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My Favourite Band

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I have always loved music since I was young . My favorite band is One Direction . I love One Direction because they are the most amazing band in the world . When I first heard their music, I knew that they were always going to be one of my favorites band. They song made me want to get up, dance, and sing . Their music is catchy ,fun to listen to and over all great. One Direction are a British-Irish boy band consisting of members Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson . The cutest guys you could imagine . I like One Direction most because their voice is very nice and when they sings their voice comes from the heart and which is very touchy and tends the song listen many times. They competed on the seventh season of The X Factor . One Direction’s first single is “What Makes You Beautiful” . The first song of one direction that makes me feel crazy is What Makes You Beautiful . A catchy tune began to play, it made not only my body dance but my heart too.

A deep and sweet voice began to sing meaningful lyrics that made me smile so much it hurt my cheeks. One Direction’s song Little Things has the emotions kind of moving, with the lyrics that make you want to cry because they are so meaningful. One Directions voices are reason why I love them so much. Their singing voices and talking voices can catch anyone speechless . Their voices are so beautiful, in every single way possible. I mostly like Harry and Zayn voices . Each member has beautiful personalities as well, another reason I love them so very much. Liam has a sweet and caring personality.

The Homework on How Can You Love Someone And Make Them Cry

Throughout life we have heard many people repeat wise sayings. The majority of the time we don't stop to think about what these sayings really mean. For example, "Those who truly love you and care about you will make you cry." How can you love someone and make them cry? When I was younger and very rebellious, I would always be disciplined by my mother. She would make sure I was doing the right ...

Louis believes he will never grow up and thinks everything needs to be fun in a way. Zayn has a sweet, over protective, bad boy personality. Niall has an adorable, care free, special personality that makes everyone love him. Harry has the perfect kind of personality. He can be shy, but at the same time completely friendly. Harry is very sweet and seems to always make people feel special. One Direction is the most important thing in my life. I absolutely in love with One Direction. Especially, Zayn Malik! I hope that my dream to go to One Direction 2013 World Tour will come true .

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How to Write a Music Essay

my favourite music group essay

Are you passionate about music and eager to express your insights and thoughts on your favourite tunes and compositions? Well, your’re in the right place. Writing a music essay allows you to delve into the melodies, rhythms, and stories behind the music you adore. It’s a journey that combines your love for music with the art of essay writing. So, whether you’re a budding music critic, a student, or simply someone who wants to share their musical experiences, this article is here to guide you through the creative process.

Write my essay online might be your initial thought when faced with the prospect of composing a music essay, but fear not! In this article, we’ll explore the steps to craft a compelling and engaging music essay that resonates with your readers. We’ll uncover the secrets of choosing the right topic, structuring your essay effectively, and refining your writing skills. So, grab your headphones and your favourite instrument, and let’s embark on this harmonious journey into the world of music essay writing.

Choosing the Right Music Topic

When it comes to writing a captivating music essay, one of the crucial first steps is selecting the right topic. Your topic serves as the foundation upon which your essay will be built, so it’s essential to choose one that resonates with your interests and passions. Consider exploring a genre, artist, or musical era that genuinely moves you. Are you drawn to the rhythms of jazz or the storytelling of folk music? Do you find inspiration in the works of a particular composer or the evolution of hip-hop? Selecting a topic that personally engages you will not only make the writing process more enjoyable but also allow you to convey your enthusiasm to your readers. As you contemplate potential subjects, take some time to research and gather information to ensure you have enough material to craft a well-rounded and informative essay.

For those seeking guidance and assistance, best essay writing services can be a valuable resource. These services can offer expert advice on refining your topic and provide access to academic sources and research materials. Remember that your music topic should not only align with your passions but also offer a unique perspective or angle that can pique the interest of your audience. Whether you’re exploring the influence of music on culture, the evolution of a particular instrument, or the impact of a renowned composer, the key is to choose a topic that allows you to delve deep into the melodies and stories that inspire you.

Structuring Your Music Essay

A well-structured music essay is like a finely composed symphony, with each section harmonizing seamlessly to convey your message effectively. To begin, your essay should follow a typical structure consisting of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction serves as the overture, setting the stage by introducing your topic and providing an engaging hook to capture your readers attention. It’s here that you should also present a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument or theme of your essay. Consider the thesis statement as the melody that your essay will revolve around, guiding your readers through the composition.

In the body paragraphs, you’ll develop and elaborate on the themes and arguments presented in your thesis statement. Each paragraph can be thought of as a distinct movement in your musical journey, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Start by introducing the main point of the paragraph, provide supporting evidence, and then engage in thoughtful analysis. This structure not only ensures clarity and coherence but also showcases your ability to articulate ideas effectively. Remember that when discussing musical pieces or artists, it’s crucial to include specific examples, such as lyrics, melodies, or performances, to illustrate your points. Much like a composer weaving intricate harmonies, your analysis should delve deep into the nuances of the music, showcasing your understanding of the subject matter. Finally, the conclusion acts as the crescendo, bringing your essay to a satisfying close. Here, you should summarize your key points, restate your thesis, and leave your readers with a thought-provoking final note.

Writing and Polishing Your Music Essay

Now that you’vee chosen the perfect music topic and structured your essay, it’s time to dive into the heart of your composition: the actual writing. When writing a music essay, its essential to employ effective writing techniques that engage your readers and paint a vivid picture. Consider using descriptive language that appeals to the senses, making the music come alive on the page.

Describe the melodies, harmonies, and rhythms with colourful adjectives and metaphors, allowing your readers to feel the emotions conveyed by the music. Additionally, providing historical or cultural context is often crucial, as it helps your audience understand the significance of the music you’re discussing. Just as a composer combines various elements to create a masterpiece, your writing should blend these elements seamlessly to craft an engaging and informative essay.

Research plays a vital role in enhancing the depth and credibility of your music essay. Ensure that you thoroughly research the music, artist, or topic you’re covering, using reputable sources. It’s imperative to provide proper citations and references to acknowledge the works and ideas of others and to avoid plagiarism. Much like the importance of harmonizing melodies in music, harmonizing your research and writing ensures that your essay flows smoothly and convincingly. Finally, the finishing touches are equally significant. Revise and edit your essay meticulously to eliminate grammatical errors and awkward sentences. This process helps enhance clarity, coherence, and overall quality, ensuring that your music essay resonates with readers as beautifully as the music you’re describing. By applying these techniques, your music essay can become a well-composed masterpiece that engages, informs, and leaves a lasting impression.

In the world of music, where every note carries a story and every melody has its own unique magic, writing about it can be an enchanting journey. As we wrap up our exploration of how to write a music essay, lets recap the essential points we’ve covered. Choosing the right topic, one that resonates with your passion and interests, is the first step towards crafting a remarkable music essay. Structure matters; organize your thoughts coherently, create a compelling thesis, and support it with evidence and analysis. Finally, the art of writing is a powerful tool. Use descriptive language, conduct thorough research, cite your sources properly, and don’t forget to polish your essay until it gleams with clarity and precision.

Now, it’s your turn to take these guidelines and let your love for music shine through your writing. Whether you’re dissecting a symphony, exploring the history of jazz, or analyzing the lyrics of your favourite song, these tips will help you create essays that resonate with readers, just as the music itself does. So, go ahead, embark on your musical odyssey with a pen in hand and a melody in your heart. With these insights and your passion as your guide, you’re bound to craft essays that celebrate the magic of music and inspire others to listen, learn, and appreciate the art form in all its glory.

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Blog > Essay Advice , Personal Statement > How to Write a Great College Essay About Music (with examples)

How to Write a Great College Essay About Music (with examples)

Admissions officer reviewed by Ben Bousquet, M.Ed Former Vanderbilt University

Written by Alex McNeil, MA Admissions Consultant

Key Takeaway

Ask any admissions officer if they’ve read a college essay about music, and they’ll definitely say yes. Between music extracurriculars and academic interests in music, it’s is one of the most common college essay topics.

So does that mean that you shouldn’t write your college essay about music?

Not necessarily. But as with any common college essay topic, some approaches are better than others.

Let’s get into it.

Why you should (and shouldn’t) write your Common App essay about music

As we explained in our Stanford Items exercise , writing your college essay on a common topic isn’t off-limits. In fact, most college essays share common topics and themes. Trying to find a completely unique, never-been-done-before topic is almost impossible. And writing about a quirky topic in hopes of coming across as unique usually backfires.

In other words, it’s likely that you’ll write about the same topic as someone else.

The problem arises, however, when you write about a common topic in a cliche way . Cliches are always a danger in college essays, but in especially college essay topics that tend to surface again and again.

To avoid cliches, your college essay about music needs to be deeply personal, specific, and meaningful. You’ll want to let go of any over-generalizations or truisms and focus on the details of your own story.

Because you’ll need to write meaningfully and vulnerably, you should only write your college essay about music if you have something genuine and significant to say.

The Best Ways to Approach Your College Essay about Music

College essays about music aren’t off the table, but you should be thoughtful in how you write about them. The following two approaches will help you avoid cliches and find an authentic, meaningful story that fulfills all the requirements of a personal statement .

Writing about music as an academic interest

If you’re interested in studying music in college, then you can consider writing your college essay about music as an academic interest. A college essay about your academic interest in music can show fantastic intellectual fit with a school.

Let’s say you want to study music theory or composition. You might write about a topic you find compelling, a problem you’ve solved, or even a recounting of your journey becoming interested in the subject.

Or maybe you’re an aspiring performer planning on studying music performance. As an admissions officer, I read outstanding essays about students performing their favorite pieces, creating emotional music projects, and teaching lessons to young children.

No matter your topic, your goal with this approach is to show an intellectual spark, a curiosity and passion that will demonstrate to your admissions officers that you’ll be a great addition to the music community on their campuses.

Writing poignantly about a deeply meaningful extracurricular

The previous approach is great if you want to study music, but what if music is just an extracurricular passion of yours? Don’t worry—you can still write about it.

In that case, the best way is to focus on meaning. Remember: personal statements should be deeply-meaningful reflections on your personal strengths.

To start, reflect on your music extracurricular. Is it playing guitar in a band? Playing trombone in your school’s symphony? Learning piano from your grandma? How your love of poetry turned into a love of songwriting?

Next, think about what strengths you have to showcase. If you play guitar in a band, maybe you want to highlight your collaborative spirit. If you love poetry and songwriting, perhaps you focus on your creativity.

Writing about your love of music in a way that draws upon your strengths will make sure that your Common App essay avoids the following two approaches and gives admissions officers a reason to admit you.

Approaches to Avoid

While the following two approaches aren’t necessarily bad, they are the most cliche ways of approaching a college essay about music. You might want to consider avoiding them.

An inauthentic tale of triumph

Let me tell you a cliche story.

When I was in fourth grade, I decided to join the school orchestra. I found it exceedingly difficult at first. No matter how hard I tried, I never could seem to place my fingers correctly on the fingerboard. Every sound I made mimicked a screeching cat. But I decided not to give up. I practiced every day after school and on the weekends. By the time I was in ninth grade, I had made it into my high school’s top orchestra.

Is that a lovely story? Yes, absolutely. Is it hearty enough for a college essay? No. While it tells a good narrative of growth and progress, it remains on the surface of the writer’s life. It comes across as a convenient way to brag about your strengths instead of exploring them in a genuine way. In this example, the story also focuses on events that happened way too far in the past.

A song that changed your life

This approach is by far the most common cliche in college essays about music. We’ve all been there: a favorite song that transports you to a moment in your life whenever you hear it. It makes sense that you’d want to write about yours.

But there’s a problem with this approach. Too often, it reads as trite or unoriginal, and the end result usually doesn’t say much about the writer. And when it does, the message an admissions officer gets doesn’t typically give them any more reason to admit you. Since you want your college essay to be meaningful, even vulnerable, and strengths-based, you’re better off choosing another topic that better speaks to who you are.

Key Takeaways + Examples

College essays about music aren’t for everyone. But when you get it right, you can strike the perfect chord with admissions officers (you’re welcome for the pun).

As you go, dig deep, find something genuinely personal, and try to avoid the most common and cliche ways of approaching the topic.

Want to see some examples of college essays about music before you get started? Check out our examples, The Time Machine and The Band .

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