IELTS Band Nine Essay: Is ambition a positive character trait?

Our band nine sample essays give you the opportunity to learn from successful essays that show off the best structure, vocabulary and grammar. This IELTS essay on ambition looks at if this is a positive or a negative character trait. Scroll down for why this essay scores a band nine.

Is ambition good? Band nine essay sample

This is my band nine model answer. Pay attention to the structure, grammar, vocabulary and general way I’ve answered the question.

Some people believe that ambition is a positive character trait. What is your opinion?

It is a common belief that being ambitious is something people should aspire to . In this essay, I will argue that this view is incorrect. First, because ambition leads people to be focused on the wrong thing. Second, because ambitious people can be unsatisfied.

First, if people are very ambitious, it can focus them on things that will not bring contentment . While ambition is important for a high-flying career , being too driven can lead to working overtime and spending less time with friends and family. Ultimately, as having strong relationships with others is more likely to lead to happiness, it is not good to be so ambitious in your career that you do not spend quality time with your loved ones. Similarly, when someone is too focused on achieving their ambitions, they can ignore exercise and hobbies which are also important for a good life.

Second, overly ambitious people can be insatiable . When someone who is highly ambitious achieves a goal, they may be satisfied for a short time. However, because ambitious people always want to be working towards a goal, they will soon replace their original goal with a new one and become dissatisfied again. For instance, someone whose goal is to be a millionaire may once they achieve their goal, quickly want to a multi-millionaire .

To conclude, ambition distracts people from what is truly important in life and causes them to never be satisfied with what they have. As a result, I believe that it is better to not be ambitious.

Why is this essay band nine?

In this section, I’ll explore all the vocabulary I think is useful or interesting from this essay. I’ve organised the words in the same order they appear in the essay

If you aspire to something, it means that you want to achieve it.


Contentment is a word for the state of feeling content. If you are content you feel satisfied.

High-flying career

A high-flying career is one where you are very successful.

A driven individual is someone who has lots of motivation.

Quality time

Quality time is time spent with someone where you give them your full attention and which brings you happiness.

If someone is insatiable, they are never satisfied with what they have.


A millionaire is someone with a million pounds, dollars or another currency. If you are a multi-millionaire, you have multiple millions. In other words, you have more than two million.

This essay question is an opinion-type essay . For this essay type, you want to present your opinion in the introduction. Then, you should give two reasons for your opinion in your two body paragraphs before answering once again with your opinion in the conclusion. This essay follows this format well. Another aspect of the essay structure worth paying attention to is how it outlines what the main points will be in the introduction and then recaps what they were in the conclusion.

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ambition is a good quality ielts essay

Some Think that Ambition Is Good Quality: Writing Task 2

Some think that ambition is good quality. Is it important to be ambitious? Is it a positive or negative characteristic?

It is the mentality of few people to believe that ambition thrives towards success, and it is essential to be ambitious. While on the other end, a group of humans strictly prohibited this kind of thinking and believed it could destroy lives. I am an advocate of this quality as it acts like a seesaw weighing equally on both sides, which will be covered in this essay.

Firstly, the fundamental reason for ambition being given negative remark is that many renowned multimillionaires and successful people shared how this quality helped them reach the present stage. What they didn’t tell are the things that they have lost on this journey. For instance, a tea maker selling tea on the road became the owner of a showroom, but in this race of life, his father & mother died. If you are not spending time with your family, is it really worth becoming a millionaire? Moreover, it is the nature of humans to blindly follow the same path without thinking twice about repercussions.

In contrast to that, I believe it is a charismatic attribute which keeps us focused on reaching the peak of Mount Everest, that too without getting distracted. Once India’s former president and Metal mind of ISRO (Indian space research organization) quoted a few lines: “Dream of a goal, and let your ambition burn like fire to reach that mark”. For instance, small problems should never be given value if you need to achieve something great, and this quality of ignition is called AMBITION.

In conclusion, I believe both sides of the coin have a different story. It is up to the person what are his priorities. I strongly believe there are positive and negative effects on the quality of ambition.

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ambition is a good quality ielts essay

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Some think that having ambition is a good quality

ambition is a good quality ielts essay

IELTS Essay Question:

Some think that having ambition is a good quality.

  • Is it important to be ambitious?
  • Is it a positive or negative characteristic?

Ambition is a key to achieving someone’s desire in life. Many people view it as a blueprint towards fulfilling man’s dreams. Others, however, see ambitious people are greedy and selfish. Personally, I believe ambition is a positive if it is an unselfish pursuit, but it will become negative if it is centers to cheat others or self-aggrandizement. In this paper, I will discuss the importance of being ambitious person and examine whether it is a positive or negative traits. 

First of all, ambition enhances the possibility of attaining an individual’s goals. To aspire for something big in life is like putting someone’s foot on the ground in an attempt to reaching the impossible heights. There are several factors to contribute why people need to become ambitious. First, aspiration can lead anyone to triumph, regardless of any obstacles in their way. Most people who have achieved their goals were once underprivileged but they aspire to prove to the world that dream and courage can take anyone farther in life. Secondly, those with ambition can work hard and make sacrifices to be able to obtain the lives they dreamed. Having an ambition in life is an important trait that separates from victors to unsuccessful people. 

In contrary, ambition has its drawbacks, and society in general look at ambitious people as someone who has an insatiable appetite for riches. For example, many ultrarich people are not satisfied with their wealth and success. Some of them still cheat the masses to continuously accumulate an obscene amount of money. These are the people who could afford to purchase anything but still they are not satisfied with their material possessions. However, everyone should understand the difference between an ambition and greed. If someone is dreaming for family’s welfare and to others in an ambition but if someone will take advantage to others then it is a greed. An individual who strive to achieve their goals not just for self gain but also for the lives of others, is a positive characteristic of an ambitious person.

In conclusion, ambition is a great importance in achieving success in life, it helps propel a person to their goals. Being ambitious is no doubt a positive character, as long as a person did not hurt anyone along the way. 

When it comes to IELTS Test, vocabulary is one of the most important skills a test-taker must have. In writing section, having a good grasp of English vocabulary will help you frame and convey your ideas in words using an effective and varied vocabulary. 

  • self-aggrandizement
  • underprivilege

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ambition is a good quality ielts essay

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ambition is a good quality ielts essay

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Band 5+: Ambition is a positive quality for people to have in society today. How important is it for people who want to succeed in life? Is it a positive or negative characteristic?

In this 21st century, ambition is believed to be a positive quality that people possess. This essay will first highlight the imperativeness of ambition to be successful. Subsequently, it will demonstrate that having such a characteristic is a positive thing.

To be successful in any field, it is predominant requisite to have ambition. It keeps aspirants focused towards their goal and help them overcome any potential distraction they encounter. It keeps clear vision about their goal which is necessary for the success. For instance, The Times recently published an interview taken from successful athletes and revealed that the ambition is the common attribute, that all had. Thus, this characteristic plays an crucial role in successful people’s life.

This attribute brings positivity in human life. People having such attributes, foster development of the society. In contrast, those who lacks this attribute, have no goal in their life and the resultant outcome of this is laziness and negative thinking towards society. A research conducted by Neuro-science department on South Korea, on group of people who lacks any interest to do anything , revealed that they were missing the predominant attribute which was ambition. Thus, those who have such attribute, perform well and helps in development of society.

In conclusion, ambition plays an important role in successful people lives. It keeps them focused towards their goal, curb any potential distraction they face and help them to attain success. Furthermore, people who have this attribute, help in the development of a country and surely is a positive characteristic.

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Some think that having ambition is a good quality. Is it important to be ambitious? Is it a positive or negative characteristic?

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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Some think that having ambition is a good quality. Is it important to be ambitious? Is it positive or negative characteristic?

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IELTS academic Some think that having ambition is a good quality. Is it important to be ambitious? Is it positive or negative characteristic?

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    In my opinion, an ambition that is positive or negative depend on the way people control it. This essay will focus and explain this issue. The truth that having ambitious characteristic mean that people will have a strong motivation and passion to achieve their goals.

  21. Some think that having ambition is a good quality

    To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

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    In many situations, an ambition is highly regarded. An ambition can show right path, help to work hard and achieve the dream. To begin with, anything, which is in excess, is good for nothing. It is applicable to ambition also. Ambition is often associated with negative characteristics such as greed, intolerance, power and so on.

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    And they desire to achieve goal with driven their hardwork and ambition qualities. So, ambition is a good and positive things for success and this essay shall be discussed about two reasons behind it. To begin with positive, people can hardwork toward their goal, if they have ambition. It is strong quality of people to achieve goal.