162 Best Animal Research Topics To Nail Your Paper In 2023

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The world is filled with living things. There are some animals that we know about, some that we will discover, and there are many that we might never know about. All our knowledge about animals is mostly dependant on researchers. Well, we are rooting for you to be the next great researcher. Be it zoology, veterinary, or live wild stock, your study needs a research topic. If you’re looking for the best animal research topics to nail this year, we’re here with your help.

Table of Contents

Best Animal Research Topics

We have 162 Animal Research Topics that will help you get the best grades this year.

Physiology of Animals Research Topics

physiology of animals research topics

  • Description of the knowledge required to work in animal physiology
  • Study of animal species with different specialties in the sciences of nature and life
  • Life sciences and socioeconomic impacts
  • Neurulation appendages birds
  • Exercises on gastrulation and neurulation
  • Gastrulation amphibians birds
  • Fertilization segmentation in the sea species
  • Gametogenesis: A Detailed Introduction
  • Study of Delimitation: bird appendages
  • Particularities of the developmental biology of certain species
  • Technical-commercial animal physiology
  • Terrestrial and marine ecosystems
  • Animal biology and forensic science: Is there a connection?
  • Animal Biology Biotechnology and molecules of interest regarding food and industry
  • The interest in biology in the diagnosis of animal and plant diseases
  • Toxicology and environmental health concerns in animal physiology
  • Animal and plant production
  • Fundamentals of animal physiology research and analysis
  • Behavior and evolution Genetics of behavior in animals
  • Adaptation and evolution of behavior
  • Comparative studies of general ecology, zoology, and animal physiology
  • Study of animals about the conditions prevailing in their immediate environment
  • Endocrine and neuroendocrine systems in animals
  • Studying the nervous systems in birds
  • Genitals and reproductive physiology of birds
  • Understanding of the anatomical and functional particularities of invertebrates
  • Biology and physiology of invertebrates
  • Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees
  • Morpho-anatomical arguments and the importance of fossils
  • Argued classification of animals
  • Study of the evolution of living organisms by making updates on recent advances in Animalia
  • Phylogeny and animal evolution
  • Principles of echolocation in the bats
  • Possible evolution of the increase in complexity of the primitive nervous system
  • The nervous system of the insect
  • Circulation in animal physiology
  • Animals without a differentiated circulatory system
  • Water and mineral balance in animals
  • Thermoregulation in animals
  • Musculoskeletal system in animals
  • Study of animal blood
  • Biological rhythms of animals
  • Skin and teguments of mammals
  • Animal nutrition and metabolism
  • Hormones and endocrine system of animals
  • Emerging organic pollutants
  • Mechanisms of toxicity in animals
  • Animal physiology in animals from temperate regions
  • Genetic correlations between animal species
  • Animal communities, forest ecology, and forest birds
  • Wildlife-habitat modeling

Looking for research topics in general? Read 402  General Research Paper Topics

Animal Research Topics For Student

animal research topics for student

  • Impact of the agricultural raw materials crisis on the marketing of livestock feed
  • Analysis of the competitiveness of poultry produced in the USA
  • Animal cruelty in USA and European countries
  • Seroprevalence of neosporosis in cattle herds
  • The peri-urban dairy sector
  • Effect of the liberalization of the veterinary profession on the vaccination coverage of livestock
  • Why do people kill animals? The psyche behind animal cruelty
  • Evaluation of the growth performance of three sheep breeds
  • Study on the protection of terrestrial ecosystems
  • Ecology of African dung beetles
  • Effects of road infrastructure on wildlife in developing countries
  • Analysis of the consequences of climate change related to pastoral livestock
  • Strategies for management in the animal feed sector
  • The feeding behavior of mosquitoes
  • Bee learning and memory
  • Immediate response to the animal cruelty
  • Study of mass migration of land birds over the ocean
  • A study of crocodile evolution
  • The cockroach escape system
  • The resistance of cockroaches against radiation: Myth or fact?
  • Temperature regulation in the honey bee swarm
  • Irresponsible dog breeding can often lead to an excess of stray dogs and animal cruelty
  • Reliable communication signals in birds

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Animal Research Topics For University

anima research topics for university

  • Color patterns of moths and moths
  • Mimicry in the sexual signals of fireflies
  • Ecophysiology of the garter snake
  • Memory, dreams regarding cat neurology
  • Spatiotemporal variation in the composition of animal communities
  • Detection of prey in the sand scorpion
  • Internal rhythms in bird migration
  • Genealogy: Giant Panda
  • Animal dissection: Severe type of animal cruelty and a huge blow to animal rights
  • Cuckoo coevolution and patterns
  • Use of plant extracts from Amazonian plants for the design of integrated pest management
  • Research on flying field bug
  • The usefulness of mosquitoes in biological control serves to isolate viruses
  • Habitat use by the Mediterranean Ant
  • Genetic structure of the  African golden wolf  based on its habitat
  • Birds body odor on their interaction with mosquitoes and parasites
  • The role of ecology in the evolution of coloration in owls
  • The invasion of the red swamp crayfish
  • Molecular taxonomy and biogeography of caprellids
  • Bats of Mexico and United States
  • What can animal rights NGOs do in case of animal cruelty during animal testing initiatives?

Or you can try 297 High School Research Paper Topics to Top The Class

Controversial Animal Research Topics

controversial animal research topics

  • Is it okay to adopt an animal for experimentation?
  • The authorization procedures on animals for scientific experiments
  • The objective of total elimination of animal testing
  • Are there concrete examples of successful scientific advances resulting from animal experimentation?
  • Animal rights for exotic animals: Protection of forests and wildlife
  • How can animal rights help the endangered animals
  • Animal experimentations are a type of animal cruelty: A detailed analysis
  • Animal testing: encouraging the use of alternative methods
  • Use of animals for the evaluation of chemical substances
  • Holding seminars on the protection of animals
  • Measures to take against animal cruelty
  • Scientific research on marine life
  • Scientific experiments on animals for medical research
  • Experimentation on great apes
  • Toxicological tests and other safety studies on chemical substances
  • Why isn’t research done directly on humans rather than animals?
  • Are animals necessary to approve new drugs and new medical technologies?
  • Are the results of animal experiments transferable to humans?
  • Humans are not animals, which is why animal research is not effective
  • What medical advances have been made possible by animal testing?
  • Animals never leave laboratories alive
  • Scientific interest does not motivate the use of animal research
  • Animal research is torture 
  • How can a layperson work against the animal testing?

Every crime is a controversy too, right? Here are some juicy  Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics  as well.

Animal Research Topics: Animal Rights

animal research topics animal rights

  • Growing awareness of the animal suffering generated by these experiments
  • What are the alternatives to animal testing?
  • Who takes care of animal welfare?
  • Major global organizations working for animal rights
  • Animal rights in developing countries
  • International animal rights standards to work against animal cruelty
  • Animal cruelty in developing countries
  • What can a layperson do when seeing animal cruelty
  • Role of society in the prevention of animal cruelty
  • Animal welfare and animal rights: measures taken against animal cruelty in developing countries
  • Animal cruelty in the name of science
  • How can we raise a better, empathetic and warm-hearted children to put a stop to animal cruelty
  • Ethical animal testing methods with safety
  • Are efforts being made to reduce the number of animals used?
  • The welfare of donkeys and their socioeconomic roles in the subcontinent
  • Animal cruelty and superstitious conceptions of dogs, cats, and donkeys in subcontinent
  • Efforts made by international organizations against the tragedy of animal cruelty
  • International organizations working for animal welfare
  • Animal abuse: What are the immediate measures to take when we see animal cruelty
  • Efforts to stop animal abuse in South Asian Countries
  • Animal abuse in the name of biomedical research

Talking about social causes, let’s have a look at social work topics too: 206  Social Work Research Topics

Interesting Animal Research Topics

interesting animal research topics

  • The urbanization process and its effect on the dispersal of birds:
  • Patterns of diversification in Neotropical amphibians
  • Interactions between non-native parrot species
  • Impact of landscape anthropization dynamics and wild birds’ health
  • Habitat-driven diversification in small mammals
  • Seasonal fluctuations and life cycles of amphipods
  • Animal cruelty in African countries
  • Evolution of the environmental niche of amphibians
  • Biological studies on Louisiana crawfish
  • Biological studies on Pink bollworm
  • Biological studies on snails
  • Biological studies on Bush Crickets
  • Biological studies on Mountain Gorillas
  • Biological studies on piranha
  • Consequences of mosquito feeding
  • Birds as bioindicators of environmental health
  • Biological studies on victoria crowned pigeon
  • Biological studies on black rhinoceros
  • Biological studies on European spider
  • Biological studies on dumbo octopus
  • Biological studies on markhor
  • Study of genetic and demographic variation in amphibian populations
  • Ecology and population dynamics of the blackberry turtle
  • Small-scale population differentiation in ecological and evolutionary mechanisms
  • Challenges in vulture conservation

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Submarine Animals Research Topics

submarine animals research topics

  • The physiology behind the luminous fish
  • A study of Fish population dynamics
  • Study of insects on the surface of the water
  • Structure and function of schools of fish
  • Physiological ecology of whales and dolphins
  • Form and function in fish locomotion
  • Why do whales and dolphins jump?
  • Impact of Noise on Early Development and Hearing in Zebrafish
  • Animal cruelty against marine life on the hand of fishermen

Read More:  Accounting Research Topics

Animal Biology Research Topics

animal biology research topics

  • Systematic and zoogeographical study of the ocellated lizards
  • Morphological study of neuro histogenesis in the diencephalon of the chick embryo
  • Anatomical study of three species of Nudibranch
  • The adaptive strategy of two species of lagomorphs
  • The Black vulture: population, general biology, and interactions with other birds
  • Ocellated lizards: their phylogeny and taxonomy
  • Studies on the behavior of ocellated lizards in captivity
  • Comparative studies of the egg-laying and egg-hatching methods of ocellated lizards
  • Studies on the ecology and behavior of ocellated lizards
  • The taxonomic and phylogenetic implications of ocellated lizards
  • Research on the egg-laying and egg-hatching methods of ocellated lizards
  • Studies on the ecology and behavior of ocellated lizards in their natural environment
  • Comparative studies of the egg-laying and egg-hatching methods of ocellated lizards in different countries
  • Studies on the ecology and behavior of ocellated lizards in their natural environment in the light of evolutionary and ecological insights

Animal research topics are not hard to find for you anymore. As you have already read a load of them. You can use any of them and ace your research paper, and you don’t even need to ask permission. If you are looking for a research paper writing service , be it animal research, medical research, or any sort of research, you can contact us 24/7.

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Animal Research Topics Unleashed: Fauna Frontiers


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Choose Animals Research Topics?
  • 2.1 Animal Physiology Research Topics
  • 2.2 Controversial Animal Topics
  • 2.3 Animal Rights Topics For Research Paper
  • 2.4 Interesting Animal Research Topics
  • 2.5 Veterinary Topics For Research Paper
  • 2.6 Animal Testing Research Topics
  • 2.7 Animal Cruelty Topics
  • 2.8 Research Questions about Animals
  • 3 Get Professional Help for Your Animal Research Paper

Contrary to popular belief, animal research topics are not only used by veterinarians. They are also pursued by students majoring in Healthcare, Sound Engineering, and even subjects like Fashion Studies and Chemistry. Of course, it may require writing an excellent custom research paper because the trick here is to tailor things to what you need. The most challenging, however, is to choose your topic correctly and avoid being vague about what you must explore. Even if you would like to explore environmental issues, using animal research topics will be essential. You need to provide an explanation of your reasoning and the negative effects of human interaction with flora and fauna.

How to Choose Animals Research Topics?

While there may be no universal topic that will reflect all sides of animal-related research, consider those subjects that you know well. It must inspire you and be an area where you feel comfortable. If you love marine life and can provide personal research examples, it would be good to choose something that will suit a reflection journal. Alternatively, consider animal topics for research papers that can be supported by reliable sources and statistical information.

Start with an outline or a list of arguments that you would like to explore. Once done, continue with the wording for your topic that introduces the problem and offers a solution. You may also pose a research question about a problem or make a claim that will be supported by what you include in your paper. Always refer to your grading rubric and choose your research paper type accordingly. For example, your nursing research paper may talk about the use of animals for rehabilitation purposes, while a legal student may talk about animal rights in various countries. It all should be approached through the lens of what you learn as a primary subject!

50+ Most Interesting & Easy Animal Research Topics

Animal physiology research topics.

As you might already know, animal physiology studies anything related to the physical processes, changes in behaviors, breeding patterns, and more. As you think about choosing the animal physiology branch, always narrow things down if possible.

  • Life-supporting properties of trained dogs in the wilderness.
  • Homeostatic processes in migrating birds and the global warming challenges.
  • The changes in circadian pacemakers and the processes of aging.
  • The changes in flora and related metabolomic-based processes.
  • Self-healing practices and digestive enzyme aspects.
  • Food intake and glucose stimulation methods.
  • Insensitivity to insulin: causes and consequences among domestic animals.
  • Muscle cells development and fat management.
  • Fish and Shellfish immunology processes in relation to Covid-19 studies.
  • The role of mammals in the prevention of aquatic toxicology.

Controversial Animal Topics

This aspect of animal research essay writing may not be everyone’s cup of tea, which is why it is necessary to explore the facts and provide information that represents both sides of the debate. Stay sensitive and avoid being too graphic unless it is necessary. Below are some ideas to consider:

  • The cultural practices of whaling in the Faroe Islands and Iceland.
  • Animal testing and vaccination practices in Asian countries.
  • The use of horses, camels, and donkeys to entertain tourists in the Middle East.
  • The consequences of irresponsible dog breeding practices.
  • Climate change and the subsequent loss of the natural habitat.
  • The dark truth about the ivory trade.
  • The use of pets for advertisement and promotional purposes.
  • Animal rights protection and restrictions of breeding.
  • SPA for the pets: a natural development or immoral practice?
  • Animal trading and certification issues.

Animal Rights Topics For Research Paper

The subject of animal rights is popular among students coming from all academic disciplines. Since you can approach it via the philosophical, legal, or medical lens, think about how to reflect your primary skills. It will make your research of animal right topics sound more confident.

  • The regulation of puppy mills and breeding in the United States.
  • The legal aspect of animal sports and related regulation.
  • How should one treat pets that have been abandoned by the owners?
  • Clothing industry and legal regulations: from trading to advertisement.
  • The use of innovative methods in medical research and experimentation.
  • Animal ethics and the theological aspect of animal rights.
  • Training your dog well: what are the basic behavior rules to consider?
  • The breeding limitations and the farming practices in the United Kingdom.
  • Animal rights in the United States vs regulations in Canada.
  • Animal trading: what country should be held responsible for animal mistreatment?

Interesting Animal Research Topics

  • Why do elephants remember everything and how does their brain work?
  • Perception of love and affection among dogs vs cats.
  • The communication methods used by the dolphins.
  • Do horses feel the spirit of the competition during the ride?
  • Perception of children and the elderly by mammals.
  • Survival in the wilderness and the hunt for water.
  • The navigation system of the working bee.
  • How has technology changed domestic animals and their habits?
  • The use of dogs in the world’s rescue operations: unusual case studies.
  • Establishment of emotional bonds with dogs vs cats.

Veterinary Topics For Research Paper

In the majority of cases, you may refer to your veterinary branch first and proceed from there or take a look at the variety of veterinary research topics that we have presented below. Remember to quote every citation and idea that has been taken from other sources to avoid plagiarism.

  • How to establish immune responses in chickens by using disease vaccine prevention methods?
  • How do low doses of ketamine affect healthy dogs during epidural anesthesia?
  • The use of biomarkers for therapeutic purposes and the role of pet owners.
  • RNA genetic analysis and the use of AI-based endometria research to establish common sequences.
  • What do we know about canine coronavirus research: pros and cons of artificial modeling.
  • Egg production changes related to air pollution and chemical vapors.
  • Wildlife surveillance ethics in the United States: pros and cons of modern remote monitoring.
  • What are the causes and consequences of selenium deficiency and how can this aspect be addressed by the tissue analysis.
  • Veterinary cardiology principles and the use of knowledge sourced from human cardio-vascular research.
  • Canine immunopathologies and the high levels of stress caused by Covid-19 restrictions and social distancing.

Animal Testing Research Topics

Even though this subject seems to be discussed everywhere these days, finding good animals topics to write about that deal with animal testing is not easy. Think about what are the underlying reasons for testing and what forces scientists to use it as a method. It will help you come up with ideas and better exploration strategies.

  • Does finding a cure without the use of animals represent only an economical challenge?
  • Genetic research in the United States and the use of animals for research purposes.
  • Should animal cloning and illegal breeding practices be banned?
  • Beauty products industry and animal testing controversies.
  • Stell Cell Research: the role of animals in the current advancement.
  • Cell modulation and modeling as the replacement of animal testing.
  • Animal experimentation and the history of the world’s vaccination methods.
  • Does animal testing lead to safety in relation to emerging diseases?
  • Animal lifespan and the research objectives for medical testing.
  • Current human testing practices: do they represent an alternative to animal testing?

Animal Cruelty Topics

Warning: writing about animal cruelty subject is not for everyone, which is why you must be aware that the facts and statistics you may find will be shocking. It should be explored only if you are ready to embrace this disturbing subject. At the same time, you can explore milder animal cruelty cases like using pets as influencers on social media or the use of donkeys at the beaches to entertain tourists. There is always something to think about!

  • The practice of cockfighting.
  • The cultural heritage of bull-fighting in Spain.
  • The use of monkeys for entertaining purposes.
  • How are animal rights obeyed during filming practices?
  • The use of pets as animal beauty promoters and social media influencers.
  • Illegal farming practices in Asian countries and the Middle East.
  • How can dog hunters be identified and punished?
  • Why does whaling still continue in the Faroe Islands?
  • The use of natural fur during beauty commercials.
  • Vegetarian foods production: how justified it is for natural animal habitat?

Research Questions about Animals

When you would like to take a general approach to animals research, it is good to come up with a research question as a part of your thesis statement or main argumentation. See these animals research paper examples:

  • The use of canines in cancer research methods: what breeds fit the most?.
  • Pig kidney transplantation methods: what are the core genetic aspects.
  • The use of rats in the decrease of immune diseases: why do they represent the most fitting species?
  • Blood transfusions and the use of animal cardio-vascular system principles: what are the points to consider?
  • Can animal behavior patterns be helpful for use in human mental diseases?
  • Animal Welfare Regulations: are there mechanisms to have an impact on animal care?
  • The use of dangerous dog breeds in the world: should such breeding be regulated like gun control?
  • Improvement of cognitive functions among children who are dog owners: what is the role of the animals in question?.
  • PTSD among military veterans: how can we use the animals to help the healing processes?
  • The study of myocardial infarction in primates vs canine studies: why dogs represent better research models?

Get Professional Help for Your Animal Research Paper

Without a doubt, it is easy to get stuck with a multitude of topics and ideas. If you are planning to write about animal rights but do not know how to include certain animal physiology principles, it is safer to consider timely help with research paper. Our skilled team of specialists in this field will provide you with relevant sources and will help you polish things to perfection when you need assistance or do not know how to continue.

The same relates to checking your existing draft and citations in terms of plagiarism and originality. Writing about animals is never easy, which is why we know how you feel and also realize what your college professors expect to see. Take a look at our research topics about animals, trust us with your concerns and we shall help you achieve success!

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animal research topics for college students

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Published by Robert Bruce at August 29th, 2023 , Revised On September 5, 2023

Biology Research Topics

Are you in need of captivating and achievable research topics within the field of biology? Your quest for the best biology topics ends right here as this article furnishes you with 100 distinctive and original concepts for biology research, laying the groundwork for your research endeavor.

Table of Contents

Our proficient researchers have thoughtfully curated these biology research themes, considering the substantial body of literature accessible and the prevailing gaps in research.

Should none of these topics elicit enthusiasm, our specialists are equally capable of proposing tailor-made research ideas in biology, finely tuned to cater to your requirements. 

Thus, without further delay, we present our compilation of biology research topics crafted to accommodate students and researchers.

Research Topics in Marine Biology

  • Impact of climate change on coral reef ecosystems.
  • Biodiversity and adaptation of deep-sea organisms.
  • Effects of pollution on marine life and ecosystems.
  • Role of marine protected areas in conserving biodiversity.
  • Microplastics in marine environments: sources, impacts, and mitigation.

Biological Anthropology Research Topics

  • Evolutionary implications of early human migration patterns.
  • Genetic and environmental factors influencing human height variation.
  • Cultural evolution and its impact on human societies.
  • Paleoanthropological insights into human dietary adaptations.
  • Genetic diversity and population history of indigenous communities.

Biological Psychology Research Topics 

  • Neurobiological basis of addiction and its treatment.
  • Impact of stress on brain structure and function.
  • Genetic and environmental influences on mental health disorders.
  • Neural mechanisms underlying emotions and emotional regulation.
  • Role of the gut-brain axis in psychological well-being.

Cancer Biology Research Topics 

  • Targeted therapies in precision cancer medicine.
  • Tumor microenvironment and its influence on cancer progression.
  • Epigenetic modifications in cancer development and therapy.
  • Immune checkpoint inhibitors and their role in cancer immunotherapy.
  • Early detection and diagnosis strategies for various types of cancer.

Also read: Cancer research topics

Cell Biology Research Topics

  • Mechanisms of autophagy and its implications in health and disease.
  • Intracellular transport and organelle dynamics in cell function.
  • Role of cell signaling pathways in cellular response to external stimuli.
  • Cell cycle regulation and its relevance to cancer development.
  • Cellular mechanisms of apoptosis and programmed cell death.

Developmental Biology Research Topics 

  • Genetic and molecular basis of limb development in vertebrates.
  • Evolution of embryonic development and its impact on morphological diversity.
  • Stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine approaches.
  • Mechanisms of organogenesis and tissue regeneration in animals.
  • Role of non-coding RNAs in developmental processes.

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Human Biology Research Topics

  • Genetic factors influencing susceptibility to infectious diseases.
  • Human microbiome and its impact on health and disease.
  • Genetic basis of rare and common human diseases.
  • Genetic and environmental factors contributing to aging.
  • Impact of lifestyle and diet on human health and longevity.

Molecular Biology Research Topics 

  • CRISPR-Cas gene editing technology and its applications.
  • Non-coding RNAs as regulators of gene expression.
  • Role of epigenetics in gene regulation and disease.
  • Mechanisms of DNA repair and genome stability.
  • Molecular basis of cellular metabolism and energy production.

Research Topics in Biology for Undergraduates

  • 41. Investigating the effects of pollutants on local plant species.
  • Microbial diversity and ecosystem functioning in a specific habitat.
  • Understanding the genetics of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
  • Impact of urbanization on bird populations and biodiversity.
  • Investigating the role of pheromones in insect communication.

Synthetic Biology Research Topics 

  • Design and construction of synthetic biological circuits.
  • Synthetic biology applications in biofuel production.
  • Ethical considerations in synthetic biology research and applications.
  • Synthetic biology approaches to engineering novel enzymes.
  • Creating synthetic organisms with modified functions and capabilities.

Animal Biology Research Topics 

  • Evolution of mating behaviors in animal species.
  • Genetic basis of color variation in butterfly wings.
  • Impact of habitat fragmentation on amphibian populations.
  • Behavior and communication in social insect colonies.
  • Adaptations of marine mammals to aquatic environments.

Also read: Nursing research topics

Best Biology Research Topics 

  • Unraveling the mysteries of circadian rhythms in organisms.
  • Investigating the ecological significance of cryptic coloration.
  • Evolution of venomous animals and their prey.
  • The role of endosymbiosis in the evolution of eukaryotic cells.
  • Exploring the potential of extremophiles in biotechnology.

Biological Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • Neurobiological mechanisms underlying memory formation.
  • Impact of sleep disorders on cognitive function and mental health.
  • Biological basis of personality traits and behavior.
  • Neural correlates of emotions and emotional disorders.
  • Role of neuroplasticity in brain recovery after injury.

Biological Science Research Topics: 

  • Role of gut microbiota in immune system development.
  • Molecular mechanisms of gene regulation during development.
  • Impact of climate change on insect population dynamics.
  • Genetic basis of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
  • Evolutionary relationships among vertebrate species based on DNA analysis.

Biology Education Research Topics 

  • Effectiveness of inquiry-based learning in biology classrooms.
  • Assessing the impact of virtual labs on student understanding of biology concepts.
  • Gender disparities in science education and strategies for closing the gap.
  • Role of outdoor education in enhancing students’ ecological awareness.
  • Integrating technology in biology education: challenges and opportunities.

Biology-Related Research Topics

  • The intersection of ecology and economics in conservation planning.
  • Molecular basis of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria.
  • Implications of genetic modification of crops for food security.
  • Evolutionary perspectives on cooperation and altruism in animal behavior.
  • Environmental impacts of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Biology Research Proposal Topics

  • Investigating the role of microRNAs in cancer progression.
  • Exploring the effects of pollution on aquatic biodiversity.
  • Developing a gene therapy approach for a genetic disorder.
  • Assessing the potential of natural compounds as anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Studying the molecular basis of cellular senescence and aging.

Biology Research Topic Ideas

  • Role of pheromones in insect mate selection and behavior.
  • Investigating the molecular basis of neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • Impact of climate change on plant-pollinator interactions.
  • Genetic diversity and conservation of endangered species.
  • Evolutionary patterns in mimicry and camouflage in organisms.

Biology Research Topics for Undergraduates 

  • Effects of different fertilizers on plant growth and soil health.
  • Investigating the biodiversity of a local freshwater ecosystem.
  • Evolutionary origins of a specific animal adaptation.
  • Genetic diversity and disease susceptibility in human populations.
  • Role of specific genes in regulating the immune response.

Cell and Molecular Biology Research Topics 

  • Molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and repair.
  • Role of microRNAs in post-transcriptional gene regulation.
  • Investigating the cell cycle and its control mechanisms.
  • Molecular basis of mitochondrial diseases and therapies.
  • Cellular responses to oxidative stress and their implications in ageing.

These topics cover a broad range of subjects within biology, offering plenty of options for research projects. Remember that you can further refine these topics based on your specific interests and research goals.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are some good research topics in biology?

A good research topic in biology will address a specific problem in any of the several areas of biology, such as marine biology, molecular biology, cellular biology, animal biology, or cancer biology.

A topic that enables you to investigate a problem in any area of biology will help you make a meaningful contribution. 

How to choose a research topic in biology?

Choosing a research topic in biology is simple. 

Follow the steps:

  • Generate potential topics. 
  • Consider your areas of knowledge and personal passions. 
  • Conduct a thorough review of existing literature.
  •  Evaluate the practicality and viability. 
  • Narrow down and refine your research query. 
  • Remain receptive to new ideas and suggestions.

Who Are We?

For several years, Research Prospect has been offering students around the globe complimentary research topic suggestions. We aim to assist students in choosing a research topic that is both suitable and feasible for their project, leading to the attainment of their desired grades. Explore how our services, including research proposal writing , dissertation outline creation, and comprehensive thesis writing , can contribute to your college’s success.

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244 Awesome Animal Topics for Research Papers

animal topics for research papers

So, did your professor just asked you to write an exceptional animals research paper? You may think that it is an easy assignment, but it may not be. Don’t wait until the last possible moment to write this essay because you may not be able to do a good job on it. Even though you know how to write the paper, there is another problem you need to take into consideration: finding a great topic.

Truth be told, finding excellent animal topics for research papers is a lot more difficult than you think. Yes, you can find many such topics on the Internet, but you won’t be able to find an original one. Unfortunately, your classmates are using the same websites to look for ideas. This means that you could pick a topic that one or more of your classmates have already selected. Your teacher will definitely not appreciate it, and this will reflect on your final grade.

Looking for Awesome Animal Topics for Research Papers?

All students looking for research paper on animals should visit this page periodically. Our topics are the best and they are all 100% original. Also, many of them are relatively easy to use. Keep in mind that a good topic is one that has plenty of information about it on the Internet. Why spend days doing the research when you can start writing the paper right away?

But why would you choose our animal research topics? There are surely other good topics on the Internet. Well, there really aren’t that many good ideas on other websites. Here are just some of the reasons to take a look at our ideas and pick the best topics for your next research paper:

All our ideas are original at the time this article was written. These topics have been created by our experienced ENL writers. We are working hard to add new topics periodically. Also, we are removing topics that are not of interest anymore. You can use any of our topics without having to pay anything. Yes, this list of topics really is 100 percent free. You do not have to give credit to our website when you use a topic you find on this page. You are free to reword our topics as you see fit. You can always get in touch with our experienced writers and editors if you need more topics. We can compile a brand new list just for you in no time.

Choose One of Our 244 Research Topics About Animals

You can find everything from animal rights to veterinary doctor topics in our latest list of 244 animal topics for a research paper. Enjoy:

Easy Animal Topics to Write About

If you are looking for some easy animal topics to write about, we have the best ideas. Check out the ideas below and pick the best one for your next research paper:

  • Discuss a well-known Asiatic horse breed
  • Dog vs. cat as a pet
  • How to train a pony quickly
  • Polar bears at the South Pole?
  • Saving the last remaining orangutans
  • The weirdest 3 animals on Earth
  • Poaching and its negative effects
  • Best ways to train a dog
  • Negative effects of veal on humans
  • Best ways to train a cat
  • Discuss the classification of migratory birds
  • Why are penguins flightless birds?
  • Africa and its wildlife: an in-depth analysis
  • Can you have a pet spider?
  • Can Grizzly bears sense fear?
  • Methods to prevent poaching in wildlife preserves
  • Negative effects of pork meat on humans
  • The disastrous effects of palm oil

Interesting Animal Research Topics

If you are looking for some of the most interesting animal research topics on the Internet, you have arrived at the right place. Here are some ideas for you:

  • Are mosquitos useless insects?
  • Lion prides in African wildlife preserves
  • Talk about the anatomy of the hyena
  • An in-depth look at the Tardigrade
  • Discuss the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
  • Best wildlife parks in the United States
  • Animal adaptations to survive the desert
  • Endangered animal species in the UK
  • Analyze a butterfly’s life cycle
  • Are dolphins really as intelligent as they are portrayed?
  • Is medical testing on animals justified?
  • Pros and cons of zoos
  • Giant Panda and related conservation efforts
  • Benefits of poisonous animals
  • Should you spay or neuter your pet?
  • How do monkeys climb trees so quickly?
  • Largest whales in the world
  • Animal adaptations to survive the cold
  • What is a porpoise?
  • Ethical problems with animal testing

Research Questions About Animals

Take a look at our research questions about animals and pick the one you like. All of these questions should work great for 2023:

  • Should we test antibiotics on animals?
  • Why did the dinosaurs go extinct?
  • How do you care for an exotic pet?
  • Which is a better pet, a cat or a dog?
  • Which is the largest predator in the United States?
  • Are zoos inhumane prisons for animals?
  • Are dolphins friendly?
  • Do we have the right to kill animals?
  • Should we ban hunting for sport?
  • Should we give animals more rights?
  • Should we stop euthanizing stray animals?
  • How can we protect endangered species?
  • Which is the largest land mammal in Europe?
  • Should you buy a dog or adopt one?
  • Do you really need a pet?
  • Should exotic pets be banned in the UK?
  • Can we improve the life of zoo animals?
  • Should punishments for animal cruelty be more severe?
  • Can a fox be a good pet?
  • Is medical testing on animals justifiable?

Animal Rights Topics for Research Paper

Are you looking for awesome animal rights topics for research paper? No problem, we have a list of the most interesting topics right here:

  • Talk about animal rights in the US
  • Giving more rights to animals in the US
  • Discuss animal rights in China
  • Do feral dogs have any rights?
  • Analyze animal rights in Europe
  • Do invasive species have rights too?
  • Discuss animal rights in the United Kingdom
  • Fishing practices and animal rights
  • Analyze animal rights in North Korea
  • Discuss animal rights in zoos
  • Destroying predator animals without breaking the law
  • Discuss animal rights in India
  • Do feral cats have rights too?
  • Analyze the ethics behind pet euthanasia
  • Factory farming and animal rights
  • Discuss cow rights in India
  • Animal rights violations in the whaling industry
  • Cosmetics testing on animals
  • Analyze the decline of ivory trade worldwide
  • Cockfighting in the United States

Simple Animal Rescue Topics

We know you probably don’t want to spend too much time working on your research paper. Check out the following list of simple animal rescue topics and choose one:

  • Why should we rescue animals in need?
  • Effects of Australian bushfires
  • Poor social skills of rescue animals
  • What does animal rescue do?
  • Negative effects of wildfires on animals in the US
  • Should zoos be forced to rescue animals?
  • Euthanizing rescued animals
  • Exotic animals in the United States
  • Resource guarding problems with rescue dogs
  • Lack of veterinary care for rescued animals
  • Inadequate screening procedures for adoption
  • Anxiety problems in rescue dogs
  • Destructive behavior in rescue cats
  • The dangers of animal rescue operations
  • Where do rescued animals end up?
  • Are all rescued animals traumatized?

Veterinary Topics for Research Paper

Interested in writing about veterinary topics? Our experienced writers and editors have compiled a list of great veterinary topics for research paper:

  • What does being a veterinarian mean?
  • Challenges of the veterinary profession
  • What is Brucellosis?
  • Most common cat diseases in the United Kingdom
  • Discuss biomedical research conducted on animals
  • Talk about poor veterinary care in rural areas of Europe
  • Discuss natural animal feeds
  • Breakthroughs in veterinary technology
  • Best way to fight a Tapeworm infection
  • Diseases humans can get from pets
  • Most popular exotic animals as pets in 2023
  • Using punishments effectively for training purposes
  • Why it’s good to microchip your pets
  • Causes of mycotoxicoses
  • Ways to treat a Hookworm infection
  • Is there an effective cure for Rabies?
  • Most common dog diseases in the US
  • Can Campylobacteriosis infections cause death?

Animal Abuse Topics

If you want to write about animal abuse and other related subjects, we have a list of animal abuse topics that should get you a top grade on your next research paper:

  • Talk about animal abuse issues in the United States
  • Animal abuse issues in the United Kingdom
  • Animal cruelty versus animal abuse
  • Discuss animal abuse issues in China
  • Effects of animal hoarding behaviors
  • Staging animal fights is abuse
  • Animal abuse issues in Eastern Europe
  • Cruelty to animals leading to violence against people
  • Animal abuse issues in India
  • Is animal testing animal abuse?
  • Can neglect be considered animal abuse?
  • Animal abuse: rural versus urban cases
  • Shooting is an animal abuse
  • Animal abuse laws in the US
  • Animal abuse laws in the UK

Animal Topics for High School

Looking for some of the best animal topics for high school? Take a look at the list below and pick the most interesting idea:

  • Why is veterinary care so expensive?
  • Differences between dromedaries and camels
  • Should pets be allowed in school?
  • Compare and contrast lions and cheetahs
  • Wild animals as pets in the UK
  • The worst pet on Earth
  • Adopting an animal from the local animal shelter
  • Can elephants swim?
  • An in-depth look at the camel
  • Compare and contrast cats and dogs
  • Discuss irresponsible dog breeding in your city
  • Analyze the habitat loss of orangutans
  • How do killer whales hunt?
  • Animal rights issues in Asia
  • Discuss disastrous fishing practices
  • Animal welfare issues in adoption centers

Animal Testing Research Topics

Talking about animal testing research topics shouldn’t worry you, as long as you remain objective and impartial. Here are some relatively simple topics on this:

  • Is it ethical to test cosmetics on animals?
  • Animals used for chemical warfare testing
  • Lab mice and their awful fate
  • Testing vaccines on animals
  • Finding a cure for Covid-19 using animals
  • Stem cell research using animals
  • Worst medical tests done on animals
  • Banning animal experimentation in the UK

Animal Cruelty Topics

Looking for the best and most interesting animal cruelty topics you can find? We have a list of ideas right here for high school and college students:

  • Animal cruelty punishments in the US
  • What constitutes animal cruelty?
  • Puppy mills in the United States
  • Animal cruelty punishments in the UK
  • Exotic animals as pets: a form of cruelty
  • Dog fighting
  • Pet overpopulation in large cities
  • Factory farming
  • Animal abuse vs. animal cruelty

Persuasive Topics About Animals

Writing about animals in a persuasive manner shouldn’t be too difficult. If you have access to some good persuasive topics about animals to write about, things will get even easier:

  • Stop deforestation before it is too late
  • Avoid eating animal foods
  • The effects of global warming on wildlife
  • Stop using animals in circuses
  • Avoid eating pork
  • Get your pet a microchip
  • Is pet insurance worth the money?
  • Foxes are not meant to be pets
  • Adopt your pet instead (as opposed to buying it)
  • Negative consequences of pollution on animals
  • Banning factory farming practices

Endangered Animals Topics

Do you want to raise awareness about endangered species of animals? No problem, we have some of the greatest endangered animals topics right here:

  • Can we save the whooping crane?
  • Saving the bonobo monkey
  • Can we save the peregrine falcon?
  • The endangered Galapagos penguin
  • Can we save the black-footed ferret?
  • Save the South Asian river dolphin
  • Can we save the whale shark?
  • The dwindling population of Loggerhead sea turtles
  • Can we save the Monarch butterfly?

Advanced Topics About Animals

If you want to impress your professor, why not write your research papers on some advanced topics about animals? Here are a couple of interesting ideas for students:

  • The life cycle of an alligator
  • Most dangerous exotic pets
  • Deep sea fish adaptations
  • Discuss bioluminescence

Informative Animal Topics for an Essay

Writing an informative essay is definitely not a complicated thing to do. However, the grade you get on your paper depends on the quality of the informative animal topics for an essay:

  • Describe the rabbit
  • Discuss the red panda
  • Describe the horse
  • What is a Saola?
  • Talk about the Thylacine
  • An in-depth look at the Asian elephant
  • Talk about the Dodo bird
  • Wolfs on the edge of extinction
  • What is a Kakapo bird?
  • Are polar bears in danger?
  • The life of the green sea turtle

Complex Veterinarian Research Paper Topics

If you want to try your hand at some complicated research papers, we have some quite complex veterinarian research paper topics right here:

  • How do dog vaccines work?
  • Why are lab mice perfect for experiments?
  • Animals in extreme cold conditions
  • Animals at extreme depths: adaptations

Most Engaging Animal Topics

We know, you want to engage your audience and impress everyone in the class. Here are some of our most engaging animal topics. Pick one and start writing now:

  • Buying your child a pet
  • Animal fight games in the UK
  • Should you vaccinate your cat?
  • Zoo animals psychological issues

Topics About Your Favorite Animal

Everyone has a favorite animal, including your teacher. So, why not write something about it? Here are some topics about your favorite animal that should work great:

  • What is your favorite animal and why?
  • The funniest animals in existence
  • Why do dogs make such good pets?
  • Should you own an exotic pet?
  • What do you appreciate about your favorite animal?
  • The best animal in the world
  • The traits of your favorite animal
  • Can an animal be loyal?

Animal Topics for College

College students should not pick easy topics because professors tend to penalize them. Check out these animal topics for college students and select one of them:

  • The best pet for a college student
  • How do Tardigrades survive in space?
  • Using snake venom to make anticancer drugs

Controversial Animals Topics

Why would you be afraid to write about controversial topics? Check out our list controversial animals topics and pick the best one for your needs right now:

  • Chemical testing on animals
  • Weapon testing on animals
  • Testing cosmetic products on animals
  • Testing new drugs on animals
  • Animals used in scientific experiments
  • Saving laboratory mice from their fate
  • Poaching in Africa
  • Stopping the trade of ivory
  • Hunting animals for their fur

Topics on the Conservation of Animal Species

There are so many endangered species of animals in the world that it’s difficult to pick one to write about. Here are some of our most interesting topics on the conservation of animal species:

  • An in-depth look at the conservation of wild orangutans
  • Analyze conservation efforts of the lion population
  • Saving the blue whales from extinction
  • An in-depth look at the conservation of wild cheetahs
  • An in-depth look at the conservation of wild tigers
  • Is the California condor an endangered species?
  • Saving the snow leopards from extinction
  • Analyze conservation efforts of the giant panda population
  • An in-depth look at the conservation of wild Javan rhinoceros

Argumentative Essay Topics About Animals

Finding some exceptional argumentative essay topics about animals can be difficult, especially if you want your paper to stand out from the rest. Here are some great ideas for you:

  • Cats make the best pets
  • Animals should not be held in captivity
  • Exotic pet ownership must be banned
  • Palm oil should be banned
  • Zoos should be more tightly regulated
  • Never feed wildlife no matter what
  • We need more elephant sanctuaries
  • Stopping Maasai from hunting lions
  • Dogs make the best service animals
  • Hyenas are becoming an endangered species
  • The importance of flies

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Best Animal Research Topics for Your Research Papers

check Animal Research Topics

Animals, of course is what almost everyone can relate with. However, you may never know you don’t know much about animals until your professor ask you to write a research paper on animals. Then you will begin to realize you have limited or no idea about some animals you have seen regularly.

Animal research paper may not be as easy as you think. Getting the right topic idea before the proper writing is as difficult as writing itself. Since you are writing about a general subject such as animals, the most impressive thing is to write about a seemingly unpopular idea about animals. This will make your research paper more valuable and commendable.

Your next question will then be, how do I get the right animal research topics? No doubt, it seems difficult to get the right topic to write about animals. However, we have helped to compile the best topics to consider in your next research paper. In this piece, you will find several topics for different types of essays and research papers.

Easy Animals Research Topics

There is no doubt about it, there are topics that can be considered as easy for research writing. Such topics are easy to research and develop. Students who do not enjoy tedious research will rather go for this kind of topic. The following are easy animal research paper topics you can consider;

  • What is an Asiatic horse breed and what are its characteristics?
  • Dog vs cat: What are the similarities and differences between these two pets?
  • Simple ways to train a pony quickly.
  • Can Polar bears be seen at the South Pole?
  • Identifying the top 3 weirdest animals on Earth and their characteristics.
  • What is poaching and what are the negative effects?
  • What are penguins and why are they known as flightless birds?
  • An in-depth analysis of Africa and its vast wildlife.
  • What are migratory birds: Identifying the classification and characteristics.
  • Poaching and its negative effects on wildlife and methods to discourage it.

Best Animal Research Topics and Questions

Every research paper must be able to give answers to a research question. In the case of animals, some questions beg for answers that can be considered for research writing. These kinds of questions present your research writing as a valid and relatable one. You can consider the following animal research questions in your next paper writing;

  • Testing of antibiotics on animals: is it appropriate or the wrong approach?
  • The extinction of dinosaurs: what are the factors responsible for their extinction?
  • What is an exotic pet and how do you care for it?
  • What is a better pet between a dog and a cat?
  • What animal should be considered the largest predator and what are its characteristics?
  • Keeping animals in zoos: will you consider this inhumane treatment?
  • Do humans have the right to kill animals and what are animal rights?
  • Hunting for sport: Is this activity improper and should it be banned?
  • What are endangered species and how can they be protected?
  • Exotic pets in the United Kingdom: What are the excesses and why should they be banned?

Simple Animal Topics for Research Papers on Animal Rescue

Animal rescue is an important discussion on animals in recent times. There are mixed submissions about this subject and these discussions have given birth to a lot of controversies. Addressing any of such topics in your research paper writing proves your knowledge about animals. Here are topics on animal rescue you can consider for your research writing;

  • Rescuing animals in need or danger: what we should all know.
  • A simple review of the Australian bushfire and its effects on wildlife.
  • Poor social skills in rescuing animals and how to develop effectiveness.
  • A simple review of wildfire in the United State and the consequent effect on wildlife.
  • Rescuing dogs in the military: what are the resources guarding problems and how to address them?
  • Analyzing the lack of proper veterinary care for rescued animals.
  • What is an anxiety problem in animals using rescuing dogs as a case study?
  • Evaluating rescue cats and their destructive problem.
  • Analyzing the end of life of rescue animals: What eventually happened to these animals?
  • Inadequate screening for the adoption of rescue animals and its effects on the entire process.

Animal Research Project Ideas College

College students who study animal science-related courses are likely to write often about animals. As such, there should be a dedicated topic section for college students. Writing about animals as a college student is no less than writing as a university student. However, college students should consider writing on the following topics about animals;

  • Should a college student consider having a pet and what pet is the best consideration?
  • Tardigrades: Do tardigrades live in space and how do they survive?
  • Evaluating the process of using snake venom in the production of anticancer drugs.
  • What are the factors to consider before buying your kids a pet?
  • Analyzing the animal fight in the United Kingdom and the effect on animal rights.
  • What are psychological issues present in zoo animals?
  • Cats’ vaccination: What are the effects and why is it important?
  • Evaluating animals in extreme weather conditions: What are their features and adaptation methods?
  • Lab mice: why are these animals considered a perfect fit for experiments?
  • What are dog vaccines and what is their importance?

Best Dog Research Topics

Dogs by far seem to be the most popular animals and pets on Earth. There are a lot of interesting things to explore about this unique animal. You may then want to write some research papers on dogs and their uniqueness. Here are research topics about dogs to consider;

  • Research paper on the evolution of dogs from Gray Wolf.
  • Dog as a human best pet ever: What are the factors responsible for dog wide acceptance as the best pet?
  • All you need to know about classical conditioning and how to teach new tricks to your dog.
  • What is ropeless dog lead and how feasible is this dog leading model?
  • How to address the moral dilemma of incessant barking in dogs.
  • Identifying the aggressive and unaggressive breeds of dogs and factors responsible for such behaviors.
  • How does tail wagging signify the emotion and expression of happiness in dogs?
  • What is animal-assisted therapy and how does your dog qualify for one?
  • What is operant conditioning in dogs and what are the consequences?
  • Why is a protection dog important and what breeds are the most suitable?

Animal Rights Topics for Research Paper

Animal rights have been one of the most trending topics about animals in recent times. While it is difficult to believe that animals have rights, a lot of people need to understand that they really do. Writing a research paper on animal rights can be an attempt to establish the truth about animals and their rights. The following are animal rights research topics to consider in your next research writing;

  • Animal rights movement in the United State: an overview of the goals of the movement.
  • Do animals require more rights and what should they be?
  • An overview of animal rights in China and how effective it is.
  • Discussing animal rights in the United Kingdom and evaluating the implementation so far.
  • Does keeping animals in zoos violate animal rights and what are the best zoological practices?
  • What are the violations of animal rights in fishing practices?
  • What is the implication of animal rights on invasive species?
  • Analyzing animal rights in Europe and what are the clauses that make up the right?
  • Evaluating cow rights in India and Africa: what are the best practices to maintain animal rights?
  • Can predator animals be killed without breaking animal rights rules?

Persuasive Essay Topics About Animals

Discussions on animals will either take the form of support or oppose the motion. While everyone may not have the same idea, persuasive essays help establish your idea in the best way to convince others. There are a lot of topics about animals that are best discussed in a persuasive essay. The following are persuasive animal topics to write about;

  • Stopping deforestation and how it can help in preserving wildlife.
  • A persuasive essay on stopping the eating of animal food to preserve animal life.
  • What are the effects of global warming on wildlife and what we can do to ease the effect?
  • What is using animals in circuses and why you should stop the act.
  • What is pet insurance, does it worth it and why should you consider it?
  • What are the negative effects of pollution on animals and what we should do to help the situation?
  • Why should pet owners adopt their pets rather than buy them?
  • Why you should not consider foxes as pets.
  • Why you should stop eating pork and what are the health benefits attached to this action?
  • Why you should get your pet a microchip for easy control and communication?

Argumentative Topics About Animals

An argumentative essay is the type of essay that seeks to argue out a point to convince others. The topic for such an essay must be one that allows for heated discussion on the subject of animals. There are quite a lot of animal topics that have generated debates over time. You can write an argumentative essay on the following research topics about animals;

  • Do cats make the best pets as opposed to dogs?
  • Why is it inappropriate to hold animals in captivity and what should be the right practices?
  • Should exotic pet ownership be banned and why should this happen?
  • Should a man feed wildlife and why?
  • Debate on whether zoos should be more regulated and why?
  • Debates on whether the Massai should be stopped from hunting lions and why?
  • Are Hyenas becoming endangered species and arguing the causes.
  • Why do we need more elephant sanctuaries and what is their importance?
  • Debates on why dogs should be considered the best service animals and why?
  • Arguing on the importance of flies to mankind as opposed to their disadvantages.

Veterinarian Research Paper Topics

Veterinarians are known to be the closest to animals. They are considered to have more understanding of animals than any other kind of person. As such, veterinarian subjects about animals must be more complex and detailed. Here are topics about animals for veterinarian research paper writing;

  • Veterinarian: Explain the concept of veterinary and what are its unique functions?
  • What are the dangers and the challenges of being a veterinary?
  • How does a veterinarian explain Brucellosis?
  • What are the most common health challenges of cats in the United Kingdom?
  • Discussion on the recent biomedical research on animals.
  • Poor veterinary care in rural Europe and the effects on animals.
  • Identifying the technological breakthroughs in veterinary medicine and how they have enhanced animal care.
  • Tapeworm infection in animals: what is the best approach to address it in dogs and cats?
  • What is the veterinarian’s conclusion on using punishment for pet training purposes?
  • What is mycotoxicosis and why are the implications on the health of animals?

Interesting Animal Research Topics

Animals research papers can be an interesting topic to discuss. Animals of course can be interesting to study in certain aspects. You must consider intriguing topics about animals to create an interesting animal research paper. The following are good topics for interesting animal research topics;

  • Should mosquitoes be considered useless insects and what are the reasons?
  • Analyzing the Lion pride of African wildlife.
  • Exploring the anatomy of the hyena and what are its most striking features?
  • What are Tardigrades: Exploring the features of this special animal.
  • What is the IUCN red list of threatened species and what are the implications?
  • Animal adaptation and survival in the desert: what features are responsible for the adaptation process?
  • A cross-analysis of the butterfly life cycle and what are the interesting things to note?
  • Dolphin: What factors make them intelligent animals as they are portrayed?
  • Medical testing on animals: Is it a justifiable act or an inappropriate action?
  • What are the unique features of monkeys that make tree climbing so easy for them?

Animal Topics About Your Favorite Pet

Writing about your favorite pet might be one of the easiest animal essay writings. Since you are close to your favorite pet, you should have more to say about the pet. As such, your writing must be written from a standpoint of a firsthand experience. The following are animal research paper topics good for your research writing on your favorite pet;

  • What animal would you consider your favorite animal and why have you made the decision?
  • Which animal can be considered the funniest animal and what are its characteristics?
  • What features of the dog contribute to it being the most favorite pet of man?
  • Should you consider owning an exotic pet? Why and why not?
  • What can be considered the trait of your favorite animal?
  • Can animals ever be loyal? Using a case study of your favorite animal.
  • What is the best animal in the world and why will you consider it so?
  • An essay on the death of your favorite pet and what led to the death.
  • What animal would be your favorite pet if you could tame wildlife?
  • Comparing dogs and cats: Which animal is best for pets and what are the reasons?  

Animal Research Topics for High School Students

High School students study a subject called animal science. This subject exposes them to some theories about animals and their characteristics. As such, high school students may write an essay or mini research on any animal of their choice. Here are some animal research topics high school students can consider;

  • Expensive veterinary care: what factors are responsible for the high cost of service?
  • Identifying the similarities and the difference between camels and dromedaries.
  • Should high school students be allowed to come with their pets?
  • Analyzing the conversion of wild animals to pets in the United States.
  • What is a local animal shelter and how can you adopt animals from there?
  • Can an elephant ever swim or it is just an assumption?
  • First-hand comparison of a cat and dog from a student who has both as pets.
  • Identifying irresponsible breeding of dogs and what are the consequences?
  • Killer whale and how it hunts its prey.
  • What is an Orangutan and analyzing its habitat loss?

Animal Abuse Research Topics

Animal rights advocates have over time insisted that animals are being abused. In fact, keeping animals in zoos is considered to be one such act of animal cruelty. Being a controversial topic, you can choose to write a research paper on it. Here are topics on animal abuse you can write about in your research paper;

  • Prevailing animal abuse acts in the United States.
  • What is the difference between animal abuse and animal cruelty?
  • Animal abuses in China and what are the moves to curtail the act.
  • What is animal hoarding behavior and what are the effects on animal health?
  • The relationship between cruelty towards animals and their aggressive response.
  • Can we consider animal testing as animal abuse?
  • Analyzing animal neglect as a form of animal abuse.
  • India and the rising case of animal abuse: Cow and bull as a case study.
  • Animal fights and sports as a form of animal abuse and cruelty.
  • An overview of the animal abuse law in the United States.

Endangered Animal Research Topics

Certain animals are considered to be endangered species. This is because due to manhunts and poaching they are becoming extremely rare. There are many of these animals and you can choose to write a research paper on any of them. Here are the best research questions about animals called endangered species;

  • What is the whooping crane and can it be saved?
  • The Bonobo monkey and how it can be saved from extinction.
  • Peregrine falcon: Where was it found, what treatment is it subjected to, and how can it be preserved?
  • What is the Galapagos penguin and what factors make it an endangered species?
  • The black-footed ferret and its high chances of getting extinct.
  • Whale shark: what are its vulnerabilities and the moves to save it from extinction?
  • What is the monarch butterfly, where is it found, and how can it be preserved?
  • What are the factors responsible for the dwindling population of the loggerhead sea turtle?
  • The shout Asian dolphin, its vulnerability, and how it can be saved.
  • Evaluating the extinction of the dinosaur and factors that may be responsible for this.

How Can I Get My Animal Research Paper?

Writing your animal research topics become an easy task when you have the right topic to research. You only do the task of carrying out research and developing your point. However, when you are a student with a lot of social activities alongside your academics, these simple tasks may seem cumbersome also.

We have got you covered as we have a service that allows you to order your research paper. Our league of writers features experts in animal science and related courses who can write you a perfect research paper. You can achieve this by contacting our support agent to inquire about the ordering process. You can rest assured of a high-quality paper with no grammatical errors or plagiarism when you use this service.

Research papers on animal topics are inevitable for students who study animal science, zoology, biology, and some other related courses. All levels of education including universities, colleges, and high school students can write on this subject matter. There are various subject matters in animal science to discuss and evaluate.

There is a lot of discourse such as animal abuse, animal rights, and animal cruelty that can be the central idea of a research paper. While some of these ideas might be difficult to analyze, having the right topics can make it a seamless task as it will give you headway. However, if you still find it difficult to write your research paper, you can order an animal research paper expert on our platform.

Hire a dissertation writer and explore a wide range of captivating animal research topics with the expertise of our professional writers. Our skilled team is ready to assist you in selecting compelling topics and crafting high-quality research papers that meet the highest academic standards.

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Richard Ginger is a dissertation writer and freelance columnist with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the writing industry. He handles every project he works on with precision while keeping attention to details and ensuring that every work he does is unique.

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What is animal studies?

A growing body of scholarship that centers nonhuman animals in a range of contexts: historical, ethical, sociological, literary. Animal studies borrows methods and theories from disciplines in both the sciences and humanities, and is rapidly developing its own unique approach to questions of animal liberation, animality, and interspecies relationships. Because animal studies is still taking shape, scholars have different visions of how to define the field.

Get acquainted with the three main approaches to the field

Posthumanism, posthumanism emphasizes theoretical undermining of humanist understandings of species difference and subjectivity..

  • Human, All Too Human: "Animal Studies" and the Humanities (PMLA) [pdf download] by Cary Wolfe Publication Date: 2009

Critical Animal Studies

"critical animal studies is a critical approach to human-animal relationships and explicitly committed to a global justice for animals, humans, and the earth." ( carol gigliotti, 2017 ).

  • The Rise of Critical Animal Studies (Originally published in State of Nature) by Steve Best Publication Date: Summer 2009

Animal Studies

Much animal scholarship reflects a blend of posthumanism and critical animal studies, making animal studies the most fitting umbrella term for the field..

  • Animal Studies Cross Campus to Lecture Hall (New York Times) by James Gorman Publication Date: Jan. 2, 2012

Search terms for animals studies research topics

  • Next: Research your topic >>
  • Last Updated: May 17, 2024 7:12 PM
  • URL: https://guides.libraries.wm.edu/animalstudies

animal research topics for college students

Knowledge Gaps: Animal-Focused Research Ideas For Grad Students

The world of scholarship on animals, animal advocacy, and the myriad issues surrounding both, is ever-growing. Faunalytics’ Research Library has thousands of summaries of such scholarship available. However, even though we add 200+ studies to the Library each year, it’s just the tip of a much bigger iceberg. We curate our collection to focus on studies with the most potential usefulness for advocates, while hundreds of other studies are published each year.

It wasn’t always like this. For many years, the animal advocacy movement had a lot of grounding in theory and philosophy, but was not focused on empirical research. Tactics and strategies were employed with little idea of their effects — or effectiveness. Campaigns would come and go without proper impact evaluation. The energy and heart that characterized the early animal advocacy movement often did not translate into the systematic measurement of results.

Today, we have more scholarship on animal-related issues than ever — our Library is a testament to that. However, the field of animal- and advocacy-related research is still growing. Students entering into graduate programs often want to contribute, but don’t always know how, and we often get questions from nascent researchers who want to make their mark and make a positive impact.

Below, we offer some ideas to give your animal-related research a kickstart.

1. Solutions Within Reach: Norms Around Use Of Animals In Science

There are strong modern alternatives to the use of animals in medical and behavioral research — and this is even more true when it comes to needless dissections in high school science — yet norms of using them persist (e.g., see this ). All the evidence exists, but what will it take to change these norms?

2. Remembering The Big Picture: The Sociology And Economics Of Change

It’s easier to think small: about individual behavior instead of group behavior, one issue instead of many interconnected issues, or one region versus many. But as animal advocates and as researchers, we need to look to the future, and the future is big-picture. 

Some questions along this line include: How does progress on an animal issue in one country or region affect advocacy on that same issue in another region? What are the harmful societal or environmental consequences of investing in animal agriculture in developing nations? What are the economic benefits politicians could expect to see from greater investment in plant-based agriculture and manufacturing? How does progress on an issue like animals used in science (see above!) impact efforts for other animal issues? 

These questions can feel intimidating to a grad student, but finding a supervisor or grad student collaborator from another discipline/department may help you bridge some of the difficulty and make a big impact with your research.

3. Cultures Of Change: How Regional Histories And Experiences Differentially Shape Behavioral And Societal Change

Change for animals is happening around the world, and no two regions are quite the same. Yet a lot of research to date has focused on the Western world, especially the U.S. and United Kingdom. As a grad student early in your research career, you may have the option of making choices about your region of study that can affect your research program over the long term. 

If you’re from the West yourself, it’s crucial not to practice parachute science — imposing Eurocentric biases on regions with their own laws, systems, history, religion, and culture — or to frame all your work in terms of comparison to Western norms. But as a grad student, you can start from the ground up learning the psychology, sociology, or economics of a region from their own viewpoint by focusing on that literature and collaborating with scholars from the region if you yourself aren’t. 

Initial questions to tackle might be foundational, like public attitudes toward animal use or how the government funds and promotes animal agriculture. Subsequent questions will depend on the region and will emerge over time as you become familiar with the foundations.

4. Beyond The Basics: Extending What We Know About Plant-Based And Cultivated Meat

There’s already lots of research about interest in cultivated meat , barriers to plant-based alternative consumption , and different messaging approaches around these issues, so we’d love to see more work on questions that go beyond those basics and into more of the downstream effects of increased consumption: which plant-based offerings are being used as substitutes versus complements for animal products and why? How can plant-based and cultivated foods be framed as beneficial in a political context to increase high-level support? 

Furthermore, there are other aspects that remain underexplored. Are there any “danger zones” to avoid with the development of these products, such as misinformation campaigns like with soy and GMO foods, or whether making “exotic” or even endangered cultivated meats available would reduce or increase the demand for illegal trade?

5. Beliefs Versus facts: Asking Animals What They Prefer

Humans have a lot of beliefs about what other animals think, feel, and want — and are often wildly off-base. Advocates try to correct those misconceptions with facts like “chickens are caring, emotional creatures” and “pigs are as smart as dogs,” but it can be an uphill battle. 

Thanks to the research team at Farm Sanctuary, researchers now have a new opportunity to demonstrate these truths in an ethical and impactful way. In partnership with Farm Sanctuary researchers, you may be able to work with their animal residents to answer questions like: Do chickens actively choose conditions that aren’t used in industrial agriculture over ones that are? How do cows’ social networks form and change? Will sheep choose enrichment activities to get food over simply receiving it without any work involved? Contrasting these behaviors against humans’ beliefs about these animals could be a powerful way of demonstrating how flawed perceptions of industrial animal agriculture really are.

6. Humane Education Research

Research suggests that kids are set up to be more empathic toward animals, but that they’re trained out of it as they get older. Anecdotally, we have reason to believe that humane education can meaningfully shape kids’ attitudes toward animals — possibly in a way that could have a bigger impact on society if we could understand it well enough to hone in on the best methods. Current literature is limited by a lack of control groups, and by a range of difficulties in studying kids. It is especially challenging to study kids over a long time period.

Academics are well-positioned to do longer-term research, especially in a developmental psych lab. Perhaps one of them could be you!

7. True Cost Analysis

What are the true costs of various animal products when we take externalities like cheap, exploited labor into account? Is it possible to create a calculation that includes the days/years of suffering by human laborers (similarly to how we do with animals )? Furthermore, what is the potential benefit of using these types of cost analyses in persuasive campaigns that highlight the overlap between animal and social justice issues?

8. Systematic Legal Review Of Humanewashing & Greenwashing

Advocates have long known that the animal agriculture industry engages in humanewashing and greenwashing to help make its products and practices seem more animal- and environmentally-friendly than they really are. What are the most common methods they use to do so, and are there ways advocates and laypeople could respond to such techniques using a legal framework?

Since these specific techniques may be regulated by federal or regional laws, there are many opportunities for scholars to study these mechanics in their own regions, review certifications and claims across a wide range of products, and compare against what we know about welfare standards for those animals.

9. Low-Hanging Fruit: Identifying Winnable Issues And Helping Them Hit The Tipping Point

The struggle for animal liberation often gets framed in terms of creating a “vegan world” — and while that may be a noble goal, it may be many lifetimes away. In the meantime, there are a range of more “winnable” issues that scholars can study and help push beyond a tipping point. Greyhound racing is one such issue, but others abound: the use of animals in circuses is an older issue that has faced lots of challenges and seems increasingly on its way out, and the factory farming of octopuses is a brand new issue that could be advocated against strongly now so that it doesn’t have the chance to grow or spread. 

These are just some of the potential areas where you could make a big difference with a graduate research project. There are many, many other options , limited only by your imagination and willingness to dig into your area of interest. If you’re stuck for ideas, do some reading about your topic outside your discipline. A social psychologist reading a political science paper might learn all kinds of things that inspire new ideas but are 101 level for the political scientist, and the same is true in reverse. If we want to help animals, we need to get away from disciplinary snobbery and siloing.

And remember: you are not alone. You are part of a growing community of scholars, animal advocates, and NGO members who are serious about the next era of the animal protection movement: an era of creative, data-driven advocacy and impact-oriented work. You can stop by Faunalytics’ Office Hours if you have research questions or need help finding data, and our list of external resources and datasets can help kickstart your search for projects.

animal research topics for college students

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Animal Science Subject Guide — Research Topics

  • Starting Your Research Project
  • Searching Scholarly Databases
  • Encyclopedias & Handbooks
  • Finding Books
  • Other Information Sources
  • Useful Tools

Narrowing a topic

Sometimes narrowing to a specific topic does not come naturally and can be a difficult task. Here are some techniques available to make this process simpler.

  • First, pick a topic in which you are interested. You will spend a lot of time with your topic and you will do a better job with it if you find the topic enjoyable. As you search through potential topics, note which pique your interest and follow them further.
  • Look for a topic with some recent controversy or a set of related topics which can be compared and contrasted.
  • Pick a topic which you have some hope of understanding. If you cannot understand the basics you will not be able to write about it. Not all topics are appropriate for undergraduate paper writing.

Some additional sites with help on choosing and narrowing topics are listed below.

  • Choosing and Narrowing a Topic
  • Narrowing a Topic
  • Narrowing a Topic and Developing a Research Question
  • Identifying when a Topic is Too Narrow or Too Broad

Where to find possible topics for science papers

If you don't know on what topic you want to write a paper, start by looking in sources with broad spreads of relevant information. 

  • Search any database by a particular journal or review journal (Science, Nature, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, etc.)
  • Look for a classic topic in your textbook 
  • Scan popular science sciences magazines such as Bioscience, Scientific American, Discover, etc.
  • Go to the popular  website  www.sciencedaily.com which covers most aspects of science and search for a topic
  • Search for ideas in the encyclopedias, handbooks or other books listed in this guide on a separate page
  • If you have some idea of a topic, search for review articles on that topic in one of the science databases listed in this guide
  • Search the table of contents of a journal which specializes in review articles, such as Trends in Ecology and Evolution

Search Strategies for Topics

Part of picking a topic will involve conducting literature searches. As you search for your topic(s) start with searches as BROAD as possible, while remaining relevant to your topic. Starting broad will give a breadth of coverage that allows you easy options for narrowing your topic. If you start with a narrow topic it is much harder to broaden your topic later to explore more options.

Describe your topic in a sentence.

How did carnivorous plants evolve digestive enzymes?

What are your major concepts? Identify the main elements of your topic.

Think of related terms for your concepts. Use both common words and scientific terms.

Add Boolean Operators (AND & OR) to structure the search in a database search interface.

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  • Last Updated: Sep 14, 2023 10:44 AM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uconn.edu/animalscienceresources

Creative Commons

94 Wildlife Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best wildlife topic ideas & essay examples, ⭐ good research topics about wildlife, 👍 simple & easy wildlife essay titles, ❓ research questions about wildlife.

  • Wildlife Tourism Essay Tourism can lead to interference and destruction of the wildlife ecosystem, leading to decrease in the population of the animals and degradation of their habitats.
  • Javan Rhinos: Wildlife Trading of Endangered Animals Out of the five rhino species, Javan rhinoceros is the most threatened species despite being in the ecosystem for millions of years, playing a crucial role in shaping the landscape by its feeding style.
  • Wildlife Management and Extinction Prevention in Australia This paper investigates the threats to wildlife in Australia and strategies for managing and preventing their extinction. In summary, this paper examines the threats to wildlife in Australia and outlines strategies for managing and preventing […]
  • The Manas Wildlife Sanctuary A home to a great variety of wildlife and endangered species, the Manas Sanctuary is located in the Himalayan foothills, in the far eastern state of Assam.
  • Wildlife Parks Visitor Management Issues Administrators of wildlife parks have to employ different strategies of visitor management to ensure that they have a balance of demand by visitors and the available regeneration capacity of the wildlife parks.
  • Wildlife Control in and Around Airports The main purpose of the paper is to describe possible ways to protect and control the airport area from wild animals and birds that are potentially dangerous to the safety of passengers and can disrupt […]
  • Wildlife Management in Urban Areas The end result of reducing the number of predator and carnivores in a given ecological system will cause an imbalance that allows organisms in the lower levels of the food chain to multiply to the […]
  • Oil Drilling in the Alaska Wildlife Refuge Therefore, drilling for oil in the Alaska Wildlife Refuge would be seen as an act that could potentially harm not only the wildlife and ecosystem in that location, but also affect the well-being of other […]
  • Climate Crisis and Wildlife in Danger The structure of the presentation includes an explanation of the issue and reasons for the beagles’ rescue, followed by the time limit to find new homes for dogs and a chronology of facility inspections.
  • The US Fish and Wildlife Service and the US Forrest Service Refuge Management Thus, the aim is to sustain natural resources with the purpose of providing people with the necessary benefits while ensuring the activities do not lead to the deterioration of the land.
  • Wildlife Conservation and Food Safety for Human From the epidemiological investigation, the seafood market in Wuhan was termed as the cause of the outbreak and Coronavirus was identified as of bat origin.
  • Immunization of the Wildlife Population Against Rabies The only way of reducing the number of casualties is by preventing the disease. The efficacy of the method is shown by significant achievements in the reduction of the number of rabies cases among the […]
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict: Vehicle Collisions With Animals The issue of collisions between wildlife and motor vehicles is a major challenge in most countries owing to the unpredictability of the animals’ closing in correspondence to the vast sizes of the parks and lands […]
  • Should the Arctic National Wild Life Refuge Be Opened to Oil Drilling? The Baloney Detection Kit used in the series of discussions provides the guidelines for the arguments presented. Wherever there is a need to justify an argument advanced for the debate or against the drilling, the […]
  • How Global Warming Has an Effect on Wildlife? According to one of the most detailed ecological studies of climate change, global warming is already directly affecting the lives of animals and plants living in various habitats across the world.
  • Trails of Wild Life Tourism The tourism of wild life should be looked in the way it is creating an impact on the ecological balance in the nature and also on the economy of the whole nation.
  • Oil Development in Arctic National Wildlife Range This paper describes the issues based on the development policy of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the efforts made by the government to conserve the ANWR.
  • Hunting in Wildlife Refuges in California In addition, the lack of regulations and the prohibition of hunting in wildlife refuges in its entirety has led to the overpopulation of certain species and the introduction of imbalance to the ecosystem, with the […]
  • Wildlife Controls Around Commercial Airports Managing the safety of the airports is one of the most important responsibilities of civil aviation authorities around the world. Security in the aviation sector is the factors often given priority because of the magnitude […]
  • Wildlife in Art, Science and Public Attitudes In her opinion, Hirst’s approach to art that involves “taking things out of the world” to get to their essence is extremely contradictory and aims to oversimplify the concept of wilderness.
  • Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge’s Issues The article in question addresses the correlation between the value of property prices and the proximity of open spaces. The authors address two research questions, investigating the possibility of a correlation between the proximity of […]
  • Relations of World Wildlife Fund for Nature and Media The purpose of this NGO is to safeguard nature and to stop the degradation of the planet’s environment and “to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature”.
  • Wildlife Forensic DNA Laboratory and Its Risks The mission of the Wildlife Forensic DNA Laboratory is to provide evidence to governmental and non-governmental organizations to ensure the protection of the wildlife in the country.
  • Water Transportation Industry’s Impact on Wildlife It is possible to note that emissions and the use of ballast water can be seen as serious issues that pose hazards to maritime animals.
  • Emerging Energy Development’ Impacts on Wildlife One of the major concerns involves the effect of energy development on wildlife and natural ecosystems. It is important to lessen the effects of energy development on wildlife and natural ecosystems.
  • American National Park Service and Wildlife The law reads in part: “to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such […]
  • Urban Wildlife Issues Actually, it is important to note that not all human developments are destructive; a focus toward taking care of or conserving animals in urban areas has promoted conservation and sustainability of environment and biodiversity.
  • A Call for Conservation of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Though economic benefits of such drilling are obvious, they do not outweigh the need to preserve the pristine nature of the area o the benefit of thousands of animal and plant species that depend on […]
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  • Wildlife-Based Recreation and Local Economic Development
  • Location-Specific Modeling for Optimizing Wildlife Management on Crop Farms
  • African Wildlife Policy: Protecting Wildlife Herbivores on Private Game Ranches
  • Illegal Logging, Fishing, and Wildlife Trade
  • Network Structure and Perceived Legitimacy in Collaborative Wildlife Management
  • Protected Areas, Wildlife Conservation, and Local Welfare
  • Habitat Conservation, Wildlife Extraction, and Agricultural Expansion
  • The Transaction Costs Tradeoffs of Private and Public Wildlife Management
  • Caring for Native Wildlife Securing Permit and Approval
  • Evaluating Tax Policy Proposals for Funding Nongame Wildlife Programs
  • Dealing With Wildlife Damage to Crops
  • Clear Forest Cause Extinction of Wildlife
  • Forensic Techniques for Wildlife Crime
  • Bird and Wildlife Management at Airports
  • Economic Benefits, Conservation and Wildlife Tourism
  • Environmental Plans and Wildlife Management Programs
  • The Current Issues Involving Wind Farms and Wildlife
  • Ecological Fever: The Evolutionary History of Coronavirus in Human-Wildlife Relationships
  • Opportunities for Transdisciplinary Science to Mitigate Biosecurity Risks From the Intersectionality of Illegal Wildlife Trade With Emerging Zoonotic Pathogens
  • Mitigation Measures for Wildlife in Wind Energy Development
  • Ecology and Wildlife Risk Evaluation Analysis
  • Ethical Considerations for Wildlife Reintroductions and Rewilding
  • Save Wildlife and Forest for Our Future Generations
  • Spatial Data Analysis and Study of Wildlife Conservation
  • Global Warming and Its Threat to the Future of Wildlife and Its Habitat
  • Gabriela Cowperthwaite’s Blackfish: Treatment of the Sea World and Marine Wildlife
  • Information and Wildlife Valuation: Experiments and Policy
  • Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Seasons of Life and Land
  • Identifying and Assessing Potential Wildlife Habitat Corridors
  • Regulating the Global Fisheries: The World Wildlife Fund, Unilever, and the Marine Stewardship Council
  • Wildlife Gardening and Connectedness to Nature: Engaging the Unengaged
  • Urban Sprawl: Impact Upon Wildlife
  • Human Activities, Wildlife Corridors, and Laws and Policies
  • Pollution and Its Effects on Wildlife
  • Tourism, Poaching, and Wildlife Conservation: What Can Integrated Conservation and Development Projects Accomplish
  • Wildlife-Based Tourism and Increased Tourist Support for Nature Conservation Financially and Otherwise
  • Supporting Sustainable Livelihoods Through Wildlife Tourism
  • Evolving Urban Wildlife Health Surveillance to Intelligence for Pest Mitigation and Monitoring
  • Gray Lodge Wildlife Area: A Home for the Animals
  • Can Local Communities Afford Full Control Over Wildlife Conservation?
  • What Is the Biggest Threat to Wildlife Today?
  • What Are the Major Causes of Loss of Wildlife?
  • Should the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Be Opened to Oil Drilling?
  • How Does Hunting Affect Wildlife?
  • What Are the Effects of Wildlife Depletion?
  • What Is the Importance of Wildlife?
  • What Human Activities Badly Affect Wildlife?
  • What Will Happen if We Don’t Protect Wildlife?
  • What Are the Top Ten Ways to Save Wildlife?
  • What Are Man-Wildlife Conflicts?
  • What Are the Five Major Impacts Humans Have on the Environment?
  • How Killing Animals Affect the Wildlife Environment?
  • How Can We Prevent Human-Wildlife Conflict?
  • Where Is the Best Place to See Wildlife in the US?
  • What US National Park Has the Most Wildlife?
  • Does Florida Have a Lot of Wildlife?
  • What Wildlife Is in Yellowstone?
  • What Country Has the Most Exotic Wildlife?
  • How Humans Are Affecting Wildlife?
  • What Country Has the Best Wildlife?
  • What Continent Has the Most Wildlife?
  • What Is the Wildlife of Asia?
  • Which Country in Asia Has the Most Wildlife?
  • What Is the Most Common Wildlife in the Arctic?
  • Expedition Ideas
  • Zoo Research Ideas
  • Ecotourism Questions
  • Biodiversity Research Topics
  • Ecosystem Essay Topics
  • National Parks Research Topics
  • Environmental Protection Titles
  • Animal Welfare Ideas
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 94 Wildlife Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/wildlife-essay-topics/

"94 Wildlife Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/wildlife-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '94 Wildlife Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "94 Wildlife Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/wildlife-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "94 Wildlife Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/wildlife-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "94 Wildlife Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/wildlife-essay-topics/.

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Both undergraduate and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students work hard on their research projects each summer. Here are some fruits of their efforts: materials created to educate a general public on complex biomedical science work.

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2021 Student Summer Research Projects

Read about and view 2021 summer research projects in "Of Mice-icles, Moo-Moo Munchies, Canine Athletes, and More."

2020 Student Summer Research Projects

Find examples of 2020 student work here , including everything from infographics to poetry.

2019 Student Summer Research Projects

Find examples of student work here , including videos, Venn diagrams, and more.

2018 Student Summer Research Projects

Alexander Zanetti; Better Breathing Through Bugs: How the Keys to Asthma Prevention May Lie in the Gut; Blog post

Allison Gerras; Investigating the Role of Biological Sex and Early Life Stress in Gastrointestinal Health; Infographic

Brady Stutzman; Research Project; Personal blog post

Brandon Frantz; Developmental Lung Disease: Understanding Early Death in Puppies; Infographic

Cailin Harro; Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Investigating Liver Cancer in Dogs; Infographic

Cassidy Harris; My Summer Research Project: The More You Know; Website

Chioma Ngene; Understanding the Metabolism of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis; Infographic

Chris Brennan; V(D)J Recombination: Why We're Able to Get Sick; Blog post

Hailee Butler; African Painted Dogs; Infographic

Jade Neverson; So...What Started This? Acetaminophen Overdose; Infographic

Jaquia White; PLASMIN: Reversing the Damage of Drug-Induced Liver Injury; Infographic

Jessica Kessler; Early Life Stress and the GI Tract; Infographic

Joanna Acosta Bencosme; Neutropils: Cows vs Humans; Infographic

Joe Faryean; Welcome to the Science Zone; Video

Jordan Pieczynski; Canine Estrous Cycle; Infographic

Kennedy Aldrich; Glycogen Depletion in Working Horses; Infographic

Liam Thomas; Searching for Blindness; Diagram

Lindsey Lund; Microsatellite Instability; Infographic

Makenzie McDowell; Microbiome, Probiotics, Shelter Kittens, and Research; Blog post

Marie Negron Camacho; Is All the Fat Bad?; Infographic

Michael Mark; Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia; Infographic

Peter Fowler; Michigan Tick Survey; Infographic

Samantha Gruenwald; Hot vs Cold: The Importance of Housing Temperatures for Mice in Research; Infographic

Sarah Marhofer; Creating a Universal Influenza Vaccine; Infographic

Sumana Prabhakar; AliveCor ECG Vet Application; Infographic

Terry Everett; Compare or Contrast: The Cytotoxic Effects of Iodinated Contrast Media on Renal Proximal Tubule Cells; Infographic

Zoe Williams; Myofibrillar Myopathy; Diagram

A Virtual Animal Behavior Research Project for an Introductory Biology Course

In December 2019, I was preparing to teach the lab section for the second half of an introductory biology sequence, which includes evolution, form and function, and ecology. I’d taught this course many times in the past, though I hadn’t for a few years before 2019. I knew I wanted to move away from rote learning through memorization or canned laboratory activities, and to create an authentic experience that would allow me the overarching theme of developing students’ scientific skills, as well as their science identity. Therefore, I redesigned the course so that our scheduled lab time was used for knowledge and skill development. The course focused on the research skills in the Vision and Change Biology Core Concepts (AAAS 2011) and supporting literature outlining how to apply the core concepts (Branchaw et al. 2020) so that students developed the necessary skills to conduct the research project at the end of the course.

Unfortunately, my initial plans were sidelined by the ongoing global pandemic, which required a portion of our laboratory activities to be conducted virtually. I ended up developing a multiweek virtual model to develop basic scientific knowledge and skills using BioInteractive resources that culminated in an eight-week-long animal behavior research project.

In developing this course, I focused on skill development because it’s essential for building confidence. When students are more confident in their skills, this confidence generates a sense of belonging in science, contributing to their science identity. This is essential for retention of students identified historically as Persons Excluded because of their Ethnicity or Race (PEERs), who may be marginalized and less comfortable in the science environment (Asai 2020).

Ethogram and Time-Budget Study

In order to move students toward more open-ended experiments, I chose ethograms with a time-budget study as their final research project. Ethograms are used in the field of animal behavior to collect data during observations and require making a series of field observations that result in a catalog of behaviors and activities identified by the observer.

For this research project, students conducted independent ethological research observing the behavior of an animal species of their choice. I asked students to choose between focusing on a group of animals or an individual, since these require different observational techniques. In observing a group of animals via webcam, students needed to understand that they should focus on one individual of the group for set intervals. Students could also choose to focus on an individual animal for longer and more frequent observations, though that comes with its own limitations.

Initial observations of specific behaviors helped students construct their data-collection instruments, which are used to construct a basic ethogram. Students determined how they would collect data, which helped to develop observational skills and rudimentary experimental design. I provided students with some examples of ethogram templates. (Many zoos have a basic version posted for students, such as this one: Virtual Classroom | Animal Ethograms - Denver Zoo .)

Finally, students used the list of behaviors they collected for their ethogram to observe their animal(s) several more times. They were required to create a data-collection tool to record the number of times each behavior was observed during a specified period of time for at least three more observation periods. These data were used to create a time-budget study, which is a study that identifies the activities an animal is performing in order to determine how the animal uses its energy during a specific time period.

Overall, ethograms and time-budget studies ease students into research before they are introduced to experimental variables and more advanced research methodology. Plus, it’s fun because they choose their own study animal, so it allows for an authentic final assessment in which students demonstrate the skills they have learned and take ownership of their project.

Weekly Modules

For context, this course consisted of a three-credit lecture and a one-credit lab. The first six weeks of the 15-week laboratory portion were conducted in a synchronous virtual format, using BioInteractive materials to teach the basic skills necessary to start the ethogram project. (The first six weeks, as well as the culminating project description, are presented here.) Starting in Week 7, we also conducted in-person lab activities that enhanced students’ background knowledge on animal behavior and taxonomy. All work for the ethogram project was submitted through the course learning management system.

Week 1: Science Literacy Part 1 & Evaluating Science in the News

The first week of lab class introduced students to the process of science by having them evaluate scientific news articles to prepare them for the literature review of their animal behavior project. During our synchronous meeting time, I provided a minilecture on scientific literacy, pseudoscience, and understanding logical fallacies, followed by a short quiz using an online polling system. I then assigned students into breakout groups. Each team completed the short handout for the activity “Evaluating Science in the News,” which involves using the CRAP (Currency, Reliability, Authority, and Purpose) test to evaluate a science news source.

Each team evaluated a “science” article about SARS-CoV-2 that was filled with misinformation by filling out the handout. I assigned the extended version of the “ Scientist Role Models” activity as homework because I wanted them to begin creating their science identity so that they considered themselves as scientists.

Week 2: Scientific Literacy Part 2: Reading Scientific Articles

During Week 2, we continued exploring scientific literacy to scaffold skills they learned in Week 1. The synchronous virtual meeting began with a case study activity that provided students with information about experimental design and basic data analysis. This case study also showed an animal observation study in which there is no laboratory experiment, but data were still collected based on a hypothesis.

We discussed the case study as a class, with students responding in the chat or out loud. Once we completed the case study, I created teams for another article analysis activity. We used this activity to become familiar with the structure of a scientific paper and describe what kind of information is provided in each section (abstract, introduction, methods, results, and conclusion). The activity goals were:

  • Identify hypotheses in scientific writing.
  • Evaluate evidence in support of a claim in scientific and journalistic writing.
  • Identify appropriate search terms.
  • Effectively search library databases to find relevant peer-reviewed scientific literature.
  • Gain experience reviewing peer-reviewed literature.

Here are guiding questions that I asked students to keep in mind when reading a scientific article. (I also provided an optional resource article: “How to (Seriously) Read a Scientific Paper.” )

  • What basic research question are the authors trying to answer?
  • What makes that research question significant? (That is, why try to answer that question? Why does it matter?)
  • What data did the authors collect?
  • What is the authors’ interpretation of their data?
  • Do you think that the data they collected supports their conclusions? Why or why not?

This activity consisted of two parts:

Part 1: I reviewed how scientists formulate a hypothesis, test it, and share their information with their peers through publication. I briefly introduced a topic using a short video. While students watched the video, I asked them to focus on how an observation, no matter how trivial, could help form a testable scientific question and emphasized that observation is the beginning of all scientific investigations.

I used a video about penguin defecation to maintain the theme of research related to animal observation. It gave students a chuckle, but is related to actual research, which they review in Part 2 of the activity.

Part 2: Students were divided into groups to read an article about penguin defecation ( Meyer-Rochow and Gal 2003 ) related to the research depicted in the video. Students were asked to work as a team to identify various components of the article, including the scientist’s hypothesis, the evidence used to accept or reject the hypothesis, and whether the hypothesis was accepted or rejected. For the activity, students chose one person from their group to be the notetaker and one person to report back to the entire class when we reconvened.

When the groups finished, we reconvened and students shared out. I recommend doing this as a group activity after they watch the video, with a follow-up discussion, because both of my sections found this particularly difficult. The article was a bit complex for them to understand, but as we talked through it, they understood the importance of becoming familiar with primary literature. I also reminded students that they were not expected to fully understand the paper.

Homework for Week 2 consisted of a similar reading assignment that related to the work they would do in Week 4 (Lizard Evolution Lab). Students watched a BioInteractive video on reproductive isolation and speciation in lizards , then read “Rapid evolution of a native species following invasion by a congener” ( Stuart et al. 2014 ).

In the directions for the article analysis, I reminded students that they were working toward a course goal of being able to understand scientific journal articles. I also allayed students’ concerns about the complexity of the article by reassuring them that I would do my best to teach them the background information needed to understand each article before we read it. I also told them to focus their attention on what they wanted to glean from the article.

Week 3: Sampling Distribution Lab

During Week 3, students were introduced to graph analysis and the concept of sample distributions using the Sampling and Normal Distribution Click & Learn and its accompanying worksheet. I converted the worksheet to a Google Form that students could easily fill out and submit online, since they would be working asynchronously. During the synchronous meeting, we did a quick recap of the article that students read for their homework from Week 2. I also showed the annotated summary of the same article entitled “There's a new kid in town” posted on Science in the Classroom .

After the article discussion, I did a minilecture on sampling distribution and how to use the Click & Learn. I then allowed students to work individually or in teams during class time. I stayed online in the virtual classroom so that students could pop in if they had questions for me. This activity proved to be difficult for some students, so I set up individual virtual meetings to go over their questions. No homework was assigned this week as they were working on the activity asynchronously.

Week 4: Lizard Evolution Lab

Week 4 included one of the favorite activities for both of my groups. Like in Week 3, I spent the synchronous meeting time showing students how to use the Lizard Evolution Virtual Lab and its accompanying worksheet. I also showed the related video The Origin of Species: Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree , which helped students understand how the data for the virtual lab were collected. I reminded them that observational skills were key to this research and that this was the research from the article they read in Week 2.

As in Week 3, I converted the worksheet questions into a Google Form. Similarly, no homework was assigned as they worked on this virtual lab asynchronously.

Week 5: Animal Behavior & Communication Part 1

Students were now ready to apply their skills. For Week 5, I used the synchronous time to go over the following topics with students via videos, a minilecture, and exemplars of previous work:

  • How to keep a field journal (discussion and examples posted)
  • Overview on ethograms and how they are created (videos and examples posted)
  • Various types of animal behaviors that can be observed and methods of sampling animal behavior (videos)

I found several good video examples on YouTube and various examples of ethograms, which I also posted in the learning management system.

For homework, students reviewed the materials, then conducted an initial observation of an animal species of their choice. I’ve written about a similar project here: “Teaching Ecology and Animal Behavior in an Online Setting.” These observations helped them decide on the animal species they would like to study.

I also asked them to find at least two peer-reviewed articles about their animal species. I will admit that I was surprised that, at this point, students struggled with understanding what this meant. Many started off with non-peer-reviewed resources, such as encyclopedias and popular websites. I provided feedback on their resources and did not award the points for the assignment until they submitted peer-reviewed articles. In some cases, this took a virtual meeting to discuss this with students.

Week 6: Animal Behavior & Communication Part 2

For Week 6, students were introduced to a more in-depth example of animal observations so they could apply their problem-solving skills, as well as the knowledge we had learned in class thus far. This example really created a deeper understanding of the process of science once students saw how it was done.

For the synchronous class time, we used the How Animals Use Sound to Communicate Click & Learn. Students were provided with a Google Doc version of the accompanying worksheet so they could fill it in as we worked through the Click & Learn. With the class, I clicked through and discussed the “Introduction” slides to provide students with the knowledge base for the activity.

On Slides 3 and 4, students watched a video of the various animal behaviors identified and defined by the researchers. On Slide 3, I played the video and asked students to try to identify which of the auditory signals they observed the animals using. After this, we moved to Slide 4, which has the same video but highlights the auditory signals that students should have observed. This really showed that observational work, especially when there are multiple animals, is difficult.

This example connected with what students should have done during their observations the previous week. The example also assisted them in that week’s homework, which was constructing their data-collection tool. In addition, we discussed how animals use sound to communicate as we continued to watch the videos. This was much more interesting than reading about animal behavior in their textbook!

At this point, students should also have been thinking about the types of behaviors they could have been observing in Week 5. Some opted to redo their initial observation because they realized they did not adequately observe their animal. I loved that this happened because it let them experience the actual process of science in action. In other words, they realized that their original observational skills were not honed and were better able to understand the types of behaviors they should be looking for in their chosen species.

Once we finished the introduction of the Click & Learn, as a class, we worked through the first case study about how elephants communicate across long distances. This case study begins with an introduction to various types of elephant sounds and describes the combination of low- and high-frequency vocalizations used in elephant communication. This is a great thinking exercise that shows students how observational research can be used to develop a quantitative research study.

As homework for this week, students were asked to revise/develop descriptions of the behaviors they had identified. Then, they developed a definition for each behavior and created their data-collection sheet for the time-budget study.

The time-budget study was created by each student based on the list of behaviors they had generated. Once they identified the timeframe (e.g., observing animals for two 15-minute intervals twice per week at a specific time of day) for their observations, they would count how many times the animal presented with each behavior within the time they observed the animal. This is where they would use the ethogram to create a checklist used during the time-budget study observations. They were provided with a detailed instruction sheet for the entire project.

Once students submitted their data-collection table and received feedback from me (either written or via a meeting), they could start collecting data. They were required to collect data on three separate dates.

After Week 6

After working through Weeks 5 and 6, which helped students design their projects, students collected data for the rest of the semester (Weeks 7–14), with at least three separate data-collection periods required for their time-budget study. The final assessment for the course included an oral presentation of their results, as well as a written paper. I created a slide template for them and a sample of a research paper (I used a former student’s paper with permission), as many were not familiar with how to present authentic research.

After Week 6, the students met for in-person lab exercises (we were masked and in full PPE) where we practiced skills they would need to successfully complete their project. For example, they practiced behavioral observation skills via a pill-bug experiment where they made their own hypotheses and tested them.

During these final weeks, I also scheduled time to meet with students in-person to discuss issues with their projects. I tried to highlight the importance of interacting with a mentor (in this case, me) and helped them practice the skills they would use in graduate school or at work.

All but one student out of 30 successfully completed the project. The final presentations were conducted virtually. Students proudly presented their authentic research and clearly showed how they had developed their research skills with this project. I was ecstatic that students were able to accomplish so much during a global pandemic. They were able to get a feel for what it is like to work with a research mentor and develop their own research projects. I really enjoy mentoring students, and this is a perfect way to interact with them and model for them what it is to be mentored and to engage them in the process of science. Through the creation of the student-mentor bond, I was able to help them begin to see themselves as scientists. The seed for the base of their science identity was planted.

American Association for the Advancement of Science. Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action . Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2011.

Asai, D. J. “Race Matters.” Cell 181, 4 (2020): 754–757. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.03.044 .

Branchaw, J. L., P. A. Pape-Lindstrom, K. D. Tanner, S. A. Bissonnette, T. L. Cary, B. A. Couch, A. J. Crowe, et al. “Resources for Teaching and Assessing the Vision and Change Biology Core Concepts. CBE—Life Sciences Education 19, 2 (2020): es1. https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.19-11-0243 .

Meyer-Rochow, V. B., and J. Gal. “Pressures produced when penguins pooh—calculations on avian defaecation.” Polar Biology 27, 1 (2003): 56–58. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00300-003-0563-3 .

Stuart, Y. E., T. S. Campbell, P. A. Hohenlohe, R. G. Reynolds, L. J. Revell, and J. B. Losos. “Rapid evolution of a native species following invasion by a congener.” Science 346, 6208 (2014): 463–466. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1257008 .

Melissa Haswell is currently the Associate Dean of Science and Mathematics at Delta College in Michigan. Previously, she taught introductory biology and science ethics for a biology majors program, and anatomy and physiology, and pathophysiology for the nursing program at Davenport University, a private university in Michigan. When she’s not focused on working to improve higher education, she enjoys hiking and camping with her husband and Dalmatian, Chloe, as well as reading, cooking, and spending time with their two cats.

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Animal Studies and School Project Ideas

From Science Fair Project Ideas on Mammals to Experiments About Insects

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Animal research is important for understanding various biological processes in animals , humans included. Scientists study animals in order to learn ways for improving their agricultural health, our methods of wildlife preservation, and even the potential for human companionship. These studies also take advantage of certain animal and human similarities to discover new methods for improving human health.

Learning From Animals

Researching animals to improve human health is possible because animal behavior experiments study disease development and transmission as well as animal viruses . Both of these fields of study help researchers to understand how disease interacts between and within animals.

We can also learn about humans by observing normal and abnormal behavior in non-human animals, or behavioral studies. The following animal project ideas help to introduce animal behavioral study in many different species. Be sure to get permission from your instructor before beginning any animal science projects or behavioral experiments, as some science fairs prohibit these. Select a single species of animal to study from each subset, if not specified, for best results.

Amphibian and Fish Project Ideas

  • Does temperature affect tadpole growth?
  • Do water pH levels affect tadpole growth?
  • Does water temperature affect amphibian respiration?
  • Does magnetism affect limb regeneration in newts?
  • Does water temperature affect fish color?
  • Does the size of a population of fish affect individual growth?
  • Does music affect fish activity?
  • Does the amount of light affect fish activity?

Bird Project Ideas

  • What species of plants attract hummingbirds?
  • How does temperature affect bird migration patterns?
  • What factors increase egg production?
  • Do different bird species prefer different colors of birdseed?
  • Do birds prefer to eat in a group or alone?
  • Do birds prefer one type of habitat over another?
  • How does deforestation affect bird nesting?
  • How do birds interact with manmade structures?
  • Can birds be taught to sing a certain tune?

Insect Project Ideas

  • How does temperature affect the growth of butterflies?
  • How does light affect ants?
  • Do different colors attract or repel insects?
  • How does air pollution affect insects?
  • How do insects adapt to pesticides?
  • Do magnetic fields affect insects?
  • Does soil acidity affect insects?
  • Do insects prefer the food of a certain color?
  • Do insects behave differently in populations of different sizes?
  • What factors cause crickets to chirp more often?
  • What substances do mosquitoes find attractive or repellent?

Mammal Project Ideas

  • Does light variation affect mammal sleep habits?
  • Do cats or dogs have better night vision?
  • Does music affect an animal's mood?
  • Do bird sounds affect cat behavior?
  • Which mammal sense has the greatest effect on short-term memory?
  • Does dog saliva have antimicrobial properties?
  • Does colored water affect mammal drinking habits?
  • What factors influence how many hours a cat sleeps in a day?

Science Experiments and Models

Performing science experiments and constructing models are fun and exciting ways to learn about science and supplement studies. Try making a model of the lungs or a DNA model using candy for these animal experiments.

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45+ Veterinary Dissertation Topics

Published by Owen Ingram at January 2nd, 2023 , Revised On May 3, 2024

Veterinary medicine is a broad area of study, so there are many potential issues you can base your dissertation or thesis on. You may want to consider veterinary science comparable to human health care, such as laboratory animal medicine, animal welfare, and law so that you can come up with an impactful veterinary dissertation topic.

Choose an interesting but focused research topic that enables you to contribute to your field of study. Choosing a topic for a paper or dissertation is one of the most crucial decisions students must make. So, avoid writing about an idea that is so narrow that you end up having no academic sources to use in the res earch. 

Other Subject Links:

  • Evidence-based Practice Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Child Health Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Adult Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Critical Care Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Palliative Care Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Mental Health Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Nursing Dissertation Topics

Veterinary Dissertation Topics and Ideas

  • Animals used for fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)
  • Necropsy’s significance in veterinary medicine
  • The value of veterinarians to the retail industry
  • Examination of contemporary pet vaccinations
  • Why not crocodiles or zebras? – investigating contemporary quirks in pet selection
  • Investigating the components of natural animal feeds as the pet food business transitions to natural
  • Rural locations with poor veterinary care: cause and remedies
  • Fear or the dominance theory? – investigating the behavioural issues with dogs
  • The best remedies for thunderstorm anxiety
  • Why do the majority of pets have this phobia? Is it treatable?
  • Is it a myth that animals act poorly because they want to rule the pack?
  • Why do owners of sick animals need to be on guard?
  • Environmental influences on chickens’ egg-laying productivity
  • When do some chickens produce more eggs than others? What are the ideal circumstances to maintain their high levels of productivity?
  • Cardiovascular changes in canine leishmaniasis
  • Relevant clinical alterations in breast cancer in stage 3 females
  • Cancer patients’ nutritional needs and metabolic changes are managed
  • Review of the literature on alternative methods for treating canine atopic dermatitis
  • Analysis of the primary epidemiological traits present in a buck with a breast tumour
  • Cost-benefit analysis of supplemental mineral feeding to beef cattle
  • Little ones frequently experience heart disorders
  • Breast cancer reconstruction procedures for female dogs and cats
  • Laws and public education about animal abuse
  • An outline of the veterinary nurse’s responsibility in stopping owner maltreatment of animals
  • Following surgery, the animals get rehabilitation
  • What part does the veterinary nurse play in addressing the psychological effects of animal abuse? Is there any way to make it better?
  • Illnesses that are extremely contagious and harm domestic animals
  • Veterinary students are taught about public health as part of their training
  • Treatment of sporty horses with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications
  • Effectiveness of homoeopathic medication in controlling ticks in dairy cattle
  • A case study of bitches treated at the university veterinary hospital for breast cancer
  • Study of sporotrichosis and visceral leishmaniasis notifications in the CCZ
  • Investigation of the anaesthesia procedure death rate in tiny animals undergoing surgery
  • Ways to improve how domestic animals are treated in the public network
  • The significance of electrocardiography in dogs before surgery
  • Neoplasms in an animal’s reproductive system
  • The relevance of veterinarians in meeting retail needs
  • Factors affecting milk quality in family farm settings
  • As a technique for sustainability in agriculture, rotated grazing
  • Prevalence of breast cancers in women and examination of their clinical and epidemiological features
  • Cigarette carcinogens bring on principal tumours in dogs and cats
  • Carcinogen-related cancer types manifested in dogs and cats exposed to smoke
  • Gentamicin intramammary therapy in lactating cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis
  • Aloe vera and arnica Montana as natural remedies for horse pythiosis
  • Examine the veterinary nursing policies and practices of various nations and any potential working circumstances for nurses there
  • An Investigation on how changing climate patterns affect the distribution of animal diseases and the practice of veterinary medicine.
  • An Analysis of different approaches to prevent and control zoonotic diseases in animals and humans
  • Exploring recent advancements in surgical techniques for veterinary procedures
  • Examining the relationship between animal behaviour, welfare, and veterinary care and proposing strategies to improve the well-being of animals in clinical settings.
  • Investigating the development of new drugs for veterinary use
  • The concept of One Health and its application in managing complex health issues at the intersection of human and animal health
  • Study newly emerging infectious diseases in animals and implications for veterinary practice and public health.
  • A Comparative study on different diagnostic imaging techniques used in veterinary medicine
  • The effectiveness of veterinary education and training programs in preparing graduates for professional practice

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These topics will help you get motivated to start working on your dissertation. You should also check out our list of biology dissertation topics for more inspiration. 

If the topic you choose is interesting and reflects your passion for the subject, it will be much easier for you to complete the dissertation in due time. However, if you face difficulties due to lack of knowledge, time or any other reason, now is the time to use our professional dissertation services ! Hiring a professional writer can help you achieve your desired academic grade from the comfort of your bed. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find veterinary dissertation topics.

To find veterinary dissertation topics:

  • Investigate emerging animal health issues.
  • Explore gaps in current research.
  • Consider ethical concerns.
  • Review recent advancements.
  • Consult experts and faculty.
  • Select a topic aligning with your passion and career aspirations.

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70 Fresh Biology Research Topics for College Students

College students in the field of biology will have to write at least one research paper throughout the period of their study. You would agree with me that writing the research papers would be so much easier if there were solid, reliable topics to write about or direct questions to answer.

If you’re a college student, or you know someone who’s in that field, and you need a list of good biology research topics for college students, then look no further. Because of this article, you now have access to 70 different and fresh biology research topics for college students.

animal research topics for college students

70 Different Biology Research Topics College Students Would Love

Read on to find 70 of the best biology research topics college students can choose from, for their research papers. These topics offer just the right amount of challenge for college students to put in the effort needed to make a successful paper. They are not just challenging, they are also interesting.

  • The role of microorganisms in the processes involved in brewery
  • The various mechanisms of viral resistance and adaptation
  • The different methods that microbes adapt to their environment
  • The difference between virions and viroids
  • The fundamental importance of vaccines in human life
  • The role of bacteria in human the immune system
  • Normal flora and fauna found in the human body
  • Discuss the different protozoan groups
  • Effects of exercise on immune system
  • The role of microfilms in ensuring microbial safety
  • Effects of anaemia on the human body
  • The role of the kidneys in blood purification
  • The importance of the liver in the human body
  • Effects of illnesses on the growth of humans and animals
  • Parasitic relationship between plants
  • Parasitism in animals
  • The brains reaction to trauma
  • How the brain retains information
  • How helper T cells work
  • Functions of the red blood cells
  • Discuss the structure of haemoglobin
  • The importance of magnesium in the body
  • Discuss lead poisoning and its effects
  • Autoimmunity in plants
  • Prevention of plant pathology
  • Adaptation of plants to salt water
  • Cerebral oedemas
  • Enemas: a necessary evil
  • Mechanisation in the operating room
  • The pathology of cystic fibrosis
  • Hermaphroditic organisms
  • Effects of steroids on the skin
  • Asexual reproduction in plants
  • The importance of polymerase chain reaction
  • Identification of viruses
  • How hormones control reproduction
  • The importance of homemade remedies
  • Synthesis of steroids in human cells
  • The relationship between genetics and organ rejection
  • How the environment is affected by the fashion industry
  • Factors that contribute to extinction
  • The link between genetics and schizophrenia
  • The link between genetics and mental disorders
  • The effects of poaching on the environment
  • Desert encroachment and the hazards it brings
  • How microorganisms can fill the gap created by raw metals
  • How alcohol impairs cognitive function
  • The release and regulation of oxytocin
  • The role of genetics in determining body structure
  • Adaptive features of plants to arid environments
  • Discuss the spread of zoonotic diseases
  • Acquired disease resistance in plants
  • Different methods of wildlife conservation
  • Effects of vibration on blood flow
  • Heavy metals and the problems they cause
  • Human causes of extinction
  • How the brain protects itself
  • Factors that contribute to evolution
  • Parasitism in plants
  • Hypersensitivity in humans
  • Impacts of climate change on animals
  • Cell differentiation in humans
  • Behaviours of orcas in their natural environment
  • Temperature regulation in benthic zones
  • Hyper-parasitism in animals
  • Quality control measures in ensuring drug purity during production
  • Effects of spoilage causing microorganisms outside their natural habitat
  • The contributions of cloning to modern day science
  • The link between genetics and obesity
  • Environmental factors that influence eating disorders

All these topics were specially created with the mind of engaging and informing the readers and writer. With these biology research topics, college students can rest easy, knowing that their research papers cover as many important and interesting topics as possible.

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5 Animal Research Websites for Students

  • stayingcoolinthelibrary
  • February 24, 2019
  • Lesson Plans , Research

5 Animal Websites for Students

Ready to do some animal research? Finding trustworthy and appropriate animal websites for students to use can be a challenge. Below are my go-to websites that you can feel confident having your students go to. Most of these sites also have videos, games and other educational activities as well.

National Geographic for Kids

National Geographic for Kids - Animal Websites for Students

DK Find Out

DK Find Out

San Diego Zoo Kids

San Diego Zoo Kids - Animal Websites for Students

These websites below do have some advertisements on them.


Animal Fact Guide

Animal Fact Guide - Animal Websites for Students

Ready to research and use these animal websites for students?

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Animal research in the college classroom.

  • Animal Research

A nimal research has made contributions to virtually every area of psychology. Although ethical issues regarding the use of animals can arise in any psychology course, this is particularly likely to occur in courses dealing with the brain and behavior. Thus, it is important for instructors of such courses to include the issue of animal research as part of their curriculum.

Following is a brief description of one approach used in a sophomore-level psychobiology course, presented in the hope that it will help others to address this issue in their classes.

HOW ANIMAL RESEARCH BENEFITS HUMANS The first step in addressing the use of animals is to point out how animal research benefits humans. This begins early in the course with a lecture on the history of neuroscience. Modern neuroscience had its beginnings in the late 19th century when physician-researchers began to study the brain. It was during this time that medicine began to accept the germ theory of disease, due in large part to Louis Pasteur’s research on anthrax and rabies using animals. Painting a vivid picture of the extremely high mortality rates from surgery that preceded the acceptance of the germ theory gives students a dramatic example of how animal research has contributed to human well-being (e.g., Ackerknecht, 1982; Gordon, 1984). It is also noted that there was a violent antivivisection campaign directed against Pasteur which, fortunately, failed to stop his research (Dubos, 1950).

It is important to remind students just how limited our knowledge would be were it not for animal research. Because virtually all understanding of how the brain works is based on animal research, it is not difficult to find examples of benefits throughout a course in psychobiology. The neuron doctrine, the nature of synaptic transmission, the development of the brain, how the senses work, the physiological bases of emotion and mental disorders, etc., are based primarily on animal research.

THE MORALITY OF HUMANS AND ANIMALS Those who argue against our use of animals in research often hold humans in low regard while exalting animals, a viewpoint that makes it easier to accept limits on research. Information about both human and animal behavior is presented to counter this view and to put these behaviors in perspective (e.g., Simon, 1996; Gould & Gould, 1997). For example, most students are unaware that overpopulation is not a problem in many countries as human reproductive rates in industrialized countries, including the United States, are now below replacement level, a fact that should reduce human pressure on the environment in general and animal habitats in particular (e.g., Bongaarts, 1998). Similarly, it comes as a surprise to most students that the forests in the United States have increased by 30 percent in the last 50 years or that the large number of deer found in suburbia is not due to human encroachment into deer habitats, but to our creation of ideal habitats for deer (cropland, suburban landscaping) that have led to an explosion in their population (Moffat, 1998; Budiansky, 1995).

With regard to animal behavior, students are made aware of the cruelty and waste of nature (e.g., Gould and Gould, 1997; Weiner, 1994). For example, killer whales have been observed to mortally wound an entire group (pod) of sperm whales, but only eat one (Pitman and Chivers, 1999). In the Antarctic, killer whales are known for eating just the lips and tongues of minke whales, leaving their victims to die.

THE MUTUALISTIC NATURE OF ANIMAL RESEARCH Animal research, like other forms of domestication, is a mutualistic relationship in which animals, as well as humans, benefit. By being essential to research, laboratory animals have achieved increased numbers, widespread geographical distribution, and greater phenotypic diversity. As in the wild, most animals in the laboratory do not produce offspring. However, as with many wild species, laboratory animals ensure the survival of their genes by making use of the mechanism of kin selection which, in this case, involves using humans to continue their genetic lines by maintaining breeding colonies. This point is made through the assignment of a short book on the mutualistic nature of domestication (Budiansky, 1999) as well as a lecture at the end of the course that applies mutualism to animal research (Heffner, 1999).

It is also noted that it is not appropriate to refer to those who oppose the use of animals as animal “rights” advocates. One reason is because they seek to deny domestic animals the one right they need to survive, that is, the right to associate with humans. Thus, the movement to which they belong is more appropriately referred to as an “antisymbiotic” movement.

ETHICAL ISSUES Finally, two ethical questions are covered. The first is whether it is fair that most research animals die without breeding and before reaching senility. The answer is that this situation also applies to life in the wild where first-year mortality rates for large mammals are about 80%, due primarily to starvation and disease (e.g., Gould and Gould, 1997). We protect domestic animals from the ravages of the wild and in return make use of those that would have otherwise died. Thus, the actual losers in this relationship are the parasites and predators that attack animals in the wild – and who are the reason why senility is never observed in wild animals (Hayflick, 2000).

The second question is whether humans would accept a relationship in which some of us would die in order to benefit others. The students are asked if they would accept a situation in which our standard of living would be raised, but as a consequence 30,000 people would die each year and over a million would be seriously injured. After they indicate that they would not, it is pointed out that they have already accepted it; these are the accident statistics for passenger vehicles in the United States (Heffner, 1999). In short, if we accept for ourselves the principle that some will inevitably suffer so that we can enjoy the advantages of private transportation, can we then prevent animals from a similar arrangement that ensures their survival?

RESPONSE OF THE STUDENTS Students’ response to this approach is generally good. Those from farming backgrounds are often already familiar with how domesticated animals are dependent on us for their survival. Other students appreciate being given the information they need to defend the use of animals. The few students opposed to the use of animals by humans usually have little to say.

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About the Author

HENRY HEFFNER is Professor of Psychology at The University of Toledo in Toledo, OH. He received his PhD in psychobiology from Florida State University in 1973. His primary research interests are the comparative study of hearing and the function of auditory cortex.

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animal research topics for college students

Teachers today face a bit of a conundrum, according to a new study from researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the Rochester Institute of Technology. Their goal is to prepare young students to enter a rapidly changing world. Even basic jobs require technical proficiency, which requires computational and analytical skills. To address this need, many educators are pushing to fold these important STEM skills into elementary curriculum.

Here's the problem. Young students can lose interest and even develop an aversion to the tasks that build the skills associated with computational thinking. Past studies have pointed to historic low completion rates in STEM fields, with computer science among the lowest. A bridge is needed to engage students in the tasks to develop these important 21st century skills.

"Sometimes students disengage from science, because they do not see the science that they are doing in the classroom as connected to the real world," said Jessica Cantlon, the Ronald J. and Mary Ann Zdrojkowski Associate Professor of Developmental Neuroscience and Psychology at Carnegie Mellon. "When young students engage in authentic science experiences, they can absorb facts more effectively."

Unlike in the classroom, science does not fall into neat, separated boxes. Real-world science is interdisciplinary. Past attempts to build this bridge have focused on topics, such as robotics, gaming or animations, but the niche nature of this subject often leaves many students uninterested.

Cantlon and her colleagues took a different approach. They merged a topic that children grades 3 to 6 enjoy (animals) with one that most kids might look at like a plate of steaming Brussels sprouts (computer coding). The results of their pilot program are available in the April 2 issue of the journal STEM Education Research .

"The focus of this pilot study is whether, in principle, students can acquire skills in computational thinking during a relatively short, loose format, authentic science experience," said Cantlon. "By learning these skills, the students also maintained or gained excitement throughout the project's unique immersive experience in animal behavior."

Cantlon and her colleagues developed an educational program in collaboration with the Primate Portal , an exhibit at the Seneca Park Zoo in Rochester, in which the public can watch olive baboons solve problems presented as computerized tasks on a touchscreen computer.

Through the program, students learned a basic coding language (Scratch) to develop a game that olive baboons at the zoo play to test their intelligence. While the students have the freedom to create their game, they are given different frameworks as a starting point, such as a matching game or a search game, like "Where's Waldo?"

At the end of the five-day programming course, the students took a field trip to the zoo to watch the primates play the games they programmed.

"The students definitely struggle with the complexity of the code as they had little to no experience with coding," said Greg Booth, a teacher in the REACH program for gifted/talented students at QUEST Elementary in the Hilton Central School District who worked with the researchers on this project. "They were not given the opportunity to do (coding) in school prior to this, and they had a tremendous amount of intrinsic motivation to learn and develop their coding skills."

In the first iteration of this pilot project, the team engaged 57 elementary-aged students from three elementary schools in Western New York, of which 36 completed pre- and post-surveys to evaluate the skills acquired during the class.

"It is rare for anyone to collect data from informal, teacher–scientist interventions," said Cantlon, who is first author on the study. "(The study's) effect size is large, because (the students) learned a lot of new computational thinking skills by completing the coding projects."

According to Cantlon, the effect size of the study is large because students began the course with little to no knowledge about coding and developed definite coding skills that supported computational thinking. For example, the students learned to write conditional statements, a loop in code and interpret logical statements.

In addition, the students experienced a significant increase in accuracy and problem-solving attempts. The project also showed that it is possible to integrate learning and doing into curriculum for elementary-aged students.

"I love seeing kids get interested in science, especially girls," said Caroline DeLong, professor at RIT and co-author on the study. "This program is a fantastic way to utilize kids' love of animals as a bridge to learning new computational skills and a way to show them how science works in real time."

The students' computational thinking scores improved by 17% from the beginning of the course to the end. There was no difference in the level of improvement between boys and girls who participated in the program. In addition, the students spoke highly of the program, citing their interest in creativity and independence during the learning process.

According to Cantlon, the program shows that it is possible to enhance students' interest in science and cultivate essential 21st-century skills.

"Yes, it is possible to engage students early, in elementary school, and hook them into STEM interests in something that they might think is boring—coding," said Cantlon. "It is important to engage students before they make up their mind that STEM isn't for them and while they are still open to learning about STEM and hopefully come to a new conclusion that STEM is for them."

Cantlon and her colleagues aim to expand this approach to engage a more diverse group of students in future studies.

Provided by Carnegie Mellon University

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Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Ithaca, New York 14853-6401

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Clinical Sciences

Committee on research and graduate education.

The Department of Clinical Sciences (DCS) Committee on Research and Graduate Education is represented by volunteers from DCS and other college faculty and staff in an effort to facilitate clinical research within the department.  Faculty members serve two year terms that may be self-renewing.  The most recent term began April, 2022.

Committee Goals

  • Develop a cohesive and steadfast strategic plan to advance animal health and the profession;
  • Provide an infrastructure to support faculty efforts to conduct clinical investigations and research;
  • Foster the physical capacity required to fulfill the objectives of the strategic plan;
  • Promote clinical investigations within the Department of Clinical Sciences;
  • Promote communication to foster collaborations across departments, the University, and the world;
  • Identify clinical and research funding opportunities for successful submissions and awards;
  • Promote early stage veterinarians seeking career opportunities in clinical investigations and research;
  • Disseminate accomplishments and advances in animal health to the public domain.

Committee Chair

Rob Goggs , Associate Professor, Section of Emergency and Critical Care

Committee Members

Parminder Basran , Associate Research Professor, Section of Medical Oncology

Mike Byron , Innovation Lab Manager, Department of Clinical Sciences

Erin Daugherity , Director of the Center for Animal Resources and Education, Attending Veterinarian

Douglas Fink , Material & Safety Coordinator, Department of Clinical Sciences

Carol Frederick , Clinical Trials Coordinator, Cornell University Hospital for Animals

Stephanie Hon , Assistant Professor, Section of Anesthesiology and Pain Management

Weihow Hsue , Assistant Professor, Section of Cardiology

Theresa Lagasse , Finance Specialist, Department of Clinical Sciences Carol Merkur , Director of Business Operations, Department of Clinical Sciences

Christie Sayre , Research Administration Coordinator, Department of Clinical Sciences Tracy Stokol , Professor of Clinical Pathology, Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences

Graduate Committee Participation

Go to the following link to be added to the general committee to participate on a graduate committee for MS and PhD.


Events and Seminars

Clinical Sciences Nestle Purina Seminar Series

Clinical Sciences Resident Seminar Series

Clinical Investigators' Day

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