2023 Management Science Additional Personal Statement

ucl management science additional personal statement

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UCL Management Science Additional Personal Statement

  • Updated on 24 Jan 2024

This is a detailed guide to tackling the additional personal statement received after applying to the UCL Management Science BSc program. There is a question-by-question breakdown with sample answers to each question. As stated, these answers should ONLY  be used as a template. They are hypothetical  and may contain fictitious data. Given that you have a total of 1000 words across the entire questionnaire, a sample word count has been provided for each question. 

Question 1:  Justify your chosen organisation in terms of the ways in which it is complex, innovative, and uses data to drive decisions.  Use relevant facts from this year (2023) to support your justification.  Discuss and quantify the impact (i.e. value to the organisation) of examples used (e.g. new innovative products or processes, newly introduced technologies, recent big data projects).

(250 Words)

To effectively answer this question, you need to focus on three key aspects: complexity, innovation, and data-driven decision-making. These aspects should be supported by relevant examples from the year 2023. Let's break down the outline and then provide a sample answer using a hypothetical organization.

1. Introduction

    - Introduce the chosen organization.

    - Briefly mention its industry and significance.

2. Complexity of the Organization

    - Describe the organizational structure.

    - Discuss the complexity in its operations, global reach, supply chain, or product/service range.

    - Include any specific challenges the organization faces due to its complexity.

3. Innovation

    - Highlight key innovations introduced in 2023.

    - Discuss the nature of these innovations (e.g., product, service, process).

    - Explain how these innovations differentiate the organization from its competitors.

4. Data-Driven Decision Making

    - Describe how the organization uses data to make decisions.

    - Provide examples of recent big data projects or analytics initiatives.

    - Illustrate how data analytics has influenced strategy or operations.

5. Impact and Value

    - Quantify the impact of the innovations and data-driven decisions.

    - Discuss the value added to the organization, such as increased revenue, improved customer satisfaction, or enhanced operational efficiency.

    - Use specific metrics or figures to support your points.

6. Conclusion

    - Summarize the key points.

    - Reinforce why the organization is a leader in complexity, innovation, and data-driven decision-making.

  Sample Answer

In 2023, Tesla, a giant in the car and energy industry, stands out for its innovative electric cars and renewable energy solutions. With a diverse setup including car making, battery production, and solar energy, Tesla's worldwide operations show its complexity. They skillfully handle challenges like sourcing battery materials globally and manufacturing in various countries. A major move in 2023 was Tesla's launch of Model Q, an affordable electric car targeting middle-income buyers. This, along with Tesla's unique battery tech, makes them a standout in the car market. They also pushed forward in solar energy with advanced solar roofs, reaffirming their commitment to clean energy. Data plays a crucial role at Tesla. Their 'OptiCharge' project uses big data and machine learning to smartly decide when and where Tesla cars should charge, improving customer experience and helping balance the energy grid. Data is also key in managing their supply chain efficiently, cutting down costs. The Model Q launch boosted Tesla's share in the electric car market by 20% in 2023. 'OptiCharge' increased customer satisfaction about charging by 15%. Using data smartly in their supply chain cut operational costs by 10%. These numbers show the real value of Tesla's innovations and strategies. To sum up, Tesla in 2023 is a leader thanks to its complex operations, cutting-edge innovations, and smart use of data. These factors have led to more market share, happier customers, and more efficient operations, proving their significant impact on the company.

Remember, this is a hypothetical example using Tesla as a model organization. The specific details, especially numerical data, are fictional and used for illustrative purposes. For a real-world organization, you would need to research and use accurate and up-to-date information.

Question 2: Describe five important ways that the UCL Management Science BSc/MSci is different from other undergraduate Business or Management programmes.

(300 Words)

To respond to this question effectively, it's crucial to focus on the unique aspects of the UCL Management Science BSc program that distinguish it from other undergraduate Business or Management programs. The answer should highlight specific features, approaches, or opportunities offered by the UCL program that are not commonly found in similar programs. Let's start with an outline and then provide a sample answer.

   - Briefly introduce the UCL Management Science BSc program.

   - State the importance of understanding its unique aspects compared to other business or management programs.

2. Distinctive Curriculum

   - Detail how the curriculum of UCL’s program differs from standard business or management curricula.

   - Emphasize specialized courses, unique subjects, or a particular focus on certain areas.

3. Teaching and Learning Approach

   - Describe the teaching methods (e.g., case studies, projects, hands-on experiences) that set the UCL program apart.

   - Discuss the emphasis on practical skills, industry projects, or research opportunities.

4. Industry Links and Networking

   - Highlight the program’s connections with businesses and industry experts.

   - Mention internships, guest lectures, and partnership projects that are integral to the program

5. International Opportunities

   - Discuss any international exposure or global perspectives integrated into the program, like study abroad options or international case studies.

6. Career and Postgraduate Opportunities

   - Explain how the UCL program prepares students for specific career paths or postgraduate opportunities that may be unique compared to other programs.

7. Conclusion

   - Summarize the key differentiators of the UCL Management Science BSc program.

   - Reinforce the program's unique value proposition for prospective students.

Sample Answer

The UCL Management Science BSc program stands out in the crowded field of undergraduate business and management education. Recognizing its distinctiveness is crucial for students contemplating a specialized approach to management education. Unlike traditional business programs, UCL's Management Science BSc places a significant emphasis on quantitative and analytical skills. Courses like ‘Quantitative Methods for Management’ and ‘Predictive Analytics’ set this program apart, providing a more data-driven and analytical approach to business problems compared to conventional business studies. The program is heavily focused on real-world applications. Students engage in project-based learning, collaborating with businesses on actual management challenges. This hands-on approach, which is less common in traditional business programs, equips students with practical skills and experience. UCL’s strong industry links are a standout feature. The program offers unique opportunities for internships and industry projects, allowing students to gain invaluable insights and build networks within the business world. Guest lectures by industry leaders are a regular part of the curriculum, providing students with contemporary industry knowledge. The Management Science BSc program at UCL incorporates a global perspective, offering students opportunities for international exchange programs. This global exposure is vital in today's interconnected business world and is not always a focus in other business programs. This program uniquely prepares students for careers in data analytics, strategic consultancy, and operations management, fields that are increasingly critical in the modern business landscape. Furthermore, the program lays a robust foundation for postgraduate studies in specialized areas like analytics or supply chain management. In conclusion, the UCL Management Science BSc program differentiates itself through its analytical curriculum, practical learning approach, strong industry connections, international opportunities, and targeted career pathways. These elements collectively offer a unique and comprehensive educational experience for students aspiring to be at the forefront of management science.

Question 3: Identify a difficult or challenging situation you have had to deal with that required you to understand and work with other PEOPLE. How did you deal with this situation and what did you learn from it?

(150 Words)

To respond effectively to this question, structure your answer to showcase your interpersonal skills, problem-solving abilities, and learning outcomes from the experience. Let's break it down:

1. Brief Description of the Situation

   - Start by describing the challenging situation.

2. Your Role and Actions

   - Explain your specific role in the situation.

   - Describe the actions you took to address the challenge.

   - Share the result of your actions.

4. Learning Experience

   - Conclude with what you learned from handling the situation.

In high school, I faced a tough situation leading a group project. Our team had different ideas and ways of doing things, which caused a lot of arguments. We were struggling to get our project done. I knew we had to change how we were working together. I decided to organize meetings where everyone could talk about their ideas and listen to each other. It was important that everyone felt heard. We also did some fun activities together to help us bond. Slowly, things started to get better. We began to understand and respect each other's opinions. This made working together a lot easier. Eventually, we completed our project successfully and even got praised by our teacher. This experience taught me a lot. I learned that good communication and listening to others are key to working well in a team. It showed me how a group can overcome problems by talking and listening to each other.

Question 4: Please suggest something that you think everyone on the MANAGEMENT SCIENCE programme should read, and why? Hint: Avoid obvious things like The Economist or well-known business books. Think about the things that you have read that have really inspired you.

To respond to this question, focus on a book or article that has significantly influenced your understanding or interest in management science. Choose something that aligns with the themes of the program but is also unique and personally impactful. Here's an outline and a sample answer. 

1. Introduction of the Suggested Reading

   - Mention the title and author of the book or article.

2. Connection to Management Science

   - Briefly explain how the reading relates to management science.

3. Personal Impact

   - Describe why the reading inspired you and how it shaped your perspective.

4. Recommendation for Others

   - State why you believe it would be beneficial for others in the program to read it.

Sample Answer 

I recommend 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' by Daniel Kahneman for everyone in the Management Science program. This book explores how our thinking is divided into two systems: fast, intuitive thinking, and slow, rational thinking. Kahneman, a Nobel laureate, delves into how these two systems shape our decision-making in business and everyday life. I found this book enlightening because it opened my eyes to the biases and errors in our judgments and decisions. It made me understand the importance of critical thinking in management. This book is not just about psychology; it's about how our mind works in making decisions, which is crucial in management science. I believe everyone in the program can benefit from understanding these concepts. It will help us make better decisions, both as future managers and in our personal lives.

Question 5: Tell us something surprising about you that would make your future classmates want to have you in their class?

To respond to this question, focus on a unique, interesting aspect or skill you have that would contribute positively to the classroom dynamic and would be engaging or beneficial to your future classmates. Here's an outline and a sample response:

1. Introduction of the Unique Aspect or Skill

   - Start by stating the surprising thing about you.

2. Explanation and Relevance

   - Explain this aspect or skill in more detail.

   - Highlight how it relates to being a part of the class or how it could be beneficial in a classroom setting.

3. Personal Reflection

   - Briefly reflect on why this aspect makes you a unique addition to the class.

4. Engagement with Classmates

   - Mention how this could make your future classmates interested in having you in their class.

Something surprising about me is that I’m an avid chess player, ranked nationally in junior tournaments. Chess has taught me strategic thinking, patience, and how to anticipate various outcomes, which I believe are essential skills in management science. I often see real-life situations, including business scenarios, as a chess game where strategic moves decide success. My love for chess has not only shaped my mindset but has also made me a problem solver, always looking for the best solution. I think my classmates would find this aspect of me interesting because it adds a unique perspective to classroom discussions, especially in strategy-related subjects. I’m always eager to share my insights and learn from others’ experiences, making for a collaborative and engaging classroom environment. I believe my strategic approach to problems will make classroom discussions more lively and insightful.

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UCL School of Management

University college london, nikola mikolaskova | 21 january 2022, studying bsc/msci management science.

ucl management science additional personal statement

When you decide to add an extra year to your studies and make your BSc and MSci it must be a sign that you are enjoying it. That’s what fourth-year MSci Management Science student Nikola Mikolaskova found when she approached the end of her BSc at UCL School of Management. She shares why she chose to study Management Science, her biggest achievements to date and her top tips for prospective students. 

why did you decide to join UCL SoM and study Management Science?

I’m originally from Slovakia, and before coming to UCL, I have never lived or studied anywhere else. In high school, I was a high achiever but I never particularly focused on one thing. I really enjoyed science subjects such as Math and Computer Science, both of which I chose to study at A-level, but I was also really interested in English, literature and creative writing. Outside of academia I also played the piano and was a competitive ballroom dancer, so you could say I did a bit of everything. I think that’s the reason why I was interested in Management Science (ManSci) as the program included “a bit of everything”. It’s a blend of math, data science, economics, but also some psychology, design thinking, strategic thinking and so many more things. I think it’s a very interdisciplinary degree, which is why it felt perfect for me.

You are in your 4th year now, how have you found your experience at UCL SoM?

I originally started Management Science as a 3-year course, and I only decided to transfer to the 4-year MSci version of the degree last year, so I think from that decision it is quite clear that my experience with ManSci has been very positive.  The first three years have definitely flown by, probably also because I spent almost two of them fully online, which is not something I ever would’ve expected. It is also for that reason that I am so thankful to have one extra year so that I can take advantage of one more “normal” year at UCL. Despite all the challenges I really enjoyed my time at UCL SoM. There are many amazing and impressive people in the school and I’ve learnt so much from them.

ucl management science additional personal statement

Can you tell us about the project you worked on with Volume?

As a part of the fourth year of ManSci, all students do a Group Consultancy Project, where we get to work on a project with a real-life client. I was fortunate to work with Volume, a very exciting FinTech start-up in its early stages of development, which provides 1-click checkout for online payments. I found it really exciting to be working with Volume especially as it is such a new start-up, even though it’s in the early stages it’s already growing at a great pace, so everything we worked on felt quite intense – it’s a very different feeling from just doing you normal university coursework when you know that everything you’re working on has real and often very high stakes.

What were your main responsibilities?

I worked at Volume alongside two other ManSci students and together we were mainly responsible for market research. We also all had our own individual tasks – I worked with the user experience team, collecting real feedback from people and translating it into specific design changes that Volume could then implement to improve its product. I think the biggest responsibility was to ensure the I was obtaining valuable customer insights and using it effectively – it is one thing to simply record what users are saying, and another thing altogether to observe how users are interacting with the product and then deciphering what steps can be made to improve their experience.

What were the biggest challenges and achievements during the project?

As much as I consider early-stage start-up a very exciting place to work, I think it was also the most challenging part of the project. Everything happens so fast and we were operating under very high levels of uncertainty, so we needed to be extremely flexible to account for all of that. On the other hand, the fast pace of the project was also very rewarding – I really enjoyed that everything I worked on has a clear purpose and is implemented quickly, one day I make a suggestion and within just a few days you can see how the product improved. It gave me a real sense of achievement.

What has been your biggest achievement to date?

I think it’s hard to pick just one, as I’ve been fortunate enough to have had many amazing opportunities in my life. A few notable ones are when I got onto the Management Science programme despite the acceptance rate being around 6%. Another notable achievement was being selected by the Ministry of Education in Slovakia as one of only five students in the entire country to represent Slovakia during a student delegation to South Korea. More recently, I was invited to the McKinsey Prague office as a member of one of the top four teams of the Solve It 2021 Challenge. Outside of my academic life, I was very happy to place 5 th at the 2020 UK National Championship IVDC in Intermediate Ballroom Dancing.

ucl management science additional personal statement

What are your plans for the future?

I think that working with Volume, as well as my previous internship experience, has shown me that I really do enjoy working with start-ups. I think that in an ideal world, I would love to work for a start-up that excites and challenges me every day and that creates a positive impact on the world.

What would be your advice for anyone starting the Management Science programme?

I think I’d like them to know that it’s not going to be easy, it’s definitely a very challenging degree, but it’s also so worth it. I know first-hand that it’s easy to get caught up in your work, trying to make sure you do everything perfectly. But I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that Management Science is more than just the lectures and the assignments, you are surrounded by many amazing people from all over the world, with expertise in different fields. I believe that the value of university is not just about what you learn, but who you’re with. There is a huge benefit from being exposed to different people and learning from them to become a more open-minded and well-rounded person overall.

ucl management science additional personal statement

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></center></p><h2>Personal Statement</h2><p>A comprehensive guide for ucl personal statement writing.</p><ul><li>January 2, 2024</li></ul><h2>Writing Services</h2><ul><li>Academic Writing Service</li><li>SOP Writing Service</li><li>Admission Essay Writing Service</li><li>Personal Statement Writing Service</li><li>LOR Writing Service</li><li>Motivation Letter Writing Service</li><li>Proofreading Service</li><li>Coursework Help</li><li>Thesis Help</li><li>Dissertation Help</li><li>Homework Help</li><li>Term Paper Writing Services</li><li>Essay Writing Services</li></ul><h2>SOP Writing Services In India</h2><ul><li>SOP Writers Near Me</li><li>SOP Writing Service India</li><li>SOP Writing Service Hyderabad</li><li>SOP Writing Service Kerala</li><li>SOP Writing Service Bangalore</li><li>SOP Writing Service Delhi</li><li>SOP Writing Service Pune</li><li>SOP Writing Service Mumbai</li><li>SOP Writing Service Vijayawada</li></ul><h2>Table of Contents</h2><p>We believe that you are here because you are looking forward to studying at University College London. </p><p>We have a few questions to ask you. </p><p>Are you confident that you have written a perfect UCL personal statement? Are you sure that you have included in it everything that the selection panel is expecting to see? </p><p>We are not trying to panic you. Given how significant your UCL personal statement masters for securing admission, a thorough crosschecking is needed before finalizing your document. </p><p>Through this blog, we intend to help you with</p><ul><li>UCL personal statement postgraduate writing steps</li></ul><h2>Masters Personal Statement Example UCL</h2><ul><li>Structure and format of personal statement for UCL</li></ul><h2>What Is A UCL Personal Statement? Why Do You Need an Outstanding One For Admission?</h2><p>UCL personal statement is a one-page long essay that you will include in the application for your admission to University College London. The document is your self-manifestation. </p><p>It is mandatory to write an outstanding personal statement that describes your skills, strengths, eligibility, experience, future plans etc. in the context of your application because: </p><ul><li>The selection panel takes the final decision on your admission based on the input in your personal statement</li><li>Your UCL additional personal statement helps the selection panel identify how you differ from other applicants</li><li>Personal statement turns out to be a realistic example of your written communication skills</li><li>Your character and personality are measured based on what you write in your personal statement</li></ul><h2>7 Questions That Selectors Want You to Answer in Your UCL Masters Personal Statement</h2><p>When the UCL selection panel investigate your personal statement, they will primarily want to see whether you have answered all their personal statement prompts. If you miss out on answering these questions while writing, there is a high chance of rejection. </p><ul><li>Why have you chosen this program? </li><li>Do you have any specific academic/research interests? </li><li>What attracts you to UCL and not any other institutes? </li><li>What is your academic background? </li><li>Have you gained any professional experiences in this specific or related field? </li><li>Have you taken part in any extracurricular activities? How has it benefited you? </li><li>What are your plans?</li></ul><h2>How Long Should My UCL Personal Statement Be?</h2><p>It is important to keep your personal statement compatible with word count recommendations by UCL as you might have noticed in UCL personal statement examples. Going shorter or longer than the recommended length is not encouraged. </p><ul><li>Keep your essay 2500 characters or 500 words long. </li><li>In pages, it should be about two pages </li><li>Keep the font size to 12 points</li><li>Choose Arial or Times New Roman as font style.</li></ul><h2>How to Write Compelling UCL Personal Statement in 6 Simple Steps?</h2><p>Read the program description.</p><p>You can learn more about your desired program from UCL’s official website. It will give you a rough idea about the various modules covered in the course. Find out how each module is executed.</p><p><center><a href=

Figure out what skills are expected

By going through program details carefully, you can figure out what sort of skills, strengths, and exposure it demands from an applicant to be successful in the program. See how you can match your profile to that.

Quote examples

When you talk about your skills or strengths, do not list them blindly without referring to any proof. This will put your application under suspicion. Instead, link your experiences to real-life incidents as articulated in the personal statement UCL example.

Focus on your interest in subject

Dedicate approximately three fourth of your personal statement to show how much you are interested in the subject and pursuing it at UCL be of any help. Leave the remaining portion to focus your goals and involvement in activities.

Write in advance

Once you have clarity regarding the subject, program specifications and what points you want to add from your side, sit and write. Write a draft first and then improve it gradually. Make sure that you have your personal statement ready at least a couple of weeks in advance.

Proofread and edit

They say read two or three times. We recommend you proofread your personal statement at least five times and edit it if any changes are needed. Also, it is highly recommended to have someone else also to read your personal statement and give you constructive feedback.

UCL Masters Personal Statement Example

I was just a kid when the Great Recession hit the US in 2008, and the aftershocks rocked the third world nations. Newspaper headlines looked depressive, although I was too young to weigh the crisis. That was more than a decade ago, yet, I ponder why India took so long to recover from the recession, while the US and the UK continued to stride on despite the economic crisis. This justifies my choice to embrace Economics in my undergraduates. Feeding my curiosity in global finances with blogs, journals and magazines, I have embraced the stream that appeals the most to my intellect. Besides, studying economics from one of the topmost institutes in India has strengthened my foundation in this domain significantly. I know I have gained matured concepts of economics, and can comprehend why oil prices fluctuate, or why India could be recording a negative GDP amidst the pandemic. In an effort to further streamline my profile with relevant knowledge, I look forward to pursue the advanced program in Economics from your revered university.

Having studied both Mathematics and Statistics in my Intermediates, analyzing economic issues turned out to be rather easy for me during my graduation. Besides, my fascination with numbers and patterns proved handy, as I was able to execute things practically. I believe that success comes to an economist only after scrutinizing the roots of persisting problems. Besides, every economy is governed by its own set of laws. A clear understanding of this aspect has enabled me comprehend how firms within the framework of a country operate under certain regulations. This is how contracts are agreed upon and implemented within the business world. Eyeing a higher degree in Economics, I am bracing up to pursue the advanced program from your esteemed university.

Besides scoring proficiently in my academics, I have been proactive in the extracurricular front. In 2018, I represented India’s Finance Minister in a Mock Parliament, organized in our college. As a part of this event, I got the opportunity to explore various core economic problems of our country, and offer viable solutions. Meanwhile, I am a part of Dramatics, which helped me to get my voice heard, polishing my oratory skills. In the second year of my graduation, I acted in two plays during the annual college fest, ‘Death of a Salesman’ and ‘The Homecoming’. Besides, I was a part of ‘Sparks’, the Annual Drama Competition, where our college emerged as the winner. All these years, I have worked on my leadership and management skills. In the process, I have learnt to handle pressure and execute tasks in an organized wat. In the third year of my graduation, I was a part of the Asian Regional Space Settlement Design Competition, working on behalf of my institution under the Business and Costing section.

India has its own problems like poverty, unequal wealth distribution and diseases. What pains me the most is the indifference of private and progressive organizations to these issues. Right from my high school days, I have been a part of various non-governmental organizations, striving to make a difference in their lives. Realizing the dearth of social initiative to resolve the basic social problems, I formed an organization called ‘Hope Foundation’ along with some of my friends and acquaintances. The motto of this organization is to work towards the protection of children from abuse and empower them with education. Later, we also worked to gather funds to support a cancer hospital in our colony. All these experiences cultivated the desire to work on development economics for my country.

To strengthen my knowledge in economics, I have subscribed to The Time Magazine, The Economics and The Financial Express. This helps me stay abreast with the current financial affairs across the globe. Besides, I frequently visit the UK, and cherish the essence of homeliness. A couple of years back, one of my friends graduated from the UCL and spoke highly of the academic environment there. I would like to be a part of this progressive academic environment in the UK and study in your esteemed university. It would be an exciting and gratifying experience for me to work on developmental economics to contribute to my nation as well as the world in the coming years.

Check out the UCL personal statement masters example PDF we have given here. Try to figure out how the writing tone, structure, and use of correct grammar make this essay outstanding.

Tips for Writing Your Unique UCL Personal Statement

The following personal statement for UCL writing tips have long been used by professional writers. Personal statements written adhering to these tips have higher chances of getting accepted by UCL.

Avoid flowery language:

It is highly recommended to keep your personal statement simple by using simple words and expressions. Don’t use flowery language or vague or bland expressions. 

Stay focused:

Never deviate from the actual purpose of the personal statement. The actual goal is to show how much interest you have in the subject and how your skills and strengths are relevant.

Be positive:

If you keep the tone of your personal statement positive throughout, you can expect the selectors to feel positive about it and take a favourable decision. Similarly, a pessimistic tone in the writeup will create a negative outcome too.

Use standard English:

University College of London is a prestigious institution. Students studying there are expected to have good grasp of English. The selection panel welcome candidates who write their personal statement in standard English.  

Submit before the deadline:

Don’t wait for the deadline to submit your application. Once all your documents are ready, submit them. Once the application is filed, hope for the best. Don’t bother about it until you receive any further update. 

How to Get Into UCL?

Getting enrolled to University College London is a dream of students not only in UK but also all over the world. UCL selects candidates on merit basis. If you meet their criteria, you can also apply and get selected. 

  • Go through UCL program list and select one that suits your profile 
  • Find out the requirements for admission and verify whether you qualify 
  • Get details about the times of the year when the program is offered
  • Decide when you want to study and prepare your application 
  • Get ready with all application requirements – most importantly your UCL postgraduate personal statement
  • File your application

What is UCL Acceptance Rate?

As per the data released by UCAS, UCL acceptance rate stands stood at 15.6% in 2020. Some of the competitive programs have even lower acceptance rate. For instance, if you are applying for programs like Law, medicine, biomedical or management science programs, make sure you have a well refined personal statement for each program. Respectively. 

  • UCL Law Personal Statement
  • UCL Medicine Personal Statement
  • Biomedical Science Personal Statement UCL
  • UCL Management Science Additional Personal Statement

Top Higher Study Programs Offered at UCL

  • LLM (Master of Laws)
  • Architecture and the Built Environment
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Archaeology
  • Anthropology
  • Life Sciences and Medicine

Final Thoughts…

Before we wind up, we would like to know how helpful this blog was for you. 

Did it really help you expand your understanding about UCL personal statement? 

How helpful the samples were? 

Do you wish you had found more program specific UCL personal statement examples? 

Your feedback and suggestions are our input for improving the quality of this blog. 

So, we strongly encourage you to write your opinion in the comments below. 

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Written by our experts within Safety Services, content includes relevant and important information on new legislation, safety notices and lessons learnt from accidents. It also includes safety tips and information on resources such as our Safety training courses.

You can also access archived issues of My Safety Matters (UCL login required).

  • May – DSO Forum
  • April – A manager's guide to manual handling
  • March – Hidden hazards
  • February – New laser safety SharePoint site
  • January –  Overheating in Smart-UPS battery cartridges
  • November – End of year campus closure
  • October – Reporting safety concerns is getting an upgrade
  • September –  New Nuclear Safeguards eLearning
  • August – Safety Lunch and Learn
  • July – What is RIDDOR?
  • June – DSO Forum 13 July 2023
  • May –  Personal Protective Equipment in Wet Laboratories
  • April – Virtual DSO Forum
  • March –  Updated Artificial Optical Radiation Standard
  • February –  Transporting dangerous goods on the UCL campus
  • January –  New incident investigation eLearning
  • December – T100 Lite Toolkit
  • November – End-of-year campus closure
  • September –  Risk assessment training
  • August –  Vaccinations as a control measure
  • July –  Responsible Persons Register
  • Safety Alert –  Safe storage of controlled substances in the extreme heat
  • May –  Hazardous Waste Management Plan
  • April –  PPE Regulations updated
  • Safety Alert –  Maintenance of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems
  • February –  5-day target for initial assessment of incidents
  • January –  Incident initial assessment
  • December 2021 –  Health and Safety Objectives 2021/22
  • November 2021 –  Staying safe during strike action
  • October 2021 – Safety risk management
  • August 2021 –  Departmental COVID-19 compliance inspections
  • July 2021 – Local risk assessments
  • May 2021 –  Generic COVID-19 risk assessment review 
  • April 2021 – Drones at UCL
  • March 2021 – Face fit testing
  • February 2021 – Construction inspections
  • January 2021 – COVID-19

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Last updated: Friday, May 31, 2024

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  1. 20201109235507ucl.docx

    ucl management science additional personal statement

  2. 2023

    ucl management science additional personal statement

  3. UCL Management Sci

    ucl management science additional personal statement

  4. 【解析】UCL MSc Management

    ucl management science additional personal statement

  5. 2023 Management Science Additional Personal Statement

    ucl management science additional personal statement

  6. Pin on Personal Statements

    ucl management science additional personal statement


  1. Reading My Personal Statement

  2. Studying a PhD at UCL School of Management: Strategy & Entrepreneurship Research Group

  3. Week of a UCL Management Science Student [Part 2]

  4. Applying for a Masters Degree UK

  5. UCL Master student's Thursday UCL大学院生のもくようび

  6. UCL (University College London)- Q/A- Management, Course, Entry Requirements Ft. Sudhanshu


  1. Management Science BSc

    The Additional Personal Statement consists of a number of questions designed to help you showcase your skills and how you think. Candidates who are made an offer will be invited to a Management Science Offer Holder Open Day. Selection is made based on the information provided in your UCAS application and personal statement.

  2. UCL management science additional PS

    UCL 2022 Management Science BSc - Applicants thread; Can i write more than 1 personal statement if I'm applying to different courses; Management at LSE 2022; UCL 2024 Management Science (Bsc/Msc) Discussion; Personal Statement for science courses; UCL Management Science Additional Personal Statement; Data science bsc UCL (experience, advice)

  3. 2023 Management Science Additional Personal Statement

    Management Science BSc/MSci Additional Personal Statement (2023) NAME: UCAS Personal ID: KAYNAA BAKSHI UCAS PID: 1698624309 The UCL MANAGEMENT SCIENCE BSc/MSci programme is focused on complex, innovationintensive, data-driven organisations. Please select an example of a well-known global organisation that is complex, innovative, and data driven.

  4. UCL Management Science Additional Personal Statement

    This is a detailed guide to tackling the additional personal statement received after applying to the UCL Management Science BSc program. There is a question-by-question breakdown with sample answers to each question. As stated, these answers should ONLY be used as a template. They are hypothetical and may contain fictitious data. Given that ...

  5. Bsc Management Science

    Bsc Management Science - Additional Personal Statement Help!!! 2 days ago, I received an email from UCL saying that I need to write an additional personal statement that is due Nov. 3; it's 5 questions, 1000 words in total. I'm kindly requesting for some guidance. Does everyone who applied to my course need to do it?

  6. Writing a personal statement

    75%-85% of the statement must be about the subject. Select only your best examples. Reflect on your experiences. Stay focused and relevant. Let your passion for your subject shine. Avoid clichés and bland, vague statements. Proofread before submitting.

  7. Writing your personal statement

    Where to put a personal statement. You can type your personal statement in the online application form (3,000-character limit, including spaces) or upload it as a separate document. If you upload your personal statement, you can go over 3,000 characters but it cannot be longer than two sides of A4 paper (size 12 font and single spaced).

  8. UCL Management Science 2023 Applicants Thread

    Anonymous #1. Hello! This thread is for 2023 UCL Management Science applicants. You are welcome to discuss the additional personal statement, predicted grades, offers and rejections. Scroll to see replies. 1.

  9. Management Science BSc/MSci

    UCL's Management Science BSc/MSci programme launched in September 2014. Unlike any other undergraduate degree in the UK, the programme provides exceptional individuals with a high performance, high trust environment that develops both deep technological skills and advanced social and emotional skills. The UCL School of Management is a ...

  10. UCL Management Science BSc Additional Personal Statement

    UCL Management Science BSc Additional Personal Statement. Hi, my Management Science Additional Personal Statement is due today, and I'm finding it very difficult to research and explain how the course differentiates from others. I understand that the course is a lot more innovation and technology orientated, and they mentioned something about a ...

  11. UCL Management Science and IMB. 2020/21 Unofficial applicants thread

    This one is for those those applying to the either of the two Management courses at UCL. 1. Management Science 2. Information Management for Business (IMB) ... Heyyy guys so I sent my additional personal statement to them already but I would love to discuss the questions with someone who got the personal statement as I found it quite ...

  12. UCL management science BSC additional personal statement

    UCL management science BSC additional personal statement. Hi guys. I am applying to UCL undergraduate management science. Last week I received an email from undergraduate admission centre requesting me to write additional personal statement. However, I cannot find the attached document and questions in it apparently?

  13. 2023

    2023_Management Science Additional Personal Statement - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is provided as an example of a complex, innovative, and data-driven global organization for the UCL Management Science programme application. [HUL] processes vast amounts of data to tailor products and ...

  14. Studying BSc/MSci Management Science

    When you decide to add an extra year to your studies and make your BSc and MSci it must be a sign that you are enjoying it. That's what fourth-year MSci Management Science student Nikola Mikolaskova found when she approached the end of her BSc at UCL School of Management. She shares why she chose to study Management Science, her biggest ...

  15. Management science additional personal statement Msc : r/UCL

    Management science additional personal statement Msc. I sent my application to study Management science a couple of days before the Oxbridge deadline, and two weeks ago, UCL asked me to write a additional personal where i Had to answer to 7 questions. It has been 2 weeks since i sent the answers and its killing me inside, ( would also like to ...

  16. How to Write a winning UCL Personal Statement with Examples

    It is important to keep your personal statement compatible with word count recommendations by UCL as you might have noticed in UCL personal statement examples. Going shorter or longer than the recommended length is not encouraged. Keep your essay 2500 characters or 500 words long. In pages, it should be about two pages.

  17. UCL Management Science Additional Personal Statement

    UCL 2024 Management Science (Bsc/Msc) Discussion; UCL 2022 Management Science BSc - Applicants thread; Can i write more than 1 personal statement if I'm applying to different courses; Computer Science at UCL; Sutton Trust 2023; I got accepted into King's for CS, is waiting for UCL UPC's response worth it? Personal Statement for science courses

  18. Ucl University

    Management - 2013 ( LSE, UCL, Bath, City University London) "All great men have been artists; the man with no imagination may collect facts, but he cannot make great discoveries". This modified quotation by Karl Pearson reflects my own attitude ... Please note UCAS will detect any form of plagiarism. PSE and its contributors do not take any ...

  19. r/UCL on Reddit: Additional Personal Statement

    University College London (UCL). Founded in 1826, UCL was the first university established in London, as well as the first in England to be entirely secular, to admit students regardless of religion, and to admit women on equal terms. ... Additional Personal Statement . Hey guys, I've applied to a BSc in Management Science through UCAS back ...

  20. Search

    UCL's Management Science BSc programme is unlike any other degree in the UK. It provides you with an opportunity to develop strong quantitative and analytical skills, an in-depth understanding of how companies work, and a rigorous foundation in the key skills needed to build a successful career with global companies and high-growth businesses ...

  21. UCL Management Science Additional Personal Statement

    I'm applying for an MSci in Management Science and I just received an email from UCL to do an additional personal statement. Looking at the questions, I feel kinda stuck. Can anybody share how they did theirs or share some advice? Also looking to chat w/ someone who takes the program to know what the program is actually like. 3. Add a Comment.

  22. Management Science MSci

    The world's leading companies need people who can operate in complex, innovation-intensive, data-driven environments; people who can analyse problems using quantitative tools and qualitative methods, take decisions in the face of uncertainty and risk, and deliver results through people. Taught by the UCL School of Management, the Management Science MSci provides a rigorous,

  23. UCL: Forgot to add UCAS id to additional personal statement!

    UCL: Forgot to add UCAS id to additional personal statement! I just completed my UCL additional PS for management science and I uploaded it to the portico, however right after uploading it I realised I didn't add my UCAS ID inside the document (there is a gap where you fill the UCAS ID in). The due date for the PS is today and now I am kinda ...

  24. My Safety Matters newsletter

    My Safety Matters is a monthly newsletter filled with the latest things you need to know to stay compliant and safe at UCL. Written by our experts within Safety Services, content includes relevant and important information on new legislation, safety notices and lessons learnt from accidents. It also includes safety tips and information on ...