STEM Internships and Fellowships for Recent Graduates Recent graduates can gain invaluable experience through STEM internships and fellowships

Are you a recent graduate looking for a STEM research internship or fellowship to take you beyond entry-level understanding and provide you with elements that are essential to a successful professional career?

ORISE offers challenging research opportunities to help prepare recent graduates for a career in STEM while providing them with laboratory knowledge to use in pursuit of an advanced degree. Recent bachelor’s and master’s degree graduates are in a position to gain invaluable research experience in a variety of STEM-related disciplines.

Graduates intent on remaining within the academic community may find that a research experience provides the laboratory experience needed before moving on to pursue a master’s degree or doctorate.

Enter keywords to search current opportunities available through Zintellect. Once you enter the Zintellect catalog by clicking an opportunity listed below, you can set up a profile and apply.

Current Research Opportunities for Recent Graduates

Male student participant conducting research at a computer

Meet some of the ORISE participants who are advancing scientific research and discovery

ORISE administers STEM education programs on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy and other federal agencies. The diversity of these programs enables individuals—whether undergraduate, graduate, postdoc, or faculty—to conduct collaborative research with national laboratories or at one of DOE's federal agency partners. Learn about how their research experiences have advanced their academic and professional careers.

Read Participant Success Stories

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Want to learn more about an ORISE internship or fellowship? Have questions about how the ORISE experience can successfully impact your career path and/or add value to the research opportunities of students or alumni you work with at your organization? If so, contact our team today—we look forward to hearing from you!

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Research Voyage

Research Tips and Infromation

The Ultimate Guide to Research Internships: Exploring Academia, Industry and Job Portals

Research Internship

Are you ready to dive into the exciting realm of research internships? Whether you’re a budding scientist, an aspiring innovator, or a curious high school student, research internships offer an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in the captivating world of discovery.

In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the three major types of research internships, each presenting a unique pathway towards professional growth. From academia and research institutes to industry giants and even job portals, we’ll unveil the secrets to securing a transformative research experience.

Get ready to unleash your potential as we navigate through the intricate maze of research internships. Discover the invaluable benefits, uncover the best strategies for finding and applying, and learn from real-life success stories that showcase the profound impact of these experiences.

Join us on this thrilling expedition as we open doors to boundless opportunities and pave the way for your future in research. Let’s embark on this exhilarating journey together!”

Research Internships at Academia/Research Institutes

Research internships at industry, benefits of research internships in academia/research institutes, how to find and apply for research internships in academia/research institutes:, tips for succeeding in research internships in academia/research institutes:, benefits of research internships in industry:, how to find and apply for research internships in industry, tips for succeeding in research internships in industry, benefits of research internships through job portals, how to find and apply for research internships through job portals, tips for succeeding in research internships through job portals, popular research internship options, research internships worldwide @ your finger tips, introduction.

Research internships, often known as research placements or research experiences, are immersive programs that provide individuals with hands-on exposure to the world of research. These internships offer a unique opportunity to work closely with professionals in various fields, contributing to ongoing projects and gaining valuable insights into the research process.

Research internships play a pivotal role in personal and professional development. They allow participants to apply theoretical knowledge gained in academic settings to real-world scenarios, fostering critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, and enhancing their understanding of the research methodology.

By actively engaging in research projects, interns develop essential skills such as data analysis, experimental design, literature review, and effective communication. These experiences contribute to their intellectual growth, making them well-rounded individuals with a deeper understanding of their chosen field of study.

Overview of the Three Major Types of Research Internships

Research internships at academia or research institutes provide participants with the opportunity to work closely with renowned researchers and academics. These internships are often found in universities, research centres, or specialized institutions focused on scientific exploration. Interns collaborate on cutting-edge research projects, contribute to academic publications, and gain exposure to advanced research techniques and methodologies. Example: A student pursuing a research internship at a prestigious university’s physics department might assist in a project investigating quantum mechanics, working alongside experienced professors and graduate students.

Research Internships at Industr y

Research internships in industry are offered by companies and organizations that prioritize research and development. These internships provide participants with insights into industrial research processes, innovation, and practical applications of scientific knowledge. Interns may work on projects related to product development, process optimization, market research, or data analysis, depending on the industry and the company’s focus.

Example: An intern at a pharmaceutical company might contribute to the development of a new drug, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and collaborating with a team of researchers and scientists.

Research Internships at Job Portals: Job portals have emerged as platforms connecting aspiring researchers with organizations seeking research talent. These portals provide a convenient way to find research internships across different sectors, including academia, industry, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. They offer a wide range of research opportunities, allowing interns to explore various fields of interest and gain exposure to different research environments.

Example: A student interested in social sciences might find a research internship through a job portal, joining a research team focused on studying socio-economic trends and their impact on society.

Academia refers to the educational and research institutions that focus on knowledge creation, dissemination, and education. Research institutes, on the other hand, are specialized organizations dedicated to conducting research in specific fields.

These institutions can include universities, colleges, research centres, and think tanks. Research internships in academia/research institutes offer unique opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research and collaborate with leading experts in various disciplines.

  • Exposure to Advanced Research: Interns in academia/research institutes gain exposure to advanced research methodologies, techniques, and equipment that may not be available elsewhere. They work alongside experienced researchers, learning from their expertise and gaining valuable insights into the scientific process.
  • Networking Opportunities: Research internships in academia/research institutes provide opportunities to build professional networks. Interns interact with professors, researchers, and fellow interns, establishing connections that can lead to mentorship, collaboration, and future career opportunities.
  • Access to Resources: Academia and research institutes often offer extensive resources, including libraries, specialized databases, research grants, and funding opportunities. Interns can leverage these resources to enhance their research projects and deepen their understanding of the subject matter.
  • Publication and Presentation Opportunities: Research internships in academia/research institutes may offer opportunities for interns to contribute to publications, present their findings at conferences, or participate in research symposiums. Such experiences enhance visibility, credibility, and academic recognition.
  • Research Institutional Websites: Start by exploring the websites of universities, colleges, and research institutes. Many of them have dedicated sections listing research internship opportunities or provide contact information for relevant departments or faculty members.
  • Networking and Recommendations: Seek guidance from professors, advisors, and mentors who may have connections in academia or research institutes. They can recommend internships, introduce you to potential supervisors, or provide valuable insights.
  • Online Research Platforms: Utilize online research platforms and databases that aggregate research internship opportunities from different institutions. Examples include ResearchGate , , and academic job boards.
  • Professional Associations and Conferences: Professional associations and conferences in specific fields often provide information about research internships. Attend conferences, join associations, and explore their websites or newsletters for internship listings.
  • Clearly Define Goals: Clearly define your research goals and expectations before starting the internship. This will help you stay focused and make the most of your time and resources.
  • Seek Guidance: Regularly communicate with your research supervisor and seek their guidance. They can provide valuable insights, suggest resources, and help you overcome challenges.
  • Take Initiative: Take the initiative to propose ideas, ask questions, and actively contribute to the research project. Show enthusiasm and eagerness to learn, and be proactive in seeking new opportunities within the institution.
  • Collaborate and Network: Collaborate with fellow interns and researchers, as this fosters a collaborative and supportive environment. Engage in discussions, attend research seminars, and participate in research group activities to expand your network.

The industry plays a crucial role in research by focusing on practical applications and innovations. Industries across various sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, technology, automotive, and consumer goods, invest in research and development (R&D) to drive product advancements, process improvements, and market competitiveness. Research internships in the industry provide valuable insights into the application of scientific knowledge and technology-driven solutions.

  • Practical Applications: Industry-based research internships offer hands-on experience in applying scientific principles to solve real-world problems. Interns get a glimpse of how research drives innovation, product development, and process optimization within the industry.
  • Collaboration with Experts: Interns work alongside industry professionals, including scientists, engineers, and product developers. They gain exposure to industry-specific techniques, methodologies, and tools while benefiting from the expertise and mentorship of seasoned professionals.
  • Industry Exposure and Market Insights: Research internships in the industry provide interns with a deep understanding of market trends, consumer demands, and industry challenges. This exposure helps interns align their research with practical market needs and enables them to contribute to projects with tangible impact.
  • Professional Development: Industry internships enhance essential professional skills, such as project management, data analysis, teamwork, and communication. Interns learn how to navigate corporate environments, meet deadlines, and adapt research approaches to meet industry standards.
  • Company Websites and Career Pages: Explore the websites and career pages of companies in your field of interest. Many companies list research internship opportunities, application procedures, and contact information for relevant departments or HR personnel.
  • Networking and Referrals: Leverage your personal and professional network to discover research internship opportunities in the industry. Reach out to connections, including professors, alumni, industry professionals, or employees in companies of interest. They may have insights or be able to recommend internships within their organizations.
  • Professional Networking Platforms: Utilize professional networking platforms such as LinkedIn to connect with industry professionals, join relevant groups or communities, and stay updated on internship opportunities shared by industry insiders.
  • Industry-Specific Job Boards: Industry-specific job boards or websites may feature research internship openings. Explore platforms related to your field, such as pharmaceutical research boards, tech industry job portals, or engineering career websites.
  • Understand Industry Objectives: Gain a clear understanding of the company’s objectives, products, and target market. Align your research efforts with these objectives to maximize your impact and showcase your understanding of industry dynamics.
  • Embrace Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Industry research often involves collaboration across different departments and functions. Embrace multidisciplinary collaboration, communicate effectively, and seek opportunities to contribute beyond your specific research area.
  • Adapt to Industry Standards and Regulations: Familiarize yourself with industry-specific standards, regulations, and ethical guidelines relevant to your research. Ensure compliance with safety protocols, intellectual property considerations, and data protection policies.
  • Show Initiative and Drive: Take ownership of your projects, demonstrate initiative, and proactively seek opportunities to learn and contribute. Display a strong work ethic, problem-solving skills, and a willingness to take on challenges within the industry context.

Research Internships at Job Portals

Job portals have revolutionized the way individuals search for and apply to various job opportunities, including research internships. These online platforms serve as centralized hubs that connect aspiring researchers with organizations offering research internships.

Job portals play a significant role in expanding access to research opportunities across different sectors, including academia, industry, non-profit organizations, and government agencies.

  • Wide Range of Opportunities: Job portals offer a diverse range of research internships across multiple industries and disciplines. They provide a convenient platform for exploring internships that align with specific research interests or career goals.
  • Streamlined Application Process: Job portals simplify the application process by allowing candidates to create profiles, upload resumes, and apply to multiple internships with just a few clicks. This saves time and effort compared to traditional application methods.
  • Increased Visibility: Research internships posted on job portals tend to attract a larger pool of candidates, increasing the chances of discovery for aspiring researchers. This heightened visibility can lead to more opportunities and exposure to a broader network of potential employers.
  • Centralized Information: Job portals provide comprehensive information about research internships, including eligibility criteria, project descriptions, application deadlines, and required qualifications. This centralized information facilitates informed decision-making and helps applicants find the best-fit internships.
  • Create an Account: Start by creating an account on reputable job portals that feature research internships. Ensure your profile is complete and up-to-date, highlighting your academic background, research experience, and relevant skills.
  • Set Preferences: Explore the platform’s search filters and set preferences based on location, industry, duration, or specific research fields of interest. This narrows down the list of internships that align with your preferences.
  • Review Internship Listings: Browse through the internship listings, carefully reading project descriptions, requirements, and qualifications. Pay attention to eligibility criteria, desired skill sets, and any specific application instructions.
  • Submit Applications: Prepare tailored application materials, including your resume, cover letter, and any required documents or writing samples. Follow the application instructions provided on the job portal, ensuring your application reflects your genuine interest and suitability for the internship.
  • Tailor Your Application: Customize your application materials for each internship, highlighting relevant skills, research experience, and academic achievements. Clearly articulate your motivation, passion, and how the internship aligns with your career goals.
  • Showcase Transferable Skills: Emphasize transferable skills, such as critical thinking, data analysis, problem-solving, and teamwork. Highlight any previous research experience, including projects, publications, or conference presentations, to demonstrate your research capabilities.
  • Follow-Up: After submitting an application, follow up with the organization if permitted or appropriate. A polite and concise email expressing your continued interest can demonstrate your dedication and proactive attitude.
  • Leverage Networking Opportunities: Utilize the networking features within job portals to connect with professionals and researchers in your field of interest. Engage in conversations, seek advice, and expand your professional network.

Below is a comprehensive table highlighting some of the most sought-after research internships across different categories. These internships provide valuable opportunities for individuals to gain hands-on experience, develop skills, and contribute to cutting-edge research projects.

Whether you’re interested in academia, industry, or job portals, this table presents a curated selection of reputable research internships. Please note that the provided website addresses should be visited for further information and application details. Take a look at the table to explore exciting research internship options in your desired field.

For a detailed list of all types of Research internships visit the Main Menu and visit RESEARCH INTERNSHIP Section.

Visit our interactive world map! This map is a powerful tool for exploring research internships available worldwide. With it, you can easily find information about research opportunities in different countries. Click on the map or the Button below to visit our Research Internship Worldmap.

postgraduate research internship

Research internships offer a myriad of opportunities and benefits for individuals at various stages of their academic and professional journeys. Whether you are a high school student exploring your interests, a college student seeking hands-on experience, or an aspiring researcher looking to make a mark in academia or industry, research internships provide invaluable insights, skill development, and personal growth.

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Dr. Vijay Rajpurohit

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  • Are Postdoctoral Fellowships Taxable? A Guide to Understanding Tax Implications
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The University offers a number of research internships for undergraduates from underrepresented groups who are interested in pursuing postgraduate studies and have the potential to become the future of research.

These internships are aimed at students who, due to socioeconomic barriers or life circumstances, have not had the chance to demonstrate their full potential and may otherwise not feel they can easily access research opportunities.

What to expect

These paid 6-8 week summer programmes aim to provide participants with a real, day-to-day experience of a postgraduate research student at Cambridge, including:

  • meeting and working with our researchers, academic staff and students
  • undertaking a research project
  • developing your academic and personal skills
  • getting hands-on, lab-based experience
  • learning more about how to prepare a postgraduate application
  • living in a College
  • socialising and meeting new people
  • exploring the city of Cambridge

Accommodation is provided free of charge in one of our Colleges, where a range of social activities will also be on offer.

The research internships are designed to offer tangible benefits in terms of confidence, skills and experience that will enhance both their CV and any future postgraduate applications.

Internships for 2024

For full details of the programme, eligibility criteria and how to apply, please check the internship website:

  • Experience Postgrad: Life Sciences
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Access to Research Experience (SHARE)
  • Aspiring Researchers: Arts and Humanities  
  • STEM summer research internships  
  • Leverhulme Centre for Life in the Universe summer internships  
  • Google DeepMind Research Ready programme  

The internships are open to those who:

  • have the right to live and work in the UK full-time during the programme and can provide evidence of this
  • are in their penultimate or final year of undergraduate study in a UK or Republic of Ireland university
  • either face socioeconomic barriers or come from a background currently underrepresented at postgraduate level 
  • have a strong academic record in the relevant subject area
  • have an interest in undertaking a research-based postgraduate degree

Additional eligibility criteria may apply and you should check the internship website for full details.

Typically, you'll begin by conducting background research and devising a plan for the project, including the aims and research methodology. You can also expect to read and explore a lot of related academic literature.

Once you have completed your plan, you'll primarily be working in your department, research group or lab. Here, you'll have many hands-on opportunities to use specialized software, run experiments, and even explore the rare books section of the University Library. Additionally, you'll attend research skills workshops and general information sessions to learn more about what postgraduate studies are like at Cambridge.

There will be opportunities for you to meet academic staff, researchers, and current students. You may also have a mentor - a current PhD student - who will be there for you along the way for both academic advice and tips about living in Cambridge.

During the internship, you'll produce a final piece of work, such as a poster or a 4,000-word essay, which you'll present to a wider audience in your department at the end-of-programme showcase.

Please refer to the internship website for specific programme information.

During the programme, you'll generally be expected to live in Cambridge and spend 35 hours per week working on your research.

We're committed to ensuring that selected applicants are able to take part in our programmes regardless of medical, accessibility and disability requirements or ongoing caring responsibilities. We make every effort to ensure that reasonable adjustments are made, including the possibility of part-time or remote internships.

In order to support your participation in a programme and to allow us to make reasonable adjustments, we encourage you to disclose any specific requirements that you may have.

There is no cost to participate in the research internships.

As an intern, you will be paid for your placement. However, we request that you do not take up any other employment during the programme, since the payment is designed to compensate for your inability to work during this time.

Accommodation will be provided free of charge. For full details of the provisions of each programme, see the respective internship website. 

Yes. You’ll need to make sure that your academic background and research interests are a good fit for the programme you're applying to. There are a number of programmes available in a range of subject areas. See Internships for 2024 above for details of current opportunities available. 

Internships for 2024 are listed above. Please check the individual programme's website for full details and how to apply. 

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Program length

These opportunities can range from week-long work experience programs, to full-time roles.

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Who can apply

These opportunities are typically for high school students, looking to begin their full-time career or gain an insight into our firm and industry prior to finishing school.

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How to apply

Explore the opportunities listed below. Click apply to start your application, or, if you’re not ready to apply, you can learn more to find out about the specific program offering.

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We offer opportunities for freshman, sophomores and juniors, as well as MBA students to explore potential career paths within our company. These events and programs immerse you in one of the top financial services firms in the world. You’ll learn about the industry and the important role we play in it. You’ll expand your network and meet people who will support you in your career journey.

These events can range from one full day to a few weeks long, depending on the program.

Who can register

We’re looking for people from all backgrounds and perspectives to help us grow and position our businesses for the future. These events and programs are typically for early-year undergraduate and MBA students looking for an opportunity to be introduced to our industry and learn more about what we do here.

How to register

Explore the opportunities listed below. Click apply to start your application, or, if you’re not ready to apply, you can learn more to find out about the specific program offering

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There is no better way to find out if JPMorgan Chase is the right place for you to begin your career than with an internship here. Internship programs are designed for you to work with us during your off-time and help you explore our firm and gain hands-on work experience before applying for one of our full-time roles.

Our summer internship opportunities typically range from 10-12 weeks long, depending on the specific program.  We also offer longer-term and off-cycle internships for some regions and business areas.

Our summer internships are typically for penultimate-year undergraduate students looking to gain work experience in our industry.  Some postgraduate and PhD level internships are also available.

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You will have opportunities to innovate and lead in any role you choose. You’ll be part of a fast-paced work environment that’s constantly challenging you to learn and develop. You’ll join global teams who are committed to your career growth and mobility.

These opportunities typically range from 24-36 months long, depending on the specific program.

These opportunities are for undergraduate or graduate students looking to begin their full-time careers. Programs are available for both undergraduate and postgraduate/Ph.D./MBA level candidates.

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Graduate Research Hub

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Expand your professional networks and strengthen your research and transferable skills through a research internship.

What is a research internship?

A research internship is defined as a position with a research end-user (an organisation external to academia), where a graduate researcher engages in research and development (R&D) activities broadly related to their degree.

Research internships are typically 3 to 6 months but must involve a minimum commitment of 60 full-time equivalent days. Research internships may be undertaken on-site at the host organisation (in Australia or overseas), online, or in a hybrid attendance mode. They can be full-time or part-time.

While research internships can be undertaken at any point during your academic journey, we strongly recommend that candidates begin exploring these opportunities in their first year and secure an internship within the first 18 months of candidature.

The process

1. check eligibility.

To participate in a research internship, you must:

  • Be enrolled (or under examination) in a graduate research course and remain enrolled for the entire period of the internship.
  • Be able to complete the internship before the completion of your degree.
  • Have the approval of your supervisor.
  • Be making satisfactory progress in your candidature.
  • Have completed  Research Integrity Online Training (RIOT) .

2. Find an internship and secure an offer

APR.Intern is a national research internship service provider that supports industry-funded internships ($3,000 studentship per month) across all sectors and disciplines. Through the APR.Intern website you can:

  • search and apply for advertised internships
  • submit an expression of interest to be considered for future opportunities
  • subscribe to an internships alert bulletin to be notified when new opportunities arise

As part of the APR.Intern application process, you will need to submit the Student Approval Form to your principal supervisor and the Graduate Research Internships team for sign-off.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview with APR.Intern and the host organisation.

Source your own

Leverage your existing professional and industry networks, along with your supervisors', to negotiate a custom internship opportunity. Candidates are encouraged to share  this flyer with potential host organisations when proposing a research internship.

Once you, your supervisor and the host organisation are satisfied with the internship proposal, complete the Internship Registration Form and submit it to the GR Internships team . The team will (in collaboration with APR.Intern) work with you, your supervisor, and the host organisation to develop a project plan and Internship Agreement.

3. Pre-internship

Internship Agreement : Once you have received an offer, an Internship Agreement will be created. It must be signed by the host organisation and the University before the internship commences. The Agreement will outline the roles and responsibilities of all parties and covers matters such as insurance, health and safety, intellectual property, publications, and confidentiality.

You will be required to sign a Student Deed, linked to the Agreement. If you have any questions about the legal implications of these documents, we recommend that you obtain independent legal advice. The  UMSU Legal Service provides free and confidential legal assistance to all currently enrolled graduate researchers at the University of Melbourne.

Study Away: You must abide by University travel policies during your internship, including applying for Study Away if required at any point.

Enrolment: From 1 January 2024, all graduate researchers who undertake a research internship will be enrolled in Research Internship (SKIL90005). This subject will formally recognise the completion of a research internship on your academic transcript.

Note that you cannot use Leave of Absence to undertake your research internship.

4. During your internship

During your internship, you will report directly to your host organisation supervisor. Your University supervisor (or academic mentor) and APR.Intern will maintain regular contact with you to ensure the internship is running smoothly. It is essential to maintain your enrolment for the duration of your internship.

5. Post-internship

At the end of your internship, you must complete a final report (utilising an APR.Intern template) summarising the research's purpose, objectives, methodology, and outcomes.

Key considerations


Graduate researchers receiving a stipend will continue to receive their standard stipend throughout the internship.

Industry-funded internships through APR.Intern : In addition to existing stipends, you will receive the $3,000 monthly internship studentship (paid fortnightly) for the duration of the internship. This studentship is funded by the host organisation. The project fee for host organisations is detailed  here .

Unfunded internships: requests for unfunded internships are considered on a case by case basis.

Candidature and late submission for internships

Internships must be undertaken during candidature or during the examination period. Candidates who undertake an internship that meet the criteria outlined below will be approved for late submission of 3 to 6 months (pro-rated according to the duration of the internship).

To be eligible for late submission, candidates must complete an internship for which:

  • A fully executed Internship Agreement* is lodged with the Graduate Research Internships team no later than the 3-year (FTE) candidature mark (at or below 3.0 EFTSL) for doctoral candidates, and no later than the 18-month (FTE) candidature mark (at or below 1.5 EFTSL) for masters by research candidates; and
  • The Internship Project Plan and Final Report** has been signed off by the principal supervisor.

To apply for late submission:

  • Discuss the thesis plan and reasons for late submission with your advisory committee so arrangements can be made to start the late submission application process.
  • Complete the form with your advisory committee chair (by 3.5 years for PhDs and 1.5 years for Research Masters)
  • Select ‘Research Internship’ as the primary reason for the delay in thesis submission.
  • You must attach the internship completion certificate provided by APR.Intern as supporting evidence.

*A fully executed  APR.Intern Agreement  or  UoM Graduate Research Intern Agreement  only

**Project plans and final reports must be in the format as specified in the intern agreement.

Intellectual property

Intellectual property will be addressed in the internship agreement prior to the commencement of your internship and will depend on the circumstances of each internship.

The University provides liability, accident, and travel insurance coverage during approved research internships.

If you are an international candidate on a visa, you are responsible for ensuring that any internship is appropriate for your individual visa type and visa conditions. Candidates who are unsure of their conditions or obligations are encouraged to seek advice from a registered visa agent or visa lawyer.

Information for external organisations

Information for staff

Most research internships run for 3 months (or 60 full-time equivalent days) but can run for as long as 6 months (or 120 full-time equivalent days).

Yes, you may undertake an unfunded internship with your supervisor’s approval. However, you would not receive the $3,000 monthly internship studentship.

A research internship may be undertaken on-site at the host organisation (in Australia or overseas), on-campus at the University, in a hybrid attendance or online-only mode. The internship location will be negotiated with the host organisation before commencement.

Research internships are course activities that must broadly relate to your area of study. They must make use of, or contribute to, the research skills you develop during your candidature, but do not have to be closely related to your thesis topic.

Yes, but please note that some advertised internships may only be available to doctoral candidates.

It is important to plan ahead. Discuss internships with your supervisor in the lead-up to your confirmation milestone and prepare for an internship well in advance. Please note that you need to register an internship by completing the  Internships Registration Form as early as possible; preferably 12 weeks (and  at least 8 weeks) before the proposed internship commencement date.

Usually when you are a confirmed candidate, but it may be possible to undertake an internship at an earlier stage. All internships must be endorsed by your principal supervisor, and you must be making satisfactory progress in your candidature. You can commence an internship post submission, however, it must be completed prior to the conclusion of your degree.

Generally, the outcomes of the internship will not form part of your thesis. However, this depends on factors such as intellectual property rights (determined in the internship agreement) and the type of research activity undertaken during the internship.

Candidates who seek late submission due to an internship would not be precluded from applying for late submissions for other research related, or compelling or unexpected personal or medical reasons.

Graduate Research Internships team Email: [email protected]

  • Resources for candidates
  • Orientation and induction
  • Mapping my degree
  • Principles for infrastructure support
  • Peer activities
  • Change my commencement date
  • Meeting expectations
  • Working with my supervisors
  • Responsible Research & Research Integrity
  • Guidelines for external supervisors
  • Pre-confirmation
  • Confirmation
  • At risk of unsatisfactory progress
  • Unsatisfactory progress
  • Add or drop coursework subjects
  • Apply for leave
  • Return from leave
  • Apply for Study Away
  • Return from Study Away
  • Change my study rate
  • Check my candidature status
  • Change my current supervisors
  • Request an evidence of enrolment or evidence of qualification statement
  • Change my project details
  • Change department
  • Transfer to another graduate research degree
  • Late submission
  • Withdraw from my research degree
  • Check the status of a request
  • Re-enrolment
  • Advice on requesting changes
  • Extension of candidature
  • Lapse candidature
  • How to cancel a form in my.unimelb
  • Resolving issues
  • Taking leave
  • About Study Away
  • Finishing on time
  • Accepting an offer for a joint PhD online
  • Tenured Study Spaces (TSS) Usage Guidelines
  • Tenured Study Spaces Procedures
  • Research skills
  • Academic writing and communication skills
  • Building professional and academic networks
  • Commercialising my research
  • Supplementary PhD Programs
  • Writing my thesis
  • Examples of thesis and chapter formats when including publications
  • Thesis with creative works
  • Research Integrity in my Thesis
  • Graduate researchers and digital assistance tools
  • TES Statuses
  • Submitting my thesis
  • Depositing multiple components for your final thesis record
  • The Chancellor's Prize
  • TES Graduate Researcher FAQs
  • Career planning
  • Publishing my research
  • Getting support
  • Key graduate research contacts
  • Melbourne Research Experience Survey
  • Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT)
  • Current Students
  • Summer Research Programs

Harvard offers many ways to participate in research during the summer.

  • Dissertation
  • Fellowships
  • Maximizing Your Degree
  • Before You Arrive
  • First Weeks at Harvard
  • Harvard Speak
  • Pre-Arrival Resources for New International Students
  • Alumni Council
  • Student Engagement
  • Applying to Degree Programs
  • Applying to the Visiting Students Program
  • Admissions Policies
  • Cost of Attendance
  • Express Interest
  • Campus Safety
  • Commencement
  • Diversity & Inclusion Fellows
  • Student Affinity Groups
  • Research Scholar Initiative
  • Find Your Financial Aid Officer
  • Funding and Aid
  • Financial Wellness
  • Consumer Information
  • Life Sciences
  • Policies (Student Handbook)
  • Student Center
  • Title IX and Gender Equity

Summer Research Opportunities at Harvard (SROH)

Harvard Griffin GSAS administers the Summer Research Opportunities at Harvard (SROH) program, but you may be interested in other programs at Harvard's many schools and affiliated hospitals.

Other Summer Programs

Harvard programs, harvard-amgen scholars program.

Harvard-Amgen Scholars will conduct novel biotechnology-focused research with Harvard scientists over the course of a 10-week summer internship. Interns will have the opportunity to interact closely with faculty through scholarly and pre-professional development activities including a Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series and Biotechnology Journal Club. They will also gain critical exposure to tools for effective science communication, proposal writing, and graduate school preparation, and will have opportunities to explore the Boston area through a variety of social activities and outings. Currently, enrolled undergraduates interested in pursuing a bioscience PhD or the MD/PhD are eligible to apply, especially those from underrepresented and diverse backgrounds. US citizenship or permanent residency is required. Housing on Harvard’s Cambridge campus, travel, meal allowance, and a stipend are provided. 

Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) Internship Program (HIP)

The Harvard Stem Cell Institute Internship Program (HIP) provides an opportunity for Harvard and non-Harvard undergraduates to gain direct experience in stem cell research while working in a Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) laboratory under the supervision of an experienced researcher. Interns participate in a mandatory stem cell seminar series and a career pathways presentation and present their summer research findings at the HIP Symposium in August. Candidates must express a strong interest in stem cell biology; previous lab experience is desirable but not required. Approximately 35 students are selected by competitive review for this 10-week internship. A stipend is provided.

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

The Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) is a 10-week program that introduces undergraduates to bioengineering, materials research, nanoscience, and engineering while providing a coordinated, educational, and dynamic research community that inspires them to seek a graduate degree. REU research opportunities are arranged in conjunction with the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), the Center for Nanoscale Systems (CNS), the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering , as well as other Harvard-based engineering and science entities. Professional development workshops, faculty seminars on research and ethics, and community activities are integrated into the program. Students receive a stipend and housing.

Center for Astrophysics Solar Research Experience for Undergraduates Program

Scientists from the Solar and Stellar X-Ray Group (SSXG) and the Solar, Stellar, and Planetary Group (SSP) at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) host undergraduate students from around the US. For 10 weeks, these students will participate in cutting-edge astronomical research about the sun and the heliosphere and learn the skills necessary for a successful scientific career. Projects range from data analysis to computer modeling to instrument building. Special seminars will be held to increase students' public speaking and computer programming skills. Students will learn from experience about scientific research and how to apply their academic work to real-world problems. Some time will also be devoted to exploring Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the surrounding area. US citizenship or permanent residency is required.  Stipend, housing, and travel are provided. Please visit the website for more information .

Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology

The Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology is an 11-week research program that allows students to participate in ongoing research at the Harvard Forest in Petersham, Massachusetts. Projects focus on the effects of natural and human disturbances on forest ecosystems including global warming, hurricanes, forest harvesting, and invasive organisms. Researchers come from many disciplines, and specific studies center on population and community ecology, paleoecology, land-use history, phenology, biogeochemistry, soil science, ecophysiology, and atmosphere-biosphere exchanges. Students work with mentors from Harvard and collaborating institutions. Responsibilities may include field sampling, laboratory studies, data analysis, and scientific writing. In addition, students attend seminars given by nationally known scientists and workshops on career and graduate school preparation. At the end of the summer, students present their research results by writing an abstract and presenting their findings at a student research symposium. The program provides room, board, and a competitive stipend.

Program for Research in Markets & Organizations

The Program for Research in Markets & Organizations (PRIMO) provides an opportunity for Harvard and non-Harvard undergraduates (rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors enrolled full-time at a US institution) to work closely with Harvard Business School faculty, gaining exposure to business research on a variety of cutting-edge ideas. The primary goal of the program is to build and foster a strong community of scholars committed to excellence in research as part of the Harvard Summer Undergraduate Research Village. Students must commit to the 10-week program and are provided with Harvard campus housing, meals, and a research stipend.

Programs at Harvard Medical School 

Summer honors undergraduate research program at harvard medical school.

Summer Honors Undergraduate Research Program (SHURP) is a 10-week summer research program primarily for college students belonging to groups that are underrepresented in the sciences. In addition to laboratory-based research with Harvard Medical School faculty, the program includes research and career development seminars and a peer-mentoring program. Stipend, housing, and travel are provided. Administered by the Division of Medical Sciences (PhD programs office) at Harvard Medical School every year since 1991, SHURP is offered for currently enrolled undergraduates who are considering careers in biological or biomedical research sciences, who have already had at least one summer (or equivalent term-time) of experience in a research laboratory, and who have taken at least one upper-level biology course that includes molecular biology. US citizenship or permanent residency is required.

Systems Biology Summer Internship Program

The 10-week Systems Biology Summer Internship Program enables interns to work on research projects spanning many scientific fields including systems biology, biophysics, bioinformatics, genomics, applied mathematics, and computation. Participants learn a range of cutting-edge techniques in the exciting and dynamic research environment of the FAS Center for Systems Biology and the Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School. Participants must be US citizens or permanent residents. Individuals from underrepresented minority and economically disadvantaged groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Cell Biology Research Scholars Program

The Cell Biology Research Scholars Program provides a 10-week full-time research opportunity to undergraduate students with a passion for scientific discovery and fundamental biology. Students will be hosted by faculty investigators to work on cutting-edge research projects and participate in training workshops and mentoring activities in preparation for a productive scientific research career. A stipend is provided, but scholars are responsible for travel, housing, and meals.

Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Summer Scholars Program

The Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology (BCMP) Summer Scholars Program is a 10-week program designed to provide hands-on laboratory research experience to motivated undergraduates with a strong interest in pursuing graduate studies focused on molecular mechanisms in biology. The program offers students the opportunity to gain experience in hands-on laboratory research; to interact with faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and other summer interns; to attend weekly presentations by department members on specific research projects and cutting-edge research tools; and to improve their presentation, writing, and communication skills. Participating laboratories cover a broad range of basic and disease-oriented research topics using the analytical tools of biochemistry, molecular genetics, biophysics, chemical biology, and structural biology. A stipend is provided, but students are responsible for travel, housing, and meal accommodations.

Summer Undergraduate Program in Immunology at Harvard Medical School

The 10-week Summer Undergraduate Program in Immunology exposes undergraduate students to current topics in immunology. Students participate in a combination of weekly lectures and laboratory work with faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows from the Harvard Medical School Immunology Graduate Program. Participants from colleges in which the topic is not taught or presented in depth are especially welcome, and individuals from underrepresented minority groups are especially encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to students who are in their sophomore or junior year. A stipend is provided, but the program is unable to assist with travel, housing arrangements, or visas for students.

Summer Institute in Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School

Summer Institute in Biomedical Informatics , now entering its 15th year, is a nine-week full-time extensive research opportunity with a curriculum including didactic lectures, clinical case studies, a mentored research project, and presentation of findings. The program is for undergraduates with quantitative interests and skills who aspire to contribute to translational advances in biomedicine with a future PhD or research-oriented MD or MD/PhD. A stipend, housing, and a travel allowance are provided. If you are an undergraduate with a strong quantitative background and interested in innovation and methodological rigor in your approach to scientific inquiry in biomedicine or in the translation of computational methods to engineering/software applications in medicine, this is the summer program for you!

The Four Directions Summer Research Program

The Four Directions Summer Research Program (FDSRP) provides an opportunity for talented Native American undergraduates to explore careers in the medical profession under the guidance and supervision of staff from Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital. The FDSRP is an eight-week summer research opportunity offered to undergraduate and first-year medical students with a commitment to the health of Native American communities. Interns engage in basic science or translational research projects under the supervision of Harvard Medical School faculty advisors. Students also receive career development training, meet faculty from across the hospital and medical school, and participate in a variety of social networking events. US citizenship or permanent residency is required. Stipend, housing, and travel are provided.

Newborn Medicine Summer Student Research Program

The Newborn Medicine Summer Student Research Program is sponsored by the Harvard Program in Neonatology for students interested in clinical aspects and research in Newborn Medicine. During the 8–12-week program, students are guided by faculty and fellow mentors from the program with the goal of providing undergraduate and medical school students with intensive clinical and laboratory research. As part of the program, the students will have the opportunity to observe newborn care in the hospital nurseries, clinics, and neonatal intensive care units. Partial funding is available for students participating in the program.

Harvard Summer Research Program in Kidney Medicine

Based at Harvard Medical School, the Harvard Summer Research Program in Kidney Medicine is an eight-week research-intensive experience that provides undergraduates interested in science or medicine an introduction to nephrology, and an overview of basic and clinical science. At the end of the program, students will have the opportunity to present their research at a national student symposium. Stipend and housing are provided. Research experience is preferred but not required. US citizenship or permanent residency is required.

Programs at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

Summer program in biological sciences in public health.

The Summer Program in Biological Sciences in Public Health at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health is an eight-week laboratory-based biological research program for undergraduates belonging to underrepresented groups during the summer following their sophomore or junior years. The program exposes college students to the rewards of laboratory research directed toward solving important public health problems such as infections (malaria, TB, parasites), cancer, lung diseases, multifactorial, multigenic, and common diseases of aging, diabetes, and obesity. Scientific approaches include regulation of cell growth and gene regulation, cellular metabolism, DNA modification, cellular signaling, and structure-function analyses. The overall mission of the program is to prepare qualified students for graduate-level training leading to research careers in the biological sciences.

Summer Program in Epidemiology

The Summer Program in Epidemiology at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health is an intensive five-week program that integrates mathematics and quantitative methods to provide students with an understanding of the skills and processes necessary to pursue a career in public health. The program recruits undergraduates belonging to underrepresented groups for graduate-level training. Areas of study include cancer prevention, infectious disease, environmental and occupational health, nutrition, and more. Students will participate in an introductory course in epidemiology and biostatistics, faculty lectures, a research project led by faculty or post-doctoral fellow, and networking opportunities. Travel, lodging, a stipend, and frequent meals are provided.

Multidisciplinary International Research Training (MIRT) Program

MIRT is a national program designed to encourage students to pursue careers in biomedical and behavioral research providing support for undergraduate and graduate students to do health-related population-based research and training in developing countries including Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Thailand, Republic of Georgia, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Chile, and Australia. Trainees get knowledge of scientific literature associated with projects, biomedical research ethics, and cultural aspects with a focus on how these aspects affect public health issues as well as scientific and medical issues. Research opportunities are designed collaboratively with faculty in these institutions to address health and health disparities pertinent to their countries.

Summer Program in Biostatistics & Computational Biology at the Harvard School of Public Health

The Summer Program in Biostatistics & Computational Biology is an intensive six-week introduction to biostatistics, epidemiology, and public health research. Based at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, this program is designed to introduce qualified undergraduates and post-baccalaureates to the use of quantitative methods for biological, environmental, and medical research, and to demonstrate the application of quantitative methods to the study of human health. US citizenship or permanent residency is required.

Programs at Harvard’s Affiliated Hospitals

Summer research trainee program at massachusetts general hospital .

The goal of the eight-week Summer Research Trainee Program (SRTP) is to provide underrepresented minority students with an overview of opportunities available in biomedical research and clinical medicine. Students are assigned to Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) laboratories or clinical sites where they undertake original research projects and prepare presentations of their work under the mentorship of an MGH investigator. In addition to this research experience, students will attend weekly seminars, career development workshops, and networking events. The program is open to underrepresented minority students who have completed at least three years of college or who are first-year medical students; no prior research experience is necessary. US citizenship or permanent residency is required. Housing, meals, and a stipend are provided.

Summer Training in Academic Research and Scholarship Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital

The STARS Program provides underrepresented minority (URM) undergraduate and first-year medical students with a strong interest in pursuing advanced careers as research scientists, physicians, and/or healthcare professionals with an opportunity to engage in basic, clinical, and translational research projects during an eight-week summer program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS). Interns participate in a research project under the supervision of an HMS faculty mentor. Additional activities include "Research 101" education and training sessions, social networking opportunities, weekly roundtables with BWH Faculty and the Office for Multicultural Faculty Careers, and community health center/clinic shadowing. US citizenship or permanent residency is required. Housing, travel, and a stipend are provided.

Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences at Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center

The Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC) Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) program introduces Massachusetts high school and undergraduate students from underrepresented minority populations to cancer research. Each year, CURE selects several students to participate in full-time 8–12-week summer internships. Interns are assigned individual mentors, who oversee their research and offer guidance. In addition to working on a research project, participants benefit from various program activities, such as a comprehensive orientation, scientific research, and professional development seminars, journal club discussions, networking, and social events. Applicants must demonstrate an interest in pursuing a biomedical or health-related research career. Students receive a weekly stipend.

Brigham Research Institute Undergraduate Research Summer Internship Program 

The Brigham Research Institute’s Summer Undergraduate Research Internship Program provides an excellent opportunity for undergraduates across the United States to gain a focused, challenging, and hands-on research experience in a basic science or clinical laboratory setting. Interns can choose from a wide variety of host labs doing exciting work in areas related to cardiovascular, immunology, musculoskeletal, neurobiology, and sex differences research. During the 10-week internship program, students can take advantage of educational and professional development offerings on the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School campuses as well as participate in a central curriculum associated with the program. Students will present their research findings in a mini research symposium at the end of their training period.

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Summer research internships for undergraduates.

Summer research opportunity programs are designed to introduce eligible undergraduates to leading scholars at the nation’s top research universities. Participating undergraduates produce graduate level research with faculty guidance over an eight- to 10-week period in the summer. Funding is often provided.

Applications are typically due in December/January. Consult the respective websites below for details and to apply.

Participation in the programs below may provide eligibility for a Cornell Graduate School application fee waiver. Please visit our fee waiver page for more information.

Internships at Cornell University:

  • Advancing Cornell Career Experiences for Science Students (ACCESS)
  • Center for Bright Beams (CBB) Summer REU Program
  • Center for Transportation, Environment and Community Health (CTECH) REU Program
  • CLASSE Summer Research Program for Community College Students (SRCCS)
  • Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR) REU Program
  • Cornell Geopaths Geoscience Learning Ecosystem (CorGGLE)
  • Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences and Education (CLASSE)
  • Cornell NanoScale Facility (CNF) REU Program
  • Cornell Summer School on Designing Technology for Social Impact
  • Food Science Summer Scholars Program
  • Gateways to the Laboratory
  • Keeping the Ezra Promise (KEP) Program
  • Leadership Alliance Summer Research Early Identification Program
  • Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Summer Research Program (LSAMP)
  • Mathematics Summer Research Program for Undergraduates
  • Microbial Friends and Foes Research Experience for Undergraduates
  • Molecular Biology and Genetics Research Experience for Undergraduates
  • NASA New York Space Grant summer internships at Cornell (must be a New York state resident or attend a college/university within New York state)
  • New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, Summer Research Scholars Program (must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident)
  • NextGenPop – summer program in population research
  • Platform for the Accelerated Realization, Analysis, and Discovery of Interface Material (PARADIM) REU Program and Summer Schools
  • Plant Genome Research Experiences for Undergrads at Boyce Thompson Institute at Cornell University (PGRP)
  • REU Program Astrophysics and Planetary Science
  • Shoals Marine Lab in Maine
  • SoNIC Summer Research Workshop (for SOftware defined Network InterfaCe)
  • Summer Undergraduate Research in Science and Engineering (SUnRiSE)
  • Travelers Summer Research Program

National Programs:

  • American Economic Association Summer Program  (pre-graduate study and research)
  • Graduate Horizons (four-day intensive course for Native American, Native Alaskan, and Native Hawaiian students – email [email protected] for more information)
  • Institute for the Recruitment of Teachers  (for prospective grad students interested in humanities, social sciences, and education)
  • NASA Space Grant summer internships at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at Kennedy Space Center  (must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident)
  • National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center Summer Student Program
  • Pathways to Science (for programs in STEM, including undergraduate summer research opportunities as well as graduate fellowships and postdoctoral positions)
  • Plant Science Research Network (over 150 undergraduate research and internship opportunities in the plant sciences and related fields)
  • Ralph Bunche Institute  (for prospective grad students in government and political science)
  • REU Finder Website (searchable database of REU programs)

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Naval Postgraduate School

Energy Academic Group

Intern research - energy academic group, intern research.

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Climate Change Law: The Impact of Recent Cases on Climate Security

Rebecca Grippo Roger Williams School of Law JD expected 2024 November 2023 EAG Contact:  Kristen Fletcher

View Report (PDF)

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Classification of Unmanned Maritime Systems by FVEY Countries

Theresa Milio United States Naval Academy B.S. expected 2024 October 2023 EAG Contact: Marina Lesse View Report (PDF)

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Arctic Governance over Autonomous Systems in the Arctic

Rebecca Grippo Roger Williams School of Law JD expected 2024 August 2022 EAG Contact:  Kristen Fletcher View Report (PDF)

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Treatment of Expendable Unmanned Systems Under U.S. Environmental Law

Philip L. DeCocco Marquette University Political Science and Philosophy ‘23 August 2022 EAG Contact:  Kristen Fletcher View Report (PDF)

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Lithium Battery Deactivation for Defense Logistics Agency

John Callaway Jason Navarrete Ignas Kasulaitas VTEC Interns San Diego State University Mechanical Engineering July 2022 EAG Contact: Eric Hahn View Report (PDF)

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Environmental Security: Toward a Framework for Naval Bases

Emily Zimmerman Middlebury Institute of International Studies, International Environmental Policy ‘22 August 2021 EAG Contact:  Kristen Fletcher View Report (PDF)

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Unmanned and Autonomous Systems: Navigating Today's Legal Atmosphere

Philip DeCocco Marquette University, Political Science and Philosophy ‘23  August 2021  EAG Contact:  Kristen Fletcher View Report (PDF)

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Arctic Policy: Learning from Current Arctic Strategies

Philip DeCocco Marquette University, Political Science and Philosophy ‘23 August 2020  (updated June 2021) EAG Contact:  Kristen Fletcher

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Arctic Governance and China’s Claim of Near Arctic State

Elizabeth Francis Middlebury Institute of International Studies, International Environmental Policy ‘21 December 2020 EAG Contact:  Kristen Fletcher

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Climate Resiliency of Military Installations: Best Practices for Public-Public Partnerships

Cameron Steagall Middlebury Institute of International Studies, International Environmental Policy ‘20 August 2020 EAG Contact:  Kristen Fletcher

OIST Research Internship Program Description

The OIST Graduate School offers education and research opportunities through our Research Intern program in STEM fields. The duration of the internship is typically from 2 to 6 months. These short-term placements give students the opportunity to gain experience in a particular laboratory or to learn a specific technique. Interns will work under the direction of a Professor and contribute to the research activities of OIST.

Internships may begin and end at any time during the year, with two application periods. For details about the application process and deadlines, please see the section " Apply to Research Internship ."

OIST will provide the following support for successful applicants.

Internship Allowance

JPY 2,400 per working day (Non-taxable and weekends excluded )    

Commuting Allowance

OIST Shuttle Bus Pass

Travel Expenses

One direct round-trip air ticket ( travel date will be closest date to the term of placement )


Furnished apartment on or off campus

Other Support

OIST will also assist in visa acquisition, insurance procedures, and local registration. This will only be provided for the student. Therefore, this does not pertain to the dependents and family members of the student.


Applicants who intend to import biological or hazardous material for their research are urged to insure that such import is in compliance with all regulations of their home country, any country of transit, and of Japan, and to complete all necessary paperwork for importation well ahead of time.

Detailed regulations pertaining to matters of payment, intellectual property rights, attendance, health and safety, and other matters have been drawn up and will be made available to successful applicants.

Download OIST Research Internship program flyer.

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National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Post Graduate (Year-Round) Intern – Market Research Analyst and Agreement Support

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Posting Title

CO – Golden

Position Type

Intern (Fixed Term)

Hours Per Week

Working at NREL

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), located at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Golden, Colorado is the nation’s primary laboratory for research and development of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.

From day one at NREL, you’ll connect with coworkers driven by the same mission to save the planet. By joining an organization that values a supportive, inclusive, and flexible work environment, you’ll have the opportunity to engage through our ten employee resource groups, numerous employee-driven clubs, and learning and professional development classes.

NREL supports inclusive, diverse, and unbiased hiring practices that promote creativity and innovation. By collaborating with organizations that focus on diverse talent pools, reaching out to underrepresented demographics, and providing an inclusive application and interview process, our Talent Acquisition team aims to hear all voices equally. We strive to attract a highly diverse workforce and create a culture where every employee feels welcomed and respected and they can be their authentic selves.

Our planet needs us! Learn about NREL’s critical objectives, and see how NREL is focused on saving the planet.

Note: Research suggests that potential job seekers may self-select out of opportunities if they don’t meet 100% of the job requirements. We encourage anyone who is interested in this opportunity to apply. We seek dedicated people who believe they have the skills and ambition to succeed at NREL to apply for this role.

Job Description

The Business Management Office of IPO at NREL is looking for a recent science or business graduate to support our partnership team. The Market Research Analyst Intern will help the business development team by conducting research, internal and external, and developing models to better understand current industry dynamics and government goals and budgets. This information will be used by the Partnership Business Development team to develop strategies and action plans to meet partnership goals. This position is full-time.

We are looking for candidates that are passionate about renewable energy, energy systems and the environment. In this role you will support a large and diverse portfolio of activities involving traditional analyses, literature reviews, and tasks focused on data analysis and validation. You will also have opportunities to work on web applications and basic analytic programming tasks. Candidates should be interested in working in an interdisciplinary field, together with business development professionals, agreement specialists, and researchers, which will require excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

The Market Research Analyst Intern will work as part of NREL’s Innovation Partnership and Outreach directorate, supporting the Lab’s partnership growth and development strategy by developing ongoing market analysis, industry insights and general research.

Responsibilities include:

Market Research

Support NREL Business Development managers by using market research analysis to answer strategic questions

Use Salesforce to analyze historical business development performance and develop strong capabilities in Salesforce reporting and analytics, including use of tools outside of Salesforce to perform more complex analysis

Provide compelling, fact-based findings through organizing and extracting data, information, and insights from various sources and methods – including primary and secondary research, competitive analysis and market opportunity analysis.

Consult with subject matter experts to develop a complete understanding of the relevant market and technology trends.

Assess current market research practices and provides recommendations for new methods to enhance analytics for internal use.

Communicate findings and recommendations in a clear and concise manner that enables decisive business action.

Basic Qualifications

Must be enrolled as a full-time student in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD degree program, or graduated in the past 12 months from an accredited institution. Candidates who have earned a degree may work for a period not to exceed 12 months. Must have a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.

Please Note:

-You will need to upload official or unofficial school transcripts as part of the application process.

-If selected for position, a letter of recommendation will be required as part of the hiring process.

* Must meet educational requirements prior to employment start date.

Additional Required Qualifications

Preferred Qualifications

Critical thinking skills, strong business acumen and skilled in problem solving.

Proven ability to quickly learn new tools and systems including the ability to independently learn new technologies.

Ability to integrate third-party market analysis, strategic business goals, and data from a variety of sources to provide new insights.

Excellent communication skills including writing, presentations and effectively sharing analysis.

Ability to handle multiple projects under limited supervision, work well under pressure, meet deadlines and be a strong team player with willingness to take initiative.

Proficiency with MS Office Suite.

Experience using Excel for data analysis.

Experience with Power BI.

Experience with Salesforce or similar CRM or Marketing suites.

Job Application Submission Window

The anticipated closing window for application submission is up to 30 days and may be extended as needed.

Annual Salary Range (based on full-time 40 hours per week)

Job Profile: / Annual Salary Range: $49,100 – $78,600

NREL takes into consideration a candidate’s education, training, and experience, expected quality and quantity of work, required travel (if any), external market and internal value, including seniority and merit systems, and internal pay alignment when determining the salary level for potential new employees. In compliance with the Colorado Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, a potential new employee’s salary history will not be used in compensation decisions.

Benefits Summary

Benefits include medical, dental, and vision insurance; 403(b) Employee Savings Plan with employer match*; and sick leave (where required by law). NREL employees may be eligible for, but are not guaranteed, performance-, merit-, and achievement- based awards that include a monetary component. Some positions may be eligible for relocation expense reimbursement. Internships projected to be less than 20 hours per week are not eligible for medical, dental, or vision benefits.

***** Based on eligibility rules

Drug Free Workplace

NREL is committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace in accordance with the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act and complies with federal laws prohibiting the possession and use of illegal drugs. Under federal law, marijuana remains an illegal drug.

If you are offered employment at NREL, you must pass a pre-employment drug test prior to commencing employment. Unless prohibited by state or local law, the pre-employment drug test will include marijuana. If you test positive on the pre-employment drug test, your offer of employment may be withdrawn.

Submission Guidelines

Please note that in order to be considered an applicant for any position at NREL you must submit an application form for each position for which you believe you are qualified. Applications are not kept on file for future positions. Please include a cover letter and resume with each position application.

NREL is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard basis of age (40 and over), color, disability, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, domestic partner status, military or veteran status, national origin/ancestry, race, religion, creed, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding), sexual orientation, and any other applicable status protected by federal, state, or local laws.

EEO is the Law ( ) | Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination ( ) | Reasonable Accommodations ( )

E -Verify For information about right to work, click here ( ) for English or here ( ) for Spanish.

E-Verify is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This business uses E-Verify in its hiring practices to achieve a lawful workforce.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is a leader in the U.S. Department of Energy’s effort to secure an environmentally and economically sustainable energy future. With locations in Golden and Boulder, Colorado, and a satellite office in Washington, D.C., NREL is the primary laboratory for research, development, and deployment of renewable energy technologies in the United States.

NREL is subject to Department of Energy (DOE) access restrictions. All candidates must be authorized to access the facility per DOE rules and guidance within a reasonable time frame for the specified position in order to be considered for an interview. DOE rules for site access during the interview process are the same regardless of whether the candidate is interviewed on-site, off-site, or via telephone or videoconference. Additionally, DOE contractor employees are prohibited from participating in certain Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Programs (FGTRPs). If a candidate is currently participating in an FGTRP, they will be required to disclose their participation after receiving an offer of employment and may be required to disengage from participation in the FGTRP prior to commencing employment. Any offer of employment is conditional on the ability to obtain work authorization and to be granted access to NREL by the Department of Energy (DOE).

Please review the information on our Hiring Process ( ) website before you create an account and apply for a job. We also hope you will learn more about NREL ( ) , visit our Careers site ( ) , and continue to search for job opportunities ( ) at the lab.

UNIQ+ Research Internships are aimed at talented undergraduates from under-represented groups, who would find continuing into postgraduate study a challenge for reasons other than their academic ability.   This section of our website is designed for those applying for our 2024 programme. 

Oxford skyline with the UNIQ plus logo

Find out what happens after submitting an application

Applications for our 2024 programme have now closed - find out how applications are assessed

An intern working in a laboratory

What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship?

Read about the opportunities and benefits of applying to UNIQ+.

An intern looking at books on a shelf

Eligibility requirements

Check your eligibility for our UNIQ+ Research Internships programme.

A group of interns in a lecture theatre

View the UNIQ+ Research Internships projects available in 2024.

An intern typing on a laptop computer in an office

Application Guide

Read our guide for applying to the UNIQ+ Research Internships programme.

A group of interns attending a social event in a dining room

After you apply

What happens once you have submitted your UNIQ+ application?

Two interns reviewing information on a computer monitor

Guidance for UNIQ+ referees

Information for referees providing a reference for a UNIQ+ Research Internships application.

An intern typing on a laptop computer in an office

Privacy notices

Read our privacy notices for applicants and attendees:

  • Applicant privacy notice
  • Attendee privacy notice

Interns walking together in a corridor

Read our policies on criminal convictions and complaints and appeals:

  • Criminal convictions policy
  • Complaints and appeals policy


Closed to applications for entry in 2024

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Driving Industry & University Collaborations

Australian Postgraduate Research Intern (APR.Intern)  is Australia’s only national PhD and Masters by Research internship program spanning all sectors and disciplines.

APR.Intern is the industry engagement arm of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI), and connects postgraduate research students with industry through short-term placements, empowering students to thrive in a practical research environment. For businesses, APR.Intern is a platform to access Australia’s brightest emerging research talent and accelerate innovation.

Program News & Case Studies

Defence Science Institute Subsidy Increase

Defence Science Institute Subsidy Increase

Striving to better understand the world through Large Scale Structure cosmology

Striving to better understand the world through Large Scale Structure cosmology

Creating spaces that prioritise Indigenous perspectives

Creating spaces that prioritise Indigenous perspectives

State-of-the-art knowledge in machine learning techniques for computer vision

State-of-the-art knowledge in machine learning techniques for computer vision

APR.Intern International Women's Day 2024

APR.Intern International Women’s Day 2024

Exploration of the AI safety research landscape

Exploration of the AI safety research landscape

APR Internship has the potential to revolutionise the dental industry

APR Internship has the potential to revolutionise the dental industry

APR Intern delves into research roadmap for blood cancers

APR Intern delves into research roadmap for blood cancers

Collaboration with PhD Interns strengthens cutting edge research

Collaboration with PhD Interns strengthens cutting edge research

APR.Intern 2023 End of Year Updates

APR.Intern 2023 End of Year Updates

Interdisciplinary Mindset of PhD Intern Spearheads Success for Start-up

Interdisciplinary Mindset of PhD Intern Spearheads Success for Start-up

Investing in PhD Research and Innovation to Shape Solutions

Investing in PhD Research and Innovation to Shape Solutions

New Funding to Spark Collaboration Between Industry and FLEET PhD’s 

New Funding to Spark Collaboration Between Industry and FLEET PhD’s 

Swinburne University of Technology’s Aerostructures Innovation Research (AIR) Hub

New Partnership to Accelerate Innovation in Australian Aerospace Industry

New Women in STEM Internship Subsidy Available

New Women in STEM Internship Subsidy Available

AMSI receives $998,000 in funding to expand PhD internship program for women in STEM

AMSI receives $998,000 in funding to expand PhD internship program for women in STEM

2022 Program Highlights

2022 Program Highlights

New Defence (VIC) Vouchers Available

New Defence (VIC) Vouchers Available

Manufacturing Innovation: IMCRC Partnership Fulfilled

Manufacturing Innovation: IMCRC Partnership Fulfilled

New MedTech Vouchers Available

New MedTech Vouchers Available

BioTech Start-up Benefits from PhD Expertise

BioTech Start-up Benefits from PhD Expertise

AMSI and APR.Intern Welcome New Government

AMSI and APR.Intern Welcome New Government

Industry-University Collaboration Advances COVID-19  Disinfectant Technology

Industry-University Collaboration Advances COVID-19 Disinfectant Technology

ACGR Q&A with APR.Intern's National Program Manager, Lisa Farrar

ACGR Q&A with APR.Intern’s National Program Manager, Lisa Farrar

TSA appoints Former PhD Intern as Advisor for Science & Innovation Sectors

TSA appoints Former PhD Intern as Advisor for Science & Innovation Sectors

2021 Highlights

2021 Highlights

PhD Internships a Win for Academic Mentors

PhD Internships a Win for Academic Mentors

PhD Intern featured in Port Lincoln Times

PhD Intern featured in Port Lincoln Times

APR.Intern Update: Program Continuation

APR.Intern Update: Program Continuation

Making waves: AI researchers answer the call to help develop intelligent radio system

Making waves: AI researchers answer the call to help develop intelligent radio system

APR.Intern Announced as a Finalist in the Australian Defence Industry Awards

APR.Intern Announced as a Finalist in the Australian Defence Industry Awards

PhD Student Fast-Tracks Bushfire Research

PhD Student Fast-Tracks Bushfire Research

Transport Canberra Internships in Canberra Weekly

Transport Canberra Internships in Canberra Weekly

APR.Intern Recognised for Outstanding Excellence

APR.Intern Recognised for Outstanding Excellence

APR.Intern Update: Program Recommencement

APR.Intern Update: Program Recommencement

PhD Intern Accelerates Biomedical R&D

PhD Intern Accelerates Biomedical R&D

PhD Intern Fast-Tracks Genetic Testing Technology

PhD Intern Fast-Tracks Genetic Testing Technology

APR.Intern Update: Grant Completion

APR.Intern Update: Grant Completion

2020 Achievements

2020 Achievements

50 PhD Student Placements Boost Defence Capability

50 PhD Student Placements Boost Defence Capability

Software Solutions Simplified with PhD Expertise

Software Solutions Simplified with PhD Expertise

Update for Universities: Program Extension

Update for Universities: Program Extension

Manufacturing Innovation: PhD Student Paves the Way for Industry 4.0

Manufacturing Innovation: PhD Student Paves the Way for Industry 4.0

PhD Intern Collaborates to Enhance Siemens Wireless Technology

PhD Intern Collaborates to Enhance Siemens Wireless Technology

PhD Interns Power STEM Workforce Report

PhD Interns Power STEM Workforce Report

Data Analysis Streamlines Future Commuting

Data Analysis Streamlines Future Commuting

New REDI Partnership a Win for MedTech Research Translation

New REDI Partnership a Win for MedTech Research Translation

PhD Expertise Fast-Tracks New Water Filtration System

PhD Expertise Fast-Tracks New Water Filtration System

A Step Back in Time: PhD Intern Improves Tourist Spot’s History

A Step Back in Time: PhD Intern Improves Tourist Spot’s History

Pandemic Doesn’t Put a Pause on PhD Internship

Pandemic Doesn’t Put a Pause on PhD Internship

PhD Intern Accelerates 3D Printing Processes

PhD Intern Accelerates 3D Printing Processes

Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

New Partnership a Win for PhDs, Australian Agriculture

New Partnership a Win for PhDs, Australian Agriculture

On The Right Track: PhD Proves New Methods For Railroad Safety

On The Right Track: PhD Proves New Methods For Railroad Safety

3D Print Tech Transforming Healthcare

3D Print Tech Transforming Healthcare

Message from Program Director 2019

Message from Program Director 2019

Managing Climate Variability: PhD Intern Uncovers Riverflow Trends

Managing Climate Variability: PhD Intern Uncovers Riverflow Trends

STEMFest Gets Unconventional on Diversity

STEMFest Gets Unconventional on Diversity

#WiSTEMpledge to Open Opportunities

#WiSTEMpledge to Open Opportunities

Data Experts Deliver Life-Saving Bushfire Tool

Data Experts Deliver Life-Saving Bushfire Tool

Partnership to Accelerate WA Defence Innovation

Partnership to Accelerate WA Defence Innovation

Meat Industry Finds New Use for 3D X-Ray Technology

Meat Industry Finds New Use for 3D X-Ray Technology

Scheme offers PhD students on-the-job work experience

Scheme offers PhD students on-the-job work experience

PhDs Turning to Industry as Top Employers Revealed

PhDs Turning to Industry as Top Employers Revealed

AMSI Appoints New Board Members

AMSI Appoints New Board Members

Industry 4.0: New Partnership to Transform Manufacturing

Industry 4.0: New Partnership to Transform Manufacturing





Machine Learning Accelerates Cyber Security

Machine Learning Accelerates Cyber Security

PhD Intern Assists in Crop-Saving Research for Farmers

PhD Intern Assists in Crop-Saving Research for Farmers





PhD Intern at the Fuel Storage Front-Line

PhD Intern at the Fuel Storage Front-Line



PhD students are unnecessarily apprehensive about leaving academia

PhD students are unnecessarily apprehensive about leaving academia



PhDs Not Flying Under the Radar

PhDs Not Flying Under the Radar

WE CAN BE HEROES | Why APR.Intern is Prioritising STEM Gender Equity

WE CAN BE HEROES | Why APR.Intern is Prioritising STEM Gender Equity

Mathematics to Assist Fleet Planners

Mathematics to Assist Fleet Planners

Fully Charged: Optimisation the Key to Energy Saving

Fully Charged: Optimisation the Key to Energy Saving

Canon Turns to PhD Intern to Understand Video

Canon Turns to PhD Intern to Understand Video

PhD Interns Help DST Research Surge Ahead

PhD Interns Help DST Research Surge Ahead



PhDs Re-Imagine Business Innovation

PhDs Re-Imagine Business Innovation





Melbourne's Waste Brings Future Treasure

Melbourne’s Waste Brings Future Treasure

Atlassian Gets Ahead with PhD Intern

Atlassian Gets Ahead with PhD Intern

PhD Internship Proves Smart Career Move

PhD Internship Proves Smart Career Move

Innovation Made Local

Innovation Made Local

New Platform to Transform Disability Housing

New Platform to Transform Disability Housing

Banking Giant Opening Doors for Women in Stem

Banking Giant Opening Doors for Women in Stem

Tech Leader Engages PhD Intern for Innovative Project

Tech Leader Engages PhD Intern for Innovative Project

Maths Pioneer Alison Harcourts Sees Progress For Women

Maths Pioneer Alison Harcourts Sees Progress For Women

88 Year Old Statistics Pioneer Says Some Barriers For Women In STEM 'Haven't Changed Since The 60s'

88 Year Old Statistics Pioneer Says Some Barriers For Women In STEM ‘Haven’t Changed Since The 60s’

Three Generations But STEM Equity Still A Work In Progress

Three Generations But STEM Equity Still A Work In Progress

Click on Safe Swimming with APR.Intern

Click on Safe Swimming with APR.Intern

Jumping into the Innovation Fastlane with APR.Intern

Jumping into the Innovation Fastlane with APR.Intern

PhD Students: Australia Needs Them To Aspire To Working In The Private Sector

PhD Students: Australia Needs Them To Aspire To Working In The Private Sector

Accelerating Defence Innovation with APR.Intern

Accelerating Defence Innovation with APR.Intern

APR.Intern Alumna Takes on the World Through Mobile Phone Data Security

APR.Intern Alumna Takes on the World Through Mobile Phone Data Security



The Big Business Big Data Secret

The Big Business Big Data Secret

Taylor Fry Strengthens Predictions with Expert PhD Statistician

Taylor Fry Strengthens Predictions with Expert PhD Statistician

ACP Sales Decontaminates the Solution by Engineering Success

ACP Sales Decontaminates the Solution by Engineering Success

Optimo Uses Expert Skills to Optimise Financial Investments

Optimo Uses Expert Skills to Optimise Financial Investments

Enware Grows Productivity with Greener Systems

Enware Grows Productivity with Greener Systems

Epsilon Security Uses Statistics to Prevent Crime in Urban City Living

Epsilon Security Uses Statistics to Prevent Crime in Urban City Living

Omni Tanker Manufactures Success with Specialised Engineering Skills

Omni Tanker Manufactures Success with Specialised Engineering Skills

BMT Innovate Naval Ship Design Through Computer Modelling

BMT Innovate Naval Ship Design Through Computer Modelling

Henrob Work to Reduce Car Emissions

Henrob Work to Reduce Car Emissions

Visa Global Logistics Optimise a Faster Route to Greener Profits

Visa Global Logistics Optimise a Faster Route to Greener Profits

Prince Charles Hospital and Griffith University Collaborate to Unlock Immune System Secrets

Prince Charles Hospital and Griffith University Collaborate to Unlock Immune System Secrets



STEM receives a leg up with defence internships

STEM receives a leg up with defence internships

Defence deal with AMSI to intern - University students to help Defence Science and Technology Group

Defence deal with AMSI to intern – University students to help Defence Science and Technology Group

PhD Work Experience Program Boosted By Injection Of 100 Interns To Defence Science Group

PhD Work Experience Program Boosted By Injection Of 100 Interns To Defence Science Group

Brightest PhD Students To Be Seconded To Defence To Help Build Future Fighting Force Of Robots

Brightest PhD Students To Be Seconded To Defence To Help Build Future Fighting Force Of Robots

AMSI Optimise: Preparing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Australian Resources

AMSI Optimise: Preparing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Australian Resources

Making Business More Efficient With Maths

Making Business More Efficient With Maths

New Symposium Will Challenge Mathematicians To Solve Industry Problems

New Symposium Will Challenge Mathematicians To Solve Industry Problems

Maths Crisis Looms as Workforce Ages

Maths Crisis Looms as Workforce Ages

Tick for ACOLA's Research Training Reform Proposals

Tick for ACOLA’s Research Training Reform Proposals

AMSI: Australia Must Embrace Mathematics For Innovation

AMSI: Australia Must Embrace Mathematics For Innovation

APR.Intern Step in the Right Direction for Innovation Company

APR.Intern Step in the Right Direction for Innovation Company

AMSI Endorses Coalition's $28.2m Policy on PhD Research Industry Internships

AMSI Endorses Coalition’s $28.2m Policy on PhD Research Industry Internships

Virtual Reality and Home Telehealth

Virtual Reality and Home Telehealth

AMSI welcomes strengthened Innovation and Science Agenda

AMSI welcomes strengthened Innovation and Science Agenda

Adults count the cost of poor maths skills

Adults count the cost of poor maths skills

Lateral thinking helps bring women into tech sector

Lateral thinking helps bring women into tech sector

Call for more maths prerequisites for students starting science degrees

Call for more maths prerequisites for students starting science degrees

Tackling the gender bias in mathematics education

Tackling the gender bias in mathematics education

Hardly a beautiful set of numbers for maths

Hardly a beautiful set of numbers for maths

Tripartisan support for the mathematical sciences

Tripartisan support for the mathematical sciences

Science degree pre-requisites

Vision for a maths nation – building policy on evidence

Massive rise in internships to boost university-business links

Massive rise in internships to boost university-business links

Engineering on a roll: how smart wireless devices can help keep toilets stocked and clean

Engineering on a roll: how smart wireless devices can help keep toilets stocked and clean

Protecting Biodiversity: An Australian First with APR.Intern

Protecting Biodiversity: An Australian First with APR.Intern

A Local Approach To Climate Change

A Local Approach To Climate Change

Fatal blood disease under an intern's microscope

Fatal blood disease under an intern’s microscope

Mathematical modelling, delivering Victoria's water future

Mathematical modelling, delivering Victoria’s water future

Detecting firewall loopholes: human vs computer

Detecting firewall loopholes: human vs computer

Financial investments a modeller's minefield 

Financial investments a modeller’s minefield 

Reducing your car's footprint

Reducing your car’s footprint

Innovative intern program launched to inspire women in science

Innovative intern program launched to inspire women in science

Outstanding innovations are structured through solid research

Outstanding innovations are structured through solid research

Smartphone users: who is really tracking you?

Smartphone users: who is really tracking you?

Intern brings software concept to life

Intern brings software concept to life

Intern decontaminates the solution

Intern decontaminates the solution

A faster route to greener profits

A faster route to greener profits

Greener systems grow productivity

Greener systems grow productivity

Strengthen your predictions with an expert statistician

Strengthen your predictions with an expert statistician

Intern sows investment opportunities in regional NSW

Intern sows investment opportunities in regional NSW

Optimising Delivery Networks

Optimising Delivery Networks

Intern injects new skills into drug project

Intern injects new skills into drug project

Saving lives and preventing injuries

Saving lives and preventing injuries

Human Powered Batteries

Human Powered Batteries

Melbourne Storm

Storm studies record breaking statistics

Ready... Stats... Go!

Ready… Stats… Go!

Intern produces a flood of options!

Intern produces a flood of options!

Intern floods Bass Coast with maths

Intern floods Bass Coast with maths

Mathematical Flood Management

Mathematical Flood Management

Crunching the numbers in flood management

Crunching the numbers in flood management

A new chapter for APR.Intern

A new chapter for APR.Intern

Grey Innovation, Richmond VIC

Grey Innovation, Richmond VIC

Terra Firma Industries, Thomastown VIC

Terra Firma Industries, Thomastown VIC

Accelerate Australia - Productivity, industry engagement & work readiness of PhDs Event

Accelerate Australia – Productivity, industry engagement & work readiness of PhDs Event

New program to boost maths and science graduates

New program to boost maths and science graduates

Partnership with MISG

Partnership with MISG

Academic strove to lift maths' profile

Academic strove to lift maths’ profile

Enware Case Study

Enware Case Study

Sums add up for numerate graduates

Sums add up for numerate graduates

APR.Intern with EMBL Australia and BioPlatforms Australia, enhancing industry-research collaboration in Bioinformatics

APR.Intern with EMBL Australia and BioPlatforms Australia, enhancing industry-research collaboration in Bioinformatics

Graduate students use math to solve industrial problems

Graduate students use math to solve industrial problems

Show Works Creative Solutions

Show Works Creative Solutions

The Australian: Problems to smile about

The Australian: Problems to smile about

Not Just Maths and Stats

Not Just Maths and Stats

Placing an Additional 90 Interns

Placing an Additional 90 Interns

20 Interns placed!

20 Interns placed!

Partnership with VLSCI Generates Five More Internships

Partnership with VLSCI Generates Five More Internships

“APR.Intern is a fantastic program for R&D-heavy industries such as ours [medtech]. The support we received took the administrative load out of pursuing an academic research partnership and made it easy for all parties to achieve results”

Dr Andrew Sexton, Senior Mechanical Engineer at Inventia Life Science


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© 2019 Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute | Website feedback: [email protected]

Research experience summer internships

  • Research degrees /
  • Research experience internships

A research experience internship will provide you with hands-on experience of conducting academic research and is an opportunity for you to increase your subject knowledge and research skills. It will also help you to make a more informed choice about postgraduate research study.

For summer 2024, we have 12 projects available across a range of subject areas. Further details are below.

For eligible candidates, some of this year’s internships may be delivered through the University’s involvement in the collaborative  Yorkshire Consortium for Equity in Doctoral Education (YCEDE) project. This project aims to address access and participation in postgraduate research (PGR) study and has a focus on UK (Home student status) Black, Asian and minority ethnic students who are underrepresented in PGR study. The closing date for applications is 23:30 on Sunday 28th April. 


These internships are open to students in undergraduate or postgraduate taught education who are interested in studying for a postgraduate research degree, or individuals not currently in higher education but who are thinking about returning to study for a postgraduate research degree.   As the internships are partially funded through YCEDE, we particularly encourage applications from people of Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds who are eligible for Home student status, who are currently underrepresented in postgraduate research study.

Projects may be based at our City or Collegiate campus or the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC). The location depends on the project you apply for and will be specified for each project. Some projects may also be suitable for occasional home working. There may also be some UK travel, fieldwork or other external working required – this will be noted in the project description. 

The projects are available for 210 hours (6 weeks at 35 hours/week) between 01 June and 31 August 2024. Depending on the project, part-time working may also be an option. The exact dates of the project and the working pattern should be agreed between the supervisor and the successful candidate.

You will be paid at £13.45 per hour (£12.00 basic hourly rate; £13.45 including holiday pay allowance).

List of projects available for summer 2024

Social and Economic Research Institute:

1. Food addiction: controversies and evidence. Lead supervisor: Dr Jordan Beaumont (PDF, 139.6KB)

2. Sheffield’s Clean Air Movement: A Local Environmental History. Lead supervisor: Dr Kathy Davies (PDF, 131KB)

3. Extended induction for postgraduate public health students in a large UK university: a qualitative evaluation of experiences and perspectives using the Listening Rooms method. Lead supervisor: Dr Ifeoma Onyeka (PDF, 131KB)

4. Evaluating the impact of human rights in limiting or improving responses to public health crises. Lead supervisor: Dr Luciano Bottini Filho (PDF, 607.3KB)

Industry and Innovation Research Institute:

5. Modelling Relay Assisted Free Space Optical Communication Systems for Future Optical Communication Networks. Lead supervisor: Dr Priyanka Desai Kakade (PDF, 651KB)

6. Modelling state of the art magnetic systems for Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording. Lead supervisor: Dr Sergiu Ruta (PDF, 563.4KB)

7. DRAMATIC: Developing Reconstruction Algorithms for Miniature-Area Timepix Imaging of Cancer. Lead supervisor: Dr Robin Smith (PDF, 562.1KB)

8. A novel austempering treatment of bainitic bearing steel. Lead supervisor: Dr Quanshun Luo (PDF, 637.7KB)

9. Ethical and proactive decision-making in autonomous robots. Lead supervisor: Dr Samuele Vinanzi (PDF, 633.5KB)

10. Novel glass container defect removal for meeting net-zero carbon targets. Lead supervisor: Dr Wei Deng (PDF, 555.8KB)

11. Utilising Computational Modelling to Help Understand Cerebral Aneurysm Progression. Lead supervisor: Dr James Spendlove (PDF, 694.8KB)

Health Research Institute:

12. Investigation of advanced body measurement in chemotherapy dosing and service development. Lead supervisor: Dr Michael Thelwell (PDF, 680.9KB)

How to apply

Please see the advert on the  Sheffield Hallam recruitment pages for details on how to apply.

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  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Astronomy & Space Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Cognitive Sciences and Psychology
  • Computer Sciences and IT
  • COVID-19 Research
  • Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences
  • Energy Sciences
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Life Sciences & Biotechnology
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Material Sciences
  • Medical Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Traditional Knowledge
  • Other Areas
  • Institutional
  • International
  • Grants for Seminar and Conferences
  • Startup Grants
  • Ministries & Departments
  • Centres of Excellence
  • Thematic Centres
  • Centres of Higher Learning
  • National Academies
  • Statewise S&T Organisations
  • Industry Related Associations
  • Laboratories
  • International Organisations
  • Civil Societies
  • Science Centres & Planetaria
  • All Programmes & Schemes
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Summer Internship Programme 2024 (Hybrid mode)

postgraduate research internship

Undergraduate/postgraduate students or research scholars enrolled in recognized universities/institutions in India and abroad can apply for the NITI Aayog Internship Scheme. They will work closely with NITI's verticals/divisions/cells. Applicants will have to apply online by filling up the registration form.

The online application link is open from 1-10 of every month. Apply here

Track your Application Status here

For technical issues relating to submissions online, contact NIC at nic-niti[at]gov[dot]in

Read more about NITI's internship scheme and guidelines Download Guidelines


  1. Post Graduate Research Internship jobs

    Post Graduate (Year-Round) Intern - Market Research Analyst and Agreement Support. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Golden, CO. $49,100 - $78,600 a year. Full-time. Support NREL Business Development managers by using market research analysis to answer strategic questions.

  2. STEM Internships and Fellowships for Recent Graduates

    ORISE administers STEM education programs on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy and other federal agencies. The diversity of these programs enables individuals—whether undergraduate, graduate, postdoc, or faculty—to conduct collaborative research with national laboratories or at one of DOE's federal agency partners.

  3. The Ultimate Guide to Research Internships in 2024

    Research internships play a pivotal role in personal and professional development. They allow participants to apply theoretical knowledge gained in academic settings to real-world scenarios, fostering critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, and enhancing their understanding of the research methodology.

  4. US Biomedical Research internship programs

    Through internship programs at the Biomedical Research (BR) division of Novartis, your contribution to the search for new disease therapies can begin early in your scientific education journey. Our internship programs are designed to introduce talented students and recent college graduates to drug discovery research together with rigorous ...

  5. What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship?

    UNIQ+ Research Internships are designed to provide students from under-represented and disadvantaged backgrounds who are ordinarily resident in the UK with the opportunity to experience postgraduate study. UNIQ+ aims to provide you with a real day-to-day experience of postgraduate research. During the seven-week programme, which will run from ...

  6. 4,000+ Postgraduate Research Intern jobs in United States (194 new)

    Today's top 4,000+ Postgraduate Research Intern jobs in United States. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Postgraduate Research Intern jobs added daily.

  7. 7,000+ Graduate Research Intern jobs in United States (52 new)

    Sarepta Therapeutics. Columbus, OH. Actively Hiring. 3 days ago. Today's top 7,000+ Graduate Research Intern jobs in United States. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New ...

  8. Summer research internships

    These paid 6-8 week summer programmes aim to provide participants with a real, day-to-day experience of a postgraduate research student at Cambridge, including: meeting and working with our researchers, academic staff and students. undertaking a research project. developing your academic and personal skills. getting hands-on, lab-based experience.

  9. Student & Graduate Careers

    These opportunities can range from week-long work experience programs, to full-time roles. These opportunities are typically for high school students, looking to begin their full-time career or gain an insight into our firm and industry prior to finishing school. Explore the opportunities listed below.

  10. Research internships

    A research internship is defined as a position with a research end-user (an organisation external to academia), where a graduate researcher engages in research and development (R&D) activities broadly related to their degree. Research internships are typically 3 to 6 months but must involve a minimum commitment of 60 full-time equivalent days.

  11. Summer Research Programs

    The Brigham Research Institute's Summer Undergraduate Research Internship Program provides an excellent opportunity for undergraduates across the United States to gain a focused, challenging, and hands-on research experience in a basic science or clinical laboratory setting. Interns can choose from a wide variety of host labs doing exciting ...

  12. Summer Research Internships for Undergraduates

    Summer research opportunity programs are designed to introduce eligible undergraduates to leading scholars at the nation's top research universities. Participating undergraduates produce graduate level research with faculty guidance over an eight- to 10-week period in the summer. Funding is often provided.

  13. Intern Research

    Intern Research Each year the EAG offers internship opportunities for motivated students who share an interest in energy-related research and a possible future career strengthening the intellectual capital within the U.S. Government. During the summer months, we run a structured 8-10 week internship program, but also have opportunities ...

  14. OIST Research Internship Program Description

    The OIST Graduate School offers education and research opportunities through our Research Intern program in STEM fields. The duration of the internship is typically from 2 to 6 months. These short-term placements give students the opportunity to gain experience in a particular laboratory or to learn a specific technique. Interns will work under the direction of a Professor and contribute to ...

  15. Post Graduate (Year-Round) Intern

    Posting Title Post Graduate (Year-Round) Intern - Market Research Analyst and Agreement Support . Location CO - Golden . Position Type Intern (Fixed Term) . Hours Per Week 40 . Working …

  16. Post Graduate Research Intern Jobs, Employment

    1,237 Post Graduate Research Intern jobs available on Apply to Research Intern, Communications Intern, Student Intern and more!

  17. UNIQ+ (UNIQ plus)

    UNIQ+ Research Internships are aimed at talented undergraduates from under-represented groups, who would find continuing into postgraduate study a challenge for reasons other than their academic ability. This section of our website is designed for those applying for our 2024 programme.

  18. APR.Intern

    Australian Postgraduate Research Intern (APR.Intern) is Australia's only national PhD and Masters by Research internship program spanning all sectors and disciplines. APR.Intern is the industry engagement arm of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI), and connects postgraduate research students with industry through short-term placements, empowering students to thrive in a ...

  19. Research Associate Internship

    Research Associate Internship. Recruitment began on April 19, 2024. Expires May 11, 2024. Full-time. Apply Now. As a Research Associate Intern, you will gain real-world industry experience with the focus on chemistry, formulation, cell biology, bioengineering, and prototyping. You will learn and practice design of experiments, method validation ...

  20. Research experience internships

    Research experience summer internships. A research experience internship will provide you with hands-on experience of conducting academic research and is an opportunity for you to increase your subject knowledge and research skills. It will also help you to make a more informed choice about postgraduate research study.

  21. TCS Internship Program

    Research internship. Be a part of ground-breaking research. The students, who work in an industrial R&D environment, get access to industry-scale problems and data. They also get a chance to interact with some of the world's best researchers. The internships can vary from six to eight weeks (short internships) or 16 to 18 weeks (long ...

  22. Corey Welch, PhD on LinkedIn: Update: 2024 STEM Scholars Program

    Update: 2024 STEM Scholars Program Research/Internships & Post-Graduate Acceptances. Excited to have 40+ doing paid work in their fields of interest. The list doesn't include students working on ...

  23. Post Grad Internship jobs

    Intensive In-Community Therapist. Urgently hiring. MS Integrated Psychotherapy and Counseling. Clifton, NJ. $60 - $90 an hour. Full-time + 2. 10 to 40 hours per week. Easily apply. (one year of supervised clinical work in an organized graduate internship program may be substituted for each year of full-time experience).

  24. Summer Internship Programme 2024 (Hybrid mode)

    Eligibility: For Students: The following candidates are eligible to apply for the Internship Scheme: The candidate should be a Citizen of India; The candidate should be pursuing UG/ PG from a recognized University/Institution (India/Abroad); (OR) The candidates should have just completed UG/PG from a recognized University / Institution, seeking an internship opportunity (within six months from ...

  25. Internship

    Undergraduate/postgraduate students or research scholars enrolled in recognized universities/institutions in India and abroad can apply for the NITI Aayog Internship ...

  26. 26 Research Internships for High School Students

    To be eligible, students must be residents of Palm Beach or Martin counties, be at least 16 years old by the internship start date (June 17th), and attend a high school in those counties. Internship applications typically open in January and close in March, and accepted interns will be compensated $12.50 per hour. 10.