Top 10 Personal Brand Statement Examples To Follow

Maddy Osman

Updated: March 11, 2024

Published: June 18, 2023

In a 2022 personal branding trends study, most respondents said they consider personal branding an essential component of work and their everyday life. 

what is a personal brand statement

It found that 75% of Americans trust someone with a personal brand, and 63% are likely to buy from someone with a personal brand. 

As an entrepreneur who is always on the lookout for customers or potential investors, you know that trust is key. Developing a personal brand for yourself can be an effective tool to help grow your business.

What is a personal brand statement?

A personal brand statement is a couple of sentences that highlights your unique skills and experience. It’s meant to be a quick introduction to people who discover you online because it summarizes what you can offer them.

Basically, it’s a catchphrase, tag line, or elevator pitch for you as a professional individual. While it showcases what you do professionally, you can also display your personality.

Why leaders should have a personal brand statement

You make a better first impression.

As the saying goes, “You only have one shot to make a first impression.” The challenge for entrepreneurs is that you don’t always know when that opportunity arises, as many first impressions happen online.

When a potential client or investor hears about you, their first instinct is to look up your social media profiles. If you’ve got a clear and well-thought-out personal brand statement, you’ve got a better chance at making them stick around for second and third impressions.

You can establish yourself as a thought leader

Thought leadership is a powerful content marketing tactic that can help you reach bigger audiences and generate leads for your business. When you’re known as a leader in your particular industry, that automatically gives you a higher level of credibility. 

A personal brand statement can strengthen your thought leadership strategy by clearly stating your area of expertise.

You can create networking opportunities

Whether you’re looking for top talent, new clients, or potential investors, networking is half the battle. 

Personal brand statements make it easy for potential connections to understand exactly what you do and what you value. Without it, you may miss out on opportunities simply because they didn’t know that you had something relevant to offer them.

Best personal brand statement examples for leaders

“bilingual creative who lives at the intersection of business & design.” —chris do.

my personal brand essay

Source: Chris Do’s LinkedIn page .

Chris Do is a multi-hyphenate: a designer, creative strategist, public speaker, founder, and CEO of The Futur, an online education platform.

What makes it great : Because he wears so many hats, Do’s personal branding statement is better than trying to explain everything he does.

“Helping people find their zen in the digital age.” —Shama Hyder

my personal brand essay

Source: Shama Hyder’s homepage .

Shama Hyder is the founder and CEO of Zen Media, a marketing and PR firm. She’s also written a book about digital marketing .

What makes it great : Hyder’s brand statement is an attention-grabbing play on her company’s name and showcases one of her key values: making clients feel a sense of calm in a fast-paced digital world.

“Write better sales emails faster with our in-inbox coach.” —Will Allred

my personal brand essay

Source: Will Allred’s LinkedIn page .

Will Allred is the co-founder of Lavender, an AI-powered email software startup.

What makes it great : Brooklin Nash, CEO of Beam Content, shares, “In one sentence, Allred captures the entire focus of his social presence: to help salespeople write better emails faster while demonstrating his authority and sharing his product in the second part of that headline.”

“Keeping it awkward, brave, and kind.” —Brené Brown

my personal brand essay

Source: Dr. Brené Brown’s homepage .

Brené Brown has a Ph.D. in sociology and is the author of several books that cover topics like shame, vulnerability, empathy, and courage.

What makes it great : Dr. Brown’s personal brand statement embodies her mission statement of encouraging people to embrace their vulnerabilities by sharing her own.

“Empowering ridiculously good marketing.” —Ann Handley

my personal brand essay

Source: Ann Handley’s homepage .

Ann Handley is a digital marketing expert and bestselling author. Her company helps marketers get tangible results.

What makes it great : Sharon Jonah, creative director and founder of digital marketing agency Buzz Social, shares, “In four words, we understand what Handley does, how she does it, whom she’s speaking to, and how she speaks.”

“Still just a girl who wants to learn. Youngest-ever Nobel laureate, co-founder @malalafund and president of Extracurricular Productions.” —Malala Yousafzai

my personal brand essay

Source: Malala Yousafzai’s Twitter profile .

Malala Yousafzai is the youngest Nobel laureate and an activist whose fund aims to remove the barriers to female education around the world.

What makes it great : Her bio highlights her impressive achievements with language that makes her sound relatable. 

“Marketing. Strategy. Humanity.” —Mark Schaefer

my personal brand essay

Source: Mark Schaefer’s homepage .

Mark Schaefer is an educator, speaker, marketing consultant, and author. He’s developed corporate marketing strategies for brands like Microsoft, IBM, and AT&T.

What makes it great : “It’s subtle, concise, and creative. It describes what Schaefer does, what he focuses on, and his unique and distinguished approach,” says Omer Usanmaz, CEO and co-founder of mentoring and learning software Qooper. 

“Empowering successful women to take control of their finances.” —Jennifer Welsh

my personal brand essay

Source: Jennifer Welsh’s LinkedIn profile page .

Jennifer Welsh founded Money School, a digital course that teaches women about personal finance. What makes it great : Welsh’s strong personal brand statement says exactly what she does and whom she does it for. 

“Let’s make Excel the solution, not the problem.” —Kat Norton (Miss Excel)

my personal brand essay

Source: Miss Excel’s homepage .

Kat Norton (known as Miss Excel) became famous on TikTok for her bite-sized Microsoft Excel tutorials. She now offers Excel courses on her website.

What makes it great : Norton’s clever statement shows that she understands her audience's problem and highlights her personality.

“‘The Customer Whisperer.’ I help marketers discover the hidden reasons why customers buy so they can become un-ignorable.” —Katelyn Bourgoin

my personal brand essay

Source: Katelyn Bourgoin’s LinkedIn page .

Katelyn Bourgoin is a creator and serial entrepreneur who founded a branding agency, a mentoring platform for female entrepreneurs, and a restaurant consulting firm. She trains entrepreneurs to uncover what makes their products “un-ignorable.”

What makes it great : Bourgoin’s clever branding statement effectively tells marketers that she can help them understand their customers better and make their brands memorable.

How to write a personal brand statement

Writing an effective personal brand statement can be tough because it requires you to be catchy yet compelling. It should give audiences all the necessary information in a sentence or two.

Here are some tips for writing your own:

Think about your unique value proposition

A unique value proposition (or unique selling point) is what makes you different. It tells people why they should try your product or service, network with you, or invest in your business.

Tip : Identify your core values, goals, and strengths.

If you don't know what those are, ask yourself:

  • Why am I building my brand?
  • What do I want my audience to know me for?
  • How do I do things differently?
  • Do I have a distinct skill set, experience, point of view, or passion?
  • What value do I bring to my audience?

Keep it short and sweet

Your brand statement should be simple and easy to understand. 

The goal is to have someone look at your profile or website and immediately understand who you are and what you do, so keep it brief. Keep in mind that you don’t need full sentences either. 

Start by writing one to three sentences that outline what you do, for whom, and how you do it. You can also add a sentence about values. 

Then, look at different ways you can shorten them. Or pick out the most specific and impactful words and see what happens when you simply list them. 

Showcase your personality

Injecting your personality empowers you to share what you do without being bland or boring. Being authentic also helps attract like-minded customers, investors, and peers. 

At the end of the day, there are other people out there who may offer similar services or solve the same problems for your target audience. Your personality can set you apart.

“Don't be afraid to inject a bit of humor, quirkiness, and passion. It’ll help make you more memorable and help you stand out from the crowd,” says Usanmaz.

Ideally, you want customers to know what you do and get a little taste of what it will be like to work with you.

A personal brand statement conveys your mission, differentiates you from competitors, and attracts your target audience. Use these tips and real-life examples of personal brand statements to inspire you to write your own.

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Exploring Your Potential: A Personal Brand Essay Guide


  • November 6, 2023

Personal branding is the key to unlocking your full potential, establishing your unique identity , and making a lasting impression. In this guide, we will delve into the world of personal brand essays and uncover the power they hold in shaping your professional journey.

Whether you are crafting a personal brand essay for a job application, college admission, or self-reflection, understanding the essentials is crucial. By showcasing your personality, skills, and experiences, you can cultivate a personal brand that sets you apart from the crowd and opens doors to new opportunities.

Join us as we explore the intricacies of personal brand essays, provide examples and tips for creating a memorable personal brand, and help you uncover the true potential within you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Personal brand essays are essential for establishing a unique identity and making a lasting impression.
  • Showcasing your personality, skills, and experiences is crucial in crafting a compelling personal brand essay .
  • A well-crafted personal brand essay can open doors to new opportunities and set you apart from the competition.
  • Understanding the essentials of personal brand essays will help you create a memorable and authentic personal brand.
  • Take the time to reflect on your strengths, values, and experiences to uncover the true potential within you.

What is Personal Branding?

Personal branding is the practice of creating a distinct image and identity for yourself. It involves leveraging your personality, skills, experience, and behavior to showcase your unique value proposition. Just like company branding, personal branding helps individuals connect with their target audience, shape their reputation, and differentiate themselves from competitors. It is important to create a well-defined personal brand to attract potential opportunities and establish a strong online presence.

Creating a personal brand allows you to stand out from the crowd and be recognized for your individuality. It is about understanding and embracing your strengths, values, and passions, and communicating them effectively to others. Personal branding is not about being someone you’re not, but rather about authentically showcasing who you are and what you have to offer.

By investing time and effort into developing your personal brand, you can position yourself as an expert in your field, build credibility, and attract opportunities that align with your goals and aspirations. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to grow your business, a job seeker looking to stand out in a competitive market, or a professional looking to advance your career, personal branding can give you a competitive edge and open doors to new possibilities.

Table: Components of a Strong Personal Brand

The benefits of personal branding.

Personal branding offers numerous advantages that can positively impact your professional and personal life. By investing time and effort into developing and promoting your personal brand, you can unlock a range of benefits that will help you stand out from the competition and achieve your goals.

Increased Trust and Familiarity

One of the key benefits of personal branding is the ability to build trust and familiarity with your target audience. By consistently presenting a clear and authentic personal brand, you establish yourself as a reliable and credible professional. This, in turn, helps to foster stronger connections with potential customers, clients, and collaborators, making it easier to build lasting relationships and attract new opportunities.

Differentiation and Memorability

Personal branding sets you apart from your competitors and makes you more memorable in the minds of your audience. By showcasing your unique skills, expertise, and values through your personal brand, you create a distinct identity that resonates with others. This differentiation not only helps you stand out in a crowded market but also ensures that people remember you when they are in need of the products or services you offer.

A Strong Foundation for Entrepreneurship

For those aspiring to start their own businesses, personal branding provides a solid foundation for success. By defining your personal brand, you establish a clear identity that communicates your value proposition to potential customers and investors. This clarity allows you to attract the right opportunities, build a loyal customer base, and establish yourself as a trusted authority in your industry.

Overall, personal branding offers a range of benefits that can help you achieve your professional goals and create a lasting impact. By investing in your personal brand, you can build trust, stand out from the competition, and establish a solid foundation for success.

personal branding benefits

The Essentials of Personal Branding

Building a personal brand involves several key components that are essential for creating a strong and impactful brand identity. These components help individuals stand out in their industry, differentiate themselves from competitors, and attract the right opportunities. In this section, we will explore the essential elements of personal branding and how they contribute to building a successful personal brand.

Complete and Compelling LinkedIn Profile

A well-crafted LinkedIn profile is a crucial element of personal branding. It serves as an online resume and a platform for showcasing your skills, experience, and achievements. To create a complete and compelling profile, make sure to choose a professional profile picture, optimize your headline and summary to reflect your personal brand, and include visual content that aligns with your brand identity. Use keywords relevant to your industry and target audience to enhance your profile’s visibility and searchability.

Positioning Statement

“Your positioning statement is the foundation of your personal brand. It highlights your unique value proposition and sets you apart from others in your industry.”

A positioning statement is a concise and compelling statement that communicates your unique value proposition to your target audience. It helps you define your niche, differentiate yourself from competitors, and attract the right opportunities. Your positioning statement should clearly articulate what sets you apart, who you serve, and the value you provide. Craft a statement that reflects your expertise, passion, and the specific problem you solve for your target audience.

SEO-Friendly Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for personal branding. Incorporate SEO-friendly keywords into your online profiles, website, blog, and social media content to enhance your visibility and improve your personal brand’s searchability. Conduct keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-impact keywords for your industry and target audience. By optimizing your online presence for search engines, you increase your chances of being discovered by potential clients, customers, and partners.

By incorporating these essential elements into your personal branding strategy, you can build a strong and impactful personal brand that resonates with your target audience and positions you as a leader in your industry.

Unleashing Your Super Skills

To define your personal brand, it is crucial to identify and leverage your unique strengths and skills. The process of unleashing your super skills involves three key steps: documenting, distilling, and validating.

By unleashing your super skills, you can harness your unique talents and abilities to create a powerful personal brand that sets you apart from others in your industry.

Conquering Your Weakest Point

Managing stress is essential for maintaining a strong personal brand. High levels of stress can negatively impact your overall well-being and hinder your ability to effectively represent yourself. By implementing stress reduction techniques , you can mitigate the negative effects of stress and ensure that you are presenting your best self to others.

One effective stress reduction technique is setting boundaries. Recognize your limitations and learn to say no to tasks or commitments that are beyond your capacity. This will help alleviate feelings of overwhelm and give you more control over your time and energy.

Remember, managing stress is an ongoing process. It’s important to prioritize self-care and implement stress reduction techniques consistently. By taking proactive measures to reduce stress, you can improve your personal brand and overall well-being.

Take the time to evaluate your current stress levels and identify any triggers that are causing you undue stress. By recognizing these triggers, you can develop strategies to effectively manage them. Whether it’s through practicing self-care, setting boundaries, or seeking support from loved ones, finding what works best for you is essential. By conquering your weakest point and effectively managing stress , you’ll be able to present yourself in a more authentic and confident manner, ultimately enhancing your personal brand.

Understanding Your Why Factor

Defining your values is a fundamental step in building a strong personal brand. Your values are the guiding principles that define who you are and what you stand for. They shape your behavior, decisions, and interactions with others. By aligning your personal brand with your values, you create authenticity and attract like-minded individuals who resonate with your beliefs.

To define your values, start by listing your top five values. Consider what is truly important to you and what drives you in both personal and professional contexts. Once you have your list, rank your values based on their importance to you. This helps you gain clarity and prioritize the values that will be the foundation of your personal brand.

Remember, your values should be meaningful and reflect your authentic self. They should guide your actions and serve as a compass in making decisions that are in alignment with your personal brand. By understanding your why factor and defining your values, you create a solid foundation for building an authentic and impactful personal brand.

Table: Aligning Personal Brand with Values

Aligning your personal brand with your values not only helps you attract like-minded individuals but also gives you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It allows you to build a brand that is true to who you are and resonates with your target audience. By staying true to your values and consistently embodying them in your actions, you establish trust and credibility, which are essential for building a strong and influential personal brand.

Remember, personal branding is not just about creating a persona or projecting an image. It’s about defining your unique identity and showcasing your authentic self. Your values are at the core of your personal brand, driving your decisions, actions, and relationships. By understanding your why factor and defining your values, you lay the groundwork for a powerful personal brand that reflects who you truly are.

Constructing Your Personal Narrative

Constructing a personal narrative is a powerful tool in shaping your personal brand. By identifying memorable and resonant stories that convey your achievements, experiences, and values, you can effectively communicate your unique identity to others. These stories should be authentic and relatable to your target audience, helping you make a lasting impression.

“Your personal narrative is the story that represents who you are and what you stand for. It allows others to connect with you on a deeper level and understand the value you bring,” says Jane Smith, a personal branding expert.

When constructing your personal narrative, focus on stories that highlight your strengths and showcase your expertise. For example, if you’re a marketing professional, share a story about a successful campaign you spearheaded or a challenging project you managed. These stories can help illustrate your skills and demonstrate your ability to deliver results.

Remember, authenticity is key. Avoid embellishing or exaggerating your achievements. Instead, focus on sharing stories that genuinely reflect your personal brand and align with your values. By crafting compelling narratives, you can captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression that sets you apart from others in your industry.

personal brand storytelling image

Table: Key Elements of a Memorable Brand Story

By including these key elements in your brand stories, you can create narratives that resonate with your audience, leaving a lasting impression and building a strong personal brand.

Embodying Your Brand

In order to effectively represent your personal brand, it is crucial to pay attention to the message you convey in every social interaction. Your verbal and non-verbal communication, appearance, and actions should align with your personal brand and consistently reflect your values. By embodying your personal brand, you not only build trust and credibility with others, but also establish a strong and authentic presence in your industry.

When it comes to verbal communication, be mindful of the language you use and the tone of your voice. Clearly articulate your ideas and values, and engage in active listening to show respect and interest in others. Your non-verbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions, should also be in line with your personal brand. Use your posture, gestures, and facial cues to convey confidence, professionalism, and authenticity.

Remember, your personal brand is not just what you say about yourself, but how others perceive you based on your actions and interactions.

In addition to communication, your appearance plays a significant role in embodying your personal brand. Dressing in a manner that is consistent with your industry and reflects your personal style can help you make a positive impression on others. Attention to grooming and personal hygiene is also essential to present yourself in a professional and polished manner.

Lastly, your actions and behavior are key to embodying your personal brand. Consistently demonstrate your values and ethics in your professional and personal life. Act with integrity, treat others with respect, and actively contribute to your industry or community. By aligning your behavior with your personal brand, you establish yourself as a trustworthy and credible individual.

Examples of Embodying Your Brand:

  • A health and wellness coach who promotes a balanced lifestyle should prioritize their own self-care and practice the habits they preach.
  • A tech entrepreneur who values innovation and collaboration should actively seek opportunities to collaborate with others and stay up to date with the latest industry trends.
  • A motivational speaker who encourages personal growth and empowerment should continuously work on their own personal development and lead by example.

By embodying your personal brand in every social interaction, you create a consistent and authentic representation of yourself. This not only helps you build a strong personal brand, but also fosters meaningful connections and opportunities in your professional and personal life.

Communicating Your Brand

Effective communication is key to promoting your personal brand. By leveraging various channels such as speeches, social media, press releases, and networking events, you can reach a wider audience and share your personal brand story. Consistency in messaging and aligning your communication with your personal brand values helps in building a strong brand image and attracting the right opportunities.

When it comes to communicating your brand, speeches and presentations are powerful tools. Use your speaking engagements to highlight your expertise and showcase your unique perspective. Craft your message to resonate with your audience and convey your personal brand values . Remember to stay authentic and use storytelling techniques to engage and inspire your listeners.

The influence of social media in personal brand communication cannot be ignored. Build a strong online presence by consistently sharing valuable content that aligns with your personal brand. Use different platforms to reach different segments of your target audience. Engage with your followers, respond to comments and messages, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

A well-executed press release can also be an effective way to communicate your personal brand to a wider audience. Use this platform to announce significant achievements, new partnerships, or any other news related to your personal brand. Craft a compelling story that highlights your unique value proposition and attracts the attention of journalists and media outlets.

Networking events provide an opportunity to connect with industry professionals who can help promote your personal brand. Be strategic in your approach and seek out influential individuals who align with your values and can amplify your message. Building genuine relationships and collaborations can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility and reach.

Social Media Tips for Personal Brand Communication

  • Create a consistent posting schedule to maintain a visible presence
  • Use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience
  • Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages
  • Showcase your expertise through informative and valuable content
  • Collaborate with influencers and industry leaders to expand your reach

In conclusion, effective communication is essential in promoting your personal brand. Utilize various channels to share your story, engage with your audience, and establish yourself as an authority in your industry. By aligning your communication with your personal brand values and consistently delivering a compelling message, you can build a strong brand image and attract the right opportunities.

Socializing Your Brand

Socializing your personal brand is a crucial step in promoting your brand and expanding its reach. One effective strategy is to engage with influential individuals who align with your personal brand values. Building relationships with industry leaders, influencers, and mentors can provide valuable opportunities for collaboration and endorsement. Their support and endorsement can enhance your credibility and expose your brand to a wider audience.

Participating in industry events and conferences is another way to socialize your personal brand. Attending these events not only allows you to network with like-minded individuals but also gives you a platform to share your brand stories and expertise. By actively participating in discussions, panels, or speaking engagements, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your field and further solidify your personal brand.

To maximize the impact of socializing your brand, leverage social media platforms. Share relevant content, engage with your audience, and showcase your expertise through posts and articles. Collaborate with influencers and industry experts by contributing guest posts or participating in interviews. This will increase your brand’s visibility and attract more followers who resonate with your personal brand values.

Example of Socializing Your Brand

“Building strong relationships has been instrumental in the growth of my personal brand. By connecting with industry leaders and influencers, I have gained valuable insights, opportunities for collaboration, and increased exposure. Their endorsement and support have brought credibility to my brand and opened doors to new audiences. Social media has also played a crucial role in promoting my brand. By sharing valuable content and engaging with my audience, I have built a loyal following who resonates with my brand values. It’s important to remember that socializing your brand is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and genuine connections.” – Jane Smith, Personal Brand Strategist

Evaluating and Adjusting Your Brand

Evaluating and adjusting your personal brand is an essential step in maintaining its effectiveness and relevance. Conducting an annual brand audit allows you to assess the impact and reach of your personal brand, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to stay aligned with your goals.

During the evaluation process, take a holistic approach to assess various aspects of your personal brand. Review your online presence, such as your website, social media profiles, and online content, to ensure they are consistent with your desired brand image. Analyze the engagement and feedback received from your audience to gain insights into what resonates with them.

Additionally, seek feedback from trusted mentors, colleagues, and clients to gain an outside perspective on your personal brand. Their insights can provide valuable guidance and help you identify blind spots or areas that may require further development.

Based on your evaluation, make any necessary adjustments to enhance your personal brand’s impact and reach. This may involve updating your visual identity, refining your messaging, or expanding your target audience. Regularly monitoring and adjusting your personal brand ensures its continued relevance and effectiveness in achieving your goals.

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Today, brands are crucial for business success of companies but branding may refer not only to organizations but also to individuals. In this regard, I could brand myself but to do this efficiently I need to conduct the detailed analysis of my strengths and weaknesses along with opportunities, which I have, and threats, which I may face. In such a way, I can brand myself and elaborate the plan of my professional development.

First of all, I would focus on my strengths, which lay the ground for my professional development and which help me to keep progressing throughout my work and career. In fact, I have good organizational skills, which I believe are very important because they can help me to make a successful career as well as launch my own business successfully. To put it more precisely, organizational skills are essential for the effective of any individual and they can help me to plan carefully and accurately my career or business development. Moreover, organizational skills will help me to reach the goals I set and I am eager to meet. In a combination with my excellent leadership skills, my organizational skills open the wide way to professional success as well as to launching my business successfully. In fact, the combination of leadership and organizational skills lead to my successful work not only as a manager but also as a leader. Today, managers should also be leader and vice versa successful leaders should be good managers.

In addition, I am good at multitasking that contributes to my effective work. In fact, my good multitasking skills help to perform different jobs successfully. Therefore, I can take the lead and help my subordinates to complete their tasks successfully. For instance, if I launch a new business, I can lead people and perform the role of the leader and manager, who cannot just manage the organization but also perform different tasks to close gaps in the organizational performance as well as assisting my subordinates to develop new professional skills and abilities. Also, I have passion and drive to succeed. I am a success-oriented person and I cannot imagine my life without the permanent strife for success. In fact, I believe that, if a person does not strive to succeed, his/her life is pointless. Moreover, I am very persistent in my strife for success.

On the other hand, I should recognize that I have some weakness. For instance I am not being able to follow a master schedule. In this regard, my leadership inclinations played tricks on me probably because I believed that I can succeed on my own and I do not need to follow the master schedule. Instead, I should and actually I did what I considered to be important. In such a situation, I found out that I had problems with prioritizing. In fact, even now I have difficulties with prioritizing for I have difficulties with defining my priorities. I attempt to do all the tasks without distinguish priorities or, when I try to define priorities, they sometimes turn out to be wrong, while other things may be more important than the ones I have chosen as priorities

At the same time, my weaknesses result from specificities of my personal life. To put it more precisely, at home, I am the head of the household always setting the example for others to follow. As a result, I attempt to extrapolate this behavior pattern on my professional life. Hence, at work I have great ambitions and strong will, which often provoke my conflicts with other people I am working with. I do not like to change my standpoint and sometimes I will not compromise easily. Therefore, sometimes I have difficulties while negotiating with people.

Nevertheless, I still have opportunities, which are grounded on my strengths. In this regard, I believe that the greatest opportunity I have is the opportunity of having my own business. In fact, I have well-developed leadership and organizational skills, I can lead people and I am success-oriented. All these qualities can help me to launch and run my business successfully. I am not afraid of difficulties I may face in launching my business because I am certain in my strengths and power to succeed. My experience and skills can help me to succeed in my business.

On the other hand, there are still some threats. To put it more precisely, I cannot launch and run my business successfully on my own. In fact, I need subordinates and employees, who can perform their specific tasks effectively. This is where the major threats appears because the level of experience of other people may be lower than mine or lower than I expect from them to run my business successfully. In such a situation, I will need to waste time and money on training of employees but I believe I will be able to perform different tasks and train my subordinates to develop my business successfully.


Boonstra, J.J. and Gravenhorst, K.M. (1998). “Power dynamics and organizational change: A comparison of perspectives.” European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 7: 97-120. Brown, D. C. (2003). Leading complex change. New York: Touchstone.

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Building a personal brand has never been easier or more important than it is today. Anyone with access to the internet and social media can build an audience, position themselves as an expert, and start attracting clients for their business. 

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Build your brand foundation

Find your target audience, craft an irresistible offer, optimize your website, create a content strategy, have a visibility strategy, grow your community, start building your personal brand, get the free personal branding worksheet.

Download our fillable workbook to help develop your personal brand strategy and brand content tactics

A personal brand communicates who you are – including your unique strengths, expertise, personal values, and motivations.

When you learn how to build a personal brand, you learn how to market your strengths in a way that’s appealing to your target audience, establishing a personal connection with potential customers, followers, and partners.

A personal brand can help you get ahead – whether you’re building a business, pitching and applying for opportunities, or looking to strengthen an existing brand.

Why? Because people are generally more interested in following other people than they are in following specific companies. That means building an audience for your personal brand can also help increase exposure for an existing company too.

Elon Musk , for example, has more followers than 3 of his companies (Tesla, SpaceX, and SolarCity) combined. The same is true of Richard Branson (Virgin), Arianna Huffington (Thrive Global), Gary Vaynerchuck (VaynerMedia), and countless other highly successful entrepreneurs. They all have strong personal brands that they leverage to increase exposure and attract more customers to their companies.

You don’t have to choose between building a personal brand and a company brand. You can build both simultaneously. #personalbranding 

“Having a personal brand is important for an entrepreneur because now more than ever, it’s important for CEOs and founders of companies/brands to come out to the forefront and connect with their audiences. People connect with people.” – Kevin Stimpson

6 benefits of building a personal brand:

  • Increase trust and authority: Having a personal brand helps to build trust with your audience and position you as an authority and thought leader in your industry.
  • Get featured in media: The media is in constant search of experts that can share their insights with their audience. A personal brand makes it easier for you to pitch and be found by influential media outlets – including online publications, magazines, television, radio, podcasts, and more. 
  • Build your network: When you know how to build a personal brand that clearly articulates who you are, what you do, and how you help others, it makes it easier for other people and entrepreneurs to see value in connecting with you. You can leverage your personal brand to build your network – both online and offline – quickly and effectively.
  • Attract more clients: Building a personal brand that positions you as the go-to expert in a specific industry or niche helps you attract more of your ideal clients – and when you’re positioned as an expert, it’s easier for people to refer clients to you too.
  • Demand premium prices: Having a strong personal brand helps justify charging premium prices for your products and services. Without a brand, you become a commodity that competes on cost  (and there will always be competitors that can beat your price) – a personal brand communicates your value to your audience, allowing you to demand more money for the same services.
  • Create a lasting platform: Over time, your business will evolve. You may even start multiple businesses in different industries. Your personal brand stays with you as you move from one venture to the next, creating a cohesive story that your audience and any potential customers can recognize and connect with.
“With SO MUCH content and SO MANY small businesses popping up online, a brand that connects to a person’s face is much easier to trust faster. It takes less time and effort to build a relationship with a personal brand as compared to a business brand.” – Pia Silva

How to build a compelling & profitable personal brand in 7 steps

After interviewing dozens of successful entrepreneurs and branding experts, we’ve outlined 7 specific steps to help you learn how to build a personal brand that’s both magnetic and monetizable –  to attract your ideal clients and open up new opportunities for your business.

We also created a Personal Branding Workbook to help you develop your personal brand strategy as you read through these steps. Download it now.

There’s a common misconception that building a personal brand means crafting a persona. But the truth is, a persona is not a true reflection of who you are. The result? Any attempt to build a brand around a persona feels inauthentic and fails to connect with your target audience.

The first step to building a personal brand is to lay a foundation that you can confidently and authentically build upon. The key principle here is authenticity .

Personal branding is not about positioning yourself as something you’re not. It’s about purposefully and strategically showcasing your authentic self to your audience and your customers to better connect with them. Your personal brand should be a true reflection of your genuine skills, strengths, passions, values, and beliefs.

It’s not only easier to show up as yourself, it will also have a stronger impact and resonate better with your target audience.

“You want to find the special thing that is YOU and make your brand all about that. You can’t make it up, it has to be real (though it can and probably should be a little exaggerated).” – Pia Silva

Know your assets

When you’re building a personal brand, start by taking stock of the strengths, skills and assets you already have. Try asking yourself these questions:

  • Skills and credentials: What skills have I acquired throughout my life? What training, credentials, certifications, or awards have I received?
  • Passions and interests: What topics and industries am I most interested in? What am I passionate about? What subjects make my eyes light up? 
  • Core values and beliefs: What are some of my most important core values? What do I believe in? What do I stand for? What do I stand against?

Write 3 lists for each of the bullet points and then identify any patterns and crossovers that you could use as the foundation of your personal brand.

Identify key elements of your personal brand

The next step is to start piecing together the key elements of your personal brand. These will help guide your decisions as you build your brand. Ask yourself: 

  • Your brand vision: What do I want to be known for? If I became the world’s go-to expert on XYZ topic, what would I want that to be?
  • Your brand mission : Why do I want to build a personal brand? What is my purpose? Who do I want to influence? What do I want to accomplish?
  • Your brand message : What is the key message I want to communicate? What message do I want to consistently reinforce in my content and my marketing? If I could only give one piece of advice to my audience, what would it be?
  • Your brand personality : What are some of my personal characteristics and traits that I can weave into my brand? Do I want to be perceived as polished and professional, or perhaps more quirky and adventurous, for example?

“A great brand starts with understanding who you are, what you stand for, understanding your marketplace, and understanding your positioning. What is the perception that you need to create in order to appeal to the target audience that you’re trying to appeal to?”

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as you build a personal brand is to try to appeal to everyone. In reality, not everyone is your ideal client. 

It might seem counterintuitive, but if you try to be liked by everyone, you’ll appeal to no one. The truth is, you don’t need to reach everyone to build a successful business. You just need to reach your perfect clients.  

That means identifying a specific target audience – and building a personal brand that speaks to them specifically.

“The foundation of a strong personal brand is how well you understand your audience and the problems they face. Then you can define why you care and how you solve those problems, which is what you’ll be remembered for.” – Kyle Gray

Download the audience research workbook!

Create an ideal customer profile.

The more you understand about your perfect client, including their desires, needs and challenges, the more prepared you’ll be to create the products and services they truly want and need.

Here are some questions to help you create your perfect client profile  – also known as a customer avatar:

  • Demographics: What is your ideal customer’s age, location, gender, education, relationship status, income, profession, and more?
  • Desires and aspirations: What is their desired future? What are their dreams, goals, and aspirations?
  • Pain points and challenges: What are they currently struggling with? What is preventing them from achieving their goals?

To learn more about how to create your perfect client profile, check out our guide to How To Define Your Target Audience (+Templates & Workbooks) .

“To have a strong personal brand, you have to stand for something, believe in a certain way of doing things, and proudly communicate those beliefs from your platform. Brands who don’t achieve this get lukewarm audience response and wonder why their audiences aren’t called to action by their efforts.” – Amanda Bond

A key part of learning how to build a personal brand is understanding how to create an irresistible offer that will help your audience solve a specific problem or achieve a specific result.

A lot of entrepreneurs make the mistake of creating a generic product or service that they think their audience wants, only to discover that no one wants it – and is much less willing to pay for it.

This is why identifying your perfect client before you create a product or service is so important. When you know exactly who you want to help, you can create an offer that is the perfect solution for the challenges they’re facing.

How to create an offer your clients will love

The first step to crafting an irresistible offer is to position yourself as a specialist – rather than a generalist. A generic offer with a vague promise is definitely not irresistible.

Instead, you want to promise your clients a very specific outcome and design a specialized offer to help them achieve that outcome. 

Next, find the overlap between what you love, what you do best and what your ideal clients want most. Then create an offer that sits at the intersection of those criteria. We call this the Irresistible Offer Formula .

Irresistible Offer Formula:

What you love to do + What you do best + What your audience wants most = Irresistible offer

Once you have your irresistible offer, you need to be able to articulate its value clearly and succinctly to your audience. Here are two questions you should be able to answer:

  • What do you do? Your answer to this question is your value proposition . What is the value you provide to your clients in exchange for their investment?
  • How do you do it? What is special about your process, product, or service? Try to give it a unique, catchy name. When you name your process or service, you immediately help it to stand out from any competing offers that promise the same results.

Example: Nicholas Kusmich , a Facebook Advertising Strategist, helps businesses rapidly scale revenue by getting more clients using Facebook Advertising. That’s what he does . To help him stand out from thousands of other Facebook Advertising experts who do the same thing, he developed a proprietary process and he gave it a unique name: “Contextual Congruence”.

Here’s a screenshot from his website homepage, describing what he does in a way that differentiates him from his competitors:

my personal brand essay

“People need to know who you are and what you do in the most simple way possible. Keep it simple. You should be able to brand yourself in 5 words or less.” – Grant Cardone

A personal website is an important component of building a personal brand. Unlike your social media profiles, you own and control your website. That means every visitor is a potential lead that you can convert into a customer. 

First impressions are critical. When your target audience lands on your personal website, they should be able to immediately identify and understand who you are and how you can help them. They should feel like they’ve come to the right place. 

If this doesn’t happen within a few seconds, most new visitors will simply bounce and leave your website.

As well as communicating your offer and your value, your website should also be optimized to convert casual visitors into paying customers. There are several key elements required to make this happen – and most of them belong right on your homepage.

Key elements of your website homepage: 

  • Your value proposition : Make sure your unique value proposition – who you help and how you help them – is pride of place on your homepage, ideally near the top.
  • Professional photography : Get a photographer to take several professional-quality photographs of you. Use these photographs throughout your website and on your social media profiles so your audience can recognize you.
  • Social proof: Add social proof to your homepage – including the logos of any publications or media outlets you’ve been featured in, testimonials and reviews from happy customers, links to case studies, and more.
  • A clear call-to-action: Give your website visitors a clear next step to encourage them to take action – whether it’s joining your email list, registering for a free webinar, or applying for a free call, demo or consultation.
  • A professional logo: If you’re building a personal brand, you need a logo. You can design this yourself or enlist the help of a professional graphic designer . 

A great example of a personal brand website comes from our friend Jeanine Blackwell . Here’s a screenshot of her website’s homepage, which contains all of the essential elements of an optimized personal branding website:

my personal brand essay

Other important pages for your personal brand website

Here are 4 other key pages to include in your personal brand website.

Use your website’s About Page to share your personal story. 

Why do you do what you do? Who do you help? How do you help them? How did you get into your industry? What experience and credentials do you have?

To see an example of a well-written About Page, check out Chris Ducker’s website . Here’s a screenshot of just one part of his About Page where he shares his personal story to build a connection with his target audience:

my personal brand essay

Products or services page

Make it easy for your website visitors to become clients or customers by including a services page. List any products, programs and/or services you have for sale, along with links to your product landing pages where potential customers can learn more about what you offer, sign up or make a purchase (depending on your sales process).

Remember to communicate your unique offer in all your content. Highlight what makes your products and services unique compared to your competitors.

For example, Thinkific creator Kristen Bousquet lists all her different offerings on her services page. Check out her page for inspo on how to list out your different products.

Contact page

Give your website visitors a specific and convenient way to get in touch. 

On your website, include different methods for contacting you  including email, social media, phone, and more. You can also include a contact form that will send you an email when someone submits a form.

One of the best contact pages we’ve seen comes from Lewis Howes . To help organize incoming contact requests, he has different contact forms created for different types of inquiries:

my personal brand essay

Content and free resources

Help your audience to learn more and get valuable information from your website by including additional content and free resources. You can write blog posts, post podcast episodes, share helpful videos , provide a list of resources you recommend, and much, much more.

Adding content to your personal website not only helps to communicate more value to your target audience – it will also boost your site SEO by including more content and keywords related to your niche, so you’re more likely to show up in searches and drive more traffic to your site.

Find out more ways to boost traffic to your website here.

“When you build a brand that’s 100% based on you, you lay the foundation to capitalize on your own blue ocean – a space where you can operate in an uncontested marketplace, free from traditional competitive forces – because none of your competitors can replicate or clone all that’s unique and proprietary to YOU.” – Paul Ramondo

Creating and distributing free content is one of the most effective ways to build your personal brand and earn the attention of your target audience. 

Instead of trying to convince your audience that you can help them, create content that actually helps them. This builds trust, loyalty and helps to position you as an expert and an authority in your industry.

It’s not a coincidence that some of the most successful personal brands today – including Grant Cardone , Marie Forleo , and Gary Vaynerchuck to name a few – publish significant amounts of content online to help build and nurture their audience.

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How to build a content strategy for your personal brand.

To create a content strategy for your personal brand, start by making a list of all of the topics that could be helpful for your target audience and that you’re passionate about. 

Then do a simple search online to see what content your competitors are creating and identify potential niches – the idea is to find the types of content and topics that your audience want to see but that has not already been covered in-depth and in-full by other brands.

Google’s Keyword Planner , BuzzSumo , and Answer The Public are all great tools for doing keyword research and discovering popular topics that people are searching for online. 

The next step is to decide which type of content to create and where you will publish that content. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Types of content:

  • Blogs and articles
  • Online courses
  • Guides, checklists, worksheets
  • Infographics
  • Case studies

Places to publish your content:

  • On your website
  • Podcast directories (iTunes, Stitcher, etc.)
  • Other blogs and online publications
  • Social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.)
“Identify some core themes in which you strongly believe and build a series of content around that and then keep hammering it home.” – Sam Mallikarjunan

Focus on quality and consistency 

For content marketing to work, it’s important to focus on quality and consistency. 

Don’t publish content that will reflect poorly on your brand. Every piece of content you produce should speak to your target audience and drive home your personal brand’s key message and themes. 

Try to be consistent with how often you publish new content for your audience. Content marketing is a long-term game – but it pays off if you put in the work.

We recommend starting with 1-2 primary content types when building a personal brand –  such as blog posts and videos, along with 1-2 primary content mediums  – such as your personal blog and YouTube . 

Once you get into a routine of creating and posting your primary content, as well as engaging with your target audience, you can expand into other content types and mediums to reach more people.

Check out our complete guide to How To Generate Leads With Content Marketing .

“A strong personal brand is cohesive, clear, consistent and aims to serve a specific audience. A personal brand is important for an entrepreneur because it’s the best way to share your authentic message and attract YOUR specific tribe!” – Jennifer Gottlieb

Stick to your niche

When you’re first learning how to build a personal brand, it’s a good idea to stick to one niche and one message so your audience knows instantly who you are and why they should follow you. This is the fastest way to kickstart your personal brand.

As you grow and build a community, you can incorporate more topics and themes into your content, gradually expanding the range of subjects you cover.

Here’s a tip from ex-Youtube employee turned YouTuber Jon Youshaei about how to find your niche while still experimenting:

“There are two types of creators: those with ‘variety shows’ and those with ‘talk shows’. Having a talk show is what too many creators do. They stick to the same formats and film in the same place. On the other hand, ‘variety show’ creators experiment much more.”

Youshaei made this visual to show the difference:

my personal brand essay

Test out different formats and ways of presenting your content to see what works – but remember to stay “married” to your niche while experimenting to avoid losing your audience completely.

“For my content, my goal was to have a ‘variety show’ about the creator economy. That meant I experimented with formats like on-the-street interviews, office hours, short stories and more. I double downed on the ones that worked and stopped making the ones that didn’t. But never in the process did I stray so far away from my niche. ”

For more practical tips from Jon Youshaei, check out his Insider Accelerator where he shares his best tips from working inside YouTube and Instagram for 8 years.

Related: Jon Youshaei’s Guide to Endless Social Media Content Ideas

Publishing content on your own platforms is a great way to build your audience, but it also takes a lot of time. A speedier way to build your audience is through exposure to other people’s audiences .

Here are some popular ways to increase your visibility online.

Visibility strategy ideas:

  • Interviews and appearances: Secure guest appearances and interviews on podcasts, webinars, and virtual events, as well as traditional media channels like TV and radio.
  • Guest blogging: Write content for other blogs and online publications that have the same audience as your personal brand and authority in your niche.
  • Public speaking: Apply to speak at live events and conferences that your target audience attends.
  • Partnerships and joint ventures: Build mutually beneficial relationships with other brands, influencers and businesses online to open up opportunities including interviews, joint ventures , partnerships, customer referrals, and more.
“The single biggest growth hack is getting yourself featured on major publications. If you want to build authority and credibility in your niche, what better way to do that than getting one of the most prestigious brands to mention you? This gives you instant credibility.” – Ulyses Osuna

We all crave connection. Level up your personal brand by building a community and create a space online that’s just for them.

Instead of trying to draw in a broad audience, focus on becoming a leader in your specific niche. Define your target audience, create content that’s designed for them and build a community where they can hang out online – including sharing ideas, supporting one another, and reaching out to you directly.

Here are a few ways you can build a community around your brand and business.

3 ideas to build a community around your personal brand

  • Membership Sites: Create a membership site where your customers can access exclusive content, Q&As, live webinars and more, as well as a members-only forum or group for encouraging discussions, conversations, and sharing.
  • Facebook Groups: Create a private Facebook Group for your audience and customers to open up the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with your followers on a daily basis – and give them a space where they can interact and engage with each other.
  • Live Events: Host live events so your audience and customers can spend time with you in-person. Casual meetups, private dinners, workshops, retreats, and mastermind groups are all great ways to solidify long-term relationships with your audience.
“A strong personal brand is one that has a high level of impact, which then leads to influence amongst the people who follow you. The key is to leverage social media and other social platforms and environments to create relevant and meaningful dialogues between you and the people you want to impact.” – Mark Lack

Related: 13 Membership Site Examples that Will Inspire You

There has never been a better time to build a personal brand. Literally anyone can build a brand and a community online – and create products and services to sell to their target audience.

And the best part? There is no other person in the world that is exactly like you. As an individual, you are 100% unique. That’s why building a personal brand is so powerful – when you show up as yourself and start building a personal brand, you immediately differentiate yourself from your competitors because YOU are different. When you’re authentically you, you’ll find people who want to hear what you have to say.

“We all have a personal brand whether we think about it that way or not. So, let’s be intentional about it. A strong brand to me means that your message is identifiable.” – Kathy Klotz-Guest

Start building a personal brand and monetizing your expertise today. Try Thinkific for free and create your first digital product from scratch.

This blog was published originally in January 2020, it’s since been updated in April 2024 to include the most up to date information.

Elizabeth Harris is a content marketer and copywriter with a passion for helping businesses get the most out of their content, helping to educate, inspire, and engage audiences.

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Self-Positioning and Creating a Personal Brand Essay

In the competitive world of employment and entrepreneurship, it is important to position yourself to facilitate personal development. The term branding has been relegated to companies and celebrities. However, everyone should work on developing a personal brand. Not many individuals focus on cultivating their personal trademarks as they grow in their careers. The brands are important; and they exist to ensure that the development process is smooth and leaves a footprint among colleagues, friends, workplaces, and bosses. A brand is anything that is uniquely associated with an individual. It may be a symbol, name, reputation, emotion, tone, employees, design or even the perceived attitudes that differs the one individual from another (Wilson & Blumenthal 2008). Some individuals have created trademarks associated with their names being worth billions of dollars. At a business level, branding is common. Its importance at personal ranges has not been emphasized until about a decade ago. Entrepreneurships have realized that as businesses require brands to survive in competitive markets. Therefore, individuals demand self-positioning since they make these firms work (Kramer 2011). The essay is my reflection on the career growth process, involving personal branding and self-positioning to grow as a unique person.

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As I make plans for career growth, I must focus on the way I appear to the world. Self-positioning and personal branding is the first step to ensure that my name and reputation is interesting and polished. Once people know who I am and begin to identify my specific area of understanding and expertise, I will be on the first step to becoming a required person in my industry or niche. The question is related to the most efficient strategies to ensure that the person becomes recognized by building authority and following. The experiences of every entrepreneur are a proof that hard work and persistence are required for an individual to be successful (Chritton, 2012). In addition to loving what one does, continually learning from others and building a great team around the one’s career development are some of the most important guidelines to creating reputation and a personal brand. When it comes to starting or running a business, the most valuable asset is a person. It is what gives the one a competitive advantage, helping in driving sales (Quilty, 2013). And while one might set out an excellent business plan, the strategic vision and nous, all the efforts are moot if the standing with potential investors, employees, and customers is not set out. Building the personal reputation does not happen overnight. It is created one block at a time, ensuring that all the requirements are met every step of the way (Bence 2014).

There are two desirable differentiating points that I have identified in self-position and constructing myself as a brand. The first one involves self-evaluation, discovering my strengths, skills, talents, and weaknesses. The second one involves developing a unique brand using original and potentially successful methods. The first step is self-discovery. The biggest mistake that one can make is starting the self-positioning process just for the sake of it. People fail to invest time in learning and discovering about what is in their best interests, what they would like to spend their lives on, and how well they are suited for the paths chosen. In my first desirable step towards personal branding, I have decided to take an individual journey towards discovering myself (Schawbel 2013). The key to success is not revolutionary. I have learnt that it is compensated based on one’s passion. In order to discover my passion, I need time to reflect my past, plan my future, and think of the strategies that would contribute to the success. In order to find the one’s desire, the person needs time to think. The one has to find time to carry out the research to find all the requirements of the career. It should be a step by step process. The individual should not rush towards a path to success. Offers Great PowerPoint Presentation Help!

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Self-evaluation is about figuring out what one plans to do for the rest of the one’s life. I have set the goals that I want to achieve in life, written down a personal brand statement, which involves what my career does include and the path I would like to take. I have also written down a vision and mission statements, as well as created a development plan. The self-evaluation process should also involve the input from experts. One should consult other people such as colleagues on the strengths and weaknesses, but does not have to take it as the specific advice. The description of the brand should also involve one’s personality as described by others. The person should evaluate whether the attributes given by others pertain to them. I have learnt that the brand development process should be planned such that self-impression should match how other people perceive you. Before I enter the second self-branding and positioning process, I plan on selecting a niche. It is to ensure that I master my domain. The domain means that I have to find an area that does not have many competitors (Grams 2011). I obtain the highest possible probability of success in the chosen domain.

Self-evaluation encompasses defining who I am, how I am perceived by others as well as what I want to achieve. In determining who I am, I have analysed my skills. They include abilities, education, and professional experiences. Specialization should also be involved. The key to success is determining what one is good at and capitalizing on improving it. It includes the personality and passion in the career chosen, which is important in guaranteeing that one perfects the career. In determining how I am perceived, I have evaluated my personal relationships. It is done by inquiring what my friends, colleagues, educators, and mentors think about me. This issue is important in evaluating whether whatever they think about me is similar to how I would like to be perceived. In the digital generation, the person’s online reputation is also important in personal branding. It involves what the online search results in search engines and social media reveal about the individual. After hearing one’s name, the most common thing that happens is searching the names in online platforms to see the history. The digital footprint that one leaves behind is important in self-positioning. It is also essential to evaluate professional relations. It occurs through the inquiry of people that the person meets professional qualities, whose perceptions may not be biased as compared to those of friends and relatives. On what I want to achieve, I have written down all my goals, strategies towards achieving them, and the target audience while developing my personal brand (Banet-Weiser 2012).

The second desirable point in my self-positioning process is the actual design and creation of the brand. An individual trademark does not start when the career is begun or graduate from college. It is the process that is cultivated for a long period of time leading to a close association in a long run. After getting to know what I have, having claimed my niche and set my mind towards the target brand, I plan on getting online. I have come up with my personal branding toolkit, which is the sum of all the material required in designing, creating, and marketing my trademark. It comes from the first process, which is self-evaluation. My toolkit is unique such that it has characteristics differentiating me from other individuals not only at school but also as I grow in my career. The first component is my business card. According to the research I have carried out, it does not matter the level I am at, but I should have my own unique business card. It is a very important tool for creating official contacts especially during meetings, forums, interviews, and other social functions. The business card contains my picture, contact information, my personal brand statement as well as the contact logo and data. I maintain both the personal and digital business cards, making possible to share them with people as well as through social networks. The distribution of it is an important step towards my self-positioning process. It will ensure that as many people as possible are aware of my skills (van Dijck 2013).

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My resume is also a part of the personal branding toolkit. I have designed a CV with the cover letter and references. These ones are the typical requirements for job applications and interviews. Every individual requiring a consideration for a job opportunity should have the resume depicting their academic and professional history as well as the personal statements. I will prioritize each document with the custom information depending on the target audience. I also plan on posting my CV in online professional networking sites such as LinkedIn, in order to ensure that it makes it the ultimate social media resume. It will promote my personal brand across the globe as well as making it shareable to billions of people. My personal portfolio creation is as well essential in the self-position process. I plan on creating a web, print and digital portfolio to showcase all the works I have done in the past. It is aimed at convincing people of my skills to accomplish similar results in the future. As I grow in my career, I will update my portfolio every time I succeed in the tasks related to my professional development. The use of social networks such as will ensure that I can showcase my creative and innovative skills across the world especially when I make great strides in my career.

Doing the portfolio will also be my motivation tool (Marwick & Boyd 2011). It is related to the fact that I have to work harder each day to ensure that I have something new to add to it and make it unique as compared to my colleagues. The portfolio as well includes taking special consideration in my popular social networks to guarantee that the friends I maintain are important in the career growth. It will show that my Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other popular social media accounts are active and contain status updates attracting the professional audience. This process ensures that the classes of persons around me are crucial in my development process. I will contribute to discussions related to my area of expertise to guarantee that I am well known in it.

The most unique aspect of my personal branding process will be building relationships. As most people undertake the networking process as involving selling, I will ensure the following fact. My process will be about talking to people and healthy interaction. I have sharpened my networking skills to be about listening rather than trying to sell my brand. The best networkers are those ones being able to build relationships and invest their time in learning about others as well as identifying with them. I will ensure that I connect with people, since it is the best way to build my personal brand and getting my name and reputation out there. As more persons know me and what I can offer, they will be more likely to do business with me or give their recommendations to others. I have learnt that self-promotion is important in brand development (Omojola, 2008). After creating my trademark, I will ensure that I maintain a good and strong reputation. It is best achieved by having the necessary confidence required in sharing my vision and brand with my audience without sounding as if I am selling myself. I will create a plan on how I am going to market my brand to the relevant audience. This process ensures that I pitch my professional knowledge and contacts around other professionals.

There are also the points of parity that I will need in order to negate possible weaknesses. One of the main issues is reputation management. According to the advice that I have received from experts, I have learnt the following fact. It may take more than twenty years to build the good reputation, but only five minutes to ruin it. Being guided by that, I will ensure that every step I take is careful and well-calculated. When building a personal brand, it is important to manage the reputation along the whole way. It is not that everyone is going to agree with what I have to say or do online, being in interviews or blogs. It is important to be ready to address the concerns and critics in a professional way to guarantee that I do not ruin my reputation. There is also a need to be mindful to track my social media activity, since it is one of the ways through which millions of people can access my information. To avoid any loopholes in my reputation, it is important to treat social networking sites as the reflection of who I am and what I stand for. It involves treating my updates with care to ensure that a productive activity does not turn into destructive works. The access of social networking sites by other persons has also ruined others’ self-positioning processes (Milo 2013). I will ensure that I secure all my accounts to manage them effectively and appropriately.

The second point of parity required to overcome weaknesses in self-positioning is consistency. It is very important that I should always remain motivated despite the challenges I meet on the way. While building the one’s reputation, there are individuals that make their main agenda as breaking a chain of success. There are also some risks associated with career growth such as a failure, rejection by colleagues and other professionals, as well as lapses in innovation and creativity. The input to build the one’s brand is only half the battle in self-positioning. To ensure that the person remains on the upward trend, it is essential to continually monitor what others say and think about you. It is also advisable to continue looking for some ways to grow in the career such as enhancing education, attending professional forums and carrying out the research in new areas and ideas (Banet-Weiser 2012). The one’s reputation is everything to the trademark and positioning. In order to hit my target and annual benchmarks, I will ensure that I follow the way how my target audience perceives me. I will also avoid the influence from negative personalities and individuals while sharing my vision, being motivated to achieve my goals and creating my personal profile.

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There are some things that I will need to do in the future that I am not doing now in order to achieve the desired positioning level. One of them is thinking beyond individual positioning. I have based my plans, goals, objectives, and strategies towards designing, creating, and developing my personal brand. However, there are different situations that affect an individual especially when one becomes a leader with a strong and good reputation. The challenges that the person faces require taking strong stands and difficult decisions in various situations. The cases may affect the lives of others, thus requiring thinking beyond the individual self-positioning process. There are also other situations affecting employees and customers especially when one grows to become an entrepreneur. The old ways where decisions required going by the rule book are soon changing (Bence 2014). As I grow in my career, I will need to take strong initiatives that may differ from the common ways. It should be done in order to achieve the desired results not only for my personal brand but also for the benefits of those around me. The tendency to play it safe and just think of my individual position will soon change as I get into the career world. At that time, I will need to change my way of thinking and positioning strategies to accommodate the welfare of others depending on the matter.

In the future, I also plan on starting to think of myself as a brand. I am currently in the initial stages of self-positioning and personal branding. It occurs due to the fact that I am at school and have not yet ventured in the career world. As I graduate from it to join the professional environment, I will change my perceptions to act and behave according to the qualities and reputation associated with my brand. I have not yet reached the level that my trademark is well known or positioned whereby people watch my reputation closely (Marwick & Boyd 2011). However, after creating my brand, I will understand how it is perceived. It will affect my strategic behaviour. It does not mean that I have to abandon my human nature and start marketing myself as a commodity. It means that I have to choose the specific point of authenticity and stick to it. A strong brand can yield maximum benefits, whether one works in an organization or is leading it. I will have to build up an authentic self in developing my trademark and reputation. I will also have to be more careful in how I carry myself around people and in social networking sites to maintain authenticity and at the same time promote growth.

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Personal Branding: Development of My Own Brand and Its Strategies

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Published: Feb 9, 2022

Words: 2101 | Pages: 5 | 11 min read


  • Basu, T., 2020. How To Build A Personal Brand (Complete Guide To Personal Branding). [online] Thinkific. Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].
  • Business Case Studies. 2019. Using-The-Marketing-Mix-In-The-Fashion-Industry - Business Case Studies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].
  • Day, J., 2019. How To Start A Clothing Business: 9 Easy Steps. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].
  • Design Council. 2020. The Power Of Branding. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].
  • Digital Marketing Institute. 2020. 7 Steps To Building Your Personal Brand. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].
  • Donnelly, S., 2020. How To Start A Clothing Line: 4 Simple Steps | Guide By Startups.Co.Uk. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].
  • Feldman, B., 2014. Make A Name For Yourself: 11 Personal Branding Power Tips. [online] Social Media Today. Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].
  • Goldstein, C., 2020. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].
  • Hudson, M., 2019. Retail Pricing Strategies To Increase Profitability. [online] The Balance Small Business. Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].
  • Kimbarovsky, R., 2020. What Is Brand Identity And How To Create A Unique And Memorable One In 2020 - Crowdspring Blog. [online] crowdspring Blog. Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].
  • Lazazzera, R., 2017. How To Start A Clothing Line: Your Complete Guide To Design, Sampling, Production & Packaging. [online] A Better Lemonade Stand. Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].
  • Loeven, L., 2016. Application Essays: Sell Your Personal Brand. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].
  • Watts, J., 2020. How To Start A Clothing Line Business | Startups.Co.Uk. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 April 2020].

Should follow an “upside down” triangle format, meaning, the writer should start off broad and introduce the text and author or topic being discussed, and then get more specific to the thesis statement.

Cornerstone of the essay, presenting the central argument that will be elaborated upon and supported with evidence and analysis throughout the rest of the paper.

The topic sentence serves as the main point or focus of a paragraph in an essay, summarizing the key idea that will be discussed in that paragraph.

The body of each paragraph builds an argument in support of the topic sentence, citing information from sources as evidence.

After each piece of evidence is provided, the author should explain HOW and WHY the evidence supports the claim.

Should follow a right side up triangle format, meaning, specifics should be mentioned first such as restating the thesis, and then get more broad about the topic at hand. Lastly, leave the reader with something to think about and ponder once they are done reading.

Image of Prof. Linda Burke

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my personal brand essay

Personal Brand and Career Development Essay

Mission, goals, and objectives, target audience, points of parity and difference, cultural dimensions, brand mantra, works cited.

From the point of view of marketing, every employee’s main goal is to sell their own talents, skills, knowledge, and professionalism. The way they approach this task determines their future success as a worker. As proved by the contemporary practices of advertisement and marketing, a product of mediocre quality can become extremely popular and demanded in case it is promoted in a skillful manner.

The same tendency can be applied to people – an individual with excellent skills and knowledge may not get hired if the way they present themselves does not appeal to the hirers, and the other way around, someone with average level of professionalism and lack of experience may be more creative as a marketer, and therefore, get the job easily. The “I” brand concept suggests that the potential job candidate and career builders approach themselves as marketed goods and attempt to turn their own sets of skills and personalities into goods, wanted and attractive to the employers.

The creation of a personal brand means shaping a message and an image for oneself as an individual and a professional (Segran par. 3). The accomplishment of this task requires that the applicants (or self-marketers) familiarize themselves with their target audiences (or consumer base), clarify their advantages and disadvantages, identify their objectives, and plan their actions as to the self-promotion as job candidates and future employees. This paper describes how I see myself as a brand and attempt to incorporate various means for the achievement of higher chances to get hired and develop the desired career.

The mission of my “I” brand is based on self-improvement and actualization. My mission as a professional is to develop a successful career in an organization whose corporate values and philosophy match my own worldviews. The mission will define and direct my overall course in life and remind me of the integrity and aspects of life I believe are the most important. My choice of the workplace will be connected to my individual values, and their consistency will define my suitability and integrity about becoming a part of an organization.

Further, working on my mission, I have to formulate a number of clear goals. First of all, I need to make sure that my level of knowledge and professionalism is high to make myself a match for various organizations. Secondly, I need to position myself as a valuable professional so that the employers are interested in hiring me. Thirdly, my next goal is to make myself visible and researchable for the future hirers. Finally, I require connections and recommendations that would provide me with a wider range of opportunities to get hired and a longer list of companies to apply to.

Each of the goals established above is based on several objectives that serve to guide me. The first goal – the improvement of knowledge and level of professionalism includes such objectives as the acquisition of education, earning a qualification, and self-improvement. The former is achieved with the help of educational institutions, and the latter can be accomplished independently by means of purchasing and reading books on professional improvement, doing online research about the subjects relevant to the spheres of knowledge I wish to improve, and participating in forums to make myself a part of the marketing community.

The second goal – the positioning of self, involves the creation and promotion of my online and offline image. Since many companies tend to research their job candidates’ profiles on social networks, I have to spend some effort perfecting my profiles and making sure that no threats to the reputation of my brand are evident. The information given by my profiles about me, as a person, is to be honest, full, and truthful.

Most importantly, it has to look natural instead of creating an impression that all the data was framed specifically for the employers. In fact, the internet today is an essential and powerful tool for personal branding because reviewing one’s profile the audience forms their opinions based on its content (Segran par. 1). The power of social media is in one’s ability to control and select the information available for the public access and present oneself in the desired way (Segran par. 2).

The visibility of my brand can be achieved not only with the help of social media but also by means of crafting my resume. Since many companies use special programs to select candidates based on the contents of their resumes, I would need to research ways to get through these programs adjusting the wording in my resume. Preparing myself for the interviews, I would need to write down and memorize the key points for my answers to the most frequent questions.

All the means mentioned above will serve to promote such traits as confidence, ability to work under pressure, passion for learning and self-improvement, leadership qualities, excellent teamwork skills, high level of professionalism (both theoretically and practically), responsible attitude towards work, harmonious and diverse lifestyle (healthy practices, care for the environment, interesting hobbies, constant learning, professional curiosity). Building connections I would address my target audience to invest my time and energy with the highest effectiveness.

Any brand is to orient to its target audience that needs to be clearly defined. Attempting to become appealing for everyone would result in a waste of resources and time without producing any results (Patel and Agius 1). Target audience of any brand includes the people with whom the brand plans to interact; if a brand is viewed as a product, then the target audience is the consumers.

Professional Level

The personal brand of a professional is consumed by the employers. That way, my professional target audience will include the organizations and their decision makers. The first step of interaction with the target audience is the definition of their needs to establish a clear connection between the brand and the consumers (Patel and Agius 2).The needs of the organizations in terms of human resources can be researched on their websites and various professional forums. The best option would be to build connections with the actual workers or the organizations to learn about their inner dynamics and the most relevant needs.

Further, based on the researched needs of the employers I would form my business offer – establish a set of qualities and skills I already have and need to emphasize to show my suitability for the organization, learn or improve the required skills and qualities that are not as developed, find a comprehensible and efficient ways to communicate and present the offer. After I am hired, I will work to raise my performance enhancing the areas where I succeed and taking over more complex tasks. Eventually, I will make a new offer to the employers in order to move up the career ladder.

Personal Level

On the personal level, the employers are to be interested in my individual skills to make sure that I could make a good addition to their team of professionals. A good way to become appreciated by the hirers is to view myself and my skills from the point of view of what the employers need, because as stated by Joseph, one’s personal brand can only be successful if one puts the needs of the consumers first (par. 7).

Working on my branding on a personal level and communicating with the employers I should emphasize the qualities and knowledge I have that would be the most interesting for them. For instance, if a company relies on collaborative projects, I need to present my teamwork qualities and experiences such as interpersonal communication skills, conflict mediation, management of resources, collaborative problem solving, loyalty, and reliability.

In addition, to brand thoroughly and honestly, I would need to acknowledge not only my achievements and abilities but also comment on my disadvantages. A high level of self-awareness is required to help me analyze myself carefully, name the features I could work on and think through the ways I could address them. Using teamwork as an example, I am aware that feedback from the peers is crucial for one’s performance management; however, I sometimes fail to ask for a timely assessment from peers feeling uncomfortable to ask people for insights and criticism.

Points of difference are the aspects that distinguish a brand from its competitors. The majority of brands choose the strategy based on points of difference (POD) a marketing approach to provide the consumers with the viable reasons to choose this brand over the others (La Marca par. 1). Researching the needs of my target audience, I would specifically focus on the unfulfilled needs and aspirations as the sources of unmet desires of the company.

My points of difference will be based on the analysis of these needs so that I could emphasize the qualities and skills to address the shortages of my target audience and help it solve the problems. For instance, if an organization is struggling to integrate new software, I can emphasize my IT skills and present myself as a quick-learner who will not only be able to master the new technologies fast but also coach the other employees how to use them effectively.

The point of parity (POP) can be defined as the area where a brand matches the general standards and needs (Aaker par. 3). The marketers often use POP in a combination with POD. For instance, the manufacturers of a laundry detergent in their commercials like to say “it is just as good as the expensive detergents, but it costs less”. Using the two points in a statement like this the marketers emphasize them both.

Applying that to my personal branding I could state that even though I am a young specialist, I am willing to learn and, I work to improve myself as a professional every day, or while I am unable to take over complex tasks, I could accomplish an extra amount of simpler tasks. Besides, the points of parity can be used to reduce the significance of the liabilities when the weaknesses or disadvantages of a brand are on the standard level and are presented as not the strongest sides, but matching all the necessary requirements (Aaker par. 4).

In reference to the power distance index (PDI) dimension, my brand will be likely to begin at the very bottom of the power chain. As a result, I will be surrounded by the people employed from the bottom level, many of whom would aspire to climb their way to the top. Logically, the competition at that stage would be high, and so would be the turnover level. That way, the demonstration of stable high-performance and loyalty would be the key ways to move on further in my career.

The dimension of individualism and collectivism (IDV) is defined by the company’s structure and the choice of work organization. Emphasis on teamwork and group projects will assume the collectivist culture of an organization. The individualistic culture will be signified by the individual assignments. Both of these strategies work well in marketing, and that is why my brand is able to adjust to any of the environments.

Masculine cultural dimension is characterized by a highly competitive environment where assertiveness and high achievements are appreciated the most; whereas feminine culture relies on mutual support, cooperation, and help to the others (The Hofstede Centre par. 3). The marketing industry is definitely masculine by nature as it is based on rapid dynamics, high level of competition between organizations and individual workers. My brand is prepared to deal with high pressure, manage time and resources, work independently and within a team, demonstrate my leadership skills, and show excellent results within the shortest time.

Marketing relies on planning and research, the level of uncertainty avoidance there is very high, and this may be a liability. My brand is prepared to deal with uncertainty avoidance and work out extra plans and do a thorough research to support the risky decisions.

As for the short- and long-term orientation dimension, marketing sphere is certainly seeking for short term benefits from their actions as marketing strategies and campaigns are designed to show results right away. Working within this requirement, my brand is ready to find the most relevant and recent information, interact with the clients and always keep up with the slightest changes in tastes, trends, and interests of the clients.

A brand mantra should not be confused with a commercial slogan or a motto. It is a very short piece of information that includes three to five words only. Brand mantra has to emphasize the specificity of the brand and define it at the same time. The words for the mantra can reflect the brand’s orientation, focus, or points of difference. The three words I chose for my personal brand mantra are “Determination Diversity Improvement”.

This mantra reflects the fact that as a professional I am loyal to my organization and determined to show the best performance. Besides, it states that my skills and abilities are diverse, and that is why I can demonstrate flexibility in the rapidly advancing industry and highly competitive environments. Finally, the mantra points out my focus on self-improvement as a professional and thrive to achieve excellence in my career field.

Aaker, David. Points of Parity . 2013. Web.

Joseph, Jim. Why Every Personal Brand Needs a Target Audience . 2013. Web.

La Marca, Daniela. Points of Difference or Points of Parity: How to Position Your Brand Competitively . 2013. Web.

Patel, Neil and Aaron Agius. How to Define Your Target Audience . n.d. Web.

Segran, Elizabeth. The Authentic Person’s Guide to Self-Branding . 2014. Web.

The Hofstede Centre. National Culture. n.d. Web.

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IvyPanda . 2020. "Personal Brand and Career Development." July 23, 2020.

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IvyPanda . "Personal Brand and Career Development." July 23, 2020.

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Your Personal Brand Needs a Refresh. Here’s Where to Start.

  • Dorie Clark
  • Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

my personal brand essay

How to stand out and remain relevant.

In a fast-changing world, it requires both a strategy and disciplined execution to stand out and remain relevant. And since your own career interests, goals, and objectives are likely changing more rapidly than ever, don’t assume that your internal state of mind is reflected in your public brand. Indeed, there’s often a lag between our self-perception and how others view us, and we have to consciously focus on closing that gap to achieve the brand or reputation we seek. The authors present four key steps to consider to ensure you’re offered relevant opportunities and can deploy your full talents.

Fundamentally, brands help people make choices — and that’s true whether we’re talking about products, objects, or humans. When it comes to personal brands , those choices may involve high-stakes professional decisions, such as whether to hire you, promote you, engage you for coaching or services, and so on. That’s why it can be so challenging when your personal brand has fallen out of date.

my personal brand essay

  • Dorie Clark is a marketing strategist and keynote speaker who teaches at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and has been named one of the Top 50 business thinkers in the world by Thinkers50. Her latest book is The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World (HBR Press, 2021) and you can receive her free Long Game strategic thinking self-assessment .
  • Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic is the Chief Innovation Officer at ManpowerGroup, a professor of business psychology at University College London and at Columbia University, co-founder of , and an associate at Harvard’s Entrepreneurial Finance Lab. He is the author of  Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? (and How to Fix It ) , upon which his  TEDx talk  was based. His latest book is I, Human: AI, Automation, and the Quest to Reclaim What Makes Us Unique.   Find him at . drtcp

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  13. Creating a Personal Brand Essay Sample

    The essay example is my reflection on the career growth process, involving personal branding and self-positioning to grow as a unique person. ... I plan on getting online. I have come up with my personal branding toolkit, which is the sum of all the material required in designing, creating, and marketing my trademark. It comes from the first ...

  14. Personal Branding: Development of My Own Brand and Its Strategies

    Introduction: Most people believe that personal branding has nothing but something to do with sport stars, celebrities and businesses, but the truth is that you already are no matter you are aware of it or not. What you want to do is make it known and apply your best interests to it. The way we are viewed impacts the outcomes we obtain in our present world.

  15. 8 Personal Brand Statement Examples To Help You Craft Your Own Brand

    4. Sujan Patel. "I grow companies.". Sujan Patel is a leading digital marketer who boldly declares that he "grows companies.". This makes for a strong personal brand statement because he's not just saying that he assists in the growth of companies. He says that he is the one responsible for the growth of companies.

  16. Personal Brand and Career Development

    It is a very short piece of information that includes three to five words only. Brand mantra has to emphasize the specificity of the brand and define it at the same time. The words for the mantra can reflect the brand's orientation, focus, or points of difference. The three words I chose for my personal brand mantra are "Determination ...

  17. Personal Branding Essay

    According to Cohen (2014), personal branding is a necessity and marketers need to learn to understand branding. Cohen (2014) stated personal branding is required to establishing a good reputation with the consumers, with a good reputation that will be credibility, and personal branding is about enhancing longevity. This paper will discuss what ...

  18. 14 Fantastic Examples of Personal Branding Statements

    Takeaway: Show your personality. Personality creates individuality, which can make your personal branding statement unique. 13. "It's time to unleash your epicness.". - Felicia Hatcher. "Epicness" may not be a real word, but it made Felicia Hatcher's brand statement a real winner that deserves a spot on this list.

  19. Your Personal Brand Needs a Refresh. Here's Where to Start

    Here's Where to Start. Your Personal Brand Needs a Refresh. Here's Where to Start. Summary. In a fast-changing world, it requires both a strategy and disciplined execution to stand out and ...

  20. Personal Statement : My Personal Brand

    Personal branding is an image you try to instill or what people devise about you through observation and interaction. Frye (2014) also mentions how you control your own personal brand through your actions and behavior. You can control your personal brand or professional reputation by how you dress, speak, communicate, and by appropriate behavior.

  21. Essay On Personal Branding

    Essay On Personal Branding. 957 Words4 Pages. Future Personal Branding: "Are you branding yourself for future?". Personal branding is the dedicated practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands. The personal-branding concept suggests that success comes from self-packaging. Your personal brand separates you from the masses.

  22. MKT 350

    Personal Branding Report April 3, 2014 MKT. Personal Background Introductory Mission Statement My pursuit of higher education has always been motivated by the opportunity to progress in the business world. As an independent student financing my own college education, I feel that I have a strong connection with the ideals of investments.

  23. Energetic and Learning-Centric Free Essay Example

    6904. My personal brand is that I am super energetic in my job. When I was working as a sale assistant in a large retail store, I would always keep my mind that I need to be cheerful and energetic in doing my job, so the customers could feel my passion and care. This can help me to avoid those negative emotions and things, making me more ...

  24. Write an 750 word essay about your 'Personal Brand'. It should tell us

    This essay has outlined the essential elements of my personal brand, which include a passion for knowledge, personal growth, and helping others. Explanation: Developing a Personal Brand Essay. A personal brand is the unique combination of skills and experiences that make you who you are. It's how you present yourself to the world.