1. The Deductive Method-Methodology of Economics

    method of research deductive

  2. Deductive and inductive theory in Research Methodology ~ APRCET-UGC-Net/JRF: Paper I Portal

    method of research deductive

  3. Inductive and Deductive Research Approaches

    method of research deductive

  4. Deductive Reasoning: Definition and Examples

    method of research deductive

  5. Inductive vs Deductive Research: Difference of Approaches

    method of research deductive

  6. Describe the Inductive Scientific Method in Your Own Words

    method of research deductive


  1. Differences Between Deductive Research and Inductive Research

  2. Types of Research

  3. 18. Research Approaches

  4. Inductive and Deductive method(Nta UGC net sociology)

  5. Hypothetico Deductive

  6. Inductive Method & Deductive Method of Economic analysis I Online Lecture 15 I B. A Series