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political parties essay questions

Edexcel Past Questions and Topic Tracker

Paper 1: UK Politics and Core Political Ideas

Using the source, evaluate the view that UK democracy is in crisis (Sample).

Using the source, evaluate the view that the major parties still remain the dominant force in UK politics (Sample).

Evaluate the view that general elections in the UK are lost by the government rather than won by the opposition (Sample).

Evaluate the view that social factors determine voting behaviour (Sample).

To what extent do modern and classical liberals agree over the role of the state? (Sample).

To what extent are different socialists committed to ‘equality of outcome’? (Sample).

Using the source, evaluate the view that the outcomes of general elections are stable and predictable (2019).

Using the source, evaluate the view that proportional representation would improve elections to the House of Commons (2019).

Evaluate the view that think-tanks, lobbyists and pressure groups have little impact on government decisions (2019).

Evaluate the view that the only political parties that matter in our political system are the Labour and Conservative parties (2019).

To what extent do socialists have conflicting views over how the economy should operate? (2019)

To what extent are conservatives united in their view of society? (2019)

Using the source, evaluate the view that a person’s age and the media have now replaced social class and region as clear indicators of voting behaviour (2020).

Using the source, evaluate the view that state funding of political parties would be preferable to a situation in which a party can win a general election because it has more members and income than other parties (2020).

Evaluate the view that the actions of pressure groups have been more significant than government legislation in defending and promoting rights in the UK (2020).

Evaluate the view that the various electoral systems in use in the UK make significant differences to party representation (2020).

To what extent do modern liberals accept the ideas of classical liberals? (2020).

To what extent does socialism depend on a view of society based only on class? (2020).

Using the source, evaluate the view that opinion polls bring more advantages than disadvantages to elections and referendums (2021).

Using the source, evaluate the view that in a democracy MPs are free to ignore referendum results and their own political party’s manifesto (2021).

Evaluate the view that the emergence of multiple parties in the UK means that the Westminster electoral system must be changed (2021).

Evaluate the view that the influence of the media in politics is exaggerated; it is not heavily biased and has little power of persuasion (2021).

To what extent is liberalism more concerned with society than with the economy? (2021).

To what extent is there more to unite rather than divide the New Right from One-Nation conservatives? (2021).

Using the source, evaluate the view that ‘pick-and-mix’ politics is replacing ‘Left-Right’ politics and political parties are becoming more internally divided than ever. (2022)

Using the source, evaluate the view – with specific reference to at least one devolved region using an alternative electoral system – that the case for PR to replace the Westminster FPTP voting system has now been established (2022)

Evaluate the view that it is the media not pressure groups that has the greater influence on governments (2022)

Evaluate the view that neither individual rights nor collective rights in the UK are adequately protected and guaranteed (2022)

To what extent are conservatives united in their attitude towards the state? (2022)

To what extent is socialism more disunited than united? (2022)

Specimen Papers (Locked – Topics only, not questions)

Source 1 – Democracy and Participation

Source 2 – Electoral Systems

Essay 1 – Political Parties

Essay 2 – Electoral Systems

Ideologies 1 – Conservatism

Ideologies 2 – Conservatism

2022 Mock Papers (Locked – Topics only, not questions

Source 1 – Political Parties

Source 2 – Democracy and Participation

Essay 1 – Voting Behaviour

Essay 2 – Democracy and Participation

Ideologies 2 – Socialism

2023 Papers (Locked – Topics only, not questions)

Essay 1 – Electoral Systems

Essay 2 – Political Parties

Ideologies 1 – Liberalism

Paper 2: UK Government and Optional Political Ideologies

Paper 3A: US and Comparative Government and Politics

Paper 3B: Global Politics

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  • 24 Mark Ideologies Question
  • AQA – Paper 1
  • Comparative Theories
  • Constitution
  • Democracy and Participation
  • Edexcel – Paper 1
  • Edexcel – Paper 2
  • Edexcel – Paper 3B
  • Electoral Systems
  • Exam Papers
  • Examination Skills
  • Exemplar Essay
  • Global Politics
  • Human Rights and Environment
  • Political and Economic Governance
  • Political Ideologies
  • Political Parties
  • Power and Developments
  • Regionalism
  • Relations Between Branches
  • Revision Guide
  • The Executive
  • The State and Globalisation
  • UK Government
  • UK Politics
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  • Voting Behaviour
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120 Political Parties Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Politics is a complex and ever-evolving field, with a wide range of political parties representing various ideologies and interests. If you're studying political science or simply interested in learning more about the different political parties around the world, here are 120 essay topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The history and ideology of the Democratic Party in the United States
  • The rise of populist parties in Europe
  • The impact of third-party candidates on presidential elections
  • The role of women in conservative political parties
  • The Green Party and its environmental policies
  • The influence of money and lobbying on political parties
  • The role of social media in political party campaigns
  • The impact of gerrymandering on party politics
  • The decline of the traditional two-party system in the United States
  • The role of youth in shaping political party platforms
  • The rise of far-right parties in Europe
  • The impact of religion on political party ideologies
  • The role of trade unions in supporting left-wing parties
  • The impact of demographic changes on party politics
  • The influence of the media on political party messaging
  • The role of political parties in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The impact of globalization on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting social justice
  • The impact of immigration on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting economic growth
  • The impact of nationalism on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting peace and diplomacy
  • The impact of technology on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting human rights
  • The impact of populism on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting healthcare reform
  • The impact of climate change on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting education reform
  • The impact of income inequality on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting criminal justice reform
  • The impact of social movements on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting LGBTQ rights
  • The impact of foreign policy on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting gun control
  • The impact of political polarization on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting immigration reform
  • The impact of the Black Lives Matter movement on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting affordable housing
  • The impact of the #MeToo movement on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting campaign finance reform
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on party politics
  • The role of political parties in promoting mental health reform

These are just a few examples of the many essay topics you could explore when studying political parties. Whether you're interested in the history of a specific party, the impact of social movements on party politics, or the role of technology in shaping party messaging, there's a wealth of material to delve into. So pick a topic that interests you and start researching ''' you never know what insights you might uncover about the fascinating world of political parties.

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82 Political Parties Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best political parties topic ideas & essay examples, 💡 interesting topics to write about political parties, 👍 good essay topics on political parties, 📌 simple & easy political parties essay titles.

  • Canadian Political Party System Canadian political parties are not representative, and they do not wholly represent the members of political parties. Political parties should be representative of the citizens and not only to the activist base.
  • Parties, Politicians and the Media Political parties forward their candidates to vie for certain political offices and members of the parties are urged to vote for the party candidate. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts 808 writers online Learn More
  • Why Are Political Parties So Strong in the United Kingdom The involvement of political parties’ leaders in the selection of candidates of their political parties is very low in the United States.
  • The Democratic Process in Canada: The Role Played by Political Parties More specifically, the paper analyzes the political parties within the context of the Canadian form of democracy. The author is of the belief that political parties facilitate the democratic process in the country.
  • The Indian Political Parties The President is the head of the state while the Prime Minister is the head of the government. A multi-party system is the final type of party system in the country.
  • Political Parties, Public Opinion and Interest Groups When discussing the connection between interest groups and public opinion, it makes sense to identify how political parties can reflect both.
  • Political Parties in the United States The two-party system in the United States has been historically dominant for a variety of reasons. Secondly, the two-party system has been fueled by the winner-take-all nature of the elections in the U.
  • The Impact of Modernity on Muslim Political Parties in Turkey The ancient Islamic political parties were eliminated through a series of reforms over the next century, with the sultanate’s role removed in 1922 and the caliphates in 1924.
  • Association of Republican Party With Evangelicalism Yet, one surprising fact remains: after Trump’s term, the number of evangelicals in the US has increased despite the common belief that there is a general tendency of Americans becoming more atheistic.
  • Why Washington Warned Against Political Parties Washington warned against the formation of many regional-based political parties because it would jeopardize the unity of purpose of the country.
  • How Political Parties Affect Low-Income Areas The inability of political institutions to provide essential services and the lack of opportunities for the poor can prevent them from getting out of poverty.
  • Political Science: Constitutions, Political Parties, Elections Modern constitutionalism is based on the principle of universal principles, the independence of the judiciary, the separation of powers, the power and freedom of the people otherwise referred to as the sovereignty of the people, […]
  • Civil Rights Movement and Political Parties One of the examples of the effects of social unrest on political institutions in American history is the Civil Rights Movement, and it defined the general courses of the main parties as well as the […]
  • Are Political Parties Getting Stronger or Weaker? My personal belief is that the decision-making aspect of the party is getting weaker due to the prevalence of wealthy interest groups that sometimes do not serve the interest of the constituency.
  • Origin and History of the Democratic Party and the Federal Constitution The acknowledgement of the USA independence by the Great Britain and the ratification of the treaty of peace of the 1783 at once led to the formation of schemes and the organization of factions, having […]
  • Political Party Formation Approaches This approach discourages the dominance of the external actors in the process of the formation of the party and the state at large.
  • Political Parties: Texas Politics and Local Government They cover the information about the present-day political situation in the United States of America and confirm how the up-to date political events are the embodiment of political theories worked out during the long period […]
  • Political Parties in California The state had the most number of representatives in the year 2000 with 52 of them and also in 2004 when it had 54 members.
  • The Republican Party: History, Key Players and Fundamental Beliefs One of these reasons was the issue of slavery while the other was the rise and collapse of the American Party, which was misguidedly referred to as the Know-Nothing Party.
  • US Political Parties of the 1790s The anti-federalists led by Patrick Henry of the State of Virginia also felt that the demand for a strong central government was another ploy to destroy the autonomy of the states and a way forward […]
  • Ideology of the Democratic Party The Democratic Party of USA is the oldest political party in the world. Dilemma and destiny: the Democratic Party in America.
  • Political Parties in the Modern America Political parties introduce the political life of the country through the ideas and considerations which are put in the basis of these parties and are the main differential features, which make the opposite.
  • Press and Politics in the Beginning Party Systems But politicians came to realize the potential of the press in their campaigns and as a result, the place of the press in politics changed for good.
  • Why Are Political Parties Essential to the Survival of Democracies? The real purpose of political parties is to establish and promote democracy and democratic procedures within the country and also, internationally.
  • Partisan Politics With Congress in the United States On the other hand, there is the actual interpretation of the law that should be followed in deciding the law. The panel of judges in the high court overturned the earlier ruling of the Florida […]
  • Democratic Party in the US: History and Analysis The Whigs and the Democrats strongly opposed each other’s beliefs, public policies, and supporters.of the many issues the Whigs and the Democrats disagreed on, slavery, banking, and tariffs were the most prominent arguments.
  • Prosecutors’ Engagement Within a Political Party The purpose of this paper is to investigate the functions of the prosecutor and to analyze the implications and appropriateness of the prosecutors’ engagement within a political party.
  • American Democratic and Republican Parties While the democrats embarked on changing its institutional structure by strengthening the national committee, Republicans are engaging in activities that increase their ability to acquire resources and services for their candidates to enable the party’s […]
  • Mexican Political Parties Role in Corruption and Insecurity The top political brass of Mexico is to blame for the misfortunes in the country. This separation led to reduced influence of the church in political activities.
  • The Third Party and Its American Political History Despite the fact that the political structure in the United States seems to be divided into two political parties, the third one can still influence the election process proving that politics is very controversial, and […]
  • Muslim Brotherhood Party in Egypt: Historical Background and Development in the Political Stage The aim of the paper is to understand the reasons domestic and international that may have attributed to the rise of MB in Egypt even when the party did not garner support from neighboring Islamic […]
  • Major Shifts in the Politics of Republican and Democratic Parties From the 1930s onwards until 1960s, the politics of the Democratic Party was primarily shaped by working-class Americans, a tremendous shift in the history of the party.
  • Has the Tea Party Ruined the Republican Party? In 2010, it was evident that “the Republicans were desperate thus tempted by the members of the Tea Party to shift to the right “. It is notable that the Tea Party has led to […]
  • Change of Muslim Brotherhood From Socio-Religion to a Political Party The concerns of the organization were pegged on the idea that the government did not serve the interests of the society, especially shielding the population from the impacts of westernization.
  • The Division of Canada’s Political Right Into Two Political Parties The factors that contributed to separation of Reform Party and the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada vary with the factors that contributed to their re-union.
  • American Political Parties in the Late Nineteenth Century The democrats were considered to have been the faction that had not defended the United States during the cold war; thus they were regarded as cowards, while the republicans consisted of those who were the […]
  • Functions of Political Parties This paper is an investigation of the positive roles that political parties play in the political system of the United States.
  • Political Ideology of the Whig Party The Whig Party was one of the political parties in the U.S.that was formed during the Jacksonian period of democracy that was from the early 1830s to the mid 1850s.
  • The Democratic Party vs. the Republican Party as Organizing Political Structures The Democratic Party and the Republican Party have many differences in their colours, stands, philosophies, and symbols, but they are united by one strong goal that is to make the United States of America the […]
  • Democrat or Republican: Political Party Preferences This is an indication that the Democrats have the interest of the people at heart as opposed to the leaders of the Republican Party.
  • Major Political Parties in the US In the United States, the two major political parties are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The third parties in the US are several and the three major third parties include constitution Party, Green […]
  • Roles That Political Parties Play and Have Played in American Politics The two political party systems in the United States have contributed a lot in having a democratic nation. The two party systems emerged in America to fight for a more democratic nation.
  • Impact of Abraham Lincoln on Main Political Parties
  • American Political Parties Decline and Resurgence
  • American Revolution and the Whig and Tory Political Parties
  • Anthony Downs’s Political Parties Theories
  • Are Political Parties Essential, or Detrimental, to Democratic Decisionmaking
  • Can Democracy Live Without Political Parties
  • How Celebrity Endorsements for Political Parties
  • Central Governing Incapacity and the Weakness of Political Parties
  • Comparing the Similarities and Differences Between Interest Groups and Political Parties
  • Conservative Political Parties and Energy Transitions in Europe
  • Democracy Without Political Parties: The Case of Ancient Athens
  • The Role of Legislative Structure and Political Parties in the States
  • Difference Between the Ideologies of the Main Political Parties
  • Do Political Parties Help or Hurt America
  • Political Parties, Coalitions, and Realignments in the United States
  • Externalities and Social Pressures on Political Parties
  • Factors Affecting the Stability of Political Parties
  • The Future of the Political Parties
  • How Political Parties Developed in the Federal Government
  • Inequality and Anti-Globalization Backlash by Political Parties
  • Most Important Political Parties in the US
  • How Do European Political Parties Respond to Globalization
  • News Media Exposure: Are the Political Parties Controlling Our News
  • Political Budget Cycles and the Organization of Political Parties
  • Political Parties and Interest Groups Impacts on Politics
  • Reasons for the Rise of Political Parties in the US
  • Political Parties and Its Impact on Society
  • Similarities and Differences Between Federalists and Republican Political Parties
  • Political Parties and the American Political System
  • The Differences Between the Main Political Parties
  • Political Parties and Their Effectiveness
  • The First Political Parties in the History of the United States
  • Political Parties Are Necessary for Democracy
  • The Importance and Major Role of Political Parties in American Politics
  • Political Parties During the Civil War
  • The Long-Term Benefits of the Political Parties in the History of the United States
  • Political Parties During the Great Depression
  • The Relationship Between Political Parties and Governments
  • Political Parties’ Rhetoric Signaling of Sustainable Development
  • The Roles and Influence of Political Parties
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 82 Political Parties Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/political-parties-essay-topics/

"82 Political Parties Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/political-parties-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '82 Political Parties Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "82 Political Parties Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/political-parties-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "82 Political Parties Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/political-parties-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "82 Political Parties Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/political-parties-essay-topics/.

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25 Essay Topics for American Government Classes

Writing Ideas That Will Make Students Think

  • Teaching Resources
  • An Introduction to Teaching
  • Tips & Strategies
  • Policies & Discipline
  • Community Involvement
  • School Administration
  • Technology in the Classroom
  • Teaching Adult Learners
  • Issues In Education
  • Becoming A Teacher
  • Assessments & Tests
  • Elementary Education
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  • M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Florida
  • B.A., History, University of Florida

If you are a teacher searching for essay topics to assign to your U.S. government or civics class or looking for ideas, do not fret. It is easy to integrate debates and discussions into the classroom environment. These topic suggestions provide a wealth of ideas for written assignments such as  position papers , compare-and-contrast essays , and  argumentative essays . Scan the following 25 question topics and ideas to find just the right one. You'll soon be reading interesting papers from your students after they grapple with these challenging and important issues.

  • Compare and contrast what is a direct democracy versus representative democracy. 
  • React to the following statement: Democratic decision-making should be extended to all areas of life including schools, the workplace, and the government. 
  • Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey plans. Explain how these led to the Great Compromise .
  • Pick one thing about the U.S. Constitution including its amendments that you think should be changed. What modifications would you make? Explain your reasons for making this change.
  • What did Thomas Jefferson mean when he said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants?" Do you think that this statement still applies to today's world? 
  • Compare and contrast mandates and conditions of aid regarding the federal government's relationship with states. For example, how has the Federal Emergency Management Agency delivered support to states and commonwealths that have experienced natural disasters?
  • Should individual states have more or less power compared to the federal government when implementing laws dealing with topics such as the legalization of marijuana  and abortion ? 
  • Outline a program that would get more people to vote in presidential elections or local elections.
  • What are the dangers of gerrymandering when it comes to voting and presidential elections?
  • Compare and contrast the major political parties in the United States. What policies are they preparing for upcoming elections?
  • Why would voters choose to vote for a third party, even though they know that their candidate has virtually no chance of winning? 
  • Describe the major sources of money that are donated to political campaigns. Check out the Federal Election Regulatory Commission's website for information.
  • Should corporations be treated as individuals regarding being allowed to donate to political campaigns?  Look at the 2010 Citizens United v. FEC ruling on the issue. Defend your answer. 
  • Explain the role of social media in connecting interest groups that have grown stronger as the major political parties have grown weaker. 
  • Explain why the media has been called the fourth branch of government. Include your opinion on whether this is an accurate portrayal.
  • Compare and contrast the campaigns of U.S. Senate and House of Representatives candidates.
  • Should term limits be instituted for members of Congress? Explain your answer.
  • Should members of Congress vote their conscience or follow the will of the people who elected them into office? Explain your answer.
  • Explain how executive orders have been used by presidents throughout the history of the U.S. What is the number of executive orders issued by the current president?
  • In your opinion, which of the three branches of the federal government has the most power? Defend your answer.
  • Which of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment do you consider the most important? Explain your answer. 
  • Should a school be required to get a warrant before searching a student's property? Defend your answer. 
  • Why did the Equal Rights Amendment fail? What kind of campaign could be run to see it passed?
  • Explain how the 14th Amendment has affected civil liberties in the United States from the time of its passage at the end of the Civil War.
  • Do you think that the federal government has enough, too much or just the right amount of power? Defend your answer.
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103 Political Parties Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on political parties, 🌶️ hot political parties essay topics, 🎓 most interesting political parties research titles, 💡 simple political parties essay ideas, ❓ research questions about political parties.

  • Political Parties in Canada: Ideological Analysis
  • The Political Parties in Germany in the 1920s
  • Japanese Political Power and Liberal Democratic Party
  • Republican and Democratic Parties Comparison
  • Political Background and a Third Party
  • Interest Groups and Political Parties in the US
  • Rise of Republican Party and Decline of Federalists
  • French Political Parties: What Makes Them Different? The essay discusses the characteristics of French political factions, the effect of the Fifth Republic Constitution and differences from other countries.
  • The Democratic and Participative Leadership Styles Developing and implementing the democratic and participative is the most effective way to manage an organization and guide it to success.
  • Political Figures Who Are Part of Minority Groups It would be impossible to run a campaign without a candidate who is capable of attracting the attention of voters and promoting the ideas.
  • The Impact of Media and Mosques on Political Participation of the Muslim Community This research attempts to establish the connection between religious institutions and how media shape Muslim minorities’ views on political participation in the Western world.
  • Muslim Brotherhood: From Socio-Religion to a Political Party This research proposal outlines various methods imposed by Muslim Brotherhood in transforming themselves from a socio-religion organization to a political party.
  • Mexico Political Regime: Old Regime Under the One-Party Regime and the New Multiparty Government This paper looks at Mexico’s old regime under one-party regime and it will also look at the consequences that led to political reformation.
  • The Concept of Political Parties in the United States From as early as the 18th century, the need to have the people’s interests represented by some form of political party had begun to arise.
  • The Position of Major Political Parties on Gun Control Gun politics and gun control has been one of the most controversial issues in the United States of America politics.
  • The Success of Workers’ Party Advert and Its Role in the Political Campaign Advertising is an essential part of every political campaign. Nowadays, advertising has a broader meaning than selling products.
  • The Civil War and the Republican Party The Republicans of 1854 saw the Kansas and Nebraska Act as a direct attack on the issue of the non-extension of slavery, the basis of Western free soil principle.
  • How U.S. Political Parties View Terrorism The purpose of this paper is to examine the differences in position between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party on the issue of Terrorism as a national and global threat.
  • Republican and Democratic Parties Major Differences Many political ideologies exist in the U.S. ranging from far right-wing conservatism to far-leftist philosophy. Two major parties are Republican and Democratic.
  • Political Socialization and Participation For years, voting remains one of the most common ways for people to participate in the political process no matter what definition of it they take into account.
  • Campaigns, Elections, and Political Participation The question of the role of “big money” in American politics elicits widespread controversies that remain unresolved to date.
  • The Extent of American Muslim Participation in Politics When examining the rate of political participation of genders within the American Muslim population, it can be seen that 67 percent of males participated as compared to only 32 percent of females.
  • Indiana’s Politicians and Their Parties In this paper, there is an analysis of the three leaders of Indiana, their platforms, parties, their committees, and their leadership roles.
  • Public Opinion as a Part of American Politics Public opinion can be called the main force of modern politics which predetermines further development of the state.
  • Political Parties in Political Science Political science believes that political parties “created American democracy out of a small experiment in republicanism by drawing the masses into political life”.
  • “Party Politics in America” a Book by Marjorie Randon Hershey The book “Party Politics in America” by Marjorie Randon Hershey is usually regarded as a gold standard in relation to literature touching on power and influence in the country.
  • Party Politics in America by M. Hershey Party Politics in America by Marjorie Randon Hershey centers on the political parties in the USA and it emphasizes the role of politics in American society.
  • Political Parties in the Democratic World Party systems are important aspects of functional democracies and they are almost indispensable to any democracy because they serve as avenues of expression of the needs of the people.
  • Australias Political Parties Voting Process and Bicameral System Term
  • Political Budget Cycles and the Organization of Political Parties
  • Multiple Streams Approach and Political Parties: Modernization of Czech Social Democracy
  • Exchange Rate Regimes, Political Parties, and the Inflation-Unemployment Tradeoff: Evidence From Greece
  • The Two Main Political Parties in Great Britain
  • Political Parties and the Republican Party Platform
  • Australian Political Parties Alp, Liberals, Greens
  • Connections Between Economy and Politics – The Relevance of the Typology of Political Parties
  • News Media Exposure: Are the Political Parties Controlling Our News
  • Combating Terrorism Act of 2001 and Its Effect on the Major Political Parties
  • Political Parties and Social Organizations in Chile
  • Comparing Canadian Federal Political Parties
  • Inequality and Anti-globalization Backlash by Political Parties
  • Fiscal Transparency, Political Parties, Abd Debt in OECD Countries
  • Dominican Republic Political Parties
  • Why Did Political Parties Develop in the United States After 1789
  • How Political Parties, Rather Than Member-states, Are Building the European Union
  • Japanese Political Parties: Ideals and Reality
  • Political Parties and Their Roles in China and Canada
  • Votes, Money, and Violence: Political Parties and Elections in Sub-saharan Africa
  • How Political Parties Developed in the Federal Government
  • Elections, Political Parties, and Civil Society in Authoritarian Regimes
  • Why the United States Has Only Two Major Political Parties
  • Externalities, Social Pressures, and Political Parties
  • Chile Political Parties and Organizations
  • Women, Minorities, and Canadian Political Parties
  • Philippine Political Parties, Electoral System and Political Reform
  • Are Political Parties Essential, or Detrimental, To Democratic Decisionmaking
  • Federalism and Political Parties Throughout American History
  • Political Parties and Trade Unions in Cyprus
  • The Threat and Damages Caused by Political Parties in America
  • Adverse Selection, Political Parties, and Policy Delegation in the American Federal System
  • Malaysian Political Parties Post World War II
  • Australia’s Political Parties, Voting Process and Bicameral System
  • What Are Political Parties and How Do They Serve Government
  • How Did the Change of Political Parties (Democrat/Republican) Influence the NLRB’s
  • France, Great Britain, and Postwar Europe’s Left Wing Political Parties
  • Collective Action, Political Parties, and Pro-Development Public Policy
  • Difference Between the Ideologies of the Main Political Parties
  • Political Parties and Marine Pollution Policy: Exploring the Case of Germany
  • Trade, Societal Interests, and Political Parties
  • American Revolution and the Whig and Tory Political Parties
  • Political Parties and Government Powers According to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison
  • Abraham Lincoln and Main Political Parties
  • The Two Political Parties That Has Dominated the Us Political System Fort Two Centuries
  • European Elections, Political Parties, and Trends of Internalization in Community Affairs
  • Comparing and Contrasting the Two Major American Political Parties
  • Compare and Contrast Policies on the Environment of the Three Main Political Parties Since the 1980`
  • Democrats, Republicans, and Taxes: Evidence That Political Parties Matter
  • How Were British Political Parties Affected by the First World War by 1918
  • Are America’s Political Parties in Resurgence?
  • Which Is Political Party Bigger in World?
  • How Has Politics Impacted Political Parties?
  • What Are the Problems Faced by Political Parties in Democracy?
  • Can Democracy Live Without Political Parties?
  • Why Did Political Parties Spring Up in the United States in the 1790s?
  • How Have Political Parties Used Marketing as an Essential Tool?
  • What Are the Challenges Faced by the Political Parties?
  • Do Political Parties Help or Hurt America?
  • Why Has the Membership of the Major Political Parties Declined in Recent Years?
  • How Much Does Political Conflict Exist Between the Main British Political Parties Over the Future of Economic Policy?
  • How Do Political Parties Harm Democracy?
  • Why Did the First Political Parties Arise?
  • What Are the Factors That Have Caused British Political Parties to Change Their Policies on the EU Since 1970?
  • How Do Political Parties Differ From Other Groups?
  • Why Are Political Parties in Decline?
  • What Impact Do Political Parties Have on Society and Government?
  • How Many Political Parties Are There in America?
  • Why Have Pressure Groups Become More Popular Than Political Parties?
  • In What Way Do Political Parties Help Manage the Government?
  • How Did Political Parties Change After the Era of Good Feelings?
  • Why Are Political Parties Not Good for America?
  • What Are the Functions of Political Parties?
  • How Are Political Parties and Interest Groups Similar?
  • Why Do the United States Need Political Parties?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, July 14). 103 Political Parties Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/political-parties-essay-topics/

"103 Political Parties Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 14 July 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/political-parties-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '103 Political Parties Essay Topics'. 14 July.

1. StudyCorgi . "103 Political Parties Essay Topics." July 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/political-parties-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "103 Political Parties Essay Topics." July 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/political-parties-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "103 Political Parties Essay Topics." July 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/political-parties-essay-topics/.

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political parties essay questions

Essay on Politics: Topics, Tips, and Examples for Students

political parties essay questions

Defining What is Politics Essay

The process of decision-making that applies to members of a group or society is called politics. Arguably, political activities are the backbone of human society, and everything in our daily life is a form of it.

Understanding the essence of politics, reflecting on its internal elements, and critically analyzing them make society more politically aware and let them make more educated decisions. Constantly thinking and analyzing politics is critical for societal evolution.

Political thinkers often write academic papers that explore different political concepts, policies, and events. The essay about politics may examine a wide range of topics such as government systems, political ideologies, social justice, public policies, international relations, etc.

After selecting a specific research topic, a writer should conduct extensive research, gather relevant information, and prepare a logical and well-supported argument. The paper should be clear and organized, complying with academic language and standards. A writer should demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject, an ability to evaluate and remain non-biased to different viewpoints, and a capacity to draw conclusions.

Now that we are on the same page about the question 'what is politics essay' and understand its importance, let's take a deeper dive into how to build a compelling political essay, explore the most relevant political argumentative essay topics, and finally, examine the political essay examples written by the best essay writing service team.

Politics Essay Example for Students

If you are still unsure how to structure your essay or how to present your statement, don't worry. Our team of experts has prepared an excellent essay example for you. Feel free to explore and examine it. Use it to guide you through the writing process and help you understand what a successful essay looks like.

How to Write a Political Essay: Tips + Guide

A well-written essay is easy to read and digest. You probably remember reading papers full of big words and complex ideas that no one bothered to explain. We all agree that such essays are easily forgotten and not influential, even though they might contain a very important message.

If you are writing an essay on politics, acknowledge that you are on a critical mission to easily convey complicated concepts. Hence, what you are trying to say should be your main goal. Our guide on how to write a political essay will help you succeed.


Conduct Research for Your Politics Essay

After choosing a topic for the essay, take enough time for preparation. Even if you are familiar with the matter, conducting thorough research is wiser. Political issues are complex and multifaceted; comprehensive research will help you understand the topic better and offer a more nuanced analysis.

Research can help you identify different viewpoints and arguments around the topic, which can be beneficial for building more impartial and persuasive essays on politics. Sometimes in the hit of the moment, opposing sides are not able to see the common ground; your goal is to remain rational, speak to diverse audiences, and help them see the core of the problem and the ways to solve it.

In political papers, accuracy and credibility are vital. Researching the topic deeply will help you avoid factual errors or misrepresentations from any standpoint. It will allow you to gather reliable sources of information and create a trustworthy foundation for the entire paper.

If you want to stand out from the other students, get inspired by the list of hottest essay ideas and check out our political essay examples.

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Brainstorm Political Essay Topics

The next step to writing a compelling politics essay is to polish your thoughts and find the right angle to the chosen topic.

Before you start writing, generate fresh ideas and organize your thoughts. There are different techniques to systematize the mess going on in your head, such as freewriting, mind mapping, or even as simple as listing ideas. This will open the doors to new angles and approaches to the topic.

When writing an essay about politics, ensure the topic is not too general. It's always better to narrow it down. It will simplify your job and help the audience better understand the core of the problem. Brainstorming can help you identify key points and arguments, which you can use to find a specific angle on the topic.

Brainstorming can also help you detect informational gaps that must be covered before the writing process. Ultimately, the brainstorming phase can bring a lot more clarity and structure to your essay.

We know how exhausting it is to come up with comparative politics essay topics. Let our research paper writing service team do all the hard work for you.

Create Your Politics Essay Thesis Statement

Thesis statements, in general, serve as a starting point of the roadmap for the reader. A political essay thesis statement outlines the main ideas and arguments presented in the body paragraphs and creates a general sense of the content of the paper.

persuasive politics essay

Creating a thesis statement for essays about politics in the initial stages of writing can help you stay focused and on track throughout the working process. You can use it as an aim and constantly check your arguments and evidence against it. The question is whether they are relevant and supportive of the statement.

Get creative when creating a statement. This is the first sentence readers will see, and it should be compelling and clear.

The following is a great example of a clear and persuasive thesis statement:

 'The lack of transparency and accountability has made the World Trade Organization one of the most controversial economic entities. Despite the influence, its effectiveness in promoting free trade and economic growth in developing countries has decreased.'

Provide Facts in Your Essay about Politic

It's a no-brainer that everything you will write in your essay should be supported by strong evidence. The credibility of your argument will be questioned every step of the way, especially when you are writing about sensitive subjects such as essays on government influence on economic troubles. 

Provide facts and use them as supporting evidence in your politics essay. They will help you establish credibility and accuracy and take your paper out of the realm of speculation and mere opinions.

Facts will make your essay on political parties more persuasive, unbiased, and targeted to larger audiences. Remember, the goal is to bring the light to the core of the issue and find a solution, not to bring people even farther apart.

Speaking of facts, many students claim that when they say ' write my essay for me ' out loud, our writing team is the fastest to respond and deliver high-quality essays meeting their trickiest requirements.

Structure Your Political Essay

Your main goal is to communicate your ideas to many people. To succeed, you need to write an essay that is easy to read and understand. Creating a structure will help you present your ideas logically and lead the readers in the right direction.

Sometimes when writing about political essay topics, we get carried away. These issues can be very emotional and sensitive, and writers are not protected from becoming victims of their own writings. Having a structure will keep you on track, only focusing on providing supported arguments and relevant information.

Start with introducing the thesis statement and provide background information. Followed by the body paragraphs and discuss all the relevant facts and standpoints. Finish it up with a comprehensive conclusion, and state the main points of your essay once again.

The structure will also save you time. In the beginning, creating an outline for essays on politics will give you a general idea of what should be written, and you can track your progress against it.

Revise and Proofread Your Final Politics Essay

Once every opinion is on the paper and every argument is well-constructed, one final step should be taken. Revision!

We know nothing is better than finishing the homework and quickly submitting it, but we aim for an A+. Our political essay must be reviewed. You need to check if there is any error such as grammatical, spelling, or contextual.

Take some time off, relax, and start proofreading after a few minutes or hours. Having a fresh mind will help you review not only grammar but also the arguments. Check if something is missing from your essays about politics, and if you find gaps, provide additional information.

You had to spend a lot of time on them, don't give up now. Make sure they are in perfect condition.

Effective Political Essay Topics

We would be happy if our guide on how to write political essays helped you, but we are not stopping there. Below you will find a list of advanced and relevant political essay topics. Whether you are interested in global political topics or political science essay topics, we got you covered.

Once you select a topic, don't forget to check out our politics essay example! It will bring even more clarity, and you will be all ready to start writing your own paper.

Political Argumentative Essay Topics

Now that we know how to write a political analysis essay let's explore political argumentative essay topics:

  • Should a political party take a stance on food politics and support policies promoting sustainable food systems?
  • Should we label Winston Churchill as the most influential political figure of World War II?
  • Does the focus on GDP growth in the political economy hinder the human development index?
  • Is foreign influence a threat to national security?
  • Is foreign aid the best practice for political campaigning?
  • Does the electoral college work for an ideal political system?
  • Are social movements making a real difference, or are they politically active for temporary change?
  • Can global politics effectively address political conflicts in the modern world?
  • Are opposing political parties playing positive roles in US international relations?
  • To what extent should political influence be allowed in addressing economic concerns?
  • Can representative democracy prevent civil wars in ethnically diverse countries?
  • Should nuclear weapons be abolished for the sake of global relations?
  • Is economic development more important than ethical issues for Caribbean politics?
  • What role should neighboring nations play in preventing human rights abuse in totalitarian regimes?
  • Should political decisions guide the resolution of conflicts in the South China Sea?

Political Socialization Essay Topics

Knowing how to write a political issue essay is one thing, but have you explored our list of political socialization essay topics?

  • To what extent does a political party or an influential political figure shape the beliefs of young people?
  • Does political influence shape attitudes toward environmental politics?
  • How can individuals use their own learning process to navigate political conflicts in a polarized society?
  • How do political strategies shape cultural globalization?
  • Is gender bias used as a political instrument in political socialization?
  • How can paying attention to rural communities improve political engagement?
  • What is the role of Amnesty International in preventing the death penalty?
  • What is the role of politically involved citizens in shaping minimum wage policies?
  • How does a political party shape attitudes toward global warming?
  • How does the federal system influence urban planning and attitudes toward urban development?
  • What is the role of public opinion in shaping foreign policy, and how does it affect political decision making
  • Did other countries' experiences affect policies on restricting immigration in the US?
  • How can note-taking skills and practice tests improve political engagement? 
  • How do the cultural values of an independent country shape the attitudes toward national security?
  • Does public opinion influence international intervention in helping countries reconcile after conflicts?

Political Science Essay Topics

If you are searching for political science essay topics, check our list below and write the most compelling essay about politic:

  • Is environmental education a powerful political instrument? 
  • Can anarchist societies provide a viable alternative to traditional forms of governance?
  • Pros and cons of deterrence theory in contemporary international relations
  • Comparing the impact of the French Revolution and World War II on the political landscape of Europe
  • The role of the ruling political party in shaping national policies on nuclear weapons
  • Exploring the roots of where politics originate
  • The impact of civil wars on the processes of democratization of the third-world countries
  • The role of international organizations in promoting global health
  • Does using the death penalty in the justice system affect international relations?
  • Assessing the role of the World Trade Organization in shaping global trade policies
  • The political and environmental implications of conventional agriculture
  • The impact of the international court on political decision making
  • Is philosophical anarchism relevant to contemporary political discourse?
  • The emergence of global citizenship and its relationship with social movements
  • The impact of other countries on international relations between the US and China

Final Words

See? Writing an essay about politic seems like a super challenging job, but in reality, all it takes is excellent guidance, a well-structured outline, and an eye for credible information.

If you are stressed out from juggling a hundred different course assignments and have no time to focus on your thesis, our dissertation writing services could relieve you! Our team of experts is ready to take over even the trickiest tasks on the tightest schedule. You just have to wish - ' write my essay ' out loud, and we will be on it!

Ready to Enrich Your Understanding of Politics?

Order our thought-provoking essay today and elevate your intellectual game!

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How to Write an Essay

Political Parties

Political Parties

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Discussion and Essay Questions

Cite this source, available to teachers only as part of the teaching political partiesteacher pass, teaching political parties teacher pass includes:.

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Sample of Discussion and Essay Questions

The founding fathers and political parties.

  • What is philosophical (small "r") republicanism?
  • Is this an attractive political philosophy?
  • Is it a realistic political philosophy?
  • Does this philosophy persist at all in our political ideology or practices?
  • Why are political parties fundamentally contrary to this philosophy?

Role of Political Parties

  • What are the four fundamental functions of political parties?
  • How would you rank these in order of importance?
  • Can other institutions, entities, or individuals fill any of these roles?

Two-Party System

  • If so, what are the fundamental beliefs within this consensus?
  • If not, where do the major disagreements lie?
  • The economy
  • America’s role in the world
  • Race? Education? The role of government?

Third Parties

  • Would it be a protest party or more ideological in nature?
  • How about an anti-Wall Street party? Or a healthcare reform party?
  • How likely are any of these parties to last long-term? Explain.

The First Party System

  • How would you summarize the difference between Federalists and Democratic-Republicans?
  • In what ways were the Federalists like today’s Democrats? And today’s Republicans?
  • In what ways were the Democratic-Republicans like today’s Democrats? And today’s Republicans?
  • How useful are these terms?

The Second Party System

  • In what ways were the Whigs like and unlike the Federalists?
  • In their support for government spending on internal improvements and education?
  • In their willingness to use government power to “moralize” public life?
  • In their opposition to Whig “meddling and moralizing?”
  • In their support for Indian removal and the use of government power to expand economic opportunities in the West?

The Third Party System

  • Institutionally, the Republican Party that formed in the 1850s is the Republican Party of today. To what extent can you identify a constant ideological thread within the party?
  • What effect did the institution of slavery have on the political parties of the mid to late 19th century?

The Fourth Party System

  • What role did the Populist Party play in redrawing party alignments?
  • In what ways did the Democratic Party start to take on its contemporary character during these years?
  • Why is it incorrect to simply label the Republican Party as the party of big business?
  • To what extent is there a persisting reform thread within the Republican Party?

The Fifth Party System

  • To what extent is the Democratic Party still the party of Roosevelt?
  • To what extent is the New Deal Coalition still the backbone of the party?
  • What was the central ideological component within Ronald Reagan’s revitalization of the Republican Party?
  • Can you find traces of earlier parties in the Democrats and Republicans of the Fifth Party System?

The Future of Political Parties

  • What conclusions have you reached about America’s political parties?
  • What recurring themes or issues define the parties?
  • Can you break America’s political traditions down to a handful of key contesting ideas?
  • Did Obama’s election in 2008 signal an enduring realignment or just a temporary shift in the electorate?
  • What fact should be most troubling to people committed to the party system?
  • What fact should be most reassuring to people committed to the party system?
  • If parties fade away, will American politics become less partisan?
  • Interest groups? Unions? Television networks?

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Political parties: lesson overview

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Political Parties


A political party is an organised group of people who wish to gain political power. This is done by putting candidates up for election, gaining representation in Parliament and forming government.

Parties have a broad issue focus (unlike pressure groups) and are usually united by shared ideas- although there are a wide variety of views within parties (they are ‘broad churches’).

  • There are around 300 political parties in the UK
  • Politics is dominated by parties- the only political systems without them are dictatorships
  • Parties emerged as a result of voting- increased representation
  • Before this, parliament consisted of ‘factions’ (loose groups of like-minded politicians). The main ones were the Whigs (Liberals) and Tories (Conservatives)
  • The Labour Party developed outside of the parliamentary system by the trade union movement

Political Parties, figure 1

Functions of parties - do they promote democracy?

Representation: Parties articulate and express public opinion. They develop policies designed to appeal to the public, and if they win, they can claim to have a mandate (right to govern). Parties in the UK are ‘catch-all’- they try to appeal to as many people as possible. BUT, parties may not represent the people that well- it has been argued that more people pay attention to personality, for example the image of the party leader, than policy. Because of the electoral system, governing parties also tend to only win the support of 35-40% of the electorate.

Formulate policy: Parties come up with ‘programmes’ for government. They create sets of policy ideas which are outlined in a manifesto- a document released before an election. They initiate ideas, and think of ways in which policies can be implemented. BUT, it has been argued that parties tend to have less interest in ‘larger goals’ for society as their ideological nature has been reduced in recent years. They also perhaps tend to be more reactive (reacting to the public’s views) rather than proactive in forming policy.

Recruit leaders: Parties are the mechanisms by which politicians enter politics, gain experience, become MPs, be part of government, and may become leaders of government departments (or even, become Prime Minister). BUT- these ‘leaders of the future’ tend to come from quite a limited pool of talent (majority party in the Commons) and may have little experience of a life outside of politics- which may not be the best preparation for leadership.

Organise government: Parties form governments, ensure that governments are stable (as party members agree on many broad issues), and provide opposition to a government. BUT- it could be suggested that, as party unity has declined since the 1970s , forming a stable government may now be more difficult even for a single party.

Foster participation: parties give opportunities for people to be involved in politics, for example by joining a party, becoming a candidate for election, being involved in campaigns, and so on. BUT- today, the numbers of people who are members of parties has declined significantly- this is partly due to ‘partisan dealignment’ where people do not feel a strong loyalty to a particular party any more. So the ability of parties to foster participation has decreased.

Power in parties

Leaders: Tend to dominate parties, especially when PM. They have grown in importance since the age of political celebrity. This importance can work for and against them, depending on their own image and popularity.

Parliamentary parties: MPs, once thought of as just doing what they were told to by the party, have become increasingly independently-minded. Each party has its own divisions and splits which can eventually undermine the leader. This can be seen through Thatcher’s removal in 1990 , John Major’s difficulty with Conservative revolts over Europe, and Jeremy Corbyn’s lack of support amongst Labour MPs.

Members/constituency parties: Falling membership suggests this has become less important, and parliamentary leaders have increased their control over policy. However, Conservative constituency associations can select candidates for elections. Also, members vote for party leaders, so in effect it is they who choose the Prime Minister (potentially).

Party backers: It is argued that much of the power lies with those who finance parties. Labour has substantial trade union backing. The Conservatives tend to get many donations from big business. This gives these groups, potentially, a large sway over a party’s policy direction. There have been allegations that rich individuals can buy influence, although there are rules in place on party funding.

Party funding

Political parties require income to fund their activities. Private funding of political parties is associated with the risk and perception of improper influence by the donator. Reform proposals have focused on a cap on donations and an increase in public funding. However, it has proven difficult for the parties to agree on the level of a cap on donations, and there is some resistance to increasing public funding whilst there are pressures on public spending.

The finances of British political parties were largely unregulated before the Labour government that came to power in 1997 __passed the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act ____2000 __(PPERA). PPERA was based on a report on party funding published in __1998 . It regulates the funding and spending of political parties, candidates and certain others, and created the Electoral Commission to monitor this.

During the Labour Governments in power between 1997 __and __2010 , party funding reviews were carried out by the Electoral Commission ( 2004 ), the Constitutional Affairs Select Committee ( 2006 ) and Sir Hayden Phillips ( 2007 ). PPERA was modified by the Electoral Administration Act __2006 __that subjected loans to the same rules as donations, and the Political Parties and Elections Act __2009 __that introduced new spending limits and altered donation reporting thresholds.

The Coalition Government included a commitment to party funding reform in its coalition agreement. Reports on party funding were published by the Committee on Standards in Public Life ( 2011 ) and the Electoral Commission ( 2013 ). Cross-party talks broke down in 2013 . The Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act ____2014 __restricted the funding and spending of non-party campaigners during election periods.

The Conservative Government elected in _2015 __reduced the public funding available to opposition parties. The _Trade Union Bill 2015-16 introduced on 15 July 2016 includes provisions that could have implications for the funding the Labour Party receives from trade unions.

There are limits on how much a party can spend on campaigning at certain elections. The limits vary by election type. At these elections, parties must keep a record of all their campaign spending. They must send this information to the Electoral Commission in a spending return after the election. Parties who spend over a certain amount must have this return independently audited. There was concern following the __2015 __election that some Conservative candidates had benefitted from spending that had been classified as ‘national spending’ when in fact the money was being spent on local campaigning- for instance, the use of a ‘battle bus’ to transport supporters around a constituency.

Traditionally, the Conservatives have received large donations from wealthy donors and large companies, whereas Labour has received backing from Trade Unions. Donations worth over £7,500 to national parties must be declared, as must be donations worth £1,500 or more to local associations. Donations to members’ associations – groups whose members are primarily or entirely members of a single political party – also need to be declared above £7,500.

There have been ongoing concerns with party funding in the UK. It could be argued to be unfair if one party is able to vastly outspend the other during an election campaign, for instance. The influence of wealthy individuals, and trade unions, on political parties has also been a matter of concern, hence the introduction of rules on spending. Similarly, it could be argued that parties should receive public funds to help them campaign as part of a healthy pluralist democracy, however this raises questions of how much they should receive, and which parties should get such money.

The benefits of state funding include:

  • Reduces reliance on private donors or trade unions with vested interests, making parties more responsive to the public
  • Creates more of a level playing field for parties, reducing the unfair advantage given by large donations
  • Parties could perform more effectively without the need to spend time and effort raising funds

The drawbacks of state funding include:

  • Parties would no longer need to seek financial support, so may have their links to society weakened
  • If as expected funding is linked to past electoral performance, this would favour existing parties
  • It may make parties less independent of the state

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Study Questions

What is a political party?

A political party is an organization that seeks to influence government by electing officials to office.

Why does the United States have a two-party system?

A number of factors contribute to the two-party system, including the electoral system, legal barriers to third parties, history and tradition, and political socialization.

Why do some object to the two-party system?

Some feel that the two-party system is undemocratic because it does not represent significant parts of the population and that it greatly limits the electoral choices Americans have.

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Evaluate the view that the Conservative Party is internally divided

student contributor Nora investigates whether the Conservative Party is more united than divided

Evaluate the view that UK Democracy is in urgent need of reform

Evaluate the view that UK Democracy is in urgent need of reform

Evaluate the view that the media has a decisive impact on the outcome of elections

Evaluate the view that the media has a decisive impact on the outcome of elections

The media no longer has a decisive impact on the outcome of elections. The impact of the media has declined through the decreased use of broadcast and print media with voters instead influenced more by the policies and leadership of politicians as well as their own demographics.

Evaluate the view that the Labour Party is internally divided

Evaluate the view that the Labour Party is internally divided

The Labour Party is a broad church party but faces a number of internal challenges that divide it between left and right on the economy and other positions that make it difficult for the party to unite. 

Evaluate the view that the current Conservative Party has moved away from Thatcherism

Evaluate the view that the current Conservative Party has moved away from Thatcherism

Whilst it may seem like on the economy, the most important aspect of Thatcherism, that the conservatives have moved away from her ideals, in reality, this is only a temporary situation. It is clear that the party still remains wedded to her principles and in the years ahead, it is likely to move back into a pro-austerity, fiscally conservative party. 

Evaluate the view that pressure groups are more influential than corporations in influencing government policy

Evaluate the view that pressure groups are more influential than corporations in influencing government policy

This essay will compare the influence of corporations and pressure groups within government policy, examining successful pressure groups and corporations as well as those that fall short. Ultimately, this essay will conclude that it is clear that apart from a few influential pressure groups, corporations have a much greater influence on government policy.

Evaluate the view the think tanks, lobbyists and pressure groups have little impact on government decisions

Evaluate the view the think tanks, lobbyists and pressure groups have little impact on government decisions

Pressure groups, in general, and think tanks and lobbyists, in particular, remain to have a big impact on government policy. Insider groups, however, have more influence than outsider groups. Think tanks and lobby firms, being types of insider groups, have a lot of influence, but, in recent years, their influence has diminished.

Evaluate the view that minor parties have little impact on British politics

Evaluate the view that minor parties have little impact on British politics

While politics at all levels in the UK are dominated by the main three parties, small parties have been a persistent challengers to those parties and have consistently offered the voter a choice beyond the mainstream. This essay will argue that although minor parties are disproportionately under-represented, they have been increasingly popular in recent years and thus, are of growing significance in British Politics.

Evaluate the view that the current Conservative Party has moved decisively away from Thatcherism

Evaluate the view that the current Conservative Party has moved decisively away from Thatcherism

Modern conservative leaders such as David Cameron recently tried to redefine the Conservative party as a compassionate party due to Thatcherism’s brutal emphasis on “self-reliance”. Overall, the Conservative Party has started to move away from this Thatcherism politically, economically and socially.

Differences between the Labour and Conservative parties over policies and ideas

Differences between the Labour and Conservative parties over policies and ideas

The election of Corbyn as labour leader only accentuated these differences, as he strongly believes in the importance of benefits and taxing the rich to achieve more equal wealth distribution in the UK. This evidently disagrees with May’s policies, such as tax cuts and even their decisions on the national living wage can be seen to differ. Therefore, it is clear the parties currently hugely differ over policies and ideas.

Current divisions within the Conservative Party

Current divisions within the Conservative Party

Criticisms of Referendums

Criticisms of Referendums

Audio - Divisions within and between the main political parties

Audio - Divisions within and between the main political parties

Essays: Would a change to the Westminster electoral system improve the state of UK democracy?

Essays: Would a change to the Westminster electoral system improve the state of UK democracy?

The state of the current Westminster electoral system has been argued to have created a democratic deficit. It is undeniable that the current system is in need of significant and dire reform, in order to dramatically improve upon the state of UK democracy.

Audio: Pressure Groups: Long Road to Change

Do the main uk political parties agree or disagree on policy and ideas, how far do the main political parties differ on policies and ideas.

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Politics A-Level (Edexcel) Essay Questions - UK Politics

Politics A-Level (Edexcel) Essay Questions - UK Politics

Subject: Government and politics

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Assessment and revision

BenjaminOne's Shop

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Edexcel Politics A-Level - UK Politics Essay Questions

50 essay questions covering all the content in the UK Politics section, all organised into the chapters - Democracy and Participation, Political Parties, Electoral Systems, Voting Behaviour and the Media

Make essay plans for all these and you’ll be prepared as possible for the UK Politics assessment!

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Politics A-Level (Edexcel) Essay Questions

**Edexcel Politics A-Level - UK Politics, UK Government and US Politics Essay Questions** Tons of essay questions covering all the content in the UK Politics, UK Government and US Politics sections, arranged into the chapters designated on the specification. Make essay plans for all these and you’ll be prepared as possible for the Politics assessments!

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  22. Politics A-Level (Edexcel) Essay Questions

    Resource type: Assessment and revision. File previews. docx, 19.33 KB. Edexcel Politics A-Level - UK Politics Essay Questions. 50 essay questions covering all the content in the UK Politics section, all organised into the chapters - Democracy and Participation, Political Parties, Electoral Systems, Voting Behaviour and the Media.