
Essay on My Favourite Celebrity

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Celebrity in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Celebrity


My favourite celebrity is Taylor Swift, an iconic American singer and songwriter.

I love Swift’s music because it’s relatable and catchy. Her songs, like “Love Story” and “You Belong With Me,” are timeless.

Her Personality

Swift isn’t just a great artist, she’s a wonderful person too. She’s kind, generous, and stands up for what she believes in.

Overall, Taylor Swift is my favourite celebrity. Her music and personality make her a role model for many, including me.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Celebrity

Everyone has a favourite celebrity they admire, and mine is none other than the brilliant physicist, Stephen Hawking. He was a man of extraordinary intellect and resilience, who significantly contributed to our understanding of the universe.

Admirable Intellect

Hawking was a theoretical physicist and cosmologist, renowned for his work on black holes and relativity. His book, “A Brief History of Time,” broke down complex scientific theories into concepts that the average person could understand. This not only demonstrates his deep understanding of the universe but also his ability to communicate effectively, a trait I greatly admire.

Inspirational Resilience

In addition to his intellectual prowess, Hawking’s resilience in the face of adversity is truly inspiring. Diagnosed with a rare form of motor neurone disease at the age of 21, he was given just two years to live. However, he defied the odds and continued to work, despite his physical limitations.

Stephen Hawking’s legacy is immense. He not only made significant contributions to science but also inspired millions with his indomitable spirit. His life sends a powerful message: physical limitations cannot restrict the power of the mind.

Stephen Hawking’s intellect, resilience, and ability to inspire make him my favourite celebrity. He serves as a reminder that we can overcome obstacles and contribute to the world in meaningful ways, regardless of our circumstances. His life and work continue to inspire me in my academic pursuits and personal life.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Celebrity

My favourite celebrity is none other than the renowned physicist, Dr. Stephen Hawking. Although he is no longer with us, his invaluable contributions to the field of theoretical physics and cosmology have made a lasting impact on our understanding of the universe. Hawking was not just a celebrity in the traditional sense, but an intellectual icon who bridged the gap between complex scientific theories and the general public.

Early Life and Achievements

Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England. Despite his early academic struggles, he went on to attend Oxford University, where he studied physics and later pursued his PhD at Cambridge University. His work on black holes and the origins of the universe has revolutionized the field of cosmology. His theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation, was a groundbreaking discovery that challenged the existing laws of physics.

Overcoming Adversity

Diagnosed with a rare form of motor neurone disease at the age of 21, Hawking was given a mere two years to live. However, he defied all odds and continued his research, even as his physical capabilities diminished. His indomitable spirit in the face of adversity is as inspiring as his intellectual achievements. He once said, “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.”

Bridging Science and Popular Culture

Hawking’s fame transcended the boundaries of the scientific community, reaching the general public through his best-selling book, “A Brief History of Time”. His knack for explaining complex scientific concepts in an engaging and accessible manner made science more approachable for the masses. He also made appearances in popular TV shows like “The Simpsons” and “The Big Bang Theory”, further enhancing his celebrity status.

Stephen Hawking passed away in 2018, but his legacy lives on. His theories continue to shape our understanding of the universe, and his life story continues to inspire millions around the world. He was a testament to the power of the human spirit and the limitless potential of the human mind.

In conclusion, Stephen Hawking is my favourite celebrity not because of his fame or popularity, but because of his intellectual prowess, his resilience in the face of adversity, and his ability to make science accessible to everyone. His life and work serve as a reminder that limitations are only as constraining as we allow them to be. As Hawking said, “We are all different. There is no such thing as a standard or run-of-the-mill human being, but we share the same human spirit.”

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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describing a celebrity essay


How To Write An Essay About Celebrities?


When it comes to writing essays, there are a lot of topics that students can choose from. But, when it comes to celebrities, many students find themselves at a loss for words. How do you write an essay about someone who is famous? What should you include in your paper? In this blog post, we will provide you with some tips on how to write an essay about celebrities!

What is a Celebrity Essay

A celebrity is typically defined as a person who is widely known and often sought after by the public. Due to their notoriety, celebrities often enjoy a level of privilege and power that most people can only dream of. However, fame also comes with its fair share of challenges and pitfalls. In addition to being constantly under the scrutiny of the media, celebrities often have to contend with hordes of paparazzi and invasive fans.

As a result, many celebrities live their lives in a state of constant vigilance, never knowing when or where they might be photographed or hounded by the press.

Given the intense level of public interest in celebrities, it’s not surprising that students might be asked to write an essay about them. When approaching such an assignment, it’s important to keep in mind that there are both positive and negative aspects to celebrity culture.

While some people might view celebrities as untouchable idols, others see them as self-absorbed egomaniacs who are more concerned with their own public image than anything else. Whichever side of the debate you find yourself on, there’s no denying that celebrities are a fascinating topic worthy of exploration.

What to Include in a Celebrity Essay

When writing an essay about celebrities, it is important to consider what aspects of their lives you want to focus on. Are you interested in their personal lives or their professional achievements? Do you want to write a positive or negative essay? Once you have decided on your focus, you will need to gather evidence to support your claims. This can include interviews, articles, and primary sources such as autobiographies and memoirs.

Be sure to back up your assertions with concrete evidence, and remember to remain objective in your writing. If you’re not sure how to do that, you could always try reading a few celebrity essays written by other students or professionals. This will give you a better idea of what to include in your own paper. If that’s not helpful either, reach out to dissertation writers – they could help you figure out what to include in your essay.

In the end, if you are able to present a well-rounded and unbiased view of the celebrity in question, your essay is sure to be a success.

How to Write a Celebrity Essay

In today’s celebrity-obsessed culture, it’s no surprise that many students want to write essays about celebrities. However, before you put pen to paper, it’s important to understand the purpose of this type of essay.

An essay about celebrities can be either informative or opinionated. If you’re writing an informative essay, your goal is to educate your reader about the life and work of a particular celebrity. On the other hand, if you’re writing an opinionated essay, your goal is to express your own thoughts and feelings about the celebrity. No matter what type of essay you’re writing, there are some basic rules that you should follow.

First, make sure to do your research. If you’re writing an informative essay, you’ll need to gather facts and information about your chosen celebrity. If you’re writing an opinionated essay, you’ll still need to do some research, but you’ll also need to form your own opinions about the celebrity.

Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to start writing. Write a well-structured introduction. Then, in the body of your essay, present your evidence and reasoning in support of your thesis. Finally, conclude your essay by restating your thesis or drawing a final conclusion based on your evidence.

Thesis Statements for Celebrity Essays

A thesis statement is a sentence or two that states your main idea for an essay. It tells the reader what you will be discussing in your paper and provides a roadmap for your argument.

When writing about celebrities, it can be tempting to simply state your opinion about them. However, a successful thesis statement must be more than just an opinion; it must be an arguable claim that you can support with evidence from your essay.

For example, you could argue that a certain celebrity is overrated, or that they have had a positive influence on society. No matter what your opinion is, make sure that you can back it up with evidence before including it in your thesis statement.

With a well-crafted thesis statement, you can ensure that your essay about celebrities is both engaging and enlightening.

Celebrities are a fascinating topic to explore, but it is important to remember that they are also real people with their own unique stories. When writing an essay about celebrities, be sure to do your research and remain objective in your claims. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to write a celebrity essay that is both informative and insightful.


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11 Great Essays About Celebrities You Should Read

From Blac Chyna's rise to the end of Brangelina.

Tomi Obaro

BuzzFeed News Reporter

How Blac Chyna Beat The Kardashians At Their Own Game , by Sylvia Obell

describing a celebrity essay

“And so the Kardashians, a family often accused of stealing black men, black features, and black culture, got beat at their own game by a black woman. And not just any black woman, but a video vixen who was never supposed to see the inside of the country clubs the Kardashians frequented growing up.”

Michael Chabon Is An Underdog On Top Of The World , by Doree Shafrir

describing a celebrity essay

“Today, Chabon is 53 and one of the most venerated and successful living writers in America, a brilliant storyteller with a litany of nerdy interests (comics, rockets, science fiction) that he weaves into his books in a manner that seems effortless. His new novel, Moonglow — a fictional memoir about Chabon’s family — has already been nominated for the Carnegie Medal of Excellence, and was called “elegiac and deeply poignant” in Michiko Kakutani’s New York Times review. He has four children and a happy marriage and a beautiful Craftsman home in Berkeley, California, and a full head of salt-and-pepper hair. You kind of want to hate him.

He is a true, unrepentant nerd, who has only ever been looking for his people.

But it is hard to hate him.”

Chris Evans' Version of Masculinity Is What We Want Right Now, by Bim Adewunmi

describing a celebrity essay

"Blue-eyed and reassuringly wide, old lady–escorting, NASA-interested, occasionally scandalous but, whisper it, just a teensy bit regular. The American Ideal."

How Steph And Ayesha Curry Became The “Good” Black Family , by Israel Daramola

describing a celebrity essay

“To be the Good Black Family is to be subject to the pressures and whims of a fickle American public. It’s also an impossibility. The Good Black Family, like the Huxtables, like the Johnsons, even like the Obamas as they are portrayed in pop culture , doesn’t really exist. Any display of normal human emotion — anger, defensiveness, sadness — immediately dismantles the illusion. The way the Currys have been publicly positioned only proves this point.”

Why Do We Keep Trying To Solve A Problem Like Mariah ?, by Pier Dominguez

describing a celebrity essay

“Critics gloss over Mariah’s messy attempts to represent her contradictions, including the liminal nature of her biracial identity and her knowing, winking hyper-femininity. These aspects of her persona are central to understanding both the success and failures of the art of being Mariah, from the hip-hop collaborations, to the Glitter flop, to her reality television era. They are integral to appreciating why she matters, why she is overlooked, and how she paved the way for pop divas as disparate as Ariana Grande and Katy Perry .”

Kristen Stewart's Complicated Appeal , by Shannon Keating

describing a celebrity essay

“Regardless of how she personally identifies, Stewart is among the most famous women who date women in the world — and the way she navigates expressing that identity, whether on the red carpet or in front of the camera, says a lot about how much the film industry has and hasn’t done to make room for queer female sexuality in Hollywood.”

Drake Belongs To Black Women , by Hannah Giorgis

describing a celebrity essay

“ Drake is still arguably the most powerful genre-bending artist in the current pop culture landscape, a sex symbol whose bulked-up, bearded ascent into Heartthrob Status came as a destabilizing surprise. RiRi included, the black women who bring him to his knees are beholden first and foremost to themselves, regarding his public affections with a sense of amusement. Because to be a black woman in the entertainment industry or elsewhere is to have to work twice as hard for that recognition. When men like Drake dish it out so generously, if also nauseatingly, it’s noteworthy despite its prickly bits.”

The Slow Fade of Tom Hanks , by Anne Helen Petersen

describing a celebrity essay

"To call Hanks “a classic Dad” is to speak of a specific, goofy, white middle-class Dad — a trope built on the pillars of white privilege, asexual masculinity, and nostalgia for a straightforward history of great men. It’s a place of spectacular safety, of seeming simplicity and straightforwardness. That Dad is also a Boomer Dad — who, like Hanks, came of age in the ’80s, ruled the ’90s, and who could still do little wrong in the 2000s. And today, that Dad is exhausted: Trying to keep up with multiculturalism and globalism and new understandings of what it means to be a good guy, it’s all so much."

What Does A Queer Pop Star Look Like in 2016 ?, by Shannon Keating

describing a celebrity essay

"Even in 2016, when we all want to believe that out celebrities won’t be penalized or pigeonholed for their queerness, there are precious few openly lesbian and queer women making waves in mainstream music. Remember when Jessie J said her bisexuality was just a phase? Or when Demi Lovato released “Cool for the Summer,” co-written with four male songwriters, which relegated a fling with a woman to “just something that we wanna try” and made sure to emphasize in interviews that the song was about nothing more than experimentation?"

How Alicia Keys Changed The Conversation About Her Image , by Niela Orr

describing a celebrity essay

"Keys’ makeup- free campaign is probably a genuine gesture; still, it has increasing resonance for her career. It is both a noble personal and political choice, and, as it plays out publicly, also a subtle signifier of how notions of purity and cleansing can be conflated in Hollywood and used to cause and absolve shame (Think of how actors are praised for undergoing drastic physical transformations for movie roles, or the way celebrities who choose to get plastic surgery can be mercilessly ridiculed). To call back to Keys’ Maybelline reference: Maybe she’s born with it, or maybe she’s carefully constructed a literal facade that subtly alludes to her likability issue."

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When I was about fifteen years old, I got a VIP pass to a huge Counting Crows concert. The bassist was a family friend through a meditation group. The band was once on Rolling Stones magazine, and one of the most popular rock bands in the world. To get a VIP pass seemed to be something out of a dream. The ticket qualified me to meet all the members of the band backstage, to see the starting band, and to watch the whole process of setting up for the concert. The bassist Matt Malley is a kind man who is down to earth—probably due to his practice of meditation. I did not have so much anxiety while meeting him and getting to know him better, but the other band members were more reserved. They also seemed full of themselves. They smiled and made friendly gestures, but I felt like I was seen as lesser than them in their eyes. But anyways, watching the stage being set up and all the microphones being checked, I understood how much goes into putting on a stadium concert. It takes hours of preparation and dedication to produce quality sound. And right before the show started, I met the band called Live, who was starting for the Counting Crows. For some reason, I was shy when talking to them and only exchanged a few words with them. Once again, I felt the distance between me, a regular citizen, and these rock star.

In terms of a totally different experience, I met the spiritual leader and teacher Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi—Shri Mataji for short. The most memorable moment I had with her was having it being announced that she was coming to a meditation hall. I felt an immense amount of energy even before she came. This energy was like a cool breeze in my hands and above my head. As the time became closer and closer to her arrival, the breeze only increased. I realized it was her energy that I was feeling flowing through my body. It made me realize that one person could be so powerful in terms of how much he or she can give just by being present. It made me want to meditate much more seriously, to be able to give others the same energy on such a grand scale. The cool breeze made me feel peaceful inside and all my thoughts calmed down. I became completely satisfied and serene. As she finally came to the hall, my hands were overflowing with the energy she emitted. It reminded me of Star Wars, where the force is said to be everywhere and that masters of the force can control it. I may not have gotten spiritual enlightenment, but by just meeting Shri Mataji, I felt that I got a piece of it.

Turning from spirituality, now I will visit a brief memory of meeting an eminent musician that went differently than I thought it would. I have always enjoyed Zakir Hussain’s tabla playing (an Indian classical percussion instrument), but when I met him after a concert, for some reason, I tried to act uninterested. My tabla teacher requested for me to meet him in a big crowd of admirers. I respected my teacher so much and believed him to be the best tabla player that I feigned indifference in meeting the most popular tabla player in the world. He asked me, “How are you?” after we were introduced. And for some reason, I did not answer and looked into his eyes and we shared a moment of silence before the crowd once again took over the conversation. I was impressed that the first thing he would say to me was natural and a question about my well-being. It was a simple question, but it affected me. It taught me to think of others, even if I got famous.

Three experiences with famous people, and various results. From Matt Malley, I learned to be humble in fame; from Shri Mataji, I learned to what extent a human being can influence people spiritually; from Zakir Hussain, I realized we should have our attention on others even when we are known worldwide. I also learned that famous people are like you and me, but often with the world on their shoulders.

*Note: If you include any specific details in your narrative essay, it’s better to cite the source where you found that information. To do that according to all theguidelines, you can use style-specififc tools such as free Vancouver citation generator . They wll help you properly organize all the references in just a few minutes.

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How to Write a Compelling & Accurate Report about a Famous Person

Last Updated: April 14, 2023 References

Researching Your Topic

Writing your report, revising your report.

This article was co-authored by Emily Listmann, MA . Emily Listmann is a private tutor in San Carlos, California. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 250,824 times.

Are you stumped about how to write a report on a famous person? Many times, just starting a project like this is half the battle and once you begin all the pieces will fall into place. You will just need to do a bit of research, organize the information you learned into general categories, and then write about each of those categories. You can write a report about anyone or anything with just a bit of time, organization, and focus.

Things You Should Know

  • Learn more about your subject by researching on the internet, checking out books at the library, and watching documentaries on the person.
  • Find a focus to center your report around. Instead of writing about every detail of their life, choose something important that stands out to you, like their philanthropy efforts.
  • Create an outline to get a rough idea of what your report should look like. Here, you can craft an intro, topic sentences for body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • If you must choose someone from a specific time period, search for historical figures from that era and read about them until you find one that interests you.
  • You could also choose someone based on a topic. For instance, if you’re interested in electricity, you could pick Nikola Tesla, Michael Faraday, or James Prescott Joule.

Step 2 Do a basic Internet search about the person.

  • For most reports, this preliminary search won't give you sources that you want to cite in your paper. Instead, it'll give you the basic information you'll need to do a more in-depth search for credible sources. [1] X Research source
  • Try not to cite sources in your paper that are created by non-experts or are sources that can be edited by anyone. However, these can be great jumping off points for further research.

Step 3 Go to the library and gather more information.

  • When researching the subject, be careful to evaluate the credibility of your sources . If possible, use a variety of reliable sources to get the best information about the subject. [2] X Research source
  • As a general rule, you want information that has been created by experts on the person you are researching. [3] X Research source

Step 4 Take notes.

  • Write the name of the source, then list the pertinent information as you come across it. Be sure to note the page number(s) too.
  • There are different ways to take notes, so you'll have to find one that suits you.
  • Some people like to take notes on paper and some people like to type them in a computer. Do whichever you prefer.

Step 5 Find your focus.

  • For example, if you're researching Eleanor Roosevelt, you'll want to know when she was born, who her parents and her husband were, and why she's famous. However, you'll also want to focus on one aspect of her life, such as her work for women's rights.
  • Alternatively, pick the aspect that you relate to most. For example, if you're drawn to Elvis Presley because of his in the military, write your report about his time in the military.

Step 6 Keep track of all of your sources.

  • Ask your teacher if they want citations and how they'd like you to include them. There are different citation styles, so it's important to understand what your teacher expects.
  • Your teacher may also want a bibliography. This is a specifically formatted list of all of the books or websites you used. It is sometimes called "Works Cited" or "Sources Cited."
  • Make a list of all of your sources as you do your research. It will make the bibliography easier to write at the end.
  • 1 Follow the assignment guidelines. In some cases, your teacher might want you to answer a specific question about the historical figure, create a claim or thesis that guides your research, or even explain how you view the person. Read through the assignment guidelines several times and make sure that your research and report follows the expected format.

Step 2 Create an outline.

  • For example, if your main point about The Beatles is that they were the most popular band in the 1960s, say that in the introduction. The point of every following paragraph will support that assertion.
  • The outline can be created in any form you like. Some people like to start listing the points they want to make, while others prefer to create a structured outline that lays out the organization of the paper in detail.
  • You can also list an outline for the conclusion but the conclusion usually just reiterates the main point brought up in the introduction.

Step 3 Write an introduction.

  • You also need to introduce your main point. This should be a topic sentence that goes toward the end of the introduction.
  • Include when and where this person was born in the introduction. Consider waiting until the end of your report to discuss when they died.
  • Don't address the person by their first name. It sounds very unprofessional. You can call them by their full name in your introduction, but after that, use their last name.

Step 4 Write topic sentences for each paragraph.

  • For example, if the point of one paragraph is that The Beatles sold more albums than other artists in the 1960s, state that as the topic sentence.
  • Don't mince words about your point. State it clearly and strongly.
  • Each paragraph needs to have a topic sentence. If you think your paragraph doesn't have one, then you need to do some editing. [5] X Research source

Step 5 Write body paragraphs.

  • Each example you give to prove the topic sentence should be in a separate sentence. This means that your paragraphs should be around 4 to 5 sentences long.
  • Giving specific examples will help you prove the paragraph's point. Instead of giving your opinion, back up your points with facts.
  • How many paragraphs you need for your report will vary. In most cases, 5 paragraphs will be ideal: 1 for the introduction, 3 for the body, and 1 for the conclusion. [7] X Research source
  • If your teacher gives you a set word count or page count that you need to meet, you may have to increase or decrease the number of body paragraphs.

Step 6 Write the conclusion.

  • Begin the concluding paragraph by rephrasing the main point and examples. For instance, in an essay on The Beatles' popularity, you could state, "Clearly, The Beatles staggering record sales, huge fan base, and enduring legacy illustrate the bands lasting importance."
  • In some cases, the conclusion may remind the reader of your attention grabbing sentence used in the intro.
  • Don't introduce new information in your conclusion. If you are tempted to, find a place to include it in the body of the essay instead.

Step 1 Read over your report for clarity.

  • If you think you need to explain your subject more, take the time to do it. You've spent a lot of time on your report already, so it's worth a little more time to make it the best it can be.
  • After you're done writing your paper, read it out loud to catch mistakes. This will help you to catch areas of your writing that are awkward or confusing. [9] X Research source

Step 2 Make grammatical and spelling corrections.

  • For example, did you use the right version of the word "there" in your paper? A spell check program may not catch it if you used the wrong version of a word with multiple spellings.

Step 3 Have someone else edit your report.

  • Don't take it personally if you get a lot of feedback. They're only trying to help make your report the best it can be.
  • Consider having a parent or a classmate read over your report. If you have a classmate do it, offer to read over their paper in exchange for them reading over yours.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Be careful to not start every sentence with the person's name. To avoid this, use he/she or move around the subject in the sentence. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

describing a celebrity essay

  • Never plagiarize your work. It's not worth the short cut and it is dishonest. In fact, your teacher can put anything from your paper into a search engine and find the website you stole it from. Always rephrase sentences when using them in your paper and cite the source you got the information from. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 5

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  • ↑ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/588/02/
  • ↑ http://www.pcc.edu/library/scripts/know-your-sources/index.html
  • ↑ http://libguides.umflint.edu/research/citing
  • ↑ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/engagement/2/1/29/
  • ↑ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/724/02/
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  • ↑ http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/editing-and-proofreading/
  • ↑ https://gustavus.edu/writingcenter/handoutdocs/editing_proofreading.php

About This Article

Emily Listmann, MA

To write a report on a famous person, search online and check out books from your library to learn about their life. Be sure to keep track of what sources you used and take notes. Once you have your information, write an introduction that gives some background about the famous person and explains why they were famous. Then write body paragraphs that provide details and facts about their life. You should include a topic sentence in each paragraph and wrap up your report with a conclusion that restates your main idea. To learn from our Education reviewer how to write topic sentences, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Describing a person or character is difficult for even the most successful authors. It requires a balance of words to make sure they shine through without the language being too heavy. In this article, we’ll look at how to write a descriptive paragraph about a person, share some examples, and talk about different strategies.

1.   Brainstorm Your Ideas

Brainstorming is crucial to any writing process. It’s the process in which you think of ideas for what you’d like to write about. In this case, you’re writing a descriptive paragraph about a person. It’s important to use adjectives to describe the features or characteristics you want to focus on.

One way to come up with ideas for a descriptive paragraph about a person is to go through the five senses. Use the questions below to get some ideas for what you want to highlight about your person.

Appeal to your reader’s senses – smell, taste, sound, sight, and touch

Smell: How does the person smell? Do they wear perfume? Are they doing an activity that would make them have a certain smell?

Taste: Do you associate a certain food with this person? Does it make you think of a specific taste? Can you taste something due to a certain smell they have?

Sound: Do they have a unique voice or laugh? Are they doing an activity that has distinctive sounds?

Sight: What prominent features do they have? For example, think about their dressing style, their smile, or their surroundings. What do you see them doing in your mind when you see a photo of them? What memories do you have of this person? Does this person remind you of something or someone?

Touch: What textures do you see? For example, imagine their skin or clothing. How does it feel if you hug them?

2.   Begin With a Short and Snappy Sentence

Like with any type of writing, you want to hook your reader so that they want to continue reading. In this case, you can use a topic sentence, if appropriate, to introduce your reader to the person. For example:

Or, if you want to be more creative, you can reel them in with a short and snappy sentence about this person. This is called a writing hook . This sentence should focus on a stand-out detail or characteristic about the person you’re describing. For example:

3.   Describe the Person

Now, this is the hard part. But, if you’ve brainstormed plenty of ideas and know which ones you want to focus on, it will be easier. Let’s look at some examples to get a better idea of how to write a descriptive paragraph about a person using the prompt “describe a person you admire.”

Comments: This paragraph is pretty typical of most students. It gives lots of visual details of the person and uses a simile or two (“ Her eyes are like the color of honey” and “Her smile shines like the sun” ). While this strategy gets the job done, it’s not very exciting to read. In fact, it can be quite boring!

Let’s look at how we can rewrite this to make it more exciting.

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Comments: In this example, we focused on one defining characteristic of the person we are describing — her laugh. This strategy places more focus on the person you’re describing, rather than the adjectives you use to describe them.

4.   Edit and Revise

After you write your descriptive paragraph, be sure to read it over. Read it out loud. Read it in a funny voice. Doing this will help you to hear the words and identify which parts do not work or sound awkward.

5.   General Tips for Descriptive Writing

●  Avoid using too many descriptive words.

●  Remember to show the reader, not tell.

●  Appeal to the reader’s five senses – smell, touch, taste, sight, and sound.

●  Focus on a striking or defining characteristic.

●  Use contrasting details from other people or surroundings for emphasis.

●  Use literary devices (metaphors, similes etc.) sparingly and with intention.

●  Use a hook to reel your reader in.

●  Use a variety of short and long sentences.

●  Practice creative writing exercises to improve your descriptive writing skills.

●  Always edit and revise your writing.

If you need more help with writing a descriptive paragraph or essay , send your work to us! Our experts will proofread your first 500 words for free !

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[IELTS Speaking] Describe a Famous Person

Posted by David S. Wills | Oct 15, 2017 | IELTS Tips , Listening | 0

[IELTS Speaking] Describe a Famous Person

In part two of the IELTS speaking exam, you may be asked to describe a famous person . You will of course be given a minute to think about your answer and make some notes . Then you have two minutes to talk. But what things should you say? How should go attempt to describe a famous person?

All of this will be discussed in this article.

Table of Contents

Cue card: describe a famous person, how to make notes, vocabulary for describing famous people, sample band 9 answer.

You will be given a cue card with information that you must address in your speech. Before attempting to answer, you must make sure you fully understand the question and all the things you have to talk about. Don’t rush in and start speaking about any famous person. (Check out our lesson on describing a sportsperson .)

Here are some of the variations on the topic of describing famous people:

  • Describe a famous person in your country.
  • ……………………………………. you’d like to meet.
  • ……………………………………. you admire.
  • ……………………………………. you are interested in.

There are plenty of other options. Make sure you pay attention to the second part and make reference to it, and of course talk about all the points you are required to mention. To do this successfully, you must make appropriate notes.

In the IELTS speaking test part 2 , you don’t have much time to make notes, so you must do it efficiently . Don’t attempt to write any full sentences. Just note down ideas and vocabulary. These should help you to structure your talk and remember any important words. Don’t write down anything unnecessary or it will just cost you valuable time.

Note-taking is quite a personal process and you should do whatever works best for you. This might mean doing a mind-map, or perhaps writing an ordered list. Maybe you like to sketch ideas or associate words. Whatever helps you remember is fine. Just be sure to write quickly as you only have one minute .

Once your notes are written, you should be ready to talk. Work through your notes slowly and calmly, elaborating on each point slightly. You only have to talk for 1-2 minutes, so don’t worry. The biggest mistake students make at this point is talking too fast and finishing in less than a minute. Practice speaking from notes at home to counteract this stress.

In IELTS, it’s important to use precise vocabulary and that means your language will depend on the person you choose to talk about. Describing Lady Gaga, for example, would require very different language from describing Joe Biden!

However, here are some useful words and phrases that might help you talk about famous people:

You can find some useful adjectives for describing people here . You might also want to read some articles or Wikipedia pages about famous people and make notes on useful language that you find. This is a great way to get ideas as well.

Answering the Question

By now you should have chosen a person you wish to describe, analysed the question to decide what you need to say, and written some appropriate notes. Therefore, it is now time to start speaking. Here’s an example question and answer to help you:

Tell us about a famous person you would like to meet. You should say: who is he/ she why do you want to meet him/ her why he/she is famous and explain what would you do if you meet him/ her.
A famous person I’d like to meet is Bryan Cranston . He’s an American actor who is best-known for his role as Walter White in the famous TV show, Breaking Bad . Actually, Bryan Cranston has appeared in many TV shows and movies, including a really funny show that he did before Breaking Bad called Malcolm in the Middle . However, I think for most people he’s always going to be identified with the character of Walter White, the chemistry teacher who turned into a drug dealer. His performance in that show was so iconic that he will forever be remembered not just by fans but anyone who knows anything about American TV. I want to meet him not just because he’s a great actor but also because I’ve heard him give so many interviews and he seems like a really great guy. He has amazingly funny stories to tell and he always gives so much of his time and energy to his fans. I don’t really know what I’d do if I met Bryan Cranston because I’ve never actually met a famous person before. However, I’d probably shake his hand and tell him I really admire his work on screen and on stage. If he was willing to talk, I’d ask him about making Breaking Bad and I’m sure he’d have some wonderful stories to tell me.

Here is a video of me giving the above sample answer. You can try to copy my style of speech. It might help you with pronunciation issues and fluency.

In the above speech, I’ve addressed all the points from the cue card, although not necessarily in order. I first said who Bryan Cranston is and then explained why he is famous, before moving on to why I want to meet him and what I would do in that situation. This seemed to me a more natural structure and easier to talk about. If you talk randomly on different points without connecting it in your head, you will find it harder to talk for a long time.

You can find out how to start a part-2 answer here . There is more guidance on structuring your answer here .

I’ve highlighted some useful language in bold, which I will explain below:

  • eg “who is best known for her hit song, ‘Shake it Off'”
  • eg “who is best known for his masterpiece, ‘Animal Farm'”
  • “iconic” – essentially, this just means very famous – ie a person who has become an icon
  • eg “I like him not just because he’s a good guy but because he seems really interesting.”

It’s really important in the IELTS speaking test part 2 that you prepare your answer. You should make some useful notes to help you talk, and then speak slowly and calmly, elaborating upon your notes as you speak. When describing famous people for IELTS, remember to include some appropriate adjectives and adverbs for descriptive purposes, and always give reasons and examples to justify your statements. This will boost your IELTS speaking score significantly.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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How to Write a Descriptive Essay

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

describing a celebrity essay

This could be something as simple as your favorite flavor of ice cream or as complicated as the politics of 13th century Vienna. Different than a simple description, a descriptive essay allows the writer to really show off both their imagination as well as their writing skills.

What is a Descriptive Essay?

A descriptive essay is a type of academic writing that asks the writer to fully describe a place, person, situation, event, or thing. They can be simple or they can be very complex depending on the subject matter and audience written for. These types of essays train a writer’s ability to express themselves accurately as well as build compelling sentences and arguments.

Descriptive Essay Ideas

There is no exhaustive list of things that can be described, but these are some of the most common things you may be asked to write about. 

A Location - The goal of writing about a place is to make the reader feel as if they are there. Words, similes, and metaphors that ignite the reader’s imagination are essential. Try and immerse the reader in the sights, smells, and sounds of the place you are describing. Examples could be a city, a view, a particular building like your house, etc. 

A Time Period - Similar to writing about a location, the goal is to make the reader lose themselves in the time you are describing. This requires great research to be able to describe physical characteristics as authentically and as well as possible. This could include how you felt a year ago, an ancient time period, or the future.

An Event - The goal of describing an event is to explain a series of interesting circumstances. Typical storytelling elements like describing the plot, setting, and characters are useful, but make sure you focus on the chain of events.

An Emotion - The goal of describing an emotion is to make the reader feel the sentiments of the character you are describing. Metaphors and similes are very useful when trying to evoke an emotion in a reader along with physical descriptions that express the emotion. 

A Person - The goal of writing about a person is to make the reader understand something about that person. This includes physical descriptions of what they look like, what kind of clothing they wear, a sense of the physical presence along with their profession,  as well as how they behave. 

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Descriptive Essay Outline and Structure

Though a descriptive type of essay is quite different from a typical academic paper, it still follows a classic 5 paragraph format. Always follow any directions though, sometimes you may need more or fewer body paragraphs. This is a general structure you should keep in mind for this type of essay.


  • Introduction/background information

Body Paragraphs

  • Topic Sentence
  • Sensory Information
  • Physical Descriptions
  • Transition Sentence
  • Summary of the main points
  • Restate the thesis

An outline is always a good idea for any kind of writing, but it is particularly useful for this type of essay because it collects your thoughts and makes sure your essay stays on track. 

  • Hook - The sting of salty water, the hypnotic crash of the waves, the breathtaking sunsets, the best vacation spot?
  • Background information - Everyone is different and everyone likes different types of things. When it comes to vacations though, there is a place that almost everyone enjoys.
  • Thesis - In my opinion, the beach is the best possible vacation spot because of the variety of ways one can enjoy it. 
Body Paragraph 1 
  • Topic Sentence - The beach has many kinds of natural beauty
  • Sensory information - The unlimited expanse of the ocean combined with glorious sunrises and sunsets.
  • Physical descriptions -The crunch of sand below your bare feet and the crash of waves on your body.
  • Transition sentence - There’s more than just natural beauty though, there are physical activities to enjoy as well 
Body Paragraph 2
  • Topic Sentence - The beach has unlimited activities for physical enjoyment.
  • Sensory information - The thrill of battling with the ocean, the joy of falling on the sand, the wind streaming through your hair, and the pleasant tingling of the sun on bare skin.
  • Physical descriptions - Water sports like surfing, jet skiing, and the like allow you to exercise in one of the most fun ways possible. Not to mention sports like frisbee, volleyball, beach soccer, and more.
  • Transition sentence - If you just want to relax, the beach is perfect for that too!
Body Paragraph 3
  • Topic Sentence - The beach is ideal just to relax, destress, and take it easy. 
  • Sensory information - To relax as you are massaged by either human hands or the sun is a pleasure. Lazing around might be frowned upon, but the beach is the ideal place to spend some time taking care of yourself and letting the stresses of the world melt away.
  • Physical description - Whether it’s reading a book, or enjoying a refreshing beverage with umbrellas in it, you can get taken care of on the beach. Building sandcastles, painting, and meditating are other activities easily and freely enjoyed. 
  • Transition sentence - The beach has so much to offer.
  • Summary of the main points - Whether it’s nature, physical exercise, or simple relaxation, the beach can offer all of that and more. 
  • Restate the thesis - That’s the main reason that a beach is the ideal vacation spot, it allows for diverse ways of having fun. 
  • Closing statement/Clincher - Think about the last time you went to the beach, don’t you want to go again?

What is the Purpose of a Descriptive Essay?

It should leave the reader with a clear idea of the topic of the essay. The goal is to explain things in a comprehensive and interesting way so that the information stays with the reader. Let’s go into the details of how to accomplish this. 

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Writing Process & Descriptive Essay Examples

It may seem challenging to write a successful essay of this type, but if you follow the advice below, it will be a breeze. 

How to Start a Descriptive Essay

Making sure you choose the right topic is the first hurdle to cross. A topic for a descriptive essay is vital because it is the main subject you will be writing about. Spend at least 20 minutes brainstorming different topic ideas and make sure you choose a topic that you know well.

Next, create an outline to better structure your thoughts and figure out the pieces of information you need to find out more about. The more time you spend creating a well-researched outline, the better your endpaper is going to be, and you’ll end up spending less time on actually writing the paper. Now you can move on the writing the descriptive essay introduction.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay Thesis

A thesis statement is the main argument you are trying to make in your paper. It is the main point you are trying to describe. A good thesis statement for descriptive essay is particular without being too brief. It should include not only just what the topic is, but also mention why the topic is important.

How to Write Body Paragraphs

You can have as many body paragraphs as you think are necessary to achieve the goal of describing something clearly. This means you could have just one body paragraph, the standard three, or more. 

Start every paragraph with a topic sentence that explains what the main purpose of the paragraph is. Next fill in sensory details, describing the emotions before moving on to describing the actual physical details. End each body paragraph with a transition sentence that helps each paragraph flow into the other. Not only does this make your writing stronger, but it also helps you create an immersive experience.

How to Write the Conclusion 

Summarize the main points of your essay and make sure that you reiterate the thesis statement. This reminds people of the point of your essay and ensures that when writing, you don’t stray too far from the point. 

Descriptive Essay Format 

There are 3 main formats of citation types for essays. Though the most common one is MLA, it is possible that you may have to use APA or Chicago Style citations. 

MLA stands for Modern Language Association and is used primarily for the arts and humanities.  MLA uses in-text parenthetical citation in the format of (Author, Page). The page at the end that contains all the sources is called the Works Cited page. The format of these entries is unique to MLA but is easy to make with a citation generator. 

APA stands for American Psychological Association and is used mostly for the sciences and social sciences. APA uses in-text parenthetical citations in the format (Author, Date). The page at the end that contains all the sources is called the References section

Chicago Style is used primarily for Business, History, and the Fine Arts. In-text citation can be either as footnotes or parenthetical citation in the format (Author, Date). The page at the end that contains all the sources is called the Bibliography. 

Most descriptive essays will follow the MLA style of citation, but if you need any more help, find a guide on Studyfy.com for more information about citation styles in general. 

Descriptive Essay Topics

The topic is crucial, because all the research you do, and the entire paper, will specifically be about describing the topic. Here are some descriptive essay prompts to inspire you!

The person you’ve most admired in your life
A movie scene that made you feel strong emotions
The time period you would travel to if you had a time machine
Why a beach is better than the mountains for a vacation (or vice versa)
The taste of a drink when you are incredibly tired
An author that inspired you 
Your favorite cuisine
The best place in the world to be by yourself
The best Christmas morning you’ve ever had
An accent that you really enjoy 
A time when you wanted something so much it burned
Describe the day in the life of your favorite celebrity 
The joy of escaping into a video game
What dancing means to you 
A life philosophy you believe in 
The feeling of holding a baby in our arms
The sound of crashing waves
Standing in front of a gorgeous view
A vacation that was meaningful 
Why fireworks are magical 
The first time you cosplayed 
How it feels to listen to music that you hate 
The best thing you have ever eaten in your life
What would it be like to live 100 years in the future
Why hearing people laugh is beautiful 
A day in the life of your favorite animal 
A strange superstition you believe in
The strangest person you’ve ever met
Your favorite tv show 
Playing your favorite sport 
What it’s like to be in love

Descriptive Essay Tips

Before we end, let’s go over some of the key points of information in this article.

  • Use figurative language including metaphors and similes 
  • Use your senses
  • Choose appropriate words
  • Show don't tell 
  • Focus on specific details
  • Spend time choosing the right topic
  • Create a detailed outline
  • Forget about the purpose of the essay
  • Submit your first draft
  • Make it too complicated
  • Ignore your audience 
  • Ignore any directions

In addition to the information provided in this article, there are various resources available to help with your writing needs. If you are struggling to write your descriptive essay, you can turn to professional writers and editors for assistance. You may consider hiring a research paper writing service or seeking help from dissertation writers .

Additionally, if you need someone to " write my admission essay ", there are various options available. You can hire a writer for a custom writing service or seek help from online tutors and teachers. Furthermore, if you need to write a strong admission essay, there are services available that specialize in providing guidance and assistance with this type of writing.

It is important to note that before submitting any work, it should be proofread and edited thoroughly to ensure its quality. Studyfy offers a range of services to help with this, including professional proofreaders and editors who can check your work for grammatical errors and ensure that it meets academic standards.

In summary, there are various resources available to help with your writing needs, including professional writing services, proofreaders, and editors. By utilizing these resources and following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can write a successful descriptive essay that effectively conveys your ideas and engages your readers.If you are looking for the query " I need someone to write an essay for me ", Studyfy has got you covered

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Have you been assigned to write a descriptive essay about a person but don't know how to begin?

Writing a descriptive essay about someone can be an intimidating endeavor. It's hard to know where to start, what details to include, and how to capture the essence of the person in words.

This guide will provide you with the basic guidelines and tips to help you craft an effective, descriptive essay about a person. You'll get sample essays to get inspired by and easy tips to follow.

So let's dive in!

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  • 1. Writing Tips for Descriptive Essay About a Person
  • 2. Descriptive Essay About a Person Examples

Writing Tips for Descriptive Essay About a Person

Descriptive essays can be written on a range of themes. For instance you can write a descriptive essay about a place , food or even nature . It's common to write these essays about people, which paints a vivid picture of their appearance, personality, evoking a clear mental image for the reader.

Now that you've seen what a descriptive essay about a person looks like, you're ready to start crafting your own.

Here are some writing tips to help get you started:

Tips for Pre-Writing Phase

The prewriting phase is a crucial stage of the writing process, where you lay the foundation for a successful essay or document. Here are some tips for this stage:

  • Choose Your Subject

Before you start writing, take some time to think carefully about who you want to write about and why. Is it a family member, close friend, celebrity or public figure? What do you want to say about them? Who would be the ideal reader for this essay?

Want to write a descriptive essay on other topics? Check out 100+ descriptive essay topics !

  • Brainstorm Ideas

Once you've chosen the subject, take some time to brainstorm ideas. Think about their physical appearance, personality traits, hobbies, likes and dislikes, goals and dreams. Make notes of what comes to mind so that you can refer back to them during the writing process.

  • Describe Physical Features

Once you have your ideas in place, start by describing the person's physical features. Give a detailed description of their facial features, body type, clothing style and other elements that make up their overall appearance.

  • List Personality Traits

Now, move on to listing the person's character traits. Talk about how they act in different situations and what makes them unique as a person. Describe their different personality traits, how they think and how others perceive them.

  • Explore Their Interests

Next, focus on their interests and hobbies. Talk about what they like to do for fun, how they spend their free time, or any other activities that make them unique. Here, you may also include their achievements or other important events in their lives.

Tips for Writing Phase

As you transition from the prewriting phase to the actual writing stage, these tips will help you navigate the writing process more effectively:

  • Follow Your Outline

Now that you've brainstormed and outlined your essay, it's time to start writing. Stick to the points that you have listed in your outline or notes. Don't get too distracted with other aspects of the person that are not related to your topic.

Getting started on your essay? Check out this in-depth guide on how to create a descriptive essay outline !

  • Be Specific

When writing about a person, it's important to be as specific and concise as possible. Don't use general statements or cliches; instead, focus on giving the reader a vivid image of who this person is by using concrete examples and tangible details.

  • Show Don't Tell

Weave stories into your essay to give it more depth and make it come alive. Instead of just saying that the person is generous, tell a story about how they donated their time to help out in a charity event. This helps the reader paint a clearer picture of who this person really is.

  • Draw Conclusions

Once you've written the essay, it's time to draw some conclusions . What have you learned about this person from the essay? What makes them special? How would you sum up the overall portrait of this person?

Tips for Editing/Revising Phase

The editing and revising phase is where you refine and polish your work. Here are some tips to help you make your content clearer, more coherent, and error-free:

  • Check Your Facts

Before you submit your essay, make sure that all of the details that you have provided are accurate. Double-check any facts or dates to ensure accuracy.

  • Check Grammar and Clarity

Make sure to review your essay for any grammar, spelling, or punctuation mistakes. Read through it several times to check for clarity and readability. This will help make sure that your essay is as polished and professional as possible.

  • Get a Second Opinion

Getting another opinion on your essay is always a good idea. Ask an expert essay writer to read it over and give you honest feedback. They will be able to point out any mistakes or areas where the essay could use some improvement.

These are just some basic tips to help get you started with writing a descriptive essay about someone. Allow yourself to be creative and write from the heart. With some practice and patience, you'll be able to create an essay that truly captures who this person is.

Descriptive Essay About a Person Examples

A descriptive essay is an essay where you describe something in detail. A descriptive essay relies on facts and information to describe a subject as it is.

A descriptive essay about a person is often written to describe a particular person. It can be about a person you admire , an acquaintance, family member like mother , friend, or even a celebrity.

Here are some examples to give you a better idea. Download and read them for free.

Descriptive Essay About a Person PDF

Descriptive Essay About a Person Example PDF

Descriptive Essay About a Person You Admire

Descriptive Essay About a Person You Love

Descriptive Essay About a Person Who Changed My Life

Descriptive Essay About a Famous Person

Need more examples? Check out these descriptive essay examples on other topics as well!

Do you need more help writing your descriptive essay? No worries, we're here to help you out!

MyPerfectWords.com is a professional descriptive essay writing service  that specializes in helping students write essays.

Our team of expert descriptive essay writers will work with you to craft a perfect essay. We also offer a range of other services, including editing and proofreading, so that your essay is as high-quality and error-free as possible.

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Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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Famous person essay sample

Famous person essay sample 14 models

Famous person essay sample , contains many information about one of the counseling personalities who made a big leap in the technology world ,he is Steve Jobs. We will learn all his achievements here in a famous person essay sample.

Famous person essay sample

There are many people who have greatly influenced the world of technology, most notably is Steve Jobs ,and we will learn more about this person and his achievements in the world of technology in a famous person essay sample.

Steve Paul Jobs, one of the inventors and businessmen of the United States of America, was known for his great achievements and served humanity and left a great impact on life.

Steve has held many positions in his life. He was a founder, partner and former CEO of Apple, Steve also served as the former CEO of Pixar and was a member of Walt Disney’s board of directors.

Steve grew up at his parents’ home in an area known as the Silicon Valley, an area known as the US Technology Center.

Steve joined the school in the winter and used his summer vacation at work, he  was passionate about electronics, and in the way the machines worked, he invented an electronic chip in the secondary stage.

The most important inventions Steve Jobs

The Apple II device in 1977: This computer has become a major turning point in the world of computers, which formed the first point of the transfer of computers from the scope of companies to homes, was characterized by a plastic cover.

Macintosh (1984): Add additions to the use of computers It was based on the principle (computers are not exclusive to one),introduce the mouse , as well as custom graphic interface.

(Pixar) 1986: A company specializing in the animation industry, founded by Steve after being expelled from his company founded, and had a capital of $ 5 million.

(Mac OS) in 2001: the operating system on which Apple depends on its various products.

(IPhone) in 2007: It is the latest mobile handset in the world of communications.

IPAD in 2010.

Essay about famous person

I would like to talk about a person famous to many in recent years, he is the author of the book (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus). The author is John Gray.

Many people know that he is from the United States. And a few personal details about him. I would very much like to talk about his personal vision and how much the differences between men and women are simplified in this book.

Many writers, scholars, and artists have spoken that it is difficult for women to understand their requirements, and no one has previously been able to discuss this issue in a simple and informative way like this writer.

This is the third time I read this book and I didn’t feel boring of it. I always find myself smiling as I read how he describes a woman and how each time he really could know her way of thinking. I find the description of the man is very wonderful as well.

I liked this book because in the end I came out with a lot of useful information and it was not just a book to waste time.

I advise many others to read this book. I would like to discuss it with them and how the writer analyzes the character. I hope to own this talent and present it in the future to readers and to those who like reading as me.

Famous person essay

There is a famous person who I see as a good role model for me and he is a football player named Zine AL-dine Zidane. He may not be popular with many.

This player has very high morals and a great skill level, he is very humble, friendly with everyone. He has a wonderful smile and is not arrogant to any of the players or workers around him,

He also possesses many other qualities such as fair play and reliance on real skill and does not tend to exaggerate to get the penalty for deception.

I followed some of his famous matches on YouTube and watched him play for France. I also followed up when he participated in the training of Real Madrid, my favorite team.

What a wonderful addition to the team. I found it nice to implement his vision on the ground with such a great team. I really enjoyed watching him build those great moments and tight plans that helped the team so much to win.

I would very much like to be of such performance and skill not only in football but in life as well.

Paragraph about famous person

There are a large number of famous people around us, but not all celebrities benefit society or provide it with what allows it to progress and advance, and this is the biggest flaw in celebrities, that if they are bad personalities, they drag society to the bottom and ruin the lives of entire generations, because young people are the most group She imitates celebrities and considers them role models for her looks and style. There is a bad example in our society of celebrities such as those who sing festival songs and actors of bullying and nudity roles.

A famous person essay

Fame is not an easy thing because it has consequences and problems that a person must know how to deal with, as we see celebrities around us such as a football player or a famous singer, they suffer from spreading rumors or false allegations all the time.

When you are famous you cannot live like a normal human being, because every word and every step is watched by those around you. If you talk to a friend, they will say that he is a lover, and if you go anywhere you will find pictures on all communication sites.

One of the celebrities who were chased by news and rumors, the Egyptian singer distinguished for his beautiful singing and who is still loved until now, is Abdel Halim Hafez. Rumors pursued him because he was not married, and they said that he married the artist, Soad Hosni, but in secret.

Essay about a famous person

I like people who have suffered in their lives and gone through some failed experiences, and despite their failure, they continued to rise again and try to succeed.

I also like people with strange difficulties. When I read about their experiences, I feel that I am more energetic and ready to work hard and move forward no matter what the circumstances are.

I love Albert Einstein very much, he is famous for his strong intellect and his influence on the world. He became famous in various sciences, however, upon returning to his upbringing, we find that he faced problems in education at a young age. But he was able to succeed in that to become the smartest person on earth in the world to excel in physics, and get the Nobel Prize.

We can see his story as one of the stories that give a strong impetus to work on ourselves and strive and not let any obstacles stand in our way.

Write about a famous person essay

One of the influential people in my life and I liked him very much is Gustave Eiffel, the engineer who designed the Eiffel Tower, and built the structure that supports the Statue of Liberty, and many of the luxurious structures and bridges that have a modern character.

I can only describe him a genius person who preceded his era in many stages to create several mythical historical landmarks characterized by tradition and modernity.

And no matter how time evolves and the passage of its establishment, it remains in line with life and society and a strong tourist attraction that is not affected or less important over the ages.

I can only say that I am very impressed with his achievements and would very much like to do something similar in the future.

Description of a famous person essay

I would very much like to talk about the famous Alexander Graham Bell. I see that Alexander is one of the great and influential figures of recent centuries, where he took mankind to a continuous and permanent development through his invention of the telephone.

There is no doubt that the work done by Alexander Graham Bell in transmitting the tone of the human voice on the phonograph, and converting it into a signal for the wireless device, contributed greatly to the development of means of communication to eliminate all the old means of communication that required a very long time to deliver.

And it became the cornerstone that changed the world so that we can now communicate through phones easily and conveniently at the same time.

I cannot deny my astonishment with this character and I see that he is one of the most influential people in my life. I would very much like to achieve something similar that will benefit humanity.

Describe a famous person essay example

There is no doubt that I am very impressed by a famous person who helped change the world. He is Yuri Gagarin, the first human to fly into outer space and orbit the Earth.

I can’t imagine how much responsibility, pressure and fear this person felt. Many scientists in different fields can invent something that does not need experiment, but when I am part of the experiment I find it interesting.

Did he feel afraid and lost?, did he just enjoy watching the sights that no one else had seen?, many questions arise in my mind about this amazing and wonderful experience that Yuri was able to experience.

Of course, I hope to get a similar opportunity, with experience and adventure, as well as a benefit to the world. It would be wonderful if my name was written in history like him and continued to be studied in schools and universities.

There is no doubt that there are a lot of celebrities around us, whether artists or famous players, there are scientists and inventors.

But I always tend to search and admire influential figures in history, people with useful inventions that have developed into necessary and important in human life, or people who participated in the success of a useful experience.

So I would very much like to talk about the Wright brothers, who are the owners of the first and longest flight, who clocked 75 minutes.

Which makes them highly influential figures in the 21st century. Air transportation has developed since 1903. Flying is now more smooth and safe.

It becomes one of the most important means of rapid transportation, whether for individuals or goods, and reduces the days and hours of difficult land and sea travel.

Famous person paragraph

Undoubtedly, there are many influential people who played a major role in changing history, the progress of mankind, and helping it to develop and prosper.

Among these great personalities, I would like to talk about Ibn Sina, where he achieved the most famous and longest scientific work and research in the field of medicine. Where he was known as the prince of doctors and the father of medicine. Ibn Sina is the first person to write a book on medicine, becoming the most important medical reference for seven centuries. He has authored 200 books on several different topics. All are based on  an important and correct details, which makes it the first beacon for many doctors, and the spiritual father of this specialty, to which we admits progress and modernity.

He was the owner of the greatest progress in the world, and a great credit for treating many diseases because of the books he published, making him one of the most influential people around the world. Where he worked to spread medical awareness and benefit mankind from the experiences he collected throughout his life. Such personalities I find amazing, great and priceless.

Describe a famous person essay

Undoubtedly, the innovative and developed personalities are the most influential, whether on the contemporaries of their eras, or on those who benefit from the tools they invented.

So I would like very much to appreciate Dr. Rene Linick, who invented the stethoscope that was able to listen to the heartbeat.

A great invention like this came to light as a result of chance, as the doctor encountered a sick case of a girl suffering from heart problems, and when he tried to put his head on her chest, as was usual at that time to listen to her heart, the girl refused to do so, to find newspaper papers next to him and he wrapped them in a cylindrical shape and placed them on her chest. He actually listened well to the heartbeat, to come out of this experience with a new idea through which he can listen to the heartbeat.

Later it developed from the cylindrical shape wrapped in papers, to the modern stethoscope that is placed in the ear and has a rubber wire and a base for increasing the heart rate and other organs. To become the most widespread invention for ages and the most useful and accurate.

Therefore, I find Renee Linick an influential and wonderful person for his ability to develop and find quick solutions that help his patient, as well as the extent of his vision for such a useful invention.

Short essay about famous person

It is amazing to see a young man like Mohamed Salah, a small player with great abilities and high skill. I am very happy to watch him run and dribble the players with ease, it makes me very happy, especially if he scores a goal after dribbling, I like very much his modest celebration.

I also like what he does for his people and his country. I hear a lot of wonderful news that he is doing from donations and medical aid. He is a very good example, an honorable person. I hope to become like him and achieve victories like him.

I also like to own the human side that I have and to become a role model in helping others, and to be of good character and reputation. These things I like a lot about him and I hope to see many other players like him.

Write a paragraph about a famous person

When I think of a famous and influential person of our time, I think about the great inventor Johannes Gutenberg, who invented the printer, which is contemporary to our time, no matter how advanced the technology around us.

He is of German descent, born in 1395, in Mainz, Germany. He faced many obstacles, debts, lawsuits, and entered into many disputes, whether during his life or death, because of money and the greed of others from his projects.

Everyone around him aspired to get money quickly, and he had another vision, which is accuracy and deliberation to make something great that will live for generations, and this is what resulted after that.

But after many difficulties, many debts, and huge financing, he went through everything in order to fulfill his dream. That is why I see him as a great and influential figure, and no matter what difficulties and problems he faced, he never gave up on the dream that he once dreamed.

In this way we have given you a famous person essay sample  in English , and you can read more topics through the following link:

  • English essay

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How to write an essay about your favorite celebrity

Rose Ruck

There are numerous subjects from which students might choose when writing essays. But many pupils struggle to express themselves when talking about famous people. How do you compose a paper on a well-known person? What information ought to include in your paper? We’ll provide you with some advice on how to write an essay about celebrities in this blog post.

A Celebrity Essay’s Background

Generally speaking, a celebrity is well-recognized and frequently desired by the general population. Stars often possess affluence and power that most people can only imagine due to their reputation. However, celebrity has their fair share of difficulties and traps as well. Celebrities frequently deal with swarms of photographers and intrusive fans and are subject to continual media scrutiny.

Since of this, many celebrities live on high alert because they never know when or where they might be caught on camera or pursued by the media.

Given the widespread acclaim for celebrities, it is not unusual that teachers may require pupils to write essays about them. Remembering that celebrity culture has positive and negative components when approaching a task like this is crucial.

Celebrities are viewed differently by different individuals. While some may perceive them as untouchable idols, others see them as egotistical snobs who are more concerned with maintaining their public image than anything else. There is no doubt that celebrities are a fascinating subject deserving of research, regardless of which side of the argument you find yourself on.

How to Write a Celebrity Essay

It’s critical to think carefully about whatever aspects of celebrities’ lives you want to emphasize when writing an essay about them. Are you more interested in their work or personal lives? Which kind of essay—positive or negative—do you want to write? You must collect proof to back up your arguments after choosing your focus. Interviews, articles, and original materials like autobiographies and memoirs can all fall under this category.

After reading this, you’ll have a more straightforward notion of what to write about in your own paper. Remember to stay neutral in your writing and support your claims with specific examples. You may always try reading a few celebrity essays produced by other students or experts if you’re unsure how to do it. Refer to the expert paper writer if that isn’t useful either; they can assist you in determining what to put in your essay.

Ultimately, your essay will succeed if you give a complete and objective portrait of the celebrity in question.

Writing a Celebrity Essay: A Guide

It’s not surprising that many students want to write essays about celebrities in today’s celebrity-obsessed world. However, it’s crucial to comprehend the goal of this kind of essay before you start writing.

An essay on famous people might be either biased or informational. Your objective when writing an informative essay is to teach your audience about the life and career of a specific celebrity. If you’re writing an opinion essay, on the other hand, you aim to convey your ideas and sentiments toward fame. There are several fundamental guidelines that you should adhere to when writing any essay.

Do your research before you start. You must acquire knowledge about your selected celebrity if you’re writing an informative essay. You’ll still need to perform some analysis if you’re writing an opinion essay, but you’ll also need to create your ideas about the celebrity.

After conducting your research, you should begin writing. Create a concise introduction. Then, in the essay’s main body, defend your thesis with your arguments and supporting evidence. Restate your thesis or come to a final conclusion based on your proof to finish your essay.

Thesis Statements for Essays on Celebrities

A thesis statement sums up your essential points for an essay in one or two sentences. It gives a roadmap for your argument and informs the reader of what you will discuss in your article.

It can be tempting to express your views regarding celebrities while writing about them. A good thesis statement, however, should be more than just a personal opinion; it should make a debatable claim that you can back up with examples from your essay.

You might claim, for example, that a specific superstar is overrated or that they’ve had a positive influence on society. Whatever your viewpoint, make sure you can support it with facts before including them in your thesis statement.

Your essay on celebrities will be exciting and informative if your thesis statement is well-written.

Although celebrities are an interesting subject to research, it’s crucial to remember that they’re also genuine individuals with their distinctive tales. Make careful to conduct your research and maintain objectivity when writing an essay about a celebrity. You may be sure to produce an educational and wise celebrity essay if you keep these suggestions in mind.

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describing a celebrity essay

  • B2 Being a Celebrity

B2 Being a Celebrity

An article is usually written for an English-language magazine aimed at teenagers, and the reader is assumed to have similar interests to the writer. The main purpose is to engage the reader, so there should be some opinion or comment.

More exercises available:


You are required to produce two pieces of writing. The first piece is compulsory and will be an essay of 140-190 words. For the second, you can choose from an article, email/letter, essay, review or report (B2 First for schools the report is replaced with a story) of 140-190 words.

  • B2 Article Video
  • B2 Book Review Video
  • B2 Descriptive Email Video
  • B2 Place Review Video
  • B2 Short Story Video
  • B2 Cities of the Future
  • B2 Fast Food
  • B2 Following Fashion
  • B2 Live Concert
  • B2 Pollution Problems
  • B2 Taking a Gap Year
  • B2 A Work of Art
  • B2 Life Away
  • B2 Preventing Crime
  • B2 School Improvement
  • B2 Shopping Online
  • B2 Tablet or Laptop
  • B2 The Countryside
  • School Canteen
  • B2 A School Trip to Italy
  • B2 An Important Day
  • B2 Forgetful Girl
  • The Hidden Beach
  • The Lost Photo
  • B2 IMDb Website Review
  • B2 Jurassic Park Book Review
  • B2 Mountain Bike Park
  • B2 Romeo and Juliet Play Review
  • B2 Ted Film Review
  • Scarlett Animation Review
  • B2 Berlin Travel Report
  • B2 Shops Report
  • B2 Visiting Places Report
  • B2 Birthday Party Letter
  • B2 Computer Games Email
  • B2 Favourite Film Email
  • B2 Holiday in Thailand Email
  • B2 New Attraction Letter
  • B2 Place to Visit Email
  • B2 Spending Money Email
  • B2 Visiting Relative Email


You need to be able to understand a range of texts, including how they are organised and the opinions and attitudes expressed in them. The texts will be from sources familiar to you such as magazines, articles, fiction and advertisements, but targeted at the interests of students.

Students’ use of English will be tested by tasks which show how well they can control their grammar and vocabulary.

  • Use of English Part 1
  • Use of English Part 2
  • Use of English Part 3
  • Use of English Part 4
  • Reading Part 5
  • Reading Part 6
  • Reading Part 7

For this part, you practice vocabulary by using words with similar meanings, collocations, linking phrases, phrasal verbs, etc.

  • B2 First Use of English Video
  • Becoming Famous
  • Cycling Scheme
  • Film Stars and Music Celebrities
  • Going on a diet
  • Single or Mixed Sex Schools
  • The History of Football
  • The Poor and Less Fortunate
  • The Special Bus
  • Why do we need to play?

For this part, you practice grammar and vocabulary.

  • Better swimming
  • Cardboard Bike
  • Dealing with waste plastic
  • Drinking Water
  • Fit for Sports
  • Following Your Nose
  • Growing Bananas
  • Holiday with a Friend
  • Making Perfume
  • The Farm Trip
  • The Jobs Market
  • Tree Climbing
  • Weather Forecasting
  • Young Enterprise

For this part, you practice vocabulary word-building by changing different words using a base word.

  • Angel of Mercy
  • Fast Food Industry
  • Life on Other Planets
  • Music in Schools
  • Mystery Weekend Break
  • Pollution Problems
  • Understanding Time
  • Workforce on the Move

For this part,  you have to express a message in different ways showing flexibility and resource in the use of language.

  • B2 First Use of English Part 4
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 1
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 10
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 2
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 3
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 4
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 5
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 6
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 7
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 8
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 9

For this part, you practice how to understand the details of a text, including opinions and attitudes.

  • Cycling to India
  • Hottest Place on Earth
  • Living and Working in Another Country
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • The Wrestler who Wrote a Book

For this part, you practice how to understand the structure and follow the development of a text.

  • Benefits of Getting Fit
  • Our Polluted World

For this part, you practice how to find specific information in a text or texts.

  • Collecting Things
  • English Seaside Resorts
  • Teenage Summer Camps

describing a celebrity essay

Requires being able to follow and understand a range of familiar spoken materials, such as news programmes, public announcements and other sources, but targeted at the interests of the learners.

  • Speaking Part 1
  • Speaking Part 2
  • Speaking Part 3
  • Speaking Part 4
  • Listening Part 1
  • Listening Part 2
  • Listening Part 3
  • Listening Part 4

In this part you talk to the examiner about yourself and your life, e.g. your name, school, interests and future plans.

B2 Speaking Part 1 Exercise 1 B2 Speaking Part 1 Exercise 2 B2 Speaking Part 1 Exercise 3

In this part, you talk about two photos on your own which you have to compare for about 1 minute . After you have finished, your partner will be asked a short question about your photo. When your partner has spoken about their photos for about 1 minute , you will be asked a question about their photos.

B2 Speaking Part 2 Exercise 1

In this part you express ideas with your partner by looking at a discussion point that the examiner gives you.

This will be available soon.

In this part, you focus on general aspects of a topic with the examiner or you may involve your partner.

In this part, you will hear people talking in eight different situations.

Entertainment Short Conversations Talking about Sports

In this part, you will hear someone being interviewed.

Extreme Snowboarding Future Options Newly Published Book The Talent Show

In this part, you will hear five people talking about different things.

Demonstration Travel Worries

In this part, you will hear an interview.

Protecting the Environment Staying Healthy


  • Customs and Traditions
  • Entertainment and Leisure
  • Environmental and Nature
  • Future Jobs and Education
  • Identity and Well-being
  • Travel and Adventure

Customs and Traditions explores how we celebrate our cultural identity across the globe.

  • Christmas Hard Exercises
  • Story of Halloween
  • Valentine Message

Entertainment and Leisure explores how we spent our free time.

Environment and Nature explores the way humans and animals live, adapt and change on our planet.

  • Global Changes

Exploring how different societies create roles for people to develop their skills and knowledge.

  • Future Schools
  • Sport at School
  • School Rules
  • Fashion Design

Exploring how we learn and adjust to the world around us. .

  • Taking Risks
  • Natural Disasters

Exploring how we experience the world through our life journeys

  • Travelling around the World

Cambridge English exams are designed for learners at all levels from the pre-intermediate level Cambridge English: Key (KET) to the very advanced level Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE). These exams give candidates proof of their ability to use English in a wide variety of contexts, relevant to work, study and leisure activities.

A2 Key | B1 Preliminary | B2 First

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15+ Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person

Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person - Bill Gates

Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person – Descriptive essay is one type of essay that aims to describe a specific object (animal, person, or other thing) specifically. This text type has a slight difference with report text written based on common terms.

The following essays are some examples of descriptive essays about a person, family members, and famous people.

Table of Contents

Essay 1: My Best Friend Laura

Laura J. Bernal, whose nickname is Laura, is my best friend from my childhood. She has a small body and is quite slim. She has oval face with bright brown eyes and thin lips. Laura J. Bernal has long brown straight hair, but she usually makes her hair with horse ponytails. She looks very beautiful, especially when she smiles. She is always cheerful and looks in a good mood. She is a very positive person. We have almost the same hobby of singing. Sometimes our opinions are the same. She is always energetic and brings positive energy for everyone around her. She is like a part of my family. I trust her just as I trust members of my family. She is a very honest type of friend. She always speaks as she is even though it’s bad. Laura always says what she thinks. We are very close to each other. She can even know whether I lie to her or not. I’m very lucky to have a friend like her.

Essay 2: Larry Page

Lawrence “Larry” Page is one of the most influential people in the world. Page is an American computer scientist; he is also an Internet entrepreneur. He was a co-founder of Google with his friend, Sergey Brin, in 1998. Now, he plays a role as a chief executive officer (CEO) of Alphabets, Google’s parent company. Larry Page was born on 26 th  March 1973 in Michigan. By 2019, his age is 46 years old. His hair is dark brown while his skin is fair. About his family, a research scientist named Lucinda Southworth is his wife. Now, he is a father of two children.In November 2016, he becomes the 12th richest person. Larry’s last education background is a Ph.D. from Stanford University. Here, he met Sergey Brin. Then, they incorporated Google in order to make world’s information easy to access. This company makes him to be one of the successful people in the world.

Essay 3: My Father

My father’s name is David P. Kent. He is a hardworking man. He works as a government employee. His body is tall, like my youngest brother. His hair is black and straight, same as mine. He has brown complexion because he likes working under the Sun. I love talking to my father. He is a wise man who always gives me great advices. We learn about being a hard-worker from him. We love him very much. He is a great father for us.

Essay 4: Bill Gates

William Henry “Bill” Gates III is one of the richest & influential people. In 1975 together with his friend, Paul Allen, he co-founded Microsoft which became the world’s largest PC software company. That is why his name exists in the list of world’s wealthiest people by Forbes. Bill Gates or Trey as his nickname was born on 28 th  October 1955 in Seattle, Washington, USA. By 2019, he is 64 years old. His hair as well as eye color is same, light brown. Bill Gates’ weight is 64 kg with 5′ 9″ height. With his wife named Melinda Gates, they have three children. Besides being the best-known entrepreneur, Bill Gates is also known as a philanthropist. In 2000, he & his wife created Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It was identified as the world’s wealthiest charitable foundation in 2013. Through this foundation, Bill Gates donates large amounts of money to many charitable organizations and scientific research programs.

Essay 5: My Mother

This one is about my mother. Her name is Margaret N. Craft. She has brown complexion and blonde hair. Her height is as same as mine, 5′ 11″. My mother is a tailor. She sews some clothes for women such as shirt, jeans, and skirt. I learn many things about sewing from her. She is a great teacher for me. Every morning, she wakes up earlier than other members in my family. She prepares breakfast for us. She is a tough and patient mother. We love her very much.

Essay 6: Mark Zuckerberg

Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person - Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer & internet entrepreneur. He is a co-founder of Facebook, a famous social media. His name was in the list of 100 wealthiest and most influential people since 2010 by Time Magazine. About his physical appearance, Mark’s body is 170 centimeters tall with 76 kg weight. His hair color is red while his eyes are blue. Mark Zuckerberg was born on 14 th  May 1984 in New York, USA. Therefore, he is 35 years old by 2019. Mark Zuckerberg has married to Priscilla Chan; they have one daughter named Maxima Chan Zuckerberg.

Essay 7: My Sister

My sister is four years older than me. Her name is Jennifer P. Todd. I usually call her Jennifer. She has the same hair like my mother, black and quite curly. My sister, mother and I have almost the same body tall. Her height is about 5′ 1″. Just like our father, she is a government employee. She wears glasses for helping her see clearly. She occasionally wears contact lenses. We fought a lot when we were kids. She is a kind sister though and I love her so much.

Essay 8: J. K. Rowling

J. K. Rowling is a British novelist who writes phenomenal fantasy book series of Harry Potter. The books have got worldwide attention. They have become the best selling book series in history. They were sold more than 400 million copies. Joanne Rowling was born on 31 th July 1965 in Yate, Gloucestershire, England. So, she is 54 years old by 2019. About her physical appearance, her height is 5′ 5″, while her weight is 54 kg. She has blonde hair & blue eyes. She’s married two times; she’s got three children. JK. Rowling is a terrific & successful novelist that becomes the richest woman in England. In fact, once she had become unemployed with a destitute life. By writing Harry Potter books which are loaded with spectacular high imagination, she turns to be very famous and wealthy.

Essay 9: My Brother

My brother’s name is Charles O. Joy. I call him Charles. He is the youngest child in my family. He is five years younger than me. I can say that he has fair skin, round brown eyes and small lips. His hair is black and short like our father. He was graduated from English Education Department in University of Pennsylvania a year ago. He loves music very much. He is very good at playing a guitar. Together with his friends, he plays music and creates songs. I believe that he will be a successful artist in the future.

Essay 10: Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Gail Winfrey is a great talk show host from America. Her well-known talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show was the highest-rated television program from 1986 to 2011. Because of this phenomenal talk show, she dubbed as the “Queen of All Media”. She has also been ranked the richest African-American and greatest black philanthropist in American history. Oprah was born on January 29, 1954 in Mississippi, United States. By 2019, her age is 64 years old.  She has 5′ 7″ tall while her weight is 77 kg. During her career, she successfully lost her weight. But then, she gained much weight again. She has brown eyes & black hair. Oprah Winfrey was born into poverty in rural Mississippi. She was molested by her cousin, uncle, as well as a family friend when she was nine years old. At 14, she became pregnant but her son was born prematurely and died shortly after birth. Then, she moved to her father’s house and landed a job in radio. Her consistent efforts led her into the successful African-American.

Essay 11: Johnny Depp

Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person - Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp was born on June 9, 1963 in Owensboro, Kentucky, U.S. He is now 54 years old. He started his career on movie in 1984. His first movie is A nightmare on Elm Street and his last movie is Untitled Fantastic Beast Sequel that would be released in 2018. A long his life, he had been an actor in 48 movies. It means that he had been playing more than 40 characters during his life. Thus, seeing his achievement, he is proper to be the winner of the Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild Award for the best actor. Before he became a famous actor, Depp was a musician. The first genre he played was rock music. He is good in playing guitar and writing songs. A long his life, he wrote so many songs for bands, solo vocalist or for movie such as Sweeney Todd.

Essay 12: My Grandmother

I have a grandmother, her name is Mary M. Lewis. I usually called her Granny Mary. Her hair isn’t gray like other grandmothers, but blonde. Her body is quite short, about 5′ 1″. She has brown and bit wrinkly skin. Granny Mary lives in a house with my uncle and aunt. I visit her twice a week. I think she is not that old, because she is 70 years old. However, she still looks fit and strong. She usually goes to the backyard to help my uncle. Sometimes, I go to the backyard with my brother as well and help her pick flowers. We love our grandmother so much.

Essay 13: Taylor Swift

Taylor Alison Swift is an American singer & song writer. She is known for narrative songs about her personal life. Her songs are very popular, namely Shake It Off, Blank Space, Bad Blood. Taylor Swift has appeared as one of the most influential and powerful women by Forbes as well as Time Magazines. By 2019, Taylor Swift’s age is 30 years old. She was born on December 13, 1989 in Reading, Pennsylvania, United States. This beautiful girl has 5′ 10″ tall & weighs 54 kg. Her hair is blonde while her eye color is blue. Her lips are usually red as she likes red color very much. Taylor Swift is a famous wealthy woman but her life was not always so sweet. She suffered bullying in Junior High School. She said that she got dumped by a group of popular girls in the school. They thought that she was weird because she liked country music. This changed after she moved to Nashville; she becomes a successful singer.

Essay 14: My Grandfather

This one is about my grandfather, my father’s dad. His name is Wayne D. Smith. I usually called him “Gran Wayne”. He lived in a house with my uncles and aunties. He has 10 children, including my father. That’s why we have a very big family. Gran Wayne used to jog every morning. When I was just a kid, I loved to wake up early and went to jog with him. After arriving in one small shop, he bought us a milk and an ice cream. We were so happy at that time. We love our grandfather so much.

Essay 15: A Stranger at Every Morning

I see that mysterious person at every morning walking in front of my home in this last two weeks. I never see him before. Perhaps he is a new comer in this village. He always walks slowly with his two big Doberman dogs as he seems like having a total control of his dogs. He is big and tall man with a long hair and full body tattoo on his skin. I think anybody will be afraid of him. He always uses single shirt and shorts and also black sports shoes when he is walking around with his dog. Usually, he is passing in front of my home around 6 in the morning. He always using headset and put his iPhone or something like MP3 players in his pocket shorts.

Essay 16: Vincent van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch painter that was classified as a post-impressionist painter. He was born on March 30, 1853 in Zundert, Netherlands and died on 29 July in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. At his life time, he was stated as a stupid person who tried and failed to learn painting. Not only that, he was totally poor and suffered. At first, he failed in love and thus made him suffered in life. He failed to be anything like normal people. His failure in love broke his mental and confidence. Before he became a painter, or let say liked painting, he was a protestant missionary in Southern Belgium. His duty was in the coal mine and there he saw the truth about suffering and the truth about his own God. Seeing human suffer he also wanted to experience the same in the name of humanity. He lost his faith and started to paint. Traveling from one place to another, Van Gogh lived in poverty. His life was spent to paint even people said that his art work was a bad art. He also suffered from psychotic and delusion. At the last time of his life, he was at the mental hospital, Auvers-sur-Oise, France. He was depressed and finally shot himself and died two days after that. After his death and the popularity of the discourse on madness, especially the knowledge of the psychotic, his painting became popular and categorized as a high art of post-impressionist painting. Unfortunately, Van Gogh never knew that the prices of his painting are now billions.

These are the 15+ examples of descriptive essays about a person. If you’re looking for descriptive essay ideas about family members, friends, or famous people (such as CEO, writers, or celebrity), then you were coming to the right place.

We hope this helps and thanks for reading!

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i want to describe me.

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Ielts essay # 494 - being a celebrity brings problems as well as benefits, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, being a celebrity - such as famous film star or sports personality - brings problems as well as benefits., do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems.

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Celebrity who inspires you (part 2 ielts speaking) sample answer.

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IELTS Part 2 (Cue Card) Question:

Describe a celebrity who inspires you.

You should say:     who this person is     why he/she is famous     how long have you known about this person and explain how this person inspires you.

Sample Answer:

The celebrity I'm gonna talk about is Priyanka Chopra. She is an actress, known for her work in Bollywood and Hollywood movies. I think she is a film producer too.

I don't remember exactly when this was but I heard about her first when she won the Miss World contest. Sometime after that, she became an actress and has not looked back since.

Priyanka Chopra inspires me with her hardworking and never-say-die attitude . Despite facing several challenges and obstacles in her life, she never gave up on her dreams and continued to work hard to achieve her goals. She is a great example of how perseverance and determination can lead to success .

In addition to her acting career, she is also actively involved in philanthropic work . And she is vocal about gender equality. So, it is all the more  inspiring that she makes the time and puts in the effort to use her fame and resources to create a positive impact on society .

She is certainly a role model for me and her success story motivates me to work harder and never give up on my dreams.

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Reese Witherspoon is standing in front of a lamp-lit bookshelf wearing a gray blouse and a dark pencil skirt. Her right hand rests on the shelf behind her.

Inside Reese Witherspoon’s Literary Empire

When her career hit a wall, the Oscar-winning actor built a ladder made of books — for herself, and for others.

“Reading is the antidote to hate and xenophobia,” Reese Witherspoon said. “It increases our empathy and understanding of the world.” Credit... Jingyu Lin for The New York Times

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Elisabeth Egan

By Elisabeth Egan

Reporting from Nashville

  • May 18, 2024

“You’d be shocked by how many books have women chained in basements,” Reese Witherspoon said. “I know it happens in the world. I don’t want to read a book about it.”

Nor does she want to read an academic treatise, or a 700-page novel about a tree.

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Sitting in her office in Nashville, occasionally dipping into a box of takeout nachos, Witherspoon talked about what she does like to read — and what she looks for in a selection for Reese’s Book Club, which she referred to in a crisp third person.

“It needs to be optimistic,” Witherspoon said. “It needs to be shareable. Do you close this book and say, ‘I know exactly who I want to give it to?’”

But, first and foremost, she wants books by women, with women at the center of the action who save themselves. “Because that’s what women do,” she said. “No one’s coming to save us.”

Witherspoon, 48, has now been a presence in the book world for a decade. Her productions of novels like “ Big Little Lies ,” “ Little Fires Everywhere ” and “ The Last Thing He Told Me ” are foundations of the binge-watching canon. Her book club picks reliably land on the best-seller list for weeks, months or, in the case of “ Where the Crawdads Sing ,” years. In 2023, print sales for the club’s selections outpaced those of Oprah’s Book Club and Read With Jenna , according to Circana Bookscan, adding up to 2.3 million copies sold.

So how did an actor who dropped out of college (fine, Stanford) become one of the most influential people in an industry known for being intractable and slightly tweedy?

It started with Witherspoon’s frustration over the film industry’s skimpy representation of women onscreen — especially seasoned, strong, smart, brave, mysterious, complicated and, yes, dangerous women.

“When I was about 34, I stopped reading interesting scripts,” she said.

Witherspoon had already made a name for herself with “ Election ,” “ Legally Blonde ” and “ Walk the Line .” But, by 2010, Hollywood was in flux: Streaming services were gaining traction. DVDs were following VHS tapes to the land of forgotten technology.

“When there’s a big economic shift in the media business, it’s not the superhero movies or independent films we lose out on,” Witherspoon said. “It’s the middle, which is usually where women live. The family drama. The romantic comedy. So I decided to fund a company to make those kinds of movies.”

In 2012, she started the production company Pacific Standard with Bruna Papandrea. Its first projects were film adaptations of books: “ Gone Girl ” and “ Wild ,” which both opened in theaters in 2014.

Growing up in Nashville, Witherspoon knew the value of a library card. She caught the bug early, she said, from her grandmother, Dorothea Draper Witherspoon, who taught first grade and devoured Danielle Steel novels in a “big cozy lounger” while sipping iced tea from a glass “with a little paper towel wrapped around it.”

This attention to detail is a smoke signal of sorts: Witherspoon is a person of words.

When she was in high school, Witherspoon stayed after class to badger her English teacher — Margaret Renkl , now a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times — about books that weren’t part of the curriculum. When Witherspoon first moved to Los Angeles, books helped prepare her for the “chaos” of filmmaking; “ The Making of the African Queen ” by Katharine Hepburn was a particular favorite.

So it made sense that, as soon as Witherspoon joined Instagram, she started sharing book recommendations. Authors were tickled and readers shopped accordingly. In 2017, Witherspoon made it official: Reese’s Book Club became a part of her new company, Hello Sunshine.

The timing was fortuitous, according to Pamela Dorman, senior vice president and publisher of Pamela Dorman Books/Viking, who edited the club’s inaugural pick, “ Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine .” “The book world needed something to help boost sales in a new way,” she said.

Reese’s Book Club was that something: “Eleanor Oliphant” spent 85 weeks on the paperback best-seller list. The club’s second pick, “The Alice Network,” spent nearly four months on the weekly best-seller lists and two months on the audio list. Its third, “ The Lying Game ,” spent 18 weeks on the weekly lists.

“There’s nothing better than getting that phone call,” added Dorman, who has now edited two more Reese’s Book Club selections.

Kiley Reid’s debut novel, “ Such a Fun Age ,” got the nod in January 2020. She said, “When I was on book tour, a lot of women would tell me, ‘I haven’t read a book in four years, but I trust Reese.’” Four years later, on tour for her second novel, “ Come and Get It ,” Reid met women who were reading 100 books a year.

Witherspoon tapped into a sweet spot between literary and commercial fiction, with a few essay collections and memoirs sprinkled in. She turned out to be the literary equivalent of a fit model — a reliable bellwether for readers in search of intelligent, discussion-worthy fare, hold the Proust. She wanted to help narrow down the choices for busy readers, she said, “to bring the book club out of your grandma’s living room and online.”

She added: “The unexpected piece of it all was the economic impact on these authors’ lives.”

One writer became the first person in her family to own a home. “She texted me a picture of the key,” Witherspoon said. “I burst into tears.”

This is a picture of Reese Witherspoon in profile, lit from above. She's wearing gold hoop earrings, a gray blouse and a serene expression.

Witherspoon considers a handful of books each month. Submissions from publishers are culled by a small group that includes Sarah Harden, chief executive of Hello Sunshine; Gretchen Schreiber, manager of books (her original title was “bookworm”); and Jon Baker, whose team at Baker Literary Scouting scours the market for promising manuscripts.

Not only is Witherspoon focused on stories by women — “the Bechdel test writ large,” Baker said — but also, “Nothing makes her happier than getting something out in the world that you might not see otherwise.”

When transgender rights were in the headlines in 2018, the club chose “ This Is How It Always Is ,” Laurie Frankel’s novel about a family grappling with related issues in the petri dish of their own home. “We track the long tail of our book club picks and this one, without fail, continues to sell,” Baker said.

Witherspoon’s early readers look for a balance of voices, backgrounds and experiences. They also pay attention to the calendar. “Everyone knows December and May are the busiest months for women,” Harden said, referring to the mad rush of the holidays and the end of the school year. “You don’t want to read a literary doorstop then. What do you want to read on summer break? What do you want to read in January?”

Occasionally the group chooses a book that isn’t brand-new, as with the club’s April pick, “ The Most Fun We Ever Had ,” from 2019. When Claire Lombardo learned that her almost-five-year-old novel had been anointed, she thought there had been a mistake; after all, her new book, “Same As it Ever Was,” is coming out next month. “It’s wild,” Lombardo said. “It’s not something that I was expecting.”

Sales of “The Most Fun We Ever Had” increased by 10,000 percent after the announcement, according to Doubleday. Within the first two weeks, 27,000 copies were sold. The book has been optioned by Hello Sunshine.

Witherspoon preferred not to elaborate on a few subjects: competition with other top-shelf book clubs (“We try not to pick the same books”); the lone author who declined to be part of hers (“I have a lot of respect for her clarity”); and the 2025 book she’s already called dibs on (“You can’t imagine that Edith Wharton or Graham Greene didn’t write it”).

But she was eager to set the record straight on two fronts. Her team doesn’t get the rights to every book — “It’s just how the cookie crumbles,” she said — and, Reese’s Book Club doesn’t make money off sales of its picks. Earnings come from brand collaborations and affiliate revenue.

This is true of all celebrity book clubs. An endorsement from one of them is a free shot of publicity, but one might argue that Reese’s Book Club does a bit more for its books and authors than most. Not only does it promote each book from hardcover to paperback, it supports authors in subsequent phases of their careers.

Take Reid, for instance. More than three years after Reese’s Book Club picked her first novel, it hosted a cover reveal for “Come and Get It,” which came out in January. This isn’t the same as a yellow seal on the cover, but it’s still a spotlight with the potential to be seen by the club’s 2.9 million Instagram followers.

“I definitely felt like I was joining a very large community,” Reid said.

“Alum” writers tend to stay connected with one another via social media, swapping woot woots and advice. They’re also invited to participate in Hello Sunshine events and Lit Up, a mentorship program for underrepresented writers. Participants get editing and coaching from Reese’s Book Club authors, plus a marketing commitment from the club when their manuscripts are submitted to agents and editors.

“I describe publishing and where we sit in terms of being on a river,” Schreiber said. “We’re downstream; we’re looking at what they’re picking. Lit Up gave us the ability to look upstream and say, ‘We’d like to make a change here.’”

The first Lit Up-incubated novel, “Time and Time Again” by Chatham Greenfield, is coming out from Bloomsbury YA in July. Five more fellows have announced the sales of their books.

As Reese’s Book Club approaches a milestone — the 100th pick, to be announced in September — it continues to adapt to changes in the market. Print sales for club selections peaked at five million in 2020, and they’ve softened since then, according to Circana Bookscan. In 2021, Candle Media, a Blackstone-backed media company, bought Hello Sunshine for $900 million. Witherspoon is a member of Candle Media’s board. She is currently co-producing a “Legally Blonde” prequel series for Amazon Prime Video.

This month, Reese’s Book Club will unveil an exclusive audio partnership with Apple, allowing readers to find all the picks in one place on the Apple Books app. “I want people to stop saying, ‘I didn’t really read it, I just listened,’” Witherspoon said. “Stop that. If you listened, you read it. There’s no right way to absorb a book.”

She feels that Hollywood has changed over the years: “Consumers are more discerning about wanting to hear stories that are generated by a woman.”

Even as she’s looking forward, Witherspoon remembers her grandmother, the one who set her on this path.

“Somebody came up to me at the gym the other day and he said” — here she put on a gentle Southern drawl — “‘I’m going to tell you something I bet you didn’t hear today.’ And he goes, ‘Your grandma taught me how to read.’”

Another smoke signal, and a reminder of what lives on.

Read by Elisabeth Egan

Audio produced by Sarah Diamond .

Elisabeth Egan is a writer and editor at the Times Book Review. She has worked in the world of publishing for 30 years. More about Elisabeth Egan

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Eric Trump, in the front row of his dad's hush-money trial, bashed Michael Cohen on X while he was on the witness stand

  • Eric Trump live-tweeted Monday from his dad's Manhattan hush-money trial.
  • Donald Trump's son bashed Michael Cohen on X as he was on the witness stand in the historic trial.
  • "I have never seen anything more rehearsed!" the younger Trump posted.

Insider Today

Eric Trump on Monday took the opportunity to live-tweet from the Manhattan courtroom where his father, former President Donald Trump , was standing trial for criminal charges related to a hush-money payment made to a porn star.

As Michael Cohen , the former president's personal attorney turned nemesis, was testifying as the prosecution's star witness in the case, the younger Trump slammed his dad's ex-"fixer" in a post on the social-media site X.

I have never seen anything more rehearsed! — Eric Trump (@EricTrump) May 13, 2024

"I have never seen anything more rehearsed!" Eric Trump, who was seated in the courtroom's front row during the historic trial, posted in reference to Cohen's testimony.

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He sat directly behind his father with Alina Habba, a lawyer for the former president, to his right and a pair of Secret Service agents to his left.

Cellphones are banned for most people in the courtroom, including journalists (credentialed press members are permitted to use their laptops). However, there's an exception for lawyers and those in attendance in the first row, court officers told Business Insider.

Prosecutors called Cohen to the witness stand Monday. He began his testimony by describing a conspiratorial heyday before his and the elder Trump's relationship soured.

One of Cohen's roles was shaping the perception of the elder Trump in the press and trying to keep negative stories out of the papers. Cohen testified that he sometimes lied for Donald Trump and bullied people to please him.

"The only thing that was on my mind was to accomplish a task to make him happy," Cohen told jurors.

The Manhattan district attorney's office has charged the former president with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records .

Prosecutors allege he illegally disguised records reimbursing Cohen for a $130,000 hush-money payment made to the adult-film actor Stormy Daniels in the days before the 2016 election.

The payment, prosecutors say, was to buy Daniels' silence over a one-time sexual encounter the porn star says she had with Donald Trump at a Lake Tahoe hotel suite in 2006 during a celebrity golf tournament.

Prosecutors are hoping Cohen's testimony will bolster their argument that the elder Trump orchestrated the payment to Daniels as part of an illegal conspiracy to influence the 2016 election.

Watch: Trump dozes off at the start of his hush-money trial

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Divided Supreme Court rules no quick hearing required when police seize property

FILE - The U.S. Supreme Court is seen, April 25, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib)

FILE - The U.S. Supreme Court is seen, April 25, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib)

FILE - Supreme Court is seen on Capitol Hill in Washington, April 25, 2024. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — A divided Supreme Court ruled Thursday that authorities do not have to provide a quick hearing when they seize cars and other property used in drug crimes, even when the property belongs to so-called innocent owners.

By a 6-3 vote, the justices rejected the claims of two Alabama women who had to wait more than a year for their cars to be returned. Police had stopped the cars when they were being driven by other people and, after finding drugs, seized the vehicles.

Civil forfeiture allows authorities to take someone’s property, without having to prove that it has been used for illicit purposes. Critics of the practice describe it as “legalized theft.”

Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote for the conservative majority that a civil forfeiture hearing to determine whether an owner will lose the property permanently must be timely. But he said the Constitution does not also require a separate hearing about whether police may keep cars or other property in the meantime.

In a dissent for the liberal members of the court, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that civil forfeiture is “vulnerable to abuse” because police departments often have a financial incentive to keep the property.

FILE - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange being taken from court, where he appeared on charges of jumping British bail seven years ago, in London, Wednesday May 1, 2019. Assange faces what could be his final court hearing in England over whether he should be extradited to the United States to face spying charges. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File)

“In short, law enforcement can seize cars, hold them indefinitely, and then rely on an owner’s lack of resources to forfeit those cars to fund agency budgets, all without any initial check by a judge as to whether there is a basis to hold the car in the first place,” Sotomayor wrote.

The women, Halima Culley and Lena Sutton, filed federal lawsuits arguing they were entitled to a prompt court hearing that would have resulted in the cars being returned to them much sooner. There was no suggestion that either woman was involved in or knew anything about the illegal activity.

Sutton had loaned her car to a friend. Police in Leesburg, Alabama seized it when they arrested him for trafficking methamphetamine.

Sutton ended up without her car for 14 months, during which she couldn’t find work, stay current with bills or keep her mental-health appointments, her lawyers wrote in court papers.

Culley had bought a car for her son to use at college. Police in Satsuma, Alabama stopped the car and found marijuana and a loaded hangun. They charged the son with marijuana possession and kept the car.

The Supreme Court decision means months or years of delay for people whose property is taken, said Kirby Thomas West, co-director of the National Initiative to End Forfeiture Abuse at the libertarian Institute for Justice.

“Meanwhile owners of seized vehicles will scramble to find a way to get to work, take their kids to school, run errands, and complete other essential life tasks,” West said in an email.

Justice Neil Gorsuch was part of Thursday’s majority, but in an opinion also joined by Justice Clarence Thomas, Gorsuch said larger questions about the use of civil forfeiture remain unresolved.

Noting that civil forfeiture has become a “booming business,” Gorsuch wrote the court should use a future case to assess whether the modern practice of civil forfeiture is in line with constitutional guarantees that property may not be taken “without due process of law.”

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    3. Write an introduction. Start your introduction by using an attention grabbing statement or startling fact to draw the reader's attention. Also be sure to include significant information about this person in the introduction, so that a reader who doesn't know who this person is can have a bit more information.

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    1. Brainstorm Your Ideas. Brainstorming is crucial to any writing process. It's the process in which you think of ideas for what you'd like to write about. In this case, you're writing a descriptive paragraph about a person. It's important to use adjectives to describe the features or characteristics you want to focus on.

  11. [IELTS Speaking] Describe a Famous Person

    icon. When someone is extremely famous in a particular field, they are an icon. Mick Jagger is a musical icon. influential. A person who is influential has had an influence on many people. Coco Chanel was one of the most influential designers of the 20 th century. starred in.

  12. How to Write a Descriptive Essay

    How to Start a Descriptive Essay. Making sure you choose the right topic is the first hurdle to cross. A topic for a descriptive essay is vital because it is the main subject you will be writing about. Spend at least 20 minutes brainstorming different topic ideas and make sure you choose a topic that you know well.

  13. Descriptive Essay About a Person: A Comprehensive Guide

    A descriptive essay relies on facts and information to describe a subject as it is. A descriptive essay about a person is often written to describe a particular person. It can be about a person you admire, an acquaintance, family member like mother, friend, or even a celebrity. Here are some examples to give you a better idea.

  14. Famous Person Essay Sample 14 Models

    Describe a famous person essay example. There is no doubt that I am very impressed by a famous person who helped change the world. He is Yuri Gagarin, the first human to fly into outer space and orbit the Earth. I can't imagine how much responsibility, pressure and fear this person felt.

  15. How to write an essay about your favorite celebrity

    You'll still need to perform some analysis if you're writing an opinion essay, but you'll also need to create your ideas about the celebrity. After conducting your research, you should begin writing. Create a concise introduction. Then, in the essay's main body, defend your thesis with your arguments and supporting evidence.

  16. How to Write a Descriptive Essay

    An example of a short descriptive essay, written in response to the prompt "Describe a place you love to spend time in," is shown below. Hover over different parts of the text to see how a descriptive essay works. On Sunday afternoons I like to spend my time in the garden behind my house. The garden is narrow but long, a corridor of green ...

  17. My Favourite Celebrity Essay Example

    My Favourite Celebrity. I have chosen 'My Favourite Celebrity' as my written assignment and presentation topic. The purpose that I choose the topic is because I want to share the story about my idol , Taylor Swift. She had long been my idol since 12 years old before I am able to get the chance to meet her. She is one of my favourite singer ...

  18. A Famous Person You Admire (Free Essay Sample)

    This is a free essay sample available for all students. If you are looking where to buy pre written essays on the topic "A Famous Person You Admire", browse our private essay samples. She is beautiful inside and out. She has made an impact on the world. She is funny and has a great way with words.

  19. B2 Being a Celebrity Article

    B2 First Writing Section. You are required to produce two pieces of writing. The first piece is compulsory and will be an essay of 140-190 words. For the second, you can choose from an article, email/letter, essay, review or report (B2 First for schools the report is replaced with a story) of 140-190 words. Video.

  20. 15+ Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person

    The following essays are some examples of descriptive essays about a person, family members, and famous people. Table of Contents. Essay 1: My Best Friend Laura. Essay 2: Larry Page. Essay 3: My Father. Essay 4: Bill Gates. Essay 5: My Mother. Essay 6: Mark Zuckerberg. Essay 7: My Sister.

  21. Celebrity Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    PAGES 3 WORDS 829. Hero orshipping Celebrity Idols. Britney Spears personifies today's pop culture. Michael Jackson remained the pop icon for the last two decades. Paris Hilton is finally making her mark as the new, radical 'snobbishly rich' personality in Hollywood. Bands of all kinds abound in the music scene.

  22. IELTS Essay # 494

    Sample Answer 1: A celebrity works hard to get the attention of the public and once s/he becomes famous, s/he constantly tries to avoid the attention. Being a celebrity is certainly not a piece of cake. They get all the attention of the world at the price of personal space.

  23. Celebrity who inspires you (Part 2 IELTS Speaking) Sample Answer

    IELTS Part 2 (Cue Card) Question: Describe a celebrity who inspires you. and explain how this person inspires you. Sample Answer: The celebrity I'm gonna talk about is Priyanka Chopra. She is an actress, known for her work in Bollywood and Hollywood movies. I think she is a film producer too.

  24. Reese Witherspoon's Literary Empire

    This is true of all celebrity book clubs. An endorsement from one of them is a free shot of publicity, but one might argue that Reese's Book Club does a bit more for its books and authors than most.

  25. New Details Emerge in the 'Unique' Death of Sophia Leone

    Adult film star Sophia Leone tragically passed away at the age of 26, and now, weeks later, law enforcement officials are describing her death as 'unique.'

  26. Watch: Trump dozes off at the start of his hush-money trial

    The payment, prosecutors say, was to buy Daniels' silence over a one-time sexual encounter the porn star says she had with Donald Trump at a Lake Tahoe hotel suite in 2006 during a celebrity golf ...

  27. Divided Supreme Court rules no quick hearing required when police seize

    WASHINGTON (AP) — A divided Supreme Court ruled Thursday that authorities do not have to provide a quick hearing when they seize cars and other property used in drug crimes, even when the property belongs to so-called innocent owners.. By a 6-3 vote, the justices rejected the claims of two Alabama women who had to wait more than a year for their cars to be returned.

  28. Takeaways from Stormy Daniels' testimony at the Trump hush ...

    Adult film star Stormy Daniels dished out salacious details of her sexual encounter with former President Donald Trump in 2006 from the witness stand on Tuesday, describing how they met at a ...