Writing An Application Letter In Zambia


If you’re applying for a position in Zambia, It is crucial to ensure that your letter of application is written well and emphasizes your qualifications and abilities. Your letter of the application represents your very first introduction to a prospective employer. Therefore, it must be designed to make you stand out among other applicants.

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This article will look at some suggestions and guidelines for writing a successful cover letter to Zambia that can increase the chances of being hired.

Be Specific

An application letter is an important element of the job hunt process. It allows you to demonstrate why you’re the best candidate for the job you’re applying for and will give your employer an idea of your character.

It’s crucial to ensure that your application letter should not only include your credentials and experience The letter must also include specific information. This will allow your application to stand out and ensure that the prospective employer will more likely choose your qualifications.

A great application letter should include a powerful introduction that introduces your personal qualities and the organization to which you’re applying. It could include a brief overview of your credentials and an overview of your prior work experiences. The introduction should be short because you don’t want your letter overloaded. Your resume with details that aren’t pertinent or useful for the employer.

After your introduction, the following paragraph should describe your abilities and accomplishments more specifically. This is an excellent opportunity to show how you can help the company and enhance your appeal as an individual.

The final part of your letter should be concluded professionally. It should include formal closing words, for example, “Yours faithfully.” You may also sign your name on the letter if it impresses the person reading it. Including contact information on the final page of your letter is also beneficial since this is an important aspect of being professional in your way.

A letter of application can be the first impression you present to your potential employer; it is, therefore, important to make it short. The ideal letter should not exceed one page and must include all the details needed to convince the employer to consider your application for the next level.

The body of your letter should comprise some paragraphs on why you’re applying for the job and what you contribute to the table as an employee. Also, you should include your experience and qualifications concerning what is stated in the position description. This could be expressed in specific accomplishments or skills that help you be a suitable candidate for the job.

Utilizing the appropriate words and phrases can help you catch the attention of employers. Additionally, making your message clear and concise will increase your chance of being on the list of the manager’s top candidates.

A well-written letter is crucial for any application; however, it is particularly important when trying to get a position in Zambia. It must be the most impressive written letter you’ve ever sent out. It should demonstrate to your prospective employer that you’re serious and have the ability and experience to accomplish the task. The most important aspect of every letter is to be professional, courteous, and polite. This will ensure that you’re considered a good fit by your potential employer, and they will be interested in reading the rest of your resume.

Be Personal

A letter of request (or an application letter if you’re not seeking a job) is a fantastic opportunity to introduce yourself to the world and create a positive impression. The easiest method to achieve this is to write a personalized application letter. It can range from a unique example to a well-written remark regarding your skills and professional goals. It can also highlight your skills or experience that is pertinent to the job or program you’re applying to. For instance, if you are seeking a position in marketing, you could say that you have a long business experience and provide suggestions on how to maximize the marketplace’s benefit.

Be Professional

A letter of recommendation is a formal document you’ll need to draft when applying for an opportunity. It is also an excellent opportunity to reach out to the prospective employer to prove that you’re the best candidate to fill the job. That’s why it’s essential to ensure that your application letter can be written in a manner that impresses your prospective employer. To do this, use the correct syntax, grammar, and vocabulary when writing your letters. Also, you must make sure to include a powerful closing and conclusion. This will make your application letter seem more convincing to the employer you are targeting and make you distinguish yourself from other applicants. With these suggestions, you can write an impressive application letter that impresses your employer and allows you to get the job you’ve always wanted.

Understanding The Job Requirements

Before you write your letter of application, it is crucial to be aware of the job’s specific requirements. The job description will give you important details about the abilities, experience, and qualifications employers are looking for.

Spend some time reading the job description and taking note of the essential skills and qualifications needed to be considered for the job. Use this information to customize your cover letter to the requirements of the job. Highlight your experience and skills that are relevant to the job.

Format Of An Application Letter In Zambia

The format for an application letter for Zambia is the same as the format of cover letters. It must be a formal document that does not exceed one page. Here’s an outline of the various sections that compose an application:

  • Contact Information: Start your letter of application with your contact details, including your address, name, telephone number, and email address.
  • Contact Information for the Employer: After that, you should include the contact details of the employer, which include details about the company and their job title, as well as the name of the company and the address of the business.
  • Salutation: Send the letter to the employer’s name, if possible. If you don’t know the company’s name, you can use generic salutations like “Dear Hiring Manager.”
  • Introduction: Start your letter by providing a short introduction explaining the position you’re seeking and where you came across the job description.
  • The Body: The body section of the letter should emphasize your experience and skills that match your job requirements. Make use of specific examples to show your skills and experience.
  • Closing: The letter should conclude with a thank you note to the employer for their consideration and time. Make it clear that you are interested in the job and include your contact details.
  • Signature: Signature: Sign your letter using an official signature block with your name and contact details.

Tips For Writing An Effective Application Letter In Zambia

  • Employ a professional tone: Your application letter should be written in professional language. Avoid using informal or slang words.
  • Keep it short: The letter you write should not be more than one-page. Make your sentences concise and straight to the point.
  • Meet the Needs of the Employer: Employer’s requirements: Use the job description to customize your letter to meet the employer’s requirements. Make sure you highlight your abilities and experiences that relate to the job.
  • Utilize Specific Examples: Make use of specific examples to show your skills. For instance, instead of affirming “I am a good communicator,” give an example of how you effectively communicated with your team.
  • Proofread: Before sending your letter, proofread it for spelling or grammatical mistakes. Request a colleague or a friend to look it over.

How To Write An Application Letter In Zambia As A General Worker

Applying for a job as a general worker in Zambia requires an application letter that showcases your skills and qualifications. A well-written application letter can help you stand out from other applicants and increase your chances of being hired. In this article, we will provide tips and guidelines on writing an effective application letter for a general worker position in Zambia.

Before you write your letter of application, It is important to know the specific requirements for the job. The requirements for a general job in Zambia can differ depending on the employer and sector. A few of the requirements common to general worker positions could include the following:

  • Physical fitness and the ability to work with a manual
  • Good communication skills
  • Numeracy and literacy abilities
  • Ability to work in a group working in a team
  • Flexibility to work during shifts and hours that are flexible
  • Prior experience in a similar position could be an advantage

Format Of An Application Letter For A General Worker In Zambia

The format of an application letter for a general worker in Zambia is similar to that of a cover letter. It should be a formal letter that is no longer than one page. Here’s a breakdown of the different sections of an application letter:

  • Contact Information: 

Begin your application letter with your contact information, including your name, address, phone number, and email address.

  • Employer’s Contact Information: 

Next, include the employer’s contact information, including the employer’s name, position, company name, and company address.

  • Salutation: 

Address the letter to the employer by name, if possible. If you don’t know the employer’s name, use a generic salutation such as “Dear Hiring Manager.”

  • Introduction: 

Begin your letter with a brief introduction that states the position you are applying for and where you found the job listing.

In the body of your letter, highlight your relevant skills and experience to the job requirements. Use specific examples to demonstrate your qualifications.

End your letter by thanking the employer for their time and consideration. Then, express your interest in the position and provide your contact information.

  • Signature: 

Sign your letter using a professional signature block, including your name and contact information.

What should be included in an application letter in Zambia?

An application letter in Zambia should include your personal information such as your full name, address, contact details, and the date of the application. It should also include the recipient’s name, job title, and organization name. Additionally, you should state the purpose of the letter and provide information on your qualifications, skills, and experience.

How should I format my application letter in Zambia?

Your application letter in Zambia should be formatted in a professional manner. Use a standard business letter format, including your name and address on the top left corner, followed by the date and the recipient’s name and address on the left side of the page. Begin with a formal salutation, such as “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern,” and close with a polite conclusion, such as “Yours sincerely” or “Thank you for your consideration.”

How can I make my application letter stand out?

To make your application letter stand out, highlight your qualifications, skills, and experience that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Be sure to use clear and concise language and avoid any grammatical or spelling errors. Additionally, personalize the letter by addressing the recipient by name and expressing your interest in the job.

What should I include in the opening paragraph?

The opening paragraph should introduce yourself and state the purpose of the letter. This should include the position you are applying for and how you learned about the job opening. You can also briefly mention your qualifications and experience.

What should I include in the body of the letter?

In the body of the letter, you should elaborate on your qualifications, skills, and experience that make you a suitable candidate for the job. Provide examples of how you have demonstrated these qualities in your previous roles. Additionally, express your interest in the job and highlight your motivation for applying.

Should I include a CV with my application letter?

Yes, it is recommended to include a CV with your application letter. This provides additional information on your qualifications, skills, and experience that can support your application. Be sure to tailor your CV to the job you are applying for and highlight relevant experience and skills.

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How to write an excellent Cover Letter

By Sanday Chongo Kabange

From as early as primary school, most  Zambians learning institutions will always include a component of letter-writing in the curriculum.  Letter-writing may seem a boring subject, but it plays an important role in the workplace. There are several types of letters one may need to write, during the course of one’s career. These include application letters, resignation letters, appointment letters, thank you letters, offer letters and much more.

Since these types of letters carry different content, they are written in different ways. However, the difference in their content does not mean that they do not share some key components. Layout and appearance, for example, are universal components that are found in every letter one writes.

What is a Cover Letter?

When applying for a job, a cover letter should always accompany your CV. The ideal cover letter describes your qualifications, motivation and shows your interest in the job. It should show your best side! This way, you allow the employer to get a brief and positive idea about you.  

In the cover letter, do not repeat the information already listed in your CV but instead, include details such as your experience, ability, skills honed, knowledge gained and information related to a particular job.

The general rule is that an application letter must have three parts namely first, second and closing paragraphs.

The first paragraph elaborates what job you are applying for and why you are interested in that particular job.

The second paragraph highlights your qualifications for the job and your interest in that particular organisation. In this paragraph, applicants may use one or two accomplishments to illustrate the skills and experience they might bring to the company. It is initially a brief personal motivation. Also try to communicate your interest in the job, and express your enthusiasm for their product line or services as well.

The third or closing paragraph shows your interest in meeting with the employer to discuss the requirements of the job and your qualifications. This should not repeat what you said in the second paragraph because that is likely to overload your application letter.

Make an impression!

Be brief, concise and clear. Make an excellent impression so that your employer can have a solid basis to evaluate your abilities for a particular job. 

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Zambian Corner

How to Write an Application Letter for Zambia Police Recruitment

Application Letter for Zambia Police

When writing an application letter for Zambia Police recruitment, it’s crucial to convey your interest, qualifications, and suitability for the position. Here’s a general template you can use as a guide.

Make sure to customize it according to your specific details and the requirements of the recruitment process:

Example Application Letter for Zambia Police

[Your Name]

[Your Address] [City, Postal Code]

[Phone Number] [Date]


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the ongoing recruitment process for [specific position] within the Zambia Police Service, as advertised in [where you found the recruitment notice].

I am a [your age] year-old Zambian citizen with a strong commitment to maintaining law and order in our community. I have recently completed my [your highest level of education] at [Name of School/Institution], where I acquired [mention any relevant skills or knowledge gained].

Furthermore, my [X years] of experience in [mention any relevant experience, e.g., community service, volunteer work, or previous employment] has equipped me with the skills necessary for the demands of a role within the Zambia Police Service. I possess excellent communication skills, a strong sense of responsibility, and the ability to work efficiently in high-pressure situations.

I am particularly drawn to the Zambia Police Service due to its unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and security of our citizens. I am confident that my skills, dedication, and passion for public service align seamlessly with the values of the Zambia Police Service.

Please find attached my completed application form, curriculum vitae, certified copies of my academic and professional certificates, and any other documents as required. I am available at your earliest convenience for an interview and additional assessments.

I am eager for the opportunity to contribute to the safety and well-being of our community as a member of the Zambia Police Service. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application further.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Signature]

  • Tailor the letter to match your personal experiences, skills, and achievements.
  • Ensure that you have followed the application instructions provided in the recruitment advertisement.
  • Include any specific documents or forms requested in the recruitment process.
  • Provide accurate contact information so that the recruitment team can reach you easily.

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Covering Letters

What is a covering letter.

A covering letter is the document that accompanies your CV when you apply for a job.  It is an essential part of any job application which needs to be attention grabbing whilst being concise.  It acts as a personal introduction and gives you the opportunity to explain to an employer why you are the best candidate for the job.

Unlike a CV, which is an overview of your skills, work experience and accomplishments, a covering letter highlights your relevant skills and job experiences and is tailored to the job you are applying for.

How to write a covering letter

A covering letter should include the following:

  • How and why the job interests you
  • Your most relevant skills and experience
  • How your skill sets will benefit the employer
  • Requesting an interview

zambian application letter as a driver

Basic Structure

A covering letter follows similar structure to a normal letter.

Place your contact information at the top, include a salutation, date and subject – the name of the position (and reference number if applicable).

First paragraph – the introduction should set out why you are applying for the job, state the position you are applying for and where you saw the job advertised.

Second paragraph – show why you are suitable for the job, why you would like to work for this particular company and what you can offer.

Third paragraph – this is about you – here you can include why the job appeals to you and how your relevant qualifications, job experiences and skills match the specific job requirements.  Your covering letter should not be a copy of your CV, instead it should highlight your most notable achievements and then show how these skills can benefit the employer.

Final paragraph – conclude your covering letter by thanking them for their consideration and mention that your CV is attached.  You can indicate that you would be available for an interview and that you are looking forward to receiving their response.

Closing – use ‘Yours sincerely’ if you have used their name, or ‘Yours faithfully’ if you had addressed them as ‘Sir/Madam’. Finally, include your signature and name.

Tips for writing your covering letter

Employers receive lots of job applications so you need to ensure that your letter makes a lasting impression for the right reasons.

Before applying for a job it is important to find out more about a company.  By building up your knowledge it will help you to tailor your covering letter and show your passion for the job and the sector.  You do not have to spend lots of time researching, and you can easily check out their website, Facebook page and online newspaper articles to find out the following:

  • Mission Statement
  • The company and its culture
  • Recent campaigns
  • The sector and any recent news
  • Skills and experience required
  • Areas in which they work

By doing this you can see if their values match your own and, most importantly, if you would like to work for them?

Tailor to the organisation

Each covering letter should be specifically tailored to the company and job that you are applying for.  Read the job description and pick out which of your skills or experiences to highlight.  You can mirror some of the phrases used in the job advert. Use examples to show why you are their ideal candidate.

Never rely on spellcheck to pick up mistakes.  It is easier to spot mistakes if you print out your covering letter and check it for spelling and grammar errors, or ask a friend to proof read it for you.  Make sure your contact details and their company details are correct.  You can also check it using Grammarly .

Presentation is important, so make sure you have formatted your letter properly.  Use the same font and print size that you used for your CV.  Save your letter in a .pdf file extension so that the file is locked and it is easy for an employer to open and read.

Highlight your USPs

USPs are your ‘unique selling points’.  Be positive about your skills and experiences and clearly outline how they meet those requested in the job advert.  This will demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate.

Keep it short

Your covering letter should fit onto a single A4 page.  Remember that employers do not have the time to read a 3,000 word letter, so keep it simple and concise.

What not to include!

  • Spelling mistakes
  • Incorrect information
  • Wage or salary expectations
  • An unprofessional email address
  • Highlighted words, fancy fonts, use of colours or images
  • No moaning!  – do not moan about your previous employer or experiences

And lastly…

You can find lots of examples, and templates, on how to structure and write your covering letter online

How to write an Application letter for Zambian Army Recruitment

How to write an Application letter for Zambian Army Recruitment

Zambian army application format.

zambian application letter as a driver

The Cover Letter Application is a tool at the disposal of every applicant, it gives the applicant the ability to engage your employer without been physically present.

A Perfectly written military cover letter can highlight those skills and qualities that you have that make you ideally suited for a career in the military and get their interest right from the start. Most recruiters spend very little time in looking at your documentation so if you don’t manage to write in a concise and attention grabbing manner then your letter will get overlooked.

A cover letter for a military application does not have to be  complicated and difficult to write if you organize yourself and think strategically about what you need to do. Your cover letter is the first thing that the recruiter is likely to read and you need to make a direct impact right from this point before they even look at your resume.

Not including a covering letter will almost certainly guarantee that you will not be considered as it shows a lack of interest as will using a very generic and non personalized letter. The following are some easy to follow tips for writing that effective covering letter:

Steps in writing the best military letter of introduction

Try to address your letter to an actual person, call to find out the name of the hiring manager.

Your opening paragraph should be brief and to the point and needs to cover the following points:

Who you are and what position you are applying for

Where you found out about the position

Brief statement as to why you are Applying, and why this position

Your middle paragraphs need to highlight why you are qualified for a career in the military. This should not be a restating of what is within your resume but a targeted referral back to the job description. This should be 2 to 4 paragraphs each highlighting points that qualify you.

Your opening paragraph should be your strongest and should clearly show what you have to offer the military.

Use examples: don’t say you have leadership skills, show them. Use an example of when and how you used those skills and what the outcome of that event was.

Be enthusiastic but don’t go over the top

Your closing paragraph should restate your interest in the position and summarize why you are such a great applicant. Say that you will follow up your application and also ensure that your contact information is the same as on your resume.

End your letter with a thank you statement.

Proofread your letter very carefully to ensure that your letter contains no mistakes.

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Home » Blog » How To Write An Application Letter For Zambia National Service Recruitment 2024

How To Write An Application Letter For Zambia National Service Recruitment 2024

How To Write An Application Letter For Zambia National Service Recruitment 2024 … Are you looking for a way to write an application letter for Zambia National Service Recruitment? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given a step-by-step guide on How To Write An Application Letter For Zambia National Service Recruitment In 2024.

The Zambia National Service is a branch of the defense department responsible for the development of infrastructure, and ensuring food security; they serve and contribute to the socio-economic development of the country.

The ZNS operates under the Ministry of Defense and is responsible primarily for public works projects. The ZNS could be an answered prayer if you could just give it a try.

How To Apply In-Person For The ZNS

In order to register for Training in Zambia National Service (ZNS) in Zambia, the applicant will have to visit the department of The Zambia National Service (ZNS), for the main office visit link.

  • An application form will be issued to the applicant upon arriving at the department of ZNS (the application form should be found on page 56 of the pdf file) form.
  • Applicants should fill in all the necessary information in the application form.
  • Applicants should submit the application form with the necessary attachments to the office.
  • Pay the fee as given in the “Fees” section of this page.
  • After the completion and verification of all the documents, registration will be done.
  • The applicant will be enlisted as a Zambia National Scheme member in a stipulated period of time.

 Documents Required Include;

  • Duly completed Form.
  • Payment receipt.

Office Locations & Contacts

Zambia National Service

Ministry of Defence

Independence Avenue

P/Bag RW 17X, Lusaka

Tel: +260 211 251211

Email: [email protected]

Contact Details link.


  • Applicants must be natives of Zambia.
  • Applicants should be of legal age.

How To Write Application Letter For Zambia National Service

A brief summary of everything you need to include in your application letter is listed below;

  • Use a professional format; Provide your address followed by the company’s address.
  • Create the heading with interest in the position you wish to apply for
  • Open the letter by stating your interest
  • Introduce yourself
  • Outline your experience and qualifications.
  • Include aspects of your personality.
  • Do not leave out the “Thank you in advance”
  • Your closing salutation with your name and mobile number is boldly written.

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My names are john mulenga I wish to seek employment In your reputable firm. I am male zambian citizen aged 22 years. Enclosed are my photocopies of national registration card and grade twelve certificate. Hope my comment will be put into consideration. Thank you for your aticipation. Yours faithfully John Mulenga J.m Contact:0979684578/0762406496

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Home » Application » Driver Job Application Letter – Sample Job Application for the Post of Driver

Driver Job Application Letter – Sample Job Application for the Post of Driver

zambian application letter as a driver

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

Live Editing Assistance

How to use live assistant, additional template options, download options, share via email, share via whatsapp, copy to clipboard, print letter, sample job application for the post of driver.

To, __________ (Receiver’s Details) __________ (Name/ Company’s Name) __________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Application for the post of driver

Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is _______ (name) and I am writing this letter in reference to the advertisement published on __/__/____ (date) in _________ (mention – leaflet/newspaper/magazine/online website/any other).

Respected, I have worked for __________ (mention company) as a driver and hold a complete driving experience of ______ (duration) years. I am very polite and humble in nature and hold no _______ (challan/ penalties for rash/ negligent driving). I believe I could be a good fit for the vacancy available and look forward to your response.

Please find the resume attached herewith for your ready reference. I shall be highly obliged for your kind support.

Sincerely, __________ (Signature) __________ (Name) __________ (Contact Details)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Begin with "Dear Sir/Madam" if you're unsure of the recipient's name. If you know the name, address them directly using "Dear [Name]."
  • Mention your relevant experience, duration of driving experience, and any notable qualifications. Additionally, highlight your clean driving record and polite demeanor.
  • Yes, it's essential to attach a resume to provide detailed information about your qualifications and experience.
  • Clearly state your interest in the position and explain why you believe you're a suitable candidate based on your skills and experience.
  • Maintain a professional and polite tone throughout the letter. Avoid using informal language or overly casual expressions.

Incoming Search Terms:

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Approval letter

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Zambia Embassy Berlin


by press | Mar 20, 2024 | Announcement

The Embassy of the Republic of Zambia in Berlin, Germany is looking for a suitable person (based in Germany) to take up the position of Driver at Zambian Embassy in Berlin.


  • High School certificate or its equivalent.
  • Valid Driver’s Licence;
  • Ability to communicate fluently in both German and English;
  • Minimum three (3) years’ experience in a similar capacity in a reputable organisation;
  • Diploma in Transport and Logistics will be an added advantage;
  • Experience in Mechanics or Automotive Engineering is an added advantage.

Application deadline: Thursday 28 th March 2024

Interested candidates who meet the minimum set criteria should submit email applications addressed to the Ambassador consisting of a cover letter, CV and qualifications in a single document to [email protected] , [email protected] and [email protected] with a clearly stated heading of the position applied for.

Alternatively, Hard copies of applications addressed to the Ambassador can be submitted at the Embassy of the Republic of Zambia, Axel Springer Straße 54A, 10117 Berlin.

Applicants who do not follow the above stated instructions or meet set criteria will not be considered.

Kindly note that applicants that will not receive feedback within seven (7) days of the deadline must be deemed as unsuccessful.


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Yango and Zamtel partner to provide added value for drivers and passengers in Zambia

ZambiaMonitor Contributor

International tech company Yango, has announced its partnership with Zamtel that is set to benefit partner drivers and passengers who are Zamtel subscribers.

This partnership allows Zamtel customers to order data free rides on Yango using the Zamtel App, while on Yango Pro, which is the driver application, will be zero-rated.

This collaboration offers additional benefits for both the customers and drivers.

Customers will book Yango rides at no data charge by simply signing up with Zamtel while drivers will earn commission by receiving money using Zamtel Mobile Money and signing up as Zamtel Mobile Money agents.

This is in addition to discounted minutes and data for drivers.

Speaking at the signing ceremony Yango Country Manager, Kabanda Chewe expressed her excitement at the announcement of this collaboration and stated that Yango is excited to partner with local establishments such as Zamtel that have a strong Zambian representation.

“We are excited to announce our partnership with Zamtel, as it will bring added convenience and benefits to both our drivers and passengers. This collaboration underscores our commitment to providing a seamless and rewarding experience for all Yango users in Zambia.” she said.


‘Yango is committed to ensuring that there is value added to their driver’s and customers with each partnership. For drivers, Yango Pro will be Zero rated, meaning they will not be charged and will access the app without bundles. In addition, Zamtel will offer special discounted monthly packages for minutes and additional data offers, exclusive to them. For passengers, the Yango app will also be Zero-rated, so the app can be accessed without data charges.

Zamtel Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Jason Mwanza indicated that Zamtel endeavours to provide a customer centric approach in delivering its services and believes that the partnership with Yango will afford both drivers and passengers to access both affordable data, minutes and rides.

“For us at Zamtel, our focus is on strategic partnerships that bring value and convenience to our customers. Partnering with Yango to eliminate data costs on the app for both drivers and clients who are on Zamtel is our way of ensuring that we support our customers access the convenience that Yango brings at no data cost, thereby freeing resources to other pressing needs. There are times when our customers run out of data, we want to ensure that does not interrupt their day to day activities and business operations,” he said.

About Yango:

Yango is an international tech company that transforms global sourced technologies into everyday services for local enrichment. With an unwavering commitment to innovation, we reshape and enhance leading cutting-edge technologies from around the world into seamlessly integrated daily services for diverse regions.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between leading world innovations and local communities, fostering connections and enhancing everyday living experiences.

Yango provides through its Super-app and ride-hailing services across 20+ countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. Yango’s multilingual app is available for free on Android and iOS.

● For more information, please contact: [email protected] or [email protected]

About Zamtel

Zamtel is one of Zambia’s leading telecommunication service providers and a key digital solutions provider.

We are the Zambian flag carrier in the telecommunications sector celebrating 111 years this year.

We are committed to driving enhanced access to digital services as evidenced by our wide network coverage that has placed us as the telecommunication provider with the widest network coverage in Zambia.

Our mission is to empower and digitally transform how we live, work, transact and connect. This is seen in our digital solution offerings that are changing life as we know it by transforming businesses and the lives of our customers.

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    Application deadline: Thursday 28 th March 2024 Interested candidates who meet the minimum set criteria should submit email applications addressed to the Ambassador consisting of a cover letter, CV and qualifications in a single document to [email protected] , [email protected] and [email protected] with a clearly stated ...

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    International tech company Yango, has announced its partnership with Zamtel that is set to benefit partner drivers and passengers who are Zamtel subscribers. This partnership allows Zamtel customers to order data free rides on Yango using the Zamtel App, while on Yango Pro, which is the driver application, will be zero-rated. This collaboration offers additional