संस्कृत में गाय (धेनु) का निबंध | Essay on Cow In Sanskrit

essay on cow in sanskrit

Essay on Cow In Sanskrit: संस्कृत भाषा, भारतीय सभ्यता का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है, जिसमें गौ माता को विशेष महत्व दिया गया है। भारतीय समाज में गौ माता को एक पवित्र और आदरणीय पशु माना जाता है, गौ, हमारे समाज के लिए केवल एक पशु नहीं है, बल्कि एक साथी और आदरणीय सदस्य है. गौ के साथ हमारे संबंध इतने गहरे और अनूठे हैं कि उन्हें संस्कृत भाषा में ‘कमधेनु’ और ‘अधिशबला’ जैसे शब्दों से संदर्भित किया जाता है। इन शब्दों के अर्थ न केवल दुधारू गौ को दर्शाते हैं, बल्कि वे हमें इस पवित्र पशु के महत्व के प्रति गहरा समर्पण और आदर दिखाते हैं।

इस आर्टिकल में हम  संस्कृत भाषा में गाय (धेनु ) पर निबंध  शेयर कर रहे हैं। जैसा कि आ जानते है गौ का महत्व सिर्फ धार्मिक दृष्टि से ही नहीं, बल्कि वातावरण, कृषि, और गौशाला संचालन की प्रतिष्ठितता के भावनात्मक पहलुओं के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है। यह निबंध हमें गौ माता के महत्व को समझने और उसके साथ हमारे संबंध को गहराई से समझने में सहायता प्रदान करेगा। आइए, हम संस्कृत भाषा के माध्यम से गौ के महत्व को जानें और उसके साथ हमारे जीवन के महत्वपूर्ण पहलुओं को गहराई से समझें।

धेनु का निबंध संस्कृत में 10 लाइन | 10 Lines on Cow In Sanskrit

(1) अस्माकं देशस्य सर्वश्रेष्ठः पशुः गौः अस्ति ।

(2)  अस्माकं देशे गौ: मातृवत् पूज्या अस्ति ।

(3)   गौ: अस्मभ्यं मधुरं दुग्धं ददाति ।

(4) गौदुग्धेभ्यः दधिः, घृतम् च जायते ।

(5)  गोघृतं अतीव पवित्रं मन्यते ।

(6) गौ: अस्माकं बहुउपकारं करोति ।

(7)  गोवत्साः एव वृषभाः भवन्ति ।

(8)   वृषभाः हलेन क्षेत्राणि कर्षन्ति ।

(9) गोमयेन उपलानि निर्मीयन्ते ।

(10) गोमयेन उर्वराशक्तिः वर्धते ।

(11) उपलानां प्रयोग इंधने अपि भवति ।

(12) गौ: घासं – तृणं च खादति ।

(13) गौ: अस्मभ्यं अतीव उपयोगी अस्ति ।

(14) अतः वयं गाम् गोमाता अपि कथयामः ।

Long Essay on Cow In Sanskrit

गौ: एकः चतुष्पात पशुः अस्ति। अस्या: एकं पुच्छम् भवति। द्वे श्रंगे भवतः। चत्वारः पादाः भवन्तिअस्या: गले एकं गल्कम्ब्लम् भवतिइदं गल्कम्ब्लम् अन्यापशुनाम न भवति । गौ: तृणचारी पशुः अस्ति इयं वनेषु भ्रमति घासम तृणं च चरतिअस्याः स्वभाव अतीव सरलः भवतिगौमहान उपकारी पशु: अस्ति। इयं दुग्धं ददाति । दुग्धेन दधि भवति । अस्या: दधि दुग्धं घृतं च अतीव पवित्रं हितकारकं च भवतिगौ: गोमयं ददातिगोमयेन गृहे लिप्यते । पूजाकार्ये अपि गोमयस्य उपयोगो भवति। गौमूत्रेण च अनेके रोगाः नृश्यन्ति। गौ पशु नास्तिसा माता अस्ति, पिता अस्ति, देवता अस्ति

संस्कृत निबंध:

  • महात्मा गांधी का निबंध संस्कृत में
  • संस्कृत निबंध:स्वामी विवेकानन्दः
  • पुस्‍तकालय पर संस्‍कृत निबंध
  • गणतंत्र दिवस पर संस्कृत में निबंध
  • संस्कृत में कालिदास का निबंध
  • संस्कृत भाषा में महाराष्ट्रं पर निबंध:
  • तुलसीदास पर निबंध संस्कृत
  • मम दिनचर्या संस्कृत निबंध

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Essay On Cow in Sanskrit

This post is an essay on Cow in Sanskrit with translation in Hindi and English.

गाय पर संस्कृत में निबंध।

धेनुः इति विषये संस्कृतभाषायां निबन्धः।

This be referenced by school students and interested Sanskrit learners.

Short Essay on Cow in Sanskrit

Table of Contents

Video of Essay On Cow in Sanskrit

धेनुः पालनीयपशुः अस्ति। तस्याः चत्वारः पादाः सन्ति। तस्याः पुच्छं दीर्घम् अस्ति। तस्याः द्वे शृङ्गे स्तः। धेनुः शाकाहारी-पशुः अस्ति। सा तृणं धान्यं च खादति। सा अतीव उपयुक्त-पशुः अस्ति। सा अस्मभ्यं दुग्धं ददाति। धेनुः अस्माकं माता इव अस्ति। धेनुः मम प्रियपशुः अस्ति।

dhenuḥ iti viṣaye saṃskṛtabhāṣāyāṃ nibandhaḥ।

dhenuḥ pālanīyapaśuḥ asti। tasyāḥ catvāraḥ pādāḥ santi। tasyāḥ pucchaṃ dīrgham asti। tasyāḥ dve śṛṅge staḥ। dhenuḥ śākāhārī-paśuḥ asti। sā tṛṇaṃ dhānyaṃ ca khādati। sā atīva upayukta-paśuḥ asti। sā asmabhyaṃ dugdhaṃ dadāti dhenuḥ asmākaṃ mātā iva asti। dhenuḥ mama priyapaśuḥ asti।

Essay On Cow

The cow is a domestic animal. It has four legs. Its tail is very long. It has two horns. The cow is a herbivore. It eats grass and fodder. It is a very useful animal. It gives us milk. We respect the cow just like a mother. The cow is my favourite animal.

गाय पर निबंध

गाय एक पालतू पशु है। उसके चार पैर होते हैं। उसकी पूँछ लंबी होती है। उसके दो सींग होते हैं। गाय शाकाहारी पशु है। वह घास और चारा खाती है। वह एक बहुत ही उपयोगी पशु है। वह हमें दूध देती है। गाय हमें माँ के समान है। गाय मेरी प्रिय पशु है।


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Education Gyan

Essay on Cow in Sanskrit Language: संस्कृत मे गाय पर विस्तृत निबंध

गाय का यूं तो पूरी दुनिया में ही काफी महत्व है, लेकिन यदि बात की जाए भारत के संदर्भ में तो प्राचीन काल से यह भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था की रीढ़ रही है। चाहे वह दूध का मामला हो या फिर खेती के काम में आने वाले बैलों का। वैदिक काल में गायों की संख्‍या व्यक्ति की समृद्धि का मानक हुआ करती थी। इस आर्टिकल मे हम संस्कृत भाषा मे गाय (Cow) पर निबंध शेअर कर रहे है आशा है ये जानकारी आपको पसंद आएगी।

धेनु संस्कृत निबंध- Essay on Cow in Sanskrit

essay on cow in sanskrit

विस्तृत निबंध (Essay on Cow in Sanskrit)

essay on cow in sanskrit

Short 10 Lines on Cow In Sanskrit

(1) अस्माकं देशस्य सर्वश्रेष्ठः पशुः गौः अस्ति ।

(2)  अस्माकं देशे गौ: मातृवत् पूज्या अस्ति ।

(3)   गौ: अस्मभ्यं मधुरं दुग्धं ददाति ।

(4) गौदुग्धेभ्यः दधिः, घृतम् च जायते ।

(5)  गोघृतं अतीव पवित्रं मन्यते ।

(6) गौ: अस्माकं बहुउपकारं करोति ।

(7)  गोवत्साः एव वृषभाः भवन्ति ।

(8)   वृषभाः हलेन क्षेत्राणि कर्षन्ति ।

(9) गोमयेन उपलानि निर्मीयन्ते ।

(10) गोमयेन उर्वराशक्तिः वर्धते ।

(11) उपलानां प्रयोग इंधने अपि भवति ।

(12) गौ: घासं – तृणं च खादति ।

(13) गौ: अस्मभ्यं अतीव उपयोगी अस्ति ।

(14) अतः वयं गाम् गोमाता अपि कथयामः ।

Edu Gyan

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10 लाइन गाय पर निबंध संस्कृत में || Essay on Cow In Sanskrit

संस्कृत में गाय (धेनू) का निबंध || essay on cow in Sanskrit,10 लाइन गाय पर संस्कृत में,10 line gay per Sanskrit mein,Sanskrit Mein gay ka nibandh,essay on cow in Sanskrit,10 lines on cow in Sanskrit,धेनु निबंध संस्कृत,गाय का निबंध संस्कृत में,cow essay in Sanskrit,essay on cow in Sanskrit,10 lines on cow in Sanskrit,गाय पर निबंध संस्कृत में,dhenu per nibandh Sanskrit mein,the cow essay in Sanskrit,cow essay in Sanskrit,dhenu per nibandh Sanskrit mein

2. अस्माकं देशस्य सर्वश्रेष्ठ: पशुः गौः अस्ति।

3. अस्माकं देशे गौः मातृवत् पूज्या अस्ति।

4. गौः एकः चतुष्पात पशुः अस्ति।

5. अस्या : एक पुच्छम् भवति ।

6. अस्याः द्वे श्रंगे भवतः।

7. चत्वार : पादाः भवति।

8. अस्या : गले एकं गल्कम्ब्लम् अन्यापशु नाम भवति।

9. गौः तृणचारी पशुः अस्ति।

10. गौः अस्मभ्यं मधुरं दुग्धं ददाति।

11. गौदुग्धेभ्य: दधि: घृतम् च जायते।

12. गोघृतं अतीव पवित्रं मन्यते।

13. गौः अस्माकं बहुउपकारं करोति।

14. वृषभा: हलेन क्षेत्राणि कर्षन्ति।

15. गोमयेन उपलानि निर्मीयन्ते।

16. गोमयेन उर्वराशक्ति: वर्धते।

17. उपलानां प्रयोग इंधने अपि भवति।

18. गौः घासं - तृणं च खादति।

19. गौः अस्मभ्यं अतीव उपयोगी अस्ति।

20. अत: वयं गाम् गोमाता अपि कथयाम:।

धेनु पर संस्कृत में निबंध | Cow Essay in Sanskrit,धेनु का निबंध संस्कृत में कक्षा नवी,धेनु का निबंध 10 लाइन का,धेनु का निबंध हिंदी में,धेनु का संस्कृत में निबंध,गाय का निबंध संस्कृत में 10 लाइन,gay ka nibandh Sanskrit Mein 10 line,Denu per nibandh 10 line,Denu Sanskrit Mein nibandh,dhenu ka nibandh Sanskrit Mein kaksha Navi,cow essay in Sanskrit,essay on cow in Sanskrit language,धेनु का निबंध,धेनु पर 10 लाइन,10 लाइन गाय पर निबंध संस्कृत में,धेनु का निबंध संस्कृत में कक्षा 8वीं,गाय पर संस्कृत में,essay on cow in Sanskrit,The cow essay in Sanskrit,Class 8 essay on cow in Sanskrit in 10 lines,gay per nibandh Sanskrit mein

Long Essay -

धेनु अस्माकं माता अस्ति। अस्माकं देशस्य सर्वश्रेष्ठ: पशुः गौः अस्ति। अस्माकं देशे गौः मातृवत् पूज्या अस्ति। गौः एकः चतुष्पात पशुः अस्ति। अस्या : एक पुच्छम् भवति। अस्याः द्वे श्रंगे भवतः। चत्वार : पादाः भवति। अस्या : गले एकं गल्कम्ब्लम् अन्यापशु नाम भवति ।गौः तृणचारी पशुः अस्ति। गौः अस्मभ्यं मधुरं दुग्धं ददाति। गौदुग्धेभ्य: दधि :घृतम् च जायते। गोघृतं अतीव पवित्रं मन्यते। गौःअस्माकं बहुउपकारं करोति। वृषभा: हलेन क्षेत्राणि कर्षन्ति। गोमयेन उपलानि निर्मीयन्ते। गोमयेन उर्वराशक्ति: वर्धते। उपलानां प्रयोग इंधने अपि भवति। गौः घासं - तृणं च खादति। गौः अस्मभ्यं अतीव उपयोगी अस्ति। अत: वयं गाम् गोमाता अपि कथयाम:।

विधालय पर 10 लाइन संस्कृत में निबंध

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Cow in Vedas (वेदेषु गौः)

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  • 1 परिचय || Introduction
  • 2 Sankoshan ??
  • 3 The Go suktas
  • 4 Explanation of the Sukta
  • 5 Conclusions

परिचय || Introduction

Cow (Sanskrit : धेनु , गौः , सुरभि , पयस्विनी) is a divine being revered and worshiped as the earthy embodiment of devatas by Hindus. Since times immemorial in Bharatavarsha, the cow has well been recognized for Her selflessness and seva (सेवा) to humankind and thus has been worshiped with utmost reverence. Importance of cow in the Dharmic way of life can be summarized in the following words of Vasishta || वसिष्ठमुनिः with Rishi Viswamitra || विश्वामित्रमुनिः regarding शबला, the holy cow in as given by Valmiki maharshi in श्रीरामायण

" śāśvatī śabalā mahyaṃ kīrtirātmagato yathāasyāṃ havyaṃ ca kavyaṃ ca prāṇayātrā tathaiva ca || (Val. Ram Bal 53.13) "
" शाश्वती शबला मह्यं कीर्तिरात्मगतो यथा अस्यां हव्यं च कव्यं च प्राणयात्रा तथैव च || (Val. Ram Bal 53.13) "

Meaning: Just as a person with self-respect and his fame are inseparable, so also I (Vasishta) am inseparable from Shabala. With her milk my daily activities for the gods and ancestors are conducted, so as my प्राणयात्रा (life’s journey).

Since time immemorial, in Bharatvarsha the cow is worshiped as it seen to represent selflessness and seva (सेवा) to humankind. the sacredness of the cow is described extensively in the Vedas. Kamadhenu or the bovine-goddess, who resides in IndraLoka is described in the Shastras as the Mother of all cows. She is a miraculous provider who fulfills the desires of her owner. Kamadhenu's lineage including he daughter Nandini also feature prominently in the Nirukthas. Yaska Mahrashi explains the name ‘go’ as a part of the 21 names of || prithvi (earth) given below

1) Om gauhu

8) kshiti 9) Avanihi 10) Urvi 11) Prithvi 12) Mahi 13) Ripah 14) Aditihi

15) Ila 16) Niryathi 17) Bhu 18) Bhumihi 19) Pushaha

20) Gathuhu

21) Gothraha

||Gothra ith yeka vimshati prthivi namadhiyani||

Several explanations are given by Yaska maharishi regarding the origin of the word cow/gau:

" यद्दुरन्गथ भवथि यछस्यम् भुतनि गछति || "
" yaddurangatha bhavathi yachasyam bhutani gachati || (REF ??) "

that which is extensively pervasive and whence all the living entities are traveling on

" पसुनमेहभवति यथस्म देव || "
" pasunamehabhavati yathasma deva || (REF ??) "

the same thing is applicable to the specialty : the cow or the word go.

" अदित्योपि गौरुच्यते सर्वेऽपि रश्मयो गवौचन्थि || "
" adityopi gauruchyate sarvepi rashmayo gavauchanth || (REF ??) "

आदित्य || Aditya () is also called gahu. Surya rash mi (the sun rays) are also called as gau or cow. The Vishnu Purana says

" गवम्सुर्यह परो गुरुहु || "
" gavamsuryaha paro guruhu || (REF ??) "

when Lord Krishna appears, Bhudevi speaks to the devatas. This is a significant part in the commentary. Vishnu chitta, an ancient acharya explains,

" अत्रा गुरु शब्ध करनमचि || "
" athra guru shabda karanamachi || (REF ??) "

here the word guru also has the causative meaning.

" सुर्य सुथस्ह्छ गअमह || "
" surya suthashcha gaamaha || (REF ??) "

So he quotes samvartha shruthi vakya as evidence.

The sun rays are the सूर्य सुतस्च्य गवः || surya sutaschya gavah because surya is the cause of their rays (whose rays).

Therefore, this Sun is accepted as the गुरु || guru and the evidence is the old nirukti, the legacy of that Nirukti is the evidence. Now who is the Sun? and who is the cow?

Sankoshan ??

The cow is called देवानाम माता || devaanaam mata (mother of devathas).

Why is Indra called Gospathi and why do all great maharshis like Gautama, Gavisthara have the name they have?

Also there are gavamayana such significant and symbolic yajna is there(???). This is done with cows only. This is explained in Taitreya Samhita. There is a famous sukta in Rg Veda 10.169 called Go sukta which says that those who are hardworking and perform ||tapasya (), they would understand that these mantras are not addressing just the ordinary cows. It is not possible. Superficial also we can understand this. There is also the kamadhenu cow who is referred to in the Vedas in the clash between Vasishtha and Vishwamitra Muni . Is Kamadhenu an ordinary cow? Kaushika or Vishwamitra was a rich sensuality , and powerful king who had the power of Kshatra dharma (). He desired to own kamadhenu. It is

to understand why he desired Kamadhenu.

The Go suktas

Let’s analyze the go sukta from the Rg veda (10.169). There are only 4 mantras in this sukta, which addresses the cows as devatas. The mood of these verses are as follows. This sukta is addressed to Rudra deva says,

" Let the wind blow pleasingly towards the cows and let the cows enjoy the nourishing milk and the nice grass. Let them drink water which is pleasing and makes life satisfying. This cow which is providing Jiva dhanya (life-sustaining grains) to us, let such cows be satisfied as they stand on their own feet. "

Agnidev understands those cows who have got similar forms or different kinds of form or same size through yoga. The rishis of Angirasa kula, the great ||tapasvis () created the cows. These cows are beneficial to the cause of yajna. Let such cows be given unlimited satisfaction by the पर्जन्य || Parjanya (God of rain). The cows offer themselves to those devatas who are qualified to perform the yajna. Only Soma deva understands their entire form,

" "Hey Indradeva, please bring them to our cow shed, the cows which are full of milk and one who are always giving children. The paramatama who is the creator has given this cow to me to whom all the glorification is made by me. After the ||pitris () and ||pitridevas () being permitted, let these auspicious cows on their own, let them be tied in cow shed, only because of (go-santan) the family of cows, lets become happy and prosperous.". "

Explanation of the Sukta

If one see the above suktas only from the historic perspective , what would one see? It would be only the fake concept of the self-styled historians who claimed that the Aryas who came from some foreign land looking for food and water for their people and cows. The superficial explanation form this perspective seems only a prayer made for cows. It seems incoherent, for eg: if the prayers are only for saying that let the cows eat grass, let them drink water, why would Vedas need such a sukta for it?

Why would somebody need the blessings of rudra?

What does it mean that Angiras is responsible for creating cows?

What is the history behind this?

Cows having many forms or similar shape can be accepted externally and at the same time Agni alone knows all their names. What is the underlying meaning of this sukta? Also what is the meaning of ‘cows alone offer their life to the devatas?’ Why only some are able to understand this secret? Indra should bring those cows to cow shed

What is the historical significance of this statement? ... The cows are given by the lord to those rishis who glorify them. What does it mean?

Why are the vishwa devathas () the protector of cows?

One has to get the proper explanation or else the suktas will be wrongly understood. Just because, one doesn’t understand these esoteric verse, to call it meaningless is foolish. To say that the foolish Rishis and munis wrote these verses out of exaggeration somehow or other they wanted to protect cows, that is what is indicated here? as there were milli ons of our a and i t is important to understand the suktas.


As we have explained earlier: go means light, not external light. For rishis to light up their internal light (should it be effulgence) and for the nourishment of such light, these prayers have appeared. The light Agni, Soma, Prajapatim Vishwadevatha they have a relationship. If someone is sitting in dark and if there is light it is very pleasing. Similarly when there is inner darkness (deergha tamasu), rishis who are aspiring for knowledge receive the transcendental light of knowledge, it is very pleasing.

Just as the cow needs grass, so also the light of transcendental knowledge also needs grass and water. Without nourishment jnana will be dead. Rishis have called even water as jeeva dhanya (that which nourishes life). Also it is explained that cows are standing on their own feet (padadhvi).

Why is it that this is talked about, do only cows have legs?

One has to study this veda sutra to understand it. Rudra represents death (mrityu). So the prayer: Let the light not see its end, offered to him indicates knowledge is limitless and the desire to have that is an eternal desire. Similarly when we see external cows, they have the same colour, different or same shape or light rays that take shelter of the power of Sun god could also have different colors . The janan surya is they have taken shelter of jnana bala and have different colors, the nature of jnana is necessarily not only one , it is varieties, therefore satya or truth has diverse facets and appears in different sizes and colours. As the Bhagavd Gita explains in 11th chapter

" "ननवर्नक्र्तिनि च || nana-varnakrtini ca" "

this is all explained by Agni, that is the meaning.

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धेनु पर संस्कृत निबंध | Essay on Cow in Sanskrit

धेनु पर संस्कृत निबंध | essay on cow in sanskrit | धेनु पर 10 वाक्य संस्कृत में.

आज हम इस में Essay on Cow in Sanskrit लेखन करेंगे। भारतीय हिन्दू धर्म में गाय को माता के सम्मान पुजनीय माना जाता है इस धेनु पर हमारे परीक्षा 10 लाइन निबंध लेखन पुछा जाता है जो इस पोस्ट में हम पढ़ेंगे

भारतीय गायनकुटीरस्य प्राचीनः मुख्यः पालतूपशुः गोः अस्ति । अस्माकं समाजे खाटः, गोरक्षणं, गोआश्रयः, उत्पादकता, धार्मिकमहत्त्वं, आर्थिकयोगदानं च इति महत्त्वपूर्णां भूमिकां निर्वहति । धार्मिक-सांस्कृतिक-आर्थिक-सन्दर्भेषु गोस्य महत्त्वं अपारम् अस्ति ।

गोः “कामधेनु” इति अपि ज्ञायते यस्य अर्थः “कामधेनुः” अथवा “समृद्धेः स्रोतः” इति । अस्य पालनम् आचरणं च विशेषतया हिन्दुधर्मे धर्मस्य महत्त्वपूर्णः भागः अस्ति । गोदुग्धं गोमूत्रं च धर्मौषधं च ।

गोस्य प्रमुखाः प्रजातयः सन्ति – गिर, साहिवाल, रतन, जरीबू, थरवा, वनरा, मुर्रा, बछौला, सिन्धी, देसी, गौरी, अमृतमहल, नागोरी, गया, नागपुरी, इत्यादयः । तेषु केचन क्षीरेण, केचन गोमूत्रेण, केचन गोमयेन च प्रसिद्धाः सन्ति ।

भारतसर्वकारेण गोरक्षणार्थं बहूनि योजनाः, कार्यक्रमाः च आरब्धाः सन्ति । एतदतिरिक्तं गोसंरक्षणसंस्थाः, गोआश्रयस्थानानि च गोरक्षणाय, संरक्षणाय च कार्यं कुर्वन्ति ।

अस्माकं समाजाय गोपालनं, गोपालनं, गोरक्षणं च अतीव महत्त्वपूर्णम् अस्ति। अस्मान् धार्मिक-सांस्कृतिक-आर्थिक-दृष्ट्या समृद्धिं प्रदाति, आर्थिकविकासे अपि महत्त्वपूर्णं योगदानं ददाति ।

धेनु पर निबंध 10 लाइन

  • धेनुः अस्मभ्यं महदुपयोगी पशुः अस्ति ।
  • भारतीयाः तु इमां मातृवत् मन्यन्ते ।
  • यथा माता पालयति तथैव धेनुरपि स्व अस्मान् पोषयति।
  • अस्या दुग्धेन नानाविधपक्वान्नानि पच्यते।
  • अस्याः दुग्धम् अन्ये च दुग्धोत्पादाः पुष्टिकरा: भवन्तु।
  • अस्याः गोमयेन अद्यापि ग्रामेषु गृहाणि लिप्यसि शुध्यन्ते च।
  • गोमूत्रेण नानाविधरोगाणाम् उपचारं क्रियते।
  • अस्याः वत्सा: क्षेत्रेषु हलं कर्षन्ति ।
  • अस्याः महत्त्वं शास्त्रेषु अपि वर्णितम् ।
  • अस्माभिः सर्वैरपि धेनुः सर्वदा पूज्येत ।

इन्हें भी देखें

  • अस्माकं विद्यालय पर संस्कृत निबंध
  • अस्माकं देश पर संस्कृत निबंध
  • विद्या पर संस्कृत निबंध
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essay on cow in sanskrit

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Sacredness of cows

June 07, 2023 05:12 am | Updated 05:12 am IST

The Sanskrit word for a cow is ‘gauhu’ — it simply means that which walks. But it is a word that is special to cows, even though all animals walk. Just as bulls helped people move because bullock carts were a means of transportation – this is another reason for the use of the word ‘gauhu’, indicating movement. It is said that if a person gives cows as daana, he can walk to svarga. So here again, movement is involved, and hence the use of the word ‘gauhu’ for the cow. There are many words in Sanskrit for the cow, and each of them has a deep meaning, Velukkudi Krishnan said in a discourse.

Maaheyi is a reference to the calf of a cow. The cow mother is worshipped, and hence the calf gets this name. Arjunee means a white cow. Kapila is the word used to refer to the cow which must be brought near the sanctum sanctorum during Visvaroopa darshan in Vishnu temples. Fresh, unboiled milk is the first offering made to the deity. The bull is the vahana of Lord Siva. Thus the cow is sacred to both Saivites and Vaishnavites.

Vasistha owned a cow called Sabalaa, which could give anything that Vasistha sought from her. Visvamitra wanted this cow, and Vasistha’s refusal to give it to him was the root cause of the disagreements between them. Agni, gold, ghee, the Sun, water and cows are said to be symbols of auspiciousness.

There are many different words for cows mentioned in different Sanskrit texts. Some of the words used for a cow in Sanskrit are — saurabheya, usraa, mahendri, rohini, ijyaa, dhenu, aghnya, bhadraa, kalyani, paavani, gauri, surabhi, anadvaahee, bahula, mahee, sarasvati, usriya, aditi and jagati.

One gets the benefits of performing many yagas through ‘go daana’. The Bhavishya Purana says that going a round a cow once is equivalent to circumambulating the Earth.

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Vedic Sanskrit words related to cow

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2021, Sanskrit words related to cow

Sanskrit word related to 'cow' All words in Sanskrit are written in italics are itrans version and available in the Sanskrit English Lexicon by Sir Monier Williams at <http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/monier/>. 1. go (गो)-Cow. (गो). Cow. (Cow seems to be from the expansion of the word go that expands as gau.) 2. go-One who moves or goes-the sensory and other organs. 'go' is from the root word 'gam' which means 'to go'. (go also means horse. idriaani hayani ahuH; viShyansteShu gocharan-the organs are the horses and the objects are the routes in which the cows (horses) move (Kathopanishad). gocharan-means 'go + charan'-the trails along which the cows move.) 3. go = sensory and other organs. Thus in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, the seer has explained the meaning of the word 'gaayatrI' as 'gayaM tatre'-who rescues the cows or the organs'-who takes our sensory faculties beyond death.This is gaayatrI who takes us or our senses beyond the decay or death. gayaM is derived from the root word gaya.


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गाय पर संस्कृत में निबंध। Essay on Cow in Sanskrit

गाय पर संस्कृत में निबंध। Essay on Cow in Sanskrit : अस्माकं देशस्य सर्वश्रेष्ठः पशुः गौ: अस्ति। अस्माकं देशे गौ: मातृवत् पूज्या अस्ति। गौ: अस्मभ्यं मधुरं दुग्धं ददाति। गौदुग्धेभ्यः दधिः, घृतम् च जायते। गोघृतं अतीव पवित्रं मन्यते। गौ: अस्माकं बहुउपकारं करोति। गोवत्साः एव वृषभाः भवन्ति।

गाय पर संस्कृत में निबंध

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The study of cow in sanskrit literature.

Author: Sharma, B.V.V.S.R.

Publisher: G D K Publications, Delhi

Description: Include index

Source: Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi

Type: E-Book

Received From: Archaeological Survey of India

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Sharma, B.V.V.S.R.
Include index
Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi
x, 284p.
G D K Publications, Delhi


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धेनु पर संस्कृत में निबंध। Cow Essay in Sanskrit

गौ: एकः चतुष्पात पशु: अस्ति। अस्या: एकं पुच्छम् भवति। द्वे श्रंगे भवतः। चत्वारः पादाः भवन्ति। अस्या: गले एकं गल्कम्ब्लम् भवति। इदं गल्कम्ब्लम् अन्यापशुनाम न भवति। गौ: तृणचारी पशु: अस्ति। इयं वनेषु भ्रमति घासम तृणं च चरति। अस्याः स्वभाव अतीव सरलः भवति। गौ: महान उपकारी पशु: अस्ति। इयं दुग्धं ददाति। दुग्धेन दधि भवति। अस्या: दधि दुग्धं घृतं च अतीव पवित्रं हितकारकं च भवति। गौ: गोमयं ददाति। गोमयेन गृहे लिप्यते। पूजाकार्ये अपि गोमयस्य उपयोगो भवति। गौमूत्रेण च अनेके रोगाः नृश्यन्ति। गौ पशु नास्ति। सा माता अस्ति, पिता अस्ति, देवता अस्ति।

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Essay on Cow in Sanskrit / गाय पर निबंध 10 लाइन संस्कृत में

10 लाइन गाय पर निबंध संस्कृत में / essay on cow in sanskrit, essay on cow in sanskrit.

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गाय (धेनु) पर 10 लाइनें संस्कृत में 

1. धेनु अस्माकं माता अस्ति ।

2. अस्माकं देशस्य सर्वश्रेष्ठ: पशुः गौः अस्ति।

3. अस्माकं देशे गौः मातृवत् पूज्या अस्ति।

4. गौः एकः चतुष्पात पशुः अस्ति।

5. अस्या : एक पुच्छम् भवति ।

6. अस्याः द्वे श्रंगे भवतः।

7. चत्वार : पादाः भवति।

8. अस्या : गले एकं गल्कम्ब्लम् अन्यापशु नाम भवति।

9. गौः तृणचारी पशुः अस्ति।

10. गौः अस्मभ्यं मधुरं दुग्धं ददाति।

11. गौदुग्धेभ्य: दधि: घृतम् च जायते।

12. गोघृतं अतीव पवित्रं मन्यते।

13. गौः अस्माकं बहुउपकारं करोति।

14. वृषभा: हलेन क्षेत्राणि कर्षन्ति।

15. गोमयेन उपलानि निर्मीयन्ते।

16. गोमयेन उर्वराशक्ति: वर्धते।

17. उपलानां प्रयोग इंधने अपि भवति।

18. गौः घासं - तृणं च खादति।

19. गौः अस्मभ्यं अतीव उपयोगी अस्ति।

20. अत: वयं गाम् गोमाता अपि कथयाम:।

21. हिन्दुधर्मे गोः माता इति मन्यते ।

 22. वयं गां "गौमाता" इति अपि वदामः ।

 23. गोः अत्यन्तं ऋजुः पशुः अस्ति।

 24. सनातनधर्मे चत्वारः वेदाः गोमुखे निवसन्ति इति विश्वासः ।

25. हिन्दुधर्मे एतादृशः प्रत्ययः अस्ति यत् यः जनः प्रातः स्नानं कृत्वा गां स्पृशति सः पापरहितः भवति ।

26.  सनातन (हिन्दु) धर्मे गौः (गो) शुद्धा दुग्धप्रदातृपशुं मन्यमानस्य स्थाने देवप्रतिनिधित्वेन सर्वदा एव गण्यते ।

27.अत एव अस्माभिः अस्माकं मातुः गोः यथाशक्ति सेवनीया, तस्याः रक्षणे अपि ध्यानं दातव्यम्।

गाय पर संस्कृत में विस्तृत निबंध (Long Essay on Cow in Sanskrit) 

धेनु अस्माकं माता अस्ति। अस्माकं देशस्य सर्वश्रेष्ठ: पशुः गौः अस्ति। अस्माकं देशे गौः मातृवत् पूज्या अस्ति। गौः एकः चतुष्पात पशुः अस्ति। अस्या : एक पुच्छम् भवति। अस्याः द्वे श्रंगे भवतः। चत्वार : पादाः भवति। अस्या : गले एकं गल्कम्ब्लम् अन्यापशु नाम भवति ।गौः तृणचारी पशुः अस्ति। गौः अस्मभ्यं मधुरं दुग्धं ददाति। गौदुग्धेभ्य: दधि :घृतम् च जायते। गोघृतं अतीव पवित्रं मन्यते। गौःअस्माकं बहुउपकारं करोति। वृषभा: हलेन क्षेत्राणि कर्षन्ति। गोमयेन उपलानि निर्मीयन्ते। गोमयेन उर्वराशक्ति: वर्धते। उपलानां प्रयोग इंधने अपि भवति। गौः घासं - तृणं च खादति। गौः अस्मभ्यं अतीव उपयोगी अस्ति। अत: वयं गाम् गोमाता अपि कथयाम:। हिन्दुधर्मे गोः माता इति मन्यते । वयं गां "गौमाता" इति अपि वदामः । गोः अत्यन्तं ऋजुः पशुः अस्ति। सनातनधर्मे चत्वारः वेदाः गोमुखे निवसन्ति इति विश्वासः । हिन्दुधर्मे एतादृशः प्रत्ययः अस्ति यत् यः जनः प्रातः स्नानं कृत्वा गां स्पृशति सः पापरहितः भवति । सनातन (हिन्दु) धर्मे गौः (गो) शुद्धा दुग्धप्रदातृपशुं मन्यमानस्य स्थाने देवप्रतिनिधित्वेन सर्वदा एव गण्यते ।

अत एव अस्माभिः अस्माकं मातुः गोः यथाशक्ति सेवनीया, तस्याः रक्षणे अपि ध्यानं दातव्यम्।

दोस्तों, यदि आपको यह पोस्ट पसंद आयी हो तो इसे अपने दोस्तों और सोशल मीडिया पर अधिक से अधिक शेयर करिए। अगर दोस्तों अभी तक आपने हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल को सब्सक्राइब और टेलीग्राम ग्रुप को ज्वाइन नहीं किया है तो नीचे आपको लिंक दी गई है ज्वाइन और सब्सक्राइब करने की तो वहां से आप हमारे telegram group (Bandana classes.com) को ज्वाइन और YouTube channel (Bandana study classes) को सब्सक्राइब कर लीजिए जहां पर आप को महत्वपूर्ण वीडियो हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल पर मिल जाएंगे।

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Essay on Cow for Kids & Students | 10 Lines Essay, 400+ Words Essay

Essay on cow for kids & students | 10 lines essay, 400+ words essay, 10 lines essay on cow –.

  • The cow is a beneficial and sacred domestic animal.
  • Cow is a herbivorous animal and mainly eats grass and leaves of the trees.
  • It is found in different colours and sizes around the world.
  • The cow has two ears, two eyes, one big nose, two sharp horns, a long tail, and four legs.
  • It gives us milk that sharpens our brain and increases our immunity power.
  • Cow’s dung and urine are highly useful to the farmers for making natural fertilizer for plants, trees, etc.
  • The Cow’s milk used to make many products such as Ghee, Curd, and different types of sweets etc.
  • It is the most humble, sweet, loyal, and holiest animal.
  • Farmers use a male cow known as an ox to plough their fields and draw carts.
  • In India, the cow is regarded as a sacred animal is being worshipped by the Hindus.

Essay on Cow for Kids & Students

Long Essay –


The cow is a beneficial and sacred domestic animal. It is a herbivorous animal and mainly eats grass and leaves of the trees. The child of a cow is called a calf. In India, it is regarded as a sacred animal is being worshipped by the Hindus for a long time. It is found in different colours and sizes. Indian cows are short in sizes and have two ears and eyes each, one big nose, two sharp horns, a long tail, and four limbs.

Benefits of Cow

It gives us the milk that is very healthy, nutritious, and it also enhances our immune system. Cow’s milk is the source of many products such as Ghee, Curd, Cheese, Butter, and different types of sweets, etc. Even the cow dung and urine are highly useful to the farmers for making natural fertilizer for plants, trees, etc. It’s dung is also an efficient producer of fuel and bio-gas. It is also used as an insect repellent.

The cow has commercial value as well. Cow trade is also prevalent in India and these cows are sold at a very high price. The people who buy these cows also earn a large amount of money by selling their milk. In big cities, big cow farms are made to get milk for multiple purposes. It is advantageous even after death. Its hide is also used to make leather. People use it for making soles, shoes, car seats, belts, etc. So, we can say that the whole body of the cow is useful to us. It is a very loyal, humble, and sweet animal. It gives milk even if it is hungry.

Conditions of Cow in India

In India, there are a lot of cows that are not taken care of. They are left on roads by which they get affected by many diseases. They also get into accidents and lose their lives. But, the government has taken many steps for the safety of these stray cows, they have established many places called ‘Gaushalas’ or ‘Cow farms’ where they are kept and fed by the people.

People should also take some measures to keep the cows in a safe place such as give food and shelter to stray cows etc. This species of animals is very religious and is also considered as a god in the Hindu religion so, it is our duty to respect this species of animals and take good care of them.

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    10 लाइन गाय पर निबंध संस्कृत में || Essay on Cow In Sanskrit. गाय (धेनु) पर 10 पंक्तियां संस्कृत में - 1. धेनु अस्माकं माता अस्ति । ...

  8. गाय पर संस्कृत में निबंध

    Essay on Cow in Sanskrit :Cow are the most common type of large domesticated animals. In this article we are providing गाय अर्थात धेनु पर संस्कृत में निबंध. Students and teacher can use this Long essay on Cow in Sanskrit to write small essay on 10 line on Cow in sanskrit.

  9. Gomata गौमाता : References and Details

    गोमाता gomAtA. Following is a collection of references and details related to Cows as a holy being, having motherly affection to the receiver, and their protection. Although the emphasis is on the Hindu tradition and thought related to the subject, it is based on a general sense of animal protection. The page is not supporting all ...

  10. गाय पर संस्कृत में निबंध

    Gay par sanskrit mein nibandh | Essay on cow | गाय पर संस्कृत में निबंध | dhenu par sanskrit nibandh, sanskrit me gay par nibandh, sanskrit nibandh gay par, ...

  11. Cow in Vedas (वेदेषु गौः)

    Cow (Sanskrit : धेनु , गौः , सुरभि , पयस्विनी) is a divine being revered and worshiped as the earthy embodiment of devatas by Hindus. Since times immemorial in Bharatavarsha, the cow has well been recognized for Her selflessness and seva (सेवा) to humankind and thus has been worshiped with utmost ...

  12. Sanskrit Essay on Cow

    I present a verbal Sanskrit Essay on Cow (dhenu) from Learn Sanskrit in 30 Days.

  13. धेनु पर संस्कृत निबंध

    आज हम इस में Essay on Cow in Sanskrit लेखन करेंगे। भारतीय हिन्दू धर्म में गाय को माता के सम्मान पुजनीय माना जाता है इस धेनु पर हमारे परीक्षा 10 लाइन निबंध

  14. Sacredness of cows

    The Sanskrit word for a cow is 'gauhu' — it simply means that which walks. But it is a word that is special to cows, even though all animals walk. Just as bulls helped people move because ...

  15. Kamadhenu

    Kamadhenu (Sanskrit: कामधेनु, [kaːmɐˈdʱeːnʊ], Kāmadhenu), also known as Surabhi (सुरभि, Surabhi or सुरभी, Surabhī [1]), is a divine bovine-goddess described in Hinduism as the mother of all cows. She is a miraculous cow of plenty who provides her owner whatever they desire and is often portrayed as the mother of other cattle.

  16. (PDF) Vedic Sanskrit words related to cow

    Cow dung (CD) is known as Gomaya in Sanskrit language. In ancient scriptures CD is described as Gomayapriya and Haritgomaya. About CD it is said 'gomaya vaastey lakshmi' i.e in CD lives Lakshmi. CD is co-product of cow obtained from cattle excretion. CD contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in the ratio of 3:2:1.

  17. गाय पर संस्कृत में निबंध। Essay on Cow in Sanskrit

    गम् धातु के रूप संस्कृत में - Gam Dhatu Roop In Sanskrit यहां पढ़ें गम् धातु रूप के पांचो लकार संस्कृत भाषा में। गम् धातु का अर्थ होता है जा...

  18. The Study of Cow in Sanskrit Literature

    The Study of Cow in Sanskrit Literature. Author: Sharma, B.V.V.S.R. Publisher: G D K Publications, Delhi Description: Include index Source: Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi Type: E-Book Received From: Archaeological Survey of India

  19. धेनु पर संस्कृत में निबंध। Cow Essay in Sanskrit

    धेनु पर संस्कृत में निबंध। Cow Essay in Sanskrit. गौ: एकः चतुष्पात पशु: अस्ति। अस्या: एकं पुच्छम् भवति। द्वे श्रंगे भवतः। चत्वारः पादाः भवन्ति ...

  20. 10 lines on cow in Sanskrit

    इस वीडियो में गाय के बारे में 10 लाइन ( dhenu par 10 lines ) संस्कृत में बताई गई है।In this video there ...

  21. Essay on Cow in Sanskrit / गाय पर निबंध 10 लाइन संस्कृत में

    नमस्कार दोस्तों स्वागत है आपका हमारी वेबसाइट www.Bandana classes.com पर । आज की पोस्ट में हम आपको "Essay on Cow In Sanskrit / गाय पर निबंध 10 लाइन संस्कृत में" के बारे में बताएंगे तो इस ...

  22. Essay on Cow for Kids & Students

    The cow is a beneficial and sacred domestic animal. Cow is a herbivorous animal and mainly eats grass and leaves of the trees. It is found in different colours and sizes around the world. The cow has two ears, two eyes, one big nose, two sharp horns, a long tail, and four legs. It gives us milk that sharpens our brain and increases our immunity ...

  23. Dhenu par nibandh sanskrit me||धेनु निबंध संस्कृत में ||essay on cow in

    Dhenu par nibandh sanskrit me||धेनु निबंध संस्कृत में ||essay on cow in sanskrit||# ...