neurology personal statement examples

neurology personal statement examples

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January 19th, 2023

Neurology Residency Personal Statement Example – A Complete Guide 2023

neurology personal statement examples

Interested in learning how to write a personal statement for a residency in neurology?

If you’re looking for a neurology program, you should not only be prepared for interviews, but also focus on writing a compelling personal statement that will persuade the admissions committee.

In this article we will identify:

  • Format and structure
  • Things to include
  • How to mention your lower grades in it
  • Tips & Mistakes

What is Neurology? What Qualities Should a Neurologist Have?

Neurology is a branch of medicine that deals with the nervous system’s structure, functions, and diseases.

Qualities :

  • Dedicated attitude
  • Observation skills
  • Calm and passionate nature

What is Neurology Residency Personal Statement? How Will it Help You?

Neurology residency personal statement explains your interests, professional background, aspirations, and qualifications.

It provides the admissions panel a clear picture of your personality.

If you’re an international or US medical graduate, the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) is an online application platform for residencies in the US.

The application for a residency program in Canada is performed through the online CaRMS portal.

Importance of a personal statement:

  • To create an impression
  • To know you more personally
  • To increase your chances of admission
  • To understand why you’re suitable for the program
  • To know your professional goals


When Should Start to Write

  • Keep a keen eye out for application invitations from your preferred universities.
  • Check the deadlines.
  • Identify the kinds of documents that are required.
  • Verify your eligibility.
  • Requirements for personal statement writing (if any).
  • Start writing 2 or 3 months before the deadline.

What to Include

Writing a personal statement for a neurology residency requires careful planning and knowledge of what to include.

Now let us find what to include and what not to.

Should Include

You should include the following details in your personal statement for neurology residency:

  • Explanation of why you’re a suitable candidate for the programme
  • Describe your relationship to the field of neurology from a personal perspective
  • Your aspirations and values for your career as a neurologist
  • Any accomplishments in this subject, whether academic or professional
  • An explanation of the lower grades in short (it is optional)

Shouldn’t Include

Let’s now examine what it shouldn’t include:

  • Any unnecessary personal information
  • Achievements that are already listed in your CV.
  • False information regarding your experiences.

How Long Should a Neurology Personal Statement Be?

Depending on your university, the length of your personal statement for a neurology residency may vary.

However, the normal is one-page length.

No of pages:

Word count:, no. of characters:, best fonts:, sample 1 – neurology residency personal statement.

When I was younger, I wasn’t sure of what kind of person I wanted to be. Even when my 10th-grade class teacher asked about it, I was clueless. However, my fascination with biology led me to choose science as my major in higher secondary. I had an unexpected thought about my hazy future days as I was writing this, determined to become a neurologist. Every industrial and educational experience I have had has helped me to understand the importance of healing and helping others. Helping those who were suffering and providing them with comfort was something I really enjoyed doing. I was unsure about what specialty to choose when I first entered medicine. A brain tumour was discovered in my aunty, one of my close relatives, while I was in college. At the age of 45, it came on her without warning. She is more like a friend to me than a relative, next to my family. Without the excellent neurological experts at XYZ Hospital, she would not even be living and thriving now. For the previous three years, she had received great care, love, and encouragement from her neurologist. He treats every one of his patients in this way. And during the past three years, I have had the opportunity to attend a few of her sessions whenever I had the time. My interest in neurology had merely sparked, and it was encouraged to grow into a desire to understand more about it and hopefully become a specialist who can really help people like my aunt.

My understanding of how beautiful and incredible the human body is was influenced by the classes I attended in high school and college. While the human body is magnificent, I have also discovered about the possible pitfalls it could encounter and the ways in which these neurologists can help. Since my aunt’s brain tumour was discovered, I have dedicated my time to learning more about it. I realized that the human brain is an entire world. It contains its own power and mechanisms. I eventually became familiar with a number of neurological conditions and illnesses. With time, my interest in neurology grew more stronger. I then pursued neurosurgery and neurology-related courses in college as my interest in the field deepened. It once more piqued my interest and confirmed that I made the right decision.

My research on the effects of medications on the brain during my studies led me to the realization that a thorough grasp of this relationship can really aid in the development of effective treatment plans. Before suggesting any medicine, it is essential to get a clear idea over how our brains behave. In light of this, I became aware of how distinctive and fragile the brain is, while being a strong organ. Each patient’s brain reacts differently to drugs. In reality, some drugs wouldn’t work in one patient but succeed in the other. I realized that this was a crucial point to keep in mind and should be followed throughout my remaining medical school years. I was aware that only then would I be able to speak to each patient appropriately and avoid ever being accused of misinterpreting their adverse effects or symptoms and examine every alternative and potential risk before recommending a medication.

I have worked as a volunteer at a community hospital that offers free healthcare to everybody in our area while I have been in medical school. I gained a better understanding about the characteristics a physician has to have when working in these scenarios. I learned from my hospital mentors how important empathy and compassion are to our line of work. Additionally, it increased my focus on these traits as I became more aware of their significance in the care of patients with serious medical disorders. I have also been fortunate to have a number of opportunities throughout medical college to accomplish clerkship and optional components of my curriculum as well as clinical rotations in government health settings, work with quite lovely patients and families, and take an active role in fields such as cardiology, neurology, and dermatology.

No matter the patient’s age, I realised how crucial neurology is, as is a careful exploration of any innate or recently identified neurological diseases. I also noticed that even the relatively similar illness can appear completely differently in patients. Certain ailments are exceptionally difficult and confusing. My understanding of the intricacy of neurology and my enthusiasm for the field were considerably boosted by gaining knowledge about these diseases personally.

My goal in applying to your university’s neurology residency programme is to discover the experiences and opportunities necessary to further my knowledge of the specialty. After I graduate from this programme, I hope to become a kind and compassionate neurologist. I want to develop professionally and personally, with a strong desire to be of service to others.

Sample 2 – Neurology Residency Personal Statement

Although she was unaware of it, my grandmother was the inspiration for my decision to pursue a career in neurology when she passed away while I was 17 years old. When I think of her, several images come to me. My grandma, who constantly makes people happy with her delicacies, is depicted in one image as having a strong and lovely face. Another one is a woman who is constantly lying in bed and has fragile, weak hands. She could never walk normally, and her hand would tremble constantly. She wasn’t the cheerful and lively person I recalled and admired as a child. She had Parkinson’s disease in an advanced stage. However, I was curious to learn more so I could support her. Prior to enrolling in medical school, I was unable to comprehend the definitions of medical jargon. My professor discussed a variety of ailments that might influence the neurological system as well as their symptoms during one of neuro elective classes. I made a connection between that and my grandmother’s illness and how she presented her symptoms at that point. I became curious about it and wanted to learn more.

During my studies, I became even more fascinated by the brain’s capacity to regulate every element of the human body. I discovered the ideal possibility for myself as I desired to explore. I was hired as a teaching assistant for one of the professors who ran elective courses on neurology. This drove me to learn about the structure of the central nervous system and how it affects movement coordination, among other things. My grandmother kept coming to mind as I learned more about neurology.

I was rewarded for my dedication to the field when I received the single A in my class for the elective in neurology. My decision to pursue neurology for my clinical rotations was driven by my curiosity and desire. Every single day of the rotations was enlightening for me. Before, I had only been exposed to and understood the conditions through books. I was overjoyed and absolutely cherished the experience. My rotational mentors were great teachers for me. Both having a loving heart and possessing intellectual and medical understanding are essential. To help patients return to normal life, neurologists must show them compassion, courage, and care. Neurologists may have a significant impact on how patients cope with their disease. In order to get better results, I therefore plan to improve on the doctor-patient relationship.

A neurology residency programme that can present me with academic and professional challenges is something I’m genuinely looking forward to. I picture myself studying at an institution having skilled professionals and lots of possibilities to get exposure to a variety of neurological diseases and engage with different groups of people. No other field has pushed me to improve as much as neurology has in terms of my diagnostic skills, interactions with patients, or medical knowledge. I will be able to develop my abilities on a personal and professional level due to your university’s resources and excellent faculty. In gratitude, I would like to work in my native country so that I can raise public awareness and offer everyone access to relatively affordable treatments.


How to Write an Excellent Neurology Residency Personal Statement in Six Easy Steps?

You must first and foremost comprehend the required answer(s) and word limit of your statement.

When you’re certain of it, it’s time to get started.

The six-step process of writing is what we suggest for you.

Considering ideas

When you brainstorm, you discover a range of ideas to include in your statement.

Once you note down your required points, you can proceed to the next step.


You organize all of your brainstorming ideas during this step, and put them together to form a basic structure for your first draft.

 A rough draft is a way to get your ideas on paper.

Don’t bother about modifying it,  write what comes to your mind.

It is way easier to rearrange the structure if you have a draft.

Now that you have it, read it and make any necessary edits to your personal statement.


Here, you can fix all the technical issues with your personal statement, like grammar and spelling problems, and other common problems like format.

You can submit the personal statement in the final phase.

Make sure it’s in the proper format and that you have met all the conditions, including the word limit.

How Can I Explain Low Marks Or Other Adverse Facts In The Personal Statement?

In the personal statement, it is not necessary to justify your lower grades or other unfavorable details.

You can avoid it if you don’t want to!

But if you choose to write it, ensure you write in a straightforward, concise way that presents a positive perspective upon the negative situation.

How Should It Be Structured?


Your entire personal statement, especially the start, should be compelling. It’s a positive sign if you can keep the readers’ interest.

Describe your own experiences and personal stories related to the field in the introduction.

What inspired you to study neurology?

Explain in a narrative and intimate method.

Who or what is motivating you?

Simply describe it and take the opportunity to connect it to real life.

An example,

“When I was completing the rotation in urology, dentistry, and other specialties, I always thoroughly enjoyed it. However,  the rotation in neurology made me certain that it was the right field for me. Given that neurology is a profession with so broad applications, I found it quite intriguing. I find it particularly fascinating that neurology demands such an accurate connection of findings with regards to the patient’s condition, physical assessment, etc…”

Several paragraphs can be used for the main body.

They should explain to the reader how you came to your choice of specialty.

What should I include?

 A variety of subjects, including experiences with activities, volunteer work, and rotations.

Why should they select you?

Describe your abilities and qualifications, as well as what makes you unique.

In the conclusion part, you should emphasize yourself once more.

Your tone should convey your tenacity and enthusiasm for the subject.

You ought to mention:

  • Career goals (long & short term)
  • How can you contribute to society

Barriers to Overcome While Writing

  • Your language and vocabulary barriers
  • After some time of writing, inability to focus
  • Lack of confidence in expressing yourself
  • To complete work before the deadlines
  • The physical and mental strain of worrying about how well the writing is getting through.

What Format Should Your Personal Statement Use?

You can submit a statement in

12-pt Times New Roman font

Double-space, 1-inch margin, 1 and 2 pages long.

Although there aren’t any fixed guidelines regarding length or format since it varies on the university you choose.

How to Avoid Mistakes?

Your neurology residency personal statement can contain mistakes as you are not a professional.

Here are some suggestions to help you write your personal statement without making mistakes.

Should have clarity

When drafting your personal statement, clarity is essential.

Don’t confuse people with so much information.

Check for grammatical and spelling errors

You must write a document that is brief & clear.

If your writing is filled with grammar and spelling mistakes, you cannot achieve it.

Make sure to share your personal experience.

Don’t mix content from other personal statements.

Avoid plagiarism by being original.

Do not exaggerate

Exaggeration should be avoided in writing.

You shouldn’t include slang words or unnecessary explanations.

Ask suggestions

Ask your friends, family, or colleagues to read your writing once you’ve finished the first copy and share their feedback.

Where Can I Study Neurology?

  • University of Pennsylvania
  • John Hopkins University
  • Harvard University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Columbia University
  • Vanderbilt University
  • Yale University

Take the time you need to write your own personal statement for a residency in neurology.

As you begin to compose your personal statement, make sure to include all the information that will help it become powerful.

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So why wait much longer?

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neurology personal statement examples

Mrs Jizah M

Mrs Jizah M has always enjoyed writing down her thoughts since school days. What just started as a hobby slowly transformed into a passion. Her writing skills were first acknowledged by few of her professors when she wrote content for the college website; this was a turing. Slowly she started getting freelance works and later on, a series of events led her to specialize in academic and higher education related documentations. In additional to personal statements, she along with her team writes LORs, SOPs, college application essays, admission essays and all similar types of documents.

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neurology personal statement examples

Neurology Personal Statement Sample 1

Neurology residency applicants can refer to this sample personal statement as a guide.

Neurology personal statement sample 1

Neurology personal statement sample 2

Neurology personal statement sample 3

Neurology personal statement sample 4

I learned that the worst tragedies can be the most inspiring when I met Mr. C., during a neurology elective. His story unfolded as a young, successful businessman who became comatose right after a thunder-clap headache, a typical presentation of subarachnoid haemorrhage. But why did he have the bleed and where was the bleeding coming from? It did not take us long to figure it out—- a dissecting vertebral artery. I was actively involved and entrusted with great amount of independence, latitude, and responsibility in his care. Being a complete stranger to the country and their culture, I was overwhelmed by the patient who was on the verge of death. Yet, my hardship was minuscule when compared to Mr. C’s strong will to live which was repeatedly demonstrated on many occasions where we could have lost him. I was inspired to study more about his condition hoping to contribute to his care and I learned to deal with the emotional stress and frustration his family had by establishing good rapport and being there when they were in need of help. The team’s hard work paid off. Nothing was more inspiring than to see Mr . C nodding his head for the first time when I called out his name. The fact that he was just awake thrilled everyone out in the ICU. The experience of improving the lives of the most critically ill patients is truly euphoric and gratifying. I found my niche in neurology. Ultimately, it has been the neurology patients on my clinical rotations that reinforced my decision to become a neurologist. Although understanding the profoundly frustrating and depressing nature of some diseases in neurology, it hasn’t precluded me to immensely enjoy in these fields. Why do some people with facial palsy still smile at a joke? Why do some people only walk if you paint a perpendicular line in front of them? Why will one stroke in him destroy his ability to read while the other with the same stroke doesn’t have the same effect on his reading? Understanding how the brain works are infinitely complex. The intellectual challenges involved in answering these questions intrigued me. I love to tackle problems that my colleagues dismiss as too puzzling to contemplate. I view the arrival at a neurological diagnosis akin to completing the missing part of a jigsaw puzzle, a process that requires an analytical mind and meticulous eye, both qualities I prize and for which I strive. Analytic problem-solving skills do not in themselves make a great neurologist. I also realize how crucial it is to educate patients and spend the time needed to communicate to patients and their families about their illnesses which in turn gives me the opportunity to develop into an effective teacher. I am also impressed with the ability and the impact that a neurologist can have on the quality of life of many patients. Most patients can live a normal life and preserve their dignity and self-worth, a field where symptomatic treatments have significant importance. My experiences in neurology have enhanced my regard for research and advancement. I committed myself to investigate the epidemiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Newfoundland to elucidate trends linking to the high incidence in this province. This research opportunity has solidified my appreciation of the value of academic involvement and teamwork, and fortify my desire to contribute to the vibrant advancement of this specialty. I believe my personal character makes me an ideal match for neurology. Flourished when challenged, possessing great curiosity and dedication to patient care are some of my greatest attributes. I have a tremendous work ethic, which I have carried since childhood: diligent focused and driven for excellence in any task I undertake. I am both emotionally and professionally prepared for the high-stakes responsibility of being a neurology resident. I aspire to join a program that encourages the transformation of the industrious and ambitious medical student into a worthy neurologist who excels in his field of specialization, as well as an educator devoted to imparting his knowledge to a future generation of neurologists.

Neurology personal statement Sample 2

Choosing a specialty ultimately was an easy decision. I found every rotation to be rewarding both academically and personally, but I became most interested in and excited by patients that had neurological problems. I achieved a greater sense of satisfaction and enjoyment from delivering health care to these patients. Though medical school has given me concrete knowledge that will prepare me for this field, my life outside of school has prepared me in ways that can’t easily be measured. I remember the day after returning from school my family surrounded my unconscious uncle who was having seizures. I helplessly watched him in the chaos of my house with no one capable of helping him. The sad and worried faces of my grandparents are still fresh in my memory. As I grew older, I saw not only my uncle fighting with epilepsy but also many other people in my hometown suffering from debilitating neurological illnesses. The desire to make a difference in these peoples life has played a vital role to increase my inclination towards neurology. As a result I decided to pursue my career in neurology

During my final year of medical school I selected electives pertaining to neurology whenever possible. I applied myself diligently to gaining a foundation with which to localize neurological lesions and to formulate differential diagnoses. Learning as a student and then working as an intern in one of the largest hospitals in India entailed an incessant problem solving attitude, constant vigilance, and analytical skills. I valued the opportunity to talk to people, not only about their diseases but also about their lives. And it never ceases to amaze me that I learned as much from a patient’s history as I did from their lab tests and investigations. These experiences enriched my interpersonal and communication skills.

After my graduation, I worked as a resident physician at the Big clinic in Some Country for more than a year. Working here was very stimulating and enriched my skills, but I was still yearning for more knowledge. Shortly after I immigrated to U.S. in 2000, I started as a pharmacy technician followed by working with Dr.X in family practice. Firmly committed to a career in neurology, I started working as a medical assistant with neurologist Dr. Y. Working with Dr.Y I discovered many of the diagnostic and intellectual challenges of neurology; a skillful history and physical exam, a carefully formulated differential diagnosis, and the management of potentially debilitating disease. I received ample opportunity to review neuroanatomy, expand my knowledge base of underlying pathophysiologic processes of diseases, and learn new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities . Furthermore, after passing my board exams, I rotated for 12 weeks at the Comprehensive Health Services Clinic. Presently I am assisting Dr.B and Dr.J at University of Medicine, in a combined Psychiatry and Internal Medicine Clinical Research project, for prevention of depression during hepatitis C therapy .Working with these wonderful doctors taught me patience and diligence. I developed mental and physical stamina and learned to manage and execute multiple tasks. Here I realized that at the end of the day the most satisfying moment is to be able to cheer people up, and make a difference in patients life.

A career in neurology promises to be very rewarding. Because of new therapeutic modalities available to the modern clinician, the potentially incurable and debilitating disease that were once “diagnosed but not treated”, are now being treated. Furthermore, as our society’s elderly population grows larger with each passing year, the incidence of age related neurologic diseases, and the demand for well-trained neurologists, will increase accordingly. Thus, the neurologist is not only an integral component in today’s health care system, but will also be a key character in the health care systems of the future.

The primary focus of my career goals is active clinical practice and teaching. I desire training at a reputable academic facility with an accomplished faculty dedicated to education. In addition, I seek exposure to neurological research so that I may not only learn about existing knowledge but that I may contribute to the advancement of diagnostic ability and treatment of neurologic disease. Following residency, I plan to pursue clinical fellowship training and options for a career in academic medicine. What I bring to your residency program is a responsible, motivated, friendly, and enthusiastic person who is a great team player committed to excellence, intelligence, and personal initiative. Incorporating both the caring, personal, physician-patient relationship and the dynamic of continuous learning, Neurology is the profession I eagerly embrace. This is the best way I can harness my own talents and abilities for the benefit of others.

My grandfather passed away when I was 16 years old, and although he may never know this, he is my inspiration to enter the field of Neurology. There are two images of my grandfather that I remember most vividly. As a young child, I remember my grandfather as a strong and vibrant man; the person who bought me animal crackers (my favorite treat) every day, and who once saved me from drowning in our pool. In contrast, during the last years of his life, what I remember most was his weak and frail state, the constant tremble of his hands, his slow and shuffling walk, and the way he constantly confused me with my two older sisters. He was no longer the energetic man I remembered from my early childhood days. He had advanced Parkinson’s Disease. Although I yearned to comprehend the mechanisms behind his condition, it was not until many years later, during a college Neurology class, did I begin to grasp the connection between dopamine depletion and my grandfather’s symptoms.

Although I have been interested in the field of medicine since a young age, my fascination with the human brain and its ability to control every aspect of our being grew and intensified during my undergraduate years. While in college, I served as a teaching assistant for an upper division anatomy and neuroanatomy course. This experience served to reinforce my understanding of the central nervous system’s anatomy and compelled me to further study the intricate pathways involved in the coordination of movement and the experience of sensation. As a result of my growing interest in the control of movement, I began volunteering as a research assistant in the Department of Physiology. I devoted numerous hours, analyzing EMGs recorded from Rhesus monkeys that were sent into [outer space makes it sound like a science fiction movie]space, in order to understand the effects of microgravity on muscle activity. This experience enabled me to apply the academic knowledge I had gained from my coursework to a research project with tangible results published in the Journal of Neurophysiology.

During my first two years of medical school, my interest in neurology continued growing as I learned in greater detail, the pathological processes involved in various neurological diseases. I often thought of my grandfather as I gained a deeper understanding of the mechanisms involved, as well as the treatments available for Parkinson’s[already implied].  My diligence in studying the subject matter of Neurology was rewarded when I was one of only 12 students in my medical class to receive an A in the course, and was invited to serve as a teaching assistant for the following year.  

By the middle of my first Neurology rotation, I was convinced more than ever that Neurology was the field for me. Each day brought a new and interesting case. A previously “mundane” complaint such as headache, took on a whole new meaning to me when I encountered a patient whose headaches were caused by an AV malformation. Conditions that I had only read about in medical books, such as Shy-Drager Syndrome and Charcot Marie Tooth’s Disease were now presented to me in the form of actual patients whose disease progression and quality of life were in the hands of their neurologists. I had always valued the strong intellectual component involved in the field of neurology, but I now had a greater appreciation for it. The  passion that I saw from my Neurology attendings for their field was infectious; I came home every evening craving more knowledge on the things I had seen and eager to read more on the subject matter.

Afflicted by Juvenile Dermatomyocitis at the age of eight and enduring one of the most challenging periods of my life, I am grateful for the competent and compassionate

medical professionals who helped me through my ordeal. I recall the confusion and fear that I felt when I first began to experience the symptoms of this condition; I could not understand why my body was failing me  as the fatigue and pain that I felt in my muscles left me unable to get out of bed on some days. I soon became accustomed to the doctor’s visits, physical therapy sessions, lab work, and EMGs that I had to endure on a regular basis. Fortunately, the physicians, nurses, and other staff that I encountered treated me with such kindness that I never dreaded my frequent visits to them. Their encouragement gave me the motivation that I needed to overcome the condition. The experience taught me the importance of having a strong physician-patient relationship, and I appreciate the fact that Neurology is one of the few specialties that affords me the opportunity to foster this type of relationship.

I am also stimulated by the variety of challenges that neurology offers; from diagnostic to procedural challenges, the diversity of experiences is particularly appealing. I look forward to a residency program that can offer me strong clinical and academic experiences, with faculty and staff who are dedicated to education. I envision myself at an institution that will allow me ample opportunities to learn from a wide variety of neurological conditions, as well as expose me to a diverse patient population. Upon completion of my residency program, I anticipate improving my skills and knowledge through a clinical fellowship in either the field of movement disorders or EMG/neurophysiology.

Of all the medical subspecialties that I have been exposed to, none have stimulated my academic and medical acumen, challenged my diagnostic abilities, or demonstrated such a significant physician-patient relationship as the field of Neurology. Therefore, I believe none are as well suited for me as this field. Additionally, I realize that as a physician, one must be continually open to learning and growth. As such, I look forward to a residency program that will enable me to continue to develop both my medical skills and my personal character. In return, I will dedicate my time, energy, and all the medical expertise that I possess to treating my patients, learning from others in the medical profession, and teaching those who desire to learn from me.

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neurology personal statement examples

Personal Statement

Home  >   Specialty  >   Neurology   >  Personal Statement

In a survey of neurology residency programs, 76% cited the personal statement as a factor in selecting applicants to interview.

A particularly important question to answer in the statement is "Why are you interested in pursuing a career in neurology? In our free E-Document "Why Neurology", we share the reasons why neurologists chose to enter the field.

Resources to Help You Develop a Powerful Personal Statement

Why neurology   read more >>, the book the successful match 2017 (includes 40-page chapter on the personal statement with sample statements)     read more >>.

For those requiring additional assistance, we have an exceptional personal statement review and edition service. Learn more about our Personal Statement Review and Editing Service with Dr. Samir Desai.

Explore prestigious scientific journals and award and funding opportunities to advance your research.

Access practice-improvement tools, including guidelines, measures, Axon Registry, and practice management resources.

Learn to effectively advocate on behalf of neurologists and their patients, and access AAN position and policy statements.

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How to Apply for a Fellowship

Residents & fellows.

Find useful tips and learn more about applying for fellowship positions. View a list of fellowship opportunities on the Fellowship Directory .

Inform Your Decision

  • Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship FAQ
  • Epilepsy Fellowship FAQ
  • Headache Fellowship FAQ
  • Movement Disorders Fellowship FAQ
  • Neuromuscular Medicine Fellowship FAQ
  • Stroke/Vascular Neurology Fellowship FAQ
  • Neuroimaging Fellowship FAQ

View Sample CV and Cover Letter

  • Cover Letter
  • CV Version 1
  • CV Version 2
  • CV Version 3


  • Start Early:  Check program websites for vacancies and requirements for the application process. Make contact with programs toward the end of your PGY2 year, and no later than October/November of your PGY3 year. Look on the AAN Fellowships Page, individual program websites, such as FREIDA and other websites. Remember, since fellowship positions and availability are constantly changing, do not rely on information on these sites alone. Always contact the program you are interested in.
  • Think About Your Career Goals:  Why a fellowship? What specialty? Is this the right area and/or lifestyle for me? Compare specialties. Speak to people across multiple specialties. Keep your options open. Make time to reflect and decide your priorities.
  • Get Informed:  Consider the job market of your specialty, check out geographical areas, talk to other applicants or previous fellows, speak to your mentors (very important!), obtain input from professors. Where is the field going and where will it be when you are done training? In general, the application process varies widely based on the fellowship to which you're applying (e.g., neurocritical care now follows a match system).
  • Draft a Timeline:  Create a timeline of when to submit applications and prepare for interviews. The budget for travel. If you are going to need to arrange for time off work or clinical coverage while you are at interviews, do this early.
  • Relax:  Don't panic. The vast majority of program graduates have found fellowships that have suited their needs well.
  • Organize:  Prepare a list of questions, organize your certificates with all dates, be prepared for the application process in advance, have a portfolio available, use one email address for all applications. (Tip: Use your university address rather than personal email.)
  • Draft Your Personal Statement:  Personal statements should be one page or less. Be enthusiastic, communicate through your words. Get help with proofreading (by at least two people), especially if English is not your first language.
  • Recommendation Letters:  Obtain strong letters that are well-written. You need to sell yourself and be competitive.
  • Research Experience:  Whether publications or presentations, be able to demonstrate the significance of your work, be knowledgeable on your research topic, how your research will make an impact. Get excited about your research and think about how you want to continue research through Fellowship and beyond.
  • Application:  List community service projects, write clearly and demonstrate the spectrum of your academic record. List all pertinent accomplishments.
  • Interview/Selection Process:  Clinical performance, rotation evaluations, and interpersonal skills are important, as well as the reputation of your program, involvement in research, and medical knowledge (e.g., USMLE). Be prepared for questions (why are you different, why this field, this particular program, your weaknesses, where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?). Be confident. Ask your own questions. Eye contact and professionalism are important. Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early, plan your route the day before and allow time for travel delays and mishaps.
  • Keep in Contact:  Send thank you notes, maintain follow-up, listen for vacancies or announcements, consistently check and re-check websites.
  • Maintain Perspective:  Stressful situations can blur your goals and/or perspective. Strategize early - you may have to make difficult decisions to make when the offers start rolling in!
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Personal Statements

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Neuroscience personal statement example 1.

In recent years there have been a myriad of ground breaking discoveries in science. However, I believe more can be done in neurology as we have a worldwide ageing population with dementia affecting many sufferers and their families. I wish to study neuroscience as I would like to examine conditions such as this but also investigate other aspects of the brain such as neuroanatomy. Having had a close family member diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, I've been exposed to the fragilities of the human brain from a young age. Even though watching the slow deterioration has been distressing, I have also found it very interesting to see how such a complicated organ can be subjected to such large changes due to a degenerative condition. As a result of this personal experience, my desire to study the intricacy and complexities of the brain has substantially increased.

For me to pursue a career in this specific field, I felt I would need to witness the effect of non-degenerative neurological diseases. This is why I undertook work as a volunteer in 'Activenture' which provides a one week action course for disabled children. Each volunteer is designated with one child to care for; mine suffering from Autism. At first it was difficult to connect with the child, however, as a few days passed and as I spent more time with him, he was able to establish some trust in me. Witnessing a child deprived a full life due to a condition we knew little about in terms of treatment was a real eye opener, as I realised there is so much more we can do. As well as this, I gained six months work experience at a charity shop which I attended weekly useful for my self development. Due to this commitment, I enhanced my time management skills and my interpersonal skills flourished as it was necessary for me to respond well with active customers.

My fascination for science has prompted me to study neuroscience and this can be seen through my A-level choices. Biology has shown me how systematic our human body is, with the brain being the centre of all bodily functions. My understanding of biological functions, such as the ionic movements in the nervous system, was improved by studying chemistry and this subject has also given me a chance to develop my laboratory skills. Mathematics has significantly improved my problem solving skills and as history has long been an interest of mine, I decided to take this subject to fully appreciate modern day society and its origins. The books of Oliver Sacks have appealed to me and furthered my interest in this field. The mysterious cases in 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat' opened my eyes to how the brain can be affected in a variety of ways, despite the paucity of these conditions.

Being active is extremely important to me. I've captained my school cricket team as well as occasionally captaining the senior teams at club level. This strengthened my team building skills as I had to take control of unanticipated situations thus enhancing my abilities as a leader and a significant team player. Raising money for good causes is something I strive to do and for the past two years I have completed the Leukaemia Research London Bikeathon to raise awareness for an issue which I think is of grave concern. In my high school years I played an active role in the coordination of my year group as I was one of few prefects and a selected member of the green council.

It will never fail to surprise me how humans have made so much progress in understanding something as vast as the solar system, yet we still have not fully understood our brain; something which is so directly relevant to us. This is why I would like to pursue a career in research after my degree as I believe we need to gain a clearer picture of our anatomy. For us to comprehend the full potential of our mind is challenging but I believe I am more than ready immerse myself into the rapidly developing neurological field

Profile info

This personal statement was written by rizzler for application in 2009.

rizzler's Comments

Well it got me All 5 of my offers including UCL and Kings so it must have quite good. I havent seen any neuroscience personal statements on the net and I remember when first writing it I would of loved to have a template, so here you go, hope its helps !

Related Personal Statements

This is amazing. i wish i.

Tue, 28/06/2011 - 20:31

This is amazing. I wish I could write my personal statement as well as this!

Sun, 25/09/2011 - 14:11

its really difficult to find anyone who can give advice on a personal statement for neuroscience so thankyou for posting yours, though my A level background and interests are quite different! just shows what a diverse subject it is. which univeristy did you accept, and where did you apply?

Sat, 23/06/2012 - 17:32

This personal statement is w-o-w, thanks for the help I was just wondering what your grades were and if you had done any retakes or things like that

Thanks for the statement

Sat, 25/08/2012 - 17:25

Thanks for the statement which is great. Have you started your course and where? I trained last year in yoga/mindfulness with neuroscience- yoga for the mind and am potentially interested in an Msc in neuroscience but have to go over A level biology. Are there any books you could recommend? All the best Nathalie

It really helps!

Wed, 25/09/2013 - 12:59

It really helps! To write a PS so substantial, it is necessary for us to obtain a number of personal experiences such as volunteer work. It is through these experiences that we get a better understanding of ourselves and the career we would like to pursue in the future. I really hope I had read it earlier!

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  • Residency Application

Neurosurgery Personal Statement Examples

Neurosurgery Personal Statement Examples

It is sometimes helpful to contemplate the work of others when attempting to produce your own finely tuned work, and to that end, we have provided you with these neurosurgery residency personal statement examples. Tips and advice can assist in your writing, but some people find examples more useful.

Residency personal statement examples will show you how experts write their own statements. Personal statements are an essential aspect of applying to a residency, as any residency prep course will tell you. You can use a personal statement to introduce yourself, show why you are the perfect candidate, and connect you to the discipline and program that you are applying to. Seeing example essays will also let you avoid red flags in residency personal statements .

Read on for two samples specific to applying to a neurosurgery residency.

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Article Contents 8 min read

Neurosurgery residency personal statement examples, neurosurgery residency personal statement example #1.

In my high school days, I was involved with the theater program, and as everybody else talked about butterflies in their stomachs, I just felt a paradoxical relaxation and excitement. In university, I was a regular contributor to the school’s newspaper, but no matter the deadline, I never worried. Even at medical school, I always found myself stepping forward to volunteer to go first. Nerves are not a problem for me. They never have been, and as a result, I feel almost at home in the high pressure of chaos. When thinking about my residency, I naturally gravitated toward emergency medicine and surgery.

Wondering how to write a residency personal statement? Watch this video:

This dilemma – which residency to apply to – was solved for me while I was working as an assistant during medical school with Dr. Michaelson in his research into Alzheimer’s disease. This task quickly became my favorite aspect of my education. I enjoyed wrestling with complex problems, looking for solutions, and being given the freedom to explore exciting advancements in medicine using specialized equipment. The most exciting part of this research, however, was our work on the human brain. This organ that produces thoughts, mind, and consciousness itself via chemical and electric reactions is awe-inspiring and studying how our minds work fascinates and excites me. With a predilection for exploring the mind on top of my knack for handling pressure, surgery became my fits-like-a-glove choice.

My buddy Rod thought he wanted to become a surgeon, but one observation in the operating room change his mind and he abandoned the idea. My observations of surgeries while shadowing doctors have only made me more certain that this is my calling. The most memorable surgery I observed was to repair an aneurysm. The procedure was intense, taking hours, and required precision and focus for the entire time. Despite the harrowing circumstances, the surgeon and her team spoke with one another in an easy, friendly manner. I was impressed both by the work being done and the team-building respect and kindness shown in the OR. There is no space in an operating room for egos. The whole time, I wished I had the knowledge and training to help them – to join in at this crucial point in the patient’s struggle. 

My introduction to clinical rotations was at a family medicine clinic, which my supervising physician described as being on the quiet side. It was supposed to be a nice, smooth transfer to clinical work, but as I soon learned, there is really no such thing in medicine. By the end of a long, hard, first day, I was exhausted and shaken and wondering whether I should hang up my stethoscope for good.

On that first rotation, I had a family bring in their young daughter, who had very mild symptoms at first, but who rapidly progressed to what my supervising physician discovered to be a pediatric stroke. She had to be rushed to a hospital with more adequate facilities, but in the meantime, it was our job to do anything we could to stabilize the girl before the helicopter arrived. One shift in, and I was already up to my eyeballs in emergency trauma and helicopters.

But, of course, the rest of the clinic didn’t shut down, and other appointments had to be kept. It was all I could do to focus on my work while knowing that the family could do nothing but think of their little girl. I thought of them even after they were gone, and I didn’t fully relax until close to the end of my first day when my supervising physician told me, and the rest of our team, that she had received word that the girl had been treated successfully and the prognosis was very good.

She took me aside later and asked how I felt. “I don’t know if I can do this,” I told her, and she was surprised. She said she had rarely seen a person perform so well under stress. I had remained outwardly calm and professional while managing the rest of my tasks for the day. This was the first time I ever thought of myself as being calm under stress, but apparently, I am.

For more advice on writing residency personal statements, check this infographic:

In my surgery clinic, I began to appreciate what my previous supervising physician had said to me more. I noticed that no matter the pressure, my hands didn’t shake. I could always process instructions and carry out tasks. I never vomited after anything particularly intense, although I observed some very different reactions in a few of my peers. To be clear, I respect and admire my colleagues, and I would not excel at everything they are good at, either, but I discovered that I had a distinct knack for stress control. Moreover, I had success in the limited number of surgical procedures I was allowed to perform or assist with as a medical student.

At first, the brain was not my main interest. Had I simply been someone who handled stress well and enjoyed the surgery clinic, I might have picked any area of surgery – cardiac, for instance. But the nature of that little girl’s trauma – her brain needing help – made me think about the importance of the human mind. To save a mind is to save a person. We can survive anything else, can’t we? But not the loss of our minds. Perhaps it is my joint MD-PhD program that makes me philosophical about this, but there is so much to consciousness that we don’t understand – I am so intrigued by this area of medicine.

My MD-PhD research has been couched in personality discourse. Before I began my surgical rotations, I was contemplating psychology as a specialty. In my studies of personality, I was trying to learn more about how physical health affects mental health. I was involved with a sleep study, looking at how to optimize sleep habits for different demographics. We were exploring whether population subsets have different sleep requirements. I am currently involved in another study about how exercise affects mental health and personality. This connection between personality and the nervous system is what had the greatest impact on me while I considered different surgical disciplines. I recognized that I had a strong interest in how our bodies process information through the central processor of the nervous system. The related background reading and coursework in neurology, along with labs and the abovementioned research, all support my natural progression into neurosurgery. I believe that your program, with its state-of-the-art facilities and emphasis on research and development, will be ideal for making my dream a reality.

Any personal statement must have a connection to the residency you are applying to, and all personal statements will introduce you and your history as a medical student. Essentially, you are always aiming to show who you are and why you are perfect for the residency. But what should you focus on with a neurosurgery personal statement in particular?

Well, to start off with, you will want to keep in mind a list of traits that are specifically desirable for neurosurgeons.

This includes subjects such as neurology, basic neurosciences, neuroimaging, neuropsychology, and neuropathology. "}]" code="timeline1">

Ask yourself what experiences or proof you have of those traits, and whether you have knowledge of those subjects. Demonstrate that – show, don’t tell – within your application.

Additionally, neurosurgeons will need good communication skills and excellent doctor–patient relatability to deliver high levels of information about treatments and recovery to patients and their families. They also need to be able to speak to patients and their families about very difficult subjects and be able to deliver bad news in a caring but straightforward manner.

Highlight any direct or indirect experiences you have with surgery of any sort, in addition to neurosurgery.

Finally, try to give a sense of your optimal career path. This doesn’t have to be too specific but try to relate this to your residency of choice. If the hospital you are going to is known for its teamwork and you plan on working in teams, for example, this will help match you up with your ideal residency.

You can see how expertly crafted residency personal statements read now, and with these sterling examples, you should be able to craft your own statement. Remember to focus on your own journey and the fact that the primary goal of the residency personal statement is to show your unique attributes that connect you to the specific program and residency you are applying to. You are showing why you are a perfect match. Take that knowledge, focus on your goal, and take the time to write your own future.

While the statement length might vary from program to program – and you should always check for any requirements – typically a residency personal statement will be between 750 and 900 words, based on the space provided in the ERAS application.

It could take from two to six weeks, with some time each day set aside to work on your statement. Take your time writing the statement because you want to make sure you have it perfect, and you need time to re-write, edit, get feedback, and proofread your spelling and grammar. You may also wish to consider whether you need a residency application consultant to help you edit your personal statement.

Neurosurgery requires precision, manual dexterity, calm under pressure, stress management, knowledge of the brain and nervous system – including neuroscience, neurology, and other disciplines – and stamina. Surgeons also need good communication skills to speak with their patients and patients’ families – including the ability to speak clearly but compassionately about extremely difficult subjects. Experiences should highlight any or all of these qualities.

Extremely careful, as any reader will assume you have put the maximum effort into your residency application, given its importance for your future and career. If your maximum effort doesn’t include a thorough spellcheck, that will reflect poorly on said reader’s opinion of you.

Generalization, repetition, arrogance, and a failure to explain gaps in your residency CV , low test scores, or a lack of certain experiences. Most “red flags” can be avoided or handled by curating the information you include, ensuring an appropriate tone, and giving a good explanation for any problems, including what you learned and why they will never happen again.

The best information includes specifics about why you are right for the program you are applying for, why you are perfect for the specialty you are applying to, and relevant experiences that you have for your specialization.

The best criteria to use for the residency you want is deciding what you are passionate about and where you will thrive. Don’t worry about ratings – like if the place you are applying to is the “best” according to some list – worry more about whether you will fit in perfectly according to your goals and temperament.

It’s rare to find no match at all – 5%, based on NRMP data – but it does happen. If that occurs, you will want to find out how to improve residency application after going unmatched . In a nutshell, you’re going to rebuild your application and try again. Don’t give up but get working harder than ever.

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neurology personal statement examples

Faculty Development section navigation

Personal statements, overall advice.

  • This is where the evaluators get to know your unique story as a coherent narrative – align this to the promotion track you have chosen and your main strengths
  • Review examples from previous submissions to get a feeling for structure
  • Attend workshops organized by the School of Medicine to help prepare your packet
  • Emphasize your strongest attributes based on your promotion track and accomplishments
  • Sell yourself without sounding arrogant
  • Have your Personal Statement reviewed for feedback by your mentor(s) and then by the chair of the faculty development committee before submitting them for your final packet.
  • Reviewers – with relevant expertise
  • Non-Neurology faculty (medical faculty outside your specialty, faculty throughout the institution, Board of Trustees)
  • Statement cannot be highly technical. It must be pleasant read, understandable by a broad audience, while being sophisticated.


  • 5 pages maximum
  • Discuss briefly your background
  • Cover each promotion area – scholarship, teaching, service
  • Start with greatest area of distinction
  • Address work at the departmental, SOM, university, local, national, and international levels
  • If a weakness, contextualize it

Opportunity to

  • Tell your professional story – coherent narrative
  • Highlight most meaningful accomplishments
  • Extract from CV what is most important
  • Differentiate self from mentor(s)
  • Be creative about how you frame information
  • Explain where things overlap
  • Address future directions in your career

Background (very brief, paragraph)

  • Who you are – job description
  • Why on particular track (if relevant – e.g., track switch)
  • How you got where you are – career trajectory
  • Life style changes that might explain a lag


  • Summarize research interests
  • Set self up in the field you are in
  • Focus on a few research topics
  • Discuss impact of your work, how it shifted the field, and how it is unique/different
  • Convey ways work has reached out
  • Address number and quality of publications and mention key papers and journal
  • Note funding success for research (federal, private)
  • Note media recognition
  • See NIH document on Team Science
  • Your unique role in team science, as a Co-Investigator
  • Link future with present

Teaching (Most important for Clinical and MEST tracks)

  • Where are you teaching
  • Who learners are
  • Philosophy of teaching (covered more in Teaching Portfolio)
  • Courses taught institutionally, locally, nationally, internationally
  • Courses organized
  • Supervision
  • Dissertation and thesis committees
  • Lectures given locally
  • Lectures given at another university
  • Lectures given nationally and internationally
  • Comments on your evaluations
  • Unique service roles and responsibilities
  • Leadership roles – department, SOM, institution, locally, nationally, internationally
  • Clinical service
  • Infrastructure service
  • Running a service core
  • Committee membership and role
  • Manuscript reviewing, editorial boards, special issues, and editing
  • Study section responsibilities (ad hoc, member)
  • Organization of meetings
  • Organization of symposia
  • Teaching administration (though could go under service)
  • Collaborations
  • Consulting (e.g., for nonprofit organization)
  • Talks/presentations/panel discussions
  • Health fairs and science fairs
  • Media – public education
  • Serving on boards
  • Coordinating community activities

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Neuroscience Personal Statement

Submitted by Olivia

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Neuroscience Personal Statement

The brain, to me, is such a complex and sovereign organism that has influence over the internal mechanisms and this has always allured to me. My true fascination has manifested from observing the external factors that can affect the function of the brain. From a young age I have been exposed to addiction; a factor which I believe has incited a passion within me to pursue a neurological career. I have witnessed the physical and psychological effects that an alcohol addiction has over an individual, and in my seventeen years the greatest thing that I have observed is the pattern of habits that relapse and evolve with an addiction. Although this can be a truly upsetting environment to have been around, I have learnt that the brain and mind, like many other things in life, are susceptible to error. This is something I wish to delve deeper into in my studies.

Whilst in a philosophy lesson in which we were exploring the issue of whether the evil and suffering that exists in this world can be reconciled with an omnibenevolent God, I first encountered the contribution of Paul Kalanithi to the debate. Intrigued by his approach of harmonising his neurosurgical practice with his faith, all the while accepting the terminal diagnosis of lung cancer, I read his 'When Breath Becomes Air'. The line; '...the fact that brains give rise to our ability to form relationships and make life meaningful. Sometimes they break', resonates with me and opened my eyes to the importance of neurological development in the world today. Ethics classes have made me become more acquainted to discussions regarding the psychological involvement in notorious crimes, for example, the influence of OCD and Asperger's Syndrome on the 2013 Sandy Hook perpetrator Adam Lanza. I enjoy engaging in these lessons, and at times challenging other classmates as I acknowledge that there can be many ways to psychologically tackle these dilemmas.

Biology, I believe, has provided me with the skills required in both neuroscience and psychology. In class we regularly practice experimental techniques such as microscopy which I know will be utilised when studying the brain closely. The most prominent thing that biology has given to me is the ability to study the systematic nature of our body, and how even the 'simplest' bodily function requires nervous stimulation. I often leave lessons perplexed yet fascinated by the human body, and even more astonished by the paramountcy of the brain within the body; something that I would be grateful to study at university. Studying health and social care at A level has given me the opportunity to explore the physical, mental and social affects that neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's can have on an individual, with such chronic diseases like this on the rise I believe that my knowledge from studying this subject would aid any future research.

I have worked as an optical assistant in a local optician's for over a year now. This job has given me the opportunity to develop and display skills of applying my knowledge in independent and team settings. I have been trained in conducting field tests, which has further increased my interest in studying the brain as these tests can correlate optical health with neurological health.

In my spare time I attend the gym regularly and practice yoga and mindfulness; keeping me physical and mentally fit. Both of these activities have shown to have great psychological benefits, and I would say I am an advocate of this. I also enjoy reading and learning about psychological theories and developments via YouTube and the news. For example, I recently read of the 2017 Nobel Prize winners for physiology who discovered that our cells have a 'body clock' explaining human sleep and behaviour patterns. This has truly fascinated me and one day I hope to embrace the opportunity to make such scientific development like this.

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Filling out a blank sheet of paper with content is only the beginning. What lies ahead are editing & formatting sessions that our industrious pros perform in order to confirm the absence of any errors or inaccuracies in your application doc.

Letter of Recommendation

Application Resume


Statement of Purpose

Personal Statement

ERAS Application Form Completion

neurology personal statement examples

From this moment forward, assembling document packs is our burden.

neurology personal statement examples

Whatever the reason for getting in touch with the expert is, they will consider your comments anyway. With that being said, you don’t have to pay anything for exchanging lines with the medical writer. Each customer has such an opportunity.

What if customers dislike orders we have been in charge of? Out of the few options, there is this one: demand your money back! As we promise excellent performance, you have every right to get repaid if we do not keep it.

All of our clients are VIP customers. Thus, everyone has a chance to have free emendations made to their docs. One point that should be added is that customers can enjoy this opportunity in case the deadline came less than two weeks ago.

We’ll never fear a little amount of time left for you to write an order. Our medical pros craft those in a jiffy! They manage to complete all orders within the set time frame or even make customers surprised by how fast the job was done!

Regain your composure. Due to our top-grade software, no customer will sweat over the safety of their purchases. With that advanced technology, clients’ money is highly protected, and their credit card details and personal records can no longer be visible or accessible to third parties.

Want to discover how it feels to be 100% incognito? Visit our website! No gathering of private information, no storing of order data, no access granted to third parties! We aim at making certain you feel completely safe with us!

neurology personal statement examples

Make sure the odds of your competitors are low enough! Receive support with 20% off!

neurology personal statement examples

Learn About Our Creditable Medical Specialists

Put your trust in our talented, astute, and brainy medical authors professional in all medical fields. Free yourself of hesitations. Any prospective member of our team takes an onerous exam to get accepted!

Sharon is a hotshot whenever internal medicine is being dealt with. Cardiology, endocrinology, and gastroenterology are Sharon’s most preferred specialties. However, she is proficient at each branch of internal medicine. Sharon will stick to your instructions regardless of how challenging they are. Order a medical admission text, and this expert will craft a real masterpiece for you!

Interventional radiology, neuroradiology, breast imaging, and just all sphere-related fellowship docs will be coped with immaculately by Abbie. Crazy about brilliant transitions, proper order structure, and accurate grammar, Abbie produces texts that deserve the committees’ maximum approval.

Tony is our much illustrious writer. Nothing brings him more sense of fulfillment than writing fellowship docs in orthopedics. If you get lucky and have Tony as the author of your text, no trouble will threaten your success! He will go through each instruction, note, and comment and ensure that all the criteria are followed. Count on Tony with your doc without anxiety!

Want to receive an expertly written medical text in dentistry? Gabbie is the most practiced professional in this field! She is skilled in the preparation of docs and knowledgeable about the theoretical basics of this branch. Veg out! Choosing Gabbie would be a surefire decision.

Gregory is ready to dedicate himself to the most demanding tasks that deal with forensic pathology, hematologic pathology, and neuropathology. However, Gregory is adept at every subspecialty. He easily handles urgent orders and huge quantities of data. Gregory is a priceless expert as he’s admired by numberless clients!

Reconstructive surgery, vascular surgery, neurosurgery, colorectal surgery, and all the other general surgery branches are as easy as pie for James. Provide your order specifications, and James will approach those, going past your desires. He’s captivated by his specialization, and not a single snag can prevent him from making others’ goals easily reachable.

Pediatrics is of utmost value to Thomas. The second weightiest thing for him is his desire to help candidates for enrollment in medical programs. Do away with any mistrust. There barely exists a more gifted expert than Thomas.

Howard is an impressively adroit medical specialist. His knowledge about his major and its branches is boundless. Howard Pittman is the best choice for a family medicine applicant!

The most outstanding skill that makes Beth an unparalleled medical writer is her approach to the preparation of fellowship admission docs focused on customer success. She is always particularly concerned about each client’s enrollment. Also, Beth routinely puts efforts into predicting the committee’s expectations from application docs. Besides, Beth’s expert ranking is superb. Since in our team, Beth has not produced even one admission text later than required.

Aim at getting a superior fellowship application text in psychiatry? Reach out to us and let Emma fulfill your order. Forensic, geriatric, child & adolescent, and more branches of psychiatry are the fields Emma is great at. Ask for the needed application document and let Emma prove her credibility to you!

neurology personal statement examples


Loved it. Thank you for all your work, Luke. I have referred your service. Have a great weekend. You deserve your money.

Thank you Terrell!! This is great, it's generic enough to let me use for several different fellowships and build off of it. Thank you again.

Thank you so much for the nice work.

I really like your draft. It is fantastic.

Like it a lot, flows great.

I am truly impressed, she gave me exactly what I wanted! Perfect paper and she really is so kind and pleasure to work with! Please send my compliments to her and to the management. I have worked with another writer but no one is truly as talented!

Thank you for the phenomenal job you did on the PS. I really liked. The LORs are really good as well.

It was good and on time. Thank you.

The following entails no difficulty. Fill in the fields to let us know about instructions on preparing your medical text. Now, hit the payment button! To achieve 100% personalization, our fellowship authors require specific info about you, such as your attainments, the course that you consider, and the committee’s criteria with regard to formatting.

  • Note that you need to pay special attention to our Questionnaire, which you have to download, complete, and attach to your order form. No third party is granted access to our customers’ info. The privacy policy is applied to each client’s private data.

As soon as we receive your money, our writer will begin preparing your order. Put an end to your qualms – all payments are safe with us. Moreover, our customers are informed about successful money operations by email.

As early as our company finds out about the client’s successful transaction, the Customer Area login info will be forwarded to them. Later you can safely change your Customer Area password if there’s such a necessity. This feature allows you access to a one-on-one chat between you and your writer. Besides, you will also be given an opportunity to download docs, order emendations, and purchase more fellowship admission texts via your Customer Area!

To keep aware of the updates, refresh your email box page regularly. Alternatively, order SMS notifications to administer your text completion via your smartphone! After your order is prepared, our Quality Department will deeply analyze your text to see if any instruction point was overlooked or not. Later, the file can be saved via the Customer Area. All orders are forwarded at the estimated time or earlier! Got a reason for a revision request? Inform us for 14 days.

Opt for a more convenient type of controlling the work done on your text.

Chat with the professional, receive the final copy, and assign new orders without a hitch.

Enter the chat room to ask our support managers any order-related questions.

Dealing With Your Neurology Personal Statement

For many, residency application looks like a very difficult thing to accomplish because of the complicated process to go through. This also includes making your own neurology personal statement. But wait until you learn of the four efficient neurology fellowship personal statements. Wondering how to compose a  dermatology personal statement ? Don’t struggle anymore, follow the link and find neurology residency personal statement help!

Guide on Applying for a Neurology Residency Program

  • Look for an ACGME-Accredited Neurology Residency Program that will suit you. You can find many lists online so you will have options: you can choose clinical neurology, vascular neurology residency, pain management and palliative care program, neurodevelopmental and neuromuscular neurology, pediatric neurology and more!
  • Choose a program that has a wide selection of sources. These sources include Neurology residents, neurology department chair, members of the neurology faculty, and fresh graduates who are in other programs. You should also consider some factors when choosing your program. Take a look at some of these them:
  • The over-all academic environment : this now tackles the research activity, education curriculum, availability of neurology subspecialty expertise, conference schedule, and the faculty-to-resident ratios.
  • The academic career, which covers the university-based programs : these programs must have a faculty that is committed to teaching and research.
  • The subspecialty interest must also be considered. Look for programs that have an experienced and expert division for a particular area. This will help in the introduction of research and other specialized practice. Additionally, this will also help you sort out the programs that provide a fellowship for such area after completing residency. In this factor, you also have to look on the general clinical neurology. By general clinical neurology, you can gauge the autonomy you can have when it comes to managing patients in a resident’s clinic, as well as evaluating undiagnosed patients.
  • Be well informed of the conference schedules and curriculum.
  • Check on the size of the program.
  • Ask about the patient-to-resident ratio to know the sufficiency of your exposure when it comes to the variety of patients that will be provided.
  • Know its location.
  • Look for the competitiveness of the program.
  • Training.  Consider applying the first post-graduate year or the PGY-1 while you are in Neurology program. There are also combination programs you can take. However, these programs are limited, so better be early for an application.
  • Last steps – Interview and Match.  Be aware of the interview schedules so you can prepare properly. Your invitation for an interview depends on what you have submitted, this includes your credentials, personal statement and your letters of preference. After your interview, make and submit a ranking list of programs to the Neurology Matching Program. Also, be alert to the dates of submission.

Here Are the Things You Have to Consider for Your Neurology Personal Statement

MyERAS: Before having an access with MyERAS, consult ERAS Fellowships Documents Office for your ERAS token. This token will give you the one-time access code for a MyERAS registration. There is Programs tab in MyERAS where you can freely save, search and apply to programs. Using MyERAS, you can also assign documents, administer track selections, and evaluate the status of your documents.

Are you eager to write a perfect  fellowship statement sample ? Follow the link and you will find an easy way to do it!

Dos and Don’ts in your neurology fellowship personal statement sample

  • Don’t use your PSA as your diary. Your reasons for taking up medicine need to be left behind. Remember, you are not applying for a med school. You are now a doctor, and this is all about your specialization already.
  • Do show your seriousness and your enthusiasm to get into the program. Try to incorporate your experiences into your medical school with your chosen field.
  • Do not use all the 28,000 characters. This is the character limit for a PSA set by ERAS. Just keep your PSA easy to read on. Consider the readers of the PSAs submitted in a day. A residency director is not very interested in reading long and non-sense PSA. Hence, make it short, yet concise.
  • Do different PSAs for each program you are applying to. Each program needs a different kind of form and attack. For example, a child neurology personal statement has a different approach than other PSAs. So, get to know the program you are applying to before making a PSA. Make sure that it is suitable for that program.
  • Don’t make a PSA impress. Make it more relatable.
  • Do look for a fellowship personal statement sample online for your guide.

List of Questions PSA Should Answer

When making a PSA, put the mind of the resident director into yours. Think of the things that the resident director expects to be in your PSA. And to help you out, here are some of the queries you can consider to answer when making your PSA:

  • What is your ultimate career goal?
  • What are your interests that are related to the area you are applying?
  • How did you develop those interests?
  • What experiences from your med school can you relate to the area you are applying for?
  • What can you contribute in the field after your program?
  • What personal stories should you or should not include?
  • What are the work experiences that you have done related to the field you are applying for?
  • How much you are you eager to learn?
  • What are your personal characteristics that are needed in the field you are applying for?
  • Are these personal characteristics well backed up in your PSA?

These are some of the techniques you can try to do to make your neurology personal statement more efficient and easier than it seems. Go ahead and make one now for your bright future.

Write the best neurology personal statement with us today and raise your chances to be accepted!

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Neurology Personal Statement Writing

A well-written neurology residency personal statement is key to getting into the program of your choice.

neurology personal statement examples

Taking no care of quality is the most effective strategy to lose.

Submit a 100% authentic admission doc written in accordance with your specific requirements. Order a text that is different from your opponents’ docs and can capture the committee’s attention and keep them dazzled for the entire week!

To ensure compliance with the residency program requirements, our specialists will precisely review each doc. Besides, we’ll consider your major and underline the main course-related characteristics!

Receive a document that is prepared in conformity with all the admission standards. Be 100% certain that we will ensure adherence to the committee’s criteria with regard to the most crucial aspects. Make your documents live up to their expectations!

Taking into account the tremendous experience our authors are equipped with, the availability of high degrees in nearly all medicine-related spheres, and their passion for writing, masterful usage of medical terminology is indubitable.

Our writing gurus hold appropriate diplomas within a variety of medical fields. Each and every order will be handled by practiced medical experts in due time. We have a professional for any admission doc!

Writing the text is just the first stage of the entire process. Aside from this, our meticulous editors and proofreaders work extra hard to make certain that your order is free of errors and properly formatted.

Letter of Recommendation

Application Resume


Statement of Purpose

Personal Statement

ERAS Application Form Completion

neurology personal statement examples

Henceforth, it’s on us to deal with the annoying process of gathering a pack of documents!

neurology personal statement examples

Regardless of what issue, clarification, comment, suggestion, remark, or advice you have got, our writers will always listen to you. What is even more, messages can be sent to the assigned author absolutely free of charge for all of our customers, with no exceptions.

In the event that our client is unsatisfied with at least one order – they have the right to get the money they’ve spent back. Our service guarantees that in case an author fails to content you, we will return your funds.

All our clients are provided with the opportunity to have their orders reworked by our editors, and they’ll do this for nothing! Just a single point to bear in mind – such a feature is only available for two weeks from the moment your order deadline expires.

Whether you have plenty of time at your disposal or the deadline is close, our talented medical authors will complete the order as soon as possible. Not only do we avoid missing deadlines, but also our strategy is to astonish customers by sending final application docs beforehand!

Breathe a sigh of relief because, with our modern & smart software mechanisms, you will not have to worry about the safety of your payments. All of your transactions will be protected by our payment system, which keeps card details, personal data, and money inaccessible at all times.

By visiting our website, you submerge yourself in complete anonymity. As our customer, you’ll be able to steer your fears away since all our users’ private data, order info, and any other personal details, as well as our client database in general, are 100% secured!

Count on our capable, adroit, and exceedingly erudite medical experts who are acquainted with any medical field. Ease your mind since every single prospective author is obliged to take a tough test before getting employed!

Lyndsey is a professional when it comes to internal medicine subspecialties such as oncology, gastroenterology, nephrology, hematology, and a bunch of other fields. There is no need to ask her to pay special attention to details, instructions, and remarks – this habit is in her blood! Request a residency admission doc, and she will prepare it perfectly.

Chest/nuclear/emergency/interventional/cardiovascular radiology and breast imaging are just a tiny range of areas Carlos will handle with ease. Keen on apt transitions, proper order structure, and immaculate grammar/punctuation/syntax, he’ll craft a promising application doc for you in no time.

Gina is our praiseworthy doctor of podiatric medicine. Writing a residency PS connected with her field of expertise is a pleasure for her. Not a single point of your instructions list, requirements, comments, and general standards will be missed when this author is in charge of your order. Rely on her without a second thought.

Require a masterfully written text in dentistry on any subject-related topic? Patrick Burks is just a professional you search for. This guy is immensely experienced in writing, competent in this area, and just highly intelligent. Rest assured, it’s worth counting on Patrick!

Joe willingly gets down to work on the most complex admission orders that touch upon chemical/clinical/forensic/molecular/pediatric/genetic pathology. Nevertheless, he is also qualified in a bunch of other pathology-related subspecialties. Short deadlines, large quantities of data, and even holidays are no obstacles to Joe. Being a favorite author of many clients, Joe is our pride!

Whether it’s general, plastic, ophthalmic, thoracic, or even vascular surgery, Angela copes with all assignments in a heartbeat. Get her acquainted with your order expectations, and she will meet those, leaving you more than satisfied. She’s crazy about her specialization, and nothing can keep her from assisting others in achieving their goals!

There is nothing more valuable to Jessica than kids and their health. The second thing that captures her heart is lending a helping hand to those seeking expert assistance with their residency application docs. Put your hesitations aside, Jessica is nearly the most reliable author you can find online.

Rafael is an extremely talented specialist. He knows adolescent/geriatric/pain/sleep/sports medicine like the palm of his hand. Rafael Crane would be your best pick!

One of the main personal qualities that this expert possesses is that Conrad handles orders as if he is the person who is applying for the residency. He puts himself in customers’ shoes, trying to identify what the committee would like to see in admission documents. Aside from this, Conrad’s writing pace can be envied. He hasn’t yet missed a single deadline for all of the five years of working with us.

Need a perfectly polished text on any psychiatry-related topic? Be our guest and have Vikki assigned to this task. Addiction, community, military, consultative, administrative, and some other branches of psychiatry are the strong suits of this medical specialist. Request the application doc you require and let Vikki deserve to become your preferred author!

neurology personal statement examples

It was a very pleasant experience to work with you and get your support. Terrell was very helpful. Communication between us was efficacious, and all the data I needed was received on time. Hope to be in contact with you for future projects as well!

Awesome! I just finished reading the personal statement, and I really like it. Thank you for doing this for me. I will come back to you if I have any questions or inputs. God bless you!

Thank you so much! I am so happy. It’s really impressive. Well done!

I have reviewed the document. I am happy with the revised document and like the logical flow of ideas. You have nicely summarized my thoughts and made the necessary amendments here and there. I have made small changes towards the end, and I think the doc is ready for submission. Thank you, Alex!

Thank you so much for your work. I really appreciate it. I am more than satisfied with the personal statements. I think I do not need a third one. With these two that I already have, I can put together the application. I bought an extra just because I was so worried and anxious about this process that I wanted to have a variety to choose from, but the material you prepare for me is more than enough. This application is so stressful! But thank you again for being fast and helpful. I will contact the customer service to see how to proceed. Thanks again!

Thank you very much for writing a strong and concise personal statement for me. I have gone through the paper, and everything seems to be perfect. I am grateful to you for your help and support.

I am very, very, very happy with the edited CV. Thank you!

The experience was great! It’s my second time here and both times were efficient, quick yet high quality.

The stage under consideration is a breeze. Fill in the fields to get us informed of your instructions and click on the payment button! To reach the maximum personalization of your residency personal statement, our authors require specific data about your application, including your attainments, the preferred program, and the selection board’s formatting criteria.

  • We’d truly like you to remember about our Questionnaire. Download this file, complete it, and add it to the order form. Note that any info customers share stays concealed from third parties. Besides, our company protects our clients’ individual records, keeping any data under strict privacy policy.

When your payment transaction is over, our medical expert will commence the process of the order execution. You have zero points to worry about since every single payment is protected. Furthermore, you will be sent a letter of payment confirmation.

When our company is notified of your successful payment, we will immediately provide you with details for you to enter your Customer Area. You can always edit your password for even better website experience. This area is particularly designed for your one-on-one contact with the medical expert & support agent. Plus, transferring the final doc to your computer, requests for corrections, and ordering other residency application docs are possible with this feature!

Access all the notifications via your email box. For an extra level of order monitoring, we offer SMS updates! The moment your order is completed, our Quality Department will launch the checking process to verify whether the order complies with each instruction. Once done, you will be allowed to save your file via the Customer Area. The final copy of your doc will be sent to you promptly or in advance! If any corrections are needed, contact us for 14 days.

Select the most convenient way to supervise the process of order fulfillment!

Reach out to your medical specialist, get the final doc, and register new orders with no bother.

Don’t second-guess but turn to our support crew if you have questions regarding your order!

Why Do You Need a Personal Statement for a Neurology Residency Program?

When submitting your neurology personal statement, you should never underestimate its relevance to the decision-making body and its potential impact on your acceptance into a residency training program. The value of this simple document is often overlooked until you consider its purpose. A residency personal statement is perhaps the only part of your application package for your chosen residency that will describe your individual personality and future goal of being a part of a residency team. It has to convince the decision-making body that you are the one they should select. After all, consider that every other part of your application package will be similar to all other candidates. Without a personal statement, it would be difficult to distinguish between candidates, unless the grades are above average or phenomenal.

If you are a recent graduate looking to apply for one of the many neurology residency programs, either:

  • Adult Neurology Residency
  • Pediatric Neurology Residency
  • Neurosurgery Residency
  • Or any other unique program offered by an educational institution

Your first step will be applying through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). For this purpose, you should prepare a wide variety of documents relevant to your medical career accomplishments, including your Curriculum Vitae, a personal statement for neurology residency and a minimum of 3 letters of recommendation!

This application requirement is also an important aspect of an individual’s future career development because it teaches how to market and express one’s personal qualities in a positive light. However, writing a personal statement is perhaps one of the hardest things you may ever need to do. We are here to help you write the perfect personal statement! No hassle, no stress, no trial and error! No long hours spent rewriting drafts! We are here to help you save your time! Neurology residency personal statements have to catch the attention of the reader and keep them hooked to the very end – the final conclusion which states why you are the ideal candidate for their residency program! We can help you achieve this and deliver a winning neurology personal statement!

Our Neurology Personal Statement Services

Our skilled writers, have an in-depth knowledge of medical residency program requirements depending on the institution you wish to apply to! We know almost all the residency programs inside out because we have written hundreds of statements for medical school graduates! We provide you with an enormous advantage when our professional writers create a personal statement based on the questions they know decision-making committees expect to see the answer to. We can help you match your neurology personal statement with the expectations of your chosen medical residency program. We want to provide you with a head-start and an advantage over your competitors.

Simply the Best Neurology Personal Statement Writers!

Our skilled writers always create a unique document containing a central theme that will catch the attention of the reader and make them remember you long after the selection process has been completed. Our specialist writers are qualified within your specific field of medicine. We assign a writer based on the specific medical residency program you are applying to. They are professional and experienced writers who know exactly how to write the perfect attention-catching neurology personal statement that will get you matched!

What Support Can You Receive for Your Neurology Personal Statement?

Writing a neurology residency personal statement effectively is far from easy. Many applicants will work on theirs for many weeks and will still not be satisfied with the statement that they finally submit. We take away all of that trouble and stress and offer you all of the following services:

  • Personal statement for neurology residency writing: our specialists work directly with you so that they will be able to gather the specific information required for your statement. All of the writing is done with you from scratch so that you can be assured there is no copying. Once the draft is complete you will be able to make your careful review and request as many changes as you like. We want you to submit just the personal statement you are satisfied with.
  • Editing of your personal statement: we offer a full editing service that will look at all aspects of how your statement has been written. Our editors look at everything from the flow of your writing and the transitions through to your specific word choices. They will highlight the things that they consider need improving and will provide you with their recommendations.
  • Proofreading services: we will carefully work our way through your writing to correct any mistakes that may have been made. Typos, spelling mistakes, incorrect grammar and other issues will all be corrected by our experts so that you make the perfect impression with your writing.

We Offer the Best Qualified Teams to Work with Your Neurology Personal Statement

You can only achieve the best if you work with the best and this is why you need to work with our experts:

  • Writing team: we have built a huge team of writers over the last several years which allows us to offer you an expert that will hold a PhD or Masters degree as well as having a full understanding of the ERAS process and requirements. Each is a native speaker of English and will have helped many applicants in the past through our services. They work directly with you so that they can carefully personalize your statement to ensure it will be effective.
  • Editing team: our editors will also work closely with you to allow you to gain the most benefit from their help. Each is a certified editor with many years of experience with supporting applicants to residencies and other programs. They will be able to help enhance your statement to a high standard.
  • Support team: when you have a question or want to know what progress has been made on your order our professional and friendly support staff are here to help you. Their support is available 24/7 and you will be able to contact them through the telephone or online through chat or email.

An Impressive Neurology Residency Personal Statement!

We do not just rely solely on the skills of our neurology residency personal statement writers, every essay is run by our professional editors to make sure that the final product meets our high standards and that there is no evidence of plagiarism. We pride ourselves on the success of those who use our services! We hope that you will choose one of the best specialized services for writing your neurology personal statement!

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Symptomatic Hemorrhage Risks in Stroke Thrombolysis : aDAPTing to Real-World Practice

  • 1 Department of Neurology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
  • 2 Department of Neurology, University of Miami, Miami, Florida
  • Original Investigation Prestroke Antiplatelet Use and Risk of Hemorrhagic Transformation Teng J. Peng, MD; Lee H. Schwamm, MD; Gregg C. Fonarow, MD; Ameer E. Hassan, DO; Michelle Hill, MS, RN, AGCNS-BC, CNRN, SCRN; Steven R. Messé, MD; Fatima Coronado, MD, MPH; Guido J. Falcone, MD, ScD; Richa Sharma, MD, MPH JAMA Neurology

Ischemic stroke, the most common form of cerebrovascular disease, affects more than 12 million individuals annually. Ischemic stroke is the second-highest cause of adult mortality and a leading cause of permanent adult disability worldwide. 1 Our increased understanding of pathophysiological processes during acute cerebral ischemia and the dynamic nature of the ischemic penumbra has resulted in powerful interventions aimed at rapidly restoring blood flow. These therapies, including intravenous thrombolytics and endovascular therapy, have been shown to significantly improve functional outcomes in randomized clinical trials. 2 While thrombolytics have been available to patients with acute stroke for almost 3 decades, only a small minority of patients were initially eligible. With greater evidence from clinical trials, safety evidence from real-world experience and registries, and greater trust within the medical community, physicians have expanded eligibility criteria. For example, the time window for thrombolytic use is now supported by high-level evidence for up to 4.5 hours from symptom onset. In some cases, thrombolysis can be used even beyond 4.5 hours in carefully selected patients with wake-up stroke, in older persons, in those with mild but disabling symptoms and those with more severe stroke syndromes, and in some patients with preexisting disability. 2

Read More About

Prabhakaran S , Romano JG. Symptomatic Hemorrhage Risks in Stroke Thrombolysis : aDAPTing to Real-World Practice . JAMA Neurol. Published online May 20, 2024. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2024.1104

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  1. Tips to Write an Awesome Neuroscience Personal Statement

    neurology personal statement examples

  2. Sample Neurology Residency Personal Statement

    neurology personal statement examples

  3. Best 4 Neurology Residency Personal Statement Samples

    neurology personal statement examples

  4. Efficient Neurology Personal Statement

    neurology personal statement examples

  5. Neurology Residency Personal Statement Writing

    neurology personal statement examples

  6. Nephrology personal statement

    neurology personal statement examples


  1. The Power of Embracing Pain for Personal Growth & Development!

  2. Write an Incredible Personal Statement: 3 Steps with Examples

  3. Letters of Recommendation: what they say matters

  4. Why Neurology? Choosing Stroke Fellowship


  6. personal statement


  1. Neurology Personal Statement Examples

    In general, most Personal Statement's range from 750-850 words, and include the following details: A firm statement highlighting why you're a good fit for residency in Neurology Residency, including a bit about your background, passion and professional experience for context. Any brief description of personal ties you have to the field of ...

  2. Example Neurology Residency Personal Statement

    These example neurology residency personal statement samples are here for your viewing pleasure (fully anonymous). We're hoping to add more in the future, including Pre-Med personal statements. If you've got one to add to the free library, don't forget to contribute yours. My grandfather passed away when I was 16 years old, and although ...

  3. Neurology Personal Statement Examples 2023 with Guide

    Sample 1 - Neurology Residency Personal Statement. When I was younger, I wasn't sure of what kind of person I wanted to be. Even when my 10th-grade class teacher asked about it, I was clueless. However, my fascination with biology led me to choose science as my major in higher secondary.

  4. Neurology Personal Statement, Sample Neurology Residency Personal

    NEUROLOGY RESIDENCY PERSONAL STATEMENT. The Medfools Personal Statement Library is now open! These sample personal statements are here for your viewing pleasure (fully anonymous). We're hoping to add more in the future, including Pre-Med personal statements. If you've got one to add to the free library, don't forget to contribute yours.

  5. Neurology Residency Personal Statement Sample

    The Medfools Neurology Sample Residency Personal Statement Library is now open! These example neurology residency personal statement samples are here for your viewing pleasure (fully anonymous). We're hoping to add more in the future, including Pre-Med personal statements. If you've got one to add to the free library, don't forget to contribute yours. NEUROLOGY RESIDENCY PERSONAL ...

  6. Neuroscience Personal Statement Examples

    Neuroscience and Psychology Personal Statement Example. I was a young girl, walking through a large hall, full of strange noises and intimidating looking interior, holding my mother's hand as we were "going to see Aunt Anne". The large hall was in St Edwards Psychiatric hospital and the strange noises I still can't decipher, however I ...

  7. Residency Personal Statement: The Ultimate Guide (Example Included)

    For example, here are a few qualities that might represent pediatric neurology: Strong communication or interpersonal skills. Attentiveness. Technologically inclined. ... Before we go into our analysis, consider reading the personal statement example in its entirety. As you go through it, keep the following questions in mind: ...

  8. Neurology Personal Statement Sample

    Neurology personal statement Sample 2. Choosing a specialty ultimately was an easy decision. I found every rotation to be rewarding both academically and personally, but I became most interested in and excited by patients that had neurological problems. I achieved a greater sense of satisfaction and enjoyment from delivering health care to ...

  9. PDF Personal Statement Examples

    Personal Statement: My love of music began at an early age, as did my love of science. They each made sense to me, and somehow in my mind were connected to each other. They both reflect the order of the universe, and together form the construct of the shared human experience.

  10. Neurology Residency P...

    In a survey of neurology residency programs, 76% cited the personal statement as a factor in selecting applicants to interview. ... (Includes 40-page chapter on the personal statement with sample statements) Read more >> For those requiring additional assistance, we have an exceptional personal statement review and edition service. ...

  11. How to Apply for a Fellowship

    Organize: Prepare a list of questions, organize your certificates with all dates, be prepared for the application process in advance, have a portfolio available, use one email address for all applications. (Tip: Use your university address rather than personal email.) Draft Your Personal Statement: Personal statements should be one page or less.

  12. Neuroscience Personal Statement Example 1

    Neuroscience Personal Statement Example 1. In recent years there have been a myriad of ground breaking discoveries in science. However, I believe more can be done in neurology as we have a worldwide ageing population with dementia affecting many sufferers and their families. I wish to study neuroscience as I would like to examine conditions ...

  13. Neurosurgery Personal Statement Examples: The Best

    Neurosurgery Residency Personal Statement Example #2. My introduction to clinical rotations was at a family medicine clinic, which my supervising physician described as being on the quiet side. It was supposed to be a nice, smooth transfer to clinical work, but as I soon learned, there is really no such thing in medicine.

  14. Neurology Personal Statement Samples for Residency and ...

    Neurology Personal Statement Samples for Residency and Fellowship Positions. ... Editing Service the Personal Statement for Dental School, Free Examples, Help May 14, 2020

  15. Personal Statements

    Emphasize your strongest attributes based on your promotion track and accomplishments. Engage in graceful self-promotion. Sell yourself without sounding arrogant. Have your Personal Statement reviewed for feedback by your mentor (s) and then by the chair of the faculty development committee before submitting them for your final packet.

  16. Neurology Residency Personal Statement

    The Medfools Neurology Sample Residency Personal Statement Library is now open! These example neurology residency personal statement samples are here for your viewing pleasure (fully anonymous). We're hoping to add more in the future, including Pre-Med personal statements. If you've got one to add to the free library, don't forget to contribute yours. NEUROLOGY RESIDENCY PERSONAL ...

  17. Neuroscience Personal Statement 25

    Neuroscience Personal Statement. The brain, to me, is such a complex and sovereign organism that has influence over the internal mechanisms and this has always allured to me. My true fascination has manifested from observing the external factors that can affect the function of the brain. From a young age I have been exposed to addiction; a ...

  18. Personal Statement

    The common saying is that your personal statement "cannot make you, but it can break you.". Unless you write a Pulitzer Prize-worthy essay of an epic event that led you towards a neurosurgical career, your statement will not be a determining factor to get you a residency interview. However, a poorly written essay or one about a ...

  19. Neurology Personal Statement Examples

    Neurology Personal Statement Examples. Decent Essays. 692 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. In recent years there have been a myriad of ground breaking discoveries in science. However, I believe more can be done in neurology as we have a worldwide ageing population with dementia affecting many sufferers and their families.

  20. How to Write a Neurology Personal Statement with Success

    Do different PSAs for each program you are applying to. Each program needs a different kind of form and attack. For example, a child neurology personal statement has a different approach than other PSAs. So, get to know the program you are applying to before making a PSA. Make sure that it is suitable for that program.


    These sample personal statements are here for your viewing pleasure (fully anonymous). We're hoping to add more in the future, including Pre-Med personal statements. ... NEUROLOGY RESIDENCY PERSONAL STATEMENT You are your neurons. It was a favorite saying of a professor I had in college. You are your neurons. That phrase resonated in my head ...

  22. Neurology Residency Personal Statements by First-Rate Experts

    Our Neurology Personal Statement Services. Our skilled writers, have an in-depth knowledge of medical residency program requirements depending on the institution you wish to apply to! We know almost all the residency programs inside out because we have written hundreds of statements for medical school graduates!

  23. Symptomatic Hemorrhage Risks in Stroke Thrombolysis

    For example, the time window for thrombolytic use is now supported by high-level evidence for up to 4.5 hours from symptom onset. In some cases, thrombolysis can be used even beyond 4.5 hours in carefully selected patients with wake-up stroke, in older persons, in those with mild but disabling symptoms and those with more severe stroke ...


    These sample personal statements are here for your viewing pleasure (fully anonymous). We're hoping to add more in the future, including Pre-Med personal statements. ... NEUROLOGY RESIDENCY PERSONAL STATEMENT Choosing a specialty ultimately was an easy decision. I found every rotation to be rewarding both academically and personally, but I ...