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Top 83+ Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers

Teachers and Examiners (CBSE Skill Education) collaborated to create the Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers . All the important MCQs are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology ( 402 ) class IX .

Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers

Information technology class 9 digital presentation.

1. Impress is one of the important components of the LibreOffice suite from The Document Foundation. It is free, open source and widely used by a large community to create _____________. a. Presentation b. Spreadsheet c. Documentation d. None of the above

2. A presentation includes ___________. a. Regular text b. Graphics elements c. Animation d. All of the above

3. Which programme will the teacher use to teach Physics in the class and demonstrate ideas using visuals and animation? a. Presentation b. Spreadsheet c. Documentation d. None of the above

4. LibreOffice Impress runs on which operating system? a. Windows b. Linux c. Mac d. All of the above

5. What are the different presentation software available in computer systems? a. MS-Office 365 b. PowerPoint c. Google Slides d. All of the above

6. In LibreOffice Impress, an effective presentation can be created by using __________. a. Multimedia element b. Sound & Video c. Animation d. All of the above

7. What are the characteristics of a good presentation? a. Correct use of grammar and language b. Inserting images, drawings, tables or graphs c. Pay attention to target group d. All of the above

8. The parts of Impress in LibreOffice? a. Slides, Slide pane and Slide show b. Custom animation c. Slide transition d. All of the above

9. ___________ helps to create animation in the text, drawing, images etc. a. Custom animation b. Slide transition c. Drawing tools d. Insertion point

10. __________ helps to create animation between two or more than two slides. a. Custom animation b. Slide transition c. Drawing tools d. Insertion point

11. Using __________, you can make various artistic works in the presentation to make your presentation effective. a. Custom animation b. Slide transition c. Drawing tools d. Insertion point

12. The shortcut key for closing the Impress file is ___________. a. Alt + F4 b. Ctrl + Q c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above

13. _________ shortcut key helps to create a new Impress template. a. Ctrl + Q b. Ctrl + N c. Ctrl + M d. None of the above

14. When creating a presentation, the first slide is normally the __________. a. Description Slide b. Title Slide c. End Slide d. None of the above

15. The layouts included in LibreOffice range from a blank slide to a slide with ________ content boxes and a title. a. 6 b. 5 c. 4 d. 8

16. A Save as options helps to create a file with __________. a. Previous name b. New name c. Repeated name d. None of the above

17. By default the presentation is saved with the _______ extension. a. .odp b. .odc c. .odw d. None of the above

18. To run the slide show you can use ________ shortcut key. a. F8 b. F7 c. F6 d. F5

19. A Portable Document Format (PDF) of the presentation can be created by _________. a. Saving a file b. Opening a file c. Closing a file d. None of the above

20. To change the layout of a slide, just select the slide in the _____________. a. Slide Show b. Slide Setting c. Slide Pane d. None of the above

21. The slides can be reused within the presentation or in another presentation once they’ve been prepared.. To move the slide to another location you can use _________. a. Cut and Paste b. Copy and Paste c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above

22. Cut operations can be performed by using __________ shortcut key. a. Ctrl + X b. Ctrl + V c. Ctrl + C d. Ctrl + D

23. Copy operations can be performed by using _________ shortcut key. a. Ctrl + X b. Ctrl + V c. Ctrl + C d. Ctrl + D

24. Paste operations can be performed by using _________ shortcut key. a. Ctrl + X b. Ctrl + V c. Ctrl + C d. Ctrl + D

25. By default slides are named as ____________. a. Slide1, Slide2, Slide3 etc. b. Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 etc. c. Present1, Present2, Present3 etc. d. None of the above

26. How can you delete the slide from the presentation? a. Using delete option b. Using backspace option c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above

27. What is the shortcut key for Undo _________. a. Ctrl +Z b. Ctrl + Y c. Ctrl + D d. Ctrl + U

28. What is the shortcut key for Redo _________. a. Ctrl +Z b. Ctrl + Y c. Ctrl + D d. Ctrl + U

29. What are the different workspace views in the impress? a. Normal & Outline b. Notes Master & Handout Master c. Slide Sorter & Slide Master d. All of the above

30. __________ view displays only the title of the slides, It also displays slides text in the form of a structure. a. Notes Master b. Handout Master c. Outline d. Slide Sorter

31. __________used to add notes to a slide for the information of the presenter. This note is not visual to the audience when the presentation is being shown. a. Notes Master b. Handout Master c. Notes view d. Slide Sorter

32. _________contains all of the slide thumbnails. It can be used to rearrange the slide order. a. Notes Master b. Handout Master c. Notes view d. Slide Sorter

33. The most common way to use the formatting option in the impress is _________. a. Formatting toolbar b. Format β†’ Text c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above

34. Shortcut key for Bold text in Impress? a. Ctrl + B b. Ctrl + I c. Ctrl + U d. Ctrl + F

35. Shortcut key for increasing font size of the text in Impress? a. Ctrl + I b. Ctrl + ] c. Ctrl + [ d. Ctrl + D

36. Shortcut key for decreasing font size of the text in Impress? a. Ctrl + I b. Ctrl + ] c. Ctrl + [ d. Ctrl + D

37. Shortcut key for Superscript in Impress? a. Shift + Ctrl + P b. Shift + Ctrl + B c. Shift + Ctrl + D d. None of the above

38. Shortcut key for Subscript in Impress? a. Shift + Ctrl + P b. Shift + Ctrl + B c. Shift + Ctrl + D d. None of the above

39. What are the different alignments available in Impress? a. Center b. Left + Right c. Justify d. All of the above

40. Tables are inserted by selecting the Table option from __________. a. Standard toolbar b. Insert tab c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above

41. The __________ contains the images that can be used in a presentation. a. Gallery b. Style c. List d. None of the above

42. Formatting an image includes ___________. a. Resizing b. Moving c. Rotating d. All of the above

43. You can draw lines and curves by selecting the ________ options. a. Gallery b. Clip c. Shape d. None of the above

44. ____________ helps to group more than one object and treat it as a single object. a. Join b. Group c. Combine d. None of the above

45. Shortcut key for combining multiple objects in a single object. a. Ctrl + Shift + G b. Ctrl + G c. Alt + G d. None of the above

46. Shortcut key for ungrouping the object? a. Ctrl + Shift + G b. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G c. Ctrl + U d. Ctrl + G

47. Impress slide masters are available in the ___________ section of the Sidebar. a. Sub Page Section b. Master Page Section c. Main Page Section d. None of the above

48. On Presentation Wizard, which of the following options is not available? a. Empty presentation b. Form template c. Open new presentation d. Open existing presentation

49. Which of the following is not a part of the main Impress window? a. Slides pane b. Workspace c. Work pane d. Task pane

50. Which of the following is not a section of the tasks pane? a. Master pages b. Layouts c. Custom View d. Custom animation

51. Which of the following view buttons is not present in the workspace? a. Normal view b. Outline view c. Thumbnail view d. Notes

52. Which view is most commonly used to create, format, and design slides? a. Normal view b. Outline view c. Notes d. Slide Sorter view

53. The slide show can be exited at any time during the show by pressing which of the following keys? a. Space bar b. End key c. Break key d. Esc key

54. Which of the following features is used to build a new slide show that contains the same slides but in a different order? a. Rehearsal b. Custom Slide show c. Slide Show Setup d. Slide Show View

55. Which of the following features is used to progress the slide show automatically while speaking on the topic? a. Custom Animation b. Rehearse Timing c. Slide Transition d. Either (a) or (b)

56. The ______________ is used to keep the presentation’s design and color consistent. a. Slide Master b. Slide View c. Normal View d. None of the above

57. ________________view is used to view all the slides simultaneously. a. Slide Master b. Slide View c. Normal View d. Slide Sorter View

58. ________________is used to perform basic operations on the presentation. a. Edit Menu b. File Menu c. View Menu d. Format Menu

59. Master Page is used to modify the _____________of the slide. a. Formatting b. Style c. Content d. Both a) and b)

60. To create a new blank presentation, use the key combination ____________. a. Ctrl + M b. Ctrl + N c. Ctrl + P d. Ctrl + D

61. In every presentation, the first slide should be ___________________. a. Title Slide b. End Slide c. Graphics Slide d. None of the above

62. To save a presentation, we can use key combination _______________ . a. Ctrl + M b. Ctrl + S c. Ctrl + P d. Ctrl + D

63. In LibreOffice Impress, by default the presentation is saved with _________extension. a. .odp b. .odf c. .odu d. None of the above

64. The keyboard shortcut key for slide show is _____________. a. Shift + F2 b. Shift + F3 c. Shift + F4 d. Shift + F5

65. The shortcut key to close the LibreOffice impress is _______________. a. Ctrl + F3 b. Ctrl + F4 c. Ctrl + F6 d. Ctrl + F7

66. The shortcut key to insert a new slide is ________________. a. Ctrl + M b. Ctrl + N c. Ctrl + P d. Ctrl + D

67. The ____________ view is used to apply animation on the content of slide. a. Custom Animation b. Animation Pane c. Slide Transition d. None of the above

68. A paper copy of the presentation given to the audience is known as ________________. a. Paper Presentation b. Copy Presentation c. Special Presentation d. None of the above

69. To play a sound during transitions, select a sound from the ______________ list. a. Sound list b. Audio list c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above

70. To play the sound repeatedly, the __________________is used. a. Sound Button b. Audio Button c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above

71. The order of the slides cannot be changed in slides pane. a. True b. False

72. Slide design or layout can be changed for multiple slides simultaneously. a. True b. False

73. Every slide in a presentation has exactly one slide master. a. True b. False

74. Animations once applied can be changed but cannot be removed. a. True b. False

75. Slide names are included in the outline view. a. True b. False

76. The notes added to slides can be seen during the presentation. a. True b. False

77. A presentation can have multiple slide masters. a. True b. False

78. A user can create his/her own slide master. a. True b. False

79. Once a predefined slide master is selected, the background of the slide cannot be changed. a. True b. False

80. The text added to the header is displayed on the first slide only. a. True b. False

81. The text added to the footer is displayed on the last slide only. a. True b. False

82. Users can create his/her own template and use it in the Presentation Wizard. a. True b. False

83. The Notes View is used for the audience. a. True b. False

84. It is not possible to insert audio or video clips in the presentation. a. True b. False

85. Header and footer can be inserted in the presentation. a. True b. False

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Employability skills Class 9 MCQ

  • Unit 1 – Communication Skills Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 2 – Self-Management Skills Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 3 – Basic ICT Skills Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 4 – Entrepreneurial Skillls Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 5 – Green Skills Class 9 MCQ

Employability skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

  • Unit 1 – Communication Skills Class 9 Questionns and Answers
  • Unit 2 – Self-Management Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 3 – Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 4 – Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 5 – Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 9 Notes

  • Unit 1 – Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 2 – Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 3 – Digital Documentation Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 4 – Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 5 – Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes

Information Technology Class 9 MCQ

  • Unit 1 – Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 2 – Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 3 – Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 4 – Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 5 – Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ

Information Technology Class 9 Questions and Answers

  • Unit 1 – Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 2 – Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 3 – Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 4 – Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 5 – Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers

Reference Textbook

The above Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE ACADEMIC as a reference.

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Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ with Answers, and our team has tried to collect all the correct MCQs from the textbook . If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us [email protected].


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To insert an image into presentation, select ____ β†’ Image

on the menu bar.

None of the above

______ an image includes moving, resizing, rotating an image



Rotate icon on the ___________toolbar.

Line and Filling

A group formed by grouping the objects can be formatted as a______.

Single object

Text boxNumber

_______ Shortcut key can be used to select all.

Tables can also be inserted by selecting the Table icon on the __________toolbar.

In the ___________dialog box, the Number of columns and the Number of rows can be specified.

Insert Table

Delete table

Moving the insertion point in a table can be done in______ ways .

To select a cell within a table, position the mouse cursor along its____________.

bottom edge

_____________________an image includes moving, resizing, rotating an image.

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Class 9 Information Technology 402 Unit 5 Digital Presentation NCERT Book Solution

Class 9 information technology book solution, unit 5 digital presentation class 9 book solution, a. multiple choice questions.

1. Which of the following option is not available on Presentation Wizard? (a) Empty presentation (b) Form template (c) Open new presentation (d) Open existing presentation

Answer: (a) Empty presentation

2. Which of the following is not a part of main Impress window? (a) Slides pane (b) Workspace (c) Work pane (d) Task pane

Answer: (c) Work pane

3. Which of the following is not a section of tasks pane? (a) Master pages (b) Layouts (c) Custom View (d) Custom animation

Answer: (c) Custom View

4. Which view button listed below is not one of those available in the workspace? (a) Normal view (b) Outline view (c) Thumbnail view (d) Notes

Answer: (c) Thumbnail view

5. Which view is generally used for creating, formatting and designing slides? (a) Normal view (b) Outline view (c) Notes (d) Slide Sorter view

Answer: (a) Normal view

6. The slide show can be exited at any time during the show by pressing which of the following keys? (a) Space bar (b) End key (c) Break key (d) Esc key

Answer: (d) Esc key

7. Which of the following features is used to create a new slide show with the current slides but presented in a different order? (a) Rehearsal (b) Custom Slide show (c) Slide Show Setup (d) Slide Show View

Answer: (b) Custom Slide show

8. Which of the following feature is used to progress the slide show automatically while speaking on the topic? (a) Custom Animation (b) Rehearse Timing (c) Slide Transition (d) Either (a) or (b)

Answer: (c) Slide Transition

B. Fill in the blanks

1. _______ is used to maintain consistency in design and colour in the presentation.

Answer: Master slide

2. ______________ view is used to view all the slides simultaneously.

Answer: Slide sorter

3. ________________ is used to perform basic operations on the presentation .

Answer: File menu

4. Master Page is used to modify the _____________ of the slide.

Answer: base architecture

5. To create a new blank presentation, use the key combination ____________ __ .

Answer: Ctrl + N

6. In every presentation, first slide should be _______ .

Answer: Title Slide

7. To save a presentation, we can use key combination ______ ___ .

Answer: Ctrl + S

8. In LibreOffice Impress, by default the presentation is saved with _________extension.

Answer: .odp (dot odp)

9. The keyboard shortcut key for the slide show is ________ _ .

10. The shortcut key to close the LibreOffice impress is ____________ .

Answer: Alt + F4 or Ctrl + Q

11. The shortcut key to insert a new slide is ___________ .

Answer: Ctrl + M

12. The ___________ __ view is used to apply animation on the content of slide.

Answer: Normal

13. A paper copy of presentation given to the audience is known as ____ _________.

Answer: Handouts

14. To play a sound during transitions, select a sound from the ____________ list.

Answer: Sound

15. To play the sound repeatedly, the ______________ is used.

Answer: loop until next sound

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Class 9 IT 402 Unit 5 Digital Presentations Question – Answer / MCQ

A. Multiple Choice Questions

1.Which of the following option is not available on Presentation Wizard? (a) Empty presentation (b) Form template (c) Open new presentation (d) Open existing presentation

Answer: (a) Empty presentation

2. Which of the following is not a part of main Impress window? (a) Slides pane (b) Workspace (c) Work pane (d) Task pane

Answer: (c) Work pane

3.Which of the following is not a section of tasks pane? (a) Master pages (b) Layouts (c) Custom View (d) Custom animation

Answer: (c) Custom View

4. Which view button listed below is not one of those available in the workspace? (a) Normal view (b) Outline view (c) Thumbnail view (d) Notes

Answer: (c) Thumbnail view

5. Which view is generally used for creating, formatting and designing slides? (a) Normal view (b) Outline view (c) Notes (d) Slide Sorter view

Answer: (a) Normal view

6. The slide show can be exited at any time during the show by pressing which of the following keys? (a) Space bar (b) End key (c) Break key (d) Esc key

Answer: (d) Esc key

7. Which of the following features is used to create a new slide show with the current slides but presented in a different order? (a) Rehearsal (b) Custom Slide show (c) Slide Show Setup (d) Slide Show View

Answer: (b) Custom Slide show

8. Which of the following feature is used to progress the slide show automatically while speaking on the topic? (a) Custom Animation (b) Rehearse Timing (c) Slide Transition (d) Either (a) or (b)

Answer: (c) Slide Transition

B. Fill in the blanks

  • _______ is used to maintain consistency in design and colour in the presentation.

Answer: Master Slide

2. ________________view is used to view all the slides simultaneously.

Answer: Slide Sorter

3. ________________is used to perform basic operations on the presentation

Answer: File Menu

4. Master Page is used to modify the _____________of the slide.

Answer: Basic Architecture

5. To create a new blank presentation, use the key combination __ .

Answer: Ctrl + N

6. In every presentation, first slide should be _______ .

Answer: Title Slide

7. To save a presentation, we can use key combination ___ .

Answer: Ctrl + S

8. In LibreOffice Impress, by default the presentation is saved with _________extension.

Answer: (.odp)

9. The keyboard shortcut key for slide show is _ .

10. The short cut key to close the LibreOffice impress is_________

Answer: Ctrl + Q

11.The short cut key to insert a new slide is ____ .

Answer: Ctrl + M

12. The __ view is used to apply animation on the content of slide

Answer: Normal

13. A paper copy of presentation given to the audience is known as ____ .

Answer: Handouts

14. To play a sound during transitions, select a sound from the __ list.

Answer: Sound

15. To play the sound repeatedly, the __________________is used

Answer: Loop until next sound

C. State whether the following statements are True or False

  • The order of the slides cannot be changed in slides pane

Answer: True

2. Slide design or layout can be changed for multiple slides simultaneously.

3. Every slide in a presentation has exactly one slide master.

4. Animations once applied can be changed but cannot be removed.

Answer: False

5. Slide names are included in outline view.

6. The notes added to slides can be seen during the presentation.

7. A presentation can have multiple slide masters.

8. A user can create his/her own slide master.

9. Once a pre-defined slide master is selected, the background of slide cannot be changed.

10. The text added to the header is displayed on the first slide only.

11.The text added to the footer is displayed on the last slide only.

12. User can create his/her own template and use it in the Presentation Wizard.

13. The Notes View is used for the audience.

14. It is not possible to insert audio or video clips in the presentation.

15. Header and footer can be inserted in the presentation.

D. Short answer questions

1.List the possible multimedia contents that are included while creating a presentation.

Answer: Possible multimedia contents that are included while creating a presentation:-

2. List the important points to be considered while making an effective presentation.

  • On one page or slide try to include 5 to 8 lines

2. While preparing the presentation, you need to take care of the room size, distance between the screen and the audience. Accordingly keep the font size of the texts, so that the audience can easily read the contents.

3. The grammar and Language should be correct in your Presentation.

4. Do not include more than one animation or Video in one Slide.

5. Try to avoid inserting more than two graphics in any Slide.

6. Pay attention to the target group to meet the requirement of the target audience.

3. What are the advantages of using a presentation?

Answer: 1.Concepts can be easily presented to the audience in a simple way.

2. Machine parts and operation of various machines can be easily shown.

4 What objects can be inserted to slides in Impress?

Answer: We can insert various types of objects to slides in Impress such as Table, Charts, Shapes and Textbox into a Presentation.

5. What are the steps to add picture or object to the slide?

Answer: Click on the Insert Image icon. Select the Image file and click on Open button or just Double click on the image file. The image will get inserted in the file

Position the cursor where you want to insert the file, Select Insert–>Image.

6. How can text be added to header or footer on the sliders?

Answer: Steps to add header or footer on the sliders:

Click  INSERT  >  Header & Footer .

Header & Footer dialog box appears.

In the box below  Footer , type the text that you want, such as the presentation title.

Click  Apply to All . Or, if you want the footer information only on the selected slide, click  Apply  instead of  Apply to All .

7.Describe the use of fields available in header and footer.

Answer: Fields available in header and footer are:

  • Header: A Header is a text or section which appears at the Top of the slide.
  • Footer: A Footer is a text or section which appears at the Bottom of the slide.
  • Date & Time: This is used to add Date & Time in header section in the Slide.
  • Page Number: This is used to add Page Number in the slide.

8. Write the steps to create a template.

Answer: 1.Create a slide which you want to save it as a template.

2. Click on File–> Templates–> Save as Template.

3. Save As Template dialog box appear.

4.Type Name of the template and select Template Category where you want to save.

5. Click on Save button.

9.Write down the steps to add slide transition in your presentation.

(i) In the Sidebar, select the Slide Transition icon. (ii) Select the slides to apply the transition. If you want to apply the transition to all the slides, do not select any slides. (iii) Select a Sound from the Sound List. (iv) If a sound is selected, the Loop until next sound option becomes active to play the sound repeatedly. (v) Select how to advance to the next slide: manually (By mouse click) or automatically

(vi)To apply transition to all slides, click Apply to All Slides. (vii) To start the slide show from the current slide, click Slide Show

10. How will you add the slide number at the bottom of each slide?

In Slide tab, Select Slide Number check box.

Click Apply to All Button.

11. How will you insert a company’s logo (picture) in first slide of your presentation?

Answer: 1. Open your Presentation and go to the first slide.

2. Click on Insert –> Image.

3. Select company’s logo and click on Open. It will appear on your Presentation.

12. How will you add the name of the company on the top of the each slide?

Type the name of the Company in Header Text Box.

Click Apply to All button.

13. Write down the steps to create a table in a presentation.

Answer: 1.Click on the Slide where you want to insert table.

2. Select Insert–> Table.

3. Specify the number of Rows and Columns.

4. Click OK.

14. Write down the steps to insert a chart in slide.

  • Click on the Slide where you want to insert table.

2. Select Insert–> Chart.

3. Chart will be inserted in Slide.

4.Right click on Chart and change Chart Data table, Chart Type etc.

15. What are the five views of presentation?

  • Normal View.
  • Outline View.
  • Slide Sorter View.
  • Notes Page View

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Q. 14 : FIRST STEP HAS A TYPO: Click on the slide…..insert the TABLE.

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  • Class 9 – IT 402 Digital Documentation – MCQs

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Class 9 – Part B – Unit 1 – Digital Documentation – MCQs

Class 9 IT (Code 402)- Digital Documentation NCERT-Based MCQs:  Practice makes perfect! Here, we’ve curated a set of Solved NCERT-based multiple-choice questions to test your understanding of the Digital Documentation Unit of Class 9 – Information Technology (Code 402) session and chapter-wise. These MCQs are designed to help you gauge your knowledge and identify areas for improvement for CBSE examination.

Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQs

Topic – Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQs

MCQ 1: Which of following is not a component of the Office Suite? a. Writer b. Impress c. Internet Explorer d. Base

MCQ 2: The most widely used word processing software in late 1970s was ____. a. Word Perfect b. Word c. Word Star d. Writer

MCQ 3: We can change the mistakes noticed in which of the following? a. Electronic typewriter b. Word processor software c. Simple typewriter d. Both a. and b.

MCQ 4: A ____ is a paper with written contents. a. Document b. Evidence c. Documentation d. None of these

MCQ 5: The process of preparing a document is called ____. a. Documentary b. Documenting c. Documentation d. None of these

MCQ 6: A data entry operator should possess ____ skills. a. Good Typing speed b. Good understanding of Office tools like Writer, Calc etc c. Both a. and b. d. None of the above

MCQ 7: ____ is the use of computer software to enter, edit, format, store, retrieve and print the document. a Word processing b. Documentation c. Word processor d. None of these

MCQ 8: The term word processing was invented by ____. a. Intel b. HP c. IBM d. Microsoft

MCQ 9: A ____ is a computer application used for edit, format, store, retrieve and print the document. a. Word Processing b. Digital Documentation c. Word Processor d. None of these

MCQ 10: In the beginning ____ was the most widely used word processing software. a. WordStart b. WordStar c. Microsoft Word d. Writer

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MCQ 11: Which shortcut key is used for automatic spell checking? a. SHIFT + INSERT c. CTRL + INSERT b. SHIFT+F7 d. TAB INSERT

MCQ 12: In typewriter, if any typing error occurs then ____. a. it can be easily rectified b. needs to use special eraser c. whole sheet is required to be typed again d. None of the above

MCQ 13: Limitations of typewriter is/are ____. a. Typewriter does not have all the required characters or symbols b. It is not possible to produce a document in the desired format in typewriter c. Both a. and b. d. None of the above

MCQ 14: Web-based word processer are: a. Google Docs b. Office 365 Word c. Microsoft OneDrive Word d. All of the above

MCQ 15: To start LibreOffice Writer in Windows _____. a. Double-click LibreOffice Writer shortcut available on desktop b. Click on the Start or Windows button, select LibreOffice β†’ LibreOffice Writer from application window e. Both a. and b. d. None of the above

MCQ 16: To open a new document: a. Press Ctrl + N from Keyboard b. Click on File Menu New Text Document c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above

MCQ 17: In Writer, by default, the file is saved in ____ format. a. .odf b. .odt b. .ods d. None of these

MCQ 18: We can save the file with another name using ____ option. a Save As (F12) b. Ctrl + S c. Save d. All of these

MCQ 19: To close the file, select ____. a. File > Close b. File > Out c. File Quit d. None of these

MCQ 20: To open an already existing file, press ____ from keyboard. a. Ctrl + N b. Ctrl + A c. Ctrl + O d. None of these

MCQ 21: Top most bar of Writer Window is ____. a. Title bar b. Status bar c. Menu bar d. Scroll bar

MCQ 22: ____ shows the title of the currently opened document. a. Task bar b. Menu bar c. Title bar d. Status bar

MCQ 23: In Writer the default name of the document is ____. a. Document1 b. Writer1 c. Untitled1 d. None of these

MCQ 24: ____ appears below the Title Bar. a. Format Toolbar b. Menu Bar c. Standard Toolbar d. Scroll Bar

MCQ 25: The submenu item (of Menu bar) which shows three dots ‘…’ means: a. nothing b. a dialog box will open c. a submenu will open d. None of these

MCQ 26: The submenu item (of Menu bar) which shows right hand side arrows ‘>’ means: a. nothing c. a submenu will open b. a dialog box will open d. None of these

MCQ 27: Which toolbar shows icons of Cut, Copy and Paste? a. Standard Toolbar b. Formatting Toolbar c. Menu Bar d. None of these

MCQ 28: ____ bar is present at the bottom of the Writer window. a. Status b. Horizontal Scroll c. Vertical Scroll d. None of these

MCQ 29: Which bar is used to move document up and down? a. Menu Bar b. Horizontal Scroll Bar c. Vertical Scroll Bar d. None of these

MCQ 30: From which menu, you can select various toolbars? a. File Menu b. View Menu c. Tool Menu d. Edit Menu

MCQ 31: Zoom Slider is available on ____ bar. a. Status b. Formatting c. Standard d. Scroll

MCQ 32: Header and Footer is available in which of the following menus? a. File Menu b. View Menu c. Insert Menu d. Edit Menu

MCQ 33: To hide or view ruler we should go to which of the following menus? a. Tools Menu b. View Menu c. Insert Menu d. Edit Menu

MCQ 34: To check the grammar we should go to which of the following menus? a. Tools Menu b. View Menu c. Insert Menu d. Edit Menu

MCQ 35: To replace a word Bombay with Mumbai, we should go to which of the following menus? a. Tools Menu b. View Menu c. Edit Menu d. Language Menu

MCQ 36: To close an opened document, we should to go to which of the following menus? a. File Menu c. View Menu b. Insert Menu d. Edit Menu

MCQ 37: Which of the following technique selects a sentence in Writer? a. Single Click (Pressing left button of mouse) b. Double Click c. Triple Click d. None of the above

MCQ 38: Spellings are corrected automatically in Writer because of which of the following features? a. Auto Text b. Auto Complete c. Auto Correct d. All of these

MCQ 39: The default table size is ____. a. 1 column, 1 row b. 2 columns, 2 rows c. 2 columns, 1 row d. 1 column, 2 rows

MCQ 40: What is the shape of the mouse pointer when drawing a table? a. Pencil b. Black pointing arrow c. White pointing arrow d. Black plus

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    class 9 IT Code 402 notes, class 9 Digital Presentation book solution, class 9 IT unit 5 book exercise. class 9 IT Code 402 notes, class 9 Digital Presentation book solution, class 9 IT unit 5 book exercise ... 2 thoughts on "Class 9 IT 402 Unit 5 Digital Presentations Question - Answer / MCQ" alebale says: 20 August 2023 at 10:41. Q. 14 ...


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    #CBSEComputerEducation#IT402*Information Technology class 9 MCQ link*Unit 1: Introduction to IT- ITeS industry πŸ‘‡