social media strategy resume

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3 Social Media Strategist Resume Examples For 2024

Stephen Greet

Social Media Strategist Resume

Professional social media strategist resume, formal social media strategist resume.

  • Social Media Strategist Resume Writing 101

Who’s your company’s target audience? What’s currently trending? And most of all, how can you build a social media marketing strategy around this key info and create content that will benefit your brand?

As a social media strategist, you already know how to answer all those questions and more—but you might still feel unsure about your resume’s content and layout .

Don’t worry, we can help. We’ve used years of experience to build three resume samples and advice for people in your field to help you start your brand’s next social media craze!

Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Social media strategist resume example with 8+ years experience

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What Matters Most: Your Skills & Work History

Your resume skills and work experience

It’s time to show off those social media skills! You need a lot of agility and a hefty toolbox to stay on top of the hottest trends and keep a brand’s engagement current, so tell recruiters what’s in that toolbox.

While you may be inclined to think of soft skills since your role focuses heavily on engaging with people online, try to lean more technical. List the specific tools you use to engage with viewers and analyze data.

Avoid any vague or generic skills! Stay highly specific and make sure anything you list is extremely relevant to the social media strategist role:

9 most popular social media strategist skills

  • Sprout Social
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Sheets
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Paid Advertising
  • Instagram Reels
  • Twitter Posts

Sample social media strategist work experience bullet points

Your skills are a great starting point, but recruiters want to see how you’ve run with them to create success! You work experience section is the “display area” for all the achievements that demonstrate your prowess as a social media strategist.

Each experience bullet point should give examples of how effective you are at using your skills to better your work environment. Talk about when you boosted views or transformed an ad campaign for improved results.

And make sure you always back up your experience points with quantifiable data. Recruiters want to see measurements of your success in numbers, rates, and percentages:

  • Used Photoshop and Hootsuite to unify branding across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, growing combined follower count from 526 to 3.1K
  • Implemented a paid acquisition strategy on Instagram by partnering with influencers, leading to an ROI of 22% for every dollar spent
  • Proactively recommended new platforms and media strategies, growing TikTok from 0 to 11K followers in just 6 months
  • Implemented customer inquiry page on Facebook and responded to followers’ messages within 1 day on average, resulting in a 14% increase in positive feedback

Top 5 Tips for Your Social Media Strategist Resume

  • While you should try out several templates , you’ll ultimately want to go with the one that highlights your biggest selling points. Usually, that’s your experience—but if your social media management or strategy development skills are extra impressive, give them their own column.
  • Redundancy is never good. Recruiters won’t spend long skimming your resume, so make sure each example of your experience is fresh and engaging. Reference a variety of campaigns, projects, and social media platforms.
  • You probably already know this from creating awesome social media posts, but: The information is most important! Of course your resume should look good , but no color or font choice should distract from the message: “My qualifications are awesome. Call me!”
  • If you’re having trouble stopping yourself before an experience point gets too long-winded, you might want to set that snippet aside for writing an effective cover letter . That letter is the perfect place to tell a more detailed story about your branding impact!
  • And don’t you forget it! Accomplishments without quantifying data can sound downright weak. Don’t allow that to happen when just a few relevant numbers will take your branding outreach and engagement-boosting achievements from “cool” to “incredible”.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Keep your resume as streamlined as your social media ads! Don’t go over one page because anything on the second page is likely to be ignored. A recruiter might even push your two-page resume aside entirely once they spot a shorter one that will take less time to read!
  • Not on your resume, no. But you can include a professional letter of recommendation or two along with your resume: They can reinforce your credibility and strengthen your social media strategist application as a whole.
  • While this ultimately depends on your layout choice, pay close attention to how easy it is for readers to remember you. You want recruiters to be able to see your name and info at a glance. Again: Remember how parallel this is to your social media strategies!

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  • Manager Resumes
  • Social Media Manager Resume Guide & Examples

Social Media Strategist Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Social Media Strategist Roles

Jump to a template:

  • Social Media Strategist
  • Digital Media Specialist
  • Content Strategist

Get advice on each section of your resume:

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  • Social Media Strategist Resume Tips

Social Media Strategist Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., social media strategist resume sample.

As a Social Media Strategist, you're the modern-day puppet master of a brand's online persona. You craft engaging posts and campaigns across platforms, analyze trends, and use consumer behaviour to guide your strategies. The truth is, your resume isn't just a piece of paper; it's an exhibit of your brand-building prowess. Companies have increased their social media budget due to the pandemic, and they're keen on hiring strategists who can weave engaging narratives. They're looking for applicants who understand the online environment well enough to adapt to trends and avoid pitfalls. With tons of data available, the role requires someone who can read numbers, make data-backed decisions, and initiate data-driven campaigns.

Social Media Strategist's resume showcasing analytical skills and multi-platform expertise.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your social media strategist resume in 2024,    highlight your analytical skills.

You're dealing with a vast sea of data in this role. Mention your experience with analytic tools like Google Analytics and your ability to use data to drive strategy. Discuss a past campaign where data analysis led to success.

Highlight your analytical skills - Social Media Strategist Resume

   Detailed knowledge of multiple platforms

You're not just a Facebook or Instagram specialist. Showcase your expertise across several platforms - TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn - the more, the better. Remember, though, depth is integral. Detail a specific improvement in engagement or growth because of your work.

Detailed knowledge of multiple platforms - Social Media Strategist Resume

A social media strategist is a social media expert who focuses more on big picture strategy than the day-to-day management of social media accounts. This template includes a clear elevator pitch and lays out relevant work experience, education, and skills/certifications that are tailored specifically for such a strategic role.

Social media strategist resume template and example

   Succinct and informational resume summary in social media strategy

With a quick skim of the elevator pitch at the top of this resume, the recruiter for this position can obtain a high-level picture of the applicant. They know that the applicant has worked in social media strategy for over 10 years, and has expertise in developing and executing campaigns to increase sales volume and market share.

Succinct and informational resume summary in social media strategy - Social Media Strategist Resume

   Relevant technical skills, education, and certifications

Because of the specific expertise that social media strategy often requires, it’s important to showcase your experience in these areas. This applicant highlights their technical ability with specific platforms such Facebook Ads Manager, Social Report, and Wordpress.

Relevant technical skills, education, and certifications - Social Media Strategist Resume

Digital Media Specialist Resume Sample

Content strategist resume sample.

We interviewed hiring managers from top companies like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and BuzzFeed to get their insights on what makes a strong social media strategist resume. Based on their feedback and our own expertise, we've compiled a list of essential tips to help you create a resume that will catch the attention of recruiters and land you an interview.

   Highlight your social media marketing experience

Recruiters want to see that you have hands-on experience managing social media accounts and campaigns. Be specific about the platforms you've worked with and the results you achieved.

  • Managed Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts for a B2C brand with over 500,000 followers, increasing engagement by 25% year-over-year
  • Created and executed a TikTok campaign that generated 2 million views and 50,000 new followers in one month

Avoid being vague or generic about your experience, like this:

  • Worked on social media accounts
  • Created content for various platforms

Bullet Point Samples for Social Media Strategist

   Show your impact with data and metrics

Quantify your achievements whenever possible to show the impact of your work. Use specific numbers and percentages to demonstrate how you drove growth, engagement, and conversions.

  • Increased website traffic from social media by 150% in 6 months through targeted ad campaigns and influencer partnerships
  • Generated $500,000 in sales from a series of Instagram posts and stories featuring new product launches

Don't just list your responsibilities without showing the results, like this:

  • Responsible for creating social media content
  • Managed social media ads

   Demonstrate your strategic thinking skills

Social media strategists need to be able to develop and execute effective campaigns that align with business goals. Highlight examples of how you used data and insights to inform your strategy and drive results.

Developed a social media strategy for a new product launch that targeted key customer segments based on market research and buyer personas. Executed a multi-platform campaign that generated 10,000 pre-orders and exceeded sales targets by 25%.

Avoid talking about tactics without linking them to a larger strategy, like this:

Posted content on social media to promote a new product. Used hashtags and ran some ads.

   Showcase your content creation skills

Creating engaging content is a key part of being a social media strategist. Include examples of the types of content you've created, such as:

  • Written blog posts and articles that generated 10,000+ views and shares
  • Designed graphics and infographics that increased engagement by 50%
  • Produced short videos that received over 100,000 views on TikTok and Instagram Reels

Don't just say you created content without providing specifics, like this:

  • Wrote social media posts
  • Made videos and graphics

   Highlight your experience with social media tools

Employers want to know that you're proficient with the latest social media tools and platforms. Mention the specific tools you've used to manage accounts, schedule posts, analyze data, and create content.

  • Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Buffer for social media management
  • Adobe Creative Suite, Canva for graphic design
  • Google Analytics, Sprout Social insights for data analysis

Avoid just listing tools without context, like this:

  • Familiar with social media tools
  • Used various software for content creation

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Customize your resume for each job application to show how your skills and experience match what the employer is looking for. Use the same keywords and phrases from the job description in your resume.

For example, if the job description says:

  • "Develop and execute social media campaigns to drive brand awareness and engagement"

You could say in your resume:

  • "Developed and executed a social media campaign for XYZ brand that increased followers by 25% and engagement by 40% in 3 months"

Avoid using a generic resume that doesn't address the specific requirements of the job, like this:

  • "Managed social media accounts and created content"

Writing Your Social Media Strategist Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary for a Social Media Strategist is optional, but it can be a valuable addition if you want to provide context or highlight key information that may not be immediately apparent from the rest of your resume. This is particularly useful if you are changing careers and your past experience doesn't directly align with your current goals, or if you are an experienced executive with a wealth of relevant experience.

When writing your summary, focus on providing a concise overview of your most relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. Tailor it to the specific Social Media Strategist role you are targeting, and avoid repeating information that is already covered in other sections of your resume. Remember, your entire resume is essentially a summary of your qualifications, so there's no need to resummarize everything in this section.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Social Media Strategist resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Social Media Strategist resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Social Media Strategist Resume Summary Examples , or Social Media Strategist Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight social media expertise

When crafting your Social Media Strategist resume summary, it's crucial to showcase your expertise in the field. Consider the following examples:

  • Social media professional with experience in various platforms
  • Skilled in creating content and managing social media accounts

While these examples touch on relevant skills, they lack specificity and fail to demonstrate the depth of your knowledge. Instead, try something like:

  • Experienced Social Media Strategist with a proven track record of developing and executing successful campaigns across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
  • Well-versed in leveraging data analytics to optimize content strategy and drive engagement, resulting in a 30% increase in followers and a 25% boost in conversions

2. Demonstrate impact and achievements

A strong resume summary for a Social Media Strategist should not only highlight your skills and experience but also demonstrate the impact you've made in your previous roles. Quantifying your achievements can help you stand out from other candidates and give hiring managers a clear picture of your potential value to their organization.

Social Media Strategist with a passion for creating engaging content and building brand awareness. Skilled in developing social media campaigns and managing multiple accounts across various platforms.

While this summary touches on relevant skills, it lacks concrete examples of the candidate's achievements. A more effective summary might look like this:

Results-driven Social Media Strategist with 5+ years of experience in developing and executing data-informed campaigns that drive brand awareness and engagement. Spearheaded a successful influencer marketing initiative that resulted in a 20% increase in website traffic and a 15% boost in sales. Skilled in leveraging analytics to optimize content strategy, resulting in a 40% improvement in engagement rates across all social media platforms.


Your work experience section is the heart of your resume. It's where you prove to hiring managers that you have the right background and abilities for the social media strategist role you're targeting.

In this section, we'll cover what to focus on in your work experience section, and share examples of what to do and what to avoid.

1. Highlight social media marketing campaigns you led

Hiring managers want to see that you can plan and execute effective social media campaigns. Provide concrete examples of campaigns you spearheaded, detailing the strategy, channels, and results:

  • Developed and executed a TikTok influencer campaign that drove a 20% lift in product sales within the first 30 days.
  • Created a YouTube video series showcasing customer stories, generating 500K views and 10K new subscribers over 6 months.

Avoid simply listing your responsibilities or speaking in generalities, like this:

  • Responsible for social media marketing campaigns
  • Worked on influencer partnerships and video content

2. Showcase your platform expertise

Social media strategists need to be well-versed in the leading social platforms. Highlight your experience with specific channels throughout your work history.

Instead of just saying:

Managed social media accounts for the company.

Provide details on the platforms you worked with and what you accomplished:

Oversaw the company's LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts. Grew our LinkedIn follower base from 5K to 50K in 12 months through a combination of engaging content, paid ads, and outreach to relevant groups.

3. Use strong action verbs to describe your social media work

Start each bullet point with an impactful action verb that demonstrates your social media marketing skills. For example:

  • Crafted compelling social media copy that increased engagement rates by 30%
  • Monitored social media metrics daily to optimize post timing and content mix
  • Collaborated with design team to create eye-catching social graphics and videos

Avoid starting with bland, overused verbs:

  • Helped write social media posts
  • Worked on analyzing social media data

Action Verbs for Social Media Strategist

4. Demonstrate career progression

Hiring managers like to see candidates who have grown in their roles and taken on more responsibility over time. If you've been promoted, highlight that clearly in your work experience section.

For example:

Social Media Coordinator, ABC Company (June 2018 - Dec 2019) Promoted to: Social Media Manager, ABC Company (Jan 2020 - Present)

Even if your job title didn't change, you can still show progression by highlighting how your role expanded:

  • Started as an individual contributor managing our Twitter account and grew into overseeing a team of 3 social media specialists across 5 platforms.


The education section of a social media strategist's resume should be concise yet informative. It's an opportunity to showcase your relevant academic background and any specialized training that has prepared you for success in this field. Here are some key tips to keep in mind when crafting your education section:

How To Write An Education Section - Social Media Strategist Roles

1. Highlight relevant coursework for social media roles

If you're a recent graduate or have taken courses directly related to social media strategy, digital marketing, or communication, consider listing them under your degree. This can help demonstrate your expertise and commitment to the field.

  • Relevant Coursework: Social Media Marketing, Digital Analytics, Content Strategy

Avoid listing generic or unrelated courses, as they can distract from your relevant qualifications.

2. Include certifications to boost credibility

In the fast-paced world of social media, certifications can help you stand out and demonstrate your up-to-date knowledge of industry best practices. If you've earned certifications from reputable organizations or platforms, include them in your education section.

Good examples:

  • Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ)
  • Hootsuite Social Marketing Certification
  • Facebook Blueprint Certification

Avoid listing certifications that are outdated or not directly relevant to social media strategy.

3. Streamline education details for experienced strategists

If you're a seasoned social media strategist with several years of experience, your education section should be brief and to the point. Hiring managers will be more interested in your professional accomplishments and skills.

Example of what to avoid:

Master of Business Administration, ABC University, 2005-2007 Bachelor of Science in Marketing, XYZ College, 2001-2005 Relevant Coursework: Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior, Business Analytics

Instead, keep it concise:

MBA, ABC University BS, Marketing, XYZ College


Your skills section is one of the most important parts of your social media strategist resume. It's where you showcase your expertise and qualifications to potential employers. Here are some tips to help you write a compelling skills section that will catch the eye of hiring managers and get you noticed.

How To Write Your Skills Section - Social Media Strategist Roles

1. Highlight relevant social media skills

When writing your skills section, focus on the skills that are most relevant to the social media strategist role. This may include:

  • Social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok
  • Social media management tools: Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Buffer
  • Content creation: Copywriting, graphic design, video editing
  • Analytics: Google Analytics, social media insights
  • Paid social media advertising: Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads

By highlighting these specific skills, you show potential employers that you have the knowledge and expertise needed to succeed in the role.

To ensure your skills section is tailored to the job, try using a tool like Resume Worded's Targeted Resume . It checks your resume against the job description to see if you have the right skills and keywords.

2. Use proficiency levels to show expertise

When listing your skills, consider using proficiency levels to show your level of expertise. For example:

Social media strategy (Expert) Content creation (Advanced) Paid social media advertising (Intermediate) Google Analytics (Beginner)

This helps hiring managers quickly understand your strengths and where you may need additional training or support. However, be honest about your proficiency levels. Don't claim to be an expert in a skill if you only have basic knowledge.

Avoid using vague or subjective proficiency levels like "Proficient" or "Skilled." Instead, use clear and measurable levels like "Expert," "Advanced," "Intermediate," and "Beginner."

3. Tailor your skills to the job description

When applying for a social media strategist role, it's important to tailor your skills section to the specific job requirements. Review the job description carefully and look for the key skills and qualifications the employer is seeking.

For example, if the job description emphasizes experience with paid social media advertising, make sure to highlight your expertise in this area. If the employer is looking for someone with strong copywriting skills, showcase your writing abilities.

Social media management Content creation Analytics

While this skills section includes relevant skills, it's too generic and doesn't show how the candidate's skills align with the specific job requirements. Instead, try something like:

Paid social media advertising: Managed $50K+ monthly ad spend on Facebook and Instagram Copywriting: Wrote engaging social media copy that increased engagement by 25% Analytics: Used Google Analytics to track and optimize social media campaigns

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes for relevant keywords. To increase your chances of getting past the ATS, make sure to include the same skills and keywords used in the job description.

4. Focus on hard skills over soft skills

When writing your skills section, focus on hard skills that are specific and measurable. Hard skills are the technical abilities and knowledge needed to do the job, such as:

  • Social media platforms and tools
  • Content creation and editing
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Paid social media advertising

While soft skills like communication, teamwork, and creativity are important for a social media strategist, they are harder to quantify and should be demonstrated through your work experience and achievements. Avoid listing soft skills in your skills section, as they can come across as generic buzzwords.

Communication Creativity Teamwork Problem-solving

Instead, focus on the hard skills that set you apart from other candidates and show your expertise in social media strategy.

To make sure your skills section is focused on the right hard skills, try using Resume Worded's Score My Resume tool. It provides instant feedback on your resume, including your skills section, and suggests improvements to help you stand out to hiring managers.

Skills For Social Media Strategist Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Social Media Strategist job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Photography
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Public Relations
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Copywriting

Skills Word Cloud For Social Media Strategist Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Social Media Strategist job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Social Media Strategist Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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Screenshot of an engaging resume for a Social Media Content Creator.

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Social Media Strategist Resumes

  • Template #1: Social Media Strategist
  • Template #2: Social Media Strategist
  • Template #3: Social Media Strategist
  • Template #4: Digital Media Specialist
  • Template #5: Content Strategist
  • Skills for Social Media Strategist Resumes
  • Free Social Media Strategist Resume Review
  • Other Manager Resumes
  • Social Media Strategist Interview Guide
  • Social Media Strategist Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Social Media Strategist
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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social media strategy resume


Social Media Strategist Resume Examples (Template & 20+ Tips)

Create a standout social media strategist resume with our online platform. browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. land your dream role today.

Social Media Strategist Resume Example

Are you looking for a top-notch Social Media Strategist resume example to use as a guide in creating your own? Look no further! In this article, we have a stellar resume example for a Social Media Strategist that will help you stand out to potential employers. From highlighting key skills to showcasing relevant experience, this resume example has it all. Let's dive in and take your resume to the next level!

We will cover:

  • How to write a resume , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a resume to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a resume fast with our professional Resume Builder .
  • Why you should use a resume template

What does a Social Media Strategist do?

  • Research and analyze target audience and industry trends
  • Develop social media strategies and content plans
  • Manage social media accounts and create engaging posts
  • Monitor and measure the performance of social media campaigns
  • Collaborate with marketing and PR teams to align social media efforts
  • Stay updated on latest social media trends and best practices
  • Compositor Resume Sample
  • Character Artist Resume Sample
  • Graphic Design Assistant Resume Sample
  • Technical Editor Resume Sample
  • Choreographer Resume Sample
  • Executive Producer Resume Sample
  • Quality Analyst Resume Sample
  • Web Producer Resume Sample
  • Technical Advisor Resume Sample
  • Game Artist Resume Sample
  • Content Editor Resume Sample
  • Content Developer Resume Sample
  • News Producer Resume Sample
  • Quantitative Research Analyst Resume Sample
  • Research Assistant Resume Sample
  • Art Director Resume Sample
  • Media Producer Resume Sample
  • Network Test Engineer Resume Sample
  • Senior Graphic Designer Resume Sample
  • Interior Design Consultant Resume Sample

What are some responsibilities of a Social Media Strategist?

  • Developing and implementing a social media strategy
  • Creating and curating engaging content for social media platforms
  • Monitoring and analyzing social media performance metrics
  • Managing social media accounts and responding to customer inquiries
  • Staying up-to-date with social media trends and best practices
  • Collaborating with other departments to ensure cohesive brand messaging
  • Utilizing social media advertising and paid promotions

Sample Social Media Strategist Resume for Inspiration

Personal Details:

With over 5 years of experience in social media strategy, John is a highly motivated and results-driven professional. He has a proven track record of driving engagement and growth across various platforms and industries. John is passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in social media marketing, and is adept at leveraging data to make strategic decisions.

Work Experience:

  • Social Media Strategist at ABC Company (2018 - Present)
  • Responsible for developing and implementing social media strategies to increase brand awareness and drive website traffic. Managed content calendars, created compelling and shareable content, and analyzed performance metrics to optimize campaigns.
  • Social Media Manager at XYZ Agency (2015 - 2018)
  • Developed and executed social media campaigns for clients in the fashion, beauty, and lifestyle industries. Grew organic and paid reach on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, resulting in increased follower counts and engagement rates.
  • Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, University of New York (2012 - 2016)
  • Relevant coursework included social media marketing, digital advertising, and consumer behavior.
  • Social media strategy development
  • Content creation and curation
  • Analytics and data-driven decision making
  • Community management and engagement
  • Paid social advertising


  • Google Analytics Certification
  • Facebook Blueprint Certification
  • English - Native proficiency
  • Spanish - Conversational proficiency

Resume tips for Social Media Strategist

Creating a perfect, career-launching resume is no easy task. Following general writing rules can help, but it is also smart to get advice tailored to your specific job search. When you’re new to the employment world, you need Social Media Strategist resume tips. We collected the best tips from seasoned Social Media Strategist - Check out their advice to not only make your writing process easier but also increase your chances of creating a resume that piques the interest of prospective employers.

  • Highlight your experience with creating and executing social media strategies
  • Showcase your proficiency with social media analytics and reporting tools
  • Demonstrate your ability to plan and manage social media marketing campaigns
  • Emphasize your knowledge of current social media trends and best practices
  • Include any certifications or training related to social media marketing

Social Media Strategist Resume Summary Examples

A Social Media Strategist resume summary or objective is essential to grab the attention of hiring managers and showcase your skills and achievements in the field. It allows you to highlight your expertise, experience, and achievements in a concise manner, helping employers to quickly understand what you can bring to the table. A strong summary or objective can help to set you apart from other applicants and increase your chances of securing an interview. For Example:

  • Created and managed social media content for various clients, including creating social media calendars and posting schedule
  • Developed and implemented social media campaigns across various platforms to increase brand awareness and engagement
  • Analyzed social media analytics to identify trends and opportunities for growth and made data-driven decisions to improve performance
  • Worked collaboratively with marketing and design teams to create cohesive brand messaging and visuals for social media platforms
  • Stayed up-to-date on social media trends and best practices to continually improve strategies and tactics

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Social Media Strategist Resume

The experience section is crucial for a social media strategist resume because it showcases the candidate's expertise in developing and implementing successful social media campaigns. This section allows the candidate to highlight their track record of driving engagement, increasing brand awareness, and generating leads through their strategic approach to social media. A strong experience section also helps employers understand the candidate's proven abilities and achievements in the industry. For Example:

  • Developed and implemented social media strategies to increase brand awareness and drive engagement
  • Managed social media accounts and created content for various platforms
  • Analyzed social media metrics to track performance and make data-driven decisions
  • Collaborated with marketing and communication teams to align social media efforts with overall business goals
  • Utilized social media advertising and sponsored content to reach target audiences
  • Monitored industry trends and competitor activity to stay ahead of the curve
  • Engaged with followers and responded to comments and messages in a timely manner
  • Developed and maintained social media calendar and content schedule
  • Used social listening tools to gain insights into audience preferences and sentiment
  • Reported on social media performance and presented findings to key stakeholders

Social Media Strategist resume education example

A social media strategist typically needs a bachelor's degree in marketing, communications, business or a related field. Strong knowledge of social media platforms, trends and analytics is essential. Many employers also look for candidates with certifications in social media marketing or digital marketing. Continuous education and staying updated on the latest social media trends and tools is also crucial for success in this field. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Social Media Strategist resume:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Communications, XYZ University
  • Digital Marketing Certification, ABC Institute
  • Social Media Marketing Course, DEF Academy

Social Media Strategist Skills for a Resume

Adding skills for a Social Media Strategist Resume is important because it demonstrates the candidate's ability to effectively navigate and utilize various social media platforms. These skills also highlight the individual's capacity to analyze and interpret data, create engaging content, manage campaigns, and cultivate a strong online presence. Including these skills helps to showcase the candidate's proficiency in driving social media success for an organization. Soft Skills:

  • Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Time management
  • Collaboration
  • Problem solving
  • Attention to detail
  • Organization
  • Content Creation
  • Graphic Design
  • Data Analysis
  • Copywriting
  • Video Editing
  • Public Relations
  • PPC Advertising

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Social Media Strategist Resume

In this competitive job market, employers receive an average of 180 applications for each open position. To process these resumes, companies often rely on automated applicant tracking systems, which can sift through resumes and eliminate the least qualified applicants. If your resume is among the few that make it past these bots, it must still impress the recruiter or hiring manager. With so many applications coming in, recruiters typically give each resume only 5 seconds of their attention before deciding whether to discard it. Considering this, it's best to avoid including any distracting information on your application that could cause it to be thrown away. To help make sure your resume stands out, review the list below of what you should not include on your job application.

  • Not including a cover letter. A cover letter is a great way to explain why you are the best candidate for the job and why you want the position.
  • Using too much jargon. Hiring managers do not want to read a resume full of technical terms that they do not understand.
  • Omitting important details. Make sure to include your contact information, educational background, job history, and any relevant skills and experiences.
  • Using a generic template. Take the time to customize your resume to the job you are applying for. This will show the employer that you are serious about the position.
  • Spelling and grammar errors. Always double-check your resume for typos, spelling mistakes, and grammar errors.
  • Focusing too much on duties. Make sure to include accomplishments and successes to show the employer that you are a great candidate.
  • Including personal information. Avoid including any personal information such as age, marital status, or religious beliefs.

Key takeaways for a Social Media Strategist resume

  • Proven track record of developing and implementing successful social media strategies
  • Ability to analyze social media data and leverage insights to optimize and improve strategies
  • Experience with creating engaging content and managing social media accounts
  • Proficiency in using social media management tools and platforms
  • Demonstrated ability to stay updated on the latest social media trends and best practices
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills to work effectively with cross-functional teams

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Social Media Strategist Resume Example

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Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Social Media Strategist Resume Example (Full Text Version)

Ariana sanz.

Results-oriented Social Media Strategist with a proven track record of driving successful campaigns independently and collaboratively. Skilled in crafting and executing innovative social media plans, enhancing SEO effectiveness, conducting market analysis, and measuring campaign performance. Demonstrates meticulous attention to detail, exceptional analytical capabilities, and superior time management skills. Actively seeking opportunities to leverage expertise in a Social Media Strategist role.

Work experience

  • Developed and implemented comprehensive social media strategies to enhance brand awareness and drive website traffic.
  • Expanded client communities, established and cultivated Twitter/Instagram pages, and generated daily content to uphold company standards.
  • Optimized SEO across the website, conducted market research, and tracked the effectiveness of promotional campaigns.
  • Collaborated with colleagues and closely assisted the Chief Marketing Officer; actively engaged in weekly team meetings with Marketing managers.
  • Achieved a remarkable 3,000% increase in organic traffic on various social media channels within a span of 3 years.
  • Achieved a GPA of 3.96, ranking in the top 10% of the program.
  • Participated in clubs and societies such as Dance Club, Marketing Society, and Swimming Club.
  • Achieved Distinction status with Grade 1 (A/excellent equivalent) in all 6 subjects
  • Received the Best Graduate Award in 2012



Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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Social Media Strategist Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the social media strategist job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

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  • Develop and manage the social editorial calendar and performance metrics to ensure consistency with our social strategy and alignment with audience interests
  • Work with the digital marketing team to develop and execute social media strategies that delivers results against key marketing initiatives
  • Work with creative agencies and partners, overseeing their work and providing direction
  • Works with marketing manager, media agency and others to develop key metric reports
  • Work with all other Discovery Networks staff, agents, and relevant partners to foster a spirit of teamwork and co-operation
  • Develops senior level strategic communications and management presentations based on information gathered by Social Media Analysts & Community Managers
  • Provides regular updates to business partners, ensuring performance goals are being met and providing recommendations when necessary
  • Is responsible for key clients/work streams; ensures team successfully delivers results
  • Ensures content/messaging across channels is on brand and that the brand voice remains consistent
  • Collaborates with other practices/contributes thought leadership to promote best-in-class thinking and client delivery
  • Is responsible for client reporting/analytics (social insights, listening, search data); partners with analytics team to ensure KPIs/goals are met
  • Creates, operationalizes, and manages influencer outreach and programs
  • Proficiency in concepting, delivering, and executing social media programs
  • Provide day-to-day supervision and execution of client campaigns including (and not limited to) social media channel and community management, content creation, digital public relations, promotions, partnerships, blogger and influencer outreach initiatives, online events, etc
  • Work in partnership with the Analytics & Database Marketing Manager to measure social media performance for all participating businesses
  • Lead development of campaign content in partnership with the Community Managers and creative team
  • Manage social accounts and provide out-of-the-box ideas and programs to drive social influence for BlackBerry
  • Travel to customers facilities to provide training and strategy workshops
  • Conduct research and create materials to support general business development opportunities
  • Make recommendations for new courses and workshops based on customer feedback and cross functional requests
  • 1) Working with internal teams and resources to create and update social media education content for live and on-demand solutions
  • Possesses a tireless work ethic, great attention to detail, ability to multitask and a thirst for success in implementing social media campaigns
  • A solid understanding of social media, the significance of community, how to engage people and curate conversations and good will
  • Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS
  • Strong knowledge of platform capabilities
  • Communicate with industry professionals via social media to create a strong network
  • General knowledge of tools and the professional industry
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Strong knowledge of all marketing approaches (traditional, new media, guerilla, and word-of-mouth)
  • Aptitude to develop and maintain strong working relationships with both internal and external stakeholders
  • Strong portfolio demonstrating social media experience

15 Social Media Strategist resume templates

Social Media Strategist Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Lead NBC6 South Florida’s social media and engagement efforts by working with and training all staff (on-air, off-air and digital) to use social media tools to monitor news, report news and find sources and leads
  • Maintain NBC6 social media presence on all its social platforms, ensuring the station is a continuous source of information with a consistent voice 24/7
  • Develop a social media strategy that grows news ratings on TV, referral traffic online/mobile and followings on all social platforms
  • Utilize analytics tools to ensure social media platforms are working at optimal performance and driving referrals back to the website and assist in improving on-air news ratings
  • Identify and execute initiatives that integrate on-air broadcast and digital coverage and drive audience between platforms
  • Share best practices, provide support and coaching to aid newsroom staff skill sets
  • Monitor local and mainstream news for story ideas and social content
  • Live-blog breaking news and events
  • Work with the marketing team to develop pertinent social marketing strategies
  • Contribute stories to and fill-in as a web producer when appropriate
  • Engage with the NBC6 social community online and at events
  • Be an advocate for social media in the newsroom and throughout the company
  • Bachelor's degree in Communications, Business, Marketing, or related and appropriate majors
  • Minimum 3 years of broadcast television journalism experience and/or news reporting experience
  • Minimum 3 years social media strategy experience building audience on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and beyond)
  • Must be willing to work in Miramar, FL
  • Previous digital marketing experience
  • In-depth knowledge of social analytics, data and determining social ROI
  • Ability to develop and harness community relationships on and off social media
  • Able to build compelling strategic stories from a variety of inputs and information
  • Team player with superior news judgment, enthusiasm, curiosity and a competitive spirit
  • A deep understanding of web production and HTML
  • Write original copy and curate relevant content for studio social platforms
  • Work with editorial team to create social campaigns to complement and promote content
  • Monitor communities for studio social platforms to listen and respond to readers, as needed
  • Monitor social campaigns on a daily basis to recommend optimization strategies
  • Help analyze KPIs to measure the impact of campaigns to help studio optimize future projects
  • Support client relationships directly and indirectly, including participating on client calls to discuss strategy and performance
  • Produce client-specific case studies
  • Experience in a publishing environment preferred
  • Experience in social media, particularly with analytics tools, preferred
  • Demonstrated ability to work face-to-face with client teams
  • Knowledge of the social and branded content landscape
  • Experience working in collaborative sales processes preferred
  • Proficiency in different analytics platforms and programs
  • Ability to write clearly and without jargon
  • Avid consumer of media, of all types

Lead Social Media Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Creates, guides, and delivers strategic social planning/programming (social content strategy/communication plans, social marketing/experience marketing plans, competition research, social consumer insights/trend audits)
  • Displays excellent project management, problem solving, interpersonal, client, presentation, and written/verbal communication skills
  • BA/BS in Liberal Arts, Journalism or New Media; advanced degree preferred
  • 5-7 years of dedicated social media experience focused on top-tier consumer brand marketing
  • Experience planning, conducting influencer outreach and executing influencer marketing programs
  • Ability to lead a diverse, talented team across multiple offices
  • Create visibility in the art community through the primary use of Facebook and Instagram, additionally Pinterest and Twitter
  • Identify important individuals in the world of art galleries, museums, magazines and bloggers for the purposes of directing social media marketing efforts
  • Investigate online art sales sites for desirable venues
  • Experience in uses of Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter as part of a marketing plan
  • Mac, Photoshop
  • Leads the development & implementation of a solid and comprehensive strategic approach across the different social networks, coordinating social media plans and working closely with Connection Planning Manager and the media agency
  • Provides social media objectives per campaign, aligning clear paid social media recommendations with key stakeholders, tests new paid media models and tracks past record of success
  • Coaches, develops and supervises a team of Community Managers, organizing day-to-day project implementation and execution of local social strategies
  • Identifies opportunities & proposes/implements special social projects & initiatives [i.e. social contests, local asset development, relationship with social platforms]
  • Works with Social Media Area Managers to define and prioritize strategic challenges / opportunities
  • Looks after influencer strategy & outreach in market; manages relationships with VIP, celebrities, online influencers, activation of events and connection with real communities
  • Understand SEO & SEM, building and implementing strategies for both to be used for online content
  • Develops senior level strategic communications and management presentations based on information gathered by Social Media Analysts & Community Managers
  • Collects and consolidates local reports, providing routine topline insights and recommendations to key stakeholders and Senior Leadership Team
  • Tests and recommends new social media tools regarding how best to further evolve tool base for listening / analytics
  • Evaluates and adapts best practices from the wider business (Europe/Global), and develops guidelines to enhance team effectiveness, efficiency, and creativity
  • Coordinates & follows up on campaigns with external agencies, in relation to paid and owned media
  • Provides routine feedback and recommendations to Social Media Area Managers and local stakeholders/agencies based on past learnings as part of the content calendar cycle (what content worked/didn’t work/why etc.)
  • Alongside Knowledge & Insight Manager, supervises and schedules activity for Social Media Analysts (e.g. research requests, ad-hoc reporting)
  • Manage the day-to-day messaging, monitoring, and moderation of select ABC Family communities across multiple social platforms
  • Partner with internal and external partners to ideate and develop and execute campaigns that drive engagement and ad sales revenue
  • Route materials across multiple departments to secure all necessary approvals
  • Develop windowing strategies across platforms and maintain content distribution calendars
  • Partner with Media Relations to coordinate live tweeting events & related projects requiring talent involvement
  • Create campaign recap decks for department
  • Research competitive landscape, trends and new social media platforms, compiling information & creating summaries for internal distribution
  • Attend and cover live events as needed
  • Minimum of 2-4 years of experience in community management or social media marketing, with entertainment experience preferred
  • Superior knowledge of established and emerging social media platforms and community engagement tactics and tools
  • Keen observational and listening skills to enable optimal dialogue with fan communities and provide above average fan experiences in the social space
  • Ability to interact with senior management, producers & talent with a high degree of professionalism
  • Basic understanding of social media analytics and performance tracking tools
  • Polished presentation and communication skills
  • Must be a pop culture enthusiast with a passion for ABC Family and a love for social media
  • Desired skills: Microsoft Office, Keynote, Photoshop, photography, basic online video editing, etc
  • Help oversee social media strategy planning and activation for entertainment networks and programming
  • Work with a team of other social strategists across entertainment portfolio, ensuring different accounts are being planned with the same rigor, principles and sophistication
  • Interface with other Horizon Media activation teams and divisions to ensure that plan components across TV, OOH, Print, Audio, digital, etc. are positively impacted by an applied social sensibility
  • Reporting on all client channels, delivered to all partners (brand/client, creative, and internal)
  • Tracking the progress of approvals, ATBs & IOs, final reports, etc. per each assigned community management team
  • Delivering analysis and insight to inform strategy and activation per each community management team
  • Ideating and implementing original engagement tactics, in accordance with the strategy and creative teams, for all accounts
  • Keeping a finger on the pulse of new and emerging social media platforms and first-to-market opportunities
  • Delivers on the following day-to-day Social Media & Relationship Marketing campaign deliverables: - Brainstorming and strategy development - Generating recommendations and proposalso Pitching to colleagues and clients - Communicating to key partners, vendors and other agencies - Managing timelines, action logs and related process documents - Crafting and reviewing reports and final campaign analysis - Speaking to successes and learning
  • Focus on execution and maintenance of paid media campaigns
  • Write, route, and execute social posts for branded content and product support
  • Create and maintain calendars and agendas for multiple programs
  • Track performance of campaigns across multiple communities while reporting and communicating key learnings with team members
  • General administration and management of third party social tools and social networks
  • Monitor, troubleshoot, and report platform updates, bugs, or changes that affect day-to-day execution or overall community management
  • Propose actionable recommendations based on performance metrics from campaigns
  • Manage day-to-day communication with internal partners
  • Support Manager, Media Strategy and Operations to ensure that all promotional goals are achieved
  • Minimum of 2 years experience in social media, marketing, or other related field
  • Proven competency across social platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Google+, and Pinterest
  • Experience running paid media campaigns
  • Strong understanding of social media analysis and performance tracking, with a superior knowledge of social platforms and tools
  • Proficient with business software (MS Office, Keynote, Pages)
  • Knowledge in marketing and advertising, with understanding of digital media preferred
  • Analytics and sales background is a plus
  • BA or BS required, preferably with a background in Marketing, Communications, or other related field
  • 3+ years of Business experience with 1 year focused on Blogging or Social Media
  • Expert knowledge of social media platform, such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, and Reddit
  • Exceptional writing and proofreading skills
  • Understanding of data analytics and associated tools, social listening platforms, web analytics, and search analytics
  • Experience with social media and Content Management Systems (CMS) enterprise tools, such as, but not limited to: Sprinklr, Spreadfast, Synthesio, HootSuite, and Tweetdeck
  • Demonstrated project management experience
  • Advanced internet research skills
  • Degree in Marketing, Communications, Media or other related field
  • Prior Recruitment Marketing / Career Blogging experience

Social Media Strategist Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide day to day strategic support to the Director, Social media in developing and managing the Social Media Center of Excellence
  • Assist in developing social media guidelines and best practices to be socialized across the organization
  • Act as a point for social media best practices for all departments regarding current social media strategy
  • Collaborate with social media Community Managers and various stakeholders across the company to continuously add-value and help develop their social media marketing programs
  • Develop, maintain, and socialize a company-wide social media editorial calendar and facilitate regular editorial meetings in an effort to foster collaboration and find opportunities across the organization
  • Help build and optimize social marketing programs focused on consumer engagement and improving brand awareness and consideration for HMH institutional marketing
  • Oversee day to day brand reputation monitoring, research, and reporting using social media listening tools
  • Monitor and stay up to date on relevant trending topics and changes to social media platforms. Identify new tools, technology, and trends
  • Develop and distribute regular executive reporting and analysis
  • Assist in the development and execution of the HMH social media employee education program

Social Media Strategist, Freelance Resume Examples & Samples

  • Identify and analyze issues, patterns and trends in customer behavior & brand awareness
  • Develop and implement tactical plans, including inspired and moderated solutions, to build and nurture communities on an individual basis
  • Work with clients to develop on-brand messaging that best represents their voice and tone online
  • Establish metrics, glean community insights & report on them on a monthly basis including recommendations
  • Proactively escalate issues, observations, opportunities, and insights to the team
  • Stay up to date on new social media tools, best practices and how other organizations and companies are using them, so that the company can continue to be an early adopter of these technologies
  • Participate in professional networking by interacting with peers and influencers & attending events
  • Agency experience preferred
  • Brand Evangelist - exuding passion for the brand and being a walking role model for the type of people that company wants to attract, likely an active participant in the community of interest
  • Research Filter - being able to synthesize community feedback information and analytics and make actionable insight that company executive can react to
  • Program Manager/Administrator - managing the day to day details or running the community - staff, investment, activity tracking, communication, providing feedback...etc
  • Content Developer - whether it be video, pictures, forums, updates or blogging - creating a fresh supply of interesting news from the company and about the community
  • Social Strategist - developing new applications, platforms and course corrections for community engagement that also benefit the sponsoring company
  • Strong Writer - humorous style, witty
  • Expert Listener - tracking to what's being said and where about the company inside the community and in the external world and reacting to it
  • You must have high fluency in all social media channels, including but not limited to: Twitter, GoWalla, FourSquare, Digg, Facebook, LinkedIn and other extensions like YouTube, Flickr, Google, Typepad, to name a few
  • Daily community engagement, conversation, listening, monitoring and issue escalation
  • Community conversation audits to identify key online influencers as it relates to client projects
  • Community insights that will be used to hone and improve client campaigns and programs
  • Publish an editorial calendar, ensuring content and assets are being released on time
  • Support brand loyalty and encourage generation of user created content via active community participation and conversation
  • Manage online discussions by listening and responding to users (where appropriate) in a timely and authentic manner; escalate issues as needed and provide feedback on community topic threads
  • Monitor and track discussion topics for management team; prepare weekly/monthly reports to update staff/clients on predetermined metrics; proactively monitor brand and relevant themes/news stories within the blogosphere and provide suggestions for timely content, assets and conversations within brand communities
  • Work daily with account teams to ensure proper messaging is being executed online and that it is relevant to client goals
  • Use online listening, supplemental research and daily community learnings to provide insights for improving programs and enhancing program successes
  • Research and identify bloggers/key influencers and associated communities for blogger/influencer campaigns
  • Research and identify social media best practices and relevant brand examples within the space for proposals and online audits
  • 2-3+ years of professional work experience (experience at interactive, advertising, public relations or marketing agency preferred)
  • Background knowledge of major and emerging social channels, and a true passion for the social media marketing space
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills with ability to present ideas and information clearly; keen eye for detail also required
  • Manage online discussions by listening and responding to users (where appropriate) in a timely and authentic manner. Escalate issues as needed and provide feedback on community topic threads
  • Monitor and track discussion topics for management team; prepare weekly/monthly reports to update staff/clients on predetermined metrics. Proactively monitor brand and relevant themes/news stories within the blogosphere and provide suggestions for timely content, assets and conversations within brand communities
  • Use online listening, supplemental researchm and daily community learnings to provide insights for improving programs and enhancing program successes
  • Minimumof 6 years working in social media for entertainment and/or news brands
  • Excellentanalytic, communication and collaboration skills
  • Provenability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment and maintain composure underpressure
  • Familiaritywith various social deployment and listening tools
  • Willingnessto work early morning hours and on weekends, if necessary
  • Passionfor pop culture, entertainment and social media
  • Deliver clear direction and inspiration to clients and creative & technical teams in developing novel, sustainable and engaging concepts and implementation plans
  • Provide reporting and analysis of results, including strategic recommendations and tactical tips that are directly related to insights
  • Contribute to expanding the Brand’s overall approach to social media
  • Stay current on social media and interactive marketing trends and provide guidance to clients and agency staffers on how to incorporate them
  • Work closely with creative and community management teams to ensure success of social media programs and initiatives
  • Prepare detailed documents, including comprehensive strategic plans, audits, promotional plans and well-researched POVs (e.g. strategic recommendations and opinions)
  • Highly informed and thoughtful perspectives on social platforms. Ability to adapt brand expression and campaign strategy to relevant social channel experiences and strategy
  • Able to rapidly produce top-quality communications in all media. Develops compelling presentation materials. Writes email worth reading. Communicates clearly and concisely
  • Consistent and strong collaborator who elevates the work of cross-functional teams
  • Account planner or digital strategist in a digital Agency, 5-7 years
  • Passion for digital marketing
  • Strategic and deeply consumer-minded approach to social media
  • Building strategic social media programs to achieve business goals and support RBC brand and communications initiatives
  • Leading creation of high quality written, visual and video content to support social media programs
  • Designing and executing social media advertising strategies
  • Growing and maintaining RBC’s social media communities
  • Managing content calendars
  • Measuring all social media programs and content for reporting and optimization
  • Establishing strong working relationships with stakeholders across the organization to build and execute social media programs
  • Developing internal thought leadership and social media best practices
  • Tracking annual and program budgets
  • Staying up-to-date on digital, social media, advertising and communications industry trends and best practices
  • Minimum of three years’ experience developing and executing social media or digital programs in a corporate or agency setting
  • Strong experience in

Multiplatform Producer & Social Media Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leading the creative expression of shows on desktop, mobile, social and connected devices
  • Working with Ad Sales Production to develop integrated sponsorship opportunities within content pieces
  • 3+ years of multiplatform and social strategy experience along with content production experience at a major commercial media, entertainment or creative brand or interactive agency
  • 2+ years of experience in managing teams, mentoring and providing creative guidance
  • Intimate familiarity with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat and other major social networks
  • Strategic thinker with excellent writing skills, creative problem solving and understanding of Comedy Central Brand voice and tone
  • Some experience producing Flash, iOS, Android, HTML5 apps
  • Strong knowledge of and personal connection to Comedy Central brand and franchises
  • Thorough understanding of the relationships of social media and SEO to site traffic
  • Working knowledge and understanding of digital technologies, including HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, etc
  • Strong familiarity with content aggregators such as Reddit, Buzzfeed, etc
  • Must have active accounts across key social media sites including, and not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. (You will be asked to provide access to accounts you have established and maintained.)
  • Superior written and verbal communication skills: a “practical minor” in journalism
  • Excellent interpersonal and presentation skills
  • Ability to think, plan and execute resourcefully, across multiple tasks
  • At least five years’ experience working in media analytics or related field
  • A strong feel for media content, a deep passion for understanding social sharing behaviors and curiosity about the mechanics of the social web
  • Ability to balance a fast paced working environment with the need for precision
  • An insatiable passion for solving analytical problems using quantitative and qualitative approaches
  • 3-5 years experience in social media, preferably with a publisher (or brand with high volume of content and multiple inputs)
  • Demonstrated success with social media executions on platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and additional emerging tools
  • Proven track record utilizing paid social media to drive results is a must
  • Experience with social media analytics and third-party reporting tools (such as SimpleReach, ChartBeat,, CrowdTangle, Sprinklr, SproutSocial, etc)
  • Rolodex of social media partners including top players and influencers in the digital news and lifestyle space is a plus
  • Familiarity with the most advanced targeting/retargeting tactics in social
  • Must be comfortable working with a broad range of cross-functional staff—junior to senior, sales, marketing, editorial, design, analytics, etc
  • Desire to innovate and stay on top of new trends in social media
  • Undergraduate degree, preferably in advertising or marketing or a related field
  • Excellent written, oral communication and presentation skills
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, including PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, and Word
  • At least 2 years experience in Social media Listening, Monitoring, Research and Analysis and hands-on experience working with social media listening tools
  • At least 2 years experience in Strategic consulting skills; Consultative experience with internal or external clients (i.e., a strategic thinker, strong business acumen, and comfortable speaking with senior clients)
  • This person will have the ability to scope, collect, analyze and present social media-specific research, and will also have
  • Strategic consulting skills; Consultative experience with internal or external clients (i.e., a strategic thinker, strong business acumen, and comfortable speaking with senior clients)
  • Self-starter, with strong ability to initiate projects and see-through to completion
  • At least 4 years experience in Social media Listening, Monitoring, Research and Analysis and hands-on experience working with social media listening tools

Senior Social Media Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • In partnership with the Communications Director, outline an annual social media strategy that defines how the proposed plans will deliver upon awareness objectives
  • Generate and propose social media campaign ideas to deliver upon business objectives that are integrated and align with brand messaging platform
  • Work in partnership with the Analytics & Database Marketing Manager to measure social media performance for all participating businesses
  • Work closely with the PR and Content Teams to maintain consistency and timeliness with the editorial strategy and keep the appropriate tone of voice for all online communications
  • Create and evaluate the success of postings based on user engagement (number of likes, comments, shares, retweets, video plays, etc.)
  • Partner with crisis communications team in managing key narratives internally and externally during crisis events
  • Actively promote corporate understanding of social media with periodic presentations, webinars and onsite visits with Kohler associates and key business partners
  • Four year degree required. Emphasis in New Media, Communications, Public Relations, Journalism, Business, Advertising or English preferred
  • 7+ year social media or agency communication experience required
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office, particularly Excel and PowerPoint, required
  • Thoughtful judgment and perspective when dealing with sensitive corporate issues
  • Must have good interpersonal communication skills
  • Needs to work effectively with cross-functional teams
  • Keen attention to detail and thoroughness required
  • Motivated by continuing education (seminars, classes, magazines, books, etc.)
  • Previous experience developing social media strategies and overseeing social media content development for clients in the health, government or energy sectors
  • Experience using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for clients and using applicable style, accessibility and other guidelines, including a current knowledge of recent features on the social media platforms
  • Experience in a project management or account relations type of role requiring you to be the main point of contact for internal and external clients
  • Comfort working with remote teams and/or teams in multiple locations
  • 5+ years of related experience and a Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising, Journalism or related majors
  • Master’s degree in a related field
  • Working fluency in Spanish (ability to translate social media posts back and forth between Spanish and English with no errors in context, grammar or spelling)
  • Experience working in an agency environment or consulting role previously, related to digital marketing, social media, etc
  • Experience with proposing new projects (e.g., proposals, statements of work, estimating level of effort, etc.)
  • Drive the Bazaarvoice global social media strategy, taking lead responsibility for monitoring and updates
  • Engage via social media on topics related to the Bazaarvoice mission and interests; monitor Bazaarvoice client communications, alerting appropriate staff as needed
  • Manage all social activity across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and other networks to ensure a steady flow of content and a responsive social presence
  • Create and manage the execution of innovative social initiatives that advance Bazaarvoice’s marketplace visibility
  • Partner with PR and Solution/Product Marketing teams to ensure social amplification on key communications
  • Engage and educate Bazaarvoice employees in becoming brand ambassadors, actively participating on the social web
  • Be the subject matter expert for social media best practices and policies
  • Live coverage of events on social media, both in person and remote
  • Identify and engage with key social influencers to create beneficial relationships and grow the Bazaarvoice footprint with key audiences
  • Measure and report on key social metrics monthly to prove and improve ROI of social efforts. Champion these results across the company
  • Liaise with the Director, Web Marketing to analyze performance metrics and adapt strategy as needed
  • Work cross-functionally to source, write and edit content for use in the Bazaarvoice blog
  • Work with internal stakeholders to build pipeline of blog content from all corners of the company
  • Assist the Corporate Brand and Content Manager in researching and developing a corporate point of view on emerging trends, specific industries, and more
  • Coordinate with internal teams to promote company initiatives and amplify external communications
  • Proven ability to represent a brand or cause on social media or in other public forums
  • Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, and the ability to prioritize and seek guidance when multiple projects are competing for the same limited resources
  • Experience with B2B marketing and/or content marketing
  • Ability to build and execute plans involving multiple internal teams or stakeholders
  • Ability to work with a variety of personality types and handle a fast-paced environment
  • Possess a passion for learning new marketing technologies, strategy, and best practices
  • Capacity to work in a fast-paced environment, ask questions and track down answers with confidence, and lead projects/programs with minimal direction
  • Collaborative work style; skill in working independently and in cross-functional teams
  • Basic understanding of content management systems, SEO and keyword research and web analytics tools
  • Must provide writing samples or link to portfolio
  • Track, monitor and respond to social media conversations to enhance patient experience and provide insights to marketing and public relations department, along with key organizational stakeholders
  • Manage social media conversations (both proactive and reactive) in a timely manner to users’ needs and requests
  • Develop social content and messages about all aspects of the health system which will include links, videos, graphics and images
  • Collaborate with internal stakeholders to incorporate social media into key organizational initiatives and events
  • Coordinate and facilitate communications across business and clinical groups participate in cross-functional groups throughout the health system to support their social media and communications objectives
  • Establish consistency of messages across multiple online venues that is relevant to organizational goals; support and protect brand by ensuring positive messaging is maintained in community
  • Work closely with the digital team and agency on paid social campaigns
  • Identify and implement approaches to measuring and quantifying campaign ROI, as well as trends
  • Prepare reports and metrics to update internal staff on usage and inform future efforts
  • Supports the Social Media Manager in research, strategy, and content implementation across social media platforms
  • Leverages social media platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.,) to communicate internal and external brand stories
  • Provides recommendations story-telling content strategy using a diverse mix of hygiene, hub and hero content
  • Determines various methods and types of media and channels story-telling will be integrated into
  • Creates strategic campaigns and publishes content for multiple brands and properties across the Company
  • Collaborates with the Social Media Manager to develop a social strategy as it relates to messaging, engagement and the preferences across multiple social media brand and property platforms
  • Manages the day-to-day messaging, monitoring and moderation of multiple social media platforms
  • Assists with the production and implementation of emerging media campaigns
  • Implements established strategies to engage public using Facebook, Twitter and other social media websites
  • Maintains a cycle plan of mature, emerging an development forms of media communications
  • Implements online content including images, infographics, videos, and blogs
  • Creates, coordinates and maintains brand profiles and other content for brand pages on behalf of social media accounts
  • Identifies appropriate timeline for posting, engaging and optimizing content specific to each social media platform
  • Collaborates with other Social Media Corporate teams to develop social media strategies for current events and new initiatives
  • Implements content publication utilizing keywords, campaign tags, platforms, competitor analysis
  • At least 1 year of direct marketing, advertising, and brand marketing experience including implementation of digital and emerging campaigns
  • At least 1 year of social media experience as an online marketer
  • Ability to adhere to project timelines and adapt to changing needs
  • Availability for alternative work schedules when needed, e.g. late night events, or weekend concerts, and/or urgent situations arise
  • Proficient in digital and social media across paid, specifically in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat and other emerging platforms
  • Up to date on the use of social media platforms, can articulate current trends
  • Have interpersonal skills to deal effectively with all business contacts
  • Professional appearance and demeanor
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office with emphasis in Excel and Power Point
  • Generate continuous stream of competitive social tactics that engage communities, users, customers, etc
  • Create and/or elevate executive social profiles through thought leadership, social engagement, etc
  • Inbound marketing, i.e. taking that messaging and creating blogs, executive byline articles, social posts and other forms of content aimed at both consumer and enterprise IT audiences
  • Increase positive awareness of BlackBerry with media, customers and other stakeholders through campaigns, features and bylines
  • Demonstrate collaboration and problem solving skills to achieve business objectives and develop trust with stakeholders
  • Develop proactive social programs involving partners/customers and leverages synergies across various functions and business units to elevate the company’s corporate reputation and leadership
  • Demonstrate flexibility by assisting with other activities across various business units, verticals, channels, etc
  • Bachelor’s degree in communications, journalism or business
  • Minimum five years of public relations, journalism, or social media community management, ideally with agency and in-house experience
  • Passion for social media and a strong presence and influence in the social community
  • Proven ability to work productively with media contacts – particularly business and technology trades
  • Strong writing and interviewing skills; experience as a journalist, blogger, and/or social media manager highly desired
  • Ability to grasp business issues and manage high impact and critical communications situations
  • Strong technical research skills in both smartphones and enterprise and security software
  • Experience supporting development of executive visibility opportunities and programs

Junior Social Media Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Implement communication strategies as defined by the Senior Social Media Strategist
  • Collaborate with Design team to create content for social platforms
  • Setup and maintain social network profiles for assigned clients
  • Monitor trends in Social Media tools, applications, channels, design, and strategy
  • Monitor effective benchmarks (best practices) for measuring the impact of social media campaigns
  • Displays in-depth knowledge and understanding of Social Media platforms, their respective participants (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.) and how each platform can be deployed in different scenarios
  • Team player with the confidence to take the lead and guide other team members when necessary
  • 2+ years of experience strategic social media work in agency and/or on behalf of a major consumer brand
  • Provide social strategy thought leadership on the role of social in an integrated marketing model for both brand and campaign initiatives
  • Provide reporting and analysis of results, including forward-looking recommendations directly related to insights and objectives
  • Collaborate with the Global Insights and Analytics team to test, measure, and scale social opportunities to drive effective brand perception changes and efficient sales demand
  • Provide continuous cultural, digital, marketing product applications, & trend forecasting to inform creative recommendations and to educate and motivate internal teams
  • Help shape social creative development work - ensuring that solutions are strategically sound, meet objectives, and follow social best practices
  • Have an ability to translate overall brand strategies and campaigns to align with social behaviors, mindsets, channels, and technology
  • Collaborate directly on content calendars with a community manager responsible for engagement, moderation, and activation
  • Understand how to identify and engage with social influencers and accurately translate their relevance to internal brands and marketing initiatives
  • 7+ years of experience leading and executing social media and/or marketing strategies for a leading consumer brand or agency
  • Knowledge of statistics data aggregation and metrics
  • Experienced creative writer with an attention to detail; excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Experienced with Photoshop and other creative software
  • Experience with Sprinklr

Freelance Social Media Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Choose daily content and engagement for brand on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc
  • Create weekly social media program status reports detailing key insights, popular content topics, community quotes (verbatims) and monitoring results; work with analytics team and oversee preparation of metrics, tracking and activity reports as based on client reporting needs
  • 1-to-3 years of dedicated social experience at an interactive, advertising, communications/public relations or marketing agency
  • Must have active accounts across key social media sites including, and not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc
  • Knowledge of online tracking and monitoring tools and ability to search and find key content within social media (will be trained on advanced monitoring solutions for the brand)

Global Social Media Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide clear and consistent voice across Crunchyroll social media pages
  • Communicate brand standards and provide resources to local social media specialists
  • Oversee global analytics, identifying strengths/weaknesses and areas for growth
  • Identify and share appropriate content to be utilized across regions
  • Communicate insights on regional audiences and trends to inform business
  • Promote special initiatives, sponsors, and guests through social media properties
  • Facilitate influencer marketing campaign budgets and analytics for regional specialists
  • Help evaluate performance of regional influencer or social campaigns
  • Organize all-hands meetings, both virtual and onsite for regional teams
  • Track and support regional social media specialist to reach goals
  • Deploy and optimize social paid media campaigns, manage budget allocations
  • Inventory assets used and update all teams with approved branding
  • Assist regional teams in gaining access to tools, content, and data
  • Serve as spokesperson for regional social media efforts here in HQ
  • Routinely address questions, problems, or needs in a timely manner
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Communications or related field
  • 5-7 years of relevant experience
  • In-depth knowledge of third party sites and social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, WeChat and other international social channels
  • Proficiency with Adobe Suite and social media measurement tools
  • Exemplary project and time management skills with the ability to maintain flexibility in an ever-changing and dynamic environment

Social Media Strategist, Pero Like Resume Examples & Samples

  • Monitor discussions, posts, and comments across multiple Facebook pages and other social media channels
  • Use knowledge of online video to present our videos in the most shareable way, helping them to have the biggest reach and impact
  • Manage the Pero Like Facebook page
  • Contribute to the conversation about how we cover Latinx content on our site
  • Work closely with Director and rest of client social media team to ensure campaigns are on strategy, on time and on target
  • Create social programming plans and research audits including (and not limited to) content strategy plans, competition research briefs and digital audits
  • Choose daily content and engagement for brand on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
  • Understand basic research techniques and methodologies and use them to support development/execution of client campaigns
  • 5 to 7 years of dedicated social experience at an interactive, advertising, communications/public relations or marketing agency. Must have previous client experience working on social media marketing programs as well as executing word-of-mouth campaigns (including blogger/influencer outreach programs)
  • Passion for social media and community building online, including knowledge of social media platforms as well as tools of the trade
  • College degree preferred in liberal arts, journalism or new media
  • A sense of humor and ability to work in rapid, sometimes high-stress environment
  • Assist with development and ongoing management of social KPIs for key growth initiatives
  • Collaborate with audience development and social media teams to develop innovative approaches to winning social content strategies
  • Leverage data and insights to influence brand strategy and make tactical recommendations to drive audience and engagement growth (with a focus on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest)
  • Manage pipeline and project plan for corporate driven innovation pilot programs - including launching new social content programs, onboarding new social analytics tools, cross-brand content optimization tests
  • Review weekly and monthly cross-brand reports and summarize highlights for audience growth, traffic, and engagement across key social channels
  • Compile weekly cross-platform competitive review (competitive ranking by vertical, top performing posts, benchmark audience and engagement metrics, key shifts in content trends, etc.)
  • Lead development and ongoing maintenance of internal documentation on social best practices, “one-pagers” and guidelines for distribution to brand editorial and sales teams. Present findings and recommendations at brand meetings and social media meetings
  • Design, socialize and partner on execution of testing to find new ways to grow and monetize social audiences
  • Expertise in social content strategy and what works in the dynamic, ever-changing world of social media
  • Familiarity with digital and social analytics tools and competitive landscape
  • Exceptional data storyteller with strong presentation skills
  • Strong understanding of social media marketing strategy and complete social marketing mix –
  • Paid, organic, owned and earned
  • Sharp understanding and point of view on social media trends. Follows leading blogs, thought leaders and stays abreast of the latest content, product and marketing trends in social
  • Early adopter of new and emerging social media platforms – passionate about both being a user/consumer of social content as well as analyst/strategist
  • 3+ years experience in digital marketing, content strategy or social media role
  • Previous tactical experience as a community manager / editor / social media manager responsible for publishing content and managing a brands’ social presence
  • Power user of native analytics and insights tools (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest)
  • Familiar with social measurement tools including but not limited to social listening (NetBase, Crimson Hexagon, Synthesio) and social analytics (Crowdtangle, Sharablee, DashHudson, Curalate, etc.)
  • Experience with 3rd party analytics and syndication research platforms (Omniture, comScore, eMarketer, etc.) preferred
  • Working knowledge of social media advertising, native and branded content market dynamics and product offerings preferred
  • Social Listening: Research social behavior within our target markets, including that of competitors and other influencers. Identify/use internal and external tools to measure and report findings, including Oracle’s own social influence and progress. Capture and share insights and trends around social media
  • Social Enablement: Guide North America Marketing’s leaders on best practices for social, helping them incorporate it in their campaigns and overall content strategy. Facilitate relationships with the owners of Oracle’s various social channels to make sure NA Marketing’s important initiatives and successes are socialized
  • Social Selling: Educate sales teams on how social can contribute to their success, delivering presentations and workshops targeted to their knowledge level. Help them maximize social selling tools and strategies to hit and exceed their numbers
  • Influencer Programs: Play an integral role in creating exclusive networks of individuals with strategic value to Oracle; contribute creative ideas for leveraging their audiences on social media
  • Paid Social: Collaborate with internal Advertising team and external agency to optimize Oracle’s process around paid social across all applicable channels. This includes targeting, creative development, and analytics
  • 4+ years of relevant experience, including background in social media
  • Strong writing, oral, and presentation skills
  • Knowledge of best practices for social media, social selling and influencer programs
  • Experience establishing social metrics/KPIs and gathering data
  • History of managing production of social content (blog posts, Tweets, etc.)
  • Active on social media personally, with presence on all major social networks
  • Experience with at least one social management tool; comfortable learning new technology platforms
  • Stays ahead of new social media trends and is able to educate others effectively

Weekend Social Media Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversee Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram publishing Saturdays and Sundays, especially on the main BuzzFeed Facebook page, and assist on weekdays
  • Communicate with our News social team to post breaking news as it happens, pausing all publishing in times of crisis
  • Monitor the internet for social news opportunities and work with weekend editors on those pieces
  • Engage with BuzzFeed community on Facebook over the weekend
  • Oversee YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram publishing on several accounts on Saturdays and Sundays, and assist on weekdays
  • Plan, implement, and analyze video and distributed content releases and schedules across multiple Facebook pages and other social media platforms
  • Partner with the operations team and the data science team to implement strategies and tests
  • Delivering live-person webinars covering a broad range of social strategy topics
  • Creating and reviewing content for courses covering a broad range of social strategy topics
  • Creating and reviewing content for courses and make recommendations for improvement
  • Working with customers to ensure education requirements are met at delivery, and facilitate follow-up surveys to gather insights for continuous improvement of the education programs
  • Suggesting updates to content as the industry changes, trends arise and new research is available
  • Create, review and manage course content for the Enterprise Training team
  • Post session gather insights from survey data to continuously improve delivery and content
  • Work with product training as necessary to weave product training into course sessions
  • 2) Delivering live-person webinars and on-site training and workshops covering a broad range of social strategy topics
  • 3) Working with customers to ensure education requirements are met at delivery, and facilitating follow-up surveys for continuous improvement of the education programs
  • 4) Identifying trends and opportunities to advance the education program with new course material and workshops
  • Creating course material including lesson plans, presentations and workshop materials
  • Researching and gathering content to be used for training or as peripheral course content
  • Work with internal teams to ensure content is on brand, is relevant and up-to-date with product marketing objectives and messaging
  • Updating content as the industry changes, trends arise and new research is available
  • Work with customers prior to training on logistics, requirements and audience identification
  • Post session gather insights from survey data to improve delivery and content
  • Deliver strategic education sessions to groups via online webinar. Lead content, manage time and respond to questions asked by attendees
  • Deliver and lead customer on-sites and workshops on a variety of social strategy topics. Ensure content is relevant, and respond to questions asked by audience
  • Be able and prepared to answer customer questions and provide consultative responses around social strategy
  • Take active role in creating customer proposals for education
  • Be an advocate and evangelist for Hootsuite and social media education!
  • Acts as key strategic steward for the brands they work on
  • Collaborates with Community Strategist to leverage community insights in developing social plans and recommendations
  • Strategic partner to IMMs/Brands/Agencies
  • Social launch project owner
  • Oversight for content development
  • Oversight for reporting
  • Leads development of key social insights
  • Monitors and interprets social trends and platform updates
  • Assists with social media training for the organization
  • Builds and maintains relationships key internal and external partners
  • Actively searches for opportunities to grow strategic relationship with existing partners
  • Prepare and publish all posts across social channels, including managing the publishing calendar and building links
  • Develop data-driven analysis for insights, optimizations, and future strategy development
  • Propose and implement new data taxonomies to gain actionable insights into post performance
  • Harness social listening and other tools (including Google Analytics, Sprinklr and Crimson Hexagon) to gain insights into post performance, audience interests, and competitive analysis to identify opportunities and tactics for growth
  • Propose and execute innovative tactics and data-driven tests to increase social performance
  • Review past post performance and propose opportunities for re-promotion and post repurposing
  • Minimum 2+ years’ experience as a social strategist at a creative or digital agency
  • In-depth experience creating, publishing and analyzing both organic and paid posts on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, G+, Instagram
  • Experience with basic statistical programming packages (e.g. R, matlab)
  • Fluency in Excel or Google Sheets
  • Strong attention to detail, and demonstrated ability to execute according to plan and deliver measurable results
  • Experience and skills in collecting, planning, analyzing, and interpreting a diversity of data structures (including: Google Analytics, Sprinklr and Crimson Hexagon)
  • Deep knowledge of and fascination with emerging trends, tools, and tactics in social media
  • Excellent collaboration skills and a team mindset
  • Lead development of social content with creative and strategy teams
  • Day-to-day management of key social web platforms – LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, among others
  • Upload new content to CMS platform and native contnet management
  • Identify engagement opportunities, monitor live sentiment and social conversations around the brand
  • Work with editorial planner and creative team to provide suggested social responses on the fly, route for approval and post either natively or via CMS based on need
  • Employ a variety of research techniques to understand and analyze online data and provide insight into relevant online conversations and voices
  • Work closely with paid social lead to identify opportunities to support posts with paid
  • Provide strategic creative insight in quarterly reporting
  • 1-2 years of relevant work experience in social media; community management experience a plus
  • Deep knowledge of and passion for social media and digital culture
  • Must be extremely organized, detail oriented, and collaborative, but able to work independently in a fast paced, deadline driven environment
  • Develops brand identity in a positive, authentic way to attract customers and potential employees, while giving voice to the experiences of each constituent
  • Develops a regular publishing schedule to accomplish set objectives including the creation of monthly editorial calendars and marketing campaigns
  • Highly motivated, creative individual with 2-3+ years experience in social media content creation and management
  • Must have extensive knowledge of social media channels and platforms
  • Ideal candidates will have production-based skills that would allow them to conceptualize, create and publish copy, graphics and some video
  • Experience building social media relationships, as well as managing and organizing target social outreach
  • Strong writing and communications skills are a must
  • Strong presentation skills with a proven ability to communicate with a diverse group of people and audiences
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently and meet deadlines with a willingness to be part of a team working towards a common goal
  • Exceptional organizational and prioritization skills aiding an ability to manage multiple social projects at once
  • Self-motivated, detail-oriented, dynamic and outgoing personality
  • Work closely with brand strategist, brand managing editor and creative team to
  • 2-3years of relevant work experience in social media
  • Experience with a financial and/or B2B client a plus
  • Outstanding communication, research and analytical skills
  • Clear experience with process management, including organization and time management
  • Must be extremely detail oriented, collaborative, but able to work independently in a fast paced,
  • Deadline driven environment
  • Craft succinct and compelling social media strategies and help implement programs/campaigns and working hand-in-hand with our analytics and media teams to manage KPIs and analytics for client programs
  • Collaborate with integrated teams throughout the creative process to ensure social programs are tracking to right objectives/strategy
  • Support responses to new business opportunities and RFPs
  • Analyze competitive activity in the marketplace, identify trends and develop and contribute unique ideas
  • Actively contribute to internal and client meetings, creative brainstorms and strategy sessions
  • Cultivate fruitful relationships with key decision-makers across the business including creative, research/analytics experts, and account teams
  • Minimal bachelor degree in mass communications, new media or related communications function
  • Minimal five years of relevant social media or analytical experience in a marketing or agency environment
  • The ability to translate metrics into insights into action
  • Extensive experience using social media to solve brand/business challenges
  • Experience using various social listening and measurement tools
  • A demonstrated passion for and understanding of social media
  • Ability to identify emerging platforms and trends to drive innovation for our clients
  • Work on cross-functional teams and add strategic value
  • Ability to manage multiple projects
  • Have a voice at any table they’re around (both internally and externally with clients)
  • Strong verbal presentation/storytelling skills, superior writing skills and excellent interpersonal skills
  • Inspiring, compelling personality
  • Must be open to travel as needed
  • Demonstrated high degree of proficiency in using social media to drive business results
  • Experience in strategy development
  • Experience in conceptualizing, producing, and publishing visual content designed for social media channels
  • Ability to interact with people at all levels from executives to technical / individual contributors
  • Willingness to work at all levels this role requires a significant amount of strategy development and will also require getting "in the weeds" with social media platforms
  • Experience in paid media is desired although not required-Social media analytics experience is also beneficial although not required
  • Minimum Bachelor's or Master's degree
  • Advise and recommend viability of social channels, approaches, and tactics to senior management
  • Collaborate with Communications, Marketing and Product development teams to design social media plans and strategies to achieve marketing targets
  • Liaise with writers and designers to ensure content is informative and appealing
  • Manage, create, curate and publish original, high quality content
  • Oversee all company social media accounts ensuring up-to-date content
  • Ensure FIS' brand and reputation are enhanced by social media activities
  • Develop and manage a comprehensive social media crisis response playbook
  • Monitor and analyze SEO Strategy and user engagement and suggest optimization
  • Stay up-to-date with new digital technologies and social media best practices
  • Develop metrics and KPIs on specific social campaigns; prepare monthly and quarterly reports on social traffic and ROI
  • Oversee the creation and dissemination of reporting on social media efforts at FIS
  • Grow FIS Social Ambassadors and Champions program to advocate FIS across social media
  • Train internal teams to integrate and maintain a cohesive social media strategy
  • Manage and provide leadership, mentoring, and coaching for our Social Media Coordinators
  • Up to 8-10 years as a Social Media Strategist or Social Media Manager
  • Significant experience with major B2B social platforms and insight into emerging platforms
  • Understand how organic and paid social activity work together and how to best leverage the two together when developing campaigns
  • Bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited university
  • Minimum of three (3) combined years of experience in digital analytics, social media, digital marketing and/or digital paid media
  • Experience in marketing automation, ecommerce, and online advertising (social, search, programmatic display, etc.)
  • Experience working in Microsoft Excel
  • Experience working with agencies
  • Experience with social listening tools (Brandwatch, Sysomos, etc.)
  • Collaborate with pre-sales on concepting social media content to support pitches and RFPs
  • Project manage post-sale production and meet all deadlines
  • Prioritize and delegate post-sale action items in an organized and detailed fashion
  • Pitch innovative social activations to amplify client messaging
  • Requirements
  • At least 3-4 years’ experience in sales and social media at a media company or agency
  • Expert knowledge of the following platforms: Snapchat, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
  • Familiar with Sales force, Slack, Asana, Sprinklr
  • Forbes Media is a global media, branding and technology company, with a focus on news and information about business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership and affluent lifestyles. The company publishes Forbes and Forbes Asia, as well as The Forbes brand today reaches more than 98 million people worldwide with its business message each month through its magazines and 37 licensed local editions around the globe,, TV, conferences, research, social and mobile platforms. Forbes Media’s brand extensions include conferences, real estate, education, financial services, and technology license agreements
  • Possess a thorough command of the social media and digital world (from the evolving social web to mobile tools and trends), sophisticated client service and digital communications skills, high energy and passion for this area of rapid change and innovation
  • Work well within highly collaborative, multidisciplinary teams – displaying proven ability in running a team, controlling timelines and budgets, anticipating issues and working towards solutions to complex problems
  • Have exceptional creative and business writing skill
  • Lead cross-functional account teams to build content plans and campaign strategies designed to engage members of brand communities
  • Strong technical proficiency in social media platforms
  • Serve as a senior client contact for a major client, responsible for building and nurturing the client relationship while supporting the management and optimization of a team to support social AOR efforts
  • Develop and implement innovative social brand strategies that are integrated with overall client marketing objectives/goals
  • Define KPIs and implement measurement, analytics and reporting methods to gauge success, providing key data and analysis of digital/social media campaigns to clients as well as internal account and management staff
  • Develop and track against client scopes of work
  • Have 7+ years of experience with a brand (client-side), or a digital advertising and/or digital PR agency, with preference for experience managing social media platforms or communities (or commensurate experience)

Digital & Social Media Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Four or more years of experience as a Social Media Strategist and/or Social Manager for large, global organizations
  • Hands-on experience using social media to amplify brand awareness
  • Deep knowledge of social media publishing platforms, metrics tracking and social listening tools (such as NUVI, Hootsuite, Brandwatch)
  • Strong background in measuring social media channels and providing metrics-based recommendations to increase followership and improve engagement
  • Experience distilling relevant content from multiple sources such as news, company blogs and executive Tweets into engaging messaging
  • Ability to work in a highly matrixed organization with multiple stakeholders
  • A team player with excellent multitasking skills
  • Bachelor’s in communications, marketing, journalism or related field
  • Ability to develop graphics, gifs, and other visual content
  • Knowledge of next generation digital platforms
  • There is offsite flexibility for this position but only California residents will be considered; preference will be given to local Bay Area candidates
  • Support the Director of Social Media in developing strategic social media plans
  • Create PowerPoint decks for presenting to C-level executives
  • Research social media trends and advise accordingly
  • Assist with overall social media strategy

Talent Marketing Social Media Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Define, create, and facilitate job posting process and produce engaging and compliant posting content
  • Set up and manage an online marketing program to promote job openings and career opportunities at the company
  • Enhance current content and communication strategies on a variety of recruitment projects and events
  • Develop and manage social media strategy and produce content implemented across multiple platforms
  • Research and work with internal copywriter to drive new content marketing trends and produce engaging material
  • Share input in strategies for increasing company's employer brand awareness and consideration through social media based solutions
  • Create compelling and effective content including articles implemented across a number of formats such as blogs, social media posts, video scripts and recruitment branding initiatives
  • Develop and oversee relationship marketing campaign for engaging and developing candidate relationships
  • Provide tactical recruitment branding and communications support for Company's recruiting efforts
  • Develop, implement and manage recruitment marketing campaigns using a variety of media and marketing channels
  • Interpret and present metrics and analytics for social platforms, recruitment/marketing channels, and media
  • Required Level of Education: High school diploma or equivalent required as well as college coursework in marketing campaigns, web design and/or specific programming language used in social media –XML, or related field of study. Bachelor's degree in marketing, advertising, preferred
  • Years of Related Work Experience: 4 years' proven experience working in the field of Social Media, Social Recruiting, PR or Recruitment Marketing advertising, preferably related to recruiting or employer branding
  • In-depth understanding of CRMs and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, and Instagram etc., and how they can be utilized
  • Experience with employer branding with Glassdoor, LinkedIn, FB, Twitter and other social platforms
  • Manage multiple projects and project effective communication to all participants
  • Assessing what social media & employer branding strategies are best for loanDepot, creating new job posting process leveraging social media sites based on previous knowledge, experience and discretion
  • Creating unique content for blogs and social media sites

Financial Services Social Media Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop a strategy which extends Franklin Templeton’s social media presence
  • Manage and help evolve penetration and engagement strategies for all of Franklin Templeton’s public social channels including: Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, 3 blogs. Provide recommendations on new social platforms and their applicability for Canada
  • This team will provide some executional support to the team in Central America – namely Mexico
  • Work closely with our marketing and sales leaders to create content and online engagement opportunities that effectively deliver superior user experiences, and reinforce the brand while increasing engagement
  • Manage the content / campaign social calendar
  • Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, writing and editing copy and overseeing the delivery of portfolio manager commentary, developing a strategy and tactical process for responding to market events, determining how to best leverage social media to respond, and determining how to engage across and within channels to support Franklin Templeton’s distribution initiatives
  • Under very tight deadlines this person will work closely with senior leaders from Sales, Marketing, and Portfolio Management teams and will be responsible for all logistical aspects of managing the firm’s growing and dynamic social persona (Facebook, LinkedIn, blogs, YouTube, etc.)
  • Use social listening tools to guide the strategy i.e. key themes from our influencers
  • Develop and maintain reporting to track results, activity and budget
  • Manage internal Hearsay platform – ensuring regular stream of relevant content. Be the internal advocate for the platform
  • Develop external facing programs to help advisors build their social presence
  • Key working relationships include Marketing Management (Canada and Americas), Portfolio Management, Global Social Strategies Team, and Global Marketing Services
  • Requires a bachelor's degree, MBA a plus
  • A minimum of 7 years experience in financial services marketing - ideally asset management
  • Over 5 years developing social strategy and managing social media for a corporation
  • Solid understanding of financial services and related verticals
  • Strong knowledge and experience in copyright/license management
  • Exceptional team player with the confidence and integrity to earn client and internal team confidence quickly
  • Excellent writing skills for social and web
  • Advanced Social Media Skills: Facebook, YouTube, WordPress, LinkedIn etc
  • Advanced Microsoft Office skills
  • Excel: Forms, Formulas, Functions, Pivot Tables, & Graphs
  • Intermediate to Advanced Adobe Creative Suite skills, particularly in Audition and Photoshop
  • Ability to interact with colleagues at all levels
  • Ability to represent the Company at professional and business functions in a competent manner
  • Excellent analytical, training and motivational skills
  • Excellent advocacy and persuasive skills
  • Ability to organize and prioritize workflow and to coordinate the work of others
  • Ability to accurately proofread documents
  • Ability to perform multiple tasks in a fast-paced, team environment
  • Work is largely performed without direction; participates in determining objectives of assignment; plans, schedules and arranges own and team’s activities in accomplishing objectives
  • Ability to manage Line of Business and Brand initiatives and campaigns
  • SEO, HTML, media buying, project management, and experience with social listening tools
  • Understanding and working knowledge of social advertising, custom audiences and targeting
  • Mortgage, Finance or Banking knowledge
  • Devise long-term, metrics-driven social media strategies
  • Manage social media campaigns and communication plans
  • Draft creative, engaging and timely content for social media accounts
  • Coordinate with Copywriters and Graphic Designers to publish high quality and visually appealing social media content
  • Spearhead social media campaigns for new product launches or seasonal promotions, engaging the broader marketing team when appropriate
  • Communicate directly with clients via social media, responding to client inquiries when needed
  • Analyze efficacy of social media strategies and optimize tactics accordingly. Analytical ability to extract insight/actions from social data and relate back to business goals
  • Deliver and prepare weekly, monthly and ad-hoc reports on key social media performance indicators such as user engagement and web-traffic
  • Network with social media marketing professionals to stay informed on industry trends and best practices. Research and build pilots on emerging platforms
  • Ensure compliance standards are met in all social marketing activities
  • 2+ years of work experience as social media strategist
  • Experience using MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Major Social Media platforms, Digital Analytical tools, etc
  • Expertise in major social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and Twitter
  • Experience with digital analytics tools, such as Facebook Insights or Percolate
  • Comprehensive understanding of key performance metrics for social media
  • Experience with web design and content creation
  • Understanding of SEO and web traffic metrics
  • Advanced creative writing experience
  • Creative and strategic thinking
  • Develops and manages social media plans, integrating them into the overall marketing mix
  • Collaboration with marketing team and agency partner(s) to ideate, create assets, implement editorial calendar and measure efforts
  • Leverage understanding of how to build and convert a digital audience to grow followers, engage and retain them, and help convert them into leads, customers and active fans of Say Insurance
  • Keeps abreast of social media marketing industry best practices, trends and developments and recommend strategic evolutions when necessary
  • Collaborates with marketing team to strategize and create social promotions, PR effects for social, influencer marketing programs and more
  • Proactively seeks and recommends integrations of social into other marketing strategies, reporting back on successes and building on learnings
  • Partners with media buying agency on paid social, looking for ways to optimize investment in content and strategy
  • Utilizes social listening platform and content marketing tool to understand what's resonating with audiences and make recommendations to optimize social efforts
  • Develops, implements and trains staff on a social customer service policy and manage monitoring schedule and response expectations. this includes maintaining FAQ database, decision trees, crisis communication protocols and more
  • Other duties may be assigned to meet ongoing business needs
  • Ability to perform essential functions of the job, with or without a reasonable accommodation
  • Manage social media content and interaction on the GM Careers social media channels ensuring a consistent brand and channel voice including
  • Building networks and partnerships with employees, Talent Acquisition & GM Communication peers, and social media communities of practice
  • Development of a monthly social media editorial calendar with our agency and recruiting partners that includes channel appropriate content and campaigns
  • Leveraging external media and internal content, partner content and user generated content
  • Monitor trends in social media and channel topics
  • Develop clear, transparent responses to questions from social media community members
  • Utilize evidence based research and analytics to understand what information candidates are looking for & engage talent community members with relevant content – tell our story so they can decide if we are the right company for their career aspirations and if our culture aligns with their values
  • Report out on actionable insights and key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Design social media strategies to achieve marketing targets
  • Manage content calendars, creation and publishing ensuring high quality content
  • Administer all company social media accounts ensuring up-to-date content
  • Collaborate with Marketing and Product development teams to create social ‘buzz' regarding new launches and campaigns
  • Facilitate client-company communication (respond to queries, get reviews and organize chats and Q&A sessions)
  • Prepare weekly and monthly reports on web traffic
  • Monitor SEO and user engagement and suggest content optimization
  • Create a social media strategy for 2U-supported programs
  • Manage the long-term and daily planning, and execution, of social media across channels
  • Craft campaigns to maximize reach and engagement for inbound marketing content
  • Plan and use budget to drive engagement and organic marketing value for inbound content
  • # Write and develop original, compelling content for social media
  • 2U Diversity and Inclusion Statement
  • Create social media strategy for the group and individual brands and support our Social Media Managers in implementing this strategy
  • Train editorial teams on social media best practice
  • Oversee our social media toolkit for social management, monitoring, tracking and listening; using these tools yourself and training others to ensure effectiveness. Manage relationships with these suppliers
  • Work with our commercial teams and internal agency on commercial social media campaigns
  • Work with the development teams to ensure our websites are social-friendly and overseeing the implementation of new technologies such as Facebook Instant Articles
  • Be the first to know about social media breaking news; communicating important updates to social platforms around the business and advising on new platforms or opportunities we should be utilising

Social Media Strategist & Content Producer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong strategic outlook and ability to leverage current and future trends to help an organization succeed at the broadest level, across groups, teams or units
  • Subject matter expertise in digital community development
  • Ability to interact effectively and tactfully with senior staff and other members of the academic community
  • Experience leading highly-functioning teams
  • Experience creating content in a variety of formats strongly preferred
  • Experience managing agencies, vendors, and/or creative contractors preferred
  • Use social media and networks for prospecting, lead generation and nurturing by increasing web traffic and brand awareness
  • Support IBM Security SMEs as required to help define trending topics and key connections
  • Use enterprise tools and guidelines in social media to increase reach, recognition, engagement, trust and consistency of experience
  • Ensure content supports all phases of the buyer path to proficiency (Discover, Learn, Try, Buy, Adopt, Advocate)
  • BA/BS degree in Business, Marketing, Communications, Public Relations or other similar creative writing and/or design field
  • Must have 4+ years of experience in managing marketing campaigns
  • Experience in driving social media programs and projects across cross functional teams within an organization
  • Knowledge of major social media channels, including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Google+ etc
  • Experience with social media monitoring and measurement platforms
  • Masters degree in Business, Marketing, Communications, Public Relations or other similar creative writing and/or design field
  • 6+ years of experience in managing marketing campaigns
  • Develop and oversee implementation of digital & social media strategy across CEEMEA in line with corporate and marketing goals
  • Define the digital & social media placement strategy by identifying platforms we should focus on and defining a specific content and activation strategy for each platform
  • Oversee content development designed for maximum enagement in support of our channel brands and key programme franchises
  • Develop a detailed posting strategy and activation plan for each platform to drive engagement and connection with consumers
  • Work with the Insights team to monitor results and consumer intelligence to optimise future activity
  • Identify key influencers and guide influencer strategy across CEEMEA
  • Keep up to date with trends and developments both internal and external to contribute and inspire with key learnings, best practice and new ideas
  • Participate in development of the yearly content franchise plan
  • Contribute to ongoing development and optimisation of the content franchise strategy
  • Participate in planning the yearly budget, raise POs and track expenditure
  • Work closely with the PR, Creative, Programming and Media Planning teams to maximize synergy and promotional opportunities
  • Liaise regularly with the regional marketing teams to facilitate collaboration, synergy and relationship building
  • Act as central point of contact and a source of inspiration for your peers in the 9 regional hubs
  • Oversee communication and delivery of digital & social media strategy, assets and initiatives to the 9 regional hubs
  • Coordinate collation of materials and information from the regional hubs
  • Pro-actively seek opportunities to maximise our promotional impact
  • Brief and manage internal and external creative agencies
  • Contribute to and participate in internal and external presentations
  • Focus all executions on cut-through/stand-out/innovative ideas that maximise ROI and benefits of scale across CEEMEA
  • Educated to degree / professional qualification level or above
  • Significant experience in a digital & social media role/environment
  • Multiplatform strategic development, execution, measurement and optimization
  • Deep understanding of the roles and behaviours attributed to the different digital and social platforms
  • Building and engaging communities across the different platforms
  • Working with appropriate influencers to maximise exposure and engagement
  • CMS management
  • Briefing and managing agencies or working within an agency environment
  • Multimedia content creation and publishing for multiple digital/social media platforms
  • Audience profiling, analysis and targeting
  • Positive attitude and strong interpersonal skills
  • Strong communication ability
  • Delivering multiple initiatives under tight deadlines and budgets
  • Stakeholder management
  • Working to editorial brand guidelines
  • Working to corporate and commercial objectives
  • Understanding of rights restrictions and clearance necessities
  • Strong copywriting ability
  • BA/BS in marketing, public relations or communications
  • 3 - 4 years of relevant social media marketing experience across a variety of channels. Experiential marketing a plus
  • Strong understanding of social media marketing landscape (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube best practices)
  • Proven track record of success in producing engaging and innovative digital content in sports/events
  • Experience using Google Analytics, CMS platforms
  • Develop social media plans, including content strategies and campaign blueprints, with an emphasis on setting strategic goals, developing metrics, defining audiences and identifying key tactical frameworks
  • Mine actionable insights to drive unique thinking and connection opportunities with consumers, including campaign optimizations, strategic recommendations and tactical opportunities
  • Utilize social listening data and third-party research to identify relevant trends and content opportunities
  • Work closely with agency partners, creative and community management teams to ensure success of social media programs and initiatives

Associate Social Media Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with our social strategists to create fun, compelling, original content exclusively for our social channels
  • Keep our social channels updated and engage in the social conversation during award shows, Fashion Week, and other special events
  • Excellent writing and communication skills — no typos in your Facebook teasers, please!
  • Excellent social media etiquette and moderation skills. Our audience is engaged and vocal, and we’re looking for someone who knows how to interact with them in the right way — and in the POPSUGAR voice. Which brings us to .
  • Competence with Microsoft Office
  • Ability to jump from the strategic and creative side of marketing to the analytical side
  • Design skills a plus but not required
  • Working knowledge of the principles of SEM and SEO
  • Strong story-telling and presentation skills
  • Ability to distinguish and behave with a good sense of decorum; acting as a brand ambassador is absolutely required
  • Solid analytical bent to turn data into insights
  • Understanding of higher education communications preferred but not required
  • Ability to work in a diverse work environment
  • Significant experience in advertising, communications, marketing, or public relations
  • Demonstrated experience and a passion for the social media universe (i.e., Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, blogs, wikis, RSS, social bookmarking, discussion forums and community software)
  • Maintains a cycle plan of mature, emerging and development forms of media communications
  • Implements online content including images, info graphics, videos, and blogs
  • At least 1 year in direct marketing, advertising, and brand marketing experience including implementation of digital and emerging campaigns
  • At least 1 year in social media experience as an online marketer
  • Leads the development of social media strategies to support functional goals and initiatives
  • Creates and develops corporate-wide social media strategies from start to finish, guiding standards, policies, best-practices, and frameworks
  • Collaborates with product owners, Marketing staff, other business units, and ad agencies to create integrated plans and assess programs across all social media channels
  • Leads the coordination of cross-team initiatives to ensure corporate marketing efforts are leveraged with consistent messaging in social media campaigns
  • Manages the creative and strategic insights towards development of social media strategies and tactics to build/engage audiences and increase membership reach through the social media space
  • Develops key performance indicators to measure effectiveness of programs in relation to functional goals
  • Leads the creation of tactical strategies using insights, search engine optimization (SEO) and user experience (UX) input to guide executable programs
  • Manages and oversees the strategic vision on behalf of, or in collaboration with, product owner(s)
  • Serve as the company’s resident social media expert
  • Manages the day-to-day execution of all social media activities
  • Serves as social media advocate for dialogues/conversations and evaluations to increase membership and community outreach of the Navy Federal brand
  • Collaborates with Social Media Community Manager by providing strategy assistance to ensure accurate and appropriate responses to member engagements via the Navy Federal social media community
  • Evaluates and proposes new approaches/initiatives for working with cross-functional teams
  • Administers all paid advertising through social media
  • Builds and grows relationships with vendors, agencies, product owners, leadership team, and other business units
  • Drives creativity and publication of content and ensures a stable stream of content is contributed to the NF Blog and other social media channels
  • Monitors and tracks all external and internal social media events to ensure consistency of messaging and adherence to Navy Federal guidelines, processes and procedures
  • Reviews, analyzes and reports on the technical performance, effective usability and quality execution of strategies
  • Performs secondary research and summary performance analysis of project status and results for stakeholders and management; provides input recommendations for changes as appropriate
  • Gathers, prepares and interprets data; contributes to the preparation of various summary reports to management
  • Interprets social media data to optimize member’s performance and provide actionable recommendations for improvement
  • Works with the Member Research Intelligence Division (MRID) team to measure the impact of social media campaigns on the overall marketing efforts for clients
  • Participates in corporate social media industry associations to network, research and keep current with trends, technology and changes in the digital space
  • Bachelor’s degree in a related field, or the equivalent combination of education, training, and experience
  • Experience in Marketing or Financial industries promoting services and products through digital spaces in a fast pace environment
  • Thorough familiarity with Navy Federal’s organizational structure, products and services
  • Work within project teams to develop and maintain weekly editorial calendars that adhere to brand voice and guidelines
  • Manage social requests from channel partners
  • Collaborate with Corporate on partnerships/sponsorships that are being activated in social and manage how we can leverage these assets through paid & owned social support
  • Track, evaluate and report on the progress social media campaigns on a regular basis
  • Monitor trends in social, digital and mobile media and exploring new tools, trends and applications that could positively impact our business
  • Attend and execute on-site activations in social media on a quarterly basis
  • Mentor Social Media Coordinators in their daily work
  • Years of Related Professional Experience: Minimum of 5+ years digital/social media, preferably in a corporate environment
  • Ability to creatively engage with consumers through social media
  • Experience with executing Facebook and Instagram advertising campaigns
  • Experience in developing analytics reporting
  • Experience in managing online communities independent of the major social networks
  • Experience with Percolate or similar CMS tools
  • Experience working closely with press teams and/or attending trade shows/industry events
  • Working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Exceptional level of written, verbal and editing skills

Digital / Social Media Strategist EU Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with media and campaign management teams as well as external agencies to integrate digital and social media strategies into a wider above the line campaign strategy and broader digital activations
  • Provide social and digital strategy thought leadership on the role of these channels in an integrated marketing model for both brand, demand, and campaign initiatives
  • Collaborate with the Global Insights and Analytics team to test, measure, and scale campaigns to drive effective brand perception changes and efficient sales demand
  • Ensure best in class pricing through negotiations, bid strategies, annual deals and post campaign auditing
  • Provide cultural insights, industry developments, technology innovations, & trend forecasting to inform creative recommendations and to educate internal teams
  • Liaise directly with social media platforms to stay appraised of latest developments and provide insight back to internal teams on application for Amazon
  • Work with 3rd party content providers to develop relevant campaigns to sit alongside internal content campaigns
  • Become familiar with internal tools to create Custom Audiences for social and digital display platforms
  • Manage digital buyers on campaign implementation, optimisation and learning
  • Have an ability to translate overall brand strategies and campaigns to align with customer media behaviour, mindsets, digital/social channels, and technology
  • Substantial experience leading and executing digital and social media and/or marketing strategies for a leading consumer brand or agency
  • Current hands on experience buying digital and social media as well as a strong understanding of digital and social metrics, data analysis, and reporting tools
  • Strong understanding of AdOps technologies
  • Ability to work with business leads and creative teams to successfully meet deadlines in a fast-paced, rapidly-changing environment
  • Independently self-motivated, team player with excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Strategic and deeply consumer-minded approach to digital and social media
  • Familiarity with pan-EU media landscapes
  • Experience with Google Ads, Doubleclick, Facebook Power Editor
  • Enhance current content and communication strategies on a variety of recruitment project and events
  • Develop and manage social media strategy and produce content implemented across multiple platform
  • Research and work with internal copywriter to drive new content marketing trends and produce engaging materials
  • Create compelling and effective content including articles implemented across a number of formats such as blogs, social media posts, video scripts, and recruitment branding initiatives
  • Develop, implement, and manage recruitment marketing campaigns using a variety of media and marketing channels

Related Job Titles

social media strategy resume

Social Media Strategist resume examples for 2024

A social media strategist's role involves implementing digital strategies across various channels, managing social media content, analyzing data to improve content, and optimizing campaigns for engagement. They must also monitor and optimize social media campaigns, train others on social media management, and develop internal and external marketing materials. To increase their earning potential, it's important to communicate effectively, work well in a team, and demonstrate a strong work ethic. According to Brock Zehr , Associate Professor of Business & Economics and MBA Director at Huntington University, "Social media content development, data analytics, and quality video content generation will all be in greater demand."


Social Media Strategist resume example

How to format your social media strategist resume:.

  • Tailor your resume's job title to match the role you're applying for, such as 'Social Media Strategist.'
  • Emphasize accomplishments in your work experience, like 'Increased social media engagement by 15% through A/B testing and data analysis.'
  • Keep your resume concise and impactful, aiming to fit it on one page, and using software like Sprout Social to measure and schedule social media efforts.

Choose from 10+ customizable social media strategist resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use social media strategist resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your social media strategist resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Social Media Strategist Resume

Social Media Strategist resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your social media strategist resume.

Social Media Strategist Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Montgomery, AL 36043| 333-111-2222 | [email protected]

2. Add relevant education to your social media strategist resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Social Media Strategist Education

Social Media Strategist Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

Bachelor's Degree In Public Relations 1993 - 1996

Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI

Social Media Strategist Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

Doctoral Degree In Public Relations 2007 - 2010

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick, NJ

3. Next, create a social media strategist skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an social media strategist resume

Social platforms refer to those areas where people interact digitally through internet access devices; they include sites or pages such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Users of these sites can easily share by sending and receiving media content through the sites.

A social media strategy is a summarized plan of everything you hope to accomplish on social media. This strategy will be used as stepping stones to guide actions and monitoring trajectory. Having a concise yet specific plan ensures its efficiency and effectiveness. The foundation of social strategy like any other plan is to establish objectives and goals which are measurable, attainable specific, relevant and time-bound. These goals will provide a measurable return on investment (ROI) and success.

Top Skills for a Social Media Strategist

  • Instagram , 7.1%
  • Digital Marketing , 6.8%
  • Twitter , 6.2%
  • Social Media Marketing , 6.2%
  • Other Skills , 73.7%

4. List your social media strategist experience

The most important part of any resume for a social media strategist is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of social media strategists" and "Managed a team of 6 social media strategists over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

  • Provided marketing support and project coordination for Consumer Brand Activation and Category Teams.
  • Partnered with internal Data and Technology teams to achieve optimal data segmentation and list development.
  • Worked alongside the QA team to ensure 100+ million weekly campaign data points were error free prior to upload.
  • Developed, managed, and executed Safeway's overall email marketing strategies for both Corporate and Grocery Delivery programs.
  • Developed brand email marketing strategies including customer and prospect acquisition, segmentation, and analysis.
  • Conducted A/B testing in Adobe Target to provide insightful and actionable analysis to enhance the user experience.
  • Created economic analyses of long-term project goals resulting in more accurate metrics for social media initiatives.
  • Developed reports in Adobe Analytics to drive marketing programs and provide better customer intelligence.
  • Streamlined customer online shopping experienced utilizing web metrics and customer feedback.
  • Discussed B2B, B2C, communication strategy providing solid rationale for content choices.
  • Delivered partnership with Facebook for World
  • Worked directly with online sales department to identify and develop compelling digital content features to offer potential sponsors.
  • Expanded existing advertising book Spearheaded multiple special publications Reintroduced a number of customers back to advertising
  • Coordinated the creation of new official online stores and addition of new products.
  • Audited content to identify SEO/traffic generation opportunities and then led team of freelance writers to create high-impact "cornerstone" content.
  • Created ThankYou Rewards first promotional strategy in social media: Facebook and Twitter communications promoting unique rewards and experiences.
  • Provided weekly reporting and analytics analysis for client and internal teams.
  • Decided where to place online content, whether on SharePoint or Vignette, to better help team members utilize it.
  • Created a content calendar for the Bank's presence on YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and G+.
  • Assembled and supervised a five-person social media committee.

5. Highlight social media strategist certifications on your resume

Specific social media strategist certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your social media strategist resume:

  • Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate
  • Professional Certified Marketer (PCM)
  • Certified Social Marketing Associate (CSMA)
  • Certified Medical Interpreter - Spanish (CMI)
  • Certified Blockchain & Digital Marketing Professional

6. Finally, add an social media strategist resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your social media strategist resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common social media strategist resume skills

  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Social Platforms
  • Content Strategy
  • Media Management
  • Social Media Management
  • Sprout Social
  • Social Strategy
  • Facebook Insights
  • Social Content
  • Google Analytics
  • Web Content
  • Content Calendar
  • Social Channels
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Project Management
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Content Creation
  • Editorial Calendar
  • Social Campaigns
  • Community Management
  • Video Content
  • Brand Awareness
  • Content Development
  • Target Audience
  • Community Engagement
  • Client Facing
  • Content Marketing
  • Media Planning
  • Integrated Marketing
  • Press Releases
  • Social Communities
  • Graphic Design
  • Copywriting
  • Content Management
  • Social Networks
  • Web Traffic
  • Digital Strategy

Social Media Strategist Jobs

Links to help optimize your social media strategist resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Updated April 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Social Media Strategist Related Resumes

  • Social Media Director Resume
  • Social Media Editor Resume
  • Social Media Manager Resume
  • Social Media Specialist Resume
  • Strategist Resume

Social Media Strategist Related Careers

  • Channel Supervisor
  • Content Manager
  • E-Commerce Specialist
  • Internet Ecommerce Specialist
  • Internet Marketer
  • Internet Sales Specialist
  • Marketing Strategist
  • Media Coordinator
  • Media Manager
  • Paid Search Specialist
  • Search Engine Evaluator
  • Search Engine Marketing Strategist
  • Search Engine Optimizer
  • Search Strategist
  • Social Media Director

Social Media Strategist Related Jobs

What similar roles do.

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  • What Does a Paid Search Specialist Do
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  • Social Media Strategist Resume

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How To Write a Social Media Manager Resume [Free Templates]

Want to land your dream job in social media marketing? Learn how to make a great social media manager resume with our free templates!

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Table of Contents

If you’re looking to get a job in social media marketing, you need to create a social media manager resume. And not just any resume—one that’s visually appealing, succinct, and shows exactly why you’re the person for the job.

Job hunting and resume-building can be stressful. However, if you’ve got the right skill set and the right resume, you can easily highlight your best qualities and get that interview.

This article is going to cover why you need a social media manager resume, how to make one that will grab the hiring manager’s attention, share a couple of free templates, and more.

Bonus: Our free social media manager career toolkit includes resume, cover letter, and portfolio templates, along with a complete guide to social media job descriptions and frequently asked interview questions. You got this!

What is a social media manager resume and why do you need one?

A social media manager resume is a document created by someone looking for a social media manager role within a company’s marketing team.

This document lists out skills and accomplishments that make the job seeker suitable for the role they’re applying for. Some of the major elements of a social media manager’s resume include:

  • Personal information: Include your name, contact information, and public social media profiles
  • Objective/summary: Explain the purpose of your resume (i.e., to get a job as a social media manager) and why your skills make you the perfect candidate
  • Work experience: Include experience directly related to the role you’re applying to, whether it’s past jobs, internships, etc.
  • Skills: List out any skills you have that pertain specifically to the job description of the role you’re applying for
  • Accomplishments: Share any big results you’ve gotten for a client or company to prove your expertise
  • References: Many companies like to call references—past employers/colleagues/classmates—to get an idea of your work ethic and skills before bringing you on board

A resume is an important document that helps hiring managers understand which applicants might be right for the role at a glance. Creating a resume is a key step in getting a new job, so you want to spend enough time to make sure you’ve catered it towards each role you apply for.

Your resume isn’t a one-and-done project. We’ll talk more about this later, but you’ll want to adjust it to fit each role you apply for based on what each company has specifically listed in its job description.

Pro tip : Want to know more about what a social media manager does on a daily basis? We break down the skills you’ll need to thrive as a social media manager in a related post.

social media strategy resume

Download our Social Media Career Report for stats on social media manager salaries, benefits, job satisfaction, mental health, and more.

How to make a social media manager resume

We’ve touched on some of the most important parts of a resume for a social media manager position. But let’s dive deeper and help you pull together a resume that’s going to land you an interview.

We’ll use one of our templates to walk through each section of a good social media manager’s resume and how to fully flesh it out.

Personal information

The very top of your resume should include your personal information—who you are and how interested companies can get in touch with you. Start by putting your name in big letters at the very top of your resume. (This is all about you, after all.)

The very top of your social media manager resume should include your personal information—who you are and how interested companies can get in touch with you

You can then include information like:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Public social media platforms
  • Professional headshot

This gives potential employees all of the upfront information they need to get in contact with you about the role. Place all of this information at the very top of your resume. You can also include it in a sidebar if you use that element in your resume design.


This section is optional but is a great way to provide a quick snippet of your expertise before the hiring manager even dives deeper into your resume. If you choose to add either or both an objective or summary, follow these tips.

The About Me or Objective section should mention your social media manager resume’s intentions or why you’re applying for the role.

Your objective should mention your resume’s intentions or why you’re applying for the role. This could be as simple as “To get a social media manager role for a company I admire.”

However, as with everything in a competitive job landscape, try to take it a step further. Create goals for yourself in this role. Say something like, “To help an eCommerce company use their social media channels to improve customer retention and reach $1MM ARR.”

Your summary highlights your professional accomplishments and why you’re the best person for the job. If you decide to include this, make sure to cater it to each job you apply for, using key terms from the job description in case the company uses resume-scanning software.

Place your objective and/or summary right below the header of your resume.

Work experience

The next section is where you include your work experience. However, you don’t need to include all of your work experience—just the ones that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Even if you’re applying for an entry-level social media manager role, your high school jobs don’t need to be listed here (unless they directly apply to the position, like helping with a local company’s social media profiles or working in customer service).

In the experience section of your social media manager resume, include all of your past (relevant) roles in reverse chronological order.

List these in reverse chronological order starting with your most recent position. Include information like:

  • Your job title
  • Name of the company/organization
  • Location in city/state format (or type “Remote”)
  • Time period you worked there
  • Description of your main tasks at this position

In your description, include tasks that pertain directly to the role you’re applying for as well as any major results you may have achieved for the company. This will help position you in a better light for the role you’re applying for.

If you have a college degree related to your field, you can input your education here. If your degree was in a different field and you’ve pivoted to marketing, consider omitting this section or using it to share details of any marketing-related certifications you may have picked up along the way.

The education section of your social media manager resume is laid out in a similar fashion to your work experience: reverse chronological order with your major, school, location, and time spent at the school.

Your education will be laid out in a similar fashion to your work experience: reverse chronological order with your major, school, location, and time spent at the school. If you choose to include certifications, share the name of the certification, where you received it, and when.

Potential employers want to know what your top skills are, and they can be difficult to ascertain just from descriptions of your past employment. This is why you’ll want to create a section that shows off your best skills—as well as your proficiency in some of the skills listed in the job description.

Create a section of your social media manager resume that shows off your best skills—as well as your proficiency in some of the skills listed in the job description

There are a couple of ways to showcase your top skills:

  • Use a progress bar to demonstrate your skill level with each
  • Include descriptors like “Beginner,” “Intermediate,” “Advanced,” or “Expert”
  • Share a simple list of skills that are relevant to the job description
  • Create a header for each skill and describe your experience in bullet points below

Again, be sure to only list skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying to. Bonus points if you list skills that are specifically mentioned in the job description (but only if you’re actually skilled in those areas).

Other items

There are a few other items that you might decide to add to your resume to further set yourself apart from other applicants.

Leave room for other interesting and relevant information on your resume, like notable achievements, certifications, or hobbies.

Those include things like:

  • Accomplishments
  • Certifications
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Volunteer work
  • Special awards
  • Publications
  • Big projects
  • Languages you speak

Don’t make your resume too busy—but be sure to highlight any special skills you bring to the table.

Social media manager resume template

If you’re ready to get started creating your own social media manager resume, it’s a good idea to start with a template. This takes the grunt work out of creating your resume and gives you a starting point for where each of your resume sections should go.

To start inputting your own information, download our free social media manager resume templates now.

These Google Doc templates can be fully customized to fit your skills and personal brand.

While you’ll need to update all of the text within the template, a few other elements you might want to change include:

  • Letter case
  • Letter style/weight

Make sure your resume represents you and your skill set perfectly so you can start getting calls or emails from hiring managers to set up interviews.

Best practices for your social media manager resume

Let’s make sure your resume is the favorite of the bunch. Keep these best practices in mind to help your social media manager resume stand out and get you an interview.

1. Quantify your achievements

Have you helped a company generate a ton of followers? Did you run an ad campaign that brought in a lot of sales?

Put it on your resume!

But do you know what sounds better than “a ton of followers” or “a lot of sales?” Numbers. Quantify your achievements by being specific.

For example:

  • Grew XYZ’s Instagram followers by 100,000
  • Ran a retargeting Instagram ad that generated $25k in sales
  • Increased social media engagement by 25%

Don’t those statements sound much more gratifying? The numbers are also going to grab attention and help you make an even bigger impact with the hiring manager.

2. Use compelling action verbs

Passive statements like “Duties include this, that, and the other thing” have become commonplace in resume-writing. But compelling action verbs read much better.

  • Achieved a positive ROI in 97% of all ad campaigns
  • Executed a cohesive social media strategy across six different platforms
  • Managed a four-person marketing team

These action verbs make your resume sound even more powerful, helping to position you as a stellar candidate.

3. Make sure it’s ATS-friendly

ATS stands for “application tracking system,” and it’s a common tool for large companies to use when reviewing hundreds (or even thousands) of applicants and resumes. This software scans resumes (like we mentioned earlier) and helps hiring managers to pinpoint the closest matches.

This is why it’s so important to cater your resume to specific job descriptions, making sure you use keywords from their list of qualifications, responsibilities, and requirements.

A few tips to make an ATS-friendly resume include:

  • Use the job title as your headline (right below your name)
  • Add relevant skills you found in the job description
  • Create a simple PDF resume that isn’t too graphical or the software can’t read it
  • Use traditional resume headlines and formatting

While you want to stand out, doing so with your resume design isn’t always the best option. Instead, use your words to help your resume make the cut in a company’s ATS.

4. Use bullet points

Use bullet points to describe your work experience rather than paragraphs. It’s easier to read and will help you get past the ATS.

When adding bullet points, stick to 5 or 6 maximum .

  • Adding too many bullet points can make your resume too long
  • It can also give hiring managers too much to read through.
  • Keep it short and succinct, using your bullet points to highlight your biggest achievements and the biggest parts of each role.

(And yes, these bullet points are too long for a resume—but wasn’t that easier to read?)

5. Stick to a single page

Try to keep your resume to just one page . If you have 10-15+ years of experience, it’s okay to go up to two if needed, but a single-page resume is the most common and readable length.

You can use a sidebar or two-column design to help make the most of your space, reduce the number of bullet points you use, remove your education section, or decrease the number of relevant jobs you share.

Also make sure your header isn’t taking up too much space on the page. You want to maximize the amount of information you can share within a single page without making it too cluttered.

Frequently asked questions about social media manager resumes

What should a social media manager put on a resume.

A social media manager should always include their public social media platforms, top social media-related skills, work experience related to the job they’re applying for, metrics or results they’ve achieved for a client, and any other big accomplishments.

How do you list social media skills on a resume?

Include your top 3-5 social media skills by explaining how skilled you are at each one or by listing which platforms and skills you have experience with. You might decide to include which platforms you’ve worked on (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) or what your top skills are (i.e., strategy building, social media advertising, data analysis).

What is the job objective of a social media manager?

A social media manager is responsible for managing all of a company’s social media efforts. This includes tasks like:

  • Creating a strategy for each platform
  • Creating and publishing content on each platform
  • Analyzing social media results
  • Creating social media ads
  • Monitoring social media comments and messages
  • Communicating with customers and social media followers

Hootsuite makes your life as a social media manager easier. Manage your social channels, collect real-time data, and engage with your audience, all in one place — so you stay organized, prepared, and inspired.

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Chloe West is a digital marketer and freelance writer, focusing on topics surrounding social media, content, and digital marketing. She's based in Charleston, SC, and when she's not working, you'll find her playing card games or watering her plants.

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Social Media Strategy Resume Sample

The resume builder.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Work Experience

  • Develops content calendar for all pre-planned social media content across a range of Small Business social channels in accordance with a content strategy
  • Plans strategic approaches to socially charged integrated campaigns
  • Briefs creative teams on new strategies and content needs, and manages the full process of delivering content that is produced on schedule
  • Leads meetings with other strategists, creatives, publishers, and social engagement associates
  • Circulates content for approvals to key stakeholders, including Legal
  • Facilitates continuous content performance optimization
  • Develops new strategies to achieve against specific business goals and thoughtfully recommends KPIs and benchmarks to help measure success
  • Works closely with the social engagement team to publish content and to develop strategic approaches to real-time content
  • Head up the social strategy for the International Commercial Innovation group
  • Work together with the VP Multi-Platform Production and the key sales heads to develop commercially compelling social media campaigns for brand partners
  • Work closely with the Head of Commercial Innovation, VP Multi-Platform Production and Sales heads to create opportunities for social revenue, creating business models to exploit digital assets
  • Manage innovative commercial social media stunts that serve Viacom clients
  • Lead social management of all branded social platforms ensuring growth and positive metrics, working closely with content and research teams
  • Key stakeholder of the YouTube social business and strategy to create a compelling experience with a focus on generating revenue
  • Lead the strategy for commercial Social TV including interactivity on the linear channels
  • Constantly consider social extensions for integrated or sponsored opportunities, generate ideas around sponsorships on the fly and oversee execution across regions
  • Creates a test-and-learn agenda to gain insights on our work and to ensure we’re continuing to delivering best-in-class content across all channels
  • Interacts directly with key partners and influencers to acquire content assets such as approved copy and approved imagery
  • Liaises with compliance and risk teams as needed to assure policies and procedures are met in publishing to channels
  • Stewards paid media budget according to an agreed upon strategy
  • Reports out monthly and quarterly on content and campaign performance
  • Lead the production of various global digital and social brand campaign assets that support the strategic Levi’s marketing plan
  • Understand the Levi’s brand financial plan and develop briefs that not only meet creative expectations but make positive impact on how the work drives sales

Professional Skills

  • Proactively recommends opportunities to strengthen RBCI’s competitiveness, create cost efficiencies, and enhance client experience through social media & lead generation
  • Provides senior management with timely and transparent social media reporting for marketing, sales & service, status of social media development & innovations to make effective business decisions
  • Think strategically, creatively and proactively; demonstrates clear communication and presentation skills
  • Strong inter-personal relationship skills
  • Marketing experience, with strong preference for specialization in entertainment marketing or social
  • Fluency in Microsoft Office suite (including advanced PowerPoint skills), Internet, on-line services
  • Strong analytical experience in developing digital performance metrics

How to write Social Media Strategy Resume

Social Media Strategy role is responsible for events, software, integration, design, research, digital, travel, media, microsoft, facebook. To write great resume for social media strategy job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Social Media Strategy Resume

The section contact information is important in your social media strategy resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Social Media Strategy Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your social media strategy resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous social media strategy responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular social media strategy position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Social Media Strategy resume experience can include:

  • Strong business acumen and client relationship management experience
  • Exceptional communication skills—verbal and written
  • Management experience leading and a managing team of experts, including managing performance
  • Good understanding and knowledge of community-building on social media sites and/or blogs
  • Demonstrated success growing social media channels, customer databases and customer engagement
  • Four or more years of social media marketing experience

Education on a Social Media Strategy Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your social media strategy resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your social media strategy experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Social Media Strategy Resume

When listing skills on your social media strategy resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical social media strategy skills:

  • Experience using content marketing platforms
  • Experience leading social media teams
  • A strong understanding of the Crain organization and the strength, uniqueness, and power of each Brand
  • Experience in digital marketing or communications
  • Experience with social media/social media marketing
  • Develop/maintain strategy and development priorities for ENPS digital and social media products

List of Typical Experience For a Social Media Strategy Resume

Experience for assistant director of social media strategy resume.

  • Flexible and capable of changing and adapting to accommodate internal and external circumstances
  • Lead a social media influencer and sharing programme to reach and engage new audiences
  • Devise innovative social media experiments that optimize the audience journey to committed giving, advocacy and prayer action
  • Invest in and trial new technologies and approaches that keep WVUK at the leading edge of social media
  • A real passion for news

Experience For Social Media Strategy Manager Resume

  • Dedication to The Times and its journalistic mission
  • Work a weekend day
  • Develops goals and strategies for the social media sites maintained by University Communications and Marketing, including, but not limited to the University’s main Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Snapchat accounts
  • Manages the department’s social media sites, including developing and tracking key social media and digital outreach metrics and targets; working with staff across the department and University to determine what content to post each day to meet social media and digital outreach metrics and targets
  • Monitors content to ensure it meets the unit’s quality standards by removing content deemed inappropriate and regularly interacting with social media followers as needed to accomplish the department’s goals
  • Digital marketing or social media management experience
  • Thorough and vast knowledge of the digital landscape as pertains to marketing with specific expertise in social media
  • Develops video, photo and editorial content as needed and implements the university’s social media guidelines
  • Possess a creative eye and can produce on-the-fly content

Experience For Account Executive of Social Media Strategy Resume

  • Design and develop audience strategies to maximise the impact of the WVUK organizational strategy across all social media channels
  • Develop a distinctive and vibrant social media personality for WVUK
  • Achieve full integration of organic and paid content as part of integrated campaigns that deliver organisational outcomes and improve the impact of our social media operation
  • Enhance and manage risk to WVUK’s reputation, leading the response to trending social and mainstream media stories and negative comment in an intelligent and agile way
  • Train staff and act as WVUK’s social media expert for senior leaders and managers

Experience For Director of Social Media Strategy Resume

  • Analyse and report on social media activity to achieve key performance indicators,
  • Collaborate with brand partners, internal stakeholders and external partners to develop and execute social media and email strategies that delivers results against key marketing initiatives
  • Collaborate with Digital Marketing Managers (DMM), Media Planners/Buyers and Brand Directors on overarching brand and digital marketing strategy
  • Actively partner with cross-functional teams including Brand Marketing, Research and Insights, Media, Creative Studio, Industrial Design, Public Relations, Corporate Communications, Corporate Marketing and Customer Service to develop consistent customer experiences
  • Manage crisis communications in collaboration with Public Relations, GTS Communications, Customer Service, Corporate Communications and external partners
  • Proactively develop external partnerships and support contract negotiations with external partners and/or vendors to maximize efficiency and effectiveness of marketing technology investments
  • Executes Brand communication / PR strategy by facilitating great relationships with advocates, influencers, and bloggers to drive and support social execution

Experience For Hollister Social Media Strategy Specialist Resume

  • Mentor and further develop a best-in-class social and email team
  • Deep expertise in executing all social media functions - community management, paid social, social listening, crisis management, influencer management and content syndication
  • An understanding of social media KPIs and the ability to produce results in a fast-paced environment
  • Passionate, creative problem solver with ability to thrive in a highly energetic, fast-paced environment
  • Champion of process and culture change
  • Collaborate with our social media team to brainstorm, draft and implement strategies that guide our social media efforts
  • Analyze metrics and draft reports

Experience For Social Media & Strategy Specialist Resume

  • Innovate new social content strategies to broaden our brand’s reach
  • The ability to work independently with limited to no supervision
  • Strong analytical skills to respond to data in real time and guide our social media strategy with a deep understanding of the Facebook Insights tools and other metrics measurement tools
  • Can-do attitude with a willingness to roll up your sleeves and do any task required to grow an audience - no matter how big or small

List of Typical Skills For a Social Media Strategy Resume

Skills for assistant director of social media strategy resume.

  • Collaborate with colleagues at AP especially around strategic conversations with tech and media startups to discover/validate potential partners
  • Demonstrated expertise in social media strategy and execution
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the client’s competitive landscape and industry sector as well as digital and social media expertise across platforms
  • Strong knowledge of website structure, technology platforms and social networks
  • Plans and manages own time and priorities; assists junior staff to do the same
  • Financial services experience

Skills For Social Media Strategy Manager Resume

  • People management experience
  • Working knowledge of social media listening software such as Hootsuite or NUVI
  • Helps position the ENPS offering to both better serve existing markets and serve pure-play digital content producers
  • A deep understanding of social & digital marketing, analytics, technology and strategy
  • Display understanding of annual client budgets and billing and the economics of MWW’s business
  • Quarterly social media compliance reporting to the Board on strength of control environment
  • Work with the strategy team to develop integrated social media strategies for existing and new business clients – demonstrating an ability to generate compelling content, a strong understanding of the various channels, an ability to deliver against clients’ objectives and to meet their success metrics
  • Be the agency’s monitoring champion – liaise with monitoring companies

Skills For Account Executive of Social Media Strategy Resume

  • Manage iHeartMedia’s local social media messages and interactions across all social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, YouTube, Periscope, Meerkat, Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+, Reddit and others
  • Identifies emerging growth areas and technology changes in the digital and social media landscape
  • Builds relationships with digital and social leaders within our existing customers and prospects
  • Develops relationships with industry vendors involved in digital and social content creation and tracks industry trends and emerging products
  • Identifies conference and networking opportunities
  • Lead on the ground support for events, social milestones and live TXs, working with wider organization
  • Defines new/emerging platform adoption for RBC Insurance and definition of pilot programs or test & learns

Skills For Director of Social Media Strategy Resume

  • Responsible for maintenance and relevance of social media policies and standards, including communication of social media through intranet site and RBC Connect
  • Seek continuous improvement and innovation in those products in order to best serve our current and future customer base
  • Collaborates with the global ENPS sales, product, and support teams
  • Represents the ENPS team at industry and customer-specific events
  • Observes content producer workflows across the media landscape and designs elegant solutions

Skills For Hollister Social Media Strategy Specialist Resume

  • Works collaboratively with customers and vendor partners to meet future needs
  • Clear strategic thinker with the ability to articulate insights, rationales and proposals to clients
  • Supervises junior staff and manages account teams to execute against client business objectives and budget
  • Works independently and coaches junior staff to ensure high quality deliverables and results
  • Travel as needed for client meetings and events
  • Basic knowledge of SEO techniques
  • Work with Crain Corporate & Brand Leadership, establish a flexible social media strategic plan that can be customized and executed at the Brand level and encompasses both external social media presence and the use of social media to drive engagement on our digital properties
  • Work with Publishers, Editors, Digital GMs, Audience Development Directors, Marketing Directors and Event Directors, as well as Corporate and Brand technology teams, to develop tactical social media initiatives that have application across all departments within the Brands
  • Establish Company-wide and Brand-level baseline social media performance metrics

Skills For Social Media & Strategy Specialist Resume

  • Establish consistent set of strategic, tactical and operational KPIs to measure social media performance at a Company-wide and Brand-level
  • Establish scorecard system to effectively identify high/low performing social media properties at Crain, monitor industry leaders/peers and facilitate the sharing of Best Practices among the Brands
  • Drive continuous social media improvement across all Brands by utilizing a data-driven approach to social media deployment and evaluation
  • Lead editorial content and structure to reflect changing trends with social at the core
  • Create and update relevant documentation for social media best practices to show success cases, statistics and look at building proposals/user cases
  • Key relationship stakeholder with social media platform partnerships
  • Work with Analytics team to develop performance benchmarks
  • Translate data-driven insights and trends intro strategy for social platforms

Skills For VP, Social Media Strategy Resume

  • Work closely with brand teams to develop, communicate and execute sponsorship opportunities around our digital/social content offerings and influence campaigns
  • Works with enterprise social media teams to determine new social platforms for RBCI
  • Sets the overall RBCI strategic direction for reaching clients through social media and leverages unique opportunities that social media enables to offer product/ distribution innovation
  • Creates business cases for new platforms, as well as new functions for existing platforms
  • Ultimate accountability for social media functions, platforms and maturity model, and for emerging capabilities

Skills For Senior Manager, Social Media Strategy Resume

  • Key business contact for enterprise social media audit
  • Collaborate with marketing to develop channel strategies for target client segments and ensure client insight is driving strategic direction for proposed innovations
  • Maintain end-to-end view and leverage functions of social media tools and innovations for sales, service & claims
  • Chair of RBC Insurance Social Media Steering Committee, with organizational accountability for social media governance and linkage to enterprise social media teams
  • Make recommendations for company pages within each platform to increase the visibility of company’s social content
  • Employ a strong audience-centric approach, guiding all commercial social efforts in a direction that resonates with commercial target audience segments in the right channel, with the right message, at the right moment in their customer journey
  • Consult on social media content creation and campaigns designed to support product launches, sustain interest in existing products, influencer marketing, events and sponsorships
  • Strong decision-making and ability to reorient teams and drive execution when priorities change

Skills For Head of Social Media Strategy Resume

  • Experience in social media or digital journalism
  • Excellent interpersonal interactions with staff, colleagues, cross-functional teams, and third parties
  • Line-manage a social media co-ordinator, maximising performance, developing work opportunities and supporting personal growth and spiritual nurture
  • Deep understanding of all mainstream and some emerging social channels
  • Drive ongoing evaluation of the B2B social ecosystem to help drive an optimal customer journey across platforms
  • Leading The Times’s main presence on Twitter and Facebook: providing coverage of breaking news and live events, conceiving and executing innovative social plans for enterprise projects and engaging readers in UGC projects
  • Building creative social native content as well as editorial content for The Times’s core platforms
  • Consistent record running social feeds for major media outlets
  • Facility for problem-solving

Skills For Social Media Strategy Director Resume

  • Manage social media agencies and the social media budget, including promotional budget
  • Collaborate with Insights/Analytics to provide monthly dashboards to track, evaluate and report on the performance social media and email marketing campaigns
  • Monitor and evangelize the latest social and email trends, competitor activities and emerging digital platform opportunities
  • Identify trending stories relevant to our brands’ respective missions and collaborate with our editorial team for coverage and promotion
  • Brainstorm ideas and carry out creative social media videos. This includes live videos, which are done independently and with no editing
  • Post engaging headline, article text and social media copy accurately and with fast turnaround time and demonstrable audience engagement

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  • ResumeBuild
  • Social Media Strategist

5 Amazing social media strategist Resume Examples (Updated 2023) + Skills & Job Descriptions

Build your resume in 15 minutes, social media strategist: resume samples & writing guide, percy benson, employment history.

  • Develop and execute social media strategies to increase brand awareness, engagement, and reach
  • Collaborate with marketing and PR teams to develop and execute campaigns
  • Create and manage social media content calendars
  • Develop and implement social media policies and best practices
  • Identify opportunities to leverage social media for business growth
  • Monitor and respond to customer feedback on social media platforms
  • Develop and implement strategies to increase website traffic through social media

Do you already have a resume? Use our PDF converter and edit your resume.

Stanley Quinn

  • Manage and optimize paid social media campaigns
  • Analyze and report on social media performance metrics to inform strategic decisions
  • Develop and maintain relationships with influencers and industry experts

Marcus Hawkins

  • Propose and execute social media optimization strategies
  • Identify and engage with key influencers to build relationships
  • Track and report on social media KPIs and ROI

Professional Summary

  • Research and evaluate emerging social media trends and technologies

Nate Irving

  • Analyze competitors' social media strategies and activities

Not in love with this template? Browse our full library of resume templates

social media strategy resume

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Resume Samples & Writing Guide
  • Resume Example 1
  • Resume Example 2
  • Resume Example 3
  • Resume Example 4
  • Resume Example 5
  • Jobs Description
  • Jobs Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • How to Improve Your Resume
  • How to Optimize Your Resume
  • Cover Letter Example

social media strategist Job Descriptions; Explained

If you're applying for an social media strategist position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Including accurate and relevant information that directly aligns with the job description can greatly increase your chances of securing an interview with potential employers. When crafting your resume, be sure to use action verbs and a clear, concise format to highlight your relevant skills and experience. Remember, the job description is your first opportunity to make an impression on recruiters, so pay close attention to the details and make sure you're presenting yourself in the best possible light.

social media strategist

  • Devise strategic social media plan to develop client’s business 
  • Perform in-depth competitor reviews to check competitor activities with ad placement, keyword use, placement bids and landing pages
  • Develop paid client ads for use on diverse social media platforms
  • Help clients develop website portals and social media pages to promote businesses
  • Build, implement and update effective SEO strategies
  • Maximize strategic approaches by keeping close eye on performance and making appropriate adjustments
  • Devise and implemented strategies to create new revenue streams and cut operational costs for clients
  • Optimize the content and publish on various SMM platform based on the given brief.
  • Participate in social media strategy planning for various campaigns.
  • Schedule social posts on Buffer/Hootsuite and measure engagement stats.
  • Create and run paid ads on Facebook, LinkedIn and Google AdWords.
  • Measure campaign performance using Google Analytics.
  • Provide weekly, monthly and quarterly web analytics.
  • Derive insights and develop recommendations based on social media stats
  •  Creating and managing social media accounts for clients from various sectors – FMCG, Medical, Hospitality, Real Estate, etc. 
  •  In-depth research of social media trends and competitor analysis. 
  •  Brainstorming dynamic social media campaigns by leveraging the interests/demographics of the page audience. 
  •  Creative content strategizing and creation. 
  •  Designing relevant graphic designs for social media postings using Photoshop. 
  •  Regularly carrying page audits, generating monthly social media reports and online reputation management. 
  •  Handling paid – advertising on social media platforms. 
  • Identify, develop, or evaluate marketing strategy, for 14 companies, based on knowledge of establishment objectives and market characteristics
  • Increase SEO and social presence
  • Develop and publish at least 3 posts weekly for 7 different companies
  • Create baseline and generate weekly reports for comparative analysis

social media strategist/ videographer/ photographer/ editor/ personality

  • Set up and optimize company pages within each platform to increase the visibility of company’s social content
  •  Liaise with writers and designers to ensure content is informative and appealing
  •  Facilitate client-company communication (respond to queries, get reviews and organize chats and Q&A sessions)
  •  Actively seek ambitious networking associates to interview about their business or any new projects
  • Obtained privileged interviews with National Recording Artist, Producers, and Disc Jockeys such as: Dj Drama, Dj Khaled, Master P, Betty Wright, Bobby Valentino, Lil Chuckee, Cash Out, Yo Gotti

social media strategist Job Skills

For an social media strategist position, your job skills are a key factor in demonstrating your value to the company and showing recruiters that you're the ight fit for the role. It's important to be specific when highlighting your skills and ensure that they are directly aligned with the job requirements, as this can greatly improve your chances of being hired. By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can make a compelling case for why you're the best candidate for the job.

How to include technical skills in your resume:

Technical skills are a set of specialized abilities and knowledge required to perform a particular job effectively. Some examples of technical skills are data analysis, project management, software proficiency, and programming languages, to name a few. Add the technical skills that will get hired in your career field with our simple-to-use resume builder. Select your desired resume template, once you reach the skills section of the builder, manually write in the skill or simply click on "Add more skills". This will automatically generate the best skills for your career field, choose your skill level, and hit "Save & Next."

  • Data Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Quality Assurance
  • Database Management
  • Troubleshooting
  • Computer Literacy
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Business Acumen
  • Process Improvement
  • Financial Management
  • Visualization
  • Social Media
  • Presentation
  • Written Communication
  • Customer Service
  • Risk Management

How to include soft skills in your resume:

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and that can be used in any job. Including soft skills such as time management, creative thinking, teamwork, and conflict resolution demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and show that you navigate challenges and changes in the workplace efficiently. Add competitive soft skills to make your resume stand-out to recruiters! Simply select your preferred resume template in the skills section, enter the skills manually or use the "Add more skills" option. Our resume builder will generate the most relevant soft skills for your career path. Choose your proficiency level for each skill, and then click "Save & Next" to proceed to the next section.

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Public Speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Attention to Detail
  • Self-Motivation
  • Stress Management
  • Collaboration
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Professionalism
  • Supervisory
  • Documentation
  • Relationship Management.

How to Improve Your social media strategist Resume

Navigating resume pitfalls can mean the difference between landing an interview or not. Missing job descriptions or unexplained work history gaps can cause recruiters to hesitate. Let's not even talk about the impact of bad grammar, and forgetting your contact info could leave your potential employer hanging. Aim to be comprehensive, concise, and accurate.

Walt Bailey

Unexplained year gaps and missing job experiences are a no-no, gaps in your resume can prevent recruiters from hiring you if you don't explain them..

  • It's okay to have gaps in your work experience but always offer a valid explanation instead of just hiding it.
  • Use the gap to talk about positive attributes or additional skills you've learned.
  • Be honest and straightforward about the gap and explain it using a professional summary.

How to Optimize Your social media strategist Resume

Keep an eye out for these resume traps. Neglecting to detail your job roles or explain gaps in your career can lead to unnecessary doubts. Grammar blunders can reflect negatively on you, and without contact information, how can employers reach you? Be meticulous and complete.

  • Propose'n'execute social media optimisation strategys.
  • Anaylze competetors' social media strageties an activities.
  • Tracck and reportt on social mediae KPI'ss and ROI.
  • Analise and reporton socail media performence metrixs too inform strategick decisionss.
  • Propose'n'execute social media optimiztion strategys.
  • Manege n' optimizee payd social media campains.
  • Develp and implememnt social media policys and best practicess.
  • Mointor and respnd to custmer feedback on socail media platfoms.
  • Anaylze, and report on socail media performance metrixs too infrom strategical decissions.

Avoid Spelling Mistakes and Include your Contact Information

Missing contact information prevents recruiters from understanding you're the best fit for the position..

  • Make sure you're not missing contact information on your resume. That should include your full name, telephone number and email address.
  • Make sure to use a professional email address as part of your contact information.
  • Highlight your contact information and double check that everything is accurate to help recruiters get in touch with you.

social media strategist Cover Letter Example

A cover letter can be a valuable addition to your job application when applying for an social media strategist position. Cover letters provide a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, and experience, also it also gives you an opportunity to explain why you're the best fit for the job. Crafting a cover letter that showcases your relevant experience and enthusiasm for the Accounts Payable role can significantly improve your chances of securing an interview.

Ernst & Young Hiring Team

I am writing to express my interest in the Senior Social Media Strategist position at Ernst & Young. As a Social Media Strategist with 6 years of experience in Business Strategy & Analysis myself, I believe I have the necessary skills and expertise to excel in this role.

My diverse life experiences have taught me the importance of adaptability, creativity, and resilience. Whether it was on the job, or simply on my day to day, I have learned to navigate challenges and find innovative solutions. I am confident that I possess the skills and expertise necessary to excel in the position at Ernst & Young and I am excited about the opportunity to grow with a team that values these qualities and contribute to your organization's growth and success.

Thank you for considering my application for the Senior Social Media Strategist position. I hope you will allow me to show you what I am capable of bringing to your organization and how we can work together to make an impact on the industry.

Showcase your most significant accomplishments and qualifications with this cover letter. Personalize this cover letter in just few minutes with our user-friendly tool!

Related Resumes & Cover Letters






Looking to explore other career options within the Business Strategy & Analysis field?

Check out our other resume of resume examples.

  • Financial Reporting Resume
  • Business Development Resume
  • It Business Analyst Resume
  • Senior Financial Analyst Resume
  • Security Analyst Resume
  • Salesforce Business Analyst Resume
  • Sales Analyst Resume
  • Program Analyst Resume
  • Pricing Analyst Resume
  • Policy Analyst Resume
  • Market Analyst Resume
  • Data Analyst Resume
  • Contract Analyst Resume
  • Statistical Analyst Resume
  • Social Media Strategist Resume
  • Business Process Analyst Resume
  • Agile Business Analyst Resume
  • Business Analyst Intern Resume
  • Business Data Analyst Resume
  • Business Analyst Resume
  • Budget Analyst Resume



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Build your Resume in 15 minutes

  • • Increased social media engagement by 30% through targeted content creation.
  • • Managed a team of 5 content creators, ensuring brand consistency.
  • • Executed 10+ successful marketing campaigns, resulting in a 20% increase in user acquisition.
  • • Collaborated with influencers, enhancing brand visibility and reach.
  • • Supported in the creation of monthly content calendars.
  • • Engaged with users on social media, addressing queries and feedback.
  • • Assisted in the execution of 5+ marketing campaigns, driving user engagement.
  • • Analyzed social media metrics, providing insights for content optimization.

5 Social Media Marketing Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your social media marketing resume should showcase a robust understanding of various platforms. It must highlight your ability to engage and grow audiences effectively. Demonstrate quantifiable results from past campaigns on your resume. Prove your expertise with analytics, content creation, and platform-specific strategies.

All resume examples in this guide

social media strategy resume


social media strategy resume

Resume Guide

This guide will teach you:, how to write a social media marketing specialist resume, you’re probably underestimating the importance of your resume header, show you can write and tell your story in your professional summary, how should you frame your social media marketing specialist experience, how to get hired as a social media specialist with no experience.

Does your social media specialist resume need an education section?"?

Best social media marketing specialist skills to include

How to include your certifications on your resume, we used big data to get you critical insights.

Social Media Marketing resume example

Talk to enough people who hire social media specialists and you’ll begin to notice a pattern. There’s a lot of:

“I never hire someone unless they…”

“I only hire people who…”

So if you’re having trouble getting hired as a social media specialist, chances are you’re falling into one of these traps.

For example:

In my experience, employers like to hire well-rounded social media candidates, so it’s also important to highlight your writing and design skills. At the same time, pursuing a degree that focuses on writing or communications is key.

Amy Newton, senior social media manager, Ignite Visibility

Luckily for you, we’ve analyzed thousands of social media specialist resume examples and spoken to hiring managers to uncover all of the potential pitfalls for you.

This guide will walk you through all of the steps of making the best social media specialist resume.

  • What resume traps you need to avoid
  • What hiring manager expect to see in your resume header
  • How to write a compelling professional summary
  • How to frame your experience around the top hiring criteria for social media specialists
  • Which social media marketing skills make the most difference

Looking for related resumes?

  • Social Media Coordinator Resume Examples
  • Social Media Intern Resume Examples
  • Social Media Manager Resume Examples
  • Social Media Specialist Resume Examples
  • Brand Manager Resume Examples
  • PR Specialist Resume Examples

This process starts with choosing your format.

There are two ways to go about this. If you have years of formal work experience as a social media specialist, a reverse-chronological layout is best. This puts your work experience front and center, which is where your greatest accomplishments will be.

On the other hand, if you’re a more junior social media specialist or if most of your work experience is in various side projects, a hybrid layout is best. This emphasizes your skills and the projects you’ve done.

The top social media specialist resume sections

  • A resume header with links to social media profiles
  • A short professional summary
  • An experience section
  • A dedicated section for side or passion projects
  • A skills section with metrics to back them up
  • Certifications
  • (sometimes) an education section

Here’s the first trap that’s easy to fall into. Leave your personal and professional profile links off your resume header and you can go straight to the reject pile.

Aspiring social media marketers must include their professional and personal social networking links on their resume. A potential employer will find them anyway, so including them shows savvy and initiative.

Damien Basile, founder of an eponymous digital media agency

This advice came up over and over again when talking to people who hire social media specialists, so we can’t emphasize it enough.

Your resume header is also a great place to include one or two key certifications you might have (if you have more than that you can put them in their own section). Here are two examples to show what this looks like in practice:

Just adding social media links, like your LinkedIn profile , and certifications makes a huge impact on the hiring managers reading your resume.

What better way to show off your ability to tell a compelling story in just a few lines than in your own professional summary? Hiring managers expect social media specialists to be talented copywriters, so this is your chance to show off.

Keep it concise and explain

When you’re working across different marketing disciplines, you’ll naturally gravitate to one in particular that appeals to you. It will probably … take up most of your time and be the thing that causes you the most stress—but the most excitement too.

Lauren Mallett, head of social media, FireCask

So make it clear where your passion and skills lay and what results you can get with them.

The problem with the second example is that it’s vague (clearly not tailored for a single position), and uses the first person. Both of these make summaries less effective.

When it comes to including your work experience , there are more pitfalls to look out for.

Mike Hudack, [co-founder] of, often says he only hires people if they have a side project they feel passionately about. He wants all hires to be innovative and entrepreneurial. I like that approach.

Soraya Darabi, General Partner at Trailmix Ventures

Whether you’re talking about a side project or not, hiring managers want to see the same elements:

  • Show you can get results.
  • Show you can come up with innovative strategies.
  • Show you can work independently.

Throughout, be specific about what you did and what the results were. Anyone can “manage” social media, companies are looking to hire someone who can bring value from it.

  • • Managed social media campaigns
  • • Developed a strategy which successfully increased local adoption rates
  • • Responsible for managing the social media team.

This experience hits those 3 key points one after the other. It shows independence, creativity, and results. Now have a look at the same experience but expressed differently:

  • • Developed new persona strategy while resulted in a 46% reduction of follower acquisition costs and a 35% boost in engagement.
  • • Created the #adopttodayVA campaign, boosting adoption rates at local shelters by 21% in 6 months.
  • • Rose from social media intern to running overall social media strategy within 2 years, managing a team of 4.

However, there are also some pitfalls when it comes to including your social media pages.

Don't include your follower numbers, ratio or "influence" score. A potential employer will find that out when they search your social profiles

In other words, don’t try to BS or fluff your way into a job . Trust that the hiring manager or social media manager knows enough to see through it.

Okay, all of that sounds great but what if you’ve never worked as a social media specialist?

Remember above when Mike Hudack mentioned not hiring anyone without a passion project? Good news is you don’t need a formal social media job to have that. In fact, you can do three key things without any work experience:

  • Get certifications (ideas on which ones in the section below)
  • Start a project, it could be a blog, podcast, instagram, etc.
  • Use that project to try out ideas, gain skills, and show you’re a self starter with a passion for social media marketing

A successful side project and a few key certifications under your belt will make you a fantastic hire.

Include your passion projects. This is what sets you apart and tells your story.

Kimberly Aguilera, Partner, Recruiter at Tangerine

Does your social media specialist resume need an education section?"?

In short, no. To be clear, a degree in marketing, business, communication, or something similar doesn’t hurt. But Beth Cooper clearly explains why a degree isn’t a requirement:

This field changes so quickly. If you graduated with a degree years ago, the info is already out of date.

Beth Cooper, director of marketing and social media for KNB Communications.

It’s that simple. A degree can show you have management, writing, or analytical skills that will be valuable in a social media position, but it’s generally going to be a “nice to have.”

If you’re a recent graduate, you can add some details about what you learned or accomplished in a style similar to your work experience. Otherwise, just mentioning your degree is enough.

First thing to do, before creating a resume skill section , is to understand the role you’re applying for. Is it a social media manager role? An internship? Is it for a B2B or B2C business? Will you be expected to independently create strategies or execute strategies created by someone else?

All of these questions will determine the social media marketing skills you should include.

If you’re applying for a managerial role, emphasize independence, strategy development, and team management. If you’re applying for a more junior role, show that you can execute strategies well.

Here are some soft skill that are good to have, and the technical skills you will need to do your job.

11 social media marketing specialist resume skills

  • Team management
  • Strategy development
  • Community management
  • Communication
  • Organization
  • Crisis management
  • Independence

8 Social Media Marketing Specialist Resume Technical Skills

  • Google analytics
  • Facebook ads
  • LinkedIn ads
  • Email marketing

Certifications are one of the most powerful tools you have as a job applicant in social media. Many of them are free and they allow you to show some level of knowledge in an area without any job experience necessary.

So, if you spot a job opportunity which wants you to be familiar with Twitter marketing, just go out and get certified.

Besides that, certifications show that you go above and beyond, are a self-motivated learner, and work to develop new skills.

Top 5 social media specialist certifications

  • Hootsuite’s Social Marketing Training
  • Twitter Flight School’s Marketing Leadership Course
  • LinkedIn Learning’s Social Media Marketing Courses
  • Boot Camp Digital’s Social Media Certification
  • Google Analytics Academy

We used AI to analyze thousands of social media specialist resumes to pull critical insights for you to use. Below, you can see which skills are the most common amongst social media specialist resumes and which are most in demand by companies looking to hire them.

tableau developer chart.png

What are the tricks for the best social media specialist resume?

  • Choose a reverse-chronological layout if you’re more experienced, a hybrid layout otherwise.
  • Include social media links and certifications in your header.
  • Make sure your summary focuses on explaining how you can bring value in the role you’re applying for.
  • Use your experience to show you can get results, come up with innovative strategies, and work independently.
  • If you don’t have any experience, use side projects and certifications to show your qualifications.
  • Tailor your skills to the type of position you’re applying for.

social media marketing resume example

Looking to build your own Social Media Marketing resume?

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How to Show You're a Phi Beta Kappa Student on Your Resume

How to put cum laude on your resume, how to write your first job resume, influencing the recruiter with a resume website, how to answer the, "do you have any questions for me" interview question, it skills on resume and how to make them work for you.

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Social Media Strategist Resume Samples

A Social Media Strategist is responsible for developing and implementing comprehensive social media strategies that can increase web traffic and brand awareness. A well-drafted Social Media Strategist Resume will list the following duties and tasks – designing social media strategies , managing and publishing high quality content, administering social media accounts , liaising with designers and writers to ensure contents are appealing and informative, collaborating with marketing and product development team, and using various techniques to analyze online data and provide insight about the associated online conversations.

The minimum requirements for this role include – a good understanding of social advertising campaign management, ability to monitor latest trends in social media, hands-on experience using social media, and a good understanding of KPI’s. Employers want those having a degree in Marketing, Business or Advertising. Additional qualification will be given preference.

Social Media Strategist Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Social Media Strategist

Social Media Strategist Resume

Summary : Marketing professional with digital strategy experience with a strong background in content creation and social media marketing. Experienced in utilizing various social media platforms to generate higher page views.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Excel, Data Entry.

Social Media Strategist Resume Format

Description :

  • Presented Brafton is an online news and content agency that offers integrated content marketing services.
  • Social Media Strategist Served as a client consultant for all social media strategies.
  • Implemented strategies across a number of social media channels - including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
  • Increased viewership both on social media channels and clients' websites through engaging, thought-provoking content.
  • Tracked results of social media strategies and reports on campaign successes with specific metrics from various management tools.
  • Collaborated cross-departmentally (Graphics, Video, Editorial) to execute social campaigns for clients.
  • Maintained thought leadership for an extensive client base of clients ranging from lifestyle tips to big data.

Social Media Strategist I Resume

Objective : An innovative, junior marketing professional, specializing in content management and creation; with three years of digital writing experience in private industry and a record of success in social media and public marketing events.

Skills : Copywriting, Creative Concepting, Content Strategy.

Social Media Strategist I Resume Template

  • Analyzed existing Social Media efforts and developed new content and graphics.
  • Initiated new efforts to increase followers, views, shares, and rankings.
  • Filmed live-event, interviewed families, live-tweeted; engaged audience members, and replied to all posts in a swift and complete manner.
  • Increased exposure in one week for the Walk for Kids Event and Camp Ronald McDonald.
  • Generated new Donors and donations; targeted new Sponsors through effective contact with elected officials, businesses, and individuals.
  • Searched and identified thirty (30) grant organizations that fit the camp's mission.
  • Designed and developed a sustainable Social Media Plan at the project's end, including sources, timelines, and the types of posts.

Social Media Strategist II Resume

Headline : A top performing social media strategist and content writer with visible accomplishments leading teams and producing campaigns in digital media.

Skills : Microsoft Office Suite, Google Apps, Social Media.

Social Media Strategist II Resume Template

  • Performed the initial strategy calls to clients in detailing their Social Media Campaign.
  • Created engaging Social Media posts and Facebook Ads for clients.
  • Created and sent monthly reports to clients detailing their campaigns to progress on a month-to-month basis.
  • Responsible for the setup and management of social media websites for clients.
  • Analyzed company data provided by the copywrites team to ensure accuracy of the information on said website, auditing.
  • Provided assistance to other departments working on the same project as needed.
  • Time tracked by Management ensures the efficient output of work. Attention to detail, time management, and excellent computer skills.

Social Media Strategist/Analyst Resume

Headline : To obtain a Music/Media Events Strategist position that will utilize professional experience, education and acquired skills to positively impact company performance while providing personal and professional growth.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Customer Service, Management, Writing.

Social Media Strategist/Analyst Resume Format

  • Monitored Facebook analytics and insights to create an effective return on investment (ROI) strategy.
  • Developed social media plan through Facebook and Instagram.
  • Increased "likes" and traffic to the brand by more than 500 percent in the first month of managing.
  • Helped facilitate the first sale for the new company that has now become a monthly client with multiple service days.
  • Prepared and distributed tip and fact sheets to promote and inform a variety of audiences of critical programs and operations.
  • Cultivated new relationships and develop effective pitches to assist in promoting marketing strategies.
  • Created and oversee the execution of marketing campaigns for books, programs, events, etc.

Social Media Strategist III Resume

Summary : To use creative style and knowledge in public relations, marketing, and advertising for a challenge in a fun working environment.

Skills : Microsoft Office Suite, Photoshop, Management.

Social Media Strategist III Resume Model

  • Created and implemented a Social Media program and policy.
  • Planned social media strategy, and developed a content calendar and campaign schedule for social media.
  • Integrated website, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter social channels for holistic content strategy.
  • Increased fans in one year's time by integrating viral campaigns and like campaigns.
  • Launched social campaigns resulting in an increase in traffic to a website and social channels.
  • Managed a social media budget, as well as budgets for Facebook Advertising Campaigns.
  • Launched a women's health blog using knowledge of blogging and word press development.

Sr. Social Media Strategist Resume

Summary : Looking for a position as a multimedia journalist where can further develop skills and do unrestricted, unbiased reporting in a new area close to family. Comfortable working with a team or alone as an individual, and thrive in fast paced environments.

Skills : Mac OS X, Hoot suite, Peach tree Accounting, Microsoft Office.

Sr. Social Media Strategist Resume Example

  • Gathered, explored, and evaluated news-leads and tip-offs to generate interesting story ideas.
  • Collected, investigated, and validated facts and other information related to news leads and stories.
  • Prepared exciting news items, videos, and illustrations, for different multimedia platforms.
  • Performed proper editing and timely delivery of all multimedia materials. Executed onsite live reporting, live newscasts.
  • Adhered to established editorial style and format standards, in a dedicated manner.
  • Developed and used new interesting story-ideas and helpful news sources.
  • Collected, verified, and utilized factual information for writing multimedia news stories and content.

Social Media Strategist/Representative Resume

Summary : A detail oriented, self-motivated, team player that thrives when working with others. Thrives when working in a fast paced environment and welcomes the challenge of working and training others.

Skills : SAP, Lotus Notes, Microsoft word.

Social Media Strategist/Representative Resume Template

  • Strategically managed all external and internal content such as website, newsletter, and blog.
  • Created a strong twitter voice, doubled the number of Instagram followers.
  • Strategically created and executed the redesign of the company's website.
  • Specifically partnered with marketing to successfully complete projects in a timely and organized manner.
  • Exclusively managed the creation and execution of the company newsletter.
  • Participated in executive meetings to understand the company's direction.
  • Helped execute and plan catering events while also photographing each event and daily food produced by the chefs.

Social Media Strategist/Co-ordinator Resume

Summary : Customer-focused Retail Sales Associate with a solid understanding of the dynamics of the retail apparel and shoe industry. Core Strengths Floor set design and visual displays Energetic work attitude.

Skills : Social Media, Consultation and Marketing.

Social Media Strategist/Co-ordinator Resume Template

  • Managed the Dos Equis Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts and content calendars.
  • Worked with a creative team to provide direction and strategy to create effective and engaging content.
  • Acted as liaison between internal creative and account teams and the client to make sure all needs are being met, communicated, and delivered.
  • Assisted with overall Dos Equis social strategy, as well as any campaign or event-specific initiatives.
  • Provided timely POV and strategic digital recommendations.
  • Worked with partner media agency to develop an overall social strategy and media plan.
  • Led our Instagram and Vine influencer programs identifying influencers, contracting them, and maintaining a relationship.

Lead Social Media Strategist Resume

Summary : Driven professional with an aptitude for acquiring new skills independently and rapidly. Experience in leadership/management roles for small - mid sized teams.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Excel.

Lead Social Media Strategist Resume Format

  • Created and edited social media and blog content.
  • Analyzed user movement and trends through Google Analytics.
  • Researched new bean-to-bar craft chocolate makers, events, and partnerships.
  • Built social media posts, advertising, and promotions across social media platforms and blogs.
  • Maintained and elevated followers with engagement via promotions and giveaways.
  • Attended social media and blogger conferences/forums to establish a presence in the community.
  • Set up and managed to advertise for ARI events, publications, and education programs.

Associate Social Media Strategist Resume

Summary : A Social Media Strategist and Content Curator. Background is in understanding strategies and algorithms of social media channels, and creating content for organic social growth.

Skills : Team Building skills, Creative Marketing Goal Oriented.

Associate Social Media Strategist Resume Model

  • Designed and Developed of all social media outlets. Daily Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts.
  • Responsible for writing all newsletters and formal documents.
  • Conceptualized a niche market for individual insurance products marketed to adventure sports enthusiasts.
  • Employed social media marketing to attract an audience and a customer base.
  • Aggregated various social media tools including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, and blogging to attract and engage the relevant audience.
  • Developed and implemented a social media strategy, increasing social reach.
  • Developed a comprehensive social media strategy for restaurants, based on compiled data from hundreds of surveys.

Headline : To obtain a professional position with a market leader that utilizes experience in marketing, creative talents and commitment to excellence. Desire a position with career growth potential.

Skills : Journalism, Human Resources, Marketing Communications.

Social Media Strategist Resume Example

  • Responsible for learning all social media platforms that we facilitate for ourselves and for our clients.
  • Wrote and edit responses to customer reviews left on sites such as Yelp, Trip Advisor, Facebook.
  • Trained clients on how to grow their business using social media sites when necessary.
  • Field questions from reps and clients regarding account status and be able to understand and explain problems as they arise.
  • Monitored Reviews, Boosted Posts, and non-published promoted posts.
  • Created graphic artwork for client profile pictures, cover photos, and posts as needed.
  • Established the largest social media presence of all salons in Keep up to date with the current market and social media trends.

Table of Contents

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12 Social Media Manager Resume Examples & Writing Guide

This guide provides 12 real-world resume examples for social media managers, along with expert tips on how to write an effective resume that will get you hired. Learn what skills and experience to highlight, how to structure your resume, and mistakes to avoid. Use these insider strategies to create a winning social media resume and land your ideal job.

Social Media Manager

A strong resume is very important if you want to get hired as a Social Media Manager. When many people apply for the same job, the person with the best resume often gets picked.

This article will teach you how to make your Social Media Manager resume as good as it can be. It has 12 real examples of resumes from people who got hired. It also has a step-by-step guide for writing each part of your resume.

With the tips and samples in this article, you'll learn how to:

  • Choose the right resume format based on your past jobs
  • Write an opening summary that makes the hiring manager want to keep reading
  • Describe your work history and skills in a way that shows you're a great fit
  • Include other sections that make your resume even better

By the end, you'll know exactly what to do to create a Social Media Manager resume that impresses employers and helps you get the job you want. Let's get started!

Common Responsibilities Listed on Social Media Manager Resumes

  • Creating and implementing social media marketing strategies
  • Managing and overseeing all social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Developing and curating engaging content (text, images, videos) for social media platforms
  • Monitoring and analyzing social media metrics, trends, and engagement
  • Responding to comments, messages, and inquiries on social media channels
  • Collaborating with marketing, content, and design teams to align social media efforts
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest social media best practices and emerging platforms
  • Identifying and engaging with influencers and brand advocates
  • Planning and executing social media campaigns and promotions

How to write a Resume Summary

Your resume's summary or objective section serves as an essential first impression. It allows the reader, often a potential employer, to grasp who you are, your key skills, and how you can contribute in a relatively short space of time. Now imagine writing it from the perspective of a Social Media Manager; your duty would be to condense all of your experiences, skills, and particular advantages into a few well-crafted sentences. Yet, how can this be done while bypassing industry jargon or overused buzzwords? Let's get into this.

Understanding the summary/objective section

The summary/objective section lies at the top of your resume, directly beneath your basic contact information. At first glance, this may seem like a quick, negligible detail - a mere formality or overture before delving into your work history and achievements. However, when approached with care, this paragraph rapidly becomes a powerful tool.

Firstly, it saves time for HR managers and recruiters who often skim resumes due to the sheer volume of applicants. Secondly, it amplifies your overall narrative, forcing you to closely examine what unique angles and facets you potentially bring to the company.

In their essence, summaries neutrally list your skills, qualifications, and what you have done so far, while objectives depict what you aim to do next and how the company can aid in achieving that vision.

Writing your summary/objective

Navigating this balance between providing factual information and establishing a forward-facing vision is particularly important for a social media manager. This role requires both a firm technical grasp of various networking tools and an instinct for creating appealing, engaging content that would not pigeonhole you into one type of communication style or a particular demographic.

Briefly outline your experience or training level as a social media manager. Are you a seasoned professional who has managed broad campaigns across multiple companies? Or a bright, emerging talent from a recent educational program, brimming with fresh ideas? Or perhaps you are transitioning from a similar role within digital marketing.

This should be followed by a short list of key skills, including both technical and soft skills. These could include things such as familiarity with social networking tools, content creation skills, understanding analytics, and strategic thinking.

Finally, mention your unique value in this equation. Do you possess an exceptional knack for recognizing and predicting social media trends? Are you confident in handling crisis management, reflecting positively on the company at times of potential backlash? This would demonstrate your self-awareness as a candidate.

Refining your summary/objective

Maintaining a clear, accessible language throughout your summary/objective section ensures your intent translates effectively, regardless of who lays eyes on your resume. Always approach this exercise as elucidating your professional profile for any potential reader, not just those in your field.

To avoid sounding trite or relying on buzzwords, keep your language simple and direct. Businesses aren't just looking for candidates with experience, they’re looking for individuals who can solve problems, drive growth, and contribute positively to the company culture.

While drafting your summary or objective, remember being a social media manager is about adapting your voice and content to the platform you're on. In a similar manner, tailor your summary or objective to appeal to the specific needs of the company you're applying for.

When written effectively, a strong summary/objective section can captivate your reader's attention, and present a strong argument for why you are a top-notch candidate for the social media manager role. Give it the time and attention it deserves and it can quite possibly become the most vital part of your resume.

Strong Summaries

  • Experienced Social Media Manager with eight years in the industry, having managed successful campaigns for over 20 clients, with a particular focus on boosting brand engagement and follower growth.
  • Innovative Social Media Manager with 5 years of experience in creating and implementing social media strategies for the fashion industry. Recognized for increasing brand visibility by 70%.
  • Proactive Social Media Manager with 3 years of experience in the non-profit sector. Successfully doubled the online engagement rates and optimized the organization's social media content strategy to target potential donors.
  • Detail-oriented Social Media Manager with extensive knowledge in using analytics to drive social media success. Developed effective campaigns for various businesses that increased web traffic by 40%.

Why these are strong ?

These examples are considered good practice because they specifically state the number of years of experience, the industries the person has worked in, what they've accomplished, and the impact of their work. Providing measurable achievements (like increasing web traffic or brand visibility) and describing the scale of work (like the number of clients or the sector they've worked in) make the claim more believable and impressive. They also show clear, specific expertise, whether it's in certain types of businesses, certain aspects of social media like analytics, or a focus on particular results like brand engagement or follower growth.

Weak Summaries

  • I love to spend my time on social media and know all the latest memes. I am looking for a position where I can just surf the internet and tweet all day.
  • Social Media Manager with 3+ years experience with no significant contribution to previous employers. Now I want to offer my mediocre skills to another employer.
  • I hate my current job so I'm looking to switch industries to social media because I think it will be easier. I am hoping to land a position as a Social Media Manager despite having no relevant experience.
  • I am looking for a Social Media Manager position. I'm not really into keeping up with trends or anything, but I know my way around Facebook and Instagram.
  • I'm a self proclaimed 'Social Media Guru' with over 200 followers on my personal Instagram account. Think it's time to take my skills to the professional level.

Why these are weak ?

The listed examples are bad practices because they display unprofessionalism and non-serious attitude towards the role. They reveal a lack of understanding of what a Social Media Manager role is all about. They show no enthusiasm for the role, do not mention any specific skills, achievement or experiences that would make the candidate suitable for the position. These examples also present the roles as a lacklustre or as an easy job, which is unrealistic and displays a lack of respect for the profession.

Showcase your Work Experience

Whittling down the vast experiences we accrue over the years and presenting them succinctly on a document is quite a challenge. More so if you're crafting your resume's Work Experience section, the section most hiring managers zoom right in on. In the role of a Social Media Manager, this becomes just more significant given the multifaceted nature of the role; it involves strategy planning, creating engaging content, analyzing data, handling customer service related issues, and staying on top of the latest digital marketing trends.

How well do I know my job?

In creating a robust Work Experience section, the first thing you'd want to do is take a comprehensive stock of your professional life till date. List down all your relevant experiences, responsibilities, and accomplishments. Use clear, actionable language to communicate these experiences. Avoid jargon where possible; Not all hiring managers may be familiar with industry-speak, and you want to be understood by everyone.

Tailor it to suit the position

When applying for a specific position like that of a Social Media Manager, it becomes important to tailor your work experiences to match the job description. Extract key requirements from the job posting and demonstrate how your past experiences fulfill these. Remember: companies are looking for a solution to a problem they're facing. Show them you're the solution they've been looking for.

Quantify your achievements and impact using concrete numbers, metrics, and percentages to demonstrate the value you brought to your previous roles.

Prioritize your accomplishments

One thing about the Work Experience section that might surprise you, is that it's not necessarily about length. More descriptions of your past work, does not necessarily equate to a better resume. It's critical to remember that quantity should not outweigh quality. Top-load your resume with your most impressive accomplishments. Paint a vivid picture of your competencies, by providing measurable achievements where possible.

Keep it updated

This one is often overlooked in the mad rush of deadlines and commitments. It's a great habit to regularly update your resume with recent accomplishments even when you're not currently looking for a new position. It’ll make your life easier when the time comes to put together a resume quickly.

What to Avoid?

Avoid the tendency to exaggerate your achievements. Maintain a factual, humble tone throughout. Be prepared to justify anything you put on your resume.

Finally, proofread your work for any spelling or grammar mistakes. It’s always good to get another pair of eyes on your resume before submitting it.

Remember, the Work Experience section on your resume is not just about capturing what you've done in the past. It’s an opportunity to showcase how you’ve grown, what you’ve learned, and how all of those experiences make you the perfect fit for the job.

Preparation, specificity, quantifiable achievements, and truthfulness are what you should strive to express. Do these, and you can be confident that you've given yourself the best chance possible.

Strong Experiences

  • Developed and implemented a multi-platform content strategy that increased audience engagement by 30%.
  • Delivered social media growth and engagement strategies resulting in a 20% rise in follower count.
  • Managed a team of four social media specialists successfully working on various platforms to achieve company goals.
  • Redesigned social media campaigns, reaching targets, and reducing ad spend by 10%.
  • Performed A/B testing on various social media content types to identify the highest driving factors of user engagement.

These examples are considered good because they are specific, measurable and relevant specific to the job role of a Social Media Manager. These examples showcase various skills such as team management, content strategy development, A/B testing, ad campaign management and their ability to optimize and increase user engagement on social media platforms. They demonstrate a clear value they brought to their previous roles and are quantified, highlighting concrete outcomes and achievements rather than just describing tasks. This is a good practice for building a persuasive and effective resume.

Weak Experiences

  • Managed social media.
  • Posting on social media.
  • Grew followers on social media.
  • Created social media posts.

These examples are considered bad due to their lack of specificity and inability to quantify achievements. It is important to include key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics in your job descriptions to show your potential employer that you can produce results. 'Managed social media' could mean anything from simply posting on an account to formulating an entire social media strategy. Without elaboration on the number of followers grown, the increase in engagement, or the impact of the post creation, these examples fail to convey the candidate's significant contributions and skills, diluting the effectiveness of their prior expertise as a Social Media Manager.

Skills, Keywords & ATS Tips

Hard and soft skills take center stage in any Social Media Manager's resume. Let's unravel why they are essential and how they connect with keywords and Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

Hard Skills and Social Media Management

Hard skills are quantifiable abilities or knowledge you acquire through learning and experience. They're task-oriented skills crucial for technical functions. Your expertise in managing various social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest falls under hard skills. Additionally, content creation, SEO understanding, data analysis, campaign management, and other abilities specific to social media management are also hard skills. They testify your competence to handle the complex tasks intrinsic to the role.

Soft Skills: The Human Touch in Social Media

While hard skills are about 'what' you can do, soft skills focus on 'how' you perform. They are your personal traits, including communication, creativity, adaptability, teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking. In social media management, where building relationships and communicating effectively is crucial, these skills help you connect authentically with your audience. A suave mix of hard and soft skills can give your resume a distinct edge.

Keywords, ATS, and Skills: The Triadic Connection

Now, to the connection between keywords, ATS (Applicant Tracking System), and matching skills. Think of ATS as a robot reading your resume before a human does. Its purpose? To find the most suitable resumes for a given job role based on the keywords contained.

Keywords are often skills or qualifications mentioned in the job description. When you include these keywords, especially the matching hard and soft skills in your resume, ATS identifies your resume as a potentially good fit. And this increases your chances of your resume reaching human recruiters.

But remember, stuffing keywords without context might bypass the ATS but will fail to impress human recruiters. So, aim for a balanced, true representation of your skills.

So, the role of hard and soft skills in a Social Media Manager's resume is threefold. They showcase your ability to perform tasks, display your personality traits, and act as crucial keywords aiding in your resume being shortlisted by ATS. Include the right mix of these skills relevant to the job description to make your resume stand out.

Top Hard & Soft Skills for Full Stack Developers

Hard skills.

  • Content Creation
  • Social Media Analytics
  • SEO Optimization
  • Graphic Design
  • Copywriting
  • Data Analysis
  • Community Management
  • Paid Advertising
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Video Editing
  • Brand Management
  • Marketing Automation
  • CRM Management
  • Web Development
  • Email Marketing

Soft Skills

  • Adaptability
  • Communication
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Attention to Detail
  • Organization
  • Customer Service
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Critical Thinking
  • Flexibility

Top Action Verbs

Use action verbs to highlight achievements and responsibilities on your resume.

  • Managed social media campaigns
  • Analyzed performance metrics
  • Created engaging content
  • Optimized SEO strategies
  • Designed graphics
  • Wrote compelling copy
  • Analyzed data trends
  • Engaged with online community
  • Implemented paid advertising
  • Developed social media strategies
  • Edited videos
  • Managed brand reputation
  • Automated marketing processes
  • Utilized CRM systems
  • Developed websites
  • Executed email marketing campaigns
  • Brainstormed creative ideas
  • Adapted to algorithm changes
  • Communicated brand messaging
  • Resolved customer issues
  • Collaborated with team members
  • Implemented new strategies
  • Monitored social media trends
  • Provided excellent customer service
  • Practiced emotional intelligence
  • Expanded professional network
  • Evaluated critical situations
  • Remained flexible in approach
  • Showed resilience in challenging times

Education & Certifications

Adding your education and certificates to your resume as a Social Media Manager is a vital aspect of showcasing your qualifications. Start with listing your most recent education. Include the name of the institution, degree, and year graduated. Certificates related to social media management, like those from Google, Facebook, or marketing strategy courses should be added next. They can be shown in a 'certificates' subheading or 'additional skills'. This helps hiring managers quickly identify your qualifications and expertise. Use simple, clear language for readability and avoid jargon.

Some of the most important certifications for Social Media Managers

Official certification from Facebook covering all aspects of Facebook marketing.

Comprehensive certification program covering social media marketing strategies.

Certification demonstrating proficiency in Google Analytics.

Certification program focusing on social media strategy and management.

Specialization program covering various aspects of social media marketing.

Certification program focusing on social media marketing strategies.

Resume FAQs for Social Media Managers

What is the ideal resume format for a social media manager.

The most recommended resume format for a Social Media Manager is the reverse-chronological format. This format highlights your work experience and achievements in a clear and organized manner, which is essential for this role.

How long should a Social Media Manager resume be?

A Social Media Manager resume should typically be one page long for candidates with less than 10 years of experience, and no more than two pages for those with more extensive experience. Concise and focused resumes are preferred in this field.

What are the most important sections to include in a Social Media Manager resume?

The most crucial sections for a Social Media Manager resume are: a summary or objective statement, work experience, skills (both technical and soft skills), and any relevant certifications or training. You may also include a portfolio or links to your social media profiles.

How can I quantify my achievements as a Social Media Manager on my resume?

To quantify your achievements, include metrics such as the number of followers you've grown for a brand, engagement rates, website traffic driven from social media campaigns, and any measurable increases in brand awareness or conversions.

Should I include my personal social media profiles on my resume?

It's generally recommended to include links to your professional social media profiles (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter) on your resume, as they can showcase your expertise and online presence. However, be cautious about including personal accounts unless they are highly relevant and professional.

A Social Media Manager oversees a company's presence across social platforms. Key duties include developing content strategies, creating engaging posts, analyzing metrics, and managing online communities to boost brand awareness and engagement. When crafting your resume, emphasize expertise in popular social media platforms and content creation skills like copywriting and graphic design. Quantify successes like growing a brand's following by X% or achieving high engagement rates. Use relevant keywords like "social media marketing", "content strategy", and "community management".

Dynamic and creative Social Media Manager with a proven track record of driving engagement and brand awareness across multiple platforms. Adept at developing and implementing innovative social media strategies that align with business objectives and resonate with target audiences. Skilled in content creation, community management, and data analysis to optimize campaign performance and deliver measurable results.

  • Spearheaded social media strategy for a portfolio of global brands, resulting in an average 30% increase in followers and 45% increase in engagement across all platforms.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and execute integrated marketing campaigns, leveraging social media to drive website traffic and generate leads.
  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive social listening and analytics program, providing actionable insights to inform content strategy and optimize performance.
  • Created and curated compelling, on-brand content across multiple channels, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Managed a team of social media specialists, providing guidance and mentorship to ensure consistent brand voice and high-quality output.
  • Managed day-to-day social media operations for a diverse client portfolio, ensuring timely and engaging content across all platforms.
  • Developed and executed social media campaigns to support product launches, events, and brand initiatives, consistently exceeding engagement and reach targets.
  • Conducted in-depth social media audits and competitor analyses to identify opportunities for growth and improvement.
  • Collaborated with designers and copywriters to create compelling visual and written content optimized for each social media platform.
  • Monitored and responded to user comments and inquiries, fostering positive community engagement and brand sentiment.
  • Assisted in the development and execution of social media strategies for Disney's consumer products and interactive media divisions.
  • Created and scheduled content across multiple social media platforms, ensuring consistency with brand guidelines and editorial calendars.
  • Monitored social media metrics and prepared weekly and monthly performance reports, identifying trends and making recommendations for improvement.
  • Collaborated with internal stakeholders to ensure social media content aligned with overall marketing and business objectives.
  • Participated in ideation sessions to develop new and innovative social media campaigns and initiatives.
  • Campaign Management
  • Brand Development
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Paid Social Media Advertising
  • Project Management
  • Team Leadership
  • Public Speaking

A Social Media Strategist develops and implements creative campaigns across platforms to drive brand awareness, customer engagement and lead generation. To land this role, craft a compelling resume showcasing your content creation abilities, familiarity with analytics tools, and a track record of growing audiences through strategic execution. Highlight quantifiable results from previous campaigns as well as excellent communication and project management skills.

Innovative Social Media Strategist with a proven track record of developing and executing high-impact campaigns that drive brand awareness, engagement, and conversions. Skilled in leveraging data-driven insights to optimize content strategies and foster meaningful connections with target audiences across multiple platforms.

  • Spearheaded social media strategies for top-tier clients, resulting in an average 40% increase in engagement and 25% growth in followers.
  • Developed and implemented a data-driven approach to content creation, utilizing A/B testing and sentiment analysis to optimize performance.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to align social media efforts with overall brand objectives and integrated marketing campaigns.
  • Conducted in-depth competitor analysis and market research to identify trends and opportunities for innovation.
  • Mentored junior team members, fostering a culture of creativity, accountability, and continuous improvement.
  • Managed social media presence for multiple B2B and B2C clients, developing and executing platform-specific strategies.
  • Increased organic reach by 60% and doubled engagement rates through the creation of compelling, shareable content.
  • Established and maintained relationships with influencers, leading to successful brand partnerships and collaborations.
  • Implemented social listening tools to monitor brand sentiment and proactively address customer concerns.
  • Developed and delivered social media training programs for internal teams and clients.
  • Supported the development and execution of social media campaigns for a diverse portfolio of clients.
  • Created engaging content across multiple platforms, including blog posts, infographics, and videos.
  • Monitored and analyzed social media metrics, generating reports and providing data-driven recommendations for optimization.
  • Assisted in the development of social media guidelines and best practices for the agency.
  • Collaborated with account teams to ensure seamless integration of social media with other marketing efforts.
  • Community Engagement
  • Social Listening
  • Paid Social Advertising

As a Social Media Intern, you'll play a pivotal role in elevating the company's online presence and expanding its reach across various social platforms. Your responsibilities include crafting compelling content, engaging with the brand's community, analyzing performance metrics, and identifying emerging trends. To excel, you'll need strong writing skills, creativity, a deep understanding of social media platforms, and the ability to connect with diverse audiences. When crafting your resume, highlight any relevant coursework, internships, or projects that showcase your social media marketing prowess. Provide examples that demonstrate your ability to create content that resonates with target audiences. Emphasize your problem-solving skills and willingness to learn, as the ever-evolving social media landscape demands adaptability and curiosity.

Highly motivated and creative social media enthusiast with a passion for crafting engaging content and driving online community growth. Skilled in leveraging various social media platforms to increase brand awareness, boost audience engagement, and optimize marketing strategies. Possesses strong analytical and problem-solving skills, allowing for data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement of social media campaigns.

  • Assisted in developing and executing social media strategies for a diverse portfolio of clients across various industries
  • Created and curated engaging content for multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn
  • Conducted in-depth research on target audiences and competitors to inform content creation and optimize campaign performance
  • Monitored and analyzed social media metrics using tools like Sprout Social and Google Analytics, providing regular reports and recommendations for improvement
  • Collaborated with the creative team to develop visually appealing graphics and videos for social media posts
  • Managed social media accounts for a non-profit organization focused on environmental conservation and sustainability
  • Developed and implemented a social media content calendar aligned with the organization's mission and goals
  • Created compelling posts, infographics, and short videos to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote eco-friendly practices
  • Engaged with followers, responding to comments and messages in a timely and professional manner
  • Assisted in organizing and promoting online fundraising campaigns and virtual events
  • Supported the social media manager in creating and scheduling content for a beauty and skincare brand
  • Conducted keyword research and hashtag analysis to optimize post visibility and reach
  • Assisted in managing influencer partnerships and product giveaways on Instagram and TikTok
  • Monitored competitor activity and industry trends to inform content strategy and identify new opportunities for engagement
  • Participated in brainstorming sessions to generate fresh ideas for social media campaigns and product launches
  • Social media strategy development
  • Content creation and curation
  • Copywriting and editing
  • Graphic design (Adobe Creative Suite)
  • Video editing (Adobe Premiere, iMovie)
  • Data analysis and reporting
  • Keyword research and SEO
  • Influencer marketing
  • Community management
  • Customer service
  • Project management
  • Time management
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Adaptability and problem-solving
  • Creativity and innovation

A Social Media Marketing Manager spearheads strategies across platforms, driving brand awareness and engagement. Their resume should spotlight expertise in content creation, analytics interpretation, campaign execution, and community management. Emphasize success boosting metrics like follower growth, engagement rates, and conversion rates. Highlight relevant certifications, awards, and experience with popular platforms and analytics tools. Use quantifiable achievements to stand out.

Dynamic and results-driven Social Media Marketing Manager with a proven track record of driving brand engagement and increasing online presence across multiple platforms. Adept at developing and executing innovative social media strategies that align with business objectives and resonate with target audiences. Skilled in content creation, data analysis, and team leadership.

  • Spearheaded the development and implementation of a comprehensive social media strategy, resulting in a 40% increase in followers and a 60% boost in engagement across all platforms.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create compelling content, including videos, infographics, and blog posts, which generated a 25% increase in website traffic from social media channels.
  • Conducted in-depth data analysis to identify trends, monitor competitors, and optimize social media campaigns, leading to a 15% improvement in ROI.
  • Managed a team of 5 social media specialists, providing guidance, mentorship, and performance feedback to ensure the delivery of high-quality work.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with influencers and industry thought leaders, resulting in successful partnerships and increased brand exposure.
  • Managed social media accounts for 10+ clients across various industries, ensuring consistent brand voice and timely responses to customer inquiries.
  • Created and curated engaging content for multiple platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, resulting in an average engagement rate of 8%.
  • Conducted social media audits and competitor analysis to identify opportunities for improvement and develop data-driven strategies.
  • Collaborated with the design team to create visually appealing graphics and videos optimized for social media platforms.
  • Assisted in the development and execution of successful social media campaigns, contributing to a 20% increase in brand awareness.
  • Assisted in managing social media accounts for 5 clients, ensuring timely and accurate posting of content.
  • Monitored social media channels for customer feedback and engagement, responding to inquiries and escalating issues as needed.
  • Conducted research on social media trends and best practices, providing recommendations to improve client strategies.
  • Collaborated with the content team to develop and maintain an editorial calendar, ensuring a consistent flow of high-quality content.
  • Participated in the creation and execution of social media campaigns, contributing to a 15% increase in website traffic from social channels.
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Content Marketing
  • Analytics Tools (Google Analytics, Sprout Social, Hootsuite)

Brand Influencers are social media trendsetters who leverage their online popularity to endorse and market products or services for companies. This role requires creativity, excellent communication abilities, and a sizeable social media following. When crafting a resume, include a compelling summary showcasing your social media expertise and any professional endorsement experience. Add a portfolio section highlighting successful brand campaigns you've promoted. Emphasize relevant skills such as content creation, marketing strategy, and audience engagement. Tailor your resume to each specific opportunity, ensuring it aligns with the company's brand and culture.

Charismatic and influential social media personality with a proven track record of creating engaging content and building strong online communities. Skilled in developing strategic partnerships with brands to drive awareness, engagement, and sales. Passionate about leveraging digital platforms to inspire and connect with diverse audiences.

  • Developed and executed influencer marketing campaigns for various P&G brands, resulting in a 25% increase in brand awareness and a 15% boost in sales.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create compelling content and ensure alignment with brand guidelines and objectives.
  • Built and maintained relationships with key influencers and industry partners to expand reach and drive engagement.
  • Monitored and analyzed campaign performance, providing data-driven insights and recommendations to optimize future initiatives.
  • Represented P&G brands at industry events and conferences, promoting products and engaging with potential partners and customers.
  • Created engaging and original content across multiple social media platforms, amassing a combined following of over 500,000 users.
  • Collaborated with various lifestyle, fashion, and travel brands to create sponsored content and product reviews, driving an average 20% increase in sales for partnered brands.
  • Developed and implemented a content strategy that increased engagement rates by 30% and grew followers by 200% over two years.
  • Engaged with followers through live streams, Q&A sessions, and direct messages, fostering a strong sense of community and brand loyalty.
  • Continually adapted content to stay current with emerging trends and platform updates, ensuring maximum reach and impact.
  • Assisted in the development and execution of social media campaigns for global clients, contributing to a 10% increase in engagement.
  • Conducted market research and competitor analysis to inform campaign strategies and identify opportunities for innovation.
  • Collaborated with creative teams to develop compelling content and ensure brand consistency across all digital touchpoints.
  • Monitored and reported on campaign performance, providing insights and recommendations for optimization.
  • Participated in brainstorming sessions and contributed ideas for new campaigns and initiatives.
  • Social media marketing
  • Content creation
  • Brand partnerships
  • Video editing
  • Photography
  • Data analysis
  • Public speaking
  • Trend forecasting
  • Storytelling
  • Collaboration

As a Social Media Coordinator, you'll spearhead a brand's online marketing efforts by crafting engaging content, managing accounts across platforms, and fostering community engagement. This multifaceted role demands social media expertise, strong writing abilities, and analytical skills to measure campaign success. When crafting your resume, highlight your experience conceptualizing and executing creative social media strategies. Showcase your knack for producing compelling content by including captivating samples. Quantify your accomplishments, such as growing a brand's following or boosting engagement rates, to demonstrate your impact.

Creative and driven Social Media Coordinator with a proven track record of developing and executing engaging social media strategies that drive brand awareness, increase audience engagement, and boost website traffic. Skilled in content creation, analytics, and cross-functional collaboration to deliver impactful campaigns across multiple platforms.

  • Developed and implemented social media strategies across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, resulting in a 40% increase in followers and a 60% increase in engagement.
  • Collaborated with marketing, content, and design teams to create compelling social media campaigns that aligned with brand guidelines and objectives.
  • Monitored and analyzed social media metrics using tools such as Sprout Social and Google Analytics to optimize performance and inform future strategies.
  • Managed social media content calendar, ensuring a consistent flow of high-quality, on-brand content across all platforms.
  • Responded to customer inquiries and comments on social media in a timely and professional manner, helping to maintain a positive brand reputation.
  • Assisted in the development and execution of social media campaigns across multiple platforms, contributing to a 25% increase in website traffic.
  • Conducted research on social media trends and competitor activity to inform content strategy and identify new opportunities for engagement.
  • Created engaging social media content, including graphics and short-form videos, using tools such as Canva and Adobe Creative Suite.
  • Monitored and responded to social media mentions and messages, ensuring timely and accurate communication with followers.
  • Provided regular reports on social media performance and insights to senior management, highlighting key metrics and areas for improvement.
  • Assisted in the creation and scheduling of social media content across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • Conducted research on industry trends and competitor activity to inform content strategy and identify new opportunities for engagement.
  • Participated in brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas for social media campaigns and content.
  • Monitored social media channels for mentions and messages, flagging any issues or opportunities for senior team members.
  • Gained valuable experience in social media management and content creation, contributing to the development of key skills and knowledge.
  • Analytics & Reporting
  • Sprout Social
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • Adobe Creative Suite

Social Media Content Creators produce visually-appealing, on-trend posts and videos to build brands' online presence. The role requires creativity, storytelling skills, and knowledge of popular platforms and content formats. When writing a resume, highlight relevant experience managing social media accounts, viral campaign examples with engagement metrics, and a portfolio showcasing your best work.

Highly creative and versatile Social Media Content Creator with a proven track record of developing engaging and viral content across multiple platforms. Skilled in crafting compelling narratives and leveraging current trends to drive brand awareness and increase audience engagement. Passionate about staying at the forefront of social media trends and utilizing data-driven insights to optimize content performance.

  • Developed and executed creative social media content strategies across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, resulting in a 40% increase in followers and a 60% boost in engagement rates.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ideate, plan, and produce original video content, including a viral series that garnered over 10 million views.
  • Monitored and analyzed social media metrics to identify top-performing content and optimize future strategies, leading to a 25% improvement in overall content performance.
  • Managed a team of content creators, providing guidance and feedback to ensure consistent brand voice and quality across all social media channels.
  • Stayed up-to-date with the latest social media trends and platform updates, incorporating new features and best practices into content creation process.
  • Assisted in the development and execution of social media content calendars, ensuring timely and consistent posting across all platforms.
  • Created engaging and visually appealing graphics, GIFs, and short-form videos for social media, contributing to a 30% increase in overall engagement.
  • Conducted research on emerging social media trends and competitor analysis to inform content strategy and identify new opportunities for growth.
  • Monitored and responded to user comments and messages across social media platforms, fostering a positive and interactive community.
  • Assisted in the planning and execution of influencer marketing campaigns, resulting in a 20% increase in brand awareness and follower growth.
  • Supported the social media team in creating and curating content for Slack's official social media channels, including blog posts, images, and videos.
  • Assisted in monitoring social media metrics and preparing weekly performance reports, identifying key insights and areas for improvement.
  • Participated in brainstorming sessions to ideate new content ideas and campaigns, contributing to the successful launch of a user-generated content initiative.
  • Conducted research on industry trends and best practices, presenting findings to the social media team to inform future strategies.
  • Provided administrative support to the social media team, including managing content calendars, assets, and team communications.
  • Content Optimization
  • Trend Forecasting
  • Cross-functional Collaboration

As a Senior Social Media Manager, you'll be the driving force behind a brand's social presence, crafting strategies to build online communities and amplify brand messaging across platforms. This multifaceted role demands a creative eye for content creation, strong writing abilities, and data-driven decision-making. When crafting your resume, highlight quantifiable achievements that demonstrate your social media marketing prowess. Detail successful campaigns, impressive follower growth, and standout content that generated high engagement. Go beyond listing skills by providing examples that showcase your ability to transform social media insights into actionable strategies that align with broader marketing goals.

Dynamic and creative Senior Social Media Manager with over 10 years of experience in developing and executing innovative social media strategies that drive brand awareness, engagement, and growth. Proven track record of leveraging data-driven insights to optimize campaigns and deliver measurable results across multiple industries.

  • Spearheaded the development and implementation of a comprehensive social media strategy, resulting in a 45% increase in followers and a 60% increase in engagement across all platforms.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create and execute impactful social media campaigns, generating over $1.5 million in revenue and a 25% increase in website traffic.
  • Leveraged data analytics and consumer insights to optimize content strategy, improving overall brand sentiment by 30% and increasing customer loyalty.
  • Managed a team of 5 social media specialists, providing guidance and mentorship to ensure consistent brand voice and timely execution of campaigns.
  • Established partnerships with influencers and thought leaders, resulting in a 20% increase in brand reach and a 15% boost in conversions.
  • Developed and executed social media campaigns for multiple PepsiCo brands, resulting in a 30% increase in engagement and a 20% increase in followers.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to create compelling content that aligned with brand guidelines and resonated with target audiences, leading to a 15% increase in website traffic.
  • Monitored and analyzed social media metrics to identify trends and opportunities for improvement, implementing data-driven strategies that increased overall campaign effectiveness by 25%.
  • Managed crisis communication on social media, successfully mitigating potential negative impact on brand reputation and maintaining positive sentiment.
  • Conducted competitive analysis and market research to stay ahead of industry trends and identify new opportunities for growth and engagement.
  • Assisted in the development and execution of social media campaigns for McDonald's, contributing to a 25% increase in followers and a 20% increase in engagement.
  • Created engaging and on-brand content for various social media platforms, consistently meeting or exceeding performance targets.
  • Monitored and responded to customer inquiries and feedback on social media, maintaining a 95% customer satisfaction rate and fostering positive brand sentiment.
  • Collaborated with the creative team to produce compelling visual content, including graphics and videos, that resonated with target audiences and drove engagement.
  • Conducted social media audits and competitor analysis to identify areas for improvement and inform strategy development.
  • Campaign Optimization
  • Crisis Communication
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Customer Engagement

A social media influencer creates engaging content to build and interact with online audiences for brands. Their resume should highlight metrics proving influence like follower counts, engagement rates, and top branded campaigns. It must showcase multimedia content creation skills like photography, videography, and copywriting. Include standout campaigns that generated tangible results for brands. Format with a strong personal brand identity through logos, colors, and design elements.

Dynamic and influential social media personality with a proven track record of engaging audiences and driving brand awareness. Possesses a unique ability to create compelling content that resonates with followers and sparks meaningful conversations. Adept at leveraging various social media platforms to maximize reach and impact.

  • Built a loyal following of over 500,000 across multiple social media platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.
  • Collaborated with top brands such as Nike, Sephora, and HelloFresh to create sponsored content, resulting in a 30% increase in brand awareness and sales.
  • Developed and executed creative social media campaigns that generated over 10 million impressions and increased engagement by 25%.
  • Hosted live Q&A sessions and webinars, providing valuable insights and advice to aspiring influencers and entrepreneurs.
  • Recognized as a Top 100 Influencer by Social Media Today for consistently delivering high-quality, engaging content.
  • Represented Fenty Beauty at various high-profile events and product launches, showcasing the brand's latest offerings.
  • Created engaging social media content featuring Fenty Beauty products, resulting in a 20% increase in followers and a 15% boost in sales.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to develop and execute influencer marketing strategies, increasing brand visibility and reach.
  • Provided valuable feedback and insights to the product development team, contributing to the creation of new, innovative products.
  • Established strong relationships with key industry influencers and media outlets, securing positive press coverage and product reviews.
  • Assisted in the development and execution of social media strategies for various high-profile clients, including Coca-Cola and American Express.
  • Conducted in-depth research on social media trends, competitor analysis, and target audience preferences to inform campaign strategies.
  • Created and curated engaging content for clients' social media channels, increasing followers by 25% and engagement by 30%.
  • Monitored and analyzed social media metrics, providing regular reports and recommendations to optimize performance.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless integration of social media efforts with overall marketing initiatives.
  • Social media strategy
  • Audience engagement
  • Live streaming
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Creative direction

A Social Media Community Manager oversees a brand's online presence, fostering engagement and cultivating loyal communities. When crafting a resume, highlight your social media marketing prowess, exemplary communication abilities, and creative flair for captivating content. Illustrate your talent for strategizing campaigns, interpreting analytics, and crafting compelling narratives. Emphasize your adaptability, juggling multiple platforms seamlessly while promptly resolving issues. Underscore your command of the latest tools and channels to showcase your cutting-edge expertise in this dynamic field. With a well-tailored resume, you'll stand out as an indispensable asset to any brand's digital identity.

Dynamic and creative Social Media Community Manager with a proven track record of engaging diverse online communities and driving brand growth. Adept at developing and executing innovative social media strategies that capture audience attention and foster meaningful interactions. Passionate about leveraging data-driven insights to optimize content performance and deliver measurable results.

  • Spearheaded the development and implementation of a comprehensive social media strategy, resulting in a 45% increase in follower growth and a 60% improvement in engagement rates across all platforms.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create and curate compelling content, ensuring consistent brand messaging and tone across all social media channels.
  • Monitored and analyzed social media metrics, generating weekly and monthly reports to inform strategy adjustments and optimize performance.
  • Managed a team of 3 social media specialists, providing guidance and mentorship to foster their professional growth and ensure the delivery of high-quality work.
  • Developed and maintained strong relationships with key influencers and brand ambassadors, leveraging their reach to expand brand awareness and drive conversions.
  • Assisted in the development and execution of social media campaigns, contributing to a 30% increase in website traffic and a 20% boost in lead generation.
  • Monitored social media channels for customer inquiries and feedback, providing timely and personalized responses to maintain a positive brand reputation.
  • Conducted competitor analysis to identify emerging trends and best practices, incorporating insights into content creation and community engagement strategies.
  • Collaborated with the design team to create visually compelling graphics and videos, enhancing the overall appeal and shareability of social media content.
  • Participated in the planning and execution of live social media events, moderating discussions and fostering a sense of community among participants.
  • Supported the social media team in creating and scheduling content across various social media platforms, ensuring a consistent posting schedule.
  • Assisted in the moderation of social media communities, responding to comments and messages in a timely and professional manner.
  • Conducted research on emerging social media trends and platforms, presenting findings to the team and contributing to the development of new strategies.
  • Participated in brainstorming sessions to generate fresh content ideas and community engagement initiatives.
  • Monitored and reported on key social media metrics, providing valuable insights to support data-driven decision making.
  • Social Media Monitoring

As a fresher in social media, you'll be responsible for crafting engaging content across platforms and cultivating an active online community. To craft an effective resume, highlight any relevant experiences like internships, volunteer roles, or class projects that demonstrate skills like content creation, copywriting, and data analysis. Tailor your resume by incorporating keywords from job descriptions to showcase your fit for the role.

Ambitious and creative Social Media Specialist with a passion for developing engaging content and building strong online communities. Skilled in leveraging various social media platforms to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and foster customer relationships. Adept at analyzing metrics and implementing data-driven strategies to optimize social media campaigns and enhance overall performance.

  • Assisted in developing and executing social media strategies for multiple client accounts, resulting in an average follower growth of 25% across platforms.
  • Created engaging content, including graphics, short-form videos, and blog posts, leading to a 30% increase in user engagement and shares.
  • Monitored social media metrics and prepared weekly performance reports, identifying trends and providing data-driven recommendations for optimization.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure consistent brand messaging and timely content delivery across all social media channels.
  • Participated in brainstorming sessions and contributed creative ideas for social media campaigns and initiatives.
  • Managed social media accounts for the organization's local chapter, creating and curating content to raise awareness about conservation efforts and upcoming events.
  • Developed a social media content calendar, ensuring a consistent posting schedule and maintaining a cohesive brand voice across platforms.
  • Engaged with followers, responding to comments and messages in a timely and professional manner, fostering a sense of community and increasing user interaction by 40%.
  • Assisted in the creation of social media guidelines and best practices for the organization, ensuring compliance with brand standards and industry trends.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to develop and execute a successful social media campaign for Earth Day, resulting in a 50% increase in followers and a 75% increase in engagement.
  • Assisted in the development and execution of digital marketing campaigns, including email marketing, social media, and PPC advertising.
  • Conducted keyword research and optimized website content for SEO, resulting in a 20% increase in organic traffic.
  • Monitored and analyzed digital marketing metrics using tools such as Google Analytics and HubSpot, providing weekly performance reports and recommendations for improvement.
  • Created and managed social media content for the company's LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook accounts, increasing follower engagement by 30%.
  • Collaborated with the content team to develop and distribute blog posts, infographics, and other marketing collateral, supporting lead generation efforts.
  • Social Media Marketing

An entry-level social media manager plans, creates, and publishes engaging content across multiple platforms to build brand awareness and engage online communities. Responsibilities include developing content strategies, managing social channels, analyzing metrics, and collaborating with marketing teams. Essential skills are exceptional writing, creativity, attention to detail, and familiarity with social media platforms and analytics tools. When crafting your resume, highlight relevant internships or projects showcasing your social media management experience. Detail your skills in content creation, community engagement, and data analysis using specific examples and metrics. Showcase your expertise with design software and social media management tools. Tailor your resume by emphasizing accomplishments aligned with each role's requirements.

Highly motivated and creative social media enthusiast with a passion for crafting engaging content and building vibrant online communities. Possessing a deep understanding of various social media platforms and their unique dynamics, I am eager to leverage my skills to enhance brand visibility and drive meaningful interactions. With a keen eye for trends and a knack for storytelling, I am committed to delivering impactful social media strategies that resonate with target audiences and achieve business objectives.

  • Assisted in developing and executing social media campaigns for clients across various industries, resulting in an average follower growth of 20% per quarter.
  • Conducted in-depth research on social media trends, competitor analysis, and target audience preferences to inform content strategy and optimize performance.
  • Collaborated with the creative team to produce compelling visual content, including graphics and short-form videos, enhancing post engagement by 30%.
  • Monitored and analyzed social media metrics using tools such as Hootsuite and Sprout Social, providing weekly reports and actionable insights to the team.
  • Actively participated in brainstorming sessions, contributing fresh ideas and innovative approaches to social media marketing challenges.
  • Volunteered as a social media content creator for the World Wildlife Fund's global campaigns, promoting environmental conservation and animal welfare.
  • Crafted engaging posts, infographics, and stories for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, educating followers about pressing environmental issues and inspiring action.
  • Assisted in moderating social media comments and messages, providing timely and accurate responses to user inquiries and fostering a supportive online community.
  • Contributed to the successful #SaveTheReefs campaign, which garnered over 500,000 impressions and helped raise funds for coral reef conservation projects.
  • Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively in a remote team environment, ensuring seamless collaboration and communication.
  • Spearhead the development and implementation of comprehensive social media strategies for a diverse portfolio of clients, aligning with their unique brand identities and goals.
  • Oversee content creation, curation, and publishing across multiple social media platforms, ensuring consistency, quality, and adherence to best practices.
  • Utilize advanced social media management tools, such as Sprout Social and Agorapulse, to streamline workflows, monitor performance, and generate actionable insights.
  • Collaborate closely with internal teams, including content, design, and account management, to deliver integrated and impactful social media campaigns.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest social media trends, platform updates, and industry best practices, proactively identifying opportunities for innovation and improvement.
  • Audience Engagement
  • Instagram Insights
  • Twitter Analytics

11 Social Media Manager Resume Examples for Your 2024 Job Search

Social media managers are experts at crafting and executing engaging social media campaigns that connect with audiences. Just like a successful social media campaign, a social media manager's resume should be creative, strategic, and demonstrate their ability to reach and connect with target audiences. In this guide, we'll explore 10 social media manager resumes and highlight the key elements that make them compelling.

social media manager resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Social Media Manager Resumes:

  • Develop and maintain a consistent brand image and voice across all social media channels.
  • Conduct market research to determine target audience and consider new social media opportunities.
  • Write, design, and execute engaging content including text, video, images, gifs and memes for various social media platforms.
  • Monitor, listen, and respond to users when necessary in order to maintain a positive presence.
  • Create and schedule content calendars utilizing relevant tools such as Hootsuite or Tweetdeck.
  • Analyze data related to engagements and clicks, as well as platform-specific analytics to inform ongoing strategy.
  • Monitor users’ comments, messages, and reviews to respond to inquiries, complaints, and problems quickly.
  • Research and keep up to date on industry and competitors’ social media performance.
  • Create and implement campaigns across multiple platforms to drive growth and engagement.
  • Build relationships with clients, influencers, and strategic partners via social media.
  • Collaborate with other departments, such as marketing and sales, to ensure brand consistency and maximize effectiveness of campaigns.
  • Develop original ideas, strategies and content to remain competitive and exceed goals.

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

Social Media Manager Resume Example:

  • Implemented a successful social media strategy resulting in a 25% increase in followers and engagement across all platforms
  • Developed and executed campaigns that drove significant website traffic and generated leads, resulting in a 20% increase in conversions
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and execute social media content that aligned with overall branding and marketing goals
  • Developed and managed social media calendars, resulting in a 15% increase in engagement and followers
  • Collaborated with design and content teams to develop visually compelling and engaging social media content
  • Analyzed and reported on social media metrics, using insights to inform and optimize future campaigns
  • Assisted senior social media managers in developing and executing social media campaigns and strategies.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to gather information and create social media content.
  • Assisted in the monitoring of social media accounts and responding to customer inquiries and feedback.
  • Social Media Strategy Development
  • Social Media Campaign Planning & Execution
  • Social Media Calendar Management
  • Social Media Content Creation
  • Social Media Insights & Metrics Analysis
  • Social Media Listening & Monitoring
  • Cross-Functional Team Collaboration
  • Customer Service & Inquiry Handling
  • Branding & Marketing Alignment
  • Visual Engagement Strategies
  • Public Relations

Entry Level Social Media Manager Resume Example:

  • Led research on relevant industry topics and market trends to ensure brand awareness.
  • Crafted creative campaigns to engage target audience, increasing engagement by 50%.
  • Developed and implemented editorial calendars and plans, while meeting brand deadlines and production goals.
  • Drafted high-quality content (copywriting, graphics, videos, etc.) across various social media channels
  • Monitored and managed social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to build brand presence
  • Analyzed website traffic, tracked campaigns, and measured engagement against established KPIs and objectives
  • Engaged in social listening to communicate with customers and resolve concerns in an efficient manner.
  • Managed customer service inquiries on social media in a timely manner, collaborating closely with the customer service team.
  • Established and maintained relationships with journalists, influencers, and bloggers to keep the brand relevant in the social media space.
  • Content Strategy & Planning
  • Social Media Platforms Management
  • Metrics & Analytics
  • Copywriting
  • Graphic Design
  • Video Production
  • Brand Awareness
  • Campaign Planning
  • Deadline Management
  • KPI Tracking
  • Social Listening
  • Customer Service
  • Influencer & Blogger Relations
  • Social Media Management

Social Media Content Creator Resume Example:

  • Created and managed a wide range of content (blogs, videos, podcasts) resulting in an 80% increase in engagement with target audiences
  • Developed and ran innovative social media campaigns that aligned with branding objectives, resulting in a 75% boost in followers on major platforms (Instagram, Twitter)
  • Utilized Google Analytics and Sprout to measure campaign performance and presented insights to stakeholders in monthly reports
  • Curated user-generated content for social media platforms to boost content organic reach by 40%
  • Established effective relationships with industry influencers and large stakeholders which contributed to promoting brand messaging by 50%
  • Executed A/B testing for campaigns to optimize content engagements and increased total engagements by 60%
  • Implemented creative strategies for campaigns that increased overall brand awareness and boosted customer outreach by 70%
  • Monitored and responded to customer inquiries, comments and reviews on social media which improved customer relations by 30%
  • Researched competitors’ social media strategies and provided input to ensure the company stayed ahead of competition
  • Negotiation
  • Multitasking
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Team Collaboration
  • Content development
  • Digital Marketing
  • Analytics & Reporting
  • Branding & Messaging
  • Audience Insights
  • Relationship Building
  • Influencer Outreach
  • SEO Optimization
  • Media Production
  • Project Management
  • A/B Testing
  • Photography
  • Digital Media

Social Media Coordinator Resume Example:

  • Developed, implemented, and tracked an effective social media campaign resulting in a 75% increase in brand visibility
  • Optimized strategies for improving client engagement and customer loyalty, resulting in a 5% conversion rate
  • Maintained an effective editorial calendar of content for all social media channels to ensure timely and relevant posting
  • Strategically targeted influencers and bloggers to increase brand reach and recognition, successfully resulting in a 200% boost in social media engagement
  • Analyzed data related to campaigns and initiatives and presented results to internal teams, leading to valuable insights
  • Researched and monitored trends and new technologies, creating successful strategies to leverage them for improved outcomes
  • Managed custom content creation for social media channels, resulting in a 10% increase in followers
  • Crafted and delivered timely responses to inquiries, complaints, and comments, boosting customer satisfaction by 20%
  • Collaborated with internal teams to create promotional content within deadlines, helping to increase brand awareness by 50%
  • Digital marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Content curation
  • Content creation
  • Audience segmentation
  • Customer engagement
  • Content optimization
  • Influencer marketing
  • Graphic design
  • Data analysis
  • Budget management
  • Project management
  • Creative problem-solving
  • Excellent writing
  • Knowledge of social networks
  • Time management
  • Team collaboration
  • Social Media

Senior Social Media Manager Resume Example:

  • Led the creation and execution of a comprehensive, cross-functional social media strategy composed of objective-oriented content, campaigns and multi-channel approaches, which drove a 15% increase in brand engagement within 3 months
  • Spearheaded a successful influencer marketing program, establishing 30 new brand partnerships resulting in 13 times return on investment
  • Coordinated the development and integration of innovative customer service solutions streamlining communication across all social media channels, reducing response time by 42%
  • Established processes for efficient budget and time management, monitoring and evaluating in-demand trends in social media applications and channels, ultimately resulting in an 11% decrease in expenses
  • Managed and monitored a team of 8 social media professionals, boosting quality and quantity of content production and maximizing use of diverse approaches which improved engagement and reach by 27%
  • Researched and deployed new customer relationship management and customer feedback solutions, helping to increase customer satisfaction by 44%
  • Optimized content-development strategy to increase the customer journey experience, resulting in a 10% increase in conversions and ROI of the campaigns
  • Assisted in the relaunch of company’s website, integrating social media platforms and creating multi-pronged campaigns to increase brand visibility and awareness by 20%
  • Implemented a personal monitoring system which monitored competitors, while documenting key industry trends to further inform and refine campaign strategies, resulting in a 280% increase in ROI
  • Strategic Content Planning
  • Social Media Optimization
  • Campaign Development and Execution
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Brand Management
  • Cross-Channel Analysis
  • Budget and Time Management
  • Team Management & Leadership
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Customer Service Solutions
  • Data Analysis & Reporting
  • Content Production and Creation
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Web Design & Development
  • Graphic Design & Videography
  • Community Management
  • Audience Insights & Targeting
  • Competitive Research & Monitoring
  • Networking & Prospecting

Social Media Strategist Resume Example:

  • Impressed clients by restructuring and optimizing their social media strategy, resulting in an increase of 20% in customer engagement
  • Led an internal team of 9 stakeholders to brainstorm and create event-specific social media campaigns, increasing likes by 30%
  • Connected with influential communities to advocate campaigns and generated 300K additional customer engagements
  • Employed a data-driven approach to analyze key metrics and insights, drawing actionable conclusions to further strengthen organic customer engagement
  • Developed and implemented a consistent workflow process to coordinate initiatives, ensure brand identity, and streamline project progress
  • Successfully forecasted performance of upcoming campaigns, including cost analysis and budget management, providing a cost savings of 15%
  • Participated in strategy development and collaborated with other departments to develop social media content, increasing customer satisfaction by 10%
  • Created comprehensive reports and presentations to reflect campaign performances, and used the analysis to develop optimization strategies
  • Conducted continuous industry research to stay up to date with best practices and adapted strategies to capitalize on emerging trends, increasing visibility by 20%
  • Data Analysis
  • Strategic Planning and Execution
  • Budget Management
  • Content Creation
  • Audience and Community Engagement
  • Reporting and Presentation
  • Brand Identity
  • Research and Development
  • Creative Thinking
  • Decision Making
  • Time Management
  • Trend Analysis
  • Data Visualization
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Social Media Marketing

Social Media Intern Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented innovative campaigns across multiple social media platforms to increase engagement and audience reach by 50%
  • Utilized analytical tools and data insights to monitor and optimize results from multiple campaigns to reach KPIs
  • Collaborated with team members to create and curate content for social media accounts that generated 1 million impressions
  • Crafted a content calendar for multiple social media accounts to raise brand awareness and engagement
  • Monitored and responded to customer comments and inquiries in an appropriate manner to increase customer satisfaction
  • Researched and shared relevant content that resulted in an increase in website traffic by 30%
  • Produced presentations for team members and clients to showcase and explain the success of campaigns and strategies
  • Analyzed existing content to identify opportunities for improvement and implemented new strategies that raised conversion rate by 20%
  • Created accounts on external review websites, which resulted in an increase in positive reviews by 25%
  • Strategic planning & implementation
  • Social media management & optimization
  • Content strategy & curation
  • Data analysis & reporting
  • Campaign planning & execution
  • Multi-channel marketing
  • Brand awareness
  • Digital design & video editing
  • SEO & keyword optimization
  • Community management
  • Music/podcast/radio promotion
  • Customer service & support
  • Copywriting & storytelling
  • Technical troubleshooting & maintenance
  • Project management & coordination
  • Audience insights & segmentation
  • Trends analysis & forecasting

Social Media Influencer Resume Example:

  • Implemented a comprehensive social media strategy designed to convey the brand’s vision and values, resulting in a 25% increase in overall engagement
  • Utilized scheduling and analytic software to deliver regular, quality content and increase customer interactions by 40%
  • Created a successful influencer onboarding program, resulting in a 50% reduction in cost and improved customer acquisition rate
  • Developed creative campaigns that grew the follower base by 20%, increased customer engagement by 15%, and increased brand recognition by 30%
  • Monitored industry trends and competitors, maintaining an accurate understanding of the relevant market dynamics
  • Participated in public speaking engagements, showcasing the brand's mission to professionals and prospective clients
  • Wrote effective copy for various platforms, leveraging existing assets, videos, and visuals to effectively tell stories and boost customer interaction by 10%
  • Collaborated with marketing, PR, and advertising teams to ensure that content was consistent across all media platforms
  • Partnered with the design team to create engaging graphics and visuals, increasing customer engagement by 20%
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Digital Content Production
  • Influencer Onboarding
  • Scheduling & Analytic Software
  • Brand Storytelling
  • Collaboration & Communication
  • Visual Design
  • Public Speaking & Representation
  • Trend & Competitor Monitoring
  • Video Production & Editing
  • Campaign Design & Optimization
  • SEO & SEM Optimization
  • Customer Engagement & Retention
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Performance & Measurement Analysis
  • Audience & Stakeholder Engagement
  • Data & Analytics
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Thought Leadership

Social Media Community Manager Resume Example:

  • Spearheaded innovative social media campaigns that drove a 20% increase in brand reach, engagement, and new customer acquisitions in 6 months
  • Improved customer service responsiveness 20% by leveraging sophisticated systems that increased response times and improved customer satisfaction ratings
  • Developed sophisticated reporting and analytics tools to track social media ROI and present insights that informed key marketing decisions
  • Facilitated successful collaborations with influencers and partners that increased brand visibility by 15%
  • Researched and identified targeted customer segments that yielded a 5% increase in sales
  • Developed comprehensive social media strategies and tactics to improve brand reputation and customer loyalty
  • Orchestrated successful promotions and activities for social media platforms that grew followers by 10% with in 6 months
  • Streamlined customer service protocols to improve resolution rates by 20%, resulting in an increase in customer retention
  • Implemented marketing automation systems that boosted efficiency of campaigns by 25% while improving response times
  • Strategic planning
  • Social media management
  • Campaign development
  • Customer service protocols
  • Influencer relations
  • Analytics & reporting
  • Market research
  • Brand promotion
  • Social media optimization
  • ROI tracking
  • Marketing automation
  • Data-driven decision making
  • Creating customer loyalty
  • Problem solving
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Creative thinking
  • Technical proficiency
  • Resourcefulness

Social Media Marketing Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and executed an innovative social media strategy that increased website traffic by 25% and brand exposure by 40%
  • Implemented automated digital advertising campaigns to maximize brand visibility across all social media channels
  • Collaborated with external design teams to create visuals for campaigns and product launches, increasing conversions by 10%
  • Established relationships with key industry thought leaders, driving meaningful discussions and increasing positive brand sentiment by 35%
  • Automated and managed paid social campaigns, maintaining budget and tracking ROI to optimize campaigns and content
  • Analyzed competitor activity to ensure successful execution of strategic plans and implement targeted growth strategies
  • Developed SEO-friendly content and maintained an active presence on social media to engage with customers and maximize website traffic
  • Moderated user-generated content to ensure it was brand-friendly, leading to an increase in positive sentiment and brand loyalty
  • Monitored and reported social media metrics to inform strategic decision making and optimize approaches
  • Automated Digital Advertising
  • Digital Design & Visuals
  • Brand Sentiment Analysis
  • Paid Social Campaigns
  • SEO & Content Creation
  • Social Listening & Engagement
  • User-Generated Content (UGC)
  • Brand Management & Relations
  • Creative & Innovative Thinking
  • Copywriting & Copy Editing
  • Marketing & Communications
  • Influencer & Media Relations
  • Project Management & Planning
  • Budget Tracking & ROI Optimization
  • Technical & Programming Skills
  • Competitor Analysis & Research
  • Data Analysis & Interpretation
  • Advertising

Fresher Social Media Resume Example:

  • Developed and executed a social media campaign that resulted in a 25% increase in brand awareness and a 15% increase in engagement on Instagram.
  • Collaborated with the content team to create and publish daily social media posts, resulting in a 10% increase in followers across all platforms.
  • Analyzed social media metrics and provided recommendations for optimization, resulting in a 5% increase in click-through rates on Facebook ads.
  • Created and managed a social media calendar for a startup, resulting in a 20% increase in website traffic and a 15% increase in leads generated.
  • Developed and executed a paid social media campaign that resulted in a 10% increase in conversions and a 5% decrease in cost per acquisition.
  • Collaborated with the design team to create engaging visual content for social media platforms, resulting in a 10% increase in engagement on Twitter.
  • Researched and identified social media trends and best practices, resulting in the implementation of a new social media strategy that increased engagement by 30%.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to create and implement a social media influencer campaign, resulting in a 20% increase in brand awareness and a 10% increase in sales.
  • Analyzed social media metrics and provided recommendations for optimization, resulting in a 5% increase in click-through rates on LinkedIn ads.
  • Social media strategy development
  • Social media campaign execution
  • Content creation and curation
  • Social media analytics and reporting
  • Paid social media advertising
  • Social media calendar management
  • Visual content creation
  • Social media trend analysis
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Social media platform optimization
  • Brand awareness and engagement
  • Social media copywriting
  • Social media scheduling tools

Brand Influencer Resume Example:

  • Content Creation and Storytelling
  • Video Production and Editing
  • Photography and Image Editing
  • Data Analysis and Performance Metrics
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Brand Strategy Development
  • Community Engagement and Management
  • Live Streaming and Webcasting
  • Influencer Collaboration and Networking
  • Contract Negotiation and Deal Structuring
  • Cross-Platform Content Distribution
  • Consumer Behavior Insights
  • Event Coverage and Live Reporting
  • Authentic Communication
  • Time Management and Scheduling
  • Adaptability and Trend Awareness
  • Product Promotion and Endorsements
  • Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

High Level Resume Tips for Social Media Managers:

As a Social Media Manager, your resume should showcase your ability to create and execute social media strategies and campaigns. Here are some tips to help you focus on what matters most: Highlight your social media experience:

Showcase your experience creating and executing social media campaigns across different platforms, and your ability to analyze social media metrics to optimize performance. ‍

Emphasize your creative skills:

Showcase your ability to create engaging social media content, and your experience in graphic design, copywriting, or video production.

‍ Focus on customer engagement:

Showcase your experience in building and managing communities on social media, and your ability to create social media content that drives customer engagement.

‍ Tailor your resume to the job and company:

Customize your resume to each job you apply for, emphasizing the skills and experiences that make you a strong fit for the specific role and company.

Must-Have Information for a Social Media Manager Resume:

Here are the essential sections that should exist in a social media manager resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies

Additionally, if you're eager to make an impression and gain an edge over other social media manager candidates, you may want to consider adding in these sections:

  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for Social Media Managers:

Social media manager resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

Experienced Social Media Manager with a Proven Track Record of Success

Highly Skilled Social Media Manger with 4 Years of Industry Experience

What makes the good headlines good is that they focus on specific, tangible accomplishments.

The first headline emphasizes the Social Media Manager's experience and proven track record, while the second highlights the specific amount of experience and the relevant industry.

Weak Headlines

Social Media Wizard with Extensive Knowledge

Social Media Guru Who Can Increase Engagement

Contrary to the strong headlines, these resume headlines are far too vague and fail to provide enough concrete information about the Social Media Manager's skills and experience.

Additionally, they contain language that is too over-the-top and hyperbolic, which detracts from the content of the headline.

Writing an Exceptional Social Media Manager Resume Summary:

A resume summary is a crucial aspect of a Social Media Manager's resume. It provides a brief yet comprehensive overview of your skills, experiences, and accomplishments in managing social media channels and campaigns. The summary is crucial in highlighting the most relevant information of your career, demonstrating how your experiences and skills align with the role you are applying for.

To write an exceptional resume summary for a Social Media Manager, the following tips can be useful:

  • Tailor your summary to the specific job you are applying for by highlighting the most relevant skills and experiences.
  • Mention your quantifiable achievements, such as the growth in social media followers or the success of a social media campaign.
  • Use keywords related to the position and the social media industry to optimize your resume for both people and applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Keep the summary concise and to-the-point, ideally under 4 sentences.
  • Avoid generic statements and cliches, and try not to repeat any information already included in other sections of your resume.

Social Media Manager Resume Summary Examples:

Strong summaries.

  • Creative Social Media Manager with 4 years of experience in developing and executing social media strategies that drive engagement and increase brand awareness. Proven success in managing and optimizing social media campaigns for maximum results.
  • Analytical Social Media Manager with 4 years of experience in creating content strategies and campaigns that drive website traffic and generate leads. Skilled in using analytics to measure the performance of social media campaigns.

Why these are strong:

  • Creativity and analytical skills demonstrated in developing and executing social media strategies, managing and optimizing social media campaigns, creating content strategies and campaigns, and using analytics to measure the performance of social media campaigns.

Weak Summaries

  • Experienced Social Media Manager with 4 years of experience in developing and executing social media strategies. Experience in managing and optimizing social media campaigns.
  • Skilled in developing and executing social media strategies, and managing and optimizing social media campaigns.

Why these are weak:

  • These summaries are too generic and lack specifics. They do not demonstrate the Social Media Manager's ability to create content strategies and campaigns that drive website traffic and generate leads, or to use analytics to measure the performance of social media campaigns. They also do not demonstrate the Social Media Manager's creativity and analytical skills.

Resume Objective Examples for Social Media Managers:

Strong objectives.

Eager Social Media Manager with 1 year of related experience looking to use my specialized knowledge and talents to help grow a company's reach across social media channels and provide superior customer service and marketing assistance.

Motivated Social Media Manager with a passion for creating innovative strategies and executing successful social media campaigns for a company, looking to apply my top-notch communication and problem-solving skills.

  • The great objectives stand out by expressing the candidate's eagerness and motivation to succeed, as well as emphasizing the specialized knowledge and talents they bring to the position. Additionally, the great objectives mention the company specifically, and provide an overview of the candidate's skills and abilities.

Weak Objectives

Desire position as Social Media Manager who is an experienced user of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Looking to apply my 1 year as a Social Media Manager in a new position.

  • The poor objectives are vague and show a lack of enthusiasm. Moreover, they do not provide any detail as to why the candidate is a good fit for the position, apart from their experience and the platforms they have used. They also lack specificity in regards to the candidate's skills and abilities.

Generate Your Resume Summary with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the ai resume builder . generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your social media manager work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Utilize action verbs, numbers, and other specific details to make each point stand out.
  • Highlight successes such as the number of followers you've increased on any social media channels or any campaigns you ran that experienced higher than expected engagement.
  • Incorporate the number of people each post and campaign reached and how successful it was.
  • List the social media tools and platforms you have utilized, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, etc.
  • Demonstrate your technical skills by including projects like website building or e-commerce projects you have done.
  • Stress any content strategy, or idea generation skills you have with tangible examples.
  • Showcase any awards or recognition you have received for your work in the field.
  • Detail any networking opportunities you have facilitated online and in-person.
  • Showcase any experience working with celebrity influencers, or influencer marketing.
  • Describe any metrics you have helped build in order to analyze the performance and success of past campaigns.
  • If you have created content for special occasions or holidays, include that to demonstrate your creativity.
  • Include any international work you have done such as managing accounts in different languages or cultures.

Example Work Experiences for Social Media Managers:

Strong experiences.

Developed and implemented a comprehensive social media strategy that resulted in a 40% increase in engagement and a 25% growth in followers within the first year.

Managed a team of 5 content creators and produced monthly social media calendars that helped drive website traffic and increase brand awareness by 25%.

Worked closely with the marketing team to align social media campaigns with overall marketing goals, resulting in a 30% increase in product sales.

Created and executed a successful influencer marketing campaign that generated over 1 million impressions and increased brand awareness by 35% among target audiences.

Developed and managed a successful Instagram Stories strategy that increased user engagement by 30% and boosted product sales by 20%.

Partnered with other departments to integrate social media into their marketing efforts, resulting in a 35% increase in website traffic and a 20% increase in overall brand engagement.

  • The examples are strong because they focus on specific achievements and the impact the individual had. They include metrics such as engagement, followers, website traffic, and product sales, which demonstrate the success of the individual's work. These examples highlight the individual's ability to develop and execute successful social media strategies, manage a team, and work with other departments to drive business goals.

Weak Experiences

Managed company's social media accounts

Created and posted content on a daily basis

Engaged with followers and responded to comments

Developed social media strategy for the company

Created and managed social media campaigns

Managed the company's social media presence

  • These examples are weak because they don't provide specific achievements or metrics to demonstrate the impact the individual had in their role. They simply list responsibilities and tasks, which are common for a social media manager role and don't provide any insight into the individual's abilities or successes. This makes it difficult for the reader to evaluate the individual's qualifications and skills.

Top Skills & Keywords for Social Media Manager Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for social media managers, hard skills.

  • Social media analytics
  • Knowledge of various social media platforms
  • Communication skills
  • Relationship building
  • Storytelling
  • Adaptability
  • Video production
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Soft Skills

  • Excellent communication skills
  • Strong writing and editing skills
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Strategic thinking
  • Time management and organization
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Analytical thinking and problem solving
  • Collaboration and teamwork

Go Above & Beyond with a Social Media Manager Cover Letter

Social media manager cover letter example: (based on resume).

Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to apply for the Social Media Manager position at [Company]. With my extensive experience in social media strategy, content development, and analytics, I am confident in my ability to drive meaningful growth and engagement for your brand. In my previous role, I successfully implemented a social media strategy that led to a 25% increase in followers and engagement across all platforms. I also developed and executed campaigns that drove significant website traffic and generated leads, resulting in a 20% increase in conversions. I achieved these results by collaborating with cross-functional teams to develop and execute social media content that aligned with overall branding and marketing goals. My expertise in content development and management has also resulted in significant growth and engagement on social media platforms. I have developed and managed social media calendars, resulting in a 15% increase in engagement and followers. I have also collaborated with design and content teams to develop visually compelling and engaging social media content. As a data-driven marketer, I am proficient in analyzing and reporting on social media metrics. I use insights to inform and optimize future campaigns, resulting in improved performance and higher ROI. I am also experienced in monitoring social media accounts and responding to customer inquiries and feedback. I am confident that my skills and experience make me an excellent candidate for this position. I am excited to bring my passion and expertise to your team at [Company] and continue to drive meaningful growth and engagement for your brand. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing my qualifications further. ‍

Sincerely, [Your Name]

As a Social Media Manager, submitting a cover letter along with your resume can help you stand out in a competitive job market. A cover letter allows you to convey your passion for social media, showcase your communication skills, and highlight how your experience and skills align with the needs of the company.

A cover letter is an opportunity to add a personal touch to your application and provide additional context beyond the bullet points on your resume. It also shows the hiring manager that you have taken the time to research the company and position and are invested in the opportunity.

Here are some of the most convincing reasons for why a Social Media Manager should submit a cover letter:

  • It showcases your communication skills: As a Social Media Manager, you'll be working with cross-functional teams and stakeholders on a daily basis. Your cover letter provides an opportunity to demonstrate your written communication skills and ability to clearly convey ideas.
  • It demonstrates your passion for social media: A well-written cover letter can showcase your enthusiasm for social media and the company. This can make a difference in the hiring manager's decision-making process.
  • It highlights your relevant experience: Your cover letter allows you to explain how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the job. This can help the hiring manager understand why you're a good fit for the role.
  • It sets you apart from other applicants: A well-crafted cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants who may have similar experience and qualifications.

While writing a cover letter may seem like a daunting task, it doesn't have to be. Your cover letter should complement your resume and highlight your skills and experience in a way that is relevant to the specific position you are applying for.

Tips for aligning your cover letter with your resume:

  • Use the same header as your resume: This will help the hiring manager identify your application as a complete package.
  • Align the content of your cover letter with the requirements of the job: Use the job description as a guide to highlight your relevant skills and experience.
  • Use keywords from the job posting: Incorporate relevant keywords from the job posting to help your application get past applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Keep your cover letter concise and focused: Aim for one page and avoid repeating information from your resume.
  • Provide specific examples: Use your cover letter to provide specific examples of how you have successfully managed social media campaigns or implemented social media strategies.
  • Showcase your creativity: As a Social Media Manager, creativity is an essential part of the job. Use your cover letter as an opportunity to showcase your creative approach to social media.
  • Proofread carefully: Errors in your cover letter can undermine your credibility, so make sure to proofread carefully before submitting your application.

Resume FAQs for Social Media Managers:

How long should i make my social media manager resume.

When crafting a resume for a Social Media Manager position, it is important to limit your resume to one page in length. Generally, this will provide enough space to highlight the relevant skills and qualifications, while keeping the layout concise and concisely written. However, if you have worked in the field for many years and have a track record of accomplishments and relevant experience, consider extending your resume to two pages. This will give you room to showcase your expertise, but remember to include only the most accurate and up-to-date information.

What is the best way to format a Social Media Manager resume?

When formatting a resume for a Social Media Manager position, it is important to include an Objective or Summary section at the top of your resume highlighting your social media expertise. Additionally, it is important to include a Work or Professional Experience section that lists your previous positions related to social media and detailed descriptions of what you accomplished in those roles. Moreover, consider including information on any relevant certifications or accomplishments, as well as a Skills section to highlight both hard and soft skills that you bring to the table. Lastly, be sure to clean up the formatting and proofread multiple times before submitting.

Which Social Media Manager skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

When crafting a resume for a Social Media Manager, it is important to include skills that demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in using popular social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. It is also important to include the following hard skills: -Knowledge of the principles of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) -Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript coding -Familiarity with website analytics and performance metrics -Ability to use tools such as Adobe Suite, Google Analytics, and Shopify -Proficiency in photo editing and video production -Ability to strategize with user-generated content -Creative and innovative approach to campaigns/marketing initiatives -Understanding of advertising, media buying, and payment systems -Knowledge of relevant laws and regulations (copyright, data privacy, etc.) -Ability to use analytical tools to track, analyze, and report on results -Familiarity with social media management software -Comfortable working with and understanding of paid media campaigns -Excellent planning, organizational and time management skills -Customer service skills to effectively engage with a community of followers -Experience with split-testing, A/B testing, and data analysis -Marketing automation and customer relationship management software knowledge.

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a Social Media Manager?

If you have no experience as a Social Media Manager, focus on the skills you have that can be applicable to the position. Highlight your experience with other marketing roles and show that you are comfortable with the technologies and processes needed for success as a Social Media Manager. List qualities that would make you an asset, such as being highly organized, creative, and adept at problem solving. Emphasize the use of metrics to track success and your ability to develop unique and compelling content. Finally, make sure to include any relevant volunteer experience, such as managing and maintaining your own personal blog or social media accounts.

Compare Your Social Media Manager Resume to a Job Description:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Social Media Manager job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Related Resumes for Social Media Managers:

Entry level social media manager resume example, senior social media manager resume example, social media community manager resume example, social media content creator resume example, social media coordinator resume example, social media influencer resume example, social media intern resume example, social media marketing manager resume example, social media strategist resume example, social media manager resume example, fresher social media resume example, more resume guidance:.

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    Spearheaded social media strategy for a portfolio of global brands, resulting in an average 30% increase in followers and 45% increase in engagement across all platforms. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and execute integrated marketing campaigns, leveraging social media to drive website traffic and generate leads.

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    This experience demonstrates your commitment to social responsibility and community engagement. By gaining experience in these areas, you'll further enhance your skills, broaden your knowledge, and build a solid foundation for a career as a social media community manager. Step 6. Network, Apply, and Continue Learning & Searching for Job ...