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Top 10 Lean Canvas Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Lean Canvas Templates with Samples and Examples

The business environment has become dynamic and volatile, and thriving in such conditions is becoming difficult for organizations. Businesses need to come up with new ideas, products, and services that make it possible to attract customers and generate a steady revenue stream. 

However, testing these new and innovative ideas or products is both time-consuming and expensive activity, and often, businesses are unable to undertake this process and so fall out.

This is where the concept of a ‘Lean Canvas’ comes in. A lean canvas is a planning model or a tool that businesses can use to test new products and services. With the help of this one-page business plan, it becomes easy for businesses to draw insights into their ideas and figure out whether their business idea would be a success.

The lean canvas has blocks that help to understand the value proposition of a business or idea. Start-ups use these to understand customers, problems and solutions, cost, revenue, channels, as well as metrics that can be used to gauge the strength, resilience, and potential of a business idea or plan.

The 100% customizable nature of the templates provides you with the flexibility to edit your presentations. The content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure. 

Here are the best PPT templates that will give a clearer understanding of the lean canvas business model.

Template 1: Lean service business model canvas with value proposition

This editable and colorful PPT template is perfect for strategic planning of a business. With the help of this template, a business can identify its value proposition in terms of the finances, costs and sustainability.  The structure that the template follows is structure, problem, solution and a delineation of the concept involved.

Lean Service Business Model Canvas with Value Proposition

Download Now!

Template 2: Lean Canvas for Digital Transformation overview

In this digital age, to thrive and remain profitable in the long run, every business needs to undergo what is known as digital transformation. However, the digital transformation process requires much effort, time and resources. This PPT template is a cost-effective means for enabling companies to develop their digital transformation process. The template helps a business undergoing digital transformation to identify key stakeholders who would be affected by the change as well as the procedures that will be digitized.

Lean Canvas for Digital Transformation Overview

Template 3: Lean Model Canvas for Project Management

Project management is one of the most challenging tasks for project managers as well as a business wherein various projects need to be identified and managed so that these can be completed in time. Every project in turn has its own attributes, namely customers, revenue stream, costs, unique value as well as an action plan that needs to be executed to complete the project. 

Lean Model Canvas for Project Management

Template 4: Lean Canvas Value Propositions Customer Segments Cost Structure

This editable PPT template enables project managers to identify all the attributes of a project and streamline these in a manner to complete the project within time. This PPT template offers a lean canvas for types of businesses like retail stores, mobile applications, food ordering applications, non-profit organizations etc. The template uses high-quality images, graphics, and visuals to help businesses develop strategies that can help them achieve their goals. The slides provide content that is well-researched and can be edited to fit the needs of a business.

Lean Canvas

Template 5: Lean Transformation Canvas for Business Development

The aim of every business is to sustain itself in the long run by offering a unique value proposition to its customers. Business development and growth require any organization to undertake various activities and execute a lot of plans. This PPT template provides an editable interface for any business to plan its business growth and development by focusing on long-term strategies and action plans.

Lean Transformation Canvas for Business Development

Template 6: Lean Business Model Canvas for New Project

This PPT template is well-structured and enables any business to work on a new project by identifying the important elements of the project. Using this editable and instantly available template, new projects can be easily defined in terms of their costs, revenues and challenges with an aim to implement them in a successful manner.

Lean Business Model Canvas for New Project

To ensure that your new project is able to attract the right customers, read the blog on one-pager business canvas templates here .

Template 7: Bi-fold Template for Lean Canvas Business Plan Document Report PDF PPT One Pager

This PPT template consists of four pages of visuals, images and text that enable a business to enhance customer engagement by providing the required information. With the help of this customizable template, any company can make its customers aware of its unique value and the solutions the business has for customer problems. This, in turn, enables a business to stay better connected with its customers and ensure steady revenue.

Bifold Template for Lean Canvas Business Plan

Template 8: One-Pager Lean Canvas Business Plan of Coffee Shop Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document

Cafes have become one of the most popular startup ideas over the last few years. However, for entrepreneurs who want to open a new coffee shop, it is a challenge as they have to enter a very competitive market. Opening and then shutting down the coffee shop would incur a lot of costs, and therefore this one-page lean canvas business plan offers the best option to avoid an early closure of the business. This PPT template provides an outline for a business plan for a coffee shop and helps identify all aspects of the business, including the customers, costs and revenue.

One Page Lean Canvas Business Plan of Coffee Shop

Template 9: One-pager for Lean Canvas Business Plan Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document

This PPT template is the one-stop solution for any business to create a successful business plan. Using this template, it becomes easy for a company to identify a new idea or product that customers will take to, accept and make a success. This presentation template is a cost-effective means of developing a business plan covering all bases. Businesses must pay special attention to the cost structure and the revenue streams highlighted in this presentation template.

1 Pager for Lean Canvas

Template 10: Single-Pager lean Canvas Business Plan Model for Automobile Company Report Infographic PPT PDF Document

This single-pager business model canvas PPT template helps any automobile company to plan for its business. It enables automobile company owners to identify not only their target market but also the revenue it can generate, thereby helping the company to identify and evaluate profitability. This presentation template helps in defining and monitoring business plans. Download now to get on the fast lane to business success. 

Single Pager Lean Canvas Business Plan Model for Automobile Company


If you can execute a lean business plan, you increase your chances of success manifold. Bear in mind, though, that this also helps you to jump higher in the initial stages when you need to have that zing in every step of your business.

FAQs on Lean Canvas

What is the use of lean canvas.

The lean canvas is a one-page business model or plan that startups or entrepreneurs can use to evaluate a business in terms of all its elements. The lean canvas helps businesses to assess their new and innovative ideas or products without wasting time and money on the business idea and its implementation.

What are the elements of a lean canvas model?

The lean canvas model consists of the following elements:

  • Problem that highlights the various problems that customers may face.
  • Customer segments help to identify the target customers.
  • Unique value proposition refers to the unique value the business will provide its customers with its products or services.
  • Solution refers to the resolution of customer problems.
  • Channels are the marketing and advertising methods that are used to reach out to customers.
  • Revenue streams refer to the money-generating segments of the business.
  • Cost structure is the costs of running and operating.
  • Key metrics refer to benchmarks for evaluating the business.
  • Unfair advantage is the differentiation factor.

How do you create a lean canvas?

To create a lean canvas, it is important to understand and identify its elements. Once identified, these blocks can be filled in to understand and test the business idea. The first step to creating a lean canvas is identifying the customer problem that needs a unique solution. Next, identify the customers and the value your solutions offer.

The next step is to envision the solution and think of promotion channels. Once this is done, the revenue stream and cost structure must be defined. The key metrics determination is the next step so that the unfair advantage that the solution or business idea has can be made known and tested for success.

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In the ever-changing world of innovation, a well-defined roadmap is essential to steer a startup towards financial sustainability. The Lean Canvas model does just that – it is a valuable one-page template for brainstorming early-stage business models.

It’s designed to be an ever-evolving blueprint that assists entrepreneurs in validating their ideas, mitigating risks, and iterating their business models. Its approach calls for concise content, making it a practical framework to outline your business concept. And most importantly, it enables you to align strategies with market demands.

Below we take a look at how to complete the Lean Canvas tool.

How To Use the Lean Canvas Template for Business Model Development

As mentioned above, the Lean Canvas is a strategic management tool that helps startups and entrepreneurs develop a concise and actionable business plan. It is divided into several blocks, each focusing on crucial aspects of a business model.

Let’s take a look at each block:

Identifies the top 3 problems and pain points that your target audience experience. The end goal is to understand their problems better and identify how your solution solves their problems / and alleviates the pain.

Clearly outline your business solution and/or product offering that solves the problems your customers are experiencing. Describes how your solution effectively meets the market’s demands.

Learn More: Lean Canvas Model: Crafting Solutions and Prioritizing Features

Key Metrics

Determines the key performance indicators to help you measure your business’s performance and progress. These metrics inform your business development.

Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Define what sets your business apart from competitors and why potential customers will choose your product or service.

Read More: What Is Unfair Advantage in Lean Canvas?

Highlights the channels you intend to reach and engage your customers. This may include online platforms, partnerships, or direct sales channels.

Customer Segments

Specifies the different market segments you plan to target. This block helps you understand your primary audience, which is critical for tailoring your offering. Learn how ‘ customer segment s’ can impact your business success and optimize your strategy accordingly.

Cost Structure

This breaks down the expenses involved in operating your business. This includes production costs, marketing expenses, and other relevant financials.

Read More: The Cost Structure Lean Canvas

Revenue Streams

Outline the sources of revenue for your business . This may include sales, subscriptions, licensing fees, or any other means through which your business generates income.

What are the benefits of using the Lean Canvas?

Ash Maurya pioneered the Lean Canvas model as an invaluable tool for startups using the Lean Startup methodology. By filling out the one-page lean canvas, you can clearly define your business model and identify any weaknesses or gaps in your strategy.

Read More: Startup Project Management: The Key to Success

The main benefit of the lean canvas is that it forces you to synthesize your business idea down to its core components. This includes identifying your target customers, the problem you are solving for them, your unique value proposition, the channels you will use to reach customers, and your revenue streams. Going through this exercise early on ensures your entire team has alignment on the fundamentals of your business.

Another advantage is that the lean canvas lends itself well to experimentation and iteration. As you test parts of your business model and gain new customer insights, you can quickly update your canvas to reflect pivot decisions. This builds momentum by keeping your team focused on the right metrics and priorities.

Tools to create a Lean Startup model

The advice has been, traditionally, to print out a lean canvas and post it somewhere to fill with sticky notes. This can often be challenging as teams are frequently remote and may need access to the information outside the office because the lean canvas should be tracked alongside progress.

Tools to create a Lean canvas online include project management tools like Leantime and tools like Leanstack.

Leantime Features Include

  • Task Management
  • Idea Management
  • Goals Tracking
  • SWOT Analysis, Empathy Maps, Project Briefs
  • Time tracking
  • AI Task Prioritization
  • Strategy Management
  • Program Plan management
  • And much more

Being able to map out your initial business model and then immediately connect it to a growing business is a unique value proposition of using a tool like Leantime. It’s an ideal companion to both growing and developing your business ideas simultaneously. Quickly see the progress and keep the growth on track with our features .

In Summary – Optimize Business Development with the Lean Canvas

Overall, the lean canvas model perfectly complements the Lean Startup approach. Enabling fast learning and adaptation increases your chances of finding product-market fit and launching a sustainable, scalable business.

Completing the Lean Canvas template helps create a comprehensive understanding of your business model and guides strategic decision-making. Regularly revisiting and revising (also known as iterating), the canvas keeps your business strategies aligned with market dynamics and ensures that you’re on the path to scale and grow.

Using the Lean Canvas framework is a proactive way to advance your business model, sets the stage for informed decision-making, and helps define an adaptable business model that stands the test of time.

Explore More About Lean Startup Philosophy — we’re passionate about helping you navigate the world of entrepreneurship and innovation through the lens of the Lean Startup methodology.

Frequently Asked Questions

The 9 sections are Customer Segments, Problem, Unique Value Proposition, Solution, Channels, Revenue Streams, Cost Structure, Key Metrics, and Unfair Advantage.

It’s best to complete your initial lean canvas during customer discovery and before building your minimum viable product (MVP). Revisit and iterate on it throughout product development.

The goal is to summarize your business model at a high level on one page. Capture the essential elements without going into too much depth.

The lean canvas is meant to complement a business plan, not serve as a comprehensive plan itself. Use it to align your team and identify gaps before creating your full plan.

Yes, the canvas should evolve as you learn from experiments and make pivots. Review and update it frequently to stay on track.

Here are some other links you may be interested in…

  • Lean Business Solutions
  • Understanding the Lean Canvas: The Blueprint of Modern Lean Innovation
  • Creating a successful startup: Business development tools to prevent failure
  • Crafting Solutions and Prioritizing Features with the Lean Canvas Model for Effective Business Development
  • Communicating Business Development with the Lean Canvas

lean canvas business model presentation

Jenny Jackson

Jenny Jackson, a seasoned Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR), brings a wealth of expertise in innovation process, design thinking, and research & development. Since 2019, she has demonstrated her commitment to fostering business growth as a dedicated Business Mentor for Charlotte Launch (formerly Ventureprise Launch) and as a leader guiding two research teams in the prestigious National Science Foundation’s (NSF) iCorps program.Jenny's journey in entrepreneurship and innovation has been marked by a series of impactful roles. Prior to joining the dynamic team at the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at UNC Charlotte, she provided invaluable support to startups, labs, and incubators, showcasing her dedication to fostering emerging ventures.Jenny holds a Master's in Organization Development from Queens University of Charlotte and a Bachelor’s in Industrial Technology with a concentration in Graphic Communications from North Carolina A&T State University.Beyond her professional achievements, Jenny is an advocate for children's rights and autism acceptance, reflecting her dedication to making a positive impact in the world. She is also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. she continues to champion causes that align with her values.#InnovationExpert #DesignThinking #StartupMentor #BusinessGrowth #ResearchandDevelopment

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How to create a Lean Canvas (with template)

lean canvas business model presentation

When I worked as a business analyst, crafting and adhering to a business plan used to drive me nuts. I’d spend hours thinking over every aspect of our product, only to feel overwhelmed by the volume of information I collected.

How To Create A Lean Canvas (With Template)

A business plan aims to foster a shared understanding of your product so that your team knows how to prioritize their time. However, I found this extremely difficult when working out of a 30 page document littered with advanced spreadsheets. Often, it was so complicated that it created more waste than value.

Thankfully, Ash Maurya , founder of LEANSTACK , came up with the Lean Canvas, a product management template that enables you to develop a new business and understand its essential aspects.

In this article, you will learn what a Lean Canvas is, how to use it, and how it differs from traditional business model canvases.

What is a Lean Canvas?

A Lean Canvas is a single, visual document that outlines all the critical aspects you need to consider when moving from a potential idea to a mature business.

Constructing a Lean Canvas is more than just a simple brainstorm. During the process, you make decisions on business fundamentals by iterating, learning, and adapting.

You can easily create a Lean Canvas, as long as you think strategically about your prospective product. Gathering all the blocks together can be time consuming, but a well crafted Lean Canvas will accelerate your decision-making and allow you to focus on what matters most.

When crafting a Lean Canvas, you need to follow a specific order that lets you develop a clear story for your product. A Lean Canvas looks like:

Lean Canvas

You can download a copy of this template for yourself here.

Within the template, there are nine distinct boxes to fill:

  • Customer segments
  • Unique value proposition
  • Revenue streams
  • Cost structure
  • Key metrics
  • Unfair advantage

1 . Customer segments

First comes your customers. Without them, you have nothing.

Define the target audience you aim to serve as precisely as possible. You can have different levels. Make them clear and start by focusing on the earliest adopters.

For example, Tesla initially targeted sports car lovers because it wanted to create a fancy electric car. As early adopters, they got Martin Eberhard, an American inventor, and Marc Tarpenning , an American engineer. Although they co-founded Tesla, they started using cars so others could become interested in them.

2 . Problem

Name the problems your target audience faces. Make the problems brief and easy to understand. Mention the available alternatives to the identified problems.

Going back to our example, Tesla visualized the problem of high fuel consumption and wanted to foster an alternative to it. The current options were other car brands, such as General Motors.

lean canvas business model presentation

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3 . Unique value proposition

Define why customers would come to you. In other words, make it clear how you create value by addressing the problems of your customer segments.

Tesla revolutionized the electric vehicle movement by introducing high efficiency batteries that stood up against their gas counterparts. Because Tesla produced a product that no one else had, it was able to carve out a unique market niche and present consumers with value.

4. Solution

Reflect on how you solved the problem by describing your solution in a high-level way. It might help if you focus on the top three features that you want your product to deliver. Products succeed when they target a problem and then introduce a novel solution to the market.

For instance, Tesla aimed to develop electric cars with high performance. That decision pushed Tesla towards a particular type of consumer aimed at true car enthusiasts.

5 . Channels

When designing any product, it’s important that you anticipate how and where your customers will interact with your solution. This is where channels come into play. You might want to sell directly to customers in retail stores, distribute online, or work through wholesale agreements.

Tesla opened direct-to-consumer retail stores to build a closer relationship with its customers. You can do the same, or explore different options like affiliates, sales force, etc.

6 . Revenue streams

Think about where your income will come from. Most successful products find more than one revenue stream. These might be from subscriptions, premium subscribers, ads, commission, etc.

Tesla initially didn’t have a revenue stream, but it had venture capital funds. As the company matured, it found additional ways to generate consistent revenue and moved away from its reliance on outside funding.

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7 . Cost structure

Now comes the critical aspect. You have to understand how to organize your cost structure so that you can deliver on your promises.

What do you need to keep delivering your solutions? Some examples are development, marketing, and payroll costs.

Tesla’s top priorities were car production costs, research and development, and technology.

8 . Key metrics

New ideas are fragile and you will run into some obstacles. Because of this, it’s important to know how you measure success.

Set three to five key metrics to ensure your business is booming.

Tesla’s initial goal was to have people buy its cars. It strived to prove a market fit.

9 . Unfair advantage

Protect your unfair advantage at all costs. For example, Google has the most advanced web search and has protected it for so long that the company’s name became a verb.

The unfair advantage reflects what you have that others cannot easily copy. The more complicated it is to copy, the stronger your unfair advantage is.

Tesla had the unfair advantage of pioneering electric sports cars, putting it ahead of their competitors.

The following image represents Tesla’s Lean Canvas:

Tesla's Lean Canvas

Identify your assumptions

You probably won’t get a Lean Canvas right from the beginning. On the way, you’ll learn and need to adapt.

I recommend going block-by-block and asking what your assumptions are. Let’s continue using Tesla as an example:

  • Sports cars fans are open to having an electric sport car
  • The high-efficiency battery will trigger customers to buy
  • Customers care about saving fuel costs

These represent some of the assumptions of the business model. The key is to test the most critical ones. Categorize assumptions based on evidence and how critical they are. Then focus on testing the most critical ones where you lack supporting evidence:

Testing Assumptions

You can download this template here.

It’s normal to pivot solutions, audiences, and problems. Continuously iterate until you have solid evidence supporting your business model. Remember that Netflix started by renting DVDs per post, then moved to streaming, and now it has advertisements.

Successful business models adapt to present realities.

Business model canvas vs. Lean Canvas

You may stumble upon the business model canvas and find yourself confused whether to use it or move onto a Lean Canvas. These aren’t mutually exclusive, but they have a few core differences.

The business model canvas focuses on the business aspects. It shows you the fundamental parts of keeping your business running. For example, it addresses the key activities, partners, and resources. Such elements relate to running a business and not bringing an idea to life.

A Lean Canvas focuses on an idea and its characteristics. It helps you understand the vital aspects behind the idea — the problem it solves, how you differentiate, how to measure success, and your unfair advantage.

Combining the business model canvas and a Lean Canvas can be powerful, but first you should decide on what you’re trying to achieve, then pick the most appropriate option or join both.

Here’s an example of what a business model canvas would look like for Tesla:

Tesla's Business Model Canvas

Final thoughts

The Lean Canvas isn’t a template to fill and forget about. Instead, it’s a tool to foster collaboration and clarify the essential aspects of your idea. Your first model probably won’t be right; keep iterating until you identify a direction worth pursuing.

These are the key takeaways:

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  • Lean Canvas isn’t a template, but a strategic method to move ideas from draft to life
  • Business model canvas is better suited for products that are already running
  • Lean Canvas is better before going to market or in the early stage of the market
  • Business model canvas and Lean Canvas are powerful when combined
  • Collaboration is critical to succeeding with either Lean Canvas or business model canvas

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FigJam Simplify your plan with our lean canvas template

Streamline the path to success with a lean canvas diagram that inspires your team to break down every big business idea, discover opportunities, and contend with internal and external influences—on one concise document.

various shapes laid out like a Tetris gameboard

Lean canvas template

Outline goals and unlock new insights with your team with editable lean canvas examples.

Think inside the boxes

Distill your mission, metrics, and milestones on a portable, easy-to-read one-pager that everyone in your orbit can understand—and enjoy.

Spread the word: Share plans and milestones to instill an understanding of the collective purpose.

Learn from past successes: Reflect on your progress—and refine plans—by easily revisiting your lean canvas model template.

No decisions in a vacuum: Make informed decisions when you focus on detailed metrics and the broader landscape.

section of a lean canvas diagram with FigJam's collaboration tools

FigJam Your next steps, in a nutshell

Want to get your project in shape? Strengthen your core. With collaborative chat and commenting features, community-built widgets, and easy-to-use workspaces, FigJam’s lean canvas model templates unite teams around metrics, goals, and insights.

Snapshots that aren’t stuck in time

Get a clear picture of your key metrics and goals on a shared lean canvas. Then, zoom in on any aspect of your business plan with more templates from our Community.

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Other templates from the community

Scale in style with more templates from our Community.

What is a lean canvas?

A lean canvas is a one-page diagram, divided into boxes, that shows your venture’s key characteristics at a glance. While you can customize your diagram, many lean canvases include boxes for the following categories: key metrics, cost structure, customer segments, channels, unique value propositions, and any problem that you’re facing. 

When making your lean canvas, it’s important to know your project, business, and landscape well. Bring your whole team on board for a brainstorming session and distill ideas and priorities from there.

What are key metrics in a lean canvas?

Key metrics are your definition of success and are an essential part of a lean canvas diagram. They function as a set of shared goals for your team as well as a measuring stick that helps track performance.

Key metrics depend on specific goals, so they vary from company to company, project to project, and lean canvas to lean canvas. Are you scaling up? Are you testing out a new product? Perhaps your key metrics would include the number of subscribers, daily visitors to your website, or your lead conversion rate.

What is a high-level concept in lean canvas?

When considering how to use lean canvas templates effectively, you’ll want to understand the key points of the one-pager—including the high-level concept box.

The high-level concept, a sub-category under the unique value proposition (UVP) box on the lean canvas model example, is a succinct one-sentence description of what your company stands for and how it differentiates itself from the market. You can think of it as your elevator pitch.

Distilling the whole of your company into a sharp one-liner is no easy task so tackle this category last. On FigJam, you can work it out together. Invite the whole team and share any business idea freely on our editable, customizable template.

How do I create a lean canvas template?

Deconstruct your business plan with a lean canvas template. Follow these steps to use this template effectively:

  • Explain your business model scenario.
  • Fill out the relevant sections of the template using the prompts as a guide. Evaluate key elements of your business, including the problems your business solves, and the solutions it offers. List your unique value proposition and unfair advantage, and identify key customer segments.
  • Identify the costs of your business and the estimated revenue it will bring in.

What are the benefits of using a lean canvas template?

A lean canvas template is a one-page business plan that helps teams easily visualize their business model. By following a simplified framework, teams can focus on the most important elements of their model to inform their business strategy and overall decision-making process. Plus, a lean canvas template is easily shareable with others making it easy for key partners to review and provide feedback.

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Lean canvas template

Distill a business plan in a streamlined business model canvas

lean canvas business model presentation

Use the lean canvas template to outline the advantages, targets, challenges, risks, cost structures, and opportunities of a business strategy. The lean canvas is a visual framework popular with entrepreneurs, startups, and articulate their business model and identify key components necessary for success.

Created by Ash Maurya, The lean canvas provides a straightforward way to evaluate your business opportunities. It helps you break down your business idea into key factors and gives you a visualization of your business strategy. It’s also easier for others to read through and give feedback on than a standard business plan.

The lean  canvas template helps you:

  • Brainstorm and articulate the core strategy of a business model
  • Streamline cross-functional collaboration with stakeholders
  • Create a straightforward, one-page business plan
  • Leverage customer insights to gain a competitive advantage

How to create a lean canvas step-by-step:

To create a lean canvas model, you only need to answer the nine elements. They include: 

1. Define the problem

What is the problem that your company intends to solve? What pain points do your target customers or personas face, and how do they relate?

Clearly express what the problems are, and how your solution can address them.

2. Propose a solution

The solution your product or service provides that solves the problem(s) you wrote down in the “Problem” step. 

In other words: What does your product or service do, and why would someone be interested? Highlight the unique features or benefits that differentiate your solution from competitors.

3. Craft a unique value proposition

Your unique value proposition is what makes your brand different from similar brands that already exist. Develop a clear and compelling value proposition that communicates the unique value your business provides to customers. This helps you convince people to buy from your brand instead of a competitor’s. 

4. Identify your unfair advantage

Identify any unique advantages or strengths that set your business apart from competitors. This could be proprietary technology, key partners or strategic relationships, industry expertise, a known history of strong customer relationships, or a strong brand reputation.

5. Identify your customer segments

The segments of people you’re targeting with your product or service. These are the people who would get the most value from your brand. 

Are they early adopters of technology? What technology do they use? Go into detail about their characteristics, habits, attitudes and more to create actionable personas.

6. Define your key metrics

The metrics you can use to measure how successful your business is and whether your product is effective. These could include customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, conversion rates, or revenue growth milestones.

Note: Key metrics can be a mix of general metrics like “units sold” and more product-specific metrics. 

For example, if your product is a solution for productivity or time management, one product-specific metric you could measure is “time saved on tasks.” 

7. Design your channels

Determine the most effective channels of communication you will use to reach your target customers and deliver your solution. Consider both online and offline channels that align with your customer's preferences. 

Common channels include your website or social media profiles, with other examples being live events, an app, and email, or out-of-home advertising.

8. Determine the cost structure

This includes everything cost related you need to account for, like marketing and promotion, manufacturing or production, technology, and your people. 

Will customers pay for your product or service? How much will you charge? Will there be different pricing models for different customer segments?

9. Identify revenue streams

Outline how your business will generate revenue. Some common examples are product sales, speaking engagements, and consulting services.

Tips for creating a lean canvas

  • Keep it concise : The lean canvas is designed to be a one-page framework, so prioritize brevity. Focus on the essential elements and avoid unnecessary details. Be clear and concise in your descriptions.
  • Conduct and use customer research : To create an accurate and insightful lean canvas, conduct thorough customer research. Talk to your target audience, gather feedback, and validate your assumptions. This will ensure a solid foundation for your canvas.
  • Collaborate with your team : The lean canvas benefits from diverse perspectives. Involve your team members and stakeholders in the process. Encourage open discussions and brainstorming sessions to gain different insights and ideas.
  • Test and validate assumptions : The lean canvas is an effective tool for testing and validating your high-level concept for a new business. Use lean experiments, prototypes, and minimum viable products (MVPs) to gather real-world feedback and refine your canvas accordingly. ‍
  • Iterate and revise : Treat your lean canvas as a living document that evolves with your business. Regularly revisit and update your canvas as you gather new insights and validate assumptions. Embrace a continuous improvement mindset.

How to create a Lean canvas template

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Lean canvas template frequently asked questions

What is a lean canvas, what is the difference between a lean canvas and a business model canvas, in what order do you fill a lean canvas.

Ash Maurya

Template by Ash Maurya

Ash Maurya works to create better, faster ways for building successful products. He started to apply and test his findings, which went into a blog, then into a book, and finally into a series of products with his company LeanStack - aimed at helping entrepreneurs raise their odds of success.

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Home PowerPoint Templates Business PowerPoint Templates Lean Canvas PowerPoint Template

Lean Canvas PowerPoint Template

Business professionals can use the Lean Canvas to flesh out their ideas. This Lean Canvas template for PowerPoint and Google Slides is perfect for anyone who needs to pitch a business idea to investors, present their idea to stakeholders or company leadership. Both the minimalist black and white version, as well as the color coded version will put all of the presentation focus on the key components of your idea.

The Lean Canvas template is a one-page business plan that was optimized for Lean Startups. Ash Maurya designed the Lean Canvas to allow companies and individuals to replace long, tedious business plan models that often fail to capture audiences and communicate the necessary aspects of the business plan. In a single page, the Lean Canvas presentation template communicates all key aspects of a business plan. Included in this presentation template, are:

  • Problem statement with space to enter the existing alternatives
  • Solution definition
  • Key metrics
  • Unique value proposition with space to enter High-level concept
  • Unfair advantage
  • Customer segments with space for Early adopters
  • Cost structure
  • Revenue streams

The goal is to create a short, impactful presentation that communicates a summary of all necessary characteristics of a business idea. Our Lean Canvas template for PPT and Google Slides complements each of the nine main sections with small icons. These business-themed icons draw the eye to each section. The Lean Canvas template can be used to prepare presentations for Startups using the Lean Startup methodology , but also by enthusiasts and business professionals who want to represent and explain a business model to an audience or stakeholders.

If you’re looking for an easy way to present your Lean Canvas business plan, try these templates. Upload them to your business presentation, add the information about your business idea and plan, and get ready to present.

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lean canvas business model presentation

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Insights - How to Create your Business Model with the Lean Canvas.

How to create your business model with the lean canvas..

A business model describes how a company creates, delivers, captures and defends value. While this definition may sound complex, defining and developing a business model does not have to be a daunting task. In this step-by-step guide, we will share with you a proven process to follow, as well as questions and checklists to help you avoid common pitfalls. We will be using the Lean Canvas as our tool, which you can download from our Template Library . Let's get started!

Lean Canvas by LeanStack/Ash Maurya. Template by Neos Chronos.


Everything starts with your business idea. Your idea may be around a problem that people encounter in daily life and you believe you can solve it. Sometimes, your idea will be about a solution to a problem that is obvious to you, but everyone seems to miss it. In rare cases, your idea will be so unique that it may disrupt an industry . There is no need to write it down separately, it will be depicted on the Lean Canvas. It is helpful to give your business a provisory name and fill this in the appropriate fields at the top of the Lean Canvas.

Customer Segments Icon


As a next step, you should define who are the people that will pay to benefit from your idea, and who are the people that will use products and services related to your idea. These are referred to as Customer Segments. Sometimes customers and users are the same people, e.g. the buyer of a loaf of bread in a bakery. Sometimes customers and users differ. On social media networks, for example, the users are the members, however, the customers are the advertisers that want to reach those members. Write down a short description of customers and users. Think about where they live, how much money they earn, how their daily life looks like and their dreams and aspirations. Start with a short description, and come back every time you learn something more about them. You can use a Customer Personas Canvas for this purpose.

Problem Icon


With customers and users clearly defined, the next step is to describe the problem(s) you solve for them. You can do this at the Problem block in the canvas. Use three (3) sentences / bullet points for customers and three (3) for users. This will help you focus on the most important problems.

Existing Alternatives Icon


A problem that is worthwhile solving is one that exists despite existing alternatives customers and users may use today. It is, therefore, good practice to investigate existing alternatives and to reframe the problem(s) you identified to those. Doing so will force you to distill the value such alternatives fail to create and deliver, and this will indicate the business potential of your company's future products and services. At this point, you will have an initial problem validation, which you can deepen with extra activities like customer interviews, surveys, etc. So go ahead, write a list of product and services users and customers use today to solve the problem(s) you identified.

Revenues Streams Icon


You may have found an important problem to solve. To be sure it is appropriate to invest time and effort to solve it, you need to ask and answer the following question: are customers willing to pay for a potential solution to this problem? Fundamentally, customer willingness to pay for a solution is the ultimate validation of a problem's significance i.e. whether it is a must-solve (very valuable) or nice-to-solve (less valuable). Use the data you have from researching existing alternatives. How much do others charge? How often customers pay? How? It is a well-known fact that the existence of competition is often validation that a market and revenue potential exists. And if customers perceive the problem you identified as a must-solve they will be willing to preorder your future solution. Capture how much, how often and in which ways customers would be willing to pay and note it down in the revenue streams block of the canvas.

Early Adopters Icon


Early adopters are the customers that experience the problem you identified and validated the most. They are grateful and eager to get a solution to the problem as soon as possible. Often, they will be those who are easier to reach e.g. live in the vicinity. In the early stages of any business, focusing on early adopters is invaluable to help get feedback and traction, to further validate the significance of the problem you solve and the business potential. So, go fill in the early adopters' block and list the specific customers and users that will be your first target. If you know the names of people or companies who will be your early adopters, that is optimal.

Solution Icon


We refrained from defining a solution earlier because it is important to create a context where you can - as objectively as possible - judge if you have found a problem worth solving. With a validated problem set, you can now move - for the first time - into describing your solution. Write one solution per each problem you identified for customers and users in the solution block on the canvas. If you defined problems using the existing alternatives as a reference, your solution will be automatically differentiated, as it will describe how you solve problems that persist despite existing alternatives. If you see the need to describe the differentiation, loop back to the problem block and rework the canvas until this point.

Unique Value Proposition Icon


A unique value proposition (UVP) is a statement that says to a customer and user why you are different and worth paying attention to. The key here is to focus on the benefits you deliver to customers and users first. It is a good practice to create a list of UVPs and then keep working on refining them for the target segment. To get started you may want to use the following template.

At company name we enable customer segments to achieve list of benefits by offering a solution that solves their list of problems in a differentiated way compared to existing alternatives .

When talking to customers, you may want to stop at benefits. When talking to investors, you may have to use the full version.

Channels Icon


Equipped with your differentiated solution and value proposition, it is now time to decide how you are going to sell your solution to customers. You should already have initial ideas from your knowledge of how existing alternatives are brought to the market. Or you may want to completely rethink the channels to the market. Typically you want to capture in this block the channel type. Is it direct (customers buy directly from your business) or indirect (you use resellers, distributors)? Is it offline / personal, online / digital or both? Note down the associated keywords e.g. B2B, B2C, inbound, outbound marketing / sales, Resellers, Online Web, Physical store, ... As soon as you defined the preferred channel to market, you can work further on identifying the resources, partners, and activities you need to put in place to implement the channel. You can use a Channel Implementation Canvas for this purpose.

Key Metrics Icon


This canvas block is dedicated to measuring the success of creating your solution and delivering the benefits of your unique value proposition to customers and users. Therefore your success metrics need to be listed in three (3) categories: customer, channel, solution. Together, these impact the overall company performance. Ideally, by listing the key metrics in this manner, you will be able to find one or two metrics that you can use as a meaningful health check of the overall status of the company. Typical values for the customer part is Life Time Value (LTV), and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT). Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), and Sales Conversion Rates are common for the channel part. Finally, Server Availability and Average Number of Faults per Release are common for the solution part. With no doubt, all of them will impact Monthy Recurring Revenue (MRR) or Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) for Software-as-a-Service businesses, as well as Profitability and Revenue Growth Rates.

Cost Structure Icon


The cost structure primarily reflects fixed and variable costs for running the company (General & Administration), developing the solution (Research & Development) and operating the channels to market (Sales & Marketing). It is good practice to create a financial plan to get a feel of the amount of money required monthly to perform all these tasks (Burn Rate) in case you would like to ask for investment to be able to operate for a defined period without depending on revenue (Runway). It is even better to determine the unit economics of your value proposition. That is understanding the revenue as well as the cost associated with the most basic sales object e.g. one item of a physical product, a monthly subscription fee, ..., etc. With these you can easily determine: profit per unit, the number of units to be sold to reach positive cash flow (the state where you do not eat up your company's cash reserves), the number of units to reach break-even, etc. Give yourself some time to do this, and capture your unit economics in this block as well as the block for Revenue Streams.

Unfair Advantage Icon


As soon as you launch, everyone will know what your business model looks like. Even before you launch people might learn about your plans, and, if your business model is promising, copy them. This canvas block reflects the part of the business model which is about defending the value you create, deliver and aim to capture. It contains those characteristics that are hard to copy, and cannot be easily bought. Exclusive agreements, acclaimed expertise, business model asymmetry , ... are good examples of such unfair advantage. Ask yourself what would prevent someone from copying your business model, even if they had access to a full copy of it, and write your answers in this block.

High-Level Concept Icon


You have arrived at the last block of the Lean Canvas! The High-Level Concept block is about creating one sentence that summarises the essence of your business model. The primary recommendation is to use an analogy: if you were Youtube, you could say ”We are Flickr for Videos“. If you were AirBnB you could say ”We are Uber for Hotels“. Similarly, LinkedIn could be ”Facebook for Business People“. Write down your analogy and use it when someone asks you about the type of business you are trying to build. Follow up with your unique value proposition and your unfair advantage when they ask for more!

In this step-by-step guide, we shared with you a proven process to follow to create your business model with the Lean Canvas . Adopting our recommendations will help you avoid common pitfalls and progress faster on your entrepreneurial journey.


For the avoidance of doubt, Neos Chronos is not affiliated with and has no financial interest in any of the companies mentioned in this article. All names and trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Please observe the Neos Chronos Terms of Use .

  • Neos Chronos Lean Canvas Workshop
  • Neos Chronos Business Model Canvas Workshop
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What is Lean Canvas?

Example of a Lean canvas in Miro

Table of Contents

Introduction to lean canvas.

The Lean Canvas is a powerful strategic planning tool that entrepreneurs and business owners can use to streamline their business planning process. It provides a structured framework for developing and testing business ideas, allowing for quick iterations and adjustments. In this article, we will explore what Lean Canvas is, its components, and the benefits it offers in the business world.

Lean Canvas is a one-page business model developed by Ash Maurya. It is designed to replace the traditional and often complex business plan with a more concise and focused approach. The Lean Canvas template condenses the essential elements of a business plan into nine key components, allowing entrepreneurs to quickly and effectively communicate their business idea and strategy.

Importance of Lean Canvas in business planning

The Lean Canvas holds significant importance in the realm of business planning. Its simplified and visual nature helps entrepreneurs gain a clear understanding of their business model and identify potential pitfalls early on.

By using Lean Canvas, entrepreneurs can align their ideas with customer needs, develop a unique value proposition, and analyze the viability of their business concept. It serves as a valuable guide throughout the business planning process, promoting agility, effective resource allocation, and risk mitigation.

Understanding the components of Lean Canvas

To effectively use Lean Canvas, it is crucial to understand its various components. Each element plays a vital role in shaping the business model and strategy. Let's explore the key components of Lean Canvas.

The problem component of Lean Canvas involves identifying the core challenges or pain points faced by customers. By clearly defining the problem, entrepreneurs can better understand the needs and motivations of their target audience.

Identifying the customer's pain points

To create an effective Lean Canvas, it is essential to identify the specific pain points experienced by the target customers. Understanding these pain points allows entrepreneurs to develop solutions that address their customers' needs more precisely.

Describing the problem succinctly

The problem component of the Lean Canvas requires a concise description of the identified problem. By condensing the problem statement, entrepreneurs can articulate it clearly and communicate it effectively to stakeholders and team members.

The solution component of Lean Canvas focuses on presenting a unique solution to the identified problem. It involves developing a product or service that effectively addresses the pain points of the target customers.

Presenting a unique solution to the problem

Entrepreneurs must present a unique and innovative solution to the problem they have identified. The solution should differentiate their product or service from competitors and provide a clear advantage to the customers.

Focusing on the value proposition for customers

The solution component of Lean Canvas requires entrepreneurs to clearly define the value proposition their product or service offers to customers. By highlighting the unique benefits and advantages, they can attract and retain their target audience effectively.

Key metrics

In the key metrics component of Lean Canvas, entrepreneurs define the metrics they will track to measure the success of their business. These metrics help gauge the progress and effectiveness of the implemented strategies.

Defining the metrics to track success

Entrepreneurs need to identify and define the key metrics that align with their business objectives. These metrics could include customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, conversion rates, or any other relevant data points that provide insight into the business's performance.

Identifying data points to measure progress

The key metrics component of Lean Canvas emphasizes the identification of crucial data points that are essential for measuring progress. By tracking and analyzing these data points, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions and adapt their strategies as needed.

Unique value proposition

The unique value proposition component of Lean Canvas highlights the differentiating factors of the product or service being offered. It focuses on the aspects that set the business apart from competitors and attract customers.

Highlighting differentiating factors

Entrepreneurs must clearly articulate the unique aspects of their product or service. By highlighting the factors that set them apart, they can communicate the added value their offering brings to customers.

Explaining how the offering provides superior value

The unique value proposition component of Lean Canvas requires entrepreneurs to explain how their offering provides better value compared to existing alternatives. By highlighting the benefits and advantages, they can convince customers to choose their product or service over competitors.

The channels component of Lean Canvas focuses on identifying the most effective distribution and communication channels to reach the target customers. It involves selecting the strategies and platforms that enable effective engagement with the target audience.

Identifying the most effective channels

Entrepreneurs need to identify the channels that best align with their target audience's preferences and behaviors. These channels could include online platforms, social media, physical stores, or any other means of reaching and engaging with customers effectively.

Discussing strategies to reach target customers

The channels component of Lean Canvas involves discussing and developing strategies to effectively reach and communicate with the target audience. It requires entrepreneurs to consider the most appropriate channels and techniques to maximize their marketing and distribution efforts.

Customer segments

The customer segments component of Lean Canvas emphasizes the importance of defining the specific target audience for the business. By understanding the distinct customer segments, entrepreneurs can tailor their product or service to better meet their needs.

Defining the target audience

Entrepreneurs need to clearly define the specific customer segments they are targeting. This involves understanding the demographics, preferences, and behaviors of their ideal customers, which enables better product development and marketing strategies.

Segmenting customers and understanding their needs

The customer segments component of Lean Canvas encourages entrepreneurs to discuss the different customer segments and gain a deep understanding of their unique needs and preferences. By segmenting the target audience, entrepreneurs can develop tailored solutions and more effective marketing campaigns.

Cost structure

The cost structure component of Lean Canvas focuses on analyzing the cost elements associated with the business model. It involves identifying the expenses required to operate the business and exploring potential cost-saving measures.

Understanding the cost elements

Entrepreneurs need to carefully analyze the various cost elements associated with their business model. This includes identifying expenses related to production, marketing, personnel, infrastructure, and any other significant cost factors.

Identifying potential cost-saving measures

The cost structure component of Lean Canvas encourages entrepreneurs to explore potential cost-saving measures without compromising the quality or value of their product or service. This could involve optimizing processes, leveraging technology, or finding creative solutions to reduce expenses.

Revenue streams

The revenue streams component of Lean Canvas focuses on exploring different ways to generate revenue for the business. It involves analyzing potential monetization strategies and identifying the most effective approaches.

Exploring different ways to generate revenue

Entrepreneurs need to explore various revenue streams that align with their business model and target audience. This could include product sales, subscription models, advertising, licensing, or any other viable revenue generation approaches.

Discussing monetization strategies

The revenue streams component of Lean Canvas encourages entrepreneurs to discuss and evaluate different monetization strategies. This involves identifying the most profitable and sustainable approaches to generate revenue and support the long-term growth of the business.

The benefits of using Lean Canvas

The use of Lean Canvas offers several benefits to entrepreneurs and businesses. Let's explore some of the advantages it provides.

Agile and iterative approach

The Lean Canvas promotes an agile and iterative approach to business planning. It allows entrepreneurs to quickly test and validate their assumptions, make adjustments based on feedback, and iterate their strategies. This flexibility enables rapid experimentation and learning, leading to more effective decision-making and adaptation in a dynamic business environment.

Flexibility and adaptability

The Lean Canvas is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing entrepreneurs to iterate and refine their business model as they gather more information and insights. This flexibility ensures that the business can respond effectively to changes in the market and customer needs.

Supports rapid experimentation and learning

The Lean Canvas encourages entrepreneurs to conduct rapid experimentation and to learn from these results. By testing their assumptions and gathering feedback early on, entrepreneurs can identify potential weaknesses or areas for improvement and adjust their strategies accordingly. This iterative process enables continuous learning and optimization of the business model.

Clear communication

Lean Canvas provides a clear and concise way to communicate business ideas to stakeholders, team members, and potential investors. The one-page format ensures that the key components of the business model are effectively communicated, making it easier for others to understand and support the vision.

How Lean Canvas helps communicate business ideas

The visual and structured nature of Lean Canvas makes it easier to communicate complex business ideas. By condensing the essential elements into a single page, entrepreneurs can effectively convey their value proposition, target audience, revenue streams, and other critical aspects of their business model.

Pitching to investors or stakeholders

Lean Canvas is particularly useful when pitching to investors or stakeholders. It allows entrepreneurs to present a clear and compelling overview of their business model, demonstrating the market opportunity, unique value proposition, and potential return on investment. This concise format enhances communication and increases the likelihood of securing support or funding.

Efficient resource allocation

Lean Canvas assists entrepreneurs in identifying the resource requirements for their business and optimizing the allocation of time, money, and effort. By understanding the key components and their interdependencies, entrepreneurs can allocate resources effectively to maximize productivity and minimize waste.

How Lean Canvas assists in identifying resource requirements

The Lean Canvas prompts entrepreneurs to consider the resource requirements for each component of the business model. This helps in identifying the necessary personnel, funding, technology, and other resources needed to implement the strategies and achieve the desired outcomes.

Optimized allocation of time, money, and effort

By using Lean Canvas, entrepreneurs can optimize the allocation of their limited resources. It enables them to prioritize activities and investments based on the most critical components of their business model. This efficient resource allocation increases productivity and reduces the risk of resource misallocation.

Risk mitigation

Lean Canvas helps entrepreneurs identify potential risks and challenges early on, enabling proactive risk management. By addressing potential risks and challenges in the planning phase, entrepreneurs can develop mitigation strategies and increase the chances of business success.

How Lean Canvas helps identify potential risks and challenges

Lean Canvas prompts entrepreneurs to critically evaluate each component of their business model, allowing them to identify potential risks and challenges associated with the market, competition, customer adoption, or other factors. This early identification enables entrepreneurs to develop contingency plans and mitigation strategies.

Facilitates proactive risk management

Lean Canvas encourages proactive risk management by systematically addressing and monitoring potential risks. Entrepreneurs can continuously evaluate and adjust their strategies to mitigate risks, reducing the likelihood of failure or setbacks. This proactive approach increases the resilience and success rate of the business.

Use Miro to create a Lean Canvas

Lean Canvas is a valuable tool for entrepreneurs and business owners seeking a streamlined approach to business planning. By condensing the essential elements of a business model into a one-page framework, Lean Canvas enables clear communication, efficient resource allocation, and proactive risk mitigation. Its agile and iterative nature promotes rapid experimentation and learning, while its emphasis on problem identification, unique value proposition, and customer segmentation ensures a customer-centric approach.

To leverage the power of Lean Canvas effectively, sign up for free to Miro to collaboratively create and share a Lean Canvas business model.

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How to Make a Lean Canvas Model

Lucid Content

Reading time: about 8 min

Is your company getting ready to start a new project? Have you decided to start your own business? Are you developing a new product?

Whatever you’re thinking of doing, you are going to need some kind of business plan. And the type of plan you need will depend on what your goal is, what type of activity you are planning, and what level of detail you’ll need to present to stakeholders.

A traditional business plan, a lengthy document that includes detailed information such as a market analysis, marketing plan, etc., may be more than you need at this time. Writing a traditional business plan can take several weeks or months to complete. Fortunately, there are alternatives to business planning that don’t involve writing a book.

In 2008, Alex Osterwalder, a Swiss business theorist, developed the Business Model Canvas as a way for businesses to quickly visualize and map out a business model using a one-page document. A few years later, an entrepreneur named Ash Maurya adapted the Business Model Canvas to focus on addressing customer problems and solutions.

In this article, we will discuss the Lean Canvas model and how to use it. But first, we’ll explain what the original Business Model Canvas to help you understand the differences.

What is the Business Model Canvas?

business model canvas template

This document is designed to be a visual representation of what you need to make or keep a business successful. It lets you quickly summarize how your business should work based on the information you have. The Business Model Canvas is intended to be a living document that you can easily update on the fly as you test theories and assumptions.

The Business Model Canvas contains the following categories to help you answer important questions about your business:

  • Value proposition:  What value does your product or service bring to the customer?
  • Key partners:  Who are your suppliers and partners?
  • Key activities: What do you need to do to make this business model work?
  • Key resources: Who or what are the most important assets that you will need to make this model a success?
  • Customer relationships: What will your relationship with customers and potential customers be?
  • Customer segments: Who will buy your product?
  • Channels: How will you reach your chosen customer segments?
  • Cost structure: What costs will you incur to operate your business model?
  • Revenue streams: How will you generate revenue from each customer segment?

When would you use a Business Model Canvas?

The Business Model Canvas is useful for strategic planning and can be used to visually focus on the most important elements of your business.

You also may want to use this model to understand your competition. Make a sketch of your competitor’s business plan and examine their strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. This practice allows you to build a model that addresses the areas where the competition is lacking.

business model canvas example

What is a Lean Canvas?

A Lean Business Model Canvas, or Lean Canvas, is based on the Business Model Canvas. When Maurya adapted the Lean Canvas, he was looking for a better, faster way to develop and build successful products that address and solve customer problems. The Lean Canvas is more focused on entrepreneurs who are starting a new business.

lean canvas template

Like the Business Model Canvas, the Lean Canvas includes nine boxes on a one-page template. At first glance, the Business Model Canvas and the Lean Canvas look exactly alike, but there are key differences, noted below:

This box replaces the key partners section in the Business Model Canvas.

Identify what the problem is. Many businesses fail because they spend too much time, money, and resources on building the wrong product. You need to understand the customer’s problem first. To get started, list your customers’ top three problems and then list alternatives that may already exist that these customers use to solve these problems today.

This box replaces the key activities section in the Business Model Canvas.

After you have identified each problem, outline possible solutions you can use to solve them. These solutions can include new products/services and improvements to existing products.

  • Unique value proposition

Develop a message that is compelling, clear, and concise. This message should be able to turn unaware visitors into interested prospects.

Use this box to list what you propose to offer customers, and the value that this offering will provide. Think about what makes your offering different from others who are trying to solve the same problems.

  • Unfair advantage

This box replaces the customer relationships section in the Business Model Canvas.

This is where you identify your competitive advantage, the differentiator that makes your product or business unique and that is not easily copied.

  • Customer segments

You must understand who your customers are. You can’t know what they need or what their problems are if you don’t know who they are.

Describe your target audience and define what your relationship will be with them. You may have many customer segments, and you need to realize that they are tied together with their problems. You may need to think of problems and customers at the same time.

  • Key metrics

This box replaces the key resources section in the Business Model Canvas.

Metrics are a way to measure performance and to monitor progress toward achieving your business goals. List current numbers that describe how your business is doing today.

In addition, you may want to define the key metrics that you will use as indicators to measure future success. For example, how many units of a product need to be sold in order to earn a profit?

What channels will you use to reach your customers? List the marketing and advertising methods that you will use, such as print, radio, SEO, TV, and so on.

  • Cost structure

You have to spend money to make money. This section is where you list the costs that your business will have in order to develop and market your product, including research, technology, human resources, and so on. Be sure to include one-time and recurring costs.

  • Revenue streams

In this box, you will list where your money is going to come from. How are you going to price your product or service to ensure that you make a profit? You need to consider how much people are willing to pay and what the minimum is that you can charge in order to make a profit.

When would you use a Lean Canvas model?

The Business Model Canvas approaches business planning from a strategic angle. The Lean Canvas shifts to a problem/solution paradigm, which allows you to focus more on addressing customer needs. This is a good tool for startup businesses and entrepreneurs to use. Once you identify your customers and their problems, you can find solutions, describe value propositions, define your revenue streams, and so on.

How do you make a Lean Canvas model?

The best place to start working on a Lean Canvas is Lucidchart, where you can find a template to meet your needs. After you’ve opened a blank canvas, how do you fill it out? What is the correct order to use when filling in the boxes?

Ash Maurya, the person who developed the Lean Canvas, says that people frequently ask him, “Why isn’t the Lean Canvas laid out more logically?” According to Maurya, the main reason for the Lean Canvas layout was legacy. Instead of completely changing the layout of the original Business Model Canvas, Maurya chose to adopt a self-imposed design constraint where he replaced existing boxes with new boxes (for example, Problems replaced Key Partners).

If you have never filled out a Lean Canvas before, you might think that you should fill out the canvas from left to right. However, Maurya has suggested the following order:

Over the years, Maurya has tweaked his suggested fill order in an effort to get a better flow. When asked which fill order is correct, his answer is simple: There isn’t one.

You may want to start with a suggested fill order until you have a better idea of what works best for you and your company. For some plans, it may make more sense to start with identifying your customer segments and then moving on to your customer’s problems. Other times, it may be more appropriate to start with the problem that needs to be addressed.

However you decide is the best way to fill out your Lean Canvas model, be sure you work with Lucidchart. Start out with one of our templates to flesh out your ideas and to collaborate with team members.

About Lucidchart

Lucidchart, a cloud-based intelligent diagramming application, is a core component of Lucid Software's Visual Collaboration Suite. This intuitive, cloud-based solution empowers teams to collaborate in real-time to build flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, customer journey maps, and more. Lucidchart propels teams forward to build the future faster. Lucid is proud to serve top businesses around the world, including customers such as Google, GE, and NBC Universal, and 99% of the Fortune 500. Lucid partners with industry leaders, including Google, Atlassian, and Microsoft. Since its founding, Lucid has received numerous awards for its products, business, and workplace culture. For more information, visit

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What is a Lean Business Model Canvas? Definition and Its Benefits

By Paul VanZandt

Published on: November 3, 2023

Lean Business Model Canvas

What is a Lean Business Model Canvas?

The Lean Business Model Canvas is defined as a visual tool and framework that helps entrepreneurs and business professionals plan and communicate their business ideas, strategies, and models in a concise and structured format. It is derived from the traditional Business Model Canvas, which was popularized by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in their book “Business Model Generation.”

The Lean Business Model Canvas, also known as the Lean Canvas, was created by Ash Maurya as a more streamlined and focused version of the original canvas. It is particularly well-suited for startups and early-stage businesses aiming to iterate and validate their business ideas and strategies quickly. The Lean Canvas emphasizes the key components essential for a business’s success in a simplified one-page format.

Here are the main elements of the Lean Business Model Canvas:

  • Problem: This section defines the specific problem or pain point that your product or service aims to address.
  • Solution: Describe your solution or product and how it addresses the identified problem.
  • Key Metrics: Outline the critical metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) you’ll use to measure your business’s success.
  • Unique Value Proposition (UVP): Explain what sets your product or service apart from competitors and why customers should choose you.
  • Unfair Advantage: Highlight any competitive advantages, intellectual property, or unique resources that give your business an edge.
  • Customer Segments: Identify your target customer groups, including their characteristics and needs.
  • Channels: Describe the marketing and distribution channels you’ll use to reach and serve your customers.
  • Customer Relationships: Detail how you plan to build and maintain relationships with your customers.
  • Revenue Streams: Explain how you intend to generate revenue and monetize your business.
  • Cost Structure: List the key costs and expenses associated with running your business.

The Lean Canvas is designed to be a dynamic tool that can evolve as your business develops. It’s particularly useful for brainstorming, testing hypotheses, and making quick adjustments based on customer feedback and market changes.

Overall, the Lean Business Model Canvas is an essential tool for entrepreneurs and startups to clarify their business ideas, create a shared understanding among team members, and adapt their strategies to navigate the challenges of the business world efficiently.

Learn more:  Lean Canvas vs. Business Model Canvas

15 Benefits of Lean Business Model Canvas

The Lean Business Model Canvas offers numerous benefits to entrepreneurs, startups, and organizations looking to develop and refine their business strategies. Some of the key advantages include:

The Lean Canvas provides a straightforward, one-page framework that distills the essential components of a business model. This simplicity makes it easy to understand and communicate with team members, stakeholders, and investors.

It encourages a sharp focus on the critical aspects of the business model, helping entrepreneurs prioritize what really matters and avoid distractions.

  • Iterative and Agile

The Lean Canvas is designed to be a dynamic tool, allowing for rapid iterations and adjustments as new insights and information become available. This agility is particularly valuable for startups in rapidly changing markets.

  • User-Centered

The canvas emphasizes understanding the problem and customer segments, making it inherently user-centric. This leads to businesses that are more aligned with customer needs.

  • Cost-Effective

By forcing entrepreneurs to think critically about their cost structure and revenue streams, the canvas helps in identifying efficient ways to operate and generate revenue.

  • Hypothesis Testing

It encourages the formulation of hypotheses about key aspects of the business model, which can then be tested with real-world data and feedback. This approach reduces the reliance on untested assumptions.

The Lean Canvas facilitates alignment within the team and with investors or other stakeholders. It ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the business model and its components.

  • Rapid Decision-Making

The canvas promotes data-driven decision-making by emphasizing the identification of key metrics. This allows for a more informed approach to strategy development and adaptation.

  • Risk Mitigation

By explicitly identifying assumptions, risks, and uncertainties, the Lean Canvas helps entrepreneurs take proactive steps to mitigate those risks.

  • Scalability

The Lean Canvas can be applied to both small startups and larger organizations. It is scalable and adaptable to various business contexts.

  • Time Savings

The Lean Canvas reduces the time spent on extensive business plans and documentation. This means entrepreneurs can get to market faster and start learning from real-world experiences sooner.

The iterative nature of the Lean Canvas encourages innovation and experimentation. It enables businesses to find new and creative solutions to problems.

  • Flexibility

It can be used in conjunction with other methodologies, such as the Lean Startup framework or Design Thinking, allowing for a more comprehensive approach to product development and business strategy.

  • Transparency

The Lean Canvas makes it easier to share your business model and vision with potential investors, partners, and stakeholders.

  • Cost Control

By focusing on cost structure, businesses can identify areas where they can optimize and reduce expenses, leading to improved profitability.

The Lean Business Model Canvas is a valuable tool that helps entrepreneurs and organizations create a more focused, adaptable, and customer-centric approach to developing and refining their business models. It encourages a mindset of continuous learning, innovation, and data-driven decision-making.

Learn more:  What is a Lean Canvas?

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Lean Canvas Template

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Product details

Why are more and more entrepreneurs choosing the Lean Canvas approach or Business Model Canvas over writing a traditional business plan? There are six reasons in particular – intuitive, universal, different, simple, practical, actionable. All the boxes on the canvas are intuitive and easy to understand, and that you don’t need a business degree or a PhD to fill one out. A typical Lean Canvas consists of the following fields – problem, solution, key metrics, unique value proposition, unfair advantage, channels, customer segments, cost structure, and revenue streams. This template can be used by anyone in the company, from financial analysts and planners to engineers and project managers. Now you don’t need to write a long business plan, but you can present your ideas on one page. Many startups use this technology to convey the value of their project to investors.

Let’s take a closer look at what this template consists of. Our Lean Canvas Template consists of four slides, each of which allow you to present all the information that investors need on one page. You can describe the advantages of your project, its strengths, potential markets, client problems, and their solution. Part of the slide is intended to describe possible risks and ways to reduce their impact on the project. Team leaders, entrepreneurs, new product developers, here is a partial list of those who will be interested in this template. The second slide completely repeats a typical Lean Canvas and has the same block arrangement. You can change the sequence of information in blocks at your discretion. Having a lot of infographics on this slide makes the information intuitive and makes it easier for the audience to perceive it. This slide can be used when planning a project. Each member of your team will understand which process follows next and which processes are running in parallel. The third and fourth are blocks in the form of tables. This gives you the ability to highlight the key points of your project and provide a short description under each one. You can use these slides when drawing up a weekly work plan and setting tasks for employees. Slides will be useful for those who want to structure their current tasks and plans.

With just a few colors and stylish icons, this presentation looks professional. You can change the size of fonts and icons, the color of the text and infographics at your discretion. The template’s versatility allows you to apply it to your other projects. Combining different slides will add some freshness to your old presentation. For example, when analyzing the strengths of a product, describing the key stages of a project, setting tasks for employees. Many entrepreneurs around the world are enjoying the benefits of presenting information using the lean canvas methodology. One-page plan presentation, intuitive design, and ease of use are the main advantages of this method. This professional lean canvas template will be useful not only for startup teams and investors, but for engineers, architects, and specialists from other fields who want to convey their ideas for improving the processes in the company.

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Lean Canvas

Lean canvas presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Download the "Lean Canvas" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The world of business encompasses a lot of things! From reports to customer profiles, from brainstorming sessions to sales—there's always something to do or something to analyze. This customizable design, available for Google Slides and PowerPoint, is what you were looking for all this time. Use the slides to give your presentation a more professional approach and have everything under control.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • Different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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Lean Canvas (2024): How-to & Examples [+ Template]

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lean canvas business model presentation

Gust de Backer

November 7, 2023.

Lean Canvas

The Lean Canvas is practical and focused on validating an idea, it ensures that you are not going to bring a service or product to market that no one is waiting for.

Do you want to bring your product or service to market more effectively?

I’m going to explain to you:

  • What the Lean Canvas is
  • Which components the Lean Canvas contains
  • And how to fill out the Lean Canvas

Let’s get started…

Table of Contents

What is a Lean Canvas

The Lean Canvas originally comes from the Business Model Canvas , but is more problem and solution oriented :

Lean Canvas

This difference allows the Lean Canvas to be better used to validate a product or service.

The differences are:

Don’t feel like reading this blog? Check out this video:

Why use the Lean Canvas?

There are several reasons why you might want to use the Lean Canvas:

  • It focuses on understanding the problem you are trying to solve, this allows you to better understand the customer.
  • It includes a research-based approach , as it focuses on validating your assumptions.
  • Contains key metrics to check that you are sailing the right course.
  • You stay lean , because you focus on speed and traction of your idea.
  • Faster time-to-market because the idea-to-product transition is smoother.
  • The Lean Canvas also focuses on capturing a unique place in the market .

1. Customer Segments.

Not everyone needs your product, it is important to be as specific as possible in choosing your customer segment.

Without a clear customer segment it is also not possible to properly empathize with the customer segment’s problems.

Tip : check out the TAM SAM SOM article.

Early Adopters

The ‘Customer Segments’ section also contains a piece with the Early Adopters, or your most potential customers…

These are the people you are going to approach first to validate your assumptions.

Without a problem worth solving, you have no product or service. For each key customer segment, come up with one to three high priority problems.

Existing Alternatives

The ‘Problem’ section also contains a section with existing alternatives, this is meant to write down your competitors that solve the same problem.

Note, this does not necessarily mean your direct competitors, but really companies that focus on the same problem.

3. Unique Value Proposition

The Unique Value Proposition is your promise of the value you will deliver…

It is the main reason why a customer should buy from you. It also shows where you stand out and why a customer segment should invest time or money in you.

Tip : check out the Value Proposition Canvas .

High-Level Concept

In the High-Level Concept section, there is space to write down briefly and clearly what your product or service represents. This is how your team or customers name your company to their friends, for example as “The Uber for boats”.

4. Solution

You will not find the solution to your problem in your first attempt. The solution is also not in your office, you will find it with the customer. Get Out Of The Building , or in other words, engage with the customer and validate different solutions.

While creating the solution, don’t forget to use the Build – Measure – Learn cycle.

5. Channels

How will you reach your customer segment? In the beginning, it’s not important to look at scalability, but at gathering insights.

Think about what channels you can use to access your customer segment, see where your customers are and try to reach them there.

It is not necessary to be on location with the customer, a solution can also be validated with an MVP, for example. A good example of this is Zappos, a simple website with some shoes that people could order online.

Tip : check out Testing Business Ideas .

6. Revenue Streams

Revenue Streams depend on the revenue model and pricing strategy you choose.

For startups it is normal to lower the price or even offer certain things for free to get traction. Important here is to ensure that you can validate demand for your product or service, it is not very difficult to get people to sign up or do something if it is free.

7. Cost Structure

Write down how much it costs to keep your business running, what is your burn rate, how much does it cost monthly to run your business, how much does it cost to interview customer segments, how much does market research cost, etc.

Try to calculate a break-even point in doing so.

8. Key Metrics

Every business has certain metrics that provide insight into how it is performing. A good way to map the health of your business is the Pirate Funnel Canvas .

It is not always about the part that goes towards the customer, because if you depend on staff, for example NPS can also be a very important metric for your business.

Tip : also check out the Growth Flywheel / Growth Formula .

9. Unfair Advantage

The Unfair Advantage is about a specific part of your company, product or service that your competitors can’t just get or copy.

This could be exclusive access to data, a community, authority, experience or perhaps a particular feature.

How do you complete the Lean Canvas?

First, download the Lean Canvas:

Template Lean Canvas

Good choice! Check your e-mail for the resources...

Make sure you have a team with whom you can start completing and validating the Lean Canvas. Optionally, you can do this alone, but it is interesting to be able to discuss findings with someone.

Starting with the problem, make sure you find the problem and validate that the customer segment: – Is bothered by the problem – Is actively looking for a solution or has even already realized a self-created solution – Would possibly be willing to pay money to solve the problem

Create different solutions in perhaps different iterations and test them with the customer segment to validate whether the solution actually solves the problem found.

Start by filling in the canvas with assumptions and as you go, make sure to refill the canvas with validated assumptions.

Once you have a validated Lean Canvas, you can start to professionalize your business and optimize the canvas to, for example, create a scalable sales funnel, be more profitable, or approach a larger customer segment.

Lean Canvas example

Watch the video at the top of this article for a clear example. Here is a visual example from Uber:

Lean Canvas Template Example

Now it’s your turn…

I’m curious… How far along are you with your business or startup and what are you still running into?

Let me know in a comment!

P.S. would you like some extra help? Let me know at [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

The Lean Canvas allows you to put your entire concept on 1 a4 sheet to validate your assumptions. It is similar to the Business Model Canvas, but is more problem and solution oriented.

The Lean Canvas gets you to focus more on your customer segment’s problem and to use a research-based method to validate your product or service, allowing you to get a faster time to market.

The Lean Canvas is ideally used to validate a new product, idea or service and research it with a problem-solving mindset.

The components in the Lean Canvas are: 1. Customer Segments 2. Problem 3. Unique Value Proposition 4. Solution 5. Revenue Streams 6. Key Metrics 7. Channels 8. Cost Structure 9. Unfair Advantage

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic tool to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a company and is primarily aimed at existing companies that are focused on expanding their business. The Lean Canvas is a problem-solution approach to approaching a market focuses primarily on startups that focus on serving a customer segment and gaining an unfair advantage.

lean canvas business model presentation

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Business Model Canvas | Business Strategy | Lean Canvas | Marketing and Sales | Pricing Strategy | Problem-solution Fit | Product-market Fit | Revenue Models | TAM SAM SOM Model | Treacy and Wiersema | Value Proposition Canvas

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Gust’s Must-Reads 👇🏼

  • Value Proposition
  • Brainstorming
  • Decision Making Unit
  • Product-Market Fit
  • North Star Metric
  • Market Research
  • Customer Development
  • Growth Hacking
  • Brand Identity
  • Customer Journey
  • Account-Based Marketing

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obumu wilson

diagram of customer segment

Gust de Backer

Hi Obumu, could you maybe further elaborate on that?

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Free Google Slides Business Model Canvas Templates

By Courtney Patterson | May 8, 2024

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These customizable Google Slides business model canvas templates are tailored for entrepreneurs, startup enthusiasts, and strategic planners. Download any template to help you develop and refine your business model, establishing a solid base for growth and innovation. This collection includes a  Lean business model canvas template , a  social enterprise business model canvas template , a  tech startup business model canvas template , and more.

Google Slides Simple Business Model Canvas Template

Simple Business Model Canvas Template

Download the Simple Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides 

When to Use This Template:  Use this streamlined business model canvas template during dynamic strategy meetings or brainstorming sessions. It's particularly useful for entrepreneurs, startups, and educators looking for a fast way to kick-start planning, facilitate workshops, or clarify ongoing business strategies. 

Notable Template Features:  This template efficiently outlines key aspects of a business model, such as value propositions, target customer segments, and critical operations. The user-friendly layout ensures swift updates and engaging team discussions, making it an essential resource for visualizing and refining strategic plans. 

Access this complimentary collection of  free business model canvas templates to effectively visualize your business's fundamental elements. 

Google Slides Lean Business Model Canvas Template

Lean Business Model Canvas Template

Download the Sample Lean Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides 

Download the Blank Lean Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides

When to Use This Template:  Ideal for high-velocity environments, this Lean business model canvas template with or without sample data allows forward-thinking innovators to expedite the testing and validation of their business concepts. It focuses on refining the pivotal aspects of a business strategy to adjust based on real-time market responses. 

Notable Template Features:  This template highlights critical Lean startup principles, including the alignment of solutions with customer problems, compelling value propositions, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Its interactive and flexible design makes it a vital resource for teams striving for continual progress. Download the sample version for a pre-filled template, or try the blank version to fill in the sections with your own data.

Google Slides Business Capability Model Template

Business Capability Model Template

Download the Business Capability Model Template for Google Slides  

When to Use This Template:  Use this template to streamline your strategic planning. It is designed to help organizations assess and outline their core business functions and capabilities so that they can synchronize business strategies with operational strengths and identify areas for investment. 

Notable Template Features:  Across multiple dynamic slides, this template facilitates a thorough analysis of business capabilities, from day-to-day operations to customer interaction tactics. Its organized layout allows for a methodical review of your company's strengths, weaknesses, and growth opportunities, improving communication and strategic alignment across teams and sectors. 

Google Slides Social Enterprise Business Model Canvas Template

Social Enterprise Canvas Template

Download the Social Enterprise Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides

When to Use This Template:  This Google Slides template is ideal for social enterprises and mission-driven organizations that need to strategize how to balance social impact with financial viability. Use this template in brainstorming sessions or strategic planning meetings to navigate the challenges of creating social value and financial stability. 

Notable Template Features:  This template emphasizes integrating social objectives with core business functions. It includes dedicated sections for outlining social missions, evaluating impact, and building community relationships. Its comprehensive design enables you to map out both the social and economic facets of your business. 

Google Slides Customer-Focused Business Model Canvas Template

Customer Focused Canvas Template Example

Download the Sample Customer-Focused Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides  

Download the Blank Customer-Focused Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides  

When to Use This Template:  Use this customer-focused template with or without sample data when you're fine-tuning or developing a business strategy with a strong emphasis on customer insights. The template is particularly effective at turning customer needs into unique market positions and customized experiences.

Notable Template Features:  Specially crafted to highlight the role of customer perspectives in strategic planning, this template features dedicated areas for detailing customer journeys, preferences, and the feedback process. It offers a comprehensive examination of how your business model caters to customer demands, prioritizing customer satisfaction and active engagement in every strategic move.

Google Slides E-Commerce Business Model Canvas Template

E-Commerce Business Model Canvas Template

Download the E-Commerce Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides  

When to Use This Template:  Try this e-commerce template when you need to elevate your presence in the digital retail space. Ideal for strategizing the launch of a new online store or refining the operations of an existing one, this template facilitates a detailed examination and improvement of an online shopping journey, from the first interaction to follow-up after sales. 

Notable Template Features:  Tailor-made for the nuances of e-commerce, this template provides a guide for strategizing around online consumer behaviors, digital marketing tactics, and logistical operations. It covers crucial strategic e-commerce activities, such as enhancing the customer experience, streamlining payment systems, and ensuring effective customer support. 

Google Slides Tech Startup Business Model Canvas Template

Tech Startup Model Canvas Template

Download the Tech Startup Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides

When to Use This Template:  Use this tech startup template during critical phases of brainstorming and entering the market or as you adjust your tech enterprise to meet the changing needs of the industry. It's designed to help you better understand the relationship between your technological innovations and market requirements.

Notable Template Features:  Adapted for the unique challenges and opportunities of the tech sector, this template emphasizes research and development, intellectual property management, and strategies for gaining users. It offers a comprehensive layout for mapping out how your tech solutions align with market expectations, with a focus on ensuring scalability, security measures, and innovation.

Related Templates

Explore these complimentary Google Slides templates rooted in business model canvas methodologies. Tailored to boost your strategic business planning, these resources emphasize strategic planning, market analysis, value proposition clarification, and customer journey mapping. 

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Basic SWOT Matrix Template

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Simple Project Plan Example Template Google Slides

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lean canvas business model presentation

See this collection of  free brand presentation templates for resources to help you seamlessly integrate and showcase your brand's identity in your business model canvas, enhancing how you communicate your value proposition and market positioning. 

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Monthly Marketing Report Presentation Template

Take a look at these  free marketing report templates for help analyzing and presenting your marketing efforts and ensuring that they align with the strategies outlined in your business model canvas. 

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Change Management Strategy Presentation Example Template

Check out these  free change management strategy templates to help you effectively plan and execute organizational changes, ensuring they align with your strategic objectives. 

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Go-To-Market Strategy Presentation Template

Explore these  free go-to-market strategy templates when you need a targeted strategic approach for launching a product or service. 

Free Project Timeline Templates

3 Month Project Timeline Template

Dive into these  free project timeline templates to help you map out the key milestones and timelines for your strategic initiatives, aligning them with the broader goals outlined in your business model canvas. 

Free Annual Plan Templates and Yearly Planning Templates

Annual Plan Slide Template

Discover these  free annual plan templates and yearly planning templates to assist you in setting annual goals and strategies that are in harmony with your long-term objectives. 

Free Google Timeline Templates

Simple Timeline Template

Check out these  free Google timeline templates to help you effectively visualize and plan the chronological development and execution of the strategies outlined in your business model canvas. 

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Lean Canvas Slides™

Present business models beautifully.

Lean Canvas Slides are for anyone who wants to build beautiful Lean Canvas presentations.

Create beautiful Lean Canvas presentations quickly and easily with Lean Canvas Slides. Pre-built Lean Canvas template slides are designed with advanced [eeb_protect_content] features [/eeb_protect_content] and animations to beautifully present your business model. And everything is customizable.

The Lean Canvas - Lean Canvas Slides

Available for Apple Keynote and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Lean Canvas Slides are availbale for Apple Keynote

Lean Canvas Slides are packed with well-designed features.

  • 48 Elegant Slide Layouts
  • Pre-Set Animations
  • Lean Canvas Slide
  • Traction Slide
  • Problem/Solution Slides
  • Unique Value Proposition (UVP) Slides
  • Channels Slides
  • Fully Customizable
  • Revenue Streams Slides
  • Cost Structure Slides
  • Key Metrics Slides
  • Unfair Advantage Slides

Here are answers to frequently asked questions.

Can I use my own logo?

Yes. Edit the Master Slides to replace the logo.

Can I change the slide colors?

Yes. Edit the Master Slides to change slide colors, fonts, etc.

Can I change the font?

Yes. Edit the Master Slides to change slide colors, fonts, etc. The default fonts are included with your purchase.

The default font is not showing?

Be sure to unzip the provided font files and install them on your computer. Then close and re-open the slides.

How do I create a slide layout you don’t have?

You can duplicate and edit the Master Slides to create any layout you want. You can use any of the provided layouts as a starting point.

What does the license let me do?

You can edit and customize the slides any way you want. You can create as many presentations as you want. You cannot give, gift, or sell your slides to anyone else.

How do I submit an idea for other slide layouts?

We welcome your thoughts and ideas for other slide layouts that will make your presentations better. Contact us with your suggestions.

Can I get a refund?

Yes. We will give a full refund if you are not satisfied with Lean Canvas Slides for any reason within 30 days of your purchase. All refunds are paid back to the original payment method charged. Refunds may take a few days to appear. Contact us to request a refund.

Order Lean Canvas Slides for Keynote - $75

Lean Canvas Slides for Apple Keynote

Order Lean Canvas Slides for Keynote

Order lean canvas slides for powerpoint - $75.

Lean Canvas Slides for Microsoft PowerPoint

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lean canvas business model presentation

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lean canvas business model presentation

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If you don’t like Lean Canvas Slides for any reason within 30 days of purchase, then contact us and we will gladly refund your money. No questions asked!

© Copyright 2022 PHELPS Media LLC. The name Lean Canvas, and all names and trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. The Lean Canvas is a one-page business plan method created by Ash Maurya , which is adapted from the Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder .

Creative Commons License


  1. Editable Business Model Canvas PowerPoint Template

    lean canvas business model presentation

  2. Lean Canvas Template Ppt

    lean canvas business model presentation

  3. Lean Business Model Canvas: Examples + 3 Pillars + MVP + Agile

    lean canvas business model presentation

  4. Lean Canvas

    lean canvas business model presentation

  5. Free Business Model Canvas Template for PowerPoint

    lean canvas business model presentation

  6. Lean Canvas Template Ppt

    lean canvas business model presentation


  1. New business model presentation of AUGA group

  2. eClub: Jan Veselý

  3. Business model presentation


  5. Business Model Canvas Explanation #businessgrowth #entrepreneurship

  6. Lecture : 40


  1. Lean Canvas Template in Powerpoint (PPT)

    Beside the Lean Canvas we have developed a wealth of complimentary business modelling tools, resources and templates for startup founders and enterprise executives who want to introduce lean methods into their businesses. Check our template library and feel free to use them for your work. Download more resources. No cost, no registration required.

  2. Top 10 Lean Canvas Templates with Samples and Examples

    Template 1: Lean service business model canvas with value proposition. This editable and colorful PPT template is perfect for strategic planning of a business. With the help of this template, a business can identify its value proposition in terms of the finances, costs and sustainability. The structure that the template follows is structure ...

  3. Design Your Lean Canvas Model: A Step-by-Step Guide

    The Lean Canvas model does just that - it is a valuable one-page template for brainstorming early-stage business models. It's designed to be an ever-evolving blueprint that assists entrepreneurs in validating their ideas, mitigating risks, and iterating their business models. Its approach calls for concise content, making it a practical ...

  4. PPTX PowerPoint Presentation

    lean business model canvas template This template is designed to help you quickly iterate and validate your business idea, ensuring it's both viable and competitive. By filling out the following sections, you'll have a comprehensive overview of your business model, focusing on lean principles and efficiency.

  5. Your guide to the Lean Business Model Canvas

    Grab our lean business model canvas template and create a new Miro board. You can put as many canvases on one board as you need. Define the product or business idea you're working on, and then fill in the blocks with different types of content. You don't just have to use text — you can also use pictures, videos, and more.

  6. How To Create A Lean Canvas (With Template and Examples)

    The Lean Business Model is a great starter tool to present the heart of your business idea on a single page. From the problem to key metrics, the lean canvas tool asks vital questions to help you form a real business case for your grand vision. This guide will lead you through these sections as you launch your startup. Explore this template.

  7. How to create a Lean Canvas (with template)

    Business model canvas vs. Lean Canvas. You may stumble upon the business model canvas and find yourself confused whether to use it or move onto a Lean Canvas. These aren't mutually exclusive, but they have a few core differences. The business model canvas focuses on the business aspects. It shows you the fundamental parts of keeping your ...

  8. Lean Canvas Template

    Deconstruct your business plan with a lean canvas template. Follow these steps to use this template effectively: Explain your business model scenario. Fill out the relevant sections of the template using the prompts as a guide. Evaluate key elements of your business, including the problems your business solves, and the solutions it offers.

  9. Lean canvas template

    Use the lean canvas template to outline the advantages, targets, challenges, risks, cost structures, and opportunities of a business strategy. The lean canvas is a visual framework popular with entrepreneurs, startups, and articulate their business model and identify key components necessary for success. Created by Ash Maurya, The lean canvas ...

  10. Lean Canvas PowerPoint Template (PowerPoint & Google Slides)

    Included in this presentation template, are: The goal is to create a short, impactful presentation that communicates a summary of all necessary characteristics of a business idea. Our Lean Canvas template for PPT and Google Slides complements each of the nine main sections with small icons. These business-themed icons draw the eye to each section.

  11. How to Create your Business Model with the Lean Canvas

    IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM YOU SOLVE. With customers and users clearly defined, the next step is to describe the problem (s) you solve for them. You can do this at the Problem block in the canvas. Use three (3) sentences / bullet points for customers and three (3) for users. This will help you focus on the most important problems.

  12. Lean Canvas Template & Example

    Benefits of using the Lean Canvas Template. A Lean Canvas is an easy way to brainstorm the various factors in determining the potential profitability of a business model. 1. Easy to complete: One of the significant advantages of the Lean Canvas Template is that it's very simple and low-cost to create, unlike many other business tools. The ...

  13. Lean Canvas

    The Lean Canvas allows you to map out the key foundations of your startup. It prompts you to analyze and prioritize your goals during the early stages of your business. From the problem to key metrics, the Lean Business Model helps you build the logic that will help your business foundations be stronger. 2.

  14. What is Lean Canvas?

    The Lean Canvas is a powerful strategic planning tool that entrepreneurs and business owners can use to streamline their business planning process. It provides a structured framework for developing and testing business ideas, allowing for quick iterations and adjustments. In this article, we will explore what Lean Canvas is, its components, and ...

  15. Free Lean Canvas Template and Examples

    What is the lean canvas template? The lean startup canvas, inspired by the Lean Startup movement, was originally created by LEANSTACK to generate simple and sleek representations of business operations. Before launching a product, use this version of the business model canvas template to present your startup's unique solutions and market competitiveness to key partners.

  16. What is a Lean Canvas? Definition, Methodology, Examples and Use Guide

    The Lean Canvas is an adaptation of the business model canvas that is optimized for the "lean startup methodology", a technique that is crucial in understanding the possibilities of the Lean Canvas. The Lean Canvas typically consists of nine key elements: 1. Problem: This section outlines the specific problem or pain point that your product ...

  17. How to Make a Lean Canvas Model

    The Business Model Canvas is a one-page summary of the high-level strategic details you need to develop, maintain, and market your business. The canvas template is divided into nine boxes that help you focus on the most strategically important elements of your business or product. Business Model Canvas Template (Click on image to modify online)

  18. What is a Lean Business Model Canvas? Definition and Its Benefits

    The Lean Business Model Canvas, also known as the Lean Canvas, was created by Ash Maurya as a more streamlined and focused version of the original canvas. It is particularly well-suited for startups and early-stage businesses aiming to iterate and validate their business ideas and strategies quickly. The Lean Canvas emphasizes the key ...

  19. What is Lean Canvas?

    The Lean Canvas is a business modeling tool created to help deconstruct a startup idea into its key and most risky assumptions. Deeply influenced by the lean startup methodology, the Lean Canvas servers as a tactical plan to guide entrepreneurs navigate their way from ideation to building a successful startup. The methodology has been developed ...

  20. Lean Canvas Template

    Our Lean Canvas Template consists of four slides, each of which allow you to present all the information that investors need on one page. You can describe the advantages of your project, its strengths, potential markets, client problems, and their solution. Part of the slide is intended to describe possible risks and ways to reduce their impact ...

  21. Lean Canvas Presentation

    Download the "Lean Canvas" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The world of business encompasses a lot of things! From reports to customer profiles, from brainstorming sessions to sales—there's always something to do or something to analyze. This customizable design, available for Google Slides and PowerPoint, is what you were ...

  22. Lean Canvas (2024): How-to & Examples [+ Template]

    The Lean Canvas also focuses on capturing a unique place in the market. 1. Customer Segments. Not everyone needs your product, it is important to be as specific as possible in choosing your customer segment. Without a clear customer segment it is also not possible to properly empathize with the customer segment's problems.

  23. Lean Canvas Presentation Template

    Lean Canvas Presentation Template. Lean Canvas Presentation Template is the perfect canvas presentation for startup entrepreneurs who want to validate hypotheses for their new business models.The slides are ready for a professional presentation with the WOW effect. Stand out in front of investors, partners, or clients and save thousands of dollars on design service fees.

  24. 7 Free Google Slides Business Model Canvas Templates

    Download the Blank Lean Business Model Canvas Template for Google Slides. When to Use This Template: Ideal for high-velocity environments, this Lean business model canvas template with or without sample data allows forward-thinking innovators to expedite the testing and validation of their business concepts. It focuses on refining the pivotal ...

  25. Present business models beautifully.

    Create beautiful Lean Canvas presentations quickly and easily with Lean Canvas Slides. Pre-built Lean Canvas template slides are designed with advanced [eeb_protect_content] features [/eeb_protect_content] and animations to beautifully present your business model. And everything is customizable. Available for Apple Keynote and Microsoft PowerPoint.