The impact of organizational culture on employee performance

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Top 50 Organizational Behaviour Dissertation Topics Trending in 2021

  • July 7, 2021 July 15, 2021

The behaviour of the workforce is directly proportional to the efficiency output in a production cycle. It is the motivation, activities promoting teamwork and on-time grievance redressal that help the worker to nurture his or her skills. Besides, it dynamically contributes to the exponential growth of the organization. The study of organizational behaviour is regarded as an integral part of any management course. It helps a management aspirant to delve into an in-depth study of the human psychology and behaviour in the given organizational settings. It is primarily the study and analysis of the interface between the human behaviour and the organization, as well as the organization itself.

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The study of organisational behaviour standardly comprises of many dissertations, case studies, essays, and thesis papers to reflect the conceptual clarity of the student. To successfully clear this management subject with the desired grades, the students are required to attend all the given assignment homework on time. All these submissions are required to be made with an unmatched quality of eloquent writing prowess. The management students who prefer to attend their organisational behaviour homework themselves without professional assignment help , always counter numerous hurdles to begin with.

dissertation topics on organisational culture

The selection of the right organisational behaviour assignment topic is one of the quibbling bulwarks that can curtail the pace of swift assignment submission. Here, our prima-facie motto is to help our students irrespective of the fact whether they are hiring our assignment writing services or not.  We have created the list of the top organisational behaviour dissertation topics after conducting an intense number of research and brainstorming sessions. While creating the list, we have made sure that the students from all kinds of management backgrounds, course curriculums, and diversified nations could reap benefits out of the give piece of information. 

The Principle Elements of an Organisational Behaviour Study

There are in total four main elements of a successful organisational behaviour (OB) study –

  • People: The people to people contact is somehow extremely crucial to induce the cohesiveness between the team members to improve the overall productivity. The groups of people within the organization may change, form or dissolve. Time to time team-building activities and effectual grievance redressal mechanism could boost a sense of belongingness between the organisation and its manpower.    
  • Structure: The structural layout of the organisation and the delegation of authority somehow segregate the rights, duties, functions, and responsibilities of all the members of the organisation in a crystal-clear sense. The behavioural approach and the outlook of the members of the organization is decided on the grounds of the designation and the level in the hierarchy that they are occupying. Yet, right from the designation of the CEO to the executives and supervisors operating at the lower level, certain structural traits like communication, mutual understanding and respect would always remain common at all levels.
  • Technology: If we speak in terms of the contemporary scenario of the organisational work culture, then the absence of technology could either make the functioning difficult or impossible. It is primarily because of the intervention of the technology, that we could access physical and economic resources to make the jobs of the people easy. The assistance could be procured through machines, methods, and tools. The technology could enforce restrictions on the freedom of the people but deliver efficiency in terms of the contingent nature of tasks at diverse scale of operations.
  • External Environment: The organisational behaviour not only get influenced by the internal environment but the external one as well. The functions of an organization exist in a larger social system and external environmental forces like socio-cultural, political, economic, technological, legal, and geographical forces. These are some of the typical external environmental forces that impact the attitudes, working conditions and motives of the people. In a similar sense, there are circumstances, where the organisations could also have an impact over the environment, but its degree would certainly be less than the vice-versa.

When students seek dissertation help related to different OB topics, these are some of the principle elements that frequently occur in the homework assigned at different stages of the course curriculum.

Read our sample page of a management topic by going through the below link to behold how eloquently our writers could blend diverse topics like management and healthcare in single assignment order.

Must read: change management in the healthcare facility – sample, the organizational behaviour models that are critical for management students to understand.

The online assignment help rendered by the professionals are primarily based upon the time-tested models of organisational behaviour. Let us briefly throw some light over them one after the other –

  • Autocratic Model: This OB model emphasises on the rule that the employees are required to be instructed in detail and constantly motivated to perform in their job. Here, it is the job of the manager to conduct all the thinking part. The formalization of the entire process is done by the managers, and they wield the authority to give command to the entire workforce.
  • Custodial Model: The model is more revolving around the economic and social security of the employee. Here, the companies do offer high scale pay, financial packaging, health benefits, corporate cars, and other forms of incentives. The model is induced to make sure that the employee shall remain loyal and dependent on the company, rather than the supervisor, manager, or the boss.
  • Supportive Model: The model sustains around the motivation and value given to the employee, instead of money and command being the driving factor. The relationship between the manager and the employee goes beyond the day-to-day activity and role. The model is more effective in developed nations, in comparison of developing nations, where monetary gains and delegation of authority play a very pivotal role.
  • Collegian Model: How good it would be a model with no worry about the job status or title? How good it would be if our manager would act as a supportive coach, instead of being bossy? Well, this model functions in an organizational structure where all the colleagues work as a team. There is no boss or subordinates and participates coordinate better to achieve the assigned target rate.  
  • System Model: One of the most popular and emerging OB models in the contemporary corporate arena. Here, the managers try to nurture a culture sharing authenticity, transparency, and social intelligence. The motto is to link the employees emotionally and psychologically with the interests of the organization and make them more accountable for their actions.

The questions that frequently appear in OB dissertation assignments tend to revolve around the models that we discussed above. Some of the models are comparatively more preferred and practiced than the rest.

What are We Intended to Gain by Sharing a Well-Researched List of 50 Topics?

Well, our motto is to help the students save their time, energy, and resources to focus solely on the content. We have seen a plethora of students spending ridiculous amounts of time just on topic selection. What is essential for the students to understand here is that the selection of the right topic is not going to earn them the premium grades. It is the presentation of the right topic in the right content and format that become game-changer for them. The number of OB topics listed below are the ones that do matter in the prevalent managerial culture and that can help score some brownie points in the eyes of the evaluator.

dissertation topics on organisational culture

Explore our business analytics sample at the below link to witness our optimum standards of assignment writing dedicated to quality-oriented students.

Must read: business analytics – demand forecasting – sample, top 50 organizational behaviour dissertation topics for the year 2021.

The following is the list of OB dissertation topics that can turn out to be a prudent choice for the number of assignment submissions that you make in future –

  • The resistance of the employees towards organisational change and the right measures to curb the same
  • The work environment stressors: The link between the job performance and the well-being of the employees
  • Conflict management in the cross-functional project teams in a Singaporean corporate culture
  • The role of social networks in the field of global talent management
  • Apply the ‘Theory of Planned Behaviour’ in the assessment of the attitude of students towards self-employment
  • Measuring the collective mindfulness as well as navigating its nomological network
  • Recognizing and rewarding the employees: How the IT professionals in Germany and in France are motivated and rewarded?
  • The incorporation of organisational identity in the turnaround research: A case study
  • The top 10 findings on the resilience and the engagement of the employee
  • The competition straight from the inside out
  • How to overcome the virtual meeting fatigue during the pandemic crisis?
  • Why good leaders fail?
  • Building up better work models to effectively function in the next normal
  • Promoting employee wellness within an organization, now and post the Chinese Covid-19 pandemic
  • Turbulent times anticipate dynamic rules: Discuss
  • The courage to be candid: The merits and demerits in an organisational setup
  • The personal network utility to nurture an inclusive culture
  • Putting up blinders can actually help us see more clearly: Discuss
  • Redesigning the workspace to propel social interaction
  • How to set customer satisfaction as one of the key yardsticks for healthy organisational behaviour?
  • Counterproductive behaviour at work: The adversities and remedies
  • How creative at the workplace could bring in more job satisfaction?
  • Cyberloafing at the work: How it is a matter of grave concern than we actually imagine?
  • Employee theft: The right measures for the culture of integrity and work ethics
  • How technological innovation could enhance the job performance at the workplace?
  • Organisational retaliatory behaviour: The causes and the measures to ensure minimal impact
  • Whistle-blowing culture and how it changed the American work culture forever?
  • Withdrawal Behaviour: Absenteeism and lateness and the countermeasures to prevent the same
  • Conflicting value systems and their impact on complex work culture
  • Managerial research and pursuit of opportunity: Elaborate
  • How TMT diversity and CEO values jointly influence the culture of a corporate world?
  • The emerging role of the team-players in a multicultural organisation setup
  • How the external factors could actually impact the motivation of an employee, and eventually his or her behaviour?
  • The situations of interpersonal conflict and how it can change the overall scheme of things in an organisational setup?
  • Emotional responses of entrepreneurs to a situation of bankruptcy
  • How the study of correct organizational behaviour could actually increase the chances of survival within an organisation?
  • How promoting cultural connections in MNCs can actually promote the organisational culture?
  • Need Theory Perspective: Motivational preferences of the workforce
  • Investigation and assessment of the motivational factors at work
  • A rationalised utility of the link between the social capital and the organisational learning
  • Bullying before the occurrences of sexual harassment: Preventing the inevitable
  • Conspiracies at the workplace: Recognizing and neutralising the root cause
  • Effective strategies for the management at the age of boycotts
  • Creation of an OB mentoring program that works at all levels
  • The repercussions of bad management on employee behaviour and what are the possible remedies?
  • Leveraging the organisational identity to gain a competitive edge
  • Spiritual leadership and its impact on the outlook of the organisational workforce
  • The role of positive organisational communities pre-and-post organisational goals
  • The organisational behaviour for specially-abled workers to make their role more constructive to the organisational settings
  • Managing successfully the dark side of the competitive rivalry before it affects the interpersonal relations within an organisational setting

And with that, we come to the end of the top 50 OB assignment topics that can not only fulfil our dissertation topic requirements, but also the assignment writing requirements of various other formats. The requirements related to topic selection for case study help , essay help , research paper writing help , or thesis help can also be referred and met with the given list of topics.

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Must read: wish to master dissertation skills in 2 weeks learn from the experts here.

The organisational behaviour dissertation topics enlisted above would cover various dynamic aspects of corporate culture revolving around the human behaviour. The topic list would not only help you cover the assignment topic demand for all the upcoming semesters, but also impressing your colleagues with topic suggestion prowess. It makes the efforts of assignment writing more seamless as the student could customise his or her writing as per the liking or aptitude of a specific type of OB topic.

Nevertheless, the requirements of the students are not merely confined to OB dissertation topic recommendation only. There are situations where management students prefer to hire paid assignment help to get their regular assignments done with perfection. The reasons can be associated with the lack of subject clarity, lack of time and resources or commitment to other critical events like exams or co-curricular activities. You can visit organisational behaviour assignment help at Thoughtful Minds to order online homework help related to all OB topics at the most competitive rates from the industry professionals of more than 15 years of experience.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Organizational Culture Management'

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Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Organizational Culture Management.'

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Browse dissertations / theses on a wide variety of disciplines and organise your bibliography correctly.

Hoeksema, Mary Theo. "Crisis management and navy organizational culture." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1997.

Jaques, David W. "Investigating Culture| A Qualitative Study of a Human Service Organization?s Culture." Thesis, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2014.

Although there are many organizational culture studies that have been conducted, very few have been conducted in the context of a human service organization (Jaskyte, 2010). Organizational culture has been described as a neglected area of exploration as it relates to the enhancement of quality of life for persons with disabilities (Gillet & Stenfert-Kroese, 2003).

This research took the form of a qualitative case study of the culture of one human service organization. This study may make three specific contributions to the organizational culture literature. These include: (a) providing an empirical study of a human service organization's culture, (b) attempting to describe and understand specific mechanisms that may contribute to culture formation and maintenance, and (c) identifying aspects of a human service organizations culture that may help or hinder their effectiveness. Fourteen participants were be engaged in the research. The participants were associated with three different position levels.

The participating organization presented a strong and unified culture. The espoused theories and the theories-in-use of the organization's founders were highly congruent. The founders of the organization conveyed a sense of mission that was readily adopted by initial hires. The mission of the organization was formulated around principles of highly individualized support, community inclusion, quality of life, and a consistent regard for the dignity and respect of the individuals supported by the organization. Potential contributions of this research include: (a) being one of the few qualitative studies related to the culture of an organization that provides services for persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD); (b) a research design that provides a relatively comprehensive approach to the study of a single organizational culture; (c) a rich account of how human service workers, from multiple position levels, experience their culture; (d) a preliminary analysis of how leadership may influence culture in the context of a human service environment, and (e) an exploratory investigation as it relates to discovering additional approaches that may assist in evaluating the relationship between culture and organizational effectiveness. The following is a listing of potential future directions for research related to this type of study: (a) a replication of this study, or an approximation thereof, with one or more human service organizations; (b) additional research related to the congruence of, or lack thereof, between espoused theories and theories-in-use held by staff members of human service organizations; (c) the development of mixed methods approaches (quantitative/qualitative) to assessing and measuring congruence between espoused theories and theories-in-use; (d) the relationship between specific types of organizational cultures and effectiveness as it relates to supporting persons intellectual/developmental disabilities and perhaps more specifically, challenging behavior; and (e) research related to various leadership models and behavior as it relates to culture formation in human service organizations.

Fonseca, Rivera Cherisse. "Public Perceptions of Organizational Culture and Organization-Public Relationships." Scholar Commons, 2011.

Hannigan, Kenneth T. "Preparing Senior Executives to Address Organizational Culture During an Organizational Merger." ScholarWorks, 2015.

Banish, Bryan J. (Bryan John) 1971, and Muhammad I. 1960 Nawaz. "The role of culture in organizational change." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003.

Smith, Chesterton Earle. "Understanding organizational culture in district offices." Thesis, University of Pretoria, 2013.

Lee, John 1957 Dec 10. "Effective global teams : impact of organizational culture change and national culture differences." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.

Zeka, Luan. "Organizational Culture and Individuals' Experience of Workplace Bullying." ScholarWorks, 2018.

Marzara, Maryam. "The impact of organizational culture on individuals? decisions to join, stay, or leave an organization." Thesis, Pepperdine University, 2016.

Organizational culture has been a topic of interest throughout all industries and has become a phrase studied in business and academic literature. With the Millennial generation now in the workforce, organizations employ workers of various age groups and generations. With increased scrutiny on organizational culture, the widely varying age ranges of employees, and a competitive workforce, it is not surprising that organizations are considering the role their organizational cultures play in both recruitment and retention. This case study examined the impact of organizational culture on workers’ decisions to join, stay, or leave an organization. This study included an examination of literature on gender and generational needs, differences, and similarities. Additionally, this case study examined the extent to which organizational culture plays a role in workers’ decision-making processes. The qualitative data used to support this case study was collected from interviews with a gender-balanced sample of 12 individuals (four Baby Boomers, four Generation X participants, and four Generation Y participants). Although the interview questions were consistent across participants, questions were open-ended to allow for emergent dialogue. After the interviews were completed, the data were analyzed to identify themes. This case study finished with summarizing the key themes found in the qualitative data that supported or refuted the literature review. Study limitations, conclusions, and recommendations also were identified.


Puppatz, Martin [Verfasser], and Jürgen [Akademischer Betreuer] Deller. "Assessing Organizational Culture and Investigating its Link to Organizational Effectiveness / Martin Puppatz ; Betreuer: Jürgen Deller." Lüneburg : Universitätsbibliothek der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, 2017.

Puppatz, Martin Verfasser], and Jürgen [Akademischer Betreuer] [Deller. "Assessing Organizational Culture and Investigating its Link to Organizational Effectiveness / Martin Puppatz ; Betreuer: Jürgen Deller." Lüneburg : Universitätsbibliothek der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, 2017.

Ruffin-Ellis, Veronica Anntionette. "How Does Organizational Culture Impact RN Engagement." ScholarWorks, 2017.

Smit, W. Jaco. "Continuous improvement in the context of organizational culture." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996.

Pépin, Dominique. "Caractérisation de la culture organisationnelle d’une entreprise multinationale : le cas du groupe Saint-Gobain." Thesis, Paris 2, 2018.

Pio, Riaan Johan. "Management of political behaviour in organisations." Thesis, Port Elizabeth Technikon, 2000.

Logie, Steven James. "Exploring entrepreneurship and organizational culture in a higher education context." Thesis, Edinburgh Napier University, 2015.

Paul, Gary William. "Strategies to create a post-merged organisational culture conducive to effective performance management." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011.

Dhir, Saloni. "The changing nature of work, leadership, and organizational culture in future ready organizations." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2019.

Harris, Lloyd C. "A study of organizational culture factors associated with market orientation." Thesis, Cardiff University, 1997.

Britton, Garth Murray, and garth britton@netspeed com au. "On Reading Lines in Shifting Sands: making organisational culture relevant." The Australian National University. College of Business and Economics, 2007.

Muleya, Cedrick. "Interorganizational relationship management: managing across hierachies, markets and networks." University of the Western Cape, 2006.

This study focused on understanding inter-organizational relationships (IOR) of a dynamic nature. A dynamic process that has repetitive sequences of negotiation, commitment, and execution stages is central to inter-organizational relationships. The dynamic process is a tool that is used by management through collaboration, co-operation, and coordination to engender formation, governance, and performance of inter-organizational relationships. This report looked into how the resource-dependency theory gives insight into the formation of an inter-organizational relationships and how the transaction-cost theory contributes to the understanding ofinter-organizational relationships governance.


Graff, J. Frederik [Verfasser], Christine [Akademischer Betreuer] Harbring, and Torsten Oliver [Akademischer Betreuer] Salge. "Essays on organizational culture : two approaches to achieving a valid interpretation of cultural dimensions and to identifying the effects of organizational culture on error reporting / J. Frederik Graff ; Christine Harbring, Torsten Oliver Salge." Aachen : Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2016.

Hartl, Eva [Verfasser]. "Organizational Culture in Digital Transformation : On the Objectives, Characteristics, and Implications of Digital Culture Change / Eva Hartl." Berlin : epubli, 2020.

Gtansh, Abdussalam. "The influence of national and organizational culture on employee involvement and participation (EIP) : a cross-cultural study." Thesis, University of Gloucestershire, 2011.

Merican, W. Rohana A. "Organizational culture and change : assessing impact in British Higher Education." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 1993.

Grundström, Peter, and Johanna Lundin. "Organizational Culture in Student-Consulting Firms : Maintaining Culture Despite High Employee Turnover." Thesis, KTH, Affärsutveckling och Entreprenörskap, 2012.

Browder, R. M. "Organizational Culture: How Changes Impact Attitudes Toward Job Satisfaction." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 1993.

Tedla, Tewodros Bayeh. "The Impact of Organizational Culture on Corporate Performance." ScholarWorks, 2016.

Bergheim, Rosa, and Michael Ings. "Local Management Culture Overseas : Handelsbanken Sweden and Handelsbanken UK." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för ekonomi, 2014.

Vitale, Dean C. Armenakis Achilles A. "Organizational change recipients and choosing an opinion leader a mixed methods investigation /." Auburn, Ala, 2008.



Okada, Takaaki. "Corporate culture and organizational efficiency in the competitive international market." Thesis, University of Phoenix, 2013.

The research study involved an investigation into the relationship between corporate culture and organizational efficiency in the Japanese securities industry as it adapts to survive in the competitive international market. Using the materialist conception of history, a case study approach was used to examine the roots of Nikko’s corporate culture as it developed prior to the introduction of the modern management system. Working in compliance with a licensing system that served to preserve the status quo, Nikko officials experienced industry scandals, which encouraged Japanese securities executives to introduce American modern management systems. The purpose of the mixed method study was to understand the qualitative and quantitative changes in the management operations of Nikko Cordial affected by the corporate culture before and after the change in management. Insights into Nikko’s situation were gained from analyzing the records of Nikko Cordial with those of the Nomura and Daiwa securities companies.

Using a system of dialectics, organizational inefficiency and low profitability were discovered as triggers for the corporate scandals, despite the introduction of the modern management system. Based upon the analysis of Nikko’s case, an inductive conclusion was drawn that organizational efficiency and profitability were considered important factors to sustain a successful business model in the financial business field. The inevitability of regulation as one of the five cost factors necessary to enhance profitability for financial businesses was confirmed by the dialectical approach. The corporate culture is a key catalyst to reduce the costs involved in organizational efficiency and integrity.

Chavez, Meza Natalia Sofía. "Establecimiento de los efectos negativos del choque de culturas nacionales en contextos organizacionales en el clima y gestión operativa de Divemotor en el periodo 2017-2019." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2019.

Shologu, Anita. "Employee perceptions of organisational culture constructs in selected non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Cape Town, Western Cape Province." Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2019.

Kang, Catherine W. "The U.S. Coast Guard sector construct : A study of organizational culture." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.

Porter, Mark Reginald. "The Correlation of Leader Traits and Learning Organizational Culture." ScholarWorks, 2016.

McBride-Walker, Mercedes. "Standing out| The influence of organization culture and cultural values on a manager's willingness to meaningfully differentiate employee performance." Thesis, Pepperdine University, 2013.

This mixed-methodology study investigates the degree to which dominant organization culture and cultural values influence a manager's willingness to differentiate employee performance for the purpose of making meaningful talent decisions. Data were collected from 26 companies and a total of 45 individual participants. The findings suggest that specific values play a significant role in influencing a manager's willingness to differentiate employee performance regardless of dominant culture. All organizations have high and low performers, yet being willing to make tough performance calls for greater talent decision effectiveness may require embodying values that are considered countercultural. We argue that these values may need to be translated in the dominant culture for greater acceptance and assimilation, and recognize that companywide performance management programs may best be viewed as a collection of individual decisions that carry with them great tensions. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.

Holtzhausen, Natasja. "Die rol van die openbare bestuurder in die ontwikkeling van 'n organisasiekultuur : 'n normatiewe beskouing (Afrikaans)." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2000.

Gilman, Don G. "Comparative analysis of corporate culture in a multinational organization." Thesis, Pepperdine University, 2013.

This study built upon the Project GLOBE (House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorfman, & Gupta, 2004) analysis by using a Web-based version of the GLOBE Questionnaire in order to examine the extent to which the cultural values and practices of middle managers in a multinational organization vary depending on (a) their cultural background and the region in which they work, (b) whether they were a member of a recently acquired company, and (c) the number of years employed by the multinational organization. Multinational organizations face the unique challenge of operating in societies that have different sets of cultural norms, expectations, beliefs, and values. Just as societies have distinct cultures, so do organizations. Individuals working in organizations are influenced by the organizational culture as well as by the societal culture and competition between these 2 sets of distinct cultures can dramatically impact the success or failure of an acquisition, a strategic alliance, or any other initiative involving multiple cultures. Focusing on data from over 200 middle managers from the United States parent organization, and the regional organizations in Ireland, France, and Japan, a secondary analysis shows that an individual's values and beliefs tend to be more closely aligned with the corporate culture of the parent organization than with the societal culture of the regional organization. Additionally, an examination of the culture of an acquired company shows that there are no statistically significant differences in cultural practices, and only 2 statistically significant differences in cultural values, several years after the acquisition. Finally, the results from this study show that statistically significant differences for cultural practices and values between individual respondents and the overall organization tend to be most prevalent among middle managers with 5 to 10 years of service with the organization.

Iyer, Pramod P. "Brand Management Capability and Brand Performance." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2016.

Stovall, Steven Austin. "Gathering Around the Organizational Campfire: Storytelling As a Way of Maintaining and Changing For-Profit Organizational Cultures." [Yellow Springs, Ohio] : Antioch University, 2007.

Sweeney, Marcella. "The Effects of Downsizing on Organizational Culture in the Newspaper Industry." ScholarWorks, 2016.

Larosei, Nora. "Integrating Organizational Culture in the VC Evaluation Process." Thesis, KTH, Industriell ekonomi och organisation (Inst.), 2018.

Meyer, Abel Hermanus. "Common values and competitiveness within a corporate culture and performance model." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2001.

Henriques, Paulo Lencastre Torres Gonçalves. "Analyzing the impact of HRM Systems on the organizational climate, culture and outcomes: the mediating role of HMR strength, organizational climate and culture." Master's thesis, NSBE - UNL, 2014.

Zimmerman, Kenneth L. "Perceived and preferred organizational culture on behavior intentions in the hospitality industry." Thesis, Capella University, 2017.

Already a challenge to human resource professionals is retaining talented employees. Increasing human resource management’s knowledge of how employees’ perceived and preferred organizational culture contributes to job satisfaction, intent to remain, and willingness to recommend the organization could have a significant positive impact on the reduction of turnover intention. In this quantitative, nonexperimental, correlational study, the researcher investigated the relationships between the independent variables (i.e., employees’ perceived culture and employees’ preferred culture) and the dependent variables (i.e., employee job satisfaction, intent to remain, and willingness to recommend the organization), while controlling for specific demographics. The Hospitality Industry Culture Profile (HICP) was used to measure the independent, dependent, and control variables. There were total of 143 survey participants actively working in the hospitality industry resulted in 88 completed surveys for a response rate of 62%. Regression analyses were conducted to assess the relationships among perceived and preferred organizational culture, job satisfaction, intent to remain with the organization, or willingness to recommend the organization. The coefficient of determination ( R 2 ) indicated that there was a 25% variability in job satisfaction, 23% variability in intent to remain, and up to 44% variability in willingness to recommend. The results of this research identified that a relationship does exist between the employees’ perceived organizational culture and the behavioral intentions of job satisfaction, intent to remain, and their willingness to recommend the organization as a good place to work. Because of the lack of younger workers that participated in the study in the age category of 22-34 ( n =27, 19%), a recommendation for future research would be to conduct a study directed at the millennials who are working in the hospitality industry. This may add to the body of knowledge and have a practical application for human resource management when making adjustments to the culture of the organization.

Porter, Mary. "Supply Chain Integration| A Correlational Study of Organizational Culture and Firm Performance." Thesis, University of Phoenix, 2018.

The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to identify relationships between organizational culture types, supply chain integration, and firm performance. The study process included obtaining data from 201 supply chain professionals and procurement specialists working in various companies throughout the United States. Supply chain integration data and firm performance derived from results obtained from participants completing a 5-point Likert-type scale survey. The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument helped with determining organizational culture types. The results revealed a significant correlation between supply chain integration and firm performance. All three integration variables, customer, supplier, and internal had a significant positive correlation with total integration and firm performance. The data also indicated that supply chain integration increased when organizational flexibility was present. An unexpected result was both clan and adhocracy cultures had a significant correlation to supply chain integration and firm performance. Conducting this study and revealing the findings added to literature and informs supply chain practitioners by determining the influence of organizational culture on supply chain integration performance. The results of this study substantiate that a flexible organizational structure, as shown in the clan and adhocracy cultures, increases supply chain integration and firm performance. As competitive forces intensify, the need for firms to develop a flexible organizational structure to leverage supply chain integration practices will increase. The results of this research could provide organizational leaders more insights into increasing supply chain integration efforts and improved firm performance through flexible culture alignment.


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    culture, making change acceptable rather than an obstacle to overcome. Because a changed culture is the typical change outcome, existing organizational culture frameworks are broad and therefore address organizational change (e.g., adaptive culture in the competing values framework, or learning organizations) in a cursory manner.

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    A DISSERTATION PROPOSAL SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR A MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ... For many decades, the topic on Organizational culture has featured prominently in the discussion amongst scholars in the field of organizational behavior and design (Shi and Wang, 2011; Uddin and Hossain, 2012). The dynamics of culture within the

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    2.4 Definition of organizational culture 14 2.5 Dimensions of organizational culture 16 2.5.1 Hofstede's dimensions (2011) 16 2.5.2 Schein's dimensions (1985-2010) 18 2.5.3 Martins & Terblanche's dimensions (2003) 20 2.6 The relationship between organizational culture and employee innovativeness 21 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 26

  6. An Exploratory Case Study of How Remote Employees Experience Workplace

    2014). Organizational culture experts have called this increase in remote work a culture of engagement (Piaget, 2013; Pierce, 2013; Roark, 2013), that is, a work environment where the leaders create a culture defined by meaningful work, deep employee engagement, job and organizational fit, and strong authentic leadership (West, 2013).

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  18. Organizational Culture Dissertation Topics

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    Organizational culture involves values and attitudes that "contribute to an organization's. unique social and psychological environment." According to Needle (2004), organizational culture ...

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    "A dissertation submitted to the Ph.D. in Leadership and Change program of Antioch University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy July 2007."--from the title page. storytelling, stories, portraiture, organizational culture, corporate culture, organizational behavior, narrative Includes ...

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