Art of Presentations

11 Advantages of Using Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations!

By: Author Shrot Katewa

11 Advantages of Using Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations!

If you suddenly find yourself in a position where you have to present information to other people, you might wonder what software is the best to use to deliver a professional presentation. There are different options to choose from and you just don’t know what to use.

The biggest advantage of using PowerPoint is that PPT files are the most commonly used and widely accepted file formats. PowerPoint is easy to use, cost-effective and boasts a huge online community for support. You also get access to thousands of templates to make your presentation look good.

But, there are several other advantages of using Microsoft PowerPoint for your presentations too. In this article, I’ll some of the most effective benefits of using Microsoft PowerPoint for presentation design!

Note – If you are on the fence but interested in getting PowerPoint, check out this limited-time deal to get Office 365 1-year subscription for the lowest price on Amazon!

1.   Most Widely Accepted File Format

powerpoint presentation advantages

Microsoft PowerPoint is a widely accepted file format where slides are used to convey information. It is a standard component of the Microsoft Office Suite and is compatible with Google Slides, Keynote, and other open-source presentation software.

According to some research results regarding the popularity and use of presentation software, it is estimated that PowerPoint is currently installed on more than a billion computers worldwide ! It is believed that there might be about 30 million PowerPoint presentations created every day.

The advantage of using such a popular and widely used software program is that it is most probably a familiar program for the person you share a presentation with.

2.   Wide Variety of File Export Options

A great advantage offered by PowerPoint is that you can export the whole presentation, or parts of it, in a variety of formats. PowerPoint presentations can also be made available on many different devices, and you can always control what content you want to display.

As you don’t have to send a presentation necessarily in .ppt or .pptx format, the receiver doesn’t require PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer to open the presentation.

You can export in PDF format and your layout and design will not be altered. The presentation’s slides can also be saved and exported in .png or .jpg format.

If needed, a presentation can also be exported to a video and saved in Mp4 format. If gifs form part of your presentation, they can be saved and exported as Animated GIFs . 

You always have the print option to export your presentation or parts of the presentation to Word. When you’ve exported it to Word the content can be edited before printing it.

Whichever way of exporting you decide on, you can export the presentation either as a whole or only some of the slides.  And it can be sent as an attachment with an email or you can use the Cloud to facilitate the saving and exporting processes of the presentation.

3.   Provides huge Flexibility in Design & Creativity

PowerPoint provides huge flexibility in design and creativity. You can, for instance, use its visual hierarchy features when you create your slides. With this feature, you assure that the right elements and content catch the eye.

Other features include the merging of shapes, the creation of layers, and the creative use of color. You also get an eyedropper tool in PowerPoint that allows you to use any color from your screen in your presentation!

With the Design Ideas feature , you can create the content of a slide and PowerPoint will offer you a variety of design choices to make it better.

The design features PowerPoint offers can in many aspects be compared to advanced design software solutions like Adobe InDesign. You don’t need separate software to design your slides – PowerPoint provides you with built-in features.

4.   Allows you to Use Creative Templates

powerpoint presentation advantages

The designs of your presentations are what catch the eye and help you to convey your message to your audience. PowerPoint’s creative templates spare you the time of designing your own templates.

However, if you are a good designer yourself, PowerPoint allows you to create your own templates if you want to.

Note – Check out some of the most popular PowerPoint templates on the internet!

When using PowerPoint’s creative templates feature, it automatically generates design ideas to choose from. You get virtually unlimited options because this feature matches the content you are creating to professionally designed layouts in the background.

This template creation feature is a great advantage for users without any design background. It lets you design presentations that look professional even if you don’t have a design background.

5.   Functionality to Use Both Online and Offline

PowerPoint offers you the option to work either online or offline. When you’re using PowerPoint online you can create and share basic presentations directly in your browser. 

But it must be remembered that web-based PowerPoint doesn’t have all the features that you’ll have access to with desktop PowerPoint.  For “normal” presentations the online web version is good enough and you can present your slide show from anywhere where you have internet access.

To utilize all the features of PowerPoint you have to install the software on your desktop device.

PowerPoint offers you the freedom to work online or offline whichever mode suits you the best for a specific presentation. Many PowerPoint users work with both modes – depending on what they are creating and for what purpose.

6.   Allows easy Collaboration and Sharing with other Team Members

PowerPoint is an ideal tool to share and collaborate with team members when you are creating a presentation as a team. You have various options.

You can independently create a presentation and then send it to team members for comments or editing. Or you can work simultaneously on the same presentation with others via web-based PowerPoint or by saving your desktop-created presentation in the Cloud.

7.   Option to Add a vast Variety of Multimedia

PowerPoint provides you with tools to make any presentation more interesting by using multi-media. When using PowerPoint you can in the same presentation have

  • text with the option to install additional fonts ,
  • videos and video snippets,
  • background music,
  • a narrator’s voice explaining the visual material on the screen,
  • graphics to illustrate tendencies,
  • tables to compare information, and more.

And you don’t need separate tools to create interesting presentations – everything is built-in into PowerPoint. You can either just add the various types of files to the presentation or you can add the formats as such into the presentation.   

8.   Suitable for Beginners and Advanced Users alike

The versatility of PowerPoint ensures that on the one hand, presentation creators with advanced design skills are not disappointed with the design tools and possibilities offered by PowerPoint and on the other hand, beginners and people without any designing background can create professional-looking presentations.

 This is one of the most important advantages of PowerPoint – anyone can use it successfully.

9.   Cost is relatively Inexpensive

PowerPoint is normally part of the Microsoft Office package and is included in the Microsoft Office one-off price or subscription. But if you are not a Microsoft Office user, you can purchase PowerPoint from the Microsoft Store at a reasonable price of about $160.

Note – Check out this limited-time deal to get Office 365 1-year subscription for as little as about $60 on Amazon!

Once you’ve purchased PowerPoint you can use it without extra charges to create presentations and to present them for non-commercial purposes. However, there are licensing and relatively small annual fees involved if you use the PowerPoint presentations commercially. 

10. Suitable for Teaching

A PowerPoint presentation in the class is an effective way to reinforce content that has to be retained.

With features like the possibility to record your voice to accompany the PowerPoint slides, it is also easy to convert the presentations that have been used in the class into videos to post online. The students can then review the work done in the class at home.  T

his method works effectively for academic lessons and training sessions.

PowerPoint presentations online can also sometimes be the only way to teach and train students. During the Covid pandemic, for instance, classes are sometimes not possible and online sessions are the only way to keep on teaching.

A large percentage of these online sessions have started as PowerPoint presentations.  

11. Huge Online Community and Microsoft Support for Troubleshooting Issues

powerpoint presentation advantages

Microsoft offers 24/7 support for PowerPoint users and there are literally hundreds of articles online available on how to troubleshoot issues. The huge online community of PowerPoint users is also actively involved on websites like Quora to help fellow users to get solutions for their issues.

Credit to benzoix (on Freepik) for the featured image of this article (further edited)

17 Advantages And Disadvantages Of PowerPoint

powerpoint presentation advantages

PowerPoint is a versatile and user-friendly multimedia presentation program compatible with most devices. It lets you make and share limitless presentations with ease. However, it comes with a fair share of disadvantages, like the complex features and tools, issues with performance on less powerful computers, and its price.

1. Available for All Major Operating Systems

2. abundant features, 3. widely accepted, 4. lots of themes and templates, 5. versatile interface, 6. relatively easy to use, 7. support various formats, 8. smooth integration with other office programs, 9. support add-in, 10. compare documents, 11. relatively easy to collaborate, 12. available mobile version, 13. password protection, 14. lack of innovation, 15. a bit complex to learn, 16. some performance issues on weak systems, 17. it’s relatively expensive, advantages and disadvantages of powerpoint – at a glance.

  • PowerPoint is available on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android , and the web.
  • PowerPoint has a rich set of features , including templates and themes.
  • Even for beginners, PowerPoint is relatively easy to use .
  • PowerPoint enables customization through a wide range of add-ins .
  • PowerPoint simplifies collaboration with others by allowing easy sharing and editing of presentations.
  • PowerPoint has limited innovation over its three-decade history, potentially making presentations feel dated.
  • Learning to use PowerPoint’s features and tools can be complex for some users.
  • PowerPoint may have performance issues on less powerful computers.
  • Compared to alternatives, PowerPoint can be relatively pricey if purchased outright.

Advantages Of PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is an excellent tool for presentations and more. Here are some of its key advantages:

PowerPoint is available for both Windows and macOS , as well as for mobile devices running iOS and Android. This makes it a convenient tool for creating presentations, regardless of what type of device you are using. You can also use PowerPoint for the Web in a web browser, making it even more accessible. Not a lot of presentation software offers such flexibility.

PowerPoint is the most feature-rich presentation software out there. It has everything you need to create a professional-looking presentation, including built-in templates, themes, and much more. Other presentation software simply cannot compete with PowerPoint in this regard.

PowerPoint is the most widely used presentation software, and it’s the industry standard tool for preparing presentations. People are generally familiar with how PowerPoint works, which makes it easy to use when giving presentations. It is also the most compatible presentation software , meaning that it can be opened and viewed on just about any device.

PowerPoint comes with a variety of built-in themes and templates that you can use to make your presentation look more professional. If you’re not a design expert, these templates can be a lifesaver. With just a few clicks, you can make your presentation look great without spending hours on design.

The interface of PowerPoint is also quite versatile. You can easily access all the needed features by using the toolbar options. Its interface is also customizable , so you can change it to suit your needs better.

PowerPoint is relatively easy to use , even if you’ve never used it before. Of course, it takes some time to learn all the features and how to use them effectively. However, you should be able to start creating basic presentations without much trouble.

You can open and edit presentations saved in various formats with PowerPoint. Some of the supported formats include pptx, ppt, gif, mp4, jpeg , and more. This is a convenient feature if you need to import or export presentations in variable programs. Other presentation software supports only a limited number of formats.

PowerPoint also integrates smoothly with other Microsoft Office programs, such as Word and Excel. This makes it easy to create presentations that include data from other Office programs. Moreover, PowerPoint files are supported by most online storage services, such as Google Drive and Dropbox, for seamless sharing.

PowerPoint also supports add-ins , which are small programs that add additional features to the software. There are a large number of add-ins available for PowerPoint that you can use to customize your presentations further.

The Review feature in PowerPoint allows you to compare two presentations side-by-side . This is a handy feature if you need to spot the differences between two versions of a presentation. It’s especially useful when you want to review the changes to your presentation made by someone else.

PowerPoint makes it relatively easy to collaborate with others on a presentation. You can easily share your presentation with others and allow them to view it or make changes by sharing a link. This is a convenient feature if you are working on a team project.

PowerPoint is also available in a mobile version , which allows you to create and edit presentations on the go. You can download the PowerPoint app for free from the App Store or Google Play to use on iOS or Android devices. This is a handy feature if you need to make last-minute changes to your presentation.

One of the features of the PowerPoint software that most users find useful is the password protection feature. This allows you to set a password for your presentation so that only those who know the password can open and view it. Most other presentation software does not include this component.

Disadvantages of PowerPoint

Now that we’ve looked at the advantages of PowerPoint, let’s take a look at some of its disadvantages:

It’s been around three decades since PowerPoint was first released, and in that time, it hasn’t seen a whole lot of innovation. This lack of innovation can make it feel dated compared to some of the newer presentation software options on the market. Some users find PowerPoint slides boring, as there is not much scope to create creative or interactive presentations.

The features and tools of PowerPoint can be a bit complex to learn , especially if you’ve never used the software before. It can take some time to get a grasp on how to use all the features effectively. And if you want to create more complex presentations, it may take even longer.

PowerPoint can also have some performance issues, especially on weak systems. The software can be a bit resource-intensive, so it may run slowly on older computers . Additionally, large or complex presentations may take longer to load and may not run as smoothly as you’d like.

If you want to purchase PowerPoint outright, it’s relatively expensive compared to some of the other presentation software options on the market. Google Slides offers many of the same features as PowerPoint, but it’s free to use.

PowerPoint is a widely used presentation software that is available for all major operating systems. It offers a large number of features and is widely accepted.  However, it can be a bit complex to learn and is relatively expensive. Despite these disadvantages, PowerPoint is still a popular choice for creating presentations.

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Why PowerPoint Is Important? (The Benefits Explained)

Presentations can be a great way to share ideas and information, but they can also be overwhelming and dull if not done correctly.

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Fortunately, PowerPoint offers a number of features to help you create compelling presentations that can engage your audience and effectively deliver even the most complex concepts.

In this article, we will explore the basics of PowerPoint and why it is important, as well as the many benefits it can offer.

We will discuss how PowerPoint can help improve presentations, the role visuals can play, and the various features available to make the most of your presentations.

By the end of this article, you will be well-equipped to create and deliver powerful and engaging presentations with PowerPoint.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Powerpoint is an important tool for presenting information in a visual and organized manner.

It allows people to present complex information in an easy to understand and engaging way.

It also enables the presenter to highlight the most important points and helps to keep the audience focused.

Powerpoint is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to present their ideas effectively.

The Basics of PowerPoint

PowerPoint is an important tool for businesses, as it can help to create professional-looking presentations.

It is a presentation software program developed and distributed by Microsoft, and it is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems.

With PowerPoint, users can create slides with text, graphics, animations, and other elements.

It also has features such as the ability to embed audio and video, as well as the ability to animate objects.

Additionally, PowerPoint allows users to easily create attractive visuals and engaging presentations.

PowerPoint also has a number of features that make it easier to organize and deliver complex concepts in an understandable manner.

For instance, it offers a variety of slide layouts to help users structure their presentations in an organized way.

It also provides a range of tools to help create visuals that can help audiences to better retain information.

Furthermore, PowerPoint has a range of animation and transition effects that can be used to make presentations more dynamic and engaging.

In addition, PowerPoint supports the use of templates and themes, which can help to give presentations a more professional look.

It also allows users to easily collaborate and share their presentations with others.

This makes it easier for businesses to collaborate on projects and ensure that all stakeholders have access to the same information.

Finally, PowerPoint offers a number of features that can help to improve presentations, such as the ability to add notes and comments, as well as the ability to insert charts and graphs.

The Benefits of Using PowerPoint

PowerPoint is an incredibly useful tool for businesses, as it provides a range of benefits when it comes to creating presentations.

Firstly, PowerPoint helps users to easily create professional-looking slides with text, graphics and animations.

This makes it easier to create a visually appealing presentation, which can help to engage audiences and make it easier to retain information.

Furthermore, PowerPoint allows users to organize and deliver complex concepts in an understandable manner.

This means that it is easy to break down complex topics into more manageable chunks, making it easier for audiences to understand the concepts being presented.

Additionally, PowerPoint’s features make it easier to create compelling visuals that can help to keep viewers engaged.

Another benefit of using PowerPoint is its ability to help businesses save time.

Presenters can easily create presentations with PowerPoint’s templates and features, allowing them to quickly and efficiently create presentations that are both informative and visually appealing.

This saves businesses time and money, as they dont have to spend time and resources on creating presentations from scratch.

Finally, PowerPoint can be used in a variety of different ways.

It can be used to create presentations for meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops and more.

This makes it a great tool for businesses that need to create presentations for different types of events.

Additionally, PowerPoint can be used to create digital presentations that can be shared online, making it easier to reach a wider audience.

Overall, PowerPoint provides businesses with a range of benefits that make it an essential tool for creating effective and engaging presentations.

With its easy-to-use features, businesses can quickly and easily create visually appealing presentations that are both informative and visually appealing, helping to engage audiences and make it easier to retain information.

Additionally, PowerPoint’s features make it easier to organize and deliver complex concepts in an understandable manner.

Finally, it can be used in a variety of different ways, making it a great tool for businesses that need to create presentations for different types of events.

How PowerPoint Helps Improve Presentations

PowerPoint is an essential tool for businesses, as it helps to make presentations more effective and engaging.

It makes it easy to create professional-looking slides with text, graphics, animations, and other visuals.

This helps to keep audiences engaged and ensure that they are able to retain the information better.

PowerPoint also helps to organize complex concepts and deliver them in an understandable manner.

With its powerful features, businesses can create compelling presentations that are both informative and visually appealing.

This allows them to present their ideas in an organized and easy-to-understand format.

Moreover, the wide range of features that PowerPoint offers makes it easier to create presentations that are both visually appealing and easy to understand.

This includes features such as backgrounds, transitions, images, and animations.

These features can help to add depth and interest to presentations, making them more engaging and memorable.

The use of PowerPoint also makes it possible to quickly and easily update presentations.

This is especially useful for businesses that need to make changes to their presentations on a regular basis.

With PowerPoint, they can make changes in a matter of minutes, without having to start from scratch.

Finally, PowerPoint is a great tool for businesses to share their presentations with the world.

With its easy-to-use sharing options, businesses can easily share their presentations with other people, whether they are in the same office or halfway across the globe.

This helps to ensure that everyone involved in the presentation is able to access it and understand it.

In conclusion, PowerPoint is an invaluable tool for businesses that want to create effective and engaging presentations.

Its features make it easy to create professional-looking slides, organize complex concepts, and quickly and easily update presentations.

Furthermore, PowerPoint provides businesses with the ability to easily share their presentations with a large audience.

All in all, PowerPoint is an important tool for businesses, as it helps to improve presentations in a number of ways.

PowerPoint is an incredibly powerful visual tool that can help businesses craft compelling presentations.

With its simple yet powerful graphical features, it allows users to easily create stunning visuals that are sure to pique viewers interest.

PowerPoints visuals can be used to include text, graphics, animations, and even video clips to clearly illustrate complex concepts in a visually appealing manner.

This not only helps to engage the audience, but also helps viewers to better understand and retain the information.

PowerPoint also offers its users a range of different tools to customize their visuals.

From basic shapes and text boxes to more complex objects like charts and diagrams, there is an endless array of possibilities.

Furthermore, users have the ability to add animation and transitions to their visuals, making them more dynamic and engaging.

The ability to make use of PowerPoints powerful visuals can help businesses create a presentation that will be sure to stand out from the rest.

Organizing and Delivering Complex Concepts

PowerPoint is a great tool for organizing and delivering complex concepts.

Its powerful features make it easy to create visually appealing slides with text, graphics, and animations.

This makes it easier for audiences to understand and retain information more effectively.

For example, you can use PowerPoint to create diagrams to illustrate a concept, or to create an interactive presentation that allows the audience to learn at their own pace.

You can also use different colors and fonts to highlight important information or to draw attention to specific points.

Additionally, PowerPoint allows you to easily and quickly create professional-looking presentations, even with limited design skills.

This makes it a great tool for businesses to use when presenting complex concepts to their audiences.

Additionally, PowerPoint provides tools to help you keep your presentations organized, such as a built-in outline feature and the ability to add notes to slides.

This makes it easy to quickly review your presentation and ensure that you have included all the necessary information.

Finally, PowerPoint allows you to easily share your presentations with others, either online or as a printed document.

This makes it easy for businesses to collaborate and share ideas with colleagues and clients.

Making the Most of PowerPoint’s Features

PowerPoint is an incredibly powerful presentation tool, with a wide array of features and capabilities that make it perfect for creating engaging and informative presentations.

It allows users to easily create professional-looking slides with text, graphics, and animations, as well as a range of tools for organizing and delivering complex concepts.

One of PowerPoint’s most useful features is its ability to create effective visuals that can engage audiences and help them to retain information better.

By using transitions, animations, and other effects, the presenter can create captivating visuals that will help to keep their audience engaged.

Furthermore, users can also make use of the wide selection of templates available to create visually appealing slides in no time.

PowerPoint also offers a range of tools for organizing and formatting presentations.

By using tables, charts, and diagrams, users can easily present complex information in an understandable manner.

Additionally, the Outline View feature allows users to quickly create and organize their presentations, while the Notes and Comments features can help to provide more detailed explanations of the content.

Finally, PowerPoint also includes a range of tools for sharing and collaborating on presentations.

Users can easily share presentations with colleagues, and the SharePoint feature allows for real-time editing of documents.

This makes it easy to collaborate on presentations and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

In short, PowerPoint is an incredibly powerful tool for creating engaging and informative presentations.

Its wide selection of features make it easy to create visually appealing and complex visuals, as well as organize and share presentations with ease.

By making use of its powerful features, businesses can ensure that their presentations are both informative and visually appealing, helping to engage audiences and ensure that they retain information better.

Creating Compelling Presentations with PowerPoint

PowerPoint is an incredibly powerful presentation tool that can help businesses create compelling presentations that engage their audiences and effectively communicate complex concepts.

By combining text, graphics, animations, and other visuals, PowerPoint enables users to easily create attractive presentations that are both informative and visually appealing.

PowerPoint’s features also make it easier to organize and deliver complex concepts in an understandable manner.

The ability to add multiple slides and easily rearrange them allows users to structure their presentation in a logical order that is easy to follow.

Presenters can also use PowerPoint to create animations, transitions, and other visuals that make the presentation more engaging and help audiences retain the information they see more effectively.

Furthermore, PowerPoint allows users to add multimedia content to their presentations.

This can include video clips, audio clips, images and other visuals.

With these features, businesses can create presentations that are more dynamic and engaging, and can further help audiences retain the information.

Overall, PowerPoint is an essential tool for every business, and its features make it easy to create compelling presentations that engage audiences and help them to better retain the information.

By combining text, graphics, animations, and multimedia content, businesses can make use of its powerful features to create engaging presentations that are both informative and visually appealing.

Final Thoughts

PowerPoint is an incredibly powerful tool that can be used to create visually appealing and engaging presentations.

It gives users the ability to easily organize and deliver complex concepts in a way that is understandable and memorable.

By taking advantage of its many features, businesses can make use of PowerPoint to create compelling presentations that can help them to reach their goals.

With the right approach, PowerPoint can help you make a lasting impression on your audiences.

James Wilson

James Wilson has extensive knowledge in the information technology industry.His second love, besides dealing with computers, is smart home technology. He is continually updating information to better comprehend this problem and has a deep understanding of the apartment’s support system.

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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of PowerPoint

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The average salary of a PowerPoint expert in the UK is £40,000 GBP per year, according to . In this blog, you will get to know about the Advantages and Disadvantages of PowerPoint. Let's dive in deeper to learn how it can impact your presentations!  

Table of Contents        

1) Advantages of PowerPoint  

2) Visual appeal and aesthetic design  

    a) Easy to use and accessible  

    b) Efficient information organisation  

    c) Disadvantages of PowerPoint  

3) Conclusion       

Advantages of PowerPoint   

PowerPoint is a powerful software tool developed by Microsoft that enables users to create visually appealing and engaging presentations. It offers various functionalities and features that make it a popular choice for individuals and professionals who want to convey information effectively. Here, we will explore the Advantages of PowerPoint and how it can enhance your presentations. Let's dive into the benefits it offers:  

Advantages of PowerPoint  

Visual appeal and aesthetic design   

One of the primary Advantages of PowerPoint is its ability to create visually appealing presentations. With a vast array of design templates, colour schemes, and graphical elements, PowerPoint allows you to add visual appeal to your slides. This visual enhancement can captivate your audience's attention and make your presentation more engaging.

Easy to use and accessible   

PowerPoint is known for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users of any level. Its intuitive design and straightforward navigation enable users to create presentations quickly and efficiently. Moreover, PowerPoint is compatible with various operating systems, ensuring broad accessibility across different devices.  

Efficient information organisation   

One of the significant Advantages of PowerPoint is its capability to organise information effectively. With features like bullet points, numbered lists, and hierarchical structures, you can present your ideas in a logical and organised manner. This helps your audience understand and retain the information more easily. 

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Enhanced audience engagement   

PowerPoint offers various features to enhance audience engagement during presentations. Animations, transitions, and multimedia elements can make your slides dynamic and captivating. Additionally, interactive features like hyperlinks and embedded videos can encourage audience participation, making your presentation more memorable.  

Time-saving and convenience   

Time-saving and convenience  

These templates offer professionally designed layouts and graphics, allowing you to focus on the content rather than spending hours on design. Furthermore, PowerPoint's autosave feature automatically saves your work, providing convenience and peace of mind. 

Versatility and compatibility   

PowerPoint's versatility is another key advantage that sets it apart as a presentation tool. It offers broad features and compatibility options that make it highly adaptable to different content formats and sharing platforms.  

a) Support for various media formats:  

PowerPoint provides support for a diverse range of media formats, allowing you to incorporate different types of content into your presentations. You can seamlessly integrate images, videos, audio clips, and charts, enhancing your slides' visual appeal and interactivity. You can create engaging and immersive presentations that resonate with your audience by leveraging these multimedia elements.   

The ability to incorporate various media formats in PowerPoint allows you to leverage different modes of communication. Visual elements, such as images and charts, can help illustrate complex concepts or data, making them more understandable and memorable. Videos and audio clips, on the other hand, can add a dynamic and interactive element to your presentation, allowing you to deliver information in a more engaging and captivating way.  

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b) File conversion and sharing options:  

Powerpoint Presentations can be easily converted to different file formats, offering flexibility in sharing and distribution. Whether you need to share your presentation with colleagues, clients, or a wider audience, PowerPoint enables you to save your slides in formats such as PDFs, video files, or even images. This versatility ensures that your presentation can be accessed and viewed on various devices and platforms, making it convenient for your audience to engage with your content.  

Converting your presentation to PDF format can be particularly useful when you want to share a finalised version of your slides while preserving the formatting and layout. PDF files are widely compatible, allowing anyone to view them using a PDF reader without the need for specific presentation software.  

In addition to PDF, Powerpoint Presentations can also be saved as video files. This format is ideal for situations where you want to share your presentation online, embed it on a website, or upload it to video-sharing platforms. By converting your presentation to a video, you can ensure a consistent playback experience across different devices and platforms.  

Furthermore, Powerpoint Presentations can be easily shared through various online platforms and cloud storage services. Whether you choose to use email, file-sharing platforms, or cloud storage solutions like OneDrive or Google Drive, PowerPoint's compatibility allows you to collaborate with others and share your presentations effortlessly.  

Collaboration and sharing options   

Collaboration is made easy with PowerPoint's sharing and collaboration features. Multiple users can work on a presentation at the same time, making it ideal for team projects or group presentations. With cloud storage and sharing platforms, such as OneDrive or SharePoint, you can share your Powerpoint Presentations with others, enabling seamless collaboration and feedback exchange.  

Professionalism and credibility   

PowerPoint's professional look and vibes contribute to the overall credibility of your presentation. The polished design and layout options help create a sense of professionalism, which can enhance your message's impact. By using PowerPoint, you can convey your ideas with authority and leave a lasting impression on your audience.  

Multimedia integration   

Incorporating multimedia elements is a breeze with PowerPoint. You can easily insert images, videos, audio clips, and animations into your slides, making your presentation more dynamic and engaging. Visual and auditory aids can significantly enhance the audience's understanding and retention of information.  

Presenter support and notes   

PowerPoint offers several features to support presenters during their delivery. The presenter view provides a helpful tool for managing your presentation, displaying speaker notes, and previewing upcoming slides. You can also add speaker notes to individual slides, ensuring that you don't miss any crucial points during your presentation.  

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Disadvantages of PowerPoint   

Disadvantages of PowerPoint  

Overreliance on visuals   

While visuals can enhance a presentation, overreliance on them can be a disadvantage. When too much emphasis is placed on visuals, the audience may become distracted or miss essential information. It's crucial to strike a balance between visuals and textual content to ensure the message is effectively conveyed.  

Potential for information overload   

Powerpoint Presentations have the potential to overwhelm the audience with excessive information. Presenters may feel compelled to include every detail on the slides, leading to information overload. It's important to prioritise key points and keep the content concise and focused to prevent overwhelming the audience.  

Lack of interactivity   

PowerPoint is primarily a one-way communication tool, limiting interactivity during presentations. While you can incorporate interactive elements, such as hyperlinks or quizzes, the level of interaction is often limited. This can hinder audience engagement and participation, particularly in scenarios that require active involvement.  

Limited customisation options   

While PowerPoint provides various design templates, the customisation options may be limited compared to dedicated design software. Presenters seeking highly customised and unique designs may find PowerPoint's options somewhat restrictive. However, for most presentations, the available templates and customisation features are sufficient.  

Technical glitches and compatibility issues   

Technical glitches and compatibility issues can occasionally occur when using PowerPoint. File corruption, formatting inconsistencies, or software compatibility problems can disrupt the smooth delivery of your presentation. It's crucial to test your presentation on the actual equipment or platform to minimise the risk of technical difficulties.  

Dependency on the presenter   

Powerpoint Presentations often rely heavily on the presenter's ability to deliver the content effectively. A presenter who lacks public speaking skills or fails to engage the audience may negatively impact the overall effectiveness of the presentation. Developing strong presentation skills and practising delivering your presentation is important to ensure a successful outcome.    

Not suitable for all presentation types   

While PowerPoint is a versatile tool, it may not be the best choice for all presentation types. For instance, highly technical or data-heavy presentations may require more specialised software or tools that offer advanced data visualisation capabilities. It's important to assess the specific requirements of your presentation and choose the appropriate tool accordingly.  

Accessibility challenges   

Powerpoint Presentations may pose accessibility challenges for individuals with disabilities. Issues such as small font sizes, lack of alt text for images, or inadequate colour contrast can make it difficult for visually impaired or hearing-impaired individuals to fully engage with the content. It's important to follow accessibility guidelines and make accommodations to ensure inclusivity.  

Copyright and intellectual property concerns   

When using images, videos, or other media in Powerpoint Presentations, it's essential to respect copyright and intellectual property rights. Failure to obtain proper permissions or give proper attribution can lead to legal issues. It's crucial to use licensed or royalty-free media or obtain explicit permission from copyright holders before including them in your presentations.  

Risk of boring and monotonous presentations   

Powerpoint Presentations have earned a reputation for being boring and monotonous if not designed and delivered effectively. The reliance on bullet points and text-heavy slides can result in a lack of variety and engagement. It's important to employ storytelling techniques, incorporate multimedia elements, and vary the presentation format to keep the audience interested and attentive.  


We hope you read this blog and understand the Advantages and Disadvantages of PowerPoint. PowerPoint's versatility and compatibility make it a powerful presentation tool. With support for various media formats and easy file conversion, it allows users to create engaging presentations and share them seamlessly. PowerPoint is a valuable resource for effective communication and impactful presentations.  

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Presentation Geeks

What Are The Benefits of PowerPoint When Choosing A Presentation Platform

Table of contents.

PowerPoint is the most popular software for building presentations. It can be found as a part of Microsoft’s Office Suite and is often used for personal, business, and educational purposes . It would be fair to say that PowerPoint has dominated the presentation landscape for decades.

89% Of people still use PowerPoint presentations over competitor services. Presentation Panda

But why is this the case? As pres entation experts for over a decade , why is most of the work we do, done in Microsoft PowerPoint over Prezi, Google Slides, Canva and others? Read on as we explore, from first-hand experience, the reasons PowerPoint is our go-to platform.

So, What Are The Benefits Of PowerPoint Presentations?

1) it's a highly collaborative solution.

PowerPoint is super collaborative. Gone are the days when you have to huddle around one computer, one person working on your slides at a time. PowerPoint allows multiple people to access, edit and comment on a presentation, at the same time, on the same slides! All your team needs it access to the file and you’re golden.

2) Design Flexibility To Wow Audiences

You have full control over the appearance of your presentation design. PowerPoint offers the freedom and flexibility to create dynamic, engaging slides that capture your audiences attention. Feel free to take a look at some of the PowerPoint design ideas we suggest.

Missing that visual kick your PowerPoint desperately needs? Check out our PowerPoint presentation design portfolio.

3) You Can Work From Virtually Anywhere

The past couple of years have changed the working dynamic of many industries. Hybrid models are the new norm and with that, there is a demand for digital tools that have versatility. PowerPoint can be saved to the cloud and accessed from wherever you are. As long as you have a user license, you can work on your presentation virtually anywhere.

4) Export PowerPoint Slides In Different Formats

You aren’t limited to just .pptx. PowerPoint presentations can be exported in various formats. Looking to save space, export it as a .pdf and send it through email. Want to send individual slides? gif, .tif, .png or .jpg, among others have you covered. You can even export videos within PowerPoints as mp4 or windows media player. What we’re saying here is that there’s flexibility for all situations with PowerPoint Presentations.

5) Compatibility With Other Microsoft Office Programs

Considering they are all part of the same suite, you’re able to quickly and easily enrich your presentation with tables from word and charts from excel. We can create templates for you that can easily be modified for presentations to come.

6) It's Accessible For All Users And Purposes

Companies typically have the Microsoft office suite already loaded and licensed on their computers, so you’re already half way there. In addition, educational facilities acquire office so students and teachers can connect quickly and easily.

In addition, you’ll be able to be inclusive of a wider audience with presentation accessibility features . You can create presentations that capture your audience’s focus by catering to those who may have visual, hearing or any other impairments.

7) PPT Presentations Save Time

Hiring professional PowerPoint design services can save time. All one has to do is brief the agency with basic content, and the custom presentation is designed to good effect.

This frees up time for company personnel to focus on other tasks at hand. The design agency will take care of visuals, smooth animations, relevant charts, custom fonts, and color schemes.

Delivering World Class Presentation Design

The drawbacks of using a powerpoint presentation, technological issues are always a factor.

You can plan and rehearse your pitch as much as you want, if your HDMI, VGA or any other input device craps out, you’re in trouble. In addition, you’ll want to make sure the system you are planning to present on has access to the fonts and files within the deck. This can be said of all presentation platforms, but it’s important to note.

Presenters Rely Too Much On Their Slides

Presenters can have a tendency to lean on their slides a little too much. It doesn’t matter if you have a presentation that leaves a greater visual impact if you don’t know what you’re presenting! The ease of use builds confidence and a false sense of security. The story is what ultimately captivates your audience, the visual and audio cues are to bring the story to life.

Customization Can Be A Curse

Having a wealth of options at your disposal is disorientating and can often lead you astray. You start to dilute the point of the presentation in trying to get too creative. You start to ask:

  • What Fonts Should I Use?
  • I've seen so many image heavy presentations, is mine image heavy?
  • Does This Slide Need A Video? Should It Be Interactive?

White male thinking about the benefits of powerpoint

We know you want to dazzle your audience and give them information, but leave a little mystery for the delivery. Also, we recommend hiring a presentation design professional , it really does take this headache away.

So, What Are Our Final Thoughts On The Benefits of PowerPoint?

If we were building a presentation for you, we would recommend PowerPoint. It’s ease of use, flexibility and compatibility make it our presentation software of choice, every time. It’s viewed in the industry as the evergreen presentation leader and Microsoft PowerPoint has established itself a synonym for presentation software.

That being said, other presentation platforms shouldn’t be overlooked. Canva and Google slides are gaining traction. Either way, we are experts in all presentation platforms and create outstanding presentations, everytime!

Are You In Need Of A Custom Presentation? We Can Help

Now it’s about you! Are you in need of a fresh, engaging presentation that captures your audiences attention? Whether you need a clean up, a re-design or a completely custom build we have you covered. You can find our presentation packages and pricing options here . Want to speak to a geek, click the button below.

Author:  Content Team

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What Are Benefits of PowerPoint? A Comprehensive Guide

PowerPoint, a presentation software developed by Microsoft, offers a multitude of benefits for individuals and businesses alike. By following this quick overview, you’ll gain an understanding of how to utilize PowerPoint effectively and what to expect from its range of functionalities.

After completing the action of learning PowerPoint, you will be able to create visually appealing presentations that can enhance communication, engage audiences, and support your points with visual aids. You’ll also be able to customize your slides to reflect your brand or personal style.


PowerPoint has become synonymous with presentations. Whether in a classroom, a boardroom, or at a conference, PowerPoint slides are the go-to for anyone needing to present information in a structured, engaging manner. So, why is this software so widely used and important?

For starters, PowerPoint allows users to compile and organize their thoughts in a way that’s visually appealing and easy to follow. It caters to various learning styles – from those who benefit from auditory explanations to visual learners who need graphs, charts, and images to understand a concept fully.

Not only is PowerPoint an excellent tool for education and business, but it’s also accessible. With a relatively low learning curve, almost anyone can pick it up and start crafting presentations. Its relevance spans across different sectors and age groups, making it a universally valuable skill to learn.

The step by step tutorial section will include PowerPoint in the title.

This section will guide you through the basic steps of creating a PowerPoint presentation from scratch.

Step 1: Open PowerPoint and select a theme.

Choose a theme that aligns with the purpose of your presentation.

Selecting a theme is the first step in creating a PowerPoint presentation. Microsoft offers a wide variety of built-in themes that you can choose from, each with its own unique design, color scheme, and font style. This ensures consistency and visual appeal throughout your presentation. You can also create a custom theme if you have specific branding or design requirements.

Step 2: Add new slides and content.

Create and populate your slides with text, images, and other media.

After selecting your theme, the next step is to add new slides. You can insert text boxes to add titles, bullet points, and detailed content. PowerPoint also allows you to include images, videos, and other multimedia elements to enrich your presentation and make it more engaging for your audience.

Step 3: Customize your slides.

Adjust the layout, colors, and fonts to suit your needs.

Customizing your slides is where you can really make your presentation stand out. You can move elements around, change the background color, and select fonts that reflect the tone of your message. PowerPoint provides tools for aligning objects, editing images, and applying various artistic effects to your content.

Step 4: Include transitions and animations.

Add visual effects to your slides and elements to make your presentation dynamic.

Transitions and animations can help your presentation flow smoothly from one slide to the next or emphasize important points. PowerPoint offers a range of effect options, from subtle fades to more elaborate movements. However, it’s important to use these judiciously to avoid distracting from the content itself.

Step 5: Rehearse and present.

Practice your presentation and prepare for the live show.

The final step is to rehearse your presentation using PowerPoint’s rehearsal features. You can time your slides, add speaker notes, and even record your presentation to review it later. When you’re ready, you can present live from your computer, or share your presentation with others through various platforms.

Additional Information

When using PowerPoint, one major tip is to focus on your message and use the software to enhance it, not overshadow it. Remember, your slides are there to support you, not the other way around. You should also consider the accessibility of your content—use high-contrast colors and large fonts to ensure everyone in your audience can easily read your slides.

Furthermore, bear in mind that PowerPoint presentations are not just for live audiences. They can be converted into video formats, shared online, or even printed as handouts, making your content versatile and reusable.

  • Open PowerPoint and select a theme.
  • Add new slides and content.
  • Customize your slides.
  • Include transitions and animations.
  • Rehearse and present.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is powerpoint mainly used for.

PowerPoint is primarily used for creating and delivering presentations for educational, business, and personal purposes.

Can PowerPoint presentations be shared online?

Yes, PowerPoint presentations can be shared online through email, cloud services, or by converting them into video formats.

Is PowerPoint suitable for professional use?

Absolutely, PowerPoint is widely used in professional settings for meetings, conferences, and other business-related events.

Can you collaborate with others on a PowerPoint presentation?

Yes, PowerPoint offers collaborative features allowing multiple users to work on a presentation simultaneously.

Are there alternatives to PowerPoint?

There are several alternatives to PowerPoint, including Google Slides and Apple Keynote, each with their own unique features.

In conclusion, PowerPoint is a powerful tool that offers numerous benefits for creating and delivering presentations. Its ability to enhance visual impact, promote structure, and increase audience engagement makes it an essential skill for anyone looking to present information effectively.

While there are some drawbacks to be aware of, such as the potential for technical issues and the learning curve involved, the pros of using PowerPoint far outweigh the cons. With practice and creativity, PowerPoint can become an indispensable part of your communication toolkit.

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using PowerPoint for Presentations

If you want to make visually captivating and professional-looking presentations, understanding PowerPoint and the benefits of PowerPoint is vital for you. Microsoft PowerPoint is a popular presentation tool used by students and professionals daily. 

Using PowerPoint has made communicating complex ideas and data easier and more engaging, thanks to its user-friendly interface and customizable presentation templates . While there are many benefits of powerpoint, it also has some drawbacks. This article examines what PowerPoint presentations offer and what they don’t. If you are still determining whether it is the right tool for your next presentation, we will help you decide.

What is Microsoft PowerPoint and How Does It Help Create Presentations?

Microsoft PowerPoint is a part of the Microsoft Office Suite developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is a widely used tool for making slideshows or presentations, including images, video, text, animation, and other multimedia elements. Users can use PowerPoint to effectively present their ideas and data to a broad audience in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.  It also helps in creating presentations real quick! So, let us see how it helps with the same: 

  • Visual Appeal : Visual appeal is one of the main benefits of PowerPoint. Incorporating PowerPoint graphics , images, and multimedia elements facilitates the creation of visually appealing and engaging presentations in PowerPoint.
  • Customization : One of the many benefits of PowerPoint presentations is the freedom to customize the template. It offers various customizable templates with different designs, tools, and effects that help the users or presenters to tailor their slides or presentations to the subject matter and audience.
  • Multimedia Integration : To improve the quality and impact of the presentation, users can integrate multimedia elements in PowerPoint, like high-quality videos, audio, animations., etc.
  • Audience Engagement : PowerPoint provides various tools and features, such as interactive polls and quizzes, to engage the audience and promote participation during the presentation.
  • Accessibility : Accessibility is one of the advantages of PowerPoint that allows users to create presentations accessible to a broad audience, including those with hearing or visual impairments, through features such as closed captions and alternative text descriptions.

What Are The Top 10 Benefits Of Using PowerPoint For Presentation?

The benefits of using PowerPoint are not limited only to efficiently conveying ideas in a meeting, college or school presentations. Apart from students and business professionals, people in the creative field also use PowerPoint to create mood boards or to ideate any creative project. So, if you are wondering what are the benefits of using Microsoft PowerPoint then keep on reading: 

Offers Excellent Data Visualization

  • Great Audience Engagement 

Create Visually Stunning Slides Quickly

Multiple interactive features, gives accessibility to different features, has various designs, and you can even create yours, highly collaborative tool.

  • PowerPoint Presentations Can Be Saved In Various Platforms
  • Helps To Communicate With The Audience Professionally

Offers Consistency To Each Slide

Great audience interaction.

powerpoint presentation advantages

PowerPoint Presentation Can Be Saved In Various Formats

Helps communicate with the audience professionally.

Now that we have discussed the advantages of Microsoft PowerPoint, let us jump onto seeing some of its disadvantages.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Using PowerPoint For Presentation?

Apart from the various benefits of Microsoft PowerPoint, it also has some disadvantages. Let us see some of the drawbacks of using PowerPoint for presentations: 

  • Over-Reliance on Slides

Information Overload

  • Files are not saved automatically
  • Lack of originality
  • Most features usually remain unexplored

Over Reliance on Slides

Files are not saved automatically, lack of originality, most features usually remain unexplored, when should i use powerpoint to create presentations.

Due to the diverse benefits of Microsoft PowerPoint, there are various instances when a user can use PowerPoint for Presentations. For example, when a user wants to present complex information or wants to include visual aids to support the information or wants to present to an audience that is not physically present or intends to propose an idea in a business meeting or conference. Here is a table showing how different professionals can use PowerPoint: 

Final Thoughts

Presenting visually appealing and engaging presentations can be achieved with PowerPoint. In addition to offering a wide range of design tools and features, it offers several communication tools that help presenters effectively communicate their ideas to a wide audience. 

However, apart from the benefits of a PowerPoint presentation, it’s imperative to remember that it also has disadvantages. The disadvantages include the potential for information overload, lack of originality, and the risk of disengaging the audience if not used appropriately. 

When choosing PowerPoint for a presentation, the decision should be based on the presentation’s goals and needs. In addition, the audience and the presenter should have their preferences taken into consideration.

Can I rely solely on PowerPoint to deliver an effective presentation?

How can i avoid information overload in my powerpoint presentation, can i use powerpoint presentations for remote presentations or online meetings, is it necessary to use templates for my powerpoint presentations, how can i ensure my powerpoint presentations are accessible to all audiences.

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What Are Benefits of PowerPoint?

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Ways to Promote Your Business Presentation Slide

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Microsoft PowerPoint is an easy program to use and a powerful tool for giving a presentation. Whether your presentation needs a visual kick, tools for collaboration, easy access or the ability to share information beyond the initial meeting, PowerPoint is a good option. It can even help reduce speaking anxiety by drawing eyes away from the speaker and towards a screen. Just do not expect this technology to substitute for sound and dynamic speaking skills.

Visual Impact

Making your presentation more interesting through the use of multimedia can help to improve the audience's focus. PowerPoint allows you to use images, audio and video to have a greater visual impact. These visual and audio cues may also help a presenter be more improvisational and interactive with the audience. However, try not to overly rely on these sources as your message might get lost in the clutter.


PowerPoint allows you to work with other people in a collaborative manner. This is especially useful in office settings where teamwork is key. Multiple people can collaborate on and contribute to a presentation. By going to the "Review" tab at the top of the program and clicking the "New Comment" button, you can leave notes and reposition them on the screen for other team members to view. Comments can be an especially beneficial tool for clarification.

Content Sharing

Share your PowerPoint presentation with the world. Did someone miss your presentation? Have them view it online at a time that is convenient for them. You can upload your presentation to websites such as YouTube with everything featured in your work including all of the slides, commentary and transitions. All you have to do is go to "File," "Save and Send" and "Create a Video." The file will be saved in WMV format, which is capable of playback on Windows Media Player and can be uploaded to most video sites.


PowerPoint can be used in a number of different effective ways to communicate with your audience. Slides are completely customizable to fit your needs. Depending on your approach, you may want to have a presentation that is text-heavy, image-heavy or some combination of both. Text-heavy presentations are generally good if you are giving a lecture to a group within your company and want them to take notes. Image-heavy presentations can help to make your presentation more conversational in style since there only visual cues. Combining the two approaches gives listeners the benefits of both visual aids and notes.

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  • University of Central Florida: Effective Use of PowerPoint

Author and blogger Kyle W. Bell has been writing since 2003. His work appears on Game Freaks 365 and Smashwords. Bell has a Bachelor of Arts in political science and a certificate in paralegal studies from Indiana University South Bend.

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powerpoint presentation advantages

Create a presentation

Create a presentation in PowerPoint

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

Create presentations from scratch or start with a professionally designed, fully customizable template from Microsoft Create .

Tip:  If you have Microsoft Copilot it can help you create a presentation, add slides or images, and more. To learn more see  Create a new presentation with Copilot in PowerPoint.

Open PowerPoint.

In the left pane, select New .

Select an option:

To create a presentation from scratch, select Blank Presentation .

To use a prepared design, select one of the templates.

To see tips for using PowerPoint, select Take a Tour , and then select Create , .

Create new PowerPoint

Add a slide

In the thumbnails on the left pane, select the slide you want your new slide to follow.

In the  Home tab, in the  Slides  section, select  New Slide .

In the Slides section, select Layout , and then select the layout you want from the menu.

PowerPoint slide layouts

Add and format text

Place the cursor inside a text box, and then type something.

Select the text, and then select one or more options from the Font section of the Home tab, such as  Font , Increase Font Size , Decrease Font Size ,  Bold , Italic , Underline , etc.

To create bulleted or numbered lists, select the text, and then select Bullets or Numbering .

PowerPoint format text

Add a picture, shape, and more

Go to the  Insert  tab.

To add a picture:

In the Images section, select Pictures .

In the Insert Picture From menu, select the source you want.

Browse for the picture you want, select it, and then select Insert .

To add illustrations:

In the Illustrations section, select Shapes , Icons , 3D Models ,  SmartArt , or Chart .

In the dialog box that opens when you click one of the illustration types, select the item you want and follow the prompts to insert it.

Insert Images in PowerPoint

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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

powerpoint presentation advantages

Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

powerpoint presentation advantages

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

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5 Advantages of Using PowerPoint and Google Slides for Your Presentations

5 Advantages of Using PowerPoint and Google Slides for Your Presentations | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

Every free template that we design at Slidesgo can be used in Google Slides and PowerPoint. This allows you to choose your preferred software for presenting or customizing the template . Have you ever wondered what the advantages of each software are? Keep reading to find out! 

5 advantages of using PowerPoint

5 advantages of using google slides, powerpoint vs google slides.

As one of the applications of Microsoft Office, PowerPoint is used to create and work on professional presentations. These are its main features: 

  • Easy to use : PowerPoint is quite intuitive and its interface is similar to that of other Microsoft Office programs. If you’re used to working with Word or Excel, then familiarizing yourself with PowerPoint won’t be a problem.
  • Multiple customization options: Thanks to its image editing capabilities, you don’t need to resort to graphics editors. You can trim pictures, add filters and effects to them, adjust their brightness, contrast, saturation and transparency without having to close your presentation at all.
  • Compatible with different formats: PowerPoint allows you to import and export different file formats, such as .pdf documents, .mp4 videos and many image formats, including .gif, .tif, .png or .jpg, among others.
  • Compatible with other Microsoft Office programs: Since they belong to the same office suite, you’ll be able to enrich your presentation with charts from Excel spreadsheets or tables from Word documents.
  • Versatility: PowerPoint is the most used tool and the one almost everybody knows when it comes to presentations. It is popular in education and the business sector, for example.

There’s only one main requirement regarding the use of PowerPoint: you’ll need to have Microsoft Office installed on your computer. 

Remember, if you have any doubts on how to use PowerPoint, we have a section called Slidesgo School where you’ll find quick tutorials that explain this and many other functionalities.   

You’ll find this presentation program within G Suite or your Google Drive account panel. To access Google Slides, you just need a device connected to the internet (you can even install the app on that device, granting you offline access). These are the main advantages of this program: 

  • Easy to access: Having your presentation stored in the cloud allows you to access it anytime. You no longer need to carry an external device with your file.
  • Encourages teamwork : As with other G Suite applications, multiple people can see and/or edit the document simultaneously.
  • Compatible with other Google applications: Since they belong to the same company, Google Slides supports charts from Google Sheets, pictures from Google Photos and even multimedia content from YouTube.
  • Instant auto-saving: Your presentation is stored in the cloud, which means Google Slides automatically saves every time you change something. You can be 100% sure your work won’t be lost.
  • Free : You just need a Gmail account to start using Google Slides. Creating an account is free and it merely takes a couple of minutes.

In our Slidesgo School section, you’ll find tutorials on how to use Google Slides, just in case you have any doubts about this presentation program.   

To summarize, here’s a comparison table where you can have a look at the differences between PowerPoint and Google Slides:

Advantages of Using PowerPoint and Google Slides

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How to Add Superscript and Subscript in PPT | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

How to Add Superscript and Subscript in PPT

It can be a registered brand, a footnote or a math formula that you need to properly write. “2^2+2” is not the same as “22+2”, is it? Using superscript or subscript in a proper way makes a whole difference in texts. If it’s for your mathematical or physics complex formulas or just an anecdotic footnote, let’s figure out how to write them in a powerpoint presentation!

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What are the advantages and disadvatages of PowerPoint

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PowerPoint is one of the most popular software for presentations. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite and can be used for personal, business, and educational purposes. Most known for its templates and easiness of use, PowerPoint had conquered the presentations game. 

From beginners to professional speakers, this software allows you to build your own presentations using text, images, video, audios, tables of data. There are a variety of animations and transitions that can help in delivering the presentation the way you want. 

We’ve been working for five years in Presentation Design, and most of our work is done using PowerPoint.

Even though I’ve been using it over the past 5 years, I’m learning something new every once in a while. I’m always looking to improve my process, do things differently or executing the wrong command. Some mistakes are good too, eh? I feel like PowerPoint is a tool which is overlooked by many people in the design industry. When I switch to other software, I’m thinking <<oh, I could have done this a lot faster in PowerPoint>>. I like order and precision. Through PowerPoint’s  grid and guides features, I’m able to satisfy these cravings of mine and create consistent and neat presentations.

Bogdan, Visual Hackers Designer

Advantages of PowerPoint

1. It can be used virtually anywhere

Put your presentation on a USB flash drive or in any cloud storage app and you will have your PowerPoint presentation at hand anytime. It is also included in standard professional settings, so with your user license, you can access your presentation from anywhere.

2. It is a collaborative solution

Work from home is now a normal thing to do. Tools that provide solutions for working together with your team even if you are in different locations are in high demand. PowerPoint adapted to this situation and with its online cloud storage, you can now work on presentations at the same time, or work on the same presentation without sending it to each other. 

3. You can choose to create your own design or use existing ones

PowerPoint offers you full control over your slides’ appearances. You have the freedom to customize your presentation with your own design. As it is easy to modify and play with the elements given by this software, you can create the perfect presentation for yourself. 

There are also templates already integrated into the software for visually appealing presentations and for those who want a quick and nice design. Furthermore, PowerPoint will give you design ideas with the images and elements you chose to have on slides.

If you customize the slides you have the Master Slide, it will help you set the fonts, images (logos), and other preferences for all the slides. The master slide is the top slide in the thumbnail pane on the left side of the window.

powerpoint presentation advantages

4. Multiple uses 

An adaptable and perceptive tool is how our founder described PowerPoint in a previous article. That is because this software is not only for presentations (even though it is most known for them), but also for other types of materials, such as flyers, marketing materials, gifs, videos, or CVs. We do PowerPoint infographics, our social media posts, and presentations for clients. 

89% of people use PowerPoint to create presentations.

Read more about how you can use PowerPoint:

PowerPoint is more than just a presentation tool

5. Export in different formats

With PowerPoint, you can export your materials in other formats than .pptx. We talked previously about all the types of materials you can create in this software and for them, it offers alternatives of saving you work. 

Presentations can be saved also in .pdf, this will reduce their size, videos can be exported as mp4 and for gifs, there is the specific option to save them as Animated gifs. Of course, there is also the option of saving a slide as .png or .jpg.

6. It facilitates an effective way of communication with the audience

Most of the time, PowerPoint is used for presenting to a larger audience (a few things have changed in 2020, but a zoom presentation looks just as good), as it is easier to be projected. Choose your communication style, do you want to rely more on images, text, or videos, all of them can be easily integrated into PowerPoint.

65% of the population are visual learners

7. You can insert multimedia formats

Visuals are the key in PowerPoint. Images and videos help you explain your idea better and in an engaging way in any presentation. There are some basic sounds that you can use or insert your own audio for the desired effect. 

Play with all the functionalities of this tool and use it to its maximum. 

8. Extremely efficient tool

Once you get familiar with the software, there are all kinds of features that you can use to become an expert in PowerPoint. We can even name 84 shortcuts that will change the way you use it and will also save you a lot of time.

Learn for yourself:

84 PowerPoint Shortcuts To Improve Your Presentation Game

9. It is accessible for all categories of users

Most of the time employees/staff have already the Microsoft license on their work computers, with PowerPoint included. Also, universities acquire the suite so students and teachers cand use reach out and use them.

Disadvantages of PowerPoint

1. High risk of technical issues

It can happen anytime, there are a lot of variables that intervene when you are about to use PowerPoint for presenting. Your computer can stop working, get an update right before you start, or lose power in the middle of the presentation. There is always the connectivity issue, do you use HDMI, VGA or do you have an adaptor. PowerPoint also has some specifics ada[ted for your computer, like fonts or videos, and if you don’t embed them or you don’t put them in a folder with the presentation they won’t work on somebody else’s computer.

2. Overuse of information 

After you accommodate with the software it becomes very easy to get lost in all the options you have. How much text is too much? Are there enough images? What font to use? How many fonts to use? By adding a lot of things you will lose sight of the purpose of the presentation. 

We know that there is a lot of important information you want to transmit, but leave some mystery for the delivery part. 

3. Predisposal to death by PowerPoint

PowerPoint presentations are very common in conferences, business meetings and universities, therefore your audience has seen quite a lot of presentations before yours. You need to catch your audience’s attention from the beginning with your presentation looks or with your way of presenting, otherwise, they will get bored and won’t listen to you present.  Make sure you put enough time into preparing your PowerPoint material, a good presentation with a fine speech will hit the target. 

Avoid templates as much as possible if you want to impress, or work on them and add your unique style to them. 

4. Presenters rely too much on slides 

Sometimes when you are too focused on preparing the slides you may forget to actually prepare to deliver the presentation and you will end up reading from the slides. The audience wants to hear more from the speaker than what is presented on the slides, otherwise they could have looked over the presentation themselves.

5. Overuse of presentations 

There are situations when you get so used to the tool that you will start making a presentation for everything. Every report or status will become easier to do in PowerPoint for you, but it won’t be that fun for your colleagues and will cost you time. 

We recommend using Powerpoint for all kinds of materials, not just presentations. This tool can give you freedom in design and also help you with predefined elements. 

If you want to make a presentation yourself, invest time, look for tutorials or just reach out to an agency to help you create the right presentation. 

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20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

Carly Williams

Published: January 17, 2024

When it comes to PowerPoint presentation design, there's no shortage of avenues you can take.

PowerPoint presentation examples graphic with computer monitor, person holding a megaphone, and a plant to signify growth.

While all that choice — colors, formats, visuals, fonts — can feel liberating, it‘s important that you’re careful in your selection as not all design combinations add up to success.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

In this blog post, I’m sharing some of my favorite PowerPoint tips and templates to help you nail your next presentation.

Table of Contents

What makes a good PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint design ideas, best powerpoint presentation slides, good examples of powerpoint presentation design.

In my opinion, a great PowerPoint presentation gets the point across succinctly while using a design that doesn't detract from it.

Here are some of the elements I like to keep in mind when I’m building my own.

1. Minimal Animations and Transitions

Believe it or not, animations and transitions can take away from your PowerPoint presentation. Why? Well, they distract from the content you worked so hard on.

A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image.

2. Cohesive Color Palette

I like to refresh my memory on color theory when creating a new PowerPoint presentation.

A cohesive color palette uses complementary and analogous colors to draw the audience’s attention and help emphasize certain aspects at the right time.

powerpoint presentation advantages

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

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It‘s impossible for me to tell you the specific design ideas you should go after in your next PowerPoint, because, well, I don’t know what the goal of your presentation is.

Luckily, new versions of PowerPoint actually suggest ideas for you based on the content you're presenting. This can help you keep up with the latest trends in presentation design .

PowerPoint is filled with interesting boilerplate designs you can start with. To find these suggestions, open PowerPoint and click the “Design” tab in your top navigation bar. Then, on the far right side, you'll see the following choices:

powerpoint presentation advantages

This simplistic presentation example employs several different colors and font weights, but instead of coming off as disconnected, the varied colors work with one another to create contrast and call out specific concepts.

What I like: The big, bold numbers help set the reader's expectations, as they clearly signify how far along the viewer is in the list of tips.

10. “Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling,” Gavin McMahon

This presentation by Gavin McMahon features color in all the right places. While each of the background images boasts a bright, spotlight-like design, all the characters are intentionally blacked out.

What I like: This helps keep the focus on the tips, while still incorporating visuals. Not to mention, it's still easy for me to identify each character without the details. (I found you on slide eight, Nemo.)

11. “Facebook Engagement and Activity Report,” We Are Social

Here's another great example of data visualization in the wild.

What I like: Rather than displaying numbers and statistics straight up, this presentation calls upon interesting, colorful graphs, and charts to present the information in a way that just makes sense.

12. “The GaryVee Content Model,” Gary Vaynerchuk

This wouldn‘t be a true Gary Vaynerchuk presentation if it wasn’t a little loud, am I right?

What I like: Aside from the fact that I love the eye-catching, bright yellow background, Vaynerchuk does a great job of incorporating screenshots on each slide to create a visual tutorial that coincides with the tips. He also does a great job including a visual table of contents that shows your progress as you go .

13. “20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius,” IMPACT Branding & Design

We‘ve all seen our fair share of quote-chronicling presentations but that isn’t to say they were all done well. Often the background images are poor quality, the text is too small, or there isn't enough contrast.

Well, this professional presentation from IMPACT Branding & Design suffers from none of said challenges.

What I like: The colorful filters over each background image create just enough contrast for the quotes to stand out.

14. “The Great State of Design,” Stacy Kvernmo

This presentation offers up a lot of information in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

What I like: The contrasting colors create visual interest and “pop,” and the comic images (slides 6 through 12) are used to make the information seem less buttoned-up and overwhelming.

15. “Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines,” Ethos3

Not going to lie, it was the title that convinced me to click through to this presentation but the awesome design kept me there once I arrived.

What I like: This simple design adheres to a consistent color pattern and leverages bullet points and varied fonts to break up the text nicely.

16. “Digital Transformation in 50 Soundbites,” Julie Dodd

This design highlights a great alternative to the “text-over-image” display we've grown used to seeing.

What I like: By leveraging a split-screen approach to each presentation slide, Julie Dodd was able to serve up a clean, legible quote without sacrificing the power of a strong visual.

17. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

When you‘re creating a PowerPoint about how everyone’s PowerPoints stink, yours had better be terrific. The one above, based on the ebook by Seth Godin, keeps it simple without boring its audience.

What I like: Its clever combinations of fonts, together with consistent color across each slide, ensure you're neither overwhelmed nor unengaged.

18. “How Google Works,” Eric Schmidt

Simple, clever doodles tell the story of Google in a fun and creative way. This presentation reads almost like a storybook, making it easy to move from one slide to the next.

What I like: This uncluttered approach provides viewers with an easy-to-understand explanation of a complicated topic.

19. “What Really Differentiates the Best Content Marketers From The Rest,” Ross Simmonds

Let‘s be honest: These graphics are hard not to love. I especially appreciate the author’s cartoonified self-portrait that closes out the presentation. Well played, Ross Simmonds.

What I like: Rather than employing the same old stock photos, this unique design serves as a refreshing way to present information that's both valuable and fun.

20. “Be A Great Product Leader,” Adam Nash

This presentation by Adam Nash immediately draws attention by putting the company's logo first — a great move if your company is well known.

What I like: He uses popular images, such as ones of Megatron and Pinocchio, to drive his points home. In the same way, you can take advantage of popular images and media to keep your audience engaged.

PowerPoint Presentation Examples for the Best Slide Presentation

Mastering a PowerPoint presentation begins with the design itself.

Get inspired by my ideas above to create a presentation that engages your audience, builds upon your point, and helps you generate leads for your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

Blog - Beautiful PowerPoint Presentation Template [List-Based]

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Teaching with PowerPoint

When effectively planned and used, PowerPoint (or similar tools, like Google Slides) can enhance instruction. People are divided on the effectiveness of this ubiquitous presentation program—some say that PowerPoint is wonderful while others bemoan its pervasiveness. No matter which side you take, PowerPoint does offer effective ways to enhance instruction when used and designed appropriately.

PowerPoint can be an effective tool to present material in the classroom and encourage student learning. You can use PowerPoint to project visuals that would otherwise be difficult to bring to class. For example, in an anthropology class, a single PowerPoint presentation could project images of an anthropological dig from a remote area, questions asking students about the topic, a chart of related statistics, and a mini quiz about what was just discussed that provides students with information that is visual, challenging, and engaging.

PowerPoint can be an effective tool to present material in the classroom and encourage student learning.

This section is organized in three major segments: Part I will help faculty identify and use basic but important design elements, Part II will cover ways to enhance teaching and learning with PowerPoint, and Part III will list ways to engage students with PowerPoint.

PART I: Designing the PowerPoint Presentation


  • Student accessibility—students with visual or hearing impairments may not be able to fully access a PowerPoint presentation, especially those with graphics, images, and sound.
  • Use an accessible layout. Built-in slide template layouts were designed to be accessible: “the reading order is the same for people with vision and for people who use assistive technology such as screen readers” (University of Washington, n.d.). If you want to alter the layout of a theme, use the Slide Master; this will ensure your slides will retain accessibility.
  • Use unique and specific slide titles so students can access the material they need.
  • Consider how you display hyperlinks. Since screen readers read what is on the page, you may want to consider creating a hyperlink using a descriptive title instead of displaying the URL.
  • All visuals and tables should include alt text. Alt text should describe the visual or table in detail so that students with visual impairments can “read” the images with their screen readers. Avoid using too many decorative visuals.
  • All video and audio content should be captioned for students with hearing impairments. Transcripts can also be useful as an additional resource, but captioning ensures students can follow along with what is on the screen in real-time.
  • Simplify your tables. If you use tables on your slides, ensure they are not overly complex and do not include blank cells. Screen readers may have difficulty providing information about the table if there are too many columns and rows, and they may “think” the table is complete if they come to a blank cell.
  • Set a reading order for text on your slides. The order that text appears on the slide may not be the reading order of the text. Check that your reading order is correct by using the Selection Pane (organized bottom-up).
  • Use Microsoft’s Accessibility Checker to identify potential accessibility issues in your completed PowerPoint. Use the feedback to improve your PowerPoint’s accessibility. You could also send your file to the Disability Resource Center to have them assess its accessibility (send it far in advance of when you will need to use it).
  • Save your PowerPoint presentation as a PDF file to distribute to students with visual impairments.

Preparing for the presentation

  • Consider time and effort in preparing a PowerPoint presentation; give yourself plenty of lead time for design and development.
  • PowerPoint is especially useful when providing course material online. Consider student technology compatibility with PowerPoint material put on the web; ensure images and graphics have been compressed for access by computers using dial-up connection.
PowerPoint is especially useful when providing course material online.
  • Be aware of copyright law when displaying course materials, and properly cite source material. This is especially important when using visuals obtained from the internet or other sources. This also models proper citation for your students.
  • Think about message interpretation for PowerPoint use online: will students be able to understand material in a PowerPoint presentation outside of the classroom? Will you need to provide notes and/or other material to help students understand complex information, data, or graphics?
  • If you will be using your own laptop, make sure the classroom is equipped with the proper cables, drivers, and other means to display your presentation the way you have intended.

Slide content

  • Avoid text-dense slides. It’s better to have more slides than trying to place too much text on one slide. Use brief points instead of long sentences or paragraphs and outline key points rather than transcribing your lecture. Use PowerPoint to cue and guide the presentation.
  • Use the Notes feature to add content to your presentation that the audience will not see. You can access the Notes section for each slide by sliding the bottom of the slide window up to reveal the notes section or by clicking “View” and choosing “Notes Page” from the Presentation Views options.
  • Relate PowerPoint material to course objectives to reinforce their purpose for students.

Number of slides

  • As a rule of thumb, plan to show one slide per minute to account for discussion and time and for students to absorb the material.
  • Reduce redundant or text-heavy sentences or bullets to ensure a more professional appearance.
  • Incorporate active learning throughout the presentation to hold students’ interest and reinforce learning.

Emphasizing content

  • Use italics, bold, and color for emphasizing content.
  • Use of a light background (white, beige, yellow) with dark typeface or a dark background (blue, purple, brown) with a light typeface is easy to read in a large room.
  • Avoid using too many colors or shifting colors too many times within the presentation, which can be distracting to students.
  • Avoid using underlines for emphasis; underlining typically signifies hypertext in digital media.
Use of a light background with dark typeface or a dark background with a light typeface is easy to read in a large room.
  • Limit the number of typeface styles to no more than two per slide. Try to keep typeface consistent throughout your presentation so it does not become a distraction.
  • Avoid overly ornate or specialty fonts that may be harder for students to read. Stick to basic fonts so as not to distract students from the content.
  • Ensure the typeface is large enough to read from anywhere in the room: titles and headings should be no less than 36-40-point font. The subtext should be no less than 32-point font.

Clip art and graphics

  • Use clip art and graphics sparingly. Research shows that it’s best to use graphics only when they support the content. Irrelevant graphics and images have been proven to hinder student learning.
  • Photographs can be used to add realism. Again, only use photographs that are relevant to the content and serve a pedagogical purpose. Images for decorative purposes are distracting.
  • Size and place graphics appropriately on the slide—consider wrapping text around a graphic.
  • Use two-dimensional pie and bar graphs rather than 3D styles which can interfere with the intended message.
Use clip art and graphics sparingly. Research shows that it’s best to use graphics only when they support the content.

Animation and sound

  • Add motion, sound, or music only when necessary. When in doubt, do without.
  • Avoid distracting animations and transitions. Excessive movement within or between slides can interfere with the message and students find them distracting. Avoid them or use only simple screen transitions.

Final check

  • Check for spelling, correct word usage, flow of material, and overall appearance of the presentation.
  • Colleagues can be helpful to check your presentation for accuracy and appeal. Note: Errors are more obvious when they are projected.
  • Schedule at least one practice session to check for timing and flow.
  • PowerPoint’s Slide Sorter View is especially helpful to check slides for proper sequencing as well as information gaps and redundancy. You can also use the preview pane on the left of the screen when you are editing the PowerPoint in “Normal” view.
  • Prepare for plan “B” in case you have trouble with the technology in the classroom: how will you provide material located on your flash drive or computer? Have an alternate method of instruction ready (printing a copy of your PowerPoint with notes is one idea).
PowerPoint’s Slide Sorter View is especially helpful to check slides for proper sequencing and information gaps and redundancy.

PowerPoint Handouts

PowerPoint provides multiple options for print-based handouts that can be distributed at various points in the class.

Before class: students might like having materials available to help them prepare and formulate questions before the class period.

During class: you could distribute a handout with three slides and lines for notes to encourage students to take notes on the details of your lecture so they have notes alongside the slide material (and aren’t just taking notes on the slide content).

After class: some instructors wait to make the presentation available after the class period so that students concentrate on the presentation rather than reading ahead on the handout.

Never: Some instructors do not distribute the PowerPoint to students so that students don’t rely on access to the presentation and neglect to pay attention in class as a result.

  • PowerPoint slides can be printed in the form of handouts—with one, two, three, four, six, or nine slides on a page—that can be given to students for reference during and after the presentation. The three-slides-per-page handout includes lined space to assist in note-taking.
  • Notes Pages. Detailed notes can be printed and used during the presentation, or if they are notes intended for students, they can be distributed before the presentation.
  • Outline View. PowerPoint presentations can be printed as an outline, which provides all the text from each slide. Outlines offer a welcome alternative to slide handouts and can be modified from the original presentation to provide more or less information than the projected presentation.

The Presentation

Alley, Schreiber, Ramsdell, and Muffo (2006) suggest that PowerPoint slide headline design “affects audience retention,” and they conclude that “succinct sentence headlines are more effective” in information recall than headlines of short phrases or single words (p. 233). In other words, create slide titles with as much information as is used for newspapers and journals to help students better understand the content of the slide.

  • PowerPoint should provide key words, concepts, and images to enhance your presentation (but PowerPoint should not replace you as the presenter).
  • Avoid reading from the slide—reading the material can be perceived as though you don’t know the material. If you must read the material, provide it in a handout instead of a projected PowerPoint slide.
  • Avoid moving a laser pointer across the slide rapidly. If using a laser pointer, use one with a dot large enough to be seen from all areas of the room and move it slowly and intentionally.
Avoid reading from the slide—reading the material can be perceived as though you don’t know the material.
  • Use a blank screen to allow students to reflect on what has just been discussed or to gain their attention (Press B for a black screen or W for a white screen while delivering your slide show; press these keys again to return to the live presentation). This pause can also be used for a break period or when transitioning to new content.
  • Stand to one side of the screen and face the audience while presenting. Using Presenter View will display your slide notes to you on the computer monitor while projecting only the slides to students on the projector screen.
  • Leave classroom lights on and turn off lights directly over the projection screen if possible. A completely dark or dim classroom will impede notetaking (and may encourage nap-taking).
  • Learn to use PowerPoint efficiently and have a back-up plan in case of technical failure.
  • Give yourself enough time to finish the presentation. Trying to rush through slides can give the impression of an unorganized presentation and may be difficult for students to follow or learn.

PART II: Enhancing Teaching and Learning with PowerPoint

Class preparation.

PowerPoint can be used to prepare lectures and presentations by helping instructors refine their material to salient points and content. Class lectures can be typed in outline format, which can then be refined as slides. Lecture notes can be printed as notes pages  (notes pages: Printed pages that display author notes beneath the slide that the notes accompany.) and could also be given as handouts to accompany the presentation.

Multimodal Learning

Using PowerPoint can help you present information in multiple ways (a multimodal approach) through the projection of color, images, and video for the visual mode; sound and music for the auditory mode; text and writing prompts for the reading/writing mode; and interactive slides that ask students to do something, e.g. a group or class activity in which students practice concepts, for the kinesthetic mode (see Part III: Engaging Students with PowerPoint for more details). Providing information in multiple modalities helps improve comprehension and recall for all students.

Providing information in multiple modalities helps improve comprehension and recall for all students.

Type-on Live Slides

PowerPoint allows users to type directly during the slide show, which provides another form of interaction. These write-on slides can be used to project students’ comments and ideas for the entire class to see. When the presentation is over, the new material can be saved to the original file and posted electronically. This feature requires advanced preparation in the PowerPoint file while creating your presentation. For instructions on how to set up your type-on slide text box, visit this tutorial from AddictiveTips .  

Write or Highlight on Slides

PowerPoint also allows users to use tools to highlight or write directly onto a presentation while it is live. When you are presenting your PowerPoint, move your cursor over the slide to reveal tools in the lower-left corner. One of the tools is a pen icon. Click this icon to choose either a laser pointer, pen, or highlighter. You can use your cursor for these options, or you can use the stylus for your smart podium computer monitor or touch-screen laptop monitor (if applicable).  

Just-In-Time Course Material

You can make your PowerPoint slides, outline, and/or notes pages available online 24/7 through Blackboard, OneDrive, other websites. Students can review the material before class, bring printouts to class, and better prepare themselves for listening rather than taking a lot of notes during the class period. They can also come to class prepared with questions about the material so you can address their comprehension of the concepts.

PART III: Engaging Students with PowerPoint

The following techniques can be incorporated into PowerPoint presentations to increase interactivity and engagement between students and between students and the instructor. Each technique can be projected as a separate PowerPoint slide.

Running Slide Show as Students Arrive in the Classroom

This technique provides visual interest and can include a series of questions for students to answer as they sit waiting for class to begin. These questions could be on future texts or quizzes.

  • Opening Question : project an opening question, e.g. “Take a moment to reflect on ___.”
  • Think of what you know about ___.
  • Turn to a partner and share your knowledge about ___.
  • Share with the class what you have discussed with your partner.
  • Focused Listing helps with recall of pertinent information, e.g. “list as many characteristics of ___, or write down as many words related to ___ as you can think of.”
  • Brainstorming stretches the mind and promotes deep thinking and recall of prior knowledge, e.g. “What do you know about ___? Start with your clearest thoughts and then move on to those what are kind of ‘out there.’”
  • Questions : ask students if they have any questions roughly every 15 minutes. This technique provides time for students to reflect and is also a good time for a scheduled break or for the instructor to interact with students.
  • Note Check : ask students to “take a few minutes to compare notes with a partner,” or “…summarize the most important information,” or “…identify and clarify any sticking points,” etc.
  • Questions and Answer Pairs : have students “take a minute to come with one question then see if you can stump your partner!”
  • The Two-Minute Paper allows the instructor to check the class progress, e.g. “summarize the most important points of today’s lecture.” Have students submit the paper at the end of class.
  • “If You Could Ask One Last Question—What Would It Be?” This technique allows for students to think more deeply about the topic and apply what they have learned in a question format.
  • A Classroom Opinion Poll provides a sense of where students stand on certain topics, e.g. “do you believe in ___,” or “what are your thoughts on ___?”
  • Muddiest Point allows anonymous feedback to inform the instructor if changes and or additions need to be made to the class, e.g. “What parts of today’s material still confuse you?”
  • Most Useful Point can tell the instructor where the course is on track, e.g. “What is the most useful point in today’s material, and how can you illustrate its use in a practical setting?”

Positive Features of PowerPoint

  • PowerPoint saves time and energy—once the presentation has been created, it is easy to update or modify for other courses.
  • PowerPoint is portable and can be shared easily with students and colleagues.
  • PowerPoint supports multimedia, such as video, audio, images, and
PowerPoint supports multimedia, such as video, audio, images, and animation.

Potential Drawbacks of PowerPoint

  • PowerPoint could reduce the opportunity for classroom interaction by being the primary method of information dissemination or designed without built-in opportunities for interaction.
  • PowerPoint could lead to information overload, especially with the inclusion of long sentences and paragraphs or lecture-heavy presentations with little opportunity for practical application or active learning.
  • PowerPoint could “drive” the instruction and minimize the opportunity for spontaneity and creative teaching unless the instructor incorporates the potential for ingenuity into the presentation. 

As with any technology, the way PowerPoint is used will determine its pedagogical effectiveness. By strategically using the points described above, PowerPoint can be used to enhance instruction and engage students.

Alley, M., Schreiber, M., Ramsdell, K., & Muffo, J. (2006). How the design of headlines in presentation slides affects audience retention. Technical Communication, 53 (2), 225-234. Retrieved from

University of Washington, Accessible Technology. (n.d.). Creating accessible presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint. Retrieved from  

Selected Resources

Brill, F. (2016). PowerPoint for teachers: Creating interactive lessons. LinkedIn Learning . Retrieved from

Huston, S. (2011). Active learning with PowerPoint [PDF file]. DE Oracle @ UMUC . Retrieved from

Microsoft Office Support. (n.d.). Make your PowerPoint presentations accessible to people with disabilities. Retrieved from

Tufte, E. R. (2006). The cognitive style of PowerPoint: Pitching out corrupts within. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press LLC.

University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Medicine. (n.d.). Active Learning with a PowerPoint. Retrieved from

University of Washington, Department of English. (n.d.). Teaching with PowerPoint. Retrieved from

Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching. (n.d.). Making better PowerPoint presentations. Retrieved from

Creative Commons License

Suggested citation

Northern Illinois University Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. (2020). Teaching with PowerPoint. In Instructional guide for university faculty and teaching assistants. Retrieved from

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  • Government Exam Articles

An Introduction To MS PowerPoint

MS PowerPoint is a program that is included in the Microsoft Office suite. It is used to make presentations for personal and professional purposes.

In this article, we shall discuss in detail the functions and features of a PowerPoint presentation, followed by some sample questions based on this topic for the upcoming competitive exams. 

To learn more about the different programs under Microsoft Office , visit the linked article. 

Given below are a few important things that one must know about the development and introduction of Microsoft PowerPoint:

  • The program was created in a software company named Forethought, Inc. by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin. 
  • It was released on April 20, 1987, and after 3 months of its creation, it was acquired by Microsoft.
  • The first version of this program, when introduced by Microsoft was MS PowerPoint 2.0 (1990).
  • It is a presentation-based program that uses graphics, videos, etc. to make a presentation more interactive and interesting.
  • The file extension of a saved Powerpoint presentation is “.ppt”.
  • A PowerPoint presentation comprising slides and other features is also known as PPT.

Gradually, with each version, the program was more creative and more interactive. Various other features were added in PowerPoint which massively increased the requirement and use of this MS Office program.

From the examination point of view, MS PowerPoint happens to be a very important topic. Candidates who are preparing for the various Government exams can visit the Computer Knowledge page and get a list of topics included in the syllabus and prepare themselves accordingly. 

Basics of MS PowerPoint

Discussed below are a few questions that one must be aware of while discussing the basics of MS PowerPoint. Once this is understood, using the program and analysing how to use it more creatively shall become easier.

Question: What is MS PowerPoint?

Answer: PowerPoint (PPT) is a powerful, easy-to-use presentation graphics software  program that allows you to create professional-looking electronic slide  shows. 

The image given below shows the main page of MS PowerPoint, where a person lands when the program is opened on a computer system:

MS PowerPoint

Question: How to open MS PowerPoint on a personal computer?

Answer: Follow the steps below to open MS PowerPoint on a personal computer:

  • Click on the start button
  • Then choose “All Programs”
  • Next step is to select “MS Office”
  • Under MS Office, click on the “MS PowerPoint” 

A blank presentation is open on the screen. According to the requirement, a person can modify the template for a presentation and start using the program.

Question: What is a PowerPoint presentation or PPT?

Answer: A combination of various slides depicting a graphical and visual interpretation of data, to present information in a more creative and interactive manner is called a PowerPoint presentation or PPT.

Question: What is a slide show in a PowerPoint presentation?

Answer: When all the slides of a PowerPoint presentation are set in series and then presented to a group of people, where each slide appears one after the other, is a set pattern, this is known as a PowerPoint slide show. 

Question: What all elements can be added to a slide?

Answer: The following elements can be added to a Powerpoint slide:

  • Photographs
  • Media Clips

All these elements are mainly used to enhance presentation skills and make the slide more interactive.

To learn more about the Fundamentals of Computer , visit the linked article. 

For a better understanding of the Microsoft PowerPoint and its operations, functions and usage, refer to the video given below:

powerpoint presentation advantages

Features of MS PowerPoint

There are multiple features that are available in MS PowerPoint which can customise and optimise a presentation. The same have been discussed below.

  • Slide Layout

Multiple options and layouts are available based on which a presentation can be created. This option is available under the “Home” section and one can select from the multiple layout options provided.

The image below shows the different slide layout options which are available for use:

MS PowerPoint - Slide Layout

  • Insert – Clipart, Video, Audio, etc.

Under the “Insert” category, multiple options are available where one can choose what feature they want to insert in their presentation. This may include images, audio, video, header, footer, symbols, shapes, etc. 

The image below shows the features which can be inserted:

MS PowerPoint - Features of Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

  • Slide Design

MS PowerPoint has various themes using which background colour and designs or textures can be added to a slide. This makes the presentation more colourful and attracts the attention of the people looking at it.

This feature can be added using the “Design” category mentioned on the homepage of MS PowerPoint. Although there are existing design templates available, in case someone wants to add some new texture or colour, the option to customise the design is also available. Apart from this, slide designs can also be downloaded online.

Refer to the below for slide design:

MS PowerPoint - Slide Design

During the slide show, the slides appear on the screen one after the other. In case, one wants to add some animations to the way in which a slide presents itself, they can refer to the “Animations” category. 

The different animation styles available on PowerPoint are:

MS PowerPoint - Animations

Apart from all these options; font size, font style, font colour, word art, date and time, etc. can also be added to a PPT.

Government Exam 2023

Also, there are various other subjects that are included in the exam syllabus for various competitive exams. Candidates can check the detailed section-wise syllabus in the links given below:

Uses of PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint presentations are useful for both personal and professional usage. Given below are a few of the major fields where PPT is extremely useful:

  • Education – With e-learning and smart classes being chosen as a common mode of education today, PowerPoint presentations can help in making education more interactive and attract students towards the modified version of studying
  • Marketing – In the field of marketing, PowerPoint presentations can be extremely important. Using graphs and charts, numbers can be shown more evidently and clearly which may be ignored by the viewer if being read
  • Business – To invite investors or to show the increase or decrease in profits, MS PowerPoint can be used
  • Creating Resumes – Digital resumes can be formed using MS PowerPoint. Different patterns, photograph, etc. can be added to the resume
  • Depicting Growth – Since both graphics and text can be added in a presentation, depicting the growth of a company, business, student’s marks, etc. is easier using PPT

Government exam aspirants can upgrade their preparation with the help of the links given below:

Sample MS PowerPoint Questions and Answers

As discussed earlier in this article, Computer Awareness is included in the syllabus for many competitive exams. Thus, to understand the program from the examination point of view is also a must. 

Given below are a few sample questions based on MS PowerPoint.

Q 1. How many maximum slides can be added to a PowerPoint presentation?

  • No fixed number

Answer: (3) No fixed number

Q 2. Slide Sorter view can be selected under which of the following categories?

Answer: (4) View

Q 3. The combination of which keyboard keys can be used as a shortcut to add a new slide in MS PowerPoint?

Answer: (3) ctrl+M

Q 4. Header and Footer option is available under which of the following categories?

Answer: (1) Insert

Q 5. Which of the following is not included in the “Insert” category in MS PowerPoint?

Answer: (4) Animation

Similar types of MS PowerPoint Questions may be asked based on the features or usage of the program. Thus, one must carefully go through the elements and aspects of PPT. 

For any further assistance related to the upcoming Government exams, candidates can check the Preparation Strategy for Competitive Exams page. 

Get the latest exam information, study material and other information related to the major Government exams conducted in the country, at BYJU’S.

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infoDiagram visual slide examples, PowerPoint diagrams & icons , PPT tricks & guides

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How to Present Time Management Matrix Visually for Easy Understanding

Are you presenting time management topics? Consider using a visual way of explaining decision-making and time management methods, such as the Eisenhower matrix. 

We show an idea on how to present the four quadrant boxes of decision-making and planning of action priorities.

The graphics presented here are based on our diagram design experience for presentations that focus on clarity and information visualization. 

Get all the graphics presented here – click on the slide pictures to see and download the source illustration. Check the full Eisenhower Matrix for Time Management Presentation (PPT Template).

What is a time management matrix?

Also called Eisenhower Matrix is a simple tool for prioritizing actions. Organizing task in the matrix layout helps to decide on task priority and focus on what’s critical. 

The idea is to group actions into four boxes, organized by two categories: urgency and importance, as you can see below. 

It helps you to decide what task to do first, what to schedule for later, what to delegate, and what to eliminate. This time management framework suggests you to classify your asks as: 

  • Urgent & Important (tasks that require immediate attention and have a significant impact), 
  • Important & Not Urgent (important but not time-sensitive task), 
  • Urgent & Not Important (time-sensitive but not crucial issues, 
  • Not Urgent & Not Important (neither pressing nor critical).

If you want to present this management approach visually, create a visual representation that is simple and clear. We created such a slide with this in mind.  

Eisenhower Matrix Idea Explained PowerPoint

The slide with the Eisenhower Matrix consists of four parts. We used non-standard shapes to make the visual effect more interesting. Each box refers to one prioritizing action. Each of them is highlighted with a distinctive color. Therefore, green is used to signify tasks to be done and red signifies tasks to be deleted. Thanks to this distinction, you can easily show actions by category. Additionally to each box, we added icons that symbolize categories. 

Such a composed slide helps users focus on what matters most, ensuring a quicker way to explain the idea of this time management framework. 

Presenting benefits of using Eisenhower matrix based decision making

If you want to list the benefits of this time management method, do it in some interesting visual way instead of having only list of bullet points. For example, you can use diagrams with icons illustrating each benefit. It is easy for your audience to grasp the advantages at a glance.

Eisenhower Matrix Benefits PowerPoint

In the slide above, we show you the idea of a slide about decision-making advantages. Here we had four benefits, but this design is easy to change for more and fewer points. 

We used round shapes. The shape of a circle is softer and signifies continuation and flow. If you want to evoke a positive association,  consider using round shapes in design. Of course, these associations can vary based on personal experiences, but it’s some common principle. In this case, we combined a few different shapes to create visual interest. Remember that simplicity is key in design, so avoid using too many shapes, just try to convey a complex message in a simple way.

Share examples – Time Management from Financial sector

Here’s an example of how such a matrix can look filled with specific tasks from the fintech industry. 

Example tasks can include each section:

  • Responding to a critical tax audit – this would be Do First
  • Negotiating with a key lender to restructure debt – this would be Do First
  • Developing a long-term financial forecast – this would be Scheduled
  • Analyzing costs and benefits of new software –  this would be Scheduled
  • Regularly browsing personal social media at work – this would be Deleted
  • Responding to every single email notification – this would be Deleted
  • Preparing travel arrangements for an upcoming conference – this would be Delegated
  • Generating routine financial reports – this would be Delegated

From the design point of view, notice how we used small details to make the slide consistent … bullet-point coloring corresponds to meaning – red for delete, yellow for delegate, blue for schedule, and finally green to do.

Eisenhower Priority Matrix Financial Industry Example PowerPoint

One of the important roles of a slide is creating impactful and effective designs that not only look beautiful but also communicate the right message to her target audience. In this example, we focus on the design flow between tasks and each section so that it can be easily read. 

It’s an example of the financial industry, so we also used the financial icon in the middle of the slide to illustrate the subject.  

Example of Net Zero Actions Priorities for a municipality

Here’s another example of prioritizing actions of Net Zero activities that a city can do. Following Eisenhower matrix, those  tasks can be assigned to 4 groups. 

Example of global warming mitigation tasks can include

  • Emission assessment – this would be Do First
  • Energy Efficiency Upgrades – this would be Do First
  • Fossil Fuel Phase – this would be Scheduled
  • Emissions Reduction Milestones  – this would be Scheduled
  • Supplier Engagement – this would be Delegated
  • Research Partnerships – this would be Delegated
  • Ignore Stakeholder Engagement – this would be Deleted
  • Delay Emission Reductions – this would be Deleted

You can present it as a to-do list graphics on a slide, as we did below. 

Actions Priorities Example Reaching Net Zero PowerPoint

To visualize these tasks we created 4 fields, each for one section. As in the previously discussed slide of Eisenhower Matrix in this slide we used the same idea about distinctive color and icons for each section. For better recognition subject we added also the icon of the cloud with 0% that refers to reaching net zero.

If you would like the slide design to be more interesting, you can experiment with background. We suggest adding some picture with the mask layer. The slide looks more balanced and sophisticated.

Example of IT Tasks ToDo matrix 

Another example is for IT department or IT related tasks organization. This can include

  • Server outage fix – this would be Do First
  • Critical Security Breach – this would be Do First
  • Strategic Planning – this would be Scheduled
  • Travel Arrangements – this would be Delegated
  • Routine Report Review – this would be Delegated
  • Social Media Monitoring – this could go to Don’t do group

Task Priorities To-do Matrix IT Industry Example PowerPoint

This tasks management slide design focuses on the visual way of representing To-do list. Each task is placed in a separate field with various colors. You can add visual markers to indicate the status, of what is done and what is not done. It’s an easy way to make a harmonized slide with a to-do list. 

Illustrating time management presentation by a quote

To make your your presentation more engaging, you can present a time management quote. To do so  you can consider using our slide design idea we show below. 

Urgent Important Principle Eisenhower Quote PowerPoint

We suggest inputting the quote in a speech bubble, it’s a common way to draw the eye to important elements in your design.  Moreover, you can add icons with quotation marks thanks to which the audience will know that the slide is about citation. We also added a picture on the background to illustrate time management. 

Key Tips How to Present …

When you create a presentation of your Time Management presentation, keep these simple design guidelines in mind for a clear, captivating, and easily understandable delivery:

  • use a consistent graphical style throughout your presentation to maintain visual coherence,
  • plan the layout of your slides, particularly for those containing a lot of text or data, to ensure a well-balanced and engaging design,
  • add icons to enhance the visual appeal of your presentation,
  • consider using distintive shapes and colors to highlight the content,
  • convey your message with a simple and balanced design, for visual interest, you can add a picture with a mask layer on the background. 

By following these basic design principles, you can create a compelling presentation that leaves a lasting impact on your audience.

Resource: Eisenhower Matrix for Time Management Presentation PowerPoint Template

The examples above used the graphics from an Eisenhower Matrix for Time Management Presentation (PPT Template).  All slides are available in the infoDiagram collection of presentation graphics.

Moreover, you can extend your data presentation with an Eisenhower Matrix for Time Management Presentation (PPT Template) right here.


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  1. 11 Advantages of Using Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations!

    2. Wide Variety of File Export Options. A great advantage offered by PowerPoint is that you can export the whole presentation, or parts of it, in a variety of formats. PowerPoint presentations can also be made available on many different devices, and you can always control what content you want to display.

  2. 17 Advantages And Disadvantages Of PowerPoint

    Microsoft PowerPoint is an excellent tool for presentations and more. Here are some of its key advantages: 1. Available for All Major Operating Systems. PowerPoint is available for both Windows and macOS, as well as for mobile devices running iOS and Android. This makes it a convenient tool for creating presentations, regardless of what type of ...

  3. What is PowerPoint?: Introduction, Features, Uses & Benefits

    These are some of the key benefits of PowerPoint. 1) Visual appeal: Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to create visually appealing presentations with its wide range of design tools and features. You can use templates, themes, and customisable layouts to make your slides visually engaging and professional .

  4. Why PowerPoint Is Important? (The Benefits Explained)

    PowerPoint is an essential tool for businesses, as it helps to make presentations more effective and engaging. It makes it easy to create professional-looking slides with text, graphics, animations, and other visuals. This helps to keep audiences engaged and ensure that they are able to retain the information better.

  5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Powerpoint: A Complete Guide

    Advantages of PowerPoint PowerPoint is a powerful software tool developed by Microsoft that enables users to create visually appealing and engaging presentations. It offers various functionalities and features that make it a popular choice for individuals and professionals who want to convey information effectively.

  6. The Benefits of Using PowerPoint in Presentations

    Here we will take a look at some of the benefits of using PowerPoint to craft engaging presentations.Â. 1. Visual Appeal. Research has shown that 65% of people are visual learners, meaning they need to see information in order to retain it. PowerPoint allows presenters to translate facts, data, and information into visual images that make it ...

  7. Benefits of PowerPoint When Choosing A Presentation Platform

    2) Design Flexibility To Wow Audiences. You have full control over the appearance of your presentation design. PowerPoint offers the freedom and flexibility to create dynamic, engaging slides that capture your audiences attention. Feel free to take a look at some of the PowerPoint design ideas we suggest.

  8. What Are Benefits of PowerPoint? A Comprehensive Guide

    Conclusion. In conclusion, PowerPoint is a powerful tool that offers numerous benefits for creating and delivering presentations. Its ability to enhance visual impact, promote structure, and increase audience engagement makes it an essential skill for anyone looking to present information effectively. While there are some drawbacks to be aware ...

  9. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using PowerPoint for Presentations

    Visual Appeal: Visual appeal is one of the main benefits of PowerPoint. Incorporating PowerPoint graphics, images, and multimedia elements facilitates the creation of visually appealing and engaging presentations in PowerPoint. Customization: One of the many benefits of PowerPoint presentations is the freedom to customize the template.

  10. What is PowerPoint?

    With PowerPoint on your PC, Mac, or mobile device, you can: Create presentations from scratch or a template. Add text, images, art, and videos. Select a professional design with PowerPoint Designer. Add transitions, animations, and cinematic motion. Save to OneDrive, to get to your presentations from your computer, tablet, or phone.

  11. Microsoft PowerPoint Features for Better Presentations (+Video

    Inserting shapes is one of the features of MS PowerPoint. Use the Insert > Shapes dropdown to add shapes to your slide. To add a shape to your slide, click on the Insert tab. Then, in the toolbar, click on the Shapes button. When you click on the Shapes button, a menu drops down with various shapes.

  12. What Are Benefits of PowerPoint?

    What Are Benefits of PowerPoint? Microsoft PowerPoint is an easy program to use and a powerful tool for giving a presentation. Whether your presentation needs a visual kick, tools for ...

  13. Create a presentation in PowerPoint

    Create a presentation. Open PowerPoint. In the left pane, select New. Select an option: To create a presentation from scratch, select Blank Presentation. To use a prepared design, select one of the templates. To see tips for using PowerPoint, select Take a Tour, and then select Create, . Add a slide.

  14. Advantages and Disadvantages of PowerPoint Presentations in Business

    They tell a compelling story — A presentation should ultimately complement the presenter's story by providing structure, allowing the presenter to delve deeper by providing additional verbal details. The use of images help the audience gain a fuller understanding of the verbal content. Helps audience connect to the content — Since many ...

  15. 25 PowerPoint Presentation Tips For Good PPT Slides in 2022

    Here are 30 quick PowerPoint presentation tips to help you improve your presentations. Every presentation benefits from a few good visuals that drive your point home. (Image source: Envato Elements.) Plus, get PowerPoint tips on changing your slide design to make your content shine. We've even called on six presentation experts for their best tips.

  16. 60 Effective PowerPoint Presentation Tips & Tricks (Giant List)

    Here's another one of our top PPT tips: tap into Envato Elements' unlimited stock photo library. People are more likely to take you seriously if your presentation is visually appealing. Users view attractive design as more usable. Similarly, they'll view a more attractive PowerPoint as more effective. 11.

  17. What is PowerPoint and what it is used for

    In short, PowerPoint is visual support. The information is usually clearer when the speech is accompanied by a visual tool, whether it is an image, a video, or in this case, everything collected in a presentation. The two areas in which PowerPoint excels are business and also education, although it can be very useful in any field or subject.

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    Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired ...

  19. 5 Advantages of using PowerPoint and Google Slides

    PowerPoint vs Google Slides. 5 advantages of using PowerPoint. As one of the applications of Microsoft Office, PowerPoint is used to create and work on professional presentations. These are its main features: Easy to use: PowerPoint is quite intuitive and its interface is similar to that of other Microsoft Office programs.

  20. What are the advantages and disadvatages of PowerPoint

    Advantages of PowerPoint. 1. It can be used virtually anywhere. Put your presentation on a USB flash drive or in any cloud storage app and you will have your PowerPoint presentation at hand anytime. It is also included in standard professional settings, so with your user license, you can access your presentation from anywhere. 2.

  21. 20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

    6. "Blitzscaling: Book Trailer," Reid Hoffman. If you're going to go the minimalistic route, I'd take note of this PowerPoint presentation example from Reid Hoffman. This clean design adheres to a simple, consistent color scheme with clean graphics peppered throughout to make the slides more visually interesting.

  22. Teaching with PowerPoint

    Student accessibility—students with visual or hearing impairments may not be able to fully access a PowerPoint presentation, especially those with graphics, images, and sound. Use an accessible layout. Built-in slide template layouts were designed to be accessible: "the reading order is the same for people with vision and for people who use ...

  23. Disadvantages & Advantages of a Powerpoint Presentation

    Disadvantages of PowerPoint Presentations. While PowerPoint can offer many benefits for personal, educational or professional use, keep in mind these disadvantages of PowerPoint presentations: May not always engage users: Although you can make engaging PowerPoint presentations that use multimedia effectively, not all presentations end up that way.

  24. 5 Reasons Why Using a Template Can Benefit Your PowerPoint Presentation

    Here are five reasons to take advantage of presentation templates right now. 1. Create professional presentations quicker than ever. Sitting down to create a new presentation might feel daunting and even stressful when you're confronted by that blank slide. You have ideas. You have things you want to say.

  25. What is MS PowerPoint?

    MS PowerPoint is a program that is included in the Microsoft Office suite. It is used to make presentations for personal and professional purposes. In this article, we shall discuss in detail the functions and features of a PowerPoint presentation, followed by some sample questions based on this topic for the upcoming competitive exams.

  26. How to Present Time Management Matrix Visually for Easy Understanding

    The graphics presented here are based on our diagram design experience for presentations. If you look for ideas to present time management topics, consider using a visual way of explaining decision-making and time management methods, such as the Eisenhower matrix. ... Presenting benefits of using Eisenhower matrix based decision making.

  27. PDF Workplace Benefits Innovation: Broker Trends and Insights for 2024 and

    Voluntary Benefits. Aligned with Client Goals. Proprietary & Confidential. of organizations indicate that offering voluntary benefits is the best way to address affordability of healthcare. of organizations indicate that offering voluntary benefits expand benefit flexibility and choice. 78% . The number one reason employers offer voluntary benefits