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small case study on attitude with solution

  • 17 Aug 2020
  • Research & Ideas

What the Stockdale Paradox Tells Us About Crisis Leadership

The Stockdale Paradox and survival psychology contain wisdom for how leaders can manage the coronavirus crisis, according to Boris Groysberg and Robin Abrahams. Open for comment; 0 Comments.

small case study on attitude with solution

  • 21 Apr 2020
  • Working Paper Summaries

Changing In-group Boundaries: The Role of New Immigrant Waves in the US

How do new immigrants affect natives’ views of other minority groups? This work studies the evolution of group boundaries in the United States and indicates that whites living in states receiving more Mexican immigrants recategorize blacks as in-group members, because of the inflow of a new, “affectively” more distant group.

  • 25 Sep 2019

Corporate Purpose and Firm Ownership

This study shows that corporate purpose varies greatly according to the nature of firm ownership, and these differences can be least partly explained by the choices and compensation of the CEOs. The greater the pay gap between CEOs and employees, the lower the sense of corporate purpose within the organization.

  • 07 Aug 2018

Gifts of the Immigrants, Woes of the Natives: Lessons from the Age of Mass Migration

Investigating the economic and political effects of immigration across US cities between 1910 and 1930, this paper finds that political opposition to immigration can arise even when immigrants bring widespread economic benefits. The paper provides evidence that cultural differences between immigrants and natives were responsible, at least in part, for natives’ anti-immigration reactions.

  • 22 Jan 2018

When Gender Discrimination Is Not About Gender

Gender discrimination in a typically male workplace is not necessarily driven by misogyny. Rather, employers are less willing to hire applicants associated with a lower performing group-even if that group is defined by a demographic characteristic other than gender.

  • 03 Jan 2018

Framing Violence, Finding Peace

Using data collected in a 2016 survey of 1,120 Syrian refugees in Turkey, this study finds that 1) framing civilians’ wartime ordeal as suffering or sacrifice influences their attitudes about ending the conflict, and 2) the identity of who advocates for peace affects civilians’ attitude about supporting it. These results suggest new possibilities for reconciliation processes.

  • 14 Dec 2017

Personality Traits of Entrepreneurs: A Review of Recent Literature

This paper brings together recent findings in the academic literature on the prevalence of various personality traits among entrepreneurs and their impact on venture performance. It focuses on three themes: (1) personality traits of entrepreneurs and how they compare to other groups; (2) attitudes towards risk that entrepreneurs display; and (3) overall goals and aspirations that entrepreneurs bring to their pursuits.

  • 11 Oct 2017

Crime and Violence: Desensitization in Victims to Watching Criminal Events

Findings from an experiment show that victims of crimes become desensitized to violence in biological and cognitive ways. These results may help explain a troubling contradiction in Latin America: rising crime along with decreasing public concern about it. As the rate of crime victimization increases, a larger group of the population shares this increased desensitization.

  • 03 Oct 2017

When Exit is an Option: Effects of Indiscriminate Violence on Attitudes Among Syrian Refugees in Turkey

This study examines the attitudes of civilians displaced by violence in a conflict where the strategic logic was not to control people but to remove them. Results show that civilians who can leave the conflict zone do not necessarily politically align with one or another armed group. Rather, they engage in civic activities that benefit the civilian refugee community itself.

  • 23 Nov 2015

Self Control and Commitment: Can Decreasing the Liquidity of a Savings Account Increase Deposits?

John Beshears and colleagues find evidence to show commitment accounts can help would-be savers with self-control problems.

  • 17 Nov 2014
  • Lessons from the Classroom

Managing the Family Business: Are Optimists or Pessimists Better Leaders?

In general, optimists are best suited to lead family-run entrepreneurial organizations. At least until disaster strikes. John A. Davis explains why both perspectives are so valuable. Open for comment; 0 Comments.

small case study on attitude with solution

  • 06 Sep 2011

How Small Wins Unleash Creativity

In their new book, The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work, authors Teresa M. Amabile and Steven J. Kramer discuss how even seemingly small steps forward on a project can make huge differences in employees' emotional and intellectual well-being. Amabile talks about the main findings of the book. Plus: book excerpt. Key concepts include: Of all the factors that induce creativity, productivity, collegiality, and commitment among employees, the single most important one is a sense of making progress on meaningful work. Seemingly small signs of progress will induce huge positive effects on employees' psyches. On the other hand, seemingly small setbacks will induce huge negative effects. The catalysts that induce progress include setting clear goals; allowing autonomy; providing resources; giving enough time-but not too much; offering help with the work; learning from both problems and successes; and allowing ideas to flow. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

  • 06 May 2010

Introductory Reading For Being a Leader and The Effective Exercise of Leadership: An Ontological Model

Effective leadership does not come from mere knowledge about what successful leaders do; or from trying to emulate the characteristics or styles of noteworthy leaders; or from trying to remember and follow the steps, tips, or techniques from books or coaching on leadership. And it certainly does not come from merely being in a leadership position or in a position of authority or having decision rights. This paper, the sixth of six pre-course reading assignments for an experimental leadership course developed by HBS professor emeritus Michael C. Jensen and coauthors, accompanies a course specifically designed to provide actionable access to being a leader and the effective exercise of leadership as one's natural self-expression. Key concepts include: One of the conditions for realizing the promise of the leadership course is that students must be open to examine, question, and then transform their worldviews (models of reality) and frames of reference (mindsets). Students create for themselves a powerful 4-part contextual framework that calls them into being as a leader. Having done this what remains is to confront one's own Ontological Perceptual and Functional constraints so as: 1) to relax their ability to restrict one's perceptions of what must be dealt with in any leadership situation, and 2) to relax their ability to restrict one's freedom of choice for action in any leadership situation. Students cannot master that which they do not create for themselves. This is especially true of anything that is at first counterintuitive. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

  • 25 Nov 2009

The Devil Wears Prada? Effects of Exposure to Luxury Goods on Cognition and Decision Making

Gandhi once wrote that "a certain degree of physical harmony and comfort is necessary, but above a certain level it becomes a hindrance instead of a help." This observation raises interesting questions for psychologists regarding the effects of luxury. What psychological consequences do luxury goods have on people? In this paper, the authors argue that luxury goods can activate the concept of self-interest and affect subsequent cognition. The argument involves two key premises: Luxury is intrinsically linked to self-interest, and exposure to luxury can activate related mental representations affecting cognition and decision-making. Two experiments showed that exposure to luxury led people to think more about themselves than others. Key concepts include: Luxury does not necessarily induce people to be "nasty" toward others but rather causes them to be less concerned about or considerate toward others. Experiment 1 showed that when primed with luxury, people are more likely to endorse self-interested business decisions (profit maximization), even at the expense of others. Experiment 2 further demonstrated that exposure to luxury is likely to activate self-interest but not the tendency to harm others. Exposure to luxury goods may activate a social norm that it is appropriate to pursue interests beyond a basic comfort level, even at the expense of others. It may be this activated social norm that affects people's judgment and decision-making. Alternatively, exposure to luxury may directly increase people's personal desire, causing them to focus on their own benefits such as prioritizing profits over social responsibilities. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

  • 05 Nov 2009

A Market for Human Cadavers in All but Name?

A shortage of cadavers has hampered medical education and training, a market that entrepreneurs are stepping forward to address. HBS professor Michel Anteby argues that scholars must learn more about the market dynamics of this uncomfortable subject in order to inform political debate. Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

  • 01 Dec 2006
  • What Do You Think?

How Important Is Quality of Labor? And How Is It Achieved?

A new book by Gregory Clark identifies "labor quality" as the major enticement for capital flows that lead to economic prosperity. By defining labor quality in terms of discipline and attitudes toward work, this argument minimizes the long-term threat of outsourcing to developed economies. By understanding labor quality, can we better confront anxieties about outsourcing and immigration? Closed for comment; 0 Comments.

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Like what you hear, 7 effective employee engagement case studies and strategies for a productive workplace.

7 Effective Employee Engagement Case Studies and Strategies for a Productive Workplace

  • 1. Acknowledgment and Appreciation
  • 2. Emphasis on Employee’s Holistic Wellness
  • 3. Initiatives that are Development-Focused
  • 4. Develop a Sense of Purpose, Values & Mission
  • 5. Maintain Transparent Communication Channels
  • 6. Create Conducive Working Conditions

7. Create Space for Fun & Happiness

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Are you looking for employee engagement case studies? Learn from some of the best companies out there that have successfully increased employee engagement. See how they did it and what worked for them.

As more and more employers in today’s corporate world realize the importance of employee engagement , the demand for effective and result-oriented employee engagement programs is rising. The internet may present many employee engagement initiatives, but here’s something more: case studies to prove that certain employee engagement strategies are really effective. Follow our blog to learn more about employee satisfaction and ensure that your company is teeming with higher employee engagement initiatives.

According to Johnson and Johnson “ the degree to which employees are satisfied with their jobs, feel valued, and experience collaboration and trust. Engaged employees will stay with the company longer and continually find smarter, more effective ways to add value to the organization. The end result is a high-performing company where people are flourishing and productivity is increased and sustained.”  

Nokia Siemens describes employee engagement as “ an emotional attachment to the organization, pride and a willingness to be an advocate of the organization, a rational understanding of the organization’s strategic goals, values, and how employees fit, and motivation and willingness to invest the discretionary effort to go above and beyond”.

While we learn what employee engagement means and its importance, incorporating practical and effective employee engagement programs as part of company culture is the right recipe for success.  Here are certain strategies for best employee engagement with case studies. 

1. Acknowledgment and Appreciation 

The first and foremost step to boost employee engagement is making sure your employees are valued, acknowledged, and appreciated. This motivates employees to become more productive , stay on track with tasks, and perform well. This can be done in many ways and you need to choose an approach that your employees can relate with. While some enjoy public recognition, others don’t. Hence, you can work on innovative recognition ideas . 

According to a study , social workers in a company received personalized letters of recognition at their home addresses. The workers were chosen randomly and half of them received letters while the rest half didn’t receive any. The first half of the letter was chosen from a few positive motivational sayings and the second half of the letter had a personal note of appreciation written by managers. After a month of the letter experiment, the workers who received letters felt more recognized and appreciated for their efforts, compared to those who didn’t get any. This also had a positive effect on their motivation levels and well-being, according to the results of this study.  

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2. Emphasis on Employee’s Holistic Wellness 

There are many components of employee wellness like nutrition, work-life balance , mental health, and stress management, to name a few. A healthy employee will be more productive and employees who are mentally and physically healthy will exhibit positive motivation, and better morale and resulting in a win-win for both employers and employees. A wellness program can be a good way to start where employees get a chance to explore yoga, in addition to vacation days. A wellness room provides employees with a personal space for their personal needs. 

The indispensable role of wellness and an overall effective wellness strategy for an organization can be best understood based on a study that explored the objective of workplace wellness programs and their impact on employees health and medical expenses and so on. The study identifies certain key factors to boost wellness ideas in a corporate setup such as: 

Effective communication strategy 

Organizations that were part of this research emphasized the importance of how a wellness program is communicated to employees, both in-person and mass information campaigns, with messaging and clear interaction getting the highest priority.

Accessibility of wellness programs

Making wellness programs accessible for all employees is an effective strategy to boost the levels of employee engagement in their organization.

Engaged leadership

According to this study, for wellness programs to be successful, senior leadership should imbibe wellness as an integral and important part of the company culture. 

Effective use of existing resources

Organizations leverage the existing resources and then build relationships, which also include health plans to provide employees with more options.

Ongoing assessment

Most companies agree that continuous assessments are required for employers to better understand their employee’s wellness needs. 

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3. Initiatives that are Development-Focused  

Ongoing development is key for every employee and there are a few development-focused initiatives that you can adopt actively to help your employees gain professional growth like professional networking, master’s or even Ph.D. programs, industry seminars, training courses and conferences, internal promotions, mentoring groups, and career coaching. 

This study titled A Study on the Influence of Career Growth on Work Engagement among New Generation Employees involved six companies from diverse industries like consulting, finance, management, real estate, and so on. The findings of this study show that: 

Organizational identification (IO) is very important for engagement levels and career growth.

Employee career growth positively impacts work engagement;

Person-organization value is positively linked to career growth and organizational identification (IO).

If employees recognize that they can make career progress in a company, they feel more attached and this increases employee loyalty, particularly for the new generation. It motivates them to put in the extra effort, improve performance, work on new skills, and so on. 

4. Develop a Sense of Purpose, Values & Mission 

A visible employee engagement program to achieve higher employee satisfaction levels requires employees to gain a sense of purpose, portray the company’s values and understand the mission. It is important to also understand what each of these attributes stands for. 


A company's purpose is the reason it exists in the first place. Purpose-driven companies are devoted to achieving goals that are bigger than just making money and increasing shareholder value. They also want to make a positive impact on the world around them and approach their work sustainably and ethically. In other words, they're committed to making a difference. 


The mission of a company is similar but not identical to its purpose. Many people use the terms interchangeably, but we see the main difference as follows: the mission statement focuses on what the company has been built to achieve. 

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Values are important because they act as a compass for the overall expectations of an organization - they guide how employees do their jobs, how managers communicate with clients and partners, and how workers interact with their peers. By understanding and sharing company values, employers can make better decisions that reflect the priorities of the business.

According to a study by Deloitte , a company’s purpose and mission impact corporate confidence as well, as indicated by the results of this study.

Nearly half of all executives (47%) say that they can identify with their company's purpose, while only 30% of employees feel the same way. 

A whopping 44% of executives believe that exemplary leadership involves setting an example that lives and breathes the company's purpose - but only 25% of employees share this belief. 

41% of executives believe that a company's purpose plays a significant role in major corporate decisions, whereas only 28% of employees feel the same way.

38% of leaders claim that their company's purpose is communicated clearly and openly to all, but only 31% of employees actually think this is the case.

Ultimately, teaching your employees about the company's purpose, mission, and vision takes time and patience. It's a gradual process, but when done correctly, it has numerous benefits for employers. Creating a sense of purpose for your employees allows you to see numerous benefits in the long run such as a more committed workforce and less employee turnover. 

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5. Maintain Transparent Communication Channels 

Many employees feel reluctant to share their concerns and opinions with their managers or peers, either due to a perception that their managers don’t pay much attention to them or maybe they tried earlier but no action was taken by the leadership. Encouraging employees to share their concerns with leaders has its own benefits. 

Practicing reflective listening helps managers to understand the message, through attentive communication. 

Making employees understand they are respected helps them to respect you back and this is an employee engagement strategy based on common sense.

Acknowledging employee views is a way of recognizing a diverse range of ideas and respecting what they say, even though in the end you may still agree to disagree.

Seeking employee’s input actively helps to boost job satisfaction levels. 

A research study analyzed communication between employers and employees and its impact on engagement levels.   The findings supported the general definition of engagement as a sense of shared responsibility between both supervisors and employees, proving that establishing communication with your employees has a wide range of benefits and can work wonders for a company’s employee engagement levels . 

6. Create Conducive Working Conditions 

While expecting high performance from employees by an organization is quite natural, it is also equally important to provide necessary conditions for employees to do their best, by supporting them in any way you can. You can encourage positive and healthy competition in the workplace, show zero tolerance for toxic behavior, maintain a clean and healthy workplace ambiance, and create supportive teams . One way to support your workforce is by encouraging them to focus on things that are already good in their lives. 

According to a consultant, Stephanie Pollack , a visible change is possible when employees are encouraged to know more about the benefits of gratitude and become aware of good things already existing in their lives. Showing gratitude has a plethora of benefits that range from reducing stress to making people feel better about themselves. It's important to build a culture of appreciation in your company so that employees feel comfortable expressing gratitude to one another and also feel appreciated in their jobs. This will not only lead to employees appreciating their jobs and coworkers more, but it will also help them appreciate themselves on a whole new level. Creating a grateful environment takes time, but it's worth it to see the positive transformation it can have on your organization as a whole. 

small case study on attitude with solution

Workers who are content with their jobs are more likely to be motivated, productive, and engaged than those who are unhappy with their work. And happiness usually comes with having fun. However, this doesn't mean that employees should neglect their tasks or ignore deadlines. Learning how to balance work and play is key to being successful in both areas.

Employees should get the chance to do fun stuff to uplift their moods and refresh their minds and thoughts. This will make them more productive while handling their daily tasks. This can be in the form of having lunch together, organizing joke sessions, quizzes, celebrating employee milestones and birthdays, hosting parties, sports activities, recreational outings, and so on.  According to a study “ Finding Fun in Work: The Effect of Workplace Fun on Taking Charge and Job Engagement” , having fun in the workplace motivates employees in a positive way improving their job satisfaction levels, productivity, commitment, energy,  and creativity. It also helps to reduce anxiety, turnover, stress, and absenteeism.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to improving employee engagement in the workplace. You can employ one or more of these strategies based on case studies and see what works best for you and your workforce. Creating a nurturing and fun-filled productive place can make a great difference for your company and its growth in the years to come. 

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Author Bio:

This article is written by a marketing team member at HR Cloud. HR Cloud is a leading provider of proven HR solutions, including recruiting, onboarding, employee communications & engagement, and rewards & recognition. Our user-friendly software increases employee productivity, delivers time and cost savings, and minimizes compliance risk.

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5 mini case studies about understanding and serving the customer

Understanding What Customers Want: 5 mini case studies

This article was originally published in the MarketingSherpa email newsletter .

Mini Case Study #1: 34% increase in conversion for powdered health drink company by helping customers come to their own conclusions

A single-product company that sells high-quality, all-natural, powdered health drinks engaged MECLABS Institute to help better understand their potential customers and increase the conversion rate of prospects reaching the homepage.

The original homepage took a claims-driven approach – it provided several bold statements about what the product would do for a customer with no information about the product to help the customer understand why it would work for them. Here is a look at the upper left of the original homepage.

Creative Sample #1: Upper left of original homepage for health drink company

Creative Sample #1: Upper left of original homepage for health drink company

The MECLABS team created a version of the homepage that took a conclusion-driven approach – instead only trying to convince potential customers with only bold claims about the product, the homepage copy included information about the product to help customers understand why the product would help them.

Creative Sample #2: Upper left of treatment homepage for health drink company

Creative Sample #2: Upper left of treatment homepage for health drink company

The team tested this version as the treatment against the original homepage (the control) to help better understand what communication style customers would respond to.

The treatment generated a 34% increase in conversion rate.

This experiment highlights a classic disconnect between customers and marketers. If you work in a company or with a client, you have intimate knowledge of the product and believe in its effectiveness. You spend all day thinking about it. You personally know some of the people who designed it. Your paycheck depends on the success of the product.

A customer does not have this same understanding or belief in the product. They have a significant gap in their knowledge about your product. Bold claims alone are not enough to close that gap. They have to understand why the product will work and come to their own conclusions about the company’s ability to deliver on its promises.

You can learn more about this experiment in The Conversion Heuristic Analysis: Overcoming the prospect’s perception gap from MarketingExperiments (MarketingSherpa’s sister publication).

Mini Case Study #2: Bags company increases conversion 191% by adding clarity to homepage

“I'm the CEO of Doubletake , a tennis and pickleball bag company, but I spent the majority of my career focused on messaging and research, consulting as a strategist for top brands for the last 10 plus years, and in-house prior to that. I'm almost embarrassed that I have this example to share, but I thankfully came to my senses!,” Shawna Gwin Krasts told me.

“It is interesting that crafting messaging/copy for products that aren't ‘your baby’ is so much easier – there is just more distance to see it for what it is. If this wasn't so near and dear to my heart, I would have caught it in a second.”

The team launched its homepage with only the headline “Sports Meets Style” over a photo of a bag. The headline was meant to differentiate the brand from competitors that were either only sporty or fashionable. Below the headline was a call-to-action (CTA) button with the word “shop.”

Creative Sample #3: Previous homepage copy for bag company

Creative Sample #3: Previous homepage copy for bag company

Internally it seemed obvious that the company sells tennis and pickleball bags since a bag was in the photo.

But they came to realize that it might not be as clear to website visitors. So the team added the subhead “Gorgeous Yet Functional Tennis and Pickleball Bags.” They also added the word “bags” to the CTA so it read “shop bags.”

Creative Sample #4: New homepage copy for bag company

Creative Sample #4: New homepage copy for bag company

These simple changes increased the website's conversion rate by 191%.

“It is so important for marketers to get out of their own heads,” Krasts said. “I suppose this is why I struggle with messaging so much for Doubletake. I am the target customer – I have the answers in my head and I suppose my natural curiosity isn't as strong. But clearly, I also have to remember that I've seen my homepage 10,000 more times than my customers, which means things that seem obvious to me, like the fact that Doubletake is a tennis brand not a reseller, might not be obvious.”

Mini Case Study #3: Online motorcycle gear retailer doubles conversion with personalized emails

There are ways to better tap into what customers perceive as valuable built into certain marketing channels. Email marketing is a great example. Marketers can build off information they have on the customer to send more relevant emails with information and products the customer is more likely to value.

"Very early in my marketing career I was taught, 'You are not the target audience' and told to try to see things from my customer's perspective. Empathizing with customers is a good start towards seeing products from the customers' perspective, but marketers really need to focus on quantifiable actions that can help identify customers' needs. That means continuous testing across messaging, price points, packaging, and every other aspect of a product. This is where personalization can really shine. Every time a marketer personalizes a message, it brings them closer to their customer and closes that gap," said Gretchen Scheiman, VP of Marketing, Sailthru.

For example, 80% of the email messages RevZilla sent were generic. But the website sells motorcycle parts and gear to a wide range of riders, each with their own preference in brand and riding style. The online motorcycle gear retailer partnered with Sailthru to better connect with customer motivations. The team started by upgrading the welcome series for new customers by personalizing the email messages based on the customers’ purchases and preferences.

The company has tested and added many new triggers to the site, and now has 177 different automation journeys that include triggers for browse and cart abandonment as well as automations for different product preferences, riding styles and manufacturer preferences.

The conversion rate from personalized email is double what RevZilla was getting for generic batch-and-blast sends. Automated experiences now account for 40% of email revenue. Triggered revenue is up 22% year-over-year and site traffic from triggers has increased 128% year-over-year.

"Customizing the buyer journey isn't about one long flow, but about lots of little trigger points and tests along the way. For any marketer that is intimidated about getting started with personalization, it's important to realize that it's more like a lot of small building blocks that create a whole experience. We started with a custom welcome series using testing and built from there. We're still adding new tests and new trigger points, but it's with the same concept that we started with,” said Andrew Lim, Director of Retention Marketing, RevZilla.

Mini Case Study #4: Pet protection network increases revenue 53% thanks to survey feedback

Huan makes smart tags for pets to help owners find their pets if they go missing. Initially, the company focused on the technical features in its homepage copy. For example, the tags don’t emit harmful radiation, are water-resistant and have a replaceable one-year battery.

From customer feedback surveys, the team discovered that customers purchased the product because they were worried they wouldn’t be able to find their pet if the pet went missing. This discovery prompted the team to change its messaging.

The new messaging on the homepage read, “Keep your pet safe and prevent heartbreak. Huan Smart Tags help you find your missing pet automatically.”

Revenue increased 53% increase following the change in messaging. “We immediately saw an increase in engagement on our website, with a lower bounce rate, higher click-through rate and a higher conversion rate. There were also a few people who messaged us on social media saying how our new message resonated with them,” said Gilad Rom, Founder, Huan.

Mini Case Study #5: Talking to new customers leads SaaS to change strategy, increase sales 18%

When Chanty launched, the marketing messages focused on pricing since the Saas company is 50% less expensive than the best-known competitor. However, when the team started talking to customers, they discovered most people had switched from the competitor for different reasons – ease of use, better functionalities in the free plan, better experience with the customer support team, and a better mobile app.

The team changed its marketing to focus around these product attributes and only listed pricing in the end as an additional benefit.

“It turned out that this was the way to go because we attracted people who wanted a better experience, rather than just customers who wanted to save money. After six months of implementing this new marketing and sales strategy, our sales grew by 18%,” said Jane Kovalkova, Chief Marketing Officer, Chanty.

Related resources

The Prospect’s Perception Gap: How to bridge the dangerous gap between the results we want and the results we have

Customer-First Marketing: Understanding customer pain and responding with action

Marketing Research Chart: How customer understanding impacts satisfaction

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Infographic: 21 Psychological Elements that Power Effective Web Design

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Sashank Purighalla

Entrepreneur, Technology Strategist, Innovator, Leader

Attitude / Leadership

Attitude… a small case study!

by Sashank Purighalla · Published September 26, 2016 · Updated January 15, 2018

I would like to relate two conversations that I had with two senior engineers in my team over the past 5 days…

Firstly, about them: Both highly talented, hard working girls, good with communication and technical skills, about exactly the same age and same experience and similar backgrounds…

Here’s the scenario that both of them had been placed in over the pas t year…

For various reasons, we had to put them in quick succession on multiple projects, in multiple technologies, each involving varied team members….

I was doing my yearly review and here’s how each went:

Engineer 1: Started with a highly charged emotional tone… “I am being constantly moved from one technology to the other, I am not growing, I am losing my identity, I cannot focus, I am not enjoying it!!! I have been irregular because I was unwell and in spite of that I came although I took more than two times the number of permissible leaves… the company supported me because I am good, and I am not liable to the company’s decisions. I want to quit!” She cried and it ended in melodrama!!!

Engineer 2: Started with thanking me for being put on multiple projects and technologies that helped her expand her view to various business scenarios, various team members, various processes and implementation methodologies… was excited at the opportunity of being able to work on so many things that has now given her the ability to multitask, prioritize, understand business pressures and appreciate the role that seniors play more! She looks forward to the coming year with greater enthusiasm and hopes to take on bigger roles to help the company more.

Engineer 1 was drawing about 25% more salary till date, took way more leaves and did not complete a single project throughout the year; started bad mouthing the organization and we severed her employment.

Engineer 2 averaged 60 to 70 hours of work each week throughout the year and has become a core member of the engineering team and has committed to take on a big project to market completely and hopes to lead the entire program including its marketing and business aspects in the months to come….

What type of an attitude would you rather bear??!

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March 8, 2018

 by Sashank Purighalla · Published March 8, 2018 · Last modified March 20, 2018



March 15, 2017

 by Sashank Purighalla · Published March 15, 2017 · Last modified February 10, 2018

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Sashank Purighalla

Business & Sales / Entrepreneurship / Software Engineering

Enablement solutions are NOT meant for enabling land grab

March 1, 2020

How to enable your Leader

How to enable your Leader

December 8, 2019

Support Entrepreneurs


Support Entrepreneurs

November 17, 2019

Vote for Modi - Sashank

Thoughts on Life

Vote for Modi

April 10, 2019


Leadership / Motivational / Startup

You Should Know: Sashank Purighalla

Innovator of the Year - Sashank Purighalla, Founder & CEO, BOS Framework, Inc.

Business & Sales / Leadership / Software Engineering

Innovator of the Year – Sashank Purighalla

January 31, 2019

Startup of the Year - BOS Framework, Inc. - Sashank Purighalla, Founder & CEO

BOS Framework is Startup of the Year

MVP is not a Product. It is a Process! - Sashank Purighalla

Software Engineering

MVP is not a Product. It is a Process!

January 15, 2019

Managing Technical Debt is critical - BOS can help


January 14, 2019

small case study on attitude with solution

Impact of Modi’s policies on India

January 13, 2019

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Should you vote for Modi next term?

January 12, 2019

MVP with BOS - PowderKeg

Software Engineering / Startup

The MVP Process with BOS Framework

January 11, 2019

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Ultimately it is character that gets you to the top!

June 11, 2017

small case study on attitude with solution

Be opinionated…

June 14, 2017

An ancient Indian village

Organizational Ethic / Thoughts on Life

An ancient Indian village

October 12, 2017

Fulfill your dreams

Fulfill your dreams… Be in charge of your life!

June 15, 2017

True Love - Sashank Purighalla

True love….

November 2, 2017

What drives you

What drives you?

October 6, 2017

The fundamental attribution error

Organizational Ethic / Professional Development

The fundamental attribution error….

July 10, 2017

Two plus two divided by two - Sashank

Rules of the game

January 15, 2018

Bias is a regressive trait

Bias is a regressive trait!

July 11, 2017

Will-power stems from Desire, Sashank Purighalla

Attitude / Motivational

Will-power stems from Desire

October 22, 2017

Temper expectation with knowledge - Sashank Purighalla

Process & Approach

Temper expectation with knowledge

October 19, 2017

Brand You - Sashank.com

Brand “You”….

June 6, 2017


Communication is all

Communication is all

September 5, 2016

‘What’ and ‘Why’, before ‘How’ - Sashank

‘What’ and ‘Why’, before ‘How’

December 26, 2017

The two determining factors….

The two determining factors….

March 27, 2017

From Aspirant to Achiever - Sashank

From Aspirant to Achiever

February 13, 2018

An entire profession dedicated to the corrupted human brain

An entire profession dedicated to the corrupted human brain….

August 20, 2017

Beware of those that poison your mind…

Beware of those that poison your mind…

March 2, 2017

Do you struggle with doing what you know you must?

Do you struggle with doing what you know you must?

April 24, 2017

The Universe wants you to succeed - Sashank

The Universe wants you to succeed

December 7, 2017

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PON – Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School - https://www.pon.harvard.edu

Team-Building Strategies: Building a Winning Team for Your Organization

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Discover how to build a winning team and boost your business negotiation results in this free special report, Team Building Strategies for Your Organization, from Harvard Law School.

Teach by Example with These Negotiation Case Studies

By Lara SanPietro — on January 17th, 2024 / Teaching Negotiation

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Negotiation case studies use the power of example to teach negotiation strategies. Looking to past negotiations where students can analyze what approaches the parties took and how effective they were in reaching an agreement, can help students gain new insights into negotiation dynamics. The Teaching Negotiation Resource Center (TNRC) has a variety of negotiation case studies to help students learn by example.

Negotiating About Pandas for San Diego Zoo – Featured Case Study 

The  Negotiating About Pandas for San Diego Zoo case study centers on the most challenging task for a negotiator: to reach a satisfactory agreement with a tough counterpart from a position of low power—and to do so in an uncommon context. This case focuses on the executive director of a zoo in the U.S. who seeks two giant pandas, an endangered species, from their only source on the planet: China. Compounding the difficulty, many other zoos are also trying to obtain giant pandas—the “rock stars” of the zoo world. Yet, as if relative bargaining power were not enough to preoccupy the zoo director, it is not his only major challenge.

His zoo’s initiative attracts attention from a wide range of stakeholders, from nongovernmental (NGO) conservation groups to government agencies on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. Several of these organizations ardently oppose the zoo’s efforts, while others change their positions over time. All of this attention influences the zoo’s negotiations. Therefore, a second challenging task for the zoo director is to monitor events in the negotiating environment and manage their effects on his negotiations with Chinese counterparts.

This three-part case is based on the actual negotiations and offers lessons for business, law and government students and professionals in multiple subject areas. Preview a Negotiating About Pandas for San Diego Zoo Teacher’s Package to learn more.

Camp Lemonnier Case Study – Featured Case Study 

In the spring of 2014, representatives from the United States of America and the Republic of Djibouti were in the midst of renegotiations over Camp Lemonnier, the only permanent U.S. base on the continent of Africa. Djibouti, bordering Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, has been home to Camp Lemonnier since the September 11, 2001 attacks prompted the United States to seek a temporary staging ground for U.S. Marines in the region. Since then, Camp Lemonnier has expanded to nearly 500 acres and a base of unparalleled importance, in part because it is one of the busiest Predator drone bases outside of the Afghan warzone.

Tensions between the United States and Djibouti have flared in recent years, due in large part to a string of collisions and close calls because of Djiboutian air-traffic controllers’ job performance at the airport. Americans have complained about the training of air-traffic controllers at the commercial airport. Additionally, labor disputes have arisen at the base where the United States is one of the largest non-government employers within the country.

Major lessons of this case study include:

  • Defining BATNA: what is each party’s BATNA?
  • Understanding the Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA)
  • The impact of culture in negotiation.
  • Uncovering interests.
  • Principal-agent dynamics.
  • Uncovering sources of power in negotiation.

This case is based on the real 2014 negotiations between the United States of America and the Republic of Djibouti. Preview a Camp Lemonnier Case Study Teacher’s Package to learn more.

A Green Victory Against Great Odds, But Was It Too Little Too Late? – Featured Case Study 

This case study provides an intimate view into the fierce battle among major US nonprofit environmental groups, Members of Congress, and industry over energy policy in 2007. The resulting law slashed pollution by raising car efficiency regulations for the first time in three decades. For negotiators and advocates, this case provides important lessons about cultivating champions, neutralizing opponents, organizing the masses, and using the right message at the right time.

This case is based on the actual negotiations and offers lessons for business, government, climate change, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and more. Preview A Green Victory Against Great Odds Teacher’s Package to learn more.

Negotiating a Template for Labor Standards – Featured Case Study

Negotiating a Template for Labor Standards: The U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement is a detailed factual case study that tracks the negotiation of the labor provisions in the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement signed into law on January 1, 2004. It draws upon a range of published and unpublished sources and interview with some of the primary players to give a true inside look into a challenging international negotiation. Written primarily from the point of view of the lead U.S. negotiator for the labor chapter, the case study discusses the two countries’ interests and positions on the labor provisions, the possible templates available from prior agreements, the complex political maneuvering involved, and the course of the negotiations themselves – from the opening talks to the various obstacles to the final post-agreement celebration. Preview a Negotiating a Template for Labor Standards Teacher’s Package to learn more.


Take your training to the next level with the TNRC

The  Teaching Negotiation Resource Center  offers a wide range of effective teaching materials, including

  • Over 250 negotiation exercises and role-play simulations
  • Critical case studies
  • Enlightening periodicals
  • More than 30 videos
  • 100-plus books

TNRC  negotiation exercises and teaching materials are designed for educational purposes. They are used in college classroom settings or corporate training settings; used by mediators and facilitators seeking to introduce their clients to a process or issue; and used by individuals who want to enhance their negotiation skills and knowledge.

Negotiation exercises and role-play simulations introduce participants to new negotiation and dispute resolution tools, techniques and strategies.  Our videos, books, case studies, and periodicals are also a helpful way of introducing students to key concepts while addressing the theory and practice of negotiation.

Check out all that the TNRC has in store >>

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  • Managing Multiparty Negotiations
  • Getting the Deal Done
  • Salary Negotiation: How to Negotiate Salary: Learn the Best Techniques to Help You Manage the Most Difficult Salary Negotiations and What You Need to Know When Asking for a Raise
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Preparing for negotiation.

Understanding how to arrange the meeting space is a key aspect of preparing for negotiation. In this video, Professor Guhan Subramanian discusses a real world example of how seating arrangements can influence a negotiator’s success. This discussion was held at the 3 day executive education workshop for senior executives at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.

Guhan Subramanian is the Professor of Law and Business at the Harvard Law School and Professor of Business Law at the Harvard Business School.

Articles & Insights

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  • Negotiation Examples: How Crisis Negotiators Use Text Messaging
  • BATNA Examples—and What You Can Learn from Them
  • What is BATNA? How to Find Your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
  • For Sellers, The Anchoring Effects of a Hidden Price Can Offer Advantages
  • Taylor Swift: Negotiation Mastermind?
  • Individual Differences in Negotiation—and How They Affect Results
  • Winner’s Curse: Negotiation Mistakes to Avoid
  • Solutions for Avoiding Intercultural Barriers at the Negotiation Table
  • Top Negotiation Case Studies in Business: Apple and Dispute Resolution in the Courts
  • Sales Negotiation Techniques
  • Case Study of Conflict Management: To Resolve Disputes and Manage Conflicts, Assume a Neutral 3rd Party Role
  • The Pitfalls of Negotiations Over Email
  • 3 Types of Conflict and How to Address Them
  • Negotiation with Your Children: How to Resolve Family Conflicts
  • What is Conflict Resolution, and How Does It Work?
  • Crisis Negotiation Skills: The Hostage Negotiator’s Drill
  • Police Negotiation Techniques from the NYPD Crisis Negotiations Team
  • Famous Negotiations Cases – NBA and the Power of Deadlines at the Bargaining Table
  • Negotiating Change During the Covid-19 Pandemic
  • AI Negotiation in the News
  • Dealing with Hardball Tactics in Negotiation
  • Dealing with Difficult People: Coping with an Insulting Offer in Contract Negotiations
  • When Dealing with Difficult People, Look Inward
  • Ethics in Negotiations: How to Deal with Deception at the Bargaining Table
  • How to Manage Difficult Staff: Gen Z Edition
  • MESO Negotiation: The Benefits of Making Multiple Equivalent Simultaneous Offers in Business Negotiations
  • 7 Tips for Closing the Deal in Negotiations
  • How Does Mediation Work in a Lawsuit?
  • Dealmaking Secrets from Henry Kissinger
  • Writing the Negotiated Agreement
  • The Importance of Power in Negotiations: Taylor Swift Shakes it Off
  • Settling Out of Court: Negotiating in the Shadow of the Law
  • How to Negotiate with Friends and Family
  • What is Dispute System Design?
  • What are the Three Basic Types of Dispute Resolution? What to Know About Mediation, Arbitration, and Litigation
  • The Importance of Relationship Building in China
  • A Top International Negotiation Case Study in Business: The Microsoft-Nokia Deal
  • India’s Direct Approach to Conflict Resolution
  • International Negotiations and Agenda Setting: Controlling the Flow of the Negotiation Process
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  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Leadership Styles: Uncovering Bias and Generating Mutual Gains
  • Leadership and Decision-Making: Empowering Better Decisions
  • The Contingency Theory of Leadership: A Focus on Fit
  • Directive Leadership: When It Does—and Doesn’t—Work
  • How an Authoritarian Leadership Style Blocks Effective Negotiation
  • Negotiations and Logrolling: Discover Opportunities to Generate Mutual Gains
  • Using E-Mediation and Online Mediation Techniques for Conflict Resolution
  • Undecided on Your Dispute Resolution Process? Combine Mediation and Arbitration, Known as Med-Arb
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Training: Mediation Curriculum
  • What Makes a Good Mediator?
  • The Anchoring Bias: Consumers, Beware!
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  • The Inseparable Link Between Effective Leadership and Communication
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  • What is a Win-Win Negotiation?
  • Win-Win Negotiation: Managing Your Counterpart’s Satisfaction
  • Win-Lose Negotiation Examples
  • How to Negotiate Mutually Beneficial Noncompete Agreements
  • How to Win at Win-Win Negotiation

PON Publications

  • Negotiation Data Repository (NDR)
  • New Frontiers, New Roleplays: Next Generation Teaching and Training
  • Negotiating Transboundary Water Agreements
  • Learning from Practice to Teach for Practice—Reflections From a Novel Training Series for International Climate Negotiators
  • Insights From PON’s Great Negotiators and the American Secretaries of State Program
  • Gender and Privilege in Negotiation

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[Ethics] E2/P4: Case studies on Attitude, Behavior Change, Persuasion, Prejudice, Discrimination

Case study: ashley madison & extra marital affairs, case study: transgender rights, case study: organ donation, case study: nido tania, case study: jessica lal, case study: bhai hates jugaad, case study: road rage, case study: raju, the guide, case study: aashiqui 2, case study: suicide of a upsc aspirant, descriptive questions.

Make sure you’ve read the Ethics article series on “Attitude” (Codename E2P1 to E2P3 ) before attempting these questions and case studies.

AshleyMadison.com is an online dating website meant for married people who want extra-marital relationship. Its slogan is “Life is short. Have an affair.” In 2015, A hacker group “The Impact Team” stole the user data and threatened to leak it unless the owners stopped this “unethical” website that encourages adultery. Social scientists who study marriage and fidelity say that Ashley Madison doesn’t create a market for cheating, the site only helps facilitate our biological predisposition to get a new partner for procreation. Male affairs tend to be physically-driven, while women have affairs for emotional reasons. Just like water will find its level, such male or female will find extra-marital relationship irrespective of Ashley Madison website runs or shuts down. Hence it is not ‘unethical’ for an entrepreneur to own and operate such website. Answer following Questions:

  • Is Impact team’s action justifiable on ethical grounds? Yes/No and Why?
  • Do you agree with the views given by Social scientists in above passage? Yes/No and Why?
  • Youngsters these days, don’t have the same attitude towards love and relationship as the older generation. Discuss the factors have led to this change in attitude?
  • List the foundational values of marriage and examine the factors shaking those foundations in Modern times.
  • Your best friend, who helped you in every crisis, has come to seek financial assistance from you. His age and attempt limit in UPSC and other competitive exams is over. He is unable to find any other job/business. So, now he wants to start such cheating website for Indian couples. He wants to borrow money from you to rent the server. What will you do?
  • In above question, suppose your best friend borrowed money from you without disclosing his intent to start adultery-website. You later come to know about his business through third friend, you confront him, he says he shall return your money with interest as per the agreed terms but will not shut down the website. Would you consider filing a PIL /complaint against his website to the authorities? Yes/No and Why?
  • One of the users happens to be your friend’s wife. But he is unware of her affair or this website or this hacked data. Will you inform him? Yes/No and Why?
  • If one of the users happens to be your wife or husband, what will you do?

In April 2015, Supreme Court on Tuesday recognized the transgender community as a third gender along with male and female and ordered the government to treat them as “socially and economically backward classes” and provide them reservation in government jobs and admissions. Answer following:

  • Why do ordinary people show negative attitude towards transgender? Examine the reasons and suggest remedies to change their attitude.
  • Suppose you are the dean of a government institute wherein a transgender have availed admission. List the steps you’ll initiate to ensure she doesn’t face discrimination.
  • Suppose you are the Head of a government department wherein some transgender have got job. List the steps you’ll initiate to ensure they don’t face discrimination.

In Australia, a dead person’s organ can be donated only after consent from next of kin. But the consent rate is dismal. Recent Studies gave following reasons why family members decline consent:

  • Religious belief that body integrity must be maintained during burial.
  • Family members can’t sit and watch as their loved one dies and immediately wheeled out of an intensive care unit for organ donation. It’s very traumatic sight for them.
  • When doctor declares a person brain dead, his body becomes eligible for donation, but often family members suspect doctor’s judgement and believe that by some miracle the patient will gain consciousness again.
  • They fear their loved one’s organs will be sold in black market illegally.
  • They suspect that doctor has not tried ‘hard’ to save their family member because he was a willing organ donor.

Answer following

  • What should be done to change the attitude of ordinary people towards organ donation of their loved ones?
  • As an Australian law maker, would you consider removing the condition of “next-of-kin consent” altogether in organ donation process? Justify your stand.

UPSC Ethics Case studies attitude change

On 29th January 2014, Nido Tania, a 20-year-old Student from Arunanchal Pradesh had gone to Lajpat Nagar in Delhi and was looking for an address, when someone at a sweet shop allegedly began mocking his hairs. Nido responded by breaking a glass door at the sweet shop and the incident escalated. Nido was beaten up with sticks and iron rods by a group of around seven men. Police had reached the spot and brokered compromise after taking bribes. Subsequently, Tania returned to his Safdarjung home but died in sleep because of internal bleeding. Answer following:

  • Murder as a result of “Hate crime” should be punishable to death. Do you agree? Justify your stand in the light of Nido Tania case.
  • Discuss the factors behind the rising incidents of prejudice and violence against migrants and minorities working Metro cities of India? Suggest remedies to change the attitude of people.
  • If a group of strangers begin mocking you for your hairs/clothes/facial features. What would you do? (A) argue with them (B) suffer in silence because you can wind up dead (C) something else. Justify your choice.

On the midnight of April 29, 1999, Manu Sharma walked in with his friends and demanded to be served liquor. Barmaid Jessica Lal refused to serve Manu Sharma, even though He was ready to offer Jessica Rs.1000 for it. Manu Sharma then produced a .22 calibre pistol and fired it twice: the first bullet hit the ceiling which was to serve as a warning to Jessica not to refuse liquor, but when Jessica refused again, Sharma fired again and the second hit Jessica in the head and killed her. Answer following:

  • If you were in place of Jessica, would you have served liquor after the first warning shot from Manu Sharma’s pistol, to save your life? Justify your stand.
  • Why do the rich and affluent brats in Northern India like to brandish wealth and weapon in public view and create nuisance? What should be done to change their arrogant attitude?

Recently, RBI Governor Dr.Raghuram Rajan observed , “Jugaad, or working around difficulties by hook or by crook, is a thoroughly Indian way of coping, but it is predicated on a difficult or impossible business environment. And it encourages an attitude of shortcuts and evasions, none of which help the quality of final products or sustainable economic growth.” Answer following:

  • It is the economic factor rather than attitude of Indians, responsible for “Jugaad” Do you agree? Justify your stand.
  • Indians indulge in Jugaad because their Moral compass is not pointing to the straight North. Do you agree? Justify your stand.
  • Suggest remedies to change the typical Indian “attitude of shortcuts and evasions” observed by Dr.Rajan.
  • “If we change the Jugaad attitude of Indians, then Grassroot innovation will stop.” Do you agree? Justify your stand.

Panna Lal was a migrant laborer residing in Delhi. As he reached Gandhi road, his bicycle brushed by a car. Panna Lal dragged the driver out of his car and began abusing him. The driver whipped out a knife and stabbed Lal thrice and fled from the spot. Onlookers did not rush Panna Lal to hospital, Police arrived late and he died of excessive bleeding. Answer following:

  • If you were in place of Panna Lal, what would you have done If some car-driver brushed your bicycle because of his irresponsible driving?
  • If you were the car-driver, what would you have done IF your tempo brushed Hira Lal’s bicycle because of Panna Lal’s irresponsible cycle-riding, and yet he is accusing you and demanding money for repairs?
  • “If others are driving in irresponsible manner, you should do nothing, suffer in silence and go about your way, because they can murder you in road-rage in broad day light and no onlookers will help you”. Would you give this advice to your child? Yes/No and Why?
  • Often, people show indifferent / passive attitude towards road accident / road-rage victims. Discuss the factors responsible and suggest remedies.
  • List the factors responsible for rising incidents of road-rage in Indian cities. Suggest remedies to change attitude of drivers.

Raju guide Dev Anand

  • Raju was a boy in fifth standard, until his drunkard father forced him to leave studies and work at a snack and souvenir shop in the newly opened railway station after the death of his mother.
  • Raju grows up to become a freelance tourist guide. He is hired by a wealthy and aging archaeologist Marco and his young wife Rosie. Raju learns that Rosie was daughter of a Devdasi who had to give up her passion of classical-dancing after marriage, because (1) it was an unacceptable profession/hobby to Marco (2) UPSC was not asking any culture related questions during that pre-CSAT era.
  • Later, upon learning about Marco’s extra-marital affair from the leaked data of Ashleymadison.com , Rosie tries to commit suicide but Raju encourages her to leave husband and guides her into becoming a classical dancer/actress. As money begins to flow in with her success, Raju’s possessive instinct and general corruption alienates him from Rosie.
  • Marco comes back to win Rosie, but Jealous Raju does not want him to have contact with Rosie and forges her name on the release of property in divorce settlement papers. Subsequently, Rosie and Raju drift apart. Raju is convicted of forgery, resulting in a two-year jail sentence.
  • Upon release, Raju becomes a Sadhu, preaching the villagers to educate their children, respect women and reject superstitious practices. Ultimately, he dies while fasting to remove optional subjects from UPSC.

Answer following:

  • “Raju’s possessive instinct and general corruption alienates him from Rosie…. Jealous Raju does not want Marco to have contact with Rosie .” To what extent can we blame lack of education and parental nurturing, for Raju’s attitude towards Rosie? Would Raju have acted different manner had he completed a degree from IIT/IIM? Justify your stand.
  • After completing jail sentence, Raju comes to you seeking job in your travel company. During interview, he demonstrates having all the requisite skills to manage the travel business and how keep the tourists entertained. Will you hire him knowing fully well that he is a convicted fraudster who has completed his jail term? Justify your stand.
  • In above question, suppose Raju doesn’t tell you about his jail-term, you hire him, and later on you come to know about his criminal past from a newspaper photo tagged in Raju’s friend’s facebook profile. Will you fire Raju? Justify your stand?
  • Suppose, Raju comes out as a reformed man from jail and launches a political party with genuine intend to work for the nation. But he continues to receive unfavorable treatment in print-media and trolls/cyber-bullying on social media. As Raju’s PR-manager, what will you do to change the attitude people, and persuade them to vote for Raju?
  • What have you learned about human nature and behavior from this passage about “The transcend of Raju from a guide of tourists, to the guide of Rosie, to a guide of religion”?
  • “Death of Raju as a saint vindicates the perverse goodness of mankind”. Elaborate.
  • As the British Viceroy of Colonial India, suppose you enacted a law banning Devdasi system, which leads to civic unrest by orthodox Indians. Your deputies’ advice you to repeal the law, for the maintenance of law and order. What will be your course of action?
  • As independent India’s first minister for women and child welfare, what would you do to change attitude of Indians towards Devdasis?

Arohi, an aspiring singer meets successful musician Rahul Jaykar who helps her become a Bollywood singer and both fall in love. But when people and rivals begin to gossip that Rahul is using her for pleasure and money, he lapses into alcohol addiction and his own singing career suffers. Arohi attempts to rehabilitate Rahul, sacrificing her singing career in doing so. Rahul understands that he has become a burden in her life, and that leaving her is his only option to save her. The next day he bids her farewell and jumps from a bridge, killing himself. Answer following:

  • Dissect the Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral components of Rahul’s attitude towards Arohi.
  • “Rahul’s incapacity to handle criticism was responsible for his death.” Do you agree? Justify your stand.
  • What would you have done as Rahul’s best friend, to change his attitude?

In May 2013, V.Y.Manjunath, a UPSC aspirant committed suicide. Police investigation revealed following

  • He had apparently created a charade of having qualified for the IAS among his family and friends by fudging documents, postings on social media and even flying with his parents to the UPSC in Delhi.
  • “Finally my Dad said ‘very good son’,” says an August 2012 Facebook post by Manjunath after he lied to him about having cleared prelims 2012.
  • After declaration of final result, Manjunath couldn’t hide the truth, unable to show face to family, neighbors and society, he hanged himself in an under-construction building.
  • Expectations of Parents from their children.
  • Manjunath’s attitude towards success.
  • Society’s attitude towards failure.
  • Exam related suicides incidents are routinely appearing in newspapers. Suggest remedies to address this issue.
  • Define attitude. Discuss its role in shaping behavior of a person towards society.
  • “There is one universal truth, applicable to all countries, cultures and communities: violence against women is never acceptable, never excusable, never tolerable.” Yet we find instances of gang-rapes and dowry deaths on daily basis in Indian newspapers. Examine the reasons and suggest remedies to change Indian society’s attitude of towards women.
  • The attitude of modern day school teachers towards children is full of greed (as in tuition) and violence (as in corporal punishment). Examine the reasons and suggest remedies to change their attitude.
  • An Indian has loyalty to the family but is apathetic to the community where he lives.  Discuss the behinds this inconsistency in his attitude? How can we change it?
  • Suppose you’re tasked to design a TV advertisement to change the attitude of rural people towards open defecation, how will you go about it?
  • A friend of yours in engaged in gambling, debauchery and lavish lifestyle beyond his income. He believes that life is short and full of uncertainties- you can die any moment, so there is no point in saving money or remaining faithful to your life partner. How will you persuade him to change his attitude?
  • In 2015, there have been reports of Indian youths being recruited by ISIS through social media. ISIS wants to establish a caliphate under the leadership of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, through whatever violent means necessary. Why do youth feel attracted towards such radical ideology/views? What can be done to change their political attitude?
  • The increasing spread of the Internet frames the urgency for effective social controls on attitudes online. Elaborate.
  • Examine the reasons behind lack of civility among digital citizens. What should be done to change their attitude?
  • Culture is the sphere where we socialize ourselves – and the Internet- global in its reach, is a dimension of that sphere. In this context, discuss the role of social media in shaping moral attitude of a person.
  • Compare and contrast the political attitude of Urban and rural people and analyse the underlying factors.
  • Compare and contrast the moral attitude of Western vs. Indian society and analyse the underlying factors.
  • Attitudes are shaped by moral convictions and therefore, they transcend the boundaries of culture, region and religion. Elaborate.
  • Narrate a real life incident where your moral conscience was tested. How did you handle it?
  • With your personal example, discuss the role of peer-pressure in shaping one’s behavior.
  • “Attitude determines the altitude of your life.” Elaborate.

From next session (E3/P1) we shall move to two new topics viz. Foundation values of civil services and emotional intelligence. Visit Mrunal.org/Ethics for more study material on Ethics.

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Hi Mrunal sir, I took the exam of SSC CGL 15 this year. Today the marks came for tier 1 and it shows 3 marks obtained by me.I am totally confident that it cannot be my marks.So, please tell me what I can do? I have put an RTI today. How can i contact the SSC Headquartes?

Result ?? Any idea wen to expect ?? Any insider info like earlier times ??

thanks sir,,,,i love your work ans seriously salute you….sir suggest some motivation tricks,,,because students like me who are preparing at home only gets demotivated often,,,suggest remedies,,,please..God bless you….sir,,,

mrunal sir,please upload E3 series…

.Superb set of Case Studies….seeking solutions and approach to solve these case studies.

1. No. It is not justifiable at all. Ashley madison.com Website is officially registered one. But the Impact team did illegal hacking and taken personal information and tried to do blackmailing. Completely unethical. 2. Yes. I agree. We all form ideas , mind barriers, attitude mainly because of our child hood and ongoing circumstances. People are becoming broad minded. we have to accept the change. there is no one forcing you to go and cheat your partner. rather than its strictly personal matter. We should respect and be tolerant about opinions of people. 3. Exposure and accessibility plays an important role in a person’s attitude. Nowdays through Movies and social media , youngsters are knowing everything at earlier ages, they are also getting some sort of freedom from their parents to think about their relations unlike old days. They became sufficient in knowledge to recognize what is right or what is wrong in early ages. there is no universally accepted definition for love and relationship. Every one has to frame one about them. present generation is doing exactly same with the knowledge and experience they are acquiring from media and movies. 4. Marriage Main foundational value – Trust first. Society is becoming trust deficit due to more awareness they are getting about the external world. with in a click, they can get another new anonymous friend in social media and start chat with him/her for time pass or any weakness. If you have more options than one and you know it specifically , then few people want to fix the problem in present generation. most of the people dont want to take pain in fixing the problems and will move on with another person. 5. i will brainstorm him as he is not taking that decision from Broad minded point of view. he wants to exploit the business from the very starting by thinking that as a “Cheating website”. he will do many more wrong means, if the idea itself is wrong. 6. In practical, I don’t take pain in filing a PIL/Complaint. 7. Nothing, i would move on. If some one wants to move away from us, they will always find a way to move away. even if u start embarrassing them with this data and content, it will lead to severe confrontations.

Your best friend, who helped you in every crisis, has come to seek financial assistance from you. His age and attempt limit in UPSC and other competitive exams is over. He is unable to find any other job/business. So, now he wants to start such cheating website for Indian couples. He wants to borrow money from you to rent the server. What will you do? Option A – favouring Option B – disfavour Option C – neutral

A- give him money based on the spirit of take and give policy, therfore I have taken money from him in the bad time. So I need to help him is my moral duty

B- Not giving money will hampers our relationship,

C- being neutral is selfish behaviour..

However, I prefer option A on the following conditions .1 making sure not to spent the money on cheating, this will land up him in jail therefore worn him the consequences he may face in future .2 suggest for any alternative,like self employment

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Job Satisfaction and Employee Work Attitude (A Case Study of Employees Working In Commercial Banks In District Nausharo-Feroze-2015) Dr: Muneer Ahmed Shah-(2) Faheem -ul-Hussain Dehraj (3

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Looking at the need and importance of employee's job satisfaction for organizational success, this research was made by using workplace environment, salary, benefits and team effectiveness/work group as an independent variables for the job satisfaction, questionnaires were developed for collection of primary data from the employees of both working in public and private commercial banks at District Nausharo-feroze, SPSS 18 was used for measuring the role of discussed above variables and concluded that salary, benefits and team effectiveness/work group positively and significantly linked with job satisfaction, while the relationship between workplace environment is adversely seen to job satisfaction, however gap is seen so large to be fulfilled by other researchers to bring light on same issue.

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Modeling risk attitudes by gain at confidence: a case study of transportation problem

  • Original Research
  • Published: 16 February 2022
  • Volume 14 , pages 11849–11862, ( 2023 )

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small case study on attitude with solution

  • Wenfei Li 1 &
  • Jinwu Gao   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4806-927X 2  

241 Accesses

2 Citations

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Risks arise when decisions are made in a state of indeterminacy (e.g., randomness, fuzziness and uncertainty). Confronted with risks, different decision-makers have different attitudes (risk-seeking, risk-neutral and risk-averse) that are traditionally modeled by the expected utility function. In order to provide a more natural and direct approach to model the risk attitudes, this paper proposes a concept of gain at confidence, where the confidence level indicates the risk attitude, and the gain is its corresponding outcome. To illustrate the performance of modeling risk attitude, in both stochastic and uncertain environments with a transportation problem background, we compare gain at confidence method with expected utility method by analyzing the optimality order relation of the same set of feasible solutions. Three main conclusions are drawn from the analysis. (1) In stochastic environments, we get the same order relation by the gain at confidence method and the expected utility method. Meanwhile, the gain at confidence values represent realistic objective values rather than relative utilities. (2) In uncertain environments, we get the similar conclusion, and find that gain at confidence is easier to calculate than expected utility. (3) Under the same structure and parameter settings, these stochastic models and uncertain models draw the same order relation, which implies uncertain gain at confidence model is an efficient method to model risk attitude.

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This work was supported by the outstanding innovative talents cultivation funded programs 2019 Renmin University of China and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities in OUC (Grant number 202165010).

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School of Economics, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, 266100, China

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About this article

Li, W., Gao, J. Modeling risk attitudes by gain at confidence: a case study of transportation problem. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 14 , 11849–11862 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-022-03740-0

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Received : 22 August 2021

Accepted : 19 January 2022

Published : 16 February 2022

Issue Date : September 2023

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-022-03740-0

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  • Expected utility
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    Here are certain strategies for best employee engagement with case studies. 1. Acknowledgment and Appreciation. The first and foremost step to boost employee engagement is making sure your employees are valued, acknowledged, and appreciated. This motivates employees to become more productive, stay on track with tasks, and perform well.

  5. 15 Real-Life Case Study Examples & Best Practices

    15 Real-Life Case Study Examples. Now that you understand what a case study is, let's look at real-life case study examples. In this section, we'll explore SaaS, marketing, sales, product and business case study examples with solutions. Take note of how these companies structured their case studies and included the key elements.

  6. 5 mini case studies about understanding and serving the customer

    Mini Case Study #5: Talking to new customers leads SaaS to change strategy, increase sales 18%. When Chanty launched, the marketing messages focused on pricing since the Saas company is 50% less expensive than the best-known competitor. However, when the team started talking to customers, they discovered most people had switched from the ...

  7. Attitude... a small case study!

    Attitude / Leadership Attitude… a small case study! by Sashank Purighalla · Published September 26, 2016 · Updated January 15, 2018

  8. Teach by Example with These Negotiation Case Studies

    The Negotiating About Pandas for San Diego Zoo case study centers on the most challenging task for a negotiator: to reach a satisfactory agreement with a tough counterpart from a position of low power—and to do so in an uncommon context. This case focuses on the executive director of a zoo in the U.S. who seeks two giant pandas, an endangered ...

  9. PDF Leadership Theories and Case Studies

    Studies show that over 40 percent of American employees classify their jobs as stressful and 75 percent of employees said the most stressful part of their job is the behavior and attitude of their immediate supervisor. 12 Studies also indicate that many employees would prefer a more conducive, healthy, and

  10. Case Study Methodology of Qualitative Research: Key Attributes and

    A case study is one of the most commonly used methodologies of social research. This article attempts to look into the various dimensions of a case study research strategy, the different epistemological strands which determine the particular case study type and approach adopted in the field, discusses the factors which can enhance the effectiveness of a case study research, and the debate ...

  11. OB Case Study Solution On Perception and Attitude

    OB Case Study Solution on Perception and Attitude - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  12. Job Satisfaction and Employee Work Attitude (A Case Study of Employees

    Job Satisfaction and Employee Work Attitude (A Case Study of Employees Working In Commercial Banks In District Nausharo-Feroze-2015) Case Studies Journal ISSN (2305-509X) - Volume 4, Issue 8 - Aug-2015 ... San Francisco (UCSF) - School of Medicine, William Johnson at ASU Health Solutions - Department of Biomedical Informatics. Development ...

  13. SOLUTION: Employees Attitudes Case Study

    In particular, the key players in the case study namely Ron Tenuta, Bob Ricucci, Tom Leney, Carroll Lawrence, and Susan Steele portray different employee attitudes, which affected the business deal. The two primary issues that are evident in the case study include perceived fairness and lack of transparency on the part of Susan's company, Diebold.

  14. Ethics: Case studies on attitude,behavior change,prejudice

    Case Study: Nido Tania. On 29th January 2014, Nido Tania, a 20-year-old Student from Arunanchal Pradesh had gone to Lajpat Nagar in Delhi and was looking for an address, when someone at a sweet shop allegedly began mocking his hairs. Nido responded by breaking a glass door at the sweet shop and the incident escalated.

  15. (PDF) A case study of the effects of attitude, behaviour, and project

    Over 85% of the thematic codes developed during their doctoral work could be usefully applied to each other's interview data, and since this had been confirmed in a subsequent case study (Brewer ...

  16. PDF Case study analysis of organisational behaviour

    Part 1 comprises 14 case studies of individual behaviour in organisations. The study of is traditionally labelled 'micro-level OB analysis', and evokes a consideration of issues which lie at the heart of work and organisational psychology (e.g. personality, attitudes, motivation and commitment).

  17. Case Study Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 2

    Case Study Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 2 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. ob case study

  18. (PDF) Job Satisfaction and Employee Work Attitude (A Case Study of

    Job Satisfaction and Employee Work Attitude (A Case Study of Employees Working In Commercial Banks In District Nausharo-Feroze-2015) Dr: Muneer Ahmed Shah-(2) Faheem -ul-Hussain Dehraj (3. ... Impact Factor 3.582 Case Studies Journal ISSN (2305-509X) - Volume 4, Issue 8 - Aug-2015 Job Satisfaction and Employee Work Attitude (A Case Study of ...

  19. Modeling risk attitudes by gain at confidence: a case study of

    Risks arise when decisions are made in a state of indeterminacy (e.g., randomness, fuzziness and uncertainty). Confronted with risks, different decision-makers have different attitudes (risk-seeking, risk-neutral and risk-averse) that are traditionally modeled by the expected utility function. In order to provide a more natural and direct approach to model the risk attitudes, this paper ...

  20. OB CASE Study Solution 1

    Case Summary. Growing Managers: Moving From Team Member to Team Leader, describes a fictional scenario about a company called ColorTech Greenhouses Inc. The case describes the company, originally located in Phoenix, as a high-tech color supplier that quickly became the largest and most global grower in the western hemisphere.

  21. PDF Student Attitudes Toward Reading: A Case Study

    Student attitudes toward reading are a central factor affecting reading performance. This case study addressed the reading attitudes of three students enrolled in an urban teaching college's summer reading clinic. It was expected that these students would be provided with supplemental support, including one on one and group coaching from ...

  22. Mini Case Studies

    Mini Case Studies. Caselets, or short cases, are increasingly used as teaching aids, both in B-Schools and in executive education programs. Being brief and focused on a specific topic, a caselet is a useful supplement to a lecture.

  23. Creative Financing Solutions for Small Manufacturers: A Guide with Case

    Below, we explore five creative finance solutions with real-world case studies that highlight the transaction specifics and benefits for small manufacturers. Asset-Based Lending. Case Study: Metals and Machining. A small manufacturer of automotive components faced a significant dip in its cash flow due to delayed payments from key clients.