College Info Geek

The Ultimate Study Music Playlist

This is a playlist of my favorite study music. It’s great for homework, studying for exams, reading, and generally getting crap crossed off my many checklists.

I’ve been working on this playlist for several years, and it contains music (all non-lyrical) from a wide variety of genres and sources, including video game/anime/movie soundtracks. At the moment, it’s got about 240 songs for you to choose from.

Listening on another app? I’ve worked to mirror this study playlist to other services. Check them out below:

  • Spotify Study Music Playlist
  • Apple Music Study Playlist

If you’d like, you can study with me in another tab while this plays. You can also listen to the playlist on YouTube instead of on this page.

By the way – I create my own study music as well! If you’d like to give it a listen, here’s a playlist:

You can also follow me on Spotify or on YouTube if you want to be notified when new tracks are released.

Need even more study music?

Here are a few options. – Music designed specifically to help you focus more effectively. It works really well for me, and I use it for around 50% of my research, writing, and reading sessions – the other half are mostly done with the playlist above.

Piano Study Playlist – If you’re in the mood for a more consistent playlist, check out this one full of solo piano tracks.

Coffitivity – Sometimes I’m in the mood for ambient noise instead of music, and the sounds of a bustling coffee shop are my personal favorite type.

Noisli – An ambient noise generator that lets you create your own mix using sounds like rain, thunder, fan, and white/brown/pink noise.

More Playlists

Work Vibes – My personal playlist of “getting-stuff-done” music. Most of the tracks here have vocals, so I wouldn’t read or study intently with them. But they’re great for crushing emails, working on design projects, or doing other work where I simply need to execute quickly.

Tom’s Workout Playlist – A collection of the tracks that usually accompany me to the gym.

The best music to listen to while you work or study

They say classical music makes the best study tunes, but are we really limited to Bach and Mozart?

best music for homework

You've probably heard that classical music is good for studying, taking tests and doing creative work. This idea stems from the " Mozart Effect ," a term coined in 1993 when scientists discovered that listening to Mozart's Sonata for 10 minutes resulted in better spatial reasoning skills -- a particular type of intelligence that involves visualizing and manipulating images in your brain. 

The findings in that 1993 study got blown out of proportion, however, and classical music became synonymous with intelligence: so synonymous, in fact, that in 1998, then-Governor of Georgia Zell Miller proposed sending a classical cassette tape to every baby born in the state, free of charge, so that the babies would become smart. 

Even though the Mozart Effect has been more or less debunked in the time since, some experts still argue that music can offer other benefits to our brains -- namely, concentration and productivity. 

Read more: How to create the best exercise playlist for better workouts

best music for homework

How can music help us focus?

Consider these few reasons why music might help you plow through your to-do list: 

Elicits positive emotions: People tend to be more productive and efficient when happy ( recent research confirms this ), and the right kind of music can put a little pep in your step. People who listen to music, in fact, may be happier overall than people who don't listen to music.

Makes you feel upbeat: Sometimes, work and life just feel drab. If you've been feeling bored, a happy tune can make lackluster tasks seem more appealing. 

Drowns out other noise: If you've ever worked in a coffee shop or an office with an open floor plan, you've probably been driven up the wall by the sounds of someone sniffling or shuffling their feet. Listening to music, particularly through a good pair of headphones , can drown out distracting noises.

Read more:   Best music streaming: Spotify, Apple Music and more, compared     


If you can't stand the sounds of your work environment, use music to drown them out. 

Can music really make you more productive?

Research on music for productivity is inconclusive, to say the least. Some studies show that background music can improve your episodic memory and overall cognitive performance , yet other research suggests that background music can actually be a detriment to your ability to focus and learn . Still others say that it has no effect one way or another .

There are factors that affect whether background music works, too: Some research suggests that background music needs to be free of lyrics in order to promote productivity ; other studies say simply that whether music aids in concentrating depends on how much a worker likes or dislikes the music . 

Note that the studies discussed in this section measure something different than the aforementioned Mozart Effect. While the Mozart Effect measures the ability of music to enhance intelligence after the music stops playing, research on music for productivity investigates background music, or music that plays while your attention is primarily on something else (your work).

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best music for homework

What kind of music helps us focus? 

With the fact that there's no real scientific consensus in mind, it's worth looking at the handful of research studies on different types of music and their ability to aid in concentration.

Classical music

Despite the muting of the Mozart Effect, some research still suggests that classical music can help people learn and focus (just not as impressively so as the 1990s would have you believe). For example, one study found that college students who listened to classical music during lecture learned more than those who listened to the same lecture without classical music. Some research suggests, however, that classical (or any type of complex) music is best when performing simple tasks , rather than complicated ones.

Ambient music

Ambient music is a style of gentle, tone-based music that utilizes ambient sounds like the hum of an air conditioner or the buzz of TV static. Ambient music often lacks a true beat, usually doesn't have lyrics, and ends up blending into the preexisting background noise -- this is why ambient sounds like white noise are often used at sleep aids . 

In terms of focus and productivity, one study found that white noise can help people with ADHD ignore noisy environments and perform tasks with more efficiency. There's still a lot of work to do, however, when it comes to understanding when ambient noise helps and when it doesn't , according to recent research from the University of Alberta.

Nature sounds

We already know that spending time in nature is good for our physical health. It turns out that listening to nature sounds, even when trapped in an office, can boost your mood and promote deep focus . Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York found that soothing nature sounds, such as rainfall, can mask intrusive sounds and help workers stay on task. 

This Nature Sounds playlist on Spotify has more than one million monthly listeners, a good indication that the playlist works for something, be it relaxation, sleep or focus. 

Test your music system with these great rock tracks

best music for homework

What type of music to avoid

Just as particular styles of music can help you focus and get things done, other styles can sabotage your efforts no matter how strong your work ethic. There's no research that explicitly compares the effects of different types of music on productivity, but most people can probably agree that it's best to avoid distracting styles, such as dubstep music and heavy metal, while working. 

Truly, though, it all comes down to personal preference. And it's not as if experimenting with background music can really hurt -- we're talking about music here, not whether a food additive is safe or not . The worst outcome is a slow day at work and perhaps a bit of scolding from your boss. 

You should know yourself well enough to understand what types of music and sounds help you focus, and which ones don't. If you find yourself struggling to focus with '80s classic rock in the background, maybe it's a good idea to turn off the Guns N' Roses and switch to something with less electric guitar.  

It's worth experimenting to find out what kind of music helps you focus. I personally can't listen to any music, regardless of style or tempo, that has lyrics. I've tried and tried and failed. I just get too caught up in the words and can't concentrate on the task at hand.

Instead, I've found that I focus much better when listening to soft electronic music or nature sounds (particularly rain and waterfalls). Some of my most productive days have been the result of simply switching on a floor fan to block out distracting noises. 

In the end, as with all things, do what works best for you.   

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Enhance your focus: 8 best music to study and concentrate

Picture this: you’re at a library, preparing to complete your assignment or revise for an upcoming exam. 

But your friends are busy chatting, loud chattering noises flood the space, and ambient noises distract you. 

Usually, you would struggle in this kind of environment — but that doesn’t have to be the case when you have a playlist of the best, science-backed music to study and concentrate. 

Certain types of music, particularly those with a slow tempo, can relax even the most tense of  minds. Source: Ethan Miller/Getty Images North America/Getty Images/AFP

Why are certain genres of music more effective in helping you study than others?

It’s  been proven  that listening to certain types of music in specific situations can boost productivity and mood, from enhancing the quality of your workout to reducing stress and anxiety. 

As a student, you would have crafted or listened to a study focus music playlist at least once in your life. 

You may have noticed that listening to certain genres improved your concentration, especially if you’ve been studying in louder environments such as cafes. 

Or perhaps you enjoy going to the library, slipping your headphones on, and listening to songs while you work. 

If this sounds like you, you’re one of the thousands of students who do the same thing. 

A survey showed that around  60% of students  tend to listen to music while studying. Researchers also found that listening to music was the  most popular side activity  for teens who juggled studying with another task.

Not all music does the job, though. A  University of Toronto study found that loud music negatively affects reading comprehension, agitating rather than focusing the listener. 

Similarly, the  University of Wales  found that sometimes, music — especially music with lyrics — can worsen a student’s working memory and reading comprehension. 

What are the best music to study and concentrate?

1. classical music.

Classical music is one of the best music to help you study and concentrate. 

There’s a theory dubbed  “The Mozart Effect”  that suggests this genre of music can enhance brain activity and arouse your brain to focus.

There are also several studies done where students listening to classical music did better on quizzes than students with no music.


  • ClassicFM  (a free radio streaming platform that plays famous classical pieces)
  • “ Study Playlist: Classical Music ”  on Spotify
  • “ Classical Music for When You’re on a Deadline ”  on YouTube

2. Lo fi music

We’ll be lying if we say we’ve never Googled “lo fi chill for studying” several times in a week. 

“Lo-fi” stands for “low-fidelity,” a type of sound recording that uses distortion, hum, background noise, or limited frequency response — making it distinct from live recordings.

Whatever it’s made of, playing lo-fi chill for studying makes us relax, focus, and ultimately,  study better . Research says this is because these “flaws” trigger our cerebrum — the uppermost part of the brain — to help us focus.

Speaking to, student Haley Bounds says lo-fi music can  keep her focused  while she completes her assignments. “Sometimes,” she says, “I actually lose track of time doing homework or reading my books.”

  • “ 3 Hours of Music for Studying for Concentration and Focus ” on Spotify
  • “ Lofi Hip Hop Radio 📚 — Beats To Relax/Study To ” on YouTube
  • LofiCafe (a website to stream lo-fi music to study and concentrate)

Video game franchises like the “Legend of Zelda” have some of the best music to study and concentrate. Source: Richard A. Brooks/AFP

3. Video game music

This might surprise you, but video game music is actually one of the best music for homework. 

According to  Orion Academy , video game music is designed to  keep you absorbed and focused  — which is also great for memorising. 

When your brain is focused on just melody, it’s taking a break from trying to break down the lyrics of a song and thus increases your performance.

Video game music tends to stay at a relatively low, constant volume too. This prevents you from becoming distracted by sudden increases in volume.

Since video game music is generally fast-paced, your brain will be constantly engaged in the task at hand.

  • “ Video Game Soundtracks ”  on Spotify
  • “ Video Game Study Lounge ” on YouTube
  • Choose favourites from this  list  and create your own playlist

4. Nature sounds

Nature sounds relax our nervous system. Researchers at  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute  have discovered that natural sounds boost moods and focus.

The study found employees were more productive and had more positive feelings when nature sounds were playing in the background while they worked.

Nature sounds include the soothing sounds of the rain, ocean waves on the beach or even the jungle. Some prefer listening to bird calls and animal noises.

From the peak of Everest to the deepet ocean beds, there are millions of nature sounds to experiment with and find the best music for homework that works for you.

  • “ Relaxing Nature Sounds for Sleeping – Natural Calm Forest Waterfall Music Meditation Sound for Study “  on YouTube
  • “ Nature Sounds For Concentration ”  on Spotify
  • “ Rain Sounds + Stream for Sleep, Focus, Studying | 4K Nature Video White Noise 10 Hours ” on YouTube

Binaural beats play two slightly different tones in each ear, creating a unique sound in your brain. Source: Miguel Medina/AFP

5. Binaural beats

Binaural beats are like a secret weapon for studying and concentrating. They work by playing two slightly different tones in each ear, creating a unique sound in your brain. This sound has a powerful effect on your mind and can help you focus and retain information better.

When you listen to binaural beats, they stimulate your brainwaves and bring them into a state of calm focus. They can shift your brain from a busy, distracted mode to a more relaxed and attentive state. Picture giving your brain a gentle massage — helping it to tune in and concentrate on the task at hand.

These beats also help synchronise your brain’s left and right hemispheres. The result? You’ll find it easier to process and remember information.  

  • “ Focus Music, Binaural Beats Concentration Music for Studying, Super Intelligence ” on YouTube
  • “ Pure 40 HZ Binaural Beats: The Frequency for FOCUS, MEMORY, and CONCENTRATION ” on YouTube
  • “ Super Focus: Flow State Music – Alpha Binaural Beats, Study Music for Focus and Concentration ” on YouTube 

6. Isochronic tones

Isochronic tones are like a superhero soundtrack for studying and concentrating. They are powerful audio pulses that have a remarkable impact on our brainwaves. When you listen to isochronic tones, your brain responds by syncing up with these rhythmic pulses, creating a state of focused attention.

Unlike binaural beats, isochronic tones don’t require headphones. You can easily hear them through speakers — making them a convenient tool for enhancing concentration and study sessions.

The rhythmic pulses of isochronic tones help to stimulate the brain and bring it into a state of deep focus. They promote alpha and beta brainwave patterns, which help to boost alertness, concentration, and information retention.


  • “ Harmony Streaming ” on Spotify 
  • “ Upbeat Study Music for Concentration – Peak Focus Isochronic Tones ” on Youtube
  • “ Increase Concentration with Study Focus Isochronic Tones – Electronic ” on YouTube 

Music is the food of the soul — in the case of rhythm and blues, it may even be the best music to study and concentrate.  Source: Pius Utomoi Ekpei/AFP

Are you someone who easily gets distracted? Then RNB may not be the best music to study and concentrate. 

There’s a high chance you might spend too much time jamming to the lyrics of the song instead of focusing.

While music in this genre generally has lyrics, many RnB fans reported feeling more relaxed, focused, and less stressed, which may have a positive impact on their ability to focus and learn.


  • “ Study R&B Smooth Songs ” on Spotify”
  • “ Chill R&B Beats Mix – Beats to Relax and Study (Vol.) ” on YouTube

Zero in on the chants of monks, one of the most effective music to study and concentrate. Source: Ishara S. Kodikara/AFP

8. Meditation music

Gentle rhythms and soft tones promote a meditative state of mind. It helps to clear mental clutter and boost your concentration. 

What’s more, meditation music often incorporates nature sounds, such as flowing water or bird songs. These natural sounds have a soothing effect on your mind, promoting a sense of harmony and tranquillity.

We recommend daily meditation (HeadSpace and Calm are our favourite apps) for overall better performance in school or at uni. 

  • “ Deep Meditation Music To Achieve Calmness and Bring Positive Energy ” on Spotify
  • “ The Sound of Inner Peace 14 | 528 Hz | Relaxing Music for Meditation, Zen, Yoga & Stress Relief ” on YouTube
  • “ Beautiful Relaxing Music for Sleep – Rain Sounds & Insomnia, Relaxing Music, Peaceful Piano Music ” on YouTube

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Studying to Music Can Put Your Brain in the Right Frame of Mind

best music for homework

What do Spotify, Pandora, iTunes and YouTube all have in common? If you said they’re some of your favorite go-to sights to hear your favorite music, then you may want to tune in more often. Did you know that studying to the right kind of music can make you feel less stressed, more focused and dare we say it, smarter? It’s true.

Let’s face it, no one likes to study. But how cool is it that music can be just what you need to get through the books easier while making your studying more productive?  Pretty cool, right? Want to hear more? Sit back, grab your headphones and learn how studying to the right kind of music may be more than just music to your ears.

Benefits of studying to music

Do you listen to music while you study, or do you prefer total silence? The jury is out on which is better since everyone is different; however, several research studies are proving that listening to the right kind of music can put your mind into study mode.

Here are some of the benefits of tuning in to the right tunes:

  • Relaxes the mind
  • Increases concentration
  • Lessens distractions
  • Improves focus
  • Improves performance in high-pressure situations, such as mid-terms and finals week

Best genres to study to

Music is universal, and everyone’s tastes are different. You might be experiencing that right now with a roommate or a group of friends. What soothes one person might drive the other one to pull their hair out. Sound familiar? Since we all have different personalities, music preferences and even study habits you’re probably wondering which type of music is best.  We’ve done the homework for you (you’re welcome) with some suggested genres and examples of each that may help put your brain in the right frame of mind. Take a listen.

Classical music—Mind-boosting effect helps with mathematics

Before you dismiss classical music as “not your thing,” it’s worth a try. You’ve most likely heard of Mozart, one of our world’s greatest classical composers, but have you heard of the Mozart Effect ? A group of studies found listening to Mozart can cause a temporary “enhancement of spatial temporal reasoning performance,” which means the ability to think through long-term, more abstract solutions to logical problems.  In fact, the Mozart Effect has little to do with listening to Mozart and more to do with listening to music that activates a certain part of the brain. Even Albert Einstein was a fan of Mozart!

When it’s crunch time and you’re burning the midnight oil, try listening to Baroque classical music. Composers such as Bach, Vivaldi and Handel are known for their up-beat music composed of 60 beats-per-minute. Studies revealed those who listened to music that played at 60 beats-per-minute showed a dramatic reduction in stress and an increased sense of relaxation It’s become a popular choice when you need to get work done.

Here are some benefits of listening to classical music:

  • Improves test scores
  • Reduces learning time
  • Improves creativity and clarity
  • Integrates both sides of the brain for more efficient learning
  • Raises IQ scores

Sounds of nature—Keeps your brain engaged by increasing concentration

Have you ever tried studying in a noisy room? It can be annoying and frustrating to say the least. Calming music Nature sounds such as waterfalls, rain and the seashore, for example, can be extremely effective in masking white noise.

Here are some benefits or studying to the calming music of nature sounds:

  • Masks voices and white noise which can be distracting
  • Enhances cognitive functioning
  • Optimizes concentration

Songs without lyrics—Great choice when reading and writing

The last thing you need is more words in your head when you’re reading your textbooks or writing a paper. Listening to songs without lyrics is a great way to stay focused without distraction.

Brian Eno’s Music for Airports —Chill-out electronic music for serious studying and deep concentration

You may want to crank this up for your next cramming session before your big exam. This album was specifically designed to relax stressed out travelers at airports. It’s also been shown as an effective tool when it’s time for serious studying and deep concentration.

Creating a playlist

It may sound obvious, but research revealed brain function decreases when you listen to music and sounds you don’t enjoy, making it difficult to focus and concentrate. So, be sure to choose music and sounds that make you happy.  Here are some tips for creating your playlist:

  • Create your playlist in advance so you’re not fumbling to find a new song every few minutes.
  • Keep your playlist to around 40-50 minutes—this is a great reminder to take a study break when it’s over. Plus, it helps you plan your study sessions to meet your concentration level.
  • Avoid listening to the radio. Dialogue between radio personalities and commercials can be distracting.
  • Turn it down. Listening to music at a moderate level is best.

With the new semester kicking off, now is the best time to start creating your playlist so it’s ready to go when you need it. Happy listening!

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October 2021

Best Study Playlists - Study Music, Focus Music

Arizona Online

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Everybody has their own routine for how to study for exams, do homework, read or focus on a particular task. Listening to a study playlist is a great way to center your attention and lift your mood. Listening to music can also reduce stress, which is a plus when it comes to balancing a busy schedule of work, school and family!

Music Therapy has proven that you can process a wide range of emotions from excitement to thoughtfulness depending on what type of music you listen to. When we’re studying, we’re probably aiming for thoughtfulness. Research has also shown music has the potential to boost memory, which can be a huge plus.  However, complex and distracting music might not be the way to go when choosing the right studying playlist for you.

We have found that the best genres of music to listen to while studying, reading or writing include minimalist, classical, piano and low-fi music. We’ve compiled some of the best lyric-free playlists that will act as brain food while keeping your attention on your studies so you can ace that test and earn that A.

Best Study Playlists on Spotify

This more than 24-hour playlist is full of piano and classical songs to help you focus.

Lofi Girl curates some of the most relaxing and engaging playlists. Her use of lo-fi tracks mixed with ambient pieces will keep you relaxed but never bored.

This playlist is all instrumental all the time!

Best Youtube Study Playlists

This is a deep-focus playlist so you know you’ll finish what you need to get done!

This Bossa Nova & Jazz playlist is a MOOD. It will transport you to a lovely cafe, on a rainy day.

This extra ambient playlist describes itself as “brain power, focus concentration music.” You’ll feel like you’re in a sound bath.

Music is just one way to improve your mental health. See more tips on how to improve your mental health as an online student.

* Arizona Online does not endorse playlist creators. Music is not guaranteed to boost academic performance.

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13 Productivity Playlists to Center and Focus ADHD Brains

We asked additude readers what focus music helps them hit a productive groove while working or studying. they recommended these 13 playlists for channeling attention — and getting more done..

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Got music? In a recent survey, most ADDitude readers said they focus best while listening to music — so we asked for specific song suggestions. Below are 13 productivity playlists by and for ADHD brains. Next time you need to buckle down and get things done, look here for the perfect ADHD focus music or just follow ADDitude’s Spotify channel.

Have more suggestions? Leave your song, artist and/or playlist recommendations in the comments below — we’re always adding new music to the ADDitude Spotify!

Playlist #1: Upbeat Songs to Kickstart ADHD Brains

Punchy, high-energy focus music to get your to-do list started, the playlist features Panic! At the Disco’s “High Hopes” and Yellowcard’s “Ocean Avenue.” First thing in the morning or during the afternoon slump, lean on these upbeat songs for an injection of pure focus.

“Sometimes while I’m working, I like to take a break and listen to something that makes me dance for two to five exhausting minutes to let my energy explode and then get back to focusing .” — Bay, New Jersey

“I need to occupy my brain and body simultaneously, so if I have to do mindless tasks like making dinner, washing dishes, or folding laundry, I need something that engages my brain. Up-tempo songs with lyrics I can sing along to work well. Without them I just can’t do anything.” — An ADDitude Reader

[ Download: Music for Healthy ADHD Brains ]

Playlist #2: Instrumentals for ADHD Focus

Many ADDitude readers reported that they find lyrics distracting, so we created this purely instrumental playlist to reap all the productive benefits of listening to music without any diverting drawbacks. Filled with punchier instrumental pop and slower ballads, this playlist is perfect for people with ADHD looking for a happy, productive groove.

“I listen to instrumental music — not too fast, not too slow. It has that constant beat that sets my pace for my tasks.” — Bert, Indiana

“I listen to instrumental, calming music that really relaxes me from inside out. It’s the first step to slowing my brain .” — An ADDitude Reader

Playlist #3: ADHD Brain Food

Sometimes your ADHD brain just craves some good, fun music. In those moments, feed your brain with the easy, catchy songs on this playlist. Listen to these songs on your morning commute or while working for an extra dose of daily happiness.

“I need playful, interesting music to jolt me into productivity. I also love to sing along/harmonize with music, so this helps while cooking and cleaning, too.” — Kelsey, Minnesota

“I don’t have just one type of music or song that helps me focus and so I end up changing playlists and artists to whatever helps me at that moment. Sometimes I just need to listen to a band I enjoy.” — An ADDitude Reader

[ Read: Study Music to Focus the ADHD Brain ]

Playlist #4: First Day of Summer

“First Day of Summer is my go-to for an upbeat shot in the arm when I have the 2 o’clock sleepies — lots of electronic funkiness, world music, fun song remixes, and jazz.” — Molly Durham – Texas

Playlist #5: Lush Lo-Fi

“When I discovered lo-fi music, it changed everything! It’s the perfect background music for me to keep my brain happy and engaged while I work or just relax. It seems to regulate me, keep me on track, and it keeps me from getting overwhelmed with what I’m doing.” — An ADDitude Reader

Playlist #6: Sem Letra Nem Baleias

“I work better with background music, but lyrics distract me and I hate New Age-y music with whale sounds, etc., so I made my own, which contains neither lyrics nor whales (hence the title of the playlist in Portuguese). It’s mostly acoustic versions of Brazilian samba and rap/hip-hop songs.” — An ADDitude Reader

Playlist #7: Classical Focus

“If I need to focus on anything intellectual, I play some calm instrumental music. It can’t have lyrics or I’ll pay more attention to the lyrics than my own thoughts . These soundtracks are heavily vetted before I use them for something important!” — Colleen, North Dakota

Playlist #8: Lo-Fi Workday

“I find songs that I know and/or are lyric-heavy that can split my attention. When I need to focus — at work or around the house — instrumental tracks are my ‘secret sauce!’” — Gate, Seattle

Playlist #9: Do You Have MySpace?

“I prefer songs I know as they are less distracting. I made a playlist called Do You Have MySpace? because it’s mostly songs from my high school period (2004-2009). It has been very useful lately as I tackled a big task that still required some brain power at work.” — Catherine, Quebec

Playlist #10: Moneyball

“I had a professor who told me that he writes all his papers while listening to the Moneyball soundtrack. I gave it a try and haven’t looked back since. I hope this helps other people with ADHD !” — Spencer, British Columbia

Playlist #11: Bass House

“Bass House is just a great jump-around list that is exciting without being frenetic.” — Molly Durham, Texas

Playlist #12: Repetitive Needs

“I have a playlist of songs that I could listen to on infinite repeat and then I pick a song from that list before I start whatever task I need to do.” — Cameron, Australia

Playlist #13: Road Trip to Tokyo

“Combining instrumental music with posh hotel vibes, this music keeps you moving without distraction .” — Aria, California

Music for ADHD Focus: Next Steps

  • Read: Mozart Helped Me Focus My ADHD Brain
  • Read: “I Have a Verbal Fidget That Keeps Me Humming”
  • Download: Music For Healthy ADHD Brains

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Classical music for studying: the 14 greatest pieces for brain power

5 April 2024, 14:35

Classical music and studying: the 14 greatest pieces for brain power

By Maddy Shaw Roberts

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Need to get your head down? Science suggests these are the perfect classical works for studying.

Music can make or break a revision session. So, we put together a countdown of the perfect classical music to set you on the path to success.

Listen on Global Player: ‘Classic FM Revision’ live playlist for concentration

Salzburg Symphony No. 1 (‘Divertimento in D major’) – Mozart

The perfect, high-spirited slice of musical motivation to throw you head-first into your study session. Extensive interplay between the violins will drive you on and set you up for an efficient day of revision.

best music for homework

Mozart - Divertimento in D major, K. 136 (1772)

Canon in D – Pachelbel

An easy-but-a-goodie. The way Pachelbel’s Canon builds on that one, steady cello line makes it the ideal concentration soundtrack.

best music for homework

Pachelbel's Canon in D - Off the Staff

Gymnopédie No. 1 – Erik Satie

Take a deep breath, a warm sip of tea and listen to this beautiful, minimal piano piece. Sometimes, the simplest melodies can bring the deepest thoughts…

best music for homework

Satie - Gymnopédie No. 1

Goldberg Variations – Bach

A masterpiece of classical repertoire. Bach ’s music has a deep, disciplined measure and precise structure that make it the ideal soundtrack to a stimulating study session.

best music for homework

Variation 5 from Bach's Goldberg Variations

Academic Festival Overture – Brahms

Time to up the pace a little. Brahms is the perfect pace-quickener for when you need to blast through long passages of text – and when that brass fanfare hits, it’s just pure joy.

best music for homework

Bernstein - Academic Festival Overture (Brahms)

Time (Inception) – Hans Zimmer

Intense, moving and disturbing: Zimmer ’s main theme for Inception has the power to take you into a world of pure focus, determination and brain power.

best music for homework

Hans Zimmer - Time (Official Audio)

The Well-Tempered Clavier – Bach

Fingers starting to feel a bit clumsy on the old laptop keys? J.S. Bach ’s Well-Tempered Clavier is a masterpiece of precision, designed to train your mind as well your keyboard technique.

best music for homework

Lang Lang – Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier: Book 1, 1.Prelude C Major, BWV 846

Etudes – Chopin

Lunch break is over, you’ve had a coffee, now let’s get back to it. The ambitious arpeggio passages in Chopin ’s fiendish Etudes are the perfect brain-trainer.

best music for homework

Chopin: Etudes Op.10 and Op.25 (Fialkowska)

Piano Concerto No. 23 – Mozart

It’s long been rumoured that listening to Mozart is good for focusing ( some studies even say it could make your baby smarter). While there may be no proof in that particular pudding, the gorgeous rising melodies and beautifully balanced rhythms in Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 23 will guide you into the right mindset.

best music for homework

Mozart -Piano Concerto No 23 A major K 488, Maurizio Pollini, Karl Bohm

The Hours – Philip Glass

A genius work of minimalism. Simple layers on simple layers build, creating beautiful cross-rhythms to spur you on in the moments where it feels like the revision may never end.

best music for homework

The Hours - Philip Glass

Etudes – Debussy

Debussy designed each of his etudes to focus on a different practice technique. The perfect framework for an efficient study session.

best music for homework

Mitsuko Uchida - Debussy, Douze Études (complete) [1989]

A Beautiful Mind – James Horner

For those moments when you feel like your brain just isn’t up to it, pop this on. Horner ’s gorgeous orchestration and spinning melodies give you the power and drive to make you feel capable of anything.

best music for homework

A Beautiful Mind 01: A Kaleidoscope of Mathematics (James Horner)

I Giorni – Einaudi

A gentle, hypnotic piece to bring you peace while you work, and to help you breathe if you ever feel like there’s just too much on your plate.

best music for homework

Ludovico Einaudi - I Giorni

Moonlight Sonata (I) – Beethoven

A slow, hypnotic set of arpeggios lulls you into Beethoven ’s most loved solo piano piece. Reflective and calm, it’s the ideal background music to your studies.

best music for homework

Pianist creates mesmerising visualisation of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata

Listen now to Classic FM Revision on Global Player – our non-stop, live playlist for ultimate concentration.

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Best Homework Music: Music To Listen To When Doing Homework

February 24, 2023 93 Songs, 2 hours, 40 minutes ℗ 2023 Add This Music, LLC

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