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How to write a personal statement for gks/kgsp scholarship | how to write gks undergraduate/graduate scholarship personal statement.

gks scholarship personal statement

One of the important part of GKS/KGSP scholarship application is writing your personal statement which should be well written as it makes a clear difference between students who want to apply for the GKS scholarship. Personal statement plays an important role in the selection procedure for the student as it present your purpose for applying for the scholarship program. GKS/KSGP personal statement indicates why you are the good candidate for this scholarship so its mean it should be written good enough to make your scholarship application strong.

GKS/KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement Writing Guidelines:

Many of the students who want to apply for the GKS scholarship write their personal statement without following the proper guidelines regarding how the personal statement for the GKS scholarship should be written. So make sure if you are planning to apply for the GKS/KGSP scholarship you should follow these guidelines to make your personal statement good:

·          GKS/KGSP scholarship program personal statement can be written in Korean or English language. Means you can either write your personal statement in Korean language or in English language it depends on you.

·          Also make sure your GKS scholarship personal statement should be of good length means it should not be too lengthy or too short that it’s meaning is not clear. The ideal personal statement for the GKS scholarship should not be more than two pages. So you should present your personal statement within the length of two pages.

GKS/KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement Important Tips To Follow:

Before you start writing your personal statement for the GKS/KGSP scholarship make sure that:

·          You know what the GKS scholarship personal statement actually should include.

·      Follow the guidelines that are provided by the GKS scholarship to write the personal statement.

·      You should focus on the main points that need to be discuss to make your personal statement good.

·        Your personal statement should be unique to differentiate you from others candidate for the scholarship.

·          Don’t add something in personal statement that you think is not valuable as you only have two pages to write down your personal statement.

Check: GKS Scholarship Embassy/University Track Interview Questions

How To Write GKS/KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement:

To write the GKS/KGSP scholarship personal statement you have to follow the certain things that are mentioned in the GKS scholarship personal statement form. You have to make sure that your personal statement for the GKS/KGSP scholarship should include the following things:

1. Your motivations With Which You Want To Apply For This Program:

This is the first thing or point that your personal statement should include. You have to explain your motivation that why you have chosen to apply for this scholarship program what is your main motivation behind choosing this scholarship program.   There are number of things that you can actually include here to show your motivation for this program such as:

·          Which course program you want to study under this scholarship program and why?

·          Why you want to study under this scholarship program?

·          How you can be the good candidate for this scholarship program.

·          Why you are motivated for this program?

·          If you are applying for this program then what is your purpose?

·          How you can make contribution to the community if you are selected for this scholarship program?

2. Your Family Background And Education Background:

This is another point that you should discuss in your personal statement to make it good. You have to discuss here your education background and provide some information regarding your family background. Things you should focus on here include:

·          Provide a concise information regarding your academic record.

·          Discuss your academic achievements which you have achieve.

·          What course program you have studied previously?

·          Provide a brief information of your family.

3. Any Experience You Have, Your Achievements, Person Or Event Which Influence You:

To make your personal statement unique you have to write about your achievements, experience and person or event which influence you. These things will provide information related to how you deal with challenges and what you have achieve in your life so far. Discuss your experience which might be related to the work you have done or the things you have achieved in your life. You can also explain about any person or event which influence you in your life as well. These things if discuss well can make your personal statement good. So write about:

·          Any work experience you have.

·          Achievements you have.

·          Any person or event who influence you in your life.

4. Write About The Extracurricular Activities Or Work Experience:

The extracurricular activities or work experience can be a good thing if written in your GKS/KGSP scholarship personal statement can make it unique from others. So write about:

·          Your extracurricular activities you have performed.

·          The work experience you have.

·          Any activity you have performed for the community.

·          What you learned by doing the extracurricular activities.

·          What is the reason behind performing such extracurricular activities?

Check: GKS Scholarship 2023 Application Form Guidelines

5. Write About Your Awards, Publications Or Skills Which You Have:

If you have received awards, written some publications or have some skills than you should discuss them as well in your GKS/KGSP scholarship personal statement to make it more unique from other candidates. So write about:

·          What awards you have received?

·          How you received that awards?

·          What publications you have done?

·          Why you have written that publications?

·          What are the skills that you have?

·          How these skills can be good for you?

GKS/KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement Importance:

The GKS/KGSP scholarship personal statement is one the important documents that can actually make your selection for this scholarship program. The personal statement for the scholarship should be written good enough to make a clear difference and to make yourself a different candidate from others for the scholarship. These are the somethings that your personal statement for the GKS/KGSP scholarship should include you can also include some other things in your personal statement which you think can make you a good candidate for this scholarship program.

gks scholarship personal statement

A Journey to GKS: Personal Statement

gks scholarship personal statement

  • February 06, 2024 February 10, 2022 -->
  • 15 min Read

In conclusion, this is my third post on A Journey to the GKS Series. Before this one, I had written about how to fill out the GKS application forms, and I had previously written about my experience studying for the GKS application back in 2016. This time, I'll be giving tips on how to write a personal statement that is one of the essays needed for the GKS application. I spent about three months writing both of the essays while I was preparing to submit my application. I remember that I started writing as soon as I decided to apply for the scholarship in November, put it off for around a month, went back and forth to make the required changes, and finished it just a few days ago.

Personal Statement Template (2021 GKS Application)  

Find the identification of your application first. " What motivates me to apply for this program and study in Korea?" Why should I be chosen from among hundreds of candidates by the reviewer? Throughout the process of preparing my personal statement, I kept coming back to these questions. I eventually identified my application's identity as I dug deeper into the explanations; it was a concise statement that would ideally make an impression on the reviewers and accurately represent myself.

I see a Personal Statement as a stage to promote myself. It tells a story about me, my personal values, and significant events that happened in my life that led me to aspire to study in Korea and apply for the GKS. The goal is to convey my story in the most impactful way possible so that no matter how ordinary it is, the reviewer will still remember me after reading hundreds of similar or even better stories. To do this, I don’t think I can merely rely on a list of achievements and experiences I have because they probably aren’t so outstanding among other applicants. That is why I need to put an identity into my application, to make my story stronger than my own name.  

In my case, “an applicant majoring in Family Studies” is the identity that I highlighted. Given that Family Studies is not a common field of study especially in India, regardless of how important it is for our society (don’t get me started into Family Sciences 101. Lol.), I guess it was the strongest point of my application that granted me a seat for an interview in the Korean Embassy. I could be wrong, but the interviewers asked about it during the whole interview session.  

Second, make your essay hook. If you put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes who has to deal with a hundred applications, how will you sort it out? There are sure other points such as grades that are quite easy to determine. But, when it comes to essays, how will you rate it and choose from a pool of applicants? Just like its name, a Personal Statement should be personal yet interesting. Personal; it tells who the applicant is, his/her experiences, achievements, and values. Interesting; no matter how different every applicant’s life story is, the reasons to study abroad and apply for the scholarship might not be so unique, thus, the way it is written should be fascinating and impactful. That is how an essay hook will make your application stand out and assure the reviewers that you deserve one seat until the final round.

There are many ways to write an essay hook; quotation, question, strong statement, metaphor, etc. You may try many different ways before finding the one that matches the big picture of your essay. An essay hook is aimed to attract the reader from the beginning of your essay. This is also related to the whole picture of the essay and the information in the next paragraphs. As I decided to emphasize my major in Family Studies, I open my essay with a story about my own family and what values I grew up with. I also wrote about how people used to ask what my major was about and whether it really was necessary to learn about family sciences at university. I keep this point as the whole idea of my essay which helped me to explain why I had to go to a Korean university.

Third, be reflective. Reflecting is such a habit to me. You know, that tendency to lay awake in your bed and replay what has happened that day in your head and what you could’ve done to make it better, or at least, to make yourself feel better. Well, I learned that doing it isn’t always good. But, when it comes to reflecting on your past experiences and achievements in your Personal Statement, I can never stress enough how important it is. After mentioning all your precious achievements and writing how eventful your life is, you need to explain what lessons learned that you learned, what skills you learned, and how they contribute to who you are today. It might sound cliché to write about how your leadership skills have been sharpened through many organizations, but I don’t think it will do you bad to show that you have learned from your experience.

Fifth, make an outline. To me, an outline always does wonders. You might have ever practiced it for school assignments. It’s really as simple as starting from the points mentioned in the essay instruction; (1) family background, (2) latest education, (3) significant and relevant experiences (working, internship, organization, clubs), (4) motivations to study in Korea and apply for the GKS. You can write down ideas for each point and add a few sentences for the explanation. As you develop each point, you may want to write it in 1-2 paragraphs and keep it as your main idea. This will surely help your writing stay on track, lead the plot, and transition from one idea/point to another without jumbling up.

Sixth, don’t expect to finish it in one night or even one sitting and then submit it on the next day. Only after giving it some time and re-reading it a few days later, you will notice every mistake in your essay, those misspellings-wrong tenses-wrong expressions, even if you’ve been very meticulous especially when it comes to writing. Also, I can never stress enough how you should stop yourself from editing those punctuation marks or misspellings while typing because it will put your idea on hold and take much time to finish your first draft.

Finally, ask someone to proofread your essay and give feedback. I received a lot of help from my English tutor who gave valuable feedback on my essays. Having someone read your essay sort of allows you to get through the pre-review and the nerve-wracking of the application screening process. Also, your essay will look different from someone else’s perspective so it’s important to get their feedback even if it’s as simple as word choices. Especially, because a Personal Statement is an essay about ourselves, we can easily understand it but it can be hard to be objective. Your best friend will tell you some confusing parts, things that you should explain better, or simply tell whether the storytelling is interesting enough.

There are a lot more awesome tips all over the Internet on how to write a great Personal Statement essay. These are basically what I did when I wrote my own for the GKS application. I have no idea exactly which part of my application granted me the scholarship, but I believe that the Personal Statement had its big share. For another essay, Study Plan/Statement of Purpose, you can check my post about it here .  

A Journey to GKS: Application Forms

I decided to write A Journey to GKS series based on my experience as a GKS awardee in 2016. Just like other awardees, I also received a lot of chats and DMs from people asking about GKS applications. It’s not that I’m tired and annoyed by answering the same questions over and over again, that I decided to post it online, really. That is practically what I’ve been doing in the past four years which, at some points during my student life in Korea, turned out to help me cope with the situation and keep me on track as I was reminded how far I had come.

Just recently I changed my mind about writing and posting it online so anyone can read it and I can re-read it (for whatever reasons), after joining a mentorship program (supported by the Indonesian Student Association in South Korea aka Perpika ) as a mentor for the Indonesian students and graduates who are interested in studying in Korea and preparing for the scholarship application. I mentored a similar program from MITI Klaster Mahasiswa back in 2017 called Youth Connection but I guess at the time I wasn’t feeling okay enough to share it. Now that I graduated safe and sound, I guess posting it online won’t hurt. So, this is the second post of my ‘A Journey to GKS’ series, and I’ll try to post the next ones as soon as possible.

As I’ve mentioned in my previous post about my journey to GKS , I decided to go for this scholarship application the second I learned about this program. One of my thoughts at the time is how simple the application looks. And it is indeed simple, at least for me who had never applied for such a program and dealt with forms in English. The guideline also states everything clearly. Of course, I got a lot of help from GKS awardees I met online who were very kind to share their experience. But, I tried to do my share as much as possible by doing my research on the Internet in advance, making sure I didn’t irritate them by asking trivial questions I could easily access on the Internet or even the application guidelines, and avoiding the questions which are more on self-preference, such as “Is it okay if my recommendation letter is folded?”

GKS-G (for graduate) and GKS-U (for undergraduate) Application Forms are all over the Internet. It can be downloaded from various sites, such as Study in Korea, Korean Embassy sites, some Korean university sites, and Topik Guide. Along with the application guideline is a separate file of the application forms (although the complete guideline includes the forms as well), University Information, and FAQs files. These are the first references and ammunition that no single applicant should ever miss. You might have your sister as a GKS awardee and you can easily ask every single detail, but really, that kind of mentality will get in your way someday. So, go get the guideline and read it! (Sorry, I’m being too enthusiastic here.)

Thankfully, the application forms have stayed pretty much the same over the years. Minor changes might have been made as well as the regulation changes. However, it does not affect that much to the application procedures, thus making it easy for the applicants to prepare the applications way earlier even before the opening period. And that’s what I did back then. I downloaded the application guidelines from the previous years and noticed that the forms stayed the same, so I started to practice filling in the forms and preparing the required documents.

The first part of the application forms includes the application checklist . Depending on the program you apply to, either Undergraduate or Graduate Degrees, the required documents are slightly different. The application checklist for the Graduate Degree Programs consists of all required documents for three different degree programs (i.e., Master’s, Doctoral, and Research Programs) so the list is a little bit longer. As for the Undergraduate application, three types of documents are required for certain documents (graduation certificate, transcripts, certificate of citizenship, and awards). I might be wrong on this since I had no experience in preparing for the undergraduate application, but here is what I understand about the difference between the original, official notarized translation, and copied documents.

The original document , like its name, is the original version of a document that can be written in many different languages depending on the country where it is issued. In case an applicant only has one copy of the original document, they can submit the certified copy version which is the copy of the original document certified/stamped by the issuing institution (e.g., school).

Since all documents have to be written in either Korean or English, here comes the second type of document to accompany the original document, official notarized translation . As for the graduation/degree certificate and transcripts, some schools might provide the English translation. Otherwise, an applicant needs to have it translated into Korean or English by a sworn translator. From here, the document has to be legalized again by the notary. In the end, the official notarized translation should be a document written in Korean or English and should have 2-3 different stamps: issuing institution, (translating institution), and notary stamps. The last is the copied document which is the photocopied version (black-and-white document).

The number of copies submitted depends on the application track. For those applying via University Track, they should send only the original/certified copy of the documents to the university of their choice. As the screening process takes place in Korea, the documents should be the very best legalized version. For countries that require an apostille version of the document such as India, some documents (degree certificates, transcripts, proof of citizenship) have to be apostilled or receive consular confirmation from the Korean Embassy in the country where the document is issued.

Notes for my Indian fellows, here is the procedure to get the documents apostilled: legalized by the notary >> Ministry of Law and Human Rights >> Ministry of Foreign Affairs (New Delhi) >> (Korean) Embassy.

If applying via the Korean Embassy, one original/certified copy document, one official notarized translation, and three photocopied documents have to be prepared. Apparently, some Korean Embassies, including the Korean Embassy in India, may apply different regulations. Korean Embassy in India requires the applicants to send only one copy of the original document and the copies will be made by the Embassy.

The next part of the application forms is the applicant’s personal information , which is considerably easy to fill in. As for the applicant’s name, some who do not have a separate family name may find it confusing at first, like in most cases of South Indians. In such cases, simply write the same as your passport name: first name and middle name (if any) as the given name and last name as a surname. For the university and major choices for graduate degrees, some confusions come from the differences between Division, Department, and Major. The best way to solve this is by referring to the University Information file, on the list of majors offered. As for the grades/GPA, use the CGPA conversion table on the guideline to convert various grading systems. If the CGPA conversion table does not apply to the grading system of the applicant’s school, the information on how to do the conversion should be attached.

Applicant’s Personal Information (above Undergraduate; below: Graduate)

For awards and published papers , I believe there is no limit number but I personally mentioned the best two. You may want to mention the rest, if they are quite significant for you, in the Personal Statement. For published papers written in a language other than Korean or English, the original title and other details (e.g., journal name) can be mentioned first, followed by the English title in parentheses.

The next forms to be filled out are the  Personal Statement and Statement of Purpose/Study Plan . Instructions have been provided clearly on each part, so I believe it comes back to the applicant’s writing ability to come up with the best way of storytelling which hopefully will impress the reviewers. I have made a post for some tips to write a  Personal Statement and Statement of Purpose/Study Plan based on my experience.

Recommendation letters are another important required document for GKS applications. An applicant should receive two recommendation letters from two recommenders. The letter template has been prepared in the application, but the recommenders may attach their own template. Just make sure that they understand what points should be included and that everything should be written in either Korean or English. This letter is confidential, so you may want to clarify beforehand as to who will translate the document if your recommender writes it in other languages.

The last is self-medical assessment/personal medical assessment which is a brief medical history of the applicant. It can be filled in independently by the applicant without going to the hospital or any healthcare center and should be filled in all honesty because you shouldn’t let any wrong information stated in the application forms get in your way in the later selection process of the medical check-up where pretty much everything will be revealed.

That is the end of the GKS application forms. This is crazily long I know, but I hope you will somehow find this post helpful. 

This post has been updated following the 2021 Application Guidelines. Please do let me know if you find incorrect information that I stated here. I strongly encourage all applicants to read the guidelines by heart as it has much more detailed information.

Tell me when it’s enough.

Tulisan ini merupakan salah satu refleksi dari sebuah drama Korea berjudul “ He Is Psychometric (사이코메트리 그녀석) ”. Yep, you read it right, I reflected on the drama that I watched and wrote it on my journal lol. Itulah salah satu aspek yang membuat saya menikmati Korean series. Selain karena jumlah episodenya yang pas (tidak terlalu panjang atau pendek) dan akting para aktornya yang luar biasa (terutama pada crying scenes ), jalan cerita dan dialognya menurut saya mengandung banyak makna dan mengajak penonton untuk mencernanya lebih dalam melalui berbagai sudut pandang. Terlebih setelah saya bisa memahami Bahasa Korea, setiap scene dan dialog menjadi semakin menarik dan berarti karena ada nuansa-nuansa tertentu yang tidak selalu bisa diterjemahkan dengan memuaskan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia ataupun English.

Singkatnya, spoiler alert , drama ini menceritakan lelaki bernama Lee Ahn yang memiliki kemampuan psychometric , yaitu melihat kenangan benda hidup dan mati melalui indra peraba. Dia mendapat kemampuan itu setelah kehilangan kedua orang tuanya pada kebakaran di apartemen tempat tinggalnya. Lee Ahn diselamatkan oleh Sungmo yang kemudian berperan sebagai kakak laki-laki angkat yang membesarkannya, dan merupakan satu-satunya orang yang tidak bisa Lee Ahn baca kenangannya. The plot twisted, Sungmo ternyata merupakan pelaku penyulut kebakaran demi menyelamatkan ibunya dari kejaran sang ayah yang menyekap keduanya di basement sampai Sungmo berusia 10 tahun. Drama ini berakhir dengan Sungmo yang menyerahkan diri ke kepolisian akibat kejahatan membakar apartemen yang dilakukannya bertahun-tahun silam dan kekerasaan terhadap ayahnya yang mencoba mengejar dan melukai ibunya lagi.

I was hooked on Lee Ahn’s line when meeting Sungmo in prison, in one of the final scenes.

“I wish someone would tell us when it’s enough. The resentment, the hatred, and the guilt.”

Saya tersadarkan bahwa dalam hidup kita terus-menerus bersinggungan dengan pertemuan dan perpisahan, memiliki dan kehilangan, melukai dan dilukai. Saya sangat setuju dengan kalimat Lee Ahn, dan nyatanya berharap hal yang sama. Ketika seseorang yang penting pergi selamanya dari kehidupan kita, kita tidak tahu kapan harus berhenti meratapi dan merasa kehilangan. Ketika kita dilukai, kita tidak tahu kapan harus berhenti membenci. Pun ketika kita melukai, kita tidak tahu kapan harus berhenti merasa bersalah dan menyesali. Seandainya saja ada lampu indikator sebagai pertanda bahwa kehilangan, kebencian, dan penyesalan yang kita rasakan sudah cukup, sudah mencapai batas maksimal dan ini saatnya untuk reset.

Ada satu kesamaan di tengah rasa kehilangan, kebencian, penyesalan; lelah. Lelah jiwa raga. Jika kita membiarkan diri mengambil jeda sesaat, kita akan tersadarkan betapa melelahkannya memelihara perasaan-perasaan tersebut. Kemudian kita pun mulai bertanya, “Sampai kapan? Satu tahun lagi? Dua tahun lagi? Apa selama ini sudah cukup?” Tidak ada jawaban pasti, bahkan mungkin setelah kita bertanya di sepertiga malam pada saat pintu langit terbuka.

Oftentimes, we just get through busy days and lonely nights until, at some point in life, we sleep without tears on the bed sheet, we laugh without feeling guilty, and we remember them longingly once in a while without feeling pain in our hearts anymore. We, eventually, manage to get through those days when the loss, the hatred, and the guilt are all that mattered. But still, we never know when or how it happens. I believe that time does heal our broken hearts only when we let it so, only when we let go who has gone, keep them in our hearts, and cherish them in our memory, only when we let ourselves move and keep on living

A Journey to GKS: How I Ended Up in Korea

Everyone has at least one turning point in their life. It’s momentum when one believes that his/her life has completely changed and a new one has begun. To me, GKS is one of my turning points. I wouldn’t say that my journey to get the scholarship and my student life in Korea was full of blood and tears. Tough days were there, but there must be a bunch of heart-breaking stories other than mine. God allows us to experience things and difficulties within our ability and even though I unexpectedly had mine, I know that He had been very soft to me all the time. It was the time when I learned different versions of myself I never knew existed. And just now, months after I graduated and managed to finish the program safely I dared to share my experience.  

The Korean  Government Scholarship Program (KGSP), which has changed its name to the Global Korea Scholarship (GKS), is a scholarship program from the Government of the Republic of Korea. This program provides foreigners the opportunity to continue higher education (undergraduate and graduate degree programs) in South Korea. You may click  here for more information.

Studying abroad has always been one of my dreams since high school. It turned from a mere dream into a plan once I graduated from university. Given my major is not a common one (Family Science), especially in Indonesia, I knew that I should go overseas to do my master’s degree program. I could’ve just continued my studies at the same university where I graduated, but even my advisor suggested finding some overseas universities, the most possible one is in Malaysia. At the time, Korea hadn’t been on the list as I had no idea if any universities were providing my prospective major.

I only did my research on schools in Malaysia and the US until I ran into a broadcast message about overseas scholarships for graduate programs. The list was quite long so I did a quick scan and started to dig into each based on my country's preference, and Korea happened to be one of them. Back then, my knowledge of Korea was limited to dramas that I got to watch along with my older sisters (if you have three older sisters you can hardly choose what to watch on TV) and then some bands my little sister listened to. So I’ve been a fan of the Korean entertainment industry before coming to Korea, but studying there was never in any of my imaginations because I was skeptical of the idea of learning a new language (there were days when I laughed at the Korean language and how the actors/actresses look, never imagined it would be part of myself in the future).

Surprisingly, the moment I learned about GKS, I decided to give it a go. I did calculations on time and energy that I had (I was working at the time) and knew that I could afford only one scholarship application at the time. So I wrapped up my research on other countries and scholarship programs and spent the rest of the year preparing for GKS applications, which means that I literally gave my all to my first scholarship journey. As a person who was spoiled by her parents and never had experience in scholarship application before, it was quite overwhelming. But, I tried hard to prepare everything myself despite their disapproval. It was actually my way to show them as well as God that I could do it and I would make it (what a confidence. Lol).

I sent my application to the Korean Embassy in Jakarta as I applied via Embassy Track. I learned that the competition on the first round through this track was not a joke, but I simply preferred having three university choices rather than one and I didn’t want to take the risk of having my documents lost on the way (that’s odd, I know, but I’m always more on the safe side). Thank God, I got the interview call and then had my documents sent to Korea after passing the interview process. The next round was having my documents screened by the Korean National Institute for International Education (NIIED) in Korea and once I passed this process, I had to wait for the email from my chosen universities, whether they wanted to do another interview or directly announced their decision. At this round, a lot of awardees say that you’ve already taken your first step in Korea and there will be at least one university that will accept you. The saying was such a tranquilizer for me that I even started to make my packing list (I’m not always this confident, seriously).

I got the first email from Kyungpook National University which was interested in my application and sent me a written interview. While undergoing the university selection process, applicants have to submit the medical check-up form. And it was around that time when things started to go downhill. It should be easy if you have no history of having any acute diseases. I was not a healthy kid myself so I was quite worried that something off would unveil. It turned out that the underlooked mental health checklist was the one that got in my way. I took my medical check-up in a nearby hospital which happened to be a mental hospital where the doctor couldn’t simply sign my form without doing all the tests including the mental one. So, I had to take a written test to get the psychiatrist's signature, which unfortunately turned out that she didn’t want to give.

It was probably the wrong time to take the test. I was tired and drained out after taking several tests in a day. But, I know the result wouldn’t turn out differently had I done it on another day. So, I had to respond either yes or no to 300 questions. I guess the test basically tries to reveal your mental state (e.g., stress, anxiety, depression) through your fears and your response to stressful situations. Unfortunately, my result didn’t come out well. As silly as it sounds, I couldn’t hold back my tears in the counseling room when the psychiatrist showed me the result and told the story of people with similar cases to me and what happened to them. I sobbed not because she couldn’t give her recommendation, but because finally came the day when someone put my condition into words. It might sound like I was being judged and the way she frankly explained it to me was also unpleasant, but nothing was wrong with what she said which made me feel even worse.

You might think I could’ve just taken the test again in another hospital. But, I couldn’t let my money go down the drain, and asking for my parents’ money was not part of the plan. Plus, I had no ample time to do it all over again and get the results on time. More than anything, I started to doubt my decision to study abroad. I knew that the fear of living away from my parents and not being able to handle things independently had always been there all along (I don’t know if anyone at my age could relate). Not only one person pointed it out, but I kept on denying it. So, when it was brought to the surface, especially by a professional, it was painful to the point that I considered withdrawing because I couldn't even trust myself to take a risk.

Surprise-surprise, only a few days after the medical check-up I received the acceptance email from Kyungpook National University. I took it as a yes from God. I had come that far and I wouldn't trade my spot for some future events no one ever knew would really happen. So, with as much courage as I had, I took the mental health test again suggested by the kind nurse who listened to me crying in the counseling room, answered the same questions differently, and managed to receive the psychiatrist's signature to complete my medical form. Later, I got acceptance notifications from Pusan National University and Seoul National University as well, and I ended up choosing the latter for my graduate school in Korea.

Preparing for GKS applications and undergoing the selection process for months have taught me the pain of waiting and struggling. At one point, it showed me that I could push my boundaries and instead of jumping out of my comfort zone, I tried to widen it and made things that were used to be hard become part of myself. With the permission of God, I could turn myself into such an overconfident head by asking for prayers from people I know (in case my family’s prayers were not strong enough to persuade God. Lol). At another point, I was awakened to things I have been feared to deal with although I know I eventually have to. Confronting my fears wasn’t always pleasant nor that it affected me positively and became part of my comfort zone, but I did my share by trying to face it. At the end of the day, I learned Ikhlas and literally let God do the rest and decide for me. While waiting for the announcement I pictured the day I was rejected, hoping that it would ease the pain later. I also told myself a hundred times that everything would be okay even if I failed as long as the sun still rises; I would cry my eyes out for days, receive comforting words halfheartedly, and wake up one day feeling okay again. 

My journey to be part of GKS came to a beautiful end as I flew to Korea in August 2016 and started the real struggle for 3 years. Some of what the psychiatrist said back then about people with similar cases like me did happen to me too, but I finished it differently. It was a tough year and only God’s mercy and the people I spent my time with in Korea helped me to stay sane and get through it. 

Hi, I'm I-Kets

I'm David Smith, husband and father , I love Photography,travel and nature. I'm working as a writer and blogger with experience of 5 years until now.

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A Journey to KGSP/GKS: Personal Statement

Finally, here is my third post on A Journey to KGSP/GKS Series. Previously, I wrote about my experience in preparing for the KGSP/GKS application back in 2016 and just before this post I wrote about how to fill in the KGSP/GKS Application Forms . This time, I’ll be sharing my two cents on how to write a Personal Statement, one of the essays of the GKS Application. When I prepared my application, it took me around 3 months to finish writing both essays. I remember starting to write as soon as I decided to apply for the scholarship in November, putting it off for a month or so, coming back and forth for the revisions, and finishing it a few days before the application closing date.

The GKS application forms have included the essay template with instructions and points to include which I found very helpful. I always enjoy writing, but writing an essay in English for studies back then was especially hard because English isn’t my first language and I never learned writing academic English properly. Here are some tips that I did and I wish I had known when writing my essays for the GKS Application.  

Personal Statement template (2021 GKS Application)

First, find your application’s identity. “Why do I want to study in Korea and apply for this program? Why should the reviewer choose me among hundreds of applicants?” These questions are the ones that I kept coming back when writing my Personal Statement. As I kept digging the reasons, I somehow found the identity of my application, a statement that will clearly describe me and hopefully will leave an impression for the reviewers.

I see Personal Statement as a stage to promote myself. It tells a story about me, my personal values, and significant events that happened in my life which lead me to aspire to study in Korea and apply for the GKS. The goal is to convey my story in the most impactful way possible that no matter how ordinary it is, the reviewer will still remember me after reading other hundreds of similar or even better stories. To do this, I don’t think I can merely rely on a list of achievements and experiences I have because they probably aren’t so outstanding among other applicants. That is why I need to put an identity into my application, to make my story stronger than my own name.  

In my case, “an applicant majoring in Family Studies” is the identity that I highlighted. Given that Family Studies is not a common field of study especially in Indonesia, regardless of how important it is for our society (don’t get me started into Family Sciences 101. Lol.), I guess it was the strongest point of my application that granted me a seat for an interview in the Korean Embassy. I could be wrong, but the interviewers asked about it during the whole interview session.  

Second, make your essay hook. If you put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes who has to deal with a hundred applications, how will you sort it out? There are sure other considering points such as grades that are quite easy to determine. But, when it comes to essays, how will you rate it and choose from a pool of applicants? Just like its name, a Personal Statement should be personal yet interesting. Personal; it tells who the applicant is, his/her experiences, achievements, values. Interesting; no matter how different every applicant’s life story is, the reasons to study abroad and apply for the scholarship might not be so unique, thus, the way it is written should be fascinating and impactful. That is how an essay hook will make your application stand out and assure the reviewers that you deserve one seat until the final round.

There are many ways to write an essay hook; quotation, question, strong statement, metaphor, etc. You may try many different ways before finding the one that matches the big picture of your essay. An essay hook is aimed to attract the reader since the beginning of your essay. This is also related to the whole picture of the essay and the information in the next paragraphs. As I decided to emphasize my major in Family Studies, I open my essay with the story about my own family and what values I was grown up with. I also wrote about how people used to ask what my major is about and whether it really is necessary to learn about family sciences at university. I keep this point as the whole idea of my essay which helped me to explain why I had to go to a Korean university.

Third, be reflective. Reflecting is such a habit to me. You know, that tendency to lay awake in your bed and replaying what has happened that day in your head and what you could’ve done to make it better, or at least, to make yourself feel better. Well, I learn that doing it isn’t always good. But, when it comes to reflecting on your past experiences and achievements in your Personal Statement, I can never stress enough how important it is. After mentioning all your precious achievements and writing how eventful your life is, you need to explain what lessons learned that you get, what skills you learn, and how they contribute to who you are today. It might sound cliché to write about how your leadership skills have been sharpened through many organizations, but I don’t think it will do you bad to show that you have learned from your experience.

Fifth, make an outline. To me, an outline always does wonder. You might have ever practiced it for school assignments. It’s really as simple as starting from the points mentioned in the essay instruction; (1) family background, (2) latest education, (3) significant and relevant experiences (working, internship, organization, clubs), (4) motivations to study in Korea and apply for the GKS. You can write down ideas for each point and add a few sentences for the explanation. As you develop each point, you may want to write it in 1-2 paragraphs and keep it as your main idea. This will surely help your writing stay on track, lead the plot and transition from one idea/point to another without jumbling up.

Sixth, don’t expect to finish it in one night or even one-seating and then submit it on the next day. Only after giving it some time and re-reading it a few days later that you’ll notice every mistake in your essay, those misspellings-wrong tenses-wrong expressions, even if you’ve been very meticulous especially when it comes to writings. Also, I can never stress enough how you should stop yourself from editing those punctuation marks or misspellings while typing because it will put your idea on hold and take much time to finish your first draft.

Finally, ask someone to proofread your essay and give feedback. I received a lot of help from my English tutor who gave valuable feedback on my essays. Having someone read your essay sort of allows you to get through the pre-review and the nerve-wracking of the application screening process. Also, your essay will look different from someone else’s perspective so it’s important to get their feedback even if it’s as simple as word choices. Especially, because Personal Statement is an essay about ourselves, we can easily understand it but it can be hard to be objective. Your best friend will tell you some confusing parts, things that you should explain better, or simply tell whether the storytelling is interesting enough.

There are a lot more awesome tips all over the Internet on how to write a great Personal Statement essay. These are basically what I did when I wrote my own for the GKS application. I have no idea exactly which part of my application that granted me the scholarship, but I believe that the Personal Statement had its big share. For another essay, Study Plan/Statement of Purpose, you can check my post about it here .

gks scholarship personal statement

@ bonaintan / bonaintan.tumblr.com

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2024 Global Korea Scholarship for Undergraduate

Vikash Gupta

  • April 3, 2024


Global Korea Scholarship

Do you want to know more about Global Korea Scholarship (GKS undergraduate)? This article will give you a detailed description of its benefits, eligibility, the application process, number of seats, and much more.

Studying in South Korean universities opens up many opportunities in today’s ever-growing competitive job market.

Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) is a unique undergraduate scholarship program. Every year, the Korean government offers students across the world currently enrolled in high school or college.


The purpose of the gks, advantages of gks, korean government scholarship course duration, the quota for embassy track, the quota for university track, the quota for associate degree, field of studies, available universities, nationality, level of education, restrictions, required documents for 2024-2025 u gks, essential points for gks undergraduate, scholarship value and benefits, embassy track, university track, first round, second round, third round, personal statement, statement of purpose or research proposal, letters of recommendation, other factors, application deadline, 2024-2025 gks–undergraduate faqs, what is the global korea scholarship.

The Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) is an initiative by the South Korean government. Earlier, the name was the “Korean Government Scholarship Program.” i.e., KGSP.

It offers academic scholarships to students from various countries to study in South Korea. The National Institute for International Education (NIIED), affiliated with the Ministry of Education in Korea, administrates GKS.

To offer students all around the globe more opportunities, every year, the Korean government organizes a competitive scholarship program called “Global Korea Scholarship.”

The program offers students a chance to complete their undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate degrees in the Republic of Korea.

GKS Undergraduate

The primary aim of the Global Korea Scholarship is to provide international students with more educational possibilities. As a result, students from far and wide have access to several top-ranked universities in Korea.

At the same time, the Korean government offers these scholarships to promote educational exchanges on a global level.

These programs also boost mutual friendship and relations between Korea and the participating countries.

There are many reasons Korea makes a go-to destination for students worldwide.

It starts with the fact that it is an incredible country to explore. Plus, it is for its technological advancement and top-ranked universities offering all areas of study.

This program allows you to study at Korea’s top-rated universities without paying a single penny.

The scholarship program is fully funded. Hence, the selected students won’t have to worry about their living expenses either. You know, right?

And while we’re discussing perks, I can’t help but mention that a scholarship like this can provide a considerable boost to your CV.

Besides all this, the Global Korea Scholarship can support you in learning Korean. This is mandatory to achieve at least TOPIK level 3 before starting the degree program.

You will enhance your Korean language skills through immersion and practicing with the locals. This all can help you get a job demanding Korean .

About Courses, Universities, Seats, and Tracks

Let’s find out everything about courses, duration, and how to apply for them.

Global Korea Scholarship undergraduate

Bachelor’s degree courses will have a 4-5 year long term, while associate degree programs will have 2 or 3 years.

Some newly added bachelor’s degree programs for the 2024 GKS-U, like Architecture, Medicine, etc., have a course duration of 5-6 years.

Every student must take 1-year Korean training courses at their respective universities.

But students with a level 5 or above fluency score in TOPIK ( test of proficiency in Korean ) can skip the Korean courses.

Number of seats

A total of 200 scholarships are available for GKS undergraduate 2024-2025 programs.

There are two different types — the embassy track and the university track. They select 119 through the embassy, and 81 are available for the universities.

Regardless of channel, candidates will get 100% funded scholarships that cover all the costs.

GKS embassy track

Courses and universities

Let’s find out more about available departments and universities for GKS undergraduate program.

  • You can only apply to the universities/subjects listed in the “University Information” section on the official site studyinkorea.go.kr .
  • Under the Regional University Track, one can only apply for departments listed under Natural Science, Technology, and Engineering fields.
  • Academic courses offered during evenings (night school), online, short-term, and distant-learning programs are not eligible for this scholarship program.
  • Even if a university’s departments you intend to apply to offer English taught courses, it may be subject to change as per circumstances. Thus, it would be better to confirm with the university. Remember that Korean is the primary and focus language used in every Korean university, though teaching English in Korea is pretty popular.

The universities vary depending on tracks — embassy or university. Read along!

Embassy Tracks

Universities tracks, eligibility for gks undergraduate.

A candidate needs some basic requirements to be eligible for the GKS undergraduate. All these requirements are given below:

  • Applicants and their parents must not be citizens of the Republic of Korea.
  • Dual citizenship holders that have citizenship in South Korea are not eligible.
  • The applicants must hold citizenship of NIIED selected nations invited to participate. However, parent(s) may have citizenship of non-GKS participating countries.
  • Applicants applying for undergraduate programs must have finished formal high school education or are expected to complete can apply for a Bachelor’s or an Associate degree program.
  • Aspirants who completed or are expected to complete an associate degree program can only apply for a bachelor’s degree course.
  • Candidates who can complete high school by February 28, 2024, can apply. They must submit official certificates or diplomas and final academic transcripts to the GKS Center, NIIED, no later than February 28, 2024.
  • All applicants need to have a grade point average above 80% or more on a 100-point scale. Or, one should rank within the top 20% of one’s class from their last attended educational institution.
  • CGPA: 2.64/4.0, or 2.80/4.3, or 2.91/4.5, or 3.23/5.0.

Suppose the applicant’s transcript does not include information on CGPA or cannot convert grades into the GPS scales mentioned above. In that case, the applicant must submit additional documents issued by their school describing the school’s grading system.

Applicants applying for undergraduate programs must be under 25 years of age (Born after March 1, 1998).

  • The applicant must have adequate physical and mental health to complete the entire duration of their degree in Korea.
  • Suppose an applicant is positive for drug tests or has a serious illness that prevents them from studying in Korea for a long time. In that case, they will disqualify the applicant in the last selection round.

All applicants have to submit “Form 6 Personal Medical Assessment” at the time of application. Plus, all applicants who pass the 2nd round of selection must receive a comprehensive medical checkup and submit an Official Medical Examination conducted by a doctor or a licensed hospital.

After reaching Korea, all GKS scholars will undergo a medical test managed by NIIED. However, suppose a GKS scholar has a severe illness after the medical test after arriving in Korea. In that case, they will be disqualified from their Korean government GKS scholarship.

  • Applicants who have previously graduated from Korean high school (also international schools) or finished their bachelor’s or master’s degree in South Korea are not eligible. However, those who have studied at any Korean university as visiting or exchange students can apply.
  • Candidates can only choose and apply for only one track:

→ For embassy track applicants, one has to choose between General or Overseas Korean adoptees.

→ For University track applicants, one has to pick between Regional University or Associate Degree. Plus, one can only apply to ONE university and ONE department.

Documents and Points to remember

Let’s find all the necessary documents and things you need to remember before applying.

  • Form 1 Application Form.
  • Form 2 Personal Statement.
  • Form 3 Study Plan.
  • Form 4 single letter of recommendation where the recommender’s signature is required.
  • Form 5 GKS Applicant agreement.
  • Form 6 Personal Medical Assessment.
  • Applicant’s Proof of Citizenship
  • Certificate of high school graduation (or expected one).
  • High school grade transcripts.
  • Applicant’s proof of age document.
  • Evidence of Korean war veteran’s descendants (if relevant).
  • Document to prove for overseas Korean (if applicable).
  • Proof of Korean citizenship renunciation document (if applicable).
  • Awards and other certificates (if necessary).
  • Applicant’s Passport Copy.
  • Certificate of Korean ability exam , only TOPIK score (optional).
  • Certificate of English test like TOEIC, IELTS, TOEFL, etc. (optional).
  • All documents should be only in Korean or English.
  • Information like the applicant’s name, date of birth, name of university or department, etc., must not have any errors as they will use it for official documents.
  • Applicants need to submit a letter of recommendation from a single recommender, who can assess the applicant’s academic abilities. You should seal it in an envelope and submit it to the embassy or university, conducting the first selection round.
  • (Form #1. Application Form) Embassy track applicant must select and write THREE different universities and MUST include at least one university from Type B.
  • (Form #1. Application Form) University track applicants must write only ONE university and ONE department.
  • Embassy track applicants must submit ONE consular-authenticated (or apostilled) document and THREE photocopies of the same.
  • University track applicants must submit only ONE consular-authenticated (or apostilled) document.
  • All application documents should be in original forms. Suppose an applicant has to submit photocopied documents. In that case, one needs to notarize, or apostil, or receive consular confirmation. And then submit these certified documents.
  • NIIED won’t return the documents once submitted.
  • Application documents need to be submitted in the checklist’s order on the first page of the application forms.
  • You should number all needed documents and label them on the top right corner.
  • They reject all incomplete applications.
  • Applicants who are going to graduate at the time of applying must submit the certificate of expected graduation date.
  • 2 different recommenders should write the recommendation letter.
  • The recommenders should seal the recommendation letter in an envelope and sign on the back of it.
  • Photocopies are acceptable for awards and certificates.
  • The proof of citizenship needs to be government-issued documents.
  • Applicants should submit 1 set of original documents and 3 sets of photocopied documents for the Embassy track.
  • Applicants should submit 1 set of original application documents for University track applicants.

A detailed breakdown of the scholarship value is given below:

  • They provide the actual cost of your airfare as long as the flight tickets are of economy class.
  • It includes an amount of KRW 200,000 as your resettlement allowance.
  • They offer a living allowance of KRW 900,00 to undergraduate students monthly.
  • They give free national health insurance policies to all candidates. They issue twice a year at the beginning of the semester.
  • They cover the total fee for language courses subject to a maximum of 1,000,000 KRW quarterly.
  • They cover the actual cost of your tuition fees (cannot exceed KRW 5 million per semester).
  • They provide a reward amount of KRW 100,000 per month to students who hold valid TOPIK level 5 or 6.
  • They give an amount of KRW 100,000 once after the completion of the degree.

How to Apply?

They accept applications only in particular months. The announcement of which is made on the government’s official website. These months vary from program to program.

For undergraduate programs, the application period is usually September-October. While for GKS graduate programs, this period is usually February- March.

You can find the application forms online as they are available on the official study on the Korean government website.

There are two ways through which any foreign national can apply for the Global Korea Scholarship Program. We know these ways as ‘the embassy track’ and ‘the university track.’

Choosing one or the other track mainly depends on the applicant and their country of origin.

This is so because they have given various countries different quotas and channels. Meaning that depending on your country. You may only have the option to choose ‘the embassy track,’ ‘the university track,’ or both.

Let’s find the detailed breakdown of both tracks below.

Selection Procedures

There are two ways:

GKS Selection Procedures

They require applicants to apply to their country’s Korean embassy on this track. While filling out the application, they should select three universities out of all the options.

As long as one of the three universities accepts its application, the applicant will receive the scholarship. This track has three rounds.

On this track, the applicant must submit their application directly to the Korean university they wish to study at.

Once the concerned university accepts the application, the applicant becomes a GKS scholar. While the embassy track progresses into three rounds (Embassy → NIIED → University), the university track only comprises two steps (University → NIIED).

The entire selection process is quite simple. But, depending on which track you choose, some selection rounds may differ.

At first, the National Institute for International Education (NIIED) of the Republic of Korea sends invitations to their Korean embassies and domestic universities to recommend candidates.

After this, applicants can send their applications to their country’s respective embassy or the Korean college they wish to attend.

After going through the applications, the embassies and universities present their recommended candidates to NIIED.

The NIIED then evaluates the applicants who pass the first round. Once they give the final evaluation, they select the university track applicants as Global Korea Scholarship grantees.

While the applicants who chose the embassy track advance to the third round.

In the third round, the universities finally review the applicants. At least one of the three universities must admit the candidate to pass this round.

Once a university accepts the candidate as a student, they become a GKS scholar.

Selection Criteria

In each round of the selection process, a committee evaluates the applicant.

These committees and their selection criteria can differ from round to round. However, some factors that account for an applicant’s selection are below.

In this statement, applicants must create a short essay describing their motivation for applying to this scholarship program.

Besides this, the candidate can talk about their interests or background.

The applicant must write a detailed study plan and their goals. They can also talk about their future objectives.

For example, suppose the applicant is applying for a research program. In that case, they must state their research plan and their goals.

The candidates can provide letters of recommendation. The impact of these letters can vary from university to university.

Certification of Language Proficiency (Korean or English)

Language ability certificates can also affect your evaluation. For example, they prefer people who are already proficient in Korean over other candidates.

Some other factors include publications, awards, academic transcripts, etc.

The deadline for the application differs from country to country. This is because the country’s respective embassy sets these criteria.

GKS undergraduate selections

The deadline can also vary based on what program you have chosen. You can find more information about the Global Korea Scholarship program and its application form on the study in Korea official website.

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 82-2-3668-1364
  • Address: 191, Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (13557), Republic of Korea.
  • Websites: studyinkorea.go.kr (official site) sejonghakdang.org ( studying Korean ), (Korea.net (Korean Portal), mofa.go.kr (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), immigration.go.kr and hikorea.go.kr (Visa and Immigration) and academyinfo.go.kr (for Higher Education in South Korea).

For more information about GKS updates, announcements, and guidelines, visit the official GKS Notice board .

Q1. The list of eligible countries with reserved quotas does not include my country. Is it still possible to apply?

A1. It’s not possible. Global Korea Scholarship Program applicants must be citizens of one of the listed countries.

Q2. As an exchange student, I studied in Korea. Would I be eligible to apply for this program?

A2. You are eligible to apply. However, high school diplomas from Korean high schools are ineligible for application.

Q3. In Korea, I studied at an international school. The educational system differs from the typical Korean school system in my school. Plus, they taught the courses I took in a distinct language. Do I not qualify to apply?

A3. No. As specified in the application guidelines, applicants who have graduated from a high school in Korea or plan to graduate from one will not be eligible to take part.

Q4. In my country, I earned a Bachelor’s degree. Can I apply for the program?

A4. It is not possible to apply for GKS-U. If, however, you are interested in pursuing a higher degree, such as a Master’s or Ph.D., check the application guidelines of the GKS Graduate degree program.

Q5. I will graduate from high school in March 2024. Is it possible to apply for the 2024 GKS-U program?

A5. You can’t. The program is open only to those who have already graduated or can graduate by February 28, 2024. For 2025, however, you can apply.

Q6. Can I apply directly to NIIED for the program?

A6. The answer is no. You must apply to a Korean Embassy where you hold citizenship or directly to the college listed in the application guidelines. Please check with the embassies and universities that conduct the first round of selection for details since each institution may have different procedures for application submission. [Embassy Track] Even if you live in Korea or a different country, you must apply to the Korean embassy in the country where you hold citizenship.

Q7. When is the deadline for the application?

A7. Each institution (Korean embassy or university) determines the first-round selection. If you are unsure of the exact deadline and submission guidelines, please check with the Korean embassy in your country or your preferred university.

Q8. Although I am Indian, I attend a high school in Singapore. Can I apply for the program through the Korean Embassy in Singapore?

A8. [Embassy Track] No, you cannot. You need to apply through the Korean Embassy in India, where you hold citizenship. Any other country’s embassy cannot receive your application.

Q9. Do I need to submit a language proficiency certificate (English or Korean) when applying for GKS?

A9. It is not mandatory to submit a test result for language proficiency. However, you may have to prove language proficiency if you are an applicant from a highly competitive country. Do check with the university before you apply if it also requires specific language proficiency for admission. At the 1st and 2nd rounds of selection, applicants with a valid TOPIK level 3 or above will receive additional points (10% of the total points allocated).

Q10. Who should I get my recommendation letter from?

A10. If possible, get your recommendation letter from someone with good academic abilities, such as your high school teacher, the school principal, or the department chair. The recommendation letter date should be within a year of the application deadline.

Q11. How should I submit my documents if they are not in English or Korean?

A11. Please have the documents translated (certified translation) into Korean or English. You must submit documents translated into their original language with the original or an authentic copy of those documents. Before submission, a consulate or apostolate should verify all certificates.

Q12. [Embassy Track] According to the Application Guidelines, I must submit one original application document and three photocopies. How can I prepare the sealed photocopies of my recommendation letter?

A12. [Embassy Track] Please have your recommender present the original recommendation letter first, then make three identical copies (photocopies or prints) of the initial letter. The recommender should sign and date all four letters and seal them in an envelope. Then, either packs them separately, or they can be together in an envelope. [University Track] You must submit one original recommendation letter from one recommender.

Q13. How can I be exempted from the Korean Language Program?

A13. TOPIK level 5 or 6 will exempt you from the language program. As a result, you will begin your degree program in the first semester of March 2022. Another benefit is the Korean Proficiency Grant, which gives a scholar an extra 100,000 won each month during the exam period.

Q14. Is there any limit to how many universities and departments I can apply to?

A14. [University Track] You can select only ONE university and ONE department. [Embassy Track] You must choose THREE universities from Type A or B. In addition, you must select one of your three options from Type B universities (If not, they won’t consider your application for an evaluation). You may choose the same department at all three universities. However, try to avoid picking three different schools from one university.

Q15. Can I change my final choice of a university for an undergraduate program during the introductory Korean language course?

A15. You cannot. After the last announcement of 2022 GKS-U Scholars, applicants cannot change or transfer to another university or department under any circumstances. Therefore, take your time and think about your choices before notifying NIIED. Before applying, they ask all candidates to do proper due diligence and get enough information about their desired university and department.

Q16. Is it compulsory for all GKS scholars to get at least TOPIK level 3 after one year of Korean language education?

A16. Yes. Every GKS scholar must pass a minimum of TOPIK level 3 within a year of the Korean language program to advance to their degree course. While it takes time to learn Korean , it is possible to learn level 3 within a year, provided that one puts effort into it. Do remember that NIIED designates Korean institutions for each GKS scholar with different factors in consideration. Thus, applicants cannot change the institution once they assign a scholar to a Korean learning center . Most of these institutions are in a different city or region from the universities of the degree program. Also, during the language course, scholars need to live on-campus and cannot bring family members.

Q17. What if I do not attain a degree within the scholarship period? Can I extend my scholarship period until I graduate?

A17. Once your initial scholarship period ends, your scholarship benefits will cease regardless of whether you attended or not. There is no option for the extension of the scholarship.

Vikash Gupta

Vikash Gupta

I’m a linguist, lifelong learner, blogger, and fun-loving guy. I write at studyfrenchspanish.com, languagenext.com, joyofkorean.com, joyofchinese.com, and joyofjapanese.com.

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I will graduate from high school in March 2022. Is it possible to apply for the 2022 GKS program?

The last date for the 2022 undergraduate program is already over. Also, you need to pass high school by February 28, 2022, to apply for the 2022 session. You can apply next year in October for the 2023 session.

From where the application form can be downloaded? What documents are needed for the embassy and university track?

All details are there. You can download the form from the official website and apply through the Indian government portal. I’d suggest spending some time understand various aspects of it.

I am from India and want to apply for GKS-U this month. (i) Can I use the apostilled voter ID card for proof of citizenship for my parents and me as well? (ii) Can I choose the same department at different universities? (iii) Is it necessary to give the 10th mark sheet as well? Can I not just give the 12th mark sheet? (iv) Any idea when the applications will be available?

1. Yes 2. I guess, yes. You can reconfirm. 3. Yes, you need to submit the 10th too. 4. Usually, after 1-3 weeks of their global applications.

It means that 10th marksheet is compulsory or is it just to make sure that chances get better ?


I would like to know if topik is mandatory besides one has to have a passport before applying for this? Are there any universities that accept online registration/application?

No. TOPIK is not mandatory, though it helps. You can only apply through the mentioned process and through GKS guideline only. You can apply online but you won’t get scholarships.

Does the GKS University Track process of application are already over?

Yes, it’s over for the undergraduate program.

Hey is there anything we can do now for undergraduates in Seoul?

The last date is over for the 2022 March session. You can try for the September 2022 session, for which the application process starts in May. For GKS, you can only apply in September 2022.

Hello. The information provided is very clear and helpful, however, I still have a question about getting the visa after getting the scholarship for undergraduates. Since this is a scholarship, I assume there’s no need for providing the bank statement with $10,000 in my account 3 months before the application for the visa. Or is it still obligatory despite getting the gks-u? Thank you in advance.

Yes, you do not require a bank statement with a minimum amount to get this scholarship, but you may need some money for lifestyle expenses that is not funded.

Actually, I want to apply for a bachelor’s degree, and I passed high school in 2021, and I want to apply for fashion designing next year. Now I’m doing a course in fashion design, so can I apply now I know it’s late for a bachelor’s degree that but I’m confused about. So can you guide me, please?

Yes, you can apply for GKS-UG next year in September as long as your preferred course are available. If you get selected, you will waste 2 years, but that may be worthy. Continue with your course along with applying for scholarship. Consider all pros and cons.

I want to complete graduate in South Korea

Eu amei todo o material que vocês disponibilizaram. Eu gostaria de saber algumas dicas para complementar a aplicação, já que eu tenho apenas 80% de GPA.

Eu não falo português 🙂

I loved all the material you made available. I would like to know some tips to complement the application, as I only have an 80% GPA. ~ In English now

As per eligibility criteria, one requires a GPA of 80% or more. The other alternative is to achieve a rank within the top 20% of one’s class from their previous educational institution.

If i got 5.5 ielts band should i submit my test sheet.do you reccommend it.

There is no harm in trying.

I have obtained a bachelor’s degree with only 60% marks which makes me illegible for applying for undergraduate and post-graduate GK scholarships. There is no option left for studying in South Korea for a low-middle-class child, right? If so, kindly help me. I will be grateful to you. Your blog is so satisfying.

It is not just South Korea, but higher education in most developed countries is expensive for foreign students. Also, a minimum of 80% is just a criterion to apply. One doesn’t get a GKS based on that. It depends on many aspects like your academic qualification and achievements, extracurricular activities, recommendation letters, personal statement and SOP, language ability and certification, performance in the interview, etc. Due to too many applicants, getting GKS these days isn’t easy.

What are the total expenses for document verification and registration in INR?

I don’t remember. You have to go through the offered documents. The cost for verification, apostille, etc., varies and is done locally.

Who lives in the US cannot apply for the GKS?

I guess, No. But there may be some other scholarships programs for the USA and specific countries.

Hi, I’m also a scholar. I heard that they would pay for the school if we can graduate in time and extend the period of the degree once. Is that true?

Sorry, I didn’t get you. GKS is a fully-funded scholarship, and it covers nearly all major expenses. I’m not sure if they would still pay if you want to extend the course duration once. I guess you have to complete the course in the given time only to avail of the scholarship.

I am a 12th pass and my age is 28. Can I apply for a graduation course in South Korea? I need a reply.

No. The maximum permitted age for UG programs is under 25 years of age (Born after March 1, 1997).

Please when is the application starting for 2023 for undergraduate students?

September 2022.

Please when is the application for 2022 undergraduate studies starting?

For 2022, the last date to apply is already over. You can try in September this year for 2023.

When will the application for gks undergraduate 2022 start?

Around September.

About the documents, I need to fill them in on the computer. Print them all together with the certified documents put them in folders and send them?

Yes, or take a printout and fill and send it along with all required documents.

I have completed my bachelor’s degree in INDIA, so can I apply for GKS – U Scholarship? Am I eligible for this Scholarship??

You can apply as long as you are under 25 and fulfill the required criteria. However, they may or may not give preference as this GKS-UG is mainly for 12th passed contenders.

Sir, I have studied for a diploma in nursing and I want to study animal science and technology. I was born in 1998.

You have to check the courses if your choice is available. If you pass the eligibility criteria, you can apply in September.

I am 12th failed but can I apply for an undergraduate course?

No. GKS-UG is only for the 12th passed.

Hello, I am from Kazakhstan! I will apply to GKS 2023 bachelor’s this year. Can you please answer some of the concerning questions? I will be very happy! If I apply for the university in Korea for the fall semester and get a scholarship (from the university itself) and start my studies there, am I eligible to apply for GKS during my studies? And is it necessary to be in my home country while applying through the embassy track? Does the university track include only regional universities for undergraduates because I could not find Kyunghee University on the list?

Yes, you have to be in your home country, and you can only apply through the local embassy office. Not all universities and courses are available through GKS. You can only pick as per the listed options.

Hi if I apply Bachelor’s degree (Fall) semester. Can I apply for GKS?

You can only apply in September for the 2023 academic term starting in March/April.

Thanks for sharing. When does that of post graduate start?

Usually in September through GKS.

Sir, it’s compulsory to apostille the documents because it’s a little expensive. Can’t we just notarize the documents? And sir GKS has announced about University track on 11th of this month, does it mean that this time no admission through embassy track will be there?

As per their new notification, an apostille is the only possibility. The dates for the embassy track vary depending on the country, and they announce after some time. Keep an eye on notice board.

Hi if my country is not listed in the eligible quota. For example, South Africa. Is there any other way I can apply for GKS?

I guess, No.

Hey, I am Jay lad from India. I just want to ask when the application form for mbbs will be released?

In September 2022.

Hello, i want to know that if I apply in September 2022 so when will I able to know that I’m accepted for the gks or not ?

When they announce the final result in December/January.

Hello, I was accepted as a GKS Scholar in 2021, but I had to resign and quit due to my surgery. Is it possible for me to apply again this year??

Thank you for your answer!

AFAIK, those who had withdrawn from GKS are not eligible to apply. But I’d suggest to recheck.

Sir, I am currently in grade 12. I’m gonna graduate next year in January when can I apply for the 2023 scholarship and is it okay if I apply using my second term Marks hence I’m still waiting to graduate next year?

You can apply in Sept 2023. This year, you can also do this as an appearing candidate with second term marks.

Thank you very much, this helped me a lot, but I have a question. Only the universities on the list that provide GKS? The university I would like to study at is not on the list. Is there any possibility that it will change? Or is it every year these same universities?

Yes, through GKS, you can only apply to listed universities. They change some names, but it is not frequent and big enough.

Dose GKS accept IGCSE and GED?

I guess, Yes.

If I fill GKS scholarship, how they will get information?

Sorry, I didn’t get you.

I am 16 years old. Can I apply for an application and after the graduation do we have to pay the money?

GKS scholarships are fully funded means you do not need to spend money. You can apply for the undergraduate program provided that you fit their requirement and belong to one the country elgibile to apply.

How to apply?

You have to read their guidelines, requirements, timeline, and procedure in detail.

Can we use living allowance money for off-campus housing?

I’m not sure about this, but I guess no.

My grade in 12th is 76% and i am not in top 20% in class can i apply for this?

But in my opinion giving it a try is not a bad idea.

Sir can I use the twelth mark sheet as the certificate of graduation for the undergraduate scholarship as my school did not provide it. Transcript so what I have to do now?

You require a certificate if it is needed. You can get it from concerned boards like CBSE. You also need a transcript from the same authority.

Sir, from your experience over the years, do you think it is even slightly necessary to contact a professor as an Undergraduate for the GKS as the graduates do?

There is no harm in trying, but the benefits are limited. In most cases, they won’t reply unless your case is exceptionally good and unique.

Thank you for the reply. Please What can make my case exceptionally good and Unique? I’m really a diligent student who is interested in researching too.

You can focus on 5 things to boost your chances. 1. Academic credentials, achievements, and extracurricular activities. 2. Your teacher’s recommendation letters from previous institutions. 3. Great personal statement and SOP. 4. Language skills – both English and Korean. If possible, take TOPIK. 5. Your performance in the interview. Prepare well for that and get good knowledge about things related to Korea and your career & future.

Good luck 🙂

I completed my Diploma (Undergraduate) in India in 2018. Am I still eligible to apply for the scholarship??? Please reply.

Yes, if you are under 25.

Thank you for the reply. I’m still quite confused about what to email a professor as an UG. Do you have an idea?

This is something you have to decide. Search to get an idea.

Hello sir , I have a question Is passport sufficient for proof of age or will only the birth certificate have to be given?

When you fill out the online application, you will get details of what you need to submit. A passport and 10th certificate can be sufficient proof of age.

Hey! In India, 12th board are held in March… So can i apply before March as the application held in September?

No. E.g., If you give 12th in March 2022 and get your result in June 2022. Then, you can only apply in September 2022 for the academic session that starts in March 2023.

Hello, 1. If an applicant has taken up the various test in their own country as an (optional beneficiary) can we submit those test certificates, does it counts? 2. If having less than 80% percent but being in the top 20% of the class, getting a letter from the professor of the university- is enough as proof!? or do we need to submit something else as proof? 3. For the English proficiency test can we take the Duolingo English test, and submit the application?? 4. For the embassy track, 1 apostille document and the other each 3photocopies(should be color photocopies) right- if it makes sense sorry? 5. What if a UG applicant hasn’t been so actively participated in any of those extra-curricular activities & doesn’t have any work experience- in that case, where can one be so focused on writing the personal statement???

Hope you reply. Thank you!

1. You can, but it may not help beyond the required documents. 2. Yes, with an official document from the university. 3. No. 4. Yes. 5. Difficult to say as it’s a pretty subjective thing.

I am from Myanmar and I have graduated from UK university. Can I still apply GKS scholarship?

Please for the various departement offered by the universities given that i am applying through university track.

For that, check the list of available courses and colleges through GKS.

Can I choose Ewan University through the University track?

If that option is there, then Yes!

Studying abroad is my dream, so I just wish to fulfill it. I just need your help for me to achieve this dream of mine. I hope that you will accept me.

Wish you all the best, Vanesa!

I have read the information about air tickets and visas, but something is still unclear. Do I have to buy air tickets with my own money before the money is refunded to me after arriving in Korea, or will they buy air tickets for me while I am in my country? And will I pay for the visa with my own money too?

You don’t have to think about those things now. Once you are finally selected, they will update with all details.

Hello my name is Babli bariwa class 8 I am 14 year old

You still have 5 years. Wish you all the best!

Sir, there is an option in the application form which asks whether I am physically disabled or not. My middle finger is half cut. So should I mention that I am physically disabled or not? And does mentioning this will cancel my application or has any negative impact on my application?? Do they really make comprehensive medical checkups on arrival in Korea or it is just mentioned for formality??

Yes, mention everything applicable. They have criteria, and I guess they will only cancel if they feel you won’t be able to manage the things or not suitable for their society.

Sir, will the selected applicants have to go through a comprehensive medical checkup on arrival in Korea??

(1) Sir, please provide us any website or link which provides us info regarding how we can get a recommendation letter from a professor of the university to which we are applying. (2) Give us any link from which we can prepare for the interview.

I searched for many hours but got no useful info on internet 🙄

1. You do not need recommendation letters from your target university but the one from your previous institutions. 2. There isn’t any study material. You can check some YT videos from previous GKS scholars. It would be generic like about yourself, past academic record, career goals, why you picked that course, about Korea, future plan, etc.

I have 4.58 gpa out of 5 (91.6%) in 12th, I want to apply for an undergraduate in computer science. But in many yt videos of previous scholars, they suggested filling max universities from type B, but my dream colleges are in type A (max). How should we fill these universities to get the maximum acceptance rate? If you could suggest any universities for which I am eligible with these marks.

That would be difficult to say as I do not track individual courses and universities as there are too many, and I don’t get enough time. Now the competition is pretty high due to the huge number of applicants. That was not the case a few years back. So do what can increase your overall chances.

On which date do we have to submit the application form for gks-u 2023 (embassy track).

They will announce the date and timeline shortly.

I’m an undergraduate student. I’m learning English. Can it be possible to get GKS scholarship? I’m also trying to take the IELTS exam. Is Topik still needed? And how can I get and application form? I’ve not decided what uni to study yet. Can someone recommend universities? And also dates and months.

I prefer fashion designs more. Is it possible for me?

Yes, if available.

Yes. IELTS and TOPIK will boost your chances, though not essential. You have to apply for either undergraduate or postgraduate programs. Since you are still doing a major, you can apply now for GKS-UG by picking the available course and university. Also, check your country and seats available as it varies depending on country.

Should I type all the info on the computer? For example the signature. The first form should I check by pen? And the recom letter the copies should be sealed? What different from the original? Finally, should it be colored? Thank you for your time.

You cannot type your signature as you have to sign in on paper. Yes, the recommendation letter should be sealed. You can check the guidelines where all the details are mentioned.

Sir, if our 10th and 12th percentage are not 80% above but if our academic qualification and achievements, recommendation letter, personal statement, and SOP are to the point, then also they will not take us because of our poor percentage. Plz, Sir, clear my doubt.

As per the rule, a minimum of 80% is required to apply for GKS.

Then will I be able to fill up the form or not if I get more than 80% above in my 12th because I get only 60? Something percentage in my 10th. Sir plz clear this doubt also.

You will able to apply, but they consider overall academic performance before the final selection.

Actually, I am currently in class 11th, but my 10th percentage is 60. Something a percentage but somehow I get my dream subject Science (PCB) I am scared because will I will be able to fill up the form or not.

Sir I have questions. 1. I am in 11th class but in 12th our result day is not fixed then what I do. 2. This interview is online or offline. 3. Suppose I apply in October 2023, but my 12th result I don’t know the after the 12th result is declared in June or any other month but Gks is in October then I wait but then I am not selected here my whole year is wasted. Please help me

1. You only need a rough idea, like which month. 2. Offline 3. You can apply in October 2023 only when you give the 12th exam in Mar 2023. In your case, you can apply in Oct 2024. You can take admission somewhere else as backup.

Good day, sir, So I’ve been making a lot of research online and they are all saying different things. One said the last date for applying for the GKS undergraduate program is February 28, 2023 while one says undergraduates can only apply by September, so I need help as to when to apply. I have already graduated from high school but would be getting my high school certificates by January 2023, so when can I apply for the undergraduate program? (I will be 18 years by 2023. Thank you. 😊

For GKS-UG, you can apply in September. Feb is for PG programs, i.e., GKS-G.

Sir, I graduated in 2021, and I want to apply for 2023 GKS-G will it be possible to apply?

Do i have to get two recommendation letter from 2 Professor of my College? And do i have to seal and signed the big envelop too in which i’ll put my 2 little envelop?

Even though one is also fine, you can get two. Yes, both should be sealed. Check the guidelines where all the details are mentioned.

Hello sir, I have a question which documents I will need to apostille or notarize? e.g Do I need to get my mark sheet notarized or apostille?

You need an apostille for the 12th mark sheet, transcript, and voter ID if you don’t have a passport. Also, the citizenship of your parents. Check their requirement when process will start in Sept 2023.

Thank you sir. Do I need to get my 10th mark sheet also apostilled?

Thank you, sir if you don’t mind can you give me your email or instagram I’d actually I have lots of questions.

IG Id is mentioned on this site, but not very active there due to work.

Thank you, sir if you don’t mind can you please give me your email or instagram i’d actually there are lots of questions I want to ask.

IG ID is mentioned on this site but not very active. You can also ask here in the comments.

Sir, please, when can I apply for undergraduate scholarships? I asked because while I was reading, it said that the application is now open for undergraduates. But on the other hand, am seeing September to November which is going to be the time for application. Sir, please am confused. Could you please explain? Thanks a lot.

Around September-October, depending on the country.

Is there any mbbs course in gksp scholarship, or where we submit our application form how can I contact with embassy Is there passport is required?

Not that I am aware of. You can browse the available course. A passport Is required, and you can apply either through embassy or university, depending on where you reside.

Does gks is valid for nursing as well?

It is valid for all courses offered through this scholarship.

Could you please explain what is meant by “Associate Degree” under GKS-Undergraduate programme? Thanks

Unlike Bachelors’s degree that is for 4-5 year, the duration of associate degree programs is 2 or 3 years. The number of seats are fewer though.

Hello, 1. So, I am a Burundian, and I Would like to know when applicants for undergraduate will start? 2. Between a Certificate from High School and a state Diploma which one do they consider the most? 3. They are only 3 universities for those who finished high school. 4. And IF someone has, for example, 56% and he is the 5th In the class of 26 Students, I think he’s ranked within the top 20% in his class…Is that one eligible? 5. The last is, Did all universities for undergraduates require TOPIK certificate?

1. In September, most likely. 2. I am not sure, as every country has different diplomas. Check their guidelines. 3. Yes, you can choose only 3 if that is what you are asking. 4. I guess yes, if you have a letter from the respective authority stating the same. 5. TOPIK boosts your prospects.

Please is medicine or Architecture available for 2023/2024 GKS-U?

You can check when application process will start in Sept this year.

Can I get a full undergraduate scholarship as an African?

I am done in high school (we call it secondary schools in Nigeria) for a while now. Can I still apply and I don’t if the way we are graded here is the same with other high schools But it’s in percentage. Can I still apply tho.

I am not sure. You have to check the details and match them with your country-related results.

Hi Kamsi. I’m a Nigerian too and I plan to apply for GKS-U this September. You can give me any of your social media username so I can chat you up and explain more to you

I’m doing BS and I’m in semester 4 I wanna transfer my 5th semester to a Korean university my average CGPA from 3 semesters is 3.56 is a GSK scholarship available for me? If not, then which scholarship is for transfer students? Plzzz replies to me.

I don’t think it is possible to transfer the remaining semester to a Korean university.

But sir it is mentioned in many university sites. Please reply.

I don’t know about that. Check from respective institutions.

sir, i have Ncc B certificate and other curriculum activities and also have 81% marks in my 12th, so how many possibility to get this scholarship?

It is difficult to say as they don’t disclose the exact criteria and weightage.

Hello sir, Thank you for the information.

Sir, I want to know something regarding GKS-UG. I have done my schooling in 2017 and the pursued a diploma and attained a bachelors this year as well. But I want to apply for fashion major which was not my concerned major in bachelors. Can you please guide me whether I can apply or not? Should I give it a chance or not? Thank you for the response.

You can apply for major/UG as only 12th would be considered. However, due to many years of gap between now and the year you passed 12th, it may reduce the overall chances.

I get 72% in 12th, but I am first in my class out of 45 students can I apply for gks undergraduate student may I do associate in computer science and how can I apply in this embassy or university or both. Please sir guide me. I hope you give reply soon.

All the information is mentioned in this article. I’d suggest reading the entire official document to get clarity for everything.

I am from Pakistan what is the last date of apply and i graduade for 10th class.

You need a minimum of 12th to apply for GKS-UG.

Greetings! I hope this message finds you in good health. My name is Nshimiyumukiza Thierry, and I am a Rwandan national currently residing in Bangladesh. I successfully completed high school in Rwanda in 2022 with a CGPA of 4.0. I am interested in applying for the GKS by University Track, given that I am not in my home country. Can you please guide me on the process of applying for GKS/UG based on the university track? Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Since I am not in my home country, Will I get a chance to get this kind of scholarship? Humbly waiting for a desired response from you.

You can only apply through home country embassy if that option is available for your native place.

Hi I am from Nigeria,for the first round of selection are we to submit all the documents at once

Hello. I have to apply for undergraduate gks program which documents I needed to hssc attested i mean this may include my fsc or matric degree or my citizen proof. My fsc and matric degrees are already stamped by hssc but i do not get it properly and another query is which document have to original submit.

Every country has different rules and requirements. Check your country-specific needs, and then apply accordingly. But broadly, you need citizenship proofs and 12th certification with apostille/country-specfic attestation for GKS-UG.

When is the deadline for GKS Program for Gradschool Applicants for 2024?

Usually Feb every year.

Hi, first thank you for the useful information I’m a high school student from Egypt and I’m planning on applying for GKS , and I have some questions. I’ll graduate from high school by July 2025 when should I apply (embassy track)? Is the recommendation letter must be written by hand ? Can I apply for embassy track online ?

feb 2025 for GKS-G. Yes. You have to submit to concerned embassy as per mentioned guidelines.

I’ll graduate from high school by July 2025 when can I apply? Is the recommendation letter must be written by hand? Can I apply online for the embassy track?

Graduate, means UG degree, then Feb 2026. If 12th, i.e., high school, then Sept 2025. Yes, as per guidelines.

Hello sir, I have a question to ask …so I scored 64 per in my 10th standard…and 72 per in my 12th…but in my bachelor’s I scored 90 per above..so am I eligible for the masters !! Please do reply

You can try but chances are less.

Sir how can I get job for south korea? Please help for me sir. I am zoology student and my big dream is job for south korea.

Students who want to start studying in the spring semester will apply from September-November of the previous calendar year. Students who want to start studying in the fall semester will apply from May- June of the same calendar year sir I’m really confused. When can I apply for u-gks 2024.

For undergraduates, apply in Sept-Oct 2024.

I studied SLT Biochemistry(HND), finished with 3.5/4.0 and want to process my master. How can I know the courses offered in the institution listed above based on my field of study.

You can check the list of universties and its programs in the official document when they announce.

hi, i want to apply for undergraduate program of 2024. What are the updates and only some selective courses are available for gks scholarship? And please let me know that, ive completed my hsc in 2021 and had 2 years gap of study cuz of financial issue does the study gap matters??

Only selective course and universties are available. It won’t matter much but there is required age criteria.

Hi sir, i’m Liberia and a high school graduate. I’m 1999 born. Am i eligible to apply? When do i apply do i need any test score?

If you fit the criteria, you can apply in Feb-March for GKS-UG

Sir, i wanna ask about acceptance of NIOS class 12 is there or not in GKS-U program. IF NIOS is not consider as homeschooling then it should be accepted.

I am not sure about that. Check if that is acceptable!

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Global Korea Scholarship

Personal Statement SOP Sample for Global Korea Scholarship (GKS / KGSP) 2024

by Contentholic | Mar 5, 2024 | Personal Statement , SOP For Scholarship , SOP Samples , SOP Writing , Statement of Purpose , Study Plan | 8 comments

GKS Scholarships, also known as KGSP Scholarship is a very famous Korean Scholarship Program in South Korea funded by its Government to invite global talent to the country. Applying to GKS requires a Personal Statement to be submitted along with the GKS application and the academic documents of the candidate. SOP for GKS Scholarship or Personal Statement for GKS plays a very important role in the final grant of the scholarships to the candidates as it is a fully funded scholarship to the candidates and they are selected based on the GKS Study Plan they submit. We have created a comprehensive blog to give you clarity on – What is GKS, how to apply for GKS, and how to write an SOP / Essay / Personal Statement for GKS in 2024. Please read the article to the end as we have also added the GKS Personal Statement Sample and Frequently Asked Questions for the GKS or KGSP – 2024. 

Content of the article

  • What is the GKS Scholarship?

Are the GKS Scholarship and KGSP Scholarship the same?

  • Personal Statement Sample for GKS Scholarship
  • Importance of GKS / KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement 
  • Guidelines for Writing GKS / KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement 
  • Tips for Writing GKS / KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement 
  • How to Write GKS / KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement 
  • FAQs Related to GKS / KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement

What is the GKS Scholarship? 

GKS which stands for Global Korean Scholarship is also known as The Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP). This is an academic scholarship program funded by the Korean Government for International Students and this is managed by the NIIED – National Institute of International Education which is under the Ministry of Education in South Korea. This program was designed for non-Korean scholars and Overseas Korean People to invite them to study in South Korea through a fully funded scholarship program at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels, after completing one year of Korean language studies. This was started a long time back in 1967 to bring overseas talents to South Korea and introduce them to the Korean languages, culture, and environment. Undergraduate students are entitled to receive 800,000 KRW per month and postgraduate students are entitled to 1,000,000 KRW per month apart from other expenses like airfares, tuition, and other allowances.

How to apply for the GKS Scholarship in 2024?

The basic objective of the GKS or KGSP Scholarship program is to invite international talent in Korea and let them study in Korea and their talent can contribute towards growth and development in the country.  While applying for the scholarship, the candidate has to decide on a study program for which they are applying to any of the Korean universities that are entitled to GKS. The chosen program can not be changed later if the candidate wishes to change the program after studying Korean Language for the first year. For undergraduate degree programs at Korean Universities, it requires studying for 4 years, for master’s programs the duration is two years and doctoral studies require a minimum of 3 years. 

Sample SOP / Personal Statement for GKS Scholarship

Below is the sample personal statement for global korea scholarship south korea.

The National Liberation Day of South Korea and the Independence Day of India are a common tie between the two emerging nations as they celebrate these two events on the 15th of August. No wonder Rabindranath Tagore had called South Korea, the ‘Lamp of the East’, showcasing its noteworthy advancement in technology as the rest of the world is enlightened using products of the companies based in South Korea. This is profound in most Indian households. I remember clearly how each time I saw an advertisement for LG refrigerators and Samsung mobile phones, I jumped as these were the products that we used at home. As a child’s curiosity would have it upon finding similarities, I was always excited. In 9th grade, this excitement transformed into curiosity when my teacher informed me how South Korea is the core where reliable technology and ergonomic products are manufactured. My teacher also informed me about how South Korea invests in education so its citizens remain at the forefront of advanced technology. After listening to this, I could connect the dots, and it wasn’t a wonder that such wonderful easy-to-use products are made in South Korea. Not just expensive products, even trivial daily use products have their origin designed in South Korea, reflecting how people are scrupulous in designing. From here, my quest to perceive the exponential growth taking place in South Korea began.   

In New Delhi, the capital of India, I visited the Korean Cultural Centre which displayed the beautiful culture, language, and clothes of the people of South Korea. Immediately post this visit, I started looking for opportunities to learn more about South Korea and I embarked on this learning path by beginning to learn the language. While learning the language at SEJONG HAKDANG (KCCI) I received a 100% scholarship for the Intermediate semester for being in the top 10% of students in the beginner semester, which encouraged me more towards this stream.I started participating in essays and quiz competitions organized by the Korean Embassy in India. I also participated in Korea-India 2021 quiz competition where I qualified at the school level and participated in the state prelims quiz (KIFQ-DEL-226). Such platforms helped me learn about South Korea’s clothing and fashion, food, housing, festivals and celebrations, culture and arts, history, and the country’s remarkable growth at an exponential rate through its strong education system. During my participation in the quiz, I also encouraged my fellow students to participate as it gives me pleasure to share knowledge with my friends and also elevate my level of education. My participation naturally made me focus on South Korea’s accomplishments, development, and high-ranking universities. This motivated me to opt for my higher studies in South Korea. 

The efficacy of education was invariably known to me and my deep-rooted interest in the same stems from observing my mother. A public school teacher, my mother taught Maths, and I under her umbrella, not only gained dexterity in the subject, but also admiration for logical thinking. My family plays an important role in bringing me to this juncture where I can apply for my Bachelor’s in Computer Science Engineering. Witnessing my elder sister’s dedication who acquired a merit-based scholarship at a renowned University in the US and my father’s diligence to bring his children to a platform where they can choose their path, has been extremely stimulating and inspiring. The current student loan that my sister has taken for her further education will be able to help her secure a good position post the MS course and I want to follow the same path so I can help my father who works at a stationery shop be at ease. Owing to my family’s financial condition, my parents have constantly provided the luxury of a good education and that is the only thing I have to fall back on.  Hence, during my school, I was a vigilant student who scored well throughout her schooling, while also learning beyond the scope of my syllabi. I have been a consistent holder of merit certificates for academic achievements since 7th grade and secured 1st position in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade while also scoring highest in Computer Science and Math in my entire batch. I often enjoyed reading my sister’s computer Science books as I felt hinged to logical and analytical thinking. My first learning of Computer Science was in grade 9th when I learned HTML. Along with this I also learned ways to create a website where I optimally used my creative abilities, especially in coding.   In class 11th, I unraveled topics like data types and operators, conditional statements, data structures like lists, tuples, strings, and dictionaries, sorting algorithms, functions, libraries, data file handling, error and exception handling, data visualization using pylot, data representation, and boolean logic. I also learned Database concepts and Structured Query Language, along with interface Python with SQL and cyber safety. Python-SQL connectivity became the target concept for my A+ grade year-end project ”result analysis” where I created tables in SQL and modules in Python. 

I also made an Art Integrated Learning Project, to find hotels that suit the tourists’ requirements using the concepts of Data Structures and functions. Alongside these, I have opted to learn through online mediums and have attained relevant learning of various computer science-related subjects.  To enhance my personality, I participated in activities like Inter and intra-school Debate, art, and quiz competitions that evoked competitiveness in me. I have also exercised my leadership skills as I was the Executive of the student council where I  maintained the decorum of the school and also partook in activities like organizing quizzes and managing cultural and sports events. I have also been a member of the interact club where I have practiced and learned the importance of community service. Sports have also been a cardinal part of me and I have enjoyed playing badminton and basketball in which I won 1st position at the zonal level competition which enhanced my focus and made me humble as a person. 

The various exposures that I have attained so far have empowered me to choose GKS for my future studies. It ranks at the top of OECD countries for scholastic achievement and educational competitiveness while also ranking 1st for  ICT (Information and Communications Technologies).  It will be a great step to be a part of GKS and understand more about South Korea in terms of culture and of course the emphasis it lays on education. I will be able to perform well as a student and will make my country proud as moving there for education is a reflection of the friendship between my country and South Korea . 

Download PDF of Sample Personal Statement for GKS South Korea

The Global Korean Scholarship Track Qouta 2024 

Embassy Track (800) + University Track (1400) = Total (2,200) 

The GKS Scholarship for this year 2024 has been announced by the Korean Government and they have invited 2200 International Students, for which students can apply through two tracks – Embassy Track and University Track, for which you need to read the whole to understand the same in detail.

The Global Korean Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships in Asia and the most sought-after South Korean Scholarship among international students which can be applied through two tracks – Embassy Track and University Track, where the difference lies in the application process. The Embassy Track has three steps – you have to apply through the Korean Embassy where the application is selected and then forwarded to NIIED for further selection and then finally it reaches the university for final vetting of the applicants. You can select three universities from the Embassy track which is a better option overall and the quota allotted to the embassy track is 800. 

Embassy Track = 3-Step Process, 

Embassy Selection > NIIED Selection > University Selection

Options to choose 3 universities 

University Track, on the other hand, is quite simple, and once the university selects the candidates it sends the application to NIIED for final selection, which is a simple two-step process. The total quota allotted to University Track is 1400 which is quite higher than the Embassy Track.

University Track = 2 Step Process

University Selection > NIIED Selection

South Korean Universities Available for GKS 2024 Programs 

The South Korean Universities for GKS are divided into two major categories – Type A and Type B and each candidate can choose up to 3 Universities from A and B types but must select at least one of the universities from the Type B list as well. 

Type A Universities for GKS 2024 Graduate

Type B Universities for GKS 2024 Graduate

Importance, Tips, Guidelines for GKS / KGSP Scholarship Program – 2024 

The Global Korean Scholarship Program or Korean Government Scholarship Program for 2024 has been announced recently and thus we are updating our blog to add more tips and guidelines for creating a stellar personal statement for GKS Scholarship 2024. It is very important to focus on the personal statement because it holds a significant value in your application. Here are the tips to help you draft a convincing SOP for the GKS Scholarship in South Korea. One should focus on the story demonstrating what made him/her plan to study in Korea as they wish to admit those candidates who are genuinely interested in Korean Culture and lifestyle. Opening the GKS Essays with a strong introduction about the inclination towards Korea can be an impressive move. Highlight some unique abilities, skills, and qualities you have that can make you stand out from the crowd. GKS Program of South Korea is majorly focused on cultural exchange, so you should also show your interest and awareness in such topics and share some important things you like about Korea and its culture. Drafting an impressive, well-written, and insightful personal statement or SOP increases your chances of being selected for the GKS / KGSP Scholarship in 2024.

FAQs Related to GKS / KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement – 2024

What are the eligibility criteria for gks scholarship in 2024.

Eligibility varies depending on the application track you choose:

  • University Track: Open to applicants who are citizens of countries designated by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED) and recommended by a Korean university.
  • Embassy Track: Open to citizens of countries designated by NIIED who are not recommended by a Korean university and apply through their home country’s Korean embassy or consulate.

Is there an age limit for the GKS scholarship?

How to apply for the gks scholarship.

You can apply for the GKS Scholarship Program through two different tracks – The University Track or the Embassy Track. Both of these tracks have their application process and deadlines which can be found on the official GKS website.

What documents do I need to submit for the GKS application?

Required documents typically include:

  • Application form
  • Academic transcripts
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Certificate of health
  • Personal Statement or SOP 
  • Proof of language proficiency (optional, but recommended)

Different Korean Universities may ask for more documents individually as per the program level or subject.

What are the benefits of the GKS scholarship?

The GKS Scholarship Programs 2024  covers a wide range of expenses, including:

  • Tuition fees
  • Monthly living allowance
  • Settlement allowance
  • Korean language training
  • National health insurance
  • Airfare and travel expenses

Do I need to maintain a specific GPA to keep receiving the scholarship?

Yes, for being eligible for the scholarship the minimum GPA is required to pass for each year or semester to remain eligible for the scholarship funding.

When can I apply for the GKS scholarship in 2024?

Application periods typically open in March or April and close in May or June.

Where can I find more information about the GKS scholarship?

What is the difference between gks and kgsp.

GKS which is the Global Korean Scholarship and KGSP – Korean Government Scholarship Program is the same, thus the program was introduced in 1967 and since then its name has been changed but both these scholarships are the same and serve the same purpose.

What is the Study Plan for the GKS Scholarship?

Study Plan refers to your objective of studying in Korea and what you plan to do after you complete your study in Korea. The study plan is demonstrated through the statement of purpose or personal statement asked for by the GKS Program.

What are the scholarship benefits for GKS graduate programs?

The benefits offered by the Korean Government in 2024 for undergraduate programs are 

  • Round trip airfare 
  • Settlement allowance to relocate to Korea 
  • Monthly allowance at the beginning of each month 
  • Language Training Fee per month 
  • Tuition Fee Waiver 
  • Medical Insurance Fee 
  • Research Support Fee 
  • Thesis Printing Fee 
  • Degree Completion Grants 
  • Korean Proficiency Grants – 100,000 KRW per month

What are the scholarship benefits for GKS undergraduate programs?

Hello sir, I found this very helpful can you perhaps help me with my personal statement and study plan am applying this year in September.

Hi Bukola, Our Personal Statement Writers have written many PS and study plan for the GKS scholarship. We have your email id from this comment. Our team will get in touch with you for further information.

I loved the sample I also want to apply for GKS Scholarship this year. I will need some assistance with my personal statement and study plan.

Hi Deborah, Thanks for liking our work. We can surely help you in creating a convincing Personal Statement and Study Plan for the Global Korean Scholarship Program – GKS 2024. Feel free to call me anytime.

Hello I find this very helpful and I would like you to help me on how to write my sop personal statement and study plan thank you as I want to apply soon

Yes, We can help you with the Personal Statement and Study Plan for GKS. Please, get in touch with our team at https://wa.me/919811040414 or email at [email protected] .

Hello, I like this sample and I was wondering if you could help me with the Personal Statement and Study Plan for GKS. I am planning to apply soon.

Hi Victor, Yes, We can help you with the Personal Statement and Study Plan for GKS. Please, get in touch with our team on +91-9811040414 or email at [email protected] .

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A journey to kgsp/gks: personal statement.

Finally, here is my third post on A Journey to KGSP/GKS Series. Previously, I wrote about my experience in preparing for the KGSP/GKS application back in 2016 and just before this post I wrote about how to fill in the KGSP/GKS Application Forms . This time, I’ll be sharing my two cents on how to write a Personal Statement, one of the essays of the GKS Application. When I prepared my application, it took me around 3 months to finish writing both essays. I remember starting to write as soon as I decided to apply for the scholarship in November, putting it off for a month or so, coming back and forth for the revisions, and finishing it a few days before the application closing date.

The GKS application forms have included the essay template with instructions and points to include which I found very helpful. I always enjoy writing, but writing an essay in English for studies back then was especially hard because English isn’t my first language and I never learned writing academic English properly. Here are some tips that I did and I wish I had known when writing my essays for the GKS Application.  


Personal Statement template (2021 GKS Application)

First, find your application’s identity. “Why do I want to study in Korea and apply for this program? Why should the reviewer choose me among hundreds of applicants?” These questions are the ones that I kept coming back when writing my Personal Statement. As I kept digging the reasons, I somehow found the identity of my application, a statement that will clearly describe me and hopefully will leave an impression for the reviewers.

I see Personal Statement as a stage to promote myself. It tells a story about me, my personal values, and significant events that happened in my life which lead me to aspire to study in Korea and apply for the GKS. The goal is to convey my story in the most impactful way possible that no matter how ordinary it is, the reviewer will still remember me after reading other hundreds of similar or even better stories. To do this, I don’t think I can merely rely on a list of achievements and experiences I have because they probably aren’t so outstanding among other applicants. That is why I need to put an identity into my application, to make my story stronger than my own name.  

In my case, “an applicant majoring in Family Studies” is the identity that I highlighted. Given that Family Studies is not a common field of study especially in Indonesia, regardless of how important it is for our society (don’t get me started into Family Sciences 101. Lol.), I guess it was the strongest point of my application that granted me a seat for an interview in the Korean Embassy. I could be wrong, but the interviewers asked about it during the whole interview session.  

Second, make your essay hook. If you put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes who has to deal with a hundred applications, how will you sort it out? There are sure other considering points such as grades that are quite easy to determine. But, when it comes to essays, how will you rate it and choose from a pool of applicants? Just like its name, a Personal Statement should be personal yet interesting. Personal; it tells who the applicant is, his/her experiences, achievements, values. Interesting; no matter how different every applicant’s life story is, the reasons to study abroad and apply for the scholarship might not be so unique, thus, the way it is written should be fascinating and impactful. That is how an essay hook will make your application stand out and assure the reviewers that you deserve one seat until the final round.

There are many ways to write an essay hook; quotation, question, strong statement, metaphor, etc. You may try many different ways before finding the one that matches the big picture of your essay. An essay hook is aimed to attract the reader since the beginning of your essay. This is also related to the whole picture of the essay and the information in the next paragraphs. As I decided to emphasize my major in Family Studies, I open my essay with the story about my own family and what values I was grown up with. I also wrote about how people used to ask what my major is about and whether it really is necessary to learn about family sciences at university. I keep this point as the whole idea of my essay which helped me to explain why I had to go to a Korean university.

Third, be reflective. Reflecting is such a habit to me. You know, that tendency to lay awake in your bed and replaying what has happened that day in your head and what you could’ve done to make it better, or at least, to make yourself feel better. Well, I learn that doing it isn’t always good. But, when it comes to reflecting on your past experiences and achievements in your Personal Statement, I can never stress enough how important it is. After mentioning all your precious achievements and writing how eventful your life is, you need to explain what lessons learned that you get, what skills you learn, and how they contribute to who you are today. It might sound cliché to write about how your leadership skills have been sharpened through many organizations, but I don’t think it will do you bad to show that you have learned from your experience.

Fifth, make an outline. To me, an outline always does wonder. You might have ever practiced it for school assignments. It’s really as simple as starting from the points mentioned in the essay instruction; (1) family background, (2) latest education, (3) significant and relevant experiences (working, internship, organization, clubs), (4) motivations to study in Korea and apply for the GKS. You can write down ideas for each point and add a few sentences for the explanation. As you develop each point, you may want to write it in 1-2 paragraphs and keep it as your main idea. This will surely help your writing stay on track, lead the plot and transition from one idea/point to another without jumbling up.

Sixth, don’t expect to finish it in one night or even one-seating and then submit it on the next day. Only after giving it some time and re-reading it a few days later that you’ll notice every mistake in your essay, those misspellings-wrong tenses-wrong expressions, even if you’ve been very meticulous especially when it comes to writings. Also, I can never stress enough how you should stop yourself from editing those punctuation marks or misspellings while typing because it will put your idea on hold and take much time to finish your first draft.

Finally, ask someone to proofread your essay and give feedback. I received a lot of help from my English tutor who gave valuable feedback on my essays. Having someone read your essay sort of allows you to get through the pre-review and the nerve-wracking of the application screening process. Also, your essay will look different from someone else’s perspective so it’s important to get their feedback even if it’s as simple as word choices. Especially, because Personal Statement is an essay about ourselves, we can easily understand it but it can be hard to be objective. Your best friend will tell you some confusing parts, things that you should explain better, or simply tell whether the storytelling is interesting enough.

There are a lot more awesome tips all over the Internet on how to write a great Personal Statement essay. These are basically what I did when I wrote my own for the GKS application. I have no idea exactly which part of my application that granted me the scholarship, but I believe that the Personal Statement had its big share. For another essay, Study Plan/Statement of Purpose, you can check my post about it here .

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  • October 29, 2022
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How to Write Personal Statement for GKS Scholarship

A personal statement is one of the important parts of the GKS/KGSP scholarship application. It must be well written to show your uniqueness among other students who want to apply for the GKS scholarship. It also aids the selection procedure for the students as it presents their different purpose for applying for the scholarship program.

If you are reading this, I suppose you are interested in the GKS scholarship and would like to know how to write a personal statement for the GKS scholarship. Good thing is, this post has the answers to your searches. So let’s begin!

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement sometimes called a statement of purpose is a document that provides the overview of a student profile to the scholarship selection team. It provides students with information related to their goals, interest, objectives, and some other aspects. A personal statement for the GKS scholarship is one of the most important documents that can make your chance of selection higher for the scholarship.

What is GKS Scholarship?

The GKS Scholarship fully called the “ Global Korea Scholarship Program ”, is an academic scholarship funded and managed by the National Institute for International Education, a branch of the Ministry of Education in the Republic of Korea. Its purpose is to provide international students with the opportunity to advance their studies at higher educational institutes in the Republic of Korea. It offers bachelor’s, master’s, Ph.D., and research programs to deserving candidates worldwide. In addition, the scholarship program allows students worldwide to study and complete undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees in the Republic of Korea.

Is GKS Scholarship the Same as KGSP Scholarship?

Yes, they are the same. The Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) is a South Korean government initiative that provides students with scholarships. Before this, they referred to it as KGSP (Korean Government Scholarship Program). The scholarship program allows students worldwide to study in South Korea.

Now that you understand the concept of the GKS Scholarship and the meaning of the Personal Statement, let’s move further to how you can write a personal statement for GKS Scholarship.

Importance of GKS/KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement

The GKS/KGSP scholarship personal statement is one of the important documents that can get you selected for the scholarship program. The personal statement for the scholarship should be written well enough to make a clear difference and to make yourself a unique candidate.

Guidelines for GKS/KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement Writing

Many of the students who want to apply for the GKS scholarship write their personal statements without following the proper guidelines. So, to make sure you do, we have provided the following guidelines for your GKS statement writing:

  • GKS/KGSP scholarship program personal statement can be written in either Korean or English language. It depends on you.
  • Make sure your GKS scholarship personal statement is of good length. It should not be more than two pages.
  • Make sure to discuss your achievements, skills, experiences, and the goals that you want to achieve during your study program.

Tips for GKS/KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement

Before you start writing your personal statement for the GKS/KGSP scholarship make sure that you know what the GKS scholarship personal statement must align with these.

  • Follow the guidelines that are provided by the GKS scholarship for writing a personal statement.
  • You should focus on the main points that need to be discussed to make your personal statement good.
  • Your personal statement should be unique to differentiate you from other candidates applying for the scholarship.
  • Avoid unnecessary stories as you only have two pages to write down your personal statement. 

How To Write GKS/KGSP Scholarship Personal Statement:

To write the GKS/KGSP scholarship personal statement you must follow all the things that are mentioned in the GKS scholarship personal statement form. Then follow these steps to make sure that your personal statement for the GKS/KGSP scholarship is well-written:

  • Write about Your Motivation for The Program:

This is the first thing or points that your personal statement should include. You must explain your motivation and why you have chosen to apply for this scholarship program. Let them know your main motive behind choosing the scholarship program. Here are several things that you can include here to show your motivation for this program:

  • Which course program do you want to study under this scholarship program and why?
  • If you are applying for this program, then what is your purpose?
  • How would you contribute to the community if you are selected for this scholarship program?
  • How can you be a good candidate for this scholarship program?
  • Why are you motivated by this program?
  • Your Family Background and Education Background:

This is another point that you should discuss in your personal statement to make it good. Talk about your educational background and provide some information regarding your family background. Things you should focus on include:

  • Provide concise information regarding your academic record.
  • Discuss your academic achievements which you have achieved.
  • What course program you have studied previously?
  • Provide brief information about your family.

Have You Seen: Seoul National University Personal Statement Sample

  • Any Experience You Have, Your Achievements, Person or Event Which Influence You:

To make your personal statement unique you must write about your achievements, experience, and person or event which influence you. These things will provide information related to how you deal with challenges and what you have achieved in your life so far. Discuss your experience which might be related to the work you have done or the things you have achieved in your life. You can also explain about any person or event which influences you in your life as well. These things, if discuss well can make your personal statement good. So, write about:

  • Any work experience you have.
  • Achievements you have.
  • Any person or event who influences you in your life.
  • Write About the Extracurricular Activities or Work Experience:

Your extracurricular activities or work experience can be a good thing written in your personal statement. This will make it unique from others. You can include:

  • The extracurricular activities you have performed.
  • The work experience you have.
  • Any activity you have performed for the community.
  • What you learned by doing the extracurricular activities.
  • What is the reason behind performing such extracurricular activities? 
  • Write About Your Awards, Publications, Or Skills You Have:

If you have received awards, written some publications, or have some skills then you should discuss them as well in your personal statement to make it more unique from other candidates. So, write about:

  • What awards you have received?
  • How did you receive those awards?
  • What publications you have done?
  • Why have you written those publications?
  • What are the skills that you have?
  • How these skills can be good for you?

I hope this article has helped your GKS/KGSP Personal Statement Writing . Nevertheless, if you need assistance writing and presenting an outstanding personal statement for your study, Contact us immediately!

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Is the GKS scholarship hard to get?

The GKS/KGSP is extremely competitive. To gain a scholarship In Korea, you need to prepare in advance with an excellent GPA, have an outstanding portfolio, and if possible, have certifications and awards. Also, depending on the University and program, you would need a good level of English proficiency. It has been stated that applicants need a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of or higher than: 2.64/4.0 or 2.80/4.3 or 2.91/4.5, or 3.23/5.0. That is, on a 100-point scale, one should score 80%.

  • What are the requirements to get accepted into the GKS scholarship program

To be eligible for the Korean Government Scholarship, you must meet the following requirement:

  • Citizenship: Candidates and their parents must hold non-Korean citizenship.
  • Age: KGSP-G: under 40,
  • Health: Candidates must be physically and mentally healthy for their studies in Korea.
  • Degree Requirements: KGSP-G: Bachelor’s or master’s degree.
  • Grades: The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) must be 80% or higher; or The CGPA must be 2.64/ 4.0, 2.80/ 4.3, 2.91/ 4.5, or 3.23/ 5.0 or higher.
  • Number of Scholarships: KGSP Graduate: around 700 grantees will be awarded annually

Personal Statement Writing Service

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How to Write a Personal Statement for a Scholarship + Examples

What’s covered:, what is the purpose of the scholarship personal statement, what to include in your personal statement, personal statement example: breakdown + analysis, how to make sure your writing is effective.

Either before or after you’ve gotten into your dream school, you’ll have to figure out how to pay for it. For most students, this involves a combination of financial aid, parent contributions, self-contributions, student loans, and scholarships/grants. Because scholarships are money out of someone else’s pocket that you never have to pay back, they are a great place to start!

Scholarships come in two forms: merit-based and need-based. Need-based scholarships are also often called grants. These designations tell you whether an organization looks at your financial situation when deciding about your scholarship.

Additionally, different scholarships fall under different categories based on the mission of the organization or person providing the scholarship’s financing. These missions typically emphasize different things like academic achievement, specific career goals, community service, leadership, family background, skill in the arts, or having overcome hardship. As you select scholarships to apply for and complete your applications, you should keep these missions in mind.

No matter what type of scholarship you are applying for, you will be asked to provide the review committee with standard materials. This includes your transcript, GPA, and resume/extracurriculars, but also, importantly, your personal statement. A scholarship personal statement is a bit different from your normal college essay, so we’ve put together this guide and some examples to help you get started!

The purpose of your personal statement is to help a review committee learn more about your personality, values, goals, and what makes you special. Ultimately, like with your college essays, you are trying to humanize your profile beyond your transcript, GPA, and test scores.

College essays all have one goal in mind (which is why you can apply to multiple schools at once through applications like the Common App or Coalition App): convince admissions officers that you would be a valuable addition to the university environment. The goal of your scholarship personal statement is different and differs more from one scholarship to the next. Rather than convincing various review committees that you are a generally good candidate for extra funding for college, you need to convince each review committee that your values have historically aligned with their organization’s mission and will continue to align with their organization’s mission.

Common missions amongst those who give scholarships include:

  • Providing opportunities for students with career ambitions in a particular field
  • Helping students who have experienced unexpected hardship
  • Supporting students who show outstanding academic achievement
  • Funding the arts through investing in young artists with strong technical skill
  • Supporting the development of civic-minded community service leaders of the future
  • Providing opportunities for historically underrepresented ethnic communities 

If a specific mission like this is outlined on an organization’s website or in the promotional material for its scholarship, the purpose of your personal statement is to show how you exemplify that mission.

Some scholarships ask for your personal statement to be guided by a prompt, while others leave things open for interpretation. When you are provided a prompt, it is obvious what you must do: answer the prompt. When you are not provided a prompt, you want to write a personal statement that is essentially a small-scale autobiography where you position yourself as a good investment. In either case, you should identify a focus or theme for what you are trying to say about yourself so that your application does not get lost in the shuffle.

Prompts include questions like:

  • Why do you deserve this scholarship?
  • How have you shown your commitment to (leadership/community service/diversity) in your community?
  • When did you overcome adversity?
  • Why is attending college important to you?

If you are provided a prompt, develop a theme for your response that showcases both your values and your achievements. This will help your essay feel focused and will subsequently help the review committee to remember which candidate you were as they deliberate.

Themes include things like:

  • I deserve this community service scholarship because my compassion for intergenerational trauma has inspired me to volunteer with a local after-school program. I didn’t just sympathize. I did something about my sympathy because that’s the type of person I am. Within the program, I have identified avenues for improvement and worked alongside full-time staff to develop new strategies for increasing attendance.
  • I overcame adversity when my mother had to have a major surgery two months after giving birth to my younger brother. I was just a kid but was thrown into a situation where I had to raise another kid. It was hard, but I’m the kind of person who tries to grow from hard times and, through my experience taking care of a baby, I learned the importance of listening to body language and nonverbal cues to understand the needs of others (baby and nonbaby, alike).

Without a prompt, clarity can be harder to achieve. That said, it is of the utmost importance that you find a focus. First, think about both your goals and your values.

Types of goals include:

  • Career goals
  • Goals for personal growth
  • The type of friend you want to be
  • The change you want to make in the world

Values could include:

  • Authenticity
  • And many more!

After you write out your goals/values, write out your achievements to see what goals/values you have “proof” of your commitment to. Your essay will ultimately be an exploration of your goal/value, what you have done about your goal/value in the past, and what you aspire to in the future.

You might be tempted to reflect on areas for improvement, but scholarships care about you living out your values. It is not enough to aspire to be exemplary in leadership, community service, or your academic field. For scholarships, you have to already be exemplary.

Finally, keep in mind that the review committee likely already has a copy of your extracurricular activities and involvement. Pick one or two accomplishments, then strive for depth, not breadth as you explore them.

My interest in the field of neuroscience began at a young age.  When I was twelve years old, my sister developed a condition called Pseudotumor Cerebri following multiple concussions during a basketball game.  It took the doctors over six months to make a proper diagnosis, followed by three years of treatment before she recovered.  During this time, my love for neuroscience was sparked as I began to research her condition and, then, other neurocognitive conditions.  Later, my love of neuroscience was amplified when my mother began to suffer from brain-related health issues.  My mother had been a practicing attorney in Dallas for over twenty years.  She was a determined litigator who relentlessly tried difficult cases that changed people’s lives.  Now, she suffers from a cognitive impairment and is no longer able to practice law.  Oftentimes, she has headaches, she gets “cloudy,” her executive functioning slows down, she feels overwhelmed, and she forgets things.  My mother has gone from being the strong, confident, emotional and financial caretaker of our family to needing significant help on a daily basis. Once again, with this illness came a lot of research on my part — research that encouraged me to pursue my dreams of exploring neuroscience.

Due to my experiences with my mother and sister when I was in middle school, I knew that I wanted to make a difference in the field of neuroscience.  I also knew that, to obtain this goal, I needed to maintain superior grades in school while also pursuing opportunities outside of school to further my education.  In school, I was able to maintain superior grades to the point where I am currently valedictorian in a class of 567 students.  In addition, in school, I challenged myself by taking 16 Advanced Placement classes and 19 Honors classes.  Two of the most beneficial classes were AP Capstone Seminar and AP Capstone Research.  AP Capstone Seminar and AP Capstone Research are research-oriented classes where students are given the opportunity to pursue whatever track their research takes them down.  As a junior in AP Capstone Seminar, I researched the effects of harmful pesticide use on the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in children.  This year, as a senior in AP Capstone Research, I am learning about the effects of medical marijuana on the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  

Outside of school, I furthered my education through taking advantage of the Duke TiP summer program. Duke TiP is a summer program run by Duke University where students who score extremely well on the SAT as middle schoolers are able to take college classes at different universities throughout the summers of their middle school and high school years.  I took advantage of this opportunity twice.  First, I went to Trinity University in San Antonio to expand my horizons and learn more about debate.  However, once I was done exploring, I decided I wanted to go into neuroscience.  This led me to take an Abnormal Psychology class at Duke University’s West Campus.  This class opened my eyes to the interaction between neuroscience and mental health, mental illness, and personality.  Years later, I am currently continuing my education outside of school as an intern at the University of Texas Dallas Center for Brain Health.  Through this internship, I have been able to see different aspects of neuroscience including brain pattern testing, virtual reality therapy, and longitudinal research studies.  With this background, I have positioned myself to be accepted by top neuroscience programs throughout the nation.  So far, I have been accepted to the neuroscience department of University of Southern California, the University of Virginia, the University of Texas, and Southern Methodist University, as well as the chemistry department at University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill.  

It is with this passion for neuroscience driven by my family and passion for education driven by internal motivation that I will set out to conquer my career objectives.  My educational aspirations consist of acquiring a bachelor’s degree in a biological or health science that would assist me in pursuing a medical career as a neuroscience researcher.  I decided to attain a career as a researcher since my passion has always been assisting others and trying to improve their quality of life.  After obtaining my Masters and my PhD, I plan to become a professor at a prestigious university and continue performing lab research on cognitive disorders.  I am particularly interested in disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  In the lab, I hope to find different therapies and medications to help treat the 3.5 million people around the world suffering from ASD.  Furthermore, I want to contribute back to underserved populations that struggle because they do not have as much access to medical assistance as other privileged groups.  As such, I hope to do a part of my research in less developed or developing Spanish-speaking countries. This will also allow me to pursue my love of Spanish while pursuing my love of neuroscience.  I think that following such a career path will provide me the opportunity to learn about the medical needs of the autistic community and improve their quality of health.  Furthermore, I hope to train a new generation of students to strive to research and make comparable discoveries.  Whether it be through virtual reality labs or new drug discoveries, I believe that research leads to innovation which leads to a brighter future. 

This student does a great job of making themself appear competent and dedicated to the field of neuroscience. This is primarily because they provided tangible evidence of how they have pursued their dedication in the past—through their AP Capstone courses, their Abnormal Psychology class at Duke TiP, and their internship at UTD. There is no doubt in the mind of a reader that this student is high-achieving. 

This student also engages successfully with a past-future trajectory, where they end with a vision of how they will continue to use neuroscience in the future. This helps the review committee see what they are investing in and the ways that their money will go to good use.

This student has two major areas for improvement. As we have said, the purpose of a personal statement is for a student to humanize themself to a review committee. This student struggles to depict themself separately from their academic achievements. A solution to this would be for the student to establish a theme towards the beginning of their essay that relates to both their values as a human and their achievements.

At the beginning of the essay, the student explores how their interest in neuroscience began. They explain their interest through the following sentences: “During this time, my love for neuroscience was sparked as I began to research her condition and, then, other neurocognitive conditions” and “Once again, with this illness came a lot of research on my part — research that encouraged me to pursue my dreams of exploring neuroscience.” The student made the great decision to tell the backstory of their interest, but they described their research in very mundane and redundant terms. Instead, they could have focused on their value of intellectual curiosity as a magnetic force that encouraged them to research their mother and sister’s ailments. Curiosity, then, could serve as a value-related thematic throughline to taking AP Capstone classes, taking college courses during the summer that weren’t required, and interning before even graduating high school.

A second area for improvement would be avoiding statistics. As the student identifies their valedictorian status and the number of AP classes they have taken, they might turn away certain personalities on a review committee by appearing braggy. Even further, these statistics are a waste of space. The review committee already has access to this information. These words distract from the major theme of the essay and would have been better used to humanize the student.

Throughout my academic career, I have been an avid scholar, constantly pushing myself towards ambitious goals. I held and continue to hold myself to a high standard, enrolling myself in rigorous curriculum, including Honors and Advanced Placement courses to stretch my mental potential. During my junior year of high school, I took four AP tests, two on the same day, and earned the AP Scholar with Honor Award. Additionally, I received the Letter of Commendation for the PSAT/NMSQT, and qualified for Rotary Top 100 Students both my freshman and senior year, a sign of my commitment to my studies. However, school has not been all about having the best GPA for me; beyond the numbers, I have a deep drive to learn which motivates me to do well academically. I truly enjoy learning new things, whether it be a new essay style or a math theorem. I always give each class my best effort and try my hardest on every assignment. My teachers have noticed this as well, and I have received school Lancer Awards and Student of the Month recognitions as a result. It is a major goal of mine to continue to aspire towards a high level of achievement regarding future educational and occupational endeavors; I plan on continuing this level of dedication throughout my educational career and implementing the skills I have learned and will learn into my college experience and beyond.

This fall, I will begin attending the University of California Los Angeles as an English major. I chose this major because I am fascinated by written language, especially its ability to convey powerful messages and emotions. I also enjoy delving into the works of other authors to analyze specific components of their writing to discover the meaning behind their words. In particular, I cannot wait to begin in-depth literary criticism and learn new stylistic techniques to add more depth to my writing. Furthermore, I recently went to UCLA’s Bruin Day, an event for incoming freshmen, where I was exposed to many different extracurriculars, some of which really piqued my interest. I plan on joining the Writing Success Program, where I can help students receive free writing help, and Mock Trial, where I can debate issues with peers in front of a real judge. The latter, combined with a strong writing background from my undergraduate English studies will be extremely beneficial because I plan to apply to law school after my undergraduate degree. As of now, my career goal is to become a civil rights lawyer, to stand up for those who are discriminated against and protect minority groups to proliferate equality.

As a lawyer, I wish to utilize legislation to ameliorate the plight of the millions of Americans who feel prejudice and help them receive equity in the workplace, society, and so on. Though this seems a daunting task, I feel that my work ethic and past experience will give me the jumpstart I need to establish myself as a successful lawyer and give a voice to those who are often unheard in today’s legal system. I have been a Girl Scout for over a decade and continually participate in community service for the homeless, elderly, veterans, and more. My most recent project was the Gold Award, which I conducted in the Fullerton School District. I facilitated over ten workshops where junior high students taught elementary pupils STEM principles such as density and aerodynamics via creative activities like building aluminum boats and paper airplanes. I also work at Kumon, a tutoring center, where I teach students to advance their academic success. I love my job, and helping students from local schools reach their potential fills me with much pride.

Both being a Girl Scout and working at Kumon have inspired me to help those in need, contributing significantly to my desire to become a lawyer and aid others. My extracurriculars have allowed me to gain a new perspective on both learning and teaching, and have solidified my will to help the less fortunate. In college, I hope to continue to gain knowledge and further develop my leadership skills, amassing qualities that will help me assist others. I plan to join multiple community service clubs, such as UCLA’s local outreach programs that directly aid residents of Los Angeles. I want to help my fellow pupils as well, and plan on volunteering at peer tutoring and peer editing programs on campus. After college, during my career, I want to use legal tactics to assist the underdog and take a chance on those who are often overlooked for opportunities. I wish to represent those that are scared to seek out help or cannot afford it. Rather than battling conflict with additional conflict, I want to implement peaceful but strong, efficient tactics that will help make my state, country, and eventually the world more welcoming to people of all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. These goals are close to my heart and therefore I will be as diligent as I am passionate about them. My perseverance and love for learning and community service drive my ambition in both education and life as a whole, and the drive to make the world a better place is one that I will carry with me for my entire life.

This student emphasizes two values in this essay: hard work and community service. These are values that go together nicely, and definitely make sense with this student’s end goal of becoming a civil rights lawyer! That said, some changes could be made to the way the student presents their values that would make their personal statement more convincing and engaging.

Structurally, instead of using a past-future trajectory, this student starts by explaining their academic achievements, then explains their career goals, then explains their history of community service, then explains their future desires for community service. This structure loses the reader. Instead, the student should have started with either the past or the future. 

This could look like 1) identifying their career goals, 2) explaining that hard work and a commitment to community service are necessary to get there, and 3) explaining that they aren’t worried because of their past commitment to hard work and community service. Or it could look like 1) providing examples of their hard work and community service in the past, then 2) explaining how those values will help them achieve their career goals.

Additionally, like with our other example, this student shows a heavy investment in statistics and spouting off accomplishments. This can be unappealing. Unfortunately, even when the student recognizes that they are doing this, writing “beyond the numbers, I have a deep drive to learn which motivates me to do well academically. I truly enjoy learning new things, whether it be a new essay style or a math theorem,” they continue on to cite their achievements, writing “My teachers have noticed this as well, and I have received school Lancer Awards and Student of the Month recognitions as a result.” They say they are going beyond the numbers, but they don’t go beyond the awards. They don’t look inward. One way to fix this would be to make community service the theme around which the essay operates, supplementing with statistics in ways that advance the image of the student as dedicated to community service.

Finally, this student would be more successful if they varied their sentence structure. While a small-scale autobiography can be good, if organized, every sentence should not begin with ‘I.’ The essay still needs to be engaging or the review committee might stop reading.

Feedback is ultimately any writer’s best source of improvement! To get your personal statement edited for free, use our Peer Review Essay Tool . With this tool, other students can tell you if your scholarship essay is effective and help you improve your essay so that you can have the best chances of gaining those extra funds!

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Things that can make your selection easier for GKS Scholarship.  

  March 17, 2021

By   Smriti Ekka

There is plenty of confusion regarding the students who are not able to achieve 80% of marks or are  not in the top 20 in their class. Students are scrutinized based on the CGPA.

The answer is NO !

80% above GPA play an important role but those are not the only factors that determine the selection. 

What I have noticed is that people who have not achieved above 80% in their major or have not done research work still get to study in Korea and mark theirs from the limited seats available.

In that case what would you do if your GPA is not above 80% ?

There are several factors which involve deciding what increases the chance of getting selected for students. 

 The top factors maybe the following :

1) volunteering.

This might sound really weird and absurd for Indian students since voluntary work is not highly regarded in India but it is not the case in Korea. You can secure a plus point that might get your application selected. Taking part in volunteering and other activities increases the chance since the professors can easily look through your activities and keen interest in any topic. 

Volunteering should not necessarily be related to your field of study also. Anything that may showcase your talent and personality would be enough to get you through the selection process. 

The more voluntary work you have done could be a plus point in selection.


It's no doubt the chances of getting selected also depends on which country you're from and how many seats are available for GKS scholarship from your specific country. Since we are talking about India there are overall 22 seats for Embassy track and only a quota of 19 seats for University track for Graduation. Looking at the population it is highly competitive so the chances may actually vary depending on the seats available.

Check the seat availability here.


The whole attention of the scrutiny is on the application form that you are submitted along with this statement of purpose and the personal statement with your own study plan. Even though you are not having required GPA in your finals. Excellent personal statement and SOP has been student's last resort. 

Tips on how to write an excellent personal statement and SOP.


Recommendation letters play an important role since it includes recommendation from the professors form your field of study. You are required to submit two letters which you can get even from school teachers but it's best recommended to have it written from the professors of your field since they know you best and will write in accordance with the field you've applied for studies.

[ For the people working in any company can get one recommendation letter from the manager of the company. ]


There's no doubt that having TOPIK level 3 or a level above could easily give you a chance over the other people because learning Korean will add 10 plus points in this selection process. Even having an IELTS score of English proficiency will help you to get that edge over other students. Even though the medium of education in most of the schools in India in English , getting a written application to the professor telling about your medium of education would be much more helpful and for the students who are from the Hindi medium are required to give the exam of IELTS.

Consider strengthening your Korean skills ?

Check our LKI course available for Indian students here.


If you know how to play instruments, play any sports or you are a good orator. The skills have to be mentioned while writing your application which could prove to be a plus point.

The overall suggestion would be to write everything that you have. Any kind of skills or qualifications, be it language proficiency or any skills that would surely make you unique and stand out. Obviously, just being a leader of a school basketball team wouldn't let you have that seat for engineering studies. GPA above 80%  still plays an important factor but that isn't the sole factor to determine the selection. 

Make sure to go through the individual university's sites to check their requirements. 

Check HERE !

If you have never considered going for these above points then you should surely go for it. It is never too late than never. 

Say it, write about it and let them know that you have special qualities to contribute if selected.

Thank you and all the best for your learning journey.

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Smriti Ekka

Smriti Ekka graduated in Commerce and Library science, and currently she is working as a content writer at TOPIK Guide website. She is a Korean language and culture enthusiast and has been working across multiple disciplines which broadly addresses narratives of similarities between Korean and Indian culture. Apart from being a content writer at TOPIK Guide she manages Annyeong India website and has had her pieces published in Learn Korean in India website as well. In her other life, she is a singer, rising entrepreneur, life enthusiast and a learner.

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sir if i do volunteering in something which is opposite to what my major is will that help ? also sir how can we write only till topik 3 because in india the exam will also have level 4,5,6 in it

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    2023 Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Degrees(GKS-G) in the USA DATE 2023-02-10. FILE. 2023 GKS-G Application Guidelines (English).pdf view; ... o Personal Statement (Form 2) o Study Plan (Form 3) o Research Proposal (Form 4) ONLY applicable for Research Program applicants. o One letter of Recommendation (Form 5)

  21. How to Write a Personal Statement for a Scholarship + Examples

    That said, it is of the utmost importance that you find a focus. First, think about both your goals and your values. Types of goals include: Career goals. Goals for personal growth. The type of friend you want to be. The change you want to make in the world. Values could include: Authenticity.


    Hi guys, welcome back to my channel 👍😊For todays video, I want to share to you my PERSONAL STATEMENT for my application for the GLOBAL KOREA SCHOLARSHIP PR...

  23. Things that can make your selection easier for GKS Scholarship

    1) VOLUNTEERING. This might sound really weird and absurd for Indian students since voluntary work is not highly regarded in India but it is not the case in Korea. You can secure a plus point that might get your application selected. Taking part in volunteering and other activities increases the chance since the professors can easily look ...