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30 Confounding Palliative Care Nursing Dissertation Topics

In the field of palliative care nursing, selecting the right dissertation topic can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you are passionate about enhancing end-of-life care or exploring innovative approaches to symptom management, selecting a topic that aligns with your interests and career goals is vital. This article provides you with a range of insightful and thought-provoking palliative care nursing dissertation topics to kick-start your research.

From evaluating the role of nurses in facilitating advanced care planning discussions to exploring the impact of palliative care on patient and family satisfaction, these topics delve into the numerous aspects of this specialized field. In addition, you will find topics that focus on the challenges encountered by palliative care nurses. They may include burnout prevention strategies and the incorporation of technology in enhancing patient outcomes.

By critically analyzing these topics, you can bestow the growing body of knowledge in palliative care nursing while positively impacting patient care. Therefore, let us explore the diverse array of dissertation topics available and find the one that resonates with your interest and aspirations in this rewarding field.

What is a Palliative Care Nursing Dissertation?

A palliative care nursing dissertation is an academic research document focusing on a specific aspect of palliative care within nursing. In addition, palliative care is a specialized area of healthcare that aims to enhance the quality of life for patients with severe illnesses, often during their final phases.

In addition, the palliative care nursing dissertation delves into numerous topics associated with palliative care, such as pain management, emotional support, ethical considerations, healthcare policies, and the role of nurses in delivering compassionate end-of-life care.

Moreover, it involves an inclusive literature review, data collection, and analysis. The ultimate goal is to contribute new knowledge, insights, or solutions to enhance palliative care nursing practice. Therefore, benefiting both patients and healthcare providers in this critical healthcare domain.

What Do Palliative Nurses Do?

Palliative care nurses are specialized healthcare professionals who aim to provide holistic care and support to individuals facing severe illnesses, often in advanced phases. The main goal is to enhance the quality of life for patients and their families by managing and minimizing the symptoms and suffering related to these conditions.

Additionally, palliative nurses work closely with the medical team to develop and execute tailored care plans that address physical pain, emotional distress, and patients’ overall well-being. In addition, they administer medications and offer pain management methods. Moreover, they provide emotional and psychological support to both patients and their families, assisting them in navigating complex medical decisions and end-of-life choices.

Furthermore, palliative nurses are vital in ensuring patients encounter dignity, comfort, and a sense of control during challenging times. However, to enhance the overall quality of life in the face of serious illness.

How Do I Select Amazing Palliative Care Dissertation Topics?

If you enjoy developing your own palliative care topics, you will find exploring numerous topics fun. It would be best to learn how to select fantastic palliative care dissertation topics to elevate your potential.

Choosing numerous topics in a palliative dissertation can be a meticulous task. Fortunately, you can turn this intimidating task into something delightful. In addition, you only need to learn the best approach suitable for your discussion.

Moreover, you can choose exciting and tantalizing palliative care dissertation topics for your paper. There are a lot of palliative care essay topic ideas that can assist you in writing a good paper. Below are things to keep in mind when considering a perfect topic;

  • Comprehend your area of interest to increase your potential
  • Consider your advisor’s instructor’s interests to select a compelling topic
  • Select a topic that has not been wisely chosen but should have enough research materials

Palliative Care Nursing Dissertation Topics

Palliative care nursing is a vital and evolving field in healthcare that focuses on providing support, comfort, and quality of life for patients with severe illnesses and their families. However, when selecting a dissertation topic in palliative care nursing, it is vital to consider the latest research trends, field gaps, and your interests.

Below is a list of some fantastic palliative care nursing dissertation topics .

  • Systematic research comparing home-based palliative care and treatment at palliative centers
  • Comparison of Canadian and Australian challenges in palliative care nursing instruction and practices
  • Analyzing the differences between Australian and British palliative care nurses’ mourning services
  • Personal thoughts of palliative care nurses on palliative care and pain management
  • Palliative care nursing’s part in helping cancer patients from low-income backgrounds
  • Descriptive research on palliative care nursing and psychosocial problems at the end of life
  • Research on advanced liver conditions and palliative care: expanding study possibilities
  • A review of the literature is being done to investigate how palliative care instruction will affect future practices
  • Identifying the ethical problems that palliative care nursing study raises
  • Role of effective nurse-patient relations in palliative care nursing
  • Home nursing care for the terminally ill: challenges and possible solutions
  • How can social workers and nurses operate together in palliative care?
  • A descriptive method for Cancer-assisted suicide and palliative care
  • An analysis from a developing nation on the role of community resources in enhancing hospice care services
  • The role played by religion in palliative care services provided by nurses: comparing various religious beliefs
  • Examining how cooperation between palliative care nurses and family members affects individuals with a chronic illness
  • Understanding the emotional participation between palliative care nurses and patients with chronic illnesses
  • Strategies and training initiatives for palliative care nurses used in the UK
  • An analysis of comparison studies reveals the obstacles to palliative care in Asian nations
  • A study conducted in the UK on the stress and coping mechanisms used by palliative care nurses
  • Systematic research to distinguish between theoretical understanding and clinical practice in palliative care nursing
  • Review of the literature on nursing practice in palliative care
  • Interview-based research examined how palliative care nursing students felt about providing end-of-life care
  • A comprehensive investigation of nurses’ opinions of palliative care in a nursing institution
  • A review of the literature on palliative care nursing in hospital emergency rooms
  • An analysis of the link between fatigue and palliative care nursing
  • A comparison of Thailand and Jordan’s palliative care nursing
  • A detailed examination of the ideas and models of nursing for palliative care
  • Nursing interventions and difficulties in pediatric palliative care
  • Creating a tool to measure nurses’ understanding of palliative care services

When choosing a dissertation topic , consider your interest, the available resources and data, and the current needs and gaps in palliative care nursing research. In addition, consult with your academic advisor or mentor to ensure your selected topic is feasible and aligned with your academic and career goals.

In palliative care nursing, choosing the right dissertation topic is vital in advancing the field and shaping your career. However, this article has provided a wealth of engaging and insightful palliative care nursing dissertation topics, offering a diverse range of chances to explore and bestow this specialized area of healthcare.

These topics invite you to make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients and their families. However, from investigating the difficulties palliative care nurses encounter to delving into the impact of numerous interventions.

As you embark on your research journey, remember that your choice of topic aligns with your passions, available resources, and the advancing needs of palliative care nursing. Therefore, seize this chance to uncover new insights and emphatically impact the future of patient care in this rewarding field.

If you are struggling to write your nursing dissertation because you don’t have time or you don’t know where to start you can order your paper  here 

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50+ Palliative and Hospice Care Research Topics for Nursing Students

  • Carla Johnson
  • August 23, 2023
  • Nursing Topics and Ideas

As nursing students embark on their journey to become compassionate and knowledgeable healthcare professionals, understanding specialized care is paramount. One area of nursing care that holds immense significance is Palliative and Hospice Care. This article delves into the realm of Palliative and Hospice Care , shedding light on their key aspects, importance, and impact on patient well-being. Additionally, we’ll explore a series of PICOT questions, project ideas, research topics, and essay ideas related to this vital nursing field.

Palliative and Hospice Care Background

Palliative and Hospice Care are specialized approaches aimed at improving the quality of life for individuals with serious illnesses, particularly those in advanced stages. While they share the common goal of providing comfort and dignity, there are distinctions between the two. Palliative Care is an interdisciplinary approach that can begin at any stage of a serious illness and is focused on alleviating symptoms, managing pain , and improving the patient’s overall well-being. Hospice Care, on the other hand, is typically reserved for individuals with a prognosis of six months or less to live. Its primary aim is to ensure that patients experience a peaceful and dignified end of life, often in the familiarity of their homes.

Palliative and Hospice Care research topics

10 PICOT Questions on Palliative and Hospice Care

  • P: Terminal cancer patients ; I: Implementation of early palliative care interventions; C: Standard oncological treatments without early palliative care; O: Improved pain management, enhanced emotional well-being, and prolonged survival rates; T: 2 years. In a study involving terminal cancer patients, how does the implementation of early palliative care interventions compare to standard oncological treatments without early palliative care in terms of pain management, emotional well-being, and survival rates over a span of 2 years?
  • P: Elderly patients with end-stage heart failure; I: Utilization of hospice care services; C: Conventional medical management for heart failure ; O: Increased quality of life, decreased hospitalizations, and enhanced family satisfaction; T: 1 year. For elderly patients diagnosed with end-stage heart failure, what is the impact of utilizing hospice care services versus conventional medical management on outcomes such as quality of life, hospitalization rates, and family satisfaction over a period of 1 year?
  • P: Patients with advanced neurological diseases; I: Integration of palliative care into disease management; C: Standard neurology treatments without palliative care; O: Better symptom control, increased patient and family communication, and reduced caregiver burden; T: 18 months. Among patients diagnosed with advanced neurological diseases , how does the integration of palliative care into disease management compare to standard neurology treatments without palliative care in terms of symptom control, patient-family communication, and caregiver burden over a span of 18 months?
  • P: Pediatric patients with life-limiting conditions; I: Provision of comprehensive hospice support; C: Standard pediatric care without hospice involvement; O: Enhanced pain management, improved emotional support, and increased family coping; T: Until end of life. In the case of pediatric patients diagnosed with life-limiting conditions, what is the impact of providing comprehensive hospice support in comparison to standard pediatric care without hospice involvement on outcomes such as pain management, emotional support, and family coping until the end of life?
  • P: Geriatric individuals in long-term care facilities; I: Implementation of palliative care programs; C: Routine care without palliative interventions; O: Better symptom control, increased patient autonomy, and enhanced staff satisfaction; T: 1.5 years. Among geriatric individuals residing in long-term care facilities, how do the outcomes of implementing palliative care programs compare to routine care without palliative interventions in terms of symptom control, patient autonomy , and staff satisfaction over a period of 1.5 years?
  • P: Patients with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); I: Early initiation of palliative care; C: Traditional COPD management without palliative care; O: Improved symptom management, increased patient adherence, and reduced hospitalizations; T: 2 years. For patients diagnosed with advanced COPD, what is the effect of early initiation of palliative care compared to traditional COPD management without palliative care on outcomes such as symptom management, patient adherence, and hospitalization rates over a span of 2 years?
  • P: Individuals with late-stage dementia; I: Integration of hospice care; C: Continued standard dementia care; O: Enhanced comfort, reduced aggressive behavior, and increased family satisfaction; T: Until end of life. Among individuals experiencing late-stage dementia , how does the integration of hospice care compare to continued standard dementia care in terms of comfort levels, reduction in aggressive behavior, and family satisfaction until the end of life?
  • P: Patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; I: Incorporation of palliative care during the transplant process; C: Standard transplant procedures without palliative interventions; O: Better psychological well-being, improved pain control, and reduced treatment-related distress; T: 1 year. For patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, what is the impact of incorporating palliative care into the transplant process versus following standard transplant procedures without palliative interventions on outcomes such as psychological well-being, pain control, and treatment-related distress over a span of 1 year?
  • P: Individuals with advanced kidney disease; I: Early engagement in palliative care discussions; C: No early palliative care conversations; O: Enhanced treatment decision-making, improved symptom management, and increased family involvement; T: 2 years. Among individuals diagnosed with advanced kidney disease, how do early engagement in palliative care discussions compare to not having early palliative care conversations in terms of treatment decision-making, symptom management, and family involvement over a period of 2 years?
  • P: Terminal patients in hospice care; I: Utilization of music therapy; C: Standard care without music therapy; O: Decreased pain perception, improved emotional well-being, and enhanced relaxation; T: Until end of life.

In the context of terminal patients receiving hospice care, what is the effect of utilizing music therapy in comparison to standard care without music therapy on outcomes such as pain perception, emotional well-being, and relaxation until the end of life?

10 Project Ideas on Palliative and Hospice Care

  • Development of a Palliative Care Resource Guide for Healthcare Providers.
  • Implementation of a Hospice Volunteer Training Program for Student Nurses.
  • Assessment of Pain Management Strategies in Hospice Care Settings.
  • Evaluation of Family Communication and Support in Pediatric Palliative Care.
  • Impact of Art Therapy on Emotional Well-being in Palliative Patients.
  • Designing an Educational Workshop on Palliative Care for Nursing Students.
  • Analysis of Cultural Sensitivity in Hospice Care Delivery.
  • Exploring the Role of Technology in Enhancing Palliative Care Services.
  • Quality Improvement Project: Enhancing Symptom Assessment in Palliative Care.
  • Study on Healthcare Provider’s Perspectives on End-of-Life Care Planning.

10 Nursing Capstone Project Ideas on Palliative and Hospice Care

  • Development of a Comprehensive Palliative Care Program for Long-Term Care Facilities.
  • Assessment of Spiritual Care Provision in Hospice Settings: A Qualitative Study.
  • Impact of Pet Therapy on the Quality of Life of Hospice Patients.
  • Design and Implementation of an Online Support Platform for Families in Palliative Care.
  • Evaluation of Nurse’s Role in Facilitating End-of-Life Decision-Making.
  • Exploration of Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Nurses in Palliative and Hospice Care.
  • Analysis of Grief Support Interventions for Healthcare Providers in Hospice Settings.
  • Development of an Educational Campaign on Advance Care Planning for Older Adults.
  • Study on the Effectiveness of Massage Therapy in Palliative Pain Management.
  • Implementation of a Bereavement Support Program for Families of Pediatric Palliative Patients.

10 Palliative and Hospice Care  Research Topics 

  • The Role of Nursing Advocacy in End-of-Life Care Decision-Making.
  • Cultural Competence in Delivering Palliative Care to Diverse Populations.
  • Ethical Considerations in Pain Management at the End of Life.
  • Impact of Music Therapy on Psychological Well-being in Hospice Patients.
  • Nurse-Patient Communication and Its Influence on Quality of Life in Palliative Care.
  • Effectiveness of Integrating Palliative Care into Chronic Disease Management .
  • Barriers to Effective Advance Care Planning: A Nursing Perspective.
  • Family Dynamics and Coping Mechanisms in Pediatric Palliative Care.
  • Nurse’s Role in Addressing Spiritual Needs of Hospice Patients.
  • Evaluation of Palliative Care Services in Rural Healthcare Settings.

10 Nursing Research Questions on Palliative and Hospice Care

  • How does early initiation of palliative care impact the emotional well-being of terminally ill patients?
  • What are the most common barriers to effective pain management in hospice care settings?
  • How does cultural competence affect patient satisfaction in palliative care delivery?
  • What is the role of family support in enhancing the quality of life for pediatric palliative patients?
  • How do healthcare providers navigate ethical dilemmas in withholding or withdrawing treatment in hospice care?
  • What strategies can be employed to improve nurse-patient communication in end-of-life care scenarios?
  • How does the incorporation of alternative therapies, like art and music, affect symptom management in hospice patients?
  • What factors influence a nurse’s decision to discuss end-of-life care with patients and their families?
  • How does the availability of psychological support impact caregiver burden in hospice settings?
  • What role can technology play in facilitating advance care planning for geriatric individuals?

10 Essay Topic Ideas & Examples on Palliative and Hospice Care

  • “The Ethical Dilemmas of Withholding and Withdrawing Treatment in Hospice Care.”
  • “Cultural Sensitivity in Palliative and Hospice Care: Challenges and Solutions.”
  • “The Impact of Family Dynamics on Pediatric Palliative Care.”
  • “Music Therapy as a Complementary Approach in Pain Management for Hospice Patients.”
  • “Exploring the Role of Nurses in Facilitating End-of-Life Decision-Making .”
  • “The Importance of Advance Care Planning in Ensuring Patient Autonomy.”
  • “Understanding the Psychological Needs of Healthcare Providers in Hospice Settings.”
  • “Art Therapy in Palliative Care: Fostering Emotional Expression and Healing.”
  • “Nurse-Patient Communication: A Cornerstone of Quality End-of-Life Care.”
  • “The Influence of Spiritual Care on Patient Well-being in Hospice Settings.”

Palliative and Hospice Care occupy a critical space in the healthcare landscape, offering solace and support to patients and their families during life’s most challenging moments. Nursing students have the unique opportunity to become champions of compassionate care and advocates for dignified end-of-life experiences. As you embark on your nursing journey, remember that learning extends beyond the classroom. Engaging with topics like Palliative and Hospice Care equips you with the knowledge and empathy needed to impact the lives of those you serve profoundly. If you ever need assistance with academic assignments or essays, don’t hesitate to seek our writing services . We support your educational journey and help you excel in your nursing studies.

FAQs in Palliative and Hospice Care

Q: What does a nurse do in hospice and palliative care?

A: Nurses in hospice and palliative care provide comprehensive support to patients facing serious illnesses. They focus on pain management, symptom relief, emotional comfort, and facilitating open communication between patients, families, and healthcare teams.

Q: What are the two differences between palliative care and hospice?

A: Palliative care can be initiated at any stage of a serious illness and focuses on improving the patient’s quality of life through symptom management. Hospice care, however, is typically provided in the final stages of a terminal illness and is centered on providing comfort and support during the end-of-life journey.

Q: What are the 3 forms of palliative care?

A: The three forms of palliative care include:

  • Primary Palliative Care: Provided by healthcare professionals in various settings to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
  • Secondary Palliative Care: Delivered by specialized teams to address more complex symptoms and offer pain and symptom management expertise.
  • Tertiary Palliative Care: Offered in specialized centers for patients with severe and complex symptoms that are challenging to manage.

Q: What are the 7 C’s of palliative care?

A: The 7 C’s of palliative care encompass:

  • Compassion: Demonstrating empathy and understanding towards patients and their families.
  • Communication: Facilitating open and honest discussions about treatment options, goals, and preferences.
  • Coordination: Collaborating with various healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care .
  • Continuity: Ensuring a seamless transition of care throughout the patient’s journey.
  • Control: Empowering patients to make informed decisions about their treatment and care.
  • Comfort: Prioritizing pain and symptom management to enhance quality of life.
  • Caregiver Support: Providing resources and support to patients’ families and caregivers.

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Elite Nursing

Palliative care dissertation topics

by ella | Feb 27, 2024 | Health

Palliative care dissertation topics Palliative care is also known as end-of-life care. As the name suggests, palliative care target those sectors that are associated with caring for patients who are approaching the final stages of their lives. However, this domain is often witnessed in first-world countries. Developing countries are still behind in terms of palliative care research areas and topics. In this blog, we will explore palliative care dissertation topics. Read on to learn more. How to choose amazing palliative care dissertation topics If you enjoy creating your own palliative care topics, you will find it fun exploring various topics. You need to learn how to choose amazing palliative care dissertation topics to maximize your potential. Selecting various topics in a palliative dissertation can be a painstaking task. Luckily, you can turn this daunting task into something enjoyable. You only need to learn the best approach that is suitable for your discussion. In addition, you can select exciting and intriguing palliative care dissertation topics for your paper. There are plenty of palliative care essay topic ideas that can help you write a good paper. Here are things to keep in mind when considering a perfect topic;

Understand your area of interest to maximize your potential Consider your instructor’s interests to select a compelling topic Choose a topic that has not been widely chosen, but it should have enough research materials

If any find any challenges coming up with a topic, you can source palliative care dissertation topics online. Best palliative care topics and examples Getting an incredible topic can be an irksome task. Most students find it problematic searching a perfect topic for their dissertation since it requires time and comprehensive research. However, getting a good topic is the only guarantee of nailing an essay. If you don’t fancy or aren’t sure of the topic to select, here are some exciting topics we have compiled for you. Ensure you select a suitable topic. 1.      Humanistic nursing theory and Palliative care Palliative care is all about caring for the health of people. Palliative care is tasked with rescuing people from mental and physical stress and treating their symptoms as well as pain. Therefore, humanistic nursing theory improves the standards of life for patients and their families. 2.      Animal therapy assistance in palliative care This type of assistance uses animals for educational and motivational purposes. It seeks to help in treating and improving the health conditions of patients. 3.      Curative and palliative choices The palliative care phenomenon is a complex issue. This paper aims to criticize Norton’s article and Bowers concerning curative and palliative choices. 4.      Mortal palliative care As you already know, palliative care patients tend to feel depressed. This means they are unlikely to make their own decisions. On the other hand, healthcare practitioners lack the knowledge and health required to guarantee excellent end-of-life care. 5.      Delayed vs. early palliative care Here you can compare delayed and early palliative care management strategies and identify the advantages and disadvantages of both parameters. 6.      Solutions for issues and challenges in palliative care Palliative care is a broad topic in nursing. It is, therefore, a multidisciplinary subject that seeks to give relief and help people undergoing life-threatening conditions. This can be an excellent topic for your discussion since it can attract many emotions. 7.      Training act, hospice education in palliative care Have you found a good topic that might be perfect for your essay? If not, don’t worry yourself yet. There are still plenty of ideas. In this topic, training act, hospice education, and palliative care, you will learn the need to support people’s families and patients facing serious illnesses. This can be solved by expanding their access to palliative care departments. 8.      The responsibilities of a nurse in palliative care hospitals Nurses are critical professionals in health. Further, their roles in palliative care departments cannot be underestimated. In your dissertation, you can discuss how they facilitate communication with patients and offer support for various groups of patients. 9.      Health informatics and palliative nursing care This is another excellent topic in case you are struggling to find one. There are a lot of ideas you can draw from health informatics. In this topic, you can explore the potential healthcare challenges and evaluate the impacts of healthcare informatics and policy implementation. 10.  The organization of a palliative care setting So far, you have seen plenty of ideas for palliative care dissertation topics, yet you are far from exhausting them. Did you know you can also discuss palliative care is organized? Yes, you can. Palliative care is usually offered to patients upon their death bed. It is essential to understand that giving the best services for the remaining life is more relevant than extending a miserable life. 11.  The role of palliative care in managing grief Palliative care aims to reduce emotions. Have you witnessed death before? Maybe a family member or a friend? How were the emotions? People run into high emotions during such times. In your dissertation, you can talk about the importance of palliative care while managing grief among family members and friends. Death is always an irreversible process. Therefore, it is essential to provide palliative care to lower emotions. Palliative care helps to relieve pain in terminal patients and brings solace to the bereaved and distressing symptoms. 12.  Palliative care in the nursing field You will find good ideas to write about if this sounds like a good topic. All you need to do is to write early and conduct in-depth research. Palliative care is about giving patients suffering from acute illness specialized care. It targets improving their living standards and reducing suffering in the process. 13.  Enhancing long-term nurses’ skills for palliative care Health is a critical issue in society that requires the attention of insurance companies. As you already know, there has been a rising health crisis that necessitates the intervention of advanced healthcare facilities. This topic gives you the chance to examine the concerns of healthcare practitioners. They need to be sure health insurance companies can insure the health services they offer to patients. 14.  Palliative care beneficiaries Palliative care encompasses rational, bodily, and social demands and satisfaction of caregivers or patients. This move helps improve the livelihood of patients and their ability to recover easily. 15.  Improving the skills of nurses in palliative care The skills of nurses should be reviewed and improved further to boost their services. You can examine some existing research targeting assessment and education tools nurses applied during referrals for palliative care. 16.  The ethical dilemma in modern nursing palliative care Are you aware of ethical issues in nursing palliative care? This is an adventurous topic when looking for palliative care dissertation topics. You can describe how changes in modern nursing require action to deal with ethical issues. Some of these concerns can equal the foundation of palliative care activities. 17.  Certified hospice and palliative nurse presentation You might have already realized that being a certified hospice and palliative nurse is an area that requires emotional contact, compassion skills, and even long-term care skills for patients. It helps to understand the feelings of such patients. 18.  Essential nursing skills for palliative care Suppose you fancy palliative care dissertation topics, nursing skills for palliative care will be a good topic for your discussion. This topic can allow you to analyze critically, just like any other field. You can focus on understanding the knowledge of nurses in palliative care. Additionally, you can discuss the cross-sectional survey and the risks to anticipate. 19.  Trends and issues in palliative care There are a lot of untapped topics for the dissertation, as you can see. It only depends on the ones you choose to dwell on. You will score good marks if you are lucky to find an interesting topic. These palliative care dissertation topics can be your game-changer. Trends and issues are excellent topics. You can discuss various issues and trends in palliative care. If you don’t know how to begin, you can articulate the significance and role of palliative in the current health care system. 20.  The significance of palliative care in health Palliative care is often overlooked despite being a significant part of health. If you study the importance of palliative care in society, you will conclude that it plays a major role in the health sector. When you need to discuss the essence of palliative care, you can choose to examine the literature associated with the term palliative care. You can also review the justification of the application of evidence in upgrading the healthcare practice. List of dissertation topics in palliative care Palliative care has several topics that will help you exhaust your potential. The best way to deliver a good dissertation is to research for credible information and stick to the topic throughout the paper. Most students don’t have enough time to choose a good topic that is best suited for their abilities. This reduces the quality of your grades. An exciting topic will help you write free-flowing content. If the task of finding suitable palliative care dissertation care topics is problematic for you, worry more. Here is an excellent list of dissertation topics in palliative care for you.

You can discuss the synthesis of the literature on the training and skills of palliative care providers in maintaining the dignity of patients Elaborate on possible challenges of palliative care in nursing and the impacts they have on the palliative caregivers’ profession Talk about the perspective of a nurse on family goals and palliative care patients Explain the significance of understanding the appropriate skills to work as a nurse in palliative care or hospice Is there any emotional attachment between palliative care patients and nurses? Discuss Discuss a review of palliative care for a teen suffering from cancer Discuss how nurses manage parents during delivery Conduct a primary study of the significance of self-care in palliative care groups What is the role of nursing palliative care in advocating for the spiritual rights of children in palliative care wards? What communication strategies for efficient interaction between palliative care providers and patients? Examine the significance and benefits of good communication between a patient, family members, and nurse in palliative care

Latest nursing dissertation ideas on palliative care by industry experts A nursing dissertation paper requires a good approach to select a good topic. To write a perfect paper, the topic you choose is excellent. Are you struggling to find a good topic? You are not alone. Most people find it tiresome to look for a good dissertation topic. We are here to help you with the most sought-after health and dissertation topics. Read on to unlock fairer topic insights to explore this semester. 1.      Covid-19 nursing dissertation topics

Discuss a case study of future impacts of covid-19 nursing perspectives based on opinions What is your opinion about the nursing profession? Is it underrated? Discuss your opinions based on a modern-day scenario What are the role, history, and contribution of nurses? Further, explain how they are applicable in the current world post covid 19 pandemic What role do holistic nurses play in treating older covid-19 patients? Examine the best role of nurses during the never-ending catastrophe of covid-19 pandemic Palliative nurses face a lot of challenges in administering their services. Attempt a study of their psychology and mental health as they experience and observe covid-19 death cases daily Suggest ways in which nurses can participate in interactive therapeutic activities and games as a way of cheering up covid-19 patients Nurses play a significant role in the covid-19 pandemic. What can you say about the future of nursing after the pandemic? Alternatively, examine the role of nurses after covid-19 The pandemic calls for critical measures. Discuss the nursing resources and knowledge that require mobilization during this difficult period Which among nursing and medicine is more essential to a person suffering from mental dilemmas resulting from a covid-19 pandemic? Explain why

2.      Nursing critical care dissertation topics

How can you define critical care nursing? Discuss its execution and primary constituents of critical care nurses in determining their success Examine the importance and role of critical care nurses during the covid-19 pandemic Most people seem to ignore the health of nurses. Critically analyze the treatment of nurses during emergencies. State about their respect during critical hours. Are they respected? What is your opinion about critical care nurses during the covid-19 pandemic era? Explore the possibility of nurses fighting for their rights on their own Discuss the increased risks for nurses when treating covid patients How is it possible for nurses to deal with covid-19 patients as well as care for ICU patients? How can you describe critical care nursing? Support your suggestions using historical case studies Do you think your country should increase the capacity of critical care nurses? If yes, suggest realistic measures According to you, do you think the infrastructure and nursing resources are enough to support more uncertainties such as covid-19 pandemic? Explain your answer Suggest better ways in which critical care nurses can maintain criticalities like the urgent need for oxygen, medical resources scarcity, and the likes

3.      Psychiatric/ mental health dissertation topics

Examine how nurses approach aged people dealing with depression, mid-life crises, and other issues Discuss the role of nurses in improving the mental state of covid-19 patients to help them stay positive Nurses are key players in the lives of teens. Explore how nurses participate in cheering up adolescents facing psychiatric disorders and mental traumas Have you thought of practicing nursing ethics? What is your plan for teaching nursing ethics to treat patients suffering from depression and mental disorders? The pandemic has exposed a lot of issues. What is the significance of awareness and mental health in the current world?

Unanswered research questions in palliative care Here are the top ten unanswered research questions in palliative care;

What measures can be implemented to facilitate access to palliative care for everyone, irrespective of their region? Explore various ways of giving palliative care services to patients after working hours to serve patients in their homes and prevent potential crises Discuss the advantages of Advance Care Planning, among other approaches to incorporating patients’ preferences and listening to them. When should this be implemented, and by who? What training and information should be offered to families and carers for them to provide good care to their loved ones who are in the process of dying, including educating them on appropriate medicines at home Are there any main palliative care services given regardless of the patient’s diagnosis? If yes, what are they? What can be done to ensure that healthcare staff, including assistants, are well trained to provide palliative care despite the place of delivering the care? Do you think increasing staff leads to an increase in quality of care provision? What are the importance and ways of giving care to patients in their homes, and how can ensure care last longer? Will better service coordination have any effect? Suggest possible ways of ensuring continuity of life for patients after death concerning contact staff. Will this boost quality of palliative care?

Simple and easy palliative care dissertation topics You can write your palliative care dissertation topics paper based on these simple and easy topics. Select the most relevant topic for your discussion.

Explain the purpose and real meaning of palliative care Are you aware of the palliative care initiative in Cambodia? Elaborate Examine the role of negotiating palliative care in the medical field by experts What are the ethical considerations concerning palliative care and terminal illness? Explore the significance of valuing the dignity of a patient while delivering quality palliative care How vital is symptom and pain management in palliative care? What are the effects of hypercalcemia and treatment for patients? Discuss ethical aspects of nursing palliative care Discuss the significance of nurse-led home care for palliative care patients Examine the principles propagated by nursing palliative care advocate What are the similarities and differences between hospice care and palliative care? Elaborate on various approaches toward health policy for palliative care What are the mental health and physical domains of palliative care? Describe palliative care and hospice organizations overview Discuss the principles, history, and delivery of palliative care What is the best way of controlling primary symptoms in palliative care? Psychological and physical palliative care domains Discuss oncology assessment, psychosocial screening, and palliative care departments Explain palliative care, microbiome, and malignant fungating wounds

Interesting nursing dissertation topics palliative care practitioners Sometimes students find it hard to search for excellent palliative care dissertation topics that would impress their tutors. It is challenging since there are plenty of options for palliative care topics available online. If you are struggling to find a good topic, here is a customized list of interesting palliative care dissertation topics you can use.

What are the types of equipment and technology applied in palliative care wards? This topic aims to explore the significance of equipment and technology appropriate for palliative care hospitals. A patient’s mental health. This dissertation idea seeks to highlight the effect of staying in intensive care on the mental health of a patient How is the progress of palliative care in European and nursing care homes? Explore the professionalism of nurses across different levels of providing palliative care What are the attitudes and knowledge of undergraduate students about palliative care? Conduct thorough research on the effects of specific nursing skills essential for cancer patients in palliative care in the United Kingdom Discuss the effect of modern medical malpractice aspects on palliative healthcare quality in the United Kingdom A critical analysis of measures that can be taken to support clergy mental health in the palliative care hospitals What is the significance of mental health counseling for aged patients in palliative care hospitals? Understanding the importance of the current pain management techniques in nursing palliative care for UK’s HIV patients Analyze the impacts of stress on a nurse while providing palliative care services to mental health patients Explore practical ways in which a nurse can treat patients suffering from severe communication difficulties during a life-threatening situation Critically analyze some of the pain relief therapies that nursing staff use in treating palliative care patients Describe the benefits and significance of physical activity as a way of boosting a patient’s mental health in a palliative care hospital

Bottom line Hopefully, this article was helpful in providing you with the best palliative care dissertation topics. Don’t take the palliative care essay topic ideas word-for-word; instead, use the topics as an eye-opener and create your own titles. Try to be smart and not lazy as much as possible. You can customize these topics to suit your interests. Doing this will make your paper unique and interesting to read. If you stumble on any problems or have comments to make or wish to outsource your work to our experts, visit us at


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palliative care nursing dissertation topics

  • September 23, 2019
  • Affiliation: Gillings School of Global Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management
  • The National Academy of Medicine endorses palliative care for patients with serious illness to improve communication about goals of care, maximize quality of life, and increase patient-centered care. Palliative care can also reduce pain and symptom burden, intensity of treatment, and utilization of undesired medical intervention. From a public health perspective, palliative care can add value by simultaneously reducing healthcare costs and honoring patient values and preferences. However, the integration of palliative care into medical disease management is lacking due to the limited availability of specialty (i.e. board-certified) palliative care clinicians. The lack of access to specialty palliative care clinicians poses a critical problem to patients with serious illness, particularly for those near the end of life. Primary palliative care is palliative care delivered by clinicians not trained in specialty palliative care: specialists in other fields (e.g., oncology, nephrology) and primary care clinicians who incorporate components of palliative care—such as symptom management, goals of care, and spiritual care—into their practices concurrently with disease management. Although clinical trials indicate primary palliative care can be effective, little research examines the integration of primary palliative care into practice or the effects of such care. The overarching goal of this dissertation is to conduct research that will inform the delivery of palliative care that is not reliant on the availability of specialty palliative care by assessing delivery of recommended elements of palliative care by specialty and non-specialty clinicians. This dissertation used data abstracted from the University of North Carolina (UNC) Medical Center electronic health record (EHR) to conduct three specific aims. Aim 1 develops an EHR phenotype to identify decedents with late-stage cancer (stage 4) and chronic kidney disease (CKD; Stages 4-5) to be applied in Aims 2 and 3 to build the analytic cohort, and which demonstrates the value of EHR phenotypes in research and clinical practice. Aim 2 identifies factors associated with three recommended elements of palliative care: pain and symptom management, goals of care, and spiritual care in the last six months of life. Likewise, Aim 3 examines the association of pain and symptom management, goals of care, and spiritual care with (1) in-hospital death and (2) hospice enrollment. We found that elements of palliative care are being delivered for decedents with late-stage cancer, dementia, and CKD, but critical goals-of-care discussions, transitions to comfort care, and referral to hospice all happen very near death. Subsequent work will use findings from this dissertation to inform the design, implementation, and dissemination of primary palliative care interventions to provide recommended elements of palliative care to those who would otherwise not have access to specialty palliative care services.
  • goals of care
  • palliative care
  • decision making
  • chronic kidney disease
  • Dissertation
  • Weinberger, Morris
  • Dusetzina, Stacie B
  • Bennett, Antonia V
  • Shea, Christopher M
  • Hanson, Laura C
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Graduate School

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palliative care nursing dissertation topics

60 Palliative Care Dissertation Topics Ideas & Examples

Palliative Care Dissertation Topics

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Palliative care is another name for end-of-life care. As its name depicts, palliative care dissertation topics focus on all those areas that are related to taking care of the patients who are at the last stages of their lives. This domain is more operational in the developed countries of the world. The developing countries still are lagging far behind when it comes to palliative care research topics and areas. Therefore, most of the research data that is available is from the context of developed parts of the world, especially UK. The researchers from developing countries can take help from this data to develop policies and theoretical frameworks for palliative care nursing in developing countries.

Nursing Palliative Care Dissertation Topics

Below, we have prepared a list of excellent palliative care thesis topics:

  • Challenges in palliative care nursing education and practices: comparing Canada with Australia.
  • Palliative care nursing and psychosocial issues at the end of life: a descriptive study.
  • Role played by positive nurse-patient interactions in palliative care nursing.
  • Palliative care and pain management: personal reflections of palliative care nurses.
  • Uncovering the ethical issues involved in palliative care nursing research.
  • Socioeconomically disadvantaged patients having cancer: role played by palliative care nursing.
  • Home-based palliative care versus care at palliative centers: a systematic study.
  • Studying the effects of palliative care education on the future of palliative care practices: a review of literature.
  • Comparative analysis of the bereavement services provided by palliative care nurses between UK and Australia.
  • Advanced liver diseases and palliative care research: opening new horizons for research.
  • Stress and coping strategies used by palliative care nurses: a UK-based study.
  • Palliative care nurses and chronically ill patients: understanding the emotional involvement.
  • Cancer, euthanasia and palliative care: a descriptive approach.
  • Social work and palliative care: how social workers can collaborate with nurses?
  • Role of community assets in improving the palliative care services: a developing country’s perspective.
  • Uncovering the barriers to palliative care in Asian countries: a comparative study.
  • Training in palliative care nursing: strategies and training programs used in UK.
  • Palliative home nursing care: challenges and interventions available.
  • Investigating the role of cooperation between palliative care nurses and family members on chronically ill patients.
  • Role played by religion in palliative care services offered by nurses: comparing different religious beliefs.
  • Separating the theoretical knowledge of palliative care nursing from the clinical practice: a systematic study.
  • Palliative care nursing in the emergency departments of hospitals: a review of literature.
  • Attitudes of palliative care nursing students towards end-of-life care: an interview-based study.
  • Investigating the perceptions of nurses about palliative care in a nursing institute: a qualitative approach.
  • Practice in palliative care nursing: a review of literature.
  • A descriptive analysis of the palliative care nursing theories and models in a systematic manner.
  • A comparative analysis of palliative care nursing in Jordon versus Thailand.
  • Pediatric palliative care nursing: challenges and interventions involved.
  • Palliative care nursing and fatigue: a correlational study.
  • Developing an instrument to assess the knowledge of nurses regarding palliative care services.
  • Creating Rules to Help People with Serious Illnesses
  • How Palliative Care Helps People in the U.K.
  • Understanding What Palliative Care Means
  • How Nurses Help with Palliative Care Medicine
  • Studying Different Aspects of Palliative Care
  • Hospice and Palliative Care: What They Do
  • Challenges Nurses Face in Palliative Care
  • Ways Nurses Help People in Palliative Care
  • When to Start Palliative Care: Sooner or Later?
  • Looking at Palliative Care for Cancer Patients
  • Seeing How Teams Work Together in Palliative Care
  • Giving Good Quality Care at the End of Life
  • Knowing More About End-of-Life Care with Palliative Care
  • Palliative Care at Home versus in a Hospital: What’s Different?
  • How Social Workers and Palliative Care Workers Help Together
  • Training Nurses for Palliative Care in the U.K.
  • Finding What Stops Nurses from Giving Palliative Care
  • Making Hard Decisions in Palliative Care
  • Working Well with Your Palliative Care Team
  • Learning Palliative Care in the U.K.
  • Palliative Care for People with Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Palliative Care for People with Cancer
  • What People Think about Palliative Care Nurses
  • Different Types of Doctors in Palliative Care Teams
  • Getting the Right Support and Care in Palliative Care
  • Making Rules to Help People with Serious Illnesses
  • What’s Changing in Palliative Care: New Trends and Worries
  • How Palliative Care Started and Changed Over Time
  • How Nurses Treat Patients at the End of Life
  • Teaching Nurses More about Palliative Care

These are  Palliative Care Dissertation Topics Ideas & Examples also check our related posts for topics on Nursing Dissertation ,  In Critical Care and Child Health Nursing Dissertation Topics .

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Palliative Care Nursing Dissertation Topics That Will Leave Your Readers Astonished

Date published July 7 2020 by Barbara Neil

Nursing undoubtably is one of the most respected, as well as high earning profession. You get to help other people and save their lives. However, to earn a nursing degree you need to submit a nursing dissertation first, which can be a painstaking task.

How can you change this painstaking task into a fun task? By choosing from interesting and fun nursing dissertation topics and nursing dissertation ideas to write on.

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Palliative Care Nursing Dissertation Topics For A Winning Dissertation

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Exploring key topics in palliative care: pain and palliative care for older people

A Milton Keynes NHS Foundation Trust, Milton Keynes, UK

Addressing the palliative care needs of an aging population represents a challenge to all health and social care professionals. A conference was organised by the Royal College of Physicians, in conjunction with the Association of Palliative Medicine, with the aim of improving outcomes for patients who are older, frail or suffering from dementia. Recent advances in the understanding of the genetics, neurobiology, assessment and treatment of pain (Fig ​ (Fig1) 1 ) were covered during the conference.

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A diagram to illustrate the site of action of different analgesic drugs. LA = local anaesthetic; NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; SNRI = serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant.

The number of older people, particularly those over 80, has increased significantly in recent decades, and centenarians will continue to form the fastest-growing age group in the UK. Consequently, more people are dying following long illnesses and from frailty and multiple morbidities. Palliative care offers a support system that enables patients to live as actively as possible until death. Historically, however, older people have had limited access to palliative care and there is evidence of unmet needs in the treatment of symptoms, the provision of information, and the communication and delivery of older peoples’ care preferences. 1

Providers of palliative care for frail older patients should weigh carefully, in discussion with the patient and their family, the benefits and burdens of treating the primary disease while managing the patient's chronic medical conditions. The assessment and treatment of physical and psychological symptoms or distress is paramount, as is establishing appropriate goals of care and treatment plans in the context of an unpredictable prognosis. Taking such an approach can achieve amazing results, as evidenced by the work of the Care Home Project Team at St Christopher's Hospice, which through a project using the Gold Standards Framework, 2 increased the percentage of people dying in local nursing homes, where they preferred to be cared for. In 2007, 57% of patients in local nursing homes died in this setting, the remainder being transferred to acute hospitals for treatment and end-of-life care. Following the work of the St Christopher's team, by 2012, 78% of nursing home residents achieved their preferred place of death, receiving end-of-life care in their nursing home. Currently, it is estimated that there are around 700,000 people in the UK over the age of 65 years suffering from dementia, and this number is expected to double over the next 30 years. Dementia affects 1 in 5 people over the age of 85 years. 3 The disease trajectory of dementia can be long and unpredictable, and the cognitive and communication difficulties that inevitably arise as this disease progresses underline the importance of the early involvement of palliative care and advance care planning. A recent Delphi study, conducted on behalf of the European Association of Palliative Care, defined the role of palliative care in dementia on the basis of evidence and consensus, and provided a framework that provides guidance for clinical practice, policy and research. 4

Control of distressing symptoms, including pain, is a key component of palliative care. Pain is common in older adults: 50% of people over the age of 80 years regularly take analgesics. Pain is associated with reduced mobility and disability, weakness and falls and reduced quality of life, and has an impact upon mental health. Musculoskeletal pain is particularly common in older adults, but neuropathic pain secondary to diabetes or stroke can also be problematic. Neuropathic pain is defined as a pain arising as a direct consequence of a lesion or disease affecting the somatosensory system. Pain is more likely to be neuropathic if it is ‘burning’ or ‘electric’ in nature, if it is associated with tingling, a ‘pins-and-needles’ feeling, numbness or itching, if hypoesthesia can be demonstrated or if the pain is increased by brushing the area. Neuropathic pain responds poorly to opiates and NSAIDs; current NICE guidelines for the management of neuropathic pain advocate the use of duloxetine, amitriptyline (or nortriptyline), or gabapentoids as first-line treatment.

The multiple causes of pain are, presumably, just as common in patients with dementia, but it is uncertain whether people with dementia feel pain in the same way as others. There is a lack of evidence about whether pain perception is affected by the neuropathology of dementia; it may cause increased pain tolerance and a blunted autonomic response to low or moderate pain, and this has been demonstrated in animal models. Other research has shown that patients who have dementia have a high symptom burden throughout their disease, often secondary to comorbidities as well as their dementia, with up to 40% thought to be suffering from pain in their final 18 months of life. 5

Assessing pain in patients with dementia is extremely challenging; self-reporting of pain is limited because of the patient's inability to communicate. Much can be learnt from the response of animals to painful stimuli, and several tools have been developed from animal studies to improve the assessment of pain, most of which are based on observation of the following six categories: 6

  • facial expression, such as frowning or wincing
  • vocalisation, such as groaning or screaming
  • body movements, such as freezing or pacing
  • changes in interpersonal reactions, such as aggression or withdrawal
  • changes in activity patterns or routines, such as changes in appetite or sleep patterns
  • signs of change in mental status, such as crying or confusion.

Untreated pain can lead to behavioural symptoms, such as agitation and aggression, prescription of inappropriate drugs, such as antipsychotics, added disability and increased institutionalisation. A recent randomised control trial comparing usual treatment to an individualised daily treatment of pain according to a stepwise protocol, with paracetamol, morphine, buprenorphine transdermal patch or pregabalin, showed that agitation was significantly reduced in the intervention group compared with control group after just 8 weeks. 7 Further research is needed in this patient population; currently, no randomised controlled trials have been published on the effect of treatment of pain per se (proxy measures have been used) in patients who have dementia. There is a lack of studies examining the impact of treatment of pain on mood, and all studies in this patient group focus on the use of paracetamol and opioids rather than on evaluating the effect of NSAIDs, anticonvulsants, antidepressants and novel analgesics.

Recent significant advances in research have provided a much greater understanding of the physiology of pain, and it is clear that multiple pathophysiological mechanisms can often be involved in a single patient. The understanding of the role of genetics in pain is developing, specifically in primary erythromelagia, where the genetic mutation causing sodium channel dysfunction has been identified. The response of individuals to pain and analgesia may also have a genetic basis. One of the single nucleotide polymorphisms thought to be associated with sensitivity to pain is catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) val 158 met. COMT is an enzyme that is involved in the breakdown of neurotransmitters after their release in the synaptic cleft. A valine to methionine substitution at position 158 in the polypeptide chain leads to a four-fold decrease in enzyme activity, and research has shown that subjects with this genotype exhibit stronger pain-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signals when compared to val 158 val subjects. 8 It would seem that people with the met 158 met genotype are worriers rather than warriors, ‘feel’ pain more and are predisposed to developing chronic pain.

Research using animal models looking into cancer-induced bone pain has improved our understanding of the mechanisms involved. Most skeletal metastases are not painful, but they can cause sudden intense pain that severely limits function. Cancer-induced bone pain results in inflammatory and neuropathic type changes. There is evidence from animal models 9 and clinically, that gabapentin, in addition to opiates and radiotherapy, has a role to play in the treatment of this type of pain.

Nerve injury results in altered signalling between neurones, glial cells and the immune response. An increased understanding of the relationship between these will hopefully identify further humeral factors, ion channels and cell receptors as potential therapeutic targets. The relationship between mood and chronic pain is another area that needs further exploration as depression and pain share the same neurochemical processes and pathways. Drugs such as duloxetine and amitryptline are clearly effective in reducing neuropathic pain, but is that because they are an analgesic or because they enhance mood? Psychoactive drugs such as cannabis are also effective in reducing pain, and there is anecdotal evidence that lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin from magic mushrooms might be able to interfere with pain pathways. These are, however, unlikely to become analgesics of the future because of the effects of recent Schedule 1 drug laws banning research into these compounds. 10

To conclude, excellent palliative care is essential for all as treatment goals shift from curing, to managing, to palliating diseases. The palliative care requirements of the older population, and of those with dementia, have been clarified and there are examples of quality-improvement programmes throughout the UK that address these needs. The challenge, at a strategic level, is to enable these pockets of excellence to become standard treatment for all. At an individual level, the assessment and treatment of any symptoms must be tailored to the patient. There is good evidence for, and national guidelines on, the use of current analgesics. It is clear, however, that if the elusive ‘perfect’ analgesic is to be found, further research is needed into the genetics, neurobiology, assessment, perception and treatment of pain.

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Palliative care dissertation topics and research titles.

Palliative care dissertation topics and research titles

The majority of people identify nurses with white gowns and nursing caps. Nursing, on the other hand, is far more diverse. It is no longer surprising that various specializations and career choices are available in nursing. One of these specialties is nursing in palliative care. In order to receive a nursing degree, you must first submit a nursing dissertation, which can be a painstaking process. But how can you make this tedious task enjoyable? Choosing the best topic from various engaging and enjoyable palliative care dissertation topics.

Nursing is undeniably one of the most prestigious and well-paid professions. You have the opportunity to save lives and assist others. Although finding the appropriate topic might be hard, our experts have assembled some of the best custom topics for you. Read on to find out.

What is palliative care?

Palliative care is also known as end-of-life care. Palliative care dissertation topics, as the name suggests, concentrate on caring for patients nearing the end of their lives. However, this category is more practical in the world’s developed nations, while the developing nations remain far behind in terms of the topics and areas of palliative care study.

Palliative care nurses offer specialized care for individuals suffering from life-threatening illnesses. They also provide social, physical, psychological, and spiritual care to patients who are in extremely critical circumstances. Palliative care nurses provide consolation and support to patients and their relatives.

Palliative care nurses are trained to prescribe medications and suggest cutting-edge medical approaches for pain relief.

How to choose amazing palliative care dissertation topics

Exploring different topics will be enjoyable if you prefer coming up with your palliative care topics. You must develop a knack for selecting compelling subjects for your dissertation on palliative care to reach your full potential.

Choosing different topics for a dissertation on palliative care can be difficult. Fortunately, you can make this complicated situation enjoyable. All you have to do is figure out which strategy works best for your discussion.

You should always strive to choose fascinating and engaging palliative care dissertation topics for your research. You can find a lot of excellent palliative care essay topic ideas online. As you contemplate the ideal topic, keep the following in mind:

  • When choosing a topic, take your instructor’s preferences into account
  • Select a niche subject that has access to a sufficient amount of study materials
  • Understand your topic of interest for the best results

List of dissertation topics in palliative care

  • Systematic research comparing home-based palliative care and treatment at palliative centers
  • Comparison of Canadian and Australian challenges in palliative care nursing instruction and practices
  • Analyzing the differences between Australian and British palliative care nurses’ mourning services
  • Personal thoughts of palliative care nurses on palliative care and pain management
  • Palliative care nursing’s part in helping cancer patients from low-income backgrounds
  • Descriptive research on palliative care nursing and psychosocial problems at the end of life
  • Research on advanced liver conditions and palliative care: expanding study possibilities
  • A review of the literature is being done to investigate how palliative care instruction will affect future practices
  • Identifying the ethical problems that palliative care nursing study raises
  • Role of effective nurse-patient relations in palliative care nursing
  • Home nursing care for the terminally ill: challenges and possible solutions
  • How can social workers and nurses operate together in palliative care?
  • A descriptive method to cancer assisted suicide and palliative care
  • An analysis from a developing nation on the role of community resources in enhancing hospice care services
  • The role played by religion in palliative care services provided by nurses: comparing various religious beliefs
  • Examining how cooperation between palliative care nurses and family members affects individuals with a chronic illness
  • Understanding the emotional participation between palliative care nurses and patients with chronic illnesses
  • Strategies and training initiatives for palliative care nurses used in the UK
  • An analysis of comparison studies reveals the obstacles to palliative care in Asian nations
  • A study conducted in the UK on the stress and coping mechanisms used by palliative care nurses
  • Systematic research to distinguish between theoretical understanding and clinical practice in palliative care nursing
  • Review of the literature on nursing practice in palliative care
  • Interview-based research examined how palliative care nursing students felt about providing end-of-life care
  • A comprehensive investigation of nurses’ opinions of palliative care in a nursing institution
  • A review of the literature on palliative care nursing in hospital emergency rooms
  • An analysis of the link between fatigue and palliative care nursing
  • A comparison of Thailand and Jordan’s palliative care nursing
  • A detailed examination of the ideas and models of nursing for palliative care
  • Nursing interventions and difficulties in pediatric palliative care
  • Creating a tool to measure nurses’ understanding of palliative care services

Unanswered research questions in palliative care

  • What are the advantages of giving care in the patient’s home, what are the best methods, and how can home care be continued for as long as possible? Does this depend on how well services are coordinated?
  • What the primary palliative care services need to be offered regardless of the patient’s diagnosis?
  • What advantages do advance care planning and other methods of taking patients’ wishes into account offer? Who should carry this out and when?
  • What knowledge and training are required by caregivers and families to give their loved ones who are dying the best care possible, including instruction on administering medications at home?
  • What can be done to increase everyone’s ability to receive palliative care services, regardless of where they live in the UK?

Interesting nursing dissertation topics palliative care practitioners

If you’re stuck for ideas, here’s a personalized list of interesting palliative care dissertation topics to help you get started

  • An examination of possible actions to assist clergy mental health in hospitals providing palliative care
  • Analyze how stress affects a nurse’s ability to provide palliative care to people with mental illnesses
  • What role does mental health therapy play for elderly patients receiving palliative care?
  • What opinions and information do college students have about palliative care?
  • How are retirement homes and Europe faring with palliative care?
  • Investigate the professionalism of nurses at various stages of palliative care delivery
  • Understanding the significance of current pain management methods in nursing palliative care for HIV patients in the UK
  • Discuss the impact of contemporary medical malpractice issues on the standard of palliative care in the UK

Latest nursing dissertation ideas on palliative care by industry experts

Here are some latest Covid-19 nursing dissertation topics;

  • What is the background, function, and impact of nurses? Additionally, describe how they apply to the modern world in light of the COVID-19 epidemic
  • Offer nurses ideas on how to engage in fun, therapeutic sports and activities to lift the spirits of COVID-19 patients
  • The delivery of services by palliative nurses is fraught with difficulties. Try to research their psychology and emotional state because they encounter and witness Covid-19 death cases daily
  • Nurses play an essential part in the covid-19 epidemic. What can you say about nursing’s prospects following the pandemic? Alternately, consider the function of nurses following COVID-19
  • Critical actions are required in light of the epidemic. Talk about the nursing tools and expertise that need to be used during this trying time

Simple and easy palliative care dissertation titles

  • Consider the guidelines offered by a proponent of nursing palliative care
  • What moral questions arise when providing hospice care to people who are terminally ill?
  • Discuss the importance of nurse-led home care for individuals receiving palliative care
  • Do you know about Cambodia’s hospice care program? Elaborate
  • Examine the importance of respecting a patient’s dignity while providing them with high-quality palliative care
  • How crucially does palliative care handle symptoms and pain?
  • Examine the role that specialists in the medical field play in negotiating palliative care
  • Describe the intent and true nature of hospice care
  • Talk about the ethical facets of nursing palliative care
  • What are the symptoms of hypercalcemia, and how are people treated?

Best palliative care topic ideas and examples

  • Addressing complex requirements in palliative care for people with chronic neurological conditions
  • Advanced heart failure patients’ palliative care: Enhancing quality of life
  • Palliative care supporting family caregivers: Resources and strategies for coping
  • Meeting the needs of diverse patients and relatives through spiritual and cultural concerns in palliative care
  • Strategies for effective treatment in pain and symptom control in palliative care
  • Palliative care integration into general care practice: Improving availability and care quality
  • Children and teen palliative care: Meeting the special needs of young patients and families
  • Managing symptoms and improving quality of life in people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Care for physical and mental requirements in cancer patients undergoing palliative care

Final thoughts

Palliative care dissertation topics can cover a broad range of subjects. These subjects cover everything from the clinical elements of managing pain and symptoms to the psychological and spiritual requirements of patients and their relatives. You can check other significant research topics at , including cultural considerations, pediatric palliative care, and integrating palliative care into primary care. By improving your knowledge of how to offer high-quality, patient-centered care to those dealing with severe illness and end-of-life, a dissertation on palliative care can make a significant addition to the field.

palliative care nursing dissertation topics

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Nursing Dissertation Ideas That Will Lead You to a Perfect Topic

#i',$content, -1); --> table of contents unique nursing dissertation topics to explore what’s a nursing dissertation and steps to write it nursing education dissertation topics: how to choose the right one list of the best dissertation topics nursing of the year some great phd nursing dissertation ideas unique nursing dissertation topics to explore.

Choosing a good topic for your dissertation in nursing is an important step in ensuring the overall success of your research project. This task may seem easy at first, but once you are at it, it can prove much trickier, primarily because it might take multiple brainstorms, drafts, and reviews for your topic to shine. But worry not — our nursing dissertation help service has got you covered!

To help you get started, we’ve developed a list of the latest nursing dissertation topics that you can use just as they are or simply to get inspiration for your dissertation project. We’ll come to those in a moment, but let’s find out what is a nursing dissertation first!

What’s a Nursing Dissertation and Steps to Write It

  • Admission/Application Essay
  • Admission Editing
  • Admission Proofreading
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Argumentative essay
  • Article paraphrasing
  • Article review
  • Book Report/Review
  • Business plan
  • Capstone Project
  • Concept map
  • Concept paper
  • Conference Paper
  • Critical review
  • Custom List of Topics
  • Data analysis
  • Defence Presentation
  • Discussion Post
  • Dissertation
  • Dissertation Chapter - Abstract
  • Dissertation Chapter - Discussion
  • Dissertation Chapter - Introduction Chapter
  • Dissertation Chapter - Literature Review
  • Dissertation Chapter - Methodology
  • Dissertation Chapter - Results
  • Dissertation revision
  • Evidence-based practice paper
  • Exam Answers
  • Grant proposal
  • Interview essay
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Literature review
  • Literature review outline
  • Marketing plan
  • Math Problem
  • Multiple Choice Questions
  • Non-word assignment
  • Nursing care plan
  • Nursing teaching plan
  • Paraphrasing
  • Personal Statement
  • PICO/PICOT Questions
  • PowerPoint Presentation Plain
  • PowerPoint Presentation with Speaker Notes
  • Problem solution
  • Proofreading
  • Quality improvement project
  • Reaction paper
  • Reflection paper
  • Reflective Journal
  • Research Paper
  • Research Proposal
  • Retyping (PDF / PNG / Handwriting to Word)
  • Scholarship Essay
  • Scoping review
  • Shadow health assessment
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Statistics Project
  • Swot-analysis
  • Systematic review
  • Thesis chapter - Background
  • Thesis chapter - Conclusion & future works
  • Thesis chapter - Implementation
  • Thesis chapter - Introduction
  • Thesis chapter - Other (not listed above)
  • Thesis chapter - Results & evaluation
  • Thesis chapter - Theory & problem statement
  • Thesis literature review
  • Thesis Proposal
  • Thesis revision
  • Topic Suggestion
  • Topic Suggestion + Summary + References

A nursing dissertation is a research paper usually required as part of a PhD degree program. It’s a comprehensive and original work that aims to explore a specific topic in nursing and demonstrates your ability to investigate, analyze information and present findings.

Here’s how to write a nursing dissertation:

  • Choose a relevant dissertation topic.
  • Write a catchy introduction.
  • Collect data from reliable sources.
  • Critically evaluate the gathered information.
  • Perform a literature review.
  • Outline the significance of your project.
  • Audit and inspect employing clinical guidelines.
  • Describe the methodology used.
  • Reflect on outcomes.
  • Present recommendations for future research or practice.
  • Format your project and create a references list.
  • Structure and proofread the final draft.

Now that you know the fundamentals, let’s find out how to choose a good topic and dive into the best nursing education dissertation topics that will stay relevant in 2024.

Nursing Education Dissertation Topics: How to Choose the Right One?

If you’re struggling to come up with appropriate dissertation topics nursing, try taking the following steps:

  • Understand the objective of your project.
  • Make a list of topics you are familiar with or genuinely passionate about exploring.
  • Look into the current trends, ongoing debates, or innovations in the field for additional inspiration.
  • Think about what specific aspects of the subject you want your paper to focus on.
  • Define why these aspects are relevant and important.
  • Do preliminary research to determine the availability of credible sources to back up your arguments.
  • Think about how you’ll be presenting your findings.
  • Narrow down your topic to a specific research question that’s manageable and can be answered.

Lastly, our experts recommend choosing a topic that aligns with your career goals or areas you wish to specialize in. This way, you can turn a tedious writing process into a motivational journey with perspectives for future research.

List of the Best Dissertation Topics Nursing of the Year

For your convenience, we’ve organized dissertation nursing topic ideas into eight distinct thematic categories.

Child Health Dissertation Topics

  • How medical progress benefits patients with innate disabilities.
  • Physical limitations and the impact of timely medication.
  • The role of nurses in neonatal intensive care units.
  • Evaluation of mothers’ needs when caring for children aged 2 to 5.
  • The role of hospitals in the treatment of children’s psychiatric diseases.
  • Techniques for improving pediatric cancer treatment.
  • Childhood asthma diagnostics and treatment options.
  • Identifying developmental delays in Down syndrome children.
  • Applying Piaget’s theory to the cognitive development of healthy children.
  • A training program for pediatric nurses to support emergency patients.

Clinical Care Dissertation Topics

  • Should visitors be allowed in the intensive care unit?
  • Analyzing the management plans for patients with dementia.
  • Examining the impact of timing in critical patient nursing care.
  • Considerations for ICU patients’ treatment and the risks of pressure injury.
  • An overview of the critical nursing analysis literature from the last ten years.
  • What are the challenges that the critical care nursing system faces?
  • Medical treatment research in a high-tech environment.
  • What primary challenges do nurses face in intensive care units?
  • Do nurses ever have problems with their patients? If so, how do they deal with those problems?
  • A study of the demand for healthcare facilities among sick patients on ventilators.

Adult Nursing Dissertation Topics

  • What challenges do adult nursing professors in the United States face?
  • The influence of social media on adult nursing students.
  • Could online nursing studies help overcome the nurse shortage?
  • Investigation of sustainability issues in adult nursing.
  • Risk management and needs assessment in healthcare.
  • Analysis of the impact of social media on nursing careers.
  • What kind of treatment should adult nurses provide to dementia patients?
  • Examination of the level of stress faced by emergency room nurses.
  • Should adult nurses stay up-to-date on emerging trends in nursing?
  • Investigation of the transition from hospital to outpatient settings.

Evidence-Based Practice Dissertation Topics

  • Ways of choosing the right IV catheter size.
  • NPO status and hypoglycemia rates.
  • Nonpharmacologic methods of pain relief.
  • Should hospitalized patients be given pain relievers?
  • Ways of reducing catheter-acquired urinary tract infections (CAUTIs).
  • Nursing professionals’ misconceptions about evidence-based practice.
  • Evidence-based nursing practice rating systems.
  • The evidence-based practice manual for nurses.
  • What is the effect of visitation hours on patient outcomes?
  • Fall prevention in people with acute dementia.

Palliative Care Dissertation Topics

  • Palliative care for patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Models of palliative care delivery for patients with cancer.
  • The benefits of perinatal hospice care.
  • Home-based palliative care for Renal disease patients.
  • Moral position on palliative care for terminal patients.
  • The role of volunteers in palliative medicine.
  • Initial palliative care for heart failure.
  • Evidence-based palliative care practice.
  • The role of the advanced practice nurse in palliative care.
  • Psychosocial screening and assessment in palliative nursing.

Mental Health Dissertation Topics

  • Investigation of the correlation between dopamine levels and autism.
  • Benefits of antipsychotic medicine for reducing delirium.
  • Chemical stimulants used in ADHD treatments.
  • Identification of bipolar disorder and associated risk factors.
  • Alzheimer’s disease and its connection to the environment.
  • The effect of social media on mental health.
  • The genetic component of bipolar disorder.
  • Methods for assisting stroke victims in regaining motor skills.
  • Investigation of the relationship between ADHD and screen time.
  • Strategies helping to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder.

Emergency Care Dissertation Topics

  • The impact of delays in emergency care.
  • How does overcrowding in emergency departments impact patients with stroke?
  • The importance of having a trauma team in the emergency department.
  • Creating cycles for emergency department physicians.
  • The effects of inadequate staffing in the emergency room.
  • Should patients be allowed to visit the emergency room to treat a fever of unknown nature?
  • Strategies to improve the level of healthcare in emergency rooms.
  • Ways to decrease the frequency of angry outbursts in the emergency room.
  • Ethical dilemmas faced by emergency department nurses.
  • The importance of having emergency rooms for patients with allergic reactions.

Environmental Health Dissertation Topics

  • Impact of climate change on food contamination with mycotoxins.
  • Airborne influenza virus detection strategies employing bioaerosol collection.
  • Homicide and suicide trends among farmers and other workers in the field.
  • The influence of loudness on the employees of food courts in college towns.
  • Investigation of environmental risks to the health of socially disadvantaged groups.

Now, let’s move on to some of the most promising nursing dissertation ideas for Ph.D. students and dissertation topics community health nursing.

Some Great PhD Nursing Dissertation Ideas

If you’re writing a PhD dissertation , the topic ideas below will definitely come in handy!

  • Steps to prevent major health problems in patients with increased work-related stress.
  • The latest public health initiatives to reduce childhood obesity.
  • The significance and effects of workplace safety in medical clinics.
  • Investigation of the impact of AIDS on modern society.
  • Increasing awareness of the issues and risks involved with the clinical management of elderly patients in ICU.
  • The role of drug addiction and psychological treatment in prisons.
  • Leading causes of cerebrovascular accidents that injure adult brain cells.
  • The role of WHO policies and methodologies in understanding child development.
  • Treatment strategies and post-treatment care for patients suffering from acute and chronic pain.
  • Adaptive approach to patient care in adult critical care units.

Topics Related to Community Health

  • Senior outpatient care and community services.
  • The importance of community nursing in increasing the quality of adult patients’ lives.
  • The impact of existing welfare theories and practices on adult patients.
  • The role of community nursing practice in health promotion.
  • Quality of seniors’ life: ethical behavior and residential care homes.

We hope these dissertation topics in nursing will inspire you to write an excellent dissertation worthy of the professor’s praise. Thanks for reading, and good luck with your paper! Should you need nursing writing help , NursingPaper is at your service 24/7!

palliative care nursing dissertation topics

102 Palliative Care Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best palliative care topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on palliative care, ⭐ simple & easy palliative care essay titles, ❓ palliative care research questions.

  • The Concept of Palliative Care Palliative care is any form of treatment by medical care that is meant to reduce the seriousness of the symptoms causing a certain disease, in place of curing the disease.
  • Public Health Policy for Palliative Care In order to maintain trusting relationships and be effective in providing quality palliative care, it is necessary to understand the specifics and characteristics of the target group.
  • Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners in Palliative Care Highly qualified and effective ARNPs may positively impact access to and use of primary healthcare services in rural regions. Expanding the scope of practice for ARNPs might increase the availability of primary healthcare services in […]
  • Palliative Care: The Problem of Access The post provides an insightful combination of personal experience with key databases and facts about the current shifts in cancer screening, cancer survivor issues, and policies in regard to hospice and palliative care.
  • Palliative Care in Intensive Care Unit Palliative care is an important field of the healthcare industry that allows terminally ill patients and their families to feel cared for, which is why the services at this unit should be of the highest […]
  • The Quality Palliative Care Policy Improvement A Achievable: The author of this policy proposal will be responsible for creating campaign materials, selecting target locations and audiences, and presenting the campaign to them.
  • Role of Palliative Care in Canada The article will be integral in my thesis about the role of palliative care in Canada and it will introduce the theme on settings of palliative care.
  • Providing Quality Palliative Care: Policy Improvement The nuances are to be addressed in a plan of care, jointly created by the care team and the patient based on the diagnosis, symptoms, and other needs.
  • Perception of Pain Management Among Palliative Patients The purpose of the study is clearly stated, and it is to meet the needs of palliative patients and manage the pain more effectively.
  • Palliative: Finding Theoretical Framework The co-creation of a feasible plan of action that can help to meet the needs and satisfy the wishes is supposed to be the end product of CP.
  • Co-creating Possibilities for Patients in Palliative Care: Data Analysis Plans The study variables include the patients’ quality of life defined by the WHO preexisting tool and the relationships with the NPs defined with the help of the instrument created by Cossette; also, the diagnosis and […]
  • Palliative Care: What Constitutes the Best Technique for Technicians Communication With Patients and Families? More specifically, the researcher would want to understand how a decision regarding how the patients are handled from the time the observation that palliative care would be the best course of action is made, to […]
  • Providing Holistic Care to the Family Members: Palliative Care Knowledge of all the cultural dimensions of her patients assists the nurse to design a particular lifestyle that will result to successful therapy and for a specific patient.
  • Co-Creation of Possibilities in Palliative Care Nursing Still, the proposed sample should be enough to make generalizations about the effectiveness of CP within the practice of one NP and NPs in general.
  • Co-Creation of Possibilities: Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner-Led Intervention Method The NPs from the final sample will be assigned to the control or intervention group randomly to improve the validity of the experiment.
  • Palliative Medicine: Nursing The section of the article labeled “Background” provides an analysis of the current situation that dying patients and acute care nurses find themselves in; the review is based on 26 sources.
  • Non-Pharmacological Interventions in Palliative Care The researchers provided the participants with a discussion guide and a list of NPIs prior to the interviews. The researchers examined the recurrence of the NPIs discussed in the focus groups.
  • The Social Determinants of Health Affecting the Pediatric Palliative Care In the case of pediatric palliative care and poverty, it is vivid that the two concepts closely intersect each other. For example, it is necessary to assess the symptoms of sicknesses reported in a healthcare […]
  • Palliative Care Research: Ethics Analysis Even as there is a lot of published work on the ethical debate of palliative care research, nonetheless, there still lacks in literature a synthesis and exploration of the quality of the central debates.
  • Evidence-Based Strategies for Palliative Care Clare’s wish for personal relationships with the people around her has to be taken care of in addition to medical and other health support for her condition.
  • A Palliative Care: Knowledge, Skills and Attributes Needed to a Newly Graduated Occupational Therapist Cooper and Littlefield performed a study of occupational therapy interventions in oncology and palliative care and, focusing on patient contact activities performed by occupational specialists, they also stress the importance of goal setting.
  • To Live Until You Die: Palliative Care in Cancer Experience The end of life of the greater part of the patients can be characterized by their experience of distressing symptoms and the seriousness of the issue accounts for the importance and necessity of application of […]
  • Palliative Care and Alternative Therapies Introducing alternative therapies into palliative care is a practice that facilitates the delivery of effective and patient-centered care to the target population.
  • Hinduism in Palliative and End of Life Care: Practice Guidelines for Medical Professionals The knowledge gap here is the fact that the medical professionals and patients or their families may have different opinions regarding end-of-life care and since this topic is sensitive, it is vital to examine how […]
  • Hospice and Palliative Care It should be mentioned that the function of a nurse it is desirable for the individual to fit into place in a sophisticated practice role and there are various objectives of this function is to […]
  • Palliative Care and Nursing. The mission of the center is to strive for the prevention and cure of cancers. Palliative care is defined as an approach for the improvement of the quality of life of patients and their families […]
  • Palliative Medicine Replacement for Euthanasia Euthanasia is not about helping ill and dying people to end their pain and bring comfort. Euthanasia undermines the core values of life and decreases the motivation to provide care for the dying.
  • Palliative Pain Management: Evidence Synthesis Furthermore, Howie and Peppercorn do not specify the criteria for inclusion of the sources in the analysis and do not include the rationale for any of the included studies, which undermines the reliability of the […]
  • Nurses’ Functions in Palliative Care The issue of establishing nurses’ roles in palliative care is also connected to the level of awareness that nurses may possess regarding their patients’ state.
  • Improving Palliative Care: Evidence-Based Project Therefore, the stakeholders’ roles are numerous and essential to the general level of patient outcomes in the context of the hospital.
  • Palliative Care: Evidence-Based Practice This problem is rather relevant for the existing health care environment because it is pivotal to identify the best way to deal with pains in palliative cancer patients and facilitate their living through the proposed […]
  • Palliative Care for Cancer Patients: Search Strategies In adult patients with cancer pain, what is the significance of receiving palliative care from the palliative care team when compared to conventional care practice in terms of pain intensity reduction and improved pain management […]
  • Palliative Care for Adult Cancer Patients Therefore, the fact that the key variables of the study will have to be compared needs to be brought up. As the table below shows, it will be crucial to spend a large amount of […]
  • The Benefits of Palliative Care Over Conventional Care The purpose of my project is to investigate the possible advantages of palliative care over conventional care. As a result of the project, it is expected to obtain solid data concerning the benefits of palliative […]
  • Palliative Care for Adult Patients With Cancer Because of the frequent painful experiences of the target population, it is crucial to develop a homogenous approach that will lead to the long-awaited relief and help improve the quality of the patients’ life.
  • Palliative Care Competence The complexity of the situation usually determines if the condition is to proceed to palliative care. Advancement to palliative care can also occur if the treatment given to the patient is not working and causes […]
  • Accessing a Palliative Care Service
  • Moral Stance on Treating Palliative Care for Terminal Patients
  • Palliative Care for Alzheimer’s Patients
  • Models of Palliative Care Delivery for Cancer Patients
  • Palliative Care for Cancer Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Home-Based Palliative Care for Renal Disease Patients Nursing
  • Parkinson’s Disease: Similar and Divergent Challenges in Palliative Care
  • The Importance of Perinatal Palliative Care
  • Palliative Care and the Health Care Crisis in the United States
  • Fostering Vicarious Resilience for Perinatal Palliative Care Professionals
  • Palliative Care for Cancer Patients
  • Models of Integration of Specialized Palliative Care With Oncology
  • Public Perception of Palliative Care
  • Community Hospice and Palliative Care Volunteers
  • Palliative Care: Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • The Role of Palliative Care Volunteers in Nordic Countries
  • South East Regional Palliative Care Service
  • Palliative Care Volunteer Support Services Initiative
  • Primary Palliative Care for Heart Failure
  • Evidence-Based Palliative Care Practice
  • Palliative Care in Public Policy
  • Psychosocial Screening and Assessment in Oncology and Palliative Care Settings
  • The Palliative Care Approach in Australia
  • Similarities and Differences Between Palliative Care and Hospice Care
  • Allied Health Professionals in Palliative Care
  • Palliative Care for Dying Patients
  • Palliative Care for People With Heart Disease
  • The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse in Palliative Care
  • Types of Doctors in a Palliative Care Team
  • Improving Community Palliative Care
  • Communication Devices in Palliative Care of Severely Physically Disabled Patients
  • Bereavement Support and Quality Palliative Care
  • Palliative Care for Family Members of Patient
  • Health Policy Approach for Palliative Care
  • Specialist Palliative Care to People With Heart Failure
  • Palliative Care for Terminally Ill Patients
  • Provide Nursing Care for Clients Requiring Palliative Care Nursing
  • History, Principles, and Delivery of Palliative Care
  • Palliative Care Within the Acute Care Setting
  • Social Inequalities in Palliative Care for Cancer Patients in the United States
  • What Is the Meaning of Palliative Care?
  • Is Palliative Care Considered End of Life Care?
  • What Influences Referrals Within Community Palliative Care Services?
  • How Long Can You Live With Palliative Treatment?
  • Why Do Doctors Recommend Palliative Care?
  • Do People Ever Recover From Palliative Care?
  • Who Pays for Palliative Care?
  • Does Palliative Care Stay Overnight?
  • When Should Palliative Care Be Offered?
  • Is Palliative Care Always Provided at Home?
  • How Does the Palliative Care Unit Meet Children’s Life Quality?
  • What Principles Does Palliative Care Support in Nursing?
  • How Long Do Most People Stay On Palliative Care?
  • What Is a Hospice and Palliative Care Center?
  • What Is Evidence-Based Palliative Care Practice?
  • Is Euthanasia a Suffering or Palliative Care?
  • Does Palliative Care Provide a Peaceful Death?
  • What Are Community Nursing and Palliative Care?
  • Does Palliative Care Always Mean Terminal?
  • What Has Dr. Jack Kevorkian Done in Palliative Care?
  • What Are Palliative Care Methods for Controlling Pain?
  • What Is a Palliative Care Approach to Caring for Older People?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Palliative Care and Liverpool Care?
  • What Is the Miri Palliative Care Association?
  • What Is Pediatric Palliative Care?
  • Health Promotion Research Topics
  • Nursing Theory Questions
  • Deontology Questions
  • Emergency Department Titles
  • Gerontology Titles
  • Healthcare Policy Essay Titles
  • Intensive Care Research Topics
  • Euthanasia Titles
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, September 20). 102 Palliative Care Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"102 Palliative Care Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 20 Sept. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '102 Palliative Care Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 20 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "102 Palliative Care Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 20, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "102 Palliative Care Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 20, 2023.


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Nursing Dissertation Topics Ideas & Examples

Published by Alvin Nicolas at January 10th, 2023 , Revised On May 8, 2024

Choosing an appropriate nursing dissertation topic is an extremely important step toward producing an exciting and manageable research study. This post aims to help medicine and nursing students select the most appropriate dissertation title according to their research interests.

It should be noted that the subject of nursing encompasses various areas of knowledge, including but not limited to general nursing, community nursing, public health , environmental health, mental health, clinical management, health organization, and occupational health and safety.

So there is plenty to whet your appetite here. Nursing dissertations can be based on either primary research or secondary research. Primary data nursing dissertations incorporate the collection and analysis of data obtained through questionnaires and surveys. Secondary data nursing dissertations, on the other hand, make use of existing literature to test the  research hypothesis .

To help you get started with brainstorming for medicine and nursing topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest nursing dissertation topics that can be used for writing your dissertation.

These topics have been developed by PhD-qualified writers of our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the problem,  research questions , aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  example dissertations  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

You can review step by step guide on how to write your dissertation  here.

View our free dissertation topics database.

  • Evidence-based Practice Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Child Health Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Adult Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Critical Care Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Dementia Nursing Dissertation Topics

Midwifery Dissertation Topics

  • Palliative Care Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Mental Health Nursing Dissertation Topics
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Nursing Dissertation Topics

2024 Nursing Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: assessing the parental perceptions and attitude towards the adoption of healthy behaviour patterns to control obesity and overweight concerns in young children..

Research Aim: This study aims to analyse the parent’s perceptions and attitudes in relation to healthy behaviours practises to control obesity and overweight disorders in young children. It will also focus on the obstacles parents or caregivers experience when it comes to obesity control in young children.

Topic 2: Investigating the importance of community nursing for the care of Old People suffering from Dementia- A case study of the UK.

Research Aim: This study aims to find the usefulness of nursing practise for the care of people suffering from dementia. This will also focus on how trained nurses are very professional in providing information and support to the people suffering from dementia so that they can prepare themselves to live their life well with dementia. This study will conduct a systematic review of published literature to find the potential roles of nurses in taking care of people living with dementia. Furthermore, it will also look at various characteristics and effectiveness of nurse interventions.

Topic 3: Assessing the role of midwives in providing medical services to pregnant women in low-income countries.

Research Aim: Midwives are health professionals who are specialised in taking care of pregnant women and newborn health. Women living In low-income countries are far less to get midwifery care, and it is very challenging for them to face this situation. The aim of this study is to find the role of midwives in providing medical services to pregnant women in low-income countries. Furthermore, this study will also look at the challenges and factors in getting midwifery care for women faced with low income.

Topic 4: Examining the mental health of nurses working in ICU.

Research Aim: Nurses working in critical care had significantly higher rates of emotional discomfort and poor health than other nurses, which has a negative impact on their mental health. However, it is unknown how intensive care nurses’ physical health impacts the frequency of medical mistakes. This study will examine the mental health of nurses working in ICU and how it affects their work and causes medical errors. Furthermore, it will also analyse the perception of nurses working in ICU.

Topic 5: Examing nursing practices during the stages of newborn development – A comparative study between the UK and US.

Research Aim: This study’s primary goal is to compare nursing staff practises during the stages of newborn development in the US and UK. This study will compare the effects of nurses’ care practises and will look at the challenges that occur during this process and how they handle these challenges.

Covid-19 Medicine and Nursing Research Topics

Topic 1: research to identify the training resources of nurses to combat the covid-19 pandemic.

Research Aim: Nursing staff plays a vital role in treating and recovering patients from illness. This study will identify the training programs and resources designed for nursing staff to combat the Coronavirus pandemic.

Topic 2: Research to find whether robotic nurses will be a long-lasting solution to treat the patients of Coronavirus.

Research Aim: Medical teams across the globe have been on their toes to combat coronavirus, and substantial human resources have also been invested in overcoming this crisis. This study will focus on collecting information about the idea of using robotic nurses to treat patients of Covid-19. It will reveal the advantages and disadvantages of using robotic nurses.

Topic 3: Research to analyse the risk of nurses getting affected while treating Covid-19 patients

Research Aim: This study will focus on analysing the risks faced by nurses and the medical team. It will discuss the safety measures adopted to protect the medical staff, the challenges they face, and appropriate solutions to minimise them.

Topic 4: Research to identify the impacts of Coronavirus on pharmaceutical industries

Research Aim: This study will focus on identifying the impacts of coronavirus on pharmaceutical industries, production, and supply of medicines. It will discuss the possible ways to combat COVID-19.

Topic 5: Research to know the contributions of pharmaceutical industries to combat Covid-19

Research Aim: This study will focus on identifying the contributions of pharmaceutical industries to combat Covid-19. Did COVID-19 increase the business of pharmaceutical sectors?

More Coronavirus and Nursing Dissertation Topics

  • Coronavirus research: Keys to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of SARS.
  • Investigating the nurses in Australia issue plea to stop violence, theft of sanitizer and masks.
  • To study and analyse the emergency Coronavirus guidelines for nurses and medical staff across the globe with a particular focus on the USA and the UK.
  • Coronavirus in nursing homes: ‘We are going to see deaths’ – A case study of the UK nursing homes
  • Why are nursing homes at risk during the Coronavirus pandemic? – Case study of any European state
  • How nurses and medical staff can help parents and children cope with the mental issues and uncertainly in the midst of coronavirus crisis
  • To devise strategies to combat testing and prevention kits in hard-hit nursing homes.
  • How coronavirus has the potential to lead shortage of nurses and doctors across the globe?

Nursing and Medicine Dissertation Topics for 2023

Topic 1: impact of coronavirus on the pharmaceutical industry.

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the impact of Coronavirus on the pharmaceutical industry.

Topic 2: The role and impact of occupational safety and health in medical clinics

Research Aim: This research aims to measure the impact of occupational safety and health in medical clinics.

Topic 3: Increasing work pressure and occupational health concerns

Research Aim: This research aims to address increasing work pressure and occupational health concerns during a pandemic.

Topic 4: How researchers’ nurses may enhance the operation of clinical research?

Research Aim: The quality improvement of the performance of health care includes scientific study. The research team from the place where there was a shortage of research has established a steadily growing spectrum of testing within the Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust. In this research, the main emphasis would be on the key role of research nurses.

Topic 15: Developing effective nursing strategies for dealing with patients possessing acute and chronic pain: A case study of NHS

Research Aim: The concept of nursing has evolved since recent times. Many health care institutions have developed effective strategies to increase nursing efficiency. Therefore, the main purpose of the research is to develop effective nursing strategies for dealing with patients possessing acute and chronic pain by analysing the case study of the NHS.

Topic 6: Critical analysis of community nursing and health care needs: A comparative analysis of UK and USA

Research Aim: Nursing and health care needs have a direct and positive relationship. The main purpose of this research is to conduct a critical analysis of community and health care needs. This research will compare the UK and USA nursing practices and provide recommendations to improve the existing strategy.

Topic 7: Analysing the societal acceptance of Marijuana: The case of developing countries

Research Aim: The purpose of this study is to contemplate upon the key benefits that the use of Marijuana, within a medicinal capacity, has. Ideally, in developing countries, the use of marijuana is considered “Taboo” or unacceptable by the members of the community/society. Hence, the study intends to analyze the societal acceptance of Marijuana within developing countries.

Topic 8: Developing effective nursing strategies for dealing with patients suffering Coronavirus disease: A case study of NHS

Research Aim: The coronavirus has taken the world by storm, infecting millions in nearly 200 countries. Many health care institutions have developed strategies to increase nursing efficiency. Therefore, the main purpose of the research is to identify effective nursing strategies for dealing with patients possessing coronavirus by analysing the case study of NHS.

Topic 9: Coronavirus research: Keys to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of SARS

Research Aim: This research will discuss the basic life cycle and replication of the well-studied coronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), identifying the unique characteristics of coronavirus biology and highlighting critical points where research has made significant advances, and which might represent targets for antivirals or vaccines. Areas where rapid progress has been made in SCV research, will be described. Finally, areas of need for research in coronavirus replication, genetics, and pathogenesis will be summarised.

Mental Health Dissertation Topics

  • Investigating the effectiveness of psychiatric treatment and medicine for patients suffering schizophrenia – A qualitative study based on UK mental health nurses and patients
  • Exploring the legal aspects of mental health research in the UK
  • To study and determine the causes to increasing number of suicides in the urban youth population in the developing world
  • The role of socioeconomic backgrounds on the mental health of individuals
  • Investigating the impact of early maternal mental illness on children
  • Parents with serious mental health problems from the perspective of professionals who offer support
  • Treatment of mental health difficulties by combining psychological and complementary therapies
  • To perform an interpretative phenomenological analysis to treat older people with long term mental health difficulties
  • To identify the barriers and risks associated with personalization within the context of mental illness
  • To explore mental illness by conducting a biographical narrative study
  • Deconstructing mental health difficulties: A critical enquiry into the views and opinions of professionals dealing with families, parents, and children

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ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

Occupational Health and Safety Nursing Dissertation Topics

  • To investigate occupational health and safety risks in the UK health care sector: Preventive techniques and recommended practices
  • A quantitative study to evaluate the understanding and knowledge nurses have of occupational risks in an operating theatre environment
  • To investigate the impact of occupational safety and health on the job performance of nurses
  • To identify and discuss factors affecting the practice of occupational health nursing in London
  • The role and impact of occupational safety and health in medical clinics
  • To identify and discuss key occupational safety and health risks, challenges, and concerns in China
  • Workplace health management and the role of occupational health nurses
  • Increasing work pressure and occupational health concerns
  • Occupational safety and health risks and practices among Filipino nurses
  • Adopting a multi-climate approach to address patient safety issues in the nursing work environment
  • To assess and understand occupational risks and nursing duties from an ergo logical perspective
  • The need to realise the increasing importance of occupational safety and health issues in industrialised societies

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Environmental Health Dissertation Topics

  • Improving awareness on environmental health issues by encouraging community participation
  • To identify and analyse various environmental health concerns in the health care sector
  • To determine the possibility of food poisoning and foot-related illness in urban regions from the perspective of environmental health
  • Constrained ordinal models with application in occupational and environmental health
  • To examine the impact of secondhand smoke on public health with particular focus on the relevant control strategies
  • An investigation into the attitudes of bar staff workers to environmental tobacco smoke and the varying provision of smoke-free areas within public houses
  • To study and understand the impact of traffic calming procedures on local air quality
  • Investigating how reusable cleaning cloths can help to reduce cross-contamination within the food industry
  • Analysing older driver behaviour and road safety
  • To review public health nurses’ opinions on environmental hazards and health effects
  • Disposing toxic wastes from the perspective of environmental health
  • Recommended sanitary hygiene practices for developing countries – A quantitative study
  • A qualitative study to address arsenic and lead poisoning issues

Related:  Environmental Engineering Dissertation Topics

Also Read This:   Occupational And Environmental Health Thesis And Dissertations

Evidence-Based Practice Dissertation Topics

  • To identify and discuss evidence-based practices that enable nurses to provide high-quality care
  • Use of evidence and knowledge management in clinical practice
  • How the health care needs of elderly cancer patients can be satisfied with evidence-based nursing programme
  • Investigating the use of evidence-based medicine for disease management
  • To study the effectiveness of evidence-based practice in the health care industry
  • To investigate the relationship between evidence-based practice and the research process
  • To study the basic principles of evidence-based practice in the UK health care industry
  • Why is it critical for nurses to base the foundation of their practices on reliable evidence?
  • Barriers to implementing evidence-based practice and the strategies/organisations used to avoid these barriers
  • The role of ethics and leadership in evidence-based nursing practice

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Health Organisations Dissertation Topics

  • The Highest Attainable Standard: The World Health Organisation, Contentious Politics of Human Rights and the global health governance
  • Factors contributing to efficient service delivery – A qualitative study on the implementation of health policies in Argentina
  • Integrating technology, process and the people in lean healthcare
  • Should World Health Organisation do more to satisfy the health care needs of people in the developing world? – The current programmes and future ambitions
  • An investigation in the health care plans and associated costs of countries across the globe
  • To study strategic management policies and strategies of World Health Organisation
  • Investigating the power, culture, and dynamics of National Health Service in the UK
  • Factors influencing the healthcare policies of new health organisations
  • The extent of NHS focus on providing services to elderly
  • Research trends and directions within the World Health Organisation
  • Exploring practices and experiences of midwives in regards to the evaluation of maternal postnatal genital tract health
  • Investigating midwifery practice in the third stage of labour
  • To study the professional care in midwifery practice with a focus on woman centered-care
  • To determine the factors contributing to midwives decision to stay in midwifery
  • How do midwives perceive normal birth and how their ability to practice and support normality might be influenced by the professional and organisational culture of a maternity unit?
  • A feminist technoscience perspective of the midwife’s role
  • To investigate the challenges associated with carrying out a water-birth randomised controlled trial
  • To what extend do midwives can facilitate informed choices among pregnant women?
  • To identify and discuss the factors influencing the competence of midwives in a clinical setting
  • The role of midwifery in relation to health risks to women due to postpartum depression

Community Nursing Dissertation Topics

  • The impact of community participation on social inclusion, self-perception, and everyday lives of participants
  • Quality of life, good practices, and senior citizens in residential care homes
  • To investigate the impact of existing welfare ideologies and policies on the elderly in Leicestershire
  • To what extent the community care has met the needs of the elderly with mental health difficulties after being discharged from long-stay psychiatric clinics? – A review of literature from the past 10 years
  • Exploring the relationship between ethnicity and community nursing facilities in London
  • Obesity awareness and prevention: Can food labelling help to deal with obesity problems in the USA?
  • The role of community nursing practice in relation to health promotion
  • Recommended practices and policies to ensure high-quality community nursing services to pregnant women
  • Health care needs of children and the community nursing service in Leicestershire
  • Factors affecting the quality of life of older people – A review of community nursing practices and challenges

Children Health Nursing Dissertation Topics

  • Improving, recording, and perceiving school children’s health from the perspective of school health nursing
  • Critical evaluation of child health nursing through education and practice
  • Identifying challenges and support processes of child health nursing in developing countries
  • To investigate the skills and abilities required to promote and sustain the emerging practice of child health nursing
  • Leadership and intellectual skills are needed to be successful in positions of leadership and caring for children
  • Caring for young people and children with complicated health needs
  • To explore the effects of child patient death on nursing staff in a clinical setting: A literature review
  • To understand children’s perspectives on community nursing
  • To identify factors that can help to improve breastfeeding initiation practices among community nurses in the UK
  • Children with congenital heart diseases and the role of parents – A literature review

Related:  Top QA on Children Health Nursing

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Clinical Management Dissertation Topics

  • Clinical governance strategies and practices at National Health Services
  • Hospitalised patients with diabetes and clinical decision support systems
  • Developing optimum strategies for management of patients in adult intensive care units
  • Clinical management of patients with prostate cancer – The risks and challenges
  • Effectively managing elderly patients in a clinical setting
  • Optimal management plan for patients with post-traumatic stress issues
  • Use of advanced technology tools to improve clinical management efficiency
  • To study various management strategies in surgical cases

Important Notes

As a student of medicine and nursing looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing medicine and nursing theories – i.e., to add value and interest in the topic of your research.

The field of medicine and nursing is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like civil engineering ,  construction ,  law ,  healthcare , mental health , artificial intelligence , tourism , physiotherapy , sociology , management , marketing, cryptocurrencies and architecture . That is why it is imperative to create a project management dissertation topic that is articular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in  writing your dissertation  as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best medicine and nursing dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample medicine and nursing dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your Dissertation on Medicine and Nursing

A well-structured   dissertation can help students   to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems to be addressed. An outline of the structure of a dissertation  can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review :  This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic, in light of  research questions  to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down of the topic, and key terms can have a positive impact on your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology:  The  data collection  and  analysis  methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter which usually includes  research design,  research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods and  data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis:  Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include  graphs ,  charts and  tables  to this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion  and  Conclusion: The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter, and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to draw a linkage between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References:  This should be completed in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices:  Any additional information, diagrams, graphs that were used to  complete the  dissertation  but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK-based academic writing service that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  Ph.D. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing and Improvement .

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How to find nursing dissertation topics.

To find nursing dissertation topics:

  • Explore healthcare challenges.
  • Investigate recent research gaps.
  • Consider patient outcomes or safety.
  • Analyze policy or technology impacts.
  • Consult peers and professors.
  • Select a topic that aligns with your passion and career aspirations.

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Palliative care dissertation topics

Palliative care is also known as end-of-life care. As the name suggests, palliative care target those sectors that are associated with caring for patients who are approaching the final stages of their lives. However, this domain is often witnessed in first-world countries. Developing countries are still behind in terms of palliative care research areas and topics. In this blog, we will explore palliative care dissertation topics. Read on to learn more.

How to choose amazing palliative care dissertation topics

If you enjoy creating your own palliative care topics, you will find it fun exploring various topics. You need to learn how to choose amazing palliative care dissertation topics to maximize your potential.

Selecting various topics in a palliative dissertation can be a painstaking task. Luckily, you can turn this daunting task into something enjoyable. You only need to learn the best approach that is suitable for your discussion.

In addition, you can select exciting and intriguing palliative care dissertation topics for your paper. There are plenty of palliative care essay topic ideas that can help you write a good paper. Here are things to keep in mind when considering a perfect topic;

  • Understand your area of interest to maximize your potential
  • Consider your instructor’s interests to select a compelling topic
  • Choose a topic that has not been widely chosen, but it should have enough research materials

If any find any challenges coming up with a topic, you can source palliative care dissertation topics online.

Best palliative care topics and examples

Getting an incredible topic can be an irksome task. Most students find it problematic searching a perfect topic for their dissertation since it requires time and comprehensive research. However, getting a good topic is the only guarantee of nailing an essay.

If you don’t fancy or aren’t sure of the topic to select, here are some exciting topics we have compiled for you. Ensure you select a suitable topic.

1.      Humanistic nursing theory and Palliative care

Palliative care is all about caring for the health of people. Palliative care is tasked with rescuing people from mental and physical stress and treating their symptoms as well as pain. Therefore, humanistic nursing theory improves the standards of life for patients and their families.

2.      Animal therapy assistance in palliative care

This type of assistance uses animals for educational and motivational purposes. It seeks to help in treating and improving the health conditions of patients.

3.      Curative and palliative choices

The palliative care phenomenon is a complex issue. This paper aims to criticize Norton’s article and Bowers concerning curative and palliative choices.

4.      Mortal palliative care

As you already know, palliative care patients tend to feel depressed. This means they are unlikely to make their own decisions. On the other hand, healthcare practitioners lack the knowledge and health required to guarantee excellent end-of-life care.

5.      Delayed vs. early palliative care

Here you can compare delayed and early palliative care management strategies and identify the advantages and disadvantages of both parameters.

6.      Solutions for issues and challenges in palliative care

Palliative care is a broad topic in nursing. It is, therefore, a multidisciplinary subject that seeks to give relief and help people undergoing life-threatening conditions. This can be an excellent topic for your discussion since it can attract many emotions.

7.      Training act, hospice education in palliative care

Have you found a good topic that might be perfect for your essay? If not, don’t worry yourself yet. There are still plenty of ideas.

In this topic, training act, hospice education, and palliative care, you will learn the need to support people’s families and patients facing serious illnesses. This can be solved by expanding their access to palliative care departments.

8.      The responsibilities of a nurse in palliative care hospitals

Nurses are critical professionals in health. Further, their roles in palliative care departments cannot be underestimated. In your dissertation, you can discuss how they facilitate communication with patients and offer support for various groups of patients.

9.      Health informatics and palliative nursing care

This is another excellent topic in case you are struggling to find one. There are a lot of ideas you can draw from health informatics.

In this topic, you can explore the potential healthcare challenges and evaluate the impacts of healthcare informatics and policy implementation.

10.  The organization of a palliative care setting

So far, you have seen plenty of ideas for palliative care dissertation topics, yet you are far from exhausting them. Did you know you can also discuss palliative care is organized? Yes, you can.

Palliative care is usually offered to patients upon their death bed. It is essential to understand that giving the best services for the remaining life is more relevant than extending a miserable life.

11.  The role of palliative care in managing grief

Palliative care aims to reduce emotions. Have you witnessed death before? Maybe a family member or a friend? How were the emotions? People run into high emotions during such times.

In your dissertation, you can talk about the importance of palliative care while managing grief among family members and friends. Death is always an irreversible process. Therefore, it is essential to provide palliative care to lower emotions.

Palliative care helps to relieve pain in terminal patients and brings solace to the bereaved and distressing symptoms.

12.  Palliative care in the nursing field

You will find good ideas to write about if this sounds like a good topic. All you need to do is to write early and conduct in-depth research.

Palliative care is about giving patients suffering from acute illness specialized care. It targets improving their living standards and reducing suffering in the process.

13.  Enhancing long-term nurses’ skills for palliative care

Health is a critical issue in society that requires the attention of insurance companies. As you already know, there has been a rising health crisis that necessitates the intervention of advanced healthcare facilities.

This topic gives you the chance to examine the concerns of healthcare practitioners. They need to be sure health insurance companies can insure the health services they offer to patients.

14.  Palliative care beneficiaries

Palliative care encompasses rational, bodily, and social demands and satisfaction of caregivers or patients. This move helps improve the livelihood of patients and their ability to recover easily.

15.  Improving the skills of nurses in palliative care

The skills of nurses should be reviewed and improved further to boost their services. You can examine some existing research targeting assessment and education tools nurses applied during referrals for palliative care.

16.  The ethical dilemma in modern nursing palliative care

Are you aware of ethical issues in nursing palliative care? This is an adventurous topic when looking for palliative care dissertation topics.

You can describe how changes in modern nursing require action to deal with ethical issues. Some of these concerns can equal the foundation of palliative care activities.

17.  Certified hospice and palliative nurse presentation

You might have already realized that being a certified hospice and palliative nurse is an area that requires emotional contact, compassion skills, and even long-term care skills for patients. It helps to understand the feelings of such patients.

18.  Essential nursing skills for palliative care

Suppose you fancy palliative care dissertation topics , nursing skills for palliative care will be a good topic for your discussion. This topic can allow you to analyze critically, just like any other field.

You can focus on understanding the knowledge of nurses in palliative care. Additionally, you can discuss the cross-sectional survey and the risks to anticipate.

19.  Trends and issues in palliative care

There are a lot of untapped topics for the dissertation, as you can see. It only depends on the ones you choose to dwell on. You will score good marks if you are lucky to find an interesting topic. These palliative care dissertation topics can be your game-changer.

Trends and issues are excellent topics. You can discuss various issues and trends in palliative care. If you don’t know how to begin, you can articulate the significance and role of palliative in the current health care system.

20.  The significance of palliative care in health

Palliative care is often overlooked despite being a significant part of health. If you study the importance of palliative care in society, you will conclude that it plays a major role in the health sector.

When you need to discuss the essence of palliative care, you can choose to examine the literature associated with the term palliative care. You can also review the justification of the application of evidence in upgrading the healthcare practice.

List of dissertation topics in palliative care

Palliative care has several topics that will help you exhaust your potential. The best way to deliver a good dissertation is to research for credible information and stick to the topic throughout the paper.

Most students don’t have enough time to choose a good topic that is best suited for their abilities. This reduces the quality of your grades. An exciting topic will help you write free-flowing content.

If the task of finding suitable palliative care dissertation care topics is problematic for you, worry more. Here is an excellent list of dissertation topics in palliative care for you.

  • You can discuss the synthesis of the literature on the training and skills of palliative care providers in maintaining the dignity of patients
  • Elaborate on possible challenges of palliative care in nursing and the impacts they have on the palliative caregivers’ profession
  • Talk about the perspective of a nurse on family goals and palliative care patients
  • Explain the significance of understanding the appropriate skills to work as a nurse in palliative care or hospice
  • Is there any emotional attachment between palliative care patients and nurses? Discuss
  • Discuss a review of palliative care for a teen suffering from cancer
  • Discuss how nurses manage parents during delivery
  • Conduct a primary study of the significance of self-care in palliative care groups
  • What is the role of nursing palliative care in advocating for the spiritual rights of children in palliative care wards?
  • What communication strategies for efficient interaction between palliative care providers and patients?
  • Examine the significance and benefits of good communication between a patient, family members, and nurse in palliative care

Latest nursing dissertation ideas on palliative care by industry experts

A nursing dissertation paper requires a good approach to select a good topic. To write a perfect paper, the topic you choose is excellent. Are you struggling to find a good topic? You are not alone. Most people find it tiresome to look for a good dissertation topic.

We are here to help you with the most sought-after health and dissertation topics. Read on to unlock fairer topic insights to explore this semester.

1.      Covid-19 nursing dissertation topics

  • Discuss a case study of future impacts of covid-19 nursing perspectives based on opinions
  • What is your opinion about the nursing profession? Is it underrated? Discuss your opinions based on a modern-day scenario
  • What are the role, history, and contribution of nurses? Further, explain how they are applicable in the current world post covid 19 pandemic
  • What role do holistic nurses play in treating older covid-19 patients?
  • Examine the best role of nurses during the never-ending catastrophe of covid-19 pandemic
  • Palliative nurses face a lot of challenges in administering their services. Attempt a study of their psychology and mental health as they experience and observe covid-19 death cases daily
  • Suggest ways in which nurses can participate in interactive therapeutic activities and games as a way of cheering up covid-19 patients
  • Nurses play a significant role in the covid-19 pandemic. What can you say about the future of nursing after the pandemic? Alternatively, examine the role of nurses after covid-19
  • The pandemic calls for critical measures. Discuss the nursing resources and knowledge that require mobilization during this difficult period
  • Which among nursing and medicine is more essential to a person suffering from mental dilemmas resulting from a covid-19 pandemic? Explain why

2.      Nursing critical care dissertation topics

  • How can you define critical care nursing? Discuss its execution and primary constituents of critical care nurses in determining their success
  • Examine the importance and role of critical care nurses during the covid-19 pandemic
  • Most people seem to ignore the health of nurses. Critically analyze the treatment of nurses during emergencies. State about their respect during critical hours. Are they respected?
  • What is your opinion about critical care nurses during the covid-19 pandemic era? Explore the possibility of nurses fighting for their rights on their own
  • Discuss the increased risks for nurses when treating covid patients
  • How is it possible for nurses to deal with covid-19 patients as well as care for ICU patients?
  • How can you describe critical care nursing? Support your suggestions using historical case studies
  • Do you think your country should increase the capacity of critical care nurses? If yes, suggest realistic measures
  • According to you, do you think the infrastructure and nursing resources are enough to support more uncertainties such as covid-19 pandemic? Explain your answer
  • Suggest better ways in which critical care nurses can maintain criticalities like the urgent need for oxygen, medical resources scarcity, and the likes

3.      Psychiatric/ mental health dissertation topics

  • Examine how nurses approach aged people dealing with depression, mid-life crises, and other issues
  • Discuss the role of nurses in improving the mental state of covid-19 patients to help them stay positive
  • Nurses are key players in the lives of teens. Explore how nurses participate in cheering up adolescents facing psychiatric disorders and mental traumas
  • Have you thought of practicing nursing ethics? What is your plan for teaching nursing ethics to treat patients suffering from depression and mental disorders?
  • The pandemic has exposed a lot of issues. What is the significance of awareness and mental health in the current world?

Unanswered research questions in palliative care

Here are the top ten unanswered research questions in palliative care;

  • What measures can be implemented to facilitate access to palliative care for everyone, irrespective of their region?
  • Explore various ways of giving palliative care services to patients after working hours to serve patients in their homes and prevent potential crises
  • Discuss the advantages of Advance Care Planning, among other approaches to incorporating patients’ preferences and listening to them. When should this be implemented, and by who?
  • What training and information should be offered to families and carers for them to provide good care to their loved ones who are in the process of dying, including educating them on appropriate medicines at home
  • Are there any main palliative care services given regardless of the patient’s diagnosis? If yes, what are they?
  • What can be done to ensure that healthcare staff, including assistants, are well trained to provide palliative care despite the place of delivering the care? Do you think increasing staff leads to an increase in quality of care provision?
  • What are the importance and ways of giving care to patients in their homes, and how can ensure care last longer? Will better service coordination have any effect?
  • Suggest possible ways of ensuring continuity of life for patients after death concerning contact staff. Will this boost quality of palliative care?

Simple and easy palliative care dissertation topics

You can write your palliative care dissertation topics paper based on these simple and easy topics. Select the most relevant topic for your discussion.

  • Explain the purpose and real meaning of palliative care
  • Are you aware of the palliative care initiative in Cambodia? Elaborate
  • Examine the role of negotiating palliative care in the medical field by experts
  • What are the ethical considerations concerning palliative care and terminal illness?
  • Explore the significance of valuing the dignity of a patient while delivering quality palliative care
  • How vital is symptom and pain management in palliative care?
  • What are the effects of hypercalcemia and treatment for patients?
  • Discuss ethical aspects of nursing palliative care
  • Discuss the significance of nurse-led home care for palliative care patients
  • Examine the principles propagated by nursing palliative care advocate
  • What are the similarities and differences between hospice care and palliative care?
  • Elaborate on various approaches toward health policy for palliative care
  • What are the mental health and physical domains of palliative care?
  • Describe palliative care and hospice organizations overview
  • Discuss the principles, history, and delivery of palliative care
  • What is the best way of controlling primary symptoms in palliative care?
  • Psychological and physical palliative care domains
  • Discuss oncology assessment, psychosocial screening, and palliative care departments
  • Explain palliative care, microbiome, and malignant fungating wounds

Interesting nursing dissertation topics palliative care practitioners

Sometimes students find it hard to search for excellent palliative care dissertation topics that would impress their tutors. It is challenging since there are plenty of options for palliative care topics available online.

If you are struggling to find a good topic, here is a customized list of interesting palliative care dissertation topics you can use.

  • What are the types of equipment and technology applied in palliative care wards? This topic aims to explore the significance of equipment and technology appropriate for palliative care hospitals.
  • A patient’s mental health. This dissertation idea seeks to highlight the effect of staying in intensive care on the mental health of a patient
  • How is the progress of palliative care in European and nursing care homes?
  • Explore the professionalism of nurses across different levels of providing palliative care
  • What are the attitudes and knowledge of undergraduate students about palliative care?
  • Conduct thorough research on the effects of specific nursing skills essential for cancer patients in palliative care in the United Kingdom
  • Discuss the effect of modern medical malpractice aspects on palliative healthcare quality in the United Kingdom
  • A critical analysis of measures that can be taken to support clergy mental health in the palliative care hospitals
  • What is the significance of mental health counseling for aged patients in palliative care hospitals?
  • Understanding the importance of the current pain management techniques in nursing palliative care for UK’s HIV patients
  • Analyze the impacts of stress on a nurse while providing palliative care services to mental health patients
  • Explore practical ways in which a nurse can treat patients suffering from severe communication difficulties during a life-threatening situation
  • Critically analyze some of the pain relief therapies that nursing staff use in treating palliative care patients
  • Describe the benefits and significance of physical activity as a way of boosting a patient’s mental health in a palliative care hospital

Bottom line

Hopefully, this article was helpful in providing you with the best palliative care dissertation topics. Don’t take the palliative care essay topic ideas word-for-word; instead, use the topics as an eye-opener and create your own titles. Try to be smart and not lazy as much as possible. You can customize these topics to suit your interests. Doing this will make your paper unique and interesting to read. If you stumble on any problems or have comments to make or wish to outsource your work to our experts, visit us at

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Table of Contents

Interesting Nursing Dissertation Topics Palliative Care Practitioners are Discussing

Students often find themselves confused while researching for nursing dissertation topics palliative care professors would approve of. It is not easy since there are too many options of palliative care topics and choosing one could be very tense.

If you are struggling to choose from the nursing dissertation topics palliative care subject you have found online then don’t worry. We are giving you a custom list of best topics for your palliative care nursing dissertation. We have accumulated a list of amazing end of life care dissertation topics for you to choose from.

Top Nursing Dissertation Ideas Palliative Care Industry Experts are Researching

Before giving you the list of interesting palliative care nursing dissertation topic. We are going to give you some trending open-ended nursing dissertation ideas palliative care patients could benefit from.

These ideas are completely vague, it means that you can modify them according to your interests. So if you decide to create your own dissertation topics using these ideas, you can create a lot of dissertation topics that can impress any palliative care expert easily!

  • Equipment Used in Palliative Care Ward: The aim of this dissertation idea is to study and analyze the importance of equipment used in the palliative care wards of hospitals. For instance, you can discuss what equipment can help the patient prolong their life-period. You can also discuss the significance of a specific equipment that should be used more widely. Similarly, you can discuss what equipment or medication has a bad history with the palliative care patients. You can also discuss what kind of issues untrained nurses face.
  • Mental Health of the Patient: The core objective of this dissertation idea is to highlight the impact of being in intensive care on patient’s mental health in the palliative care. For example, you can discuss how and why elderly patients in the palliative care get grumpy, loud or violent while the younger patients get depressed or silent. You can study the similarities and differences as well. You can also highlight the role of nurses in handling and comforting the patients in the palliative care unit.

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Top Nursing Dissertation Topics Palliative Care Recruiters Find Interesting

If you couldn’t come up with enough palliative care nursing dissertation topics then don’t worry. We are giving you a massive list of nursing dissertation topics palliative care field experts have crafted to help students.

All of the topics below are completely free to use and modify. It means that you can grab as many topics as you want to and make changes to them to fit your interests. It will help you make your dissertation interesting and you won’t feel burdened or disinterested while writing it.

palliative care nursing dissertation topics

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Why choosing a good palliative care nursing dissertation topic is important?

It is very important to choose an interesting and impactful dissertation topic. First of all, you have to be very careful with the title as it gives the first impression of your dissertation. Whoever will consider reading your dissertation will judge most of it just by reading the title/topic of your dissertation. Besides that, all of your dissertation topics appear on your resume. It means that every potential employer will read your dissertation topic and might judge you regarding it as well.

How to quickly capture a reader’s attention in a dissertation?

The best way to capture a reader’s attention to is write an interesting introduction. A good introduction is the key to keep your reader interested in your dissertation. You have to give all the necessary information directly so the reader knows what you’re talking about. Although, besides that, you have to keep the consistency throughout your whole dissertation and conclude each and everything. If you are not sure about how to write a good introduction then you can reach out to us and let us handle your dissertation. You can also go through our palliative care dissertation examples crafted by our expert writers to see how a catchy dissertation is written.

How to choose an intriguing palliative care nursing dissertation topic?

You have to choose your dissertation topic very carefully. To choose the best dissertation you have to keep a lot of things in your mind. One of the major things to consider while choosing your dissertation topic is interest. You have to keep your professor’s or supervisor’s interest in mind as well your personal interest to choose an impactful topic. You have to choose a topic that is not too much explored already but has enough material available to finish your dissertation. If you are struggling to settle on a dissertation topic then you can contact us and let professionals help you choose the best dissertation. We offer a range of great end of life dissertation topics for you to choose from.

palliative care nursing dissertation topics

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Disclaimer: Kindly note that the work we provide is not the final version, it is research based work which you have to incorporate and edit according to your university requirements.


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  5. Palliative Care Overview: Reanne Booker, Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO)

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    In the field of palliative care nursing, selecting the right dissertation topic can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you are passionate about enhancing end-of-life care or exploring innovative approaches to symptom management, selecting a topic that aligns with your interests and career goals is vital.

  2. Palliative Care Nursing Dissertation Topics

    Several dissertation topics can be explored in palliative care nursing. Some of the most popular issues for palliative care nursing students include. Table of content. Topic:1 Palliative care training: Closely studying different avenues of palliative care nursing and training with respect to the nursing system in US healthcare.

  3. Nursing's role in leading palliative care: A call to action

    Palliative care aims to alleviate the suffering of patients with life-limiting illness while promoting their quality of life. In this call to action commentary, we review the ways in which nursing care and palliative care align, describe barriers to nurses engaging in palliative care, and provide specific recommendations for nurses involved in education, training, and administration to assist ...

  4. PDF Palliative and end of life care Priority Setting Partnership (PeolcPSP)

    and end of life care Palliative and end of life care Priority Setting Partnership (PeolcPSP) The PeolcPSP identified the research priorities that are most important to the end users of palliative and end of life care research, receiving responses from carers, health care professionals in both palliative and social care and patients.

  5. Integrating Palliative Care into Nursing Care

    Provision of holistic, relationship-based, and integrated palliative care for patients and their families is an ethical obligation for all nurses. Keywords: COVID-19, end-of-life care, nursing, nursing education, nursing workforce, palliative care. Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic can help change nursing care for patients living with serious ...

  6. 200 Unique Nursing Dissertation Topics To Explore In 2024

    Read our guide to inspire your research journey with a list of nursing dissertation topics that spark curiosity and offer meaningful investigations. Skip to content +1 (917) 781-1429 [email protected ... Palliative Care Nursing Dissertation Topics. The role of palliative care nursing in enhancing the quality of life for terminal cancer patients ...

  7. Identifying Key Priorities for Future Palliative Care Research Using an

    Over the past 2 decades, palliative care has emerged as a promising approach to addressing the needs and priorities of patients with life-threatening conditions. 1 Continued expansion of the field, however, will require strategic and high-quality research to guide clinical practice and public health policy. Although substantial strides have been made in advancing our knowledge in this area, 2 ...

  8. 50+ Palliative and Hospice Care Research Topics for Nursing Students

    10 Palliative and Hospice Care Research Topics. The Role of Nursing Advocacy in End-of-Life Care Decision-Making. Cultural Competence in Delivering Palliative Care to Diverse Populations. Ethical Considerations in Pain Management at the End of Life. Impact of Music Therapy on Psychological Well-being in Hospice Patients.

  9. Palliative care dissertation topics

    Palliative care dissertation topics Palliative care is also known as end-of-life care. As the name suggests, palliative care target those sectors that are associated with caring for patients who are approaching the final stages of their lives. However, this domain is often witnessed in first-world countries. Developing countries are still behind in terms of palliative

  10. PDF Nurses as palliative care givers for the cancer patients ...

    palliative care for the patients with end stage of cancer and the challenges faced by the nurses during the palliative care process. Additionally, it is expected that the result of this study will provide a deeper understanding on palliative care nursing for the graduating nurses as a pre-conception in working in

  11. Dissertation or Thesis

    Subsequent work will use findings from this dissertation to inform the design, implementation, and dissemination of primary palliative care interventions to provide recommended elements of palliative care to those who would otherwise not have access to specialty palliative care services. Date of publication. 2019; Keyword. goals of care ...

  12. VCU Scholars Compass

    VCU Scholars Compass | Virginia Commonwealth University Research

  13. 60 Palliative Care Dissertation Topics Ideas & Examples

    Nursing Palliative Care Dissertation Topics. Below, we have prepared a list of excellent palliative care thesis topics: Challenges in palliative care nursing education and practices: comparing Canada with Australia. Palliative care nursing and psychosocial issues at the end of life: a descriptive study. Role played by positive nurse-patient ...

  14. Palliative Care Nursing Dissertation Topics

    MSC. An investigative study of the daily challenges faced by nursing professionals dealing with palliative care patients and the effects it has on their personal life. MSC. A critical study on the emotional attachment between nursing professionals and palliative care patients and its consequences, in UK. MSC.

  15. Exploring key topics in palliative care: pain and palliative care for

    Control of distressing symptoms, including pain, is a key component of palliative care. Pain is common in older adults: 50% of people over the age of 80 years regularly take analgesics. Pain is associated with reduced mobility and disability, weakness and falls and reduced quality of life, and has an impact upon mental health.

  16. Palliative care dissertation topics and research titles

    The majority of people identify nurses with white gowns and nursing caps. Nursing, on the other hand, is far more diverse. It is no longer surprising that various specializations and career choices are available in nursing. One of these specialties is nursing in palliative care. In order to receive a nursing degree, you must first submit a nursing dissertation, which can be a painstaking process.

  17. Help to Develop Palliative & End of Life Care Dissertation Topics

    Investigation on the Role of Palliative Care in the Alleviation of Suffering among Patients with Chronic Illnesses: This is one the most intriguing nursing dissertation topics on palliative care that aims to delve into the critical role of palliative care, ensuring comfort for patients and their families facing chronic illnesses. The study will ...

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    Quality of seniors' life: ethical behavior and residential care homes. We hope these dissertation topics in nursing will inspire you to write an excellent dissertation worthy of the professor's praise. Thanks for reading, and good luck with your paper! Should you need nursing writing help, NursingPaper is at your service 24/7!

  19. 102 Palliative Care Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The Concept of Palliative Care. Palliative care is any form of treatment by medical care that is meant to reduce the seriousness of the symptoms causing a certain disease, in place of curing the disease. We will write. a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts. 812 writers online.

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  21. Nursing Dissertation Topics

    Example palliative care dissertation topic 1: Spiritual awareness within nursing skills: A study in palliative care. Palliative care can be defined as the active holistic care of patients with advanced progressive illness. Accordingly, the management of pain and other symptoms and provision of psychological, social and spiritual support is ...

  22. Palliative care dissertation topics: Best tips

    This is an adventurous topic when looking for palliative care dissertation topics. You can describe how changes in modern nursing require action to deal with ethical issues. Some of these concerns can equal the foundation of palliative care activities. 17. Certified hospice and palliative nurse presentation.

  23. Nursing Dissertation Topics Palliative Care

    An in-depth analysis of the impact of the ageing process in the psychological health of individuals in contrast to their behavior with nurses in the palliative care unit. Ph.D. Discussing the importance and benefits of physical activity in improving the mental health of patients in the palliative care ward. Ph.D.