on our platform. Follow us on social media to join the conversation and become part of our growing community.

Movievanders is brought to you by a team of movie enthusiasts and technology experts passionate about leveraging AI to enhance the movie-watching experience. Our mission is to simplify movie discovery, making it easy and enjoyable for everyone. We are committed to innovation, user satisfaction, and creating a platform that caters to movie lovers worldwide

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Features & Highlights

  • Personalized movie recommendations tailored to user preferences.
  • Advanced AI capable of understanding natural language queries in any language.
  • Comprehensive database with movies from around the world.
  • Community-focused initiatives to engage movie enthusiasts.

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Movie Recommender

Ai-powered movie suggestion tool.

The Movie Recommender is perfect for movie enthusiasts, casual viewers, or anyone looking to discover new films that match their taste.

  • Plan a movie night: Get suggestions for movies that you and your friends or family will enjoy.
  • Discover new favorites: Explore films similar to your favorites and discover new gems.
  • Expand your cinematic horizons: Try out new genres and styles of movies based on your existing preferences.
  • Save time on selection: Skip the time-consuming process of browsing through endless movie options and get straight to enjoying a film that suits your taste.

Yes, HyperWrite offers a limited trial for users to test the Movie Recommender. For additional access, you can choose the Premium Plan at $19.99/mo or Ultra for $44.99/mo. Use the code 'TRYHYPERWRITE' for 50% off your first month.

The Movie Recommender uses advanced AI models to analyze your preferred genre and similar movies you've enjoyed. It then searches its comprehensive knowledge base and does a real time internet search to find movies that align with your preferences, considering factors such as director, actors, plot similarities, and critical acclaim.

Absolutely! Whether you're planning a movie night with friends, a date night, or just looking for a film to watch on a quiet evening in, the Movie Recommender can suggest movies that are perfect for the occasion. Just input your preferred genre and similar movies you've enjoyed, and the AI will do the rest.

Yes, the Movie Recommender can suggest movies from any genre. Whether you're a fan of action, drama, comedy, romance, horror, or any other genre, this tool can provide personalized movie recommendations that match your taste.

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Review Generator

Write about your review topic in one line..

Example: For computer institute or coaching centre

free image

Unlike many other AI writer tools, is completely free to use. There are no subscription fees or hidden costs, and you can use the tool as much as you want without any limitations.

easy image

Easy to Use has been designed with simplicity in mind. There's no need to sign up or create an account - you can simply start using the tool right away. The user-friendly design and simple controls make it easy for anyone.

time image

Time Saving

With, you can start writing with just one click. The tool generates content that is well-structured and coherent, which means you can spend less time editing and more time focusing on other tasks.

In the digital age, online reviews play a pivotal role in shaping consumer decisions. Whether it's purchasing a product, booking a hotel, or trying out a new restaurant, people heavily rely on reviews to inform their choices. This reliance has led to an increasing demand for review generation tools that can save time and effort while maintaining quality. has taken the lead in this field with its groundbreaking 100% free Review Generator AI. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of this powerful tool and how it can revolutionize the way writers and businesses generate authentic and persuasive reviews.

Generating Quality Reviews Effortlessly's Review Generator AI employs state-of-the-art natural language processing algorithms to produce high-quality reviews in a matter of seconds. The tool is designed to cater to the needs of both individual writers and businesses seeking to enhance their online presence. By simply inputting a few key details about a product, service, or experience, users can obtain well-crafted reviews that reflect a genuine customer's perspective.

Customization and Flexibility

One of the standout features of's Review Generator AI is its versatility and customization options. The tool allows users to adjust the tone, length, and style of the generated reviews to align with their specific requirements. Whether you prefer a formal, professional tone for a corporate setting or a casual, friendly style for a restaurant review, the AI can adapt accordingly. This flexibility ensures that the generated reviews resonate with the target audience and accurately reflect the intended message.

Time-Saving Solution

Writing engaging and persuasive reviews can be a time-consuming task, especially when businesses or individuals have numerous products or services to showcase.'s Review Generator AI streamlines the process, enabling users to generate multiple reviews effortlessly and rapidly. This not only saves valuable time but also allows businesses to focus on core operations and writers to allocate their energy to other creative endeavors.

Authenticity and Credibility

One of the concerns with automated review generation is the potential lack of authenticity and credibility. However,'s Review Generator AI addresses this issue by producing reviews that feel genuine and believable. The AI model has been trained on vast amounts of real customer reviews, ensuring that the generated content reflects the nuances and language patterns found in authentic user feedback. This authenticity enhances the credibility of the reviews and boosts trust among potential customers.

Free of Charge

Perhaps the most compelling aspect of's Review Generator AI is its accessibility. The tool is offered completely free of charge, allowing businesses and individuals to harness the power of AI-generated reviews without any financial burden. This democratization of review generation technology enables even small businesses and budding writers to compete in the digital marketplace on an equal footing with larger enterprises.'s 100% free Review Generator AI is a game-changer in the field of review generation. With its ability to generate high-quality reviews effortlessly, its customization options, and its focus on authenticity and credibility, this tool is a valuable asset for writers and businesses alike. By saving time, amplifying online presence, and building trust among consumers,'s Review Generator AI has the potential to reshape the way we approach online reviews, benefiting both creators and consumers in the process.

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AI Review Generator

The best way to get unbiased reviews of products and services, write about your review topic in one line..

Example: For computer institute or coaching centre

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Related Tools

Looking for a tool to help you generate reviews for your business? Check out AI Review Generator! This tool can help you create fake reviews that look real, helping you boost your business and reputation.

How does an review generator tool work

An review generator tool is a web tool allows you to automatically generate reviews for a product or service. This can be done by scraping review sites or by using natural language processing to generate fake reviews.

What are the benefits of using an AI review generator tool

If you are looking for a way to get more reviews for your business, product, or service, you may want to consider using an AI review generator tool. This type of tool can help you to automatically generate reviews from real people, which can help to improve your online reputation and visibility.

There are a number of benefits that you can enjoy by using an AI review generator tool, including:

1. Increased online visibility: When you have more reviews, you are more likely to show up in search engine results pages (SERPs), which can help you to attract more customers and boost your bottom line.

2. improved customer satisfaction: Customers are more likely to be satisfied with your business if they can see that you have a good online reputation. By using an AI review generator tool, you can help to ensure that your customers are happy with their experience.

3. Boosted search engine optimization (SEO): Good reviews can help to improve your website's SEO, making it easier for customers to find you online.

4. More social proof: Social proof is an important factor in consumer decision-making, and reviews can help to provide it. Having more reviews can make it more likely that people will trust your business and be more.

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Vidnoz AI: Create Free AI Videos in 1 Minute

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Google unveils veo, a high-definition ai video generator that may rival sora, google's video-synthesis model creates minute-long 1080p videos from written prompts..

Benj Edwards - May 15, 2024 8:51 pm UTC

Still images taken from videos generated by Google Veo.

On Tuesday at Google I/O 2024, Google announced Veo , a new AI video-synthesis model that can create HD videos from text, image, or video prompts, similar to OpenAI's Sora . It can generate 1080p videos lasting over a minute and edit videos from written instructions, but it has not yet been released for broad use.

Further Reading

Veo reportedly includes the ability to edit existing videos using text commands, maintain visual consistency across frames, and generate video sequences lasting up to and beyond 60 seconds from a single prompt or a series of prompts that form a narrative. The company says it can generate detailed scenes and apply cinematic effects such as time-lapses, aerial shots, and various visual styles

Since the launch of DALL-E 2 in April 2022, we've seen a parade of new image synthesis and video synthesis models that aim to allow anyone who can type a written description to create a detailed image or video. While neither technology has been fully refined, both AI image and video generators have been steadily growing more capable.

In February, we covered a preview of OpenAI's Sora video generator, which many at the time believed represented the best AI video synthesis the industry could offer. It impressed Tyler Perry enough that he put his film studio expansions on hold. However, so far, OpenAI has not provided general access to the tool—instead, it has limited its use to a select group of testers.

Now, Google's Veo appears at first glance to be capable of video-generation feats similar to Sora. We have not tried it ourselves, so we can only go by the cherry-picked demonstration videos the company has provided on its website . That means anyone viewing them should take Google's claims with a huge grain of salt, because the generation results may not be typical.

Veo's example videos include a cowboy riding a horse, a fast-tracking shot down a suburban street, kebabs roasting on a grill, a time-lapse of a sunflower opening, and more. Conspicuously absent are any detailed depictions of humans, which have historically been tricky for AI image and video models to generate without obvious deformations.

Google says that Veo builds upon the company's previous video-generation models, including Generative Query Network (GQN), DVD-GAN, Imagen-Video , Phenaki , WALT, VideoPoet, and Lumiere . To enhance quality and efficiency, Veo's training data includes more detailed video captions, and it utilizes compressed "latent" video representations. To improve Veo's video-generation quality, Google included more detailed captions for the videos used to train Veo, allowing the AI to interpret prompts more accurately.

Veo also seems notable in that it supports filmmaking commands: "When given both an input video and editing command, like adding kayaks to an aerial shot of a coastline, Veo can apply this command to the initial video and create a new, edited video," the company says.

While the demos seem impressive at first glance (especially compared to Will Smith eating spaghetti ), Google acknowledges AI video-generation is difficult. "Maintaining visual consistency can be a challenge for video generation models," the company writes. "Characters, objects, or even entire scenes can flicker, jump, or morph unexpectedly between frames, disrupting the viewing experience."

Google has tried to mitigate those drawbacks with "cutting-edge latent diffusion transformers," which is basically meaningless marketing talk without specifics. But the company is confident enough in the model that it is working with actor Donald Glover and his studio, Gilga, to create an AI-generated demonstration film that will debut soon.

Initially, Veo will be accessible to select creators through VideoFX , a new experimental tool available on Google's AI Test Kitchen website, Creators can join a waitlist for VideoFX to potentially gain access to Veo's features in the coming weeks. Google plans to integrate some of Veo's capabilities into YouTube Shorts and other products in the future.

There's no word yet about where Google got the training data for Veo (if we had to guess, YouTube was likely involved). But Google states that it is taking a "responsible" approach with Veo. According to the company, "Videos created by Veo are watermarked using SynthID , our cutting-edge tool for watermarking and identifying AI-generated content, and passed through safety filters and memorization checking processes that help mitigate privacy, copyright, and bias risks."

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Google TV to launch AI-generated movie descriptions

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As anticipated , numerous AI-related announcements were made at this year’s Google I/O 2024 conference , including the unveiling of a new feature for Google TV. 

Gemini, the company’s family of generative AI models, will enhance the smart TV operating system so it can generate descriptions for movies and TV shows. When a description is missing on the home screen, the AI will fill it in automatically to ensure that viewers never have to wonder what a title is about, Google explains. It’ll also translate descriptions into the viewer’s native language, making the content more discoverable to a wider audience.

The AI-generated descriptions are also personalized based on a viewer’s genre and actor preferences, so each person receives tailored recommendations and summaries that cater to their specific interests.

Google TV’s new capability, part of a larger effort to enhance the viewing experience, aims to help viewers discover movies and TV shows more quickly and spend less time searching. We imagine that Google will keep iterating on the feature as well as utilize Gemini for other capabilities, like improving the search function to answer more-specific questions about content.

We’re launching an AI newsletter! Sign up  here  to start receiving it in your inboxes on June 5.

Read more about Google I/O 2024 on TechCrunch

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The 11 best AI voice generators you need to try out

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What type of content do you primarily create?

‎You probably hear AI voices all the time.

Val Kilmer’s voice in Top Gun: Maverick ? AI-powered. The voice of Cody Rigsby giving you navigation directions on Waze? That’s AI. The chipper voice speaking captions aloud every time you watch a TikTok video? Chances are it’s AI-generated, too.

Thanks to AI voice generators, you can get audio in almost any voice, accent, and language with eerie precision. 

If you’re recording a podcast and want to reach listeners across different languages or editing a video and need to add a voiceover or narration, AI voice generators can give you different voices for your project.

Lots of tools exist to help you make AI voices. That’s good and bad: You’ve got a lot of choices, but it can be tricky to determine which ones are worth your time, money, and effort. 

In this guide, we’ll explore 11 of the best AI voice generators you should consider to make the best of this emerging technology.

What is an AI voice generator?

An AI voice generator is a software that generates realistic synthetic voices from text or speech. Through artificial intelligence, machine learning, and complex algorithms, AI voice generators analyze and imitate human speech down to the emotions, intonation, accent, pacing, and tone. 

The resulting AI voice can be customized into different accents, speech styles, genders, and ages, which you can use in videos, podcasts, spoken social media captions, audiobooks, or e-learning modules.

Why you need an AI voice generator

AI voice generators are valuable tools to have in your content creation workflow. Here are a few reasons why.

Localize content in different languages

AI voice generators let you adapt content to reach listeners across different languages and cultures. You can localize a podcast, video, or audio caption with precise control over the transcript, translation, timing, and more in a matter of minutes—regardless of the language. 

A good example is Larry Madowo, a CNN International correspondent, whose voice was translated into Mandarin for a news feature.

Maintain a consistent brand voice

It’s hard to find a voice actor who gets your brand on the first try. An AI voice generator eliminates the hassle of sifting through audio recordings just to find a voice that aligns with your brand. 

AI voice generators combine your brand’s unique personality, style, and tone to create a range of voices that are always on brand. You can apply these voices across all your audio content to create a cohesive brand experience that resonates with your audience, builds brand recognition, and enhances brand credibility.

Make content engaging and accessible

AI voice generators can help you create audio that captures your audience's attention and enhances accessibility and comprehension.

For instance, you can use AI voiceovers to create a funny gaming highlight video or add depth to character dialogues. 

Take Citipups, for example. The New York-based pet store uses an AI-generated voice to give its sassy in-house cat, Jeremy, the personality of a cranky manager who intimidates his coworkers. This adds humor, personality, and authenticity to the brand’s content while maintaining engagement.

‎Save time and money

You don’t need expensive audio recording equipment or a professional voiceover artist to get voiceovers or narration for your content. Not to mention the countless retakes when recording owing to mispronounced words, background noises, or faulty microphones, which make it harder to capture crisp, clear audio.

An AI voice generator can create a voiceover for you in minutes with no interruptions and at scale. You’ll increase your content output and reach, save time, and free up valuable resources, which you can allocate to other content creation needs.

Now, let’s look at our top 11 picks for the best AI voice generators available. 

đŸ€– Hands-on testing: Best AI voice cloning tools: Which tools pass the mom test?

11 best AI voice generators 

  • Amazon Polly
  • Google Cloud Text-to-Speech
  • WellSaid Labs

1. Descript: Best AI voice generator

Content creators use Descript for audio and video editing in real-time using a text transcript. But one of its coolest features is AI Voices , which lets you generate your own voice clone with just a few minutes of audio.

If you play back a podcast or video recording and discover you mispronounced a name, said something dumb, or stumbled through the voiceover, having your own voice clone means don’t need to re-record the whole thing. You can fix it in Descript with a few keystrokes in editing and boom—your audio will sound more seamless and natural. It kind of feels like magic to use it.

There are even more AI voice generation features built into Descript, such as: 

  • Text to speech : Turn a script into an entire voiceover with one click.
  • Regenerate : Smooths out awkward cuts, fixes mismatched tones, balances noise levels, and repairs audio, so it sounds like they never happened.
  • AI voice changer : Record your voice and swap in an AI voice actor from Descript’s AI voice library or generate realistic voiceovers from any text for your podcast intros, video voiceovers, and more.
  • Studio Sound: Remove background noise or unwanted ambient sounds and enhance recorded voices for better audio quality. 
  • Voice enhancer : Isolates speaker audio and enhances voice recordings in MP3, WAV, AAC, and other audio file formats with a single click.
  • Robust free plan
  • User-friendly, intuitive interface
  • All-in-one editor—no need for multiple apps
  • Natural-sounding, realistic voices
  • Variety of stock voices
  • Wide range of AI voice generation tools
  • You can enhance voice recordings in various audio formats
  • No mobile app
  • Free plan limited to 1 hour of transcription per month

Pricing: Free plan: $0, Creator: $12, Pro: $24, Enterprise plan: Custom pricing.

2. ElevenLabs: Best human-like voices

ALT TEXT: Screenshot of ElevenLabs AI voice generator dashboard

ElevenLabs creates realistic AI voices from text, complete with realistic accents and intonations. 

You can choose from a wide range of voice options in different languages and dialects to clone your voice and generate professional voiceovers for your audio content. Then, use Voice Lab to experiment with age, gender, accent, and even accent strength to configure AI-generated voices. 

And if you want to create natural-sounding recordings that bring your content to life, use ElevenLabs’ intelligent Speech Synthesis tool. It recognizes text nuances to create crystal clear, synthetic, natural-sounding speech with accurate intonation and resonance in 29 languages.   

Best features

  • Speech Synthesis
  • Free plan available
  • Easy to use
  • Multilingual support in 29 languages
  • No voice cloning in free plan

Pricing: Free plan available. Paid plans start at $5 per month.

3. Best for content localization

LOVO is a user-friendly AI voice generator and text-to-speech tool that generates a text block to voice for different applications, like samples, explainer videos, demos, and one-liner projects. 

Once you choose a language, emotion, voice, and use case, LOVO will transform your script into a realistic, human-sounding voiceover in seconds, which makes it ideal if you’re in a pinch. You can edit pronunciation, add pauses and non-verbal sounds, background music, and emphasize words to make your content more natural-sounding.

And with Genny, LOVO’s AI video generator, you can create a voiceover with video, too. Then, download the AI-generated result in a high-quality audio file for different projects.

  • Voice cloning
  • Voice changer
  • 150+ AI voices
  • 25+ emotions
  • High-quality voices
  • Built-in AI video generator
  • Supports 100+ languages 
  • Filters AI voices based on age, education level, or use case
  • Expensive compared to other AI voice generators
  • Free version offers only 10 minutes of voice generation
  • AI voices can only be downloaded only with paid plans

Pricing: Free plan. Paid plans start at $29 per month.

4. Best free AI voice generator 

Murf is an AI text-to-speech (TTS) voice generator that lets you create AI voices from text or by uploading your voice recording and changing the voice. You can adjust the AI voice’s tone, pitch, punctuations, emphasis, and speed for unique voices to make your content pop and deliver your message. 

If you make TikTok videos , for instance, you can add a dramatic pause or speed up the voice for a comedic effect. You can also upload music, video, or an image and Murf will sync it with your preferred AI voice.

  • 120+ text to speech voices
  • Collaborative tools
  • Royalty-free library with 8000+ soundtracks
  • Wide range of voices
  • Integrates with Canva
  • Change voice pitch and speed
  • Supports 20 languages and multiple accents
  • Better quality voices only support English
  • Free plan offers only 10 minutes of voice generation

Pricing: Free: $0, Basic: $19, Pro: $26, Enterprise: $75 (up to 5 seats).

5. Amazon Polly: Best cloud-based speech generator 

Amazon Polly is a cloud service that uses deep learning technologies to synthesize natural-sounding human speech and convert text into lifelike speech. You can generate speech across a broad set of languages to reach a global audience on your website, in video content, or on RSS feed and engage them with human-like voices. 

Like other AI voice generators, Polly lets you adjust the speaking style, pitch, speech rate, or loudness, and change the pronunciation of particular words to deliver a conversational experience. 

Plus, you can automatically adjust the speech rate based on the maximum time you allot to your content and build a neural TTS voice for your brand to give your content a unique vocal identity in various use cases.

Amazon Polly provides an API, so you can quickly integrate speech synthesis into applications like chatbots and create custom voices for your brand. 

  • Custom lexicons
  • Brand Voice
  • Newscaster speaking style
  • Free tier available
  • Simple to use API
  • Natural and expressive voices
  • Supports 23+ languages
  • Requires an AWS account to use
  • Has a learning curve

Pricing: Free tier and pay-as-you-go model.

6. Google Cloud Text-to-Speech: Best for Google ecosystem users

Google Cloud Text-to-Speech software uses an API powered by Google AI technology to convert text into natural-sounding speech with human intonation. 

Instead of using common voices shared with other creators, you can generate custom voices from an extensive selection of 220+ voices across 40+ languages and variants. 

You can either use Neural2 voices to internationalize your voice experience or Studio voices for studio-quality audio. Or just train a custom voice model from your audio recording for a more unique, natural-sounding voice for your brand. 

  • Studio voices
  • Neural2 voices
  • Custom Voice
  • Voice and pitch tuning
  • Text and SSML support
  • Simple interface
  • Features can be overwhelming for beginners
  • Doesn’t work offline

Pricing : Based on the number of characters.

7. Canva: Best for social media content

You’ve probably used Canva to create graphics for social media posts or other projects. But there’s more to the online graphic design tool than just graphics. It has an AI voice feature for generating voiceovers with just a few clicks in over 20 languages, including French, Chinese, and Spanish. 

Canva’s versatile voice changer lets you instantly produce natural-sounding audio for any project or purpose, like YouTube videos, audiobooks, and other content types. Then create top-notch visuals to match, all in one place.

Spruce up your creative project by customizing the AI-generated voice’s emotion, pitch, speed, and tonality, then add it to any video, presentation, or design.

  • 120+ AI voices
  • 400 different male and female AI voices
  • Multilingual support
  • Access to a variety of templates
  • Integrates with and for AI voice generation
  • Create, edit, and add AI voices to your designs in one platform
  • Offers fewer languages than other AI voice generators
  • Limited free AI voices 

Pricing : Free: $0, Pro: $15 per user/month, Teams: $12 per user/month, Enterprise: Custom pricing.

8. Synthesia: Best for AI-generated content creation

If you want to create an AI video with AI voices, Synthesia offers a platform to do everything in one place and then share your content with others. 

The AI video generator has a text-to-speech function built into its editor. You can use it to generate natural-sounding AI voices in over 130 languages and varied accents. 

You can also create a voice clone based on a recording of your own voice. Once you enter your script into the editor and pick an avatar for your video, Synthesia will detect the script language and pick a voice for your clip. You can listen to the preview, generate your video with the AI voice, and share with your audience. 

  • One-click text translation
  • 130+ stock languages
  • Custom avatars
  • Create video content with AI voiceover in one platform
  • Auto-generates closed captions
  • No free plan
  • Voices sometimes sound robotic
  • Audio downloads only in paid plans

Pricing : Starter: $29 per month, Creator: $89 per month, Enterprise: Custom pricing.

9. ResembleAI: Best for custom AI voices

As its name suggests, ResembleAI creates custom AI voices that sound a lot like your own speech with emotions and diction for a personalized experience. 

Paste your script in the ResembleAI editor or upload an audio recording . Then, adjust the speaker, audio, and language settings. If you like the result, download the audio in full or as separate tracks to use in your content.

There’s no free plan, but you can test some of the software’s features in its limited trial. This lets you upload up to 280 text characters for TTS and 10 minutes of audio for speech-to-speech conversion at no cost. 

  • Variety of voice actors
  • AI voice localization 
  • Marketplace for voice actors
  • Human-like voices
  • Supports over 24 languages
  • No offline support
  • Trial limited to 300 seconds
  • Output quality depends on creator’s input 

Pricing : Basic: $0.006 per second ($0.36 per minute), Pro: $99 per month, Enterprise: Custom pricing.

10. ClipChamp: Best for Windows users

ClipChamp is Microsoft’s built-in video editor that makes video creation easy, no matter your recording and editing skill level. 

The tool offers a diverse array of AI voices in different genders, tones, languages, and sounds to create lifelike voiceovers for your content. You can also personalize the pace and pitch of your AI voice from extra low to extra high, or adjust the volume.

  • Custom neural voice capability
  • Vocal pitch and pacing customization options
  • 80+ languages
  • Intuitive interface
  • Lifelike synthesized speech
  • Mac app available
  • You can control speech parameters
  • Free version limited to 10 audio minutes

11. WellSaid Labs: Best AI voice avatars

WellSaid Labs is a text-to-speech platform that creates hyper-realistic voices for your content and brand. Choose a style, personality, and pitch to build a brand-specific AI voice. Then, use Voice Avatars that speak your audience’s language to localize the content and foster a stronger connection with your audience.

WellSaid Labs’ HINTS (Highly Intuitive Naturally Tailored Speech) feature uses generative AI modeling technology to combine neural TTS with contextual annotations and generate synthetic voice outputs. 

You can hear a first basic take of your text, then fine-tune subsequent takes. HINTS will interpret your adjustments on every iteration and generate far more natural-sounding AI voice outputs.

  • Advanced AI voice cloning algorithms
  • Voice Avatars
  • Fully featured free trial
  • Rich, expressive, natural-sounding voices
  • Multi-language option only in Enterprise plan

Pricing: Paid plans start at $49 per month. 

Best AI voice generator FAQs

What is the best ai voice generator.

Descript is the best all-in-one AI voice generator for creating, editing, and publishing AI voices for all your content project needs. Other helpful options include Murf, LOVO, and Speechify.

What is the most realistic AI voice cloner?

Descript’s AI voice cloning. With only a few minutes of audio, you can clone your voice and create one that sounds just like you. Other worthy alternatives are ElevenLabs and 

Is there a free AI voice generator?

Descript has a free AI voice generator built into its editor, which generates high-quality audio from text.

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Using AI to Create Logos: The Pros, Cons, and Best Practices

Using generative AI to create your logo might seem like a great idea, but consider the drawbacks before jumping in.

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The pros of using ai logo generators, the cons of using ai logo generators, the best practices for using ai to create logos, ai tools you can use to create logos, key takeaways.

  • Using AI generators to create logos saves a lot of time and money.
  • AI results aren't always editable or high quality, and they can lack context.
  • To create a good AI logo, conduct background research, aim for high quality exports, and use traditional tools alongside AI.

AI logo generators are enticing and user-friendly, but what benefits and drawbacks should you consider before using them? And what are the best practices to ensure your AI logo appeals to your target audience?

Firstly, AI generators create logos very quickly. Traditionally, graphic designers may spend weeks on a logo or branding project—especially when you consider a brand is more than just a logo . But if all you need is a logo, using AI saves weeks of agonizing decisions, and you can have your new logo in a matter of seconds.

Anyone with access to an AI tool can create an AI-generated logo. This means non-designers or those who don’t subscribe to Adobe’s pricey plans can have an aesthetically pleasing logo. Most AI generator tools are cheap, if not free, making an AI logo a cost-effective choice compared to hiring a trained graphic designer by the hour.

If you run a small business, want a logo for a hobby you offer as a service, or just want a logo to be visually pleasing but aren’t bothered about context or hidden meanings, then creating an AI-generated logo is a good option. You’ll get a logo that looks good and can be used for basic purposes like running an Etsy store or on your YouTube channel.

AI has advanced a ton in 2024, but much AI-generated imagery is still highly detectable to the naked eye and especially to graphic design professionals. It’s usually obvious if you’ve used AI to create a logo—they’re basic, have overused iconography, and typically have a mistake or two hidden somewhere.

Many AI generator tools create generated results that aren’t editable. The results look like vectors, but usually they’re flattened and only available as PNG or, even worse, JPEG. This means that to fix or improve the generated logo, you’ll still need lots of time, professional software, or a graphic designer.

When hiring a graphic designer, you’re paying for in-depth research and background, intricate design elements that nod toward the context of your brand, and flexibility in refinements. You don’t get any of that with AI-generated logos. The most context you can give is through your text prompt in an AI generator; often these generators skip over parts of your description and totally miss the mark in the result.

One of the biggest cons to creating logos with an AI generator is the potential copyright issues you can face. It’s safe to say there’s always niggling doubt over whether your results are truly unique. If you’re worried about copyright infringement, you should do as much research into the AI tool as you can or err on the side of caution and use traditional tools instead.

If my cons list hasn’t deterred you from generating your logo with AI, then you should at least follow some best practices for creating the ideal AI-generated logo.

1. Background Research

Background research is part and parcel of any great graphic design. Whether it’s a logo, brand, post design, or packaging, background research is integral to enticing your target market.

When creating logos with AI, you can usually choose or suggest color palettes, art styles, and describe the elements you wish to see in the generated result. These are all aspects you can derive from your research.

Colors denote a lot in a logo or brand, and art style is important too. Successful logos are usually minimalist and can work in solid colors for when they need to be converted to black and white.

Doing research ahead of creating your logo helps you find meaning in your design. Graphic design is more than just creating pretty pictures like in art; logos should signify meaning to your audience.

2. Editable or Customizable Results

Even though many AI generators don’t provide customizable results, that’s not true for every AI tool. There are a handful of tools—like Adobe Illustrator’s text-to-vector tool and Kittl’s AI Logo Generator —that generate editable results.

Even if the generator you use doesn’t produce editable results, that doesn’t mean you can’t save them and edit them elsewhere. Try to export in SVG format for flexibility if you can. You can open SVG files in most design software where you can then change colors, edit paths, and move elements around.

3. High Quality Export

You’ll be much happier with your results when they’re high quality. You might have to pay to use AI tools with high quality outputs, but those subscriptions will be cheaper than hiring a graphic designer.

Try to find AI generators that create vectors rather than rasters , so you can scale up and down without pixelation. Either way, export in the largest size available, especially if the generator only produces rasters.

Don’t export anything with a watermark on it. This will instantly cheapen your result and means your own logo is actually advertising another business instead of your own.

If you have options for file formats upon exporting, choose as many as you can as each format has its uses. You should aim for SVG, PDF, and PNG for the best flexibility.

4. Use AI Alongside Traditional Tools

Finally, the best practice for using an AI generator for your logo is to remember that AI is only a tool, not necessarily the tool.

Graphic designers often use multiple tools in their workflow. This might be different programs and techniques—like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, traditional hand drawing, photography, or collaging—but also different tools within those programs and techniques.

For example, in Adobe Illustrator, a designer may use the shape tools, the pen or pencil tool, the brush or blob brush tool, the direct selection tool, and the text tool. And that’s all without even using Adobe Illustrator’s AI tools, which include the Text to Vector Graphic tool, the Generative Recolor tool , and the Retype tool.

A multitude of tools are used to create a logo or design, and that should always be a consideration when using an AI generator to get the job done. Using it alongside other tools will help you produce a fantastic logo, just with a little help from AI.

There are a lot of AI logo generators online, but they don't all produce great results. After some research and experience, I compiled a list of the top AI logo generators. They're are affordable, offer customization, and provide high quality results.

  • Kittl’s AI Logo Generator
  • Adobe Illustrator’s Text to Vector Graphic Tool
  • Looka's Logo Maker

If you’re not a designer or can’t afford to hire one, there are plenty of good reasons to use AI to create a logo. Following best practices for design will help your AI-generated logo look professional and represent you and your brand exactly as you want it to.

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