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#BookReview Find Your First by Linwood Barclay @linwoodbarclay @harpercollinsca #FindYouFirst #LinwoodBarclay #BooksofHCC

#BookReview Find Your First by Linwood Barclay @linwoodbarclay @harpercollinsca #FindYouFirst #LinwoodBarclay #BooksofHCC

The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch and master of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one.

Tech millionaire Miles Cookson has more money than he can ever spend, and everything he could dream of—except time. He has recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and there is a fifty percent chance that it can be passed on to the next generation. For Miles, this means taking a long hard look at his past . . .

Two decades ago, a young, struggling Miles was a sperm donor. Somewhere out there, he has kids—nine of them. And they might be about to inherit both the good and the bad from him—maybe his fortune, or maybe something much worse.

As Miles begins to search for the children he’s never known, aspiring film documentarian Chloe Swanson embarks on a quest to find her biological father, armed with the knowledge that twenty-two years ago, her mother used a New York sperm bank to become pregnant.

When Miles and Chloe eventually connect, their excitement at finding each other is overshadowed by a series of mysterious and terrifying events. One by one, Miles’s other potential heirs are vanishing—every trace of them wiped, like they never existed at all.

Who is the vicious killer—another heir methodically erasing rivals? Or is something even more sinister going on?

It’s a deadly race against time . . .

Sharp, consuming, and perfectly plotted!

Find You First  is an addictive, action-packed thrill ride that takes you into the life of software millionaire Miles Cookson, who after being diagnosed with the incurable, genetic Hungtington’s disease, endeavours to use his wealth and influence to meet any possible children he may have from a sperm bank donation he made in his early twenties, but when one-by-one his potential heirs begin vanishing without a trace, it quickly becomes apparent something more sinister is going on and time is running out.

The writing is crisp and polished. The characters are complex, tenacious, and flawed. And the plot keeps you on the edge of your seat with its short, intense chapters that immerse you into an ominous tale full of twists, turns, red herrings, secrets, deduction, mayhem, corruption, grandiose delusions, violence, and murder.

Overall, Find You First has an incredibly pacey storyline and exceptional character development. It’s riveting, dark, and unnerving and is a clear indicator that Barclay has written another bestseller. If you love well-written, tortuous thrillers with intriguing characters, then this is definitely one book you don’t want to miss.

book review find you first

This novel is available on May 4, 2021.

Pick up a copy from your favourite retailer or from one of the following links.

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Thank you to HarperCollins Canada for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

About Linwood Barclay

book review find you first

Linwood Barclay is the author of eighteen previous novels, and two thrillers for children. A New York Times bestselling author, his books have been translated into more than two dozen languages. He wrote the screenplay adaptation for his novel Never Saw it Coming and his book The Accident has been made into a TV series in France. His novel No Time for Goodbye was a global bestseller. Born and raised in Connecticut, he now lives in Toronto with his wife, Neetha.

Photo by Ellis Parinder.

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The New York Times bestselling author of ELEVATOR PITCH and master of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one.

“FIND YOU FIRST starts with a bang and ends with an even bigger one.... It’s the best book of his career.”      — Stephen King

Tech millionaire Miles Cookson has more money than he can ever spend, and everything he could dream of --- except time. He recently has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and there is a 50 percent chance that it can be passed on to the next generation. For Miles, this means taking a long hard look at his past.

Two decades ago, a young, struggling Miles was a sperm donor. Somewhere out there, he has kids --- nine of them. And they might be about to inherit both the good and the bad from him --- maybe his fortune, or maybe something much worse.

As Miles begins to search for the children he’s never known, aspiring film documentarian Chloe Swanson embarks on a quest to find her biological father, armed with the knowledge that 22 years ago, her mother used a New York sperm bank to become pregnant.

When Miles and Chloe eventually connect, their excitement at finding each other is overshadowed by a series of mysterious and terrifying events. One by one, Miles’ other potential heirs are vanishing --- every trace of them wiped, like they never existed at all.

Who is the vicious killer --- another heir methodically erasing rivals? Or is something even more sinister going on?

It’s a deadly race against time.

Audiobook available, read by George Newbern

book review find you first

Find You First by Linwood Barclay

  • Publication Date: October 26, 2021
  • Genres: Fiction , Psychological Suspense , Psychological Thriller , Suspense , Thriller
  • Mass Market Paperback: 544 pages
  • Publisher: William Morrow
  • ISBN-10: 0062993879
  • ISBN-13: 9780062993878

book review find you first

Linwood Barclay

Home » Thrillers » Find You First

Find You First

Find You First by Linwood Barclay | UK Paperback Cover | Aug 2021



Buy the book, the sunday times bestseller irish times bestseller #1 canadian fiction book – globe and mail , and toronto star #3 original international fiction book – globe and mail , and toronto star, about the book.

The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch and master of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one.

Tech millionaire Miles Cookson has more money than he can ever spend, and everything he could dream of—except time. He has recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and there is a fifty percent chance that it can be passed on to the next generation. For Miles, this means taking a long hard look at his past…

Two decades ago, a young, struggling Miles was a sperm donor. Somewhere out there, he has kids—nine of them. And they might be about to inherit both the good and the bad from him—maybe his fortune, or maybe something much worse.

As Miles begins to search for the children he’s never known, aspiring film documentarian Chloe Swanson embarks on a quest to find her biological father, armed with the knowledge that twenty-two years ago, her mother used a New York sperm bank to become pregnant.

When Miles and Chloe eventually connect, their excitement at finding each other is overshadowed by a series of mysterious and terrifying events. One by one, Miles’s other potential heirs are vanishing—every trace of them wiped, like they never existed at all.

Who is the vicious killer—another heir methodically erasing rivals? Or is something even more sinister going on?

It’s a deadly race against time…

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“You’re dying.”

Dr. Alexandra Nyman was expecting some reaction when she delivered her diagnosis, but Miles Cookson was busy looking at his phone.

“Did you hear me?” Alexandra asked. “I know that’s blunt, but you’ve always told me to be straight with you. There’s no way to sugarcoat this.”

She’d come around her desk and was sitting in a leather chair next to Miles’s, angled slightly so that her right knee was inches away from his left. She held a file folder with half an inch of paperwork stuffed into it.

Miles, still staring at the phone, both thumbs tapping away, said, “I’m looking it up.”

“You don’t have to look it up,” she said. “I’m sitting right here. Ask me anything you want.”

He glanced at her. “You’re wrong, Alex. I can’t be dying. I’m fucking forty-two years old. It’s something else. Has to be. Look at me, for Christ’s sake.”

She did. Miles presented as someone in good shape. Five-eight, trim at 160 pounds. She knew he’d run marathons into his thirties, and still jogged a few times a week. Nearly bald, but he made it work in a Patrick Stewart kind of way.

“Miles, we did the tests and they—”

“Fuck the tests,” he said, putting down the phone and looking her in the eye. “All my so-called symptoms, you can put them all down to stress. Are you telling me you’ve never been short-tempered, or restless, or have things slip your mind now and then? And yeah, okay, I’ve been a bit clumsy. Falling over my own feet. But it can’t be what you’re saying.”

She said nothing, but decided to let him vent.

“Jesus,” Miles whispered. “How could I . . . It’s tension, stress, simple as that. You fucking doctors, you’re always looking for trouble where there isn’t any. Finding a way to justify all those years you went to school.”

Alexandra frowned, but not critically. She understood the anger.

“Sorry,” Miles said. “Cheap shot.” “It’s okay.”

“It’s . . . it’s a lot to take in.” “I know.”

“It’s not stress, is it?”

“If all you had was some restlessness, a bit of forgetfulness, even the odd mood swing, I would agree with you. But stress doesn’t explain the involuntary body movements, the jerking, the twitching you’ve been—”

“Fuck,” he said. “Fuck fuck fuck.”

“And I should clarify what I said, about you dying. There’s no cure, there’s nothing we can do. I can prescribe tetrabenazine, which will help with your symptoms when they become more pronounced, but it’s not a cure.”  

Miles laughed sardonically. “Why couldn’t it have been cancer? There’s stuff they can do for cancer. Cut it out, hit it with chemo. But this?”

“There’s no getting around it,” Alexandra  said. “Huntington’s . . . it’s like you take Alzheimer’s, ALS, and Parkinson’s and put them all into a blender. Your symptoms are very similar to any of those.”

“But worse.”

She said nothing.

“The other day,” he said, “I wanted to put one foot in front of the other, something as simple as that, and my brain was like, no way, Jose. Not happening. And then, a second later, it was okay. Dorian, my assistant, had set up a meeting, told me all the details. Five minutes later, I could barely remember any of it.”

“I go through periods, I feel restless, like my skin’s crawling, I have to do something, I can’t relax.” He paused. “How bad will it get?”

“It’s a brain disease,” she said matter-of-factly. “You’ll lose more and more motor control. Unlike ALS, where you can remain mentally sharp while your body’s ability to do things deteriorates, Huntington’s will impact your cognitive abilities.”

“Dementia,” Miles said.

The doctor nodded. “There will come a point where you will need constant care. There is no cure. They’re working on it, and they’ve been working on it for some time. One of these days, it’ll happen.”

“But not soon enough to help me,” he said. Alexandra said nothing.

“Who’s doing the research? How much money do they need? I’ll cut them a check so they can get off their asses and do something. What do they need? A million? Ten million? Tell me. I’ll write them a check tomorrow.”

The doctor leaned back in her chair and folded her arms. “This isn’t something you can buy your way out of, Miles. Not this time. All the money in the world won’t bring about a cure overnight. There are some very dedicated people working on this.”

Miles turned his head, looked out the window as he took that in. “How long?”

“Well, that’s the thing. Whether it’s Huntington’s, or cancer, or your heart, whatever, predicting life expectancy is a mug’s game. Look at Stephen Hawking. When he was diagnosed with ALS—you know, Lou Gehrig’s disease—they gave him two years. He lived for several more decades. Last year, I had someone in for a checkup, gave the guy a clean bill of health. Dropped dead two days later of a heart attack.”

“This isn’t helpful,” Miles said.

“I know. For you, it could be four or five years, maybe less, or maybe you’ve got twenty years. When we did your genetic test, we were looking for a high nucleotide repeat. Below thirty-six the likelihood of Huntington’s is much less, but when you get up around thirty-nine, then you’re—”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Apps, I understand. DNA stuff, not so much.”

Alexandra nodded her understanding. “Sorry. Too technical. Look, we’re going to want to do regular assessments, see how you’re doing. That may give us a better understanding of your long-term prognosis.”

“I could live a long time, but it could be hell,” he said.

“Yes. Here’s the bottom line. You know what you’ve got. If there are things you want to do, things you want to accomplish— amends you want to make—now is as good a time as any. Maybe you end up doing it with plenty of time to spare. But a diagnosis like this, it sharpens your focus. Helps you set priorities.” She sighed. “I’m sorry, Miles. I’ll be with you every step of the way.” She paused. “There’s something else we should talk about.”

“God, not more bad news.”

“No, but let me ask you about family history again. Did either of your parents have Huntington’s?”

“No,” he said. “I mean, not that I know of. I suppose one of them could have but it never had a chance to show itself. They died in a car accident when they were in their forties. My dad was a drunk. He ran their Ford Explorer into a bridge abutment on the Merritt Parkway.”

“You have a brother, yes?” Miles nodded. “Gilbert.”

“The thing about Huntington’s is, it’s very much an inherited condition. You’re right that one of your parents might have developed it had they not died prematurely. You could have inherited it from one of them. If a parent has Huntington’s, there’s a 50 percent chance that any of their children will have it, too.”

“Pretty high odds.”

“Right. So, there’s a high probability that your brother has it, too. I think he should be tested.” She hesitated. “Are you close?”

“He works for me,” Miles said. “That’s not what I asked.”

“We’re . . . close enough. Things got a bit strained after he married Cruella de Vil.”

“I’m sorry?”

“Caroline. I’m not . . . a fan. But I’m not exactly her favorite person, either.” He thought about what the doctor had said. “I’ll talk to Gilbert. Suggest he get tested. Or maybe . . .”

“Maybe what?”

“Nothing,” he said.

Alexandra waited, trying to will him to be more forthcoming.

When he wasn’t, she forced a smile.

“There is one tiny piece of good news,” she said.

“This isn’t like that joke, is it?” Miles asked. “Where the doctor says, ‘I have bad news and good news. The bad news is you’re dying, but the good news is I’m sleeping with Brad Pitt’?”

Alexandra said, “No, not like that.”

“Okay. Tell me.”

“Well, you’re not married. You have no children. If you did, this would be devastating news for them. It’d be terrible enough to learn you’ve had this diagnosis. But on top of that, they’d have to deal with the news that they might have it as well. One chance in two. That would be, for you, I think, an extra emotional burden you really don’t need at this time.”

Miles stared at her, expressionless. “Miles?” she said.

“Sorry,” he said. “Just blanked out there for a second.” Alexandra grew concerned. “ Do you have children, Miles?”

And Miles thought, Isn’t that just the fucking million-dollar question?

“Mr. Barclay is known for keeping readers on the edge of their seats. In Find You First , he surpasses his own past successes with a multi-strand plot that bounces, in short, cliff-hanging chapters… Propelled by Dickensian twists of fate and Hitchcockian suspense, the book is populated by a large and colorful cast, including some chillingly pragmatic hit-people, a couple of foolishly adulterous spouses, a desperately lonely comic-book fan and an underage runaway in a gilded cage. All of them help Miles Cookson learn: ‘Being a parent is a lot more than just biology.’” – Wall Street Journal

“Prolific novelist Linwood Barclay delivers a clever twist on an old trope: heirs knocking off other heirs to inflate their own inheritance…Science meets megalomania in this up-to-date nifty entertainment.” – The Washington Post

“Find You First starts with a bang and ends with an even bigger one. Barclay is a terrific writer, but he’s outdone himself with this. It’s the best book of his career. I couldn’t put it down, and you won’t be able to, either. If you enjoy thrillers, this is the real deal. It never lets up.” – Stephen King

“Linwood Barclay is a stone-cold pro.” – Joe Hill, #1 New York Times bestselling author

“Barclay ( Elevator Pitch ) deftly twists and turns all these characters into a taut and engrossing thriller that will keep readers guessing until the end. A definite must-read for fans of Harlan Coben, Jason Pinter, or Christopher Swann. – Library Journal   – Starred review

“Barclay has a knack for turning news stories or social trends into rambunctious black-comedy thrillers full of sharply drawn fools and knaves.” – The Sunday Times , Thriller of the Month

“Pre-COVID I would have described this as the perfect beach read (remember them?) but it will do just as good a job on a staycation.” – Evening Standard

“Linwood Barclay’s thrillers move at breakneck speed … pacy, exciting” – Woman & Home

“I always find myself well and truly robbed of a peaceful night’s sleep after turning the pages of Linwood’s books … what is so unsettling about his novels are just how real they feel” – Yours

“The thriller writer is back with a compelling romp around the states, equipped with dark and delicious characters to keep you hooked ’til the end.” – Magic Radio Book Club

“A tightly plotted tale that moves at a Helter Skelter pace.” – Best

“Linwood Barclay has written a wildly entertaining adventure story with some serious matters giving it weight” – Literary Review

“A tense read that has you racing through it until the end” – Belfast Telegraph & Woman’s Way

“Sinister … reliably good” – Independent

“This audio will have you on the edge of your seat” – Sunday Post

“another gripping thriller from best-selling master of tension Linwood Barclay” – Hello

“A pacy rollercoaster of a ride … in true Linwood style, the story gains momentum until you literally can’t turn the pages quick enough … this book has everything!” – Woman’s Weekly

“A relentlessly tense thriller … there’s plenty of the sardonic humour that came to the fore in Mr. Barclay’s previous novel Elevator Pitch … the comedy enhances the edgy atmosphere” – Times Crime Club

“ Find You First is an enjoyable, taut thriller that never lets up on the intrigue as it races to tie everything together. What more could anyone ask for?” – Mystery & Suspense Magazine

“With a truly unique and clever premise, best-selling author Linwood Barclay’s  Find You First  is an incredible thrill ride with non-stop action. It is full of smart and funny dialogue, plus Barclay is a master of ending chapters with a cliffhanger, so there is simply no putting this book down once you get started…Barclay has filled this thriller with well-drawn, memorable characters, fast paced action and unpredictable twists. There is a reason he has such a loyal fan base! In  Find You First , Barclay has given us an exciting puzzle to solve, and tremendously interesting characters to solve it with.” – Nerd Daily

“The twists and turns in Find You First are nicely balanced with suspense, action, character development and a plot that demands that you read the story from start to finish with no pauses or excuses. Barclay, who has demonstrated with a long and impressive bibliography that he is incapable of writing badly, has penned the book of his (or anyone’s) career. The cinematic narrative makes it perfect for video adaptation, but don’t wait for the movie or the series. Neither could be better than what Barclay has given us in the here and now.” – Bookreporter

“ Find You First  has a style reminiscent of A.J. Finn ( The Woman in the Window ) and Paula Hawkins ( Girl on the Train ), bullet speed and all consuming! This one will leave you up, at all hours of the night, until you reach the end!” – Girly Book Club

“Barclay’s version of the monster is pulling the strings in this no-frills, expertly designed thriller with just the right amount of heart.” –   Air Mail

“As a long time reader of his, I am never disappointed in his books. This one is not only his best work to date, but definitely the thriller of the summer. It has a gloriously insane ending that would be a beauty for a movie adaptation. I hope there are people in Hollywood who have read this tale. It is a natural for the big screen.” – Florida Times-Union

Book review: Find You First by Linwood Barclay

It has to be said there’s a lot to like about Find You First by Linwood Barclay. I enjoyed the element of suspense but found the character development to be particularly interesting, becoming far more attached to some than is sensible in a thriller.

I read a media release, or perhaps a comment by Stephen King, noting this book opens with a bang and it certainly does. And the pace pretty much keeps going until it’s done. I’ve read most if not all of Barclay’s books and this is probably fairly close to being a favourite.

Book review: Find You First by Linwood Barclay

Tech billionaire Miles has more money than he can ever spend, and everything he could dream of – except time. Now facing a terminal illness, Miles knows he must seize every minute to put his life in order. And that means taking a long hard look at his past. Somewhere out there, Miles has children. And they might be about to inherit both the good and bad from him – possibly his fortune, or possibly something more sinister. So Miles decides to track down his missing children. But a vicious killer is one step ahead of him. One by one, people are vanishing. Not just disappearing, every trace of them is wiped.

A key player in this book (not mentioned in the blurb) is the very not-delightful character Jeremy Pritkin. He started a tech company that he sold for squillions and now lives a life that sounds like an adult version of Michael Jackson’s Neverland. On steroids.

When we meet him he’s getting an RV moved into his office. Just because he can.

Pritkin also has a penchant for underage girls, violence and meeting every kinky need of VIPs in town and then using it against them to get what he wants. It takes some time however, to see how his story or path converges with Miles and the children he’s seeking.

In some ways he’s Miles’ antithesis. Miles has deliberately kept people at a distance but he’s now confronted by that very fact, and when he reaches out he proves himself to be kind and generous. And of course there’s an unhappy irony about the fact he’s only doing it now…. when his time is limited.

The first of the children he reaches out to is the delightful Chloe who’s working as a waitress and wants to become a documentary film maker. She knows her gay mother became pregnant via sperm donation and has been trying to track down her father and siblings when she meets one of her half-brothers.

It’s probably not giving too much away to say Miles finds Chloe and then the pair go in search of other children he possibly fathered. There’s a bittersweetness about their burgeoning relationship because of course he has Huntington’s and is dying. His reasons for connecting with his children are twofold, he’s considering leaving his vast fortune to them, but also wants to warn them about the genetic disease.

Unfortunately his children start disappearing. Or ‘being disappeared’. It’s as if every trace of them is removed. And when we meet the killers we learn that’s very much their brief.

It feels that it cannot be coincidence that the children Miles has fathered are getting picked off just as he’s seeking them out. Or is it? Does one of his children want a bigger slice of their father’s financial pie, or is it someone – or something – else entirely?

Barclay introduces a few other players. There’s Miles’ brother who he loves and respects, but who is married to a woman he doesn’t like or trust. It means means he won’t leave Gilbert the successful business he’s grown. And then there’s Miles’ helpers including assistant Dorian who seems to be able to predict her boss’s moods and needs.

This book is long but packed with action. We quickly learn Barclay has no qualms about killing off characters we assume to be central and some of the antagonists demonstrate a confronting sense of callousness. I recall his last book, Elevator Pitch , was equally macabre and nonchalantly pragmatic.

The plot itself is an intriguing one and when we learn the ‘why the kids are being killed’ it’s a little left field. Slightly weird. There’s a sense of closure though, even though things don’t exactly work out as neatly as we’d expect.

Although it’s not central to the plot Barclay touches briefly on a deeper theme. Dorian asks Miles – at one point – if he wishes he’d known about his terminal illness earlier and it begs the question of whether he should put any offspring in the same predicament. Is even giving them to knowledge that they ‘may’ carry the disease and letting them decide whether to be tested the right thing to do? Or should he allow them to live in oblivion until there’s a reason they look further themselves?

There’s a lot of complexity here and when mixed with likeable and thoroughly unlikeable characters readers are offered a riveting read. Although I’ve enjoyed Barclay’s recent series I’m very much loving his standalone novels.

Find You First by Linwood Barclay will be published in Australia by HQ Fiction/Harper Collins in early February 2021.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes.

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FIND YOU FIRST by Linwood Barclay: Book Review


Linwood Barclay is an absolute master of new mystery tropes.  He proves that once again in his latest novel, FIND YOU FIRST.  I don’t think I’ve ever read a novel with a similar storyline.

The first thread of the novel concerns Miles Cookson, a tech billionaire, a man so focused on his career that he never has had a serious romantic relationship, much less a wife.  When he was young, he donated his sperm for some much-needed money but never thought about it again.  Now, however, he has received a devastating diagnosis–he has Huntington’s Disease Chorea, a rare, inherited disease that causes a breakdown in the nerve cells in the brain, with symptoms including difficulty in speaking, walking, and controlling involuntary jerking movements.

When Miles hears the news from his physician, his first thoughts are for himself and his brother.  Then the doctor, trying to soften the blow, tells him, “There is one piece of good news….You have no children,” because the children of someone with Huntington’s have a 50 percent chance of inheriting the disease.  That’s when Miles becomes aware of the devastating repercussions of his long-ago sperm donation.  Does he have children and, if so, how many and how can he find out?  And then, what can he do about it?

The second thread concerns another billionaire, Jeremy Pritkin.   A friend of the rich and famous, Jeremy is concerned only with himself, his pleasures and desires.  His predilection for using young girls, and sharing them with his friends, is only  one of his many undesirable characteristics, and there’s nothing he won’t stop at to keep his hold on others–truly, nothing.

In the midst of hosting one of his parties, Jeremy gets a call from his sister, informing him that she’s found out something “that doesn’t make any sense at all” and wondering if he knows anything about it.  “Is it possible that we have relatives we’ve never even heard of?” she asks him.  And that is where the two threads connect.

Although both Miles and Jeremy are equally successful, their reactions to the information they receive are diametrically opposed.  As each man struggles to assimilate the news and how it affects him, the reader gains insight into the qualities that make us human.  And perhaps it makes us wonder how we might react if we heard that we had a fatal disease, one that unknowingly we might have passed on to future generations.

Linwood Barclay has written another outstanding novel, one that goes beyond the conventions of the mystery genre and asks us to consider questions we may not have thought of before.  Good and evil are exhibited to perfection in Find You First , as in a medieval morality play.

You can read more about Linwood Barclay at this website .

Check out the complete Marilyn’s Mystery Reads at her website .  In addition to book review posts, there are sections featuring Golden Oldies , Past Masters and Mistresses, and an About Marilyn column that features her opinions about everything to do with mystery novels.


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Find You First: A Novel

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Linwood Barclay

Find You First: A Novel Hardcover – May 4 2021

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The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch and master of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one.

“ Find You First starts with a bang and ends with an even bigger one. . . . It’s the best book of his career.”  — Stephen King

Tech millionaire Miles Cookson has more money than he can ever spend, and everything he could dream of—except time. He has recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and there is a fifty percent chance that it can be passed on to the next generation. For Miles, this means taking a long hard look at his past . . .

Two decades ago, a young, struggling Miles was a sperm donor. Somewhere out there, he has kids—nine of them. And they might be about to inherit both the good and the bad from him—maybe his fortune, or maybe something much worse.

As Miles begins to search for the children he’s never known, aspiring film documentarian Chloe Swanson embarks on a quest to find her biological father, armed with the knowledge that twenty-two years ago, her mother used a New York sperm bank to become pregnant.

When Miles and Chloe eventually connect, their excitement at finding each other is overshadowed by a series of mysterious and terrifying events. One by one, Miles’s other potential heirs are vanishing—every trace of them wiped, like they never existed at all.

Who is the vicious killer—another heir methodically erasing rivals? Or is something even more sinister going on?

It’s a deadly race against time . . .

  • Print length 448 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher William Morrow
  • Publication date May 4 2021
  • Dimensions 15.24 x 3.48 x 22.86 cm
  • ISBN-10 0062678310
  • ISBN-13 978-0062678317
  • See all details

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Find You First by Linwood Barclay

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“ Find You First starts with a bang and ends with an even bigger one. Barclay is a terrific writer, but he’s outdone himself with this. It’s the best book of his career. I couldn’t put it down, and you won’t be able to, either. If you enjoy thrillers, this is the real deal. It never lets up.” — Stephen King

“Mr. Barclay is known for keeping readers on the edge of their seats. In Find You First he surpasses his own past successes with a multi-strand plot that bounces, in short, cliff-hanging chapters… Propelled by Dickensian twists of fate and Hitchcockian suspense, the book is populated by a large and colorful cast, including some chillingly pragmatic hit-people, a couple of foolishly adulterous spouses, a desperately lonely comic-book fan and an underage runaway in a gilded cage. All of them help Miles Cookson learn: ‘Being a parent is a lot more than just biology.’” — Wall Street Journal

“The twists and turns in Find You First  are nicely balanced with suspense, action, character development and a plot that demands that you read the story from start to finish with no pauses or excuses. Barclay, who has demonstrated with a long and impressive bibliography that he is incapable of writing badly, has penned the book of his (or anyone’s) career. The cinematic narrative makes it perfect for video adaptation, but don’t wait for the movie or the series. Neither could be better than what Barclay has given us in the here and now.” — Book Reporter

"Prolific novelist Linwood Barclay delivers a clever twist on an old trope . . . Science meets megalomania in this up-to-date nifty entertainment." — Washington Post

"[ Find You First ] is not only [Barclay's] best work to date, but definitely the thriller of the summer.   It has a gloriously insane ending that would be a beauty for a movie adaptation." — Florida Times-Union

“ Find You First is an enjoyable, taut thriller that never lets up on the intrigue as it races to tie everything together. What more could anyone ask for?” — Mystery & Suspense

"Barclay deftly twists and turns all these characters into a taut and engrossing thriller that will keep readers guessing until the end." — Library Journal  (starred review)

"An incredible thrill ride with non-stop action. . . . [T]here is simply no putting this book down once you get started. . . . In  Find You First , Barclay has given us an exciting puzzle to solve, and tremendously interesting characters to solve it with.: — The Nerd Daily

“Barclay melds a solid, winning plot with in-depth character studies, including his supporting characters. . . The tense Find You First gains its suspense from its character’s motives, not gratuitous action. Another winner from Barclay.” — Sun-Sentinel

“The master of psychological suspense is back with a deadly race against time when the unconventional heirs of a dying tech millionaire begin to meet mysterious ends.” — Nerd Daily

“Suspenseful, expertly paced. . . . Barclay makes even secondary characters feel real. Fans of Daniel Palmer will be pleased.” — Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“This novel moves as fast as a falling elevator and hits with just as much force. Linwood Barclay is a stone cold pro and  Elevator Pitch  is a shameless good time.” — Joe Hill, #1  New York Times  bestselling author of  The Fireman  and  Strange Weather 

“Barclay [is] always good for a touch of cardiac arrest. . . . Chilling . . . wildly inventive and really scary.” — New York Times Book Review on Elevator Pitch

“Mr. Barclay’s books are distinguished by wit and startling twists. In  Elevator Pitch , he surpasses himself with a premise suited for the big screen, a plot filled with stunning surprises—and an ending that leaves the reader greatly satisfied.” — Wall Street Journal

“A vivid story with a compelling cast of characters mixed with a truly terrifying scenario. . . . Barclay has crafted a great thriller with a surprising ending and readers will sweat a little the next time they get on an elevator.” — Associated Press

“A full-throttle powerhouse of a thriller—Linwood Barclay is in a class of his own.” — T. M. Logan, author of The Vacation and Lies

“Read  Elevator Pitch  as soon as possible. It’s one hell of a suspense novel.” — Stephen King on ELEVATOR PITCH

“Barclay’s latest combines an engrossing, fast-moving, well-twisted modern-day plot with believable characters. Fans of psychological thrillers and the author’s previous books will love this.” — Library Journal [starred review] on ELEVATOR PITCH

“ Elevator Pitch  is a white-knuckled ride of a book with twists on every level and an unforgettable cast of characters brought to life with Linwood Barclay’s signature flair and acuity. I gulped it down.” — Gilly Macmillan,  New York Times  bestselling author of  What She Knew  and  The Nanny on ELEVATOR PITCh

“Linwood Barclay’s novels – as intelligent as Michael Connelly’s, as compelling as Harlan Coben’s – never fail to astonish.  A Noise Downstairs , his best work yet, is a cobra of a story: smooth, slippery, unnerving . . . and likely to strike when you least expect it. I devoured this book.” — A. J. Finn, #1  New York Times  bestselling author of  The Woman in the Window  on A NOISE DOWNSTAIRS

“Vintage Barclay –  A Noise Downstairs  is an utterly compelling read with a twist you won’t see coming. I loved it!” — Shari Lapena,  New York Times  bestselling author of  A Stranger in the House  and  The Couple Next Door on A NOISE DOWNSTAIRS

“[Barclay] does a masterful job of layering on the mysteries until we’re almost frantically turning the pages, impatient to find out what the hell is going on. A beautifully executed thriller.” — Booklist  (starred review) on A NOISE DOWNSTAIRS

About the Author

Linwood Barclay is the New York Times bestselling author of numerous previous novels and two thrillers for children. His books have been translated into more than two dozen languages. He wrote the screenplay adaptation for his novel Never Saw it Coming and his book The Accident has been made into a TV series in France. His novel No Time for Goodbye was a global bestseller. A native of Connecticut, he now lives in Toronto with his wife, Neetha.

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ William Morrow (May 4 2021)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 448 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0062678310
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0062678317
  • Item weight ‏ : ‎ 590 g
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 3.48 x 22.86 cm
  • #1,588 in Cozy Culinary Mysteries
  • #3,483 in International Mystery & Crime (Books)
  • #3,822 in British Detective Stories

About the author

Linwood barclay.

Linwood Barclay is a former columnist for The Toronto Star and the author of several critically acclaimed novels, including Too Close to Home and No Time for Goodbye, a #1 Sunday Times (UK) bestseller. He lives near Toronto with his wife.

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Find You First

Linwood barclay. morrow, $27.99 (448p) isbn 978-0-06-267831-7.

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Reviewed on: 03/09/2021

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Compact Disc - 978-1-6650-7637-1

MP3 CD - 978-1-6650-7638-8

Mass Market Paperbound - 544 pages - 978-0-06-299387-8

Paperback - 448 pages - 978-0-06-267832-4

  • Apple Books
  • Barnes & Noble

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Find You First

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Linwood Barclay

Find You First Paperback – Large Print, 11 May 2021

Purchase options and add-ons.

The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch and master of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one.

" Find You First starts with a bang and ends with an even bigger one. . . . It's the best book of his career." -- Stephen King

Tech millionaire Miles Cookson has more money than he can ever spend, and everything he could dream of--except time. He has recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and there is a fifty percent chance that it can be passed on to the next generation. For Miles, this means taking a long hard look at his past . . .

Two decades ago, a young, struggling Miles was a sperm donor. Somewhere out there, he has kids--nine of them. And they might be about to inherit both the good and the bad from him--maybe his fortune, or maybe something much worse.

As Miles begins to search for the children he's never known, aspiring film documentarian Chloe Swanson embarks on a quest to find her biological father, armed with the knowledge that twenty-two years ago, her mother used a New York sperm bank to become pregnant.

When Miles and Chloe eventually connect, their excitement at finding each other is overshadowed by a series of mysterious and terrifying events. One by one, Miles's other potential heirs are vanishing--every trace of them wiped, like they never existed at all.

Who is the vicious killer--another heir methodically erasing rivals? Or is something even more sinister going on?

It's a deadly race against time . . .

  • Print length 624 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Harper Large Print
  • Publication date 11 May 2021
  • Dimensions 15.24 x 3.58 x 22.86 cm
  • ISBN-10 0063062410
  • ISBN-13 978-0063062412
  • See all details

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Product description

" Find You First starts with a bang and ends with an even bigger one. Barclay is a terrific writer, but he's outdone himself with this. It's the best book of his career. I couldn't put it down, and you won't be able to, either. If you enjoy thrillers, this is the real deal. It never lets up." -- Stephen King

"Mr. Barclay is known for keeping readers on the edge of their seats. In Find You First he surpasses his own past successes with a multi-strand plot that bounces, in short, cliff-hanging chapters... Propelled by Dickensian twists of fate and Hitchcockian suspense, the book is populated by a large and colorful cast, including some chillingly pragmatic hit-people, a couple of foolishly adulterous spouses, a desperately lonely comic-book fan and an underage runaway in a gilded cage. All of them help Miles Cookson learn: 'Being a parent is a lot more than just biology.'" -- Wall Street Journal

"The twists and turns in Find You First are nicely balanced with suspense, action, character development and a plot that demands that you read the story from start to finish with no pauses or excuses. Barclay, who has demonstrated with a long and impressive bibliography that he is incapable of writing badly, has penned the book of his (or anyone's) career. The cinematic narrative makes it perfect for video adaptation, but don't wait for the movie or the series. Neither could be better than what Barclay has given us in the here and now." -- Book Reporter

"Prolific novelist Linwood Barclay delivers a clever twist on an old trope . . . Science meets megalomania in this up-to-date nifty entertainment." -- Washington Post

"[ Find You First ] is not only [Barclay's] best work to date, but definitely the thriller of the summer. It has a gloriously insane ending that would be a beauty for a movie adaptation." -- Florida Times-Union

" Find You First is an enjoyable, taut thriller that never lets up on the intrigue as it races to tie everything together. What more could anyone ask for?" -- Mystery & Suspense

"Barclay deftly twists and turns all these characters into a taut and engrossing thriller that will keep readers guessing until the end." -- Library Journal (starred review)

"An incredible thrill ride with non-stop action. . . . [T]here is simply no putting this book down once you get started. . . . In Find You First , Barclay has given us an exciting puzzle to solve, and tremendously interesting characters to solve it with.: -- The Nerd Daily

"Barclay melds a solid, winning plot with in-depth character studies, including his supporting characters. . . The tense Find You First gains its suspense from its character's motives, not gratuitous action. Another winner from Barclay." -- Sun-Sentinel

"The master of psychological suspense is back with a deadly race against time when the unconventional heirs of a dying tech millionaire begin to meet mysterious ends." -- Nerd Daily

"Suspenseful, expertly paced. . . . Barclay makes even secondary characters feel real. Fans of Daniel Palmer will be pleased." -- Publishers Weekly (starred review)

"This novel moves as fast as a falling elevator and hits with just as much force. Linwood Barclay is a stone cold pro and Elevator Pitch is a shameless good time." -- Joe Hill, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Fireman and Strange Weather

"Barclay [is] always good for a touch of cardiac arrest. . . . Chilling . . . wildly inventive and really scary." -- New York Times Book Review on Elevator Pitch

"Mr. Barclay's books are distinguished by wit and startling twists. In Elevator Pitch , he surpasses himself with a premise suited for the big screen, a plot filled with stunning surprises--and an ending that leaves the reader greatly satisfied." -- Wall Street Journal

"A vivid story with a compelling cast of characters mixed with a truly terrifying scenario. . . . Barclay has crafted a great thriller with a surprising ending and readers will sweat a little the next time they get on an elevator." -- Associated Press

"A full-throttle powerhouse of a thriller--Linwood Barclay is in a class of his own." -- T. M. Logan, author of The Vacation and Lies

"Read Elevator Pitch as soon as possible. It's one hell of a suspense novel." -- Stephen King on ELEVATOR PITCH

"Barclay's latest combines an engrossing, fast-moving, well-twisted modern-day plot with believable characters. Fans of psychological thrillers and the author's previous books will love this." -- Library Journal [starred review] on ELEVATOR PITCH

" Elevator Pitch is a white-knuckled ride of a book with twists on every level and an unforgettable cast of characters brought to life with Linwood Barclay's signature flair and acuity. I gulped it down." -- Gilly Macmillan, New York Times bestselling author of What She Knew and The Nanny on ELEVATOR PITCh

"Linwood Barclay's novels - as intelligent as Michael Connelly's, as compelling as Harlan Coben's - never fail to astonish. A Noise Downstairs , his best work yet, is a cobra of a story: smooth, slippery, unnerving . . . and likely to strike when you least expect it. I devoured this book." -- A. J. Finn, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Woman in the Window on A NOISE DOWNSTAIRS

"Vintage Barclay - A Noise Downstairs is an utterly compelling read with a twist you won't see coming. I loved it!" -- Shari Lapena, New York Times bestselling author of A Stranger in the House and The Couple Next Door on A NOISE DOWNSTAIRS

"[Barclay] does a masterful job of layering on the mysteries until we're almost frantically turning the pages, impatient to find out what the hell is going on. A beautifully executed thriller." -- Booklist (starred review) on A NOISE DOWNSTAIRS

About the Author

Linwood Barclay is the New York Times bestselling author of numerous previous novels and two thrillers for children. His books have been translated into more than two dozen languages. He wrote the screenplay adaptation for his novel Never Saw it Coming and his book The Accident has been made into a TV series in France. His novel No Time for Goodbye was a global bestseller. A native of Connecticut, he now lives in Toronto with his wife, Neetha.

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Harper Large Print; Large type / Large print edition (11 May 2021)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 624 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0063062410
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0063062412
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 3.58 x 22.86 cm

About the author

Linwood barclay.

Linwood Barclay is a former columnist for The Toronto Star and the author of several critically acclaimed novels, including Too Close to Home and No Time for Goodbye, a #1 Sunday Times (UK) bestseller. He lives near Toronto with his wife.

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Find You First, a review by Sherry

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Thriller 448 pages William Morrow May 4, 2021

*This post contains affiliate links. We earn a small commission if you purchase the book through this link.

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While I usually shy away from books surrounding a serious medical diagnosis, I really enjoyed this book.  Miles finds out he has Huntington’s and all the money he’s made can’t change what’s to come.  He’s the Bill Gates of the app world and he has no one to leave his fortune to.  When he was getting started in the tech world, he donated sperm to get a little much needed cash and since Huntington’s is hereditary he wonders if he passed this gene to any of his offspring. 

While there was much promised suspense and thrills, I liked that the book delved into a much deeper issue.  Is Miles anything to the children born from his sperm?  While there are some unethical acts from the mainly good guys in the book, I was able to set that aside and go along for the ride.  As Miles tries to find and track down these children and try and convince them to be tested to see if they have the gene, there is someone working against him.  

While Miles is the typical rich bachelor, he is a very relatable character and the first offspring he tracks down is a no nonsense, tell how you see it spitfire. You can’t help but root for her.  The plot moves along at a good pace and while I figured out a bit of the plot and the ending is a little bit too clean, there were still surprises.  

I think this will appeal to all those thriller lovers who want a little depth and a lot of suspense. A great summer read.

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Complete guide to earning and redeeming Avianca LifeMiles

Kyle Olsen

Editor's Note

While navigating a foreign airline's frequent flyer program may seem daunting, your savings on award trave l can be significant. This is particularly true for Colombian airline Avianca and its surprisingly valuable LifeMiles frequent flyer program .

LifeMiles offers highly appealing redemption rates for Star Alliance awards and additional unique features that make this program worth your attention. Let's delve into everything you need to know about Avianca LifeMiles.

How to earn Avianca LifeMiles

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Cardless recently launched two new LifeMiles-branded credit cards in the United States:

  • Avianca LifeMiles Elite American Express Card : Earn up to 100,000 bonus miles — 60,000 miles awarded after $4,500 spent in the first 90 days and an additional 40,000 miles after $25,000 spent in the first 365 days. Earn 3 LifeMiles per dollar spent on Avianca purchases, 2 LifeMiles per dollar spent on dining and non-Avianca travel, and 1 LifeMile per dollar spent on all other purchases. Other benefits include a 10% award redemption discount on Star Alliance flights, 500 bonus LifeMiles each month, a 25%-off award redemption discount on Avianca flights and Star Alliance Silver status for as long as you have the card. Annual fee: $249.
  • Avianca LifeMiles American Express Card: Earn a bonus of up to 40,000 LifeMiles after spending $3,000 with the card in the first 90 days. Earn 2 LifeMiles per dollar spent on Avianca purchases, groceries and restaurants, and 1 LifeMile per dollar spent on all other purchases. Other benefits include Star Alliance Silver status for as long as you have the card. Annual fee: $99.

The information for the Avianca LifeMiles Elite and Avianca LifeMiles cards has been collected independently by The Points Guy. The cards details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer.

You can also transfer your American Express Membership Rewards points, Capital One miles, Bilt Rewards points, Wells Fargo Rewards points and Citi ThankYou Rewards points to your LifeMiles account at a 1:1 ratio. These transferable rewards programs sometimes offer transfer bonuses .

Additionally, you can transfer Marriott Bonvoy points at a 3:1 ratio. Unlike with most major programs, you won't receive the 5,000 bonus miles for every 60,000 Marriott Bonvoy points you transfer; LifeMiles was one of the programs that lost this feature in 2022.

Beyond credit cards, Avianca often offers regular discounts on LifeMiles purchases . In the past, we have seen prices drop as low as 1.2 cents per mile, although the typical sale price ranges from 1.3 to 1.35 cents per mile. These rates are significantly lower than TPG's valuation of LifeMiles at 1.7 cents each. While buying points speculatively is generally not recommended, these sales can be a good option if you have a specific redemption in mind.

If you frequently travel on paid tickets with Star Alliance carriers , it might be worth considering crediting your miles to Avianca. This can be advisable if you find more value in the LifeMiles program than in other options like United MileagePlus or Air Canada Aeroplan . Crediting your miles to Avianca is also beneficial if you don't travel enough to earn elite status but still want to maximize your redemption opportunities.

Related: Where to credit paid flights in each alliance for the most possible points

How to redeem Avianca LifeMiles

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As a member of Star Alliance, Avianca allows you to use your LifeMiles for flights on the carrier or any of its partners. Additionally, Avianca has partnerships with Gol Airlines and Iberia, providing opportunities to earn and redeem LifeMiles on select flights operated by these airlines.

LifeMiles follows a standard zone-based award chart for most flights. However, flights within the U.S. sometimes deviate from the standard award chart. Dynamic pricing is typically unfavorable. However, these discrepancies have often worked in favor of travelers, offering advantageous redemption options.

Here's a one-way economy flight from San Francisco International Airport (SFO) to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) that prices out 1,000 miles cheaper than Avianca's award chart suggests:

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Redeeming LifeMiles is typically straightforward. You log in to the LifeMiles website and search for your desired award flight.

However, it is important to note that while Avianca should have access to the same Star Alliance award availability as United Airlines and Air Canada, the carrier's information technology is known to have limitations. This can result in phantom award space , where seats appear online but are not bookable.

Conversely, Avianca may not always display available award space on United or Air Canada. Therefore, it is advisable to double-check your search using another Star Alliance search engine or tools like ExpertFlyer (owned by TPG's parent company, Red Ventures) before transferring points to Avianca. This ensures you have accurate and up-to-date information before proceeding with your redemption.

Related: The best websites to search for Star Alliance award availability

Avianca LifeMiles sweet spots

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In most cases, you are faced with a trade-off between low award rates and high fuel surcharges or spending more miles to avoid extra costs. However, LifeMiles is one of the few programs that excels in both aspects. It offers highly competitive rates for Star Alliance awards and does not pass on fuel surcharges to LifeMiles members.

As a result, you can expect to pay minimal taxes and fees when redeeming an award ticket.

Lufthansa first class from the US to Europe

Between Porsche amenity kits and gourmet inflight dining, Lufthansa's first class is often a dream come true for award travelers.

United typically prices Lufthansa first-class awards to Europe at around 154,000 miles each way. When there's award space, Air Canada charges 90,000-100,000 points. While Asiana Airlines and Lufthansa offer lower award rates for first-class redemptions, both airlines impose high taxes and fees.

Meanwhile, Avianca offers one of the best ways to book Lufthansa first class on miles. Award rates start at just 87,000 miles each way and carry minimal taxes and fees.

At 30,000 and 63,000 miles, Star Alliance economy- and business-class awards aren't bad deals, either.

ANA business and first class from Honolulu to Tokyo

If you want to travel to Japan on a shorter daytime flight, consider flying from Honolulu's Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL).

LifeMiles charges just 27,500, 48,000 and 66,000 miles for one-way flights in economy, business and first class (respectively) between Honolulu and Tokyo's Narita International Airport (NRT). These award rates are at least 10% less than what Aeroplan, KrisFlyer and MileagePlus charge for the same route.

Business class from the US to Asia

As expected, award rates from the mainland U.S. to Asia are higher, with one-way flights from Chicago's O'Hare International Airport (ORD) to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE) costing 47,000 miles and 90,000 miles in economy and business class, respectively.

Nevertheless, this can still be a decent way to reach the continent for fewer miles than you'd see through other programs.

Business class to New Zealand

Although premium-cabin award space on Air New Zealand can be difficult to find, another LifeMiles sweet spot is the carrier's business class to Auckland Airport (AKL), with flights costing just 80,000 miles.

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As Aeroplan sells these awards for 75,000 points , you might consider booking through Air Canada — though if you're buying LifeMiles, it's still a sweet spot worth knowing about.

Business class to South America

LifeMiles also offers great award rates on certain South American flights. Business-class awards cost just 35,000 miles from Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) to Jorge Chavez International Airport (LIM) in Lima, Peru — a hidden gem for a flight of this length.

Mixed-cabin awards

When traveling in long-haul business or first class, it's common to encounter mixed-cabin awards through LifeMiles. This happens in the following situations:

  • When airlines don't offer first class on shorter routes, requiring passengers to connect in business or economy class
  • When there isn't award space in your desired cabin

Most loyalty programs determine the award rate based on the highest cabin class of service used. However, LifeMiles takes a different approach. It prices each leg of the journey separately based on the class of service booked, which often leads to a discounted rate for mixed-cabin tickets.

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In the above example, you can save 3,040 miles on a one-way ticket to Europe by starting your trip in economy class at Orlando International Airport (MCO). The total cost would then be just 59,960 miles. The flight from Orlando to Chicago's O'Hare International Airport (ORD) doesn't have award availability in United's domestic first class, so this is a great way to still get the award you want.

Alternatively, even when there is award availability for your entire journey, you may decide it isn't worth using extra miles for a shorter connecting flight. Even then, you can pick economy and save some of your rewards for later.

Related: The best ways to travel to Europe using points and miles

Problems with Avianca LifeMiles

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Despite LifeMiles offering appealing award rates, it might not be the program for you. The program has a reputation for error-prone information technology and inconsistent customer service.

LifeMiles members often encounter website glitches when redeeming their miles. Additionally, if you reserve an economy award ticket and business class becomes available, LifeMiles requires you to pay a cancellation fee to redeposit your miles. You can then rebook your flight in business class.

While you may save thousands of miles booking with Avianca, canceling your ticket could be tedious and costly. You typically can't cancel award bookings online, and Avianca is slow to issue refunds.

However, Avianca LifeMiles is reportedly working on rectifying some of its customer service issues and implementing changes. Most recently, Avianca launched a subscription-based miles service, LifeMiles+. If you sign up for the Basic, Pro or Max account, you can enjoy no change or cancellation fees on award tickets. If you're a frequent flyer of Avianca or use the carrier's loyalty program to book partner award flights, this subscription service could be for you.

Bottom line

Avianca LifeMiles is a frequent flyer program that has proven its worth in the award travel world. With its attractive redemption rates, lack of fuel surcharges and partnerships with major transferable points programs , LifeMiles offers great value and flexibility to its members. While there may be some customer service challenges and quirks to navigate, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks for many travelers.

So take the time to explore Avianca LifeMiles, delve into its sweet spots and unlock the possibilities it presents for your future travels. With a little research and planning, you can make the most of this valuable program as you consider where to transfer your credit card points.

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  • Arts & Entertainment

Fear you’ll never hear your favorite band live? These Maine tribute shows might do the trick

See homages to David Bowie, Prince, The Cure and The Rolling Stones in Portland this week, and other shows coming this summer.

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If you’ve never seen a tribute act perform the songs of artists that are either too big to play in Maine or who have passed away, there’s a way to do a whole bunch of that this week in Portland.

There are also tribute shows happening in venues around the state all summer long.

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A Strange Day is the Portland-based tribute to The Cure. Photo by Seth D. Warner

Let’s start with Portland-based A Strange Day, a tribute to British alternative act The Cure, fronted by singer and guitarist Seth Warner.

The band will perform The Cure’s second album, “Seventeen Seconds,” in its entirety, along with some hits and other cuts at Portland House of Music on Thursday.

The album was released on April 18, 1980. Lead singer and guitarist Robert Smith turned 21 three days later. The single  “A Forest” marked the band’s debut on the U.K. Singles Chart, where it reached the No. 31 spot. The song remains a setlist staple at The Cure’s live performances.

Warner said he put himself in the shoes of Cure fans when deciding what album to cover. “What I would like to hear from a Cure band is a dive into the specific eras that surrounded each record, and ‘Seventeen Seconds’ set the tone for the more introspective and gloomy textures and themes.” Advertisement

As for Warner’s favorite “Seventeen Seconds” tracks, he said, “I really like ‘At Night’ for its dynamic potential, and the edgy and angsty ‘M.'”

The band took its name from the track “A Strange Day” from The Cure’s 1982 album “Pornography.”

Along with Warner, the band is Pete Dugas (keys), Andrew Hodgkins (drums), Matt Kennedy (synth/sax), Kevin O’Reilly (bass), Casey Urich (trumpet) and Corey Urich.

Angel Butts, a copy editor living in Westbrook, has seen The Cure more than 100 times on three continents and at least 10 countries, including Latvia and Colombia. “They’re like breathing to me. They have this massive catalog and it spans every possible mood, I don’t know of another band with a palette like that. “Seventeen Seconds” is among her favorite of the band’s 13 studio albums.

Butts has seen The Cure play the “Seventeen Seconds” album all the way through three times. “One of those shows stands as the best show I’ve ever seen in my life. The Cure: Reflections, Nov. 27, 2011 at the  Beacon Theatre in New York City.”

Butts said she and her 13-year-old daughter will be attending the A Strange Day show. “I think she’s more excited than I am.” Advertisement

A Strange Day  8:30 p.m. Thursday. Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland, $12 in advance, $15 day of show, 21-plus. portlandhouseofmusic.com

Another British act that will likely never perform in Maine is The Rolling Stones. With more than 30 albums, the band achieved legendary status decades ago. Singer Mick Jagger and guitarist Keith Richards are both 80, and the band is currently on tour and will be at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts, on Thursday.

There are still tickets left for that show, but you can save yourself hours of traffic jams and a lot of more by instead heading to Aura on Saturday to see Satisfaction: The International Rolling Stones tribute show. Or maybe you’ll see the real deal and then keep the party going here in Maine.

Satisfaction has been slinging Stones hits for over two decades and has played more than 4,000 shows. Chris LeGrand’s take on Mick Jagger is pretty convincing, and he and the band will surely be pleased to meet you.

Satisfaction: The International Rolling Stones Tribute Show 9 p.m. Saturday. Aura, 121 Center St., Portland, $15, $25.50, 18-plus. auramaine.com

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The Prince/Bowie tribute act performing live. Photo by Tammie Birdwell

David Bowie and Prince died within five months of each other in 2016, at the ages of 69 and 57, respectively, and their losses were felt by millions of fans around the world. Advertisement

With contributions that are impossible to quantify, both artists left behind a legacy of music that lives on through radio play, home listening and tribute shows.

Boston-based musician Eric Gould loves both artists and is the bandleader of a Prince/Bowie tribute coming to Portland on Saturday. The band is a revolving lineup of players from all over the country.

Gould plays bass and designs the setlists. For this show, the musicians are Cal Kehoe (guitar, vocals), Adrian Tramontano (drums), Sammi Garrett (percussion, vocals), Josh Schwartz (baritone sax, vocals), Rob Somerville (tenor saxophone), Rob Volo (trombone) and Kiran Edwards (keys).

Gould said that, to him, Prince embodies soul, creative arrangement and precision. “His music has the best energy and makes you feel on top of the universe.”

He described Bowie as having a voice and character that is completely unique.

“It is powerful and epic and decadent,” said Gould, who has made a career out of finding unique connections through the songbooks of artists. “It is such a treat to present music people know and love in a way that is fresh to the ears. This combination brings so much joy to everyone on and off stage.” Advertisement

Prince/Bowie 8 p.m. Saturday. Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland, $25, 21-plus. portlandhouseofmusic.com

Other upcoming tribute shows

The Peacheaters: An Allman Brothers Band Experience, Friday. Jonathan’s, Ogunquit, $31 to $72.50. jonathansogunquit.com

Sweet Baby James: James Taylor Tribute, Saturday. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $30 to $45. vinhillmusic.com

Studio Two: The Early Beatles Tribute, June 9. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $30, $35. vinhillmusic.com

Magic Bus: A Tribute to The Who, June 14. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $30. vinhillmusic.com Advertisement

The The Band Band, June 21. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $45, $55. vinhillmusic.com

Bruce In The USA, June 21. Aura, Portland, $20 to $39.50. auramaine.com

Elvis Tribute Show, June 22, July 20. Jonathan’s, Ogunquit, $29 to $70. jonathansogunquit.com

Higher Ground: A Tribute to Stevie Wonder, July 20. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $40. vinhillmusic.com

Studio Two: The Early Beatles Tribute, July 6. Jonathan’s, Ogunquit, $41.50 to $82.50. jonathansogunquit.com

Johnny Cash Tribute Show, July 7, Aug. 10.  Jonathan’s, Ogunquit, $29 to $70. jonathansogunquit.com Advertisement

Rose Alley: A Tribute to Jerry Garcia, June 28. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $23. vinhillmusic.com

Runnin’ Down A Dream: The Tom Petty Tribute Band, July 13, Nov. 14. Jonathan’s, Ogunquit, $35 to $76. jonathansogunquit.com

The Elton John Experience, July 21. Jonathan’s, Ogunquit, $29 to $79. jonathansogunquit.com

Zach Nugent’s Dead Set, Aug. 1. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $25. vinhillmusic.com

The Stray Horses, Aug. 8. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $25. vinhillmusic.com

Wake Up Mama: The Allman Brothers Tribute Band, Aug. 24. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $25. vinhillmusic.com

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Find You First: A Novel

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Linwood Barclay

Find You First: A Novel Audio CD – Audiobook, May 4, 2021

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The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch and master of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one.

“Linwood Barclay is a stone-cold pro.” — #1 New York Times bestselling author Joe Hill Tech millionaire Miles Cookson has more money than he can ever spend, and everything he could dream of—except time. He has recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and there is a fifty percent chance that it can be passed on to the next generation. For Miles, this means taking a long hard look at his past . . .

Two decades ago, a young, struggling Miles was a sperm donor. Somewhere out there, he has kids—nine of them. And they might be about to inherit both the good and the bad from him—maybe his fortune, or maybe something much worse.

As Miles begins to search for the children he’s never known, aspiring film documentarian Chloe Swanson embarks on a quest to find her biological father, armed with the knowledge that twenty-two years ago, her mother used a New York sperm bank to become pregnant.

When Miles and Chloe eventually connect, their excitement at finding each other is overshadowed by a series of mysterious and terrifying events. One by one, Miles’s other potential heirs are vanishing—every trace of them wiped, like they never existed at all.

Who is the vicious killer—another heir methodically erasing rivals? Or is something even more sinister going on?

It’s a deadly race against time . . .

  • Print length 1 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher HarperCollins B and Blackstone Publishing
  • Publication date May 4, 2021
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 1.2 x 5.7 inches
  • ISBN-10 1665076372
  • ISBN-13 978-1665076371
  • See all details

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The Lie Maker: A Novel

Editorial Reviews

" Find You First starts with a bang and ends with an even bigger one...It's the best book of his career."

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ HarperCollins B and Blackstone Publishing; Unabridged edition (May 4, 2021)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Audio CD ‏ : ‎ 1 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1665076372
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1665076371
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 8.1 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.5 x 1.2 x 5.7 inches
  • #6,073 in Books on CD
  • #19,036 in Murder Thrillers
  • #20,085 in Psychological Thrillers (Books)

About the author

Linwood barclay.

Linwood Barclay is a former columnist for The Toronto Star and the author of several critically acclaimed novels, including Too Close to Home and No Time for Goodbye, a #1 Sunday Times (UK) bestseller. He lives near Toronto with his wife.

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  1. Book Review: Find You First by Linwood Barclay

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  2. Find You First, by Linwood Barclay {Book Review} ⋆ An Ordinary Gal

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  3. Book review: Find You First by Linwood Barclay

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  4. Find You First by Linwood Barclay

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  5. Find You First by Linwood Barclay (Review by Stacey Lorenson)

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  6. Book Review: Find You First by Linwood Barclay

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  1. they had to find you first

  2. i bought 25+ books... BOOK HAUL!!! ★

  3. FOUR IS GONNA FIND YOU (first TPOT and bfb edit)

  4. find you first letter you name

  5. Book Haul (30+ books)

  6. Huge book haul (29books) + cute coffee cups ☕️ 📚 💕


  1. Find You First by Linwood Barclay

    Linwood Barclay. The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch and master of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one. Tech millionaire Miles Cookson has more money than he can ever spend, and everything he could dream ...

  2. Review: Find You First by Linwood Barclay

    Review: Find You First by Linwood Barclay. With a truly unique and clever premise, best-selling author Linwood Barclay's Find You First is an incredible thrill ride with non-stop action. It is full of smart and funny dialogue, plus Barclay is a master of ending chapters with a cliffhanger, so there is simply no putting this book down once you ...

  3. Amazon.com: Find You First: A Novel: 9780062678317: Barclay, Linwood: Books

    Hardcover - May 4, 2021. The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch andmaster of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one. "Find You First starts with a bang and ends with an even bigger one. . . .

  4. Mysteries: 'Find You First' Review

    Mysteries: 'Find You First' Review. A multimillionaire's quest to find his previously unknown heirs runs into a deadly complication. Linwood Barclay's"Find You First" (Morrow, 438 ...

  5. Find You First by Linwood Barclay

    Thank you to HarperCollins Canada for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for the honest review provided here. Find You First publishes on May 4/21. My rating: 5/5. Add Find You First to your Goodreads shelf Similar Books I've Reviewed: Confessions on the 7:45 by Lisa Unger. Goodnight Beautiful by Aimee Molloy

  6. Find You First

    by Linwood Barclay. Publication Date: October 26, 2021. Genres: Fiction, Psychological Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Suspense, Thriller. Mass Market Paperback: 544 pages. Publisher: William Morrow. ISBN-10: 0062993879. ISBN-13: 9780062993878. Tech millionaire Miles Cookson recently has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and there is a ...

  7. Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Find You First: A Novel

    Find You First has a rather interesting premise, but the evolution of the story is slow and the element of mystery is almost totally absent. The reader can figure out the villain from the first pages and from then we are witnessing the frantic attempts of the protagonist to save several people whose lives are in danger.

  8. Book Review: Find You First by Linwood Barclay

    Title: Find You First. Author: Linwood Barclay. Published by: William Morrow on May 4, 2021. Genres: Mystery/Thriller. Pages: 448. Format: Paperback. Source: HarperCollins Canada. Book Rating: 9/10. The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch and master of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible ...

  9. Amazon.com: Find You First: A Novel: 9780062678324: Barclay, Linwood: Books

    Find You First: A Novel. Paperback - April 12, 2022. The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch andmaster of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one. "Find You First starts with a bang and ends with an even ...

  10. Find You First: A Novel

    Linwood Barclay. HarperCollins, May 4, 2021 - Fiction - 544 pages. The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch and master of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one. "Find You First starts with a bang and ends with ...

  11. Find You First by Linwood Barclay

    Tech millionaire Miles Cookson recently has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and there is a 50 percent chance that it can be passed on to the next generation. Two decades ago, a young, struggling Miles was a sperm donor. Somewhere out there, he has nine kids, and they might be about to inherit both the good and the bad from him. Aspiring film documentarian Chloe Swanson embarks on a ...

  12. Find You First

    Praise "Mr. Barclay is known for keeping readers on the edge of their seats. In Find You First, he surpasses his own past successes with a multi-strand plot that bounces, in short, cliff-hanging chapters…Propelled by Dickensian twists of fate and Hitchcockian suspense, the book is populated by a large and colorful cast, including some chillingly pragmatic hit-people, a couple of foolishly ...

  13. Book review: Find You First by Linwood Barclay

    The plot itself is an intriguing one and when we learn the 'why the kids are being killed' it's a little left field. Slightly weird. There's a sense of closure though, even though things don't exactly work out as neatly as we'd expect. Although it's not central to the plot Barclay touches briefly on a deeper theme.

  14. All Book Marks reviews for Find You First by Linwood Barclay

    Mr. Barclay is known for keeping readers on the edge of their seats. In Find You First, he surpasses his own past successes with a multi-strand plot that bounces, in short, cliff-hanging chapters, from Springfield, Mass., to Fort Wayne, Ind., to Paris, France. As Miles travels far and wide, he begins to surmise that his fortune, and the ...

  15. FIND YOU FIRST by Linwood Barclay: Book Review

    Linwood Barclay is an absolute master of new mystery tropes. He proves that once again in his latest novel, FIND YOU FIRST. I don't think I've ever read a novel with a similar storyline. The first thread of the novel concerns Miles Cookson, a tech billionaire, a man so focused on his career that he never has had a serious romantic relationship, much less a wife.

  16. Find You First: A Novel : Barclay, Linwood: Amazon.ca: Books

    Find You First: A Novel. Hardcover - May 4 2021. by Linwood Barclay (Author) 4.4 5,503 ratings. See all formats and editions. Book Description. Editorial Reviews. The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch andmaster of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire ...

  17. Find You First by Linwood Barclay

    Find You First. Linwood Barclay. Morrow, $27.99 (448p) ISBN 978--06-267831-7. At the start of this suspenseful, expertly paced thriller from bestseller Barclay ( Elevator Pitch ), two people ...

  18. Find You First: A Novel|Paperback

    Editorial Reviews. The twists and turns in Find You First are nicely balanced with suspense, action, character development and a plot that demands that you read the story from start to finish with no pauses or excuses.Barclay, who has demonstrated with a long and impressive bibliography that he is incapable of writing badly, has penned the book of his (or anyone's) career.

  19. Find You First: A Novel Kindle Edition

    The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch and master of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one. " Find You First starts with a bang and ends with an even bigger one. . . . It's the best book of his career."

  20. Find You First: Amazon.co.uk: Barclay, Linwood: 9780063062412: Books

    Find You First. Paperback - Large Print, 11 May 2021. by Linwood Barclay (Author) 4.5 5,572 ratings. See all formats and editions. The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch andmaster of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being ...

  21. Find You First, a review by Sherry

    While Miles is the typical rich bachelor, he is a very relatable character and the first offspring he tracks down is a no nonsense, tell how you see it spitfire. You can't help but root for her. The plot moves along at a good pace and while I figured out a bit of the plot and the ending is a little bit too clean, there were still surprises.

  22. Common Sense Media: Age-Based Media Reviews for Families

    Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. Common Sense Media is the leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families.

  23. Banned & Challenged Books

    Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Typically held during the last week of September, it spotlights current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools. Banned Books Week brings together the entire book community — librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers — in shared support of the freedom to seek and ...

  24. Little Foot Spa

    Speak with a specialist to learn how you can grow with Birdeye. We are reachable at [email protected]. Read 4 customer reviews of Little Foot Spa, one of the best Wellness businesses at 4347 Union Rd Suite 1, Cheektowaga, NY 14225 United States. Find reviews, ratings, directions, business hours, and book appointments online.

  25. Complete guide to earning and redeeming Avianca LifeMiles

    ZACH GRIFF/THE POINTS GUY. Cardless recently launched two new LifeMiles-branded credit cards in the United States:. Avianca LifeMiles Elite American Express Card: Earn up to 100,000 bonus miles — 60,000 miles awarded after $4,500 spent in the first 90 days and an additional 40,000 miles after $25,000 spent in the first 365 days.Earn 3 LifeMiles per dollar spent on Avianca purchases, 2 ...

  26. Amazon.com: Find You First: 9780063062412: Barclay, Linwood: Books

    Find You First. Paperback - Large Print, May 11, 2021. The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch andmaster of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one. "Find You First starts with a bang and ends with an even ...

  27. Finding Yvonne

    Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. Publication date. August 7, 2018. Pages. 276. ISBN. 9780316349055. Finding Yvonne is a 2018 young adult novel by Brandy Colbert. The novel is about a privileged teenager deciding what to do with her future as she chooses between various life paths in her future career, family, and romantic relationships.

  28. Jaguar F-Pace 90th Anniversary farewells car maker's first SUV

    The F-Pace was Jaguar's first SUV - introduced in Australia in 2016 - as the brand evolved beyond sedans and sports cars. The 90th Anniversary Edition F-Pace swansong signals another ...

  29. Fear you'll never hear your favorite band live? These Maine tribute

    See homages to David Bowie, Prince, The Cure and The Rolling Stones in Portland this week, and other shows coming this summer. You are able to gift 5 more articles this month. Anyone can access ...

  30. Amazon.com: Find You First: A Novel: 9781665076371: Linwood Barclay: Books

    The New York Times bestselling author of Elevator Pitch and master of psychological suspense returns with a riveting thriller in which the possible heirs of a dying tech millionaire are mysteriously being eliminated, one by one. "Linwood Barclay is a stone-cold pro." — #1 New York Times bestselling author Joe Hill Tech millionaire Miles Cookson has more money than he can ever spend, and ...