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17 November 2023

5 minutes read

Crafting an Impressive Catering Personal Statement: Examples and Tips


Dirghayu Kaushik


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  • Introduction

The world of catering and hospitality is as demanding as it is rewarding, calling for a unique blend of passion, skill, and dedication. Whether you’re an aspiring chef, a catering assistant, or seeking to further your culinary education, a compelling personal statement can set you apart. This guide provides in-depth insights and practical examples to help you craft a standout catering personal statement.

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  • The Art of a Captivating Personal Statement in Catering

Your personal statement is more than just an account of your experiences; it’s a narrative that weaves together your passion, skills, and aspirations in the field of catering and food.

This section of your application is your chance to bring to life the person behind the qualifications and to tell your unique story in a way that resonates with admissions officers or potential employers.

Key Ingredients of a Powerful Personal Statement

To create a personal statement that truly stands out, consider the following essential elements:

  • Engaging Introduction: Start with an anecdote or a vivid description that captures your deep-rooted interest in the culinary world.
  • Educational Journey: Detail your educational path, highlighting any coursework or projects particularly relevant to catering and food science.
  • Professional Experiences: Discuss your work history, focusing on roles and responsibilities that have prepared you for a career in catering. Describe specific situations where you demonstrated skills like leadership, creativity, or customer service excellence.
  • Personal Motivation: Share what drives your passion for food and catering. This could be an early cooking experience, a family tradition, or a culinary figure who has inspired you.
  • Future Aspirations: Clearly articulate your career goals and how the role or course you’re applying for aligns with these ambitions.

Crafting Your Narrative: Structuring Your Personal Statement

A well-structured personal statement flows logically, making it easy for the reader to follow your journey. Here’s a suggested structure:

  • Opening that Captures Attention: Begin with a compelling story or statement that draws the reader in.
  • Academic and Professional Highlights: Segue into your educational and professional achievements, linking them to your interest in catering.
  • Personal Reflections: Reflect on what these experiences mean to you and how they have shaped your aspirations.
  • Conclusion that Resonates: End with a forward-looking statement that ties your past experiences with your future goals in the field of catering.

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  • Deep Dive into Catering and Food Science Personal Statements

Let’s explore what makes a personal statement in catering and food science truly compelling. This is where you blend your technical knowledge with your culinary passion, showing that you’re not just proficient in the practical aspects of the job but also deeply engaged with the theoretical underpinnings of the field.

Balancing Technical Expertise with Culinary Passion

Your personal statement should reflect a balance between your technical skills and your love for the culinary arts. Consider the following points:

  • Technical Skills: Discuss your knowledge of food science, food preparation techniques, and any relevant tools or technologies you are proficient in.
  • Culinary Passion: Talk about what excites you in the world of catering and food. This could be experimenting with flavors, the joy of creating new dishes, or the satisfaction of event planning and execution.

Translating Hospitality Experience into a Compelling Story

For those with experience in the hospitality industry, your personal statement is an opportunity to showcase how these experiences have prepared you for a more specialized role in catering.

From General Hospitality to Specialized Catering

Illustrate how your hospitality experiences have honed skills that are transferable to catering, such as customer service excellence, attention to detail, and the ability to manage fast-paced environments. Share specific examples of how you’ve excelled in these areas.


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  • The Journey from a Catering Assistant to a Culinary Professional

Embarking on a career in the culinary world often begins with an entry-level position, like that of a catering assistant. This role, while it may seem modest, serves as a crucial stepping stone towards becoming a culinary professional. Below, we delve into the key aspects of this transformative journey:

  • Hands-on Experience: Understand the basics of food preparation, presentation, and safety protocols.
  • Time Management: Learn to efficiently manage tasks within tight timeframes, a vital skill in any fast-paced kitchen environment.
  • Teamwork: Discover the importance of working collaboratively in a kitchen environment, coordinating with chefs, servers, and other staff.
  • Kitchen Hierarchy: Familiarize yourself with the structure and roles within a professional kitchen, from line cooks to head chefs.
  • Adapting to Pressure: Learn to thrive in high-pressure situations, a common scenario during large catering events.
  • Culinary Techniques: Master advanced cooking techniques and food preparation methods.
  • Flavor Profiling: Develop a palate for identifying and pairing flavors, an essential skill for any aspiring chef.
  • Formal Education: Pursue further education in culinary arts to deepen your understanding and technical skills.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Attend industry workshops and seminars to stay updated with the latest culinary trends and techniques.
  • Networking: Connect with industry professionals, mentors, and peers to expand your professional network.
  • Mentorship: Seek mentorship opportunities with experienced chefs to gain insights and guidance.
  • Menu Development: Participate in menu planning and recipe development, showcasing creativity and innovation.
  • Supervisory Roles: Gradually take on more responsibilities, possibly overseeing a team or a section of the kitchen.
  • Signature Dishes: Experiment with creating signature dishes that reflect your personal culinary style.
  • Culinary Competitions: Participate in competitions to challenge yourself and gain recognition for your skills.
  • Inventory Management: Learn about managing kitchen inventory, ordering supplies, and cost control.
  • Customer Service: Gain insights into customer preferences and the importance of customer satisfaction in the culinary industry.
  • Social Media Presence: Establish a presence on social media platforms to showcase your culinary creations and connect with a broader audience.
  • Personal Portfolio: Build a portfolio of your work, including photos of dishes, menus you’ve contributed to, and any accolades or recognitions.
  • Career Pathways: Identify your career goals, whether it’s becoming a head chef, owning a catering business, or specializing in a particular cuisine.
  • Continual Growth: Commit to ongoing personal and professional development to keep advancing in your culinary career.

Each of these steps plays a crucial role in the transition from a catering assistant to a culinary professional. It’s a journey marked by continuous learning, skill enhancement, and an ever-growing passion for the culinary arts.

  • Conclusion: Tying It All Together

In conclusion, your catering personal statement is a powerful tool that can open doors in your culinary career. By effectively communicating your experiences, passions, and aspirations, you can make a lasting impression on admissions committees or potential employers. Use this guide as a roadmap to craft a statement that is as unique and flavorful as your culinary creations.

Remember, a well-crafted personal statement can be the key ingredient to your success in the dynamic and exciting world of catering and culinary arts. Use these insights to create a statement that not only showcases your skills and experiences but also reflects your passion for the art of food and hospitality.

How important is it to personalize my statement for each application?

Highly important. A tailored statement shows that you have taken the time to understand what each program or job is looking for and how you fit into that picture.

Can I use technical jargon in my statement?

Yes, but sparingly. It’s important to demonstrate your knowledge but remember that your statement should be accessible to a broad audience.

Should I mention specific culinary skills in my personal statement?

Yes, highlighting specific culinary skills, especially those relevant to the role or course you’re applying for, is beneficial.

Q: How long should a catering personal statement be?

Generally, aim for about 500-800 words, keeping it concise yet comprehensive.

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Table of Contents

  • • Introduction
  • • The Art of a Captivating Personal Statement in Catering
  • • Deep Dive into Catering and Food Science Personal Statements
  • • The Journey from a Catering Assistant to a Culinary Professional
  • • Conclusion: Tying It All Together

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3 Catering CV Examples [+ Template]

Caterers are experts at creating memorable experiences through the art of food and service, meticulously planning and executing each detail to ensure a successful event. Similarly, a well-crafted CV should be a feast for the eyes of potential employers, showcasing your skills, experiences, and attention to detail that make you the perfect candidate. In this guide, we'll serve up some delectable examples of catering CVs that highlight your ability to plan, prepare, and present an unforgettable experience.

catering cv

CV Examples

Cv guidance.

  • Essential Sections

Optional Sections

  • Getting the CV Structure Right
  • Formatting Your CV
  • Personal Statements for Catering
  • CV Experience
  • CV Skills & Proficiencies
  • How to Tailor Your CV to a Job
  • FAQs about CVs
  • Related CVs

CV Writing for Caterings

  • Highlight Your Culinary Skills and Specializations : Specify any culinary training or certifications you have, such as a degree in culinary arts or a food safety certification. Mention any specializations, like gourmet, vegetarian, or ethnic cuisine, early in your CV.
  • Showcase Your Creativity and Attention to Detail : Describe events where you've created unique menus or presentations, or managed complex logistics. Use specific examples, like a themed wedding or a large corporate event.
  • Tailor Your CV to the Job Description : Catering roles can vary widely, from managing a kitchen to planning events. Make sure your CV highlights the skills and experiences most relevant to the job you're applying for.
  • Detail Your Customer Service Skills : In catering, customer satisfaction is key. Highlight any experience you have in customer service, such as resolving complaints or accommodating special requests.
  • Demonstrate Your Ability to Work Under Pressure : Catering often involves working fast-paced events with tight deadlines. Provide examples of times when you've successfully managed stress and delivered results.

The Smarter, Faster Way to Write Your CV

personal statement for catering and hospitality

Catering CV Example

  • Managed a team of 20 catering staff, implementing new training programs that improved service quality and increased customer satisfaction by 30%.
  • Streamlined the event planning process, reducing preparation time by 25% and enabling the handling of an additional 15 events per year.
  • Introduced a new menu selection that increased sales by 20%, contributing significantly to the company's annual revenue growth.
  • Coordinated with vendors and suppliers, negotiating contracts that resulted in a 15% reduction in food and beverage costs.
  • Implemented a new food safety protocol, leading to a 100% compliance rate with health and safety regulations.
  • Developed a unique catering concept for corporate events, which increased bookings by 35% within the first year of introduction.
  • Managed the catering for high-profile events, consistently receiving positive feedback and leading to a 20% increase in repeat business.
  • Introduced a system for accurate forecasting of food and beverage needs, reducing waste by 30% and saving the company significant costs.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to develop promotional materials, resulting in a 25% increase in brand awareness and new client acquisition.
  • Team Management and Leadership
  • Training Program Development
  • Event Planning and Coordination
  • Menu Development and Implementation
  • Vendor and Supplier Negotiation
  • Food Safety and Health Regulation Compliance
  • Catering Concept Development
  • High-Profile Event Catering
  • Forecasting and Waste Reduction
  • Marketing and Promotion Collaboration

Catering Assistant CV Example

  • Streamlined the food preparation process, resulting in a 30% increase in kitchen efficiency and a 20% reduction in food waste.
  • Implemented a new system for tracking inventory, leading to a 15% decrease in overstock and a significant reduction in food costs.
  • Collaborated with the catering manager to develop new menu items, which increased customer satisfaction by 25% and led to a 10% increase in repeat business.
  • Managed a team of 3 junior catering assistants, improving team productivity by 20% through effective delegation and supervision.
  • Introduced a new system for cleaning and maintaining kitchen equipment, reducing equipment downtime by 30% and increasing overall kitchen efficiency.
  • Assisted in the planning and execution of large-scale catering events, consistently receiving positive feedback for food quality and presentation.
  • Assisted in the preparation and presentation of food for various events, contributing to a 15% increase in event bookings.
  • Ensured strict adherence to food safety and hygiene standards, resulting in a 100% pass rate in health inspections.
  • Provided exceptional customer service, leading to a 20% increase in positive customer reviews and a 10% increase in repeat business.
  • Efficient food preparation
  • Inventory management
  • Menu development
  • Team management and supervision
  • Kitchen equipment maintenance
  • Event planning and execution
  • Food presentation
  • Adherence to food safety and hygiene standards
  • Exceptional customer service
  • Ability to increase repeat business

Catering Manager CV Example

  • Directed a team of 10 catering staff, achieving a 30% increase in event efficiency through the implementation of a new scheduling system and streamlined service processes.
  • Managed and optimized vendor relationships, resulting in a 20% decrease in food and beverage costs without compromising quality, contributing to an overall increase in profit margins.
  • Introduced a new menu that increased customer satisfaction by 25%, leading to a significant increase in repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Coordinated the successful execution of over 50 large-scale events, including corporate functions, weddings, and conferences, consistently receiving positive feedback on food quality, presentation, and service.
  • Implemented a comprehensive staff training program that improved service standards, resulting in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Collaborated with the sales team to develop custom catering packages, contributing to a 20% increase in sales over a 12-month period.
  • Managed the daily operations of a busy catering department, consistently meeting strict deadlines and budget constraints while maintaining high standards of food and service quality.
  • Developed and maintained strong relationships with key clients, resulting in a 30% increase in repeat business.
  • Introduced a new inventory management system that reduced food waste by 20%, contributing to a significant reduction in operational costs.
  • Team Leadership and Management
  • Vendor Relationship Management
  • Menu Development
  • Event Coordination
  • Staff Training and Development
  • Sales and Marketing Collaboration
  • Operational Management
  • Client Relationship Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Cost Reduction and Profit Maximization

CV Structure & Format for Caterings

Essential cv sections for catering professionals, getting your cv structure right.

  • Logical Flow : Begin with a compelling personal statement, then proceed to your professional experience, ensuring a logical progression through the sections of your CV.
  • Highlight Key Achievements Early : Make significant accomplishments stand out by placing them prominently within each section, especially in your career experience.
  • Use Reverse Chronological Order : List your roles starting with the most recent to immediately show employers your current level of responsibility and expertise.
  • Keep It Professional and Precise : Opt for a straightforward, professional layout and concise language that reflects the precision catering demands.

Formatting Your Catering CV for Success

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Technical Expertise

  • Culinary Skills : Proficiency in preparing a wide range of cuisines and dishes, adhering to food safety standards.
  • Event Planning & Execution : Ability to plan and execute catering for events of various sizes and types, ensuring client satisfaction.
  • Inventory Management : Skilled in managing food and beverage inventory, reducing waste and optimizing cost-efficiency.
  • Menu Development : Expertise in creating innovative and appealing menus tailored to client preferences and dietary requirements.

Interpersonal & Collaboration Skills

  • Client Relationship Management : Ability to build and maintain strong relationships with clients, understanding their needs and exceeding their expectations.
  • Team Leadership : Proven skills in leading and motivating catering teams to deliver high-quality service.
  • Problem-Solving : Aptitude for resolving issues quickly and effectively, ensuring smooth event operations.
  • Adaptability : Flexibility in adapting to changing client needs, event dynamics, and industry trends.

Creating a Compelling Skills Section on Your CV

How to tailor your catering cv to a specific job.

Tailoring your CV to the target job opportunity should be your single most important focus when creating a CV.

Tailor Your CV to a Job Description

personal statement for catering and hospitality

Highlight Your Relevant Catering Experiences

Use industry-specific keywords, emphasize your soft skills, align your personal statement with the role, showcase relevant certifications and skills, cv faqs for caterings, how long should caterings make a cv, what's the best format for an catering cv, how does a catering cv differ from a resume, related cvs for caterings.

Event Planner CV

personal statement for catering and hospitality

Event Manager CV

personal statement for catering and hospitality

Hospitality CV

personal statement for catering and hospitality

Volunteer CV

personal statement for catering and hospitality

Quality Assurance CV

Entry Level CV

personal statement for catering and hospitality

Catering CV

Catering Assistant CV

Catering Manager CV

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  • Personal Statements
  • Catering personal statement

Catering Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

Whether you fancy yourself as the next Jamie Oliver, like to produce dazzling culinary creations, or want to open the next big thing in restaurant chains, a qualification in Catering could be the right choice.

If you’re wonderful with a whisk but struggling to cook up a storm with your personal statement take a look at our example Catering personal statement to give you some ideas.

I have enjoyed cooking for as long as I can remember, having been introduced to it at an early age by my Mother who owned a successful café and tea room. For me cooking is not simply a way to feed ourselves but a way of enriching our lives and expressing our creativity.

Decorating cakes as a child allowed me to practice more delicate techniques and learn how to combine colours and presentation that is pleasing to the diner. Baking has always been a passion of mine and I hope that my time studying Catering at a higher level will allow me to develop more complex skills.

At school I excelled in Food Technology and worked towards my Basic Food Hygiene certificate in my part time job at a national restaurant chain. Formally studying cookery introduced me to established ideas about nutrition, a subject about which I have done much independent research since, particularly sports nutrition.

Outside of school I lead a very active lifestyle as a regular runner and horse rider. I often compete in horse riding at county level and having a better understanding of sports nutrition has enabled me to improve my performance.

I am a keen traveller and enjoy experiencing food from different countries and cultures. I hope to spend more time travelling in the future so I can learn different cooking styles and techniques from the countries I visit.

Whilst at university I hope to gain more practical work experience and use my already high standards of skills and knowledge to gain an entry level position in a professional kitchen. After graduating I am interested in pursuing a career in sports nutrition.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE International Event Management

Submitted by Chloe

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International Event Management

I am applying for event management because it has interested me throughout my life, and planning events and managing them is something that I have always enjoyed and I push myself to get involved with. An example of this is when I was the head of the prom committee at my school. This meant me and the committee needed to plan things such as the theme, music, photographer , activities to do at the prom, and catering. We also organised events such as bake sales to raise money for the expenditure. This course I will excel at, because I am able to confidently learn in any format such as independently, in groups or by practical work. I want to apply to learn more about the subject so that in the future it will allow me to have an occupation that I thoroughly enjoy.

The course interests me because I am a creative person, so for it to become my occupation that I could work in for my lifetime would be fantastic.

I am suitable for the course because I am a very hard worker and will be able to work to meet deadlines, as I will be producing work in a subject that I relish in therefore the work will be enjoyable to me. I enjoy working in all conditions due to the course being something that captivates me and is my goal to make a career out of. I have leadership qualities, so when working in groups I will be a valuable asset because I will be very involved and I am prepared to lend a helping hand to anyone who may need it.

I will be engaged in all classwork, and will be prepared to give my opinion when asked. I think to be suitable you need to have creative and innovative attributes which I have, and this will help me to learn and manage my own events. In the past I have taken subjects such as media studies and product design which I believe relates to event management, since both of these studies are artistic and they helped me to possess the skill of thinking of innovative ideas and to communicate them effectively. These subjects made me think about experimental and original ideas, and as a part of the assessment in these subject's, event management was incorporated and I had to plan an event to help advertise my product which links to event management with experimental marketing.

Also, while at secondary school, I was able to complete charity work such as children in need. For one year I wanted to do something personal to raise money, so I gathered my class and asked them to dress up with me to collect money from sponsors or by direct engagement with potential donators. I am proud of this achievement because although it was not a major event, we were able to raise a lot of money for charity and I was the one who organised it.

An award commending my dedication and progress in media studies is an achievement I am proud of. I was the only individual to receive an award, and I was praised for the hard work and effort I put into my subject, which helped me achieve my grade.

Some events that I have managed and planned myself or have joint managed are: my sister's wedding, my 16th birthday party, charity days, and my secondary school prom. I played a major role in assisting my sister in her wedding planning, I helped her do activities such as finding her venue, picking a florist, photographer, catering and the features in the venue. For my 16th birthday party I organised similar features, and this has helped me gain some experience as it enabled me to have a glimpse of what planning and managing an event entails.

As an independent student I am not afraid of hard work in order to progress and achieve the best grades. I am organised which means that all my work is completed to a good standard and that I will be prepared for every lecture. My work experience working at McColl's for five years, and working in hospitality has enabled me to develop skills such as working well in teams and under pressure, plus time management and communication. I aspire to be an event management student as the course will lead me to many job opportunities.

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StandOut CV

Hospitality CV examples + CV template

Andrew Fennell photo

Your CV acts as your first impression in the hospitality recruitment process, so it’s essential to stand out from the competition.

A balance between compelling content and a well-defined structure is key to grabbing recruiters’ attention, and enticing them to select you for interview stage.

This guide contains 7 hospitality CV examples for a range of jobs and career-stages, plus plenty of tips to support you in producing an eye-catching CV.

CV templates 

Waiter CV example

Waiter CV-1

Hotel manager CV example

Hotel Manager CV-1

Restaurant manager CV example

Restaurant Manager CV-1

Hotel receptionist CV example

Hotel Receptionist CV-1

Chef CV example

Chef CV-1

Sommelier CV example

Sommelier CV-1

Bartender CV example

Bartender CV-1

The CV examples above demonstrate how to format your CV to accentuate your experience in the hospitality field, and highlight your marketable skills.

As this guide continues, I will teach you how to write a CV that displays why you’re the ideal candidate for hospitality roles.

Hospitality CV structure & format

Correctly structuring your CV is vital to emphasising your relevant experience and skills, enabling recruiters to quickly pinpoint key elements of your CV.

A clear, professional CV structure  will enable recruiters to navigate your details, facilitating ease of reading by breaking up information into separate sections.

This infographic gives you the basics on  how to write a CV , what sections to include and handy tips to help structure your experience.

How to write a CV

Formatting Tips

  • Avoid adding company logos or headshots, these take up space without adding value to your CV
  • Keep to a clear, simple and professional CV design, overwhelming colours and difficult to read fonts will result in essential information being missed
  • Bullet points, bold headers and defined sections should be used to aid ease of reading
  • Your CV should be a maximum of 2 sides of A4, sufficient length to sell yourself without it becoming tedious to read

Structuring your CV

Use clear sections within your CV, enabling recruiters to easily navigate your details.

  • Contact details – ensure you’re easily reachable by making your contact details stand out at the top of the page
  • Profile – an opening paragraph that reflects why you’re the ideal candidate for hospitality roles at first glance, drawing recruiters’ attention
  • Work experience / Career history – detailing your work experience, working backwards through your roles
  • Education –  document any qualifications obtained, particularly those needed for hospitality roles
  • Interest and hobbies – this section isn’t mandatory but can be used to verify your transferrable skills

I’ll now walk you through what to include within each of these sections.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

At the top of your CV, document your contact details, only looking to include  vital information.

  • Phone number (ideally a mobile number)
  • Email address (add a professional email address)
  • If you have one, add a link to your LinkedIn profile.

Quick Tip:  Avoid adding details that aren’t required in the decision making process such as marital status, date of birth, headshots or your full home address as the city you live within is enough information.

Hospitality CV Profile

Your CV profile is an opening paragraph between 5-10 lines, which summarises your CV at first glance, allowing recruiters to identify your suitability for roles.

Include your hospitality skills , experience and any sector specific qualifications, enticing recruiters to read further into your CV.

CV profile

These tips will help you in producing your CV profile:

  • Details such as your objectives or what you’re looking for in an employer should be kept for your cover letter
  • Customise your profile to fit the hospitality industry, researching the sector and including keywords and sector specific skills
  • Attract recruiters’ attention by selling your skills and avoid adding cliche phrases that make you blend into the crowd
  • Keep this section concise, 5-10 lines is enough to showcase your relevancy without boring the reader

What to include in your hospitality CV profile?

  • Types of areas you have worked in  – have you worked in event management, catering or worked as a hotel receptionist
  • Hospitality qualifications – whether you’ve NVQ’s in Hospitality , event management degrees or vocational courses in customer service
  • Technical skills – the ability to provide excellent customer service, organisational skills and the capacity to work in a fast paced environment
  • Level of your experience –  have you recently began your career, are you experienced in the sector or even have management experience

Core skills section

Underneath your CV profile, include a core skills section made up of two to three columns of bullet points.

Allowing recruiters to access your core skills without having to dig through your CV, demonstrating your applicableness to the industry.

CV core skills

Tailor these skills to the hospitality sector, using your research as guidance or reviewing the vital skills section below for inspiration.

Work experience/Career history

Record your career history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent or relevant positions.

Work experience

Shorten your role descriptions as you work backwards through your experience, include internships, voluntary work as well as part time or full time employment.

See also: Restaurant manager CV

Structuring your roles

Break your role descriptions into three distinctive sections, allowing recruiters to clearly see the impact you had within each of your previous posts.

Role descriptions

Provide context of your previous roles to recruiters, detailing the company you worked within, the department you were part of and the role you assumed.

“Working as a hotel manager, promoting customer satisfaction, ensuring all customers had a great stay.”

Key responsibilities

Record your key duties in the format of bullet points, adding any core relationships built.

  • Check-in guests at the front desk, ensuring guests have everything they need for a pleasant stay
  • Supporting housekeeping to clean and get rooms ready for new guests

Key achievements

Display the value you had within previous organisations, using numbers to boost and verify your achievements .

  • Being able to process 200 new guests quickly and efficiently who were checked in to attend a wedding onsite

This section should first document the qualifications obtained that are related to the industry you’re applying to.

Look to add courses such as NVQs in hospitality or professional food and beverage services, or qualifications in similar fields such as customer service.

If you have room, look to also include GCSE’s, A Levels, additional degrees or any other vocational training.

Interests and hobbies

Unlike other sections, this is an optional section that can be included to add value, showcasing the transferable skills your interests helped you acquire.

Interests such as charity involvement or being part of a sporting team can demonstrate your organisational skills and ability to work in a team and build rapport.

Avoid adding generic hobbies such as socialising, instead look to tailor your interests to the industry you’re pursuing.

Essential skills for your hospitality CV

Although each company will ask for slightly different skills, below are the core strengths you should be displaying in your CV.

Food and Beverage preparation  – supporting with preparing meals and drinks to customer requirements

Marketing skills  – being able to market services or events taking place at the catering organisation or hotel you work at

Commercial awareness  – looking to upsell items, understanding how to maximise profits

Hotel Operations  – insight into the inner workings of a hotel and how each function needs to work together

Writing your hospitality CV

When searching for new roles, you need a CV that highlights your marketable skills and sector specific experience.

A strong structure is key to bringing forward key aspects of your experience, drawing recruiters’ attention.

By following this comprehensive guide, you will be able to produce a CV that gets you one step closer to landing your dream career.

Good luck with your job search.


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personal statement for catering and hospitality

personal statement example

As the constant rise of cookery shows on television, food blogs and the seemingly endless cookery books that are published attest, human beings are justifiably obsessed with food. No wonder, since eating, and by extension cooking, are amongst the very few activities that we all must engage in daily. This shared obsession has been the catalyst for my continuing study and work within related fields, turning the physical drive to consume into an intellectual passion that drives me to understand every aspect of humanity’s biological, cultural and social relationships to food and to, ultimately, help others to be equally as inspired by the food that they eat.

My long held academic goal of studying nutrition unfortunately was not possible to achieve in my native country, despite my consistently strong performance across a range of subjects. Since moving the UK, however, I have found that opportunities to study various aspects of the food and hospitality industry have presented themselves throughout my employment, alerting me to both the potential breadth of my interests and the rewards of working with a customer-focused industry. Alongside specific training, I have also achieved a Level 2 NVQ in Customer Service and a Level 5 Diploma in Hospitality Management during my career.

Hospitality personal statement example

I am hugely proud of the way in which these courses have improved my knowledge of my industry as well as proving my ability to study in the UK. While I realise that undergraduate study in a second language presents unique challenges, the dedication I have shown to gaining City and Guild qualifications in both Maths and English, as well as undertaking a course in Practical English, show how serious I am about gaining the skills to pursue my academic goals.

As a mother of two, relocating to the UK, these goals have, by necessity, had to be put on hold until now. Luckily, I have managed to turn this necessity into an opportunity by finding employment within the catering and hospitality industries. My eight years as a Catering Assistant with John Lewis have seen me work across a number of departments; gaining experience across all food counters as well as specific training qualifications, such as the Level 2 Barista Award. Obviously, working within food preparation and distribution demands a thorough understanding of the product and I have become well-versed in all aspects, including Health and Safety legislation. My strong performance at John Lewis is built on a dedication to my interests that saw me undertake previous roles with Hibernia Chilled Foods, Burger King and Select Service Partner, allowing me to gain a comprehensive overview of the demands of both ‘front of house’ and ‘behind the scenes’ work within catering.

I have also found that catering offers a perfect outlet for my interpersonal skills. I am adept at building relationships with customers and colleagues and have been asked to accept a mentoring role with John Lewis. This involves supporting fellow staff and creating and delivering ‘communication half hours’ to ensure that the team is aware of, and engaged with, decision making at a higher level. I enjoy the interaction that comes as part of my job immensely and get great satisfaction from knowing that I have supported the staff in delivering the best service to our customers.

I have demonstrated a dedication to improving my knowledge of both the hospitality industry in general, and catering specifically, through over a decade of work and study. Both have been driven by a passion for helping others to realise the potential of the truly pleasurable and essential act of eating. It is this passion that will continue to drive me to gain as much knowledge and experience as I can through further study and that will, ultimately, help me o progress in chosen career.

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Hospitality Personal Statement

This is a sample personal statement written by our professional writer. Please note that our website is scanned by various anti-plagiarism software, so do not attempt to copy/paste this personal statement. You will get caught and your university career will be over before it has begun! To get a custom-written personal statement, just complete the order form and we will write an original personal statement, based specifically on the information you give us, which will never be published or resold.

Instead of the usual good experiences and deep-rooted interests that lead many students to follow a certain academic path, a number of bad, sometimes terrible experiences have led me to want to follow a career in hospitality.

As a member of a successful school and college orchestra, I had the good fortune to travel around the UK and Europe, taking part in competitions and concerts. These often required overnight stays in hotels, and long hours spent in concert halls and theatres. Sadly, I can count the number of excellent experiences on one hand, whereas the bad experiences are numerous. It was these experiences that first ignited my interest in the hospitality and tourism industry, and this interest was further enhanced by the subsequent courses I took at college.

I could see how the little things made a big difference, and how good hospitality relied on good management, budgeting and service. To me, hospitality is not just serving breakfast on time, or accommodating requests from customers at the drop of a hat. It is about managing and training staff, ensuring the budget is spent in the right places and minimising the potential for mistakes. These are key factors to running a successful hospitality business in this ever-growing industry.

My part-time job at a local hotel and restaurant further reinforced this belief. I took on many roles, including cleaning, waitressing and helping out on reception, and this enabled me to see how the business worked from a number of angles. I found a major problem to be that senior staff were not aware of the academic and business side to hospitality, and this in turn led to inadequate service. Simple things like ensuring enough staff were available to cover demand for services (for example, bar tending or waitressing) or ensuring training was provided and encouraged for staff to grow and develop seemed to fall by the wayside on occasion. I have already deduced that this is not acceptable when trying to run a successful hospitality business, but I want to go further and learn how to rectify issues like these, and studying hospitality will help me to discover that.

I have been able to secure holiday employment at this hotel and restaurant, and hope to put what I learn at university into action during these periods. I also believe this will aid my learning, as I will be able to see and experience what I am studying, and use this to enhance my work at university.

I would like to pursue a career in hotel management, and my dream is to eventually own my own hotel. While this may seem a pipe dream, it is one I will continue to aim for, hopefully bolstered by a degree in this subject.

Your personal statement is vital in ensuring you get the university place you want. Don’t take a chance with it. Secure your university place today!

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I want to help you get admitted to graduate school in Hospitality Administration.

personal statement for catering and hospitality

I find great satisfaction in helping enterprising students to become leaders in regional and global hospitality and tourism professions by helping them to get accepted to graduate school. I like to think of my service as dedicated to fostering exceptional student achievement. 

Hospitality and Diversity

As someone with a PHD in Social Ethics, I feel very strongly that diversity is especially important in the area of Hospitality Administration. In this field in particular, it is important to prepare people with the expertise, commitment, and skills for management and operations positions in the expanding industry that provides food, accommodations, and travel and tourism services to people of all languages and from all ethnic groups. You have made a good choice in your decision to apply to graduate school in hospitality because a wide variety of jobs and career opportunities exist within the field. Such opportunities exist in restaurants, hotels and other lodging establishments, contract food services, hospital and school food service, clubs, fast food franchises, airlines, and travel agencies.

Cultural diversity has become a major issue in the hospitality industry of the United States, in particular, representing novel opportunities, benefits and challenges for an increasingly culturally diverse workforce. It is important, therefore, that we search together for practical recommendations that might help human resource managers in hospitality to successfully deal with cultural diversity issues. Cultural diversity training modules are called for so that human resource and hospitality company training programs might better facilitate students increasing their cultural diversity awareness and sensitivity, learning about cultural differences, and developing skills for managing cultural diversity issues.

My mission in the area of Hospitality Administration is to engage students in developing the foundational knowledge, demonstrated skills and professional attitudes required for success in careers in hospitality administration: hotel operation, food service management, and meeting and event management. I also very much appreciate the way in which diversity appreciation is such a natural fit with this area of graduate study.

Hospitality Administration is rapidly becoming a major area for us in helping applicants to graduate school. When drafting your statement, we emphasize your strengths, your ethnicity, language skills, and travel experience.

 We would be honored to help you gain admission to graduate school in Hospitality Administration and Management by drafting a most eloquent statement on your behalf. In addition to filling out my  Online Interview Form , send your resume/CV and/or rough draft to my email:

[email protected]

personal statement for catering and hospitality

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Statements of excellence for admission to graduate school in hospitality management.

personal statement for catering and hospitality

Samples of My Work in Hospitality Mangement

  • Bachelors Hotel Management, Indian Applicant
  • Masters Hospitality Studies, Chinese Woman
  • MA Hospitality Administration, Chinese
  • MA Hospitality, Hotel Administration, Chinese

It would be an honor for me to share some of my insights with you about the importance of diversity for the Personal Statement of Purpose in Hospitality Management and Administration.

The Humanitarian Side of Hospitality

Catering, hotels – the hospitality industry provides people with comfort, nourishment and shelter. But what about converting that into a humanitarian career? How does that work, you might ask?

Every type of volunteer experience shows you are a motivated person who’s willing to work in the name of improving other people’s (or animals!) lives. People who need it. Working towards a solution that makes the world a better place. And employers love that. So if you’re looking for a placement that you improve your chances of getting employed or getting onto a master’s program, the world is your volunteering oyster!

But what is hospitality in humanitarian terms? Aid. And which are the best humanitarian aid organizations? The World Food Programme (WFP) is part of the U.N. system, and the largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. They reach 90 million people, in 80 countries! To apply, start here: http://i-recruitment.wfp.org/olcv/

Okay, so then there’s the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE). It’s dedicated to fighting global poverty, and has supported almost 1000 poverty-fighting development and humanitarian aid projects! To search for a career, go right here: http://www.care.org/careers

Action Against Hunger (AAH) is a global humanitarian organization committed to ending world hunger. In 2012, it provided 550,000 small farmers with tools and treated 42,000 malnourished children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Now that’s some hospitality! Check ‘em out: https://careers.actionagainsthunger.org/

For something a little different, the Hospitality Club partners and works with NGOs to provide a platform where travelers and people interested in doing good work can meet and collaborate. Find out more at http://ngos.hospitalityclub.org/ .

Need a job right now? The organization CoRSU has a duty station in Uganda and an opening for a Catering Officer at the time of writing. You can apply for this job if you have a simple diploma in catering, and you’ll be in charge of the preparation of meals for children and people with disabilities, among other duties. See here for more details: http://www.uganda.hotkenyanjobs.com/catering-officer-hospitality-ngo-jobs-corsu/  

When you have a master’s degree, you’re more attractive to employers, whether in your own country or overseas. Here are some interesting programs that will get you abroad doing good work ASAP.

With events management, you could go into the humanitarian events field. The M.Sc. in Event Management at the HTL International School of Hospitality, Tourism and Languages provides you with 1 year of intensive training, language classes and an internship at one of the universities partner companies. Courses include strategic management and operational management. This program costs 3200 EUR per year.

The Master of Hospitality Management & Tourism at the same institution also involves foreign language training and an internship program at a local company. This time, the courses involved include hospitality management, tourism management and customer service and communication skills. This 9-month course costs 3200 EUR per year. Learning another language is so valuable in the humanitarian field, as are management skills.

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  • MLIS, Women’s Studies Minor, LGBT
  • MS Educational Administration California
  • MS Computer Science, Software, Food & Drug

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Travel and Tourism Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Travel and Tourism
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

Personal Statement Example Links

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  • Personal Statement Example Link 3
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  • Personal Statement Example Link 6

Passionate about exploring the world and sharing unforgettable experiences with others? Eager to immerse yourself in different cultures, discover hidden gems, and create memorable journeys for travelers?

Pursuing a course in Travel and Tourism can open doors to an exciting career where you can turn your love for travel into a profession, curating extraordinary adventures and fostering cross-cultural connections.

Travel and Tourism is an interesting and relevant choice for students looking to pursue a career in the travel and tourism industry. This university course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the travel and tourism industry, including its history, current trends, and future prospects.

Students will learn about the various aspects of the industry, such as destination marketing, customer service, and hospitality management. They will also gain valuable knowledge about the different types of travel and tourism products and services that are available.

Additionally, the course covers topics such as international relations, cultural awareness, and business ethics. Through this course, students will be able to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the travel and tourism industry.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of a Travel and Tourism course in the UK have several career opportunities available to them, including:

  • Travel Agent: Travel agents help clients plan and book their travel arrangements. This can include transportation, accommodation, and local tours.
  • Tour Guide: Tour guides work with travel companies or independently, guiding tourists around attractions and providing them with information about the site’s history, culture, or natural significance.
  • Tourism Officer: These professionals often work for local governments or tourism boards, promoting their area to tourists and often helping to develop and implement tourism strategies.
  • Holiday Representative: Holiday reps work with travel companies to ensure that clients have the best possible holiday experience. They might assist with check-ins, coordinate transfers, or resolve any problems that occur.
  • Event and Conference Planner: In this role, individuals plan and coordinate events and conferences, which often involves selecting venues, arranging catering, and coordinating transportation and accommodation.
  • Hotel Manager: Hotel managers oversee the operations of a hotel, including front desk services, housekeeping, and budget management.
  • Airline Customer Service Agent: These agents assist passengers with check-in, boarding, and luggage handling. They may also help resolve any customer complaints or issues.
  • Travel Writer/Blogger: Travel writers and bloggers produce content about their travels, which might be used in travel guides, magazines, or online blogs.

Note: Some roles may require additional experience or qualifications.

UK Admission Requirements

To be accepted into a university course in Travel and Tourism, applicants must typically have achieved a minimum of five GCSEs at grade C or above, including English and Maths. Depending on the university, applicants may also be required to have a minimum of two A-Levels, with a grade of C or above, in a related subject such as Geography, Business Studies or Economics.

In addition to the above academic requirements, some universities may also require applicants to have a minimum of one year’s work experience in the travel and tourism industry. This could include working in a travel agency, tour operator, airline or hotel.

The entry criteria for a university course in Travel and Tourism is generally similar to other courses in the same field, such as Hospitality and Tourism Management or Tourism and Leisure Management. However, some universities may require additional qualifications or experience in order to be accepted onto their course. It is therefore important to check the entry requirements of each university before applying.

UK Earnings Potential For Travel and Tourism

The average earnings for someone with a degree in travel and tourism vary depending on the specific job they pursue. According to the UK National Careers Service, the average salary for a travel agent is £17,000 per year, while the average salary for a travel consultant is £20,000 per year. The average salary for a tour guide is £18,000 per year, while the average salary for a travel writer is £19,000 per year.

The job market for travel and tourism is expected to grow in the coming years as the industry continues to expand. According to the UK Office for National Statistics, employment in the travel and tourism sector is projected to grow by 6.3% between 2019 and 2024. This growth is expected to be driven by an increase in demand for experiences such as adventure travel, cultural tours, and eco-tourism.

Additionally, the rise of digital technology has made it easier for people to book their own travel arrangements, which is expected to further increase demand for travel and tourism services.

Similar Courses in UK

Other university courses related to Travel and Tourism include:

1. Hospitality and Tourism Management: This course focuses on the management of hospitality and tourism operations, such as hotels, restaurants, and attractions. It covers topics such as customer service, marketing, finance, and operations. The key difference between this course and Travel and Tourism is that it focuses more on the business side of the industry, while Travel and Tourism focuses more on the planning and organizing of tours and trips.

2. Events Management: This course focuses on the planning, organizing, and managing of events such as conferences, festivals, and exhibitions. It covers topics such as budgeting, marketing, and customer service. The key difference between this course and Travel and Tourism is that it focuses more on the organization of events, while Travel and Tourism focuses more on the planning and organizing of trips and tours.

3. Tourism Studies: This course focuses on the study of the tourism industry, including its history, development, and impact on society. It covers topics such as tourism policy, marketing, and sustainability. The key difference between this course and Travel and Tourism is that it focuses more on the academic side of the industry, while Travel and Tourism focuses more on the practical side of the industry.

UK Curriculum

The key topics and modules covered in the University Course Travel and Tourism may include:

  • Introduction to Travel and Tourism: This module provides an overview of the travel and tourism industry and its components, such as transportation, accommodation, attractions, and hospitality. It also covers the economic and social impacts of tourism, as well as the importance of sustainability and responsible tourism.
  • Tourism Products and Services: This module covers the different types of tourism products and services, such as air travel, cruise lines, tour operators, and accommodation. It also examines the marketing and distribution of these services, as well as the development of tourism destinations.
  • Tourism Planning and Development: This module examines the planning and development of tourism destinations, including the roles of government, the private sector, and local communities. It also covers the impact of tourism on local economies, as well as the importance of sustainable tourism development.
  • Tourism Management: This module covers the management of tourism operations, including the management of personnel, resources, and financials. It also examines the importance of customer service and quality assurance in the tourism industry.
  • Tourism Research: This module covers the principles of tourism research, including the use of surveys and other data collection methods. It also examines the importance of research in the development of tourism destinations and the evaluation of tourism operations.

Alumni Network

One notable alumni from the Travel and Tourism course is the CEO of the world’s leading travel company, Expedia Group, Mark Okerstrom. Mark Okerstrom has been leading the company since 2017 and has been instrumental in driving the company’s growth and success. Under his leadership, Expedia Group has become the world’s largest online travel company, providing customers with access to over 500,000 hotels and hundreds of airlines.

Mark Okerstrom has also been instrumental in expanding Expedia Group’s presence in the global travel market, with the company now operating in more than 70 countries. He has also led the company’s efforts to become more customer-focused, introducing new features and services that make it easier for customers to find the best deals and book their travels.

There are several alumni events and networking opportunities available for alumni of the Travel and Tourism course. These include the Expedia Group Alumni Network, which provides alumni with access to career resources and networking opportunities, as well as the Expedia Group Alumni Summit, which brings together alumni from around the world for a day of learning and networking.

Additionally, alumni of the Travel and Tourism course can join the Expedia Group Alumni LinkedIn group, which provides a platform for alumni to connect with each other and stay up to date on the latest news and trends in the travel industry.

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Matthew's cuisine blows me away. Between the top quality ingredients and attention to every detail, every meal I've had with these guys is easily 5 stars. I even had the privilege of watching them do their thing in the kitchen and I'm forever hooked. Please, keep doing what you're doing.

Photo of S. B.

I hired Matthew for a small private birthday dinner with friends at an AirBnB we rented. I emailed with him beforehand about the menu and logistics, and he made adjustments and suggestions as needed. The food and presentation was amazing and provided all the necessary dishes and cutlery. Matthew gave us a five-course dining experience, without it feeling too stuffy or overly pretentious. He was attentive to dietary restrictions and explained all of the dishes as they were being served. It was a wonderful treat for my group.

Photo of Matthew G.

Dec 8, 2023

It was my pleasure

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International hospitality and tourism management personal statement example.

My interest in the inner workings of the tourism industry began when my father introduced me to the process of organizing our family holiday at a very young age. As a result of this, I completed an internship at a local musical agency where I got the first glance at different organizational tasks around hotel bookings as well as marketing.

I have become particularly interested in combining creativity with management and organization. I searched for ways in which I could introduce myself to the industry and first chose the course of International Business & Economic Studies at my current institution. Especially interesting to me were the concepts of multinational companies, financing and investment but also strategic planning. I am eager to learn about the intricacies of contemporary economies and the ways in which they affect different countries, as well as getting an insight into the way corporations operate. Furthermore, I developed an interest in the practice of negotiation and realized the importance of adequate cultural awareness.

My introduction to the financial aspects of a business and theoretical market situations while using different models in school encouraged me to pursue a six-week work placement in a London-based travel agency. During my time there, I was given tasks in various departments such as Accounting, Sales, Administration and Marketing. Over the course of my internship, Destination Management was of particular interest to me because it focuses on the diversity of existing and potential tourism resources.

As an assistant, I analyzed competitors' prices and updated information on the agency's internal system and assisted with clients' inquiries. I remained consistently eager to learn more and deal with new challenges. I am proud to say that I financed my internship in its entirety, including my accommodation. This added responsibility helped a great deal in developing my professional confidence and fueled my personal independence.

Following my time in the workplace, I know that I would love to have the chance to study concepts of hospitality and tourism, and would flourish given the opportunity to put these theoretical frameworks into practice. With the expanded specialized insight that this study would provide, I am hoping to focus on the field of sustainable tourism as my eventual specialization.

I am immensely dedicated when it comes to aspects that I am passionate about, including choosing a school that is further away in order to study an international course. I have no doubt that I will enjoy this course because I am highly interested in what I am already focusing on in my secondary education, and I am keen on working in an international environment which would foster and develop my existing organizational skill.

I have become involved in a project at my current school invested in contextualizing my own environment. The work involves installing stone memorials - “Stolpersteine” - dedicated to the Jewish families who were seized during the rise of National Socialism in Freiburg. I am a passionate reader, particularly interested in poetry and non-fiction texts in both English and German.

I take advantage of opportunities to exercise my own creative instinct through writing and showcasing my own poetry and guitar composition. I am also continuously committed to exploring visual art and museum culture, predominantly contemporary photography. I have been an avid skateboarder for some time and am looking forward to integrating myself in the skateboarding scene of a new city.

As a foreign student, I have proven my adaptability and keen interest in international travel and study, both to myself and others. Consequently, I believe that my outside perspective and efforts to support and engage with new environments would yield positive and constructive contributions to the university’s community.

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