5 Amazing Essays on Pet Animals Short and Long 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words

Essays on Pet Animals edumantra.net

Essay on Pet Animal – Paragraph on My Pet Dog- 100 Words

Paragraph on My Pet Dog edumantra.net

My pet dog is more than just a furry companion. He is my best friend. His wagging tail and excited bark always greet me when I come home. Even on days when I’m feeling down, he manages to lift my spirits with his playful antics. He has taught me about responsibility and unconditional love. I feed him every day. I also go to the park every day with my dog. Having a pet dog requires commitment and dedication. But in return, you receive so much joy and happiness that it’s all worth it. One of the things I love most about my pet dog is how intuitive he is. He seems to know exactly what I need before even I do sometimes. Overall, having a pet dog has enriched my life in countless ways. He may be small but he has left an indelible mark on my heart that will last forever.

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Essay on My Pet Animal- My Pet Cat- 150 Words

My pet cat is not just a furry friend, but an important member of my family. Her name is Luna and she has been with me for over six years now. She may not be able to speak as humans do, but her actions tell me that she needs me. Luna loves spending time with us curling up on our laps as soon as we sit down. Every day when I come back home from school, Luna always greets me at the door with a purr and rubs against my legs. One of the most wonderful things about having a pet cat like Luna is watching her play. She chases after toys or even shadows on the wall. One thing that never fails to amaze me is how much joy she brings into our lives every day. Having a pet animal can teach you so much about life – responsibility, empathy and love without condition are just a few things on the list . She’s more than just an animal; she’s part of our family now!

My Pet Cat- Essays on Pet- 200 Words

My Pet Cat  Essays  edumantra.net

My pet parrot, Mango, has been a constant source of joy in my life. he never fails to bring a smile to my face. He has colourful feathers and a playful personality. He is parrot is the most talkative and entertaining little creature I have ever met. His vibrant green feathers and sparkling eyes never fail to capture anyone’s attention. One of the things I love most about Mango is his ability to mimic human speech. He can say phrases like “hello” and “I love you,”. He sometimes steals food from my plate which brings joy to me. His speech always amazes me and impresses my friends. He puts emphasis on certain words and even adds inflexions to make them sound more realistic. Mango also loves to play games with me. We’ll toss a ball back and forth or have tickle fights. He bites my fingers when he is in a playful mood Of course, owning a parrot isn’t all fun and games. They require patience, consistency, and training in order to thrive as pets. But the rewards are well worth the effort. Overall, I feel incredibly lucky to have Mango as my pet parrot. He brings so much happiness into my life every day!

Animals as Pets Essay- 500 Words


For centuries, humans have kept animals as pets for a number of reasons. Some people find comfort in the companionship of their furry friends, while others appreciate their unique characteristics and personalities. Each animal brings a different experience to the household. While keeping an animal as a pet can be a rewarding experience. It also comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. Let’s discuss the benefits and drawbacks of owning a pet, the different types of animals that make great companions, and much more.

Animals as Pets Essay edumantra.net

Why are Animals Kept as Pets?

Animals have been kept as pets for centuries, and there are various reasons why people choose to bring them into their homes. Firstly, animals provide companionship and unconditional love that is often difficult to find elsewhere. Pets offer a sense of comfort and security, especially for those who live alone or suffer from anxiety or depression. Moreover, caring for an animal can be therapeutic and help to reduce stress levels. It can also promote physical activity by walking dogs or playing with cats, which is beneficial for both the owner’s and the pet’s health. Additionally, some people keep animals as status symbol or fashion statement. For instance, having exotic pets such as snakes or birds of prey may indicate wealth or power in certain cultures. Children often ask their parents for a pet because they want something cute and cuddly to play with. Pets teach children about responsibility while providing an opportunity to learn empathy towards other living beings. There are many reasons why animals are kept as pets- from emotional support to social status- but what remains constant is the bond between humans and animals that has evolved over time.

The Benefits of Keeping Animals as Pets

  • Keeping animals as pets can provide numerous benefits to their owners. Firstly, pets offer companionship and emotional support to their human counterparts. This is especially true for individuals who live alone or suffer from anxiety or depression.
  • Secondly, owning a pet can contribute to an active lifestyle. Dogs require regular exercise which prompts their owners to engage in daily walks and outdoor activities. Playing with cats, dogs or other interactive pets also provides mental stimulation that helps promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.
  • Pets are also known to have therapeutic qualities such as lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease among other physical health conditions.
  • Owning a pet teaches responsibility and empathy towards other living beings particularly when it comes to caring for them properly by providing adequate food, shelter veterinary care amongst others.
  • Keeping animals as pets offers both tangible physical benefits and intangible emotional advantages that cannot be overstated.

The drawbacks of keeping animals as pets

While keeping animals as pets has its benefits, it also comes with some drawbacks.

  • One of the main concerns is the responsibility that comes with owning an animal. Pets require care and attention which can be time-consuming and expensive.
  • Another drawback is the impact on one’s lifestyle. Having a pet may limit travel opportunities or social activities since someone needs to take care of them while their owners are away. Additionally, some pets may have specific dietary or exercise requirements that need to be met which can add further limitations.
  • Another issue is allergies – many people suffer from allergies to various types of animals, making it difficult for them to keep certain pets in their homes without suffering from allergic reactions.
  • There are potential safety concerns associated with owning certain types of pets like snakes or large dogs that require special training and handling techniques.
  • Although having a pet can bring joy into our lives, it’s important for people to consider the challenges that come along with being a responsible pet owner before taking on this commitment.

The different types of animals that can be kept as pets

different types of animals that can be kept as pets edumantra.net

There are a variety of animals that can be kept as pets, each with their own unique characteristics and needs. Dogs- One of the most common types of pets is dogs, which come in many different breeds and sizes. They offer companionship, protection, and plenty of opportunities for exercise. Cats- Cats are another popular choice for those looking to keep an animal as a pet. They are known for being independent but also affectionate towards their owners when they want attention. Some cat breeds require more grooming than others but generally don’t need as much exercise compared to dogs. Birds – Birds such as parrots or budgies are also commonly kept as pets due to their colourful feathers and ability to mimic human speech. However, they require specific diets and living conditions that must be thoroughly researched before bringing one home. Ultimately, the type of pet chosen should fit the individual’s lifestyle, budget, living situation, and level of commitment required in providing proper care.

Keeping animals as pets is a personal choice that comes with its own set of pros and cons. It’s important to consider the responsibilities and costs associated with owning a pet before making the decision to bring one into your home. While there are many benefits to having an animal companion, such as reduced stress levels and increased socialization opportunities, it’s crucial to acknowledge that pets require time, attention, and resources. Ultimately, whether or not you decide to keep an animal as a pet should be based on your lifestyle and ability to provide the necessary care. If you do choose to adopt a furry friend into your family, remember that they rely on us for their well-being and deserve all the love we can give them. By being responsible owners who prioritize our pets’ needs above our own desires, we can create happy homes for both ourselves and our animal companions.

1. What are your favourite animals? Answer – My favourite animals are cats, dogs, horses, and birds. Cats and dogs are typically loyal companions that provide unconditional love. Horses have a gentle spirit that can bring calmness and peace to their owners. Birds provide the beauty of flight and entertaining chirps to any environment. Each animal has something special to offer in terms of companionship and joy.

2. What’s your favourite wild animal? Why? Answer – My favourite wild animal is the tiger. I love them because of their magnificent beauty, powerful strength, and stealthy agility. Tigers are amazing hunters, and they have a unique ability to adapt to many different habitats. The tiger’s striped fur and stunning roar make it a fascinating animal to observe in its natural environment. I am always amazed by the sheer power of these majestic creatures and appreciate their importance in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

3. What is the most adorable animal in the world? Answer – The most adorable animal in the world is undoubtedly the puppy! Puppies have the unique ability to bring an immediate smile to anyone who sees them, and they have a natural ability to love unconditionally. They are active, playful, loving, and loyal – all traits that make them one of the greatest companions a person could ask for. Additionally, their innocence and reliance on human beings make puppies even more adorable, making them a clear choice for the world’s most adorable animal.

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Essay on My Favourite Animal Lion

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Animal Lion in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Lion


Lions are my favourite animals because of their majestic appearance and strength. They are often called the ‘King of the Jungle’.

Lions have a unique look with a large mane around their heads. They have a golden-brown colour that blends with the African savannah.

Habitat and Lifestyle

Lions live in groups called prides. They are found mostly in Africa. They are carnivorous and known for their hunting skills.

Symbol of Courage

Lions symbolise courage and power. They are fearless and command respect in the animal kingdom.

In conclusion, the lion’s majestic appearance, strength, and courage make it my favourite animal.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Lion

The animal kingdom is replete with creatures that inspire awe and admiration, yet for me, the lion holds a special place. The lion, often referred to as the ‘King of the Jungle,’ is my favourite animal due to its majestic appearance, social structure, and symbolic significance.

Majestic Appearance

The lion’s majestic appearance is undeniably captivating. Its muscular physique, golden mane, and intense gaze exude a sense of power and grandeur. The lion’s roar, resonating up to five miles away, is a testament to its strength and dominance. Yet, despite their intimidating presence, lions exhibit a certain grace and beauty that is simply mesmerizing.

Social Structure

Lions are unique among big cats for their social behaviour. They live in groups called prides, which consist of related females, their offspring, and a small number of adult males. This social structure is fascinating and demonstrates the lions’ cooperative nature, as they work together for hunting and protecting their young. This sense of unity and cooperation is a trait that humans can learn and imbibe.

Symbolic Significance

Lions have been symbolic throughout human history, representing courage, strength, and nobility. They are often depicted in art, literature, and mythology, serving as a symbol of power and royalty. The lion’s symbolic significance further enhances my admiration for this magnificent creature.

In conclusion, the lion, with its awe-inspiring appearance, unique social structure, and symbolic importance, is my favourite animal. It is a testament to the beauty and complexity of the animal kingdom and serves as a reminder of the strength and unity that we, as humans, can aspire to embody.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Animal Lion

The animal kingdom is a diverse and fascinating realm, home to a myriad of species, each unique in their own way. Among these, the lion, often referred to as the ‘King of the Jungle’, holds a special place in my heart. This majestic creature, with its captivating presence and awe-inspiring strength, is my favourite animal.

The Majesty of Lions

Lions, scientifically known as Panthera leo, are among the most recognised animals on the planet. Their regal mane, robust physique, and commanding roar are emblematic of their royal status in the animal kingdom. Lions are the second-largest cats in the world, after tigers. However, it is not their size alone that sets them apart, but the unique social structure they maintain.

Social Structure of Lions

Unlike most big cats that are solitary, lions are sociable creatures that live in groups known as prides. A typical pride consists of several related females, their cubs, and a coalition of one to four males who mate with the adult females. This social structure is a fascinating aspect of their species, highlighting their advanced level of cooperation and division of labour.

Symbolism of Lions

Lions have been symbolised in various cultures for their attributes of strength, courage, and nobility. In ancient Greek mythology, the Nemean Lion was considered an invincible creature, representing the ultimate test of a hero’s prowess. In various African cultures, lions are revered as guardians or symbols of royalty and power.

Lions and Conservation

Despite their majesty and symbolic importance, lions are currently classified as a ‘Vulnerable’ species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Their populations have been declining due to habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and poaching. This highlights the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect these magnificent creatures and their habitats.

In conclusion, the lion, with its majestic presence, unique social structure, and symbolic significance, is my favourite animal. However, the threats faced by these magnificent creatures underline the importance of conservation efforts. As we marvel at their majesty, let us also remember our responsibility to protect their existence for future generations. The lion, as the ‘King of the Jungle’, deserves not just our admiration, but also our utmost efforts to ensure their survival.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Man Is a Social Animal
  • Essay on Love for Animals
  • Essay on If I Could Talk to Animals

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Essay on My Pet in 150, 250, and 350 Words for Students

my favourite animal essay in english 200 words

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  • Jan 12, 2024

Essay on my pet

Essay on My Pet: Pets are wonderful companions, there is no denying that. Pets provide us with immense love and affection and ask for very little in return. Dogs are “man’s best friend”, this particular phrase has been heard for centuries now, and for a good reason too. Dogs are protective, they are loyal, and are always there for you. There are a lot of reasons as to why dogs make great pets. They comfort and support us in our difficult times. For centuries they have been the most popular pets in the world and it is no surprise as they have been our faithful friends.

Talking about one’s pet is just so exciting and fun. People can go on and on talking about their pets and not stop. Doing the same, we have moulded some of those words in the form of samples of essay on My Pet in 150, 250 and 300 words for students. Let’s have a look at them. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on My Pet in 150 words
  • 2 Essay on My Pet in 250 words
  • 3 Essay on My Pet in 300 words

my favourite animal essay in english 200 words

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Essay on My Pet in 150 words

I have a pet dog and his name is Chandler. He is named after my favourite “ Friends ” character and has been with us for the last nine months. His colour is golden and his tail is bushy as he is a golden retriever. Chandler is very energetic and likes to play a lot with all of us. He runs extremely fast when chasing cats. He is very playful. We take good care of his diet. I give him foods like eggs, meat, fish, bread, rice, etc. Whenever I return from school, he wags his tail in joy and jumps and hops all around me as if celebrating. Chandler knows everybody in our family and whenever he sees a new person, he barks at them, but he is sweet and does not bite anyone. He is very intelligent as well and gives us handshakes with his paws. He understands whatever we tell, and on command, he sits and rolls over too. He is an essential part of our family and we all love him very much.

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Essay on My Pet in 250 words

My pet dog is a Golden Retriever and his name is Cheddar. He is named after a dog seen on the famous sitcom “Brooklyn 99”. Cheddar is a very energetic and playful dog. He likes to go on walks a lot and play with frisbees and balls. My dad brought him home a year ago. Although I somewhat wanted a cat, now I love him the most. Bella, my sister is crazy about dogs, she wanted a dog since time immemorial. At first, our mother was sceptical about getting a pet, but now Cheddar is her favourite. She treats him just like the way she treats us. 

My sister is particular about his timely vaccinations, eating habits, cleanliness, etc. She bathes him twice a week and every evening, we take him out for a stroll in the neighbourhood as well as the park. As mentioned before, Cheddar is quite active. Hence, we play with him in the park a lot. We throw a ball or a frisbee and play a game of fetch with him. He likes to roll in the leaves and it is fun to watch him do so. Along with being active, Cheddar is smart as well. At home, when his food is served, as long as we don’t say the word “go” he patiently waits. On command, he jumps and shakes hands with us using his paw. When told, he can roll over too. He amuses us with his daily fetching of random things like slippers, or one of his toys. We love him with all our heart and he has become an essential member of our family.

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Essay on My Pet in 300 words

My pet’s name is Mario. He is a two-year-old German Shepherd. I was in 6th grade when my father brought Mario home when he was just 45 days old. His cute little face was so fluffy I could just hug and kiss him all day. I bought a soccer ball, with which he and I used to play all day long. Being in school, I used to think about what is he doing right now or today I’ll take him for a walk to the park, where we will play soccer, etc. 

His unconditional love has always been there as a stress reliever. His loyalty, unwavering support and companionship have been with me in my good and bad times. Now that he is an adult, I have taken all his responsibilities like feeding him, bathing him, taking him for walks, etc. 

Mario once fell ill due to a cold, and whatever he was eating, he was not able to digest it. I got s worried that I took him to the vet, where he was given a penicillin shot as an antibiotic treatment. I was so scared that I held him with my hands and he was lying there, unconscious. Two hours later, he gained his consciousness and started licking my face. All my sorrow and sadness vanished away in a second, seeing his beautiful eyes and fluffy tail wavering all over the table. 

Now that he is completely healthy, I take him for his walks every day, where he is always filled with excitement to explore the other world. As a loyal friend, my dog, Mario, has never demanded anything except for 3 times of meals and a walk. Whether it’s a game of fetch in the backyard or a stroll in the park, every shared moment is a treasure that adds richness to my life.

I have a pet dog and his name is Chandler. He is named after my favourite “Friends” character and has been with us for the last nine months. His colour is golden and his tail is bushy as he is a golden retriever. Chandler is very energetic and likes to play a lot with all of us. He runs extremely fast when chasing cats. He is very playful. We take good care of his diet. I give him foods like eggs, meat, fish, bread, rice, etc. Whenever I return from school, he wags his tail in joy and jumps and hops all around me as if celebrating. Chandler knows everybody in our family and whenever he sees a new person, he barks at them, but he is sweet and does not bite anyone. He is very intelligent as well and gives us handshakes with his paws. He understands whatever we tell, and on command, he sits and rolls over too. He is an essential part of our family and we all love him a lot.

Both cats and dogs make wonderful pets, each offering unique qualities that appeal to different people. Cats are generally more independent animals. Dogs are social animals that thrive on companionship. They usually need more attention, exercise, and social interaction.

Dogs are known as the best friends of humans because they bring loyalty, joyous moments, unconditional love and life-teaching lessons. Some of the best dog breeds for domestication are German Shepherd, Siberian Huskey, Golden Retriever, Labrador, Beagle and Boxer.

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This brings us to the end of our blog on Essay on My Pet. Hope you find this information useful. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu.

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Paragraph on My favourite animal 200 Words for CBSE / ICSE / State Board

Paragraph on my favourite animal.

I always had a liking towards animals but my favourite animal is a dog. A dog is a four-footed animal. It is full of fur & like a soft ball. Its googly innocent eyes show the love & warmth they have in them. They cannot speak but by their actions they try to explain what they feels. They are extremely loving & faithful animal. They have many features such as strong sense of small, high voice, sharp teeth etc. which help them to save themselves and also their masters. There are many breeds of dogs. I always used to feed the stray dogs biscuits with my pocket money. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction. I also had a dog as a pet. I really feel lucky to have spent my childhood with a dog. It was a Labrador. It was 65 days old when mumma & papa bought it for me. I was delighted to see the small little puppy. It was active & loving. It glowed in its golden fur. It was very affectionate & caring. Being so small it was so faithful & always took care of us. A dog is a very intelligent animal & even helps police & Special Forces to inspect an incident. They are trained & responsible.

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Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog for Students [Easy Words]

January 12, 2021 by Sandeep

My Favourite Animal Essay: Dogs are the best friends of humans. They are the most lovable pet animals. They are known for their extremely loyal nature towards their masters. They have sharp teeth, alert eyes and ears, friendly nature and faithful companions. They help in catching thieves and sniffers help in bomb detection and criminal investigations. They are intelligent and have a great sense of smell. They are clever, smart and live selflessly with other family members.

Essay on My Favourite Animal

Below we have provided My Favourite Animal Essay in English, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

The bond shared between humans and animals is a profound one. Their interaction influences their behaviour. To some extent, they are mutually dependent on each other. There are numerous species of animals. All of these have unique abilities and roles on this planet. Some people are fond of wild animals, whereas some love to have pets of their own. I find animals to be very interesting and friendly. Out of all of them, my favourite animal is a dog.

Dogs are often taken as a pet because of their domestic nature. They are four-footed animals with bright shiny eyes. They have sharp noses which enables them to have a strong sense of smell.  They have two ears, sharp teeth, and a short tail. Dogs can be of different kinds. Some are small, whereas some are giants. Some are sleek, and some are furry. Their skin tones and shades vary. We can find them in different colours like white, black, brown, red, and grey.

They are present all across the globe. They can be your best friend in a matter of minutes. They are just adorable. Sometimes they can act a bit goofy and playful. However, they form an integral part of our lives once we get to know them. Dogs are very protective and faithful to us humans. They are extremely intelligent and can guard our homes from strangers. In case of theft or any other suspicious activity, their loud barks can wake up an entire neighbourhood.

Children love to spend time with dogs. They can be your true companion. These beautiful creatures are full of energy and are bound to lighten up your mood. Dogs are not only quick-witted but also easily adapt to varying situations. They love to be surrounded by their favourite humans. They can sense it if you are depressed or anxious. They try their best to get you out of that state of mind.

Having a dog means a positive effect on your fitness and well-being. They are robust creatures who love to run around. Exercise becomes a part of your life around them. Whenever you are around them, you find yourself smiling and laughing. These are affectionate animals that respect their humans and must be treated well. It is our responsibility to look after these kind and hearty companions.

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Essay on My Pet Dog in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on My Pet Dog: There is no denying that pets are wonderful companions. They provide us with unconditional love and affection, and ask for very little in return. Dogs, in particular, have been known as “man’s best friend” for centuries, and for good reason. They are loyal, protective, and always eager to please.

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Target Exam ---

There are many reasons why dogs make such great pets. They are a great source of comfort and support during difficult times. Dogs have been our faithful friends for centuries and there is no doubt that they are one of the most popular pets in the world. Whether you’re looking for a loyal companion, a playful friend, or just a furry shoulder to cry on, a dog is the perfect pet for you.

Long and Short My Pet Dog Essay in English

We have provided below short and long essay on my pet dog in English language for school going children and students.

The essays have been written in simple language, yet are useful and informative and will let you understand the advantages of a pet dog and how it is a good companion, a guard and an honest friend.

You can use these ‘my pet dog essay’ in your school and college essay writing, debate, speech and other similar competitions and leave a good impression on your teachers and friends.

My Pet Dog Essay – 200 words

My pet dog is a pug. It is fawn in colour and has a small built. We have named it Swigi. It has been with us since the last 2 years. I still remember the day me and my sister went to the pet shop with my father to bring it home. I somehow wanted to pet a cat but my elder sister, Riya is almost crazy about dogs and was adamant that we get a dog as a pet. Other members of my family also believed that keeping a dog as a pet was a better choice and so a cute little one month old pug came home with us that day and became a part of our family.

Though everyone in the family takes care of Swigi, my sister is especially particular about its cleanliness, vaccinations and eating habits. We make Swigi bath twice a week. It is actually my favourite time of the week. We take it to the terrace and bathe him with a pipe. We make sure it gets its food on time and goes for stroll twice every day. Swigi also accompanies us everywhere we go.

Swigi is quite an active dog and loves playing with ball. It is super fun playing with it.

Essay on Dog

My Pet Dog Essay – 300 words

My pet dog, Barney is a Labrador. It is light brown in colour and has a strong built. Having a Labrador as a pet serves a double purpose. You do not only get a great friend who is always ready to play with you but it also acts as a security guard for your home. Our home is a more secure place because of the presence of Barney.

Participation in Dog Show

Many people bring home pets and forget about them. We aren’t among those. We take good care of Barney and always love involving it in different activities. It has been with us since the last 5 years and we have made it participate in three dog shows since then. We got it trained for these shows and it made us proud by winning prizes in all these events. At the time of the first event, Barney was just 10 months old. It was hyper active and won the hurdle race. During the second event, it was 2 years old won the bird hunt game. In the third event, it again participated in a race and came third. Barney was 4 years old then.

My Pet Dog is Very Vigilant

Barney remains vigilant all the time. It barks at the sound of any hustle near the home especially at night. It has a strong smelling sense and grows suspicious if it experiences any strange or unfamiliar smell. Dogs are extremely faithful and want nothing but the best for their masters. Barney is no exception. It is very protective about our family and thus guards our house at all times.

I love spending time with Barney. It makes me forget all my tensions and worries. It stands near the front door waiting for me when it is time for me to come home from school and wags its tail as soon as it sees me. We are both extremely delighted to see each other.

My Pet Dog Essay – 400 words

I have an adorable Dachshund as my pet. It is an extremely lively dog and always keeps us on toes whenever we are out to play with it. We have named it Buddy and it indeed is our best Buddy. Dachshunds are very friendly and cheerful. Buddy has gelled along extremely well with our family and loves all of us dearly. We also love it with all our heart.

My Pet Dog’s Features

With their long and low bodies, Dachshunds look quite different from the other breeds of dogs. Here is how my Buddy looks like and behaves:

  • Buddy is chocolate brown in colour and is long haired.
  • It is a miniature sized Dachshund.
  • It has a very strong smelling power.
  • It has a very pleasant and friendly disposition. It befriends all our friends, neighbours and relatives who come home and is eager to play with them.
  • It is also very brave and clever. It always remains cautious about who roams around in the street next to our house and barks at any suspicious or unfamiliar person around.
  • It is also very curious about things.
  • It is Fun Playing with Buddy

Dachshunds are hyper active and always keen on playing different games. Buddy particularly loves playing with the ball. So every evening we take it out for around half an hour and indulge him in this activity. It is not only fun for Buddy but an extremely amazing experience for me and my brother too.

Buddy also loves travelling. We often go for weekend outings and Buddy is always super excited to go along with us. Since it is small in size, it is not a hassle to take it along. It does not even require much food which makes it quite travel-friendly.

It has been a year that we have brought him home and our friends and cousins have started visiting us all the more since then. A cheerful soul that it is, everyone is fond of it and wants to spend time with it.

We mostly keep it tied with a chain when it is home. My mother particularly makes it a point that Buddy is tied with its chain near the balcony. This is because the moment we untie it, it runs around the house breaking every single thing that comes its way.

Pet dogs are fun to be around and especially if it is a Dachshund, you can never get bored. Each day seems exciting and fun in its company. Buddy is the lifeline of our family.

My Pet Dog Essay – 500 words

When I was young, we had a Doberman as a pet. It became a part of my family even before I was born. So, I knew him from the time I was born. Doberman have a strong sixth sense and always remain vigilant. However, you can see their soft side when they are in the company of little kids and I have experienced this side of my pet Doberman whom we lovingly called, Bruno.

Why My Parents Decided to Pet a Dog?

My parents shifted to Goa soon after their marriage. They found a house on rent. It was a beautiful house that was well-suited for a family of two. However, the only problem was that the house stood aloof. It was at a distance from the other houses in the vicinity. In order to ensure the safety and security of my mother as my father went to the office, it was decided to bring home a pet dog. They decided to go for a Doberman as it is a fearless, brave and sturdy dog. Owing to this nature, Doberman dogs are also preferred in police and military services all around the world.

My mother was already fond of dogs and Bruno became her best friend in the new city. Since, Doberman require exercise every day, she took it for walk twice every day. My dad also enjoyed its company. Bruno grew extremely fond of me as soon as I was born and guarded me all the time. It also played with me.

Why We Had to Give Away Our Doberman?

I was extremely attached to Bruno and so was my mother. However, we had to give it away as my father got a good job opportunity in the United States and we had to shift there for two years. With heavy heart, we gave him to one of our neighbours who gladly took it home. We often called them up to ask for Bruno’s well being.

How I Found An Indian Spitz?

We shifted back to India after two years however, this time to a different city. I wanted to keep a pet dog again but my mother was not keen on it. However, it seemed like God heard my wish and fulfilled it.

One day when I was walking back home from school, I saw a Spitz struggling to get its leg out of a cycle tyre. I immediately went to help it. It was someone’s pet but seemed like it had lost its way. I helped it get rid of the tyre and gave a pat on its head. Spitzs are known to be quite affectionate. It began licking my arm. I looked around for its master but could not find anyone. As I began walking home, it started following me. I kept taking it back to the place I had found it for weeks in the hope to find its master but did not find anyone. Since then, it stays with us. I have named it Jiggles.

Dogs are very loving and caring. They shower love and are faithful to their masters. It is an amazing feeling to have a dog as a pet.

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My Pet Dog Essay – 600 words

I have a pet dog named Roger. It is a German shepherd and it has been a part of my family since the last 3 years. It is very warm, friendly and playful. However, outsiders often find it dangerous. This is because of its built and colour. It is vigilant and guards our house all the time.

Why I wanted to keep a Pet Dog?

Everyone in my family is fond of Roger. We all treat him like a family member. We cannot imagine life without him. However, I still remember the time when I wanted to keep a pet dog and all my family members were against the idea. I was 8 years old that time and my friend, Aanya owned a very cute little pug. She always brought it to the park. Whenever I visited her place, I saw her playing with it. Both of them looked so happy and loved each other’s company. Many a times, I called Aanya to play with me at my home but she refused saying she was busy feeding or bathing Roger. I felt really bad and wished that I too had a dog as a company. It is then that I decided to bring home a pet dog.

How I struggled to get My Pet Dog?

I knew I wanted a dog as a pet but I wasn’t aware that it would be such a struggle for me to convince my parents to get one home. As soon as, the thought of keeping a pet dog came into my mind, I rushed to my mom and told her that I want to get one home. My mother just laughed and dismissed my request with a pat on my cheek. I repeated my wish and she again took it lightly. This infuriated me and I told her that I really wanted a pet. It was then that my mother realized that I was serious about it. So she made me sit and explained as to why we could not keep a pet.

Both my parents are working. Though my grandparents live with us, they are old and taking care of a pet would have been too much to ask from them. Besides, my brother was a toddler then and my mother feared that he might catch infection. She tried to explain all these points to me. But I did not listen to any of her explanations. I went to my grandmother and requested her to convince mom to get a pet dog. My grandmother also tried to explain the same points. However, I kept convincing her for days and she finally agreed to take care of the dog for half the day until I came home from school. The rest was all my responsibility.

Somehow, I also convinced my father. Since he has a liking for dogs, convincing him was not that difficult. So finally my mother had to agree. We went to a nearby pet shop and my heart went drooling over this 2 months old German shepherd who was sleeping peacefully in a small cage. I knew at once that I wanted to keep him.

Roger won everyone’s Heart

Roger was so small and cute that almost everyone in my family fell in love with it as soon as I brought him home. My mother who detested the idea of bringing a pet home also found it cute and grew fond of it over the time. Dogs love babies and are very protective about them. Roger and my younger brother thus became friends almost instantly. Super excited about including Roger in the family, I told all my friends about it the same day.

Roger has become an inseparable part of our lives today and I just love it. Dogs are really adorable. I feel that everyone should keep a pet dog.

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FAQs on My Pet Dog

How do i write about my pet dog.

Start by describing your dog's appearance, character, and habits. Share anecdotes of memorable moments and explain the bond you share. Incorporate keywords related to your dog's breed or behaviors when relevant.

How do I write about my puppy?

Describe your puppy's playful nature, its little misadventures, and how it's growing. Talk about the joy and challenges of training and bonding with your new pet.

How dogs are good pets?

Dogs are loyal, protective, and offer unconditional love. They're also great companions, encourage physical activity, and can be trained to help with various tasks or even provide emotional support.

Why dog is my favorite animal?

Dogs are often favored because of their loyalty, intelligence, and the deep emotional bond they share with humans. Their playful nature and genuine affection make every moment special.

Why are dogs cute?

Dogs have expressive faces, playful behaviors, and often display innocence. Their wagging tails, floppy ears, and unique antics melt our hearts.

Why are dogs so lovely?

Dogs radiate affection and loyalty. Their genuine excitement to see you and their desire to comfort and protect make them incredibly endearing.

What is your favorite pet?

While I'm a machine and don't have personal preferences, many people love dogs, cats, birds, or even exotic animals as their favorite pets. It depends on individual experiences and bonds.

How do I love my pet?

Loving your pet involves providing them with proper care, attention, affection, and understanding their needs. Spending quality time, ensuring their well-being, and creating a safe environment demonstrate love.

How to make my dog happy?

To make your dog happy: Provide regular exercise and playtime. Offer a balanced diet and occasional treats. Give them toys and mental stimulation. Ensure regular health check-ups. Offer love, affection, and positive reinforcement.

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Essay on Lion

The lion is a wild animal. The jungle is its natural habitat. It is called “the King of the Jungle” because of its massive size and raw power. It has a strong build, four legs, a large head with mane (in males), a tail and two glowing eyes which make it look ferocious. The lion is famous for its roar and hunting ability. It lives in a ‘pride.’ The details on the majestic animal are discussed in this lion essay.

As well as being known as the king of the jungle, the lion is also the world's most dangerous animal. He is the best hunter in the forest. His biological name is Panthera leo, as he is very large and powerful.

A Description of the Body and its abilities

He is a strong animal with large eyes, four legs, a large head, and sharp teeth that help him to hunt and eat his prey. His body is covered with small greyish hair that gives him a good-looking appearance. A cub has dark spots on his body that gradually fade away with age. It has sharp teeth and claws that can be used to capture prey.

Besides the mane of the lion which is that they have long hair around their neck, another very famous part of their bodies is the tail of the lion.

Female lions and lionesses weigh an average of 130 kg and 190 kg, respectively.

What is Their Location?

In most forests, you find lions, but they're sometimes found in zoos, centuries, and circuses as well.

There are around 10 species of lion spread out over the world. South African Lions are the largest and Transvaal Lions are the second largest. Lions were once found in Eurasia, Africa, and North America.

10 Lines on Lion in English

The lion belongs to a family of cats.

It is a large and strong wild animal.

It is one of the strongest animals in the forest.

The lion is known as “The King of the Jungle”.

It is famous for its oar and hunting ability.

The lion’s body is covered with smooth, small ochre yellow hair.

The long hair which covers the lion’s neck is called ‘mane’.

The lion’s footprints are called ‘pugmarks.’

The lion eats flesh and hence, it is a carnivore.

Its teeth and claws are very sharp.

From the above lines on lions in English, we can see that lions are powerful animals. No wonder he is called the “King of the Jungle”. The female lion is known as the “lioness” and the lion offspring is called a “cub”. An essay on wild animal lions would simply not be complete without writing about his group.

The group in which lions live is called “pride”. It has ten to forty lions in it. Out of them, only one or two are adult males while the rest include lionesses and cubs. Usually, the males of the pride protect the cubs and the group against other animals and the females go out to hunt. Lions are very protective of their pride and are very ferocious animals with brilliant hunting abilities. 

In this essay on lions for Class 3 and 4 kids, it must be mentioned that lions sleep for twelve to fourteen hours during the daytime and go hunting at night. Lions have very sharp eyesight and are, therefore, excellent hunters. Their sharp claws and strong paws help them to hunt animals for their food. Lions eat the flesh of other animals and they are very fast runners. The loud roaring of lions could be heard from a distance of 8 kilometers.

Among all the cat species, only lions are socially active. Prides typically consist of two males, seven females, and any number of cubs. Lionesses usually belong to a group of sisters or cousins who have been living together since birth.

In mature females, the height at the shoulder is around four feet, the weight is about 450 pounds, the length is approximately eight and a half feet plus its tail. As a result, females are considerably smaller and weigh around 300 pounds on average.

In southern Africa, coated lions are sometimes seen, but these are not true albinos. Common albinos have a light brown or dark brown plain coat, with no spots or markings.

During the age of five, the male lion reaches sexual maturity, whereas the female lion reaches maturity when she is four. In pride, lionesses usually are brought together during the breeding season and later give birth together, allowing them to share nursing duties.

An average of three clubs are born to a lioness between 98 and 105 days after she becomes pregnant. Despite the harsh conditions in their habitats, only one of those cubs will make it to adulthood. Babies are blind at birth, and they move very slowly. Babies weigh less than five pounds.


Since lions are wild animals, the places where they can be found must be stated in the lion essay. Lions can be found in the wild savannah of Africa and the Gir forest of Gujarat in India. Lions were also found in Europe, North America, and some parts of the Middle East, but due to poaching, they are not found in those countries anymore. 

Poaching and Significance of Conservation

Lions are considered endangered animals because humans hunt and kill them for their skin, bones and mane. Lions are also kept in zoos, away from the wildlife, where they become unhappy. Therefore, lions must be protected from being hunted down and killed by humans. After all, this majestic animal is a symbol of power, honour and pride and should be preserved for future generations to behold their beauty and grace. 

And with that, this lion essay comes to an end. In this essay, the reason why he is called the “King of the Jungle” is written. The essay shows how the lion behaves, how much his strength is, his power in the forest, etc. The details about the “pride” of the lion are also discussed in this lion essay in English. Moreover, we now know where lions can be found on the planet and how human activities are hurting them. 

Lions are third-level or tertiary consumers in a forest ecosystem who feed on primary (herbivores) and secondary consumers. They play a crucial role in energy transmission in a food chain. Therefore, from an ecological point of view too, lions must be conserved to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. 

A Short Essay on Lion

The lion is a wild animal that lives in the jungle. It is called the “King of the Jungle” because of its strength and power. He has a large body of four legs, a huge head, a tail and a thick mane that makes him different from the others. Some details about lions shall be discussed in this lion essay.

5 Lines About Lion in English

The lion is a carnivore and eats the flesh of other animals.

The lion is very good at hunting.

The lion sleeps during the day and hunts at night.

The lion’s long hair on his neck is called “mane” and it protects him.

The lion is famous for its roar, large body and hunting ability.

The female lion is called “lioness” and the offspring are called the “cub”. Lions live in a group called “pride”. Lions are very protective of their group and cubs. Lions are endangered animals and can be found in Africa and some parts of India.

In this short essay on lions, some details about lions, and their group and where they are found etc are discussed. And with that, this essay comes to an end.


FAQs on Lion Essay

1. How long can Lions live?

Lions can live for ten to fourteen years in the wild and about 20 years in captivity. According to its lifecycle, an animal lives for an average of 20 years from conception to death. Because captive animals are safe from calamities and predators, they receive regular food supplies, and they have access to adequate medical care, they live longer in captivity than in the wild. During their existence in the wild, animals depend on their ability to survive against predators and find food to preserve their lifespan. It is difficult for lions even though they are top predators in the wild, and they live a shorter life than in captivity. On this page, we have gathered all the information you need to know about How Long Do Lions Live so that you have a better understanding of how long Lions live in the wild and captivity. 

2. How does the mane protect the Lion?

The mane protects the lion from attacks on his neck by other animals or lions from a different pride. During fights with other males, lions usually attack each other on their backs and hips, rather than their neck, which has been viewed as a shield by some. The mane serves not as a sign of fitness, per se, but as a signal, much like the tail of a peacock, about how strong the male is. You can directly go to the Vedantu link if you want to know a detailed view on this topic.

3. Why are Lions captured and hunted by humans?

Lions are hunted by poachers for their skin and bones and captured and kept in zoos for human recreation.

4. When Humans hunt Lions, why do they capture and capture them?

People kill lions in certain parts of Africa from fear or to demonstrate manhood during rites of passage ceremonies. Poachers hunt lions for their skin and bones; zoos keep lions for human entertainment. Lions are considered to be a symbol of manhood, courage, and strength. There are other threats. Besides mining in wildlife areas, illegal logging, poorly regulated trophy hunting and disease, there are many other threats facing lions as well as their prey in some places. Lions in captivity are often killed to supply Asia with bones. As an alternative to Tiger Bone Wine or to make Tiger Bone Cakes, the bones are used in addition to the tiger bone trade.

5. Which animal would win in a fight between a Tiger and a Lion?

As one imagines what might happen in the wild, one should consider the following:

Although tiger subspecies differ in size, tigers generally have an advantage in height/weight.

Tigers are known for their one-on-one combat style, so they may have the advantage in a group fight since male lions often unite against territorial rivals. However, if a lion coalition of two or three males encountered a single tiger, the lion coalition would win. It would be similar if two to four female lions were competing against one lone tigress.

Lion coalition partners squabble over access to females in estrous phases, and though these battles are not as intense as those between opposing coalitions, fighting experience may give a lion an edge against a tiger in one-on-one friction.

Despite the lion's mane not appearing to protect the lion from other lions, the tiger's fighting style evolved in the absence of a mane, allowing it to gain an advantage against a lone lion.

6. Is it possible to get hurt by a Lion's tongue?

Having a lion lick your skin would be painful. As a result of the rough texture of their tongues and the embedded spines (papillae), lions can hunt and devour their prey. Even a small lick or two could cause serious injury because the spines are sharp and point backwards. Would it hurt if a lion licked you? Lions have a thick tongue that is rough and big. Would it hurt if they did? All in all, it would hurt from a lion's lick or a tiger's bite, and even a simple scratch could cause gruesome injuries. However, you must not underestimate the lion's savagery. Although the tiger appears faster and more agile than the lion, the lion is stronger and more protective of its pride, making him virtually unbeatable if you were to fight him.

Its mane also serves as a protection and shield against whatever else the tiger throws at it.

The mane of a lion protects the lion from being bitten, which is helpful since tigers generally bite the back of their prey's necks. An interesting fact about lions: their manes become darker as they age.

English Compositions

Short Essay on Kangaroo [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, dear students, you will learn to write essays in three different sets on a kangaroo. It will help you prepare for your upcoming examinations.

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Short Essay on Kangaroo in 100 Words

Kangaroos are one of the world’s most unusual creatures. They are mammals who have been born prematurely. They continue to grow after birth. Kangaroos, as a result, have pouches in which they store their young ones.

Kangaroos are broadly light brown. Their head is triangular, and their ears are unusually pointed. They are incredibly tall and have powerful tails. They sometimes use their tail as a fifth leg. They enjoy jumping and have powerful, muscular legs. Kangaroos are also notable for having inseparable second and third toes. They are generally left-handed and have big lips. Kangaroos are herbivores as they eat green plants.

Short Essay on Kangaroo in 200  Words

Kangaroos are one of the most bizarre animals on the planet. They are mammals that are born prematurely. As a result, kangaroos have pouches that keep their young ones. Kangaroos have a light brown colouration. Their ears are very sharp, and their head is triangular. They stand at a staggering height and have robust tails.

Kangaroos use their tail to keep themselves balanced. They like to jump and have strong, muscular legs. They’re also known as macropods. Kangaroos are also known for having two toes that are inseparable. They tend to be left-handed and have large lips. They eat green plants and are called herbivores.

The kangaroo is my favourite animal because I’ve seen them in many animated movies and cartoons. I also enjoy reading kangaroo-themed stories. Kangaroos cannot survive in India’s hot tropical climate; hence they are not found here. I’m hoping my parents will take me to Australia soon to have a closer look at them.

In Panchatantra, I’ve read kangaroo stories. I’ve also seen Dot and the Kangaroo, an animated film. In this film, the kangaroo assists Dot in locating her home in Australia. Kangaroos are gentle and kind creatures. When I dance and hop, my mother, likes to call me a kangaroo. I want to pet one eventually, but my parents say they’d be happiest in the green lush of nature.

Short Essay on Kangaroo in 400 Words

Kangaroos are one of the unique animals in the animal kingdom. They are mammals that are born in a premature state. They keep on developing after birth. It is, therefore, that kangaroos have pouches in which they keep their young ones. They are also called marsupials, and they are the largest marsupials found on Earth. They come in many shapes and sizes. The four most common species of kangaroos are the red kangaroo, the eastern grey kangaroo, the western grey kangaroo, and the antilopine kangaroo.

Kangaroos have a light brown shade. They have a triangular head and peculiarly sharp ears. They are very tall and have extremely powerful tails. They use their tail for balancing. However, they can also use their tail as a fifth leg. They like to jump and have very strong and muscular legs. They are also called macropods.

The kangaroos are also unique because their second and third toes are inseparable. They have prominent lips, and they are mostly left-handed. Kangaroos eat green plants and are called herbivores. Humans like to eat kangaroo’s meat too. Brush wallabies are the most closely related animals to kangaroos.

Most of the kangaroos are found in Australia and New Guinea. They are the national animal of Australia. Kangaroos are mostly seen travelling in groups. The collective noun for kangaroos is called a mob. They are more active at night than during the day. They prevent water loss from their body by licking their sweat.

However, kangaroos are also getting extinct slowly due to their natural predators like eagles and foxes. Kangaroos are good swimmers, and they mostly drown their predators. Some kangaroos give away their young ones to the predators to save their own life. Kangaroos skins are used in making clothes. 

My favourite animal is the kangaroo because I’ve watched kangaroos in many animated movies and cartoons. I also like to read stories based on kangaroos. Kangaroos are not found in India because they cannot survive in such a hot tropical Indian climate.

I hope my parents take me to Australia soon to look at them closely. I’ve read stories on kangaroos in Panchatantra. I’ve also watched the animated movie Dot and the Kangaroo. In this movie, a kangaroo helps the lost Dot find her home in Australia. Kangaroos are friendly and kind animals. My mother sometimes likes to call me a kangaroo when I dance and hop a lot. I wish to pet one someday, but my parents tell me they will be happier in their natural habitat.

Dear students, hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea of writing a descriptive essay on kangaroos. I have tried to cover every aspect that goes into their making and makes them unique. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on many important topics, keep browsing our website. 

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Essay on Elephant for Students and Children

500+ words essay on elephant.

Elephants are quite large animals . They have four legs which resemble large pillars. They have two ears which are like big fans. Elephants have a special body part which is their trunk. In addition, they have a short tail. The male elephant has two teeth which are quite long and are referred to as tusks.

my favourite animal essay in english 200 words

Elephants are herbivorous and feed on leaves, plants, grains, fruits and more. They are mostly found in Africa and Asia. Most of the elephants are grey in color, however, in Thailand, they have white elephants.

In addition, elephants are one of the longest-lived animals with an average lifespan of around 5-70 years. But, the oldest elephant to ever live passed away at the age of 86 years.

Furthermore, they mostly inhabit jungles but humans have forced them to work in zoos and circuses. Elephants are considered to be one of the most intelligent animals.

Similarly, they are quite obedient too. Usually, the female elephants live in groups but the male ones prefer solitary living. Additionally, this wild animal has great learning capacity. Humans use them for transport and entertainment purposes. Elephants are of great importance to the earth and mankind. Thus, we must protect them to not create an imbalance in nature’s cycle.

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Importance of Elephants

Elephants come in the group of most intelligent creatures. They are capable of quite strong emotions. These creatures have earned the respect of people of Africa that share the landscape with them. This gives them a great cultural significance. Elephants are tourism magnets for mankind. In addition, they also play a great role in maintaining the biodiversity of the ecosystems.

Most importantly, elephants are also significant for wildlife. They dig for water in the dry season with their tusks. It helps them survive the dry environment and droughts and also helps other animals to survive.

In addition, the elephants of the forest create gaps in the vegetation while eating. The gaps created enables the growth of new plants as well as pathways for smaller animals. This method also helps in dispersal of seeds by trees.

Furthermore, even elephant dung is beneficial. The dung they leave contains seeds of plants they have consumed. This, in turn, helps the birth of new grasses, bushes, and even trees. Thus, they also boost the health of the savannah ecosystem.

Endangerment of Elephants

Elephants have found their way on the list of endangered species. Selfish human activities have caused this endangerment. One of the biggest reasons for their endangerment is the illegal killing of elephants. As their body parts are very profitable, humans kill them off for their skin, bones, tusks, and more.

Moreover, humans are wiping out the natural habitat of elephants i.e. the forests. This results in a lack of food, area to live, and resources to survive. Similarly, hunting and poaching just for the thrill of it also cause the death of elephants.

Therefore, we see how humans are the main reason behind their endangerment. In other words, we must educate the public about the importance of elephants. Conservation efforts must be taken aggressively to protect them. In addition, poachers must be arrested to stop killing of the endangered species.

FAQs on Essay on Elephant

Q.1 Why are Elephants important?

A.1 Elephants are important not only to humans but wildlife and vegetation too. They provide sources of water for other animals in the dry season. Their eating method helps in the growth of new plants. They maintain the balance of the savannah ecosystem.

Q.2 Why is endangerment of elephants harmful?

A.2 Human activities have caused endangerment of elephants. Extinction of these animals will create an imbalance in the ecosystem gravely. We must take steps to stop this endangerment so they can be protected from extinction.

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Short Essay on 'My Favourite Animal' (100 Words)

my favourite animal essay in english 200 words

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my favourite animal essay in english 200 words

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Amazing essay,it help's my son to complete the School homework . Thanks a lot.. ....

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I was searching a short essay on my favourite animal and I wanted to write for my dog. I couldn't find anywhere.But I found this and I was so happy! Thanks!

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my favourite animal essay in english 200 words

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It is very good and useful

thank you for giving ideas for my ' dogs are the most friendly animals ' book. that is a book i wrote to my schools book challenge that book was the 1st and creative booklet in the school thanks thanks so much

It is very useful I used in my school assignment.

Awesome 👌🆒️🙌

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my favourite animal essay in english 200 words


  1. Essay On My Favourite Animal

    my favourite animal essay in english 200 words

  2. Short Essay on My Favourite Animal [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    my favourite animal essay in english 200 words

  3. My Favourite Animal Lion Essay in English

    my favourite animal essay in english 200 words

  4. Essay On My Favourite Animal

    my favourite animal essay in english 200 words

  5. Essay On My Favourite Animal

    my favourite animal essay in english 200 words

  6. Essay on My Favourite Animal for all Class in 100 to 500 Words in English

    my favourite animal essay in english 200 words


  1. Top favorite animals! #animals #coolanimals #amazinganimals

  2. My Favourite Feathered Bird English Essay Writing

  3. My Favourite Animal #shorts

  4. My favorite animals

  5. essay on my favourite animal in english/paragraph on my favourite animal/mera priya pashu nibandh

  6. My favorite animal. Improve your English. A1 Level


  1. Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog

    Intelligence and Trainability. Another reason why dogs are my favourite animal is their intelligence and trainability. Dogs are capable of learning a wide range of commands, tricks, and tasks, making them extremely adaptable. They are used in various fields such as search and rescue, therapy, and even in detecting diseases like cancer.

  2. 5 Amazing Essays on Pet Animals Short and Long 100, 150, 200, 300 and

    The different types of animals that can be kept as pets. 5 Amazing Essays on Pet Animals Short and Long 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words 7. There are a variety of animals that can be kept as pets, each with their own unique characteristics and needs. Dogs- One of the most common types of pets is dogs, which come in many different breeds and ...

  3. Essay on My Favourite Animal Lion

    The lion's symbolic significance further enhances my admiration for this magnificent creature. In conclusion, the lion, with its awe-inspiring appearance, unique social structure, and symbolic importance, is my favourite animal. It is a testament to the beauty and complexity of the animal kingdom and serves as a reminder of the strength and ...

  4. Essay on My Pet in 150, 250, and 350 Words for Students

    Essay on My Pet: Pets are wonderful companions, there is no denying that. Pets provide us with immense love and affection and ask for very little in return. Dogs are "man's best friend", this particular phrase has been heard for centuries now, and for a good reason too. Dogs are protective, they are loyal, and are always there for you.

  5. Animal Essay for Students and Children

    500 Words Essay on Animal. Animals carry a lot of importance in our lives. They offer humans with food and many other things. For instance, we consume meat, eggs, dairy products. Further, we use animals as a pet too.

  6. Essay on My Pet Cat for Students and Children in English

    Read below to find two essays about my pet cat. The first essay is a long essay of 500 words, and the second is a short essay of 200 words. The former is suitable for class 7-10 students as well as for those aspiring for competitive exams. The latter essay is ideal for kids of class 6 and below.

  7. Paragraph on My favourite animal 200 Words for CBSE / ICSE / State Board

    Paragraph on My favourite animal. I always had a liking towards animals but my favourite animal is a dog. A dog is a four-footed animal. It is full of fur & like a soft ball. Its googly innocent eyes show the love & warmth they have in them. They cannot speak but by their actions they try to explain what they feels.

  8. My favourite animal

    My favourite animal is the chameleon. I like them because they can change colour. Lots of people think that chameleons change colour to match where they are. But that's not true! Chameleons change colour when they're scared or angry, or when they're too cold or too hot. Chameleons have got a very long, sticky tongue that they use to catch insects.

  9. My Pet Essay

    100 Words Essay On My Pet. I have a pet dog who is very beautiful. I named him Tommy. He has been with us for the last nine months. He is black in colour and has a bushy tail. He runs very fast, especially when he is chasing cats. Tommy is healthy and playful. I always give him healthy food like meat, egg, fish, bread, rice, etc.

  10. Essay on My Favourite Animal Dog for Students [Easy Words]

    Out of all of them, my favourite animal is a dog. Dogs are often taken as a pet because of their domestic nature. They are four-footed animals with bright shiny eyes. They have sharp noses which enables them to have a strong sense of smell. They have two ears, sharp teeth, and a short tail. Dogs can be of different kinds.

  11. Essay On Horse for Students and Children

    All About Horses. A horse is a vegetarian and domestic animal. It is very beneficial as well. A horse has four feet, two eyes, a nose, two ears and a tail. Their feet are quite slim but really strong. It allows them to run fast and for long. Moreover, one can find horses in different sizes, colours and shapes.

  12. Parrot Essay

    200 Words Essay On Parrot. Parrots are medium and small-sized birds which are found generally in forests and sometimes even in the open area. Parrots are sometimes shown as being green in colour and enjoying chilies as a favourite food. Parrots can be green, yellow, or even rainbow in colour and enjoy eating grains, fruits, vegetables, and berries.

  13. Essay on My Pet Dog for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on My Pet Dog. Pets are a great blessing in anyone's life. They are the only ones who love us unconditionally. Pets always offer us everything they have without asking for anything in return. The main aim of any pet's life is to make their owner happy. Nowadays, even the term 'owner' is changing.

  14. PDF My favourite animal

    Task 1. My favourite animal is the chameleon. I like them because they can change colour. Chameleons have got a very long, sticky tongue. Elephants have got big ears and a long trunk. They can pick up food with their trunk. I especially love baby elephants. Dolphins are my favourite animals.

  15. My Dog Essay

    100 words essay on My Dog. My pet dog's name is Zuzu. He is 3 years old. His fluffy tail, pointed nose and white fur makes him look adorable. When I saw him for the first time at the adoption center, I loved him so much and decided to bring him home. He is a very friendly dog and a source of happiness for me.

  16. Essay on My Pet Dog in English for Students & Children

    My Pet Dog Essay - 300 words. My pet dog, Barney is a Labrador. It is light brown in colour and has a strong built. Having a Labrador as a pet serves a double purpose. You do not only get a great friend who is always ready to play with you but it also acts as a security guard for your home.

  17. Lion Essay for Students in English

    Essay on Lion. The lion is a wild animal. The jungle is its natural habitat. It is called "the King of the Jungle" because of its massive size and raw power. It has a strong build, four legs, a large head with mane (in males), a tail and two glowing eyes which make it look ferocious. The lion is famous for its roar and hunting ability.

  18. Short Essay on Kangaroo [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on Kangaroo in 200 Words. Kangaroos are one of the most bizarre animals on the planet. They are mammals that are born prematurely. As a result, kangaroos have pouches that keep their young ones. Kangaroos have a light brown colouration. Their ears are very sharp, and their head is triangular.

  19. Essay on Horse

    100 Words Essay On Horse. The horse is a four-footed domestic animal. Horses are very faithful animals. It has two ears, two eyes, one tail, and one long mouth. It is an herbivorous animal. It eats grass, trees, leaves, and grains. The horse is a strong and tall animal.

  20. Essay on Elephant for Students and Children

    Elephants are quite large animals. They have four legs which resemble large pillars. They have two ears which are like big fans. Elephants have a special body part which is their trunk. In addition, they have a short tail. The male elephant has two teeth which are quite long and are referred to as tusks. Elephants are herbivorous and feed on ...

  21. Short Essay on 'My Favourite Animal' (100 Words)

    Short Essay on 'My Favourite Animal' (100 Words) My favourite animal is the dog. The dog is a pet animal. It is a four-footed animal. It has two bright eyes. It has two ears, sharp teeth and a small tail. Dogs are of many kinds. Some dogs have fur on their bodies. The dogs are of different colours.

  22. My Favourite Animal Essay In English 200 Words

    My Favourite Animal Essay In English 200 Words. As we have previously mentioned, we value our writers' time and hard work and therefore require our clients to put some funds on their account balance. The money will be there until you confirm that you are fully satisfied with our work and are ready to pay your paper writer.

  23. My Favourite Animal Essay In English 200 Words

    My Favourite Animal Essay In English 200 Words | Best Writing Service. Level: College, High School, University, Master's, PHD, Undergraduate. 3 Customer reviews. 100% Success rate.