Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of George Orwell’s Animal Farm

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

Animal Farm is, after Nineteen Eighty-Four , George Orwell’s most famous book. Published in 1945, the novella (at under 100 pages, it’s too short to be called a full-blown ‘novel’) tells the story of how a group of animals on a farm overthrow the farmer who puts them to work, and set up an equal society where all animals work and share the fruits of their labours.

However, as time goes on, it becomes clear that the society the animals have constructed is not equal at all. It’s well-known that the novella is an allegory for Communist Russia under Josef Stalin, who was leader of the Soviet Union when Orwell wrote the book. Before we dig deeper into the context and meaning of Animal Farm with some words of analysis, it might be worth refreshing our memories with a brief summary of the novella’s plot.

Animal Farm: plot summary

The novella opens with an old pig, named Major, addressing his fellow animals on Manor Farm. Major criticises Mr Jones, the farmer who owns Manor Farm, because he controls the animals, takes their produce (the hens’ eggs, the cows’ milk), but gives them little in return. Major tells the other animals that man, who walks on two feet unlike the animals who walk on four, is their enemy.

They sing a rousing song in favour of animals, ‘Beasts of England’. Old Major dies a few days later, but the other animals have been inspired by his message.

Two pigs in particular, Snowball and Napoleon, rouse the other animals to take action against Mr Jones and seize the farm for themselves. They draw up seven commandments which all animals should abide by: among other things, these commandments forbid an animal to kill another animal, and include the mantra ‘four legs good, two legs bad’, because animals (who walk on four legs) are their friends while their two-legged human overlords are evil. (We have analysed this famous slogan here .)

The animals lead a rebellion against Mr Jones, whom they drive from the farm. They rename Manor Farm ‘Animal Farm’, and set about running things themselves, along the lines laid out in their seven commandments, where every animal is equal. But before long, it becomes clear that the pigs – especially Napoleon and Snowball – consider themselves special, requiring special treatment, as the leaders of the animals.

Nevertheless, when Mr Jones and some of the other farmers lead a raid to try to reclaim the farm, the animals work together to defend the farm and see off the men. A young farmhand is knocked unconscious, and initially feared dead.

Things begin to fall apart: Napoleon’s windmill, which he has instructed the animals to build, is vandalised and he accuses Snowball of sabotaging it. Snowball is banished from the farm. During winter, many of the animals are on the brink of starvation.

Napoleon engineers it so that when Mr Whymper, a man from a neighbouring farm with whom the pigs have started to trade (so the animals can acquire the materials they need to build the windmill), visits the farm, he overhears the animals giving a positive account of life on Animal Farm.

Without consulting the hens first, Napoleon organises a deal with Mr Whymper which involves giving him many of the hens’ eggs. They rebel against him, but he starves them into submission, although not before nine hens have died. Napoleon then announces that Snowball has been visiting the farm at night and destroying things.

Napoleon also claims that Snowball has been in league with Mr Jones all the time, and that even at the Battle of the Cowshed (as the animals are now referring to the farmers’ unsuccessful raid on the farm) Snowball was trying to sabotage the fight so that Jones won.

The animals are sceptical about this, because they all saw Snowball bravely fighting alongside them. Napoleon declares he has discovered ‘secret documents’ which prove Snowball was in league with their enemy.

Life on Animal Farm becomes harder for the animals, and Boxer, while labouring hard to complete the windmill, falls and injures his lung. The pigs arrange for him to be taken away and treated, but when the van arrives and takes him away, they realise too late that the van belongs to a man who slaughters horses, and that Napoleon has arranged for Boxer to be taken away to the knacker’s yard and killed.

Squealer lies to the animals, though, and when he announces Boxer’s death two days later, he pretends that the van had been bought by a veterinary surgeon who hadn’t yet painted over the old sign on the side of the van. The pigs take to wearing green ribbons and order in another crate of whisky for them to drink; they don’t share this with the other animals.

A few years pass, and some of the animals die, Napoleon and Squealer get fatter, and none of the animals is allowed to retire, as previously promised. The farm gets bigger and richer, but the luxuries the animals had been promised never materialised: they are told that the real pleasure is derived from hard work and frugal living.

Then, one day, the animals see Squealer up on his hind legs, walking on two legs like a human instead of on four like an animal.

The other pigs follow; and Clover and Benjamin discover that the seven commandments written on the barn wall have been rubbed off, to be replace by one single commandment: ‘All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.’ The pigs start installing radio and a telephone in the farmhouse, and subscribe to newspapers.

Finally, the pigs invite humans into the farm to drink with them, and announce a new partnership between the pigs and humans. Napoleon announces to his human guests that the name of the farm is reverting from Animal Farm to the original name, Manor Farm.

The other animals from the farm, observing this through the window, can no longer tell which are the pigs and which are the men, because Napoleon and the other pigs are behaving so much like men now.

Things have gone full circle: the pigs are no different from Mr Jones (indeed, are worse).

Animal Farm: analysis

First, a very brief history lesson, by way of context for Animal Farm . In 1917, the Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, was overthrown by Communist revolutionaries.

These revolutionaries replaced the aristocratic rule which had been a feature of Russian society for centuries with a new political system: Communism, whereby everyone was equal. Everyone works, but everyone benefits equally from the results of that work. Josef Stalin became leader of Communist Russia, or the Soviet Union, in the early 1920s.

However, it soon became apparent that Stalin’s Communist regime wasn’t working: huge swathes of the population were working hard, but didn’t have enough food to survive. They were starving to death.

But Stalin and his politicians, who themselves were well-off, did nothing to combat this problem, and indeed actively contributed to it. But they told the people that things were much better since the Russian Revolution and the overthrow of the Tsar, than things had been before, under Nicholas II. The parallels with Orwell’s Animal Farm are crystal-clear.

Animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian Revolution and the formation of a Communist regime in Russia (as the Soviet Union). We offer a fuller definition of allegory in a separate post, but the key thing is that, although it was subtitled A Fairy Story , Orwell’s novella is far from being a straightforward tale for children. It’s also political allegory, and even satire.

The cleverness of Orwell’s approach is that he manages to infuse his story with this political meaning while also telling an engaging tale about greed, corruption, and ‘society’ in a more general sense.

One of the commonest techniques used in both Stalinist Russia and in Animal Farm is what’s known as ‘gaslighting’ (meaning to manipulate someone by psychological means so they begin to doubt their own sanity; the term is derived from the film adaptation of Gaslight , a play by Patrick Hamilton).

For instance, when Napoleon and the other pigs take to eating their meals and sleeping in the beds in the house at Animal Farm, Clover is convinced this goes against one of the seven commandments the animals drew up at the beginning of their revolution.

But one of the pigs has altered the commandment (‘No animal shall sleep in a bed’), adding the words ‘ with sheets ’ to the end of it. Napoleon and the other pigs have rewritten history, but they then convince Clover that she is the one who is mistaken, and that she’s misremembered what the wording of the commandment was.

Another example of this technique – which is a prominent feature of many totalitarian regimes, namely keep the masses ignorant as they’re easier to manipulate that way – is when Napoleon claims that Snowball has been in league with Mr Jones all along. When the animals question this, based on all of the evidence to the contrary, Napoleon and Squealer declare they have ‘secret documents’ which prove it.

But the other animals can’t read them, so they have to take his word for it. Squealer’s lie about the van that comes to take Boxer away (he claims it’s going to the vet, but it’s clear that Boxer is really being taken away to be slaughtered) is another such example.

Communist propaganda

Much as Stalin did in Communist Russia, Napoleon actively rewrites history , and manages to convince the animals that certain things never happened or that they are mistaken about something. This is a feature that has become more and more prominent in political society, even in non-totalitarian ones: witness our modern era of ‘fake news’ and media spin where it becomes difficult to ascertain what is true any more.

The pigs also convince the other animals that they deserve to eat the apples themselves because they work so hard to keep things running, and that they will have an extra hour in bed in the mornings. In other words, they begin to become the very thing they sought to overthrow: they become like man.

They also undo the mantra that ‘all animals are equal’, since the pigs clearly think they’re not like the other animals and deserve special treatment. Whenever the other animals question them, one question always succeeds in putting an end to further questioning: do they want to see Jones back running the farm? As the obvious answer is ‘no’, the pigs continue to get away with doing what they want.

Squealer is Napoleon’s propagandist, ensuring that the decisions Napoleon makes are ‘spun’ so that the other animals will accept them and carry on working hard.

And we can draw a pretty clear line between many of the major characters in Animal Farm and key figures of the Russian Revolution and Stalinist Russia. Napoleon, the leader of the animals, is Joseph Stalin; Old Major , whose speech rouses the animals to revolution, partly represents Vladimir Lenin, who spearheaded the Russian Revolution of 1917 (although he is also a representative of Karl Marx , whose ideas inspired the Revolution); Snowball, who falls out with Napoleon and is banished from the farm, represents Leon Trotsky, who was involved in the Revolution but later went to live in exile in Mexico.

Squealer, meanwhile, is based on Molotov (after whom the Molotov cocktail was named); Molotov was Stalin’s protégé, much as Squealer is encouraged by Napoleon to serve as Napoleon’s right-hand (or right-hoof?) man (pig).


Animal Farm very nearly didn’t make it into print at all. First, not long after Orwell completed the first draft in February 1944, his flat on Mortimer Crescent in London was bombed in June, and he feared the typescript had been destroyed. Orwell later found it in the rubble.

Then, Orwell had difficulty finding a publisher. T. S. Eliot, at Faber and Faber, rejected it because he feared that it was the wrong sort of political message for the time.

The novella was eventually published the following year, in 1945, and its relevance – as political satire, as animal fable, and as one of Orwell’s two great works of fiction – shows no signs of abating.

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Thesis Statement For Animal Farm Essay

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Animal Farm Why Does Napoleon Stay In Charge

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Dbq Animal Farm

Animal Farm is a book written by George Orwell about animals who overthrew the farm owner to become an animal run farm. The farm is managed by pigs with a pig named Napoleon as the leader. Napoleon is a strict and deceiving pig who at first made the animals trust him and think he was a good leader only to turn out just like the humans were before the rebellion. So, what reasons allow Napoleon to stay in power. In Animal Farm by George Orwell, Napoleon stays in charge by outsmarting the animals, threatening them that Jones, the original farm owner, would come back, and finally by scaring the animals with trained attack dogs.

How Does Napoleon Represent Stalin In Animal Farm

In George Orwell's Animal Farm, Napoleon, a pig leader that represents Stalin from the Russian Revolution plays a big role in the book as the pig leaders are a superior group among the population of Animal Farm. In the story Napoleon is representing Stalin in Animal Farm as the main leader after Mr.Jones is ran out of the farm and Old Major died, resembling how Stalin took over rising to power in Russia. Napoleon started as a seemingly good leader but that soon changed… Napoleon, just like Stalin started to have problems with citizens of their own community and tried to hurt people and take things away. Both leaders can be shown using their superiority and power to their advantage to get everything they wanted and felt was necessary.

How Does Napoleon Stay In Power In Animal Farm

Don’t be the enemy. Now that Napoleon is in charge life is getting a whole lot worse because is has complete power of Animal Farm. Napoleon from Animal Farm written by Orwell maintains control by using ideology, propaganda, and fear. Napoleon uses ideology of Animalism to give him more control over the animals.

Napoleon's Use Of Control In Animal Farm

Lord Acton, the British historian, once said, “All power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely.” In the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, the character Napoleon puts himself in charge. But, not only that he allows another pig, Squealer, to do his dirty work. And also uses dogs to chase his enemy, Snowball, away . In which leads to other animals not knowing that the farm is being ran the same way as when under Mr. Jones, the old farmer 's, control.

Examples Of Human Nature In Animal Farm

Furthermore, Napoleon gives the other animals the impression he was the sole leader of the rebellion on Animal farm and makes Snowball -a leader who wanted what was best for the animals- seem like an enemy who was in cahoots with Farmer Jones since long before the animals took over the farm. Napoleon and Squealer (another “fat cat” pig.) always put the blame on Snowball whenever something went wrong in the farm to avoid having the blame fall on them. Napoleon is an exemplary example of just how selfish and hypocritical people can be in furthering their own aims because he continued to subtly but purposely change the seven rules put in place as the pillars of animalism. For example, Napoleon and the other pigs move into Farmer Jones’s house and sleep in his bed after commanding “No animal shall sleep in a bed”, so he changes the commandment to read “no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets”.

Theme Of Abuse Of Power In Animal Farm

The quote by Lord Acton, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” is a good example of what is happening in the book Animal Farm by George Orwell. The pigs immediately gain control and leadership of the farm and eventually start to abuse the power. The pigs abuse their power by changing the commandments, living in luxury, and by treating the animals poorly. First and foremost, the pigs start changing the commandments to fit their acts and desires. In the beginning of the story, the animals decide on fair rules that everyone on the farm should abide by.

Essay On Napoleon In Animal Farm

Only puppies and pigs can live in the house, sleep in the bed, eat apples and cookies and have all of the best things. As the history is developing, Napoleon is getting more and more like a dicator. He slowly begin to being superior but did not act like a dictator. Moreover, he broke some rules, he’s in contact with humans, and he had hours of works, and he killed aniamsl, and change the only commandment for “4 legs good, 2 legs better”. He also think that “Every animals are equal, but some are more equal then others.”

Lack Of Knowledge In George Orwell's Animal Farm

Ignorance is dangerous. Lack of knowledge can cause someone to be manipulated and used. Knowledge brings choice and freedom which is something that the animals in “Animal Farm” did not have. The story “Animal Farm” is a significant story because it shows that not having knowledge about certain situations can be a bad thing. The theme of the story is knowledge is power.

Essay On Power In Animal Farm

Power can have the persuasive action in undoing the moral ethics of one’s character. This can be seen throughout history, such as World War II and proven by the actions of Napoleon in the allegory, Animal Farm, by George Orwell. As Lord Acton said “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” In history what was viewed as a villain, is never the same as the perception. A leader does not begin wanting to do wrong, they start with the best intentions, but power is a tricky thing.

Power Corrupts In Animal Farm, By George Orwell

Napoleon also uses manipulation to gain and maintain a firm control by changing the Commandments for the farm in ways that work to his benefit. Squealer, Napoleon’s propaganda department, Keeps the farm animals believing in Napoleon by describing what they hear and see to make it seem harmless. Using effective tactics of fear, convincing propaganda, and manipulation, Napoleon gains and maintains control of Animal Farm. “Animal Farm” has corruption and equality in a way the animals try to succeed and achieve a goal to make the farm better. Power corrupts in “Animal Farm” because the pigs have a goal which is working together and helping one another.

Essay On Dystopia In Animal Farm

The government told the human race that nothing is wrong, it was just the citizens’ fear of the worst. So people did not worry about their lack of food or unsafe working conditions because they had no reason to distrust the government. They never realized that their idea of a utopia slowly slipped through their grasp. Rather than maintaining utter perfection in respect of laws, politics, customs, and conditions, the government remained in oppressive societal control; everything appeared ideal, but once examined closer, the true horrors came to light.

Narrative Essay On Animal Farm

GILBERT ‘S GRANDPARENTS FARM Finally after some hours and pass several Germans checkpoints, we arrived at the farm of Gilbert grandparents, which was near Orleans There we get out of the hiding place in the back of the truck and Gilbert and his grandparents received us as the cousins who came from Paris to spend the summer vacation with them. Gilbert grandmother Gave us to eat and she prepared a room for the three of us, because Leah did not want to be separated from me and from her doll Tete she was tired and asked several times about mom and grandpa, finally she fell asleep.

Animal Farm Theme Essay

Animal Farm by George Orwell is a story about animals that rebel against their owners on a farm. They then try to solve problems on how to run a farm. One theme in this story is ”Not everyone is equal; some people believe that they are more superior than others.” This theme is demonstrated by Napoleon, he’s a dictator and makes all the rules in the farm to fit his needs. Another theme in this story is “People deserve to have their own thoughts and ideas.

Animal Farm Research Paper

Sitara Swaroop Mrs. Geddy Honors E1, P.4 September 9, 2015 Animal Farm by George Orwell 1. The title Animal Farm represents the animals’ freedom after escaping Mr. Jones’ rule. While being led by Mr. Jones, the animals were held in a stage of slavery and had no power. They were in a position where they were living by someone else’s rules.

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The Animal Farm by George Orwell Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

George Orwell, the author of animal farm, was a man who believed in Socialism. He saw the working class as being mistreated by the capitalist government. He wanted a socialist economy with equality and elimination of selfish individual interest. In his book, the Animal Farm, he showed the evils of a Communist market system.

In Russia there had existed a system where a minority of rich and aristocrats owned most of the property under a dictatorial king. The poor rebelled and overthrew the capitalists in order to have a communist society that would follow the ideas of Socialism. All land and property was taken from private individuals and companies and put under the supervision of the government. Unfortunately there arose Stalin, a leader who was a dictator, pretending to practise socialism yet he was a cruel dictator.

Orwell loved socialism but did not like the Communist perception of Socialism and the way they applied the socialist model. He wrote the novel to warn the people of the dangers of Communism. At the time the novel was written Communism was spreading to Europe and the United States. In the novel animal farm, Orwell tells the story of Communism in the form of an animal fable.

There are animals which represent the poor people while the pigs and dogs represent the administrators of the leader. The pigs and dogs are given power to rule the animals by Jones who is the leader.

However these administrators are greedy for power. Through bloodshed and spread of propaganda they destroy all who rise up to complain or resist them. In Russia there were power struggles between Stalin and Trotsky. These were the chief allies of Lenin who was the leader of Russia at that time.

Stalin was shrewd, once Lenin died in 1924 he ganged up with his supporters and Trotsky had fled from Russia. He held public executions of the people who supported his competitors. All the land was owned by the Jones who controlled the economy. The animals were given anthems and rules such as all animals are equal but there are animals which are more equal than others.

The book shows the way it is human nature for people to create classes in the society which leads to oppression of the poor. The pigs and the dogs are corrupted by power. The working class are naive, uneducated and gullible and do not question the intentions of the government. In the book Orwell shows the way totalitarian governments use terror and violence to control the people. Jones overworks the animals and even takes their food.

He beats them up and slaughters them. The pigs and dogs like their master do not hesitate to use this cruel tool of control. Jones exploits the animals for the physical labour. He also exploits the pigs and dogs though they are not aware. He uses them to scare the animals to do his bidding. Orwell through the book predicted that communism would not last long and would fail economically to achieve social equality.

At the end of animal farm the pigs have become the new oppressors. There is no liberation for the animals. Stalin became the new dictator in Russia just like the dictatorial king the poor had rebelled against. The predictions are true since in the communist nations the economy has not done well at all. In the end Europe and America fought with the Communist nations showing that a government-controlled economy was not the way.

A capitalist economy was democratic and the best model to emulate for any country. His warnings on Communism were true however adopting Socialism is not the way either. Capitalism is a good system that encourages competition and there is growth in the economy. Goods and services are produced and given efficiently. A capitalist country should only be careful to ensure there is no exploitation of the poor.

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IvyPanda. (2018, August 4). The Animal Farm by George Orwell.

"The Animal Farm by George Orwell." IvyPanda , 4 Aug. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'The Animal Farm by George Orwell'. 4 August.

IvyPanda . 2018. "The Animal Farm by George Orwell." August 4, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "The Animal Farm by George Orwell." August 4, 2018.


IvyPanda . "The Animal Farm by George Orwell." August 4, 2018.


Reading for pleasure allows enjoying the process instead of forcing yourself to make it through. Most of the people who start reading George Orwell's "Animal Farm" share that they are immersed in the novel completely. Even those who tell that books aren't their cup of tea agree that this story is a masterpiece.

Still, choosing the proper "Animal Farm" essay ideas to discuss in an academic paper isn't an easy task. Writing a good essay on this topic can be a challenge. That's because the book itself is rather philosophical - there's a lot of issues to analyze. The narrator covers many aspects related to politics, history, sociology, and psychology, and any area will be a relevant ground for your writing. You may ask how it is possible to highlight those issues if the book is about animals. But, while working on your homework assignment on "Animal Farm," you will discover the meaning of different techniques author uses to deliver his ideas.

As in the case with many other writings, an essay on Orwell's novel aims to make a student analyze the concepts, images, and messages covered in the book. And, if you are going to write a good essay, the first and major step remains the same - you have to choose and formulate a relevant topic. But how to find a perfect one? In this article, we will go through some issues that may be used by students of Literature specialties. We hope that our ideas will inspire you and help to come up with a judgment of a topic you need.

Recall the Background

First, let us recall the basics of the book's plot so that everyone will get the point without reading the entire piece.

It all starts when an aged boar who represents the farm's major calls a meeting. It suggests that the pets are nothing but garner Jones's slaves that have no rights of freedom, and the man gains the advantage of using them for his own purposes. The boar calls for a revolution to fight for rights, and in three days, it kicks the bucket. The pets get rid of Jones's easily and occupy his lands - the Animal Farm is founded.

There is another character, a pig named Snowball, which is presented in a book as an idealist. For it, being free means being polite and educated. That is why Snowball tries to teach the animals things that people can do - reading and thinking logically. Snowball believes that everyone should respect each other and be equal.

And, Boxer - a horse that is the strongest animal on the farm. With Snowball, these two get along well at first. But that's until the smart Snowball offers to build a windmill and provide all animals with electricity. The opposition traits it as an endeavor and scare off Snowball by bringing out the dogs. Napoleon, who is in the head of the farm, decides that now, only pigs have a right to make decisions and implement laws. And that is when it's getting worse. During an attempt to build the windmill using Boxer and other animals as slaves or free labor, Napoleon crashes down. As the windmill falls over, he blames Snowball for everything taking place.

So, how does the plot remind you of a real-life situation? What social issues do you think are hidden in the book "Animal Farm" and how can you use them for a good essay? Take your time - we have prepared an insightful guide on how to implement those ideas from the novel in your writing.

15 Best "Animal Farm" Paper Topics

To begin with, collect the necessary information from the external sources and the book itself, and develop an outline. The best reference is the original Orwell's story, for sure. Have the book right beside you to consult it, if needed. While reading, make notes to pick the best quotes, and support your statements well.

The next stage is to make an outline - it will help you to move on while writing a paper. Depending on the theme you choose, your points will be named differently, but the overall image of your outline can be the following:

  • A quote from the story
  • The significance of the selected question
  • Background information
  • Thesis statement
  • Claim 1 (A farm represents the country)
  • Claim 2 (Animals underestimate the role of farm in their lives)
  • Claim 3 (A farm as a real-life image from your experience)
  • Paraphrased thesis statement
  • Summary of the main points (claims)
  • A rhetorical question (how far it could go if...)

At this stage, make sure that your paragraphs are organized logically, and the essay content will be coherent for the audience. The theme you select has a great impact on how your overall structure will look. And now, it is time to list the possible topics to write on.

The story is full of extraordinary characters that you can discuss. Pick and analyze one of them and try not to retell the plot.

  • Snowball: A Vivacious Pig
  • Squealer as an Example of a Brilliant Talker
  • Boxer: An Enormous Beast
  • The brutality of the nine dogs
  • Benjamin and the stereotypes about the older generation

Those can be a good ground for a character analysis essay as well.

"Animal Farm" covers various social and political issues, so you have plenty of ideas to choose from.

  • Leadership & corruption
  • Total control of the labor class
  • Lies and deception
  • American Dream
  • Social injustice

These are the central themes covered by George Orwell, and investigating one of them through the novel's plot will be a relevant choice.

There are many hidden messages in the story written by Orwell. If you can see those references, you understand what historical events are described in the book, and if you're not a fan of symbols - here are some topics for you:

  • Character symbols: what do Old Major and Snowball symbolize?
  • Image of the Soviet Union in The Animal Farm
  • Parallels of historical and political events with the book plot
  • The Battle of the Cowshed
  • Post-communistic spirit and the role of the windmill

Those were some relevant essay topics for your Animal Farm assignment. Feel free to use them and express your ideas on the book in the best manner.

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Essays on Animal Farm

What makes a good animal farm essay topic.

When it comes to writing an essay on Animal Farm, choosing the right topic is crucial. A good essay topic should be thought-provoking, engaging, and offer ample opportunities for analysis and interpretation. It should allow you to explore the various themes, characters, and literary devices employed by George Orwell in his iconic novel. Here are some recommendations to help you brainstorm and choose the perfect essay topic.

When brainstorming essay topics for Animal Farm, it's important to consider the themes and underlying messages of the novel. Think about the parallels between the events in the book and real-life historical or political events. Consider the characters and their motivations, as well as the use of allegory and symbolism throughout the story. A good essay topic should also be specific enough to allow for in-depth analysis, but broad enough to offer multiple avenues of exploration.

A good Animal Farm essay topic should be relevant, thought-provoking, and open to interpretation. It should encourage critical thinking and analysis, and allow you to delve into the complexities of the novel. Your topic should also be unique and original, offering a fresh perspective on the text. With these considerations in mind, you can choose a topic that will make for a compelling and insightful essay.

Best Animal Farm Essay Topics

  • The use of propaganda in Animal Farm
  • The role of the pigs in the novel
  • The allegorical representation of the Russian Revolution
  • The theme of corruption and power in Animal Farm
  • The significance of the windmill in the story
  • The role of the working class animals in the rebellion
  • The character of Napoleon and his leadership style
  • The theme of loyalty and betrayal in the novel
  • The significance of the Seven Commandments
  • The role of fear and intimidation in maintaining control
  • The impact of language and rhetoric in the novel
  • The symbolism of the various animals on the farm
  • The theme of social class and inequality in Animal Farm
  • The role of violence and coercion in the story
  • The significance of the final scene in the novel
  • The theme of utopia and dystopia in Animal Farm
  • The portrayal of human nature in the book
  • The impact of ignorance and apathy on the farm
  • The role of education and knowledge in the novel
  • The significance of the ending of Animal Farm

Animal Farm essay topics Prompts

  • Imagine if the animals on the farm had been successful in creating a utopian society. How would the story have unfolded differently?
  • Explore the parallels between the events in Animal Farm and real-life historical revolutions. How does the novel reflect the complexities of political change?
  • Consider the role of fear and intimidation in maintaining power on the farm. How does this theme resonate with contemporary society?
  • Analyze the character of Boxer and his unwavering loyalty to the cause. What does his story reveal about the nature of power and manipulation?
  • Imagine if George Orwell had written Animal Farm from the perspective of the humans on the neighboring farms. How would this change the reader's understanding of the story?

Choosing the right essay topic for Animal Farm is essential to crafting a compelling and insightful piece of writing. By considering the themes, characters, and literary devices of the novel, you can brainstorm unique and thought-provoking topics that will allow for in-depth analysis and interpretation. Whether you choose to explore the use of propaganda, the role of the pigs, or the allegorical representation of the Russian Revolution, a good essay topic will offer ample opportunities for critical thinking and engagement with the text. With the right topic in hand, you can delve into the complexities of Animal Farm and offer a fresh perspective on this timeless classic.

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An Analysis of Literacy and Power in Animal Farm, a Book by George Orwell

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17 August 1945

George Orwell

Allegorical Novella

Political Satire

Napoleon, Old Major, Snowball, Squealer, Boxer, Mr. Jones, Clover, Pilkington, Mr. Frederick, Mr. Whymper, Benjamin

The book has been influenced during Orwell's Spanish Civil war experiences and author's opinion regarding Stalinist corruption of the original socialist ideals.

It symbolizes Russia and the Soviet Union under Communist Party rule. The symbols include capitalism, socialism, fascism, and communism. The rule of power, corruption.

The Animal Farm teaches us an important lesson that it is not possible to create a utopian society since every leader will sooner or later become corrupt. Another important aspect is the gain of power and temptation of a luxurious life that is always based on personal gain. It is a reason why it becomes an important book that tells about the potential of good intentions. While it does portray the authoritarian example of the USSR, it also explores the ways of people that still serve others with good intentions.

The book tells a story about farm animals who rebel against their human farmer. As simple as that, they hope to create a different society where every animal can live an equal life, remain free, and feel happy. It is a complex allegory that tries to reflect a revolution. Still, this animal rebellion is betrayed with the farm ending up in a poor state. The reason for this failure, according to Orwell, is the dictatorship's rule of a pig named Napoleon.

  • The Animal Farm has been rejected more than most books in the history of publishing by the big names until Secker & Warburg decided to publish it.
  • The book became influential for C.S. Lewis who believed that the book is about equality where every animal is equal, yet some are more equal than others.
  • The book has been based on real-life village of Wallington, which is where Orwell has lived during the late 1930s and early 1940s.
  • The Animal Farm became a propagandistic tool of the CIA to bring anti-communist views across the world.
  • Speaking of the Soviet Union, the novel has been banned until about 1988 when "Glasnost" views have made it possible for the Latvian magazine to publish it in four parts.
  • The book has also been banned in Cuba, North Korea, Kenya, and even the United Arab Emirates.
  • The book has inspired numerous world-famous musicians like The Beatles and Pink Floyd.
  • Patrick Stewart of Star Trek fame was the one who voiced the main character "Napoleon".
  • "Remember, comrades, your resolution must never falter. No argument must lead you astray. Never listen when they tell you that Man and the animals have a common interest, that the prosperity of the one is the prosperity of the others. It is all lies. Man serves the interests of no creature except himself. And among us animals let there be perfect unity, perfect comradeship in the struggle. All men are enemies. All animals are comrades."
  • "All the habits of Man are evil. And, above all, no animal must ever tyrannise over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers. No animal must ever kill any other animal. All animals are equal."
  • "The animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
  • "Animal Farm, Animal Farm, Never through me shalt thou come to harm!"
  • "Ah, that is different!" said Boxer. "If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right."

The purpose of the book is to explain how existing potential often leads to dangers of good intentions. As the political satire of the USSR's ruling style, it aims to show that revolution and striving for change comes from good intentions, yet misleads people into something else. Using dystopian fiction, Orwell remains precise in his opinion regarding tyranny and origins that it has. It also deals with ignorance and an intentional failure to notice things.

This topic is important for essays because it deals with corrupting influence of power, totalitarian regime, sincerity, propaganda, and the good intentions that we all have. It is also a good topic to tell about leadership and betrayal. Since this book deals with an allegory, it must be taken as an example of our modern life.

The Old Major's speech represents a significant element for this novel because it speaks of the very idea of rebellion that is brought to the minds of the animals. It is the first time when they start approaching human beings as their enemies and see themselves as the victims of animalism or farm oppression. The major speaks about hardships and bad lives and claims that it is Farmer Jones that is to blame. It can be approached as the turning point of the novel.

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Thesis Statement For Animal Farm

animal farm essay thesis statement

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The Impact of State Farm’s Mission Statement

This essay about State Farm’s mission statement explains how the company’s core values shape its operations and customer interactions. The mission, “To help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected, and realize their dreams,” highlights State Farm’s commitment to risk management, efficient recovery support, and enabling customers to pursue their goals. The essay discusses how State Farm’s comprehensive insurance products, community involvement, and customer-centric approach contribute to its role as a trusted partner. It emphasizes the importance of State Farm’s dedication to providing security, support, and financial well-being for its policyholders.

How it works

The appellation State Farm holds significant sway in the insurance domain, revered not solely for its exhaustive insurance provisions but also for its staunch dedication to client assistance and community backing. The foundational creed of State Farm, “To aid individuals in managing the vicissitudes of mundane existence, recuperating from the unforeseen, and actualizing their aspirations,” encapsulates the corporation’s commitment to furnishing dependable insurance amenities while simultaneously nurturing a sentiment of security and optimism amidst its clientele. This doctrinal proclamation transcends the realm of a mere corporate slogan; it epitomizes the intrinsic values and governing principles that propel the enterprise’s operations and interactions with its patrons.

At the nucleus of State Farm’s mission lies the ethos of risk administration. The corporation endeavors to assist individuals and households in navigating the vagaries of diurnal existence. By proffering an extensive array of insurance commodities, encompassing automobile, domicile, life, and health insurance, State Farm equips its clientele with the requisite resources to shield themselves against conceivable financial adversities. This proactive stance toward risk management assumes paramount importance in fostering a sense of assurance among individuals, reassuring them of a safety net in place to cushion the impact of the unforeseen.

The process of recuperating from the unanticipated constitutes another pivotal tenet of State Farm’s mission. Fundamentally, insurance serves as a bulwark against upheavals that disrupt the equilibrium of individuals’ lives. Whether it be an automotive mishap, a natural calamity, or a medical exigency, State Farm’s objective is to expedite the convalescence of its clientele with alacrity and seamlessness. The company’s claims adjudication process is meticulously calibrated to be expeditious and client-centric, assuaging the strain and pecuniary encumbrance on policyholders during trying junctures. This unwavering commitment to recuperation underscores the corporation’s role as a steadfast ally during times of tribulation.

Beyond the realm of risk management and convalescence, State Farm’s mission statement extols the aspiration of aiding clientele in the actualization of their aspirations. This forward-looking facet of the mission accords recognition to the notion that insurance transcends the purview of mere protection and recuperation, serving as a catalyst for individuals to pursue their ambitions with sanguinity. By furnishing financial commodities and amenities such as banking, investment, and retirement planning, State Farm buttresses its patrons in fashioning and fortifying their future. This holistic approach to fiscal well-being mirrors the corporation’s cognizance that facilitating the realization of aspirations is an integral facet of its service.

State Farm’s mission statement further underscores the significance of community engagement. The corporation is renowned for its active involvement in an assortment of community initiatives and programs. By investing in local communities and lending support to causes such as education, safety, and disaster preparedness, State Farm manifests its dedication to societal accountability. This engagement not only augments the welfare of the communities wherein State Farm operates but also fortifies the rapport between the corporation and its clientele. It engenders a sentiment of reliance and fidelity, with individuals perceiving State Farm not merely as an insurance purveyor but as a constructive influence in their community.

Moreover, the mission statement epitomizes a customer-centric paradigm that accords primacy to the exigencies and experiences of policyholders. State Farm’s accentuation on aiding individuals in managing risks, recuperating from setbacks, and realizing their aspirations evinces a profound commitment to client service. This ethos finds manifestation in the corporation’s endeavors to furnish personalized assistance, be it through local agents attuned to the idiosyncratic exigencies of their communities or through digital platforms that facilitate seamless policy management online. The emphasis on client contentment constitutes a cornerstone of State Farm’s business strategy, impelling ceaseless amelioration in service delivery.

In summation, State Farm’s mission statement serves as a potent affirmation of the corporation’s raison d’être and values. It elucidates the multifaceted role that State Farm assumes in the lives of its clientele: as a custodian, a patron, and an enabler of aspirations. By zeroing in on risk management, convalescence, and future aspirations, State Farm not only furnishes exhaustive insurance solutions but also contributes to the overarching well-being of individuals and communities. This mission-driven modus operandi has cemented State Farm’s reputation as a reliable and unwavering confederate, committed to effecting a constructive influence on the lives of those it serves.


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