Top Qualities of an Effective Teacher

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The skills needed for effective teaching involve more than just expertise in an academic field. You must be able to interact with people and help them understand a new way of looking at the world. This is not an easy job! Although there are many different ways to teach effectively, good instructors have several qualities in common. They are prepared, set clear and fair expectations, have a positive attitude, are patient with students, and assess their teaching on a regular basis. They are able to adjust their teaching strategies to fit both the students and the material, recognizing that different students learn in different ways. As a teacher, you are a role model who sets the tone for the class. If you are able to show enthusiasm and commitment, your students are more likely to reciprocate. Conversely, when you are negative, unprepared, or impatient, these qualities will be reflected in the attitudes of your students. Undergraduate students at Georgetown have high expectations of their instructors, and they also have many competing interests beyond the course you are teaching. Give them a reason to remember your class as an important part of their college experience!

Keep your students engaged with a positive attitude. Teaching is most effective when students are motivated by the desire to learn, rather than by grades or degree requirements. Many first-time TAs are confused by the new authority of being a teaching assistant, and mistake intimidation for respect. Think of your students as teammates, not adversaries. Learning and teaching are challenging, but that doesn't mean that you can't have fun in the classroom. Stay focused, but don't be afraid to be creative and innovative. Allow yourself to be enthusiastic and find ways to let students see what is interesting about your subject.

You should know the course material. If students are required to attend lectures and read assignments, then it seems reasonable that you would do the same. Most faculty expect graduate TAs to attend lectures, especially if they have never taken or taught the course. Review key concepts and ideas if you are unclear about them, particularly if it has been a while since you have worked with the topics you will be teaching. Think about how the material can be most effectively demonstrated and design a strategy. Write an outline or take notes to follow during a lecture, and prepare your overheads, diagrams, handouts and other aids well in advance. Don't wait until the morning of the class!

Have a plan for what you want to teach. Your job is to illustrate key points and essential context, to help students integrate all of their work (reading, labs, exams, papers, lectures, etc.) for the course. Given that there is never time to teach everything, choose the most important concepts and show how they are related. Explain ideas so students are able to build on material they have already mastered, whether from your course or previous classes. Don't just focus on what you happen to be teaching today. Show students how what they are learning now is connected to material covered later in the course. Keep your long term goals in mind, pace yourself so that you don't run out of time at the end, and try to end every class with a conclusion.

Effective teachers can explain complex ideas in simple ways. As you develop expertise in an academic field, it is easy to forget that students may have no prior knowledge of fundamental concepts that you take for granted. Help students understand and use new terminology, so they can become fluent in the language of your discipline. Many concepts can be more effectively demonstrated with visual aids such as diagrams, drawings, charts, slides, etc. Make sure that they are large enough to see, neat enough to read, and don't stand in the way! Think about the role body language can play. Having your teaching observed by someone else (or even better, having it videotaped) can reveal habits that you would never notice on your own.

Keep your students thinking. Unless they are actively using the concepts you are teaching, most students will remember only a small fraction of what you teach. A lecture is an efficient way to deliver information to large numbers of people, but it is an inefficient way to provide students with lasting knowledge and skills. Consider using at least some classroom time for activities other than traditional lectures, discussions or question and answer sessions. Problem solving exercises in small groups can take no more than a few minutes, yet allow students to engage with the material being covered.

Remember what it is like to learn something for the first time. Give students time to process information and answer questions. Know that it is fine for students to make mistakes if they can learn from them. Realize that learning can be hard work, even for the most motivated students. Rather than blaming students when things don't go right, consider ways you could change your approach to reach them more effectively. Concepts, background information or conclusions that seem obvious to you may not be so clear to someone who is new to the subject. Be patient with yourself, too. Teaching can be difficult and frustrating at times. Give yourself the same opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them.

Consider what it would be like to be one of your students. Chances are you would want an instructor who set clear expectations, applied them consistently and could admit when they were wrong. Whether you mark off points on an exam question, give a low grade on a paper, or penalize someone for a late assignment, you should be able to explain why you did it. Of course it helps if you have already outlined clear policies, both for the entire course and for each assignment. Once you have set standards, it is very important to apply them equally and consistently, otherwise you will lose credibility. On the other hand, if you make a mistake or don't know the answer to a question, it is much better to acknowledge rather than ignore it.


Since it is often hard to remember what it is like to encounter your discipline's material at an early stage, peer instruction offers an alternative to the "sage on stage" model. Peer instruction, which usually happens in small group activities or paper response assignments, allows students to get feedback at their own level of discourse and understanding. This provides a helpful complement (not replacement) to instructor feedback. Technology such as the discussion tool in Blackboard helps peer groups stay in contact over long distances and over different periods of time.


CNDLS has several ways of helping you discover the learning styles you tend to favor. Being more aware of your own tendencies will help you recognize similar or different preferences in your students and react accordingly. Besides the more well-known Myers-Briggs test and visual, auditory, and tactile differences, there are also documented differences in how people problem solve. For instance, you might prefer identifying problems, evaluating solutions, or testing solutions. This might affect what assignments you give, what you focus on in a lecture or discussion, and how you weight grades. Visit us to find out more, either in our suite, Car Barn 314, or online at the CNDLS website .


E-mail is an excellent and perfectly acceptable way to give feedback to your students. In fact, several professors ask their students to turn in assignments over e-mail. By having a digital copy of students' work, faculty can make comments using the editing tools in Word, have access to the papers wherever there is an internet connection, and keep up with less paper-work, not to mention having a date and time record of when the student turned in the work.


Top Qualities of an Effective Teacher Teaching as a Process Starting Out Leading Discussions & Laboratory Sections Assignments, Papers, Exams Assessment: Knowing How Students Learn Technology and Teaching Issues and Ethics Pluralism More Resources

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The Most Important Qualities That Make a Good Teacher

July 30, 2023

Teachers significantly impact the lives of their learners. They challenge their students to confidently think outside the box and counter new challenges. 

A good teacher will also support their learners when they take in new challenges and fail. They build their confidence to try again, inspire creativity, and encourage exploration and competition. 

Teaching is not a job but a calling. It is, therefore, crucial to acquire and perfect the required skills to efficiently inspire and grow students in their classrooms. 

Good teachers model behaviors of patience, empathy, communication, and understanding. Qualities that they can help grow in their learners. 

In this article, we discuss ten qualities of good teachers that should serve as motivation if you hope to impact the lives of your learners positively. 

teacher teaching her class

The Value of a Teacher’s Role

A teacher’s role is essential not only in the education system but also later on in the lives of their students. 

You can make a difference in your student’s life by influencing everything, from educational goals to after-school success. 

Good teachers help their students reach more success, understand themselves better, and make well-thought decisions that will help them make the right choices to propel them to greater heights in life. 

To be good at your job as a teacher, you must love it. Passion is infectious; your students will feel passionate about the subject if you are passionate about it. 

Also, you can cultivate self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth in your learners in your daily interactions. 

Your interactions with your students also guide them into laying the foundation for meaningful relationships, understanding their feelings, and navigating challenging situations. 

10 Qualities of a Good Teacher

Outstanding teachers have certain qualities that make them rise above the rest of their student’s lives. Such teachers have a way of remaining in our memories no matter how far removed from our school years. 

Studies from the Economic Policy Institute show that good teachers contribute more to student achievement than learning facilities and school leadership. 

Here are our top ten qualities that make a good teacher:

1. Great communicators

When you possess excellent communication skills, you will know how to teach your subject in a learner-friendly and engaging way. 

This will, in turn, improve their understanding and achievement as it will bring you closer to them and help them present any concerns they may have regarding any learned content. 

For instance, a finance class will be easier to understand if the teacher uses everyday examples with which the students are familiar. 

2. Experts in their field

Your students will be motivated to learn if you are an expert in your field. If you love your teaching area, you will show that expertise in the classroom. 

Once you have mastered the content in your subject area, you can use different angles to explain the subject matter; hence be very resourceful when teaching. 

For instance, a math teacher can use the rows and columns in the class to enhance understanding of matrices. 

3. Collaboration

Collaboration in teaching creates a growth-based learning environment that increases student learning processes.

You should work closely with other teachers and your students if you aim for great results. 

Collaborating with other teachers helps you learn from each other, allowing you to brainstorm new ideas. This is significant in improving learner outcomes. 

A good teacher is also interested in learning from parents about their students. This equips you with an understanding of how to help your students better.

Empathy is how you understand your learner’s emotional, social, and intellectual situations. A good teacher can respond empathetically to a learner’s admirable and ugly emotions without losing focus on student learning. 

For instance, if your best student failed a test. Your first instinct might be to reprimand them and for an explanation for their poor performance. On the other hand, consider putting yourself in their situation, imagine how they are feeling, and empathize with them. 

Seek to understand how they feel about the dismal performance, what they think they did wrong, and then suggest ways to improve the result. Assure them that they have a chance to turn things around. 

When your learners feel physically, mentally, and emotionally safe, they will engage better in your subject as they feel loved and understood. 

You can grow your empathetic touch by reading books on such, taking courses on empathy, and attending seminars that build on this. 

5. Loving challenges

A great teacher loves challenges. A classroom environment is full of varied challenges; therefore, embracing them is a sure way to manage them. 

Once you love your challenges, you will teach your learners more effectively. This is because a teacher who loves challenges will grow to challenge students. Students love challenges, provided they are presented in a kind spirit. 

You can draw your students to love challenges by asking thought-provoking questions that get learners to think about sequencing and predictions. 

Challenging them will push them to work harder, improve, and achieve beyond their imagination. 

6. Creativity

Although not all subject areas promote creativity, they can all be taught creatively. 

For instance, a biology teacher teaching about different kinds of plants would take students to the natural habitat to exploit the topic practically. Also, a literature teacher would more creatively use film to enhance the mental correlation of a play the learners are reading as a literary text. 

A science teacher would use real solutions more creatively when teaching learners to test for bases and acids. Learners always appreciate the extra mile. 

When you creatively motivate your learners, they are motivated to do this in education and their lives after school. 

7. Constant growth 

Teachers need a growth mindset that prepares them for the classroom environment. Continuous learning will equip you with invaluable knowledge to progressively inspire your students. The growth mindset is essential because it will enable you to collaborate with your learners with the understanding that they can learn it to a higher level. 

A view that continuous growth is essential will create a love of learning and resilience in just one area. It empowers your learners to believe they can develop their abilities with brains and talents as starting points. 

The need for growth will motivate you to focus on creativity and intelligence, the two factors that result in success in both your academic and professional lives. 

8. Patience

When managing learners, your patience is constantly tested. You will also deal with learners, parents, and colleagues with differing perspectives, backgrounds, and characters. This requires patience. 

For instance, with your learners and their parents, you must be patient in repeatedly dealing with the same questions and issues.

Also, some of your learners will have difficulties understanding various concepts; it’s essential that you keep going but should continuously try out new ways of helping them succeed. 

9. Adaptability

Your environment as a teacher is constantly evolving. This demands that you continually adapt to the constant changes and adjust your teaching methods to suit the age and intellect of your learners. 

Also, with the continuously changing educational frameworks, being able to adopt those changes makes you a good teacher. 

Adaptability is also one of the essential skills that you will require if you are educating learners of varying grade levels or those with different learning styles. 

10. Respect

Many educators imply respect, but few understand how to use it in the classroom. 

As a good teacher, you must be mindful of any imbalance in respect and ensure that your students feel respected and heard. 

In stories from American Teacher Week , Maggie remembers her seventh-grade language teacher for the respect she fostered and reflected on her students. The feeling that her teacher valued and respected each of them taught her a valuable lesson about the significance of fostering the respect you demand.

students and teacher planning

Desired Classroom Skills

Besides the teaching and communication skills you should possess as a good teacher, excellent class management skills are critical.  

Some of the desired class management skills include:

  • Setting high but achievable expectations for your students – You can do this by teaching them about growth mindsets. They should believe that success is within their control. Reinforce in them daily that they can succeed if they put in the effort. 
  • Good planning skills – With good planning skills, you will help students identify their goals and guide them in deciding what their priority is. Teach them how to plan their learning by breaking their tasks into steps to make them more manageable. Teaching learners how to plan will also eliminate uncertainty in the mind, which in most learners results in procrastination. 
  • Creating a sense of community- A sense of community will create a social connection and a sense of belonging among your learners. You can establish this community within your students by consistently holding class meetings every morning to focus on building social and emotional skills and establishing relationships among them. 

Common Weaknesses of Teachers

Teachers, even the most experienced, are helpful with some weaknesses. Every teacher would like to see themselves as being perfect, but admitting that we are all flawed in different ways is the first step to becoming better teachers tomorrow. 

Here are some common weaknesses in teachers: 


Making mistakes is a normal part of human life. Perfectionism is a fear-based pattern whose short-term rewards are getting the job done and exceeding expectations. Its long-term effects, however, include burnout, compromised quality of work, and missed deadlines. 

Being afraid to make mistakes primes us for burnout and overwhelms us with fear, factors that distort our functioning as teachers. 

Dealing with others as a perfectionist is challenging since you will always want them to do things your way, allowing little room for the ideas and imperfections of others. 

Perfectionism also prevents you from taking constructive criticism from colleagues who may want to share relevant observations on your interaction. 

Though no one is perfect, some teachers seem to have it together, and this may be the basis for our comparison. Comparison can hinder your success as a teacher if you are constantly comparing yourself with colleagues you view as perfect. 

Learning helpful hints and new ideas from teachers with the strengths we would like to possess would help you overcome comparison.

For instance, if a colleague is better at relating with learners and they look up to her more for guidance, instead of getting all jealous and bitter at her, seek to know what she does differently to get the students to open up to her. 


If you are a spontaneous teacher, you act without planning but will rely on previous experience teaching diverse classes and using different approaches to teaching. 

Spontaneity in learning is not all bad, as it helps adjust the power imbalances in a typical classroom. Spontaneous teaching, however, can have some adverse effects on learning. This can result in a lack of structure to your lesson and poor lesson organization. It may also limit your degree of learner assessment of learner progress and achievement. 

To avoid the adverse effects of spontaneity, find a balance between flexibility and structure in the lesson. Consider the individual learner’s needs and learning abilities when deciding on the instructional method. 

Becoming a Good Teacher

A chosen path can guide you into becoming a better teacher. Many specialties are available, so knowing what grade you want to teach and what subject area you are passionate about is essential. 

Here are some steps to take toward becoming a good teacher. 

Bachelor’s Degree 

A bachelor’s degree is crucial to becoming a good teacher. Though most states will require a bachelor’s degree in education, alternative routes to licensure are also available. 

 It will allow you to learn essential skills that will help you become a better teacher. Such include:

  • Cognitive skills : A degree program grows your ability to recall, integrate, and analyze information. You will be able to foster critical and creative thinking skills that guide fluency, originality, flexibility, and adaptability in developing and adjusting to learner programs. 
  • Communication skills: Acquiring communication skills enables you to interact and collaborate effectively with your learners in delivering and assessing knowledge acquisition. Efficient communication is necessary when also engaging with students’ families and colleagues. 
  • Research skills: The skills to initiate and complete data collection concerning learner performance and curricula are essential in effective instruction. A bachelor’s degree program will guide you into effectively demonstrating, considering consequences, information presentation, and record keeping. 
  • Social skills: A good teacher is sensitive to ethical and integral processes of establishing functional relationships with all the school community members. The program will develop compassion, empathy, interpersonal skills, and internal motivation, skills you will require to impact your learners and effectively relate with your colleagues positively. 

Here is a list of some bachelor’s degrees that would guide you into initial certification as a teacher:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
  • Bachelor of Special Ed. and Elementary Education
  • Bachelor of Special Education (mild to moderate)
  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education (middle grades)
  • Bachelor of Science in Science Education (Secondary Biological Science)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Music Education
  • Bachelor of Science in STEM Education

Master’s Degree

Besides attaining a bachelor’s degree, aspiring teachers should also think about acquiring a master’s degree. A master’s degree will upgrade your knowledge and help you learn more about your subject area. You will also acquire more effective ways of curriculum instruction. 

Teaching Certification

To get hired after completing your degree program, getting certified to teach in the state where you are interested in teaching is essential. 

Getting certified gives you credibility as a teacher and is one of the states’ quality measures for hiring teachers. 

Most states will therefore require teachers to have certificates to teach. 

Teachers are crucial in changing lives, inspiring dreams, and pushing individuals to realize their potential. Teachers educate the next generation, promoting positive attitudes that shape society. 

Middle School Teacher Salary in Texas in 2023

July 30, 2023 by bryan

qualities of an effective teacher essay

Texas Teachers Certification Areas

Texas teachers currently offers 50+ certification areas:.

  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources 6–12 (272)
  • American Sign Language (ASL) (184)
  • Art EC–12 (178)
  • Bilingual Education Supplemental (164)
  • Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190)
  • Business and Finance 6–12 (276)
  • Chemistry 7–12 (240)
  • Computer Science 8–12 (241)
  • Core Subjects EC-6 (291)
  • Core Subjects 4–8 (211)
  • Dance 6–12 (279)
  • English as a Second Language Supplemental (154)
  • English Language Arts and Reading 4–8 (117)
  • English Language Arts and Reading 7–12 (231)
  • English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies 4–8 (113)
  • Family and Consumer Sciences EC-12 (200)
  • Health EC–12 (157)
  • Health Science 6–12 (273)
  • History 7–12 (233)
  • Journalism 7–12 (256)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Arabic EC–12 (600 & 605)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) French EC–12 (610)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) German EC–12 (611)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Latin EC–12 (612)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Japanese EC–12 (602 & 607)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Mandarin Chinese EC–12 (601 & 606)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Russian EC–12 (603 & 608)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Spanish EC–12 (613)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Vietnamese EC–12 (604 & 609)
  • Life Science 7–12 (238)
  • Marketing 6–12 (275)
  • Mathematics 4–8 (115)
  • Mathematics 7–12 (235)
  • Mathematics/Physical Science/Engineering 6–12 (274)
  • Mathematics/Science 4–8 (114)
  • Music EC–12 (177)
  • Physical Education EC–12 (158)
  • Physical Science 6–12 (237)
  • Physics/Mathematics 7–12 (243)
  • Science 4–8 (116)
  • Science 7–12 (236)
  • Social Studies 4–8 (118)
  • Social Studies 7–12 (232)
  • Special Education EC–12 (161)
  • Speech 7–12 (129)
  • Technology Applications EC–12 (242)
  • Technology Education 6–12 (171)
  • Texas Assessment of Sign Communication–American Sign Language™ (TASC–ASL™) (073)
  • Theatre EC–12 (180)
  • Trade and Industrial (T&I)

qualities of an effective teacher essay

  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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The 10 Most Important Qualities of a Good Teacher, According to Real Educators

This is what it takes to succeed in this challenging career.

Qualities of a Good Teacher: Build relationships with kids and families. Be firm but fair. Show patience and compassion. Be flexible.

It’s a standard teacher interview question : “What do you think is the most important quality of a good teacher?” While everyone has a different answer, there are some that come up more often than others. We asked a group of experienced educators and administrators to share their thoughts on the key qualities of a good teacher. Here’s what they had to say.

1. Patience

qualities of an effective teacher essay

This was far and away the most commonly mentioned characteristic by educators in our survey. “Patience can be used in virtually every situation,” says high school ELA teacher Ann Cox. “If a teacher is able to remain calm, consider others’ point of view, and think through scenarios, they will be able to navigate just about anything that comes their way.”

She continues: “Patience helps teachers not to react in the moment when students are off task, disrespectful, etc. It’s also helpful when dealing with angry parents so you don’t say or do something you might regret later. And patience is definitely needed when sitting through meetings and professional development sessions!”

For ELA teacher Kenly CG, patience means “paying attention to each student’s needs and showing that you care about your students’ learning.” UK special school teacher Sarah Brown also advises “remaining calm, listening and observing students’ needs, repeating instructions, and modelling again when necessary.”

Learn more: 7 Ways To Cultivate Patience at Calm

2. Empathy and Compassion

qualities of an effective teacher essay

These two traits were a close second behind patience when we asked about the qualities of a good teacher. “They have to know you care before they can learn from you,” explains middle school teacher Samantha Wheeler. As a special ed teacher from New York notes: “You have to teach the child before you can teach the curriculum.”

“Empathy is a constant exercise in stepping outside of yourself and your perspective to see the children you teach for who they are,” notes Indiana preschool teacher Maile C. Quinton. “Contact talks. Get down on the same level as a child, listen to what they say, and emphasize their shared feelings by validating them. Don’t try to silver lining everything—you can validate a situation, a moment, an emotion without condoning a behavior or a problem. Empathy isn’t sympathy.”

Learn more: Cultivating Empathy at American Psychological Association

3. Flexibility and Adaptability

qualities of an effective teacher essay

Being open-minded to change is critical in this field. So many of the educators we surveyed agree with this North Carolina ESL teacher: “There is nothing constant in teaching. Good teachers have to be able to adapt to the changing needs of students, to new administrators, new curricula, new colleagues, and new technology.”

“With so many different needs from students and parents, teachers need to be flexible to accommodate and meet students where they are at,” says elementary school counselor Lisa K, while high school English teacher Nicole P. adds, “There are often times where you need to think on your feet, so being flexible is important to go with the flow in different situations.”

Elementary special ed teacher Brianna Vuori sums it up like this: “We can only begin to predict what the future will hold and with that what we need to prepare students for, so adaptability is critical to being able to survive and thrive in this ever-changing profession.”

Learn more: Teachers, To Succeed, It’s Important To Be Flexible at EdWeek

qualities of an effective teacher essay

Teaching can be a tough gig, and you’ll need to be dedicated and passionate in order to thrive. “Passion is what drives us forward and what sees us through rough times,” emphasizes ELS department head Katerina T. “It is the driving force behind every lesson plan or decision we make and what lies at the foundation of life-changing relationships with our students.”

“Teachers that have passion will always find a way to meet the demands of the job,” says Florida teacher Jamie Cabaniss. “Teachers can lean on their passions when feeling frustrated and burnt out. Passions are what reignite us to get back in the classroom to teach our hearts out.”

Preschool teacher Christina H. couldn’t agree more. “You have to have a love and passion for what you are doing,” she declares. “Teaching isn’t just ‘teaching.’ It is also being a second mom (or dad), a counselor, a referee, a nurse, and so much more. To wear these many hats, you need to love what you are doing. You also need to love your students to help them succeed. Loving them on their best and worst days is what will make you successful.”

Learn more: 5 Ways Educators Can Grow and Sustain a Passion for Teaching at NSHSS

5. Kindness

qualities of an effective teacher essay

Over and over again, educators emphasized kindness as one of the most important qualities of a good teacher. “We are in the business of teaching human beings. We must teach them to be good people,” stresses Adam Peterson, Illinois music teacher and tutor.

Tina Jones agrees: “Teachers need to be kind, caring, compassionate and understanding. In our world today, with kids getting so much information and misinformation via social media, children need examples of those qualities more than ever.”

Learn more: The Case for Professional Kindness in Teaching at Teacher magazine

6. Collaboration

qualities of an effective teacher essay

“Good teachers need to be able to give ideas, ask for help, share, and communicate with coworkers and families,” advises one Washington second grade teacher. “Be able to take suggestions, offer help, and not take things personally.”

Teachers regularly have to work collaboratively, and not just with their fellow colleagues and administrators. Developing strong, collaborative relationships with parents and families is vital. To succeed in this field, you need to learn to work well as part of a team.

Learn more: The Importance of Teacher Collaboration at American University School of Education

7. Professionalism

qualities of an effective teacher essay

It probably feels like professionalism should be a given in any job, but it’s one of the most important qualities of a good teacher because you need to gain and maintain the respect of students, families, and administration. “Some days are going to be frustrating, discouraging, and stressful,” warns an Ohio 7th grade science teacher, “but you need to remain professional by staying calm and encouraging and being a good mentor for your students.”

Learn more: The Five P’s of Professionalism in Teaching at Grand Canyon University

8. Sense of Humor

qualities of an effective teacher essay

There’s no doubt about it, teachers do best when they have a sense of humor. “Laughing at yourself is a great relief, and laughing with children builds trust with them,” says Maile C. Quinton. Find ways to bring humor into your classroom, and you’ll find that students relax and learn a little more easily. (Plus, it’s much easier to deal with the small daily annoyances of teaching when you learn to laugh them off!)

Learn more: Engaging Students With Humor at Association for Psychological Science

9. Open-Mindedness

qualities of an effective teacher essay

“Be open to learning from more (and even less) experienced teachers, and open to trying out new teaching and classroom management methods,” recommends middle school ELA teacher Abigail Perry.

“We are building relationships with a diverse student population,” notes Cheryl Rizzo, a middle school ELA teacher. “This can be a source of stress or create divide. However, with an open mind, it can create new opportunities or a chance to grow. Teachers are open-minded when they allow students to have a voice and take an active part in their education.”

Part of being open-minded means demonstrating a willingness to grow and a dedication to growth mindset. According to a literacy coach from North Carolina: “This job requires constant reflection, learning, and growth.”

Learn more: How To Be Open-Minded and Why It Matters at Very Well Mind

10. Resilience

qualities of an effective teacher essay

Marilyn Weber, a retired principal from Massachusetts, names this as the quality she looked for in a good teacher. “In order to navigate the world of education with all its related constituencies and responsibilities, an educator needs to be knowledgeable, flexible, an impeccable communicator, and should be able to withstand all the highs and lows of what comes their way and needs to be accomplished,” she states. She added that educators must be able to “do so without allowing any of that to shake their confidence and resolve in order to do what’s best for their students.”

That’s a tall order! Fortunately, Andrea Perry, a certified coach for educator well-being, has some advice. “Develop emotional intelligence. It’s critical for keeping our calm and being proactive, not reactive. This supports the teacher not only in serving their students well but also helps them remain joyfully in the profession as well.”

Learn more: How To Be Resilient at Work at Positive Psychology

More Qualities of a Good Teacher To Consider

These qualities of a good teacher didn’t make the top 10, but they’re definitely worthwhile attributes for every educator to cultivate:

  • Inclusive mindset: “There is such a huge stigma against disabilities and it is often hushed away, which creates shame. All children are general education first and receive special education services second. Build a classroom community with respect by explaining differences to students and celebrating everyone’s strengths. True inclusivity helps all students grow, not just the students in a special education classroom. True inclusivity should help you as a teacher grow.” —Katie M., Functional Life Skills Teacher
  • Love for all children: “A good teacher must truly like kids, even the naughty ones. Too often teachers only seem to like the ‘good’ kids or the ones from ‘good’ families. They attribute the student’s behavior to something personal or bad about them. Instead, those are the kids in whom we need to diligently look for the good.” —Kathryn Roe, retired educator and administrator
  • Love of learning
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Hopefulness
  • Imagination
  • Reliability
  • Knowledge of content and pedagogy
  • High expectations

What do you feel are the most important qualities of a good teacher? Come share your thoughts in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, the complete guide to becoming a teacher, from choosing a college to landing a job ..

Wondering what makes a top-notch educator? Check out our survey results to find out the most important qualities of a good teacher today.

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What makes a great teacher?

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What makes a great teacher

What makes a great teacher? Teaching is one of the most complicated jobs today. It demands broad knowledge of subject matter, curriculum, and standards; enthusiasm, a caring attitude, and a love of learning; knowledge of discipline and classroom management techniques; and a desire to make a difference in the lives of young people. With all these qualities required, it’s no wonder that it’s hard to find great teachers.

Here are some characteristics of great teachers

  • Great teachers set high expectations for all students . They expect that every student in their class can and will achieve, they set big goals , and they don’t give up on underachievers.
  • Great teachers have clear, written-out objectives. Effective teachers have lesson plans that give students a clear idea of what they will be learning, what the assignments are and what the grading policy is. Assignments have learning goals and give students ample opportunity to practice new skills. The teacher is consistent in grading and returns work in a timely manner.
  • Great teachers are prepared and organized. They are in their classrooms early and ready to teach. They plan “exhaustively and purposefully… and maintain focus .” They present lessons in a clear and structured way. Their classrooms are organized in such a way as to minimize distractions.
  • Great teachers engage students and get them to look at issues in a variety of ways. Effective teachers use facts as a starting point, not an end point; they ask “why” questions; they look at all sides and are objective ; and they encourage students to predict what will happen next. They ask questions frequently to make sure students are following along. They try to engage the whole class, and they don’t allow a few students to dominate the class. They keep students motivated with varied, lively approaches.
  • Great teachers form strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them as people. Great teachers are warm, accessible, enthusiastic , and caring. Teachers with these qualities build relationships with their students . They stay after school and make themselves available to students and parents. They are involved in school-wide committees and activities, and they demonstrate a commitment to the school.
  • Great teachers are masters of their subject matter. They exhibit expertise in the subjects they are teaching and spend time continuing to gain new knowledge in their field. They present material in an enthusiastic manner and instill a hunger in their students to learn more on their own.
  • Great teachers communicate frequently with parents. They reach parents through conferences and frequent written reports home. They don’t hesitate to pick up the telephone to call a parent if they are concerned about a student.

What the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) laws mean for teacher quality

The role of the teacher became an even more significant factor in education with the passage of The No Child Left Behind law in 2002.

Under the 2002 law, elementary school teachers needed a bachelor’s degree and had to pass a rigorous test in core curriculum areas. Middle and high school teachers needed to show competency in the subject area they taught by passing a test or by completing an academic major, graduate degree, or comparable course work. Schools were required to tell parents about the qualifications of all teachers, and they had to notify parents if their child was taught for more than four weeks by a teacher who was not highly qualified. Schools that did not comply risked losing federal funding.

Although the law required states to have highly qualified teachers in every core academic classroom by the end of the 2005-2006 school year, not a single state met that deadline.

The U.S. Department of Education then required states to show how they intended to fulfill the requirement. Most states satisfied the government that they were making serious efforts, but a few states were told to come up with new plans.

In 2012, the Obama administration granted flexibility to states on NCLB requirements, and The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law in December 2015. Transitioning from NCLB to ESSA began the following year.

ESSA lessened the NCLB-era focus on standardized testing so teachers had more time to teach. ESSA gave teachers a greater voice in educational decisions , but the “Highly Qualified Teacher” (HQT) regulations were removed. Some researchers expressed concern that the guidelines’ aim to replace “ineffective teachers” is too vague and undefined to be implemented usefully.

How parents can advocate for qualified teachers

Currently there are an estimated 350,000 teacher positions that are either unfilled or occupied by teachers who are not fully qualified . We know that high-quality teachers make all the difference in the classroom. We also know that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find them and keep them. Many teachers experience “burn out” — up to 30 percent of teachers leave their job after five years .

What the experts recommend for the future of quality teaching

The National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (NCTAF) has become part of Leaning Forward , which made several recommendations for ensuring that every classroom has a qualified teacher as part of their What Matters Now research, recommendations, and efforts to improve teaching and learning across the country. Among the recommendations were the following key points:

  • Develop rigorous qualifications for teachers.
  • Train evaluators to assess teachers and provide meaningful feedback.
  • Ensure the highest-need schools have access to excellent teachers.
  • Encourage and reward teacher knowledge and skills.
  • Provide financial support to educator recruitment programs.

Implementing these recommendations is a slow process dependent upon legislation as well as increased funding from the federal and state governments, and a will to implement changes at the school district level. Parents can work together to keep the superintendent, their school board members, and their state legislators focused on the goal of having a high-quality teacher in every classroom.

Resources on teacher quality

Give Kids Good Schools This Internet-based campaign, a project of the Public Education Network, makes it easy for parents and community members to lobby government officials to take action to improve the quality of teachers.

Resolving Conflict With Your Child’s Teacher A concise resource from Scholastic on effective ways to deal with differences in opinion between yourself and your child’s teacher.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards This organization provides information on voluntary advanced national certification for teachers. Learn more about the program and how you can encourage teachers in your school to obtain National Board Certification.

McEwan, Elaine K., 10 Traits of Highly Successful Schools , Waterbrook Press, 1999 This book provides concrete tools and an abundance of resources on how to evaluate teachers and schools.

Bennett, William J., The Educated Child , Simon & Schuster, 1999 What is a good education? In this guide, in addition to learning the signs of a good school and warning signs of a bad teacher, you’ll learn what good schools teach and what you can do to improve your school.

Intrator, Sam M., Stories of the Courage to Teach , Jossey-Bass, 2002 This book is a collection of short, eloquent essays written by teachers from the heart. Full of passionate stories, the essays reveal why teachers teach and the challenges they face.

What Makes a Good Teacher? by Zagyváné Szűcs Ida Universal Journal of Educational Research 2017

“ What Makes a Great Teacher? ” by Amanda Ripley The Atlantic , February 2010

“ What Makes a Great Teacher? ” by Erin Young Phi Delta Kappa , February 2009

“ What makes a good teacher? ” British Journal of Educational Psychology , November 2018

“ Teacher Effectiveness in the Every Student Succeeds Act: A Discussion Guide “, Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at American Institutes for Research, November 2016

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10 Qualities of a Good Teacher

An educator exhibiting the qualities of a good leader while he helps a student on her laptop.

A good teacher can make a world of difference in a student's life, impacting everything from their classroom learning to their long-term success. If you're considering a career in education – or looking to boost it with a Master of Education  (MEd) – it's important to explore the qualities of a good teacher.

Research from the Economic Policy Institute shows that good teachers are the single most important factor that contributes to student achievement in the classroom, more important than facilities, school resources and even school leadership.

A study from the American Economics Association (AEA) found that improvements in teacher quality positively impact everything from the quality of colleges students attend to students’ future salaries, the quality of their neighborhood and even their future participation rates in 401k savings plans ( AEA PDF source ).

So, What Makes a Good Teacher?

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) education faculty and university students shared their thoughts on the qualities that make effective teachers stand out.

1. Good Teachers Are Strong Communicators.

Dr. Daniel Tanguay with the text Dr. Daniel Tanguay

Tanguay got his start as a high school math teacher and said that many students came to his class feeling afraid of math, discouraged by their prior experiences and too overwhelmed to approach the subject positively. 

By communicating with students at the beginning of the year about how math applies to their favorite hobbies, sports and future careers, Tanguay said his students were able to approach the subject in a more enjoyable way that better supported their learning.

“I’m a firm believer in communication in all forms,” he said. “As a leader, communication is a tool for overcoming fear.”

2. Good Teachers Listen Well.

Kristine Ducote with the text Kristine Ducote

Great communication doesn't stop when the teacher is done talking. Listening well is one of the most important skills needed to be a teacher. 

“Teachers that are skilled in listening and observing often pick up on what isn’t being said, such as any anxieties a student may have, and can then help the student build their skills and confidence levels," said student  Kristine Ducote , who is earning her bachelor's in criminal justice .

Student Latricia Maddox , who is studying for a bachelor's in business , said that effective listening skills also help a teacher better understand their students and tailor lessons to reach them how they learn best. 

“If an educator can truly hear a student, they can learn how to reach them where they are,” she said. “This will open the door for them to receive and learn the lesson that is being taught.”

3. Good Teachers Focus on Collaboration.

Latricia Maddox with the text Latricia Maddox

Working in education means you’re never truly working alone. From paraprofessionals and teaching assistants to other classroom teachers and school leaders, working as a teacher often means working effectively in a group. It's also important to keep an open mind and learn from other educators. 

The key to success in this kind of environment, Tanguay said, is the ability to collaborate. "You really need to be able to fill various roles in order to collaborate effectively," he said. "If you already have someone on your team who is going to be the one to critique all of the suggestions made, then you don't need to join in on that. Instead, maybe you need to be the person who is going to come up with creative ideas. You need to have that flexibility."

4. Good Teachers Are Adaptable.

Dr. Audrey Rogers with the text Dr. Audrey Rogers

Effective teachers need to be able to work in a constantly evolving environment and adjust their teaching methods based on the age of their students, the resources available and changing curriculum, practices and requirements.

As a teacher since the 1980s, SNHU education professor and on campus undergraduate program chairman Dr. Audrey Rogers said she’s seen tremendous changes in the education field throughout her career, particularly with the rise in access to the internet, computers and other technology. What is teaching going to look like in another 30 years? The only thing certain, Rogers said, is change.

“Change is a constant,” she said. “Learning how to adapt and adjust, that’s been one of the skills that’s been most helpful in my career. It’s about keeping my finger on the pulse of who my students are over time and all the trends, standards and new research, and being able to continually improve.”

Adaptability is also one of the key skills needed to be a teacher who may be educating students of varying grade levels or different learning styles, Tanguay said. 

“You have to be able to adapt based upon your audience,” he said. 

5. Good Teachers Are Engaging.

Being able to engage students with humor, creative lessons and a strong classroom presence is an important part of what makes someone a good teacher, Tanguay said. 

“If you were to envision that teacher that you would want in your life, even now, you’re going to want someone who is very engaging in front of the classroom,” he said. “A good teacher will perform for their students to keep them going... It’s not about sitting back and just lecturing, it’s about engaging in the work.”

What an engaging teacher looks like will vary depending on grade level and subject matter, Tanguay said. 

In kindergarten, an engaging teacher might be one who gets down on the floor to do activities with their students on their level. In high school, an engaging teacher may be one who thinks outside the box, adds humor to their lessons and finds creative ways to bring learning into the real world.

6. Good Teachers Show Empathy.

Another key to engaging students and improving their learning is to treat each student as an individual, by being empathetic and understanding to what may be going on in their lives, Tanguay said. 

“We need to take a moment to think back and think about what could be going on in this student’s life,” he said. “It’s so important to be observant, attentive, empathetic and always have a positive attitude.” 

Rhonda Garrison with the text Rhonda Garrison

“Something that may be easy for one student may not be so easy for someone else,” she said. “Everyone learns differently, whether it be faster or slower than normal, learns better by writing, reading or hands-on. Teachers need to always keep this in mind and always pay close attention to ensure each student is on the track they need to be.”

7. Good Teachers Have Patience.

No matter what grade level you're teaching, your patience will be tested while working as an educator.  

Whether you’re managing classroom behavior, working with colleagues with different views, or communicating student issues or progress with parents, patience is one of the most important skills to practice as a teacher. 

“More often than not you actually have to have more patience with the parents than you do with the students,” Tanguay said. “Parents are coming in with their perceptions of what happened to them when they were students or previous experiences that may have been detrimental to their child... You have to be patient and understanding of them.”

8. Good Teachers Value Real-World Learning.

Teachers who bring their students’ learning into the real world are often some of the most engaging. But it’s important for teachers to bring their own learning into the real world, too.

One of the best preparations for effective teaching is to ensure that education students get plenty of classroom experience early on in their degree programs, Rogers said.

For education majors  in SNHU's on campus program, this preparation includes embedded coursework that begins in a student's freshmen year. They spend time at a local school once a week to collaborate with teacher partners and apply their learning to the classroom. A year-long student teaching experience is also a powerful way to ensure soon-to-be teachers have the time to hone their teaching skills, Rogers said.

"Our students have that benefit of seeing the practical application (of) what they're learning in the moment they're learning it," she said.

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9. good teachers share best practices..

A willingness to share knowledge and experiences with others is one of the most important qualities of a good teacher, Rogers said. 

Education is a hands-on field and often requires experimentation within the classroom to discover which methods of communicating with students work best. Part of being an effective teacher is sharing your findings and best practices with others in the field, Rogers said.

“I always challenge my students to think, ‘What is your contribution?’” she said. “Are you brave enough to post on Twitter about your ideas on technology integration in the classroom? Your willingness to share your practice, to keep an open door, to be transparent and to be observed are an important part of your teaching.”

10. Good Teachers Are Lifelong Learners.

One of the key skills needed to be a good teacher is a dedication to continued education and a love of learning. 

Jennifer Gardner with the text Jennifer Gardner

Whether you’re learning more about your subject area, learning new methods of communication or even exploring how to bring more technology into your classroom, continuing to expand your own knowledge is key to expanding that of your students.

“Those dedicated to their subjects with a passion for learning make the best teachers," said student Jennifer Gardner , who is earning a bachelor's in mathematics . “They also need to have a desire to pass on that knowledge.” 

Ducote said it’s important for teachers to never feel as though they’ve learned it all, and to remain open to new experiences.

“No matter your education level, you can learn something from everyone you encounter, including fellow educators as well as students,” she said. “Being willing to continually add tools to your toolbox – even unconventional ones at times – will keep things new and exciting, as well as giving you excellent skills.”

Learn the Characteristics of Effective Teaching

Donna Whisman with the text Donna Whisman

If you’re interested in starting a career in education, it’s important to first focus on your own learning. Whether you’re seeking a bachelor's degree in education, an education master’s degree or even a Doctor of Education  (EdD), building a strong foundation of knowledge and real-world experiences is key to becoming a good teacher.

No matter where your career path takes you – whether to an elementary school, secondary school or even to the university level – your teaching can have a profound impact on the lives of students, and your education is the foundation for that work.

“Teachers make such a huge impact on their students’ lives,” said student Donna Whisman , who is earning her bachelor's in communication . “I believe that being a teacher is a very special gift, and those that have that gift make a positive, lasting impression on the lives of their students that can totally change the trajectory of their lives.”

Danielle Gagnon is a freelance writer focused on higher education. Connect with her on LinkedIn .

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What Makes a Great Teacher

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Published: Sep 12, 2023

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Respect for students, creating a sense of community and belonging, providing a welcoming learning environment, commitment to ongoing learning and professional development, adaptability to diverse learners, challenges in teaching, opportunities for growth.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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qualities of an effective teacher essay

Qualities of an Effective Teacher Essay

Those qualities that are inherent in professional teachers are not only a tool for working with children but also a source of inspiration and stimulation of student activity. The desire to self-develop and gain new knowledge constantly characterizes the representatives of this occupation as responsible employees devoted to their work. An ability to establish contact with children and to organize the productive process of interaction allows achieving high learning outcomes and ensures students’ good preparation for further educational stages.

Also, patience is the inherent quality of a professional pedagogue since working with young pupils often takes much effort; however, nervous breakdowns are unacceptable, and children should not see their teacher’s weaknesses. In order to have authority among students, leadership skills should be developed properly because the organization of the learning process requires adherence to the clear algorithm of actions, and misconduct in classes affects the overall working atmosphere negatively.

Finally, creativity is another important feature that characterizes an effective teacher. Modern learning tools are extensive enough, and access to various forms and methods of presenting materials makes it possible to keep students interested in a particular subject.

Regarding my motivation as a teacher, I represent a whole dynasty since my parents and grandparents are also pedagogues. This, in turn, stimulates my interest in this profession and helps me to progress constantly because I do not want to feel embarrassed for my incompetence and distress my relatives. The desire for self-development and improvement of personal, professional indicators has always been valued in our family. Therefore, I strive to cultivate all the aforementioned qualities in myself and to prove to my loved ones that I also deserve to be part of this worthy and extremely important profession.

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IvyPanda. (2021, June 15). Qualities of an Effective Teacher.

"Qualities of an Effective Teacher." IvyPanda , 15 June 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Qualities of an Effective Teacher'. 15 June.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Qualities of an Effective Teacher." June 15, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Qualities of an Effective Teacher." June 15, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Qualities of an Effective Teacher." June 15, 2021.

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  • Qualities Of A Good Teacher Essay

Qualities of a Good Teacher Essay

500+ words qualities of a good teacher essay.

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds of children and, in turn, the quality of education. Teachers are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the subject, establish a positive relationship with students and create an effective learning environment for students to get enriched learning experiences. Their duties also involve conducting an assessment of students, working closely with other teachers to deliver the best knowledge and inculcate values in them. Teachers build a base and strengthen the foundation of their students. With the help of the qualities of a good teacher essay, students will get to know the qualities that teachers have and the role they play in shaping the career of the students. To practise more essays, students can check out the list of CBSE Essays on different topics.

A teacher is an important person in a student’s life. The teacher shapes the student in a similar way as a pot maker shapes the mud pot and makes it perfect for use. Moreover, teachers are an integral part of the education system. They play multiple roles in which they do their duties with full responsibilities. These include facilitating learning material for students, creating a conducive learning environment, designing and preparing lessons, engaging students with the community by performing different activities, and contributing to schools’ development. If they are left with the time, they engage themselves to boost their teaching skills through workshops and training sessions. These activities also make teachers motivated, highly skilled, and well-resourced to perform to the best of their abilities.

One of the important roles of a teacher is to facilitate students’ learning and support them in achieving their learning outcomes. As teachers, many times, they might get puzzled by the fact that, despite putting in the best effort, the students are not performing to the best of their potential. Self-reflection and introspection of teacher’s practices, inside and outside the classroom, will help one understand some of the aspects that require further modification and improvement. The teacher may be already practising some of the innovative pedagogical approaches in the classroom that might be very effective for enriching the teaching-learning process.

The self-assessment of the teachers is also crucial. It helps in the professional growth of teachers as well as serves as a guide to improve their teaching methodology. The role that a teacher expects includes designing the activities for the classroom, resources, learning outcomes, pedagogical strategies and assessment procedures to meet the needs of all students. The teacher helps them understand the subject content and course curriculum and provides relevant learning material for students.

Teachers collaborate with parents, students and communities to develop a positive school environment for students that enhances their physical and mental growth. The teacher engages students in classroom studies in an interactive and innovative way. It results in enhanced student learning and growth. Moreover, teachers also take the initiative by contributing to various activities, which lead to the schools’ and students’ development.

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Teachers' Essay

It’s all about teachers thought, experiences and observations of daily school life.

  • What makes an effective teacher?

Teaching is one of the world’s most challenging occupations. Teachers hold a unique position in our society. Ask yourself whether you have the characteristics of an effective teacher. If you feel that you have the characteristics, consider ways to improve and learn more on how to become an effective teacher.

An effective teacher makes good use of instructional time and inspires students to do well and to know more. Each and every student in the class has to feel comfortable and have the sense of belonging. The classroom has to be conducive to learning and has the proper lighting so that learning easily takes place.

Being an effective teacher has to be able to handle every situation that comes our way. We surely encounter different problems regarding pupil’s attitudes and others. Teacher should be flexible to take control of any situation. Teachers are values-oriented mentor.

Effective teachers tend to have similar characteristics: enthusiastic, creative and positive. You can express these characteristics in different ways, but typically this means that, most time of the day, you truly want to be in classroom and see your pupils learn and excel.

Being organized in the classroom is another key element of an effective teacher. By organizing and planning each day, the teacher surely presented the lesson in effective manner. When the teacher is organizing in the classroom, pupils will observe, imitate and apply it in their daily lives.

As teacher, one must be honest to himself, to the school and to his profession. A teacher must always be truthful in whatever he does or say.

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An aeffective teacher is also compassionate. He is also forgiving and do not hold grudges towards his pupils.

Of course,first and foremost,a teacher has to have a deep knowledge that she can give to her pupils.Moreover patience,empathy,inspiration are also the main factors which a teacher certainly should have.big thanks!

That is true

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10 Essential Teacher Leadership Qualities and Skills

Teacher leadership qualities and teacher leadership skills do not solely transpire within the walls of educational institutions. Even in off hours, teacher leadership is a way of life. A school’s essence is created by the norms and expectations of its leaders.

Teacher leadership shapes and solidifies significant educational change and is an essential cornerstone to all classroom, departmental, school, and district improvements.

If you are interested in expanding your teaching role and becoming a leader in education, this guide is for you. Read below to discover the top 10 teacher leadership abilities and the advantages of enrolling in a Master of Education (M.Ed.) program, with a leadership focus.

A Teacher Leader Has the Following Skills:

  • Achieves educational goals while advancing a sense of belonging
  • Creates a safe, welcoming learning environment
  • Is emotionally intelligent
  • Fosters encouragement, kindness, and respect
  • Guides collective responsibility, school practices, procedures, and policies
  • Is open-minded
  • Is self-aware, capitalizing on unique strengths to accomplish school goals

2. Analytical

  • Assesses educational strategies and the quality of resources
  • Builds goal-directed learners
  • Is a critical thinker who encourages reflective practices
  • Is a rational problem-solver
  • Records class observations and outcomes
  • Is strategic in clarifying common student misconceptions
  • Uses data to inform decisions and improve outcomes

3. Adaptable

  • Adapts curriculum content to correlate with advancements in modern society
  • Ensures class material is accessible for every learner
  • Generates attention-grabbing, creative curriculum
  • Is innovative with multimedia approaches
  • Maximizes educational frameworks like Universal Design for Learning ( UDL ) that provide flexible learning environments for all
  • Utilizes current events to convey class material
  • Is willing to alter a syllabus for optimal success

4. Courageous

  • Conducts inclusive conversations on social justice initiatives
  • Demonstrates resilience and determination
  • Goes above and beyond the school’s status quo
  • Identifies school system gaps and takes responsibility for resolutions
  • Offers constructive feedback to others for professional development
  • Since failure is required for learning — rewards effort, regardless of the outcome
  • Supports a willingness to take risks

5. Committed and Motivated

  • Is accountable and action-oriented
  • Has energy that stimulates teacher satisfaction
  • Is motivated and determined to make a difference
  • Is an organized planner who prioritizes with direction, momentum, and vision
  • Possesses an authentic passion, enthusiasm, and excitement for education
  • Represents the school in the community on boards and committees
  • Supports the development of colleagues and settings for students to thrive

6. Communication and Connection

  • Has the ability to network and unite individuals, groups, communities, and affiliates toward a common cause
  • Is an active listener that paraphrases, mediates, and uses conflict-resolution strategies
  • Collaborates with administrators, colleagues, legislative leaders, parents, and students
  • Facilitates large and small groups
  • Ignites others’ interest in educational issues
  • Manages group dynamics with sensitivity and skill
  • Is a trustworthy and transparent team player

7. A Love of Learning

  • Actively keeps class material modern and relevant
  • Confidently asks thought-provoking questions about standard practices and the efficiency of procedures
  • Continually tries to self-improve, seeking feedback often
  • Displays a genuine interest in people and learning processes
  • Educates and challenges student comprehension and retention, so learners reach their highest potential
  • Seeks opportunities to understand
  • Shares collective knowledge, content, educational resources, and tips for success with colleagues

8. Engaging Classroom and Community Presence

  • Is approachable to students and parents seeking further information
  • Diversifies curriculum content modalities
  • Enables inclusive learning environments
  • Entertains and enlightens
  • Facilitates frequently asking questions
  • Mobilizes audiences to act
  • Acts as a positive role model

9. Patience

  • Is a big-picture thinker who builds relationships, partnerships, and opportunities over time
  • Clarifies any content questions from students with compassion
  • Constructs school capacity for sustainable success
  • Deals calmly and effectively with resistance through self-regulation and stress management
  • Is hopeful with humility and keenly aware that meaningful plans take time
  • Recognizes hierarchy and power structures at play
  • Sets achievable and realistic goals

10. Honors Best Practices

  • Administers careful due diligence in educational assessment, curriculum, and instruction
  • Conducts research on educational case studies and peer reviews for the latest in effective teaching methods
  • Consults with other local, state-wide, and national teachers to inspire new ideas and practices
  • Employs time management techniques for efficiency
  • Persistently revises course content for relevance
  • Is tenacious in developing technical skills
  • Uses technology (classroom management systems, databases, electronic presentations, software, and virtual meeting platforms) as a tool to collaborate, communicate, and instruct course content

How to Develop Teacher Leader Skills

Enrolling in a Master of Education (M.Ed.) program , like Goodwin University’s Master’s in Teacher Leadership , can hone the skills needed to serve students and communities best.

Career-focused institutions are all about convenience. Goodwin, for example, offers its M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership program entirely online with transparent tuition costs and flexible class options for students who work full-time.

Teacher leadership programs at the graduate level can assist learners in integrating research and theory to practice, strengthen communication and collaboration skills, and advance understanding of ethics, diversity, equity, and inclusion within educational systems.

From a teacher leadership curriculum to clear-cut career paths , a master’s degree in Education promotes inclusive learning for all.

Are you ready to lead classrooms and communities, and develop the skills to become a great teacher leader? Learn more about Goodwin’s teacher leadership program today!


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  1. PDF Twelve Characteristics of an Effective Teacher

    Definition of Terms. Effective described a particular teacher who had been the most suc-cessful in helping respondents to learn. Characteristics described a particular teacher's special personal qual-ities that the respondents felt had enabled the teachers to achieve success.

  2. Characteristics of an Effective Teacher

    Certainly, an effective teacher should be able to use pertinent graphics and teaching aids in their teaching process. By so doing, the teacher would be enhancing the understanding of the subject matter more deeply; thus making it retain for long in learners' minds. It should also be noted that an effective teacher should accept advice from ...

  3. What Makes an Effective Teacher?

    From the image, effective teaching entails making hard and principled decisions, making cautious decisions, as well as respecting the intricate nature of the mission of educational (Farr, 2010). On top of the technical skills and knowledge the teacher uses in his everyday practice, he or she must be conscious of his profession's ethical ...

  4. Effective Teachers' Skills and Qualities

    Great teachers have a combination of many qualities. It is believed that such qualities as warmth, planning, and self-discipline determine a good teacher. Although a good teaching demands deep knowledge of subject matter and erudition, these characteristics are not number one. According to Slavin (2006, p. 3), "effective teachers not only ...

  5. Top Qualities of an Effective Teacher

    POSITIVE. Keep your students engaged with a positive attitude. Teaching is most effective when students are motivated by the desire to learn, rather than by grades or degree requirements. Many first-time TAs are confused by the new authority of being a teaching assistant, and mistake intimidation for respect.

  6. Qualities of a Good Teacher: The 14 Qualities That Top Our List

    As a teacher, it's vital to practice empathy instead of making assumptions — for instance, making efforts to understand and address the root issue that's causing a student to fall behind their peers, perform more poorly than they used to, or lash out in class. 3. Patience. Patience is important both to possess and to model for your ...

  7. The Most Important Qualities That Make a Good Teacher

    Collaborating with other teachers helps you learn from each other, allowing you to brainstorm new ideas. This is significant in improving learner outcomes. A good teacher is also interested in learning from parents about their students. This equips you with an understanding of how to help your students better. 4.

  8. PDF Qualities of Effective Teachers

    Qualities of Effective Teachers, 3rd edition, is designed to serve as a resource and reference tool for educators. It identifies elements of effec-tive teaching within broad categories and aims to cover all areas of teacher effectiveness as represented in the empirical research literature. The book

  9. 10 Key Qualities of a Good Teacher, According to Real Educators

    Empathy isn't sympathy.". Learn more: Cultivating Empathy at American Psychological Association. 3. Flexibility and Adaptability. Being open-minded to change is critical in this field. So many of the educators we surveyed agree with this North Carolina ESL teacher: "There is nothing constant in teaching.

  10. What makes a great teacher?

    Effective teachers use facts as a starting point, not an end point; ... Teachers with these qualities build relationships with their students. They stay after school and make themselves available to students and parents. ... This book is a collection of short, eloquent essays written by teachers from the heart. Full of passionate stories, the ...

  11. 10 Qualities of a Good Teacher

    10 Qualities of a Good Teacher. Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

  12. What Makes a Great Teacher: [Essay Example], 801 words

    This essay explores the essential traits of a great teacher and how they contribute to the overall understanding of effective teaching. It delves into the qualities that define a great teacher, such as respect for students, the creation of a sense of community and belonging, and the establishment of a welcoming learning environment.

  13. Qualities of Effective Teachers: students' Perspectives

    perception of personal an d professional. characteristics of teachers among high school. students. The teenage students appreciate diverse. qualities of teachers like: calm, tolerance, prese nce ...

  14. Qualities of an Effective Teacher

    Qualities of an Effective Teacher Essay. Those qualities that are inherent in professional teachers are not only a tool for working with children but also a source of inspiration and stimulation of student activity. The desire to self-develop and gain new knowledge constantly characterizes the representatives of this occupation as responsible ...

  15. An Effective Teacher Essay

    Being warm - showing you care and want to be there. Show them good body language and respect. Being pleasant - showing a friendly and positive attitude. Being approachable- having good listening skills and interest in what the child is saying, is the teacher whom we see as being approachable. Being tolerant - accepting each child as an ...

  16. Essay on Qualities and Skills of an Effective Teacher

    Effective teachers should be able to observe their students learning along the way and change whenever needed to ensure their students are continuing to develop knowledge. Some students may need more time and different strategies used to reach their goals. Teachers have to be prepared to take a step back, decide what the problem is and come up ...

  17. Qualities of a Good Teacher Essay for Students in English

    500+ Words Qualities of a Good Teacher Essay Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds of children and, in turn, the quality of education. Teachers are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the subject, establish a positive relationship with students and create an effective learning environment for students to get enriched ...

  18. Effective Teacher Essay

    An effective teacher makes good use of instructional time and inspires students to do well and to know more. Each and every student in the class has to feel comfortable and have the sense of belonging. The classroom has to be conducive to learning and has the proper lighting so that learning can easily take place. Effective teachers are required.

  19. 8 Qualities of a Good Teacher (Plus Ways To Improve)

    Promoting a love of learning. 1. Effective goal-setting. The most effective teachers know how to set clear objectives for individual students, single lessons, their entire class and themselves. Developing goals can assist with gauging academic performance while giving students clear directives on how to improve.

  20. What makes an effective teacher?

    An effective teacher makes good use of instructional time and inspires students to do well and to know more. Each and every student in the class has to feel comfortable and have the sense of belonging. The classroom has to be conducive to learning and has the proper lighting so that learning easily takes place.

  21. What Makes An Effective Teacher

    Download. This essay aims to outline and discuss aspects of teaching, such as subject and curriculum knowledge, fulfilment of professional conduct and managing behaviour effectively. This essay will further highlight how the characteristics can potentially support primary teachers in the delivery of effective educational teaching.

  22. Qualities of a Good Teacher (Free Essay Sample)

    Qualities Of Good Teachers. An effective teacher employs different learning styles to connect with all their students. A great educator acknowledges the vital role of life lessons and sharing their own experience. Excellent teachers have true compassion, are emotionally stable, and are good listeners. Unforgettable teachers celebrate the ...

  23. Effective Teacher

    1. **Passion for Teaching**: A good teacher is genuinely passionate about their subject matter and is enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge with students. 2. **Effective Communication Skills**: They can convey complex ideas in a clear and understandable manner, adapting their communication style to suit the needs of different students. 3.

  24. Goodwin University

    Goodwin University