Grad Coach

How To Write A Research Proposal

A Straightforward How-To Guide (With Examples)

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Reviewed By: Dr. Eunice Rautenbach | August 2019 (Updated April 2023)

Writing up a strong research proposal for a dissertation or thesis is much like a marriage proposal. It’s a task that calls on you to win somebody over and persuade them that what you’re planning is a great idea. An idea they’re happy to say ‘yes’ to. This means that your dissertation proposal needs to be   persuasive ,   attractive   and well-planned. In this post, I’ll show you how to write a winning dissertation proposal, from scratch.

Before you start:

– Understand exactly what a research proposal is – Ask yourself these 4 questions

The 5 essential ingredients:

  • The title/topic
  • The introduction chapter
  • The scope/delimitations
  • Preliminary literature review
  • Design/ methodology
  • Practical considerations and risks 

What Is A Research Proposal?

The research proposal is literally that: a written document that communicates what you propose to research, in a concise format. It’s where you put all that stuff that’s spinning around in your head down on to paper, in a logical, convincing fashion.

Convincing   is the keyword here, as your research proposal needs to convince the assessor that your research is   clearly articulated   (i.e., a clear research question) ,   worth doing   (i.e., is unique and valuable enough to justify the effort), and   doable   within the restrictions you’ll face (time limits, budget, skill limits, etc.). If your proposal does not address these three criteria, your research won’t be approved, no matter how “exciting” the research idea might be.

PS – if you’re completely new to proposal writing, we’ve got a detailed walkthrough video covering two successful research proposals here . 

Free Webinar: How To Write A Research Proposal

How do I know I’m ready?

Before starting the writing process, you need to   ask yourself 4 important questions .  If you can’t answer them succinctly and confidently, you’re not ready – you need to go back and think more deeply about your dissertation topic .

You should be able to answer the following 4 questions before starting your dissertation or thesis research proposal:

  • WHAT is my main research question? (the topic)
  • WHO cares and why is this important? (the justification)
  • WHAT data would I need to answer this question, and how will I analyse it? (the research design)
  • HOW will I manage the completion of this research, within the given timelines? (project and risk management)

If you can’t answer these questions clearly and concisely,   you’re not yet ready   to write your research proposal – revisit our   post on choosing a topic .

If you can, that’s great – it’s time to start writing up your dissertation proposal. Next, I’ll discuss what needs to go into your research proposal, and how to structure it all into an intuitive, convincing document with a linear narrative.

The 5 Essential Ingredients

Research proposals can vary in style between institutions and disciplines, but here I’ll share with you a   handy 5-section structure   you can use. These 5 sections directly address the core questions we spoke about earlier, ensuring that you present a convincing proposal. If your institution already provides a proposal template, there will likely be substantial overlap with this, so you’ll still get value from reading on.

For each section discussed below, make sure you use headers and sub-headers (ideally, numbered headers) to help the reader navigate through your document, and to support them when they need to revisit a previous section. Don’t just present an endless wall of text, paragraph after paragraph after paragraph…

Top Tip:   Use MS Word Styles to format headings. This will allow you to be clear about whether a sub-heading is level 2, 3, or 4. Additionally, you can view your document in ‘outline view’ which will show you only your headings. This makes it much easier to check your structure, shift things around and make decisions about where a section needs to sit. You can also generate a 100% accurate table of contents using Word’s automatic functionality.

leadership research proposal

Ingredient #1 – Topic/Title Header

Your research proposal’s title should be your main research question in its simplest form, possibly with a sub-heading providing basic details on the specifics of the study. For example:

“Compliance with equality legislation in the charity sector: a study of the ‘reasonable adjustments’ made in three London care homes”

As you can see, this title provides a clear indication of what the research is about, in broad terms. It paints a high-level picture for the first-time reader, which gives them a taste of what to expect.   Always aim for a clear, concise title . Don’t feel the need to capture every detail of your research in your title – your proposal will fill in the gaps.

Need a helping hand?

leadership research proposal

Ingredient #2 – Introduction

In this section of your research proposal, you’ll expand on what you’ve communicated in the title, by providing a few paragraphs which offer more detail about your research topic. Importantly, the focus here is the   topic   – what will you research and why is that worth researching? This is not the place to discuss methodology, practicalities, etc. – you’ll do that later.

You should cover the following:

  • An overview of the   broad area   you’ll be researching – introduce the reader to key concepts and language
  • An explanation of the   specific (narrower) area   you’ll be focusing, and why you’ll be focusing there
  • Your research   aims   and   objectives
  • Your   research question (s) and sub-questions (if applicable)

Importantly, you should aim to use short sentences and plain language – don’t babble on with extensive jargon, acronyms and complex language. Assume that the reader is an intelligent layman – not a subject area specialist (even if they are). Remember that the   best writing is writing that can be easily understood   and digested. Keep it simple.

The introduction section serves to expand on the  research topic – what will you study and why is that worth dedicating time and effort to?

Note that some universities may want some extra bits and pieces in your introduction section. For example, personal development objectives, a structural outline, etc. Check your brief to see if there are any other details they expect in your proposal, and make sure you find a place for these.

Ingredient #3 – Scope

Next, you’ll need to specify what the scope of your research will be – this is also known as the delimitations . In other words, you need to make it clear what you will be covering and, more importantly, what you won’t be covering in your research. Simply put, this is about ring fencing your research topic so that you have a laser-sharp focus.

All too often, students feel the need to go broad and try to address as many issues as possible, in the interest of producing comprehensive research. Whilst this is admirable, it’s a mistake. By tightly refining your scope, you’ll enable yourself to   go deep   with your research, which is what you need to earn good marks. If your scope is too broad, you’re likely going to land up with superficial research (which won’t earn marks), so don’t be afraid to narrow things down.

Ingredient #4 – Literature Review

In this section of your research proposal, you need to provide a (relatively) brief discussion of the existing literature. Naturally, this will not be as comprehensive as the literature review in your actual dissertation, but it will lay the foundation for that. In fact, if you put in the effort at this stage, you’ll make your life a lot easier when it’s time to write your actual literature review chapter.

There are a few things you need to achieve in this section:

  • Demonstrate that you’ve done your reading and are   familiar with the current state of the research   in your topic area.
  • Show that   there’s a clear gap   for your specific research – i.e., show that your topic is sufficiently unique and will add value to the existing research.
  • Show how the existing research has shaped your thinking regarding   research design . For example, you might use scales or questionnaires from previous studies.

When you write up your literature review, keep these three objectives front of mind, especially number two (revealing the gap in the literature), so that your literature review has a   clear purpose and direction . Everything you write should be contributing towards one (or more) of these objectives in some way. If it doesn’t, you need to ask yourself whether it’s truly needed.

Top Tip:  Don’t fall into the trap of just describing the main pieces of literature, for example, “A says this, B says that, C also says that…” and so on. Merely describing the literature provides no value. Instead, you need to   synthesise   it, and use it to address the three objectives above.

 If you put in the effort at the proposal stage, you’ll make your life a lot easier when its time to write your actual literature review chapter.

Ingredient #5 – Research Methodology

Now that you’ve clearly explained both your intended research topic (in the introduction) and the existing research it will draw on (in the literature review section), it’s time to get practical and explain exactly how you’ll be carrying out your own research. In other words, your research methodology.

In this section, you’ll need to   answer two critical questions :

  • How   will you design your research? I.e., what research methodology will you adopt, what will your sample be, how will you collect data, etc.
  • Why   have you chosen this design? I.e., why does this approach suit your specific research aims, objectives and questions?

In other words, this is not just about explaining WHAT you’ll be doing, it’s also about explaining WHY. In fact, the   justification is the most important part , because that justification is how you demonstrate a good understanding of research design (which is what assessors want to see).

Some essential design choices you need to cover in your research proposal include:

  • Your intended research philosophy (e.g., positivism, interpretivism or pragmatism )
  • What methodological approach you’ll be taking (e.g., qualitative , quantitative or mixed )
  • The details of your sample (e.g., sample size, who they are, who they represent, etc.)
  • What data you plan to collect (i.e. data about what, in what form?)
  • How you plan to collect it (e.g., surveys , interviews , focus groups, etc.)
  • How you plan to analyse it (e.g., regression analysis, thematic analysis , etc.)
  • Ethical adherence (i.e., does this research satisfy all ethical requirements of your institution, or does it need further approval?)

This list is not exhaustive – these are just some core attributes of research design. Check with your institution what level of detail they expect. The “ research onion ” by Saunders et al (2009) provides a good summary of the various design choices you ultimately need to make – you can   read more about that here .

Don’t forget the practicalities…

In addition to the technical aspects, you will need to address the   practical   side of the project. In other words, you need to explain   what resources you’ll need   (e.g., time, money, access to equipment or software, etc.) and how you intend to secure these resources. You need to show that your project is feasible, so any “make or break” type resources need to already be secured. The success or failure of your project cannot depend on some resource which you’re not yet sure you have access to.

Another part of the practicalities discussion is   project and risk management . In other words, you need to show that you have a clear project plan to tackle your research with. Some key questions to address:

  • What are the timelines for each phase of your project?
  • Are the time allocations reasonable?
  • What happens if something takes longer than anticipated (risk management)?
  • What happens if you don’t get the response rate you expect?

A good way to demonstrate that you’ve thought this through is to include a Gantt chart and a risk register (in the appendix if word count is a problem). With these two tools, you can show that you’ve got a clear, feasible plan, and you’ve thought about and accounted for the potential risks.

Gantt chart

Tip – Be honest about the potential difficulties – but show that you are anticipating solutions and workarounds. This is much more impressive to an assessor than an unrealistically optimistic proposal which does not anticipate any challenges whatsoever.

Final Touches: Read And Simplify

The final step is to edit and proofread your proposal – very carefully. It sounds obvious, but all too often poor editing and proofreading ruin a good proposal. Nothing is more off-putting for an assessor than a poorly edited, typo-strewn document. It sends the message that you either do not pay attention to detail, or just don’t care. Neither of these are good messages. Put the effort into editing and proofreading your proposal (or pay someone to do it for you) – it will pay dividends.

When you’re editing, watch out for ‘academese’. Many students can speak simply, passionately and clearly about their dissertation topic – but become incomprehensible the moment they turn the laptop on. You are not required to write in any kind of special, formal, complex language when you write academic work. Sure, there may be technical terms, jargon specific to your discipline, shorthand terms and so on. But, apart from those,   keep your written language very close to natural spoken language   – just as you would speak in the classroom. Imagine that you are explaining your project plans to your classmates or a family member. Remember, write for the intelligent layman, not the subject matter experts. Plain-language, concise writing is what wins hearts and minds – and marks!

Let’s Recap: Research Proposal 101

And there you have it – how to write your dissertation or thesis research proposal, from the title page to the final proof. Here’s a quick recap of the key takeaways:

  • The purpose of the research proposal is to   convince   – therefore, you need to make a clear, concise argument of why your research is both worth doing and doable.
  • Make sure you can ask the critical what, who, and how questions of your research   before   you put pen to paper.
  • Title – provides the first taste of your research, in broad terms
  • Introduction – explains what you’ll be researching in more detail
  • Scope – explains the boundaries of your research
  • Literature review – explains how your research fits into the existing research and why it’s unique and valuable
  • Research methodology – explains and justifies how you will carry out your own research

Hopefully, this post has helped you better understand how to write up a winning research proposal. If you enjoyed it, be sure to check out the rest of the Grad Coach Blog . If your university doesn’t provide any template for your proposal, you might want to try out our free research proposal template .

Literature Review Course

Psst… there’s more!

This post is an extract from our bestselling short course, Research Proposal Bootcamp . If you want to work smart, you don't want to miss this .

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Mazwakhe Mkhulisi

Thank you so much for the valuable insight that you have given, especially on the research proposal. That is what I have managed to cover. I still need to go back to the other parts as I got disturbed while still listening to Derek’s audio on you-tube. I am inspired. I will definitely continue with Grad-coach guidance on You-tube.

Derek Jansen

Thanks for the kind words :). All the best with your proposal.


First of all, thanks a lot for making such a wonderful presentation. The video was really useful and gave me a very clear insight of how a research proposal has to be written. I shall try implementing these ideas in my RP.

Once again, I thank you for this content.

Bonginkosi Mshengu

I found reading your outline on writing research proposal very beneficial. I wish there was a way of submitting my draft proposal to you guys for critiquing before I submit to the institution.

Hi Bonginkosi

Thank you for the kind words. Yes, we do provide a review service. The best starting point is to have a chat with one of our coaches here: .

Erick Omondi

Hello team GRADCOACH, may God bless you so much. I was totally green in research. Am so happy for your free superb tutorials and resources. Once again thank you so much Derek and his team.

You’re welcome, Erick. Good luck with your research proposal 🙂


thank you for the information. its precise and on point.

Nighat Nighat Ahsan

Really a remarkable piece of writing and great source of guidance for the researchers. GOD BLESS YOU for your guidance. Regards

Delfina Celeste Danca Rangel

Thanks so much for your guidance. It is easy and comprehensive the way you explain the steps for a winning research proposal.

Desiré Forku

Thank you guys so much for the rich post. I enjoyed and learn from every word in it. My problem now is how to get into your platform wherein I can always seek help on things related to my research work ? Secondly, I wish to find out if there is a way I can send my tentative proposal to you guys for examination before I take to my supervisor Once again thanks very much for the insights

Thanks for your kind words, Desire.

If you are based in a country where Grad Coach’s paid services are available, you can book a consultation by clicking the “Book” button in the top right.

Best of luck with your studies.


May God bless you team for the wonderful work you are doing,

If I have a topic, Can I submit it to you so that you can draft a proposal for me?? As I am expecting to go for masters degree in the near future.

Thanks for your comment. We definitely cannot draft a proposal for you, as that would constitute academic misconduct. The proposal needs to be your own work. We can coach you through the process, but it needs to be your own work and your own writing.

Best of luck with your research!

kenate Akuma

I found a lot of many essential concepts from your material. it is real a road map to write a research proposal. so thanks a lot. If there is any update material on your hand on MBA please forward to me.

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Thank you Kerryen so much for the support and help 🙂

I really recommend dealing with such a reliable services provider like Gradcoah and a coach like Kerryen.


Hi, Am happy for your service and effort to help students and researchers, Please, i have been given an assignment on research for strategic development, the task one is to formulate a research proposal to support the strategic development of a business area, my issue here is how to go about it, especially the topic or title and introduction. Please, i would like to know if you could help me and how much is the charge.

Marcos A. López Figueroa

This content is practical, valuable, and just great!

Thank you very much!

Eric Rwigamba

Hi Derek, Thank you for the valuable presentation. It is very helpful especially for beginners like me. I am just starting my PhD.


This is quite instructive and research proposal made simple. Can I have a research proposal template?

Mathew Yokie Musa

Great! Thanks for rescuing me, because I had no former knowledge in this topic. But with this piece of information, I am now secured. Thank you once more.

Chulekazi Bula

I enjoyed listening to your video on how to write a proposal. I think I will be able to write a winning proposal with your advice. I wish you were to be my supervisor.

Mohammad Ajmal Shirzad

Dear Derek Jansen,

Thank you for your great content. I couldn’t learn these topics in MBA, but now I learned from GradCoach. Really appreciate your efforts….

From Afghanistan!

Mulugeta Yilma

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Wow, this is absolutely amazing guys. Thank you so much for the fruitful presentation, you’ve made my research much easier.


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June Pretzer

How I wish I’d learn about Grad Coach earlier. I’ve been stumbling around writing and rewriting! Now I have concise clear directions on how to put this thing together. Thank you!


Fantastic!! Thank You for this very concise yet comprehensive guidance.

Fikiru Bekele

Even if I am poor in English I would like to thank you very much.

Rachel Offeibea Nyarko

Thank you very much, this is very insightful.

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Home » How To Write A Research Proposal – Step-by-Step [Template]

How To Write A Research Proposal – Step-by-Step [Template]

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How To Write a Research Proposal

How To Write a Research Proposal

Writing a Research proposal involves several steps to ensure a well-structured and comprehensive document. Here is an explanation of each step:

1. Title and Abstract

  • Choose a concise and descriptive title that reflects the essence of your research.
  • Write an abstract summarizing your research question, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. It should provide a brief overview of your proposal.

2. Introduction:

  • Provide an introduction to your research topic, highlighting its significance and relevance.
  • Clearly state the research problem or question you aim to address.
  • Discuss the background and context of the study, including previous research in the field.

3. Research Objectives

  • Outline the specific objectives or aims of your research. These objectives should be clear, achievable, and aligned with the research problem.

4. Literature Review:

  • Conduct a comprehensive review of relevant literature and studies related to your research topic.
  • Summarize key findings, identify gaps, and highlight how your research will contribute to the existing knowledge.

5. Methodology:

  • Describe the research design and methodology you plan to employ to address your research objectives.
  • Explain the data collection methods, instruments, and analysis techniques you will use.
  • Justify why the chosen methods are appropriate and suitable for your research.

6. Timeline:

  • Create a timeline or schedule that outlines the major milestones and activities of your research project.
  • Break down the research process into smaller tasks and estimate the time required for each task.

7. Resources:

  • Identify the resources needed for your research, such as access to specific databases, equipment, or funding.
  • Explain how you will acquire or utilize these resources to carry out your research effectively.

8. Ethical Considerations:

  • Discuss any ethical issues that may arise during your research and explain how you plan to address them.
  • If your research involves human subjects, explain how you will ensure their informed consent and privacy.

9. Expected Outcomes and Significance:

  • Clearly state the expected outcomes or results of your research.
  • Highlight the potential impact and significance of your research in advancing knowledge or addressing practical issues.

10. References:

  • Provide a list of all the references cited in your proposal, following a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

11. Appendices:

  • Include any additional supporting materials, such as survey questionnaires, interview guides, or data analysis plans.

Research Proposal Format

The format of a research proposal may vary depending on the specific requirements of the institution or funding agency. However, the following is a commonly used format for a research proposal:

1. Title Page:

  • Include the title of your research proposal, your name, your affiliation or institution, and the date.

2. Abstract:

  • Provide a brief summary of your research proposal, highlighting the research problem, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.

3. Introduction:

  • Introduce the research topic and provide background information.
  • State the research problem or question you aim to address.
  • Explain the significance and relevance of the research.
  • Review relevant literature and studies related to your research topic.
  • Summarize key findings and identify gaps in the existing knowledge.
  • Explain how your research will contribute to filling those gaps.

5. Research Objectives:

  • Clearly state the specific objectives or aims of your research.
  • Ensure that the objectives are clear, focused, and aligned with the research problem.

6. Methodology:

  • Describe the research design and methodology you plan to use.
  • Explain the data collection methods, instruments, and analysis techniques.
  • Justify why the chosen methods are appropriate for your research.

7. Timeline:

8. Resources:

  • Explain how you will acquire or utilize these resources effectively.

9. Ethical Considerations:

  • If applicable, explain how you will ensure informed consent and protect the privacy of research participants.

10. Expected Outcomes and Significance:

11. References:

12. Appendices:

Research Proposal Template

Here’s a template for a research proposal:

1. Introduction:

2. Literature Review:

3. Research Objectives:

4. Methodology:

5. Timeline:

6. Resources:

7. Ethical Considerations:

8. Expected Outcomes and Significance:

9. References:

10. Appendices:

Research Proposal Sample

Title: The Impact of Online Education on Student Learning Outcomes: A Comparative Study

1. Introduction

Online education has gained significant prominence in recent years, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This research proposal aims to investigate the impact of online education on student learning outcomes by comparing them with traditional face-to-face instruction. The study will explore various aspects of online education, such as instructional methods, student engagement, and academic performance, to provide insights into the effectiveness of online learning.

2. Objectives

The main objectives of this research are as follows:

  • To compare student learning outcomes between online and traditional face-to-face education.
  • To examine the factors influencing student engagement in online learning environments.
  • To assess the effectiveness of different instructional methods employed in online education.
  • To identify challenges and opportunities associated with online education and suggest recommendations for improvement.

3. Methodology

3.1 Study Design

This research will utilize a mixed-methods approach to gather both quantitative and qualitative data. The study will include the following components:

3.2 Participants

The research will involve undergraduate students from two universities, one offering online education and the other providing face-to-face instruction. A total of 500 students (250 from each university) will be selected randomly to participate in the study.

3.3 Data Collection

The research will employ the following data collection methods:

  • Quantitative: Pre- and post-assessments will be conducted to measure students’ learning outcomes. Data on student demographics and academic performance will also be collected from university records.
  • Qualitative: Focus group discussions and individual interviews will be conducted with students to gather their perceptions and experiences regarding online education.

3.4 Data Analysis

Quantitative data will be analyzed using statistical software, employing descriptive statistics, t-tests, and regression analysis. Qualitative data will be transcribed, coded, and analyzed thematically to identify recurring patterns and themes.

4. Ethical Considerations

The study will adhere to ethical guidelines, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of participants. Informed consent will be obtained, and participants will have the right to withdraw from the study at any time.

5. Significance and Expected Outcomes

This research will contribute to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence on the impact of online education on student learning outcomes. The findings will help educational institutions and policymakers make informed decisions about incorporating online learning methods and improving the quality of online education. Moreover, the study will identify potential challenges and opportunities related to online education and offer recommendations for enhancing student engagement and overall learning outcomes.

6. Timeline

The proposed research will be conducted over a period of 12 months, including data collection, analysis, and report writing.

The estimated budget for this research includes expenses related to data collection, software licenses, participant compensation, and research assistance. A detailed budget breakdown will be provided in the final research plan.

8. Conclusion

This research proposal aims to investigate the impact of online education on student learning outcomes through a comparative study with traditional face-to-face instruction. By exploring various dimensions of online education, this research will provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and challenges associated with online learning. The findings will contribute to the ongoing discourse on educational practices and help shape future strategies for maximizing student learning outcomes in online education settings.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, integral leadership: a research proposal.

Journal of Organizational Change Management

ISSN : 0953-4814

Article publication date: 1 June 2005

Many authors have called for a more humane and effective type of leadership. This article seeks to propose a research program on the content and process of integral leadership. This type of leadership has been exemplified by leaders known for their ethical and spiritual maturity, such as Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Eleanor Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Mohandas Gandhi and Rachel Carson, among others, and by many men and women who have not achieved fame.


As this research requires a multi‐disciplinary, multi‐level and developmental approach, Ken Wilber's integral model is described and used as a frame for the research program, going beyond the limitations of current leadership inquiry.

After having presented both the critics offered on leadership research and the tenets of the integral model, the article proposes a research program articulated by the analysis of individual cases of this leadership pattern and the collective analysis of these cases. Further, it adopts a micro, meso and macro perspective through the use of three methodologies: interpretative biography, institutional analysis and historical inquiry.


This research program contributes to a developmental theory of leadership. Researchers will find in this paper an innovative and sounded research program which can generate results on both the practice and development of a type of leadership we badly need.

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Pauchant, T.C. (2005), "Integral leadership: a research proposal", Journal of Organizational Change Management , Vol. 18 No. 3, pp. 211-229.

Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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Responsible Leadership in Projects: A Literature Review

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 21 May 2024
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leadership research proposal

  • Elisa Guardiani 14 ,
  • Edoardo Favari 14 &
  • Paolino Fierro 15  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering ((LNCE,volume 493))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International Workshop “A Multidisciplinary Approach to Embrace Complexity and Sustainability in Megaprojects

The study aims to highlight the growing impact of responsible leadership in projects and temporary organizations, examining the existing literature on the subject to validate shared definitions and understand implications for project management goals and behaviors.

Responsible leadership has increasingly become a trending subject in academic literature over the last 20 years, especially given that many scandals in the business world have been traced back to ethical decision-making issues. The practical implications of responsible leadership in project management have only recently started to be studied and analyzed. Project managers often encounter various types of ethical issues related to transparency, relationships, optimization, and political or legal questions. However, there are currently few empirical studies on how these problems arise and are addressed.

After highlighting how ethical decision-making has gained prominence in recent years, this article seeks to review the existing literature on the subject and understand the meaning and impact of responsible leadership for project managers, team members, and stakeholders.

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Politecnico di Milano School of Management, Milan, Italy

Elisa Guardiani & Edoardo Favari

Università Telematica Pegaso, Naples, Italy

Paolino Fierro

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Dipartimento di Scienze economiche e sociali, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, Italy

Franca Cantoni

Department of Management, University of Turin, Torino, Italy

Laura Corazza

DISES, University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy

Ernesto De Nito

Dipartimento di Economia, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy

Primiano Di Nauta

DIG, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Edoardo Favari

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Guardiani, E., Favari, E., Fierro, P. (2024). Responsible Leadership in Projects: A Literature Review. In: Cantoni, F., Corazza, L., De Nito, E., Di Nauta, P., Favari, E. (eds) Complexity and Sustainability in Megaprojects. MERIT 2023. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 493. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 21 May 2024

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-59702-2

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-59703-9

eBook Packages : Engineering Engineering (R0)

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Qualitative Research Proposal on Different Leadership Styles' Influence on Construction Industry.

Profile image of Omambia Jane

2023, The Qualitative Study of the Influence of Different Leadership Styles as A Success Factor on Construction Projects.

This proposed research aims to evaluate the influence of different leadership styles on the success of construction projects in the UK building industry. The study focuses on transformational, transactional, and situational leadership styles, using the Full Range Leadership Theory (FRLT) as the theoretical framework. The research objectives include assessing the impact of leadership styles on employee performance, determining the extent of their impact on project success, and developing a conceptual framework to understand the relationship between leadership quality and performance. A case study design will be used, involving interviews with 30 respondents from the construction industry, and thematic data analysis will be conducted. The research aims to provide insights into the necessary competencies and skills for effective leadership in construction, considering various projects and performance metrics, but limitations such as sample size and generalizability should be considered.

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Leadership Dissertation Topics

Published by Grace Graffin at January 4th, 2023 , Revised On August 15, 2023

Leadership is an attribute of leading and guiding subordinates for collective wellness. Many people aspire to become leaders, but only a few succeed. It is because leadership and management are two relatively different concepts. A manager is not always a leader, and a leader cannot always be a manager. So a leader knows how to manage a group without having distinguished power.

That said, leadership is an exciting discipline to explore and study. If you have aimed to write your dissertation about leadership and direly looking for some exceptional leadership research topics, do not worry; we have got your back. Find out the most relevant and striking list of leadership topics for the research.

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2022 Leadership Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: a comparative analysis of the impact of transformational and servant leadership style on employee satisfaction and performance..

Research Aim: The research aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the impact of transformational and servant leadership styles on customer satisfaction.


  • To analyse the factors impacting employee satisfaction and performance.
  • To determine the similarities and differences among transformational and servant leaders.
  • To conduct a comparative analysis of the impact of transformational and servant leadership styles on customer satisfaction.

Topic 2: Investigate the suitable leadership attributes for handling crises and the financial stability of the business.

Research Aim: The research aims to investigate the suitable leadership attributes for handling crises and the financial stability of the business.

  • To analyse the leadership attributes ideal for handling crises and unpredictable situations.
  • To evaluate the factors impacting the financial stability of businesses.
  • To investigate the suitable leadership attributes for handling crises and the financial stability of the business.

Topic 3: Analysis of the medical leadership response in the NHS during the initial stages of the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK.

Research Aim: The research aims to analyze the medical leadership response in the NHS during the initial stages of the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK.

  • To analyse the impact of medical leadership on staff morale and the quality of patient care.
  • To determine the medical leadership in the NHS and its impact on staff productivity and efficiency.
  • To investigate the medical leadership response in the NHS during the initial stages of the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK.

Topic 4: How does poor leadership impact the overall organisational revenue and culture?

Research Aim: The research aims to analyse how poor leadership impacts the overall organisational revenue and culture.

  • To analyse the ramifications of poor leadership in organisations.
  • To evaluate the factors contributing to organisational revenue generation and shaping the organisational culture.
  • To analyse the impact of poor leadership on overall organisational revenue and culture.

Topic 5: Analysis of the potential use of AI for enhancing leadership performance and decision making.

Research Aim: The research aims to analyse the potential use of AI for enhancing leadership performance and decision making.

  • To analyse how AI contributes to leadership decision making.
  • To identify the factors impacting leadership performance and the role of technology.
  • To analyse the potential use of AI for enhancing leadership performance and decision making.

Topic no.1: Significance of leadership in business

Research Aim: In times like the present, when there is wavering financial stability, it is imperative for businesses to become as strong as they could be. Only good leaders in a company can help make the right and timely decisions for making it successful. The research will deeply analyze and study the importance of leadership in a business. It will figure out the challenges posed to business due to poor or absence of good leadership.

Topic no.2: Leadership and management

Research Aim: Leadership and management are two different things, but they go hand in hand. But it is significant to understand in what premises and situations leadership becomes more crucial than management and vice versa. It is also significant to find whether or not one is independent of the other. The main of the research will be to find out the answers to all of the aforementioned questions.

Topic no.3: political leadership; the ramifications of poor leadership

Research Aim: The aim of the research would be to analyze and evaluate political leadership and study the consequences of poor leadership. The researcher can study different political leaders and tehriu model of leadership and their repercussions on the citizens of their state.

Topic no.4: Role of women in educational leadership

Research Aim: Women are no less than men in any field, especially leadership. In fact, women leaders have proved themselves over and over again throughout history. The aim of the research would be to identify and analyze women’s role in educational leadership. It will find out the women who played a centrifugal role in the sector of educational leadership.

Topic no.5: Climate leadership

Research Aim: Fairly a new avenue of leadership, climate leadership is one of the most needed and prospering kinds of leadership. When it comes to saving the earth, many are raising their voices, and some are taking crucial actions. The research would aim to explore the nature of leadership predominating for climate preservation, who are the key leaders at the forefront, what approaches are they using for inhibiting global warming, and what would be the recommendations in that regard.

Topic no.6: Impact of leadership style on the performance of employees

Research Aim: The aim of the research would be to understand the interrelation of leadership style and the performance of employees. The researcher will evaluate the performance of employees under different types of leadership styles, i.e., authoritative leadership, participative leadership, delegation leadership, transactional leadership, and transformational leadership. It will evaluate the psychological and behavioural traits of employees under each specified type of leadership.

Topic no.7: Traits of good corporate leadership

Research Aim: The aim of the research is to identify the features and characteristics of good corporate leadership and design a model that can be followed to achieve business goals.

Also Read : How to Write Dissertation Aims and Objectives?

Topic no.8: leadership responses during the pandemic

Research Aim: The aim of the research is to study the role of leaders in crisis management, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research will study the leadership responses of different countries and evaluate their measures and their repercussion in response to the outbreak.

Topic no.9: Leadership and economy

Research Aim: The economy of a country depends largely on how the leaders are amending the bogus policies and creating effective, updated ones for economic growth. In essence, it is the leaders whose policies lead to a thriving economy. The aim of the research is to find the relationship between leadership and the economy and how good leaders lead to a better economy.

Topic no.10: how leaders are leveraging AI for their optimal performance

Research Aim: The aim of the research is to find out how(if) global leaders are using technology to improve their performances in their respective fields. There are many leaders, apart from technological leaders, who are using different forms of technology to boost their performance and interact with their subordinates.

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Topic no.11: Digital leaders of the future

Research Aim: The aim of the research would be to understand and analyze how digital leaders use information and technology to help an organization become more receptive to customer needs and changing business requirements.

Topic no.12: Leadership culture

Research Aim: The leadership culture is how leaders interact and communicate with the group of people they are commanding. The aim of the research is to study and evaluate the leadership culture prevalent in our society versus how it should ideally be.

Topic no.13: Leadership and managing adversity

Research Aim: The prime aim of the research would be to understand the art of managing adversity and adversaries that leaders employ to swipe off the obstructions that hinder their goals. In order to become a good leader, it is eminent to get familiar with the strategies to get rid of the oppositions that cause damage to the goals.

Topic no.14: Leadership and emotional intelligence:

Research Aim: Emotional intelligence is more important than IQ, and for leaders, it is more than important to hold their nerves to pass the testing times. The aim of the research is to identify and explore the importance of emotional intelligence in leaders and how they use it strategically to cope up with difficult times.

Topic no.15: Women's leadership styles vs men's leadership style

Research Aim: Leaders are leaders, and they have nothing to do with gender, but it is said that there are a bit differences between women’s leadership and men’s leadership. The aim of the research would be to analyze each one’s leadership styles and determine their differences.

Topic no.16: Leadership and ethical paradigms

Research Aim: The aim of the research would be to analyze leadership in the context of five ethical paradigms. It will understand and evaluate how leaders company different levels of ethics during their period of management.

Topic no.17: A case study of Jacinda Ardern's leadership

Research Aim: Newzealand was the first county to swipe off the covid 19 cases from the first wave. It was attributed to the policies of state and leadership for impressive achievement. The main aim of the research is to study and analyze the role of Jacinda Ardern in crisis management.

Topic no.18: A case study of Margret thatcher- the iron lady

Research Aim: Probably no one would be unaware of the first woman prime minister of Britain, Margret Thatcher. The aim of the research is to analyze and evaluate her leadership style that earned he the title of Iron lady.

Topic no.19: Leadership and education

Research Aim: Leadership in the education sector is as important as in any other field. The aim of the research is to study the inclusive or exclusive relationship between leadership and education. It will also provide suggestions about how to improve leadership approaches in education.

Topic no.20: transformational and transactional leadership; the right approach to lead a business

Research Aim: Two main types of leadership include transformational and transactional leadership styles. The aim of the research would be to analyze and evaluate both styles and suggest the benefits and downsides of each style and determine which approach is the best.

Conducting research on leadership and related topics can be very useful and exciting, but when it comes to writing, students become dreadful. But do not worry, we have got your back. Whether you want a section of the dissertation to be written impeccably or the whole of it, we are here. Don’t wait; click here.

Free Dissertation Topic

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find leadership dissertation topics.

For leadership dissertation topics:

  • Analyze leadership challenges.
  • Explore industry or context.
  • Study effective leaders.
  • Examine leadership theories.
  • Consider organizational issues.
  • Select a topic resonating with your passion and research goals.

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Research Proposal

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Additional information.

There is additional information in the Organizing Academic Research Papers research guide.

The goal of a research proposal is to present and justify a research idea you have and to present the practical ways in which you think this research should be conducted. The forms and procedures for such research are defined by the field of study, so guidelines for research proposals are generally more exacting and less formal than a project proposal. Research proposals contain extensive literature reviews and must provide persuasive evidence that there is a need for the research study being proposed. In addition to providing rationale for the proposed research, a proposal describes detailed methodology for conducting the research consistent with requirements of the professional or academic field and a statement on anticipated outcomes and/or benefits derived from the study.

Krathwohl, David R. How to Prepare a Dissertation Proposal: Suggestions for Students in Education and the Social and Behavioral Sciences . Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2005.

How to Approach Writing in a Research Proposal

  • Develop your skills in thinking about and designing a comprehensive research study.
  • Help learn how to conduct a comprehensive review of the literature to ensure a research problem has not already been answered [or you may determine the problem has been answered ineffectively] and, in so doing, become familiar with scholarship related to your topic.
  • Improve your general research and writing skills.
  • Practice identifying what logical steps must be taken to accomplish one's research goals.
  • Nurture a sense of inquisitiveness within yourself and to help see yourself as an active participant in the process of doing scholarly research.

A proposal should contain all the key elements involved in designing a complete research study, with sufficient information that allows readers to assess the validity and usefulness of your proposed study. The only elements missing from a research proposal are the results of the study and your analysis of those results. Finally, an effective proposal is judged on the quality of your writing. It is, therefore, important that your writing is coherent, clear, and compelling.

Regardless of the research problem you are investigating and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions:

  • What do you plan to accomplish? Be clear and succient in defining the research problem and what it is you are proposing to research.
  • Why do you want to do it? In addition to detailing your research design, you also must conduct a thorough review of the literature and provide convincing evidence that it is a topic worthy of study. Be sure to answer the "So what? question.
  • How are you going to do it? Be sure that what you propose is do-able.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Failure to be concise; being "all over the map" without a clear sense of purpose.
  • Failure to cite landmark works in your literature review.
  • Failure to delimit the contextual boundaries of your research [e.g., time, place, people, etc.].
  • Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the proposed research.
  • Failure to stay focused on the research question; going off on unrelated tangents.
  • Sloppy or imprecise writing. Poor grammar.
  • Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on major issues.

Procter, Margaret. The Academic Proposal .  The Lab Report. University College Writing Centre. University of Toronto; Sanford, Keith. Information for Students: Writing a Research Proposal . Baylor University; Wong, Paul T. P. How to Write a Research Proposal . International Network on Personal Meaning. Trinity Western University; Writing Academic Proposals: Conferences, Articles, and Books . The Writing Lab and The OWL. Purdue University; Writing a Research Proposal. University Library. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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277 Top Leadership Research Topics for Your Thesis

leadership research topics

For most students, working on leadership research topics is a fascinating task. That’s because this subject spans different disciplines, including education, management, sociology, politics, and psychology. For this reason, many learners choose these topics when writing college and university papers.

In most cases, educators do not specify the topic for learners. That means every learner must choose or develop a topic for their academic paper. Consequently, learners look for leadership areas that interest them and then pick their leadership paper topics.

Here are pointers for selecting a topic for your leadership essay or paper:

Start by choosing a subject area Narrow down your subject area Focus on leadership, not management Bear the educator’s instructions in mind Aim to answer a question in your subject area

If interested in this subject, here is a list of leadership topics you consider for your papers.

Interesting Dissertation Topics in Educational Leadership

When pursuing a course in educational leadership, educators require learners to complete a dissertation by employing their new learning and professional knowledge. When writing this paper, a learner should demonstrate organization, transformative leadership, and the ability to initiate community change. Here are sample topics in this category.

  • Interrelation between poor school results and poor leadership
  • How social media affects educational leadership
  • Impacts of technology on educational leadership
  • How leadership in mediocre schools can simulate top performing learning institutions
  • Effects of the leadership culture on running educational institutions
  • How to blend strategic teaching methods with efficient organization
  • How educational leadership affects society
  • How educational leadership influence researchers and literature
  • Educational leadership and success path
  • Educational leadership and social transformation
  • Educational leadership’s role in society
  • Can education leadership bring about change?
  • How to include the community in education leadership
  • Effectiveness of interdisciplinary teams in the running of the middle schools
  • Women role in education leadership
  • How cultural organization affects educational institutions
  • Diluting racist habits in accredited universities
  • How to seamlessly pass teachers’ excellence to students
  • How educational institutions can offer exceptional leadership by thinking outside the box
  • How to evaluate negative traits of instructors teaching similar subjects
  • How fighting for leadership positions affect schools and students
  • How to compassionately develop students with dyslexia
  • How to strategically blend teaching methods with efficient organization
  • How culture influences educational institutions’ leadership
  • How effective educational leadership helps learners achieve academic goals
  • How educational leadership affect how learners think about their future and intellectual abilities
  • How teachers can encourage learners to take exams and testing more seriously
  • Do teachers have adequate training on how to be influential leaders?
  • Should learning institutions evaluate teachers depending on their leadership abilities?
  • What changes in training opportunities can encourage teachers to exercise leadership strategies?

Pick any of these educational leadership research topics and investigate them extensively to develop a brilliant dissertation.

Hot Leadership Training Topics

Leadership training is crucial for future and current leaders. Anybody that wants to become a supervisor, manager, or leader at any capacity should undergo some training to cultivate and nurture their skills. Here are some of the best leadership topics to write about in this category.

  • How organizational leaders can enhance productivity
  • How company leaders can retain the best employees
  • How to improve decision making in an organization
  • How to implement effective leadership styles
  • How leaders can support succession in their organizations
  • How to delegate and empower employees
  • Role of organizational leaders in conflict resolution
  • How to change management and executive leadership
  • How leaders can command respect without issuing commands
  • How leaders can motivate and engage employees
  • How corporate leaders can enhance interpersonal relationships
  • How decision skills can streamline organizations and nurture confidence
  • How leaders can train employees on energy and time management
  • How leaders can train employees about self-awareness
  • Practical communication skills for organizational leaders
  • How leaders can encourage peer-to-peer training
  • The role of leadership in organizational development
  • How to design helpful leadership training modules
  • How to automate corporate learning paths
  • How to measure results in leadership training
  • Importance of leadership training
  • How leaders can deal with organizational change
  • How leaders can use coaching to enhance employee performance
  • Qualities of practical leadership training and mentorship programs
  • How leaders can create a learning culture in an organization
  • How a company employee can benefit from a leadership course
  • Which leadership strategies can enhance a team’s performance?
  • Describe different leadership styles with examples
  • What leadership training means for a business
  • Can leadership training affect organizational success?

Any of these topics can be the basis of an excellent paper. However, take your time to research your preferred idea to come up with a high-quality paper.

Trendy Leadership Development Topics for Research

Leadership development entails expanding individuals’ capacity to perform their leadership roles in organizations. Here are topic ideas to consider in this category.

  • When is leadership coaching necessary?
  • Who should provide leadership coaching?
  • Which are the best leadership development opportunities?
  • How emotional intelligence can enhance leadership development
  • Describe executive development
  • How innovation can enhance leadership development
  • Mentorship for leadership development- How does it work?
  • Can leaders act as teachers?
  • Why strategic planning matters when it comes to leadership development
  • Role of leadership development in team building
  • How coaching can enhance leadership development
  • Can leadership development enhance accountability?
  • Why change management coaching should be part of a leadership development program
  • How leadership development can turn leaders into negotiators and influencers
  • How communication skills can enhance leadership development
  • How organizational leaders can develop creativity
  • Essential skills to acquire from a leadership development program

Pick any of these topic ideas and then develop them via research to develop a winning paper. Use different information sources to gather relevant information before writing your essay.

Organizational Leadership Dissertation Topics

Organizational leadership is an exciting research field. What’s more, you can use a topic in this category to impact a difference in an organization. And this can enhance your employability when seeking a job. Depending on your dissertation requirements, you can pick and work with any of these topics.

  • How blended-learning techniques can enhance the critical thinking of organizational leaders
  • Essential administrative services that hospitality industry leaders should provide
  • Qualities of charismatic and prevention-oriented leaders for the success of medium-sized enterprises
  • How leadership behaviors affect the corporate culture
  • How leadership practices influence the success of an organization
  • How organizational leadership and culture affect the success of a small enterprise
  • Why executive leadership is essential in developing countries
  • Organizational leadership’s role in a multicultural environment
  • Investigating variations in conventional organizational leadership and charismatic leadership
  • How leadership quality and training can improve organizational performance
  • How corporate culture can influence the leadership decisions to try a new business strategy
  • How a country can produce the organizational leaders it requires
  • How managers can provide leadership aspirations to subordinates
  • How global company leaders can influence their overall cultures
  • How corporate culture impacts a company’s leadership
  • How assumption-based planning can save money for an organization
  • How organizational leadership differs from management
  • How differentiating leadership from management can enhance the achievement of organizational goals
  • How to evaluate the effects of administration on the organizational performance
  • How to examine leadership effects and vision clarity on business organizations
  • How leadership affects organizational performance
  • How a corporate leader can devise work teams in a company
  • Impacts of leadership skills on employees performance

Any of these organizational leadership topics can be the basis of a brilliant paper. However, you must research the idea extensively to include relevant information in your writing. That way, your educator and organizational leaders will find your essay worth reading.

Fantastic Women’s Leadership Topics

It’s no secret that studies about women in leadership topics have increased over the years. Perhaps, that’s because women’s status in workplaces has improved recently. Here are brilliant ideas to explore if interested in writing a research paper in this category.

  • The role of women personality in leadership
  • What are the primary barriers to women’s leadership?
  • Society stereotypes that threaten women leadership
  • How the responsibilities of women differ from those of their counterpart males
  • How the personality of women leaders differ from that of men
  • How women’s leadership style differs from that of men
  • How family responsibilities affect female leaders
  • Do current male leaders resist female leaders?
  • Must women leaders outperform their male counterparts to be considered adequate?
  • How lack of sufficient household support affects women leaders
  • How women leaders can help in unlocking the full economic potential of a country
  • How influential women leaders juggle between family and work
  • How powerful women leaders define work and success
  • How gender stereotypes affect female leaders
  • How modern female leaders balance careers and family
  • How stereotypes shape women leaders’ performance and intellectual identity
  • Family business success- What is the role of women?
  • Gender, sex, and leadership
  • How women can change organizational leadership
  • How great women leaders can inspire people to take action

Take any of these topics and develop them into an excellent paper through research. The internet is awash with resources that cover women and leadership issues. That means you won’t have a hard time finding relevant information for your topic.

Interesting Leadership Topics

Perhaps, you’re looking for an exciting topic for your research paper or essay. In that case, here are some of the best ideas to explore.

  • A case study of Bill Gates’ leadership
  • Motivation and leadership- What’s the difference?
  • What are the key characteristics of transformational leadership?
  • Investigating leadership and management across culture
  • Characteristics and distinctions of management and leadership
  • Explain radical leadership with examples
  • Discuss different leadership and management styles
  • Ethical leadership theories and models
  • Othello and Machiavelli’s leadership skills
  • Leadership concepts, according to Kentucky Fried Chicke
  • Moral and cultural contingencies of leadership
  • An investigation into team leadership
  • Discuss the hospitality industry’s leadership and management
  • How diversity affects the leadership effectiveness
  • Which are the best leadership practices
  • Socrates and organizational leadership
  • Aspects of leadership and team behavior
  • Leadership and management in business- How they relate
  • What is ethical leadership?
  • Leadership as a strategy in human resource and company policies
  • Leadership and organizational behavior- How they relate
  • Why is strategic leadership essential in the business environment?
  • How gender difference affects leadership styles
  • What is systematic leadership?
  • Why is civic leadership important?
  • How negative leadership affects an organization
  • Leadership role in an organization’s transformational
  • Classifications of different leadership theories
  • Theoretical perspectives of organizational leadership
  • Human resource planning and leadership development
  • Leadership contingency theories
  • Military leadership style and coaching combination
  • Benefits, roles, and limitations of leadership
  • Supervising and leadership influence on human services
  • Leadership theories and effective organization change
  • Discuss various leadership style concepts
  • Governance and leadership- What’s the difference?
  • Troubled companies and their leadership
  • Participative and situational leadership theories
  • Analyzing the authoritative leadership style
  • Effective management and leadership strategies
  • Why strong leadership is crucial in a business organization
  • Integrating different leadership styles
  • Leadership and education role modeling
  • How effective leadership can enhance employees productivity
  • How managers can motivate employees by serving as their leaders
  • How political leadership can affect an organization
  • Leadership role in solving organizational challenges
  • A critical perspective on leadership and management
  • Evaluation of John Kennedy and Bill Clinton’s political leadership
  • An analysis of the most influential leader in the world
  • Effective leadership learning processes in an organization
  • Servant and followership leadership
  • Leadership principles of effective teachers
  • Analyzing Ciulla Joanne’s The Ethics of Leadership
  • Is servant leadership effective in school administration?
  • Creativity and leadership revision
  • Leadership and motivation theories
  • The role of leadership in a multinational company
  • Participative approach versus autocratic leadership
  • How ethical leadership can influence decision-making
  • How a company’s leadership can manage change effectively
  • Innovation and leadership in a business
  • How transformational leadership can benefit women
  • Describe the role of leadership in a medical facility
  • Variations in ethical leadership
  • Scientific methods for studying leadership
  • Strategy as leadership and practice
  • Leadership and service quality
  • How school governance affects school leadership
  • How leadership and power relate
  • Investigating leadership through a behavioral approach
  • Effective styles for strategic leadership
  • Strategic leadership- A critical examination
  • Describe how contingency leadership works
  • Discuss theorists and theories on leadership
  • How to develop a leadership strategy in an organization
  • Why leadership models are valuable
  • Leadership strategies as success factors
  • Qualities of effective leadership strategies

These are exciting leadership topics for discussion in an academic paper or essay. Pick an issue in this category and then research it extensively to develop a brilliant piece.

Nursing Leadership Paper Topics

Do you want to write a research paper or essay about nursing leadership? If yes, pick any of these brilliant nursing leadership paper topics.

  • Strategies for developing nurse leaders
  • How concept-based learning techniques affect nurse leaders
  • What are the qualities of the best nurse leaders?
  • How a nurse leader can manage stress
  • Criteria for being considered a nurse leader’s mentor
  • Essential nursing leadership areas to study
  • Qualities of a practical nursing leadership program
  • Why nursing leadership is vital in healthcare management
  • A review of ethical nursing leadership and practice
  • What are the values of ethical nursing leadership and training?
  • How to balance nursing leadership and service quality
  • Nursing leadership fundamentals
  • The global status of nurse leaders
  • Practice experience that every nurse leader should exhibit
  • Nursing leadership from a patient’s perspective
  • How to apply nursing leadership in a nursing home
  • A comparison of nursing leadership in an adult ward and a pediatric ward
  • Vital skills for a nurse leader during an emergency
  • Challenges facing nursing leaders
  • What leadership means to nurses
  • Leadership from a nurse perspective- What does it mean?
  • Disadvantages of being a nurse leader
  • What are the inherent nurse leaders’ values?
  • The role of nurse leaders in public hospitals
  • Nursing leadership status in private hospitals
  • How nursing leadership differs in private and public hospitals
  • Trends in nursing leadership
  • Assessing nursing leadership in third-world countries
  • Long and short-term goals for nurse leaders
  • Activities for enhancing nursing leadership.

Any of these nursing leadership topics can be a great idea for research. However, prepare to investigate your preferred issue to develop an excellent paper. Nevertheless, you can even seek professional assistance if you love the topic but lack adequate time to write about it.

Leadership Speech Topics

Perhaps, you want to write a speech to present to your class or during a business meeting. In that case, this category comprises some of the best leadership presentation topics.

  • How to be a transformative leader
  • What makes a strategic leader?
  • Why organizations need moral leaders
  • How to lead with inclusion and integrity
  • Leadership and dissent- Doing the right versus doing something right
  • Practicing leadership in an inter-agency context
  • How to make a difference using leadership
  • Transactional or transformational leadership- What works?
  • How effective leadership looks like
  • How to practice effective leadership
  • How to become a leader
  • How to lead with compassion
  • Qualities that every great leader should exhibit
  • The power of effective leadership
  • How a leadership vision can propel an organization forward
  • How to understand and work with followers as a leader
  • How a leader can adapt and listen to changes in an organization
  • How consistent efforts make great leaders
  • Qualities that made great leaders in history
  • The golden rule of outstanding leadership

These are brilliant leadership discussion topics. However, prepare to research your preferred idea before you write a speech about it. That way, you will come up with a presentation that will move your audience.

Leadership Topics for Managers

Perhaps, you want to write about a leadership issue that managers will find interesting to read. In that case, these leadership research paper topics will interest you.

  • How managers can develop performance standards and goals
  • How managers can promote effective discipline
  • How a manager can improve work habits
  • How company managements can manage complaints
  • How a manager can provide performance feedback
  • Effective conflict resolution techniques for company managers
  • How a manager can support change in a company
  • Effective ways for managers to delegate tasks
  • How to effectively communicate with the upper management
  • How a manager can train or coach others
  • Essential leadership skills for managers
  • How managers can create trust and transparency in their organizations
  • How managers can encourage individual employees to find personal motivation
  • How managers can encourage innovation and initiative
  • How a manager can build self-confidence
  • Practical time management skills that every manager should have
  • Body language and public speaking for managers
  • How company managers can minimize employee complaints
  • How managers can lower stress among employees
  • Why training is essential for new managers
  • Why every manager should know industry-specific regulations
  • How managers can create an inclusive workforce
  • How managers can nurture talents and ensure employee retention
  • What training methods can managers use to empower employees?
  • Firing and hiring- What should know managers know about these responsibilities?
  • Which skills should managers cultivate to support company employees?

These are brilliant leadership essay topics for managers. However, you need time to research any of these topics to write a winning paper.

Having an Issue Completing Your Leadership Dissertation?

Whether you need leadership dissertation topics or essay ideas, you have many options to consider. Nevertheless, pick an interesting topic that you’ll enjoy working with, from research to proofreading your paper. But if you have difficulties writing your essay, seek an expert’s writing help online. With cheap, high quality assistance from reliable academic writers, you can have a competent specialist handle this assignment for you from the beginning to the end. And you can impress your educators to accord you the grade you desire. So, if stuck with this assignment, contact the best expert writers for hire to write your paper or essay without breaking a sweat.

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17 Research Proposal Examples

research proposal example sections definition and purpose, explained below

A research proposal systematically and transparently outlines a proposed research project.

The purpose of a research proposal is to demonstrate a project’s viability and the researcher’s preparedness to conduct an academic study. It serves as a roadmap for the researcher.

The process holds value both externally (for accountability purposes and often as a requirement for a grant application) and intrinsic value (for helping the researcher to clarify the mechanics, purpose, and potential signficance of the study).

Key sections of a research proposal include: the title, abstract, introduction, literature review, research design and methods, timeline, budget, outcomes and implications, references, and appendix. Each is briefly explained below.

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Research Proposal Sample Structure

Title: The title should present a concise and descriptive statement that clearly conveys the core idea of the research projects. Make it as specific as possible. The reader should immediately be able to grasp the core idea of the intended research project. Often, the title is left too vague and does not help give an understanding of what exactly the study looks at.

Abstract: Abstracts are usually around 250-300 words and provide an overview of what is to follow – including the research problem , objectives, methods, expected outcomes, and significance of the study. Use it as a roadmap and ensure that, if the abstract is the only thing someone reads, they’ll get a good fly-by of what will be discussed in the peice.

Introduction: Introductions are all about contextualization. They often set the background information with a statement of the problem. At the end of the introduction, the reader should understand what the rationale for the study truly is. I like to see the research questions or hypotheses included in the introduction and I like to get a good understanding of what the significance of the research will be. It’s often easiest to write the introduction last

Literature Review: The literature review dives deep into the existing literature on the topic, demosntrating your thorough understanding of the existing literature including themes, strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in the literature. It serves both to demonstrate your knowledge of the field and, to demonstrate how the proposed study will fit alongside the literature on the topic. A good literature review concludes by clearly demonstrating how your research will contribute something new and innovative to the conversation in the literature.

Research Design and Methods: This section needs to clearly demonstrate how the data will be gathered and analyzed in a systematic and academically sound manner. Here, you need to demonstrate that the conclusions of your research will be both valid and reliable. Common points discussed in the research design and methods section include highlighting the research paradigm, methodologies, intended population or sample to be studied, data collection techniques, and data analysis procedures . Toward the end of this section, you are encouraged to also address ethical considerations and limitations of the research process , but also to explain why you chose your research design and how you are mitigating the identified risks and limitations.

Timeline: Provide an outline of the anticipated timeline for the study. Break it down into its various stages (including data collection, data analysis, and report writing). The goal of this section is firstly to establish a reasonable breakdown of steps for you to follow and secondly to demonstrate to the assessors that your project is practicable and feasible.

Budget: Estimate the costs associated with the research project and include evidence for your estimations. Typical costs include staffing costs, equipment, travel, and data collection tools. When applying for a scholarship, the budget should demonstrate that you are being responsible with your expensive and that your funding application is reasonable.

Expected Outcomes and Implications: A discussion of the anticipated findings or results of the research, as well as the potential contributions to the existing knowledge, theory, or practice in the field. This section should also address the potential impact of the research on relevant stakeholders and any broader implications for policy or practice.

References: A complete list of all the sources cited in the research proposal, formatted according to the required citation style. This demonstrates the researcher’s familiarity with the relevant literature and ensures proper attribution of ideas and information.

Appendices (if applicable): Any additional materials, such as questionnaires, interview guides, or consent forms, that provide further information or support for the research proposal. These materials should be included as appendices at the end of the document.

Research Proposal Examples

Research proposals often extend anywhere between 2,000 and 15,000 words in length. The following snippets are samples designed to briefly demonstrate what might be discussed in each section.

1. Education Studies Research Proposals

See some real sample pieces:

  • Assessment of the perceptions of teachers towards a new grading system
  • Does ICT use in secondary classrooms help or hinder student learning?
  • Digital technologies in focus project
  • Urban Middle School Teachers’ Experiences of the Implementation of
  • Restorative Justice Practices
  • Experiences of students of color in service learning

Consider this hypothetical education research proposal:

The Impact of Game-Based Learning on Student Engagement and Academic Performance in Middle School Mathematics

Abstract: The proposed study will explore multiplayer game-based learning techniques in middle school mathematics curricula and their effects on student engagement. The study aims to contribute to the current literature on game-based learning by examining the effects of multiplayer gaming in learning.

Introduction: Digital game-based learning has long been shunned within mathematics education for fears that it may distract students or lower the academic integrity of the classrooms. However, there is emerging evidence that digital games in math have emerging benefits not only for engagement but also academic skill development. Contributing to this discourse, this study seeks to explore the potential benefits of multiplayer digital game-based learning by examining its impact on middle school students’ engagement and academic performance in a mathematics class.

Literature Review: The literature review has identified gaps in the current knowledge, namely, while game-based learning has been extensively explored, the role of multiplayer games in supporting learning has not been studied.

Research Design and Methods: This study will employ a mixed-methods research design based upon action research in the classroom. A quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test control group design will first be used to compare the academic performance and engagement of middle school students exposed to game-based learning techniques with those in a control group receiving instruction without the aid of technology. Students will also be observed and interviewed in regard to the effect of communication and collaboration during gameplay on their learning.

Timeline: The study will take place across the second term of the school year with a pre-test taking place on the first day of the term and the post-test taking place on Wednesday in Week 10.

Budget: The key budgetary requirements will be the technologies required, including the subscription cost for the identified games and computers.

Expected Outcomes and Implications: It is expected that the findings will contribute to the current literature on game-based learning and inform educational practices, providing educators and policymakers with insights into how to better support student achievement in mathematics.

2. Psychology Research Proposals

See some real examples:

  • A situational analysis of shared leadership in a self-managing team
  • The effect of musical preference on running performance
  • Relationship between self-esteem and disordered eating amongst adolescent females

Consider this hypothetical psychology research proposal:

The Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Stress Reduction in College Students

Abstract: This research proposal examines the impact of mindfulness-based interventions on stress reduction among college students, using a pre-test/post-test experimental design with both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods .

Introduction: College students face heightened stress levels during exam weeks. This can affect both mental health and test performance. This study explores the potential benefits of mindfulness-based interventions such as meditation as a way to mediate stress levels in the weeks leading up to exam time.

Literature Review: Existing research on mindfulness-based meditation has shown the ability for mindfulness to increase metacognition, decrease anxiety levels, and decrease stress. Existing literature has looked at workplace, high school and general college-level applications. This study will contribute to the corpus of literature by exploring the effects of mindfulness directly in the context of exam weeks.

Research Design and Methods: Participants ( n= 234 ) will be randomly assigned to either an experimental group, receiving 5 days per week of 10-minute mindfulness-based interventions, or a control group, receiving no intervention. Data will be collected through self-report questionnaires, measuring stress levels, semi-structured interviews exploring participants’ experiences, and students’ test scores.

Timeline: The study will begin three weeks before the students’ exam week and conclude after each student’s final exam. Data collection will occur at the beginning (pre-test of self-reported stress levels) and end (post-test) of the three weeks.

Expected Outcomes and Implications: The study aims to provide evidence supporting the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in reducing stress among college students in the lead up to exams, with potential implications for mental health support and stress management programs on college campuses.

3. Sociology Research Proposals

  • Understanding emerging social movements: A case study of ‘Jersey in Transition’
  • The interaction of health, education and employment in Western China
  • Can we preserve lower-income affordable neighbourhoods in the face of rising costs?

Consider this hypothetical sociology research proposal:

The Impact of Social Media Usage on Interpersonal Relationships among Young Adults

Abstract: This research proposal investigates the effects of social media usage on interpersonal relationships among young adults, using a longitudinal mixed-methods approach with ongoing semi-structured interviews to collect qualitative data.

Introduction: Social media platforms have become a key medium for the development of interpersonal relationships, particularly for young adults. This study examines the potential positive and negative effects of social media usage on young adults’ relationships and development over time.

Literature Review: A preliminary review of relevant literature has demonstrated that social media usage is central to development of a personal identity and relationships with others with similar subcultural interests. However, it has also been accompanied by data on mental health deline and deteriorating off-screen relationships. The literature is to-date lacking important longitudinal data on these topics.

Research Design and Methods: Participants ( n = 454 ) will be young adults aged 18-24. Ongoing self-report surveys will assess participants’ social media usage, relationship satisfaction, and communication patterns. A subset of participants will be selected for longitudinal in-depth interviews starting at age 18 and continuing for 5 years.

Timeline: The study will be conducted over a period of five years, including recruitment, data collection, analysis, and report writing.

Expected Outcomes and Implications: This study aims to provide insights into the complex relationship between social media usage and interpersonal relationships among young adults, potentially informing social policies and mental health support related to social media use.

4. Nursing Research Proposals

  • Does Orthopaedic Pre-assessment clinic prepare the patient for admission to hospital?
  • Nurses’ perceptions and experiences of providing psychological care to burns patients
  • Registered psychiatric nurse’s practice with mentally ill parents and their children

Consider this hypothetical nursing research proposal:

The Influence of Nurse-Patient Communication on Patient Satisfaction and Health Outcomes following Emergency Cesarians

Abstract: This research will examines the impact of effective nurse-patient communication on patient satisfaction and health outcomes for women following c-sections, utilizing a mixed-methods approach with patient surveys and semi-structured interviews.

Introduction: It has long been known that effective communication between nurses and patients is crucial for quality care. However, additional complications arise following emergency c-sections due to the interaction between new mother’s changing roles and recovery from surgery.

Literature Review: A review of the literature demonstrates the importance of nurse-patient communication, its impact on patient satisfaction, and potential links to health outcomes. However, communication between nurses and new mothers is less examined, and the specific experiences of those who have given birth via emergency c-section are to date unexamined.

Research Design and Methods: Participants will be patients in a hospital setting who have recently had an emergency c-section. A self-report survey will assess their satisfaction with nurse-patient communication and perceived health outcomes. A subset of participants will be selected for in-depth interviews to explore their experiences and perceptions of the communication with their nurses.

Timeline: The study will be conducted over a period of six months, including rolling recruitment, data collection, analysis, and report writing within the hospital.

Expected Outcomes and Implications: This study aims to provide evidence for the significance of nurse-patient communication in supporting new mothers who have had an emergency c-section. Recommendations will be presented for supporting nurses and midwives in improving outcomes for new mothers who had complications during birth.

5. Social Work Research Proposals

  • Experiences of negotiating employment and caring responsibilities of fathers post-divorce
  • Exploring kinship care in the north region of British Columbia

Consider this hypothetical social work research proposal:

The Role of a Family-Centered Intervention in Preventing Homelessness Among At-Risk Youthin a working-class town in Northern England

Abstract: This research proposal investigates the effectiveness of a family-centered intervention provided by a local council area in preventing homelessness among at-risk youth. This case study will use a mixed-methods approach with program evaluation data and semi-structured interviews to collect quantitative and qualitative data .

Introduction: Homelessness among youth remains a significant social issue. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of family-centered interventions in addressing this problem and identify factors that contribute to successful prevention strategies.

Literature Review: A review of the literature has demonstrated several key factors contributing to youth homelessness including lack of parental support, lack of social support, and low levels of family involvement. It also demonstrates the important role of family-centered interventions in addressing this issue. Drawing on current evidence, this study explores the effectiveness of one such intervention in preventing homelessness among at-risk youth in a working-class town in Northern England.

Research Design and Methods: The study will evaluate a new family-centered intervention program targeting at-risk youth and their families. Quantitative data on program outcomes, including housing stability and family functioning, will be collected through program records and evaluation reports. Semi-structured interviews with program staff, participants, and relevant stakeholders will provide qualitative insights into the factors contributing to program success or failure.

Timeline: The study will be conducted over a period of six months, including recruitment, data collection, analysis, and report writing.

Budget: Expenses include access to program evaluation data, interview materials, data analysis software, and any related travel costs for in-person interviews.

Expected Outcomes and Implications: This study aims to provide evidence for the effectiveness of family-centered interventions in preventing youth homelessness, potentially informing the expansion of or necessary changes to social work practices in Northern England.

Research Proposal Template

Get your Detailed Template for Writing your Research Proposal Here (With AI Prompts!)

This is a template for a 2500-word research proposal. You may find it difficult to squeeze everything into this wordcount, but it’s a common wordcount for Honors and MA-level dissertations.

Your research proposal is where you really get going with your study. I’d strongly recommend working closely with your teacher in developing a research proposal that’s consistent with the requirements and culture of your institution, as in my experience it varies considerably. The above template is from my own courses that walk students through research proposals in a British School of Education.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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8 thoughts on “17 Research Proposal Examples”

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Very excellent research proposals

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very helpful

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Very helpful

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Dear Sir, I need some help to write an educational research proposal. Thank you.

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Hi Levi, use the site search bar to ask a question and I’ll likely have a guide already written for your specific question. Thanks for reading!

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very good research proposal

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Thank you so much sir! ❤️

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Very helpful 👌

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Call for Applications: Epidemic Science Leadership and Innovation Networks

Deadline: Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Key Information for Applications at Preliminary Stage

Call Open Date  | 16 November 2023

Deadline for Preliminary Applications  | 31 January 2024, 1700hrs East Africa Time (EAT)

Webinars for Applicants

Webinar I: December 6 2023  | Watch the Recording Here Webinar II: January 17 2024 | Watch the Recording Here

For any questions or clarifications kindly send an email to [email protected]  . Responses will be shared on Monday – Friday from 0800 hrs – 1700 hrs EAT. 

How to Apply

Applications should be submitted via the SFA Foundation Grants Management System (Agaseke) -


At any one time, the African continent experiences 100 or more ongoing disease outbreaks. As Africa undergoes rapid demographic growth, as the continent becomes increasingly connected, and as environmental degradation persists, the risks of outbreaks and novel disease emergence will likely intensify.

Investment in African epidemic and pandemic sciences research and preparedness will protect and enhance national and regional healthcare systems and help to safeguard African economic stability by mitigating adverse socio-economic impacts. Developing a thriving epidemic and pandemic sciences sector across academia, industry, government and policy organisations, and preparing an emerging generation of high-calibre scientists, policymakers, and healthcare leaders in Africa will enhance health security and economic prosperity on the continent, and leverage African expertise to influence epidemic and pandemic research, preparedness and response priorities at a global level.  

This call will foster a vibrant ecosystem of Epidemic Science Leadership and Innovation Networks (EPSILONs) across Africa. Each EPSILON will comprise three to six organisations in a ‘hub and spoke’ consortium. Each consortium will establish a network of research excellence in a thematic area relevant to epidemic and pandemic sciences research, preparedness and response.   

These networks will nurture and promote world-class epidemic and pandemic sciences research and innovation in Africa, building a critical mass of experts across all health sectors in the continent to address ongoing health challenges while strengthening capabilities to respond to future infectious diseases health threats. They will contribute to developing communities of practice that may be leveraged for long-term collaboration and during future outbreaks to respond to urgent research and policy needs.  

Impact areas

Increased health, resilience and wellbeing among the African and global population

Long term outcomes

  • Epidemics and pandemics in Africa effectively predicted, prevented and managed
  • Health, social and economic impacts of epidemics and pandemics in Africa effectively mitigated
  • A vibrant epidemics and pandemics science ecosystem in Africa undertaking high-quality research and innovation

Medium term outcomes

  • Increased translation and uptake of epidemics and pandemics research outputs into contextually relevant solutions, regulations, approaches and policies
  • Sustainable career pathways for young researchers and professionals working on epidemics and pandemics
  • Enhanced professionalism and a well-resourced (financial and human resources) epidemics and pandemics sector to support research in Africa

Short term outcomes

  • Enhanced epidemics and pandemics scientific research quality
  • Increased innovations to address epidemics and pandemics trends
  • Young researchers transitioning to dignified and fulfilling work at scale
  • Increased engagement and collaboration leveraging areas of synergy in epidemics and pandemics research, policy and practice
  • Increased leadership influence of African epidemics and pandemics researchers across science networks, local communities, funding partners, private sector, industry and policy actors
  • Supportive professional service and research management culture and structures in place across institutions
  • Young professionals transitioning to dignified and fulfilling work at scale

For more details about impact areas, please refer to the call guidelines.

Applicant eligibility

Lead applicants can lead only one application but may be co-applicants in several applications. Lead applicants must be based at an eligible organisation and must fulfil the following conditions:

Institutional eligibility

Eligible institutions will typically be universities or research institutions which are legal public charitable entities.  The lead institution will be responsible for overall funds management, accountability and reporting on behalf of the entire consortium.

Geographic eligibility

The call shall be open to all regions of Africa in terms of nationality/residency for the lead/co-applicants and institutions.

Consortia eligibility

Consortia must be made up of between three and six institutions, of which at least three – including the lead – must be African institutions.

Where an applicant does not currently have a post at the lead institution or partner institution they may be eligible to apply if they have a written guarantee of a post which, if their application is successful, they would take up by the time the award commences.

Lead and co-applicants must:

Be established research leaders of international stature as demonstrated by a track record of publications and leadership Be based at the lead institution for the duration of the grant and be able to take responsibility for leading the overall management of the programme, if awarded; Have a primary academic affiliation to the lead institution; and Be able to demonstrate a strong personal link to an African country through citizenship or legal residency.

  • Vaccinology / early-stage vaccine research and development
  • Virology – genotype to phenotype
  • Clinical research and clinical trials on epidemic and pandemic prone infections
  • Epidemic and pandemic public health policy research
  • Climate change, biodiversity and pandemic prevention
  • Advanced data assembly and analytics for threat assessment and mitigation
  • Social and behavioural sciences

For more details about the thematic areas, please refer to the call guidelines.

Applicants should prepare a core budget for up to USD $4 million over five to six years, plus specific additional elements as detailed in the call guidelines. It is anticipated that successful consortia will attract additional funding from other sources over the duration of the programme.   

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Nov 2023 - Jan 2024 : Preliminary Applications

Apr 2024 - Jun 2024 : Full Applications

Oct 2024 : Interviews

Oct 2024: Conditional Awards

Call Guidelines:

Call for Applications: Guidance Notes (EN)

Call for Applications: Guidance Notes (FR)

Call for Applications: Guidance Notes (PO)

Frequently Asked Questions

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Half of Assembly Signs Letter Urging Rejection of Governor’s Proposals to Suspend NOL Deduction and Limit Tax Credits

  • May 24, 2024


A bipartisan group of 40 state Assembly members – half of the house’s membership – signed a May 22 letter asking leadership to reject Governor Gavin Newsom’s proposal to suspend the net operating loss deduction and limit tax credits for research and development.

The letter by Assembly Member Cottie Petrie-Norris, a Democrat from Irvine, was signed by 32 of the Assembly’s 62 Democrats – including Assembly Member Jacqui Irwin, who chairs the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee – and eight of the house’s 18 Republicans.

If the lawmakers remain opposed, the governor’s proposed NOL suspension and tax credit limitation would fall far short of the 54 votes needed to clear the Assembly.

CalTax is leading a coalition opposing the tax increases, noting that the tax increases would harm the economy, lead to job losses, and have long-term negative impacts on the economy and tax revenue.

The lawmakers’ letter, addressed to Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas and Assembly Member Jesse Gabriel, who chairs the Assembly Budget Committee, states:

“Recognizing the challenging budgetary outlook confronting our state, we respectfully urge you to help ensure the economic health of California’s innovation economy in the upcoming 2024-25 budget by maintaining the Net Operating Loss Deduction (NOL) and the existing Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit. These tax incentives are some of the most important policy levers we can pull to encourage investment and growth in California’s innovation economy.

“We understand the challenges of the state budget and appreciate your partnership in taking early action to reduce the budget shortfall. From an economic perspective, we not only see the benefits of the R&D tax incentive and NOL deduction as far outweighing the costs to the state, but in these fiscally challenging times, these tax incentives provide a pathway for the state to recover more quickly due to the economic multiplier effect of R&D tax incentives.

“We want to underscore how vital California’s NOL and R&D tax credit policies have been for our state’s innovation economy – across the information technology, clean energy, life sciences, advanced manufacturing and many other sectors. A 2021 Milken Institute Study (‘Sustaining California’s Innovation Economy Through Investment in R&D’) found that the benefits of the R&D tax credit are spread throughout the state. Four of the top U.S. Metro areas for R&D investment are in California: San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara (No.1); San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley (No.2), Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim (No. 7) and San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad (No. 8).

“Further, the study found that R&D investment is critical to maintaining employment in the state’s manufacturing sector. For instance, in 2018 manufacturing activities accounted for 52 percent of overall R&D spending statewide.

“California’s R&D credit has been vital for the growth of our state’s thriving Life Sciences sector. The Life Sciences sector alone is anticipated to generate approximately $500 billion in annual GDP for California’s economy. California’s Life Sciences industry currently employs over 469,000 people directly (and over a million people indirectly), at an average annual income of over $131,000 – ranging from small, young start-ups spun off from university research, to established titans that were born in California decades ago.

“The Franchise Tax Board estimated the cost of the R&D tax credit and the NOL deduction for biotechnology companies to be approximately $180 million in 2021-22 and $85 million in 2022-23. However, the benefits of the offsetting tax revenue and workforce development from these companies investing in California and those who live here far outweigh the costs.

“California has been the birthplace for the breakthroughs and innovations that have shaped the modern world and have, as a consequence, built California into the world’s fifth largest economy. We strongly urge you to preserve the R&D tax credits and NOL deductions that will help fuel innovation, create great jobs, and deliver continued economic growth and prosperity for the Golden State.”

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  29. Half of Assembly Signs Letter Urging Rejection of Governor's Proposals

    A bipartisan group of 40 state Assembly members - half of the house's membership - signed a May 22 letter asking leadership to reject Governor Gavin Newsom's proposal to suspend the net operating loss deduction and limit tax credits for research and development.

  30. Tamsin Fox-Davies

    - Content planning and creation, from blogging calendars to thought leadership pieces. - Industry and product research, including lengthy EU-funded projects and quick-and-dirty reviews. - Proposal and report-writing, and procurement framework applications. - Agile project management. Industries and specialisms I've worked in include: