Nursing Cover Letter

Craft a standout Nursing Cover Letter with our expert tips & examples. Impress employers and land your dream job with our comprehensive guide.

application letter for nursing job pdf free download

By Bernard Ramirez on May 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

application letter for nursing job pdf free download

What is a Nursing Cover Letter?

A is a crucial document that accompanies a nurse's resume when applying for a job. It serves as an introduction to the candidate and provides an opportunity to highlight relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications that make them an ideal fit for the position.

The purpose of a nursing cover letter is to grab the hiring manager's attention and convince them to review the applicant's resume in detail. It allows the nurse to showcase their passion for patient care, knowledge of healthcare practices, and ability to work effectively in a team.

A well-crafted nursing cover letter includes several key elements. It starts with a professional greeting and an introduction that states the specific position the candidate is applying for. The body of the letter should focus on the nurse's qualifications, emphasizing relevant experiences and skills that align with the job requirements. The nurse can highlight their educational background, certifications, and any specialized training they have received.

The cover letter should also mention notable achievements or awards, such as excellent patient outcomes or recognition for outstanding performance. It's important to convey enthusiasm for the opportunity and a genuine interest in the organization or healthcare facility.

The closing paragraph of the nursing cover letter should express gratitude for considering the application and include a request for an interview. The nurse can provide their contact information and indicate their availability for further discussion.

Overall, a well-written nursing cover letter showcases the nurse's unique qualifications, demonstrates their commitment to patient care, and sets them apart from other applicants. It is an essential tool in a job application, helping nurses stand out and secure opportunities in their desired healthcare settings.

Printable Nursing Cover Letter

Download this Nursing Cover Letter to ensure your next cover letter is a standout.

How does it work?

Using/filling a nursing cover letter template typically involves the following steps:

  • Personalization: Start by customizing the template with your personal information, including your name, contact details, and professional title.
  • Research: Conduct thorough research on the organization or healthcare facility you're applying to. Gather information about their mission, values, and specific job requirements.
  • Introduction: Begin the cover letter with a professional greeting and a concise introduction that states the position you're applying for and how you learned about the opportunity.
  • Highlight qualifications: In the body paragraphs, outline your qualifications, skills, and experiences that directly relate to the job. Focus on showcasing your expertise in patient care, clinical skills, teamwork, and any specialized knowledge or certifications you possess.
  • Showcase achievements: Mention any notable achievements or awards demonstrating your commitment to excellence in nursing practice. Highlight specific examples of positive patient outcomes, leadership roles, or recognition for outstanding performance.
  • Align with the organization: Clearly express your enthusiasm for the organization and why you want to work there. Connect your skills and experiences to the organization's mission and values, showing that you fit their culture well.
  • Closing paragraph: Conclude the cover letter by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to apply and your interest in discussing your qualifications further. Include your contact information and indicate your availability for an interview.
  • Proofread and edit: Carefully review your cover letter for spelling, grammar, or formatting errors. Ensure that the content is clear, concise, and error-free.
  • Submitting the cover letter: Save it as a PDF or Word document, and submit it with your resume through the designated application method, following the employer's instructions.

Nursing Cover Letter Example (sample)

This example template follows the tips of a well-written cover letter to ace an interview and may increase the possibility of getting the role. This sample template is concise and highlights the capability of the applicant to impress the recruiters in considering the applicant for the position. ‍

Download this Nursing Cover Letter Example (Sample) here:

Nursing Cover Letter Example (sample)

When would you use this Template?

You can use a nursing cover letter template when applying for nursing positions. Here are a few instances where this template would be beneficial:

Job Applications: 

When applying for a new nursing job, a cover letter is essential. You can use the template to create a tailored letter highlighting and aligning your qualifications with the job requirements. It helps you stand out from other applicants and demonstrates your interest in the position.

Career Transitions: 

If you are transitioning to a new nursing specialty or moving from a different healthcare setting, a cover letter can explain your motivation for the change and emphasize relevant transferable skills. The template can guide you in crafting a compelling narrative to support your transition.

Nursing Internships or Residencies: 

When applying for nursing internships or residencies, a cover letter is an excellent opportunity to showcase your passion for learning and gaining practical experience. The template can assist you in highlighting your educational background, clinical rotations, and related projects or research.

Networking or Referrals: 

If you have been referred to a nursing position by a colleague or have made a professional connection, a cover letter can help you introduce yourself and express your interest in the opportunity. The template can be a starting point to craft a personalized letter incorporating the referral or networking connection.

Career Fairs or Nursing Conferences: 

You can submit your resume and cover letter to potential employers during career fairs or nursing conferences. Using the template, you can create a professional cover letter that succinctly conveys your skills and experiences, making a strong impression on recruiters.

Remember, while a template provides a solid structure, it is crucial to customize it to match your unique qualifications and the specific job requirements you're applying for. Tailoring the content and personalizing the letter will help you effectively communicate your suitability for the position and increase your chances of securing interviews and job offers.

Using a nursing cover letter template offers several benefits, including:


By using a template, you can save time in formatting and structuring your cover letter. The template provides a ready-made framework, allowing you to focus on customizing the content to match your qualifications and the job requirements.

Professional appearance: 

A well-designed template ensures your cover letter has a polished and professional look. It helps create a positive first impression and demonstrates your attention to detail.

Comprehensive guidance: 

The template guides what information to include and where to place it in your cover letter. It ensures you cover all critical sections, such as the introduction, qualifications, achievements, and closing, resulting in a comprehensive and well-rounded letter.


Using a template ensures consistency in formatting and style throughout your application materials. This consistency helps create a cohesive presentation of your skills and experiences and makes it easier for recruiters to review and assess your qualifications.

Showcasing key points: 

The template prompts you to highlight key points such as your qualifications, skills, and experiences. It encourages you to tailor these points to match the specific job requirements, increasing the relevancy of your cover letter.

Keyword optimization: 

Templates often incorporate industry-specific keywords and phrases that are relevant to nursing positions. Using these keywords strategically in your cover letter can help your application pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and increase the likelihood of your letter being noticed by recruiters.

Why use Carepatron as your  Nursing Cover Letter app?

Carepatron is the ultimate Nursing Cover Letter app that offers a range of features and benefits, making it the best platform for creating top-notch nursing cover letters. 

Carepatron makes it easy for nurses to create professional cover letters with its user-friendly interface and customizable templates. Nurses can personalize the templates to match their information, saving time and effort. The platform also incorporates industry-specific keywords to optimize cover letters for applicant tracking systems and hiring managers' attention. 

Carepatron offers comprehensive guidance, including tips and examples, to effectively highlight qualifications and ensure all necessary sections are included. It covers formatting elements, giving cover letters a polished and professional look. 

Carepatron helps nurses save time and focus on content by streamlining the writing process. The web-based platform is accessible from any device, allowing nurses to use it conveniently anytime and anywhere.

Clinical Documentation Software

Commonly asked questions

Absolutely! Carepatron offers a wide selection of customizable nursing cover letter templates. You can personalize them by adding your information, adjusting the formatting, and making necessary modifications to tailor the letter to your needs.

Yes, we take data security seriously. Carepatron implements robust security measures to protect your personal information. We adhere to strict privacy policies and utilize industry-standard encryption to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

Yes, Carepatron is a web-based platform, which means you can access your cover letters from any device with an internet connection. Whether you're using a computer at home or a mobile device on the go, you can conveniently access and work on your cover letters whenever and wherever you need to.

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How to Write a Nursing Cover Letter That Stands Out + Examples

  • Do You Need One?
  • What to Include
  • 6 Common Mistakes
  • Cover Letter Template
  • Cover Letter Example
  • Don't Forget It!

How to write a nursing cover letter

You're not alone if you think writing a nursing cover letter is intimidating. However, a great cover letter may be the difference between landing the job or having your application ignored. 

Keep reading for expert advice regarding the importance and benefits of writing a nursing cover letter and common mistakes to avoid, and some examples you can use!

Do You Need Nursing Cover Letters?  

The cover letter is your chance to highlight your past experience and let the hiring manager know why you believe you're the best fit for the role. The hiring manager will quickly notice you are motivated and enthusiastic about the job prospect. 

It's also your first chance to show your articulation and communication skills. A well-crafted cover letter makes an impression that instantly sets you apart from other applicants. 

Benefits of Writing a Nursing Cover Letter

Most candidates don't take the time to create a cover letter. In the world of online applications, attaching one is usually optional and feels like extra work. So many applicants fill out the bare minimum and move on to the next job posting. 

Stand out from the competition - Write a killer cover letter. 

Why you should take the time to create your cover letter

  • Increase chances your application is reviewed
  • Highlight your accomplishments, skills, and qualifications
  • Showcase your personality and communication skills
  • Make a great first impression
  • Show your interest in the position/company

Your resume is important, but the cover letter sets the tone for your entire application. Check out our Ultimate Guide to Nursing Resumes to learn more about current resume etiquette and trends.

Writing a nursing resume can feel overwhelming. It’s no easy task! Nowadays, nursing resumes must be able to pass through resume reading software before it even reaches a recruiter. That’s why we’ve put together THREE nurse resume templates to cater to your unique professional needs and employment situation.

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What to Include in Your Nursing Cover Letter

Did you learn how to write business letters in school? Have you forgotten everything about how to format them? You’re not alone - we’ve got your back here at 

Let's go through the basic format of a nursing cover letter that can be used at any stage of your professional development, including entry-level and specialty changes. 

The header is simple; it’s just contact information for both you and the hiring organization. The basic format is:

Phone Number

Email Address

Street Address  

  • City, ST, Zip Code

Hiring Manager (Use name if possible)

  • Healthcare Organization 

The best advice here is to find out the hiring manager's name so you can personalize the greeting. 

How to find out the name of a hiring manager:

  • If you have a connection in the organization, ask who will review your application. 
  • Review the company website or LinkedIn to find the manager or director for the position. 
  • Call the Human resources department. This can be hit or miss, but it's worth a shot if you haven't found the right person. 

Generic greetings should be your last resort. If you've tried and still can't find the name, "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear Nursing Recruitment Team" will work. You'll wow them with the rest of your letter. 

Paragraph #1: Opening

In the opening paragraph, identify the position you're applying for and briefly state why you're a good fit. HR and hiring managers often look at resumes for several positions, so this is a chance to remind them that you are applying for X opportunity. It signals the hiring manager to read the rest of your letter and resume with that position in mind. 

Paragraph #2: Background & Qualifications

Your qualifications paragraph is the most important one in your cover letter. Briefly summarize your background, skills, and traits that make you the perfect candidate for the position in about 2-3. Use keywords from the posted job description that complement your skill set. You can also use bullet points to make this paragraph stand out.

Note for new grads: All of your background experience is valuable. Suppose you don't have healthcare-specific work experience. In that case, you can highlight customer service skills, eagerness to learn new processes, and highlights from nursing school clinical experiences. 

Notes for nurses transitioning to new specialties: Give a brief career synopsis and highlight the skills you think will best transfer to the new specialty. Emphasize strengths that align with the job position posting. 

Paragraph #3: Compliment the Organization

Your final paragraph shows you're serious about the position. Research the organization and state why you want to join their team. You can find great information and keywords to use on the job post or their website.

Closing the Nursing Cover Letter

Your closing sentence is brief and invites further conversation. Restate your contact information and Invite the hiring manager to discuss the role further. Then, add in a final closure and your signature. Congratulations,  your letter is complete!

The closure should be respectful and professional. Examples include

  • Respectfully
  • Sincerely yours
  • Yours truly
  • With warm regards
  • Best regards

How to List Your Nursing Credentials

It’s easy to get confused about how to list your nursing credentials. The correct way to sign your name with credentials is:

[Name], [Highest level of education completed], [License type], [Certifications]

Jane completed an associate degree and is a Registered Nurse without other certifications (yet). Her signature is Jane Doe, ADN, RN

If Jane goes on to complete her BSN and Pediatric certification, her signature changes to: Jane Doe, BSN, RN, CPN

We’ve got templates below to help you get started, but first let’s review some common mistakes you should avoid. 

6 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Your Nursing Cover Letter   

Writing a great nursing cover letter may seem daunting, but the process does get easier with practice. Here are a few common nursing cover letter mistakes and pitfalls to avoid.

1. Leaving Grammatical Errors and Typos

Most programs have some spell and grammar check capabilities, but don't rely on them alone. Websites such as offer free proofreading and grammar review. Make sure to review that all names are correctly spelled.

2. Using a Generic Greeting

Do your research to find the hiring manager’s name. If you can’t find it, open the letter with “Dear Hiring Manager.” Avoid “To whom it may concern” at all costs. 

3. Forgetting to add Keywords

Read the job description carefully. Find keywords that relate to your experience and use them throughout the cover letter. 

4. Not Following Instructions

Follow any specific requirements listed in the job description or application website. If the listing says to upload your cover letter as a PDF, save your document as a PDF before submitting it. 

This is your first test to see if you pay attention to detail and follow directions. Don't fail before you even get started!!

5. Using the Same Cover Letter for Different Jobs

Each position and organization are unique; don’t repeatedly use the same letter. However, you also don't need to start from scratch each time! 

Save your cover letters as you write them so they’re available to edit next time. Highlight different skills if needed. Make it personal to the new position by including keywords from the job listing.

6. Forgetting to Proofread and Edit

Notice how #1 and #6 are almost identical? It’s on purpose - proofreading is the most critical aspect of writing. Here are some tips to help you make sure your cover letter is perfect:

Read your letter out loud. Does it make sense? Do any of the sentences sound strange when you read them out loud? 

Walk away . Putting a bit of time between writing and finalizing your edits can make a world of difference in the final draft.

Enlist a friend. Ask a  trusted friend, career advisor, or faculty member to read the letter before you hit send. 

Nursing Cover Letter Template

Here’s everything your nursing cover letter should include.

City, State, Zip Code

Healthcare Organization Name

Telephone Number

Email address

Dear (Mr. Mrs. Ms.) ________,

Dear Nursing Recruitment Team,

Opening: 2-3 sentences that express your excitement. Name the exact position you are applying for and the organization. Briefly state why you are the best fit. 

Background & Qualifications: 2-4 sentences to highlight your applicable certifications, achievements and strengths. You may use bullet format to draw attention to this section.

Compliment the Organization: 2-3 sentences to show you’ve researched the organization and position. Highlight organizational values that align with yours.

Closing sentence: Thank the hiring manager for taking time to review your application. Invite them to contact you to arrange an interview. 

With warm regards, 

Your Name, (credentials)

Example Nursing Cover Letter

(718) 555–0100

[email protected]

123 Main Street; 

City, ST 12345

August 01, 2023

Hailey Johnson

Human Resources

Mercy Healthcare

123 Broadway Ave;  City, ST 12300

Dear Ms. Hailey Johnson,

I am excited to apply for the Registered Nurse residency program at Mercy Healthcare. I recently graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing and believe the skills and knowledge gained during nursing school will be highly valuable to your team.

I received excellent clinical reviews throughout nursing school and graduated with honors. I have excellent time-management skills and look forward to further developing hands-on skills through clinical practice. My ability to coordinate tasks and collaborate with others allows me to provide excellent patient care. 

Mercy Healthcare is well-known for patient-centered care and shared governance. I look forward to making a difference in patients’ lives through compassion, dedication, and excellent nursing care. 

Thank you for considering my application. I can be reached at (718) 555–0100 or [email protected] to arrange an interview and further discuss my qualifications.

Ava Smith, BSN, RN

Don't Forget Your Cover Letter!

Always, always, always attach a cover letter to your job applications. These templates should help you get started. Attaching a cover letter immediately sets you apart from the candidates who do not take the time to write or attach one. Highlight your strengths and show the hiring manager that you’re serious about the position. Then start prepping your answers to  common interview questions for when you get that call.

Joleen Sams

Joleen Sams is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner based in the Kansas City metro area. During her 10-year RN career, Joleen worked in NICU, inpatient pediatrics, and regulatory compliance. Since graduating with her MSN-FNP in 2019, she has worked in urgent care and nursing administration. Connect with Joleen on LinkedIn or see more of her writing on her website.

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How to Write a Nursing Cover Letter

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  • How to Write a Cover Letter
  • Mistakes to Avoid
  • Cover Letter Tips
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Nursing Cover Letter Template

Sample nursing cover letter, are you ready to earn your online nursing degree.

Man typing cover letter on a laptop

A nursing cover letter is still crucial in the job application process. It’s often the first impression a potential employer will have of you. A cover letter is a chance to tell your story and call attention to aspects of your resume you want a reviewer to notice.

It’s also a chance to explain to an employer why you want to work for them, what you know about them, and why you’re an ideal candidate. A strong cover letter can tip the balance in your favor, helping you stand out from the competition and land an interview.

In the following guide, we walk you through writing a strong nursing cover letter, mistakes to avoid, and real-world tips that will keep you focused. Check out our downloadable nursing cover letter template and a sample letter to get started. Once you master the process, you’ll be writing winning cover letters in no time.

4 Steps to Write Your Nursing Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter can feel overwhelming for many nurses, especially because it’s difficult to know what to say, how much to reiterate what’s on your resume , and what information to include or not. A cover letter is an opportunity to explain aspects of your professional or personal history that a resume can’t always get across. Your passion and interests come through, along with your ability to communicate clearly. Review the following steps to write a stand-out cover letter. Feel free to use our sample letter and downloadable template. The cover letter is a significant part of convincing employers that they absolutely need to meet you!

Create a Header with Your Contact Information

Introduce yourself and note the position you’re applying for in the opening paragraph, highlight your skills and the reasons you want to work for this employer, write a closing paragraph and restate your interest, 7 mistakes to avoid in your nursing cover letter.

  • Submitting Spelling and Grammar Errors: Nursing requires excellent documentation and attention to detail. Grammatical errors are unprofessional, and they can paint a picture of someone who doesn’t value attention to detail. Many resume reviewers will likely pass on a candidate whose resume and/or cover letter contain errors.
  • Copying Your Resume: Your nursing cover letter can highlight aspects of your resume , but it shouldn’t be a verbatim copy. Find creative ways to underscore your key characteristics, skills, or experiences without repetition.
  • Using Incorrect or Inconsistent Format: It’s best practice for your cover letter and resume to match in terms of design, font, and format. This creates a branded, visually cohesive application package.
  • Forgetting to Tie Your Qualifications to the Position: Your cover letter should be targeted and specific, addressing the position you’re applying for and its qualifications, skills, and responsibilities. If you don’t tie your qualifications to the job in question, that makes a weak case for you getting an interview.
  • Failing to Address the Letter to a Specific Person or Department: Many postings fail to provide the name of an individual or a department to address in your letter. If they provide this information, use it. If they don’t, you can use the generic “Hiring Manager” or “Hiring Committee”.
  • Starting Every Paragraph with “I”: Be creative in finding different ways to begin each paragraph (see our sample letter for examples). If two paragraphs begin with “I”, that’s OK, but no more than that.

Tips from Nurses on Writing Your Nursing Cover Letter

Research potential employers, explain relevant skills that meet the position’s qualifications, include your soft skills, highlight your best qualities, demonstrate your passion, showcase your ability and willingness to learn, check for errors, frequently asked questions about nursing cover letters, what should a nurse cover letter include.

A nurse cover letter should include a header with your name, credentials, and contact information, plus the receiver’s contact information. The body of the letter should specifically address the position you’re applying for, and how you can fulfill the characteristics, credentials, skills, knowledge, and expertise required.

What should a nurse cover letter not include?

Your cover letter does not need to include phrases like, “My references are available upon request”; “Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns”; or “I can be contacted via email at _____________or via phone at _____________.” These are all givens, and if your contact information is in your header, there’s no need to say it again.

What’s the difference between a new grad nurse cover letter and an experienced nurse cover letter?

A new grad nurse cover letter can’t demonstrate the level of skill, expertise, and knowledge as a seasoned nurse. New grads haven’t accumulated years of nursing experience, but they have their academic and clinical performance, enthusiasm, passion, and related healthcare experience to share, whether paid or volunteer. When employers advertise new grad positions, they understand that new grad resumes and letters can’t reflect the resumes of experienced nurses.

Are nursing cover letters necessary?

In these days of online applications, a cover letter may be optional, meaning that applicants can upload a cover letter if they choose to. For some applications, a cover letter will be required. Consider this: if a cover letter is optional, why not go the extra mile and write a strong one? If your resume and experience are comparable to another candidate’s, your cover letter could give you the edge. After all, a resume can’t by nature express much personality, but a cover letter can. So, make a strong impression with a well-crafted letter, whether it’s required or not.

Download our cover letter template (DOCX, 14KB)

Name and Credentials

Town, State | Phone | Email

Personalized LinkedIn profile URL (optional)

Dept and/or contact person Facility or organization Street Town, State, Zip

Dear ________________:

Paragraph 1: Begin by stating the position for which you are applying. Say something about the organization to demonstrate that you’ve done your homework and understand what they’re all about, and that this letter is not at all “cookie-cutter” in nature.

Paragraph 2: Share select highlights of your career, expertise, experience, skills, or personal characteristics that are directly applicable to this position and/or this employer. You can emphasize something from your resume that you want them to make note of, as long as you don’t use exactly the same language as your resume, which is redundant.

Paragraph 3: This is a good place to highlight some of your “soft skills” (e.g., communication, emotional intelligence, relational intelligence, patient education, compassion, empathy, etc).

Paragraph 4: Here you can call attention to your computer skills, EMR experience, etc., as well as any other tech skills worth mentioning.

Closing paragraph: Tie the letter together, reiterate your interest, and express your enthusiastic desire to have the opportunity to meet to discuss your experience and the position further.

Sincerely, Your name and credentials

Miguel Schwartzkoffnian, BSN, RN

Annabelle, HA | 000-000-1000 | [email protected]

April 3, 2023

Department of Nursing Recruitment University of Tabula Rasa Medical Center 301 Rasa Drive Glen Tabularea, MOO 22222

Dear Nursing Recruitment Department:

As a caring and dedicated summa cum laude graduate of Adelphi University’s BSN program, please accept my enthusiastic interest in the Registered Nurse – Respiratory/Intermediate Care position posted on your website. I am both personally and professionally aligned with the values that are a very clear aspect of your organization’s mission. From your “Power of Caring” funding of your expanded Outpatient Care Center to your “Next Generation” initiative, I can clearly see the forward-thinking philosophy underlying UTRMC and its reputation as an innovative facility and community member.

During my education, I thrived in clinical practice where I received positive preceptor feedback following each rotation. I am highly coachable, and as you can see from my resume, I bring more than six years’ related healthcare experience as both an EMT and CNA. I am already well-versed in code blue response, Foley catheter insertion and care, venipuncture, ECG interpretation, and non-complex wound care. Comfortable in new settings, I am not afraid to ask questions to enhance my learning and improve the quality of care I deliver to patients and their families. I thrive in multidisciplinary environments, and I use my highly-developed communication skills and emotional and relational intelligence to foster a sense of camaraderie and collaboration among my colleagues, and nurse-patient relationships built on trust.

As a digital native and quick learner, I am highly competent using the Epic and Cerner EMRs and Microsoft Office Suite, and I have full confidence in my natural curiosity and powers of critical thinking in relation to learning new technologies and digital interfaces.

I have a great deal to contribute as a member of the UTRMC community of clinicians. I look forward to discussing the intersection of my skills and experience with the needs of your inspiring organization that embraces its role beyond the actual facility and into the surrounding community it serves.

Sincerely, Miguel Schwartzkoffnian, BSN, RN

Page last reviewed on February 24, 2023

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cover letter

Writing a Successful Nursing Cover Letter With Examples and Templates

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Jul 01 2022

Career Resources / Job Searching / Nursing Cover Letter

Reviewed by: Kiley Griffin, R.N.

Writing an effective nursing cover letter may seem unnecessary–trust us: it’s not. Roughly 45% of job seekers send resumes without a cover letter . Yet, a majority of employers prefer cover letters to go with a resume. 

When looking for a new job , nurses often spend the most time developing their resumes . Sometimes they neglect their cover letters or don’t write one at all.  

Whether you are a new grad nurse or a nurse veteran, a good cover letter is a great way to separate yourself from the pack. Even if a hiring manager only skims it, it can mean the difference between you and another candidate getting the job if something catches their eye.

In this post, we will explore the following:

  • Examples and a Template for a Nursing Cover Letter

When Nursing Cover Letters Are Required

  • Benefits to Writing a Cover Letter
  • Steps for Writing a Cover Letter
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Cover Letter

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Nursing Cover Letter Examples and Templates

With the right care and effort, you can craft a professional nursing cover letter that helps distinguish you from other candidates.  

We’ve provided two sample nurse cover letters and a template to help give you an idea of what to write.

application letter for nursing job pdf free download

Nursing Cover Letter Template

Hiring Manager name Nursing Recruitment 1234 Any Place Road Sometown, California 11111 (999)999-9999 June 16, 2021 Your Name Title Current Employer Mailing Address Phone Number Email Address Dear Hiring Manager, I am pleased to learn of this opportunity, as I found the qualities you are seeking for this position to be an excellent match for my skills, education, and experience. I have a robust background and leadership experience in emergency nursing, trauma/critical care, change leadership, and a commitment to providing high-quality care through standardizing workflows to align with best practices. It is in response to similar challenges that I have excelled during my career as a manager, director, and clinical leader.  Also, I am particularly interested in [the company] because of your excellent reputation, community engagement, and focus on delivering high-quality care to patients. My current role primarily includes providing strategic direction to the clinical operations of the Emergency Department, Trauma Base Hospital, and Crisis Stabilization Unit. I also establish and enforce policies and procedures for the hospital. Additionally, I ensure that financial targets are met within my scope of responsibility. Moreover, I am confident that I can support your strategic objectives of the ICU and provide stability in the department with regard to achieving quality outcomes, staff development, and meeting financial targets. I look forward to discussing in detail with you the ways in which my experience and determination will make further significant contributions to your organization. Respectfully, [Your Name]

Here are the most common scenarios when a nursing cover letter is required:

  • Applying directly to a specific person: Suppose the job posting invites applicants to apply to a particular individual instead of a general application system. In that case, it is appropriate to include a cover letter and address it to the individual . This is especially important for new grad nurses with less experience.
  • Referral for a position: Don’t skip the cover letter If you apply for work based on another professional or mentor’s recommendation. Use the cover letter to explain that someone referred you to the job and specify whom. This allows hiring managers to see that someone they value as a trusted professional in the healthcare industry believes you are qualified for a position.
  • When requested in a job listing:  Some job listings specifically request candidates to submit a professional cover letter with their application. Following job listing requirements to include a cover letter shows hiring managers that you follow instructions and have an eye for detail. Both are essential qualities in the nursing profession.

Benefits to Writing a Nursing Cover Letter

Knowing you are the best candidate for the job and proving it are two different things. You may have an impeccable nursing resume ; however, 20 other candidates are applying for the same position.

Nursing careers are in demand , but that does not mean there isn’t competition for specific nursing positions such as a nurse practitioner or nurse educator .

Resumes are neatly spun packages of information about a candidate’s education, job history (when applicable), and professional certification . They leave little room for information about who you are as a candidate. 

That is where a good cover letter comes in. With the proper cover letter format, your cover letter will offer several advantages and is a great way to showcase your nursing skills.

Identify your intent

Resumes indicate your worth. Cover letters reveal your intent . Outline how your desires and skills align with the job you are applying for. This shows the hiring manager you are interested in the position.

Hopefully, it’s not going to be just another job for you. It will become part of your mission and vision as a nursing professional . For instance, if a position will help grow your leadership skills and prepare you for an advanced nursing career, state that as part of the intent. 

Provide a more in-depth description

Your education and credentials make up only a small portion of who you are as a nursing professional. How someone looks on paper is not an indicator of how they will perform. It does not accurately gauge their character.

In that sense, a cover letter provides a sample of what the hiring manager will expect in the interview.

Using a cover letter to honestly explore your strengths, weaknesses, experiences, interests, and perspectives is an asset. Maybe your resume includes a certification or award you are proud of. Expand on it in the cover letter. 

Pro-tip: Using some of the traits and terms found in the job’s job description is a great way to stand out as a candidate, as it shows you have the qualities the employer is looking for.

What makes you proud of that achievement and how does it make you the best candidate for the position?

Explain the gaps

Hiring professionals suggest resumes span one page for new nurses and those with less than 10 years of experience. Due to length limits, it is hard to explain any gaps in work history. Also, resumes leave out room for detailing why you may have shifted gears from an earlier career into nursing. 

A cover letter provides the perfect opportunity to explain these situations.

Establish a willingness to work

Cover letters add an extra touch to a job application. As stated, nearly half of all job applicants fail to include a cover letter with their job applications unless requested.

Going that extra mile shows a hiring manager that you are willing to put the work in to get the job done right. That is a desirable quality for any business or industry, especially in nursing and other healthcare careers.

Remember that a cover letter should focus on a resume’s highlights, fleshing them out in a more meaningful way.

These are key purposes of a nursing cover letter.

Include only information that falls into one of the four benefits listed above to get the most mileage out of your cover letter.

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Steps for Writing Your Cover Letter

The nursing field requires structure and proper etiquette .

You wouldn’t walk into a patient’s room and say,

“hey, Adam, what’s up, man?” 

The same need for etiquette and structure applies to writing a cover letter. 

Accordingly, we have provided steps to writing a successful nursing cover letter. 

1. Create a header

When a nurse injects a patient with a vaccine, they clean the area first with an alcohol wipe. They don’t just stick the needle in. In the same vein, you need to start by listing your name, phone number, email, and residential address . 

Make sure you put the date under that information. 

Last, include the recipient’s contact information as well. 

2. Use a professional greeting

professional greeting

This is your first impression – show respect. Using “Dear” will work when sending a formal cover letter. If you don’t know the hiring manager’s name, simply write “Dear hiring manager.” 

3. Write your opening paragraph

Your first paragraph serves as the bait or pitch to get the hiring manager’s attention. Don’t bother placing a fishing lure of fluff to try and get their attention. It’s essential to lead with honesty and earnestness. 

While writing this paragraph, make sure you include the title for the position you’re applying to. If you’re applying to work as an RN , state that. Next, articulate why you applied for this job to begin with and your overall excitement to obtain this role.

Make sure that you key in on specific details about the position and how they interest you.

Here’s an example of a stellar opening paragraph:

I am thrilled at the opportunity to apply at St. Joseph’s Hospital as an ICU nurse. As an ICU nurse with over six years of experience, I have gained the necessary skills to perform my role excellently. Specifically, I am excited about the opportunity to work on a 35-bed unit with the demands it requires. I think that my experience, passion, and skill set make me an ideal ICU nurse at St. Joseph’s Hospital.

4. Write your background paragraph

Dedicate this paragraph to your career in nursing up to this point. You want to include all the most applicable skills that pertain to this position. Be specific. Include the detailed duties that you performed that correspond to this new role. 

If you’re applying to work in oncology, but have training in wound therapy, maybe don’t lead with that. Try including only relevant examples. 

Next, include any measurable achievements you’ve had in other jobs that relate to this role. Keyword: measurable . 

Here’s an example of a job posting for an ICU nurse:

application letter for nursing job pdf free download

Now, here’s a great way to respond to such a job posting:

My experience as a CVICU nurse has allowed me to develop the necessary skills to provide exceptional nursing care through a continuously evolving education. One of my greatest achievements is training 10 CVICU nurses to handle the CVICU and work with external pacemakers and post-cardiac surgery care. By working alongside a variety of health care providers at all levels, I have been able to establish outstanding collaboration and delegation abilities. Through my education, a strong emphasis on patient advocacy and ethical decision-making has been incorporated. Therefore, I have learned to place patient care at the utmost importance. I have developed strong assessment and critical thinking skills. This allows me to deliver the highest quality patient-centered care.

5. Expand on qualifications

Try adding a few short stories that can highlight your primary achievements. This is a great opportunity to highlight your soft skills as well. 

Some potential soft skills include:

  • Communication skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Ability to work under pressure

6. Craft a conclusion

In your concluding paragraph, circle back to why you’re the best candidate for this role. Try to expand on your eagerness to obtain the position. End the paragraph with a call to action . A call to action expresses your desire to hear from them soon with next steps regarding the hiring process.

7. End your letter formally

Just like you began your letter, conclude your letter professionally with a “Sincerely” or “Respectfully,” followed by your name. Ending your letter this way helps it end on a high, formal note. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Your Cover Letter

In the nursing profession, a mistake can lead to a lawsuit. When writing a nurse cover letter a mistake could lead to you not getting a job. Below are some of the common mistakes to avoid when writing your cover letter.

  • Typos: The nursing profession has a lot of difficult and wonky spellings. For example, you may be proficient at Arrhythmia management , but do you know how to spell it? Having typos within your cover letter sends the message to your hiring manager that you might not be detail-oriented and that’s one of the most important traits in a nurse.
  • Focusing too much on yourself: According to Forbes, this is another common mistake to avoid . Often people try to list all their accomplishments in ways that don’t directly tie into how they can help the company . You want your cover letter to be strategic and it’s imperative to list ways that you can help the employer.
  • Lying: This should be obvious but it’s crucial that you tell the truth in your cover letter. The truth will eventually come out. The best policy is to just practice honesty.
  • Addressing the letter to the wrong person: This is a critical mistake. The recruiter or hiring manager probably will just stop reading at that point.
  • Re-writing your resume: Unfortunately, this is a common error when writing a cover letter. As explained earlier: resumes explain your worth, cover letters show your intent. They are two separate documents and a hiring manager will know if you attempt to merge them.
  • Using a different font than your resume: It may seem like a small detail, but using the same font on your resume shows that you pay attention to detail.

You’ve made it. Congratulations!

Writing a cover letter on its own separates you from the pack. However, writing a strong cover letter makes you an even more intriguing candidate. A nurse wouldn’t leave a stitch when sewing up a wound and neither should you leave a job unfinished when applying for a job.

Nursing Cover Letter FAQs

Your nursing cover letter shouldn’t be longer than a page. The recruiter should be able to read it quickly and get a good idea of what you offer the company. Anything longer than that and you risk the recruiter tossing your letter.

It’s best to use either Times New Roman or Arial when writing a nursing cover letter.

The cover letter should expand on information found in the resume. It should provide insight into your skills, qualifications and background.

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Free Nursing Cover Letter Sample

Want to apply for a nursing job? A unique cover letter for nursing job is the first step into the new beginning you seek. Here are great tips and great sample nursing cover letter to help you begin the journey to a better and rewarding career. Doing your nursing cover letter perfectly improves your chances of appearing in an interview.

  • # Nursing Cover Letter Template
  • # Nursing Cover Letter Sample
  • # Tips for Writing Nursing Cover Letter
  • # How to Edit Nursing Cover Letter Template

Free Nursing Cover Letter Template

nursing student cover letter

This is a free cover letter template for nursing student. Free Download and customize it according to the sample text below.

Supported formats

Nursing cover letter sample (text).

Dawn Johnson 342, Court Avenue Georgetown, CA 32133 Cell (555) 653-43567 February 23, 2018 Judy Dawkins Nurse Recruiter Maryhill Corner Hospital 321 Jenkins Street, Toper 432 Happyville, CA 21305

Dear Ms. Dawkins:

I am writing in response to a newspaper and website announcement by Maryhill Corner Hospital for new experienced senior nurses. I believe my vast experience, skills and qualifications make me an ideal candidate for the position.

I hold two Master's Degrees in Clinical Studies and Nursing with 7 years of proven experience in not only efficient management of staff, but also patients care. I am an extremely easygoing, gentle and highly organized senior nurse with excellent nursing skills. As a quality team player I am highly passionate about quality care and inspiring colleagues to improve their standards of care and service.

In my current role as the senior registered nurse at McGregor Children's Hospital, my tasks include medical evaluations of over 20 patients and cases daily, directing and crafting nursing rotational program for patients care management and workforce coordination. My reliability, innovation and dedication has been recognized and rewarded as a senior nurse who can work with minimum supervision.

My three years as an Assistant Nurse at Fort Gentry Veterans Hospital helped me implement and perfect my clinical duties gained throughout my student years. My proficiency in tackling diverse patient's concerns and dealing with family members was highly commended by both patients and staff.

I believe the new position and new relationship with Maryhill Corner Hospital will be beneficial to both of us. I have since moved to just a few miles away from the hospital and seeking a new challenging and rewarding environment offering quality healthcare service to those who need it most.

Looking forward to hearing from you and a chance to meet and explain my experience and skills. The attached resume will indeed explain further both my academic and work history.

Sincerely, Dawn Johnson

Tips for Writing a Nursing Cover Letter

Spelling and grammar: Most recruiters are looking for ways to eliminate people and can be as picky as you can imagine. Don't just use a spelling checker or run through the nursing cover letter fast. Carefully read and review what you've written. Rectifying grammatical errors is of utmost importance. Read the cover letter loud or have another set of eyes read the document for you.

Check employer details: The worst thing after writing a quality cover letter for nursing job is addressing the wrong person, using wrong contact details or misspelling their names and institution's name. Chances are you're applying to more than one institution and addressing multiple individuals at the same time. Take time to verify the contact individual's address, name and title.

Date: It's easy to forget to use the correct date or omitting it altogether. Ensure you've included the proper date.

Personal contact details: While ensuring the contact's information is alright don't forget to verify and rectify yours. Read through to ensure your contact details are there and correctly indicated.

Ensure information matches: The potential employer expects information on the cover letter to be proper and true. However, look into the cover letter for nursing once more to ensure information used actually matches and is in congruence with not only the job description, but also your resume. A sample nursing cover letter helps to keep things in perspective.

As you write the document, ask yourself why you're the best fit for the open position, strengths and experiences making you the best candidate for the job and aspects described that match both your qualifications, skills and interests.

Don't overdo: even if it's a nursing student cover letter keep it simple. Squeezing all the information you want could actually work against you. The document is actually supplementing the CV or resume and not another version of the resume. Highlight the most critical things that your resume will further explain.

Vast experiences: Rather than include typical job experiences only, include a mix of diverse experiences in the cover letter nursing job application. Include internships, volunteer excursions, special projects or higher academic experiences that you have.

Length: Avoid writing too long a document. Seek to fill an entire page without anything spilling over to the next.

Introductory paragraph: Quickly let the screener/hiring manager know the reason for writing the document.

Strength paragraphs: In the strength paragraphs between introductory and concluding paragraphs sell your experiences and skills by matching them up with the job description. Think about competencies and craft them in that manner. Read what employer wants and make that the focus of the strength paragraphs and why you're the perfect fit.

Conclusion paragraph: Recap why the nursing position interests you and your unique strengths and sentiments such as a follow-up or looking forward to discussing your qualification and the nursing position further.

How to Edit Nursing Cover Letter Template

Want to write a PDF nursing cover letter to attract more attention from the employer? Try Wondershare PDFelement - PDF Editor , the best PDF editor . It enable users to write on a PDF cover letter just as smoothly as writing on a Word document. It also enable users to enjoy all the functions related to PDF.

Key Features:

  • Edit and write on a PDF cover letter template easily
  • Make useful comments on the PDF cover letter
  • OCR a scanned PDF file and make it into searchable and editable texts
  • Fill out PDF forms and create personalized PDF forms

Step 1. Open the Nursing Cover Letter Template

nursing cover letter

Step 2. Click on "Edit" and Enter Your Text as You Like

sample nursing cover letter

Step 3. Complete and Save Your Nursing Cover Letter

cover letter for nursing job

Posted by Elise Williams to Updated: 2024-04-18 13:58:49


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Job Application Letter Template for Nurse – FREE Download

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  • Sample Letters

Sample Application Letter Templates

application letter

An Application Letter is a vital component of job seeking, serving as a personalized introduction to potential employers. This letter plays a key role in making a first impression, thus it should be crafted with care and professionalism. Unlike a resume, which provides a summary of your skills and experiences, an application letter allows you to directly address the employer, showcasing why you are an ideal candidate for the position. It provides a platform to express your enthusiasm for the role and the company, and to highlight specific qualifications and experiences that align with the job requirements. A well-written application letter enhances your resume by adding a personal touch, demonstrating your Communication Skills , and providing a glimpse into your personality and professionalism. It’s more than just a formality; it’s a chance to stand out from other candidates and persuade the employer to consider you for the job. Therefore, it’s essential to tailor each application letter to the specific job and company to which you are applying.

Sample Application Letters

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Download Application Letter Bundle

University Application Letter

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Date]

[Admissions Office] [University Name] [University Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to express my enthusiastic application for the [specific program, e.g., Bachelor of Science in Computer Science] at [University Name] for the [admission year, e.g., Fall 2024] semester. After extensive research and consideration of my academic interests and career aspirations, I am convinced that [University Name] offers the innovative and supportive environment I seek for my higher education.

My passion for [subject or field, e.g., computer science] began [briefly describe when and how your interest started]. This interest has only grown over the years, leading me to pursue related coursework and extracurricular activities during my high school years. Notably, I have [mention any relevant academic achievements, projects, or experiences], which have prepared me for the rigorous academic challenges at [University Name].

[University Name] stands out to me for several reasons. The university’s commitment to [mention any known attributes of the university, such as research opportunities, community involvement, innovative teaching methods, etc.] aligns perfectly with my educational goals. Furthermore, the prospect of learning from and collaborating with your esteemed faculty and diverse student body is incredibly appealing. I am particularly interested in [mention any specific faculty members, courses, programs, or university initiatives], which I believe will be instrumental in shaping my future.

Outside the classroom, I am eager to engage with [University Name]’s vibrant campus life. I look forward to contributing to [mention any clubs, organizations, or campus activities you are interested in], which resonate with my interests in [mention any hobbies, interests, or extracurricular activities].

I am confident that my background, passion, and dedication make me a well-suited candidate for [University Name]. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to and grow within the [University Name] community. Enclosed with this letter, you will find my application form, high school transcripts, standardized test scores, and letters of recommendation as required.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you further. Please do not hesitate to contact me at [your phone number] or via email at [your email address] should you need any additional information or documentation.

Warm regards,

[Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)] [Your Name]

university application letter

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Application Letter for Students

[Admissions Office or Specific Department Name] [College/University Name] [College/University Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am currently completing my senior year at [Your High School Name]. I am writing to express my earnest interest in applying for the [Specific Program or Course, e.g., Bachelor of Science in Biology] at [College/University Name] for the upcoming academic year [Year].

Throughout my high school career, I have been passionately engaged in [mention any relevant subjects or activities], which has solidified my desire to further pursue my studies in [mention field or program]. My dedication to my studies is reflected in my GPA of [Your GPA], and my active participation in [mention any clubs, sports, or extracurricular activities] has enriched my team-working, leadership, and organizational skills.

[College/University Name]’s reputation for excellence in [mention field/program] and its commitment to fostering an inclusive and dynamic learning environment deeply resonates with my academic and personal goals. I am particularly drawn to the program because of its focus on [mention any specific aspects of the program or faculty members you admire], which aligns perfectly with my career aspirations of becoming a [Your Career Goal].

In addition to my academic pursuits, I have also been involved in [mention any volunteer work, internships, or projects], which has not only contributed to my personal growth but also prepared me for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in [mention field/program]. I am eager to bring my background, passion, and dedication to [College/University Name], where I hope to contribute to and benefit from the vibrant academic community.

Enclosed, please find my application form, transcripts, standardized test scores, and letters of recommendation for your consideration. I am fully committed to my educational journey and am excited about the prospect of joining [College/University Name] to achieve my academic and career objectives.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to your esteemed institution. Should you require any additional information or documents, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or via email at [Your Email Address].

Warmest regards,

[Your Signature (if sending by mail)] [Your Name]

application letter for students

Application Letter as a General Worker

[Hiring Manager’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the General Worker position advertised on [where you found the job listing, e.g., your company’s website]. With a strong background in diverse roles requiring hard work, teamwork, and adaptability, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name].

Throughout my career, I have demonstrated a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence in all tasks assigned to me. My experience includes [briefly mention any relevant work experiences, such as in construction, manufacturing, or warehouse operations], where I developed a reputation for [mention any key achievements or skills, such as efficiency, reliability, or the ability to quickly learn new tasks].

I am physically fit and capable of performing the demanding tasks that a General Worker position entails, including lifting, moving heavy items, and standing for extended periods. Additionally, I am familiar with basic safety protocols and have always prioritized safety in the workplace to ensure a hazard-free environment for myself and my colleagues.

I am particularly drawn to this opportunity at [Company Name] because of your commitment to [mention any known company values or projects that resonate with you, such as quality, community service, or innovation]. I am eager to bring my skills in [mention any specific skills relevant to the job, such as machinery operation, basic repairs, or inventory management] to your team, contributing to the company’s continued success and growth.

My goal is to find a position where I can continue to grow and take on new challenges over time. I am confident that my background, along with my eagerness to learn and contribute, makes me a strong candidate for the General Worker position. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my experience and skills will be beneficial to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am available at your convenience for an interview and can be reached at [Your Phone Number] or via email at [Your Email Address]. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to [Company Name] and am eager to provide further information or references upon request.

application letter as a general worker

Browse More Templates On Application Letter

Fresher job application letter.

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  • Google Docs

Application Letter Sample For Any Position PDF

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Job Application Letter Format

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Application Letter Example

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Nursing Application Letter

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Application Letter For Employment

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Size: 580 KB

Procedure to Write an Application Letter

Writing an application letter, often known as a cover letter, is a crucial step in the Job Application Process . This letter accompanies your resume and is your first opportunity to introduce yourself to a potential employer. Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting an effective application letter:

1. Start with Contact Information

Your Contact Information : Include your name, address, phone number, and email at the top of the letter.

Date : Add the current date.

Employer’s Contact Information : Include the name, title, company, and address of the employer.

2. Salutation

Use a formal greeting like “Dear [Employer’s Name].” If you don’t know the name, use “Dear Hiring Manager.”

3. Opening Paragraph

This is your introduction. Clearly state the job you’re applying for and where you found the job listing. Mention why you are interested in the position and the company.

4. Body of the Letter

In one or two paragraphs, make your case. Highlight your relevant experience, skills, and achievements. Link your qualifications back to the Job Search Requirements to show how you can solve the employer’s problems. Use specific examples to demonstrate your abilities and experience.

5. Closing Paragraph

Thank the employer for considering your application. Express your eagerness to discuss further in an interview. Mention any enclosed documents like a resume or portfolio.

6. Formal Closing

Close with a professional sign-off such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your full name.

7. Proofread and Review

Carefully check your letter for any spelling or grammar errors. Ensure that the tone is professional and that the content is concise and relevant.

Additional Tips

  • Tailor Your Letter : Customize your application letter for each job application. Research the company and use the information to explain why you’re a good fit.
  • Be Professional : Use a professional tone and avoid using slang or overly casual language.
  • Keep it Concise : Aim for a maximum of one page. Employers often have many applications to review.
  • Highlight Key Points : Focus on your strengths, achievements, and how they can benefit the employer.
  • Use a Readable Format : Choose a standard font and format. Ensure your letter is easy to read.

Application Letter Sample

sample accountant application letter

Sample Application Letter For Driver

sample driver application letter

If you belong to driving profession or willing to work on a part-time basis for a company or individual owner, then use this sample to write an effective application letter. Grab the job via decent communication. Email application letter is something different from regular application writing. If you are applying for a job via an email application letter, then you better download this document for reference. Learn professional email letter writing and formatting within minutes.

Formal Application Letter

sample formal application letter

Use this PDF to write a custom professional Application Letter for impressing your potential employer. This document is helpful for almost all applicants applying for any job position.

Job Application Letter PDF Free Download

sample internship application letter

Size: 78 KB

If you are planning to apply for an S ample Internship in your dream company, then download this PDF for writing a killer application letter title and body. Follow the same pattern and language to achieve your goal.

Job Application Letter Free Download

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Sample Job Application Letter is a basic application that throws light on plotting and structuring a Job Application Letter . It will empower you to write a custom application letter and establish keen communication from the first interaction.

Application Letter In English

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General Application Letter For Any Position PDF

sample application letter for general work

Size: 110 KB

Short Application Letter

sample nurse application letter

Nursing is an entirely different profession than other occupations. So, writing nursing an application letter needs unique copywriting. You can get an idea for writing custom nursing application letters by analyzing this sample MS-word document.

Job Application Letter Sample PDF

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Scholarship Application Letter

sample scholarship application letter

If you are planning to apply for a scholarship and need to express your problems and needs effectively, this Sample Scholarship Application may help you. Read it and write unique application letters with honesty.

Example Of Formal Application Letter

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College Admission Application Letter

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Download the sample application letter document and check the complete list required while applying for a university or college admission. Prepare yourself for everything. It is helpful for both the local and abroad students.

Visa Application Letter

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Size: 26 KB

If you are applying for a visa for the first time and need the best sample for help, then this PDF is for you. Download it and check everything required for writing and drafting an effective visa application letter.

Cover Letter For Job Application

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Sample Application Letter For Regular Position

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Size: 32 KB

Application Letter For a Job Vacancy PDF

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Size: 186 KB

Application Letter for a Company

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Size: 45 KB

Application Letter for a Job Sample

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Cover Letter Example PDF

general cover letter for job application

Size: 187 KB

Tips for Writing a Job Application Letter

tips for writing a job application letter 1024x530

  • Customize Your Letter : Tailor each application letter to the specific job and company. Refer to the job description and company culture, and explain why you’re a good fit.
  • Be Concise and Clear : Keep your letter brief and to the point. Avoid overly complex language or lengthy descriptions.
  • Highlight Key Experiences : Focus on your experiences and skills that are most relevant to the job. Use specific examples to demonstrate your achievements.
  • Show Enthusiasm : Express genuine interest in the role and the company. Employers want to hire candidates who are enthusiastic about the job.
  • Research the Company : Show that you have done your homework. Mention something specific about the company that you admire or that aligns with your professional values.
  • Professional Tone : Maintain a formal and professional tone throughout the letter. Avoid slang and overly casual language.
  • Proofread : Check for spelling and grammar errors. A well-written, error-free letter presents you as a professional candidate.
  • Follow Instructions : If the Job Profile includes specific instructions, such as submitting the letter in a particular format or including certain information, be sure to follow them.
  • Call to Action : Conclude by expressing your desire to discuss your application in an interview, and provide your contact information.
  • Use a Professional Format : Stick to a standard business letter format , with a clear header, greeting, body, and closing. Use a simple, readable font.

Simple Job Application Letter Format

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Size: 28 KB

Job Application Letter Template PDF

sample professional application letter

Size: 322 KB

Application Letter for Business Sample

business advisor application letter

Standard Application Letter For Employment

accountant job application letter

Size: 36 KB

If you have no idea about writing custom application letters, then this PDF is a helpful resource. It covers all the basic and advanced notes on writing effective application letters for keen communication with examples.

Purpose of Sample Application Letters

Employers follow a professional manner while hiring new employees. They ask applicants to submit a resume along with cover letters. Also, many college and universities ask applicants to write an admission letter. It helps them in analyzing the qualities, skills, and experience of the candidates. This process helps college staff and employees in better decision making. They prepare a separate list of potential candidates and call them for a face-to-face interview. So, it is necessary for the applicants to write a Cover Letter that should engage and divert the employers to his/her court for grabbing the employment opportunity.

Benefits of Sample Application Letters

Application Letter writing improves your writing skills and polishes your creativity. You will develop a habit of researching Company Profiles that enable you to write a killer application matching the Business Profiles . It will also improve your research ability that directly strengthens your analytical and critical thinking capability.

Target Audience

Any applicant whether he/she is a student, new fresh pass out or even experienced persons can use our Application Letter Samples for preparing a killer and effective custom application. We have covered application letters for all category of applicants including engineers, medical professionals, drivers, accountants, nurses, etc.

Our above templates contain samples written by expertise scholars representing universities, multinational industries, and companies. Do explore them for developing excellent writing skills.

What is the letter of application with CV?

  • Header:  Start with a professional header containing your contact information and the date.
  • Salutation:  Address the hiring manager or recipient with a formal salutation.
  • Introduction:  Begin with a compelling introduction, stating the position you are applying for and expressing your enthusiasm.
  • Body Paragraphs:  In concise paragraphs, outline your qualifications, relevant skills, and experience. Align these with the job requirements, emphasizing achievements.
  • Connection to the Company:  Explain why you are interested in the company, referring to its values, mission, or recent achievements.
  • Closing Paragraph:  Summarize your enthusiasm for the position and express a desire for an interview.
  • Formal Closing:  End with a formal closing (e.g., “Sincerely”) and include your full name.
  • Attachment:  Mention that your CV is attached for further reference.

Ensure a professional tone, proofread for clarity, and tailor the letter to the specific job and company.

General FAQ’s

How do i write a application letter.

To write an application letter, address the recipient formally, state the purpose clearly, provide relevant details about your qualifications, experience, and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

What is a letter of application PDF?

A letter of application in PDF format is a digital document that serves as a formal job application. It includes a cover letter, resume, and other relevant materials in a PDF file.

What is formal letter of application?

A formal letter of application is a written document submitted for job applications or requests. It follows a structured format, includes a cover letter, and is typically addressed to a specific recipient.

What is the structure of application letter?

The structure of an application letter typically includes a sender’s address, date, recipient’s address, a formal salutation, the body with the purpose and qualifications, a closing, and the sender’s signature.

When do you need an application letter?

You need an application letter when applying for a job, internship, admission to a school or program, requesting a grant, or seeking other opportunities requiring a formal application.

What are the three main parts of application letter?

The three main parts of an Application Letter Templates are the introduction, which includes your contact information, the body that details your qualifications and purpose, and the closing and signature.

In conclusion, sample application letter , aim for a brief yet impactful close. Express gratitude for the consideration of your application, reiterate your interest in the position, and indicate your eagerness for a follow-up. A clear call to action, inviting an interview or further discussion, along with your contact information, is essential. This approach ensures a professional and memorable conclusion to your application. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute my skills and dedication to your organization. I believe my qualifications align well with the position, and I am eager to further discuss how I can positively impact your team. Thank you for considering my application.

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Application Letter Template in PDF

If You are Currently Writing and Eyeing for a Job Vacancy Position to Secure Employment, You Should Check out Template.Net Which Holds Thousands of Sample Cover Letters Made Simple through PDF, Google Docs, and the Like. One Can Easily Use the Examples on the Site Free from Any Charges.

  • Application
  • Application Checklist
  • Application Cover Letter
  • Application Form
  • Application Letter
  • Application Mindmap
  • Application Rejection Letter
  • Application Roadmap
  • Email Application Letter

A done and successful deal is the primary goal when you apply for something you want, whether it is jobs, admissions, or loans. A well-formatted application letter template can help get the deal done. It is essential to have a carefully carved out presentability format for easy visual impression. A sample set of general statements to establish rapport are present in our selection, and meticulously placed queues to indicate the needed respective information. You can avail of our wide variety of ready-made templates. They are available in A4 and US letter sizes and appropriate formats according to the intended purpose. All of these are available already in print and digital copies. 

What is an Application Letter

An application letter is a formal document that expresses an interest coming from the writer. Whether a person applies for loans, scholarships, employment (the letter usually comes with creative resumes), job positions, or promotions. It should contain the necessary information of the writer to warrant a reply. It needs to include contact details, but most importantly, it must politely convey intentions and solicit a response from the companies and people you are sending it to. 

How to Make an Application Letter in PDF

1. justify and apply proper spacing.

Aesthetics is the first thing that catches the attention. Having a penchant for a little bit of organization and presentability through justifications, block paragraphing, and adequate spacing helps a lot. No one would even dare to continue looking at something when spacing is unsymmetrical. The top priority is to get people to read your letter, and the first step is that the letter should be recognized at first glance. Also, having that prim and proper outlook shows the meticulousness of the writer as he or she pays attention to the fine details that matter. Who knows? You may get the appointment letter that you're hoping to receive. 

2. Create Eye Candy Borders

The human eye gets tired most times, and sometimes the application letters you sent are already part of a stacked pile together with the rest. It is also helpful to add some variety to the letter by adding borders that either directs the eyes to a particular focus and mixing it with calm and soothing colors. So that it helps the reader retain attention and relieve tired eyes. When you put this into consideration, you have already invited the reader to read through your letter.

3. Use Friendly Fonts

Just like business cards, a mixture of bubbly fonts and pointy ones creates a blend of invitation and seriousness. Again, just like the previous tips, the goal is to get first the attention of the reader. Although application letters are commonly formal, it is also essential to take note that it expresses a little of the writer's personality. 

4. Say Your Points Clearly

When you already have the interest of the reader, it is significant that his or her reading time is well spent. Thus, say your intentions clearly and straight makes it readable and easy to comprehend (similar to that of a letter of intent). No need to complicate as it is vital to relay what you need to say. Keeping it short, simple, and direct is the key to establish quick and fruitful communication. Your application letter is not an academic essay.

5. Have a Singe Idea in Every Paragraph

Although a letter shouldn't have too many paragraphs, it is vital not to create confusion by having just one idea in each paragraph. Other than saying your points clearly, they have to be well organized and appropriately given an avenue to be relayed in each section. Cramping the information will lose the interest of the reader. Imagine your bosses crafting a detailed memo. Ideas have to be clear, and if not, there will be misunderstandings, so your application must avoid being confusing.

6. Have a Polite Tone

Being outright demanding to the reader is already intimidating. That is why you must keep it courteous. Just like any gentleman or lady talking about their own intentions politely, there is a sense of respect and inviting for a further chit-chat when you establish the tone. Always open and close with a smile. Who knows, your reader might happily smile back, and you have to send a thank you letter in return.   

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    Sample Nursing Job Cover Letters. The subsequent segment features two distinct cover letters for individuals in the nursing profession. These samples offer a practical illustration of how candidates can articulate their skills and commitment in a compelling manner. Sample letter 01. Dear Mr. Smith,

  13. 20+ Sample Job Application Letters for Nurses

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  14. Free Nursing Cover Letter Samples

    Make useful comments on the PDF cover letter. OCR a scanned PDF file and make it into searchable and editable texts. Fill out PDF forms and create personalized PDF forms. Free Download. Step 1. Open the Nursing Cover Letter Template. Step 2. Click on "Edit" and Enter Your Text as You Like. Step 3.

  15. Job Application Letter Template for Nurse

    Download FREE letter templates, forms, certificates, menus, cover letters, rental and lease agreements, and much more. Download a free Job Application Letter template for a nurse in PDF, Word, and copy and paste forms.

  16. Nursing Cover Letter (15 Best Sample Letters & Templates)

    A Nursing Cover Letter is a document that a registered nurse uses when applying for a nursing job. It offers the applicant an opportunity to expand on his or her experience and skills. Additionally, the Nursing Cover Letter presents the nurse with an opportunity to express their interest in a nursing position within a healthcare facility.

  17. Free Nursing Job Application Letter

    Free Download this Nursing Job Application Letter Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. Apply for a job as a nurse by creating a comprehensive and effective job application letter. Download this ready-made application letter template for free. The file can help you highlight your ...

  18. Free printable cover letter templates you can customize

    When you've finished editing, download your free cover letter as a PDF file or export it in a shareable link or high-resolution image format. Don't worry—your file remains in your Canva account, so you can always create a new cover letter from your template. Make multiple copies to customize for every company you apply to.

  19. Nursing Application Letter

    Download this Nursing Application Letter Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. A simple and well-formatted application template that you can download for free. This is perfect for those who are looking to apply for a nursing job at a hospital or medical institution.

  20. FREE 31+ Sample Application Letter Sample & Templates in PDF, MS Word

    PDF; Size: 580 KB. Download Procedure to Write an Application Letter. Writing an application letter, often known as a cover letter, is a crucial step in the Job Application Process.This letter accompanies your resume and is your first opportunity to introduce yourself to a potential employer.

  21. 8+ Nursing Cover Letter Templates

    Example of Critical Care Nursing Cover Letter PDF Free Download. | Our website has a wide range of critical care nursing cover letter templates that can come in handy. ... 10+ Job Application Letter for Students - PDF, DOC: 13+ Tenant Letter Templates in MS Word , Google Docs , Apple Pages , Outlook , PDF: Reference Letter ...

  22. 53+ Job Application Letters in PDF

    47+ Resignation Letter Templates - Free Word, Excel, PDF, iPages. 19+ Sample Job Application Letters for Assistants - DOC, PDF. 14+ Job Application Letters For HR. 21+ Letter of Recommendation for Student - PDF, DOC. 11+ Part-Time Job Cover Letter Templates -Samples, Examples. 11+ Medical Letter Templates.

  23. Application Letter Template in PDF

    An application letter is a formal document that expresses an interest coming from the writer. Whether a person applies for loans, scholarships, employment (the letter usually comes with creative resumes), job positions, or promotions. It should contain the necessary information of the writer to warrant a reply.