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(Everything you need for a proper and complete resume)

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Our Resume Builder ensures best practices, logic, formatting standards and job matching opportunities from thousands of job boards and portals around the world.

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How To Pick A Resume Format

Would you not carefully choose your appearance on the day of the interview? We don’t live in movies where Will Smith could get away being a garbage man. This is real world, and this is real interview. In the whole process of preparation, we often tend to undermine the appearance of our resume. It's almost dressing your resume up. We want you to remember the two forces that work in a resume being picked up among a pile of others. "The What and The How"? You may have worked ten thousand feet below the sea rigging Oil for this major oil and gas company, or you may have single handedly pioneered a startup or just starting out of college. In any of the case resume format are designed in a way to highlight the best of your abilities in the most readable way. Resume formats make sure that your greatest achievements are right there on the top, ready to be noticed.

The most commonly used and preferred resume formats by Job hunters, Job seekers and Human Resources Managers across is the Reverse Chronological format. As, the name suggests this format highlights your career profile, educational summary or professional profile as it may seem fit for the job. It is like watching a movie backward. Choosing what to place first among the three once again should be a well thought over decision. What you place on the top is what you want to be seen first. If not sure we suggest you take professional advice as these very things which might seem trivial play a vital role in the final decision. Click here to learn more about different resume styles.

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Resume Format Trends: Optimize Your Job Application in 2024

Choosing the right resume format can feel confusing. Your resume is your first chance to impress a potential employer . This article will guide you through the three main types of resumes and how to use them best.

Keep reading for insights that could transform your job search .

Chronological resume templates

A chronological resume lists your work history in order of time, starting with your most recent job and going backward. This format highlights a steady progression in one's career.

It is straightforward, making it simple for hiring managers to see your job trajectory and major accomplishments at each position. Employers often prefer this type because it clearly shows the candidate’s work timeline and growth.

In writing a chronological resume, start with your latest position and include the company name, location, dates of employment, and key responsibilities. For every job listed, focus on achievements that can be measured or observed.

Use action verbs to describe these accomplishments vividly. This approach helps potential employers understand not just where you worked but how you made a difference there.

Functional resume templates

The functional resume format focuses on skills and experiences instead of a chronological work history. This layout helps job seekers highlight their strengths without emphasizing gaps in employment or frequent job changes.

It groups qualifications into skill categories , making it easier for employers to see how the candidate's abilities match the job requirements.

Job applicants use this format to draw attention away from less relevant positions and toward what they can do well. They list their most impressive skills at the top, followed by their work history and education in brief sections.

This approach is ideal for those with limited work experience , changing careers , or with periods of unemployment .

Combination resume templates

Combination resume formats blend the best parts of chronological and functional resumes. They show off your skills and your work history. You start with a focus on your skills. These could be leadership, communication, or any other important skill for the job.

Then you list your jobs in reverse order , starting with the most recent. This format lets you highlight what you can do right away but also backs it up with where and when you did it.

Choosing this format means you get to play up both your experience and talents . It's great for people who have a mix of old and new skills, or those changing careers but still want to show relevant past work .

Now we'll move on to tips for writing each type of resume format effectively.

Tips for Writing Each Resume Format

Write tips for each resume format with brevity and impact:

- Craft your chronological resume by listing your work experience in reverse order.

- For a functional resume, focus on highlighting your skills and achievements rather than the timeline of your work history.

Writing tips for chronological format

When creating a resume in chronological format :

  • Start with your contact information at the top of the page.
  • List your work experience in reverse - chronological order , beginning with your most recent position.
  • Use clear and concise bullet points to describe your roles and accomplishments at each job.
  • Highlight your achievements and quantify them when possible to showcase your impact in previous roles.
  • Include relevant educational background and any additional certifications or training.
  • Tailor each section to highlight the most important and related experiences for the specific job you're applying for.

Writing tips for functional format

Transitioning from discussing the chronological format to the functional format, let's delve into some practical writing tips tailored towards this specific resume structure:

  • Highlight your skills : Focus on showcasing your skills and abilities at the beginning of your resume.
  • Tailor the content : Emphasize relevant experiences and achievements rather than providing a comprehensive work history.
  • Use clear headings : Organize your resume into clear sections such as "Summary of Qualifications" and "Professional Experience."
  • Incorporate keywords : Include industry-specific keywords related to your skills and expertise for online application systems.
  • Show impact : Demonstrate how your skills have positively impacted previous roles through concise bullet points.
  • Omit irrelevant details : Exclude unrelated work experiences or tasks, keeping the focus on applicable skills and accomplishments.

This detailed list provides actionable advice for crafting an effective functional resume that highlights your key qualifications.

Writing tips for combination format

When crafting a combination format resume , adhere to the following writing tips:

  • Begin with a strong summary that highlights your skills and accomplishments.
  • Emphasize transferable skills from previous positions in bullet points.
  • Prioritize relevant experiences over outdated or unrelated ones.
  • Showcase both work history and functional skills near the top of the resume.
  • Use clear section headers to distinguish between different areas of expertise.
  • Ensure that your resume's design is visually appealing and easy to navigate, enhancing readability for potential employers.

Moving on to "Pros and Cons of Each Resume Format"...

Pros and Cons of Each Resume Format

Chronological format highlights work history; may reveal employment gaps. Functional format emphasizes skills and achievements; can downplay career progression. Combination format merges both, showcasing skills and work history concurrently.

Learn more about the best fit for your profile.

Pros and cons of chronological format

The chronological resume format is a traditional and widely used structure that emphasizes a job seeker's work history . This format lists employment experiences in reverse chronological order , starting with the most recent position. It allows potential employers to see a candidate's career progression and stability in their field at a glance. Below is a detailed look at the pros and cons of adopting a chronological resume format.

Employing a chronological format demonstrates a straightforward narrative of your professional journey. It suits stable, upward career trajectories best. Yet, it may not be the optimal choice for all, particularly those with gaps in their employment or career switchers. Always consider aligning your resume format with your unique work history and the positions you're aiming for.

Pros and cons of functional format

Transitioning from the chronological format, we now shift our focus to the functional resume format . This style emphasizes skills and experience over chronological job history, making it a distinctive choice for many job seekers. Below, we explore the advantages and disadvantages of employing a functional resume format.

Employing the functional format lets job seekers craft a resume that truly reflects their capabilities and achievements, focusing on their potential to excel in the role. Nonetheless, it's crucial to weigh these benefits against potential drawbacks, such as acceptability concerns among certain employers or industries. Choosing this format demands careful consideration of both individual career history and the expectations of potential employers.

Pros and cons of combination format

Shifting focus from the functional resume format, we now explore the combination resume format . This style merges elements of both the chronological and functional formats, emphasizing both skills and work history.

What is reverse-chronological resume

Reverse-chronological resume is a common resume format that focuses on your work experience in reverse order, starting with the most recent job and working backwards. This format is popular because it highlights your career progression and shows potential employers your most recent accomplishments. When formatting your resume, it's important to keep your resume layout clean and easy to read. You can use resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. Whether you prefer a simple resume template, a modern resume design, or a creative resume template, there are many options available online for building your resume. Remember to also include a resume objective and relevant resume sections to make your resume stand out to potential employers.

When creating your reverse-chronological resume, you can use resume examples or sample resumes to guide you in formatting your resume. By using a free resume template or popular resume format, you can create a professional resume that will impress employers. It's important to format your resume correctly and keep your resume to one page if possible. Whether you choose a traditional resume or a more creative resume, make sure to read your resume carefully before submitting it to potential employers. With the right resume design and cover letter templates, you can create a perfect resume that will help you land your dream job in 2024.

Choosing the Best Resume Format for Your Situation

Choose the Best Resume Format for You:

- First-time job seekers

- Experienced professionals

- Career changers

Considerations for first-time job seekers

  • First - time job seekers should focus on highlighting their education, internships, and any relevant volunteer work.
  • Emphasize transferable skills gained from extracurricular activities or part-time jobs that demonstrate responsibility, teamwork, and leadership.
  • Tailor the resume to showcase accomplishments and abilities rather than extensive work experience.
  • Use a clean and straightforward format to make the resume easy to read and understand by potential employers.
  • Prioritize education details by including GPA, relevant coursework, academic achievements , and any honors or awards received.
  • Include a strong objective statement at the beginning of the resume that clearly states career goals and how they align with the position being sought.

Considerations for experienced professionals

Experienced professionals need to showcase their extensive work history effectively. They should:

  • Emphasize accomplishments and leadership roles .
  • Use a chronological or combination format to highlight career progression.
  • Tailor the resume towards the specific job and industry .
  • Avoid listing every job held; focus on relevant experience .
  • Show continuous learning and professional development through training and certifications .

Considerations for career changers

When transitioning to a new career, consider these essential points:

  • Highlight transferable skills and experiences that are relevant to the new field.
  • Emphasize accomplishments that demonstrate your adaptability and quick learning in diverse environments.
  • Tailor the resume summary and objective to align with the requirements and goals of the desired career.
  • Showcase any relevant certifications , training, or educational achievements acquired for the new career path.
  • Address the career change directly in your cover letter , demonstrating passion for the new field and readiness to contribute effectively.

Remember not to oversell items that do not pertain directly to the new career direction.

Considerations for Resume Formatting

  • Contact Information : Use a bold font for the name, and include a professional email address and contact number.
  • Core Strengths : Use industry-related keywords and highlight skillsets relevant to the job.
  • Value Statement : Clearly state the benefit you'll bring to the employer, much like a personal pitch.
  • Experience : For those with a professional background , emphasize roles and responsibilities in current and previous positions.
  • Education : For new graduates, detail education, relevant dates, and certifications.

Guidelines for Structuring a Resume

When structuring a resume, individuals should adhere to the following guidelines to ensure clarity and professionalism:

  • Alignment : Align text to the left for standardized readability.
  • Margins : Maintain uniform 1-inch margins for a balanced appearance.
  • Font Choice : Opt for a professional font that's easy for employers to read.

Effective organization of a resume can be outlined as follows:

Additional formatting considerations include the following:

  • Headers : Use distinctive headers for each section to improve navigation.
  • Bullets : Present work experience and qualifications in bullet points to improve readability and conciseness.
  • Consistency : Apply consistent formatting throughout to present a cohesive document.

Crafting a Resume with Optimal Structure Through Our Builder

Creating an effective resume is a critical step to landing a job. With the vast array of resume builders available, it's easy to find one that will guide users through the process of crafting a resume with the right format.

These builders provide an assortment of templates that cater to various jobs and industries, allowing users to select the most appropriate one for their needs.

Key Features of Our Resume Builder :

  • Template Selection: Choose from professional templates that are field-tested and suitable for a wide range of job applications.
  • Customizable Sections: Add or remove sections as necessary to focus on the strengths and skills most relevant to the job being applied for.
  • Guided Experience: Follow expert tips and suggestions that assist in filling out each section of the resume accurately and effectively.
  • Easy Download: Once the resume is complete, download it in multiple formats, including PDF, Word, or plain text, to suit various application requirements.

How to Utilize the Resume Builder:

  • Select a Template: Start by picking a layout that aligns with the intended industry and role.
  • Fill in Details: Enter personal information, work experience, educational background, and skills.
  • Customize Content: Tailor the resume's content to highlight achievements and abilities that are in line with the job description.
  • Edit and Revise: Review and revise the content to ensure clarity and a strong first impression.
  • Finalize Format: Choose a format that is professional and readable, and ensures that critical information stands out.

Key Resume Inquiries

Essential elements of a basic resume structure.

A straightforward resume should encompass:

  • Personal Information : Full name, contact number, email, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable).
  • Objective Statement : A concise declaration of career goals (optional).
  • Work Experience : Listed in reverse-chronological order, mention job titles , companies, durations, and responsibilities.
  • Education : Degrees obtained, institutions attended, and graduation dates.
  • Skills : Relevant hard and soft skills.
  • Certifications or Achievements : Any pertinent accomplishments or qualifications.

Streamlining Resume Formatting for Job Applications

To effectively format a resume for job interviews:

  • Use a professional font like Arial or Calibri (10-12 pt).
  • Ensure margins are even, generally around 1 inch.
  • Categorize content with clear headings .
  • Apply bullet points for concise descriptions.
  • Emphasize achievements with bold text where appropriate.

Benefits of Microsoft Word Format for Resumes

Using a Word document for a resume format offers:

  • Flexibility in editing : Easy to alter text and layout.
  • Compatibility : Widely accepted by many organizations.
  • Tracking Changes : Useful for collaborative editing.

Crafting a Resume for Beginners

For freshers, a resume should reflect their potential by:

  • Focusing on academic achievements and projects .
  • Including internships , volunteer work , or any relevant experience.
  • Highlighting transferrable skills and extracurricular activities .

Preference for PDF Resume Formats

PDF resumes are preferred when:

  • Consistency is needed across different devices and platforms.
  • The job application system specifies PDF as the required format.
  • Preventing alterations is crucial to maintain the resume's integrity.

Best Practices for Resume Crafting

When writing a resume, adhere to these practices:

  • Customize the resume to match the job description.
  • Include keywords from the job listing to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems .
  • Keep the language concise and focused on quantifiable achievements .
  • Proofread for grammatical errors and ensure clarity in communication.

In conclusion, understanding the different resume formats is crucial for crafting a compelling and tailored document . Tailoring your resume format to your specific situation can significantly enhance its impact.

Whether you're a first-time job seeker, an experienced professional, or undergoing a career change, choosing the right format can make all the difference in showcasing your skills and experience effectively.

By considering these tips and insights when selecting a resume format, you will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the job application process with confidence and clarity.

article author

Kshama Sharma - Resume, CV and Cover Letter Writing Expert


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PDF Resume Templates

All of our resume templates are downloadable as a PDF. It's the most efficient way to send your resume to recruiters, as it retains the styling, fonts, and formatting to ensure consistency across any device.

PDF Resume Templates

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Resume Templates

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Email Delivery

A resume template is used by prospective employees to apply for a role in a company. The fillable form allows the candidate to market their skills to the employer. As a first step in the hiring process, the business or firm reviews the information to learn about the applicant. It helps them decide whether to offer the person a formal interview.

The type of job determines the format of the resume. Each outline has a unique design or structure. Basic templates use one or two colors and a simple font. However, more complex options have bright, bold, or detailed text and images. The applicant should choose a resume that best represents the role. Reading the job description and responsibilities helps to determine the most appropriate choice.

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Download: PDF | WORD

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What is a Resume?

A resume is a form that allows applicants to list the reasons a company or business should hire them. On average, a job recruiter spends 7.4 seconds reading a resume. For this reason, prospective employees should keep the outline short, ensuring that they do not go beyond two (2) pages. If the candidate needs to include more information, they should wait until the first interview with the employer. The individual can also use the cover page to write additional details.

Each template has a unique style and/or theme. Nonetheless, the resume should have the following categories:

  • Full Name: Middle name and suffixes (Jr., Sr., II, III, etc.).
  • Professional Title: Official titles acquired through education (Ph.D., M.A., MBA, M.Sc., etc.).
  • Contact Information: Address, phone number, and email.
  • Objective or Summary: A powerful statement telling the employer what makes the candidate stand out from the rest and/or what would make them a good fit for the role.
  • Education: High school(s) and college(s) attended.
  • Job or Leadership Experience: Previous role(s) that make the applicant qualified for the position.
  • Qualifications, Training, or Awards: Relevant volunteer work, certifications, or recognitions.
  • Skills and Interests: Hobbies, talents, masteries, etc.

Enhancv’s Resume Builder helps you get hired at top companies

Resume Example

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Resume tailoring based on the job you're applying for

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Enhancv Resume Builder

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Your resume is an extension of yourself – make one that’s truly you, frequently asked questions about enhancv, what makes enhancv the perfect tool to prepare your job application.

  • Drag-and-drop Resume Builder with professional resume templates for every career situation.
  • Resume and CV Examples written with modern CV templates for international jobs and academic applications.
  • Cover Letter Builder , with matching cover letter templates and hundreds of cover letter examples for inspiration.
  • Resume and CV examples written by experienced professionals in their field, with real resumes of people who got hired.
  • Choosing how to get started - you can upload an old resume, your LinkedIn profile, or with a blank page.
  • Built-in content improvements according to your job title and experience, as well as proofing suggestions.
  • Resume Tailoring feature that helps you customize your resume to the job application.
  • A free Resume Checker that evaluates your resume for ATS-friendliness, and gives you actionable suggestions.
  • Downloading your resume in PDF or TXT formats, or saving them in US letter format or A4 format.
  • Cloud storage with 30 documents to edit, duplicate or update .

How to use Enhancv Resume Creator?

  • Upload your old resume or select your job title to pick the most appropriate resume template.
  • At this stage, you can begin editing your resume or sign up to save your work.
  • Fill in your basic contact information details , as well as your resume title headline .
  • Drag and drop your resume sections according to the best resume format for your situation. The best one to go with is the reverse-chronological resume format , but if you’re changing careers or just entering the job market, you can choose between the hybrid resume or the functional resume .
  • Write a memorable resume summary , or a resume objective , if you’re making a resume for a first job .
  • Describe your resume work experience , from the newest to the oldest job.
  • Don’t forget to include your education on your resume , with details such as GPA , Coursework , MBA , or Major and Minor , in case you’re writing an entry-level resume .
  • Enhancv will encourage you to think beyond the obvious resume layout . Add additional information, such as proudest accomplishments , internships , awards , volunteer work , hobbies and interests , certifications , computer skills , soft skills , language skills , or publications .

Why do I have to make a different resume for every job application?

Should i use a resume template in 2024, should my resume be in pdf or word format, should i send a cover letter with my resume.

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Create a Resume That You're Proud Of

Resume templates you can edit and download as pdf.

Update your resume quickly with a resume template. Pick your favorite template below and start filling in your information effortlessly.

The templates are ATS-friendly to ensure your resume won't be rejected by a system, and land on the recruiters desk.


Professional Resume Template

A professional resume template which will surely make you stand out, with it's easy to read layout and crisp details.

Designer Resume Template

A designer's resume template, which is very eye catching. If you're applying for a creative role, this template surely gives you an edge.

Classic Resume Template

The classic resume template offers the most reader friendly layout as per many recruiters. Choose this template if you're sure to apply through many applicant tracking systems.

Minimalist Resume Template

The minimalist resume template is ideal for a more conservative role. Use this template to demonstrate your sense of structure.

Basic Resume Template

Our basic resume template offers a clear and unmistakable path to a complete resume. It gives you the idea of how to set up a resume with easy steps and a classic look.

Creative Resume Template

Go with a creative resume template if you work within the fields of marketing, graphic design or similar. Your resume should ooze creativity and imagination.

Functional Resume Template

With the functional resume template you emphasize your skills and other qualifications rather than your professional experiences. Choose this format if you have large gaps in your work history.

Student Resume Template

As a student it's important to put emphasis on the projects you've completed and core competencies that you already possess as you have limited work experience.

Simple Resume Template

Proven simple resume template built to help you no matter which industry you work in.


Traditional Resume Template

The traditional reverse chronological resume template, which still is a go to favourite by many.

Modern Resume Template

A good looking modern resume template, where you effortlessly stand out with an eye-catching yet simple design.

Elegant Resume Template

A minimalistic and elegant resume template built to focus on your summary right away.

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The Best Resume Templates

Easily create a standout resume.

We designed our resume templates with you in mind. You start by choosing a template you like and then simply fill in the blanks. You can switch templates on the fly. It's easy, straightforward and painless. Our guide will help you zip through the resume writing process. Create a resume, then copy and edit it from your dashboard to match many different job positions.

Resume templates for every generation

Are you gen X, gen Z, millennial, or a boomer? With our resume templates you are completely covered. From traditional resume formats to modern resume formats. Seeking an internship or an executive position? It doesn't matter what job you're looking for—you'll never look for other resume templates ever again.

Resume formats and layouts

All our resume templates are designed for any resume format: reverse-chronological, combination, and functional resumes. You’ll find a great resume layout regardless of how much experience you have. One or two column templates, it's up to you. Just pick the template you like and start playing around with the formatting.

Professional resume templates, yet personal

All content matters. On average recruiters only spend 6 seconds scanning your resume. You get more interviews with a professional resume template. Our resume builder cleanly formats the resume template to ensure you don't get rejected by a system or don't get noticed by a recruiter.

Download resumes in PDF format

As you fill out your resume, your data is saved, and with a single click within the resume builder you can download as a 100% ATS-friendly PDF file. No flicking around many open windows, making it hard to track your progress. Our resume templates and resume builder are designed to help you build your resume in a structured and simple way.

Frequently asked questions

  • 1. What is a resume?
  • 2. What do I put on a resume?
  • 3. How do I format my resume?
  • 4. How long should my resume be?
  • 5. How do I write a professional summary?
  • 6. How do I list skills on my resume?

What is a resume?

A resume is a concise and often bulleted document that highlights your professional skills and work experience around a specific job description.

The purpose of the resume is to give a hiring manager an overview of how qualified you are, and how you best fit into the role of the job you are applying for.

Each job and job description are different, and by such you should also treat your resume the same way. Give your resume attention by slightly adjusting around the description of the job.

With our resume builder you can easily duplicate any already created resume and tailor it around a new job.

What do I put on a resume?

Your resume should always include the most relevant information about you that fits the description of the job that you are applying for. Even though you have to treat each resume differently, we highly recommend you to always include the following key elements on your resume :

  • A concise and professional summary
  • Your work experience
  • Educational level
  • Your relevant professional skills (both soft and hard skills)
  • Any achievements / awards (think self promoting)

Your goal is to list the above key elements chronologically (reverse chronologically) and in the right order. In our resume builder we have created a set frame that defines the best way to portray your skills and experiences. That's why you can't customize all sections in our templates. A resume that seems to be randomly assembled will not show off your skills in a strong and professional manner and it is utterly important that you treat your resume with professionalism. We've got that covered for you.

How do I format my resume?

That depends on your objective, but most job seekers use a chronological format. A chronological resume lists your work experience in a reverse chronological order, from the most to the least recent. However, bear in mind that if you have had 10 different jobs during your career, you don't need to list all of them. Always think about the objective of the resume, and list the most relevant jobs you’ve had. For most people this means the latest three to five job positions.

Many studies show that recruiters and hiring managers on average spend only six seconds per resume, so it's in your best interests to put your finest qualities and accomplishments in a prominent position.

Our resume builder favors the reverse chronological format, but you can create a functional style format or even a hybrid if you desire, by adding custom sections.

Don't go with overly graphical and visually appealing resumes. It mostly creates an unclear objective and often becomes unreadable for the hiring manager and the applicant tracking systems. You only have six seconds, remember?

How long should my resume be?

If you don’t have a lot of experience, it is recommended that your resume is a one-pager. Keep it relevant. Listing paperboy routes just for the sake of adding experience to your resume is not recommended. It's about sending the right message and you only have a very short amount of time to impress the receiver of the document. Make it all count.

If you are an experienced professional, a two to three pages resume will suffice, but never go beyond three pages.

The objective for your first page is to match yourself to the job description as much as you can. Always be concise and try to ask yourself: is this experience or skill relevant for the job that I am applying for?

How do I write a professional summary?

A professional summary is a few sentences at the top of your resume that highlights your qualifications for a job. It is often the very first thing that hiring managers look for and read, so you want to get to the point fast.

We recommend that you write three to four sentences, where you highlight your most relevant strengths, skills, and core competencies that are unique to you as a candidate. In particular, demonstrate how you will add value to the company. Try asking yourself: Did you outperform the projected sales? Have you saved the company money? Did you streamline project management?

Including your core skills and putting them into company perspective will impress the hiring manager and is a great way to demonstrate your candidacy towards the job.

Get started by using action verbs or power words as they can often be used to demonstrate achievements.

Lastly, remember to always tailor your professional summary to the specific job listing.

How do I list skills on my resume?

We have two set of skills. Hard skills and soft skills . The hard skills are teachable abilities that you often learn in a classroom through training or reading. A typical hard skill is your proficiency in a foreign language, a specific certificate, a computer programming language or something similar. Hard skills are a short list of the relevant skills that you posses.

Soft skills are subjective skills. You could also call it "people skills" as soft skills relate to the way that you interact and relate to other people. Examples of soft skills are leadership, teamwork, work ethics, communication skills, or something similar. These skills are best incorporated to your resume by providing examples of where you have put them to use. You have to emphasize on both skill sets to give the hiring manager an overall idea of the person you are and the skills that you posses.

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A4 Resume designer – your gateway to free, professional resumes in PDF!

Looking to craft the perfect resume that lands your dream job? Look no further! Our innovative resume designer offers a seamless experience to help you create stunning resumes in a breeze. Best of all, it's completely free! With a wide range of templates to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect style that suits your unique personality and professional goals.

Why choose our resume designer?

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Start by choosing a resume template that suits you best

Black & white.

Elegance in simplicity. Our Black and White a4 resume template embodies timeless sophistication. With a monochromatic palette, it exudes professionalism and clarity. Ideal for job seekers across diverse industries, this template emphasizes content and readability. Customize effortlessly and download in PDF format to make a strong impression. In a world of design complexity, this template stands out with its minimalist approach.

Timeless and professional. Our Classic a4 resume template blends timeless design with modern functionality, ensuring your qualifications shine. Crafted for versatility, it's ideal for a range of industries and roles. Impress employers with its clean layout and easy readability. Customize effortlessly and download your classic resume in PDF format.

Double the impact. Our Dual-Column a4 resume template is designed for those who want to make a lasting impression. Featuring a sleek, two-column layout, it offers ample space to showcase your skills, experience, and achievements. Perfect for professionals in various fields, this template adds a touch of modernity to your resume while maintaining readability. Easily customize it to fit your unique career journey and download it in PDF format.

Simplicity meets professionalism. When less is more, our Plain a4 resume template delivers elegance and effectiveness. With a clean, uncluttered design, it highlights your qualifications, skills, and experience effortlessly. Ideal for a wide range of industries and job roles, this template ensures your resume communicates professionalism and clarity. Customize with ease to make it your own and download in PDF format. In a world of complexity, stand out with the power of simplicity.

Revamp your resume with python-style elegance! Our Python-Style a4 resume template seamlessly blends the power of Python programming with professional design. Crafted for tech-savvy job seekers, this template features clean lines, precision, and readability reminiscent of Python's syntax. Impress employers with a resume that stands out in the tech world. Easily customize it to reflect your skills and experience, and download it in PDF format for a polished presentation.

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Arrange your career in style. Our Tetris a4 resume template offers a playful twist on the traditional resume format. Inspired by the beloved game, it lets you piece together your skills and achievements like a puzzle. Perfect for individuals in dynamic industries, this template adds a dash of creativity to your job application. Customize it with ease and download it in PDF format for a resume that stands out and showcases your ability to think outside the box.

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Modern & Professional job-ready free resume templates

Each of Resumod’s templates is designed keeping in mind the modern HR recruiter. Our resume templates are unique, HR tested, and make you stand out from the crowd.

Best Free Resume Templates | ATS optimised Resume Templates | Free Download on

A clean two-column resume template, very easy on the eye, yet professional. A bold top bar to add colour and give a more personalised appeal. Best suited for senior management roles.

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A modern approach to resumes for professionals. Graphic elements make this resume template stand out while making it suitable for all profiles. One of the top choices for creative professionals.

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The pop of colour makes this resume template eye-catching as well as aesthetic. The provision to add a photograph makes it a preferred choice of professionals in customer-facing roles.

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A modern free resume template best for entry-level or junior professionals with up to 5 years of experience. Well laid and spaced out, it works best if you don’t have tons of data to fit into your resume.

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A great option for a single-page resume with just a few sections. A resume template that works best for lawyers and finance professionals who don’t want to go for a classic resume format.

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A format created for a glance by the recruiter. The two columns of this free resume template let you emphasise your skills and experience.

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A classic, spacious, no-brainer single-file resume format widely accepted by recruiters. Also our most used free resume template, especially by CXOs, VPs and Directors.

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The bold header instantly draws attention and inspires recruiters to read through. A universal resume template that works across all industries and makes you stand out.

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The professional appeal of the skills bar allows you to highlight your skills. This resume template is loved by tech professionals and engineers.

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A minimalistic and refined resume template. With a clean structure, it is ATS-friendly and suitable for HR, Tech and other traditional roles.

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Our most popular resume template. A creative twist to two columns with the header. A visually striking resume template that is suitable for any industry.

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A popular choice for its no-fuss appearance. This free resume template is easy to follow and best suited for chronological resumes.

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A spin-off of Apollo 1 with a different design option. This resume template entices the recruiters with its high readability and clean formatting.

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Best choice for senior professionals as it can house multiple sections easily. This resume template can easily condense data into one page.

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A creative take on the traditional one-column format. Great resume template for creating a high-impact experience section with multiple achievements and roles.

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You will not run out of space with this resume template. The symmetry of this format makes it easy to read for both ATS and the human eye.

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A spin-off of Venus, we designed this resume template, especially for students and young professionals. The graphic makes this resume template eye-catching and modern. It’s slowly becoming our most loved template.

Resume Templates by Job

A carefully curated selection of job-specific resume templates to help you stand out in a pool of similar-looking resumes. Feel free to browse through our collection and find the perfect template that resonates with your professional identity. Each template is fully customizable, allowing you to add your personal touch while maintaining a polished and professional appearance.

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Resume Templates by Experience

Whether you're just starting your journey, a seasoned professional, or somewhere in between, our templates cater to your unique career stage. Elevate your resume and showcase your skills with designs tailored to highlight your experience effectively.

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Resume Templates by Format

Discover the perfect resume template for your dream job, Each template is meticulously designed to capture the essence of various roles, helping you present your skills and qualifications in the best light. Elevate your job application process by choosing a template that resonates with your career aspirations.

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A great application

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Nikita Kalra

Free Modern Resume & CV Templates, download in PDF & Word

There are mixed opinions about the usage and effectiveness of resume templates and formats online. Many job seekers find free resume templates difficult to use while for others, resume templates are a “go-to” solution when in need of a new Resume.

But what should you do? Let us clear the air.

At, our resume templates are developed to make your life easier. You just need to enter your information and your resume is ready in minutes. Here are a few other reasons to opt for Resumod’s online resume builder:

  • Created by experts: Our resume templates are created by resume writing experts who understand recruiters’ psychology, ATS, and job seekers’ requirements. With so much thought put into a template, there is no way you can go wrong with any of Resumod’s curated CV templates.
  • Properly structured: An important aspect of nailing a resume is getting its structure right. When you use a template, you don’t need to fret over the structure and placement of sections. Our Resumes have clearly defined sections so that you only have to enter your information.
  • Comprehensive and Universal: Resumod’s modern resume templates are designed to ease your work. They contain all the sections that you might need to describe your career. We also provide you with additional custom sections, just in case you have some more info!
  • Time-Saving: With everything in place for you,’s resume templates are big time savers. With just minor edits, you can create multiple versions for various job openings and send as many resumes as you want.

The Best Resume Format and Template for Job Search offers resume templates that are modern, effective and can fit most of your information in one page without the clutter. Below is a quick guide that tells you all about how a good resume should be structured. (The format is reference is Venus).

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Resumod’s Simple, Creative, Modern and Professional Resume Templates

Here’s our quick introduction video to show you how easy it is to build your resume for free on

Tips to Create Free Resume Using Resumod's Online Resume Maker

We’ve told you why free online resume templates work, and you know where you can find the best resume templates online, but you have to make sure that your resume stands out.

Here are some things to remember when you use online resume templates.

  • Avoid misspellings and grammatical errors: This part often gets missed once you have a format and entered the data. Proofread your entire resume once it is complete as misspellings and grammatical errors portray carelessness.
  • Use reverse chronological order: This means that your resume showcases your most recent activity i.e. education or experience first. Recent education or experience on the top makes your resume much easier to glance at.
  • Incomplete contact information: Include your complete name, phone number, address, and email Id. If available, also add links to professional platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Do not use overrated and cliché words: Your resume should be easy to read and understand. Keywords and important industry terms must be included but without making your resume look verbose.

A top-notch resume serves as a benchmark in the selection procedure. Our suggestion - while you build your resume using resume templates online, ensure simplicity, avoid being too fancy, and present your resumes with complete information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a resume template.

A resume template is a pre-designed format that outlines the structure and arrangement of a resume. It includes all sections in a resume like personal information, work experience, education, skills, and other relevant details. A pre-designed format, a resume template helps you create your professional resume in just a few clicks. Resumod has professional resume templates for over 500 profiles starting from freshers through to industry veterans and CXOs.

Why should I use a resume template instead of a Word doc?

Unlike a resume you build from scratch on MS Word, our free resume templates are designed by experts. Therefore they are widely accepted by recruiters across all industries globally. Further, resume templates are time-saving, are ready to use, and maintain a professional appeal. Resumod’s free resume templates guide you through the process and help you focus on the content of your resume rather than spending excessive time on formatting.

Are resume templates customizable?

Yes, all templates on Resumod are customisable including our free resumes templates. You can customise font and font size, resume colour, section headings, as well as placement of sections. With so many customisation options, resumes built using our free AI-powered builder are as good as personalised resumes, built by professionals.

Where can I find free resume templates?

Resumod offers free resume template(s). Our free resume template(s) are universal and can be used by anyone and downloaded in PDF form.

Can I use a resume template if I have limited work experience?

Our resume templates are created for all professionals at all levels of their careers. Therefore they are adaptable. If you are someone with limited work experience, you can focus on showcasing your skills, education, volunteer work, and any relevant projects to make your resume stand out. Our templates have dedicated sections for all of these.

Are there specific templates for different industries?

Although resume templates on Resumod are universal, we have segregated them as per industry to help you pick a format faster. Some templates are tailored to emphasise skills and experiences relevant to specific fields, such as healthcare, technology, or creative industries.

What sections should a standard resume template include?

A standard free resume template on Resumod includes all the important sections of a resume including name, contact information, summary, work experience, education, skills as well as additional Sections (such as Certifications, Awards, and Volunteer Work). Further, all resume templates are fully customisable, you can add and delete sections as per your profile.

Can I use a template if I'm applying for a creative job?

Yes, you can use our resume templates for creative roles. Our sample pages have resumes of creative professionals like fashion designers, video editors, photographers, and graphic designers among others. You have the option to edit fonts and colours in each of our templates including the free resume templates to give a more creative flavour to your resume.

Are there templates for entry-level positions?

Yes, there are templates designed for entry-level positions. These templates focus on highlighting your education, skills, internships, and any other relevant experiences. We are partners with many leading universities and their students use our templates for applying to internships and their first jobs.

Are there mobile-friendly resume templates?

All resume templates on Resumod are mobile-friendly. You can create your resume using our templates on both your mobile and desktop. Further, we offer PDF download which automatically makes our templates accessible and responsive across all operating systems and devices.

What file format should I save my resume template in?

It's best to save your resume in a universally compatible format like PDF. This ensures your formatting remains intact across different devices and software, along with making it ATS compatible.

Can I use a template if I'm changing careers?

Yes, resume templates on Resumod can be adapted for career changers. We have a career change category on our samples page where you can see samples of professionals with career breaks and career changes. Bonus tip: Emphasise transferable skills and experiences that align with your new career path.

Are there free resume templates suitable for executives or senior-level positions?

Yes, there are templates suited for executives and senior-level positions. These templates often emphasise leadership skills, accomplishments, and strategic thinking.

Try our Professional Resume Builder

User our content suggestion engine or upload your LinkedIn profile to create a brand new CV within minutes.

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Convert Your LinkedIn Profile Into a brand new CV. Get content and skill suggestions based on your tittle and designation.


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  5. How to Create a Resume PDF (+ 10 Free Templates)

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  6. PDF Resume Templates & Formats for 2022

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  8. Traditional Resume Template [5+ Classic Resume Examples]

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  9. PDF Resume Templates to Download in 2024 (+ Format Tips)

    Tip #1: Use the best font for your resume that's readable in print and digital. They are Arial, Garamond, and Helvetica, among others. Tip #2: Think of resume structure. The ATS doesn't read special formats, such as tables, images, charts, or graphs, so making an ATS-friendly resume template should be your priority.

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  15. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    Our free-to-use resume builder can make you a resume in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you. 1. College student format. This resume format is ideal for college students because it features a detailed education section and a simple, modern design.

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  19. Free Traditional Resume Templates for 2024 (Download)

    These resume template designs offer customizable color schemes and cool font options for creative industries. These templates are well suited for job seekers applying to work in graphic design, video editing, fashion, fine art or animation. In addition to our template styles, JobHero also has downloadable Microsoft Word templates and Google ...

  20. Free printable resume templates you can customize

    When all is ready, download your free resume template in the high-resolution format you need, whether in PDF, JPG, or PNG, to attach to emails or online applications. You can also print it from Canva to receive multiple high-quality copies of your work to send to companies or give during an interview as a reference.

  21. A4 Resume

    Select from classic, dual, plain, spiral, and other layouts, catering to various preferences and industries. Download in PDF. With just a click, you can save your masterpiece in PDF format, ensuring compatibility with A4 and Letter-sized paper. Absolutely Free. We believe in making quality resume design accessible to all, so there's no cost ...

  22. Traditional Resume Templates to Impress Any Employer

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  23. Free ATS Optimised Resume Templates for 2023 [Download PDF]

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