
Essay on Gratitude For Parents

Students are often asked to write an essay on Gratitude For Parents in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Gratitude For Parents

Understanding gratitude.

Gratitude is saying “thank you” for the good things in your life. It is a feeling of being thankful. We should have gratitude for many people in our life. But, our parents deserve it the most. They do so much for us.

Parents Love

Parents love their children more than anything. They work hard to give us a good life. They make sure we are safe, healthy, and happy. They teach us important things. They help us when we are in trouble. For all these things, we should be grateful.

Showing Gratitude

Showing gratitude to our parents is easy. We can say “thank you” often. We can help them with their work. We can listen to their advice. We can respect them. By doing these things, we show our gratitude.

Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude is not just good for our parents. It is good for us too. It makes us feel happy. It helps us see the good things in our life. It reminds us of how much we are loved. So, let’s be grateful to our parents every day.

250 Words Essay on Gratitude For Parents


Parents are the pillars of our life. They are the ones who bring us into this world, nurture us, and help us grow. They teach us about life, love, and kindness. Our parents are our first teachers and our biggest supporters. It’s important to feel and express gratitude for our parents.

Gratitude means to be thankful. It is about recognizing the good things in life and appreciating them. When we talk about gratitude for parents, it means to be thankful for all that our parents do for us. They work hard to provide us with a safe and comfortable life. They guide us, protect us, and love us unconditionally.

Showing Gratitude to Parents

There are many ways to show gratitude to our parents. Small gestures can mean a lot. We can say thank you to them for the little things they do. We can help them with their work. We can listen to them and respect their advice. We can also show our gratitude by doing well in our studies and activities, as this makes them happy and proud.

The Importance of Gratitude

Feeling and expressing gratitude for our parents is very important. It makes them feel loved and appreciated. It also helps us to understand the value of their efforts. Gratitude helps us to build a strong bond with our parents. It also makes us better people, as it teaches us to be thankful and respectful.

Our parents do so much for us. They deserve our love, respect, and gratitude. Let’s always remember to say thank you to them, for everything they do. Let’s show them that we appreciate their love and care. Let’s make them feel special, every day. After all, our parents are our biggest blessing.

500 Words Essay on Gratitude For Parents

Gratitude for parents is a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation towards our parents. They are the ones who bring us into this world and take care of us with immense love and kindness. They guide us, teach us, and shape us into the individuals we become. This essay will explore the importance of expressing gratitude towards our parents.

Role of Parents

Parents play a crucial role in our lives. From the time we are born, they provide us with everything we need. They feed us, dress us, and comfort us when we are upset. They teach us to walk, talk, and interact with the world around us. They dedicate their time, energy, and resources to our well-being and development. They are our first teachers, teaching us values, manners, and life skills. They guide us through life, helping us make important decisions and supporting us in our endeavors.

Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation for the kindness and benefits we have received. When we express gratitude, we acknowledge the efforts and sacrifices made by others for our benefit. Expressing gratitude towards our parents is important because it acknowledges the love, care, and effort they put into raising us. It shows them that we value and appreciate everything they do for us. It also helps us develop a positive attitude and a sense of contentment in life.

Ways to Express Gratitude

There are many ways to show gratitude towards our parents. We can express our gratitude through words, by telling them how much we appreciate their love and care. We can also show it through actions, by helping them with household chores, spending quality time with them, or doing something special for them. We can also express gratitude by being obedient, respectful, and considerate towards them. By doing so, we not only show our appreciation, but also make them feel loved and valued.

In conclusion, gratitude for parents is a powerful and important emotion. It helps us acknowledge the efforts and sacrifices our parents make for us, and shows them that we appreciate and value their love and care. By expressing gratitude, we strengthen our relationship with our parents, and cultivate a positive and contented outlook on life. So, let’s make it a habit to express our gratitude to our parents regularly, for it is the least we can do to acknowledge their unconditional love and sacrifices.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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essay gratitude towards parents

Sample Letter Hub

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Gratitude Letter To Parents

Gratitude Letter To Parents

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By Sikandar Ali

February 23, 2024

Gratitude letter to parents is a heartfelt expression of appreciation and thankfulness towards our parents for all that they have done for us. It is a way to acknowledge their love, sacrifices, and support that have shaped us into the person we are today.

The purpose of writing a gratitude letter to parents is to show them how much we value and cherish their presence in our lives.

In this blog article, we will provide you with templates, examples, and samples of gratitude letters to parents. These letters will help you express your gratitude in a meaningful and sincere way.

Whether you want to thank your parents for their unwavering support, guidance, or simply for being there for you, we have got you covered. Our aim is to make it easy for you to write a letter that truly reflects your feelings.

So, if you are looking for inspiration or guidance on how to write a gratitude letter to your parents, then this article is for you. We hope that our templates and examples will help you express your gratitude and make your parents feel loved and appreciated. Let’s get started!

I hope this letter finds you both in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for everything you have done for me throughout my life.

Your unwavering support and love have been the pillars of strength that have shaped me into the person I am today. From the earliest days of my childhood to the challenges of adulthood, you have been there, providing guidance, encouragement, and a comforting presence.

Thank you for the sacrifices you made to ensure my well-being and happiness. Your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed, and I am truly appreciative of the opportunities you have afforded me.

It is your values and lessons that have become the compass guiding my decisions and actions. Your wisdom has been a guiding light, illuminating the path to success and fulfillment.

As I reflect on my journey, I realize the countless sacrifices you made to provide me with a better life. Your selflessness has left an indelible mark on my heart, and I am grateful for the love that knows no bounds.

Thank you for being my biggest cheerleaders, my confidantes, and my anchors during life’s storms. Your belief in me has been a source of strength, pushing me to reach for the stars and pursue my dreams.

On this day, I want you to know that your love and support are cherished beyond words. I am eternally thankful for the foundation you’ve laid and the love you’ve showered upon me.

With love and gratitude,

[Your Name]

Letter Of Gratitude To Parents For Graduation

I am overjoyed to share with you the news of my graduation. As I stand on the threshold of a new chapter in my life, I am compelled to express my deepest gratitude to both of you.

This achievement is as much yours as it is mine. Your unwavering support, sacrifices, and encouragement have been the driving forces behind my academic success. From late-night study sessions to the inspiring pep talks, you’ve been there every step of the way.

Graduating is not just a personal triumph; it’s a testament to the values and work ethic you instilled in me. Your belief in my potential has been a guiding light, pushing me to overcome challenges and reach for the stars.

There were times when the journey seemed tough, but your belief in me never wavered. Your sacrifices, both big and small, have paved the way for this moment, and I am profoundly grateful for the opportunities you’ve provided.

As I walk across the stage, I carry your love and support in my heart. This diploma is a symbol of our collective dedication and perseverance. I couldn’t have done it without you, and for that, I am truly thankful.

Looking back, I see the countless ways you’ve shaped my character and inspired me to dream big. Your love is a constant motivator, and I am excited to embark on the next chapter of my journey with the lessons you’ve imparted.

Thank you for being my pillars of strength, my mentors, and my biggest cheerleaders. I am blessed to have you as my parents, and I share this achievement with immense pride and gratitude.

With love and appreciation,

Letter Of Gratitude To Parents From Son

As I sit down to write this letter, a flood of emotions overwhelms me. Words alone cannot capture the depth of my gratitude, but I want to express just how thankful I am to have you as my parents.

From the earliest moments of my life to the present, your love has been my anchor. Your unwavering support and encouragement have shaped me into the person I am today. Every achievement, every milestone is a testament to the values you instilled in me.

Thank you for being my guiding stars, lighting the path of my journey. Your sacrifices, often silent but profound, have not gone unnoticed. I appreciate the late nights, the early mornings, and every moment you dedicated to ensuring my well-being and happiness.

Through the ups and downs, your belief in me has been unwavering. Your advice, whether solicited or not, has been a source of wisdom. I am grateful for the lessons you’ve taught me, both through words and actions.

As I navigate the complexities of life, I carry your teachings with me. Your love is a source of strength, and I am privileged to have you by my side. The values of kindness, resilience, and compassion that you’ve imparted are the compass guiding my decisions.

So, here’s to you, my incredible parents. Thank you for the laughter, the tears, and the countless memories. I am profoundly grateful for the foundation you’ve provided and the love that knows no bounds.

Appreciation Letter To Parents

I hope this letter finds you well, surrounded by the warmth and love you’ve so generously given me throughout the years.

As I navigate the journey of life, I find myself reflecting on the invaluable lessons and unwavering support you’ve provided. It’s time to express my deep appreciation for everything you’ve done.

Thank you for being my pillars of strength, offering guidance in times of confusion, and celebrating with me in moments of joy. Your love is a constant, reassuring presence that has shaped my character and outlook on life.

The sacrifices you’ve made, both big and small, have not gone unnoticed. From the sacrifices of time to the sleepless nights worrying about my well-being, every act of love has laid the foundation for my success and happiness.

Your wisdom, shared through stories and quiet moments of reflection, has been a source of inspiration. The values of kindness, resilience, and integrity you’ve instilled in me are the compass guiding my choices and actions.

As I pen down these words, I want you to know that your love is my greatest treasure. It has given me the strength to face challenges and the confidence to pursue my dreams. I am forever grateful for the unconditional love that fills our home.

With sincere appreciation and love,

Thank You Letter To Parents

As I take a moment to reflect on my life’s journey, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the two incredible individuals who have been my guiding stars—my parents.

Thank you seems inadequate for the countless sacrifices, unwavering support, and boundless love you have showered upon me throughout the years. From the simplest gestures to the monumental efforts, your presence has been a constant source of strength.

Your encouragement during challenging times and your celebration during moments of triumph have shaped not just my successes but also the person I’ve become. Your belief in my potential has been a driving force, pushing me to strive for excellence and embrace life’s opportunities.

The lessons you’ve imparted, both through words and actions, are the foundation of my character. Your values of kindness, resilience, and integrity resonate in every decision I make. I am grateful for the moral compass you’ve provided, guiding me through the complexities of life.

It’s not just the big things that make a difference; it’s the everyday moments, the laughter, the shared meals, and the quiet understanding that make our family special. Your dedication to creating a loving and nurturing home has left an indelible mark on my heart.

So, in this letter, I want to express my deepest thanks. Thank you for being my pillars of strength, my confidants, and my greatest supporters. I am truly blessed to call you my parents.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Gratitude Letter To Parents

How to Write a Gratitude Letter to Parents

As we grow older, we often forget to express our gratitude to the people who have played a significant role in our lives. Our parents are the ones who have been with us through thick and thin, and it is essential to let them know how much we appreciate them.

One way to do this is by writing a gratitude letter to our parents. Here are seven steps to help you write a heartfelt letter to your parents.

1. Start with a Warm Greeting

Begin your letter with a warm greeting that shows your affection towards your parents. You can use terms like “”Dear Mom and Dad”” or “”To my loving parents”” to start your letter. This will set the tone for the rest of the letter and make your parents feel appreciated.

2. Express Your Gratitude

The next step is to express your gratitude towards your parents. Let them know how much you appreciate everything they have done for you. You can mention specific instances where they have helped you or supported you. This will make your letter more personal and heartfelt.

3. Be Specific

When expressing your gratitude, be specific about what you are thankful for. For example, you can thank your parents for their unconditional love, their guidance, or their sacrifices. This will show your parents that you have taken the time to reflect on their contributions to your life.

4. Share Your Feelings

In addition to expressing your gratitude, share your feelings with your parents. Let them know how much they mean to you and how much you love them. This will make your letter more emotional and heartfelt.

5. Use Examples

To make your letter more personal, use examples from your life to illustrate your points. For example, you can mention a time when your parents helped you through a difficult situation or a time when they made a sacrifice for you. This will make your letter more relatable and meaningful.

6. End with a Positive Note

End your letter with a positive note that shows your appreciation for your parents. You can use phrases like “”Thank you for everything”” or “”I love you both so much.”” This will leave a lasting impression on your parents and make them feel appreciated.

7. Sign Off

Finally, sign off your letter with a warm closing. You can use phrases like “”With love and gratitude”” or “”Forever grateful.”” This will show your parents that you have put thought and effort into your letter.

FAQs About The gratitude letter to parents

1. what is a gratitude letter to parents.

A gratitude letter to parents is a heartfelt letter that expresses appreciation and gratitude towards parents for all that they have done for their children. It is a way of acknowledging the sacrifices, love, and support that parents have provided throughout their children’s lives.

2. Why should I write a gratitude letter to my parents?

Writing a gratitude letter to parents is a way of showing appreciation and gratitude towards them. It can help strengthen the bond between children and their parents and can also provide a sense of closure and healing for any past conflicts or misunderstandings.

3. How do I start writing a gratitude letter to my parents?

To start writing a gratitude letter to parents, begin by reflecting on all the things that your parents have done for you. Think about the sacrifices they have made, the love and support they have provided, and the impact they have had on your life. Use these reflections to guide your writing.

4. What should I include in a gratitude letter to my parents?

In a gratitude letter to parents, you should include specific examples of things that your parents have done for you that you are grateful for. You should also express your feelings of appreciation and love towards them and acknowledge the impact they have had on your life.

5. How should I deliver my gratitude letter to my parents?

You can deliver your gratitude letter to your parents in person, through the mail, or through email. Choose a method that feels comfortable and appropriate for your relationship with your parents.

6. What if I have a difficult relationship with my parents?

If you have a difficult relationship with your parents, writing a gratitude letter can be a way to start healing and improving the relationship. However, it is important to be honest and authentic in your writing and to acknowledge any past conflicts or misunderstandings.

7. Can I write a gratitude letter to someone who is not my biological parent?

Yes, you can write a gratitude letter to anyone who has had a significant impact on your life, including step-parents, grandparents, or other caregivers. The important thing is to express your feelings of appreciation and gratitude towards them.

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  • Thank You Speech for Parents


Thank You Speech for Parents in English for Students

In any child's life, parents play a very meaningful role. We never get chances in public to thank our parents, but when you really want to express your gratitude to your parents, there may be gatherings and occasions or some form of celebration. If you have ever wondered how to thank parents through speech, these speeches of thanks to parents will help you express gratitude and love for your parents, making a positive impression on the audience and your parents. Here, we have provided both Long And Short Thank You Speech For Parents.

Long Thank You Speech for Parents in English

Thank you, everyone, for gathering here and being a part of our celebration. As you all know, I will be leaving soon for my masters and I can’t thank you all enough for being there throughout with me.

I would like to thank my father for helping me understand what I was and am capable of, for giving me the strength I needed to follow my dreams, and for believing that I have the skills and potential to achieve my goals. There were moments when I gave up; it was only you who walked with me to provide me with the support that I needed. I still recall my childhood when, after returning from school, you spent countless hours helping me learn mathematics, the one subject that always terrified me. You showed me how to solve the sums so quickly. At that time, I didn't know that you would also play the same role for the emotional aspects too, today when I feel discouraged; you show me how to easily fix my problems and if any problem continues, you give me your shoulder to rest upon. You are the most important pillar of my life and my greatest strength.

My life, without my mother's contribution, is incomplete. For making me what I am today, I can never thank her enough. In all phases of my life, she has always been committed and helpful in every possible way. She cooks, she organizes my room, she makes everything available for me in the right place and at the right time, she says nice words of gratitude, and her feeling proud of me gives me immense courage and confidence to go ahead in life. And she does all of these, despite working day in and day out in her daily life. I constantly wonder, is my mom a superwoman? I assume that for an average person like me, it is not at all possible to do all that she does for us. Today, to celebrate my performance, I am standing here in the middle of all my loved ones. All this has been possible for my parents, who have been training me and been there with me throughout this journey.

They loved me, cared for me, trusted me when I was losing hope, stayed awake with me during my examination days, stayed awake to take care of me when I fell ill, guided me on the right path when I failed in my entrance examination.

I can't thank both of you enough for what you've done for me. I would be standing nowhere if it weren't for you both; it's going to be hard for me for the next two years because I might not get the comfort of your embrace, but we’ll stay connected through video calls and of course from the core of our hearts.

Short Thank You Speech for Parents in English

Greetings to everyone present here today. Thank you for taking out time to be a part of our celebration. It means a lot to me. As you all know, I will be leaving home soon to pursue my master’s degree. Today, I am here to thank each one of you for your support and wishes. Most importantly, I would like to thank my parents for everything.

Dad, you've always been the backbone of my life, I've never seen you cry in the darkest moments of your life. Apart from being my superman; you are also a human being with emotions and I realized that when I saw you getting emotional about my departure. Mom, you're the most amazing person on earth; you've always taught me to be kind to others. The greatest mantra of success that I have gained from you is patience and determination. You taught me to be considerate and told me to remain cool with someone in any kind of altercation, which led me to have a huge circle of friends.

Today, my life has a purpose and a goal, all because of your relentless effort and faith in me. I thank my parents today for their blessings and the constant support that they have been for me. There are not enough words to express how grateful I am to them for everything they have done for me. Today I am using this opportunity to thank my parents as we all have gathered here. Thank you for being the best parents a child could dream of.

10 Lines on Thank You Card for Parents

In everybody's life, parents are jewels.

Without parents' love and support, a child can't enjoy a healthy life.

Our parents support us on every path in our lives, from birth to adulthood.

They teach us integrity and truthfulness. 

They teach us to distinguish, in our lives, the good from the evil.

They help us pursue our goals, and they make sure we do not face any hurdles.

The role of our parents in our lives is immeasurable.

Thank you isn't enough to describe their continuous encouragement and help, in our lives.

It is our duty to make them feel special, as they do so much for us wholeheartedly throughout their lives.

Our parents believe in us on the days we hate ourselves, and provide every possible comfort for us so that we can live peacefully.

Tips for Speech 

Be confident before you start your speech

The introduction of a speech is exceptionally important. It should be strong and to the point. 

Always have valid points and don’t add fluff to prolong it. 

To ensure you don’t forget anything, start slowly and have a paper with points to help you remember something if you forget.


FAQs on Thank You Speech for Parents

1. How to start a thank you speech?

I would like to speak about parents today. Parents are those who gave us the opportunity to enter this beautiful world. Parents are the greatest gift from God. In Fact parents are Gods on Earth. Parents are one of the most beautiful things in this world because they give us life, nurture us, teach us, give us good upbringing, and dedicate their entire lives to us. So, you should always love and respect your parents and should always care for them.

2. When do we celebrate parents day and why? What is the history of parents day? 

Every year on the 26 th of July, we celebrate Parent's Day all over the world. Parents are the best gifts in everyone's life, and a day to thank them is a must. Parents' Day celebrates responsible parenting and the special bond between parents and children. This day also honors positive parental role models. As a result of Bill Clinton's signing of a law in 1994, a resolution was approved by the US Congress establishing the fourth Sunday of every July as Parents' Day. In the Congressional resolution, it is noted that Parents' Day is a nation-wide holiday.

3. In a speech, how to be grateful to your parents?

Your speech can start by discussing how your parents have impacted your life, why you are thankful, and how you are thankful. Words may not be enough for their contributions, but it is a great way to thank your parents and convey their importance. To make your speech more special you can add a few qualities of your parents and how they impacted your life and make it perfect. Example- I am grateful to my parents for imparting the best education to me and helping me to develop into a good human being.

4. What is the importance of parents in our life? 

Children's development depends heavily on their parents. They provide everything they need at the time when they are developing. Parents reduce their own living costs to make their children more educated. For the future of their children, parents sacrifice everything. - Parents provide unconditional love to their children.  They provide financial and moral support and play a central role in everyone's life. Discipline and relationships are taught to children by their parents. Parents are the best friends.  Parents are always ready to help when you fall thus they play a very vital role in everyone’s life.

5. What are the Examples of a thank you speech for parents?

We are all gathered here today on the occasion of Parents Day, and as the head girl of this school, I would like to take this chance to say a few words of thanks to my parents because they are the reason I am able to stand here in front of you. They are the only two people who have let me come this far.  As a parent, you play a highly significant and precious role in your child's life. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to my mother, for only a mother sacrifices and goes through a difficult journey in order to raise their child.

Express Your Gratitude: Heartfelt Thank You Letters for Parents

Show your appreciation to your parents with heartfelt thank you letters. Express your gratitude for their love, support, and guidance. Let them know how much you value and cherish their presence in your life

Expressing Gratitude to Your Parents

Thank you letters for parents are a heartfelt way to show appreciation and express gratitude towards the individuals who have supported you throughout your life. Whether it's for their unwavering love, sacrifices, encouragement, or guidance, a thank you letter to your parents can mean the world to them. In this article, we will explore the importance of acknowledging and thanking your parents, provide examples and templates for writing thank you letters, and offer tips on how to craft a meaningful message that truly conveys your feelings of gratitude. Join us in honoring and thanking the remarkable individuals who have played an integral role in shaping who you are today.

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A Heartfelt Thank You to Mom and Dad

This email may be needed by someone who wants to express gratitude and appreciation to their parents for their love, support, and sacrifices.

A Token of Appreciation for Everything You've Done

This email may be needed by someone who wants to convey heartfelt thanks to their parents for their constant love, guidance, and dedication.

Forever Grateful for Your Love and Support

This email may be needed by someone who wishes to express profound gratitude to their parents for their unwavering love, support, and sacrifices throughout their life.

Eternally Grateful for Your Love and Sacrifices

This email may be needed by someone who wants to express deep gratitude to their parents for their unwavering love, sacrifices, and impact on their life.

A Heartfelt Thank You for Your Love and Guidance

This email may be needed by someone who wants to express sincere appreciation to their parents for the love, guidance, and support they have provided throughout their life.

Gratitude for Your Endless Love and Support

This email may be needed by someone who wants to convey appreciation to their parents for the limitless love, care, and support they have provided over the years.

Forever Grateful for Your Love and Sacrifices

A heartfelt thank you for being my pillars of strength.

This email may be needed by someone who wishes to express heartfelt thanks to their parents for being their pillars of strength through life's challenges.

Top Tips for Writing Heartfelt Thank You Letters for Parents

Expressing gratitude to parents through handwritten thank you letters is a meaningful gesture that can strengthen your bond with them. To ensure your appreciation shines through, here are some best practices to keep in mind when writing these special notes. Remember, sincerity is key in conveying your heartfelt thanks. Start by addressing your parents directly and highlighting specific reasons why you are grateful. Use personal anecdotes, memories, and emotions to make your letter authentic. Conclude with a warm closing expressing your love and appreciation. Here are some tips:

  • Begin by addressing your parents by their names and expressing your gratitude for their love and support.
  • Share specific examples of how their actions have positively impacted your life.
  • Include heartfelt memories or moments that showcase your appreciation for their sacrifices and efforts.
  • Express your emotions honestly and authentically, letting your parents know how much they mean to you.
  • Conclude by reiterating your thanks and expressing your love for them.
  • Consider adding a personal touch such as a small gift or memento to accompany your letter.
  • Take the time to handwrite your letter for a more personal and thoughtful touch.
  • Proofread your letter to ensure it conveys your message clearly and effectively.
  • Consider framing the letter as a keepsake for your parents to cherish.

In conclusion, expressing gratitude through thank you letters to parents is a powerful way to show appreciation for their love, support, and sacrifices. The key takeaways include acknowledging their efforts, reflecting on cherished memories, and fostering a strong bond. Take this opportunity to write a heartfelt thank you letter to your parents and let them know how much they mean to you. Dive deeper into this topic by exploring different templates and examples for inspiration. Start spreading love and appreciation by penning down your thoughts today!

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Narrative Essay: I Love My Parents

Parents are the closest people that we have in our lives, whether we realize it or not. They love us not because we are smart, beautiful, successful or we have a good sense of humour, but just because we are their children. I, too, love mom and dad simply because they are my parents, but I think I would have felt the same even if they weren’t. I love who they are as people, each with their own individual traits – and, together, forming an amazing super-team that’s made me who I am today and taught me what life is all about.

My mother is a cheerful, chatty perfectionist who seems to always find something to get excited about and who can talk for hours about animals and flowers. She is never afraid to speak her mind and she can be very convincing when she wants to. She sometimes get upset a bit too easily, but she is just as quick to forgive and forget. I love mom for all that she is – even when she’s angry – for all that she has done for me, and for all that she’s taught me. My mom has been through a lot throughout the years, but she always kept fighting.She taught me to never lose hope even in the direst of moments, and she showed me how to look for happiness in the small things. She’s been trying to teach me to be more organized as well, but hasn’t succeeded yet. I love her for that too.

My father is quiet, patient and calm, and he has an adorable hit-and-miss sense of humour. I may not always find his jokes that funny, but I love him for trying. Dad almost never gets angry and he is always polite, friendly and nice to everyone. He is not the one to verbalize emotions, but he always shows his feelings through sweet gestures and little surprizes. He is the pacifist in our family and never goes against mom’s wishes, but he runs a large company witha firm hand. I love my father for all these characteristics and for all he’s sacrificed to build a better life for us. He’s worked day and night to ensure we afford good education and have a rich, wonderful childhood, and he has passed up many great opportunities for the benefit of our family. I love dad because he’s taught me that you cannot have it all in life, but with hard work and dedication, you can have what matters most to you.

Mom and dad may be very different people, but they complement each other perfectly. Together, they formed a super-team that was always there – and, thankfully, still is – to provide comfort, nurturing, and support and help me grow as a person. Their complementary personalities bring balance in our family, and each of them steps in whenever they are needed the most. Together, they taught me to believe in myself and have turned me into a fighter. Their care and dedication towards me and each other has served as an example of what healthy relationships should be like, and I love and admire them for that.

I love my parents because they are my parents, my good friends, my heroes, my role models, my safe haven, my pillars of strength.I am who I am today thanks to them, and I know that their support and affection will play an essential role in what I will become in the future.All I can hope is that, when I have children of my own, I will be half as good a parent as they were to me.

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essay gratitude towards parents

You Will Never Be Able to Thank Your Mother Enough

On the inadequacy of each and every one of us.

There is a reason that a mother’s love, in its purest form, is visceral and even violent. This same reason explains the volatility of relationships with our mothers and why they often don’t make sense in logical terms. The reason is this: We are doomed by the nature of biological cycles to never be able to thank them enough for having facilitated our existence. For reasons I’ll explain, there exists a permanent deficit of appreciation toward our mothers.

Picture the moment you begin to grow in your mother’s womb. You have no speech to greet her although she’s probably talking to you already in whispers and in her thoughts. You are a kernel of futurity. You occupy her mind constantly, and many of her activities involve preparing for your arrival. She changes her diet, she reads about what’s best for you, she imagines what kind of person you’ll be. She watches the news and worries about bringing you here, to this death-drive civilization. People give her constant unsolicited advice and turn her into an alien yet holy allegory. You’ve changed her from a woman to a mother, which brings with it all kinds of unanticipated social consequences. She worries what you will do to her body. You are indifferent; you stretch it. Your presence changes the status of her relationship with her partner; something about you growing in between these two bodies alters the way they relate to one another.

Your arrival is marked by a tearing of flesh, something no one wants to think about. This physical pain will be an ellipsis in your mind when in your twenties you hastily scribble her a greeting card in the car outside her house on Mother’s Day. This is not what you think about when you respond with a couple of lines to her long, detailed, and grammatically meticulous emails. In the thoughts about your mother, you naturally omit the labor and blood of your own coming into being because you have no personal recollection of it and because it’s unpleasant to imagine. You cannot conceive of your conception nor of your birth. You cannot make the cognitive jump between the stretchmarks on her body and the very existence of your own. My own mother told me a joke once about a man who comes home to his pregnant wife sitting exhausted on the couch. He asks her, “What did you do today?” and she replies, “I made a lung.” This simple joke helped me realize an obvious fact that I’d never considered before: My mother grew me. Her body was the site and the circumstance of my being. Her bodily expenditures meant that I could live.

Were the resources she shared with me given or lent? The baby is in some sense a parasite that feeds off its host until it can live on its own. It can also be imagined as a plant or a pet or a project, a beautiful thing in which all energies and attentions are invested. This remarkable process of one person growing inside another like a matryoshka doll complicates our sovereignty as individuals. We know ourselves only as autonomous beings, but she knew us first as an extension of her own body. This smudging of the line between self and other must also contribute to the strange pulls and pushes of the mother-child relationship. A mother must wonder how something that sprang out of her own body could ever turn renegade.

So now you’ve made your entrance. You exist. But you cannot care for yourself. Your parents mobilize their energies and give you all the necessities for survival. For this reason, fatigue is a key feature of parenthood. As a miniature autocrat, your small will controls their world. You stink. You are cranky and needy, but they still bow to your authority. They would even kill on your behalf. Your mother’s body gives you food, warmth, and the sounds, smells, and textures of comfort. You still cannot say “thank you” yet. This continues for some time, but even when you finally acquire language, thanking your mother is probably not the first thing you do.

This first and constant postponement of gratitude is the principal cause of all motherly turbulence. To have a mother is to be in perpetual deficit of thanks toward her. This missing gratitude is a kind of high-interest loan that can never be paid back. She is asked by society to forgive this loan, to love you unconditionally because she chose to bring you here and because it’s her duty to give without taking. However, to be a mother is to be relentlessly, albeit often subconsciously, aware of this deficit and to try to balance the books over a lifetime in sometimes alarming and counterintuitive ways. Some mothers withhold their love; others triple or quintuple their love and attentions, if only to make the terms of repayment even more daunting. The belatedness and insufficiency of our gratitude could be one of the reasons that our interactions with her differ so greatly from our interactions with our father. Good fathers certainly sacrifice something of themselves in our early years, but their initial biological contribution to our existence was the most fun part of bringing baby into the world. They forego the nausea and epidurals.

Love is no accounting sheet, but somehow economic language (deficit, loan, repayment, interest, expenditure, investment) seems particularly well suited for describing the terms of our sentimental encounter with others. While what I’ve proposed here may sound like an economy of guilt, it is rather the plain recognition of a fact: We can never catch up in giving thanks, which shouldn’t produce feelings of guilt but rather a surrender to the permanent discrepancy that will separate us from our moms.

I am not a mother, but I have verified the truth of this assessment in every mother I’ve ever known, particularly those with children in their teens and older. Mother love tends toward maximalism and excess, with peaks and troughs and unpredictable, fearsome swerves. There are undoubtedly calm and even-keeled mothers around, but the default mother mode seems to be one of unruly fluctuation. What can account for this? The laziest way to deal with the phenomenon is to simply call them crazy, a statement that is commonly and casually blanketed on all women. This term has been called into question in recent years, and rightly so. Someone’s use of the label “crazy” has more to do with that person’s incapacity to understand the one they judge than with an actual psychosis. It is also irresponsible to attribute motherly tempestuousness solely to hormones in flux. Hormones undoubtedly play a role in the moods of the mother, but the deficit of thanks I’ve described could better explain the high degree of maternal intensity and volatility.

With awe, I watch my friends and colleagues who are mothers trudge through their daily lives with composure and terrifying competence. They do far more than is necessary in their professional and motherly lives. They take on tasks that no one else will, they aim beyond perfection, and they look great while doing it. They will be denounced as martyrs, visibly suffering and self-sacrificing so that others will have to notice their exertions and consent to sanctify them. One colleague in particular impresses me every day with her collegial spirit and her level of commitment to her teaching, research, and university service. I watch her with her son and see that she loves this boy with fury. She glides from faculty meeting to soccer practice to seminar to violin lesson with a kind of ethereal grace, all the while looking like a Greek goddess. How can we make sense of such a woman? How could years of gratitude from her colleagues, friends, partner, and child ever be enough? She is beyond our thanks.

Everyone’s mother is different and I suspect some examples of your own mother’s zeal have come to mind by now. My mom’s takes form as unrestrained giving. If you mention in passing that you like chocolate-covered cherries, you will receive several boxes of chocolate-covered cherries from her for every occasion for the rest of your days. As another example, she gave me a printer’s tray for my birthday, which I planned to fill with little souvenirs from places I visit in the future. I won’t have the chance: A month later, I got a box in the mail full of dozens of little trinkets she’d found somewhere. In one fell swoop, she filled my entire printer’s tray herself. She invents new family traditions every time I see her. She talks more and faster than anyone I know and laughs hysterically at things no one else finds funny. She is a talented florist and she insists on making the casket piece for any member of the family who should, unfortunately, require one. You look at these jaw-dropping masterpieces she’s spent hours creating by herself in the middle of the night, despite her mourning, and you know she has infused them with her soul. She works herself to exhaustion at family holidays so that everyone else can have a nice time even if the extra work puts her in a foul mood. She would die for her children without hesitation.

This essay is a roundabout way of thanking my own mother and acknowledging that I know any thanks I give her will always be belated and insufficient. I’ve noticed in recent years that the slightest gesture of gratitude on my part toward my mom is welcomed with an understandable insatiability. In my younger years, I mostly saw what displeased me in her and what didn’t correspond to my own values. However, over the past few years, all of her beautiful quirks, talents, sufferings, and sacrifices have become suddenly obvious, glaringly so. We will always be behind in thanking our own mothers. But thank them anyway, excessively, and thank every mother you know. While the deficit will never dwindle, we can join them as partners in excess.

Christy Wampole ‘s essay collection, The Other Serious, is forthcoming from Harper, in July, 2015.

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Christy Wampole

Christy Wampole

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Gratitude Essay

500 words essay on gratitude.

Gratitude is a beautiful way of enriching our lives. It refers to the feeling and attitude of appreciation and thankfulness for the good which we receive in life. It has been proven scientifically that when we express our gratefulness to other people, we feel happier and calmer. Thus, it allows goodness to enter our lives. For instance, when a stranger holds the door for you or greets you, it makes you feel happy. Thus, a gratitude essay will teach us how advantageous gratitude is.

gratitude essay

Advantages of Gratitude

Gratitude can have a lot of advantages to our personal as well as social life. First of all, it strengthens our relationship with others. When you have a thankful feeling, it will strengthen the bond with the other party and enhance the trust factor and feeling of respect and love .

Moreover, it also makes us happy. When we express gratitude or receive it, we feel happy either way. As a result, people who have gratitude do not stress out a lot. Similarly, being full of gratitude makes society sensible.

In other words, people become considerate and never leave a chance to say thank you to others. Thus, it helps society to progress in the right direction with the right tools needed for the development of it.

Most importantly, gratitude reduces comparisons and promotes acknowledgement. When we become thankful, we do not compare ourselves to others. Thus, it helps us acknowledge our own achievements and blessings and remain content.

How to Practice Gratitude

There are a lot of ways through which we can practice gratitude. Some of the most effective ones include making a note of every good thing which happens to us every day. Moreover, also note the people behind it.

This will help you to return the favour at an appropriate time. Never forget to return this favour as they deserve it too. Moreover, always make sure to appreciate everything in life ranging from nature to animals .

We are lucky enough to have animals, green plants, fresh air and much more. Thus, never stop acknowledging the importance of these essential things. Moreover, always remember to say thank you to different community helpers.

It can be anyone, whether your gardener or sweeper or even the police officers. Make sure you thank them for their service whenever it is possible for you. Remember that to wake up every day is no less than a blessing itself.

So, make sure to be grateful for a new day and thank the almighty for making you wiser and stronger with each passing day. Most importantly, try to avoid complaining about things when they don’t go your way. You don’t know about the blessing behind it.

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Conclusion of Gratitude Essay

All in all, gratitude is the most essential human expression which proves that humans are sensible and have emotions. Moreover, this emotion does not just limit to humans but also animals. Often, we see then express their gratitude and return the favour. Thus, we must always express our gratitude.

FAQ of Gratitude Essay

Question 1: Why is gratitude important?

Answer 1: Gratitude is strongly and constantly connected with greater happiness. It is what helps people feel more positive emotions, appreciate good experiences, advance their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

Question 2: How can gratitude change your life?

Answer 2: Gratitude can change your life as it makes you appreciate what you have rather than what you don’t have. It can change your life  because it is the single most powerful source of inspiration that any individual can tap into if they simply stop and pay attention to the simplistic beauty and miracle of life.

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Thank you Speech for Parents to show your gratitude

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Parents play a very important role in every child’s life. We seldom get opportunities to thank our parents in public. But there may be events and occasions or any kind of celebration when you really want to show your gratitude towards your parents. If you ever wondered how to thank parents through speech; these thank you speeches for parents would help you leave a strong impact on the audience and your parents too. Our short and long thank you speech for parents can be used on occasions like birthday celebrations and you can use this thank you speech for parents as a sample to create speech for your wedding, etc.

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Parents Thank you Speech

Thank you speech for parents – 1.

Dear friends,

I would like to thank you all for assembling here and being a part of our celebration. As you all know, I have been selected to accomplish a project in the UK; so for the next 2 years, I’ll be staying there. While, I am very glad and highly excited about the achievement, I am getting little emotional at the same time.

I would like to utilise this opportunity to thank the people who have been the pillars of my success. Most of you, including my colleagues, seniors and bosses have seen only the successful part of mine; my parents are the only people who have worked day in and day out to prepare me for the challenges in life.

I would specifically like to thank my father for making me realize what I was and am capable of, for giving me the strength that I required to pursue my dreams and for believing that I have the necessary skills and capability to accomplish my goals. There had been times, when I gave up; it was only you, who walked along with me to give me the much needed support. I still remember my childhood when you spent countless hours after returning from work and helped me learning Maths: the one subject that always scared me. You taught me methods to solve the problems so easily. I didn’t realise at that time, you will play the same role for the emotional aspects too, today when I feel disheartened; you show me ways to tackle me problems easily and if the problem persists, you give me your shoulder to rest upon my problems. You are the most important pillar of my life and the biggest strength that God has given me.

My father always said that our house was incomplete without the contribution of my mother. I can never thank her enough for making me what I am today. You have always been so dedicated and supportive in all stages of my life. You cook, arrange my room, make available everything at the right place and at the right time, say nice and appreciative words and feel proud of me. And you do all these, despite managing your work life. I often wonder, is my mother a super woman? I believe that this is not at all possible for an ordinary person like me. Today, I am standing here amidst all my near and dear ones in order to celebrate my success.

But this is all because of my parents who prepared me for this success. They have loved me, cared for me, trusted me when I would lose hope, stayed awake during my exam days for meeting my dietary needs, stayed awake with me when I fell sick, cried with me when I lost the medical entrance test.

I can’t thank you both enough for everything you have done for me. Without you both, I stand nowhere; the coming 2 years will be difficult for me, because I may not get the warmth of your hug, but I’ll stay connected through the technology.

Once again, thank you dear parents!

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Thank you Speech for Parents – 2

Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Friends!

Welcome to the annual celebration of our Boarding School ABC. This is the day, which each one of us waits for, since this represents the closing of the school for the next 2 months when the children would stay with their respective parents, go on vacation or enjoy their holiday as per their wishes.

This year, I have been given the honour to deliver the annual day speech. I would especially like to utilise this moment to thank those people who have transformed my life – my parents.

There are not sufficient words to describe how thankful I am to them, for everything they have done for me. But that doesn’t lessen the value of my teachers. I am utilising this platform today to thank my parents as they have also gathered here. Parents do so much for us right from our birth till the end and I realised this only when I came to the boarding school. No wonder, the school has taught me discipline and to be self-dependent, but the importance of parents in life is eternal.

I am not making any comparison here; but today I would be biased and thank my parents for their blessings and endless support they have given to me.

Papa and Mummy, I want to tell you that I am not at all angry that you sent me here. I later realised, how judicious decision it was on your parts to send me to the boarding school because not only that I learnt to be an ideal child but I also made a lot of friends here. I want to thank you for showering endless love upon me in every situation. Thank you for explaining me with utmost love when I made silly mistakes. Thank you for being patient in listening to my every little problem over the phone and helping me to find their solutions.

Papa, you have always remained the pillar of my life, I have never seen you crying even in the darkest moments of your life. I always thought that my dad is a super human while that was not true; you are also a human being with an emotional heart and I realised that when I saw you getting emotional over my departure. You bought everything for me and fulfilled all my irrational demands.

Mummy, you are the most wonderful person in the world; you always taught me to be kind towards others. Patience and Persistence are the biggest mantra of ‘success’ that I learnt from you. You taught me to be considerate and advised me to stay calm in any kind of altercation with anyone, due to which I am loaded with friends today.

My life has a mission and vision today; all due to your endless effort and trust upon me. I understand, it was the toughest decision for you to send me to the hostel but you made it because you wanted to transform the irrational child of yours to a polite and considerate human being.

I have learnt a lot from you after being away from you; most importantly I have started valuing people and their efforts.

I can’t thank you enough for whatever you have done and still doing for me; yet I want to say ‘Thank you’ Mummy and Papa, I Love you!

Thank you Speech for Parents – 3

A very good morning to all!

Today we all have gathered here on the account of “Parents Day” and as a head girl of this school I would like to take this worthy opportunity to say a few words to thank my parents because they are the reason I am able to stand here in front of you. They are the only two people who supported me in all ups and downs of my life. Parents are the real blessing, which God gives us as they stand by us in every walk of life.

Parents play an important and a precious role in every child’s life. Utilizing this opportunity, I would especially like to thank my mother because it is only a mother who sacrifices and goes through a painful journey to raise her child. Behind every successful person there is a mother who is always ready to sacrifice anything just to see her child happy. A mother is a goddess who goes through a lot of pain and sacrifices her own blood to give us birth.

We all goes through many ups and downs, the only people who stood and will stand by us are our parents. There are many relationships we have in our lives, but they are flimsy most of the times and there is only one relationship that remains till our last breath and that relationship is what we share with our parents. Parents are the only people who never step back at the time when we need them and they are always there for us does not matter how difficult the situation is. This is the only relation, which we could rely on.

The person who supported me and taught me about conquering difficult situations of my life is my father. He is the only man who always tried to raise a conqueror out of me rather than suppressing me. He always supports me in every way, whether it is a mental support or financial support. He is the only man, whom I can trust blindly in every single second of my life. He always acted as a shield when I needed protection from difficult situation in my life. Don’t you feel safe when you are with your parents as I do? I feel like I am covered with a shield and no fear of drowning could come near me.

Unfortunately, not many children have this blessing and may be they could explain the importance of parents much better than me. I cannot imagine my life without my parents and it seems like a worst nightmare to me which I never want to see. I am very glad and thankful to God that he gave me the blessing called parents and I will try to give every happiness and comfort that they had lost just to raise me and making my future bright.

On this note, I would like to end my speech and extend special thanks to our parents for coming here to grace the event!

Thank you Speech for Parents – 4

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today our company has organized an event on account of “Parents Day” and as a manager it is my privilege to utilize this opportunity to say a few words for my parents. Actually, the words will fall short of its meaning when it comes to expressing our gratitude towards our parents as they are indeed the most precious blessing from God and cannot be replaced by any other relationship. They are the only two people who hold my hands whenever I need their support. They are reason, why I have been standing in front of you as a manager of this prosperous company.

I want to thank my mother for giving me my life and raising me by sacrificing her own happiness. We usually come to hear that there is a woman behind every successful person and yes, it is true because she is the mother. A mother is the most caring person we all have in our lives. Her sacrifices are infinite. She is the only person who goes through pain just for her child’s comfort. She always remains awake until I reach home. She is truly a goddess whose blessing always acts as a backbone for our lives. Without her support, it would be impossible for me to attain this position on which I am today. She deserves respect and equal credit for my success. There have been times when I faced complete emotional breakdown and a feeling of unrest due to the peer pressure of work; then she was the one who comforted me and brought peace to my mind through her optimistic attitude and kind words.

There are some points in life in which you need a hand which can help you getting out of your problems. My father is the only man who owns my trust and he never steps back when I need him the most. He is always there for my support. He prepared me for the difficulties that came in my life. He always acted as a strong support me which I can never forget. Right from academic years to my present job, he has always acted as an excellent guide. He provided me enough strength and positivity to raise my career to an outstanding height. He worked over time only to provide me with every comfort that I needed. They both kept awake at late nights to prepare me for exams and it’s not only my hard work but their utmost concern too that helped me accomplish my goals.

My parents are the actual reason for my success in my career and without them I would be nothing. It is completely unimaginable for me to think about a life without my parents but there are some children who do not have this blessing and are unaware of this love which we get from our parents. On seeing them, it feels very fortunate that I have a loving father and a caring mother. My only aim now is to provide my parents with the best of everything because they deserve the best after all such sacrifices they did for me.

On this note, I would like to conclude my speech. Thank you all for your patience and I wish you all a great day ahead!

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Essay on Gratitude

essay gratitude towards parents

#1 Essay on Gratitude Towards Parents

#2 essay on gratitude towards teachers, #3 essay on gratitude towards friends, #4 essay on gratitude towards god, #5 essay on gratitude towards school, #6 essay on gratitude day.

Gratitude is one of the most underestimated ways anyone can use to enrich their lives. It is the feeling and attitude of appreciation and thankfulness for the good that we receive in life.

Scientists have proven that when we express our gratefulness towards other people, we tend to feel happier, calmer and as a result, it opens up more channels for goodness to enter into our lives.

Imagine going through a day where strangers smile at you, greet you, and people hold the door open for you, and more importantly, you feel that this world is full of kindness and people are willing to help you without expecting any return. How would that make your day?

The best part about being grateful and to live a good life, you can do not have to wait for people to do good to you, instead, be the first one to act and express your thankfulness to them, especially your parents.

Why Do You Need To Show Gratitude Towards Parents

Robert Emmons, one of the world’s leading scientist and expert on the subject of gratitude reveals that feeling grateful have many benefits for your body, mind, and relationships, especially towards your parents.

You have to understand that your parents are the closest people you have when you were young and they are the ones that you spent the most time with. Well, this may not be true for everyone, but it is true for the majority of the people out there.

Kindness and success start from home. Another important point to remember is that you will someday become a parent too. And thus, how you treat your parents will somehow leave an impact on your relationship between you and your children.

If you are grateful for your parents and always be thankful for the good that they have brought into your life, you will feel the same when you become a parent.

What Are The Best Ways To Express Your Gratitude Towards Parents

There are plenty of ways how you can express your gratitude and thankfulness toward your parents. One of the easiest and most effective ways is to just say “Thank you”.

When your parents cook a meal for you, when they help you solve a problem, when they do something for you, when they guide you, when they buy you a new shoe, when they give you money to live, do not forget to say thank you.

Another good way to express your gratitude towards your parents is to spend more time with them and accompany them. You do not have to wait until when their hair turns gray or when they are 80 years old only to spend your time with them. Remember how your parents spend their time and life nurturing you, feeding you and making sure that you grow up becoming who you are today? Do the same and take good care of your parents, this is one of the best ways to express your thankfulness to them.

Some people express their gratitude through composing a song, some write thank you letters, some show it through hugs and kisses, and some bring their parents for vacation. What about you?

Regardless of what you do to show your gratefulness towards your parents, the key is to make sure that you do it before time runs out.

  • huffingtonpost.com/dr-hyder-zahed/feel-and-express-gratitude_b_11304630.html
  • sbnonline.com/article/why-it-is-so-important-to-express-gratitude-in-your-business/
  • greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/why_gratitude_is_good
  • philstar.com/sunday-life/506384/what-best-way-show-gratitude-your-parents

As you might already know, expressing your gratitude towards people is something that will not only enrich your life but also enrich the lives of the one you express your thanks to.

Studies have shown that expressing your gratefulness toward someone has many benefits including raising your self-esteem, making you happier, and also giving you a sense of fulfillment in life.

And when it comes to showing your appreciation, one of the most important figures you should be thankful for will be your teachers. Most people who practice writing gratitude lists often miss out their teachers in the list because they only interact with their teachers in school. And after they get into the working world, materials and people around them are their main focus.

Do you know that teachers are the people who you spend the most time with besides your parents and friends? More importantly, a teacher’s mission is to educate you and make sure that you learn what you are supposed to learn in school. Their mission also often intertwined with life and inspirational lessons to motivate you to succeed in life.

Take Les Brown, the motivational speaker as an example. In his motivational speech, he often quoted the person who inspired and changed his life, his teacher, Leroy Washington. Brown was born poor and was labeled as “educable mentally retarded”. Despite the fact that Brown was a slow learner, his teacher never abandoned him, instead, he inspired him by telling young Brown, “Never let someone’s opinion of you become your reality”.

As you can see, your teachers play an important role in shaping who you are today. You are where you are right now because of the influence of your teachers. Regardless of whether your teachers have positively impacted your life, you should feel grateful for them at all times.

There are plenty of ways how you can express your gratefulness toward your teachers, including:

1. Write a thank you essay to your teacher. Show your appreciation through words and this is not a test, hence, write with an open heart and sincerity.

2. Buy a best-selling book for your teacher. Somehow, teachers should love to read and always pursue for improvement, be it in career or at life, right?

3. Show your appreciation by doing homework and follow the advice from your teachers. This is one of the easiest ways to show your gratitude towards your teacher. Just do your best and excel in school.

4. Say a simple “Thank you”, after every class. This small and simple act will profoundly change your teacher’s life.

5. Remember your teacher’s birthday and buy him or her a gift as a token of appreciation. And your teacher will remember you for the rest of his or her life.

The above are just some of the ideas on how you can show your thankfulness towards your teacher. It is not the idea that matter, the key is that you do something that your teacher will remember and receive your appreciation. Even if it is as tiny as a simple “thank you”, your teacher will feel it.

As students, many teachers and educators will pass through your life without remembrance. Therefore, starting from now on, do something and to express your gratitude to the people have guided you in life.

There is an old saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”, and friends hold a special place in our heart as they are the ones who will always be by our side whenever we need them. We simply cannot live in this world all by ourselves without friends.

Thus, it is important to express our appreciation toward our friends, especially those who have helped us when we needed them. There are many types of friends, some you will want to keep no matter the situation, some you will want to leave or spend less time with, and some are good for social and sharing.

Writing an appreciation essay or letter to express your gratitude toward your friend is not something new. In fact, it has been around for ages and a lot of people are using this method to show their gratitude and build better and more intimate relationship with the people they spend their time with. You do not really have to follow any format when writing the essay to your friends. They are your best friends, they know you and they will accept whatever you good you are trying to tell them.

However, no matter how informal you are, you have to be sincere in writing it. You will lose the point of the gratitude letter if you sound fake and are not serious. All you need to do is to express how you feel about them. Tell your friends how much thankful you are and how much they meant to you in your life.

Besides that, to make your gratitude letter more powerful, you can include a small gift with it. It can be a keychain, a pen, a book, or even just a mint, your friend will appreciate your effort even more. You do not have to wait for the right and perfect moment to do this. If you seriously are grateful for your friends right now, take out a piece of paper, and write down your thoughts and thank them.

There are many blessings that come from being grateful for the good things we enjoy in life. And everyone has their own religion in their hearts. Deep within you, you believe in something, a higher power, a God, or something that has the power to create the world. Simply put, God wants us to learn to be grateful and thankful for all the gifts He has created for us.

This is not only about being spiritual, in fact, science has shown that people who are grateful for their Gods tend to be healthier and happier. You have probably heard the saying, “Count your blessings”, and do you know that when you literally count your blessings, you will increase your emotional and mental health? When people are not grateful, they tend to complain and blame everything and everyone. This is a negative act that will destroy your life. When you think something negative in your mind, you will feel stress, anxious, frustrated, and also angry. This will directly affect your health.

Therefore, learn to be grateful for everything in your life, especially God, the higher power that created you and everything else in the world. When you show your appreciation, you will access a calmer state, you will feel more peaceful and this makes you feel good about yourself, and your life.

One very simple act of showing your gratitude toward God through praying. Depending on what religion you believe in, everyone prays differently. The method how you pray does not really matter, the key is that you are sincere in showing your gratefulness. Furthermore, you can practice writing a gratitude list. Just write down whatever things that you want to be grateful for. It can be your cat, your dog, your house, your wife, your children, your boss, the air you are breathing, the computer you have, or whatever you can think of. Feel the appreciate and express the gratefulness deep within you.

School is one of the most important places in our lives because it is where almost everyone spends the most of their time there. It is a place that is meant to nurture us, guide us, and equip us with the necessary knowledge to prepare for the world. Everyone has their own unique memories about their school, some were meaningful and nostalgic, some were funny, and some were embarrassed.

Whatever thoughts and memories you have about your school, it does not really matter now as you have gone through it and the past will remain history forever. You simply cannot change that, but there is one thing that you can do that will impact your future life, and it is to show your gratitude toward your school and your teachers.

Schools are great places where young people get together and learn not just academically, but also about friendship, teamwork, leadership, life, and also love. On average, a normal person about 12 to 20 years in a classroom and this is where we learn to interact with others and this is also where our characters and attitudes started to grow.

So how can you show your appreciation toward your school and be grateful for what you have gone through? Well, you can start with two parts. First, you can show your gratitude toward your school by helping your school. You can make a donation when you have extra money or you can spend time into helping your school such as cleaning or repainting the building.

Next, you can also show your gratitude by writing appreciation letters to your teachers. You set a good example of being a grateful person by expressing your thoughts and let the new young generation to follow. There are plenty of ways how you can contribute to your schools and teachers. When you have the sincerity, the ideas will automatically come to you.

What is a Gratitude Day? It is a day to show appreciation for all things, big and small. Gratitude Day was first celebrated in 1965, and it was officially adopted by the United Nations Meditation Group and recognized as a day where people from around the world and from all walks of life show their gratefulness on whatever things in life.

Studies have shown that people who are grateful for the things they have and the life they are living right now are happier, calmer, and able to perform and achieve more. According to the Law of Attraction, the more you appreciate what you have, the Universe will give you more of it. For example, if you appreciate and are grateful for the money you have, you will have more of it.

So how can you celebrate this day and make it meaningful and interesting? First, you can take a moment to appreciate your family tree. Pay attention to your family members, notice how they have supported you in the past, and then express your gratefulness to them. Tell your family how much you love them. Buy a gift for them if you want to.

Next, be thankful for your community. From the server at your local restaurant, the policemen, the nurse, to the baker down the street in your neighborhood, say thank you to them. Give and show your gratitude to them. And do not forget about your friends too. Your friends are an important part of your life because you have gone through the thick and thin with them.

Besides that, thank yourself for being who you are right now and for whatever you have had in your life. When you appreciate yourself, you will have more confidence and thus, able to accomplish more. When you show your gratitude toward the things you have in life, you will appreciate them and in return, you will live an abundant life.

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100+ Heartfelt Thank You Messages and Quotes For Parents

You don’t need a special occasion to say “ Thank You ” to your mother and father for what they did in their whole life for you. There is no way to know how many sacrifices your parents did to make your life better and what you are today. Acknowledge their limitless love and sacrifices. Do whatever it takes to make them smile.

You may use these thank you message to show your love and appreciation to your loving mom and dad. Do a text or post it on Facebook or Instagram or write lovely messages on a greeting card – do whatever to make them happy.

Thank You Messages For Parents

  • Thank You Parent From Son
  • Thank You Parents From Daughter

Thank You Quotes For Parents

Thank you parents on graduation.

  • Thank You For Birthday Wishes/Gift

Thank You Letter For Parents

Appreciation messages for parents.

I’m truly blessed to have such wonderful parents. Thank you mom and dad!

Everything I have and everything I am, I owe it all to you. Thank you, my two lifelines.

Dear mummy and papa, I am extremely thankful for everything you have done for me. I’m blessed to be your child!

I cannot repay you with anything for what you have done for me all this life. But still, I am trying to repay you by saying ‘Thank You’ for everything. Love and hugs to my parents.

thank you message for parents

My dear parents, you let go of your dreams and sacrificed a ton so that I can achieve mine. I cannot say enough thanks to you in this lifetime for your contribution to my life. Love you.

No amount of words will be enough to tell how grateful I am to you. Having parents like you is the biggest of all blessings! Thank you for all that you’ve done for me and all that you’re still doing.

I’m really fortunate to have parents like you. Love you, mom and dad. Thank you for everything.

Getting parents like you by my side makes me what I am today. Thank you so much for supporting me unconditionally.

I may not always say how much I love both of you but I can say I have a big place in my heart only for you two. Thank you!

God has blessed us in so many ways, but the biggest of them all is our parents. They deserve the best from us always. Thank you to all the parents in the world!

Thank you for helping me to shape my life. Without you, I’d never have been the person I am today. Thank you for everything!

Everything we are today and everything we may become tomorrow, is all for the sacrifices our parents made for us. A big thank you to all the moms and dads in the world.

No matter how bad things may become, I tell myself to stay strong because just seeing you happy at the end erases whatever misery I feel. Thank you, mom and dad, for loving me unconditionally.

thank you message to parents

Thank you is a very small phrase to convey my gratitude towards you but I am still using it to say how lucky I am to be raised by you.

The sacrifices you’ve made for me are beyond any description. Thank you, my beloveds. I hope to make you proud someday.

You’re not only great parents but also the greatest people I’ve ever known. Dear parents, thank you for all the love and support.

The love and care you’ve shown me is one of a kind. Thank you for every bit of it!

If people could choose their parents before birth, they’d all choose you because you are just awesome. Thank you for being my parent only!

I have a heart full of love for you two. You have raised me with all the love and kindness in the world. Thank you for being so nice and caring!

Thank you for not only being a parent to me but also being a teacher and mentor. You are the reason for all the successes in my life!

Being a parent is difficult, even more difficult is being a friend to your child. I’m lucky that you were both my parent and a friend! Thank you!

I didn’t have an awesome childhood because I had awesome friends. I had an awesome childhood because I had awesome parents. Thank you, mom and dad.

I wish everyone got parents like mine – supportive, understanding, and kind! Thank you for giving me the best life possible.

I don’t need a parent’s day to say I love both of you. Thank you for everything!


The most important thing I have learned from you two is how to love and build a family. Thank you, dear parents, for giving me the best lesson.

You two are a generation older than me but never let the generation gap come between our relationship ever. Thank you, my dear parents, for that.

Thank you my dearest parents for wiping my sorrow out of life in every possible way. You are the best.

Nothing that I say can ever truly convey how important you guys are in my life. So I just want to thank you two for being the most wonderful parents ever.

When I cannot find anyone besides me even then I am sure you guys will be my shadow during my hour of need. Thank you, mom and dad.

Related: 100+ Happy Parents Day Wishes and Quotes

Thank You Messages For Parent From Son

Thank you, Mom, for showing me how to be kind to everyone. Thank you, Dad, for showing me how to be strong in the bad times. I owe so much to both of you!

Everything that I learned in life, is from you two. You are the reason behind my successes and the inspiration behind my endeavors! Thank you!

Raising a son like me can be difficult if you are not extremely good at parenting. Thank you for being so patient and perfect. I love you both!

If we could live more than once in each of the lives, I’d want to be your son only. Thank you for being my home.

As long as you’re there to support me, I can win every difficulty. I’m so glad to be your son.


Thank you for being the perfect parents to an imperfect son. You’re simply the best parents on earth.

Because of you two, life seems so easy and full of happiness. Thank you for always keeping me in your prayers and always letting me chase my dreams whatever they may be.

My parents will always be my top priority because they had made their son their first priority always. Thank you, dear parents, for loving me so much.

You two have set so many parenting goals for me that now all I want to be the best parents like you to your grandchildren. Thank you so much ma and papa.

Thank you so much, mom and dad, for understanding me so well, for letting me choose my own dream. I always try to be a good son because you are the best parents ever. I love you two very much.

I feel proud every time I introduce myself as your son to others. Thank you for being such wonderful parents.

You’ve put your wants and needs on hold to help me achieve my goals, and now it’s up to me to make you happy. Thank you very much for all you’ve done, my beloved parents.

Thank You Notes for Parents From Daughter

You have always made me feel like I’m a princess in the house. Dear mom and dad, you are always in my heart. I love you! Thank you for everything!

I have always had you supporting me in all the good and bad times. Thank you for making me believe that I can do anything and everything in life.

Thank you, mom and dad, for always treating me as the best daughter in the world. You are the best parents in this universe for sure.

All I want to be in life is a good parent like you so that I can raise my daughter just the way you two have raised me. Thank you, mom and dad!

You two have filled up my world with so much happiness that a lifetime is not enough to enjoy it all. Thank you to both of you more for always making so many compromises to bring a little smiley face. Thank you for all the love you have given me!

Life becomes so easy and smooth when we have parents who understand us more than ourselves. Thank you for being the perfect kind of parent.

Thank you for always treating me like a princess. I’d be nothing without having you beside me.

Your little girl is everything I want to be and everything I will ever be. Thank you for this lovely life, mom and dad.


You are an example of how every parent should raise a daughter and I am so thankful and proud to be your daughter. Thank you, my dear oldies.

I wish I could pay my gratitude towards you but nothing is enough to say thanks to you. Love you two!

I feel very proud to be your daughter and nobody can take that away from me. Thank you for loving me to the moon and back dear parents.

I may not be able to see you every day, but please know that I will never forget everything you’ve done for me. Even if words of gratitude are never adequate, I appreciate all you have done for me.

Also Read: Thank You Messages and Quotes For Mom

Short Thank You Card Message For Parents

Mummy and papa, thank you for your constant support and faith in me.

I’m the luckiest person on earth to have been born in this family. Love you, mom and dad.

Dear Parents, words cannot express my gratitude to you. Thank you for all you’ve done.

Mom and dad, my dreams come true because of your unshakable trust. Thanks for supporting me.

I’m grateful for all the love and support you’ve given me. Thank you wholeheartedly!

Thank You Card for Mom and Dad

Through thick and thin, you hold my back to encourage. I’m blessed to be your child.

Thank you Mom and Dad for your selflessness and hard work for my bright future.

Thank you for being my friend first rather than parents.

I’m grateful to my amazing parents for teaching me to be a kind and generous person. Thank you.

Blessed to have your guidance and wisdom on the path of life, dear mom and dad. Your efforts are truly appreciated!

Mom and dad, you are the best parents anyone could ask for. Thank you for always prioritizing me.

“I may not have been the best child, but you two surely did the best job at raising me.”

“When the world closed its doors on me, you both opened your arms for me. When people shut their ears for me, you both opened your hearts for me. Thanks for always being there for me.”

“I know I can always count on you in the most difficult times. I love you very much and I will never stop being grateful to you for how good you have been and still are as parents to me.”

“Mom and dad, you’ve gone through a lot of struggle and pain. But I promise I won’t let all that go in vain. I want to do justice every time you believed in me. I will grow up to be the best I can be.”

“I always thought that my parents were continuously on my back but I was mistaken. They were not on my back, but they were watching my back. Thanks for your support mom and dad.”

“Thanks mom and dad for telling me to figure out life’s tough problems all by myself. That is what made me understand that they were not tough in the first place.”

“As a parent, the most important thing that you can ever teach your child is how to get along with you. As my parents, both of you have done just this and so much more. Thank you for your love.”

“I don’t always say this to you, but you mean the world to me. Thank you for being such great parents!”

“Mom and dad, I grew up surrounded in your love, comforted by your hugs and motivated by your lives… and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thanks for everything.”

Also Read: 100+ Thank You Dad Messages and Appreciation Quotes

Thank You Parents For Birthday Wishes and Gift

Thank you for wishes and gift! I want to thank you for bringing me to this world. My entire life is devoted to you.

Thank you mommy and papa for your touching birthday wish. Your warm words bring joy to my heart. Love you always!

Mom and dad, you’ve given me such an amazing birthday surprise! Thank you for loving me and making my day extra special.

Your love is the most special among all the gifts I received today. I appreciate everything you did to make my birthday memorable. I adore the two of you.

Thank you for the beautiful birthday gift. By seeing this, my friends will be jealous of me for having so sweet parents like you.

Thank You Parents On Birthday

You two are always first wishing me a happy birthday. Thanks, mom and dad, for being that much concerned about me still at my adult age.

You’re the reasons why I get to celebrate this birthday. Thank you for giving me life and making it so wonderful.

My birthdays should be less about me and more about you. The kindness you’ve shown towards me deserves every praise.

There isn’t much I want for my birthday this year. You gave me the most wonderful upbringing a person could ask for. I appreciate your well-wishes very much, Mom and Dad.

Although I may not have many friends, I was blessed with the finest parents a child could wish for. Thank you for all the wishes; I adore all of you.

I can’t even begin to count all the wishes I got today. You both are the reason behind my smile. You’re perfect in every way for me, and I want nothing more than to make you happy.

This graduation is the result of the efforts you’ve put into raising me. Thank you for making me who I am.

I owe you two my life and all the success, including this graduation. Thanks for everything, mom and dad.

Thank you dad and mom. Without your support, guidance, and love, I wouldn’t be standing among the graduates today.

Seeing my parents happy was the greatest present I could get on graduation day. Your everlasting love and devotion have shaped who I am today. Thank you for everything.


I could never have come this far without your constant guidance. Thank you for always being there for me.

In the past few years, I have developed a great insight into my creativity and encouragement to take risks and follow my heart only because of you. You two are such a blessing in my life; thank you!

I learned to be competitive in college, but my parents instilled in me the will to develop personally and professionally. You’ve made me proud, and I want to return the favor. Thank you, mom and dad, for all the support.

My four years of university life have come to a close today. Thank you so much for sharing my special day with me. Thank you for your support.

Even though I didn’t have the best opportunities since childhood, I had the most supportive parents who instilled optimism and a drive to succeed in me. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for everything you’ve sincerely done!

You have played a crucial role in shaping my identity and allowing me to reach this point in my life. Your support and affection have given me the confidence to try new things. Thank you, mom and dad.

Your love for me is so incredible that I want to improve myself as I become older until I reach my full potential. Thank you for being such wonderful parents, mom and dad.

thank you letter for parents

Dear parents, I love you both a lot and appreciate your effort and love in bringing me up to be a better individual. I am much lucky to have you both as my parents and thank God for giving me you.

Though the world is continually unforgiving, your compassion and empathy have always made me a better person than I was before. I count myself very fortunate to have you two on my side. Thank you, mom and dad; I love you a lot!

My parents have always pushed me to be the best version of myself, regardless of whether I was their son or daughter. I thank God daily for giving my parents a healthy outlook on life.

Thank you, dear parents, for opening your arms for me every time the world closed its doors on my face. Without you, I could have been lost in the dark alleys. I love you so much.

Of course, I’ll never know everything you’ve done for me since the day you brought me into the world, but I’ll always remember and cherish your countless acts of love and care, deserving my eternal gratitude.

I love you Mom and Dad because of your unconditional love and affection all the time. You both have always been caring and loving And stand by my side in my hour of need. Thank You!

You brought me to this world, provided for me, and supported me throughout my entire life. I’m forever indebted to you.

Mom and dad, you are not only my home but also my life. Your happiness means everything to me.

You’re my parents, my best friends, and my guiding angels. My only wish is to have you by my side forever.

My entire existence has happened because of you. I’m lucky to be part of you two, mom and dad.

I could always trust you with my life because you own it just as much as I do. Love you both.

People don’t get to choose their parents, and I’m happy that they don’t. You’re just so great; everybody would want you!

Thank You Dad and Mom Quotes

You’ve not only taken care of me physically, but you also took care of my soul. Thank you for nurturing me.

You two are the most valuable possessions in my life. Thank you for sticking with me throughout life and for giving me everything you could. Love you.

No matter how old I grow, I’ll always need you. Thank you for staying right by my side.

Lots of people give birth, but none can become as great parents as you are. Thank you for all your efforts.

Can there be a day when we don’t think about our parents and be grateful? What we are and have in life is entirely due to our parents. We will never know the full extent of our parents’ hardships to have a better life. While they don’t need much more than our affection, it never hurts to show them that we appreciate them every time. Only our mom and dad will always love us no matter what. Our parents have always been there for us and continue to provide for all of our whims and desires. It does not need to be expressed every day, but we can thank our mom and dad any day with some extra effort. Hope you get the ideas of what to write in a heartfelt thank you note or letter to parents and the way to write your own messages for your mom and dad.

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How to Express Appreciation to a Parent

Last Updated: November 10, 2021 References

This article was co-authored by Tami Claytor . Tami Claytor is an Etiquette Coach, Image Consultant, and the Owner of Always Appropriate Image and Etiquette Consulting in New York, New York. With over 20 years of experience, Tami specializes in teaching etiquette classes to individuals, students, companies, and community organizations. Tami has spent decades studying cultures through her extensive travels across five continents and has created cultural diversity workshops to promote social justice and cross-cultural awareness. She holds a BA in Economics with a concentration in International Relations from Clark University. Tami studied at the Ophelia DeVore School of Charm and the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she earned her Image Consultant Certification. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 71,866 times.

If you want to show your parents your appreciation, show gratitude for everything that they gave you. You can do this through words. Simply sit down and talk to your parents and let them know you care. You can also show your parents your gratitude. You can write a letter or a poem. You can also show your appreciation in gestures. Take your parents out for a movie or buy them a present.

Talking to Your Parent

Step 1 Find a good time to talk.

  • Think about when your parent is usually free. For example, if your mom is usually busy on Wednesday nights, don't talk then. Wait until she has some downtime on a Thursday.
  • Pick a time when your parent is usually not distracted as well. While your dad may be home most Fridays, maybe he likes to watch a particular show that night. He may not pay as close attention to conversation.

Step 2 Think about what to say.

  • Try reciting your words in front of a mirror. If you practice your words a few times, you'll be more likely to remember them when the time comes to talk.
  • It helps to visualize specific moments from the past that you shared together. Think of moments that were fun or when they supported you in some endeavor. These types of memories can help bring back the feelings you had at the time, which can help you to put those emotions into words.

Step 3 Use specifics.

  • For example, you may be inclined to say something to your dad like, "I appreciate all the help you give me." Try to give a more specific example of how your dad helped. For example, "I really appreciate how you helped me work through that problem with my friend Justin last week. I really like having someone to talk to when I'm having problems."
  • In addition to the actions that you parents took, consider the sacrifices they had to make while you were growing up. For example, say, "I'm grateful that you worked extra shifts at work so that I could take piano lessons."

Step 4 Share positive things with your parents.

  • Fill your parents in on the small details of your life. Let them know how a test went at school, or something funny a friend said that week.
  • Your parents care about you. They want to know how you're doing and feeling. Let them in regularly as this can show you appreciate their presence in your life.

Step 5 Say

  • Give back to them, as well. For example, take them to dinner, help them with yard work, or clean out the garage without being asked.

Expressing Yourself in Writing

Step 1 Write a letter.

  • However, don't hesitate to write a letter or send a card simply because you're feeling grateful. If you value your parents, it's important to let them know regularly. Don't hesitate to write a letter, or even an email, if you want to let your parents know you care.

Step 2 Make your parents a card.

  • You can get art supplies at a local craft store and let your creativity run wild. Decorate the card with designs your parent would like. If you're not artistically-inclined, you can always get a blank card at a gift shop.
  • Inside the card, write a heartfelt letter expressing appreciation. Let your parents know why you appreciate them every day.

Step 3 Write a poem.

  • Remember, this may not be as effective if your parents don't follow you on social media.

Step 5 Make a video.

Showing Your Appreciation

Step 1 Treat your parents to a fun day.

  • Take your parents to see a movie they would like.
  • Plan a family picnic.
  • Treat a parent to lunch.
  • Go to a local attraction, like a museum, with your parents and any siblings.
  • Consider making the fun day a surprise.

Step 2 Spend time with your parents regularly.

  • If you don't live near home, try to find time to call each week. A quick phone call can really show your parents you care.

Step 3 Give your parents a present.

Expert Q&A

Paul Chernyak, LPC

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  • ↑ http://kidshealth.org/en/teens/talk-to-parents.html
  • ↑ http://kidshealth.org/en/kids/talk-parents.html
  • ↑ Tami Claytor. Etiquette Coach. Expert Interview. 29 September 2020.
  • ↑ http://www.inc.com/kevin-daum/6-unusual-and-powerful-ways-to-show-gratitude.html
  • ↑ http://education.byu.edu/youcandothis/expressing_gratitude.html
  • ↑ http://blog.mheonline.com/parents-day-10-ways-to-show-appreciation-for-your-parents/
  • ↑ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/27/gratitude-habits_n_4343934.html

About this article

Tami Claytor

Expressing your appreciation to your parent is a great way to show them you care. The next time you see them, tell them something specific you appreciate about them. For example, you could say “I really appreciate how you helped me with that project last week.” It’s also nice to say thank you whenever they do something small for you, whether that’s cooking dinner or taking you to a friend’s house. If they did something extra special for you, make them a thank you card! You could also make a post on social media about how much you appreciate your parent and tag them in it. If you want to surprise your parent, treat them to lunch or buy them tickets for their favorite team. To learn how to share more with your parents, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Be Respectful of Your Parents

Last Updated: February 1, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Wits End Parenting . Wits End Parenting is a parent-coaching practice based in Berkeley, California specializing in strong-willed, “spirited” children with impulsivity, emotional volatility, difficulty “listening,” defiance, and aggression. Wits End Parenting's counselors incorporate positive discipline that is tailored to each child’s temperament while also providing long-term results, freeing parents from the need to continually re-invent their discipline strategies. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 360,496 times.

Sometimes it may seem like your parents don’t understand, and that can lead to a negative relationship with them. Despite that, it is important to remain respectful toward your parents. If you want to show your parents more respect, you can easily reevaluate your thoughts and actions towards your parents to ensure that you’re treating them with the kindness they deserve.

Changing Your Thoughts and Feelings About Your Parents

Step 1 Be grateful.

  • Tell them face-to-face. The easiest way to show gratitude is to thank them and tell them that you appreciate who they are and what they do.
  • Do something small but meaningful. For example, clean the kitchen after dinner or take the trash out without being asked. Parents will notice and appreciate your acts of kindness.
  • Compliment them on something they do well. For instance, tell your mom how great of a cook she is, or tell your dad how awesome he is at his job.

Step 2 Understand differing perspectives.

  • Ask your parents questions to learn more about them. Understand that your parents are from a different generation and a lot changes with time. Engaging them in conversation will help bridge the gap in order to understand each other better.
  • Keep a journal about your interactions with your parents. By re-reading a journal, you'll see things with more honesty instead of reinterpreting events in a way that benefits only you.
  • Talk to an unbiased party. Talking to someone who has nothing to gain can help you see things from others' perspectives, including that of your parents. Learning to see "where they are coming from" helps in building a mutually respectful relationship.

Step 3 Value their wisdom.

  • As an example, if you were to visit a doctor, you would want someone who had the experience and training to diagnose and treat your illness. The same is true for parents. Learning to see them as professionals at life will help you to develop a different level of respect for them.

Step 4 Remember how much they love you.

  • Recognize that when parents seem to be getting in your way, they are, but with good reason. Parents often act as a shield to protect their kids from anything they consider to be harmful.
  • Because parents love you they are concerned about your future success. When parents perceive your behavior as something that threatens to limit your potential achievement, it can often cause conflict in your relationship. Realize that it usually comes from a place of love.

Changing Your Behavior Towards Your Parents

Step 1 Follow rules.

  • Be clear about expectations. Know what your parents' rules are so you can avoid any confusion and avoid accidentally breaking rules.
  • Take a second to stop and think about the consequences. Think about what ripple effect your actions may have and how it will impact you and those around you. Ask yourself if it is really worth it.

Step 2 Practice good manners.

  • Say "please," and "thank you." Words are powerful and each of those words carries meaning. Aside from being polite, it shows a level of gratitude and appreciation which are both part of respecting your parents.
  • Watch your language. Be careful about the topics of conversations and your word choice around your parents. Parents always think of their children as their babies (regardless of how old they are). They would prefer to see them through a clean and pure lens.

Step 3 Spend time with them.

  • Tap into their interests. Take an interest in what your parents do in their spare time. Whether it's sports, dancing, music, or gardening, ask them questions and show them that you are taking an interest in them.
  • Make them a priority by choosing to spend time with them over your friends once in a while. They'll really appreciate the gesture.

Step 4 Show them affection.

  • Tell your parents you love them at random times and not just when expected or when you want something.
  • Give your parents random hugs or kisses just because. If they ask what the unexpected action was for tell them something like, "just because you're you."

Improving Communication With Your Parents

Step 1 Don't talk back.

  • Recognize the problem first. If you realize the problem and want to change it, you've already taken the biggest step. It takes maturity to understand the differing perspectives and reactions between kids and parents.
  • Apologize to your parents. Admit to your parents that you have disrespected them, and ask them for their assistance as you attempt to change your behavior.
  • Take a mental "time-out." The next time you are tempted to say something disrespectful, take a second to regroup before speaking from emotion alone. Take into consideration what your parents are saying, and where they are coming from. [7] X Research source

Step 2 Watch your body language.

  • Avoid crossing your arms. This shows that you are defensive and not open to communicating.
  • Watch your tone. Avoid being sarcastic or raising the tone of your voice. This shows that emotions are beginning to take over instead of logic. Try speaking in a calm and controlled manner instead.
  • Make eye contact. This shows that you are genuine in what you are saying and that you are interested in hearing what your parents have to say as well.

Step 3 Don't bring up the past.

  • Check for unresolved problems before beginning a conversation. If you know you're holding onto anger or pain, they can be a hindrance to effective communication. Clear up any unresolved issues (one at a time) before attempting to move forward.
  • At the beginning of your conversation, make an agreement with your parents that you will only focus on one issue at a time. If either of you seems to be straying from the topic, politely remind each other to stay on topic.

Step 4 Agree to disagree.

  • Write it out. Consider what point you're trying to get across to your parents, and write out reasons and examples that will support your argument.
  • Talk to them at a later time. Reschedule your discussion for a time when emotions aren't running high. Instead, choose a time when your parents aren't busy or stressed to sit down and calmly present your argument.
  • Use "I" statements to get your point across without being defensive. "I" statements consist of the behavior that is bothering you, how it makes you feel, and what needs to change. For example, instead of saying, "you never listen to me" you could replace the statement with "I feel as if I'm not being heard, and I would like my opinion to matter more."

Step 5 Engage in open conversation.

  • Trust them with your secrets. Of course, you won't feel comfortable telling your parents everything, but showing them that you trust them with a small secret will demonstrate your appreciation towards their wisdom.
  • Don't be afraid to show emotions. It's okay to show fear, anger, nervousness, joy or any other emotions with your parents. Allowing them into your life is just a small gesture to show them you care.

Expert Q&A

Wits End Parenting

  • Parents work hard every day to make sure you have both your needs and your wants met. They deserve your respect; even if you don't always get along, show them respect and tell them that you appreciate them. Thanks Helpful 7 Not Helpful 3
  • Buy them random gifts and treats, even if it's not a special occasion. A small box of chocolates, or a bottle of wine, can show just how much you care. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 5
  • Keep in mind that parents aren't perfect. They've made mistakes and will continue to make mistakes. Learn to love them unconditionally, just as they do towards you. Thanks Helpful 10 Not Helpful 2

essay gratitude towards parents

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  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/gratitude
  • ↑ https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/family-conflict
  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/wisdom
  • ↑ Wits End Parenting. Parenting Specialists. Expert Interview. 5 March 2020.
  • ↑ http://www.positiveparentingsolutions.com/parenting/why-do-kids-talk-back
  • ↑ http://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/bible-questions-and-answers/my-problem-is-that-i-talk-back-to-my-parents-i-want-to
  • ↑ https://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships-communication/nonverbal-communication.htm
  • ↑ https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/tips-disagree.html
  • ↑ https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/talk-to-parents.html

About This Article

Wits End Parenting

As a young adult, one of the best ways you can show respect for your parents is by being grateful. This includes things like saying please and thank you and following their rules and advice. For example, if your parents tell you that you can’t go to a party, you can show your respect for them by listening to them. Not only will that demonstrate to your parents that you respect them, but they'll also appreciate your maturity. For more advice from our Social Worker reviewer on how to respect your parents through better communication, keep scrolling! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Why the Reasons That Parents Give for Socializing Gratitude in Their Children Matter

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  • June 18, 2020
  • Affiliation: College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
  • Research suggests that gratitude in adults is associated with many positive outcomes (e.g., lower psychopathology, higher levels of happiness and well-being). However, little research has been conducted on gratitude in children, and no research has examined the ways that parents socialize gratitude in their young children. I examined how the reasons for gratitude socialization among parents relate to their socialization behaviors and children’s gratitude behaviors. Parents (n=101) reported on their reasons for gratitude socialization in a baseline survey and then seven-days of online diaries about their gratitude socialization behaviors and their children’s gratitude behaviors. Structural equation modeling was used to examine if parents’ reasons for gratitude socialization directly predicted children’s gratitude behaviors and if this association was mediated by parents’ gratitude socialization behaviors. Results suggest that parents who socialize gratitude for social conformity reasons (e.g., to teach children social norms and manners) may have children who display fewer gratitude behaviors compared to those who have weaker social conformity reasons; there was no direct effect of morally-motivated reasons for gratitude socialization (e.g., to teach social responsibility and promote social justice) on children’s gratitude behaviors. A marginally significant meditational pathway was found wherein parents who had stronger morally-motivated reasons for socialization engaged in more gratitude socialization behaviors, and parents who engaged in more socialization behaviors had children who engaged in more gratitude-related behaviors. These findings provide a basis for understanding how parents’ different reasons for socialization influence the development of gratitude in children, which may have implications for children’s socio-emotional well-being.
  • spring 2016
  • Socialization
  • https://doi.org/10.17615/44c9-5x31
  • Honors Thesis
  • In Copyright
  • Funding: Tom and Elizabeth Long Excellence Fund for Honors
  • Hussong, Andrea
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Highest Honors
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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