Deforestation Causes and Effects Essay

Deforestation refers to the act of clearing trees without replacing them. This often happens when someone is creating land for uses such as settlement and cultivation, among others (Spilsbury 9). Currently, it is one of the biggest threats to human life, owing to the fact that forests provide a support system for all living organisms. Forests are a crucial element of the ecosystem, and human beings have an ethical responsibility to conserve them. However, due to natural occurrences and human activities, a lot of forest cover is lost every year. Deforestation is a global challenge that has caused a lot of pain in different parts of the world. Finding a lasting solution to the problem of deforestation is of paramount importance because its effects are unmanageable.

The challenge of deforestation has existed for centuries, leading to the loss of a huge percentage of forest cover across the world. One of the major causes of deforestation is the increasing need for fuel (Spilsbury 12). It also happens due to the need for more settlement land, the growth of the global timber industry that has increased the demand for commercial items such as furniture, as well as the scarcity of adequate land for cultivation. Wildfires are also a contributor to deforestation, albeit in small percentages compared to the other causes (Spilsbury 19). People should be more environmentally conscious because forest clearing is destroying the ecosystem.

Deforestation causes serious effects on the environment. One of the major effects is the loss of natural habitats for thousands of species. Forests are an essential support system for the livelihoods of many plants and wild animals. Climate change is also caused by deforestation (Spilsbury 27). Over the last century, global weather patterns have drastically changed. Deforestation has resulted in irregular and extreme climatic conditions that have rendered life unbearable. The global temperatures have increased, while the amount of rainfall received has greatly reduced (Spilsbury 32). The lack of trees increases the effect of greenhouse gases, which in turn affects the life cycle.

Deforestation also leads to a general decline in the quality of life. Trees are essential in maintaining the water cycles, reducing soil erosion, and regulating the effect of greenhouse gases (Spilsbury 41). They also help to prevent all types of pollution, which is crucial in maintaining a high quality of life. This element should not be ignored because trees play an important role in the ecosystem. Effective management of deforestation will require all the relevant stakeholders to come up with a strong legal framework.

Deforestation is a serious global challenge that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. It is important for people to understand the value of trees with regard to maintaining the life cycle. This will help in encouraging good stewardship. Several causes of deforestation, such as clearing land for cultivation and settlement, are influenced by human activities. These activities have led to serious effects such as climate change, whose effects are costly to address. Proper coordination between respective government authorities and their citizens can lead to finding a lasting solution to this challenge. It is very important to protect the forests in order to avoid the loss of biodiversity, plant and animal species, as well as manage the effects of climate change.

Spilsbury, Richard. Deforestation . The Rosen Publishing Group, 2011.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 25). Deforestation Causes and Effects.

"Deforestation Causes and Effects." IvyPanda , 25 May 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Deforestation Causes and Effects'. 25 May.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Deforestation Causes and Effects." May 25, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Deforestation Causes and Effects." May 25, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Deforestation Causes and Effects." May 25, 2021.

Essay on Effects of Deforestation for Students and Children

500 words essay on the effects of deforestation.

The world is losing most of its natural resources as and when you read this. There are many factors which are making this happen, however, one major concern is that of deforestation. Human activities are resulting in deforestation at a very rapid rate. Moreover, the effects of this activity are very dangerous. We do not realize the damage we are causing to living beings as well as the vegetation by cutting down trees. It will be clearer if we understand the impact of deforestation and make attempts to prevent it.

essay on effects of deforestation

Impact of Deforestation

When we cut down even a single tree , the impact it has is huge. Now imagine if we clear out whole forests only altogether, how damaging would that be. We cut down forests to meet the needs of humans. In order to fulfill the agricultural , commercial , industrial , residential and other needs we remove forests . Most of the earth was covered with forests until a hundred years ago, however, now we don’t have much of them left.

Deforestation causes disruption in the ecological balance. Moreover, it also interferes with the lives of wildlife and human beings as well. Firstly, when there won’t be many forests left, the water cycle of the earth will get disturbed. There won’t be enough trees left to absorb the water. Moreover, it will cause floods and droughts too. Similarly, soil erosion will be another effect of deforestation.

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Other than that, the climate will experience massive change. Global warming is also happening partly due to deforestation only. The oxygen level in the atmosphere will drop down by a great number and thus naturally carbon dioxide levels will increase. Most importantly, the wildlife is losing their habitats due to deforestation. Forests are their only home and with no place left to go, they either lose their lives or wreak havoc in the cities.

Therefore, we must all come together to stop this from happening and saving our earth as well as our lives. Humans must not be so selfish so as to make other animals homeless to shelter themselves. We must not damage our vegetation to create a beautiful garden for ourselves.

How to Prevent Deforestation?

We can do a lot of things that will contribute to preventing deforestation. To begin with, do not waste paper. The more demand there will be the more supply will happen. This way, trees will keep getting cut to meet these needs.

Similarly, the government must put a ban on deforestation so the big firms can find other alternatives instead of clearing forests for commercial and industrial needs. The laws must be made stringent enough and also implemented properly to prevent it.

Moreover, there must be measures taken to control the increasing population . As there are more mouths to feed and fewer resources, our nature and forests are getting burdened. There is not adequate supply to meet the ever-increasing demands of the population. Thus, the lesser the demand, the better the conditions of the forests as well.

FAQs on Effects of Deforestation

Q.1 What is the impact of deforestation?

A.1 Deforestation has many seriously damaging effects. It disrupts the water cycle and increases the level of carbon dioxide and decreases oxygen levels. Further, it also causes floods, droughts, soil erosion and more.

Q.2 How can we prevent deforestation?

A.2 We can do a joint effort to prevent deforestation. Do not waste paper so there will be lesser cutting of trees. The government must put a ban on deforestation. The government must practice population control so as to not burden forests to meet the ever-increasing needs.

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Deforestation Essay

The deliberate clearance of forested terrain is known as deforestation. Forests have been cleared throughout history and into the present era to make room for agriculture and animal grazing as well as to obtain wood for fuel, manufacture, and construction. Our best opportunity to protect the rights of forest communities and preserve wildlife is to stop this destruction. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘Deforestation’.

100 Words Essay On Deforestation

200 words essay on deforestation, 500 words essay on deforestation.

Deforestation Essay

Deforestation is the conversion of a forested area to land that is not forested. Deforestation can refer to natural or man-made causes. When speaking about natural causes, it typically refers to the result of a wildfire. On the other hand, man-made causes of deforestation are almost always the result of logging, both legal and illegal. Since ancient times, forests have played a significant role in human history. They are used for a variety of daily tasks, including producing paper, building ships, housing, and heating fuel. For us and our future generations to enjoy and live a healthy, tranquil existence in a clean environment free of pollution, forests are considered essential.

Deforestation is the large-scale clearance of forests through plant logging or forest fires to satisfy individual requirements. Deforestation can refer to the natural loss of trees, as well as the potential destruction of forests due to the practices of people. The management of the environment's natural equilibrium and the welfare of the entire human race depend greatly on forests. But despite knowing the negative repercussions on society and the environment, people constantly cut down trees. The most common cause of deforestation is the conversion of forested land to agricultural land or other uses.

Agricultural expansion is a major driver of deforestation in many developing countries. In Latin America, for example, small farmers clear forests to create new pastureland or cropland to support their families and communities. In some cases, large-scale commercial agriculture operations drive deforestation. For example, cattle ranching and soybean production are responsible for much of the Amazon rainforest deforestation. Other causes of deforestation include illegal logging, forest fires, and the building of roads and other infrastructure projects in or near forests. The consequences of deforestation are far-reaching and affect both people and the environment. Deforestation can lead to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. It also negatively impacts the livelihoods of people who depend on forests for their food, shelter, and income.

Deforestation is the process of converting a forested area to unforested land. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. The most common cause of deforestation is conversion of forest land to farms, ranching and urbanization. Other causes include mining, logging and the burning of forests to clear land for palm oil plantations. The effects of deforestation are vast and devastating. It contributes to global warming, as trees play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Deforestation also increases soil erosion, destroys habitats and decreases biodiversity. Additionally, it can lead to flash flooding and mudslides.

Causes of Deforestation

Clearing For Agriculture | Forested land is cleared for crops or pasture. This is the primary cause of deforestation in many countries, including Indonesia, India, and Brazil.

Cutting Trees For Timber | Trees are cut down for lumber and wood products. This is a major cause of deforestation in most of the countries.

Building Roads And Other Infrastructure | Roads and other forms of development require the clear-cutting of trees and other vegetation. This can lead to deforestation in areas where this development takes place.

Forest Fire | Both natural and human-caused fires can contribute to deforestation. In some cases, forested areas are purposefully set on fire in order to clear the land for other uses.

Effects Of Deforestation

Loss Of Habitat | Deforestation can lead to the loss of habitat for animals, as well as plants. This can threaten species with extinction and disrupt ecosystems. Climate Change | Deforestation can contribute to climate change by releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Additionally, trees play an important role in regulating the climate, so the loss of trees can further contribute to climate change.

Soil Erosion | Without trees to help anchor the soil, deforestation can lead to soil erosion. This can cause problems with flooding and make it difficult to grow crops or grasses in the affected areas.

How To Prevent Deforestation | There are many ways to prevent deforestation.

One way is to support responsible forestry practices that ensure trees are sustainably harvested. Another way is to reduce your consumption of products that contribute to deforestation, such as palm oil. You can also support organisations working to protect forests. By making wise decisions every day, you can contribute to the effort to safeguard forests. We can all contribute to the campaign to safeguard forests by using less, eliminating single-use packaging, eating sustainably, and choosing goods made of recycled or ethically harvested wood.

Deforestation is caused by a variety of factors, including logging, agriculture, and mining. The effects of deforestation are far-reaching and devastating, impacting both the environment and the people who live in it. Deforestation can lead to soil erosion, decreased water quality, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. It also contributes to poverty and social conflict. To prevent deforestation, we must work to protect forests and promote sustainable land use practices. Governments must play a role if we are to reduce deforestation. To live in a future free from severe climate disruption, we need world leaders to support ambitious national and international forest conservation policies based on the most recent scientific research.

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Deforestation is the intentional clearing of forested land.

Biology, Ecology, Conservation

Trees are cut down for timber, waiting to be transported and sold.

Photograph by Esemelwe

Trees are cut down for timber, waiting to be transported and sold.

Deforestation is the purposeful clearing of forested land. Throughout history and into modern times, forests have been razed to make space for agriculture and animal grazing, and to obtain wood for fuel, manufacturing, and construction.

Deforestation has greatly altered landscapes around the world. About 2,000 years ago, 80 percent of Western Europe was forested; today the figure is 34 percent. In North America, about half of the forests in the eastern part of the continent were cut down from the 1600s to the 1870s for timber and agriculture. China has lost great expanses of its forests over the past 4,000 years and now just over 20 percent of it is forested. Much of Earth’s farmland was once forests.

Today, the greatest amount of deforestation is occurring in tropical rainforests, aided by extensive road construction into regions that were once almost inaccessible. Building or upgrading roads into forests makes them more accessible for exploitation. Slash-and-burn agriculture is a big contributor to deforestation in the tropics. With this agricultural method, farmers burn large swaths of forest, allowing the ash to fertilize the land for crops. The land is only fertile for a few years, however, after which the farmers move on to repeat the process elsewhere. Tropical forests are also cleared to make way for logging, cattle ranching, and oil palm and rubber tree plantations.

Deforestation can result in more carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere. That is because trees take in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis , and carbon is locked chemically in their wood. When trees are burned, this carbon returns to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide . With fewer trees around to take in the carbon dioxide , this greenhouse gas accumulates in the atmosphere and accelerates global warming.

Deforestation also threatens the world’s biodiversity . Tropical forests are home to great numbers of animal and plant species. When forests are logged or burned, it can drive many of those species into extinction. Some scientists say we are already in the midst of a mass-extinction episode.

More immediately, the loss of trees from a forest can leave soil more prone to erosion . This causes the remaining plants to become more vulnerable to fire as the forest shifts from being a closed, moist environment to an open, dry one.

While deforestation can be permanent, this is not always the case. In North America, for example, forests in many areas are returning thanks to conservation efforts.

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Essay on Deforestation: 100 Words, 300 Words

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  • Apr 1, 2024

essay on deforestation

Deforestation means the widespread clearing of forests which has become a topic of global concern due to its severe environmental concerns. Deforestation as a topic is discussed and given as assignments to students for their better understanding. In this blog, we will learn the various facets of deforestation, its causes, consequences, and solutions. Also, there are some sample essay on deforestation to help students with their assignments.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Deforestation?
  • 2 Causes of Deforestation
  • 3 Consequences of Deforestation
  • 4 Solutions to Deforestation
  • 5 Sample Essay on Deforestation in 100 words
  • 6 Sample Essay on Deforestation in 300 words
  • 7 FAQs 

What is Deforestation?

Cutting down of trees on a large scale thus clearing forests which is then converted to land for human use is known as deforestation. The human use of land includes agriculture, making houses, commercial uses, etc. Almost 71.22 million hectare area of the total land of India is covered by forest. In the tropical and subtropical forests, deforestation is much more extreme. These areas are then converted into land for economical uses.

Causes of Deforestation

  • Logging – Trees are cut down to make furniture, paper, and other products.
  • Agriculture – Forests are cleared to make space for farming.
  • Urbanization –  Cities expand, leading to the destruction of forests.
  • Mining – Trees are removed to extract minerals and resources.

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Consequences of Deforestation

  • Loss of Biodiversity –  Animals lose their homes, and many become endangered or extinct.
  • Climate Change – Trees absorb carbon dioxide, so fewer trees mean more pollution and global warming .
  • Soil Erosion – Without trees, soil washes away, making it hard to grow crops.
  • Disruption of the Water Cycle -Trees help to control water, and without them, floods and droughts become more common.

Solutions to Deforestation

  • Planting Trees – People can plant new trees to replace the ones that were cut down.
  • Using Less Paper – If we use less paper, fewer trees will be cut for making paper.
  • Protecting Forest s – Governments can make rules to stop cutting down too many trees.
  • Supporting Sustainable Products – Buying things that don’t harm forests can help.

Sample Essay on Deforestation in 100 words

Deforestation is when trees are cut down and forests disappear. Trees give us clean air to breathe. Imagine if someone took away your home – that’s what happens to animals when forests are destroyed. It is a major environmental problem that has many negative consequences, such as climate change, soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity.

When we cut too many trees, it’s bad for nature. Animals lose their homes, and the air becomes dirty. When there are no trees, floods and droughts happen more often. We can help by planting new trees and taking care of the ones we have. Let’s protect the forests and the Earth!

Also Read- Essay on Waste Management

Sample Essay on Deforestation in 300 words

Deforestation is when people cut down a lot of trees from forests. Trees are important because they make the air fresh and give animals a place to live. When we cut down too many trees, it’s not good for the Earth. Animals lose their homes, and the air gets polluted. 

There are many causes of deforestation and one of the causes is Agriculture. Forests are cleared to make way for cropland and livestock grazing. Another reason is timber harvesting. Trees are cut down for timber, paper, and other wood products. Mining is also another cause and forests are cleared to access minerals and other resources. Even due to urbanization, trees are cut down to make way for roads, cities, and other developments.

Deforestation is the permanent removal of forests to make way for other land uses, such as agriculture, mining, and urban development. It is a major environmental problem that has many negative consequences. One of them is climate change. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, so deforestation contributes to climate change. Another consequence is soil erosion, when trees are removed, the soil is more easily eroded by wind and rain which can lead to flooding and landslides. Loss of biodiversity: Forests are home to a wide variety of plants and animals. Deforestation can lead to the loss of these species.

There are many things that can be done to reduce deforestation. Such as we must plant trees, they can help to offset the effects of deforestation by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Secondly, reduce our consumption of wood products by using less paper, buying furniture made from recycled materials, and avoiding disposable products. Thirdly, by supporting sustainable agricultural practices that do not require the clearing of forests. Lastly, by conserving forests, we can create protected areas and support sustainable forest management practices.

Deforestation is a serious issue that affects the whole planet. But there’s hope! By planting trees, using less paper, and taking care of nature, we can make the Earth a better place for everyone. Remember, even though we are small, our actions can make a big difference.

Related Reads

Deforestation is cutting down trees and wiping out wide areas of forest. The major reasons behind these cutting down is because of human activities that are increasing the space for human usage like agricultural expansion, logging, agriculture,  expansion of infrastructure, etc.

Deforestation means the large-scale cutting down of trees or forests causing great concern and environmental hazards. It is predicted that if humans continue wiping the forest areas, we will no longer be able to breathe in a greener world. So, plant trees and make people aware of the concerns of deforestation.

There are many ways through which we can try to stop deforestation some of which are – planting trees, less use of paper, judicious buying, selling, and use of products, incorporating various recycling methods, aware and educating people, etc 

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Essay on Deforestation

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Deforestation, the large-scale removal of forests, stands as one of the most critical environmental issues facing our planet today. This process, driven by various factors including agricultural expansion, logging, and urban development, has profound implications for the Earth’s biodiversity, climate, and human communities. This essay delves into the causes, effects, and possible solutions to deforestation, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of this complex issue.

Causes of Deforestation

Agricultural Expansion: The primary cause of deforestation is agricultural expansion. As the global population continues to grow, so does the demand for food, leading to the clearing of forests to create more land for crop production and livestock grazing. This practice is particularly prevalent in tropical regions, where vast areas of rainforest are lost every year.

Logging: Logging for timber and paper products contributes significantly to deforestation. Often, this logging is done illegally, further exacerbating the problem. The demand for wood products drives the continuous exploitation of forests, leading to their degradation and fragmentation.

Urban Development: The expansion of urban areas also leads to the clearing of forests. As cities grow, land is needed for housing, infrastructure, and industry, resulting in the loss of forested areas.

Mining: Mining operations, including the extraction of minerals and oil, require significant land clearing. These activities not only lead to the direct loss of forests but also pollute the environment, affecting both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Effects of Deforestation

Biodiversity Loss: Forests are home to over half of the world’s terrestrial species. Deforestation leads to the loss of habitat, pushing countless species towards extinction. This loss of biodiversity has severe implications for the ecological balance and the services ecosystems provide.

Climate Change: Forests play a critical role in regulating the Earth’s climate by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The removal of forests contributes to increased levels of greenhouse gases, leading to global warming and climate change. This has far-reaching effects on weather patterns, sea levels, and the frequency of extreme weather events.

Soil Erosion and Degradation: Trees help to bind the soil, preventing erosion. The removal of trees exposes soil to the elements, leading to increased erosion and loss of fertile land. This can result in decreased agricultural productivity and increased vulnerability to natural disasters such as landslides and floods.

Impact on Indigenous Communities: Many indigenous communities rely on forests for their livelihood, culture, and survival. Deforestation threatens their way of life, leading to conflicts over land and resources.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Deforestation

Advantages of deforestation.

  • Agricultural Expansion : Deforestation allows for the expansion of agricultural lands, enabling farmers to grow more crops and rear livestock, which can help to feed the growing global population.
  • Economic Growth : The timber industry benefits economically from deforestation through the sale of wood and wood products. Additionally, cleared land can be used for infrastructure development, contributing to economic growth.
  • Urbanization and Development : Deforestation makes way for urban expansion, housing, and infrastructure projects, such as roads and schools, that are essential for community development and modernization.
  • Energy Production : Trees are a source of biomass energy. Clearing forests can provide materials for biofuel production, contributing to energy diversification.

Disadvantages of Deforestation

  • Loss of Biodiversity : Forests are home to a significant portion of the world’s terrestrial species. Deforestation leads to habitat loss, endangering plant and animal species, and contributing to extinction.
  • Climate Change : Trees play a critical role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Their removal contributes to increased levels of CO2, exacerbating greenhouse gas effects and climate change.
  • Soil Erosion and Degradation : Trees protect soil from erosion with their roots and canopies. Without this protection, soil is more susceptible to erosion, leading to loss of fertile land and sedimentation in rivers and lakes.
  • Water Cycle Disruption : Forests contribute to the regulation of the water cycle by absorbing rainfall and releasing water vapor into the atmosphere. Deforestation disrupts these processes, leading to dryer climates and decreased water availability.
  • Impact on Indigenous Communities : Many indigenous communities depend on forests for their livelihood, culture, and traditions. Deforestation can displace these communities and destroy their way of life.
  • Loss of Natural Carbon Sink : Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing more carbon than they emit. Deforestation not only releases the carbon stored in trees but also decreases the amount of carbon capture, contributing to global warming.
  • Increased Greenhouse Gases : The burning of trees in the process of deforestation releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases, further contributing to climate change.

Solutions to Deforestation

Sustainable Agriculture: Implementing sustainable agricultural practices can reduce the need for new agricultural land. Techniques such as agroforestry, where crops are grown among or around trees, can help maintain forest cover while providing agricultural yield.

Responsible Logging: Promoting responsible logging practices and the use of certified wood products can help reduce the impact of logging on forests. This includes enforcing laws against illegal logging and encouraging the use of sustainably sourced timber.

Reforestation and Afforestation: Planting trees in deforested areas (reforestation) and creating new forests on non-forested land (afforestation) can help restore ecosystems. These efforts can also contribute to carbon sequestration, helping to mitigate climate change.

Protected Areas: Establishing protected areas and national parks can help conserve remaining forests and biodiversity. Enforcing these protected areas is crucial to preventing illegal activities that lead to deforestation.

Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about the importance of forests and the consequences of deforestation can lead to greater public support for conservation efforts. Education plays a key role in changing consumer behavior and influencing policy.

Deforestation poses a significant threat to our planet’s health, affecting biodiversity, climate, and human communities. The causes of deforestation are complex and interrelated, requiring a multifaceted approach to address. Solutions such as sustainable agriculture, responsible logging, reforestation, and conservation efforts, combined with education and awareness, can help mitigate the impacts of deforestation. It is imperative that governments, businesses, and individuals come together to protect and restore our planet’s forests. Only through collective action can we hope to preserve these vital ecosystems for future generations.


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Essay on Deforestation

Deforestation is cutting down a large number of trees and clearing out forest areas. The various reasons behind these human activities are increasing the space for human usage like logging or wood extraction, agricultural expansion, infrastructure expansion etc. Deforestation is harmful to the environment because it causes a lot of carbon emissions and alters the natural ecosystem. It also contributes to global warming and climate change because plants release the stored carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide when they are cutting down. The deforestation essay urges us to learn the causes, effects and preventive measures of deforestation.

Deforestation is a severe problem, and we must stop cutting down precious trees. Trees are destroyed to make way for urban development and the cultivation of crops. To expand the land area and construct buildings, production houses and manufacturing plants, we are cutting down trees, and the government is trying its best to avoid deforestation. The process of deforestation also increases the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide that contributes to climate change on the planet. Once the kids have understood the causes and effects of this issue, you can engage them in writing an essay on deforestation by referring to BYJU’S deforestation essay pdf.

Table of Contents

Causes of deforestation, effects of deforestation, preventive measures to avoid deforestation.

Deforestation is a global phenomenon, and one of the leading causes of deforestation is the expansion of cities. People want to live in cities, but they often don’t realise how dangerous this can be to the environment and contributes to environmental pollution . Let us learn the causes that have led to deforestation and destroying the planet by reading the deforestation essay in English.

Other causes of deforestation are urbanisation, farming and a massive population explosion at a global level. As the population increases at a tremendous rate, the space for people to live is shrinking. Hence, people destroy forests to create living space, roads and excellent infrastructure.

As our wants and greed have increased, it has destroyed the environment. Mining is one of the main causes of deforestation and is destroying mother Earth . Another cause of deforestation is wood harvesting or logging for domestic fuel (charcoal).

As we have learned about the causes of deforestation, let us move on to the next segment – the effects of deforestation by reading the deforestation effects essay.

Deforestation has had many adverse effects on the planet. Significant effects of deforestation are climate change, soil erosion, global warming , wildlife extinction and underground water depletion. Besides, there are other consequences such as flooding, shrinking wildlife habitats, and reduced water quality. The essay on deforestation explains the negative effects of deforestation on the Earth.

The decrease in trees and vegetation can lead to an increase in the emission of greenhouse gases and other forms of pollution . Moreover, trees are essential and provide habitats for countless species, and they lose their habitats because of these human activities. They also store large amounts of carbon that can be used as a renewable energy source. When forests are destroyed, carbon is released into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change and global warming.

After learning about the adverse effects of deforestation by reading BYJU’S deforestation effects essay , let us move on to learn how to prevent deforestation.

To maintain the ecological balance, we need to take preventative measures to avoid deforestation. Deforestation can be eradicated by taking the necessary steps to save Earth . The government has to take strict action against deforestation and encourage people to plant more trees. This certainly helps in resolving the after-effects of the loss of trees. In addition, we can start growing plants at home and help our environment heal from the loss of trees and forests .

To conclude, deforestation is a major concern. Hence, we all must join hands in eradicating this issue and help our planet retain its ability to thrive. Provide the little ones with a deforestation essay pdf, and for more kids learning activities, visit BYJU’S website.

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Essay on Deforestation for Students and Children in 1000 Words

May 5, 2020 by ReadingJunction Leave a Comment

Essay on Deforestation for Students and Children in 1000 Words

Here, we have published a persuasive Essay on Deforestation for Students and Children in 1000 Words. This essay includes meaning, causes and control ideas of deforestation.

So, lets start this Essay on Deforestation for Students…

Table of Contents

Introduction: What is Deforestation?

Deforestation means permanent removal of trees for agriculture or constructing buildings for human usage. The trees that are cut down and are used as fuel or for construction purposes. According to many analyzes reports, Forest covers over 30% of the earth. Forest is sources for herbs for medicine, foods, and fuel for many people living near the forests.

History of deforestation

Forests are usually a large undeveloped area that can be converted for human purposes like agriculture , grazing for animals, building houses, and factories. During the 16th Century, they took deforestation on a large scale at the Western countries for farming and using the trees for a different purpose.

Today the most deforestation is happening in the tropical region of the plant, mainly in the African countries. The areas which were not accessible before are easily accessible because of modern technologies available and the roads being constructed by humans for secure passages. As per we lost the recent reports about 61000 square miles of forest, an area which is as large as a country like Bangladesh.

Effects of Deforestation on Earth and Human being

There are mass life extinctions on the planet Earth because of which it wipes many species out. It is because of volcanic activity, climate change, the impact of an asteroid, or many reasons that still have not been discovered. For the past 65 million years, plants and animals have evolved from previous mass extinctions.

Scientists now believe that we are on the verge of mass extinction. Even the WWF’s has reported that around 60% of all wild-life population has been lost since 1970, which means half of the birds, animals, fish, etc. have gone in the past 50 years. During that time, the human populace has doubled as unprecedentedly.

Even the insect population has plummeted, especially the pollinator insects, because of which there has been a tremendous decrease in the various species of trees worldwide. The major culprit for the loss in biodiversity is the deforestation by humans to accommodate the ever-growing population and unsustainable consumption.

Natural fires in the tropical forest are some rare instances. But to use the broad swath of forest lands for farming, human-lit light is commonly used. Firstly, humans cut the valuable timber, and then the remaining vegetation is burned to make way for crops or cattle grazing.

It has been recently reported that around there has been an 80% increase of human-lit fire of forests compared to the 2018 report in the Amazon forest. Amazon is considered as the lungs for the planet earth, and the human race hell-bent on destroying the forest for their gains. Many lands are cleared to make way for palm plantation.

Palm oil, the cheap and versatile, can be added to both food and personal products like facial cosmetics and shampoo. The popularity and multipurpose usage of palm oils have led to mass deforestation so that we can farm more palm trees. To develop the farming land, the native forests and the local pet-lands are entirely destroyed, which leads to the destruction of the eco-system.

We can find forests in tropical areas to high-altitude areas of the planet. They are home to 80% of terrestrial biodiversity, which contains a wide variety of trees, animals, microbes, birds, etc. Forests provide a home to various resources of a diverse collection of living things all over the world.

In countries like Uganda, people rely on timbers, firewood as a source of fuel. They depend upon the trees and animals as a source of food. In the last 25 years, 63% of the forest cover of Uganda was lost. Children are sent to collect the firewoods in the forest. It sometimes takes the whole day as they have to go farther into the woods. It makes them miss their school.

Deforestation doesn’t only removes vegetation from the face of the earth, which is essential for removing the carbon dioxide from the air but also produces greenhouse emissions. It is the second leading cause of climate change; as per the reports of many sciences institutes, deforestation causes nearly 20% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Deforestation has also influenced the atmospheric air sequence. The carbon substance in the atmosphere has considerably increased over the years due to many human activities like uncontrolled fuel combustion.

Forests have done a great job of extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This process maintains a balanced level of oxygen and carbon in the atmosphere, and it makes our human life to breathe freely. Population growth is a significant factor behind deforestation. The increasing demand for enormous wealth for better living has also increased the need for deforestation. In such cases, forestry should also be a follow-up process.

Causes of Deforestation

Following are some significant causes of deforestation:

  • Overgrazing leads to desertification and soil erosion and results in decreasing the fertility of the soil.
  • Recurring farming leads to a reduction in soil fertility. Farmers need to use new modern technologies so they can use the same piece of land for agriculture rather than deforesting.
  • The local village people do the primary cause of deforestation for fuelwood.
  • Human lit forest fires are one of the principal reasons for the increase in deforestation.
  • Wood, especially timber used as plywood in industries, is accountable for deforestation.
  • To build factories, we deforest mass lands.
  • One cause of deforestation is the violation by the trial in the forest to cultivate crops.
  • Many diseases that are instigated by parasitic fungus and microbes is one reason for forest deterioration.
  • Mountains are deforested due to landslide.
  • Because of overpopulation, humans need more land to establish their settlement.

How to control Deforestation?

  • Regular and massive plantation can control deforestation.
  • Limit cutting off trees, and finding some other things to use instead of woods,
  • By making new strict Govt. rules, and regulation for cutting and saving trees.
  • By educating and awareness, programs people about the importance of trees in our life.

In conclusion, deforestation is a human act that is destructive and should be discouraged. Environmental protection is our responsibility as we have only one land to live. I hope you liked this essay on deforestation.

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Speech on Deforestation



Deforestation is a growing problem in the world today. Deforestation continues to be one of the most destructive forces on Earth, and it can't be ignored any longer. Deforestation has many negative effects that affect our environment as well as human society. Deforestation also has many positive aspects that are beneficial for certain people, but these benefits usually come at the expense of others. Deforested areas are more prone to droughts, floods, soil erosion, and pollution, which all have their own consequences on humans and animals alike. Deforestation areas also destroy habitats for animals which can cause the extinction of species that we may never be able to recover from.

A warm welcome to everyone present. Today I would like to present a speech on deforestation, a trend currently in practice which is proving to be more hazardous with each passing day. We as a generation are witnessing the effects of climate change and one of the major causes responsible for it is deforestation.

The continuously increasing world population has been termed as one of the main reasons for deforestation. As the world population continues to grow, the demand for spaces increases, be it for livelihood, rearing animals, raising livestock or agricultural practices. Studies have shown that a vast majority of lands are being cleared out for agricultural practices as the demand for crops and food products are on the rise to meet the demand of the ever-growing population. Other activities such as clearing forest cover to facilitate mining, creation of roads etc., also contribute to deforestation. A significant factor contributing to deforestation also includes forest fires.

Now, as we have learnt about some of the main causes of deforestation, let us understand how losing forest cover adversely affects us in this deforestation presentation speech. Carbon dioxide, used up by plants during photosynthesis, is among the natural captors of the sun’s rays radiating back from the earth’s surface to keep the earth’s temperature sustainable, a phenomenon termed the greenhouse effect. However, with the loss of forest cover, there is an excessive amount of carbon dioxide on the surface of the earth. This results in a higher percentage of the sun’s rays being trapped which raises the temperature on earth significantly thus, contributing to global warming. Recent studies have shown that deforestation in tropical areas contributes about 12 percent of the total anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. 

Dry, arid climates are also among the adverse effects of deforestation. With forests being cleared up, the water cycle is altered, the groundwater is not being extracted and released in the form of water vapor to the atmosphere which subsequently leads to a drier climate. 

While agricultural practices require clearing of forest cover, an excess of the same in turn affects soil fertility and leads to erosion. Trees help to hold the soil moisture and keep it fertile. Quite many agricultural plants such as soybean, coffee, cotton, etc., are unable to hold on to the soil firmly as they are planted on deforested grounds. This, in turn, aggravates soil erosion and the fertile topsoil layer gets eroded to rivers, lakes and surrounding water bodies. 

In recent decades, the tropical rainforests regarded as the ecosystem with the highest diversity have been majorly subjected to deforestation. Significant areas of these forests have been lost owing to a number of factors that have reduced the ecosystem diversity. As per estimates, deforestation results in the loss of about 137 plant and animal species on a daily basis, amounting to the loss of 50,000 species in a year and the numbers are only rising. Public health has also witnessed a high level of deterioration as a result of deforestation. Experts have said that deforestation is also associated with the rapidly increasing number of disease outbreaks across the world. 

It is important that we are aware of deforestation and the major threats it poses to the environment and humanity. Efforts are already being made to replant trees in several places to restore the ecological balance. We should also make conscious efforts to contribute towards the aversion of deforestation practice in our best possible capacity.  

Points to Remember when Preparing for Speech about Deforestation

It Destroys our Environment: Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment, including soil erosion, floods, and droughts. Deforested areas are also more susceptible to pollution. Deforestation has its roots in the industrial revolution, where people started to cut down trees for wood and supplies such as paper. Deforesting these areas causes soil erosion because plants hold onto water and nutrients that would otherwise be carried away by rainwater runoff. Deforestation also causes floods since forests help soak up excess rainfall, so it doesn't run off into rivers and streams. Deforestation can also lead to droughts because it reduces the amount of water that forests would normally store. Deforestation has many negative environmental consequences, but humans continue to destroy the forest at an alarming rate.

Deforestation causes the extinction of species and destroys habitats for animals. Deforestation areas also reduce the amount of food and water available to these species, putting them at risk even more so than before deforestation occurred. Deforestation has been a major reason that animal populations have decreased dramatically over the past few decades. Deforested regions are prone to soil erosion which causes flooding in surrounding forested areas. Deforestation also causes a lack of food and water resources, which can lead to the extinction of animal species. Deforested areas put animals at an increased risk for extinction, and humans are largely to blame.

It Destroys Habitats for Animals- Deforestation areas are prone to soil erosion which causes flooding in surrounding forested areas. Deforestation also destroys habitats for animals, leading many species to extinction. Deforesting these regions can cause an increase in natural disasters such as floods and droughts, which lead to habitat destruction even more so than deforestation itself. Deforestation continues at the same rate.

It has many negative effects on human society. Deforestation has many negative effects on human society, including the increased likelihood of floods and droughts. Deforesting areas are also more likely to cause soil erosion because plants hold onto water and nutrients that would otherwise be carried away by rainwater runoff. Deforestation has many negative effects on human society, but humans continue to destroy the forest at an alarming rate

Deforestation is an important topic that we should all be aware of. It's crucial to understand the negative effects that deforestation has on our environment and society so that we can take steps to prevent it from happening in the future. Deforestation is a major problem that needs to be addressed.

Here are Some Tips for Studying Deforestation

Know the Causes- It is important to know the causes of why Deforestation occurs. Deforestation areas are more likely to cause soil erosion because plants hold onto water and nutrients that would otherwise be carried away by rainwater runoff. Deforestation also destroys habitats for animals which can lead to the extinction of species that we may never recover from

Taking Preventive Measures- Deforestation areas around the world has caused our environment, society, and animal populations to suffer significantly. By taking preventative measures against deforestation, we can help stop it in its tracks before serious damage occurs. If you're interested in learning about how deforestation affects humans, then check out this post.


FAQs on Speech on Deforestation

1. What is the main cause of deforestation? What preventive measures should everyone take?

Deforestation is mainly caused by the need for land to create new agricultural land, expand cities, and mine minerals. There are many preventive measures that everyone can take in order to stop deforestation from happening. These include reducing consumption, supporting sustainable forestry initiatives, and advocating for government policies that promote forest conservation.

2. What are some of the negative effects of Deforestation?

Deforestation has a number of serious environmental consequences, including the loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and climate change. It also has negative impacts on human society, including increased risk of natural disasters and the depletion of resources. Deforestation is an important topic that we should all be aware of so that we can take steps to prevent it from happening in the future.

3. Deforestation has many negative effects on human society, but humans continue to destroy the forest at an alarming rate. So is deforestation inevitable?

Deforesting areas are also more likely to cause soil erosion because plants hold onto water and nutrients that would otherwise be carried away by rainwater runoff. Deforesting these regions can cause an increase in natural disasters such as floods and droughts, which lead to habitat destruction even more so than deforestation itself. Deforestation continues at the same rate, but hopefully, with increased awareness, we can help prevent it from happening any further.

4. What can I do to help stop deforestation?

There are many things you can do to help stop deforestation from happening. These include reducing consumption, supporting sustainable forestry initiatives, and advocating for government policies that promote forest conservation. If we all work together, we can hopefully slow down or even stop Deforestation from happening.

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Essay on Effects of Deforestation

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Table of Contents

Essay on Effects of Deforestation: Deforestation refers to the cutting of forested areas to utilize them for various purposes such as agriculture, urbanization and industrialization. Deforestation is harming humans as well as animals alike. Deforestation is having numerous negative repercussions on our environment. Our forests play an important role in keeping the environment clean and green. They provide the life giving oxygen and are a home for the wildlife. Cutting these at a rapid speed in the name of development is a cause of great concern.

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Long and Short Essay on Effects of Deforestation in English

Here are essays on Effects of Deforestation of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Effects of Deforestation essay as per your need:

Short Essay on Effects of Deforestation – Essay 1 (200 words)

Deforestation means cutting down the forests that are home to the large chunks of oxygen giving trees, plants and numerous wild animals and birds.

Human beings are cutting down forests around the world for various purposes. One of the main purposes of cutting vast forest areas is to use the land for agriculture. With the growing population there is a need to grow more crops to satisfy the demands of the people. This can only be done if we have enough land for agriculture. In an attempt to expand the agriculture sector and meet the demands of the people, we humans are cutting the forests. Forests are also being cut to build towns and cities to accommodate people and for setting up offices and factories.

To be precise, we are damaging the beautiful natural surrounding and turning it into a concrete jungle. Causing harm to the natural surroundings means disrupting the natural processes such as water cycle, carbon cycle and eco system. Deforestation is mainly impacting our climate and biodiversity. A large number of species of plants and animals are getting extinct because of deforestation as their habitats are getting destroyed.

It is time we must mull over the harmful impacts of deforestation on our environment and put an end to it.

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Essay on Impact of Deforestation on Environment – Essay 2 (300 words)


Deforestation, the act of clearing the forest land to serve different purposes, is a growing concern worldwide. It has led to numerous environmental problems. Some of these include the loss of wildlife, impact on biodiversity, climate change, global warming and impact on the water cycle.

Deforestation: Leading Cause of Climate Change

Deforestation has disrupted the water cycle as well as the carbon cycle and thus attributed to climate change which in turn is causing numerous problems for humans as well as animals.

Plants and tress inhale carbon dioxide and release oxygen which is one of the essentials for the human survival. Trees also absorb other harmful gases from the atmosphere thus making it cleaner. Deforestation is leading to the loss of vast number of trees which in turn is leading to an increase in the amount of carbon and poisonous gases such as methane in the atmosphere. This has contributed a great deal to the global warming.

Forests also play a significant role in managing the water cycle. Continuous cutting of forests is leading to disruption in the water cycle which is leading to erratic rainfalls in different regions.

Deforestation: Causing Environmental Imbalance

Deforestation is also causing environmental imbalance by affecting the biodiversity adversely. Forests serve as safe habitats for a large species of flora and fauna. Clearing away the forest lands is damaging the habitat of these innocent creatures. Several species of animals and plants are dying each day due to loss of habitat and lack of food. Our planet needs to sustain rich biodiversity in order to strike environmental balance. Deforestation is thus creating an imbalance in the environment.

Deforestation is deteriorating our environment in many ways. It is high time we humans must realize the severity of the issue and control deforestation. If we do not stop this now, our environment will deteriorate further and the future generations will suffer heavily.

Essay on Effects of Deforestation on Biodiversity – Essay 3 (400 words)

Biodiversity, also known as biological diversity, means the importance of sustaining vast variety of flora and fauna on Earth as a whole and also in different regions and habitats. This plays an important role in the food chain and helps in striking a balance in the environment. God has created innumerable species of plants and animals that rely on each other for various needs and contribute in maintaining harmony on Earth. However, man is playing with this law of nature. Various human activities are leading to extinction of many of these species. Deforestation is one such human activity that has impacted biodiversity vastly.

Effects of Deforestation on Biodiversity

Animals and plants require a certain climate and environment to live peacefully. Forests serve as habitats for vast species of plants and animals. Clearing of forest land is resulting in clearing of the safe abode of the wild creatures that live there, thereby impacting the biodiversity. While some of them move to other places to survive, others are unable to adapt to the environmental changes and get extinct. The loss of various species of plants and animals owing to deforestation disrupts the food chain adversely. Herbivorous animals find it hard to look for food on cleared lands. They often starve to death. This in turn impacts the carnivorous animals that rely on the flesh of the herbivorous animals. With herbivorous animals going extinct or starving, the carnivorous are also unable to get the required diet. Thus, not only are these wild animals deprived of their habitat but also of food.

Wild Animals Gone Extinct due to Deforestation

Statistics reveal that forests are home for around eighty percent of animals and plants around the world. Deforestation is thus impacting a vast number of species which is affecting biodiversity badly. Researchers claim that more than a hundred species of animals are getting extinct each day. If we do not stop deforestation, around 10% of the species of animals will lose their life in the next two decades.

Thus, we see deforestation has affected the biodiversity to a great extent. Man is destroying the beautiful creations of God without any inhibition just to satisfy his need and make life comfortable for himself. What he isn’t realizing is that this act of his is affecting biodiversity which is creating an imbalance in the Earth’s environment. If the process of deforestation continues at this rate, our planet will not remain fit for survival of the human beings as well as other living beings in the times to come.

Essay on Impact of Deforestation on Wildlife – Essay 4 (500 words)

Deforestation started centuries back when man stopped relying on hunting to satiate his hunger and took to agriculture. Forests were cleared to make way for agricultural land. However, it did not pose much threat to the environment back then. With time, the need for deforestation has increased manifolds owing to various reasons. The rapid increase in population is one of the main reasons for deforestation.

In order to accommodate the growing population and satisfy their needs, the forests are being cleared and turned into agricultural land and residential colonies. The advancement in technology is another reason for deforestation. More and more industries are being set up and new products are being made. Deforestation is done to make place for these industries and also to derive various plant and tree based products. The wildlife is the worst affected due to deforestation.

Impact of Deforestation on Wildlife

Here are the impacts of deforestation on wildlife:

Loss of Habitat

Forests are home for a variety of flora and fauna. Clearing the forests means destroying the habitat of the wild creatures. Deforestation has taken away the habitat of several wild animals and birds. It is a pity that in an attempt to build his own home, man is destroying the habitat of the innocent animals.

Extinction of Wild Animals

Most of the animals and birds require a particular climate and place to live comfortably. They are unable to adapt to the changes in the environment and incur various illnesses if put in a different place. Due to loss of habitat, many wild animals haven’t been able to survive. Many species of animals have gone extinct and many others are struggling to survive due to deforestation.

Extinction of Flora

It is unfortunate that we have lost numerous species of beautiful plants and trees that added beauty to our planet. Many species of plants grow only in a particular climate and soil in the forests. Thus, due to deforestation many such species have gone extinct.

The biodiversity has been affected badly due to deforestation. Many animals feed on particular animals, birds, insects and plants and loss of the species they survive on has led to their starvation. Many wild animals are having a hard time finding food and are starving to death.

Increased conflict between Humans and Wildlife

As forests are cleared to build residential or industrial areas many wild animals move to other greener areas to live while some species of animals roam around in the neighbouring places and are often seen entering the residential areas. Thus, this has increased the incidences of conflict between humans and wildlife which is neither good for the wildlife nor humans. Each of them remains in constant fear of being attacked by the other.

To conclude, we can say that many species of wild animals and plants have been impacted due to deforestation. Some of them have lost their homes, others have incurred diseases and yet others have gone extinct. They are suffering at the hands of humans because of just no fault of their own. We must stop this torture on animals by controlling deforestation.

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Essay on Harmful/Ill Effects of Deforestation – Essay 5 (600 words)

Deforestation is the clearing of forests to satisfy various human needs. These largely include the need to expand the agricultural land, increase the number of residential colonies, set up new industries and derive various products from trees and plants. While man is indulging in deforestation to meet the demands of the growing population and to make life comfortable, this process is having several ill effects on our environment.

Ill Effects of Deforestation

Here are some of the ill effects of deforestation:

Global Warming

Trees are a rich source of oxygen. They exhale the life-giving oxygen and absorb the harmful gases from the environment thereby making it cleaner. They particularly balance the amount of carbon in the environment by the process of photosynthesis. Cutting more and more trees mean causing imbalance in the carbon cycle. Deforestation is resulting in lesser absorption of carbon and other harmful gases by the trees which is adding to global warming.

Soil Erosion

When vast numbers of trees that hold the soil with their roots are uprooted it results in soil erosion. Deforestation has caused huge soil erosion across the world especially in the past few decades. Soil erosion results in numerous problems. When heavy rain falls on the cleared forests it carries the soil with it to the rivers. This disrupts the irrigation process. It also raises the river bed that increases the risk of floods. Besides, the accumulation of sediments in the rivers cause harm to the fish eggs. As this soiled water reaches the oceans, it dirties the water there and harms the coral reefs.

Threat to Wildlife

One of the most harmful effects of deforestation is the loss of life of various wildlife animals due to the loss of their habitat. Forests are home for numerous species of animals that are unable to adapt elsewhere. Many species of wild animals have gone extinct because of deforestation and many others are struggling to survive in their new surroundings.

Impact on Water Cycle

Trees play a vital role in balancing the water level in the atmosphere. Forests that contain vast numbers of trees and plants release large amount of water into the atmosphere by way of plant transpiration. This refills the clouds and causes rain which is essential for life on Earth. The continual cutting of tress is disrupting the water cycle. This in turn is causing dryer soil which is a big concern for the agriculturists. Lack of rain also causes numerous other problems.

Increased Risk of Floods

Forests play a significant role in maintaining the Earth’s climate. The average temperature of Earth has increased significantly due to deforestation in the last few decades. If we do not control the clearing of forest land this will further increase the Earth’s temperature. Increase in temperature results in melting of ice caps and glaciers which further results in the increase in ocean and sea levels. The increase in sea level is already causing frequent floods in the coastal areas. Further, it can result in submergence of the coastal areas under water.

Hence, we see that there is a tremendous need to save our forests. Deforestation has led us to the verge of destruction. If we do not stop it now we will be destroying our environment further and it will be difficult for us to survive.

Deforestation is a global problem. Both tropical and rain forests are being cut year after year to fulfil various human needs. The government of different countries around the world must make a collective effort to overcome this problem. Though the cutting of trees cannot be stopped completely, it can definitely be reduced with proper planning and efforts.

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