overpopulation essay in pakistan

Beyond the brink: Pakistan's population explosion

Us Pakistanis are a staggering 225 million people and counting … we’ll be more by the time you finish reading this.

overpopulation essay in pakistan

A ticking time bomb of population growth threatens Pakistan, joining the league of the world's top five most populous countries, with a staggering 225 million people and counting. The repercussions are hitting hard, straining vital resources, crippling the economy, and overwhelming social infrastructure.

Understanding population growth in Pakistan

Pakistan's population has been experiencing exponential growth over the past few decades. Several factors contribute to this increase including: high birth rates, limited access to family planning services, cultural norms, and religious beliefs. According to the UN, Pakistan's population is projected to reach 403 million by 2050 if the current growth rate continues unchecked.

Population control in Bangladesh

Bangladesh, which shares a similar cultural and historical background with Pakistan, has managed to curb its population growth significantly.

Bangladesh faced a population crisis in the 1970s, with a high fertility rate and a rapidly growing population. The government recognised the need for immediate action and implemented various policies and programmes to address the issue. One of the landmark initiatives, launched in 1976, was the National Family Planning Programme. This programme aimed to provide accessible and affordable family planning services to couples across the country.

Through this initiative, Bangladesh emphasised the importance of family planning, educated the population about contraceptive methods, and made contraceptives readily available. Additionally, the government partnered with non-governmental organisations and community-based groups to create awareness and deliver family planning services effectively.

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Success stories and lessons for Pakistan

Bangladesh's efforts in population control have given rise to remarkable results. From a fertility rate of around 6.3 in the 1970s, the country has successfully reduced it to 2.1, as of the latest available data. This achievement is considered a significant milestone, as a fertility rate of 2.1 is considered the replacement level, where the population size stabilises.

To achieve such success, Bangladesh focused on empowering women and enhancing their access to education and healthcare, leading to an increase in women's participation in the workforce. Educated and empowered women are more likely to make informed decisions regarding family planning, leading to reduced birth rates.

Moreover, Bangladesh's efforts in improving healthcare and reducing child mortality also contributed to population control. When families have confidence in the survival of their children, they tend to have fewer children.

Furthermore, the contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) in Bangladesh is higher than that of Pakistan. CPR measures the percentage of married or in-union women aged 15 to 49 who are using, or whose sexual partner is using, any method of contraception. Bangladesh's CPR stands at 65.0%, while Pakistan's CPR is 34.1%. This substantial variation reflects the disparity in family planning services and awareness between the two countries.

Challenges Posed by Population Growth in Pakistan

Pakistan's rapid population growth has led to various challenges, including increased pressure on resources, inadequate healthcare facilities, and a strain on educational institutions ― overcrowded classrooms and insufficient resources hinder the delivery of quality education. The demand for food, water, housing, and energy has surged, leading to resource scarcity and environmental degradation.

The healthcare system faces difficulties in providing quality services to the growing population. Maternal and child mortality rates remain high, and the burden of disease has intensified.

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Causes of high population growth in Pakistan

Lack of family planning and birth control The lack of sufficient family planning and birth control measures stands as a significant factor contributing to the country's rapid population growth. A prevalent issue, particularly in rural areas, is the limited awareness and reluctance to adopt modern contraceptive methods. As a result, many families have larger numbers of children than they can adequately support. The absence of accessible family planning services and comprehensive education on reproductive health leads to unintended pregnancies and exacerbates the strain on resources, healthcare, and education systems. Empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about family planning will not only help curb the population growth but also improve the overall well-being and prosperity of Pakistan's communities.

High infant mortality rate: Historically, Pakistan has grappled with high infant mortality rates, primarily attributed to limited access to adequate healthcare and sanitation facilities. This unfortunate reality compelled families to have larger numbers of children, as they hoped some would survive to adulthood. While progress has been made in recent years to improve healthcare and reduce infant mortality, this past reality continues to influence population growth patterns. The fear of losing children at a young age still resonates with many families, leading to a preference for larger family sizes as a form of insurance against the uncertainties of infant survival. By ensuring better survival prospects for infants, Pakistan can gradually shift towards a more sustainable population growth trajectory.

Low literacy rate and education: The persistently low literacy rate, particularly among women, plays a significant role in driving higher population growth. The lack of access to education limits individuals' understanding of the importance of family planning and reproductive health. Educated individuals are more likely to comprehend the benefits of smaller family sizes, leading to informed decisions about family planning and birth control. However, the prevailing educational disparities, particularly in rural and marginalised communities, hinder the dissemination of crucial information about reproductive health and family planning. Empowering both men and women with education and knowledge is essential to breaking the cycle of high population growth. By investing in quality education, promoting gender equality, and advocating for comprehensive reproductive health education, Pakistan can pave the way for a more informed and empowered society, contributing to sustainable population management and overall development.

Social and cultural norms: Social and cultural norms have a profound impact on shaping reproductive behaviours, particularly in certain communities where having many children is seen as a symbol of prestige and family honor. These deep-rooted traditions often prioritise larger family sizes, perpetuating the notion that having numerous children signifies prosperity and social standing. Consequently, there is limited acceptance and understanding of family planning methods within these communities. Challenging these norms requires sensitively addressing cultural beliefs and engaging community leaders to promote awareness about the benefits of smaller family sizes and comprehensive family planning. Encouraging open dialogues about reproductive health and breaking the stigma surrounding birth control can empower individuals to make informed choices about their family size, contributing to a more sustainable population growth in Pakistan. By combining culturally sensitive approaches with education and advocacy, the nation can gradually shift away from excessive population growth and foster a society where reproductive decisions are based on informed choices rather than social pressures.

Religious beliefs and practices: In Pakistan, religious beliefs and practices play a significant role in influencing population growth. As a country where religion holds immense significance in the lives of its people, certain interpretations of religious teachings may encourage larger families. Some religious beliefs emphasise the importance of procreation and view children as a blessing and a source of divine favor. Consequently, these interpretations may contribute to a cultural preference for larger family sizes within religious communities. It is essential to recognise the sensitivity of religious beliefs and engage in constructive dialogues to promote understanding about family planning and reproductive health. By fostering a balanced approach that respects religious values while also advocating for informed reproductive choices, Pakistan can work towards addressing population growth in a way that is culturally respectful and sustainable. Education and awareness campaigns can play a crucial role in highlighting the importance of family planning and empowering individuals to make decisions that align with their religious beliefs and personal circumstances.

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Effects of high population growth

The rapid increase in population has various consequences for Pakistan:

Pressure on resources With expanding population, the demand for essential resources such as water, food, and energy has reached unprecedented levels, exerting immense strain on the country's already limited natural reserves. The growing needs of its people are putting a considerable burden on the infrastructure and the environment, threatening the sustainability and equilibrium of vital ecosystems.

Unemployment and poverty The challenge of high population growth exacerbates the pressing issues of unemployment and poverty. With a rapidly expanding workforce, the economy finds it increasingly difficult to generate enough jobs to accommodate the influx of job seekers. As a result, unemployment rates soar, leaving a significant portion of the population struggling to secure stable and dignified livelihoods. The lack of employment opportunities directly contributes to the persistence of poverty, trapping many individuals and families in a cycle of economic hardship.

Strain on healthcare and education The escalating population places considerable strain on the healthcare system and education infrastructure, posing significant challenges in providing essential services to all citizens. As the population expands, the demand for healthcare services increases, stretching the already limited resources and facilities to their limits. Access to quality healthcare becomes more difficult for many, particularly in remote and underserved areas, leading to disparities in healthcare outcomes. Similarly, the education sector faces similar challenges, with a surge in the number of students overwhelming schools and colleges. As a result, maintaining the standard of education becomes a daunting task, hindering the country's ability to provide equal educational opportunities to all.

Environmental impact The mounting population has significant environmental implications, giving rise to increased waste generation and pollution, which, in turn, exacerbates environmental degradation and contributes to the effects of climate change. With more people producing waste and demanding resources, the pressure on natural ecosystems intensifies. Improper waste management practices strain the environment, as landfills overflow and pollution contaminate air, water, and soil.

The accelerated pace of urbanisation further encroaches on green spaces and exacerbates deforestation, threatening biodiversity and ecological balance. Moreover, the escalating emissions from industries, transportation, and energy consumption contribute to climate change, resulting in extreme weather events, erratic rainfall patterns, and rising temperatures. Addressing these environmental challenges requires a concerted effort from the government, industries, and individuals to adopt sustainable practices, promote renewable energy, implement effective waste management systems, and foster environmental awareness and conservation efforts to safeguard Pakistan's natural heritage for future generations.

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Policies to counteract underlying causes of high population growth in Pakistan

Family planning and awareness programmes: To control population growth effectively, Pakistan must prioritize family planning and create awareness about its benefits. Family planning allows individuals to make informed choices regarding the number and spacing of their children, leading to healthier and more sustainable families.

Educational campaigns on family planning, contraception, and reproductive health should be promoted through various media platforms and community outreach programs. Engaging religious leaders and influencers in these campaigns can help dispel misconceptions and myths surrounding family planning methods.

Women empowerment and reproductive rights: When women are educated, financially independent, and have access to reproductive healthcare, they can make informed decisions about their reproductive choices. Investing in women's education and healthcare is an investment in the future of the country. Furthermore, ensuring women's reproductive rights is essential for population control. Women should have the right to decide when and how many children they want to have, empowering them to break free from traditional norms and achieve their aspirations.

Healthcare and child mortality: Pakistan must invest in improving healthcare infrastructure, ensuring access to quality healthcare services for all citizens, especially in rural areas. Reducing child mortality rates is directly linked to population control. When families are assured of their children's survival, they are more likely to have fewer children. Pakistan can learn from Bangladesh's successful efforts in reducing child mortality and implement similar strategies to achieve positive outcomes.

Economic implications of population growth: Population growth has significant economic implications for Pakistan. A rapidly growing population poses challenges to economic development, as the demand for jobs and resources increases. Investing in education, skill development, and job creation is essential to harnessing the demographic dividend.

Urbanisation and rural development: Balancing urban and rural development is crucial to controlling population growth. Providing adequate opportunities and facilities in rural areas can discourage mass migration to urban centers. This balanced approach ensures that resources are distributed more equitably, leading to a more stable population growth pattern.

The take home

Knowledge holds the key to recognising the severity of Pakistan's population challenge and aiding the government in tackling this critical issue. Women's empowerment emerges as a potent force in curbing population growth rates, while raising literacy levels is crucial to achieving our population control goals. Singapore and China's successful adoption of two-child and one-child policies offer valuable lessons. To combat poverty, disparity, and other pressing problems, Pakistan must prioritise population regulation as the initial step. Meaningful discussions on family planning are imperative. Our resources are depleting, cities overcrowded and polluted, and the environment deteriorating. Pakistan's multiple woes, from poverty to climate change, are exacerbated by unchecked population growth. We must act now to unlock Pakistan's potential and address the social and economic challenges that lie ahead.

The Pakistan Gazette

Overpopulation in Pakistan; Causes Consequences and Solutions

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overpopulation essay in pakistan

Table of Contents

Pakistan is facing a population growth rate that is among the highest in the world. As of 2021, the population of Pakistan is estimated to be around 220 million, and it is projected to continue growing rapidly in the coming years. The country’s high population growth rate is driven by several factors, including a high fertility rate, a young population, and a lack of access to family planning services. Overpopulation in Pakistan has led to a number of challenges, such as increased competition for resources, overburdened infrastructure, and a strain on public services. The government of Pakistan has implemented several policies and programs to address these challenges, such as increasing access to family planning services and promoting education and economic development.

overpopulation essay in pakistan

Causes of Overpopulation in Pakistan

The causes of overpopulation in Pakistan are complex and multifaceted. Some of the main factors include:

  • High fertility rate: Pakistan has a relatively high fertility rate of around 3.3 children per woman, which is significantly higher than the global average.
  • Lack of access to family planning services: Many people in Pakistan do not have access to family planning services, which makes it difficult for them to control the size of their families.
  • Cultural and religious beliefs: Some cultural and religious beliefs in Pakistan discourage the use of birth control, which can contribute to high fertility rates.
  • Poverty and lack of education: Poverty and lack of education are also major factors that contribute to high fertility rates in Pakistan. People who are poor or have limited education are less likely to have access to family planning services and may not have the knowledge or resources to control their fertility.
  • Urbanization: Urbanization has also led to overpopulation in Pakistan as people migrate to the cities for job opportunities and better living standards.
  • Political instability and lack of government action: Political instability and lack of government action in promoting family planning and education also play a role in overpopulation in Pakistan.

Consequences of Overpopulation in Pakistan

The consequences of overpopulation in Pakistan can be far-reaching and have a significant impact on the country’s social, economic, and environmental well-being. Some of the main consequences include:

  • Strain on resources: Overpopulation puts a strain on resources such as food, water, and energy, leading to shortages and higher prices.
  • Environmental degradation: Overpopulation can lead to environmental degradation, including deforestation, air and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity.
  • Overburdened infrastructure: Overpopulation can lead to overcrowding, which can put a strain on infrastructure such as roads, housing, and public transportation.
  • Economic challenges: Overpopulation can lead to increased competition for jobs, which can lead to higher unemployment rates and lower wages. It can also lead to a strain on public services, such as healthcare and education, which can make it more difficult for people to access these services.
  • Social challenges: Overpopulation can lead to increased crime, poverty, and social unrest. It can also put a strain on social services, such as housing and welfare programs, which can make it more difficult for people to access these services.
  • Health problems: Overpopulation can lead to poor living conditions and lack of access to healthcare, which can increase the risk of disease and illness.
  • Political instability: Overpopulation can lead to political instability, as the government may struggle to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population.

It is important for Pakistan to take action to address these consequences, such as promoting family planning and education, increasing access to resources, and promoting sustainable development.

Solutions of Overpopulation in Pakistan

There are several solutions that can be implemented to address the issue of overpopulation in Pakistan. Some of the main solutions include :

  • Promoting family planning and reproductive health: Increasing access to family planning services and providing education on reproductive health can help people to control the size of their families and reduce the rate of population growth.
  • Education and economic development: Investing in education and economic development can help to reduce poverty and improve the overall well-being of the population. This can also lead to a reduction in the fertility rate as people become more aware of family planning and have more resources to support smaller families.
  • Encourage urban planning: Encouraging urban planning and development can help to alleviate the strain on infrastructure and resources in urban areas. This can also help to improve living conditions and reduce overcrowding.
  • Improve living standards and access to resources: Improving living standards and access to resources such as housing, healthcare, and education can help to reduce poverty and improve overall well-being. This can also help to reduce the fertility rate.
  • Government policies: Government policies such as tax incentives for smaller families, and penalties for having more than a certain number of children, can also be implemented to help control population growth.
  • Promoting sustainable development: Encouraging sustainable development and environmental protection can help to reduce the strain on resources and protect the environment. This can also help to improve overall well-being and reduce the rate of population growth.

It’s important to note that a comprehensive and integrated approach is needed to address the issue of overpopulation in Pakistan, involving government, civil society, and international organizations.

Further Readings

Child Labour in Pakistan; Causes, Consequences and Solutions

Corruption in Pakistan; Causes, Consequences and Solutions

Unemployment in Pakistan; Causes, Consequences and Solutions

Poverty in Pakistan; Causes, Consequences, Solutions

Economic Challenges of Pakistan

Education System of Pakistan: Challenges and Way Forward

Pakistan Healthcare System Challenges and Solutions

overpopulation essay in pakistan

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Overpopulation Essay

500 words essay on overpopulation.

Overpopulation refers to an undesirable condition in which the number of existing human being exceeds the actual carrying capacity of the earth. It has many causes which range from a decline in the death rate to early marriages and more. The overpopulation essay will throw light on this issue.

overpopulation essay

Ill-Effects of Overpopulation

The ill-effects of overpopulation are quite severe. The first one is that natural resources deplete at a faster level. Our planet can produce only a limited amount of water and food . Thus, overpopulation causes environmental damage including deforestation, pollution, etc.

Similarly, there is the degradation of the environment which happens because of the overuse of resources like coal, oil, natural gases and more. As a result, the quality of air also gets affected in this manner.

In developing countries, overpopulation puts a strain on resources. Thus, it gives rise to conflicts and tension. It also causes more diseases that become harder to control. Next up, we have the issue of unemployment.

Moreover, it rises due to overpopulation. There is more number of people than job opportunities. As a result, unemployment gives rise to crimes like theft and more. We also have pandemics and epidemics which happen due to overpopulation.

It is because overcrowded and unhygienic living gives rise to infectious diseases . Another ill-effect is malnutrition and starvation. When there are scarce resources, these diseases will likely to be on the rise.

Most importantly, we have a shortage of water which makes it tougher for people to get access to clean water. Similarly, lower life expectancy also happens because of the boom in population, especially in less-developed nations.

We also witness faster climate change as nations continue to develop their industrial capacities. Thus, they emit industrial waste which gives rise to global temperatures . It will keep getting worse if things are not checked immediately.

Solutions of Overpopulation

There are many solutions which we may take up to prevent overpopulation. The best measure is family planning to keep the overpopulation check. In order to do that, one can ensure proper spacing between the births of the children.

Further, limiting the number of children as per income and resources must also be important. Similarly, it is essential to increase resources. The government must make the horrors of overpopulation reach the public through the use of media.

Moreover, better education can help implement social change which can curb overpopulation. Next up, knowledge of sex education must be made mandatory in schools so students learn young about everything they need to know.

Most importantly, it is essential to empower women so they can break out of poverty. This way, they can learn about reproductive health and make better decisions. Another solution can be government incentives.

Many governments of countries already have various policies which relate to tax exemptions for curbing overpopulation. For instance, some waive a certain part of income tax for married couples with one or two children.

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Conclusion of Overpopulation Essay

All in all, overpopulation is no less than a curse that poses a permanent threat to the development of any country. It is essential to stop the flood of population. In order to do that, one must indulge in proper family planning and creating balance in society for a better world.

FAQ of Overpopulation Essay

Question 1: What is the main cause of overpopulation?

Answer 1: It is believed that the main cause of overpopulation is poverty. When there is a lack of education resource which coupled with high death rates, it results in impoverished areas witnessing large booms in population.

Question 2: How is overpopulation affecting the world?

Answer 2: Overpopulation is affecting the world as it is outpacing the ability of the planet earth to support it. It also has environmental and economic outcomes which range from the impacts of over-farming on global warming.

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Population Growth: Implications for Human Development

September 2, 2019.

Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world with its population estimated at 207.8 million in 2017. Its population growth rate of 2.40 percent is the highest in South Asia and stands in sharp contrast to the 1.0–1.5 percent growth rate of other South Asian countries. Pakistan's population has increased by more than six-folds since the first post-independence census held in 1951. This massive growth in population possesses serious challenges for the country's socio-economic development.

The high growth in population could be attributed to a number of factors. Pakistan has the lowest contraceptive prevalence rate in South Asia, which has stagnated at 35 percent over the last couple of years. One in five married women in Pakistan are unable to access effective methods of family planning if they want to avoid pregnancy and plan the number and spacing of children. Low contraceptive prevalence may be further attributed to weak service delivery systems and markets and cultural norms.

Between 1993 to 1998, Pakistan ran a successful family planning programme which was instrumental in reducing fertility rates and increasing contraceptive prevalence. The key element of the programme was the recruitment of trained Lady Health Workers (LHW) to provide primary health care and family planning services to women at community level. The LHW were pivotal in expanding family planning services to the poor and educating them on the available methods. However, from 2000 onwards, successive governments' attention to family planning programmes started to reduce.

However, it is encouraging to note that population and family planning is now again getting space on the government's policy agenda. The Federal Government has constituted a Task Force on Population and Family Planning to develop a strategy for controlling population growth and guiding its implementation. The Task Force, headed by the Prime Minister which includes all provincial Chief Ministers as members, is working towards three key targets; increasing contraceptive prevalence rate to 55 percent, reducing fertility rate from 3.6 births per woman to 2.1, and decreasing population growth rate to 1.5 percent. Given the devolved governance structure in Pakistan, the inclusion of Chief Ministers in the Task Force is key to implementing a coordinated and comprehensive family planning programme.

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Challenges of overpopulation in pakistan

The surge in human resources demands parallel growth in a nation’s population, playing a pivotal role in its economic and social trajectory. In Pakistan, this intricate relationship manifests as both a producer and a consumer of human capital. The consequential strain on resources has rendered the country economically strained. The sheer magnitude of the population impedes the government’s ability to meet the escalating demands for goods, leading to a worrisome imbalance in supply and demand and subsequently, soaring inflation.

To address this conundrum, it is imperative for the government to implement strategic measures. Instituting restrictions on family size is a practical step to mitigate the strain on resources. Encouraging a limit to the number of children per family, perhaps to just two, can pave the way for a more sustainable demographic landscape. Such measures are essential for steering Pakistan away from the brink of overpopulation and fostering a balanced environment for economic and social development. 

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Causes & Effects of Unbridled Population in Pakistan Exploring the High Complexities and Controversial Issues Paving ways towards Awareness

  • Nazir Ahmed Kasi Lecturer
  • Dr.Liaquat Channa Professor in BUITMS

The present paper is an attempt to explore the causes of unbridled population in Pakistan by exploring the high complexities and controversial issues which hinder the economic development of the country. Unbridled population growth is one of the biggest challenges facing Pakistan. Increasing population has links with many social menaces like terrorism, low literacy rates, low per capita income, malnutrition, and stunted growth in kids including poor standard of living. Some major social evils like corruption, drug addiction and terrorism have roots in overpopulation. Pakistan was the 13th most populous country on its independence back in 1947 that also included the East Pakistan-Bangladesh now. However, it moved to 7th ranking in 1996 and as of today it is the 6th most populous country. Socio-religious beliefs, early marriages, drug addiction and corruption form the core causes of over- population in Pakistan. Besides, this paper concludes that advancement of autonomous media and liberal training in instructive establishments will in time likewise help by empowering a smaller family size ideal which would in turn contribute to the better economy of Pakistan.

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Causes Of Overpopulation In Pakistan

Rida Faqeer Muhammad

In human biology, the total number of people living in a given area (such as a country or the entire world) is constantly changing due to both increases and decreases in deaths and migrations. The terms “overpopulation” and “population explosion” are used to describe the idea of a growing population with dwindling resources.

Pakistan’s total population is 177.1 million, up from 173.5 million the previous year, according to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2010-11. Pakistan ranks sixth among the world’s most populous countries, with a population growth rate of 2.1 percent. Now let’s discuss the main causes of overpopulation in Pakistan.

The following are the main causes of Pakistan’s overpopulation:

Table of Content

Raziq is ALLAH

Muslims believe that God provides food for everyone, including an ant living in a stone. So, why do they reduce family size? 71 percent have a no or low opportunity cost. In Pakistan, women do not participate in economic activities. Women do not suffer any financial losses as a result of having a child. In Pakistan, the cost of having a child is very low, if not zero.

Causes Of Overpopulation In Pakistan

Low Income Per Capita

Per capita income is calculated by dividing national income by the total population. Low per capita income indicates population growth. Pakistan’s per capita income is $ 1254.


It is a term used to describe the state of being unemployed. Unemployment is also seen as a sign of overcrowding. It is difficult to adjust economic activities to accommodate such a large population. Pakistan has a 5.6 percent unemployment rate.

Extremely Rapid Population Growth

The birth rate is extremely high, indicating that our country is overcrowded. Pakistan has a population growth rate of 2.1 percent.

More Earning Hands Are Required

In developing countries like Pakistan, a single person cannot support his large family. He believes that having more children will provide him with more earning potential.

Afghan Refugees

The influx of refugees from India, particularly Afghanistan, has resulted in an increase in population.

Relatively Low Death Rate

Another cause of overpopulation is a decrease in the death rate. In 1951, the death rate was 2.8 percent, but in 2010-11, it was only 0.73 percent.

Low Living Standards

It has been observed that low-income Pakistanis have more children. It is difficult to provide for such a large family. As a result, the population’s living standards are low.

Causes Of Overpopulation In Pakistan

Warm Weather

Because of the warm climate, youth and maturity come early in life. It also has the effect of causing rapid population growth.

Family Planning Isn’t Available

In Pakistan, there is no effective family planning. The methods of family planning are unfamiliar to most people. They are hesitant to seek medical advice.

Joint Family System

In a joint family system, there is competition among family members based on the size of the family. It is also a factor in children’s rapid growth.

Early Marriages

In Pakistan, marriages usually take place between the ages of 16 and 22. The time it takes to re-productivity is extremely long. Consult Gynecologist if you need any information on early reproductivity.

It is a condition in which a person is unable to read or write. People are unaware of the economic problems caused by a high birth rate due to a lack of education. Pakistan has a literacy rate of 57.7%.

Population Inefficiency

In our county, the dependency ratio is extremely high. Only 32.17 percent of the population participates in economic activities, while the remaining 67.83 percent relies on them. It sees land pressure and population expulsion as a problem.

Polygamy Experimentation

Polygamy is the state or practice of having multiple wives at the same time. Polygamy is another factor that contributes to population growth.

Causes Of Overpopulation In Pakistan


It is the first step in the process of becoming a city. Many social issues exist as a result of rural-urban migration and a lack of infrastructure in cities. As a result, the urban population increases. Overpopulation is indicated by a higher rate of urbanization.

Low Savings and Investing

In Pakistan, the savings and investment rates of GDP are only 9.5 percent and 13.4 percent, respectively. Because of the low rate of savings, the rate of investment and employment is also very low. As a result, these figures suggest that Pakistan is overcrowded.

Inadequate Nutrition

People in Pakistan have a poor diet, which has an impact on their health and ability to work. It lowers per capita income, indicating a population explosion.

Large Family Concept

Large families are thought to be a source of power for influencing and controlling those around them. People are proud of their large families.

Vicious Poverty Circle

A rapid increase in the population reduces per capita income, savings, investment, and productivity. As a result, a country is trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty. Poverty’s vicious circle is also a symbol of overpopulation.

Marriage Universality

Wedlock is entered into by all men and women of marriageable age. As a result, Pakistan’s birth rate is higher.

Lack of Alternative Activities

In Pakistan, recreational facilities and employment opportunities are scarce. In Pakistan, passing the time and any other pleasures are prohibitively expensive. As a result, men have more time with their wives.

Ending Notes

In developing countries like Pakistan, a high population growth rate has negative consequences for economic development. In Pakistan, a high rate of population growth means poverty, illiteracy, a low standard of living, a lack of prosperity, and a vicious cycle of poverty. Consult Gynecologist for any information on reproductivity.

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What are the primary causes of overpopulation.

  • Falling Mortality Rate.
  • Underutilized Contraception.
  • Female Education Deficit.
  • Degradation of the environment.
  • An increase in the number of conflicts.
  • Disasters and pandemics are more likely.

What are the consequences of Pakistan’s overpopulation?

In developing countries like Pakistan, a high population growth rate has negative consequences for economic development. In Pakistan, a high rate of population growth means poverty, illiteracy, a low standard of living, a lack of prosperity, and a vicious cycle of poverty.

What are the four factors that contribute to poverty?

Unequal wealth distribution, disease, colonization and past inequalities, as well as bad governance and corruption* are four factors that contribute to poor living conditions.

overpopulation essay in pakistan

Rida Faqeer Muhammad is a psychology student and content writer with a deep understanding of human behavior and a talent for creating engaging and informative content. With a bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Master's in Speech and Language Pathology, she combines her knowledge of psychology with strong writing skills to produce well-researched articles, blog posts, and social media content. Rida's expertise lies in conducting thorough research, delivering polished and high-quality content, and adapting writing styles for various audiences and platforms. Her content strategies, developed with a focus on SEO optimization, ensure maximum visibility and engagement. With a passion for personal development and wellness, her work resonates with readers and offers practical insights. Her ability to translate complex psychological concepts into accessible content makes her a valuable contributor in the field.

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Essay on “Population explosion in Pakistan” for CSS, PMS, and All Judiciary Examinations


  • November 21, 2021
  • Essay for CSS PMS and Judiciary Exam

This is an essay on “Population explosion in Pakistan” for CSS, PMS, and All Judiciary examinations. Increasing Population is a serious issue in today’s modern world. It can result from an increase in births, a decline in the mortality rate, an increase in immigration, or a depletion of resources. So here is a complete essay on the topic of “population explosion in Pakistan” for CSS, PMS, and All Judiciary Examinations.

In this essay, you will learn about the causes of the Population explosion in Pakistan, the effects of population, and various measures to stop population.

Essay on “Population Explosion in Pakistan”

Population in the world.

Conditions in Pakistan

Population table

Better medical facility

Lack of education, lack of planning of the government as per the resources, the desire for a male child, early marriages, abundant food resources, effect on economic growth.

  • Problems in urban cities like Karachi

Effect on agriculture

Urbanization, social evils, role of media, role of a religious scholar, education for all, resources as well as population.

  • Chinese model

Essay on “Population explosion in Pakistan” for CSS, PMS, and All Judiciary Examinations

Conditions in pakistan and population table.

At the time of partition, the area, which today comprises Pakistan, had a population of 33 million. The following table shows the population of Pakistan at different times since its inception.

According to experts, under the same growth rate, the population of Pakistan would be greater than that of China by the year 2035.

Even after sixty-four years of its independence, Pakistan is still struggling to find a respectable place in the comity of nations. All the efforts made in the past seem to have gone in vain. Every sector of life today tells a sorry tale. The problem that could be blamed for all this sorry mess is overpopulation in the country. Overpopulation emerges as the main villain in Pakistan for a number of reasons. Every other problem mentioned earlier seems to have grown from the. demon of this overpopulation.

Literally speaking, overpopulation arises when the resources in a country fall short of meeting the needs of its people. A number of factors could lead to the emergence of overpopulation. Birth rate 1s the most common indicator that the countries today use to keep a check on population. Pakistan today suffers from a high birth rate in the country. But the birth rate was high even in the past and still, overpopulation was nowhere to be seen. What factors today have translated the high birth rate into overpopulation? The advancements in the medical field have led to a sharp decline in the death rate.

The life expectancy has increased due to the use of imported health technologies. So, a decline in the death rate has in other words led to the problem of overpopulation. Pakistan is a developing country and like many others like it is trying hard to survive in the capitalist world. A huge population of around eighteen crores, that could have been an asset to the country is today a huge liability. Fast increasing population is thus a source of constant danger for Pakistan .

Following is a brief discussion of some of the causes of overpopulation in our country:

  • Warm climate (puberty attained by females at an early age)
  • Joint family systems
  • Lack of recreational facilities
  • The belief that God is ‘Raziq’ (the belief that every child brings its food with him/her)
  • Love for male issues (couple going for more babies)
  • Illiteracy, people think that more children mean more working hands

There are three main causes of overpopulation. The first and second are linked to the advancement of medicine and public health, while the third is related to food distribution. Even though these are the main causes today, more causes can come about in the future.

First is the understanding of diseases and the use of medicine. Before the realization of the germ theory, many individuals did not know that diseases were spread through germs such as bacteria and viruses. With the adoption of these practices, humans were able to understand that germs caused these diseases and could be countered through practices such as medicine and vaccinations. With this new knowledge, death rates plummeted and new health practices relating to child birth helped improve birth rates.

Illiteracy is another important cause of overpopulation. That lacking education fails to understand the need to prevent excessive growth of population. They are unable to understand the harmful effects that overpopulation has. They are unaware of the ways to control the population. Lack of family planning is commonly seen in the illiterate lot of the world. This is one of the major factors leading to overpopulation. Due to ignorance, they do not take to family planning measures, thus contributing to a rise in population.

In Pakistan rural areas there is a trend of a large number of families and due to lack of awareness and proper knowledge people go on producing more and more children. So this trend could be changed if education will be provided to all members of society.

We think that we are progressing and adopting new values and trends but this is really not true and this is a fact that parents prefer boys over girls and consider their son as their future asserts. Who can support them later in life? So the desire for a male child is also the main reason for population growth in a society like Pakistan. So if we want to control the rising population so we should consider boys and girls like the same and value them. If this thing will be included in our thinking that girls also support their parents so this will discourage the practice of producing more and more children just for the desire of the male child.

Early marriage is also the main reason for the increase in population growth. As soon the girl grows parents start thinking about their marriages and when they find the reasonable proposal for them so they are in a hurry that they should get married and leave their education. Early marriages really contribute to rising in population growth and if we want to control it then early marriages should be avoided and education can help in delaying the age of marriage of the girls.

Next is the vast improvement of public health. Public health refers to the acquisition of three basic needs humans need: food, shelter, and water. For example, since the creation of plumbing, individuals have had the opportunity of accessing water. Another is the improvement of shelters which also allow humans to survive for longer periods.

Another is the improvement of food distribution. It is amazing to think that food can be transported all over the world and combined with preservation services, such as canned food, certain food can last forever. The improvement of food distribution bad ended the worries of starvation in many regions of the world; however, certain regions (such as parts of Africa) still exhibit famines from the lack of food.

Now let’s talk about some severe effects of population:

Overpopulation has badly hampered the economic growth in the country. The high population is responsible for a decline in per capita income. This leads to a decline in the 9urchasing power of the people. As the demand for goods decreases then “Demand & Supply” lack the investment in the country will also suffer. Such a stagnant economy will lead to the closing of factories and businesses and in return add to joblessness and poverty.

Even if the country somehow is successful in attracting foreign investment, still overpopulation will not allow these investments to have a positive effect on the country’s economy. A greater population means more hungry souls to feed. With the number of productive earning members in a family small compared to unproductive members, there is felt a drag on the limited income of poor families. This is the problem of the “Dependency ratio” which is acutely felt in poor countries.

For years, social services in the country have suffered even after sincere efforts by successive governments. The fact remains that more schools, hospitals, and parks are of little comfort if the the population keeps on increasing at an alarming rate.

Agriculture is another sector, which has been adversely affected by the rapid increase in population. About 70% of Pakistan’s population is employed in the agricultural sector. Overpopulation is even having an adverse effect on agricultural outcomes. More population means smaller farms, and that leads to a decline in productivity. Availability of cultivable land in 1990 was 0.17 hector per person and the estimated availability of cultivable land by the year 2025 will be 0.07 hector per person. The same would happen with the forests and also with the availability of freshwater.

People having smaller farms have no other choice but to migrate in the hope of a better life . This leads to urbanization, which itself is a major social problem .

Overpopulation has contributed to an increase in the number of social evils. Lawlessness, crime, and corruption are all the result of the population explosion. The fight over resources has divided the society into two groups i.e. those who have all and are not willing to share it and the second group that is fighting for its mere survival. This fight between haves and have-nots has the inherent seeds of conflict in it, which if erupted could imperil the peace and order in the society.

Overpopulation in cities has also contributed to toxic pollution. A greater number of vehicles on the roads mean the availability of large quantities of poisonous gas for people to inhale. Sewage problems and lack of clean drinking water can also be attributed to the population problem.

The world has touched the seven billion mark in population. After years of industrialization and technological advances, the world still suffers in providing basic necessities to the masses. Apart from a few exceptions in Europe having a negative birth rate, overpopulation is a common problem of many nations around the world.

Many of the countries have tried hard and to some extent, they have been successful. China, around three decades ago, was facing shortages in food but today it is the largest growing economy in the world. The “One Child Policy” has done wonders for this new economic power. China has also proved the fact that through proper planning a huge population could be transformed into an economic asset.

Solution for Population Explosion in Pakistan

Now the question arises of how we can tackle this problem. So for this here are some of the solutions.

It is the right time that we nip the evil in the bud with proper planning. Education is the key to success against the menace of overpopulation. It will not only generate awareness against the hazards of overpopulation among the masses but will also create a healthy environment for birth control methods to flourish. The poor literacy rate in Pakistan is certainly adding to the difficulties, already being faced by the health workers in their fight against the problem.

The role of media is also an important factor. With most of the population, illiterate electronic media could prove to be a huge success in getting the message across. Print media too needs to emphasize the problems of overpopulation on a more regular basis. Availability of birth control. methods in the remote areas of the country should be ensured. The role of lady health workers should be expanded and the good office of every union council should make their supervision compulsory.

“Devolution Plan” was devised to make the participation of people at the grassroots level. Now it is time we solved the problem of overpopulation with greater participation and support from these local councils. But this task will be not as easy to accomplish, as it may appear to be.

According to a report by Population Action International Washington, a great reason for the population increase in Pakistan is that the Government has made a very insignificant investment in the social sector owing to religious problems and secondly women having no say and freedom. A  conservative society like ours is certainly not ripe to carry out a war against overpopulation. Therefore, the role of religious leaders emerges as an important aspect if we are to succeed against this menace. Big landowners,s in rural areas too can influence the masses. It is high time they joined in against the fight for a better future.

Once these two classes are on the side of the government, there is no way that the government will not be able to solve the problem. Another factor that has for long proven to be a hurdle in solving the population problems is the poor state of our womenfolk in society. The rights of women must be restored and the discrimination against them must be stopped. In this context, Anti-Women Practices Bill was recently passed on Nov 16, 2011.

Many women in the country are aware of the problems generated by having large families but they.have little say in deciding about the strength of the family. ln a male-dominated society like ours women often falls victim to the blind wishes of their male partners. Women often die in labor and owing to the lack of gaps between successive births. Their health also deteriorates to an alarming stage.

Following recommendations can be implemented in order to control the population:

  • Family planning facilities be made a part of health facilities,
  • There should be a greater role for local and provincial governments
  • Role of NGOs and doctors in the disbursement of Aid received for family panning
  • Males should be urged to cooperate more
  • Status of women to be raised in society as done by the present government by giving more seats in assemblies
  • Better health and educational facilities for women
  • The issue to be taken as a national crisis
  • Role of media to be encouraged especially in rural areas
  • Government programs should involve Ulemas and NGOs
  • Greater participation of landlords

The problem of overpopulation is very serious because it leads to frustration, which means chaos. Chaos means anarchy and anarchy endangers the state.

Pakistan is today standing at a crossroads. It will either perish forever or will emerge as a stronger nation. What is needed is a vision and a sincere leadership that could transform dreams into reality. The problem of overpopulation has now started to haunt us and unless we tackle it pragmatically our dream of a bright and glorious future will just remain a pious wish. It needs a multipronged attack to deal with overpopulation.

A strong Pakistan should be our first priority and if we have to make certain hard decisions for its accomplishment no one should hesitate to lead and pull the trigger. Indeed, Pakistan comes first even before our personal vested interests.

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Today's Paper | May 07, 2024


overpopulation essay in pakistan

OVERPOPULATION in Pakistan is a serious issue that leads to social, economic and psychological problems and contribute directly to the increasing poverty, food shortage, illiteracy, stunted growth, malnutrition etc.

This factor has rendered the country weak as an economic entity and has made it difficult for governments to serve citizens adequately. Additionally, the increase in crimes is also a direct factor as citizens tend to resort to any means to feed their families.

The need is for awareness at the grassroots level and more focus on family planning programmes. At the time of independence, the country had a population of around 43 million in the western wing. This has shot up to around 220 million today. The figures say it all.

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Daily Times

Your right to know Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Commentary / Insight

Overpopulation and Pakistan

Muhammad Zaman

December 6, 2019

With 40,488,030, Pakistan was the 14th largest country in the world in 1955 (including East Pakistan). Even after the separation of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), Pakistan was the 10th largest population in 1975; after a 20-years interval. Within the next ten years, the country became the eighth largest nation in 1985. In another 15 years, it became the seventh world population in 2000. Within just five years, the country became the sixth biggest population. In 2018, Pakistan became the fifth largest nation on the planet. Pakistan’s population increased from 40 million in 1955 to 220 million in 72 years. It is expected that after a 30-years interval, the country would house 338 million people. Currently, the country holds the second-largest youth population in the world, after Yemen. This population may be even higher if the current unsound policy continues. It means the country has the highest young people. They can become the agent of change. Young capacitated persons can turn the economy into boom if they are capacitated, skilled or well-managed. However, this young population is unskilled, incapacitated, alienated, marginalised, stigmatised and a victim of the state policies or perpetrators against each other. The increasing population needs food, water, health, hygiene and of course, social security. They are on the roads. These roads are filled with vehicles. Thus, we see anarchy everywhere irrespective of cities or villages. This anarchy is a sign of a big disaster if not addressed properly. Has anyone from the power corridors (government), academia, Inteligencia or the civil society seriously bothered about this mega challenge of the population management in the recent past? The answer may be no. Even the relevant government bodies are unable to perceive it as a challenge. Thus, they are least bothered to address this big challenge. In the 1980s and early 1990s, there were several advertisements: “Bache du hi Ache” (only two kids are good.). This kind of advertisements has now disappeared. Therefore, the population growth rate has also risen. One may hardly find any kind of awareness campaign to address this acute social problem. Consequently, the county is on the verge of the “population nuclear explosion.”

Overpopulation will bring several associated serious challenges. Illiteracy, unemployment, rising crime index, child abuse, child neglect, prostitution, drugs abuse, narcotics, forced migration and civil war, to name a few of those problems. Additionally, the young population would become alienated and isolated. They are even now hardly bothered about their or the country’s future. Nevertheless, they will become a burden on society. This will not earn any good repute in the club of the nations. Did any government bother about this kind of repute? I am highly doubtful.

One may refer to two traditional approaches to address the overpopulation. One approach is to have strict control of overpopulation growth. China experienced a one-child policy. This policy brought hardly any desired results because it promoted a gender imbalance in the country. The preference for a son increased and the result was that the country faced an acute imbalance in the population. Another big challenge is that after 2060, the country population will have the highest old population and that may trigger up health, old-age benefits and care budget to manifolds.

Pakistan holds the second-largest youth population in the world, after Yemen, which can become the agents of change

The second approach is population management. This policy emphasis is on the training, engagement and empowerment of the population. This approach considers the population as a source rather than a burden. Providing them with education, skills; building capacities of the young people and engaging them in entrepreneurial skills would earn and feed the young and old population. This seems to be a feasible model. For this mode, the government must have to invest in human capital and capacity-building. The population management may trigger up the resources if state policies are constant for a couple of decades.

These are not the only two approaches. Sociologist and demographers have also developed smart models, which can help address the issue of overpopulation. This is only possible if the government shows leadership, political will and perceives the population as a challenge. The population can become the source of development, prosperity and change the fate of the nation. For this, the state institution has to build their institutional capacity to perceive the population as a serious challenge.

Overpopulation is the mother of all social problems. It would have been perceived 50 years ago to address the problem. However, we missed the window of opportunity. We are heading towards the phase of even bigger catastrophes if the population is not managed properly. I strongly urge the government to manage the population on war footings to avoid the anarchy in the country. Otherwise, civil war may be inevitable.

The writer is the chairman of the Department of Sociology at Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. He can be reached: [email protected].

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overpopulation essay in pakistan

overpopulation essay in pakistan

Overpopulation in Pakistan: Causes, Impacts, and Ways Forwards

Overpopulation in Pakistan: Causes, Impacts, and Ways Forwards

  • Shabnam Usman
  • December 15, 2023
  • CSS Essays , CSS Solved Essays

Shabnam Usman, a Sir Syed Kazim Ali student, has attempted the CSS essay “ Overpopulation in Pakistan: Causes, Impacts, and Ways Forwards ” on the given pattern, which Sir  Syed Kazim Ali  teaches his students. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has been Pakistan’s top English writing and CSS, PMS essay and precis coach with the highest success rate of his students. The essay is uploaded to help other competitive aspirants learn and practice essay writing techniques and patterns to qualify for the essay paper.

overpopulation essay in pakistan

1- Introduction

2- Overview of the Current Statistics of Population in Pakistan

3- Causes Responsible for Population Expansion in Pakistan

  • ✓Low literacy rate in the community 
  • Evidence: The World Bank Report 2019 indicates that corresponding to literacy rates, “Pakistan has scored 7th out of eight South Asian countries; conversely, the country has the highest population growth rate in the region.”
  • Evidence: The so-called religious scholars propagate ‘quantity’ as a matrix of growth for the Muslim Ummah 
  • ✓ Culture of early marriages and polygamy  
  • Evidence: According to the United Nations Report on Child Marriages, 2020, “Pakistan has ranked sixth in the girls’ highest number of girls who were married before the age of 18.”
  • Evidence: According to the Gender Development Index 2021-2022 (the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), “Pakistan has showcased a ‘low human development’ ratio.” 
  • Evidence: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Report, 2022 finds that the world’s regions – Africa and South Asia – having low per capita income share the characteristics of large population and high population growth rate
  • Evidence: According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Report, 2023, “Pakistan has hosted 2.1 million refugees.”

4- Impacts of Ruthless Population Growth in Pakistan

  • ✓ Increased food insecurity and stressed resources
  • Evidence: The government had to import wheat worth $ 2 billion in 2022.
  • Evidence: “Pakistan has been spotted at 176 on the Environmental Performance Index, 2022,” a joint report produced by Yale University and Colombia University
  • Evidence: The Human Development Index, 2022, has placed Pakistan in the 161 position
  • Evidence: “In Pakistan, city authorities still need to achieve a consistent, integrated, and harmonious urban built form despite spending billions on public infrastructure, thus leaving the cityscape muddled.” (Pakistan Institute of Economic Development (PIDE)
  • Evidence: “The current gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate remained 0.29% for the fiscal year 2022-23,” as per the statistics of the Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2023
  • Evidence: According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Report, 2020, “The number of all reported crimes has increased from 0.64 million in 2010 to 0.87 million in 2020; likewise, its population figures were 194.5 million in 2010 and 227.2 in 2020.”

5- Solutions to Manage the Overpopulation Disaster in Pakistan

  • ✓To increase the literacy rate
  • Case in Point: The European Union 
  • Case in Point: The Malthusian Theory 
  • Case in Point: China 
  • Case in Point: Bangladesh
  • Case in Point: Singapore 
  • Case in Point: Germany 

6- Critical analysis

7- Conclusion

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Overpopulation is one of the most catastrophic factors threatening sustainable development. It is a severe concern for both developed and developing countries; however, the uneven distribution of the world population has made overpopulation a real threat for developing nations like Pakistan, owing to their weak economic infrastructure. According to the World Bank Report, 2022, the population growth rate of Pakistan is 1.9%; contrarily, the current Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate has remained 0.29% for the fiscal year 2022-23 as per the statistics of the Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2023. The mismatch ratio of population and economic growth is getting worse daily. Such an alarming situation is the outcome of many overlapping factors, like misinterpretations of Islamic teachings, early marriages, and gender discrimination. Consequently, the impacts have become disastrous over time. The ballooning population has stressed Pakistan’s natural resources and food production means. Furthermore, it is making sustainable development a far-off dream to achieve. Municipality management issues and increasing crime rates are additional concerns related to overpopulation in Pakistan. Considering it is high time Pakistan’s government seriously thought of population expansion through multiple measures. Promoting education, appropriate religious enlightenment, women empowerment, stimulating the working mechanism of social welfare departments, and several family planning incentives can be introduced to reduce the current growth rate of the population. This essay discusses some crucial causes and impacts of overpopulation in Pakistan and numerous pragmatic measures to facilitate the crisis. 

      Reviewing the current population in Pakistan, the growth statistics are alarming.  According to the World Bank Report, 2019, the country has the highest growth rate in South Asia; since the first post-independence census held in 1951, Pakistan’s population has increased by six times.  The situation exists because the country’s contraceptive prevalence is the lowest in the region. Adding fuel to the fire, Pakistan has a large cohort of the adolescent population going into active, productive age. Therefore, it has been anticipated that in 2047, the figures will double, making Pakistan one of the most significant contributors to the world population.

      While counting multiple factors stimulating overcrowding in Pakistan, it is apparent that having large families is the choice of the majority. Undoubtedly, ignorance of the community – academically and religiously – has played a significant role in making such a choice. Therefore,  the World Bank Report 2019 indicates that, corresponding to literacy rates, Pakistan has scored 7th out of eight South Asian countries; conversely, the country has the highest population growth rate in the region.  Consequently, illiterate people are incapable of reasoning. They are unaware of their parental and civic responsibilities. Therefore, they prefer quantity over quality when talking about a family. Concluding, ignorance is one of the major culprits responsible for the population explosion in Pakistan. 

      Exploring further, religious conservatism in Pakistan is always advocating population growth.  A plethora of misconceptions fed by ill-informed religious preachers have never let Pakistanis think anything else but remain motivated to have a large family ; such propaganda includes enlarging the Muslim Ummah as mandatory, contraceptives are sinful Western practices, etc. Many so-called Islamic scholars do so to increase the number of their followers. Therefore, they do not want their supporters to become enlightened; they discourage science studies, women’s empowerment, and state-of-the-art technology. Consequently, such deceptive preachers craft a false picture of Islam and invite people to darkness. Hence, narrow-minded religious dogmas are contributing to the ignorance of people and, ultimately, to overpopulation in the country.

      Another evil supporter of population growth in Pakistan is the culture of early marriages and polygamy.  According to the United Nations Report on Child Marriages, 2020, Pakistan has ranked sixth in the girls’ highest number of girls who were married before the age of 18.  Accordingly, about 19 million girls got married in the early years of their adolescence. The alarming figures are associated with health and nutrition issues, high child mortality, low women’s literacy rate, and, above all, population expansion. Likewise, the tradition of polygamy – particularly in tribal areas of Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa – adds insult to injury. Conclusively, early marriages and polygamy are fueling population growth in the country.

      Among many negative characteristics, gender discrimination is the most apparent feature of the Pakistani community.  According to the Gender Development Index 2021-2022 (the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)), Pakistan has showcased a ‘low human development’ ratio.  Thus, the patriarchal patterns of the society deprive women of their basic rights. They can neither decide about reproductive matters nor avail themselves of any opportunity to develop. Consequently, women have become passive entities in Pakistani culture, possessing no other trait but reproduction. Making the situation even worse, the desire to have more “male” children makes it mandatory for a couple to expand their family. Summing up, the deep-rooted patriarchal mindset in Pakistani society is exceedingly liable to increase in population.

      Furthermore, it has been considered that population growth is responsible for poverty; however, recent studies prove that they complement each other.  In a 2022 report on poverty, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) found that the world’s regions – Africa and South Asia – having low per capita income share the characteristics of a large population and high population growth rate.  Likewise, in Pakistan, poverty has disturbed development divisions and stressed natural resources by accelerating population growth. Accordingly, people want large families to have more earning hands and to ensure old age economic security. Besides, high child mortality is modelling a culture favoring large family sizes. Concluding, poverty in Pakistan is a potent element leading to a ballooning population. 

      Discussing further, besides the domestic catalysts of population expansion, the high refugee influx in Pakistan – since the Soviet Union’s (USSR) invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and the US attacks on Kabul in 2001 – has dramatically disturbed its population statistics.  According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Report, 2023, Pakistan has hosted 2.1 million refugees.  This fact makes it the fifth-largest country to host such many immigrants. Many such migrants have registered with the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA), but most still lack legal citizenship. Consequently, such a significant number of refugees in Pakistan are making the population an exponentially growing entity.

      Next, the most prominent impact of overpopulation in Pakistan is increasing food insecurity because of stressed natural resources.  The government had to import wheat worth $ 2 billion in 2022; likewise, the World Bank has declared the country as a state facing an acute water crisis . Anovulation has disturbed the state’s demand-supply mechanism. Therefore, Pakistan is facing intense food shortage and water scarcity because of overconsumption of supplies. In addition, the energy vows, over-exploitation of agricultural lands, and an overburdened and stagnant economy are other implications of overpopulation in Pakistan. 

      Moreover, the population explosion in Pakistan limits its geographical capacity to accommodate people, which is a real threat to the country’s ecosystem.  In 2022, Pakistan was spotted at 176 in the Environmental Performance Index in a joint report produced by Yale University and Colombia University.  The problems prevail because overcrowding in Pakistan rapidly consumes natural supplies, accelerating deforestation and overburdening land resources for overproduction. Besides, excessive pollution and ruthless water wastage fuel the fire. Such issues are significant obstacles hindering Pakistan’s way of achieving sustainable development goals. 

      Other than the environment, low living standards are the most prominent feature of densely populated areas. The fact that is yielding joint human development.  Accordingly, the Human Development Index for 2022 has placed Pakistan in 161 . The statistics indicate that overcrowding in Pakistan has compelled people to compromise basic living facilities. Clean water, standard health and education provisions, reasonable shelter, healthy surroundings, and sanitation facilities have become rare commodities in big cities like Lahore, Karachi, and Rawalpindi. Thus, it is miserable that Pakistan is forgoing human development because of its oversized population.

      In addition, a large population contributes to the poor living status of people but also makes it difficult for the government to handle overpopulated municipalities.  A study by the Pakistan Institute of Economic Development (PIDE) depicts that city authorities still need to achieve a consistent, integrated, harmonious urban form in Pakistan.  Hence, such mismanagement can easily be observed in large metropolitan areas in Pakistan. It is very challenging for the government to establish public institutes and deploy a workforce in proportion to the ever-growing population in such cities. Consequently, many people are deprived of basic public service facilities. All citizen service set-ups are persistently overloaded because of the enormous disproportion between the population and available service centres.  

      Like others, the mounting population fosters many economic problems for the state and the people.  The population growth rate remained at 1.9%, whereas the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate remained at 0.29% during the fiscal year 2022-23, according to the Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2023.  The mismatch ratio is because the industry, technology and service centres are not working up to their total capacity, thus a declining economy leading to low per capita income and poverty. Furthermore, the poor economic status of people forces the national exchequer to invest more in social welfare projects like public health cards and the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP). Subsequently, population expansion is extending the economic crisis in the state.  

     Altogether, overpopulation-related issues like poor living standards, municipality management issues, and insufficient economic means are nurturing law and order crises in Pakistan.  According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) Report, 2020, the number of all reported crimes has increased from 0.64 million in 2010 to 0.87 million in 2020 ; the statistics are aligned with the population figures, which were 194.5 million in 2010 and 227.2 in 2020. The mushrooming population is breeding crimes in the state, such as rape, child abuse, theft, domestic violence, etc. In conclusion, overpopulation in Pakistan is the main culprit behind the poor law and order situation in the state. 

      Nevertheless, despite the formidable figures for population growth in Pakistan, there exist multiple solutions that aid in controlling the current rate of expansion. First, the government needs to focus on human development measures. Among such measures, education is the most important one, as  the high literacy rates of Europe are shrinking its fertility rate, according to the United Nations Report on Population Growth, 2023.  Education enables people to reason and take the command of their life into their own hands. Thus, by promoting education in Pakistan, people will begin to think about ‘quality’ rather than ‘quantity’. Furthermore, a particular concentration on girls’ education can introduce multiple social reforms that will shortly reduce the population growth rate.

      Second, besides school education, madrassah education needs intense reforms to control population growth in Pakistan.  For instance, Thomas Malthas, despite being a religious scholar, preached population control theory; the modified form of the theory can still be applied to control early marriages, polygamy, and adopting contraceptives.  Therefore, in Pakistan, religious teachings should be carried out from a broader and enlightened perspective to address contemporary issues like population expansion. Thus, able scholars should revise the contents of Shariah teachings by reviving the culture of “ijtihad” and should review the explanation of the Quranic text and Ahadith (sayings of the Holy Prophet PBUH). In addition, to control ruthless population growth in Pakistan, false propaganda in the name of Islam should be handled with iron hands.

      Third, appropriate government policies can curb the fertility rate in Pakistan.  Accordingly, the country can follow in China’s footsteps to deal with the overpopulation dilemma.  The government should announce incentives for family planning; likewise, people having large families should be penalized. Such measures can curb the population growth ratio in Pakistan. Furthermore, the government should initiate an organized institutional mechanism for old age support to suppress the need for having large families as financial insurance for parents in the end stages of their lives.

      Fourth, like education, women’s empowerment is the panacea for multiple problems in Pakistani society, population growth in particular.  For example, the government of Bangladesh focused on women’s empowerment to reduce the population growth rate, and it had successfully achieved the target in a few decades.  Following the same pattern, the Pakistani government should invest significant public revenue in women’s development projects to limit its mushrooming population. Such initiative will also aid the government in bridging the graving gender gap in the state, which not only brings socio-economic reforms but also contributes to lessening the fertility ratio in Pakistan.  

     Fifth, the government should stimulate the functioning mechanism of the social welfare department.  Singapore is a glaring example in this regard . Furthermore, Pakistan has experienced the positive outcomes of such a strategy; in the 1990s, the country reduced fertility rates by recruiting trained Lady Health Workers (LHW). The mechanism increased the contraceptive prevalence rates by three times, but the initiative faded in 2000. However, such population control policies can be revived to attain instant results. It is an effective short-term planning that can complement long-term social development by stimulating low fertility. 

      Finally, Pakistan should manage refugee inflow on thoughtful grounds to control ruthless population expansion.  For this purpose, Pakistan can look towards the effective strategies introduced by the German government to handle its refugee crisis . However many efforts were made by Pakistan to resolve the issue, but the problem still needs to be solved. Currently, Pakistan should involve international and regional organizations like the United Nations (UN) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) alongside the active engagement of the international community like the US, UK, and Canada to expedite the smooth process of Afghan refugees’ resettlement from Pakistan.

      Critically analyzing the existing scenario, it can be assumed that the alarming rise in population is a daunting challenge for the government of Pakistan, but the crisis is tame-able. The government realized the severity of the issue in the early 90s and overcame it but could not sustain the progress. However, the situation is echoing again in government initiatives; devising and implementing various pragmatic measures by the management can gradually lessen the circumstances. Furthermore, the Pakistani community must support the government to overcome the crisis. Besides, the government should intensely focus on human development matrices to transform the existing significant human capital into an asset that can pave Pakistan’s way for progress and prosperity.  

      Summing up, the mushrooming population of Pakistan is an outcome of multiple intricately interlinked elements. The issue has been fueled over decades and has become a culture; however, the global wave of awareness over alarming population growth has compelled the Pakistani government to consider the problem seriously. Likewise, the dismal plight of multiple socio-economic dimensions owning to overpopulation has induced the people of Pakistan to adopt family planning approaches. The process is long, but the goals are achievable. The government has a central role to play by devising practicable policies and providing conducive circumstances for people to incline themselves towards successful population control policies. Such integrated approaches, in turn, lead the nation to sustainable economic growth, stability, and development.  

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Essay on Overpopulation with Outline

overpopulation essay in pakistan

  • January 8, 2024

Kainat Shakeel

Overpopulation is a pressing issue that transcends borders, impacting nations across the globe. As our world’s population continues to launch, it brings forth a myriad of challenges that touch every aspect of mortal actuality. This essay explores the causes and consequences of overpopulation, delves into implicit results, and highlights the necessity of global collaboration. 

Overpopulation, simply put, occurs when the number of people in a specific area exceeds the capacity of the environment to support life at a decent standard. This miracle has far-reaching consequences that affect the environment, society, and husbandry on a global scale. In this essay, we will anatomize the intricate web of factors contributing to overpopulation and explore feasible results to address this critical issue.

Causes of Overpopulation

High birth rates .

One of the primary contributors to overpopulation is the sustained high birth rates in numerous regions. Cultural, social, and profitable factors frequently drive families to have more children, leading to a population smash. 

Reduced Mortality Rates 

Advancements in healthcare have significantly lowered mortality rates, contributing to a fat of individualities. While this is a triumph for drugs, it poses challenges in managing population growth. 

Lack of Family Planning 

Insufficient access to family planning coffers exacerbates the problem. In numerous areas, individualities warrant the knowledge or means to control their family size, performing in unintended gravidity and a population swell. 

Environmental Consequences

The strain on the environment due to overpopulation is apparent in the reduction of natural coffers. From water failure to deforestation, the earth’s capacity to regenerate coffers is outpaced by mortal consumption. As the population grows, so does the waste produced. Overpopulated areas frequently struggle with waste operation, leading to the pollution that harms ecosystems and endangers both mortal and beast life. The grim expansion of mortal agreements infringes upon natural territories, leading to a loss of biodiversity. This threatens the delicate balance of ecosystems and endangers numerous species. 

Social Impact

Strain on structure .

Rapid population growth strains are being structured, leading to traffic in civic areas, shy casing, and overwhelmed public services. 

Unemployment Issues 

Overpopulation contributes to high situations of severance as job openings struggle to keep pace with the growing labor force. 

Pressure on Education and Healthcare Systems 

seminaries and healthcare installations face immense pressure to accommodate the burgeoning population, frequently performing with compromised quality and availability. 

Economic Ramifications

Severance Rates High population viscosity can lead to elevated severance rates, as the job request struggles to absorb the fat pool.  profitable Inequality Overpopulation frequently exacerbates profitable inequality, with a disproportionate distribution of coffers and openings.  Struggle for Resources As the population competes for limited coffers, societal pressures rise, leading to conflicts over essential goods. 

Technological results

Technology plays a vital part in addressing overpopulation. From innovative birth control styles to data-driven population operation, advancements offer promising solutions. Ongoing exploration and development in contraceptive styles aim to give effective and accessible family planning options, empowering individuals to make informed choices. 

Government programs

Nations that successfully manage population growth frequently have robust and well-enforced population control programs. These programs encompass education, healthcare, and access to family planning resources. Countries like China and Singapore have enforced successful population control measures, achieving a balance between population growth and sustainable development. 

Role of Education

Promoting awareness about overpopulation education plays a pivotal part in raising mindfulness about the consequences of overpopulation and empowering individuals to make informed choices regarding family planning.  Encouraging Responsible Family Planning By integrating family planning education into academy classes and community programs, societies can foster a culture of responsible family planning.

Cultural Perspectives

Cultural morals and beliefs frequently impact family size. Understanding and esteeming these artistic perspectives are pivotal in enforcing effective population control measures. Striking a balance between artistic values and the need for population control requires open dialogue and culturally sensitive approaches. 

Challenges in perpetration

Resistance to Change Implementing population control measures frequently faces resistance due to artistic, religious, or political beliefs. prostrating these challenges requires nuanced strategies and community engagement.  Obstacles Socio-political factors, similar to corruption or insecurity, can hamper the effective perpetration of population control programs. Addressing these issues is vital for success. 

In conclusion, overpopulation is a multifaceted challenge that requires comprehensive and cooperative results. By addressing the root causes, enforcing effective programs, and fostering global cooperation, we can work towards a sustainable future that balances mortal requirements with environmental stewardship.

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Kainat Shakeel is a versatile Content Writer Head and Digital Marketer with a keen understanding of tech news, digital market trends, fashion, technology, laws, and regulations. As a storyteller in the digital realm, she weaves narratives that bridge the gap between technology and human experiences. With a passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends, her blog is a curated space where the worlds of fashion, tech, and legal landscapes converge.


Thursday 23 February 2017

Over population in pakistan english essay for ba/ma/css exams.

Over Population/Population Expansion English Essay for BA/MA/CSS Exams


Factors of population growth, causes of population expansion, i. cultural value: , ii. polygyny: , iii. desire of male child: , iv. islamic laws: , v. remarriage of widow: , vi. climatic conditions: , vii. lack of recreation:, viii. desire of male child: , ix. having large family size: , x. reduction in mortality rate: , xi. better health facilities: , xii. better food: , xiii. control on epidemics: , xiv. early marriages: , impacts of population growth, steps to reduce population growth, i. reduction in population growth rate: , ii. technical education: , iii. ending of non working: , iv. population planning programs: , v. conscious and awareness campaigns: , vi. optimum use of human resources: , vii. women employment: , viii. promotion of education: , you may also like:.

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Overpopulation in Pakistan Reflective Essay

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Overpopulation in Pakistan

Causes of overpopulation, allah is raziq, low per capita income, increase in birth rate, religious constraints, high growth rate, need for more earning hands, absence of family planning, urbanziation, afghan refugees, effects of overpopulation in pakistan, unemployment, increase in crime rate, depletion of natural resources, degradation of our environment, increasing spread of diseases, shortage of food, water ahortage due to overpopulation, solutions for overpopulation.

Overpopulation is a condition in which the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of earth. It is an undesirable condition. Overpopulated countries face many problems. There are various factors that become the cause of overpopulation in a country. Reduced mortality rate, better medical facilities, depletion of precious resources are few of the causes which results in overpopulation. It is possible for a sparsely populated area to become densely populated if it is not able to sustain life.

Pakistan is listed in the 10 most populated countries in the world with a large population of young adults and children. In the year 1950, the population of Pakistan was 33 million and the rank of Pakistan was 14th in the world. But today, there is an immense increase in its population. Its population is about 210 million and its rank is 6th in the world. According to the latest UN reports, the population of Pakistan will turn to 300 million in the year 2050. This increase in population is causing problems for the people of Pakistan.

There are many factors which become the cause of overpopulation in Pakistan. Some of them are listed below:

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Most of the Muslims have a very strong belief is that Allah gives food to everyone. He provides food to even an ant living in a stone. So they think that Allah will give food to every member of their family so they don’t reduce the size of their families.

If we divide national income on total population, we get per capita income. Low per capita income shows population explosion. Per capita income in Pakistan is $1254.

In Pakistan, birth rate is high as compared to death rate which is causing increase in population.

In Pakistan, population is increasing due to religious constraints. Many imams prohibit family planning and use of contraceptives which is the reason behind the increase of overpopulation.

High growth rate of a country shows overpopulation. Growth rate of population in Pakistan is 2.1%. It is one of the causes of overpopulation in Pakistan.

In a developing country like Pakistan, a single person cannot earn enough money to support his whole family. People think that if they will have more children than they will have more earning hands. As a result, it causes overpopulation.

Illiteracy is one of the factors that become the cause of overpopulation. Literacy rate is 57.7% in Pakistan. Due to lack of education, most people do not understand that a high birth rate will increase their economic problems.

Most of the people are not aware of the term family planning. People are not familiar with the methods of family planning. They also feel hesitant to consult a doctor. So it causes overpopulation.

Urbanization is also one of the contributing factors towards overpopulation in Pakistan. Due to less job facilities in the rural areas, a large number of people migrate towards cities every year.

This causes an increase in the urban population and the cities which have more job facilities become overpopulated.

An arrival of Afghan refugees from India and Afghanistan is also causing overpopulation in Pakistan.

Population is increasing day by day in Pakistan and it is causing drastic effects. Some of the effects of overpopulation in Pakistan are described below:

With the increase of population, the pollution is also increasing in Pakistan. As the population increases, the number of vehicles on the road also increases. These vehicles release harmful chemicals in the environment that mix with the air and become the source of pollution. With the increase of population, the household waste also increases. These waste products are released in the water bodies and are also thrown on the roads without any check and balance. This becomes the cause of land and water pollution which is very injurious for human health. The graph below shows the rate of water pollution in different cities of Pakistan and this pollution is caused by overpopulation.

When a country becomes overpopulated, the rate of unemployment increases in that country. Pakistan is an overpopulated country so that’s why most of its people are unemployed because. Government cannot provide enough jobs to a large number of people in various sectors. That’s why we can say that overpopulation and unemployment are closely linked.

As discussed above, unemployment increases because of overpopulation. Rise in unemployment will give rise to crime as people will steal in order to gain their food and in order to gain money.

Dr Fateh Muhammad Burfat in a seminar stated that: “An increase in population generates a scarcity of resources which in turn gives rise to unequal distribution of the resources which engenders intolerance among the deprived classes, finally culminating in a surge in crimes.”

Due to overpopulation, the consumption of natural resources becomes more as compared to their production. The natural resources become depleted because the earth can produce only the limited amount of water and food. So, Pakistan is also facing depletion of its resources because of overpopulation.

With the increase of population, the environmental degradation also increases. Wood is needed by the people to make huts, to make furniture and wood is needed in the making of many other goods. So as the number of people increases, the need for wood also increases, so it causes an increase in deforestation (cutting down of trees to obtain wood). Deforestation has led to many environmental hazards in Pakistan. It has decreased the amount of oxygen in the air and on the other hand, amount of carbon dioxide is increasing. It is causing global warming in Pakistan which is a serious environmental hazard. So, we can say that environmental hazards have also increased due to increase of population.

Due to overpopulation, environmental hazards are also increased. These increasing hazards are causing spread of many diseases in Pakistan. Wastes are discharged in the landfills without any check and balance. Industries release their waste in the rivers and streams. It causes water and air pollution and it becomes the cause of spread of many diseases such as malaria, water borne diseases etc.

Overpopulation has led to increase of poverty in Pakistan. A large number of people in our country do not have proper place to live. Due to this, number of beggars has also increased in our country because they do not have shelters to live and food to eat. Overpopulation is causing worst economic conditions due to which poverty increases. Population is increasing rapidly but many people are unemployed due to which they live in poor economic conditions and they face poverty.

Pakistan is an agricultural country but it is facing shortage of food due to overpopulation. Agriculture sector is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy but in the recent years, the performance of this sector has declined sharply. Food is a basic requirement of human being and without it people will unable to survive. In Pakistan, problem of food shortage is increases day by day. Different factors are involved in food shortage. The agriculture GDP growth rate in

Pakistan is significantly lower than the population growth rate. According to the recent reports, there are 48 countries in the world which suffer from food shortage and Pakistan is ranked 16th.

The main reason behind this is the increase in population due to which there is less food and more mouths to eat.

From the recent years, Pakistan is facing water problems. In Pakistan, the current availability of water is only 178 billion cubic meters which is estimated at 860 cubic meters per capita. This is an alarming condition for Pakistan and it is directly related to overpopulation. Because with the increase of population, the consumption of water increases more than the availability of water, so it is the cause of water crisis of Pakistan.

  • In Pakistan, awareness should be provided about the family planning.
  • People should be educated about the harmful impacts of overpopulation on the economy of the country.
  • Gender discrimination is the also the reason of overpopulation in Pakistan. People desire to have more sons as compared to daughters. If we will eliminate gender discrimination, population can be controlled.
  • Women empowerment can be a big step towards population control in Pakistan.

As a conclusion, we can say that population increase is one of the contemporary issues in Pakistan which is also responsible for the poor economic status of this country. Today, Pakistan is facing food shortage and water and energy crisis. Present age is the age of great revolutions but still in this age, many children die each year due to lack of food and water in agricultural country like Pakistan. In addition, some Pakistanis marry very early and are polygamous, a practice claimed to poorly affect the standard of living. The Pakistani education system is very poor and the government seems unwilling or unable to make effective changes. Moreover, poverty, inflation, illiteracy, social unrest, and criminality are the cases in point that are created by overpopulation. Therefore, the government of Pakistan needs to devote not only adequate time and attention to these issues but to implement real change and reform to solve the overpopulation crisis. If we want to make progress in certain fields, we should take steps to control population because it has reached to alarming levels in Pakistan.

  • Slowing Pakistan’s Population Growth Critical for Building Prosperous Future – The World Bank
  • Pakistan’s Overpopulation Challenge – The Express Tribune
  • Allah is Raziq: Pakistani Population Growth and Religious Beliefs – Dawn
  • Causes and Consequences of Unchecked Growth in Pakistan – The World Bank
  • Causes of Population Growth in Pakistan – Pakistan Bureau of Statistics
  • Pakistan Must Focus on Controlling Population Growth – Business Recorder
  • Can Overpopulation be Really a Reason for Economic Woes in Pakistan? – Pakistan Today

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Essay Outline on Population Explosion in Pakistan

Essay Outline on Population Explosion in Pakistan

Table of Contents

Essay Outline

  • Population in the world
  • Conditions in Pakistan
  • Population Table
  • Better medical facility
  • Lack of education
  • Lack of planning of the government as per the resources
  • Desire for a male child
  • Early marriages
  • Abundant food resources
  • Effect on economic growth
  • Problems in urban cities like Karachi
  • Effect on agriculture
  • Urbanisation
  • Social evils
  • Role of media
  • Role of religious scholar
  • Education for all
  • Resources as well as population
  • Chinese model

Essay on Population Explosion in Pakistan

(essay introduction).

Overpopulation is a condition where an organism’s numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. The term often refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth. Steve Jones, head of the biology department at University College London, has said, “Humans are 10,000 times more common than we should be, according to the rules of the animal kingdom, and we have agriculture to thank for that. Without fanning, the world population would probably have reached half a million by now.” The world’s population has significantly increased in the last 50 years, mainly due to medical advancements and substantial increases in agricultural productivity.

The recent rapid increase in human population over the past two centuries has raised concerns that humans are beginning to overpopulate the Earth, and that the planet may not be able to sustain present or larger numbers of inhabitants. The population has been growing continuously since the end of the Black Death, around the year 1400; at the beginning of the 19th century, it had reached roughly 1,000,000,000 (1 billion). Increases in medical technology have led to rapid population growth on a worldwide level. Current projections show a steady decline in the population growth rate, with the population expected to reach between 8 and 10.5 billion between the year 2040 and 2050.

The scientific consensus is that the current population expansion and accompanying increase m usage of resources is linked to threats to the ecosystem. The Inter Academy Panel Statement on Population Growth, which was ratified by 58 member national academies m 1994, called the growth in human numbers “unprecedented”, and stated that many environmental problems, such as rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, global warming, and pollution, were aggravated by the population expansion. At the time, the world population stood at 5.5 billion, and low-bound scenarios predicted a peak of 7.8 billion by 2050, a number that current estimates show will be reached around 2022. But in 2011, world population reached 7 billion.

Population explosion is a global problem. It is equally true of Pakistan. Everyday we come across the oft-repeated phrase, Population Bomb is ticking”. A state based on Islamic ideology should be an ideal state. Since its inception, Pakistan had to face the problems of illiteracy, poverty, pollution, unemployment, lawlessness & terrorism, inflation, loans, corruption, defective tax structure, government instability and many more chronic problems. Unless we achieve a control on population, these related problems will not be easily solved.

At the time of partition, the area, which today comprises Pakistan, had a population of 33 million. The following table shows population of Pakistan at different times since its inception.

According to experts, under the same growth rate, the population of Pakistan would be greater than that of China by the year 2035.

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overpopulation essay in pakistan

Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of CSSTimes.pk and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others. Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website. As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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Essay on Population Growth with Quotations in English

Here is an example of an Essay on Population Growth with Quotations in English for the students of FSC, 2nd Year. Fast Population Growth is a phenomenon of developing countries like Pakistan. This essay is decorated with appropriate quotations. Essay content has been taken from Sunshine English (Comprehensive-II). This essay is especially being posted here for the students of Class 12. Students can write the same essay under the title, Essay on Population Growth, Overpopulation Essay, Essay on overpopulation, overpopulation problems essay, essay on causes of overpopulation, essay on population, human overpopulation essay, population growth in Pakistan essay. For more, you can visit Essays for FSC Students .

Human Population Growth in Pakistan Essay with Quotations for Students of FSC (Class 12) and Graduation

People are the real force of a country. They are the real asset for a country. But when the population of a country increases without any check, it causes a social and economic mess. Currently, the world has become well aware of the gravity of overpopulation. Though plenty of measures have been taken to control the population, the crisis still persists.

“Overconsumption and overpopulation underlie every environmental problem we face today”. (Jacques Yves Cousteau)

The most obvious cause of overpopulation in Pakistan is ignorance and illiteracy. About 80% of our population lives in villages. They do not have any idea of the problems of overpopulation. Even if some of them may be aware of the gravity of the problem, they usually do not have any knowledge of how to control it. They do not have any idea of contraceptives. Some of them think that they should have a large family. It would enhance their force and influence in their respective social circle.  Moreover, many of them think that having more male children is a cause of pride for them.

“Democracy Cannot Survive Overpopulation”. (Isaac Asimov)

In villages, marriages are held at an early age. There people keep on producing children till old age and they do not get old until they have produced dozens of children. They do not bother to educate them or to give them any professional or technical training. Some people do not have any male issues. Though they do have many daughters, they have an ardent desire to have a male issue. They think that having a male issue would be the continuation of their bloodline. Thus they continue producing children until they get a male issue that they think is the continuation of their breed.

Pakistan is an Islamic state. In Islam polygamy is allowed. People are allowed to have four wives at a time. To have more wives means to have more children. Polygamy is common in rural areas. In these areas, people prefer to have more than one wife. They think it to be show off their masculine power. Thus this inclination of people further aggravates the situation of the population in the country.

“The greatest threat to human existence is our own lack of ability to control our own growth”. (Garrett Hardin)

Lastly, the government has failed to implement population planning policies. Many policies have been introduced up till now but none of them has produced the desired effects. Moreover, the cultural and religious factors have proved to be the hurdle in the real implementation of these policies.

Overpopulation always exerts harmful impacts on the economy of a country. It slows down economic growth and decreases the per capita income. In overpopulated countries, people are more than available jobs. This results in unemployment. The overpopulated countries need more schools, more hospitals, more universities and better infrastructure. Overpopulation also leads to urbanization, which is another social problem of today. The following steps may be helpful to check overpopulation in Pakistan.

“Population growth is the primary source of environmental damage. (Jacques Yves Cousteau)

The government should make laws to prevent early marriages. The maximum number of children should be declared. The reward should be given to couples who produce fewer children. Government jobs should be conditioned with the less production of children. Population Welfare Department should be made more effective and efficient. The awareness of the benefits of family planning should be fostered. Medicine for the prevention of conception should be distributed free among women. Mobile teams should be organized to persuade people to use contraceptives. If the government is sincere to control the rapid growth of the population, it should take solid measures in this regard.

“If the world is to save any part of its Resources for the Future, It must reduce not only consumption the number of Consumers”. (B.F. Skinner)

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بڑھتی آبادی

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    With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries.

  6. Issue Brief on "Pakistan's Rising Population Crisis"

    Today, in the 21st century, Pakistan and a handful of its neighbours are the core states under risk of the fallouts of overpopulation. Amongst these are climate change, food scarcity, and insufficient energy and resources. At the time of its independence, Pakistan had a population of 31 million. However, by the year 1995 the number had risen at ...

  7. Population Growth: Implications for Human Development

    Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world with its population estimated at 207.8 million in 2017. Its population growth rate of 2.40 percent is the highest in South Asia and stands in sharp contrast to the 1.0-1.5 percent growth rate of other South Asian countries. Pakistan's population has increased by more than six-folds since the first post-independence census held in 1951.

  8. PDF Population Explosion in Pakistan: Challenges and Remedies

    Currently, Pakistan has a population of 207.7 million and is the 6th most populous country in the world after China, India, USA, Indonesia, and Brazil. During the intercensal period of 1998 to 2017, Pakistan's population increased by 57 percent, with an average annual growth rate of 2.4 percent. Whereas during the previous intercensal period ...

  9. Challenges of overpopulation in pakistan

    Challenges of overpopulation in pakistan. November 20, 2023. Opinions, Letters, Newspaper. The surge in human resources demands parallel growth in a nation's population, playing a pivotal role in its economic and social trajectory. In Pakistan, this intricate relationship manifests as both a producer and a consumer of human capital.

  10. Causes & Effects of Unbridled Population in Pakistan Exploring the High

    Pakistan was the 13th most populous country on its independence back in 1947 that also included the East Pakistan-Bangladesh now. However, it moved to 7th ranking in 1996 and as of today it is the 6th most populous country. Socio-religious beliefs, early marriages, drug addiction and corruption form the core causes of over- population in Pakistan.

  11. Causes Of Overpopulation In Pakistan

    Pakistan's total population is 177.1 million, up from 173.5 million the previous year, according to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2010-11. Pakistan ranks sixth among the world's most populous countries, with a population growth rate of 2.1 percent. Now let's discuss the main causes of overpopulation in Pakistan.

  12. Essay on "Population explosion in Pakistan" for CSS, PMS, and All

    This is an essay on "Population explosion in Pakistan" for CSS, PMS, and All Judiciary examinations. Increasing Population is a serious issue in today's modern world. ... So, a decline in the death rate has in other words led to the problem of overpopulation. Pakistan is a developing country and like many others like it is trying hard to ...

  13. Overpopulation

    OVERPOPULATION in Pakistan is a serious issue that leads to social, economic and psychological problems and contribute directly to the increasing poverty, food shortage, illiteracy, stunted growth ...

  14. Overpopulation and Pakistan

    In 2018, Pakistan became the fifth largest nation on the planet. Pakistan's population increased from 40 million in 1955 to 220 million in 72 years. It is expected that after a 30-years interval ...

  15. Overpopulation in Pakistan

    Evidence: According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Report, 2020, "The number of all reported crimes has increased from 0.64 million in 2010 to 0.87 million in 2020; likewise, its population figures were 194.5 million in 2010 and 227.2 in 2020.". 5- Solutions to Manage the Overpopulation Disaster in Pakistan. To increase the literacy rate.

  16. Essay On Overpopulation With Outline

    This essay explores the causes and consequences of overpopulation, delves into implicit results, and highlights the necessity of global collaboration. Overpopulation, simply put, occurs when the number of people in a specific area exceeds the capacity of the environment to support life at a decent standard.

  17. Impact of "Overpopulation'' on the Economy of Pakistan

    The population of Pakistan according to the Last united nation survey estimate (July 1, 2019) is about 216,565,318, Births per day are 16,433, Deaths per day are 4,069, net migrations per day is (-622), and net change per day is 11,742. Economic development is the process; in which production increased of a country at a particular time period.

  18. Over Population in Pakistan English Essay for BA/MA/CSS Exams

    The rate of population growth is 2.6% annual. During 1981 census, the population of Pakistan was 87 millions. It means the Population has been expanding at a rate of 2.6% annually. The death rate is 11 per 1000 and the birth rate is 44 per 1000. it means the natural increase in population is as: 44-11=33.

  19. Overpopulation in Pakistan Reflective Essay

    Overpopulation in Pakistan. Pakistan is listed in the 10 most populated countries in the world with a large population of young adults and children. In the year 1950, the population of Pakistan was 33 million and the rank of Pakistan was 14th in the world. But today, there is an immense increase in its population.

  20. Essay Outline on Population Explosion in Pakistan

    Essay on Population Explosion in Pakistan (Essay Introduction) Overpopulation is a condition where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. The term often refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth. Steve Jones, head of the biology department at University College London ...

  21. Causes Of Overpopulation In Pakistan

    The main effect of over population is unemployment and its rate in Pakistan is 5.6% which is because it is impossible to provide jobs in such overpopulated countries. There is a high rate of inflation as there is more demand for goods due to more population which results in more prices and inflation in the country. Rate is 14.1% in Pakistan.

  22. Essay on Population Growth with Quotations in English

    5,276. Here is an example of an Essay on Population Growth with Quotations in English for the students of FSC, 2nd Year. Fast Population Growth is a phenomenon of developing countries like Pakistan. This essay is decorated with appropriate quotations. Essay content has been taken from Sunshine English (Comprehensive-II).

  23. Essay On Over Population In Urdu

    Essay On Over Population In Urdu- Read mazmoon on Essay On Over Population In Urdu, مردم شماری اور آبادی, essay on population explosion, essay on population explosion for class 10, آبادی کے تیزی سے بڑھنے کی وجہ غربت اور جہالت بھی ہے۔ کچھ لوگ بیٹے کی خوائش یا اپنے بازو بڑھانے کے لئے اپنی ...