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How to Write a Welcome Email to New Employee (With Templates)

By Ammar Ahmed

Published: January 29, 2024

A warm welcome is crucial in setting the tone for a new employee’s journey. It’s the first step in fostering a positive workplace relationship and can significantly impact their initial perception and long-term engagement. 

This article aims to guide HR professionals in crafting an effective welcome email to new employees, blending professionalism with a personal touch to ensure a smooth and welcoming start to their new role.

Why Is a Welcome Email to New Employees So Important?

The importance of a welcome email to new employees cannot be overstated.

Here’s a comprehensive overview of why welcome emails to new employees are important: 

Creates a Positive Onboarding Experience

A welcome email plays a crucial role in shaping a new employee’s first impressions of their workplace. It’s more than just a formal greeting; it’s a vital component of the onboarding process, setting a foundation for their entire journey with the company. 

Outlining what the new employee can expect in their first days and weeks, helps mitigate feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. This email should be warm and informative, offering insights into the company culture , values, and the team they will be joining. The welcome email reassures the new hire that they are stepping into an organized, supportive environment, where their presence is valued and their role is clear. 

Sets Expectations for Employees

The welcome email to a new employee is also an essential tool for setting clear expectations. It serves as a preliminary guide to the professional journey ahead. This email should outline what the company expects from the new hire in terms of work ethic, communication, and overall conduct. This clarity helps the employee understand their position within the larger framework of the company, fostering a sense of purpose and direction. 

Encourages Engagement

Sending a well-crafted welcome email to new employees is a significant step towards encouraging early engagement. This initial correspondence should invite new employees to immerse themselves in their new work environment. It can introduce them to various channels and opportunities for involvement within the company, such as team-building activities , professional development programs, or social events. Highlighting these aspects showcases the company’s commitment to not just the professional growth of its employees, but also to their personal well-being and integration into the company community.

Moreover, a welcome email that encourages questions and open communication paves the way for a more interactive and inclusive onboarding experience. It reassures the new hire that their thoughts and inputs are valued, fostering a culture of open dialogue and collaboration.

Related Read: What is Employee Empowerment? Everything You Need to Know

What to Include in a Welcome Email to a New Employee

When drafting a welcome email for a new employee, it is essential to consider a variety of elements that will contribute to a positive and informative first impression.

Here are some key components to include:

Personalized Greeting

A personalized greeting is more than a mere formality; it’s a powerful tool for establishing a connection with a new employee. For instance, a greeting like, “Welcome to the team, [Employee’s Name]! We are thrilled to have someone with your expertise in [specific skill or experience] join us,” immediately makes the new employee feel recognized and appreciated. 

Such personalization can set a positive tone and establish a sense of belonging from day one. It demonstrates the company’s commitment to its employees as individuals, which is a cornerstone of a welcoming and inclusive workplace culture .

Introduction to the Team and Company

The introduction to the team and company in a welcome email is pivotal in integrating the new employee into the workplace. For example, the email could include a brief history of the company, highlighting key milestones and achievements, and how the new employee’s role aligns with the company’s vision. 

Additionally, introducing the team through a friendly and informative tone can be highly effective. This could be in the form of short bios or a welcome video from team members, giving insights into their roles and how they will interact with the new employee. 

Such an introduction not only humanizes the team but also helps the new hire visualize their place within the larger organizational structure. 

Essential Onboarding Information

Providing essential onboarding information is a critical aspect of a welcome email, as it sets the stage for a smooth and stress-free first day for the new employee. This information should include practical details such as the start date, time, work hours, and location. For example, the email might say, “Your first day will be on [date] at [time]. Our work hours are from [start time] to [end time], and you’ll be working at [location/address].”

Instructions regarding the dress code and arrival logistics, such as where to park or who to ask for upon arriving, are also essential elements. This comprehensive approach to communicating the logistical aspects of the job helps reduce the first-day jitters and allows the new employee to focus on settling into their new role more comfortably.

Introduction to Key Contacts

This section should provide the new employee with names and roles of individuals they will interact with regularly or who are critical to their onboarding process. For instance, the email might include a sentence like, “Your direct supervisor will be [Supervisor’s Name], and you’ll also be working closely with [Names and Roles of Team Members].”

In addition, it’s helpful to include contacts in essential departments such as HR, IT, and any other relevant administrative or support roles. This helps the new employee understand the organizational structure and also provides them with a go-to list of people for any initial queries or support they may need.

Onboarding Schedule

The inclusion of an onboarding schedule in the welcome email is a vital component that can greatly ease a new employee’s transition into their role. This schedule should outline the activities planned for the first days or weeks, giving the new hire a clear understanding of what to expect and how to prepare. 

For example, the email could detail, “Your first week will include an orientation session on [date], training sessions on [specific topics] on [dates], and introductory meetings with your team and key departments.”.

Company Resources and Policies

This section of the welcome email should guide new employees to where they can find detailed information about company policies, procedures, and available resources. 

For instance, the email might include lines like, “Please familiarize yourself with our company handbook, which can be found at [link or location], covering everything from our work culture and ethics to leave policies and health benefits.”

By offering clear directions on where to find this information, the company sets the tone for a transparent and supportive work environment.

Welcome Email to New Employee Templates

Here are a few welcome email templates that will help you efficiently convey essential information while maintaining a warm and welcoming tone:

Welcome Email Template for a Remote Employee

This template is designed to warmly welcome a remote employee, providing them with all the necessary information for a smooth start.

Subject: Welcome to [Company Name], [Employee’s Name]!

Dear [Employee’s Name],

I am thrilled to welcome you to the [Company Name] family as our newest [Position Title]! As you’re joining us remotely, I want to ensure your integration into the team is as smooth and engaging as possible.

First Day Details:

  • Date & Time: Your official start date is [Start Date] at [Start Time].
  • Virtual Onboarding: You will receive a link for a virtual meeting where we will have an orientation session and introduce you to your team members.

Essential Information:

  • Work Schedule: Your regular work hours will be from [Start Time] to [End Time], [Time Zone].
  • Key Contacts: Your direct supervisor will be [Supervisor’s Name] and for any IT-related queries, please reach out to [IT Support’s Name].
  • Documentation: Please ensure that you have submitted all necessary paperwork, which was emailed to you previously.

Company Resources:

You will find our company handbook and policies on our intranet [link or instructions to access].

Our remote work guidelines are also available [link or location], which I encourage you to read thoroughly.

Getting Connected:

You’ll be added to our communication channels, including [e.g., Slack, Email Groups], where you can connect with your team and other colleagues.

We have scheduled a series of virtual meetings in your first week to get you up to speed with ongoing projects and company operations.

I am confident that you will be a valuable addition to our team, and I look forward to seeing your contributions. Please feel free to reach out to me or [HR Contact’s Name] if you have any questions or need further assistance as you settle in.

Welcome aboard, [Employee’s Name]!

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Company Name] [Contact Information]

Related Article: Comprehensive Guide to Telecommuting for Employers 

Welcome Email Template for an In-Office Employee

This template offers a detailed and warm welcome to an in-office employee.

Subject: Excited to Welcome You to [Company Name], [Employee’s Name]!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to [Company Name] as our new [Position Title]. We are eagerly anticipating your start with us and are committed to making your transition into our team as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

  • Date & Time: Your first day will be on [Start Date] at [Start Time].
  • Location: Please come to our office located at [Office Address].
  • Dress Code: Our office dress code is [dress code details].

Onboarding Schedule: We have a comprehensive onboarding program scheduled for your first week, including department introductions and training sessions.

Key Contacts: Your immediate supervisor will be [Supervisor’s Name]. You’ll also be meeting with [Other Key Contacts] as part of your orientation.


Please bring [necessary documents, e.g., ID, employment forms] with you on your first day.

You will receive your employee badge and access details upon arrival.

Company Resources and Policies:

During your orientation, we will cover important policies and provide you with access to our employee handbook.

You will also be introduced to our company’s intranet, where you can find a wealth of resources and information.

You’ll be given a tour of the office and introduced to your team members and other colleagues.

Our [e.g., monthly team lunches, regular meetings] are a great way to get to know everyone.

We are confident that your skills and experience will be a great addition to our team. Should you have any questions or need further information before your start date, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or [HR Contact’s Name].

We look forward to having you with us and are excited to see the contributions you will bring to [Company Name]. Welcome to the team, [Employee’s Name]!

Best regards,

Welcome Email Template for a Manager or Executive

This template is crafted for welcoming a new manager or executive, highlighting strategic integration and key contacts.

Subject: A Warm Welcome to [Company Name], [Employee’s Name]!

I am delighted to welcome you to [Company Name] in your new role as [Manager/Executive Position Title]. Your leadership and expertise are valuable assets that we are eager to incorporate into our team.

  • Date & Time: Your journey with us begins on [Start Date] at [Start Time].
  • Location: Please report to our main office at [Office Address], where you will be greeted by [Contact Person].
  • Onboarding Overview: We have tailored an executive onboarding process for you, focusing on strategic orientation and key initiatives.
  • Key Contacts: You will be introduced to your direct reports, department heads, and key stakeholders in your first week.

Documentation and Logistics:

  • Necessary Paperwork: Please ensure that all required documentation, which has been previously communicated to you, is completed before your start date.
  • Executive Briefing: You will receive a comprehensive briefing on current projects, company performance metrics, and strategic goals.

A detailed overview of our organizational structure, policies, and long-term vision will be provided during your orientation sessions.

You will also have access to exclusive executive resources and support systems to facilitate your leadership role.

Integration and Meetings:

We have scheduled a series of meetings with key team members and departments to familiarize you with our operations and ongoing projects.

Opportunities for one-on-one discussions with me and other executives will also be available to align on objectives and expectations.

Your role is critical to our continued success and growth, and we are confident in the positive impact you will bring. Please feel free to reach out to me directly or to [HR Contact’s Name] for any assistance or information you may need as you transition into your new role.

We are thrilled to have you on board and look forward to achieving great things together at [Company Name]. Welcome aboard, [Employee’s Name]!

Best Tips for Writing Effective Welcome Emails to New Employees

In writing an effective welcome email to new employees, various factors must be carefully considered.

The following elements together create a comprehensive and engaging welcome experience:

Warm and Friendly Tone

The tone of the email plays a crucial role in setting the stage for a positive relationship between the new employee and the company. A warm and friendly tone helps in making the new hire feel valued and comfortable. 

Use language that is inviting and inclusive, such as “We are thrilled to have you join us,” or “Your skills and experiences are a perfect match for our team.” This approach helps to ease any initial anxieties and fosters a welcoming atmosphere.

Encourage Engagement and Questions

Encouraging engagement and questions in the welcome email is essential for fostering a culture of open communication. Make it clear that the new employee’s thoughts and inquiries are not just welcomed but encouraged.  

You might say something like, “We value your perspective and are eager to hear your ideas,” or “Please feel free to ask any questions you might have about your role or our company.” 

This approach not only aids in building a rapport but also helps in clarifying any uncertainties the new employee might have, contributing to a smoother onboarding process.

Emphasize Company Culture

When writing a welcome email to new employees, it’s important to emphasize the company culture . This helps the new hire understand the work environment and the values that the company upholds. Include a brief description of what makes the company unique, such as its mission, values, and traditions.

For example, you could include lines like, “At [Company Name], we pride ourselves on innovation, teamwork, and a commitment to excellence.” Highlighting these aspects gives the new employee a sense of the company’s identity and what it stands for, which can be instrumental in aligning their expectations and behaviors with the company’s ethos.

Follow Up After the Welcome Email

Following up after sending the welcome email is critical for maintaining engagement and ensuring that the new employee has all the necessary resources and information. A few days after the initial email, consider sending a follow-up message to check in. This could include asking if they have any questions, encouraging participation in upcoming onboarding activities, and reiterating the availability of resources. 

Additionally, scheduling check-in meetings or informal catch-ups can provide a platform for the new employee to share feedback on the onboarding process and express any concerns or needs they might have. This ongoing communication demonstrates the company’s continued interest in the new employee’s well-being and adjustment.

Related Article: The Perfect New Hire Checklist: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ammar Ahmed

About the Author

Read more articles by Ammar Ahmed

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Write an intro email to a new team to start your job on the right foot

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Why is it important to introduce yourself when starting a new job?

How to write an intro email to your new team, 5 introduction email templates to follow, 4 opening lines that never fail, 4 subject lines that never fail, close your email like a pro, your next move.

Receiving a job offer is exciting, but forming working relationships from scratch is intimidating. 

You might worry about how you’ll fit into the team dynamic , collaborate with close colleagues, or get along with your manager . And as a new employee, you’ll want to prove yourself and make a good impression on those you’ll work closely with.

One way to make a great first impression is to introduce yourself and show what you have to offer before you start. Writing an intro email to a new team is an excellent way to reach all of your new coworkers at once and give them an idea of who you are. 

Breaking the ice by introducing yourself can help you connect with people faster and build trust in the workplace . You may even find people with similar interests and make friends along the way.

Although your new manager or human resources representative might introduce you to the entire team with a welcome email, sending an email before your first day gives the whole process an individual touch. It puts a personality behind your name and lays the foundation for healthy working relationships between you and your coworkers.

Whether working for a startup or a large corporation, you want to start on the right foot. Before meeting your new team on your first day, an email can tell them a little about yourself, your personality and background, and what to expect from you as a coworker.

Rather than reiterating the work experience found on your LinkedIn profile , highlight the personality traits that make you unique, such as hobbies and personal achievements . This shows who you are beyond your job title and helps others relate through shared interests.

It also breaks the ice if you’re feeling nervous or experiencing work anxiety . Sometimes, it’s less intimidating to say hello virtually than in person. If you work in an office, you might have to stand up in a meeting and introduce yourself face-to-face, but all it takes is a quick, pre-planned email to start your relationships and potentially feel less nervous when that day comes.

And if you’re working from home , introducing yourself via email is especially important as it shows your colleagues you’re more than just a name on a screen. You’ll hit the ground running and tell them you’re ready to collaborate and play an active role within the team.

Building relationships from the beginning can make you feel more comfortable in a new workplace environment, and it could help you make new friends and expand your professional network . A survey from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that making friends at work improves job satisfaction and performance , leading to greater fulfillment and retention. You’ll enjoy your new job more if you make connections.

An introductory email not only provides insight into who you are, but also creates a starting point for your colleagues to introduce themselves and share their interests. If you express your passion for food in the intro email, a coworker who loves cooking could invite you to a dinner party. And if you reveal your love of sports, a colleague could ask you to join your company’s recreational sports team, leading to further team-building opportunities .

A new employee introduction email can be short and sweet or include more fun facts about yourself and your career history. It lays the foundation for a first impression, so it’s ideal to get it right the first time. But the best part of an email is that you can write one in advance.

If you’re experiencing writer’s block and are unsure how to write a professional email , here are some tips for approaching the subject:

  • Write a friendly email subject line: Start your email like a pro with an eye-catching subject line encouraging your colleagues to open it. Be specific and write more than just a hello. Remember to include your name and position so people know who you are right away.
  • Research the company culture: Before creating your email, read company documentation and visit its social media pages to get a sense of the culture . Formal and relaxed work environments require very different tones of voice, so try your best to match the existing communication style . When in doubt, keep it friendly and professional.
  • Show what makes you unique: Although you may keep your personal life private, you can still show a little bit about yourself while staying in your comfort zone . Including even just one fact about yourself is enough to show off your individuality. This could extend beyond where you’re from or where you went to school. Try including a fun travel tidbit, a personal project you’re working on, or your pets.
  • Express enthusiasm: If you’re excited to start your new position, express it in your email. Show your enthusiasm for joining the company and what you’re looking forward to. This is also an excellent chance to discuss your work experience and background.
  • Send replies and ask questions: After sending the email, current employees might reply to introduce themselves and let you know they’re excited to work with you. This is a great opportunity to get to know them better before you start collaborating and shows you what familiar faces to reach out to when you have questions.


Depending on your position, you might create multiple emails — one for your manager, one for colleagues, and another for your team. What you share with each party will differ as you’ll want to make different impressions on each. You may want to add humor or keep things lighthearted for your colleagues, but be careful of your email etiquette and communicate professionally with your manager.

If you’re a new hire, you’re likely knee-deep in onboarding and have a lot on your plate. But even if you feel overwhelmed , it’s best to show your excitement and positivity. Cold emails might not resonate. 

Here are some introduction email examples to give you inspiration when crafting your own:

Intro email for a new team

No matter what size or type of team y ou’re working with, it’s good practice to send an intro email to everyone. You might want to connect with individual people if you remember them from the i nterview process or will be collaborating on a daily basis, but it’s up to you.

Hi [department] team,

I hope you’re all having a great week so far!

I’m [your name], and I just started at [company name] as a [job title]. I wanted to reach out and introduce myself as I know we’ll be working closely together.

I just moved to the city from [location], and I’ve enjoyed exploring my new neighborhood and the great parks around here. I love reading, kayaking, and hiking with my dog, Ted. I love the outdoors and am always looking for new people to walk or hike with, so reach out if you’re open to meeting up.

I’m excited to start working with all of you on [start date].

[your name]

Hello [employee’s name],

I know we haven’t started working together yet, but I wanted to introduce myself before my first day. My name is [your name], and I’m excited to join the [department name] team next week!

I love to paint, watch movies, and kickbox outside of work. Since I’m new to the city, I’ve been exploring the city’s best restaurants and coffee shops. If you have the time, I’d love to grab some coffee with you during our lunch break next week to get to know each other.

See you on [start date]!

Dear [department],

My name is [your name] and I just started in the [job title] position. I look forward to joining the team and getting to know each of you.

Getting to know teammates quickly while working remotely can be difficult, so I would love to get to know each of you better however you’d like — whether over Slack, Zoom, or email. Learning about your roles within the organization will help me integrate into the team better and put a face behind each of the names on screen!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out. I look forward to getting to know you all better.


Intro email to a new manager

You’ll likely interact with your manager on a daily basis, so start your relationship off strong. Say hello, explain your interest in the position, and let them know you’re eager to start. You might even want to set up a time to meet and learn more about each other as you start the job.

Hello [name of manager],

My name is [your name], and I’ll be working on your team in the [new position] starting on [start date]. I’m really excited to get started and learn under your leadership. I’ve recently finished my degree at [school] and look forward to putting my skills to work.

When I started my onboarding, I received a warm welcome from the team and got caught up to speed on the current projects. I wanted to reach out to you to say that I’m ready to dive in and am excited to contribute to the [work-related topic].

Let me know how you prefer to communicate. I can chat with you on Slack if you prefer chatting in real-time, or we can continue by email if that works best.

Dear [name of manager],

My name is [your name]. I’ll be working in the [new role] on your team, and I wanted to reach out and formally introduce myself.

My first day on your team is on [start date], and I’m excited to work for [company name]. Before this, I worked in a [position] for [previous company], so I’m familiar with the industry and eager to learn more. I’m an avid baker and piano player, and enjoy hiking in my spare time. I’m excited to join the company’s recreational basketball team!

I’ve already started my onboarding, but I look forward to joining you and the rest of the team soon.


An opening line starts your intro strong and should state who you are and why you’re communicating. Keep it simple, and save humor or flair for the rest of the email. The goal is to begin on a friendly note.

Here are four ideas for your opening line:

  • I wanted to introduce myself…
  • I hope you’re doing well…
  • Let me introduce myself…
  • My name is [your name]...


Your subject line should catch your recipient’s attention and stand out in their inbox. Explain why you’re writing and spark their curiosity in just a few words. 

Here are four potential subject lines to use in an introduction email:

  • Let’s get started!
  • Meeting my new team
  • A bit about myself
  • [Your name] virtual meet and greet

You’ve written a friendly greeting, introduced yourself, and are now ready to end the email . There are numerous ways to close it out, depending on whether you’d like to chat more or keep it professional. Just remember to match the tone of your closing line to the rest of your email. Here are a few examples of effective closing lines:

  • Sincerely: This tried and true sign-off is a formal option that works well for emailing higher management and coworkers.
  • Best regards: This straightforward professional farewell maintains a respectful tone while sending your coworkers positivity. 
  • Best: This shortening of “Best regards” is more informal and suits workplaces with a relaxed, casual work culture.
  • Thank you all: Thanking your team sets the tone for relationships and shows your considerate side. You can communicate your gratitude for the job and being a part of the team to encourage future collaboration.
  • Kind regards: This closing line hits the sweet spot between formal and casual, being less formal than “sincerely” and more formal than “best” and “keep in touch.” When writing a professional introduction email, this is appropriate for addressing a new team member you want to build a relationship with.

Starting a new job is intimidating, but with the proper preparation, it doesn’t have to be. An intro email to a new team is a great jumping-off point to building connections with your new team and making a positive first impression. You’ll get to know your colleagues faster, become familiar with the company culture, and may even make workplace friends . 

Next time you write a self-introduction email, approach it with a positive attitude and express your individuality. Don’t forget to always be yourself and be confident in your abilities. Your new company hired you for a reason.

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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New employee introduction emails

Easily automate how you welcome new hires.

Latest blog posts, how to write a new employee introduction email (+ templates).

New colleagues say hello

Whenever a new employee is starting out on their first day, a new employee introduction email to your team should be first on the docket. That's because while an email introduction may seem simple, the impact it can have is anything but.

In this article, we offer a how-to on properly phrasing a new employee introduction email to a team or to colleagues. Consider it as part of your overall onboarding process, which Personio can help optimise with an entire range of features .

  • 1 Why it’s important to send an introduction email to colleagues
  • 2 How do you write a new employee introduction email to teams?
  • 3 Top tips for announcing a new team member
  • 4 New employee introduction email templates
  • 5 Useful templates, automated processes, more effective HR

Why it’s important to send an introduction email to colleagues

A new workplace, new tasks and new colleagues: The first day of a new job can bring with it an absolute flurry of changes. That’s why for any new employee, your HR team needs a host of processes designed to welcome them.

By having a new employee introduction email to the team in place, you instil the feeling that your new colleague is valued from their very first day. Then, current staff members are kept up-to-date when new team members arrive, speeding up the introduction phase and helping them integrate more easily and with greater efficacy. Simplify the process with our employee induction checklist today.

That’s why this phase of  employee onboarding  is so crucial. New colleagues need to be integrated into the team quickly, all while conveying a sense of belonging to keep spirits high.

But let’s back it up with some concrete examples. Here are three additional reasons why new employee introduction email to teams are so crucial:

1. Employees are more satisfied and motivated

A warm reception sets the stage for the rest of the onboarding process. It signals to newcomers that in your company, people treat each other with respect, show interest in one another and are valued. This helps to increase employee motivation right from the beginning.

personio welcoming employee onboarding software

2. Social integration is sped up

Feeling accepted by your new colleagues is one of the most critical aspects of onboarding. So being able to quickly integrate them into the team helps new employees establish an internal network right away.

From there, they can immediately feel a tangible sense of connection with their new colleagues. And the more people feel accepted, the more productive they become. That’s because they feel more comfortable asking questions and are ready to perform at their best.

3. They enhance your corporate image

A decisive advantage comes with the perfect start. Your employees will be even more pleased to have joined your company – and this will contribute to your reputation as a best-in-class employer.

In a best-case scenario, new employees will even share their positive experiences with their friends or post them to sites like Glassdoor. This kind of positive feedback can be invaluable for your employer brand.

Organise more than just welcome emails

Personnel File

Gather all of the data you need so you can focus on making your new hire feel welcome with our easy-to-use checklist.

How do you write a new employee introduction email to teams?

The email should be short and personal while making all of the information visible at a glance. Using bullet points to highlight the most important information is completely fine when introducing new colleagues, too.

Here are the most important components, followed by our helpful sample templates:

You can address the introduction email to both the new employees and the entire team. It depends on your preference:

Do you want to introduce new employees to their colleagues?

Or would you prefer to speak directly to the new employee(s)?

Overall, it doesn’t matter which option you choose. In both cases, you’ll be sending the email to the entire team or to selected departments (not just to an individual).

By including a photo, you give a face to the new employee’s name. This helps current staff build a connection between the two, providing a cue to quickly remember new employees.

Name, title, department

This information might seem basic, but it is imperative. It will help your current employees understand where new colleagues fit into the company structure.

Previous experience

Should you include where new employees have worked before? Sometimes, companies like to rely on new employees to share where they have worked with their entire time.

This helps current employees contextualise colleagues in a professional sense. But, rarely will a new colleague have the entire company as an audience to share where they have been and what they have learned.

So it helps to provide a bit of information to tell a new employee’s story about where they have been. Try and answer some of the following (where it makes sense):

Where has the new employee worked before?

What positions have they held?

Is it possible that they have worked with similar people?

Personal information

It also helps to include a smattering of personal details. This could include a new employee’s hometown, hobbies or their favourite travel destinations. This helps your staff get to know their new colleague beyond their title, making it easier for them to start up a casual conversation (especially in the first few weeks).

From an onboarding perspective, this also helps your new employee. They will feel a bit less pressure to strike up conversations or to try and relate with new colleagues, as their colleagues will already know enough about them to start a conversation of their own. It results in smoother, friendlier and more effective connections.

How do you get this kind of information easily? This is an area where HR software can help. You can make questions like these a task in the onboarding process and then incorporate the answers directly into the introduction email.

Contact information

Conclude an introductory email by providing contact information for the new colleague. This way, current staff get all of the most important information in one single message.

onboarding welcome email personio software

Top tips for announcing a new team member

Start small: The first order of business is to introduce new employees to their own teams. For good reason, these should always be done in person (if possible) and in as much depth as possible. This is also true for colleagues from other departments that will frequently interact with your new employee.

Build from there: To a certain degree, a personal introduction to all of the other employees is also appropriate. This should include a tour of the company, where you show all new employees how to find their way around the offices and where you can quickly introduce them to the other teams.

Make a splash : To a certain degree, a personal introduction to all of the other employees is also appropriate. This should include a tour of the company, where you show all new employees how to find their way around the offices and where you can quickly introduce them to the other teams.

Introduce with care: Ideally you should email the team a few days ahead of the new employee's start date, sharing the reason for the new hire, when they will begin, their professional background and what you hope they will achieve. You may want to include a link to their professional profile on LinkedIn and encourage your team to connect once they begin.

Try and be specific: To direct colleagues, explain what will be the new employee's main focus areas will be and how you hope they specifically will be working with the team included in the email.

Be proactive: If you can to introduce the new employee to these teams so that they are known to these colleagues ahead of their first meeting together. You can suggest a coffee with the new employee to explain some of these projects they will be collaborating on and to give them a 'who's who' of stakeholders.

Consider the sender: Even though an HR manager should be handling the process, the introduction email should come from your CEO. This showcases to new employees that they are not simply valued by their new team. Rather that their presence is welcome from the very top-down. It helps build a connection (or a psychological contract , as it is also known).

personio onboarding software

New employee introduction email templates

We’ve put together a collection of introductory emails to new colleagues for you to use in your own company.

More importantly, we have outlined three distinct approaches you can take. Feel free to try each of these out to see which is most effective for your team and which matches the types of company culture you have…

Template 1: the personal approach

Hey everyone ,

I've got a very special announcement. Today, we're welcoming [Employee Name] as a [Title] to the team. Let's give them a big welcome!

[Insert Photo]

To help you all get to know [Employee Name], here are a few key facts:

Where are you from or based? [Answer]

What do you like to do in your spare time? [Answer]

What is your favourite musical artist? [Answer]

We are happy to have you here, [Employee Name]. We hope you get off to a fantastic start!

Template 2: the formal approach

Hello everyone,

Today, our new colleague, [Employee Name], is starting as a [Title].

[Employee Name] comes to us with many years of experience and will help us take some giant steps towards achieving our corporate goals as a [Title].

We are delighted that they are joining us, and we wish them a great start.

A warm welcome to you, [Employee Name]!

Template 3: the direct approach

Hello [Employee Name] ,

Welcome to [Company Name]!

We are very pleased that you’ve become a member of our team.

We wish you all the best as you get started with us and we look forward to working with you.

Kind regards,

Useful templates, automated processes, more effective HR

Even with templates, introduction emails can become a time-consuming task. Manually personalising them and sending them out can take hours. But with HR software, the effort can be reduced, because the entire process is automated.

Here’s how we do it at Personio in our onboarding process:

Introduction emails are sent as a standard element of onboarding. All new employees are given a task to upload a photo of themselves on their first day.

Our People & Workplace Team came up with five questions that new colleagues are invited to answer about themselves.

Once both tasks have been completed, an introduction email will automatically be sent to all colleagues on behalf of our CEO.

This entire process is streamlined and automated to make it easier both for employees and for our HR department to help introduce new colleagues to their teams (and the team at large).

It’s also easily done all within the Personio software, as our 10,000+ customers can attest to, so we can help do the same for your organisation. Click the button to learn more about how Personio can help.

Want more email introduction options?

Welcome Mail

Human Resources | What is

New Employee Welcome Email: How to Write, Templates & Types

Published January 5, 2024

Published Jan 5, 2024

Heather Landau

REVIEWED BY: Heather Landau

Karina Fabian

WRITTEN BY: Karina Fabian

This article is part of a larger series on Hiring .

  • 1 How to Write a New Employee Welcome Email
  • 2 Template + Samples
  • 3 Why Write One
  • 4 Other Kinds of Welcome Emails
  • 6 Bottom Line

A welcome email to a new employee is one of the most important communications you can have with a new hire. It not only gives them the information they need to start their new employment with your company but also sets the tone for their journey. As such, it should be friendly and informative but concise.

We cover the best practices for writing a welcoming new employee email, provide a template and samples, and discuss other types of welcome emails new hires might receive. We also talk about a special welcome email to new staff—one that introduces the new employee to their team.

How to Write a New Employee Welcome Email

When writing a welcome email to new employees, the specific items to add will typically be the same—but it’s the tone that will ultimately change its impact on your new hires. Below, we discuss what you should include, as well as some tips on handling the tone of your welcome message.

What to Include

Regardless of the tone you set, you want to be sure your welcome email for new team members includes all the information they need for their first day. The most common items include:

  • Greeting and note of welcome
  • Expected start date
  • Reporting time
  • Arrival instructions (directions, parking instructions, who to ask for)
  • Brief schedule for the day (may or may not include times)
  • Dress code (including suggestions like layers because the office is cold or steel-tipped boots)
  • Items to bring (documents, lunch, gear)
  • First-day need to know (etiquette)
  • Contact information for HR and direct supervisor
  • Invitation to ask questions
  • Congratulations and welcome again

The tone of your letter sets the new hire’s expectations on what they can expect from the working environment on their first day. It is set by the level of excitement, word use (but avoid too much slang), and what you focus on in that first, welcoming paragraph.

Here are some examples of tone and how it can be conveyed to your new hires.

  • Professional

If you’re a super-friendly, open-office, office-dog kind of business, then the casual welcome email for new team members might be the way to set the right tone and generate excitement. However, keep the content job-focused.

Welcome to {company}, {name}! We’re thrilled to have you joining us and look forward to adding your unique skills and experiences to our amazing team. Hope you’re ready to do great things! It all starts with the first day.

If your company is more reserved, then the formal style makes sense. It’s also your best fallback if you aren’t sure what tone to set.

Dear {name}, Congratulations on your new job as {position} at {company}. We’re pleased to have you on our team and are looking forward to working with you.

This tone acknowledges the new hire’s skills and experience and expresses your confidence that they’ll make a great asset to the company. It can be used for higher-ranking management or for professional trades where your new hire has expertise.

Dear {name}, Welcome to the team. We’re excited to welcome you to {company}. We know your skills and experience are going to be a great asset, and we’re looking forward to working with you.

This might be the right tone for younger employees for whom this is their first job or for whom you know is a big and potentially stressful change. This kind of email begins with a reassurance that you understand that a new job is challenging and exciting—and lets them know you are there to help.

Dear {name}, we’re so excited to welcome you to {company}. A new job can be both exciting and stressful, especially {any specific challenges you know about, like a big move}. We are here to help in any way we can.

Tips to Consider

The best welcoming new employee email will pump up your new hire for their first day, so it’s important to strike a balance between informative, inspiring, and short. Here are a few tips:

  • Have a clear subject line that includes words like “Welcome” or “Your first day at” and your company name
  • Use their first name
  • Include something personal, like a concern they addressed during the interview
  • Ask the team to create the welcome message to set the tone
  • Consider the employee’s culture and position when setting tone
  • Reflect the tone and excitement of your company
  • Tell them you’re excited to have them on the team
  • Avoid negative comments
  • Be friendly
  • Be brief! One page (250 words) is enough
  • Use bullet points for lists and important steps
  • Send the email with enough time for the employee to prepare, but not so early that they forget or lose the information
  • Don’t overwhelm them with too many welcome employee emails
  • Use your email program’s built-in templates for more ideas

New Hire Welcome Email Template + Samples

To give you a preview, here’s an email template that you can use to welcome your new employees—simply click on the button below to copy the text for easy use. Below that, we’ve provided some sample variations to see how different tones would look in practice.

Hello {new hire name} and welcome!

Expression of excitement and welcome for joining the team. Mention their title or role.

Here are a few things you’ll need to know for your first day.

You’re scheduled to start on {date} at {time} at {location}. {include parking instructions if needed}.

Once in the building, {reporting instructions}. We’ll get you started by {schedule or tasks}.

For your first day, be sure to

{dress code}

{items to bring}

{special considerations for the office or environment}

Please don’t hesitate if you have any questions. You can reach me {or appropriate HR or general manager} at {phone or email} for any general questions and me {or supervisor name and title} if you have any job-related questions.

Restate congratulations and how pleased you are to have the new employee.

Looking forward to meeting you,

{your name}

Welcoming New Employee Email Samples

Based on our template, we’ve written this example in a casual tone.

Welcome to Journey Marketing! We’re excited to have you join our writing team and are looking forward to seeing your talents in action. You’re set to start work on July 2. Please arrive at our office on Decatur Street, second floor. Park on the Decatur Street side and take the elevator; I’ll meet you at the reception desk at 8 a.m.

We’ve got a full day planned for you. First, we’ll go to my office and take care of the paperwork. At 9, we’ll go on a quick tour of the office space, and I’ll introduce you to your team and supervisor, Mark Grayson. Mark will brief you on your duties and expectations. At 11:30, we’re taking you to lunch. Then at 1, you’ll go to IT to get your laptop and a tech and information security orientation. When done, our IT Guru, Kirsten Chu, will walk you to your desk. You’ll have the rest of the day for online training.

Please bring the following:

  • An official form of ID, like a driver’s license or passport
  • Social Security card
  • Banking information (a voided check will do)

Our dress code is casual. Jeans are fine, and we love quirky (but nonpolitical!) T-shirts. The office can get chilly, so you may want a jacket or sweater. As you know, we’re a dog-friendly office, but Senor Butters is better off at home on your first day.

If you have any questions before July 2, don’t hesitate to email me or call at 876-123-4536.

We’re so looking forward to having you as part of our team. See you on July 2!

Bringing a brighter tomorrow!

Alethea Santos

Here’s one that’s more formal.

Welcome to Journey Marketing. We’re looking forward to having you as part of our writing team and are excited to see you on your first day, July 2. As we discussed on the phone, business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. I’ll meet you at the reception desk at our Decatur office, second floor, at 8. It’s easiest to park on the Decatur side of the lot.

Here’s what to expect on the first day:

  • 8:00-9:00: In-processing, paperwork, and a brief office tour
  • 9:00-11:30: Meet your team and discuss your role with your manager, Mark Grayson
  • 11:30-1:00: Team lunch (our treat)
  • 1:00: Meet with IT manager, Kristen Chu, for tech orientation and laptop assignment
  • 2:30-5:30: Return to your desk for online orientation training

The dress code is casual; jeans are allowed, and I’ve attached a document defining appropriate clothing. Consider bringing a jacket, as the air conditioning is set to 68. While we are a dog-friendly office, we ask that you not bring your dog on the first day.

If you have any questions before July 2, do not hesitate to contact me via this email or call or text at 876-123-4536.

Once again, congratulations and welcome! May this be the start of a satisfying career at Journey Marketing.

Alethea Santos, HR

Why Write a Welcome Email for a New Employee

The most obvious reason for a new employee welcome email is to make sure they have the information they need for their first day—when and where to arrive, what to bring, and what to expect. It’s the first step to ensuring a smooth transition to their new workplace.

However, an email welcoming new employees does more than that. It generates excitement, gives the employee an idea of your company’s culture, and above all, helps them feel like they are part of the team even before meeting their co-workers.

New employee welcome email template from ContactMonkey

Some email programs, like ContactMonkey (shown here), offer templates for new hire welcome email. (Source: ContactMonkey)

Other Kinds of Welcome Email for New Employees

In addition to the welcome new hire email, there are other types of emails you may send to welcome a new employee. You may even want to create a series.

Other kinds of welcome email for new team members include:

  • Onboarding welcome email: This is more informative than a welcome email to new employees. You may include notes on important policies, attach the company handbook, or provide links for onboarding training that needs to be completed. You may also use this for onboarding paperwork, like requesting W2s and Direct Deposit information.
  • Welcome email for relocating employees: In addition to noting their move in your introduction (asking about it, thanking them, or expressing excitement—“You’ll love Seattle!”—include local insights, typical traffic around the office, a coffee shop recommendation. You can also include a link to the city’s website or attach a document with information for new residents. You might also provide instructions for getting their move expenses reimbursed if applicable.
  • Welcome email for remote employees: This will most likely include links for virtual meetings, training, and online orientation materials. Rather than a full-day schedule, you may have a single meetup with a list of orientation goals and deadlines. You should, however, note if there are times your new hire is expected to be online. In addition to email or phone, you might include instructions for reaching you or their manager via Slack, MS Teams, or other team chat software—check out our roundup of the best chat apps if you need a recommendation.
  • Manager welcome email: A manager’s welcome email to a new employee can be more friendly and role-focused. It might also include something about the team.
  • Team welcome email: This email provides an introduction to the entire team. Start with something general about team dynamics, then list each team member, their role, and a fun fact. This can go a long way toward making a new hire feel comfortable on their first day.
  • Company culture email: This email gives a brief summary of the company mission, the work environment, and core values. It begins and ends with welcoming the new employee.

Sending an Introduction Email to the Team

Another email to welcome a new employee is one you send introducing them to their new team. Address this one to their coworkers, as well as the new hire. This helps your newest employee feel accepted and can help ease the awkwardness of first meeting their teammates.

Begin by introducing the new employee by name and role. Next, give a short summary of their background or why they were hired, and if you know the specific project they’ll work on or any particular duties, mention them.

For more casual letters, you might share a fun fact or two—something the new hire has already shared that is not too personal but interesting. For example, you might mention pets or a hobby, but not a pending divorce. It’s even better if it applies to the company culture; for example, if you run a sporting goods store and the new employee is an avid rock climber.

Finally close with a request to make the new employee feel welcome.

Here’s an example, written in a casual tone:

Hello writing team!

We’re super-excited to announce that a new writer is joining you! Kira Lano will be starting her journey at Journey as the new Assistant Writer on July 2.

Kira has five years of experience in marketing on the freelance side, having written blogs, ads, and video scripts. (Check out this one for Cowtie Manufacturing.) She’ll be starting on the Bolliander Press account. She has a corgi, Senor Butters, who will probably make an appearance soon.

We’ll be having a welcome lunch for Kira on July 2, but even if you can’t make it, I’m sure you’ll help her feel welcome and get settled into her new role.

New Hire Welcome Email Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you professionally welcome a new employee.

Even the most casual email to welcome new employees can be professional as long as you match your company’s tone, focus on their employment, and include the vital information they need to have a great first day on the job.

How do you say welcome in a professional way?

Start with “Welcome” or “Congratulations on your new position.” Be friendly and personal without being too familiar. Keep a positive tone, and avoid being over-casual. If you are addressing someone from a different culture, do a little research into honorifics and standards for professionalism for their culture.

How do you write a formal welcome email?

When writing a welcome email to new hires using a formal tone, avoid quirky language and familiarity. However, be sure to convey your enthusiasm and add enough personal elements that the new hire knows you wrote the email with them in mind.

How do you introduce a new employee in an email?

When introducing a new employee in an email, give their full name and position and share a little about their qualifications. You might share something personal about the employee—but don’t get too familiar or break anyone’s confidence.

How do you welcome new members to the team email?

This depends on what you mean. If you are introducing your newest staff member to the team’s email group, you may want to start with a welcome statement, introduce the team, and then note any rules for using the group email—such as acceptable practices. Keep it simple.

Bottom Line

A great welcome email to a new hire gets them started on the right foot. Be sure to include the vital information they need for their first day, including where and when to report in, what to bring, and what to expect. Communicate your excitement at having them be a part of the team, and give them a contact in case they have questions before the big day. Do that and you’ll create the enthusiasm that can lead to a great onboarding experience.

About the Author

Karina Fabian

Karina Fabian

Karina Fabian has more than seven years of experience writing on business topics and reviewing software. Before writing for Fit Small Business, she reviewed business software and services for other online websites. Karina has also worked as a marketing content specialist for Naviga. After her husband started a rocket company, Karina got a crash course on the ins and outs of starting a business and all the work that goes into launching a startup. In her free time, she writes science fiction and fantasy.

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New employee welcome email to the team templates

New employee welcome email to the team templates

The importance of sending a new employee introduction email to the team

How to title a new employee introduction email to the team.

It’s always in good taste to be as specific as possible in the subject line so that your current employees know exactly what the email is regarding. That’s why you could also title your employee announcement email with the job position, the new hire’s first name, and surname so that everyone gets the memo without even having to open the message.

New employee introduction email to team subject line examples

How to write a new employee introduction email to the team.

Start by introducing the new employee and giving some background on them. Include their name, job title, and start date. You could also mention where they’re from, their previous experience, and any other relevant information that would be helpful for the team to know. If you have several new employees joining at once, it’s best to introduce them all in the same email to avoid spamming your team’s inboxes.

What to include in a new employee introduction email to the team

New employee introduction email to team examples and templates, welcome to the team, [new employee’s name], please welcome our newest team member(s), [new employee’s name(s)], let’s welcome [new employee’s name] aboard., a warm welcome to [new employee’s name] joining our team., welcome to the team: [new employee’s job position] [new employee’s name and surname]., say hello to our new [new employee’s job position], [new employee’s name]., introducing our newest team member, [new employee’s name], say hi to [new employee’s name], our newest team member, please welcome [new employee’s name] to the team., meet our newest team member, [new employee’s name], new member of the team – [new employee’s name], a big welcome to [new employee’s name], our new [new employee’s job position], please join me in welcoming [new employee’s name] back to the team., [new employee] is starting today, welcome [new employee’s name], new employee introduction email to team good practices, frequently asked questions, what should be included in an email introduction to new team members, is it necessary to send an email introduction to new team members, what's the best way to introduce a new remote employee to my team, should a new employee be cc'd into their welcome announcement email, when should i send a new employee introduction email to my team, how can i notify my current employees about a new hire.

How to introduce your new employee to a team? Help to make a good first impression using our welcome announcement templates.

Introduce new employees to clients with a professional email. Be concise, include the employee's name, job title, background, and contact info. Use a formal or informal title and end on a positive note. This helps build trust and a better working relationship from the start.

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Mar 18, 2022

How to write welcome emails and messages to new employees

How to welcome a new employee? Learn to write welcome emails, messages, and letters to new employees with the help of our welcome email templates and more than 50 examples.

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Table of contents

Just starting as an entrepreneur or in HR and wondering how to welcome a new employee? Welcoming new colleagues to the team every week and out of ideas? Want to make an impression when welcoming a new manager?

You've come to the right place.

Our guide to writing welcome emails, messages, and letters to new employees covers everything you need to know about making new joinees feel welcome:

  • First, we'll cover the typical ways companies welcome new hires to the team.
  • Then we'll break down the welcome email format and the process of writing a welcome message for a new employee, including welcome greetings, phrases, and quotes. We'll also provide you with more than a dozen welcome email examples.
  • Finally, to top it off, we'll show you how to make new team members feel welcomed with the help of Flowrite (test it out below). Ready to get started?
Say 'hi' to a new hire with our guide to writing new employee welcome emails. New employee welcome emails are messages a colleague, boss, or leader sends to a new joinee welcoming them to the company. In this guide, we break down the process of creating new employee welcome emails and provide 12 examples that you can use.

How do companies welcome their new employees

Suppose you're new to HR, recruiting people department for the first time, or starting as an entrepreneur. In that case, you may be wondering how companies welcome new employees. 

As well as traditional welcome emails and welcome messages to new employees, innovative firms have different practices for ensuring a new hire feels at home from the very first day. 

Employee orientation, onboarding processes, buddy systems, and other informal ways of integrating the new joiners are essential at fostering a positive and thriving company culture where everyone feels comfortable and can perform at their best. 

If you're searching for some new employee welcome inspiration, we have listed 10 ideas and examples to inspire your approach for welcoming new co-workers aboard.

New employee welcome gift

A welcome gift for a new employee is a sure-fire way to show that you care about your team members. 

Welcome baskets for new employees often include brand merch and utilities that new hires need when starting the job. Some companies even let employees pick and choose from a catalog of options to ensure that they cater to a diverse employee base. 

Check out Intel's new employee welcome gift box if you're searching for some inspiration. Think welcome gift boxes are a waste of money? The best boxes can go viral, with thousands of shares and likes on social platforms such as LinkedIn.

New employee welcome kit

Welcome kits for new employees are similar to gift baskets but are stacked full of the latest tech. Welcome kits can include a phone, tablet, laptop, and more. 

Tech companies and start-ups have made an art out of welcome packs, creating an incredible experience. Apple, Facebook, LinkedIn, and similar tech leaders invest time and money in creating welcome packages that are precise to the last detail. 

Check online, and you'll see thousands of unboxing videos from eager new employees wanting to share their swag.

We recommend watching a video of Google's new employee welcome kit for new employee welcome kit ideas and examples.

Welcome card for new employee

Call us old-fashioned, but nothing quite says 'welcome' like a physical card even in our technologically advanced age. 

A welcome card message for a new employee is typically the same as you'd use in an email. But, welcome cards can be sent to the staff member's home before they begin, left waiting on their desk, or included as part of a welcome package.

Welcome cards enable you to be creative and inspirational with designs and branding for your business. Use your welcome card to make a statement!

New employee welcome banner

If your team works in an office, a welcome banner for a new employee is a celebratory gesture that can be a welcome surprise.

However, a sign or poster waiting in the lobby or at their desk can make those who don't enjoy being at the center of attention feel uncomfortable. So even though you would consider a welcome aboard sign as a fun way to welcome a new employee, think about how the employee will think of it before going ahead.

New employee social media post

Well, how to welcome a new employee on social media then? A LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook post announcing new hires is standard in smaller companies. 

It feels good to know that your company is proud to have you, doesn't it? The same approach can be used for a website in a blog post or short interviews introducing new talent.

New employee meet and greet

Many companies organize meet and greet for new professional family members to meet their immediate colleagues and co-workers from other teams and departments. 

These laid-back and informal gatherings are an excellent way for staff to get to know each other outside of the daily grind. HR pros or managers typically organize meet and greet events.

New employee meeting invitations are distributed via email to those who want to welcome the new starter. Snack, nibbles, and drinks are optional (but appreciated!).

New employee breakfast or lunch

A welcome breakfast or lunch for a new employee is an even more informal way to bring co-workers together and get to know each other. 

Especially if you are a CEO of a small company, it doesn't take much effort to send out a new employee welcome lunch invite. Instead, you can sit down and share sandwiches, but breaking bread outside the business premises is even better.

As the business owner, it's up to you whether you pay, but it's not expected in most cases. Just make sure to let everyone know to avoid any misunderstandings.

New employee press release

A press release to welcome a new employee is a formal way to introduce someone; they're often used for high-profile executive hires or roles in the public interest.

Press release announcements are less about the new employee and more about the company's interest and public profile. However, who wouldn't enjoy being newsworthy and having their (brief) moment in the spotlight?

New employee speech

Welcome speeches are a traditional and formal way to announce and welcome hires to a business. Most often given by the CEO, member of the leadership team, or the person's manager, a welcome speech can be a powerful way to motivate the worker and the whole team and organization. 

Welcome speeches can do more, too, acting as a creative way to underline the company's value, culture, and mission. This can help bring the whole group together to work towards common goals.

Fun ways to welcome a new employee

The first day in any new job can be a little stressful, regardless of how long you've been working and how skilled you are. Luckily, humor is an excellent way to break the ice. 

Team building activities and games that allow (or force, depending on your perspective) people to get to know one another are a great way to introduce new team members. If it fits your company culture, a welcome new employee meme or gif can be just what the doctor order to lighten up the mood.

Humor is personal, so be sensitive when sending messages or creating memes.

How to welcome a new employee virtually

The employee welcome examples typically take place in an office setting. However, as many organizations embrace hybrid working or have staff working entirely at home, do they still work? 

While staff may not have met their colleagues in person (and may never do so), they should still feel part of the team. In addition, many of the ideas above can be implemented virtually and performed remotely.

There are a plethora of tools that allow organizing engaging virtual events that don't feel like yet another Zoom call. For example, some solutions randomly pair team members for virtual coffee breaks or lunches to help build new connections or strengthen existing ones. 

So, the sky (or the internet, to be precise) is the limit for your imagination. The good news is that even if none of these ideas fit your workplace, welcome emails, messages, and gift boxes all work remotely. Even in our flexible working world, these tried and tested ways to welcome new employees play a crucial part in the onboarding experience.

Welcome email format for new joinee

So, you've decided to write a new employee welcome letter, but unsure of the format. The welcome email format for a new starter is straightforward. It should be familiar to anyone who has written a formal email or letter before. 

There are four core elements to any welcome email for new employees:

  • Email subject line
  • Email greeting
  • Email sign-off

Next, let's look at how that works in practice.

New employee welcome email subject line

The new employee welcome email subject line should be personalized and positive; beyond, it's up to you!

You can be serious and formal, creative, or even funny if you want to. The subject line should suit your culture be clear and positive. 

The easiest solution is to select a greeting from our 30 welcome phrases for new employees below. Just remember to personalize each message and use the person's name if you can.

Expert tip: check the spelling and then double-check it before sending.

How to greet a new employee

When deciding how to greet a new employee, the standard is to use their first name and surname. Beyond that, it's up to you!

When writing a formal email, you'd typically use "Dear", followed by the person's name. However, the formal rules on how to start an email don't apply to internal emails.

You'll want your email to be warm and welcoming, not cold and impersonal. You can go with  'Hi' or ' Hello' and use one of the 30 welcome phrases for new employees below.

Writing a welcome email for new employee

Unlike a formal email to a customer or client, the welcome email format for a new employee is flexible. You can be creative, funny, or stick with a more formal approach with the body of the email.

The body of the email essentially consists of only two parts:

  • Welcome greeting
  • Self-introduction

The examples later in this guide demonstrate how to be creative when using the new employee welcome letter format. You'll see how we create several example emails and letters that are professional and show a bit of personality.

Sign-offs for welcome messages

When it comes to deciding how to end an email , the rule of thumb is to go with the same tone you chose to begin your email with.

Let's make it simple: If you went with "Hi," you can end the welcome email with "Best", or in case you opted for "Dear," it's good email etiquette to close with a more formal sign-off such as "Sincerely,".

You can also include a functional email ending phrase before the sig-off. Here are some examples of phrases that can enhance the sentiment of your welcome wishes.

  • Looking forward to working with you
  • Excited to have you onboard
  • Thanks for joining us, and welcome aboard

For more welcome phrases for new employees, check out the next chapter of this guide before diving deep into welcome message examples.

30 welcome phrases for new employees

So, what to say when someone joins your team? 

When a growing company regularly welcomes new hires, developing creative ways to say welcome can be challenging. It's tough to send out new employees' welcome messages every week. 

For all you CEOs, managers, and HR professionals searching for an alternative to "welcome on-board-board" or struggling to find an answer to the question: "What's another word for welcome to the team?" this is for you!

No matter how lost for words you are, these 30 welcome phrases for new employees will help you conquer writer's block. These can all be used in professional welcome emails, and you'll be adding to your vocabulary as you use them.

Here are 30 welcome phrases for new employees:

• Welcome to the team

• Welcome to our team

• Welcome to the firm

• Welcome to a new job

• Welcome back to our team

• Welcome back and congratulations on...

• Welcome aboard

• Welcome and thanks for joining us

• Happy to have you on the team

• Glad to have you on the team

• Great to have you onboard

• Excited to have you onboard

• Delighted to have you join us

• All the very best in your new role

• Looking forward to you joining our team

• Super excited to work with you

• Congratulations and welcome to the team

• Congratulations on joining the team

• Congratulations and welcome aboard

• Welcome our new...

• We would like to extend our warmest welcome to...

• Today we welcome...

• Please join me to welcome...

• Please join me in welcoming our new team members

• Please join me in extending a warm welcome...

• Let's welcome our new employee...

• Warm welcome to our family

• We're excited to have you onboard

• We are thrilled to have you

• We are happy to welcome you...

How many times have you read (or written) "Please join me in welcoming..."? It's among the most common and overused welcome phrases you'll ever find. You'll find it's used repeatedly when a new colleague joins an organization. But, as we've detailed above, there are better ways to greet new employees (and provided 30). We hope that the following welcome email samples mean you won't be left scratching your head when you're asked to create yet another new employee welcome email. 

10 welcome quotes for a new hire

Using welcome quotes for new employees is an easy way to make new colleagues feel welcome and provide a little inspiration on their first day. 

Welcome message quotes can be hearty and warm to even funny depending on your personality, the company culture, and the new starter. 

When making a call on welcome quotes for colleagues, you should also consider how much you know about the new hire when you welcome them aboard. For example, you can crawl the internet for quotes or use one of the ten tried and tested favorites we've picked below.

Here are 10 welcome quotes for any new hire:

  • "All strange and terrible events are welcome, but comforts we despise." — Cleopatra
  • "Sometimes the hurdles aren't really hurdles at all. They're welcome challenges, tests." — Paul Walker
  • "Welcome the challenges. Look for the opportunities in every situation to learn and grow in wisdom." — Brian Tracy
  • "Welcome all experiences. You never know which one is going to turn everything on." —Jim Rohn
  • "Welcome every experience the looms of fate may weave for you." — Marcus Aurelius
  • "Extend your arms in welcome to the future. The best is yet to come!" — Anthony de Mello
  • "I'm open for choices. I always welcome new ideas. I'm always eager to learn. I'm never going to close my mind from learning." - Cesar Millan
  • "Welcome to my house! Enter freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring!" -Bram Stoker
  • "Embrace the truth. Speak the truth. Be the truth. When we welcome the truth, we live our lives like it's golden." -Iyanla Vanzant.
  • "Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity." -Michael J. Gelb.

Not sure if a quote will work? Don't worry. Sometimes a warm or humorous quote may not be suitable. In that case, stick to the standard welcome wishes in your message to a new employee. Want to see how to make it work? In the next chapter, we provide 10 example welcome emails to employees. 

12 welcome email to new employee examples

The best way to explain the concepts above is to put them into practice in our new employee welcome email examples. We've created 12 standard sample welcome messages for new employees. These new employee welcome letter samples can be cut and pasted. Still, we'd encourage you to personalize them before sending them. Here are 12 sample welcome emails to new employees.

Welcome aboard message

Here's a standard and straightforward welcome aboard message for any new starter. We're welcoming them to the organization, putting their role in context, and opening an avenue for vital communication in those first few weeks.

Welcome to the team email sample

The generic example above is an organizational welcome; here's a welcome to the team example. We've gone with a different intro to the welcome to the team email template, as it's less formal and more friendly. Why? Because this is the person you'll be working with closely, and nobody likes a stuffy boss.

Welcome to the company email template

A welcome email from a senior leader should follow the formal email rules. We start with a professional greeting, a short welcome, and a sign-off. This formal email is likely to be followed by a more personal greeting from colleagues and managers.   Here's a welcome to the company email template.

Welcome email to new employee from manager sample

In this welcome email to new employees from the manager sample, we provide a more supportive message that reflects the role of a boss. A manager's job is to provide support and guidance personally and professionally, so the tone should be friendly and open. Here's an example of a welcome email to a new employee from a manager that's focused on building a relationship.

Welcome email to new colleague sample

Sending a welcome email to a colleague is a nice touch that sets the scene for a positive relationship from day 1. In this welcome email to new colleague sample, we offer some kind words from a new friend. Here's our welcome email to the new colleague sample.

Sample welcome letter to new employee from HR

A welcome email from the HR team is standard practice before the first day. It sets out specifics such as the date, time, and details of the first day. As you'd expect, a welcome letter from HR is written in a formal tone of voice.

It's also a great way to prep a new starter, getting them to learn more about the company and the culture before they begin. Check out our sample welcome letter to new employees from HR.

Sample welcome letter to new employee from CEO

An email from the CEO to a new employee can be inspirational, encouraging, and friendly, but it's unlikely to be personalized. This sample welcome letter to new employees from the CEO is a cookie-cutter template that you can use for each new hire.

Sample welcome email announcing new employee

This sample welcome email announcing a new employee is a short message to an entire organization. Imagine a small company where everyone knows one another and will come together to welcome a new employee, and you'll see what we mean.  Check out our welcome email announcing a new employee.

Welcome introduction email for new employee sample

So, your boss has sent out an introduction email like the one above; now, how do you follow it up? This welcome introduction email for the new employee sample is a friendly way to introduce yourself and explain what you do, your interests, and how you can help.

Welcome new boss email sample

A welcome email from an outgoing manager to an incoming one is a personal and professional courtesy. If you can't meet in person, you can provide handover details with important information they'll need to do their job. You can also provide some information on projects, personnel, and potential problems (if you want). Just be sure not to put them off in this sample email to a new boss (from the old one).

New employee welcome letter from IT department

A new employee welcome letter from the IT department is important at ensuring they have everything they need to be productive from the start. It's also a critical part of safety and security, keeping your files, software, and systems protected. Here's a sample welcome email to a new employee from the IT department.

Welcome message for a new employee with a quote

Earlier in the article, we provided inspirational quotes you might want to use in a welcome email. Here's how to use welcome quotes for a new employee in a professional email from a friendly manager to a new starter.

We hope you find these welcome letter to new employee samples useful. When using these welcome emails to new employee examples, personalize them. No new joinee wants a basic email, but spend a little time, and you can craft something rewarding that they'll remember throughout their time at your company.

Welcome email template for a new employee by Flowrite

Flowrite is an AI writing assistant that turns your instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages, like this:

It will help you save time, communicate effectively and achieve more. We even dare to claim that it's the fastest way to write welcome emails and messages to new employees.

Starting a new job is stressful, but a kindly-worded welcome to the team or welcome aboard email can work wonders in calming the nerves of the new hire.

When writing a welcome letter to new employees, focus on making them feel at home with the welcome greeting. Also, introduce yourself in the welcome message in a way that the new joinee knows when to turn to you at work and feel comfortable also in more casual exchanges with you.

You can also tell them something about the business and benefits of working at your company. Keep it brief, personalized, rely on welcome phrases for new employees, and spice things up with welcome quotes.

And if you're still stuck on how to welcome a new employee, Flowrite and our welcome email template are here for you.

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Table of contents

13 employee onboarding email templates for new hires.

Hiver HQ

Employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee into a company. It is a critical time for both the employee and the company, as the employee is getting to know their new role and responsibilities, and the company is getting to know the employee.

One of the most important aspects of employee onboarding is sending welcome emails to new employees. These emails can help to set the tone for the employee’s experience, and they can also provide them with important information about the company, their role, and what to expect.

This blog post provides 13 new employee onboarding email templates that you can use to welcome new employees, introduce them to the company, and provide them with the information they need to succeed.

Table of Contents

11 effective tips on how to create an engaging employee onboarding email.

Creating an engaging employee onboarding email involves focusing on key elements like personalization, clear communication, and fostering a connection with the new hire. Here’s an example of how you might structure such an email:

13 Best Employee Onboarding Emails Templates for Seamless Hiring Experience

Use these 13 onboarding email templates for new employees to ensure they effortlessly and successfully integrate into your company.

1. Job Acceptance Confirmation Email Template

The job acceptance confirmation email is the first official email the new employee will receive from the company. It welcomes a new employee to the company and provides them with important information about their start date, paperwork, and onboarding process. It sets the tone for the employee’s forthcoming experience and their expectations.

Subject : Welcome to [Company Name]! Dear [Employee’s Name], Congratulations on accepting the job offer to join [Company Name] as our new [Job Title]. We were impressed by your skills and experiences throughout the interview process and are confident in your ability to make valuable contributions to our team. Over the next few days, you will receive a series of emails from our HR department detailing the necessary paperwork and our onboarding process. We believe these documents will provide you with a good understanding of our company and your new role. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have. Welcome aboard [Employee’s Name]. We look forward to your first day on [Start Date] and to working with you to achieve great things. Best regards, [Your Name] [Phone Number] HR Team

2. Pre-Onboarding Information Email Sample

The preliminary onboarding communication equips the newly hired employee with essential details about their inaugural day, like parking specifics, dress code, and contact person. This message can alleviate first-day nerves, facilitating a smoother transition for the employee. Further, it serves as an initial glimpse into the organization’s norms and expectations and allows the new hire to get a sense of the company’s culture.

Subject : Preparing for Your Journey at [Company Name] Dear [Employee’s Name], As we extend a warm welcome to you on your first day i.e. [Start Date], we want to provide you with some information to help you prepare for a smooth start. Arrival: Please plan to arrive by [time]. You will be greeted by [Person’s Name], who will guide you through your first day. – Location: Our office is located at [address]. Attached is a map for your convenience. – Dress Code: Business Casual – Schedule: Attached is your schedule for the first week. You will have a mix of onboarding sessions, team introductions, and job-specific training. If there’s anything you need before your first day, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to ensure your transition into our team is as smooth as possible. Best, [Your Name] HR Manager

3. First-Day Welcome Email Template

The email facilitates a smooth onboarding process on day one by making the employee aware of the essential procedures and the paperwork required. The documents that need to be filled out often involve legal and compliance aspects, such as verifying the eligibility to work, tax information, confidentiality agreements, and more. It’s important to have these documents completed and returned promptly on their first day of work to ensure all legal requirements are met.

Subject: Your First Day at [Company Name] – Information and Documents for Your Review] Dear [Employee’s Name], Today is the day we’ve been eagerly awaiting – your first day at [Company Name]. We are thrilled to have you join our team and start your journey with us. This morning, you’ll be meeting with [Person or Department] to guide you through our office and introduce you to our operations and processes. To ensure you’re set up for success, we’ve attached the necessary documents you need to fill out and return by 5 p.m. today. <Doc 1> <Doc 2> <Doc 3> <Doc 4> We want you to feel comfortable and have a clear understanding of how we work, so if you have any questions or need any assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. Welcome aboard [Employee’s Name]! We’re thrilled to have you with us. Best, [Your Name]

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4. Introduction to the Team Email Sample

This welcome email template to the team introduces the new employee to their team members and gives them a chance to learn a little bit about each other. This email helps to create a sense of community and belonging for the new employee, and it gives them a chance to ask questions and get to know their team members better. This email helps the new employee feel more comfortable and connected to the company.

Subject: Meet Your New Team Member, [Employee’s Name] Dear Team, I’m delighted to introduce our newest team member, [Employee’s Name]. [Employee’s Name] is joining us as [Job Title], bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience in [Field]. I believe [he/she/they] will bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that will contribute greatly to our projects. [Employee’s Name], you’re joining a diverse team full of talented individuals who are looking forward to meeting you and working together to achieve our common goals. Welcome aboard! Best, [Your Name]

5. Mentor/Buddy Introduction Email Template

The mentor or buddy assignment email serves to acquaint the new hire with their assigned guide, a colleague who will assist them during their initial weeks and months in the company. This email equips the newcomer with a vital contact for advice and support, fostering a sense of connection with the organization and their team. By facilitating this relationship, the email can significantly contribute to the new hire’s success in their role.

Subject : Meet Your [Company Name] Buddy: [Buddy’s Name] Dear [Employee’s Name], As part of our onboarding process, we pair our new hires with a “buddy” – an existing employee who can help you navigate your first few weeks and months at [Company Name]. I’m pleased to introduce you to [Buddy’s Name], who will be your buddy. [Buddy’s Name] is a [Buddy’s Job Title] and has been with us for [Years at Company] years, so [he/she/they] can provide great insights and advice. You’ll have a chance to meet [Buddy’s Name] in person during your first week, but feel free to reach out to [him/her/them] via email <insert email> or their LinkedIn profile <insert LinkedIn URL> anytime if you have any questions or concerns. We hope this buddy system will help make your transition into our team smoother and more enjoyable. Best, [Your Name]

6. Software and Tools Setup Email Sample

The software and tools configuration email equips the new recruit with the essential details required to use the job-specific software and tools. This communication facilitates a quick and efficient start for the employee, minimizing time spent on self-driven troubleshooting and discovery. By doing so, it enables the new staff member to concentrate on understanding their role and adding value to the team.

Subject: Your Software and Tools Setup at [Company Name] Dear [Employee’s Name], To ensure you have all the necessary tools to perform your role effectively, we’ve set up your required software and tools accounts. Below you’ll find the list of tools and your login details: Tool/Software 1: [Login details] Tool/Software 2: [Login details] … For any proprietary software, we’ve scheduled a training session on [Date & Time] to help you understand how to use it effectively. Please make sure to change your passwords after your first login for security reasons. If you face any issues with access or usage, or if there’s any additional software you need, please don’t hesitate to contact [Contact Person/IT Department]. We’re excited about the contributions you’ll make with these tools at your disposal. Best, [Your Name]

7. End of First Week Check-In Email Template

The closing first-week check-in email hiring manager or an HR personnel presents an opportunity for the new hire to share impressions of their initial week and pose any queries they might harbor. This email enables the organization to connect with the newbie, ensuring they are navigating in the right direction. Moreover, it assists in pinpointing areas requiring augmented aid or resources. This communication could play a vital role in refining the onboarding procedure for prospective recruits.

Subject: Your First Week at [Company Name] – How Did It Go? Dear [Employee’s Name], You did it! You’ve successfully completed your first week at [Company Name]. This is an important milestone in your journey with us, and we hope it’s been an informative and enjoyable experience. We believe in open communication, so we would appreciate your feedback on your first week. Please let us know how it went, and if there’s anything you need more clarity on or anything else you wish to discuss. Remember, we’re here to support you, and we value your insights and questions. Best, [Your Name]

8. Sample Email Request for post-interview feedback on review sites

The request for post-interview feedback on review sites email allows the company to gather feedback from new hires about their interview experience. The feedback helps the company to improve the interview process and to make sure that they are providing a positive experience for potential employees. 

Subject: Share Your Interview Experience with [Company Name] Dear [Employee’s Name], We hope you’ve had a positive and informative experience throughout your interview process with us. Our team greatly values feedback, and we’re always striving to improve. As such, we invite you to share your interview experience on platforms like Glassdoor or Indeed. Your insights will help potential future team members understand our company culture and interview process better. It will also provide us with valuable perspectives what aspects of the onboarding experience we can improve. Please keep in mind that your review is completely voluntary and anonymous. There is no obligation to write a review and your decision will not impact your employment in any way. If you choose to leave a review, here are the links to our profiles on the respective platforms: Glassdoor: [Link] Indeed: [Link] Thank you in advance for your time and feedback, should you choose to share it. Best, [Your Name]

9. Providing Onboarding Materials Email Template

The providing onboarding materials email provides the new employee with the materials they need to complete their onboarding process. These materials include company policies and procedures, employee handbooks, and training materials. This email helps the new employee to have the information they need to be successful in their new role, and it reduces the amount of time the new employee has to spend searching for information.

Subject: Your Onboarding Resources at [Company Name] Dear [Employee’s Name], To aid you in getting acclimated to our organization, we’ve compiled a list of resources as a part of our onboarding checklist that we believe will help you better understand our company, its culture, and your role. Attached to this email, you will find [describe the documents or resources]. Please review these materials at your convenience and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if there’s anything you’d like to discuss further. Best, [Your Name]

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10. Sample Email for Setting Up One-on-One Meetings

The email arranging one-on-one meetings coordinates a discussion between the new hire and their supervisor or appointed personnel. It offers the novice a platform to solicit answers, obtain constructive criticism, and talk about their ongoing progression. The email’s objective is to confirm the individual is following the correct course and has the requisite backing for fruitful outcomes. Furthermore, it cultivates a robust bond between the fresh recruit and their manager.

Subject: Scheduling Your One-on-One Meeting Dear [Employee’s Name], To ensure your transition into our team is going well, I’d like to schedule a one-on-one meeting next week. This meeting is a great opportunity for us to check in, discuss your progress, answer any questions you may have, and address any challenges you might be facing. Please let me know which of these times work best for you [provide some options] and we’ll book a meeting room. Looking forward to our chat. Best, [Your Name]

11. Email Sample for Scheduling Onboarding Training Sessions

The email outlining training sessions equips the fresh recruit with essential details about their upcoming sessions, encompassing particulars like the dates, timings, venues, and topics. This streamlines the new employee’s training journey, allowing them to enter each session well-prepared and primed to extract maximum benefits. Consequently, the need for self-directed learning is reduced, freeing up the newcomer’s time and enhancing their learning experience.

Subject: Your Training Sessions Schedule at [Company Name] Dear [Employee’s Name], As part of our onboarding process, we’ve arranged several training sessions for you. These sessions are designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills needed for your role. Below are the details: [Insert training details here] These sessions are an excellent opportunity to ask questions and get a deep understanding of your role and our operations. If you have any questions or concerns about the training schedule, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Best, [Your Name]

12. End of First Month Check-In Email Template

The feedback you receive from this email can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your onboarding process. New hires can provide a fresh perspective on what’s working well and what could be improved. This information can be used to refine and enhance your onboarding process for future hires, ensuring that they have a positive and productive start to their careers at your company.

You also send a clear message that you value their opinions and are eager to make their work experience better. It makes them feel heard and appreciated, which can increase job satisfaction and engagement.

Subject: Your First Month at [Company Name] – Let’s Reflect Dear [Employee’s Name], It’s been a month since you’ve been a part of the team <insert team name> – time truly flies! We hope you’ve been finding your role rewarding and our team supportive. As you’ve now got some experience under your belt, we’d love to hear your feedback about your first month. This will help us improve our onboarding process and ensure you have everything you need to excel in your role. We are here to listen and to provide support whenever you need it, so don’t hesitate to reach out. Best, [Manager’s Name]

13. Sample email to ask for 3-month feedback on review sites

Requesting new hires to post reviews about their experiences signals that your company values honesty and transparency. It shows that you’re not afraid of feedback and are committed to creating the best possible work environment for your employees.

These reviews, whether positive or negative, can help attract future hires. Positive reviews can showcase your company’s strengths, while constructive feedback can demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement. Both can contribute to creating a favorable impression of your company’s work culture.

Moreover, this email reinforces to your new hires that their voices matter. Even though it’s an anonymous review, the act of asking for their input and feedback shows that you care about their experiences and are eager to learn from them to make the company better.

Subject: Your Feedback on Your First Three Months at [Company Name] Dear [Employee’s Name], Congratulations on completing your first three months with us! Your feedback is vital in helping us improve. If you’re comfortable, consider sharing your experiences at [Company Name] on Glassdoor or Indeed. Your review is entirely voluntary, anonymous, and will not impact your role. If you choose to share, here are our profiles on the respective platforms: Glassdoor: [Link] Indeed: [Link] Thank you for your time and contributions to our team. Best, [Your Name]

Onboard employees with ease

Employee onboarding emails are an important part of the onboarding process. They can help to set a positive tone for the employee’s experience, provide them with important information, and help them feel welcome and supported.

By following the tips in this blog post, you can write effective employee onboarding emails that will help your new employees get off to a good start.

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How to Introduce Your New Employee [Sample New Employee Introduction Email Templates]

  • July 29, 2023
  • perfectpoint

New Employee Intro Letter

Since this blog post is about introductions, I thought it would be fitting to start off by introducing myself.

My name is Julia Daihl, which I’m still trying to get used to saying, since this is a fairly new name for me! I’ll be celebrating six months of marriage later this month (whoa). I am also a fairly new Baudvillian, as my first day on the job as Baudville’s Content Marketing Specialist was two days before I left for Iceland to get married (also whoa). I have a sweet spot for strong branding and believe that some grammar rules are meant to be broken. When I’m not dreaming up new content ideas, you can find me snuggling my mini Aussie pup, Foster, and drinking a good beer from one of my favorite local spots here in Grand Rapids, MI.

mail presentation new employee

How’d I do? You now know my name, job title, and a few fun facts about myself. A good introduction should include all three of those elements. We’ll dive into that some more later.

How to Introduce Your New Employees

New employee introductions are extremely valuable. It sounds silly, but for a company that has 100+ employees and possibly multiple locations, introductions are constant.  

Introductions make new hires feel important. And though new employees may not personally meet every other employee, helping them feel a part of the team, your tribe, helps solidify the company.

We’ve drummed up a few ideas on how to introduce new employees to both their internal team and to clients, along with a few email introduction samples.

How to Introduce a New Employee to Your Internal Team

Being new is intimidating for most. A warm welcome from your new team helps keep those  first day jitters  at the door. When introducing a new employee to the team, it’s best to personally introduce them as they will most likely be working side by side with those team members throughout the year.

Schedule a team lunch on their first day and welcome them with a first day gift like an  onboarding kit  that includes a card each team member can sign!

Make sure you pronounce their name correctly and include the role they are taking on, as well as direction on how their fellow teammates will be interacting with them.

For a small team, it would be fun to break the ice along with the introduction. An  ice breaker game  or two would be great for that. For larger teams or company-wide introductions, an intro at your next meeting is always a good idea or an email would be best.

How to Introduce a New Employee to the Company

Adding new talent and heart is exciting, even if this addition is not directly in your department. Introductions of new team members to the whole company are important for both the new hire and the existing team. The new kid on the block and confirm “yes, I’m new here, please stop staring at me” and the rest of the staff can confidently stop staring at the new employee because they have confirmation that they belong there.

You can do a company-wide introduction a few ways. If your company hosts all-staff meetings, introduce them in person at the next meeting. Or host cross training sessions, where the new hire can sit down and learn about the company and its staff members within the other departments.

Set up an introduction fair (this would work if you have multiple new employees at once like new interns). It’s similar to a job fair, but departments all set up a station instead of other companies. The new hires could visit each group and meet people one on one. This would be great to tie into  orientation  and your onboarding plan.

How to Introduce a New Employee to Your Clients

Just like internal team introductions, it’s important to let clients know that your team is expanding. An email with the new employee’s name, job title, education/work experience background, and a fun fact is informative while being enjoyable!

Make sure it’s clear to your clients in your email introduction what they can expect from the new employee moving forward. Are they their new direct contact? Will the new employee be in touch with them on further on new opportunities, etc.

New Employee Introduction Email Samples

Here are a few examples of how you can introduce a new employee via email.

New Employee Introduction Email: Internal Team

[Department]  Team,

I am happy to announce a new team member that will be joining in our business efforts. They are  [positive attribute]  and come to us from  [past job]  with  [key work experience] .

You can lean on them for  [key responsibilities in role]  and in their free time, they like to  [two fun facts] .

We are excited to have  [new employee’s name]  be a part of our community. Please join me in giving them a big warm welcome!

New Employee Introduction Email: Entire Company

As you know, we have been looking for someone to join us as a  [job title]  and I am thrilled to announce we hired  [new employee name]  for that role! They join us with  [key work experience]  and are almost as excited to be a part of the  [company name]  community as we are to have them.

[new employee name]  likes to  [two-three fun facts].

Please make sure that introduce yourself to  [new employee name]  in the next few weeks and make them feel welcomed!

New Employee Introduction Email: Clients

[Client Name] ,

As one of our valued clients, it is important that we keep you up to date with the current happenings here at  [company] . We are excited to introduce you to our new  [job title] ,  [new employee name] ! They come to us with  [key work experience]  and  [two fun facts] .

In the next few weeks [new employee name] will be training with me as they transition into their new role. W appreciate your patience and understanding as they learn.

Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions through this transition or about [new employee name] please eel free to reach out!

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Crafting an Effective ‘Email Welcome New Employee’ in 2024

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  • October 9, 2023

Crafting an Effective 'Email Welcome New Employee' in 2023

In 2024, the workplace continues to evolve, and welcoming new employees has never been more important. Crafting an effective “Email Welcome New Employee” can make all the difference in setting the right tone for a successful onboarding experience. But how can you ensure your welcome email stands out and leaves a lasting impression?

Fear not, as this blog post will guide you through the essential components of creating an engaging welcome email, tailored to various work environments and striking the perfect balance between casual and professional tones. Let’s dive in and explore the art of crafting a memorable welcome email for your newest team members!

Key Takeaways

  • Welcome emails are a critical tool for successful onboarding, particularly for remote employees.
  • Effective welcome emails should include personalized greetings, company culture and values, as well as onboarding details to suit different work environments.
  • Timing is key to ensure success. Email tracking tools can help analyze effectiveness while avoiding generic content and insufficient information is essential in crafting an engaging message.

The Importance of a New Employee Welcome Email

A new employee welcome email serves as a pivotal tool in establishing a positive first impression, promoting a sense of belonging, and setting the groundwork for a successful onboarding experience. It’s your chance to make the new employee feel like a valuable asset to the company and provide them with the crucial information they need to hit the ground running.

Further, a well-structured welcome email can put remote employees at ease, familiarizing them with the company’s processes and culture, which ensures a warm and prepared welcome on their first day. Thus, the influence of a well-constructed welcome email is undeniably significant.

Crafting an Effective 'Email Welcome New Employee

Welcome to the Team

We are thrilled to extend a warm “ welcome in the team ” to you! Your arrival marks an exciting milestone for us, as we believe your unique skills and talents will be invaluable in achieving our collective goals. Joining this dynamic group means becoming part of a community that values collaboration, creativity, and a shared commitment to excellence. As you settle in, rest assured that you have a dedicated support system in place, ready to assist you in any way possible. We encourage you to bring your fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the table, as they will undoubtedly contribute to the continued success of our team. Once again, “welcome in the team” – we’re eager to embark on this journey together!

Essential Components for a Successful Welcome Email

A hiring manager introducing a new employee to the company culture and values

Creating a memorable new employee welcome email involves considering three key components: personalized greetings, company culture and values, and onboarding details. These elements, when combined, will help the new employee feel like an important addition to the team from day one.

We’ll now examine each of these components to appreciate their significance.

Personalized Greetings

First impressions are everything, and personalized greetings play a crucial role in fostering a welcoming environment for the new employee. Including the employee’s name and acknowledging their unique skills or qualifications in the greeting demonstrates that their contributions are appreciated and valued.

Not only do personalized greetings set a warm and amicable tone, but they also contribute to employee engagement by fostering trust, belonging, and intimacy. Addressing the individual’s specific needs and interests makes employees feel valued and appreciated, resulting in increased job satisfaction and enhanced performance.

Company Culture and Values

Sharing the company culture and values in the welcome email is essential for setting expectations and ensuring the new employee understands the organization’s objectives and priorities. Expressing enthusiasm and providing information about the mission and values cultivates an inclusive atmosphere that aids the new employee in feeling connected to their colleagues.

In addition, consider mentioning team-building activities, such as a team lunch, to further strengthen the bond between the new employee and their colleagues. By emphasizing company culture and values, you pave the way for a smooth transition and a strong sense of belonging within the team.

Onboarding Details

Providing onboarding details in the welcome email is vital to equip the new employee with necessary information and resources for their first day. This may include contact information for the new hire’s direct manager or hiring manager, who can offer further guidance and support.

Offering a comprehensive overview of the onboarding schedule, inclusive of the first-day itinerary, key contacts, and team dynamics, guarantees the new employee arrives well-prepared and welcomed. This attention to detail in the onboarding process can make all the difference in setting the stage for a successful start at the company.

Crafting a Welcome Email for Different Work Environments

A remote employee working from home

Given the dynamic nature of work environments, tailoring your welcome email to fit the specific needs of in-person, remote, and hybrid workplaces is a necessity. By addressing the unique challenges and opportunities presented by each work environment, you can create a welcome email that resonates with the new employee and sets them up for success.

We’ll now examine the process of crafting welcome emails for these diverse work environments.

In-Person Workplace

For in-person workplaces, your welcome email should focus on office logistics, introductions, and first-day activities. Providing information about the office layout, essential facilities, and any necessary equipment or tools can help new employees navigate the physical workspace with ease.

In addition, organizing team icebreakers, office tours, and festive first-day activities can create a positive first impression and help the new employee feel welcomed and engaged from the start. By addressing the unique aspects of in-person workplaces in your welcome email, you can ensure a smooth onboarding experience for your new hire.

Remote Employees

When crafting a welcome email for remote employees, it’s crucial to emphasize the following:

  • Virtual communication tools
  • Remote onboarding processes
  • Specific details about internal communication technology
  • Any logistical information required to set up their virtual workspace

To support relationship-building among remote employees, consider granting them access to virtual team-building activities and encouraging them to participate in online forums or virtual networking events. By addressing the unique challenges faced by a remote employee, your welcome email can help them feel connected and engaged, even from a distance.

Hybrid Workspaces

Hybrid workspaces combine both physical and virtual elements, and your welcome email should address both aspects to ensure a seamless onboarding experience. Start by introducing the hybrid work environment and highlighting the advantages of the hybrid model. Provide information on in-person and remote aspects, and offer support and resources to help the new employee navigate this unique work setting.

By catering to both in-person and remote elements in your welcome email, you provide clear guidance on expectations, helping the new employee feel confident and prepared for their role in a hybrid workspace.

Announce New Employee

We are thrilled to announce a new employee to our team! Starting today, [Employee Name] will be joining us as [Position]. With [his/her] extensive experience in [relevant field or industry], [Employee Name] brings a wealth of knowledge and a fresh perspective to our organization. We believe that [his/her] skills and expertise will greatly contribute to our continued success. Please join us in welcoming [Employee Name] to the team, and take a moment to introduce yourselves and extend a warm greeting. We are confident that [he/she] will quickly become an invaluable asset to our company, and we look forward to the positive impact [he/she] will have on our projects and team dynamics.

Examples of Effective New Employee Welcome Emails

A casual welcome email being sent to a new hire

Having covered the vital components of a successful welcome email and its adaptation for various work environments, we’ll now review some examples of effective new employee welcome emails.

These examples will showcase different tones and focuses, such as casual, professional, and team introductions, to help you craft the perfect welcome email for your organization.

Casual Tone

A casual tone welcome email can create a friendly atmosphere, helping new hires feel a warm welcome and become part of the team from the outset. To achieve this, use phrases such as ‘Hey there!’ or ‘Hi friend!’ in your greeting, and maintain a light-hearted, informal tone throughout the email.

While a casual tone can create a warm and welcoming environment, it’s essential to strike a balance between being approachable and maintaining professionalism. Remember, the goal is to make the new employee feel comfortable and valued, while still conveying the organization’s expectations and priorities.

Professional Tone

A professional tone welcome email is an excellent choice for organizations that want to convey their expectations and emphasize the new employee’s skills and experience right from the beginning. To create a professional tone, use formal language and maintain a respectful, courteous demeanor throughout the email.

In your welcome email, introduce the new employee by mentioning their name, job title, and a brief summary of their professional background. Highlight any notable achievements or experiences that make them a valuable addition to the team, expressing excitement and enthusiasm about having them join the company name. Don’t forget to include the new employee’s contact information, so everyone can easily reach out and welcome them personally.

Team Introduction

A team introduction welcome email can help new hires feel connected to their colleagues and encourage relationship-building from day one. To create a successful team introduction, provide an overview of the entire team, including names, job titles, and brief descriptions of their roles and responsibilities. As you introduce the new team member, make sure to extend a warm “welcome to the team” in your email.

Additionally, consider organizing welcome events or activities that allow the new employee to meet and engage with their new colleagues. This could include team lunches, coffee breaks, or team-building exercises. By fostering a sense of camaraderie and connection, a team introduction welcome email can set the stage for a successful onboarding experience.

Now Run Teamworks

In the realm of collaborative endeavors, the phrase “ now run teamworks ” encapsulates the essence of effective teamwork. It serves as a call to action, urging individuals to synchronize their efforts seamlessly towards a common goal. Successful teamworks hinge on clear communication, shared objectives, and a collective commitment to excellence. Each member plays a pivotal role, leveraging their unique strengths and skills to contribute to the team’s success. It’s crucial to foster an environment of trust and mutual respect, allowing team members to express their ideas and concerns freely. By embracing the mantra of “now run teamworks,” teams can navigate challenges, adapt to dynamic circumstances, and achieve remarkable outcomes that surpass individual efforts.

Tips for Sending and Tracking Your Welcome Email

A hiring manager sending a welcome email to a new employee

The act of sending and monitoring your welcome email is a key aspect of the onboarding process, guaranteeing the new employee receives all necessary information for success.

In the ensuing sections, we’ll provide tips on optimal timing for your welcome email and the use of email tracking tools to oversee engagement and ensure prompt delivery.

 An image showing a computer screen with an email inbox, featuring a email welcome new employee message

Timing is essential when sending a new employee welcome email, as it can significantly impact the new hire’s perception of the organization and their onboarding experience. It’s recommended to send the welcome email after the job offer has been accepted and before the first day, as this ensures the onboarding process is initiated before their official start date.

Moreover, sending the welcome email one or two days before the employee’s first day can help them feel more prepared and welcomed during their first few weeks. By carefully considering the timing of your welcome email, you can create a positive first impression and ensure a smooth onboarding process for your new employee.

Email Tracking Tools

Utilizing email tracking tools to monitor engagement can offer valuable insights into the effectiveness of your welcome email and help identify areas for improvement. Popular email tracking tools, such as ContactMonkey, can provide metrics on open rates, click-through rates, and engagement with specific links or attachments within the email.

By analyzing these metrics, you can optimize your welcome email to better engage new employees and ensure they receive the necessary information. Additionally, email tracking tools can help identify recipients who have not opened or engaged with the email, allowing you to follow up and ensure they receive the support they need.

Welcome Email Mistakes to Avoid

A new employee being welcomed to the team

While crafting your welcome email, avoiding common missteps that can compromise its effectiveness is vital. Some mistakes to avoid include being too generic, providing insufficient information, or neglecting to follow up.

A generic welcome email can cause confusion and dissatisfaction, as the new employee may not feel valued or appreciated. On the other hand, failing to follow up after sending a welcome email can result in low engagement and a negative impression of the sender.

By being mindful of these mistakes and focusing on personalization, clarity, and engagement, you can create a welcome email that sets your new employee up for success.

In conclusion, crafting an effective new employee welcome email is a vital aspect of the onboarding process. A well-thought-out welcome email can create a positive first impression, foster a sense of belonging, and provide essential information to ensure a successful onboarding experience.

By considering the unique needs of different work environments, incorporating personalized greetings, company culture and values, and onboarding details, and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a memorable welcome email that sets your new hires up for success. Now it’s time to put these insights into practice and welcome your newest team members in style!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you welcome a new employee professionally.

Welcome aboard, new buddy! We’re excited to have you join us and look forward to sharing many laughs, wins, and success with you on our team. Your unique talent and superb personality will make you the perfect addition to our crew. Let’s get to know each other and work side by side to accomplish our goals!

How do you welcome a new employee via email?

Welcome to the team, [new hire name]! We’re thrilled to have you join us at [company name] and are confident that you will make a positive impact on our organization. On your first day, please arrive by [time], and come dressed in business casual attire. We have provided contact information for HR and team members/managers, working hours (if applicable), the employee handbook (or an attachment), and onboarding checklist (if you have one) to assist with your transition.

What are the key components of a successful welcome email?

A successful welcome email should contain personalized greetings, an introduction to the company’s culture and values, and details about onboarding process.

How should I tailor my welcome email for remote employees?

Welcome your remote employees with an emphasis on virtual communication tools, onboarding processes, and fostering relationships. Make sure to use a formal tone in your email to ensure a warm and professional welcome.

When is the best time to send a new employee welcome email?

Send the welcome email after the job offer has been accepted and one or two days before the employee’s first day for the best effect.

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Tehsin Bhayani

AirMason was born when Tehsin was trying to create a digital culture book, but couldn’t find any solutions in the market that had all the features he needed. In 2016, AirMason officially launched. In five years, AirMason has created thousands of handbooks for more than 1,000 clients around the world.

Crafting the Perfect Welcome in the Team Message

Crafting the perfect announce new employee in 2024, press esc to close.

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Small Business Trends

24 welcome email to new employee examples.

In the modern workplace, recruitment and onboarding are essential to creating a thriving work environment. Strengthening your welcome email to new employees is one of the best ways to kick off their journey at your organization, helping your new team member feel valued and motivated right away. In this article, we’ve put together 24 fantastic examples of welcome emails to new employees you can use for onboarding processes.

Table of Contents

Why Should You Send an Email to Welcome New Employee?

When you join a new company, it’s important to feel welcomed and comfortable with the company culture as soon as possible.

Here are five reasons you should send a welcome email to new employees:

  • Help new team members feel valued and connected. A well-crafted welcome email will let your new employees know that you’re excited to have them on board, helping to build a sense of team spirit and making them more likely to feel motivated and engaged at work.
  • Ensure a smooth transition. A good welcome email will include all of the important details about your company and its new role, including things like workplace protocols, IT and equipment procedures, and important contacts.
  • Introduction to organization culture. A company welcome email will help new employees get a feel for the culture of your organization, making it easier for them to navigate the workplace and feel like they belong.
  • Essential information. A well-constructed welcome email will contain important details like office contact information, working hours, and policies that your new employees will need to know right away.
  • Get started on the right foot. A strong welcome email will include all of the information and resources that new employees need to hit the ground running, allowing them to start contributing to your company right away.

welcome email to new employee

What Should a New Employee Welcome Email Include?

An email with a warm welcome is essential for a new employee’s success. Following are five important things that can be included in a welcome email.

welcome email to new employee

  • Company introduction. A welcome email from a new hire’s direct manager should begin with a brief overview of your organization, including things like the company name, the start date, and a mission statement.
  • Dress code guidelines. This section should include information about the expectations for business attire and appropriate workplace behavior, including any restrictions on visible tattoos or piercings.
  • Benefits package. This is an important section of your welcome email, as it will help new employees understand the full value of their compensation package and the resources available to them.
  • Organization IT system introduction. Include instructions on how new employees can access your company’s internal systems, including things like your intranet, email system, and file storage.
  • Important contacts. This should include the phone numbers or emails of the people that new hires can turn to for assistance or help in their first days on the job.

Casual Email to Welcome New Employee Examples

welcome email to new employee

Welcoming new hires is an important part of creating a positive and productive workplace, and it all starts with your email to welcome new employees.

Here are some great examples of casual emails that can help you get started:

1. “Dear {name}, we are thrilled to welcome you to our team! We are confident that you will be a great addition to our organization and bring many valuable skills and experiences to the table.”

2. “Welcome aboard, {name}! We are excited to have you on our team and know that your contributions will be invaluable to our continued success. We look forward to working with you.”

3. “We are so thrilled to have you join our team, {name}! You bring a wealth of knowledgeable experience and we know you will play a key role in helping us reach our goals. Welcome aboard!”

4. “Dear {name}, our team is honored to have you! We know that your skills will help us build a strong and dynamic workplace. We look forward to all of the great things we will accomplish together. Welcome aboard!”

Professional New Employee Welcome Email Examples

Here are some examples of professional new employee welcome emails that you can use as inspiration when a new hire is starting their new job:

5. “Dear {name}, we are very excited to have you join our team as a new member of the marketing department. We believe that your skills and experience will be a great asset to our team. We look forward to working with you.”

6. “Hello {name}, we are pleased to welcome you to our organization and look forward to working with you. We believe that your skills and expertise will help us achieve great things.”

7. “Dear {name}, welcome to our team. We know that your skills and experience will help us achieve our goals, and we look forward to working with you in the years to come.”

8. “Dear {name}, thank you for joining our team! We are confident that you will be a valuable asset, and we look forward to working with you here at {company name}.”

Welcome Email Messages for Recently Relocated Employees

welcome email to new employee

Welcome emails for recently relocated employees should include a new employee welcome letter. Here are some examples for you to reference:

9. “Hello {name}, welcome to our team. We know that your skills will be invaluable. We look forward to working with you and are excited to see all that you accomplish here at {company}.”

10. “Dear {name}, we are so happy to have you join our team! Your relocation to our city is a testament to your valuable and unique skills, and we look forward to working with you as you start your new role here at {company name}.”

11. “Hi {name}, we are so pleased to have you on our team. As someone who recently relocated for the job, we know that you bring a great deal of knowledge and experience to the position. We are excited to work with you as you begin your new role in {city name}.”

12. “Dear {name}, congratulations on your recent relocation to {city name} and are thrilled to have you on board at {company name}! We know that you have a lot to offer our team and look forward to accomplishing great things together.”

Welcome Email Messages for Remote Employees

Remote work has exploded in popularity during the pandemic. Here are some sample welcome email examples that you can use:

13. “Dear {name}, we are pleased to welcome you to our team. We know that your experience and skills will be a great asset as a remote employee. We look forward to working with you and are excited to see all that you accomplish.”

14. “Dear {name}, we are so happy to have you join our team as a remote employee. We believe that your skills and experience will be a great asset in this new position, and we look forward to working with you.”

15. “Dear {name}, we are excited to have you as a member of our team, and we’re confident that your experience and skills will be vital in your new role.”

16. “Dear {name}, we are thrilled to have you as a remote employee here at {company}. We know your skills and knowledge will be invaluable to our team, and we look forward to working with you as you begin this new chapter.”

Supportive Welcome Emails for New Employees

Starting a job at a new company is exciting and at times daunting.

Here are some examples of supportive welcome emails to help a new employee feel comfortable, confident, and ready to work.

17. “Hello {name}, welcome to our team. Working with a new company can be intimidating, so we want to assure you that we are here to support you as you transition into your new role.”

18. “Hi {name}, we are so excited to have you on our team. We want you to know that we are here to support you every step of the way.”

19. “Dear {name}, beginning a new job can be both exciting and challenging, especially when there are so many unknowns. Be assured that we are here to support you as you settle into your new role.”

20. “Dear {name}, we are so excited to have you on board at {company name}. We understand that there will be a lot to learn and adapt to. Please know that we are here to guide you every step of the way.”

Informational Welcome Emails for New Employees

welcome email to new employee

A well-crafted informational welcome email can help a new employee feel more comfortable and get up to speed quickly on the company’s policies, procedures, and culture.

Let’s take a look at a few examples…

21. “Dear {name}, our team is so happy to have you. We wanted to take this opportunity to send you some key information that can help ease your transition into your new role.”

22. “Hello {name}, we are excited that you chose to accept our job offer. Here are basic pieces of information that will help you, including our company’s policies and procedures, benefits package, and culture.”

23. “Hi {name}, we are happy to have you join our team. In addition to getting you set up in your new position, we also want to share some essential information about our company culture, policies, and benefits package so that you can start off on the right foot.”

24. “Dear {name}, we are looking forward to seeing you grow at {company}. As you settle into your role, we want to make sure you have access to all the key information that can help you succeed here.”

5 Important Things to Include in a Welcome Email

How Do You Welcome a New Employee Via Email?

You should make sure to introduce the new employee to the company culture, provide important contact information, and include any other pertinent details that the new employee will need to know.

Doing so will help the new employee feel welcomed and supported, and will set them up for success in their new role.

What Are the Best Ways to Welcome a New Hire?

One of the best ways to welcome a new hire is to create a positive and welcoming environment from the start. This can be done by providing them with the resources and support they need from the hiring manager to be successful.

Another important factor is to create a clear onboarding plan that will help the new hire transition into their role and learn about your company in a structured and effective way.


  • 11 Email Greeting Examples
  • Training New Employees for Success
  • Do You Need Best Practices to Onboard your New Employees?
  • Asking New Employees About Their Goals Isn’t Hard, Here are 7 Questions to Get Started

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Blog Human Resources How To Create A New Employee Orientation Presentation

How To Create A New Employee Orientation Presentation

Written by: Jennifer Gaskin Jul 21, 2021

new employee orientation

A person’s first few weeks at a new job are a mix of excitement and anxiety as they settle into their new role. Unfortunately, many companies lag when it comes to creating an onboarding plan and getting new hires off to a good start. 

High turnover and poor productivity are common problems that can stem from ineffective orientation and onboarding, but companies that get these tasks right can improve retention by 82% and boost worker productivity by more than 70%.

It’s important to make sure the onboarding materials are informative and clear, but also interesting to go through. Tools like Venngage’s onboarding plan templates can be helpful for HR teams who want to create visually appealing materials.

Check them out and see how you can revamp your onboarding process!

Click to jump ahead:

What is new employee orientation?

What to include in your employee orientation, how to create a successful new employee orientation & onboarding program, company handbooks and presentation examples, onboarding and orientation checklist examples, training and microlearning examples, 3 benefits of successful orientation and onboarding, onboarding resources for remote teams.

New employee orientation refers to the process of introducing a new team member into the workplace. This process generally takes place over the course of a few days to a week and differs from onboarding , which we’ll address in a moment.

Depending on your organization and the team member’s job functions, new employee orientation typically includes some or all of the following:

  • Filling out health insurance, tax and other paperwork
  • Introductions to coworkers
  • Tour of work area or entire facility
  • Setting up desk or workstation
  • Review of handbook , including key policies and company mission

New employee orientation vs. onboarding

Many companies use the terms orientation and onboarding interchangeably, but they differ in important ways. The easiest way to make the distinction clear is that orientation is a part of onboarding , but the onboarding process extends far beyond basic new employee orientation.

Onboarding can last as long as a year, depending on the role and the organization. At the end of an onboarding period, the team member should be fully trained and integrated into the company culture, and they should have a clear set of goals and expectations for their future at the company.

Read more :  11+ Tips for the Best Employee Onboarding Process

Having a well-structured employee orientation program helps new hires feel welcome, informed and prepared to hit the ground running.

Considering tweaking your new employee orientation? Remember to incorporate these key components:

Company culture and values:

  • Welcome message from the CEO or senior leader
  • Company background, mission, vision and goals
  • Company culture and values

Logistics and practicalities:

  • Completing essential paperwork (tax forms, benefits enrollment)
  • IT setup and software training
  • Policies and procedures overview (e.g., dress code, vacation time, safety protocols)
  • Benefits explanation (health insurance, retirement plan, etc.)
  • Tour of the workplace and introductions to colleagues

Role-specific training:

  • Job description and responsibilities overview
  • Manager introduction and mentorship program details
  • Team introductions and departmental structure
  • Training on relevant software and tools

Additional tips:

  • Provide a welcome gift and branded materials
  • Include interactive activities and team-building exercises
  • Offer opportunities for Q&A and open communication
  • Follow up with new hires after orientation to address any questions

How can organizations without strong orientation and onboarding procedures build those programs for their team members? Here are some tips to get you started:

Start early

Waiting to connect until a new team member’s first day on the job means you’ll miss out on important opportunities to create rapport and establish company culture.

Something you can start preparing before a new hire’s first day includes:

New Employee Orientation

Each interaction the new hire has should be considered part of their orientation and onboarding experience. Introduce the new team member via email, Slack or any other  internal communication platforms before they start so the rest of the team already knows a bit about them.

Here’s an example of a template you can use to introduce a new hire to the rest of the team by asking them three fun facts about themselves:

New Employee Orientation

Be practical

Flowery language about your mission is important, but people also need to know where they’re supposed to park and what to expect on their first day. Make sure they know those key action items before their first day.

Break down the first week

Create a schedule of activities for their first several days, up to their first week. Build socialization into this by encouraging teammates to take lunch together or organize a happy hour after their first day.

Keep information digestible

The mass data dump that often happens on a person’s first day at a new job is overwhelming no matter how quickly they can read. Make sure they know the exact amount of reading materials they need to do within a week and that they will get the information they need if they trust the process.

Maintain a focus on the long-term

Yes, people need to know what their schedule is and how many vacation days they get. But if you are investing in orientation and onboarding, you probably want this person to be around for the long haul. If it takes them more than a few days to grasp some process, that’s OK.

Work with new hires to establish goals

Make sure team members get plenty of one-on-one time with supervisors and mentors who can help them settle in, and eventually, the group should work together to establish the employee’s goals for the next 60, 90 and 180 days.

Work with your new hires on this template to help them establish their goals:

new employee orientation

With a Business account, Venngage users can access real-time collaboration features. This means that once they’ve added team members to their Venngage account, they can collaborate in real time with their colleagues on any designs:

Be open to feedback

Especially for companies who have previously had a haphazard approach to orientation and onboarding, the first few forays are likely to be imperfect. With every new hire, get their honest feedback about what they found helpful and what could have been better.

Company handbooks are typically given to new hires during the orientation process, but they’re also a good opportunity to do some of the important work of onboarding. Many organizations have hard copies of their handbooks, but PDFs or PowerPoint handbook presentations are also common.

Related :  How to Write an Employee Handbook [Examples + Tips]

Onboarding handbooks and presentations

If you’re looking for a template that will help elevate your handbook materials to something that goes beyond informing people about key policies? Check out these onboarding handbooks and presentations.

new employee orientation

Onboarding-focused materials can provide basic information about the company, but they should focus on setting long-term expectations. In this example, one of the first slides covers what should happen in the first day, week and month of the team member’s tenure.

Once you’ve finished your handbook, you can share a public link for free or upgrade to a team account to share a private link with your colleagues:

Venngage Link Sharing

A paid Venngage account allows you to download templates as PNG or PDF. You can also upgrade to a Business account to export the onboarding handbook in PPT format to use on PowerPoint or Google Slides:

Venngage Download Options

Let’s look at some other examples of employee handbooks you can customize for your new hire orientation:

new employee orientation

When creating onboarding materials, it’s important to be upfront about the company’s mission and culture. One good way to do that is to make it personal, as the third slide of this presentation does.

new employee orientation

Onboarding-focused handbooks are at their best when they are created from the perspective of a successful team member. Information in these types of handbooks should focus on setting clear expectations about the organization and the team member’s role in it, both today and in the future.

new employee orientation

For some organizations, their place in a broad societal context is an important aspect of their culture. Companies with strong corporate social responsibility policies should consider creating an onboarding handbook in which those policies are front and center.

new employee orientation

Onboarding-focused handbooks also provide a great opportunity to establish company values with visuals. This example uses friendly, flat icons and a pastel color palette, but by using Venngage for Business, you can ensure your handbook reflects your brand’s story.

Simply go to My Brand Kit to have your logos and brand colors extracted automatically from your website:

Once that’s done, you can apply your branding elements to any of your designs in just one click:

Brand-Kit-color-logo1 (1)

Orientation handbooks and presentations

Orientation is a process best done quickly and efficiently. Pairing the data dump of policies and procedures with good visual design principles can help ensure new hires are well-informed and remain engaged with the information.

new employee orientation

New hire presentations that have employee orientation as their key focus should be utilitarian, but that doesn’t mean they have to be boring. Pair information with company policies and striking visuals like stock photos and trendy gradients to keep your audience interested.

new employee orientation

As with any other type of visual asset you create, orientation presentations should reflect your brand’s story. In this case, flat illustrations and icons make this design approachable and friendly.

new employee orientation

Other brands lend themselves more to bold presentation, and any new hire who encounters this ultra-futuristic orientation handbook will get the clear sense that their new workplace is modern and forward-thinking.

new employee orientation

Consider breaking your orientation materials into smaller sections or chapters. This will help your team members refer back to important information without having to flip from page to page.

With Venngage for HR , multiple team members can collaborate and you can ensure your corporate visual identity is applied with My Brand Kit .

new employee orientation

A minimalist design like the one above is appropriate for brands of all types and can help ensure the focus is on the important information being shared.

Both for HR teams and new employees, checklists are a good way to ensure nothing falls through the cracks. This is particularly true during the orientation phase when new team members are probably signing important tax, health insurance, retirement and other documentation.

new employee orientation

Orientation is a complex task that typically touches many departments within an organization, from IT to human resources to legal. No single person can keep track of every task, so smart HR departments and leaders create orientation checklists to ensure all necessary tasks are completed.


Good orientation isn’t a one-way street, and getting new hires involved in the process can help instill a sense of ownership in their role within the organization. Consider a multi-page checklist like this one that lets both employee and supervisor have input.

new employee orientation

Even in small teams, it’s common for multiple veterans in organizations to take a role in new employee orientation. An orientation checklist like this one lets you assign orientation-related tasks to different team members and indicate when each one should be completed.

new employee orientation

Make sure the basics are covered when you bring in a new team member with this no-frills orientation checklist.

Training and microlearning materials are important both in orientation and onboarding. In the short term, educational materials help ensure people understand basic job processes. In the long term, training materials and training plans are useful in employee development.


Microlearning is a training method that delivers information over the course of several brief lessons rather than one long span.

Microlearning can boost information retention and avoid overload or burnout. Customize this microlearning presentation to fit your organization.

new employee orientation

Make sure your team members, whether they’re new or seasoned vets, have important soft skills like collaboration, in addition to monitoring their development of hard skills related to their job tasks.

new employee orientation

Inspire good customer service for team members who deal with the public by customizing this infographic. Update the tips or add your own, and modify the content to speak to what your organization does.

new employee orientation

One important aspect of new employee orientation is building the foundation for good work habits. Consider creating a daily activity log that team members fill out to ensure they remain accountable for getting work done.

new employee orientation

Use this employee safety training module to help you create materials for new team members as well as materials to ensure everyone in the organization receives ongoing updates and refreshers on safety procedures.

new employee orientation

Make sure your sales team orientation, onboarding and development materials are backed by lessons from the success or failure of your organization’s past sales efforts. Use these tips to customize this infographic or create your own from thousands of other templates.

Though orientation and onboarding have their own unique aspects, both are critical parts of ensuring new employees can be successful in their jobs. The benefits of good onboarding and orientation include:

A more satisfying employee experience

New hires who feel that they are left to their own devices are less likely to understand their jobs or feel that they are an important part of an organization. Creating comprehensive orientation and onboarding materials can help set the right tone from Day One.

Building company culture

The majority of organizations that invest in creating a cohesive onboarding experience say new team members are better able to fully become part of the company’s existing culture. One way to do this is to ensure your onboarding materials tell the brand story early and often.

Improving productivity

Companies that have effective onboarding procedures boost retention of new team members by 82% and improve productivity by more than 70%. Poor orientation and onboarding are likely to turn good hires into bad ones.

While many companies shifted to remote work during the pandemic, for some organizations, that shift will be permanent. Meanwhile, many companies were partially or fully remote long before COVID-19. The orientation and onboarding process for remote teams requires some specialized materials.

new employee orientation

Remote team members are likely to encounter more systems on which they’ll need to be trained. The lack of direct, face-to-face interaction means they’ll have a harder time getting questions answered as well.

That’s why having in-depth onboarding and orientation materials is crucial, as it provides virtual new hire orientation.

new employee orientation

Companies that aren’t fully remote may be interested in dabbling in permitting employees to work from wherever they want. For these companies, it’s critical to ensure certain policies are adopted and well-communicated.

new employee orientation

Just as your HR team would share tips for in-office workers to be successful at their jobs, considering create some resource materials to guide remote workers. Infographics like this one are easy to customize for your industry or even for each type of worker.

new employee orientation

If your organization shifted to remote work for the pandemic and is planning a return to the office, make sure your entire team knows what’s expected of them and what resources are available.

Start new hires off on the right foot by creating engaging orientation and onboarding materials

With a Business account, teams can engage in real-time collaboration, apply their branding with one click and export files they can bring right into PowerPoint. With these tools, HR team members have no trouble setting new team members up for long-term success.

If you want to see how easy it is to create engaging yet informative orientation and onboarding materials for your new hires, simply sign up for a Venngage account and test out our drag-and-drop editor and fully customizable templates. It’s free to get started.

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How To Introduce Yourself To New Colleagues (With Scripts & Examples)

The importance of introducing yourself to your colleagues and team.

For a lot of people, being a newbie at work can be an overwhelming part of their career journey. You need to learn and adapt to a number of things. First are the morals of the office, the company’s culture, and its ins and outs.

You also need to adjust to the workflow, the hierarchy, and the different personalities of your coworkers. A common concern is how to introduce yourself to a group. Introducing yourself at a new job sets the tone for your future professional affiliations, and doing it properly can make the transition more comfortable.

It’s a good way to reinforce positive relationships from the get-go. Acquiring a level of perceptiveness through several new team introduction strategies can encourage a warm reception from your associates and allow you to start on a positive note.

How to Introduce Yourself To New Colleagues

Settling into whatever job role you’ve been hired to fulfill deserves a pleasant start. Whether you’re entering the company as part of a team or leading it, delivering a personal introduction with the right attitude is vital. In some scenarios, a company would have a team orientation and you probably won’t be the only newcomer. In others, there’s an introductory session, where the hiring manager will take care of introducing you to your superiors and coworkers. If this isn’t the case, you should make an effort to establish optimistic expectations with the people at work. Here are some tips on how to introduce yourself in a team meeting

1. Write a short description

An introduction should be clear and brief, so prepare a draft beforehand. Brainstorm a few facts about yourself that you’re comfortable sharing. This way you can choose the most critical information to include, which should concentrate on your new position, previous experience, and expectations. If you’re entering a small company in a management or leadership role, it’s crucial to add personal details such as your interests and what you like to do in your free time. It’s more possible to do this if the company culture isn’t too formal, or perhaps as a manager, you want to institute a more casual atmosphere.

Brief introductions in large and formal organizations

Short and sweet can be your new mantra. Here’s one way to do it:

“Hi, my name is Maheep. I am the new web developer and I look forward to the things we can accomplish together. Before this job, I worked at Kaisei Solutions for 6 years where I became a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer.”

Brief introductions in small organizations

Some establishments have an easy-going culture. In this case, you can offer more details in your introduction, but don’t get into a long-winded speech with more background than necessary. Try to inject a little humor if it’s applicable.

For example:

“Hi, my name is Annely. I am the new marketing manager and I am excited to work with all of you. I have over 10 years of experience in organizing corporate events, from huge conferences to low-key workshops. In particular, I’m very passionate about the marketing process that goes on behind the scenes. Success in marketing is only possible with a dedicated team that works well together. I am positive that we can accomplish great things. Outside work, I am a mother of three teenagers, who have taught me to enjoy online gaming, believe it or not.”

2. Utilize onboarding and orientation procedures

Introducing yourself doesn’t end in your introductory spiel. It includes the conversations that follow. Many companies arrange a meeting reserved for orientation or onboarding where they introduce new employees to the old-timers in the company. This is a great chance to have some interaction with your associates. If an HR, project manager, or senior officer is moderating the introductions, you can start a short conversation with the people you meet. You can prepare some generic questions such as:

  • How long have you been with the company?
  • What do you like most about your job?
  • Is there anything to take note of during my first week?
  • Where do you guys go on your break time or for lunch?
  • Will we be working together a lot?
  • How would you describe the company culture?

3. Request to be introduced to the team

Ask the orientation facilitator to introduce you to your team members if ever you don’t get a chance to do so yourself. It shows an eagerness to collaborate and creates a positive impression. You can ask the person in charge by saying, “I’m quite keen on meeting the people I’ll be working with closely. Do you think I could meet them today?”

When the chance to meet arrives, try to get one-on-one interaction with each member. Tell them your name, your role, and how you feel about your first day in the company. For example: “Hi, I’m Renata, the new software tester on the team. I feel a bit nervous but very excited about the job. How long have you been with the company?”

4. Having a conversation with other team members

Your team members aren’t the only employees in the company. Make an effort to introduce yourself to other colleagues. You may have to work with them in the future, so forming a gracious working relationship early on is a good gesture. You’ll also get acquainted with employees from the other units. If you know people from different sectors such as the accounting or marketing department, it’ll be easier to cooperate with them when you need their expertise. Make sure to return the favor as well.

5. Meet new colleagues during lunchtime or coffee breaks

Break times and lunch hours are the social gateways in any establishment. Use these opportunities to talk to people you haven’t had the chance to during orientation. You can talk more casually about company policies, workflow, and internal processes. If you’re unsure or need help on some tasks, you can use this time to inquire about them.

“Hi. We met earlier today during the meeting. I’m Arden. Do you have some time to explain how to set up my access codes?”

“Hi, it was great meeting you at orientation earlier. I’m the new consultant for technology sales. I wonder if you could teach me how to register my employee account in the system.”

6. Understand the company’s hierarchy

Many companies include an organizational chart in the employee handbook. Others have a map on display at the appropriate office. Getting a copy is helpful for identifying your immediate associates and superiors, understanding the chain of command and communication, and knowing the overall structure of the company. If you find that you’ll be working with counterparts who weren’t in the onboarding meeting, you can go out of your way and introduce yourself to them.

6. Send an introductory or a follow-up email

If your company sends a follow-up email to welcome and update present staff about new employees, send a reply before the end of your shift. Express your thanks to your superiors and coworkers for a great reception. If there isn’t an email, you can consider sending one yourself to engage the other members of your team. Here are some examples:

Reply to an introductory email: “Hello everyone. I’d like to take this chance to thank you all for the warm welcome. It’s been a pleasure getting acquainted with all of you on my first day at work. I look forward to working with everybody and accomplishing great things together.”

Your own introduction email: “Hi everybody. It’s been so great to have met you all at orientation. I can’t thank you enough for the warm reception. I’m delighted about this opportunity to work at Hokkaido Tech and excited for future collaborations with the team. Thank you again for an amazing first day.”

7 Useful Tips for workplace introductions

Companies have their own way to handle introductions. Some organize orientation sessions, and others let new hires establish connections on their own. Regardless of methods, grabbing the opportunity to properly introduce yourself can lead to rewarding professional relationships at work. Don’t forget that first impressions matter. Read along for more tips and samples on achieving that.

1. Base your introduction on your team’s environment and company culture

Put simply, read the room. You’ll soon figure out whether to introduce yourself in a formal or casual manner. This part of the company culture can be apparent from the beginning, so ensure that your approach matches. Including your name and position is, of course, the first thing to do.

Example: “Hi, I’m Kyle and I’m the new creative lead of the marketing team.”

If the atmosphere allows for a casual introduction, your coworkers will expect you to share some personal details. Include some trivial information such as leisure activities you enjoy and other similar stuff.

Example: “It’s great to meet you. My name is Lana. I’m the new content creator. My last job was with Blithe Solutions and I was there for 3 years. I’m excited to work with this talented team of writers. In my free time, I enjoy surfing although I’m not yet very good at it.”

If you’re joining the company in a management role, you may need to present a longer introduction. If you’re the new leader of the team, it’s important to confirm your credentials, create rapport, and gain their respect.

Example: “Hi everyone, my name is Jeminah Ritz Alhambra, your new operations manager. I have over 12 years of experience with corporate events management. I’ve been blessed with skills that are well-suited to organizing an event and ensuring its success. Even so, the success of any event is only possible with a dedicated and collaborative team, which is the reason I expect you to work with me and commit to your best capacity to help me achieve success in our future projects. It’s delightful to be working with you all.”

2. Make the most of your company’s orientation process

The most suitable time for self-introductions is the orientation program. You may wonder how to introduce yourself in a company meeting. You should introduce yourself to as many colleagues as possible during this time. If a senior staffer or HR manager is facilitating the introductions, the activity will be much easier. Normally, they’ll be responsible for introducing you to team members, department associates, and other people pertinent to your role. Take your time to introduce yourself properly to each individual. Use the introduction you have previously prepared. However, if you’re in a small space, make sure that you vary the information that follows your name and job title, or you could be overheard and misconstrued as having memorized and automatically repeating the same lines

3. Request an HR manager for a team introduction

If you realize that you haven’t been introduced to everyone at orientation and feel that the facilitator didn’t complete your introduction to team members, take the initiative let them know.

Example: “I’d like to know everyone who I’ll be working closely with. Is there anyone else I’ve missed?”

Ultimately, it’s much better to introduce yourself individually to your coworkers. This actually fosters instant connection and future interaction so much easier. When doing this, remember to communicate that you’re glad about the opportunity to work together.

Example: ” It’s a pleasure meeting you. I’m Calum, the new junior subject matter expert. I really look forward to working together.”

4. Introduce yourself to other units inside the organization

In many cases, there will be other teams connected to your role and you’ll find yourself cooperating with them in the future. Other than that, you may have employee-related concerns that you need to consult with employees from other departments. It’s better to widen your network early as it can strengthen your professional relationships with people who aren’t just members of your team. Ask an HR representative or a senior officer to introduce you to the staff members who you’ll work with on a regular basis.

Example: “Hi. My name is Julius from the creative department. It’s good to meet you. They’ve mentioned our teams will be collaborating on a future project. Please don’t hesitate to tell me if you need anything.”

5. Find more opportunities for introductions that encourage casual interactions

Take advantage of your break times, lunch hours, or any extra time between tasks to make acquaintances and friends at work. A short conversation or chit-chat after-hours and waiting times can be taken as a chance to build an extensive network at the office, especially if you’re working for a large corporation or if you have daily interactions with specific departments and groups outside of your team.

Example: “Hello. I remember you from orientation. Annika, right? I’m Doreen. Do you happen to know how to get the employee badge?”

6. Review the company’s hierarchy before starting your new role

There may be an organizational chart contained in your employee handbook. If not, getting a printout is useful for knowing who your colleagues are and how they relate to the hierarchy of the company. and how they. If you find that some of your new associates aren’t present during the orientation session, you can take the initiative and work on a later introduction to colleagues.

Example: “Hi, are you Jiminy? I am Alexander from the Human Resources department. I’m the new junior diversity officer. I heard we may be working with each other on future tasks.”

Introductions in different situations

Depending on the situation, you’ll have a different way of introducing yourself to your colleagues. The following are the most typical scenarios you’ll encounter at work with some tips and samples to inspire and guide your self-introductions:

Introduction in interviews

The question “Tell me about yourself.” Or “How would you describe yourself.” come up quite often in interviews. Your answer serves as your introduction, which should be simple and concise but adequate enough to hold their interest and make a good impression. Never come unprepared. You would have already drafted and practiced your answer before coming to the interview. Also, make sure that it sounds natural and not memorized.

Example: “My name is Jonathan Bascon. I have a degree in Media with a Corporate Communications background. I moved to the capital because of its exciting career opportunities. My professional background includes headlining ad campaigns for international companies. It has allowed me to hone my skills in identifying cultural and social trends globally. I would love to tell you more about the qualities that I can bring to the role.”

Introduction in small offices

Introducing yourself to smaller groups allows a more casual tone, so you’ll have more space to share something personal. They would probably expect it from you. After your name and job title, consider telling them about your interests or anything your new coworkers may need to know about you. There may be room for longer conversations after the introductions, so take some time to ask personal questions from your coworkers as well.

Example: “Hello, my name is Katrina del Blanco, and I’m starting as the new software developer in Anya’s team. Something about me—I grew up in Cane Town but moved here to study at the Bacolor University of Technology for my IT degree. I’m very outdoorsy and keep an active lifestyle. On the weekends, you’ll probably find me on a hike or trekking with my friends. In my previous job, I worked as a coder and data analyst and I’m looking forward to being a productive member of the team.”

Introduction in group settings

As always, have an introduction prepared in case you’ll be introduced to larger departments or meetings. Also, prepare to answer some common questions in this context. It won’t be like an interview where you have to convince the hiring officer that you’re the best candidate for the job. Your coworkers will simply ask about your professional, academic, or communications background. They may ask you why you chose the company or how long you intend to stay. You should answer formally but maintain a personable tone.

Example: “I’m Krishna Patel, and I recently moved here from Abra. I’m excited to be a full-time support engineer. I’ve been involved with network engineering for over 12 years. I’m excited to be part of this company and innovate solutions that are attuned to our goals.”

Introduction in a virtual setting

The trend of using video conferencing as a mode of contact is practiced by many companies. They may have branch offices in other places or countries or have employees working remotely. It may be necessary for you to do your introduction in a virtual conference or meeting. It’s not so different from a regular self-introduction except for the factors that affect remote communications. Prepare yourself for connection issues and maintain positive body language, especially with your facial expressions, posture, and eye contact.

Example: “Hello everybody. I’m Edward Jan Fuentes and I’m your new marketing manager. I have over a decade’s worth of experience in marketing, focusing primarily on storefront campaigns for expanding tech companies. I believe a marketing project can only succeed with a dedicated and like-minded collective so I’m quite excited to collaborate with all of you.”

Introduction in emails

If in-person introductions aren’t possible, you may establish contact with your team via email. An introduction email is a viable alternative to include your personal and employment background in greater detail and initiate a good working relationship.

My name is Margarita Raymundo and I’m the new Event Marketing Manager here at Kloot & Plath Tech Solutions. Two of my current goals are to strengthen existing relationships with our advertising contacts and consider your recent evaluations to delegate assignments. I also look forward to working closely with our financial analysts to find innovative ways to keep our project expenditures within budget.

Learning about our company culture is one of the chief reasons that I accepted this position. It’s very much in line with my management style so I hope to meet everyone in person over the next week or so and get to know each one of you better. Before joining the company, I was the social media marketing manager at Quick Goals Inc. and the chief marketer of the sales team over at PEAG ‘R US (People Excited About Gadgetry). My personal interests include cafe hopping with my friends, reading, and cooking.

Don’t hesitate to reach out whenever you have questions or clarifications. I’ll be more than happy to learn how to best support you.

Best regards,

Margarita Raymundo

Template for introducing yourself as a new team colleague in person

Below is a template you can use for introducing yourself as a new colleague to your team:

“Hi everybody, I’m [Your name]. I’m the new [Job position]. Before joining, I worked at [Name of company] for [Time period]. I have heard a lot of great things about your work ethic, group culture, and output quality during my interview. It made me even more eager to be a part of the unit. On a personal note, [Talk about your hobbies, interests, and similar topics]. I’m excited to get to know you all and collaborate with you on future projects.”

Template for introducing yourself as a new team colleague virtually via video call

You can use the following template for introducing yourself in a virtual setting:

“Hello everyone, my name is [Your name]. I’m the new [Job position] and it’s a pleasure to be an official member of the team. I’m excited to collaborate with you all and meet you in person when circumstances allow. I heard a lot of good things about you during my interview, especially how you work with each other as a collective unit. Before working here, I was a [Previous role] at [Name of company]. I was there for [Time period]. Outside of work, [Talk about your hobbies, interests, and similar topics]. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself. I’m excited about the work we can accomplish together.”

Template for self-introduction via email

Even if you work remotely or from home, you can’t miss the chance to introduce yourself to the team on your first day. Study the following template for your own introduction email.

Subject line: [Name of company] – New [Job title]

Hi [Name of your coworker],

My name is [Your name]. I’m the new [Job title].

Previously, I was [a brief description of your prior work history e.g. role, name of the company, time period, etc.]

I’d like to have a quick call to introduce myself and discuss a few things regarding daily tasks and the workflow. Please let me know if [Schedule, i.e. time and date] works for you. I look forward to cooperating with you on future projects.

[your name]

[company name]

Introducing yourself to a new team creates the foundation for corporate relationships at the office. Some companies have orientation programs that introduce newcomers to the company. In these social events, it’s best practice to prepare for work-related questions. Introductions during orientation of smaller groups may require you to share some details of your personal life. In some scenarios, it may be necessary to know how to introduce yourself to the team by email. Email introductions may become a more in-depth way to present your professional career. This can be quite useful if you are joining the company in a managerial position. Introductions may also be done in virtual meetings. Whatever the case, it’s sensible to prepare before the scheduled meeting. Study the samples and templates in this article to provide you with a framework and guide your preparation.

Frequently Asked Questions

When introducing yourself virtually, the preparation required is quite similar to the typical way of doing it face-to-face. The difference is that you will need to consider some factors that are unique to video technology such as connection problems. Prepare yourself for lag times and issues with your audio. You will need to do a system or equipment check before you join the meeting. Maintain positive body language throughout the call as they won’t be able to judge your body language well and misinterpret distracting gestures or facial expressions.

Start with your name and your job role. After that, include whatever information matches the context of the introduction. For example, if you’re in a leadership role, you should include your employment background to establish your authority and gain respect. If you’re a new hire, you can include some personal details to make you relatable and personable as a coworker.

You can review the samples and templates included in this article to take inspiration from or to create your own template. When studying premade introductions or samples, ensure that you’ve filled in your information and that you practice the speech out loud to adapt a natural pace and intonation. Avoid sounding robotic or obvious that you’ve memorized your introduction.

Pay attention to the atmosphere of the workplace and match your introduction to the culture you’ve observed from your initial assessment. The purpose is to know whether to introduce yourself formally or casually or if it’s okay to inject some humor into your introduction.

An introduction doesn’t really change according to your profession. It’s the same way as any of the “how to introduce yourself to new colleagues” examples in this article in various contexts. You can simply state your name and role as a developer and offer some facts about your academic background and work experience. However, the tone changes according to your position. If you’re entering the company in a leadership capacity, you may need to speak a little more formally.

You’re probably wondering how to introduce yourself in a new company in a management role. Let me use and make some adjustments to one of the samples included in this article. From the following version, you can glean the purpose of each paragraph and use it as your own template: “My name is Margarita Raymundo and I’m the new Event Marketing Manager. Two of my current goals are to strengthen existing relationships with our advertising contacts and delegate assignments based on your performance evaluation. I also plan to find innovative ways to save money on our expenditures. I have over 12 years of experience in sales and marketing. Before joining the company, I was the social media marketing manager at Quick Goals Inc. and the chief marketer of the sales team over at PEAG ‘R US (People Excited About Gadgetry). If I can share a little bit about myself, I enjoy cooking and reading. I look forward to the great work we will achieve as a team.”

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William Landry

William is a professional English and ESL teacher with over 15 years of experience. He has taught students of all ages, from children to business executives, and has worked with ESL learners from all over the globe. With a degree in English Education, William has developed curriculum for learners of all levels and interests. He is passionate about helping people learn English effectively and shares his knowledge with the LillyPad community. When he’s not teaching or writing, William enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children.

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Top 5 New Employee Welcome Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 5 New Employee Welcome Templates with Examples and Samples

Shivam Kumar


How you introduce new employees to the organization sets the tone for their entire journey at the new workplace. It is a chance to create an environment where they feel valued, informed, and inspired to contribute their best. From the moment a new employee steps into office, the welcome extended goes years into the future and is remembered. Clear guidance and a welcoming atmosphere are the key components that go into creating a great onboarding experience.

At SlideTeam, we provide PPT Templates to create that welcoming aura, even crafting an engaging welcome email, personalizing the message, inspiring motivation and creating a bond.

Use our PPT Templates to get training program ideas for your employees Click here to explore!

Our pre-designed templates help you create a memorable experience that sets a positive tone and equips new team members with everything they need for a successful start.

The 100% customizable nature of the templates allows you to edit your presentations. The content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.

Let’s explore!

Template 1 Welcome New Team Member Instructing Management Organization Induction Employee

This PPT Creative Bundle covers topics such as Welcoming New Team Member, Instructing, Management, Organization, and Induction. Any business and industry can use this presentation. The first step is when the team leader of the employee apprises him/her of management rules; then, the team leader writes a welcome letter, and so on. Handshakes and induction planning of the new employee is also part of the presentation template. 

welcome new team member

Download it now!

Template 2 HR executive welcomes new employee in office

In this presentation, we'll show you how we're going to help you be successful HR department that knows its stuff on how to make new employees feel at home. The slide has space for four major steps that HR representatives can list to ensure a smooth transition, provide guidance, and create an inclusive atmosphere for every new member. The actions taken can be checking in with the employee after a day or two of joining, if he/she is feeling welcomed.

HR Executive Welcome New Employee in Office

Template 3 CEO Welcome message for new employees

In this presentation, we focus on the impact and role that a CEO’s welcome address has on new employees. Typically, sent within days of a group of employees joining in, the CEO can usually talk about how each new employees’  skills, ideas, and energy are what make the business better. In the template, you have space for the CEO photograph. You can widely circulate the PPT Template on the employee in-house network with the date and the key parts of the message outlined. 

CEO Welcome message for new employees

Template 4 Approaches to Draft Welcome Email for New Employees

This PPT Presentation helps you craft an engaging welcome email for new employees. We understand the importance of making a strong first impression. This PPT template highlights five key stages to create a remarkable welcome message: An exciting Opening, Personalizing the Message, and Including a Motivational Element are among them. Let's begin by exploring these approaches to ensure your new team members feel valued and inspired right from the start.

Approaches to draft welcome email for new employees

Template 5 Checklist to Draft Welcome Email for New Employee PPT Template 

Welcome to our comprehensive checklist for crafting the perfect welcome email for your new employee. This PPT Presentation outlines nine essential stages to ensure that the on-boarding experience for your team member is smooth and inviting. We'll cover key elements such as the Working Schedule, Discount Coupon, and details for their First Day. Using this checklist, you'll create an email that sets a positive tone and provides necessary information to make their first day a great one. Let's get started! 

Checklist to draft welcome email for new employee


We understand that the early stages of joining a company are critical for building a strong foundation for success. These templates are designed to ensure that every new joinee feels comfortable, informed, and motivated. Our PPT Templates emphasize the importance of crafting an engaging welcome email, providing you with a comprehensive checklist to ensure that your first interaction with the new employees is always positive and memorable.

Click here to learn more about the Top 10 New Employee Checklist Templates with Examples and Samples.

PS Want to explore deeper into this subject? Click here to read our other blog on new hire onboarding templates right away.

FAQs on New Employee Welcome

What is a good welcome message.

A good welcome message should be warm, friendly, and concise. It should make people feel valued and appreciated. Begin by greeting them with a warm "Hello" or "Welcome!" Next, express your gratitude for their presence or participation. Mention your excitement to have them at the event. Keep it brief to maintain their attention and avoid overwhelming them with information. For example, “Welcome to our community! We're delighted to have you here. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask. Enjoy your stay!” This message sets a positive tone and encourages engagement.

How do you introduce and welcome a new employee?

To introduce and welcome a new employee, begin with a warm and personal greeting. Begin the introduction with a warm welcome, expressing your excitement about their joining the team. Express enthusiasm about their arrival and highlight the importance of their role within the team or organization. Share a brief overview of the company's mission, values, and culture. Outline the employee's role, responsibilities, and initial tasks, emphasizing how their contributions fit into the larger company goals. Encourage questions and open communication, making it clear that their success and well-being matter. Lastly, conclude with an invitation to a welcome lunch or team-building activity to foster a sense of belonging.

How do I start a welcome message?

A simple "Hello" or "Welcome" is a great way to initiate the message. Next, personalize it by addressing the recipient by name if possible, making them feel seen and valued from the outset. Mention the specific event, occasion, or context for the welcome, which helps set the tone and provides context. Depending on the context, you can briefly introduce yourself or your organization, highlighting key points or benefits that the recipient should know. For example, "Hello [Recipient's Name], welcome to our community! We're thrilled to have you here and appreciate your interest. I'm [Your Name], and I'll be guiding you through this experience. Let's begin on this journey together!"

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At about 11:10 p.m., Gresham police officers received a call from TriMet dispatch of an attempted assault. The sheriff’s office says 31-year-old Ernest Lee Eades was armed with a knife and tried to attack a TriMet employee in the 1200 block of Northeast 8th Street.

The sheriff’s office says it appears there was no physical contact made between Eades and the employee. No injuries were reported.

Eades was arrested and booked into the Multnomah County Jail for menacing and fourth-degree attempted assault.

TriMet Police are leading the investigation.

No other details have been released at this time.

Copyright 2024 KPTV-KPDX. All rights reserved.

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Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

Megan Red Shirt-Shaw speaks at Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois, on Jan. 17, 2023. Two University of South Dakota faculty members, Megan Red Shirt-Shaw and her husband, John Little, have long included their gender pronouns and tribal affiliations in their work email signature blocks. But both received written warnings from the university in March that doing so violated a policy adopted by the South Dakota Board of Regents in December. (Ryan Pagelow/Dominican University via AP)

Megan Red Shirt-Shaw speaks at Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois, on Jan. 17, 2023. Two University of South Dakota faculty members, Megan Red Shirt-Shaw and her husband, John Little, have long included their gender pronouns and tribal affiliations in their work email signature blocks. But both received written warnings from the university in March that doing so violated a policy adopted by the South Dakota Board of Regents in December. (Ryan Pagelow/Dominican University via AP)

John Little sits for a portrait in 2022 at the Solis Photography Studio in Sioux Falls, S.D. Two University of South Dakota faculty members, Little and his wife Megan Red Shirt-Shaw have long included their gender pronouns and tribal affiliations in their work email signature blocks. But both received written warnings from the university in March that doing so violated a policy adopted by the South Dakota Board of Regents in December. (Solis Photography via AP)

  • Copy Link copied

A new South Dakota policy to stop the use of gender pronouns by public university faculty and staff in official correspondence is also keeping Native American employees from listing their tribal affiliations in a state with a long and violent history of conflict with tribes.

Two University of South Dakota faculty members, Megan Red Shirt-Shaw and her husband, John Little, have long included their gender pronouns and tribal affiliations in their work email signature blocks. But both received written warnings from the university in March that doing so violated a policy adopted in December by the South Dakota Board of Regents.

“I was told that I had 5 days to remove my tribal affiliation and pronouns,” Little said in an email to The Associated Press. “I believe the exact wording was that I had ‘5 days to correct the behavior.’ If my tribal affiliation and pronouns were not removed after the 5 days, then administrators would meet and make a decision whether I would be suspended (with or without pay) and/or immediately terminated.”

The policy is billed by the board as a simple branding and communications policy. It came only months after Republican Gov. Kristi Noem sent a letter to the regents that railed against “liberal ideologies” on college campuses and called for the board to ban drag shows on campus and “remove all references to preferred pronouns in school materials,” among other things.

FILE - Colorado State Sen. Julie Gonzales, third from left, takes a photo of state Rep. Brianna Titone, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, state Sen. Sonya Jaquez Lewis and state Rep. Meg Froelich and others before Polis signed the first of three bills that enshrine protections for abortion and gender-affirming care procedures and medications, April 14, 2023, in the State Capitol in Denver. Voters in both Colorado and South Dakota will have a say on abortion rights this fall after supporters collected enough valid signatures to put measures on the ballot. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski,File)

All nine voting members of the board were appointed by Noem, whose remarks in March accusing tribal leaders of benefitting from illegal drug cartels and not properly caring for children has prompted most South Dakota tribes to ban her from their land.

South Dakota’s change comes in the midst of a conservative quest to limit diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives gaining momentum in state capitals and college governing boards around the country, with about one-third of the states taking some sort of action against it.

Policies targeting gender pronoun use have focused mainly on K-12 students, although some small religious colleges have also restricted pronoun use. Houghton University in western New York fired two dorm directors last year after they refused to remove gender pronouns from their work email signatures.

But some fear the South Dakota policy could signify a creep of such efforts into public colleges and universities.

“Quite frankly, this is the first I’ve heard of a state university choosing to use branding standards to eliminate what obviously had become a practice of including pronouns and tribal affiliations to emails,” said Paulette Grandberry Russell, president of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education. “But I’m not surprised, given the current climate we’re in.”

Grandberry Russell referred to the conservative push limiting transgender rights and diversity, equity and inclusion efforts as a “testing ground” to see if discriminatory laws will be tolerated.

“It is a steady progression,” she said. “This comes in the form of communications and branding standards. Is that going to be the next frontier in sanitizing the realities of our differences? "

The college faculty advocacy group American Association of University Professors is not aware of any other faculty at a public university in the U.S. being required to drop their preferred pronouns in official correspondence, spokesman Kelly Benjamin said.

“Anecdotally I’ll say, because I live in Florida and have seen what’s happened with all the anti-wokeness and targeting of education here, I know this is part and parcel to a longer-term agenda,” Benjamin said.

A spokeswoman for the University of South Dakota declined to answer questions about whether its administrators or the University Faculty Senate had been consulted before regents adopted the policy, referring questions to the Board of Regents.

Shuree Mortenson, a spokeswoman for the regents, said all six universities under the regents board umbrella were given the opportunity to review the policy, “but ultimately, the Board of Regents made this decision.” She declined to say whether other faculty at any of the five other schools had received warnings about not using gender pronouns, tribal affiliation or other identifiers, but defended the new policy as providing “consistency to safeguard the brand.”

Mortenson did not answer questions about whether the inclusion of tribal affiliation in official public university signature blocks had been considered by the regents before adopting it or whether tribal leaders in the state had been consulted.

When the policy was announced to faculty in January, Little said he and Red Shirt-Shaw asked schools administrators how the new policy would impact the inclusion of tribal affiliations.

“It was clear that they had not considered that this would impact Native employees,” Little said.

The U.S. had long tried to eradicate Native American communities and cultures through warfare, assimilation and other means before recognizing tribes’ inherent right to govern themselves. Indigenous children, for example, were taken from their communities and forced into Native American boarding schools , which systematically abused students .

Red Shirt-Shaw said in social media posts that being told she could not list her tribal affiliation as part of her signature felt like further erasure of Native people in South Dakota.

“The ability to share my tribal affiliation as well as gender pronouns signals that I am a person who values the lived experiences of others,” she said.

Both she and Little have begun listing their tribal affiliation and pronouns in the body of their emails, which the university currently is allowing.

The American Civil Liberties Union of South Dakota said it has heard from faculty and students at the University of South Dakota who are concerned about the new policy. The ACLU is considering next steps to address it.

“Maybe their intent was to suppress pronoun usage in email signatures, but as is often the case with any limitation or suppression of free speech, there’s always unintended consequences,” said Samantha Chapman, an advocacy manager for the ACLU South Dakota. “There is also a component here of double erasure. There are plenty of queer Indigenous folks in South Dakota.” ___

Associated Press journalist Felicia Fonseca in Flagstaff, Arizona, contributed to this report.

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21 Best Employee Newsletter Topics and Content Ideas: 2024 Trends

Phil Manzano

Employee Newsletters

Your employee newsletter is one of the best opportunities to keep your employees informed, engaged, and connected. It’s a valuable tool for communication within your organization and helps to promote company culture, highlight achievements, and share important updates.

But coming up with content for your staff newsletter can be challenging. You want to ensure that the content is relevant, exciting and engaging. So, to help you build newsletters, your team looks forward to reading, we’ve compiled a list of employee newsletter content ideas to have in your back pocket. 

In this article, we’ll explore:

  • What are the most important topics to cover in employee newsletters?
  • How can you make the content engaging and relevant for your employees?

5 Outlook newsletter templates that get opens and clicks

Engage your employees with punchy and informative newsletters they can’t ignore.

What To Include In An Employee Newsletter To Keep Staff Engaged

There are a few key areas you should focus on when building out your next employee newsletter . What makes a good employee newsletter great is the types of content you cover and how you highlight it. Some of the best and most engaging include:

1) Industry news and trends

Sharing relevant industry updates helps employees better understand the context and rationale behind organizational strategies. Incorporating industry news into your employee newsletters helps teams see the bigger picture and understand how their work aligns with broader industry movements. This understanding can foster a sense of belonging and purpose within your organization.

2) Company news

This section should include significant announcements, strategic decisions, accomplishments, and staff changes. Sharing success stories can inspire employees to contribute to future achievements and want in on some of the positivity. Additionally, highlighting minor victories and employee milestones, such as work anniversaries or special recognitions, personalizes the newsletter and makes it more engaging for your team.

3) Industry events

Showcase upcoming conferences, workshops, and seminars that may interest your team. Encouraging attendance at these events not only aids in personal development but also assists in keeping your workforce ahead of industry innovations and practices. Additionally, consider featuring recaps or key takeaways from past events that may be informative and relevant to the company. 

Employee newsletters made easy with one click

Create gorgeous emails in minutes using our drag-and-drop template builder—no design expertise needed.

4) Company events

Company events, such as holiday parties, team-building activities, or volunteer opportunities, are a great way to boost morale and camaraderie within your organization. Including these in your employee newsletters informs everyone about upcoming events and showcases your company’s values and commitment to fostering a positive work culture. This can be done in addition to sending a dedicated upcoming events email .

5) Employee spotlights

Highlighting individual employees and their accomplishments in your newsletter recognizes their hard work and makes the company feel good. It’s an excellent opportunity to underscore diverse talents and promote inclusivity within your organization. When thinking about how to highlight an employee in a newsletter, remember that employee spotlights inspire others to strive for excellence and create a supportive and collaborative work environment.

6) Anniversaries and birthdays

Recognizing employee milestones, such as work anniversaries or birthdays, in your newsletter is a simple yet effective way to show appreciation for your team. It adds a personal touch to the newsletter and makes employees feel valued and recognized.

7) Milestones and achievements

Remember to recognize significant milestones and achievements for your company through employee appreciation . This could include reaching a sales goal, launching a new product or service, or receiving an industry award. Celebrating these accomplishments boosts employee morale and quantifies your company’s success and growth.

8) New hires and employee transitions

Employee transitions happen often, and keeping track of all the changes can be challenging. However, your newsletter is an excellent opportunity to introduce new team members, welcome them to the organization, and share their backgrounds. It also helps employees stay informed about any changes within the company, such as promotions or transfers.

9) Your product updates

If your company has recently launched a new product or made updates to an existing one, include this in your employee newsletter. Not only does it keep employees informed about the latest developments within the company, but it also allows them to provide pertinent, early feedback and support for the product.

10) Contests and rewards

Incorporating contests and rewards in your staff newsletter is a fun way to engage employees and boost morale. This could include trivia quizzes, photo challenges, or recognition for exceptional work. Not only does it add an element of excitement to the newsletter, but it also promotes friendly competition and a sense of achievement among employees.

11) Ask the CEO or management

You can build a culture of transparency by including a section in your newsletter for employees to ask questions or share suggestions with the CEO or management. It shows that every employee’s opinion and idea matters while encouraging active participation. Think about creating a section with the most critical questions and responses.

12) Surveys (pulse, eNPS, others)

Employee newsletters are an excellent platform for conducting surveys and gathering employee feedback. These can include pulse surveys to gauge employee satisfaction and employee net promoter score (eNPS) surveys to measure loyalty and engagement. AIHR states that eNPS scores between 10 and 30 are considered ‘good,’ while scores between 50 and 70 are considered excellent. A score above 80 is likely in the top percentiles for almost any industry. Feedback from these employee newsletter survey questions can provide valuable insights for improving the employee experience and addressing issues.

13) Anonymous employee feedback

In addition to surveys, consider including a section in your newsletter for collecting anonymous feedback at work . This provides a safe space for employees to share their thoughts and concerns without fear of judgment or repercussions. It also shows that the company respects employees’ opinions, making them feel heard and valued.

14) Specific CTAs asking staff to take action

Whether signing up for a company event, participating in a survey or contest, or simply communicating important deadlines or updates, calls-to-action (CTAs) help employees take action and stay engaged with the newsletter’s content. They also provide a clear direction for employees and ensure that important information is noticed.

15) Employee benefits information

Include a section in your employee benefits communication . This ensures that employees are aware of their benefits and can take advantage of them. It also shows that the company values its employees’ well-being and is committed to providing comprehensive benefits. Additionally, you can use this section to share tips and resources for utilizing these benefits effectively.

16) Wellbeing information and resources

This section may include tips for maintaining work-life balance, mental health resources, or wellness initiatives within the company. These are just some of the employee wellness newsletter ideas that show that the company cares about its employees’ health and happiness and contributes to a more productive and engaged workforce. 

17) Education and learning opportunities 

Training programs, workshops, or webinars help employees develop new skills and advance their careers. 94% of employees say they would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development.  Providing career growth resources benefits individual employees and strengthens the organization’s overall knowledge.

18) Multimedia and video

Incorporating multimedia content, such as videos or infographics, in your employee newsletter can make it more visually appealing and engaging for employees. It breaks up blocks of text. This can include highlights from company events, interviews with employees, or informative graphics about company updates. Including different forms of media also caters to various learning styles and makes the newsletter more interactive.

19) Blog posts or articles

Consider including blog posts or articles written by employees in your newsletter. This not only showcases the diverse talents and perspectives within the company but also provides valuable insights and information for employees to learn from. It also creates a sense of community and encourages knowledge-sharing among employees.

20) Top lists

Including top lists in your staff newsletter, such as the best local places for lunch or must-visit spots in the city, can be a fun way to engage employees and promote a sense of camaraderie. It also helps employees discover new things and contributes to building a strong company culture.

21) Volunteer and community involvement opportunities

Lastly, consider including information about volunteer or community involvement opportunities in your newsletter. This highlights the company’s commitment to giving back and allows employees to participate and make a difference. It serves as a team-building activity and improves employee satisfaction by promoting a sense of purpose, volunteerism, and impact within the community. 

To learn more, read our list of staff newsletter best practices and our comprehensive list of ideas for employee newsletters .

How Can You Make the Content Engaging and Relevant for Your Employees?

You can use an internal newsletter tool like ContactMonkey to personalize the employee newsletter for each team member. When thinking about how to make a great employee newsletter, some of the things you can do with ContactMonkey include the following:

Sending to the right audience with segmented lists

By dividing your employees into segments based on departments, roles, or interests, you will better tailor your newsletter’s content to match their needs and preferences. This customization makes the newsletter more personally relevant and engaging for each employee. Most workplaces that utilize Outlook or Gmail already have several distribution lists. Generally, internal communication teams rely on their IT department to configure these lists. However, in times of crisis, waiting isn’t an option. Fortunately, ContactMonkey’s List Management feature empowers you to swiftly generate distribution lists and CSVs for tailored email lists within minutes, ensuring efficiency and prompt communication. This is one of the first steps to consider when thinking about how to create an employee newsletter .

Segment internal email audience and employee newsletters with List Management

Fine-tuning email success by tracking engagement metrics

Utilize ContactMonkey’s capabilities to track your newsletters’ open rates, click-through rates, and other engagement metrics. This data allows you to understand what content resonates most with your employees and to continually refine and improve the relevance and engagement of your newsletter over time.

For example, let’s say you want to ensure the maximum impact of an element in your email. Using ContactMonkey, you can track click-through rates and email analytics to see which aspects of your email content were most enticing to employees. Tracking and measuring your newsletter content will help you to maximize engagement and further increase newsletter click-through rates .

Employee newsletter engagement tracking and analytics

Encouraging engagement with interactive content

Incorporate polls, surveys, and quizzes directly into your newsletter to encourage employee participation. This makes the newsletter more interactive and gives immediate feedback and insights into your employees’ opinions and preferences.Let’s say you’re trying to gauge the temperature of the company’s attitude toward a new initiative. In that case, you could use ContactMonkey to embed a pulse survey directly into your email newsletter rather than sending a separate survey through another platform.

Employee newsletter interactive content and surveys

Capturing attention with well-designed employee newsletter templates

To make your newsletter visually appealing and ensure it captures your employees’ attention from the moment they open it, consider using an email template builder to create a design that aligns with your company’s branding. This can include company colors, logos, and other branding elements reinforcing your corporate identity.

ContactMonkey’s library of employee newsletter templates allows you to design newsletters that look great on any device, whether your employees are reading on a desktop at the office or on their mobile phones while on the go. This consistency in visual presentation not only strengthens your brand but also enhances the readability of your content, making it more likely that employees will engage with the material you’ve provided.

Learn more about how easy it is to create internal newsletter templates with ContactMonkey. And for inspiration, check out our complete list to the best employee newsletter templates for internal communications.

Engaging professional employee newsletter templates

Keeping the reader engaged with well-written copy

Writing engaging copy for your staff newsletter is crucial to capture and maintain the interest of your readers. Your content should be concise, informative, and written in a tone that reflects your company culture. Start with a compelling headline that sparks curiosity and encourages further reading. Use subheadings and bullet points to break up text and highlight essential information, making it easier for employees to skim the content if they’re short on time. Check out our guide on effective writing for employee newsletters for more tips.

If you’re stuck, you can use the generative AI from ContactMonkey’s ChatGPT email assistant to find the right message and tone. You can also use it to generate email subject lines and body content or develop ideas for your newsletter.

Employee newsletter AI copywriting assistant

Start Building Your Next Best Employee Newsletter

Whether creating a new employee newsletter or looking to improve your current one, there are many ways to make your content more engaging and relevant for employees.

Try incorporating some of the content types and strategies mentioned above, and utilize tools like ContactMonkey to personalize and track engagement. With the right approach, your staff newsletter can become a powerful tool for communicating important information, fostering a positive work culture, and engaging employees in their workplace community. 

Start building your next best employee newsletter today! If you’re ready for an elevated experience with your newsletters, you can try ContactMonkey for free.

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State officials investigating alleged financial exploitation by ARC of Walker Co. employee

ARC of Walker Co.

WALKER COUNTY, Ala. ( WBRC ) - The ARC of Walker County says it recently found alleged financial exploitation of some of the people served at the agency by an employee.

A statement released to WBRC from The ARC says action was immediately taken to protect the people served and the agency appreciates the community’s support during this difficult time.

The ARC says state officials are investigating.

We will update this story when more information becomes available.

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The victim has been identified as Delbert Shaw.

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Despite recent apologies and reassurances, documents leaked to Vox show OpenAI pressured departing employees over equity

  • OpenAI pressured departing employees to sign NDAs or risk losing vested equity, Vox reported.
  • Equity is crucial in tech compensation, often outweighing lower starting salaries.
  • CEO Sam Altman and OpenAI said they will not claw back equity.

Insider Today

OpenAI's turbulent month continues, with a series of stories highlighting how the company has pressured departing employees over tech's most precious commodity: stock.

A Vox story on Saturday said the company could take back vested equity if departing employees did not sign a non-disparagement agreement.

Equity often makes up the majority of tech employees' compensation packages. They trade relatively lower starting salaries for big upside potential years later — if a company makes it big, their equity could be worth millions of dollars.

"For a company to threaten to claw back already-vested equity is egregious and unusual," California employment law attorney Chambord Benton-Hayes told Vox.

On Saturday, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said on X, "Vested equity is vested equity, full stop."

A new Vox story questions the CEO's tweeted claim that he "did not know this was happening." Wednesday's Vox report cites unnamed former employees and leaked OpenAI documents.

An April 10, 2023 document seen and published by Vox on Wednesday shows that Altman signed incorporation documents for the holding company that handles OpenAI's equity.

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The document, in Vox reporter Kelsey Piper's words, "contains multiple passages with language that gives the private company near-arbitrary authority to claw back equity from former employees or — just as importantly — block them from selling it."

Compensation packages in the tech industry, especially at startups, often include shares of equity and provisions around how investors, including employees, can sell their shares before a company goes public. Startups typically want to manage who owns pieces of equity.

Employee told not signing could impact equity

Vox noted that OpenAI's type of NDA was unusual.

Separation agreements with the NDA language were signed by OpenAI execs, including general counsel and chief strategy officer Jason Kwon. Vox reported that Kwon apologized internally for the language in the documents, which had been standard since 2019, saying, "The team did catch this ~month ago. The fact that it went this long before the catch is on me."

Altman on Saturday said on X that OpenAI had never clawed back anyone's equity and will not do so, even if employees don't sign a non-disparagement agreement.

"This is on me and one of the few times i've been genuinely embarrassed running openai; i did not know this was happening and i should have," he posted on X.

On Wednesday, an OpenAI spokesperson told Business Insider:

As we shared with employees today, we are making important updates to our departure process. We have not and never will take away vested equity, even when people didn't sign the departure documents. We'll remove nondisparagement clauses from our standard departure paperwork, and we're releasing former employees from existing non-disparagement obligations unless the nondisparagement provision was mutual. We're communicating this message to former employees. We're incredibly sorry that we're only changing this language now; it doesn't reflect our values or the company we want to be.

The Vox report said some former employees were given seven days to sign their separation agreements. OpenAI pushed back against at least two employees who asked for more time to review the agreement, Vox reported.

Not signing "could impact your equity," OpenAI told one of them, per Vox.

OpenAI has had a rough week following a well-received demo of its new model GPT-4o. On Monday, it was revealed that Altman had asked Scarlett Johansson to voice OpenAI's new assistant and she declined . Still, last week's demo immediately drew comparisons between the since-pulled "Sky" assistant voice and Johansson's. She is retaining legal counsel.

This Sky incident, multiple high-profile departures , the dissolving of the company's Superalignment team, and the Vox reports have led to questions about the running of the company that is at the forefront of building potentially world-upending AI technology.

Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, has a global deal to allow OpenAI to train its models on its media brands' reporting.

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Building explosion kills bank employee, injures 7 others in Youngstown, Ohio

The Associated Press

May 29, 2024, 11:02 AM

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YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (AP) — A massive explosion blew out much of the ground floor of an apartment building, killing a bank employee and injuring several other people. Police and emergency officials initially blamed natural gas, but the fire chief later said the cause is under investigation.

The blast happened around 2:45 p.m. Tuesday, collapsing part of the ground floor of Realty Tower into its basement and sending the façade across a street where both sides had been blocked off by orange construction fencing. The 13-story building has a Chase Bank branch at street level and apartments in upper floors.

The bank employee was a 27-year-old man who had been seen inside the building right before the blast, the Youngstown Police Department announced early Wednesday. Youngstown Fire Chief Barry Finley said in a news conference Tuesday that firefighters rescued several people and cleared the building to ensure no one else was hurt.

JPMorgan Chase mourned the loss of a colleague and said it would work with local officials. “Our hearts go out to their family as well as our injured employees, their families and others affected by this tragedy,” a company statement read.

Police and the Mahoning County Emergency Management Agency said there was a natural gas explosion, but the fire chief later said it was too early to say.

“We have no idea what caused the explosion. We know that there was an explosion and it did a lot of damage to the bottom of the building,” Finley said Tuesday. He said none of the apartments in the building are habitable.

Seven injured people were taken to Mercy Health Hospital in Youngstown. A hospital spokesperson said one was in critical condition.

The blast shook downtown Youngstown, a city of about 60,000 residents. Bricks, glass and other debris littered the sidewalk.

Copyright © 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed.

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