
How to Start a Watermelon Farm – Sample Business Plan Template

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

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Are you interested in starting a watermelon farm successfully? Do you need a sample watermelon farming business plan template? If YES, then i advice you read on. Watermelon is among the best fruits recommended for people that wish to loose weight; and with the high rate of overweight or obesity related issues, and other numerous health benefits watermelon offers to the body, the demand for watermelon has sky rocked over the years.

Starting a watermelon farming business can yield massive profits as you can cultivate and harvest three batches of watermelon fruits in a year. For this article, I will discuss why you should invest in watermelon farming, and how you can start your own watermelon farm in no time.

4 Reasons Why You Should Invest In Watermelon Farming Business

High turnover.

It takes a watermelon eighty five days to get to maturity from the planting date. This means you can have three sets of harvested watermelon fruits to sale within the year and if you started out the business on a large parcel of land, then you are sure to get huge returns on your investment.

There is a Ready Market for Your Produce

Watermelon also contains some enzymes that help to fight against cancer causing cells in the body; you see why there will always be a high demand for watermelon.

Watermelon Is Pest Resistant

This means that watermelon plant is resistant to pests and diseases that usually affect plants; you will not need to spend much on greeting ride of pests from affecting the watermelon.

Very Easy to Start

As long as you have the land space needed for the farming, you don’t need much of other things to get your watermelon business up and running; you don’t need much technical knowledge to run a watermelon farm.

3 Things You Need to Start a Watermelon Farming Business

Large expanse of land.

Each watermelon plant is called a vine; and the vines get to spread out as they mature and they need space for the plant to bear bigger fruits. I will talk more on the space needed for a watermelon plant to grow well.

A watermelon plant requires of sunlight to grow well. So the land space must be in a location where there is adequate sunlight to nurture the plants.

Good Seedling

The type of seedling you use will affect the output or quality of watermelon fruits your plants will yield. There are very various varieties of watermelon species, you have to make a choice of which variety you wish and carry out further research on how to handle the cultivation process before you embarked on it.

Starting a Watermelon Farm – Sample Business Plan Template

1. get your land space.

I mentioned earlier that you need a large expanse of land to successfully run your watermelon farm. The first step to take is to find the land you will need for the cultivation in a location where the watermelon plants can get six to eight hours of sunlight each day.

2. Source for Seedling

The next step to take is to source for healthy watermelon seedling. Farmers that already run their own watermelon farmers can supply you with healthy seedling to use on your own farm.

3. Begin the Cultivation Process

The cultivation process in watermelon farming is quite complicated as you need to plant the seedlings in a specific way to give them better space to germinate. When planting the watermelon seed, each hole for the watermelon seedling needs to be 1 foot deep and over 1.5 feet wide. Cover the hole with fertilizer, place the seed on the top and push with your finger till it gets to at least 0.5 foot deep.

For the spacing, you should allow a space of 8 feet between each plant to allow the vines enough space to spread out when the plant begins to grow. If possible, do the planting when the whether is hot, up to at least 70 degrees hot, because watermelon functions better in hot weather.

4. Watering

For the first few weeks after planting, you need to water the watermelon generously twice in a week, then reduce the watering to just once every two weeks as soon as the vines start sprouting out. This is to help increase the sugar content in the watermelon fruit. If a watermelon has a watery taste, that was because the farmer continued to water it consistently even after the vines started growing and didn’t give it the needed space to absolve sugar from the soil.

5. Weed Control

Since the watermelon plant is pest resistant, you need to focus more on getting ride of weeds on the farm; this can be done with herbicides.

6. Harvesting

This is the part everybody is waiting because harvesting means that the sales and money making period is around the corner. I mentioned somewhere above that it takes a watermelon plant 85 days to get to maturity.

The question is; how do you know that you watermelon is ready for harvest ? Your watermelon is ready for harvest when the fruit looses it outer shiny appearance and also the when the part of the fruit that touches the ground changes into a rich yellow colour.

After harvesting, the final step is transportation from the farm to the wholesaler, retailer or final consumption for sale. To successfully sell your watermelon produce, you have to know who your market is. The main market for your produce include: owner of fruit stores, Grocery Store owners, restaurants and hotels, pharmaceutical companies that need watermelon extracts as raw material for the production of supplements.

At this stage of the article, I have covered various sub topics relating to watermelon farming including; reasons to start watermelon farming business, things you need to start the business and how to start the business. Finally, Watermelon is a fresh produce and you don’t expect it to stay fresh for a long time after it is harvested that is why you need to carry out a feasibility research in your location even before you start the farm to ensure that there is a ready market and high demand for your produce.

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Watermelon Farming

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Watermelon farming is very common and popular throughout the world. It is actually a highly cultivated fruit worldwide. And the fruit has both high demand and price in the market in almost everywhere around the world.

The watermelon is actually a plant species in the family Cucurbitaceae, a vine-like flowering plant originally domesticated in Africa. It is the most common and highly cultivated fruit around the world, having more than a thousand varieties.

Watermelon is a scrambling and trailing vine. There is evidence from seeds in Pharaoh tombs of watermelon cultivation in Ancient Egypt.

Watermelon plants grows well in favorable climates from tropical to temperate regions worldwide. It is grown for it’s large edible fruit, which is a berry with a hard rind and no internal divisions, and is botanically called pepo.[ 1 ]

The sweet, juicy flesh is generally deep red to pink, with many black seeds. Although, today there are seedless varieties available.

The fruit can be eaten raw or pickled, and the rind is edible after cooking. It is commonly consumed as a juice or as an ingredient in mixed beverages.

Considerable breeding effort has developed disease-resistant varieties. Today, there are many cultivars are available that produce mature fruit within 100 days of planting.

Watermelons are plants grown in climates from tropical to temperate. They require temperatures higher than about 25 °C to thrive.

The seeds are generally sown in pots under cover and transplanted into well-drained sandy loam with a pH between 5.5 and 7, and medium levels of nitrogen.

China is the world’s largest producer of watermelon. And in the year of 2017, China produced about two-thirds of the world total watermelons.

Table of Contents

Watermelon Nutritional Benefits

Watermelon is very nutritious, and it is a popular fruit throughout the world. It is actually a very common and favorite food.

In a 100 grams serving, watermelon fruit supplies 125 kilojoules (30 kilocalories) of food energy and low amounts of essential nutrient. Only vitamin C is present in appreciable content at 10% of the daily value.

Watermelon fruit is about 91% water and around 6% sugar and low amount of fat. However, here we are shortly describing about the top advantages/benefits of consuming watermelons.

  • Watermelon is an excellent source of water, containing around 91% of water. This fruit will keep you hydrated. And staying hydrated will keep your body cool during high summers.
  • It will clean your body and keep your skin healthy.
  • Watermelon is a juicy fruit, and it will help your kidneys convert L-citrulline (amino acid) into L-arginine (amino acid). These two amino acids have a tendency to protect you from diabetes.
  • Watermelon consists of mostly water, so it will give you a feeling of fullness and this will curb your appetite from snacking on your favorite food. Thus it can help you in weight loss.
  • Consuming watermelon is beneficial for preventing cardiovascular disease.
  • This fruit is a good source of vitamin C. And vitamin C is responsible for reducing the effects of asthma and this could mean that you could be fighting some of the severe effects of asthma with just one cup of watermelon everyday.[ 2 ]
  • Watermelon is known for reducing dental problems. And it is also good for your kidneys.
  • Watermelon fights inflammation. You can can avoid heart disease, cancer and fibromyalgia if you consume watermelon regularly.
  • Watermelon is good for nerve function. It is a rich source of potassium that can regulate nerve function.
  • Some compounds in watermelon, including cucurbitacin E and lycopene, have been studied for their potential to prevent cancer (though study results are mixed).
  • Watermelon juice has some potential as a recovery beverage after exercise. Citrulline may be partially responsible for its effect of easing muscle soreness.
  • Regular consumption of watermelon is very good or your skin and hair. There are several nutrients in watermelon which will help your skin and hair healthy.
  • Watermelon contains fiber and water. Both are very important for healthy digestion.

Advantages of Watermelon Farming

Watermelon is very common and popular throughout the world. It is the most popular and highly cultivated fruit.

So, both demand and value are great in the market. You can easily start watermelon farming business if you want to make profits from agribusiness .

You can start commercial watermelon farming business, even if you are a beginner. Here we are shortly describing about the top advantages/benefits of watermelon farming.

  • Commercial watermelon farming is a very common and popular business idea, and many people are already doing this business.
  • Growing the watermelon plants is relatively easy. So, you can take this opportunity for making good profits.
  • Watermelon is a very popular fruit throughout the world. Both demand and price are high in the market.
  • Watermelon plants can be grown in almost everywhere around the world.
  • Commercial watermelon farming can be a good business idea, if you are an unemployed educated person.
  • Commercial watermelon farming can be a great business for creating employment source for rural unemployed people.
  • Profits are high in comparison to total expenditure. The ROI is good in this business.
  • Watermelons have very good demand in the market. So, you will be able to easily sell your products in your local or any nearest market.
  • Consuming watermelon regularly is good for health. You can enjoy fresh fruits if you start your own watermelon farming business.

How to Start Watermelon Farming Business

Starting commercial or small scale watermelon farming is very easy and simple. The plants grow well in almost everywhere and caring process is relatively easy.

watermelon, watermelon farming, watermelon farming business, commercial watermelon farming, commercial watermelon farming business, how to start watermelon farming

You can start this business, even if you are a beginner. Here we are trying to describe more information about starting and operating successful watermelon farming business from planting, caring to marketing and harvesting.

Select Good Location

You have to select a very good location for starting your watermelon farming business. Watermelons grow well in rich, slightly sandy soils with pH levels from 5.5 and 7.0.

The watermelon plants do not like soggy soils. And avoid heavy clay soils with poor drainage and aeration system. Also ensure availability of full sun.

Prepare the Soil

Preparing the soil perfectly is very important for watermelon cultivation. Successful growing of watermelon plants require extensive soil preparation before planting.

The basic soil preparation starts about 5 months before transplanting watermelon seedlings. Plow the soil well at that time.

Plowing improves soil aeration and drainage. At the same time, plowing removes rocks and other undesirable materials from the soil. Till the soil perfectly, right after plowing.

Apply as much organic fertilizer as you can while preparing the soil before planting.

Climate Requirement For Watermelon Farming

Watermelon plants are grown in climates from tropical to temperate. They require temperatures higher than about 25 °C to thrive. Preferable temperature for growing watermelon plants is between 25 °C and 30 °C.

Best Time For Watermelon Farming

Watermelon plants can be grown throughout the year. Exact time vary depending on your location. In cool climates with short growing seasons, start seeds indoors 2 to 3 weeks before your last frost date. Plan to transplant seedlings into the garden about 2 weeks after that date.

In warmer climates with long growing seasons, sow seeds directly outdoors 1 to 2 weeks after your last frost date, as long as the soil temperature has warmed to at least 21 °C. Warmer soil helps prevent poor germination.

Watermelon Varieties

There are several, actually hundreds of watermelon varieties available throughout the world. Not all these varieties are good for commercial watermelon farming business. Try to determine which variety grows well in your area, and has good market demand. You can also consult with an expert in your area for having more ideas.

Purchase Seeds

The watermelon plants are grown from seeds. So, you have to purchase seeds from any of your nearest seed supply stores. Always try to purchase new and good quality seeds. Because good quality seeds always ensure good production. Today, there are some seed supply companies with online stores. So, you can also consider ordering the seeds online.

Seeds Per Acre

You will need about 1.5 to 2 kg of seeds for sowing one acre land.

Spacing: Actual spacing distance may vary depending upon sowing method. In pit method, use row to row spacing of 2-3.5 meters and 0.6 meters between 2 plants.

Sowing Depth: Plant the seeds about 2-3 cm deep.

Sowing Method: Different methods are used for sowing. Furrow method, pit method and hill method are most used. Although exact method depends upon climate and season.

Taking additional caring is very important for watermelon farming. Because the watermelon plants require good caring and other maintenance.

Although, all the caring process of watermelon plants is very easy. Here we are shortly describing about the caring process of watermelon plants.


Apply as much organic materials as you can while preparing the soil. Watermelon plants love rich soil with lots of organic materials.

Apply Nitrogen@25kg, Phosphorus@16kg and Potash@15kg in form of Urea@55kg, Single Super Phosphate@100kg and Muriate of Potash@25kg per acre. Apply whole amount of Phosphorus, Potash and one third amount of Nitrogen before sowing seed. Apply remaining dose of Nitrogen near vines base, avoid touching it and mixed well in soil during initial growth period.

During the summer season, apply irrigation every week. And give irrigation only when needed during the time of maturity.

Avoid over flooding in watermelon field. Don’t wet the vines or vegetative parts of the plants while applying irrigation (especially during flowering and fruit-set).

Avoid frequent irrigation, in heavy soil, as it will promote excessive vegetative growth. Reduce or stop watering 3-6 days before harvesting for better sweetness and flavor.

Mulching is very important for growing watermelon plants. Mulching helps to retain moisture into the soil and it also helps to prevent weeds. You can use organic materials (such as dry leaves, straw etc.) or polythene as a mulch.

Weed Control

Keeping the field weed free is very important for watermelon farming business. Weeds consume nutrients from the soil, and the plants will suffer.

Keep the bed weed free during the early stage of growth. In absence of proper control measures, weed can cause yield loss of about 30%.

Carry out intercultural operations, 15 to 20 days after sowing. 2-3 weeding are required depending upon severity and intensity of weeds.

Flowering & Fruiting

Vines produce both male and female flowers separately on the same plant. They often begin producing male flowers several weeks before the females appear.

Don’t be concerned if the male flowers fall off. The female flowers will stay on the vine and bear fruit.

Blossoms require pollination to set fruit, so be kind to the bees. As the fruit is ripening, prevent rotting by gently lifting it and putting cardboard or straw between the fruit and the soil.

Pruning generally isn’t necessary for watermelon plants. But vine productivity may be improved if you do not allow lateral vines to grow and stick to the main vine.

Pests & Diseases

The watermelon plants are susceptible to some diseases and pests. Here we are shortly describing about some common diseases and pests of watermelon plants.

Common pests that damage the watermelon plants and fruits are listed below.

Aphids & Thrips: These aphids and thrips suck the sap from the leaves. Resulting in yellowing and dropping of leaves. Thrips results in curling of leaves, and the leaves become cup shaped or curved upward.

Fruit Fly: It is a serious pest of the watermelon plants. Females lay eggs below epidermis of fruits. Later on maggots feed on pulp afterward fruits starts rotting.

Anthracnose: Anthracnose affected foliage appears scorched appearance.

You can control all these pests by applying both organic and chemical pesticides. Consult with an expert in your area.

The watermelon plants are also susceptible to some diseases. Their common diseases are listed below.

Powdery Mildew: Patchy, white powdery growth appears on upper surface of the leaves. And also on the main stem of infected plant. It parasitizes the plant using it as a food source. In severe infestation it causes defoliation and premature fruit ripening.

Leaf Miner: Maggots of leaf miner feed on leaf and make serpentine mines into leaf. It affects the photosynthesis and fruit formation.

Sudden Wilt: It can affect crop at any stage. Plant get weak and give yellow appearance at initial stage. And in severe infestation complete wilting is observed.

You can apply both organic and chemical ways for controlling these diseases. Consult with an expert in your area.

If tendril near stem gets dried also whitish color of fruit which touch to ground get yellowish then assume that fruit is ready for harvesting.

On thumping melon if it sounds hollow (usually as a dull thump or thud) then it is ready for harvest and immature fruit sounds dense. Don’t pick immature fruits as they ripe only when attached to vine.

Immature fruit don’t have rich sugar content or color. To harvest ripe fruit, cut stem 1″ from fruit with a pair of sharp pruners or knife. Fruit can be stored in a cool humid environment.

Post-Harvesting Tasks

Grade the fruit on the basis of size of fruits. Watermelons can be stored for about 2 weeks at temperature of 15 °C. But remember, do not store watermelon with apples and banana as it developed off flavor along with softening of fruit.

Exact yield is not possible to tell, because it depends on various factors. On an average, you can expect 7 to 8 tons per acre.

Marketing watermelon is very easy. You will probably be able to easily sell your products in the local market. Although, you should set your marketing strategies before starting this business.

These are the common ways and steps for starting and operating a successful watermelon farming business. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck & may God bless you!

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How to Start a Watermelon Cultivation Business

  • April 28, 2023
  • by Next What Business Research Team

Do you want to start a watermelon cultivation business from your backyard? If so, find here in this article a sample business plan guide on the cost, process, and techniques to start the cultivation of watermelons.

Watermelon is a warm-season crop. It needs a warm temperature of up to 80°C during the daytime. If you live in a cold climate, You can grow watermelon by starting seeds indoors and choosing short-season varieties. Watermelon cultivation is a highly profitable cash crop for small-scale and part-time farm owners. Watermelon is a juicy fruit and a member of the Cucurbitaceae family.

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The botanical name of the watermelon is Citrullus Lanatus. The fruit size varies from 5 to 30 pounds, depending on the variety. China, Turkey, Iran, the United States of America, India, and Brazil are the major watermelon producer country in the world. Here in this article, we have provided basic information to start a small-scale watermelon cultivation business.

7 Steps to Start Watermelon Farming Business

1. learn the health benefits of watermelons.

It is very important to have some understanding of the benefits of consuming watermelons before starting cultivation. Find below some of the benefits.

  • Watermelon’s high levels of lycopene are very effective at protecting cells from damage and may help lower the risk of heart disease, according to a study at Purdue University.
  • Watermelons are the perfect example of a food that can help you stay hydrated.
  • The watermelon contains fibre, which encourages a healthy digestive tract and helps keep you regular.
  • Watermelon is a natural diuretic that helps increase the flow of urine but does not strain the kidneys.
  • Rich in potassium, watermelon is a great natural electrolyte and thus helps regulate the action of nerves and muscles in our body.
  • Watermelon is a wonderful source of beta-carotene which is converted in the body to vitamin A.
  • The vitamin C content in watermelon is astoundingly high. Vitamin C is great at improving our immune system by maintaining the redox integrity of cells and thereby protecting them from reactive oxygen species.

2. Understand the Best Varieties For Watermelon Cultivation

Watermelon varieties fall into three broad classes based on how the seeds were developed. These are open-pollinated, F1 hybrid, and triploid or seedless. Open-pollinated varieties are developed through several generations of selection. F1 hybrid seed will be as much as five to 10 times as costly as open-pollinated seed, and available F1 hybrid varieties will change from year to year. If you want to use your own seed next year, buy an open-pollinated heirloom variety.

Some of the popular Indian watermelon varieties are:

  • Asahi Yamato – Mid-season variety, medium-sized fruits with an average fruit weight 6-8 kg. The rind colour is light green with deep pink flesh; TSS 11 to 13%. The fruits ripen in 95 days.
  • Sugar Baby – The fruit is slightly small in size, round in shape having a bluish-black rind and deep pink flesh with small seeds. TSS 11-13%; average weight 3-5 kg. The fruits ripen in 85 days.
  • Arka Jyoti – Cross between IIHR-20 & Crimson Sweet; mid-season variety; fruits round, rind colour is light green with dark green stripes and flesh crimson colour, TSS 11-13%. Average fruit weight 6-8kg.
  • Arka Manik – The fruits are round to oval with green rind and dull green stripes. The flesh is a deep red with, a very sweet taste with TSS 12-13%. The average fruit weight is 6 kg. It stands well in transport and storage. Resistant to powdery mildew and tolerant to anthracnose disease.
  • Improved Shipper – Fruits large in size with a dark green rind, average fruit weight 8-9 kg/ha, moderately sweet with TSS 8-9%.
  • Special No.1 – Early maturing variety, Fruits are round and small with red flesh and seeds, and average TSS is slightly lower than the Shipper variety.
  • Durgapura Meetha – A late maturing variety, fruits are round rind is thick and light green in colour, flesh sweet and dark red in colour, good keeping quality, TSS 11%, average fruit weight 6-8 kg, seed with black tip and margin. The fruit ripens in 125 days.
  • Durgapura Kesar – A late maturing variety. This is green in colour with stripes; flesh yellow in colour and moderately sweet, seeds are large. The average fruit weight is 4-5 kg.

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3. Suitable Agro-Climatic Condition For Watermelon Cultivation

Watermelon seeds germinate at soil temperatures of 68° to 95° F; however, germination below 70° is very slow. At a soil temperature of 77°, watermelon plants should emerge in about five days.  Watermelons do not cope well with extreme heat or the humid, soggy conditions of our wet season/summer. Fungal diseases and bugs will wipe them out in no time.

If you live in a cooler climate, then summer is the time to grow watermelons. You do need at least three months of reliably hot, sunny weather to grow and ripen a watermelon. During that time, your average daily maximum temperature should be at least about 20-25°C or 70-80F. Warmer is even better.

4. Suitable Soil For Watermelon Cultivation

Amend soil with aged manure, seaweed, and/or compost before planting. Watermelons are heavy feeders. Watermelons prefer a soil pH between 6 and 6.8. Mulching with black plastic will serve multiple purposes: it will warm the soil, hinder weed growth and keep developing fruits clean.

In fertilization, make sure it delivers more nitrogen than phosphorus and potassium. However, after flowering begins, use a fertilizer with less nitrogen. The most recommended is a liquid seaweed extract.

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5. How to Do Watermelon Cultivation From Seed

Watermelons are grown from seed. Watermelon seed germinates easily and quickly, within a few days. Watermelon plants outgrow the seedling stage very quickly, and they don’t like transplanting. Watering is very important from planting until the fruit begins to form. While melon plants are growing, blooming, and setting fruit, they need 1 to 2 inches of water per week.

Keep soil moist but not waterlogged. Water at the vine’s base in the morning, and try to avoid wetting the leaves and avoid overhead watering. Drip irrigation is also a good alternative. Reduce watering once fruits are growing. Dry weather produces the sweetest melon.

Watermelons grow male and female flowers on the same vine. The smaller male flowers appear first. The female flowers are much larger. Watermelon flowers are insect-pollinated. Hand pollination is also possible.

6. Plant Protection System For Watermelon Cultivation

The biggest watermelon pests are the leaf-eating beetles (they damage the flowers, too) like spotted and striped cucumber beetles, and pumpkin beetles with or without dots. The other main problem with growing watermelons is mildew, a fungus that makes the leaves look as if they were coated with white powder. The fungus thrives in damp, humid conditions. You must obtain precautions to overcome these problems.

7. Best Month for Watermelon Cultivation – Harvesting & Storage Techniques

Watermelons don’t sweeten after they are picked, so harvest time is important. Watermelons are hand-harvested at full maturity for the best taste and texture. Indicators of watermelon fruit maturity include a yellow spot on the fruit surface in contact with soil or plastic mulch; a brown, dried tendril where the fruit stem is joined to the watermelon vine; and a dull surface on top of the fruit.

Cooling the watermelons after harvest to 45-50°F will remove field heat and improve shelf life and taste. Watermelons will retain good quality for approximately 21-28 days if stored at 85-90 per cent humidity and 47-55°F.

Watermelons are grown for the fresh market. Large-scale producers (more than 20 acres) generally use brokers who provide marketing services to the producers. The average US farm price for watermelons in 2014 was $13.50 per hundredweight. The national seasonal average retail price for non-organic, red-fleshed, seeded type ranged between $ 0.31 to $0.38 per pound and $0.46 to $0.55 per pound for red-fleshed seedless.

The field method of sales, whether by the acre or by the pound, is preferred by many growers because it is relatively simple. Basically, the grower finds a buyer willing to purchase the entire field. Often, the buyer does the harvesting. Watermelon cultivation is profitable even for small farm owners having 1 acre of land.

Finally, the important things to Consider in starting Watermelon Cultivation are the following:

  • According to your agro-climatic condition, choose the right variety.
  • Check the soil condition and PH balance
  • Arrange the irrigation facility
  • Start planting at the right time (season)
  • Conduct some market research for fresh fruit selling
  • You must have proper knowledge about fertilization, planting, pollination, plant protection, and harvesting.
  • Prepare a budget and make the financial resources accessible
  • In the case of export, make a contract prior to the agents or companies.

Remember, watermelons take a considerably long time to grow, around ninety days. So patience is the key to being successful in this business. If you are a beginner, it is advised to start watermelon cultivation on a smaller scale, and then when profit starts coming in, scale up your business on a larger format.



How to start watermelon farm business plan tips guide.

Watermelon is one of the best fruits recommended for people who want to lose weight; and with the high rate of overweight or obesity, and numerous other health benefits that watermelon offers the body, the demand for watermelon has skyrocketed over the years.

Starting a watermelon growing business can produce massive profits, as three lots of watermelon fruit can be grown and harvested in one year. For this article, I will discuss why you should invest in watermelon farming, and how you can start your own watermelon farm in a short time.

4 Reasons why you should invest in the watermelon business

  • High rotation: A watermelon takes eighty-five days to mature from the date of planting. This means that you can have three sets of harvested watermelon fruit for sale within a year and if you started the business on a large plot of land, then you are sure to get great returns on your investment.
  • There is a ready market for your product: Watermelon also contains some enzymes that help fight the cancer cells in the body, so there will always be a great demand for watermelon.
  • Watermelon is resistant to pests: This means that the watermelon plant is resistant to the pests and diseases that usually affect plants; you will not have to spend a lot of money on greeting the pests that affect watermelon.
  • Very Easy to Start: As long as you have the necessary land space for cultivation, you do not need many other things to start your watermelon business; you do not need much technical knowledge to manage a watermelon farm.

3 Things you need to start a watermelon business

  • Large area of land: Each watermelon plant is called a vine; and the vines spread out as they mature and need space for the plant to bear larger fruit. I will talk more about the space needed for a watermelon plant to grow well.
  • Sunlight: A watermelon plant requires sunlight to grow well. Therefore, the earth’s space must be in a place where there is enough sunlight to nourish the plants.
  • Good seedling: The type of seedling you use will affect the yield or quality of the watermelon fruits your plants will produce. There are many different varieties of watermelon species, you must choose the variety you want and continue researching how to handle the growing process before embarking on it.

Starting a Watermelon Farm Business

1. get your land space:.

I mentioned earlier that it takes a lot of land to successfully run your watermelon farm. The first step is to find the land needed for cultivation in a place where the watermelon plants can receive six to eight hours of sunlight per day.

2. Seedling Source:

The next step is to find a healthy watermelon seedling. Farmers who already have their own watermelon growers can supply you with healthy seeds to use on your own farm.

3. Starting the growing process:

The growing process in watermelon cultivation is quite complicated as you need to plant the seedlings in a specific way to give them better space to germinate. When the watermelon seed is sown, each hole for the watermelon plant should be 1 foot deep and more than 1.5 feet wide. Cover the hole with fertilizer, place the seed on top and push with your finger until it reaches at least 0.5 feet deep.

For spacing, you should leave 8 feet between each plant to allow enough room for the vines to spread when the plant begins to grow. If possible, do the planting when it is hot, up to at least 70 degrees, because watermelon works best in hot climates.

4. Watering:

During the first weeks after planting, water the watermelon generously twice a week, then reduce the watering to once every two weeks as soon as the vines begin to sprout. This is to help increase the sugar content in the watermelon fruit. If a watermelon has a watery taste, it is because the grower continued to water it consistently even after the vines began to grow and did not give it the space needed to absorb the sugar from the soil.

5. Weed Control:

Because the watermelon plant is resistant to pests, more focus is needed on managing weeds on the farm; this can be done with herbicides.

6. Harvesting:

This is the part everyone is waiting for because harvesting means that the period of selling and earning money is just around the corner. I have already mentioned somewhere that a watermelon plant takes 85 days to mature.

The question is; how do you know your watermelon is ready for harvest? A watermelon is ready to be harvested when the fruit loses its bright outer appearance and also when the part of the fruit that touches the ground changes to a bright yellow color.

After the harvest, the final step is transportation from the farm to the wholesaler, retailer or final consumption for sale. To successfully sell your watermelon products, you need to know who your market is. The main market for your products are: fruit store owners, grocery store owners, restaurants and hotels, pharmaceutical companies that need watermelon extracts as raw material for the production of supplements.

At this stage of the article, I have covered several subtopics related to watermelon cultivation, including: reasons to start the watermelon cultivation business, things that are needed to start the business, and how to start the business. Finally, watermelon is a fresh product and is not expected to stay fresh for long after it has been harvested, so a feasibility study needs to be conducted in your area, even before starting the farm, to ensure that there is a ready market and high demand for your products.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Watermelon Farming and Cultivation Practices

Table of contents, commercial watermelon varieties and types, how to prepare ground for watermelon plantation, seed selection and germination, watermelon seed requirement per acre, watermelon planting and spacing, irrigation requirement and water management with drip system, fertilizer requirements and nutrient management, best weed control strategies, common pests and control strategies, integrated pest management in watermelon, common diseases and control management, watermelon vine training and support, how to pollinate watermelon vines, how to boost female flowers in watermelon crop, steps to pruning and thinning of watermelon vines, when and how to harvest watermelons, expected average yield of watermelon per acre, post-harvest management of watermelons.

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is a succulent fruit plant of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) native to tropical Africa and cultivated around the world. Due to their refreshing taste and nutritional value, watermelons are in high demand, making them a profitable crop to cultivate. Watermelon cultivation promotes soil health through its deep root system, which helps improve soil fertility over time.

Watermelon Farming and Cultivation Practices1

Watermelon Farming and Cultivation Practices

There are various types of Watermelons available in the market, each with its unique characteristics and qualities. Some popular commercial varieties include Crimson Sweet, Sugar Baby, Charleston Gray, and Jubilee. Some other varieties are Little Baby Flower, Yellow Doll, Crimson Sweet, Extazy, Golden Midget, Mickylee, Asahi Yamato, Arka Jyoti, Arka Manik, Durgapura Meetha, Durgapura Kesar, Jamboree, Lemon Krush, Sangria, Sentinel, Starbright, Summer Gold and Top Gun. Choosing the right commercial Watermelon variety depends on factors like climate, soil type, market demand, and personal preferences. 

Preparing the ground is key to a successful watermelon plantation. Start by selecting a well-drained area with plenty of sunlight. Clear any debris and weeds to provide a clean slate for your Watermelon seeds to thrive. Consider conducting a soil test to determine nutrient levels and pH balance. Based on the results, amend the soil with organic matter or fertilizers to optimize conditions for growth.

Remember that Watermelons require rich, fertile soil to produce sweet and juicy fruits. If your soil has poor drainage, create raised beds or mounds to prevent waterlogging during heavy rains. This will also help warm up the soil faster in cooler climates, promoting faster seed germination once planted.

Choose high-quality seeds from reputable suppliers to ensure good germination rates and healthy plants. Before planting, it’s essential to test the germination rate of your seeds. This can be done by placing a seed on a paper towel in a warm location and monitoring its progress over a few days.

Once you’ve selected your top-performing seeds, it’s time to prepare them for planting. Germination is the process where the seed sprouts and begins to grow into a seedling. Ensure proper moisture levels, warmth, and oxygen supply during this critical stage to support healthy growth.

The number of seeds needed for planting varies based on soil quality and desired yield. For smaller-sized Watermelons, you may require around 2-3 pounds of seeds per acre. However, if you are aiming for larger fruits, you might need up to 5-6 pounds of seeds. It’s important to source high-quality seeds from reputable suppliers to ensure a successful crop. Prioritize hybrid varieties that are known for their disease resistance and high productivity.

In case you missed it: Field Preparation for Watermelon: Requirements for High Yield

Watermelon growing in the home garden

Proper spacing allows each plant to have enough room to thrive without competing for resources. Before planting your Watermelon seeds or seedlings, ensure you have prepared the ground adequately by tilling the soil and adding compost or fertilizer. Watermelons typically require about 2-3 feet of space between plants, with rows spaced around 6-8 feet apart. This ample spacing ensures that the vines have enough room to spread out as they grow and produce fruit. Remember that Watermelon plants are heavy feeders and need consistent watering throughout their growing season.

The effective method of water management is using a drip system. This delivers water directly to the plant’s roots, reducing waste and promoting efficient water usage. Drip irrigation helps maintain soil moisture levels consistently throughout the season, which is crucial for the development of healthy Watermelon plants. Additionally, utilizing a drip system can help prevent weed growth by targeting the root zone of the Watermelon plants specifically. This reduces competition for nutrients and allows your crop to thrive without being hindered by unwanted vegetation.

When it comes to Watermelon farming, ensuring proper fertilizer requirements and nutrient management is crucial for achieving a bountiful harvest. Fertilizers provide essential nutrients that are vital for the growth and development of Watermelon plants. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are key elements necessary for healthy plant growth. Before applying fertilizers, conducting soil tests can help determine the specific needs of your crop. This information will guide you in selecting the right type and number of fertilizers to optimize plant health.

Organic fertilizers can help to promote microbial activity, enhancing nutrient availability to the plants. Regular monitoring of plant health indicators like leaf color and size can also indicate if any deficiencies need to be addressed through appropriate fertilization practices. By implementing a well-planned fertilizer regimen based on your soil’s needs, you can support robust growth in your Watermelon plants, leading to a successful harvest season.

Weed control is crucial in Watermelon farming to ensure the plants have access to all the nutrients and resources they need. One of the best strategies is mulching, which helps smother weeds and retain soil moisture. Organic mulches can be effective while also improving soil quality over time. Another effective method is hand weeding, especially during the early plant growth stages when weeds are easier to remove without damaging the Watermelon vines.

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watermelon growing in the garden

Cultivating between rows with a hoe can also help keep weed populations in check. Utilizing cover crops can outcompete weeds for space and resources while adding organic matter to the soil when turned under. Additionally, using pre-emergent herbicides before planting can prevent weed seeds from germinating, reducing overall weed pressure throughout the season.

Some common pests that can wreak havoc on your crop if not managed effectively. Some of the most prevalent pests in Watermelon cultivation include aphids, whiteflies, and cucumber beetles. Aphids are small insects that cause stunted growth and transmit diseases. Whiteflies can lead to wilting and yellowing of leaves. Cucumber beetles chew on leaves and stems, potentially spreading bacterial wilt.

To control these pests, farmers often employ integrated pest management methods such as crop rotation, beneficial insect release, and the use of organic pesticides when necessary. Monitoring pest populations regularly is crucial to catch infestations before they cause damage to your Watermelon crop. Implementing effective pest control strategies is essential for a successful harvest and ensuring the health of your Watermelon plants throughout their growth cycle.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Watermelon farming involves using a different combination of methods to manage pests effectively. This approach focuses on natural predators, crop rotation, and the minimal use of pesticides. By encouraging beneficial insects, farmers can reduce pest populations naturally.

Crop diversification is another key aspect of IPM. Rotating Watermelon crops with other plants helps break pest cycles and maintain soil health. Additionally, monitoring pest populations regularly allows farmers to intervene at the right time with targeted solutions. Implementing physical barriers such as row covers can also protect Watermelon plants from pests without relying solely on chemicals. By adopting these holistic strategies, farmers can minimize pesticide usage while maintaining healthy crop yields.

Watermelon plants are affected by various diseases that can significantly impact their growth and productivity. One common disease is Powdery Mildew, which presents as a white powdery substance on the leaves, affecting photosynthesis. To combat this, proper air circulation and fungicidal sprays can be used. Another prevalent issue is Anthracnose, causing dark lesions on vines and fruit; managing humidity levels can help prevent its spread.

Fusarium Wilt is a soil-borne fungus that attacks the plant’s vascular system, leading to wilting and death. Crop rotation and resistant varieties are effective control measures against this disease. Additionally, Gummy Stem Blight causes vine lesions and fruit rot; sanitation practices like removing infected plant debris can mitigate its impact. Regular monitoring for disease symptoms is crucial for early intervention to protect your Watermelon crop from devastation.

As the vines grow, they need proper guidance to ensure optimal fruit development. Training the vines involves gently redirecting them along a trellis or support structure to prevent them from sprawling all over the ground. This not only saves space but also promotes air circulation around the Watermelon plants, reducing the risk of diseases.

In case you missed it: How to Grow Watermelon from Seed to Harvest: Check How this Guide Helps Beginners

Watermelon ready to harvest

Supporting the Watermelon vines is essential to prevent them from breaking under their weight as they produce large fruits. Using materials like twine or fabric strips, carefully tie up the vines to keep them upright and stable. This practice also helps distribute nutrients more evenly throughout the plant, leading to healthier growth and better fruit quality. Properly managed vines result in higher yields and superior-quality fruits that are sure to impress both you and your customers.

Pollinating Watermelon vines is a crucial step in ensuring a bountiful harvest. To effectively pollinate your Watermelon plants, consider attracting pollinators like bees to your garden by planting bee-friendly flowers nearby. Additionally, you can hand-pollinate the flowers using a small brush or cotton swab.

When the male and female flowers are open simultaneously, gently transfer pollen from the male flower’s stamen to the female flower’s stigma. This manual process mimics natural pollination and increases the chances of a successful fruit set. Be attentive to factors like temperature and humidity that may affect pollen viability and bee activity.

If you’re looking to boost the number of female flowers in your Watermelon crop, there are a few simple tips you can follow. One effective method is to provide adequate sunlight for your plants, as they require plenty of light to encourage flower production. Additionally, ensuring that your plants receive sufficient nutrients through proper fertilization can also help promote the growth of female flowers.

Another technique is hand pollination, where you can transfer pollen from the male part of the flower to female flowers using a small brush or cotton swab. This manual intervention can increase the chances of successful pollination and fruit set. Moreover, avoiding stress factors such as fluctuations in temperature or inadequate watering can help encourage more female flower development.

Pruning and thinning Watermelon vines is a crucial step in ensuring a bountiful harvest. Start by identifying the main vine and side shoots – remove any excess side shoots to redirect energy toward fruit development. Regularly check for overcrowding and prune accordingly, allowing for better airflow and sunlight penetration. Be gentle when pruning to avoid damaging the vines.

In case you missed it: Top 20 Steps to Boost Watermelon Yield: How to Increase Fruit Size, Quality, and Production

Farmer harvesting watermelon berry

Thinning involves removing smaller or misshapen fruits to promote the growth of larger, healthier ones. This process helps prevent competition among fruits and ensures uniform ripening. Remember to use clean, sharp tools to minimize stress on the plants. Prune selectively based on plant health and growth patterns rather than following a strict schedule.

Generally, Watermelons are ready to be harvested when they reach full maturity, which can vary depending on the variety and growing conditions. As a rule of thumb, most Watermelons are ready to be harvested 75-80 days after planting. One way to tell if a Watermelon is ready for harvest is by looking at the tendril closest to the fruit – if it’s dried up and turned brown, your melon is likely ripe.

Another method is by examining the spot where the melon rests on the ground – if it changes from white to a creamy yellow color, that’s a good sign that it’s ready to be picked. And, of course, there’s always the classic thumping technique – a ripe Watermelon should sound hollow when tapped.

Once you’ve determined that your Watermelon is indeed ripe, it’s time to carefully cut it from the vine using shears or a sharp knife. To harvest your Watermelon, use a sharp knife or shears to cut through the stem about an inch above where it connects to the fruit. Be gentle with handling them as they can be quite delicate.

Watermelon farming is a rewarding venture with the potential for high yields per acre. The expected average yield of Watermelons can vary depending on soil quality and proper cultivation practices. On average, a well-managed Watermelon farm can yield around 25,000 to 60,000 pounds of Watermelon per acre. To achieve optimal yields, it is crucial to follow recommended planting techniques to provide adequate irrigation and nutrient management throughout the growing season.

Proper post-harvest management is crucial to maintaining watermelons’ shelf life after harvest. Start by sorting the Watermelons based on size, shape, and ripeness. This helps categorize them for different markets or storage purposes. Next, wash the Watermelons with clean water to remove any dirt or debris from the surface. Ensure they are dried properly before storing them to prevent mold growth.

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small round watermelon growing in the farm yard

Store the Watermelons in a cool and dry environment to slow down ripening and preserve freshness. Regularly check for spoilage signs, such as soft spots or mold growth. Rotate the stock regularly to ensure that older fruits are sold first or consumed before fresher ones. Proper post-harvest management practices can significantly impact the overall quality of your Watermelon produce and increase consumer satisfaction.

Watermelon farming is an agricultural practice focused on cultivating Watermelon plants for their juicy and refreshing fruits. Watermelon farming offers numerous benefits, including a high demand for this popular fruit in markets worldwide. The importance of Watermelon farming lies in its economic viability for farmers, as it can generate significant income when managed effectively. Additionally, Watermelons play a crucial role in food security by providing a nutritious option for consumers globally.

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This is wonderful post.

In addition, farmers should ensure they spray lime in their farm. This will provide the watermelon plant with enough calcium that will prevent bottom end rot caused by calcium deficiencies.

Also, ensure you are careful when weeding your farm with mechanical instruments to avoid bruising the young fruits. The fruit may rot from that point.

One more thing to look out for is the gummy step blight disease. It is a fungal disease that softens the rind of watermelon and often leaves a black spot at the point of rot.

Please I want to buy watermelon seed for planting.

Actually I had red the Watermelon literature which made me comfortable. Myself I want to grow the crop, and I need the hardcopy of this literature, how may I got it?

Sir I have capsicum in my farm, if there are requirement then please let me know

I also have watermelon and we will be harvesting in the month of May, if required, please let me know.

I have planted water melon in Makkah. Its green long type and now its about 3 weeks. Can some body please help me, problem is that after some days the end of the fruit becomes black and slowly shrink in that area. Please give the suggestion to overcome this problem. How to protect the fruit from bugs and beetles. Thanking you,

i’ve always wondered how to grow watermelon? and made conclusion Every gardener should plant a hill or two of watermelons as they are easy to grow and, oh so good on sultry summer afternoons. it could be very easy with people to help in farm and advanced farming machine technology

i just start planting…

I find the post interesting, but how can the pests and fungi be controlled?

Please tell me on how to stop pest and fungus growth

This information on growing watermelon as well as the health benefits is fascinating. It has inspired me the ambition to planting my own watermelon crop. If I can get a hard copy of this information, it would be helpful to me a lot.

thanks for the information on how tog grow water melon and it inspired me please keep updating

What is the right amount of water per plant.please can anybody help?

How much a cost of a seed and where can I get a market of watermelon?

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Watermelon Farming Business Ideas & Cultivation Process

Watermelon Farming Business Ideas & Cultivation Process

Watermelon is a zaid crop as it can be quickly grown in irrigated land. And farmers do not need to wait for the monsoon to grow watermelon because the special thing about watermelon cultivation is that it can be produced with less water and fertiliser at a minimum cost. Do you know where watermelons are native? They are native to Africa and have been cultivated since ancient times. And, amazingly watermelon is the main part of summer fruit as it contains 93% water with low calories. That’s why it is consumed very much in the summer. In this blow, we’ll explain how the watermelon farming business is profitable.

Table of Contents

What is Watermelon Farming

Watermelon comes from the house of the Cucurbitaceae family. It is a warm annual season fruit in India, a large and juicy fruit loaded with good nutrients. The fruit is filled with water and can be eaten raw. You can grow watermelon quickly on your farms as it is easy to grow. Watermelon can be produced on sandy loam rich, and the ideal PH range is 6.5-7.5.

Few Benefits of Watermelon

Here are some of the advantages of watermelon to keep us in a healthy zone. And, For thriving production, always use good quality watermelon seeds for agriculture.

  • It helps you to be hydrated
  • Loaded with nutrients and beneficial plant components
  • It has anti-cancer effects and improves heart health
  • Reduce inflammation and oxidative anxiety 
  • It helps to prevent macular degeneration
  • Improve skin health and digestion
  • It relieves muscle soreness

And, the essential watermelon benefit is to grow with organic compost. Organic watermelon farming can be an option to make more profit in this unhealthy environment because the demand for organic products is increasing. Watermelon organic farming for organic products is also good to keep people healthy in this polluted environment. 

Watermelon Production in India 

Watermelon Production in India 

We know about watermelon’s colour, shape, and taste, but many of us do not know how to cultivate watermelon and its other things. So let’s know about the cultivation of watermelon. 

Light & Soil for Watermelon 

For thriving watermelon farming, it needs full sunlight because it helps to develop sugars in the watermelons. Moreover, high temperatures are considered for excellent watermelon farming because it increases fruit growth. Farmers can quickly cultivate it on infertile land, although rich sandy, loamy soil is best. It also requires a 5.5 – 7.0 pH level for its production. And, more farmers use organic components, so it grows more healthy.

Watermelon Spacing

Watermelon spacing followed by farmers in cultivation is 4 – 5 feet in between rows. Also, keep spacing for watermelon 2 feet to 2.5 feet in between plants. The number of plants per acre may range from 3400 to 4500.

Irrigation for Watermelon

Irrigation for Watermelon

When watermelons grow at the initial level, it needs regular watering. But when they are setting fruits, their need for water slowly decreases. In fact, if they get too much water, they will lose their sweetness. If we talk about their temperature, it needs hot conditions for production. Also, they will grow equally well in humid and arid conditions, but it requires adequate soil moisture.  

Fertilizer for Watermelon

Before sowing, the soil should be well prepared with organic manure because it helps in better growth. Also, farmers can add a layer of compost in the mid-season to grow watermelons steadily. So make sure your soil is not lacking in organic matter. And, if you prefer to use chemical fertiliser, then feed early with a fertiliser that includes more nitrogen than potassium and phosphorus, as this will boost leaf and vine development. But after flowering, fertilise a second time with a low-nitrogen fertiliser that promotes flower and fruit growth.

Watermelon Harvesting

Watermelon Harvesting

It’s hard to find out if your fruit is fully grown or not, but here we are with a few advice that will help you to determine watermelon harvesting time when they are ready. 

So, If its tendril gets dried and its whitish colour becomes yellow after touching soil, that’s the perfect time for harvesting watermelon. Make sure not to pluck Immature fruit. They don’t have rich sugar content or colour. Even uncut melons can store for up to 2 weeks. 

Watermelon Farming Profit 

When it comes to watermelon farming, it is a very profitable crop due to the income per acre and increasing demand. By growing watermelons in a farm, farmers get a profit of 2 to 3 lakh in 3 months. Also, the watermelon farming business idea is best for both commercial farmers and marginal farmers, and they can make more profit at a minimum cost. 

In addition, commercial watermelon farming offers a huge profit by exporting the outcomes to other states and countries. Actually, the green part (shelf life) of watermelon lasts longer. And its most eaten part remains edible for at least 3 to 4 weeks after harvesting if it doesn’t have spots or patches. That’s why by exporting watermelons, farmers can make a massive profit. 

Facts about Watermelon 

  • It takes about 90 days to grow, from sowing to harvesting.
  • The green part of the watermelon is also edible.
  • 3rd August is National Watermelon Day.

Above showing all the details are helpful for you to cultivate watermelon. If you want to know more information regarding watermelon agriculture, be with Tractor Junction.   

Frequently Asked Questions About Watermelon Farming

Que. How many watermelon plants can you grow in an acre? Ans. 4535 to 31751 Kg of watermelon can grown on one acre of land.

Que.   What is the best fertilizer for watermelon?

Ans. Nitrogen-based fertilizer is the best fertilizer for watermelon.

Que.  Which country is highly producing watermelon?

Ans. China is the largest producer of watermelon in the world.

Que.   How much investment is required in watermelon farming?

Ans.  The investment is about Rs. 55000 for 1 acre of land.

Que .  What is the lifespan of a watermelon plant?

Ans.  3- 4 months is the lifespan of a watermelon plant.

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9 Essential Steps to Launch Your Lucrative Watermelon Farming Business

By henry sheykin, resources on watermelon farming.

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How To Open/Start/Launch a Watermelon Farming Business in 9 Steps: Checklist

Watermelon, the juicy and refreshing summer fruit, has a growing demand in the market. With its increasing popularity, starting a watermelon farming business can be a profitable endeavor. According to recent statistics, the watermelon industry in the US has been experiencing steady growth, with a market value of over $2 billion in the past year. This presents a lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to enter the agricultural sector.

However, like any business venture, starting a watermelon farm requires careful planning, thorough research, and strategic execution. To help you navigate the process, we have outlined nine essential steps to open your own watermelon farming business.

From conducting market research, developing a comprehensive business plan, to securing land and identifying funding sources, each step in this checklist is designed to set you on the path to success. By following these steps, you can establish a solid foundation for your watermelon farm and optimize your chances of profitability.

Moreover, in the highly competitive agricultural market, it is crucial to stand out and build strong relationships with your customers. Through this blog post, we will explore various strategies to enhance your brand visibility and engage with consumers. By leveraging social media, cultivating relationships with local markets, and implementing value-added services, your watermelon farm can differentiate itself from competitors and thrive.

So, if you have a passion for farming and want to tap into the growing demand for watermelons, join us as we delve into the nine essential steps to open and launch your own watermelon farming business.

9-Steps to Start a Watermelon Farming Business: Checklist

Prior to launching a watermelon farming business, it is essential to undertake several key steps to ensure its success. These steps will help you establish a solid foundation and make informed decisions throughout your entrepreneurial journey. Here is a checklist of the nine important steps to consider:

Please note that the time and cost estimates provided above are approximate and can vary based on various factors such as location, scale of the operation, and personal preferences.

By following this checklist diligently, you will be well-prepared to open your watermelon farming business and navigate the challenges of the market. Remember, success in the agricultural industry requires not only hard work and dedication but also strategic planning and adaptability.

Conduct Market Research And Analysis

Before starting a watermelon farming business, it is crucial to conduct thorough market research and analysis to understand the demand, competition, and trends in the industry. This step will provide valuable insights that will help you make informed decisions and develop a successful business strategy.

  • Identify your target market: Determine who your potential customers are and understand their preferences, buying habits, and behavior. This will help you tailor your products and marketing efforts to meet their needs.
  • Analyze the competition: Study existing watermelon farms in your area and identify their strengths, weaknesses, and pricing strategies. This analysis will help you differentiate your business and develop a competitive advantage.
  • Assess market demand: Evaluate the demand for watermelons in your local market and surrounding areas. Understand the seasonal variations, peak demand periods, and potential growth opportunities.
  • Explore pricing and profitability: Determine the optimal pricing structure for your watermelons based on production costs, market trends, and customer preferences. Calculate potential profits and assess the feasibility of the business.

Tips for conducting market research and analysis:

  • Visit farmers' markets and online marketplaces to observe customer behavior and understand product preferences.
  • Engage with potential customers through surveys, focus groups, and online questionnaires to gather feedback.
  • Collect data on current watermelon prices, production volumes, and market trends to make informed pricing decisions.
  • Attend industry conferences, trade shows, and networking events to connect with experienced farmers and gain insights.

Develop A Comprehensive Business Plan

Developing a comprehensive business plan is essential for starting a successful watermelon farming business. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your business, outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections. It will also help you secure funding and attract potential investors.

Here are some key steps to follow when developing your business plan:

  • Research the market: Conduct thorough market research to understand the demand for watermelons in your area, identify your target audience, and analyze competitors in the market. This information will help you determine the viability and potential profitability of your business.
  • Define your business goals: Clearly outline your short-term and long-term goals for your watermelon farming business. Include financial targets, production goals, and any other objectives you wish to achieve.
  • Outline your production strategy: Determine the specific variety of watermelons you plan to grow, the size of your farm, and your intended production capacity. Include details on the planting, cultivation, and harvesting techniques you will employ.
  • Develop a marketing plan: Outline your strategies for promoting and selling your watermelons. Identify the target market segments you will focus on and the channels you will utilize to reach potential customers. Include plans for online marketing, social media engagement, and participation in local farmers' markets or roadside stands.
  • Financial projections: Develop a detailed financial model that includes projected revenues, expenses, and profitability. Consider factors such as production costs, pricing, and potential seasonal fluctuations in demand. This will help you assess the financial feasibility of your business and plan accordingly.
  • Ensure your business plan is realistic and achievable. Avoid making overly optimistic projections or assumptions that may not align with market realities.
  • Consider seeking guidance from a business advisor or agricultural expert to ensure your business plan is comprehensive and accurate.
  • Regularly review and update your business plan as your watermelon farming business evolves. This will help you adapt to changing market conditions and make informed strategic decisions.

By developing a comprehensive business plan, you will have a clear vision for your watermelon farming business and be better equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Create A Financial Model And Identify Funding Sources

Creating a comprehensive financial model is crucial for the success of your watermelon farming business. It will help you understand the financial feasibility of your venture, forecast potential revenues and expenses, and make informed decisions. Here are the key steps to follow when creating a financial model:

  • Estimate startup costs: Determine the initial expenses required to set up your watermelon farming business, including land acquisition or lease, farming equipment, seeds, irrigation systems, labor, and marketing.
  • Project revenues: Research the market prices of watermelons in your area and estimate the potential sales volume based on your production capacity. Consider seasonal variations and competition.
  • Forecast expenses: Take into account ongoing operational costs such as labor, fertilizers, pesticides, water, electricity, maintenance, and transportation. Also, include marketing expenses, packaging materials, and any value-added services you plan to offer.
  • Analyze profitability: Calculate your projected profits by subtracting the total expenses from the projected revenues. Assess different scenarios to identify potential risks and opportunities.
  • Identify funding sources: Explore various funding options to secure the necessary capital for your watermelon farming business. Consider self-financing, loans from financial institutions, grants, and potential partnerships with investors or agricultural organizations.
  • Consult with experts or agricultural advisors to get accurate data and guidance when creating your financial model.
  • Research and approach local agricultural organizations or government programs that offer financial assistance or grants for new farming businesses.
  • Consider crowdfunding platforms and online agricultural lending platforms as alternative funding sources.
  • Prepare a compelling business plan and financial projections to attract potential investors or lenders.

By meticulously creating a financial model and identifying the right funding sources, you will be well-equipped to start your watermelon farming business with confidence and sustainability.

Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses

Before starting a watermelon farming business, it is important to obtain all the necessary permits and licenses required by your local government or agricultural authorities. These permits ensure that you are operating legally and in compliance with all regulations and standards.

Here are the key steps to obtain necessary permits and licenses for your watermelon farming business:

  • Contact your local government or agricultural authorities to understand the specific requirements for operating a watermelon farm in your area.
  • Identify the permits and licenses that are needed, such as agricultural production permits, business licenses, and food handling permits if you plan to offer value-added services.
  • Fill out the necessary application forms and provide any required documentation, such as proof of land ownership or lease agreement.
  • Prepare for any inspections or audits that may be conducted by regulatory authorities to ensure compliance with health and safety standards.
  • Pay any applicable fees associated with the permits and licenses.
  • Keep track of renewal dates for permits and licenses to ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Research and understand the specific permit and licensing requirements for your area well in advance to avoid any delays in starting your watermelon farming business.
  • Consult with local farmers or agricultural associations for guidance on the permit and licensing process.
  • Maintain clear records of all permits and licenses obtained, as they may need to be displayed or provided upon request during inspections or audits.
  • Stay updated on any changes or updates to regulations and make any necessary adjustments to your permits and licenses.

By obtaining the necessary permits and licenses, you can ensure that your watermelon farming business operates legally and meets all regulatory requirements. This not only protects your business from potential penalties and fines but also helps build trust and credibility with customers and partners.

Secure Land Or Lease Agreement For Watermelon Farming

Securing the right land or lease agreement is crucial for the success of your watermelon farming business. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Research suitable locations: Identify areas with suitable soil and climate conditions for watermelon cultivation. Consider factors such as access to water sources and proximity to target markets.
  • Network with local farmers: Connect with local farmers and agricultural organizations to gain insights into the availability of land or lease opportunities. They can provide valuable recommendations and references.
  • Reach out to landowners: Contact landowners who may have suitable land for watermelon farming. This can be done through direct communication, local agricultural boards, or real estate agents specializing in agricultural properties.
  • Negotiate lease terms: If you decide to lease land, negotiate lease terms that align with your business goals and profitability. Consider factors such as lease duration, rent amount, and any additional responsibilities or restrictions.
  • Ensure the land has proper drainage and access to irrigation systems to support healthy watermelon growth.
  • Consider the size and scalability of the land to accommodate your current and future farming needs.
  • Seek legal advice to ensure you understand and comply with local zoning regulations and environmental requirements.

By securing the right land or lease agreement, you can establish a solid foundation for your watermelon farming business and ensure optimal growing conditions for your crop. This step is vital to achieving long-term success and profitability.

Purchase Or Lease Necessary Farming Equipment And Supplies

Once you have secured land or a lease agreement for your watermelon farming business, it is crucial to acquire the necessary farming equipment and supplies to effectively cultivate and harvest your crop. This step is vital to ensure the smooth operation of your farm and maximize productivity.

Here are some important considerations when purchasing or leasing farming equipment and supplies:

  • Identify your specific requirements: Determine the equipment and supplies you need based on the scale and nature of your watermelon farm. This may include tractors, irrigation systems, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, mulch, and protective gear for workers.
  • Research reliable suppliers: Look for reputable suppliers that offer high-quality equipment and supplies. Check reviews, compare prices, and consider warranties or after-sales support.
  • Consider purchasing or leasing: Evaluate whether it is more cost-effective to purchase or lease the equipment and supplies. Leasing can be a viable option, especially if you have limited funds or don't require the equipment year-round.
  • Explore partnerships or collaborations: Consider partnering with neighboring farmers or agricultural organizations to share the cost of purchasing or leasing equipment. Collaborative efforts can help reduce expenses and strengthen your network.
  • Ensure proper maintenance: Regular maintenance and servicing of your equipment are essential to keep them in optimal condition. Create a maintenance schedule or seek professional assistance to prolong the lifespan of your equipment.
  • Consider purchasing used equipment from reputable sources to save costs, but ensure they are in good working condition.
  • Invest in equipment and supplies that are efficient and suitable for your specific farming practices to enhance productivity and reduce waste.
  • Join agricultural forums or networks to gain insights from experienced farmers regarding the most reliable and efficient equipment and supplies for watermelon farming.

By carefully selecting and acquiring the necessary farming equipment and supplies, you will be equipped with the tools needed to cultivate a successful watermelon farm.

Build Relationships With Local Farmers' Markets, Roadside Stands, And Online Marketplaces

One of the key aspects of running a successful watermelon farming business is building strong relationships with local farmers' markets, roadside stands, and online marketplaces. These partnerships can help you expand your customer base and increase your sales potential. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Research Local Markets: Identify the farmers' markets, roadside stands, and online marketplaces in your area that align with your target market and have a high demand for watermelons.
  • Attend Market Events: Visit local farmers' markets and roadside stands to get a sense of the market dynamics, meet potential buyers, and understand their specific requirements and preferences.
  • Reach Out to Market Managers: Contact the managers or organizers of local farmers' markets and roadside stands to express your interest in selling your watermelons at their venues. Inquire about their application process, fees, and any specific regulations you need to comply with.
  • Showcase Your Products: Set up an attractive display at farmers' markets and roadside stands to showcase your fresh and delicious watermelons. Use eye-catching signage and packaging to capture the attention of potential customers.
  • Communicate Your Unique Selling Points: Clearly communicate the unique qualities and benefits of your watermelons to market-goers. Highlight the factors that differentiate your farm, such as your organic farming practices or use of heirloom varieties.
  • Establish Relationships: Build rapport with market managers, fellow farmers, and customers. Offer samples, engage in friendly conversations, and ask for feedback to demonstrate your commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Explore Online Marketplaces: In addition to physical markets and stands, consider selling your watermelons on online marketplaces. Create compelling product listings and leverage customer reviews to build trust with online buyers.
  • Participate in local agricultural fairs or festivals to connect with potential customers and showcase your watermelons.
  • Offer attractive pricing and promotional deals to incentivize customers to choose your watermelons over competitors.
  • Collaborate with other local farmers to offer customers a diverse selection of seasonal produce, creating a win-win situation for all parties involved.

Building strong relationships with farmers' markets, roadside stands, and online marketplaces is crucial for the success of your watermelon farming business. By working closely with these channels, you can maximize your market reach and ensure a steady demand for your products.

Develop A Strong Online Presence Through Social Media And Digital Marketing

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business, including a watermelon farming business. Social media platforms and digital marketing techniques provide effective tools to reach a wider audience, engage with customers, and promote your brand.

To develop a strong online presence, consider the following tips:

  • Identify your target audience: Determine the demographics and preferences of your potential customers. This will help you tailor your content and marketing strategies effectively.
  • Create engaging content: Produce high-quality and visually appealing content related to watermelon farming, such as educational posts, recipe ideas, or behind-the-scenes glimpses of your farm. This will attract and retain the attention of your audience.
  • Utilize social media platforms: Choose the social media platforms that are most popular amongst your target audience, such as Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. Regularly post engaging content, interact with followers, and use relevant hashtags to increase your reach.
  • Collaborate with influencers: Partnering with influencers in the agricultural or food industry can significantly boost your online visibility. Consider reaching out to relevant influencers who can promote your watermelon farm to their followers.
  • Optimize your website and SEO: Ensure that your website is user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for search engines. Use relevant keywords throughout your website content to increase its visibility in search engine results.
  • Run targeted online advertisements: Invest in digital advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads to reach a broader audience. Target your ads based on demographics and interests to maximize their effectiveness.

Focusing on these aspects of social media and digital marketing will help you establish and grow a strong online presence for your watermelon farming business. Embrace the power of technology and online platforms to connect with customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales.

Implement Value-Added Services Such As Home Delivery And Customized Packaging.

Once your watermelon farm is up and running, offering value-added services can help differentiate your business and attract more customers. Two key services to consider are home delivery and customized packaging.

Home Delivery: Providing the convenience of home delivery can be a major selling point for busy customers who may not have the time to visit farmers' markets or roadside stands. Consider setting up a delivery service to bring fresh, juicy watermelons directly to your customers' doorsteps. This can be done through partnerships with local delivery companies or by starting your own delivery fleet.

Customized Packaging: Stand out from the competition by offering customized packaging for your watermelons. This can include branding your packaging with your farm's logo or using eco-friendly materials to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. Personalize the packaging further by including recipe cards or information about the health benefits of watermelons.

Tips for Implementing Value-Added Services:

  • Do market research to understand your customers' preferences and needs. Tailor your value-added services accordingly.
  • Invest in reliable delivery vehicles or partner with a trustworthy delivery service to ensure prompt and safe delivery of your watermelons.
  • Consider offering subscription boxes or bundling options to encourage repeat purchases and increase customer loyalty.
  • Seek feedback from your customers regularly to identify areas for improvement and to refine your value-added services.

Implementing value-added services like home delivery and customized packaging can take your watermelon farming business to the next level. These services not only provide added convenience to your customers but also help build brand loyalty and enhance the overall customer experience.

Starting a watermelon farming business in the US can be a profitable venture, especially when adopting the direct-to-consumer model. By conducting thorough market research, developing a comprehensive business plan, and securing the necessary permits and licenses, aspiring farmers can lay a strong foundation for success. Additionally, building relationships with local farmers' markets, roadside stands, and online marketplaces, as well as establishing a robust online presence through social media and digital marketing, can help farmers reach a wider customer base and drive sales. By implementing value-added services and offering exceptional customer service, watermelon farmers can differentiate themselves in a competitive market and build loyal customer relationships. With careful planning and execution, this business opportunity holds great potential for those willing to invest in their success.

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How To Start A Lucrative Watermelon Farming Business In Nigeria And Africa: The Complete Guide

Watermelon farming is an important aspect of agriculture in Nigeria and Africa, providing numerous benefits and opportunities for farmers and entrepreneurs. In Nigeria, watermelon is one of the most important fruits produced for both domestic consumption and export. The country is ranked as one of the top watermelon producing countries in Africa, with an estimated annual production of about 1.5 million tons.

Globally, watermelon is a major crop with China being the largest producer, followed by Turkey, Iran, and the United States. Watermelon is in high demand due to its nutritional benefits, with a high water content and rich in vitamins and minerals. In Nigeria and Africa, it is a popular fruit consumed by many, especially during the hot season.

Watermelon farming provides great export opportunities for Nigerian and African farmers. Nigeria is among the largest exporters of watermelon in Africa, with major markets in Europe and Asia. The export market for watermelon from Nigeria is growing and provides a good opportunity for farmers and entrepreneurs to generate income and boost the economy.

Furthermore, watermelon farming requires low capital investment and has a high return on investment, making it an attractive venture for farmers and investors. The market demand for watermelon is high, providing a good opportunity for farmers to make a profit.

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What Is A Watermelon?

Watermelon, also known by its scientific name Citrullus lanatus, is a sweet, juicy fruit that is popular for its high water content and refreshing taste. It is grown commercially and in small scale farms in Nigeria and other parts of Africa for local consumption and export. Watermelon farming in Africa is a lucrative business due to the high demand for the fruit.

What Is Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa About?

Watermelon farming is the agricultural practice of cultivating watermelons for commercial purposes in Nigeria and Africa. Watermelon is a juicy and refreshing fruit with high nutritional and economic value. The fruit is widely consumed in Nigeria and other African countries, making watermelon farming a potentially lucrative business. The farming process includes planting, fertilizing, irrigating, weeding, and harvesting the crop.

Watermelons grow best in warm and humid environments with well-drained soils. The fruit is typically harvested 80 to 90 days after planting and can be sold fresh or processed into juice, jam, or other products. With the growing demand for watermelons in local and international markets, watermelon farming presents a significant opportunity for farmers and agribusinesses in Nigeria and Africa.

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Benefits of Watermelon Farming In Nigeria  and Africa

  • Profitability: Watermelon farming is a profitable venture that can generate significant income due to the high demand for the fruit in local and international markets.
  • Health Benefits: Watermelons are a rich source of nutrients, including vitamin C, A, and potassium. They also have high water content, making them a great thirst quencher, especially during hot weather.
  • Versatility: Watermelons have versatile uses. They can be consumed fresh, juiced, or used as an ingredient in various food recipes.
  • Low startup costs: Watermelon farming requires minimal investment, making it an ideal option for small-scale farmers or those starting a new farming business.
  • Fast growth: Watermelons have a short maturity period, usually between 75-90 days, which means farmers can quickly harvest and sell their produce.
  • High yields: Watermelon plants produce high yields, with one plant yielding up to six fruits on average.
  • Drought-tolerant: Watermelons are drought-tolerant, making them suitable for farming in areas with low rainfall or water shortages.
  • Job creation: Watermelon farming can create job opportunities for people in rural communities, especially during peak seasons when there is a high demand for labor.
  • Soil enrichment: Watermelons are known to improve soil health through the addition of organic matter, making it a suitable crop for crop rotation.
  • Environmental benefits: Watermelon farming has environmental benefits, such as reducing soil erosion, conserving water, and promoting soil health through the use of organic matter.

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Health Benefits of Watermelons

  • Promotes hydration – watermelon is 92% water, making it an excellent way to stay hydrated.
  • Boosts immune system – watermelon is rich in vitamins A and C, which are essential for a healthy immune system.
  • Helps prevent cancer – watermelon is high in antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage and may reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Improves heart health – watermelon is high in lycopene, which has been linked to improved heart health and a reduced risk of heart disease.
  • Aids in digestion – watermelon is rich in fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and may help prevent constipation.
  • Reduces inflammation – watermelon contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may help reduce inflammation and associated health problems.
  • Lowers blood pressure – watermelon contains compounds that may help lower blood pressure and improve overall heart health.
  • Promotes healthy skin – watermelon is rich in vitamins A and C, which are important for healthy skin and may help prevent skin damage.
  • May improve vision – watermelon is a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important for eye health and may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.
  • Helps with weight loss – watermelon is low in calories and high in fiber, making it a good choice for weight loss or weight management.
  • Improves muscle recovery – watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline, which may help improve muscle recovery after exercise.
  • Reduces muscle soreness – citrulline in watermelon may also help reduce muscle soreness after exercise.
  • May reduce the risk of kidney stones – watermelon is high in potassium, which may help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
  • Helps with hydration during exercise – due to its high water content and electrolyte balance, watermelon is a good choice for hydration during exercise.
  • May improve male fertility – watermelon is a rich source of citrulline, which has been linked to improved male fertility and erectile dysfunction.

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Business opportunities in watermelon farming in nigeria and africa.

  • Watermelon Production: Watermelon farming is a profitable business venture in Nigeria and Africa. Entrepreneurs can engage in watermelon production on a large scale and sell to retailers, markets, and consumers.
  • Watermelon Processing: Farmers can also engage in watermelon processing to create various products such as jams, jellies, and juice, which can be sold to consumers and businesses.
  • Watermelon Export: Watermelon is a widely consumed fruit globally, and Nigeria can leverage its abundant resources to export watermelons to countries that have high demand. This can provide a significant opportunity for entrepreneurs to make a profit.
  • Seed Production: Watermelon farming also provides an opportunity to produce watermelon seeds, which are in high demand by seed companies, farmers, and other entrepreneurs.
  • Farm Equipment Sales and Maintenance: Farmers can also sell farm equipment and provide maintenance services to other farmers, creating a lucrative business opportunity.
  • Transportation and Logistics: Entrepreneurs can establish a transportation and logistics business to transport watermelons from the farm to the market or processing facility.
  • Research and Development: Research and development in watermelon farming can help improve the quality of watermelons, increase yields, and reduce the occurrence of diseases, creating an opportunity for businesses in the agriculture industry.
  • Organic Farming: The demand for organic watermelon farming is on the rise, and entrepreneurs can take advantage of this by establishing organic watermelon farms and selling to customers who value organic products.
  • Agro-Processing: Watermelon farming provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to engage in agro-processing, creating products such as dried watermelon slices, watermelon powder, and watermelon oil.
  • Retail and Distribution: Entrepreneurs can also engage in the retail and distribution of watermelons and watermelon products to consumers and businesses, creating a profitable business opportunity.

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Facts About Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa

  • Watermelon is a fruit that belongs to the cucumber family, and it is widely cultivated in Nigeria and Africa for its sweet, juicy flesh and health benefits.
  • The watermelon is a popular fruit that is consumed in large quantities in Nigeria and Africa, and it is also used in making juice, smoothies, and other fruit-based products.
  • Watermelon is a rich source of vitamins A, B, and C, as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium, and antioxidants that help protect the body from disease.
  • Watermelon farming is a lucrative business in Nigeria and Africa, with high demand both domestically and internationally.
  • Watermelon production is concentrated in the Northern part of Nigeria, with states like Kano, Katsina, Jigawa, Bauchi, and Sokoto accounting for a significant portion of the country’s production.
  • In Africa, countries like Egypt, Sudan, and South Africa are the largest producers of watermelon, with Nigeria ranking as the fourth-largest producer on the continent.
  • Nigeria and Africa have a large local market for watermelon, with a significant portion of the production consumed domestically.
  • There is also a high demand for watermelon in foreign markets, particularly in Europe and the Middle East, creating export opportunities for farmers.
  • The watermelon plant is easy to cultivate and requires little maintenance, making it a suitable crop for small-scale farmers.
  • Watermelon is a high-yield crop, with a single plant capable of producing up to 30 fruits, making it a profitable venture for farmers.
  • Watermelon farming can help promote rural development and improve the livelihoods of farmers in Nigeria and Africa.
  • Watermelon farming can also help boost food security by increasing the availability of fresh produce in local markets.
  • Watermelon farming can be done all year round in Nigeria and Africa, as the crop can be grown in different seasons, allowing for continuous production.
  • Watermelon is a versatile fruit, with different varieties that can be grown for specific purposes, such as seedless watermelons, which are suitable for making juice and smoothies.
  • The demand for watermelon products, such as juice and smoothies, is on the rise in Nigeria and Africa, creating additional market opportunities for farmers.

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Types Of Watermelon Farming Businesses In Nigeria and Africa

Watermelon farming in Nigeria and Africa can be categorized into several types based on the size of the farm, the target market, the method of production, and the season of cultivation. Here are some of the types of watermelon farming businesses:

  • Large-scale commercial farming: This type of farming involves growing watermelons on a large farm for the purpose of selling in bulk to wholesalers or retailers.
  • Small-scale farming: Small-scale farmers cultivate watermelon on a smaller scale, usually for personal consumption or local markets.
  • Contract farming: This involves growing watermelon for specific buyers who have contracted with the farmer to supply a certain quantity of watermelon at a predetermined price.
  • Greenhouse farming: Watermelon can be grown in greenhouses, providing protection from pests and extreme weather conditions, and extending the growing season.
  • Organic farming: Organic watermelon farming involves the use of natural fertilizers and pest control methods to produce high-quality, chemical-free watermelons.
  • Seed production: This type of farming involves growing watermelon for the purpose of harvesting the seeds, which are then sold to other farmers or seed companies.
  • Watermelon processing: Watermelons can be processed into juice, jams, and other products, creating an opportunity for value addition.
  • Agro-tourism: Some farmers are venturing into agro-tourism by allowing visitors to come and experience the watermelon farming process and even participate in harvesting.
  • Export farming: Nigeria and other African countries have export opportunities for watermelon, and some farmers grow watermelon specifically for export to other countries.
  • Contract processing: This involves growing watermelon under contract and then processing it for a buyer, creating a value-added opportunity for the farmer.

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Types Of Watermelons Used For Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa

There are various types of watermelons that can be used for watermelon farming in Nigeria and Africa. Some of the most common types of watermelons used for farming in Nigeria and Africa include:

  • Crimson Sweet: This is a popular type of watermelon known for its deep red flesh and high sugar content.
  • Charleston Gray: This watermelon has a large size and gray-green skin. It is known for its juicy flesh.
  • Jubilee: This watermelon has a large size and is known for its bright red flesh and high sugar content.
  • Sugar Baby: This watermelon is small and round with dark green skin and bright red flesh. It is known for its sweet taste.
  • Black Diamond: This watermelon has a large size and is known for its dark green skin and sweet, juicy flesh.
  • Moon and Stars: This watermelon is unique due to its yellow spots on the skin, which resemble stars. It has a sweet, juicy flesh.
  • Yellow Crimson: This watermelon has a yellow skin and red flesh, with a sweet taste.
  • Orangeglo: This watermelon has an orange flesh and a sweet, tropical taste.

Each type of watermelon has its own unique characteristics and can be used for various purposes in the watermelon farming industry. Farmers can choose the type that best suits their climate, soil, and target market.

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The Planting & Harvesting Seasons For Watermelon In Nigeria and Africa

In Nigeria, the planting season for watermelon is usually between March and May, while the harvesting period begins from July to September. In the northern part of Nigeria, where the climate is more favorable for watermelon farming, the planting season is usually earlier, around February, and the harvest period is between June and August. However, in the southern parts of the country, planting can continue up to June, and the harvest season can stretch to October.

In other parts of Africa, the planting and harvest season for watermelon can also vary depending on the location and climate. In East Africa, the planting season is between October and December, while the harvest season begins from January to March. In South Africa, the planting season starts in October, and the harvesting period begins from January to March.

It is essential to note that watermelon requires a warm climate and plenty of water to grow successfully. Farmers must ensure that they plant watermelons during the appropriate season to maximize their yield and profitability.

How To Start Watermelon Farming In Nigeria: Step-By-Step Guide

Watermelon farming is a profitable and rewarding agribusiness venture in Nigeria and Africa. If you are interested in starting a watermelon farm, here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  • Research and planning: Conduct research on the watermelon market and your target customers. Develop a business plan and decide on the size of the farm, the number of plants, and the resources required.
  • Land preparation: Choose a well-drained site with fertile soil and access to irrigation. Clear the land, remove all weeds, and plow or till the soil to prepare it for planting.
  • Seed selection: Select high-quality watermelon seeds from a reputable supplier. Choose a variety that is well-suited to the local climate and soil conditions.
  • Planting: Sow the seeds in prepared soil, making sure to plant them at the correct depth and spacing. Water the seeds regularly and cover with a mulch layer to retain moisture.
  • Irrigation: Watermelon plants require regular watering to produce high-quality fruit. Install an efficient irrigation system, such as drip irrigation, to ensure that the plants receive the right amount of water.
  • Fertilization: Apply appropriate fertilizer to the soil to enhance plant growth and fruit quality. Use organic or inorganic fertilizers, depending on your preference.
  • Pest and disease control: Monitor the plants regularly for signs of pests and diseases. Apply appropriate pesticides and fungicides to control outbreaks.
  • Harvesting: Harvest the watermelons when they are mature, usually between 75 and 100 days after planting. Look for signs of ripeness, such as a yellow spot on the bottom of the fruit, and use a sharp knife or pruning shears to cut the stem.
  • Marketing: Identify potential customers and develop a marketing strategy to sell your watermelons. Consider selling to local markets, supermarkets, and exporters.
  • Record-keeping: Keep accurate records of your farming activities, including expenses, sales, and profits. This will help you track your progress and make informed business decisions.

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How To Process & Package Watermelon In Nigeria or Africa

Processing and packaging watermelon is essential to preserve its quality and ensure its marketability. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to process and package watermelon in Nigeria and Africa:

  • Harvesting: Watermelon is typically ready for harvest when it has a dull surface, a creamy yellow spot on the bottom, and a hollow sound when tapped. Cut the watermelon stem with a sharp knife or pair of pruning shears, leaving a 2-inch stem attached.
  • Cleaning: Wash the watermelons in clean water to remove any dirt, debris, or chemical residues.
  • Sorting and grading: Sort the watermelons based on their size, shape, color, and quality. Grade the watermelons according to established standards, such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grading system.
  • Cutting and slicing: Use a clean and sharp knife to cut the watermelon into desired sizes and shapes, such as cubes, wedges, or slices.
  • Seeding: Remove the seeds from the watermelon using a spoon, knife, or mechanical seed extractor, depending on the equipment available.
  • Packaging: Pack the watermelon pieces in clean and dry containers or packaging materials, such as plastic bags, boxes, or crates. Use appropriate packaging materials that provide cushioning, ventilation, and protection against physical damage, moisture, and pests. Label the packages with the name of the product, the date of packaging, the weight or count, and any other relevant information.
  • Storage and transportation: Store the packaged watermelons in a cool and dry place, such as a refrigerator, a cold room, or a well-ventilated warehouse. Transport the watermelons to the market or the customer’s location using appropriate means of transportation, such as trucks, vans, or motorcycles.

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Types Of Equipment & Tools Used In The Watermelon Farming Business In Nigeria or Africa

  • Local Consumers: The domestic market for watermelon is vast in Nigeria and other African countries. This market includes individuals and families who consume watermelons as a refreshing fruit, particularly during hot weather conditions.
  • Juice Industry: The juice industry is a significant market for watermelons in Nigeria and Africa. Watermelons are a primary ingredient in the production of several juice and beverage products.
  • Food Processing Industry: The food processing industry, particularly companies that produce jams, jellies, and canned fruits, is a vital market for watermelons. Watermelons are also used in the production of fruit salads, fruit cups, and fruit cocktails.
  • Export: There is a growing demand for watermelons in the international market. This demand comes from countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, where watermelons are not locally grown, and importation is the only source of the fruit.
  • Hospitality Industry: The hospitality industry, including hotels, restaurants, and eateries, is another significant market for watermelons. Watermelons are served as desserts or included in fruit bowls and cocktails, making them a staple in many menus.

Target Market For The Watermelon Farming Business In Nigeria or Africa

Processing, packaging, and supplying watermelons in Nigeria and Africa require the following equipment:

  • Harvesting knives: These are used to cut the watermelon from the vine. They should be sharp and able to make clean cuts to prevent damage to the fruit.
  • Sorting and grading equipment: After harvesting, the watermelons need to be sorted and graded according to size, color, and quality. This can be done manually or with equipment such as a conveyor belt, grader, or sorter.
  • Washing and cleaning equipment: The watermelons need to be thoroughly cleaned to remove dirt, debris, and any other contaminants. This can be done using equipment such as a washing tank, brush washer, or air blower.
  • Cutting and slicing equipment: Watermelons can be cut into slices or cubes for packaging and sale. Equipment such as a watermelon slicer or cutter can make this process faster and more efficient.
  • Packaging equipment: Watermelons can be packaged in various ways, including crates, cartons, or plastic bags. Equipment such as a sealing machine, weighing scale, or labeling machine can make this process easier and more precise.
  • Transportation equipment: Once the watermelons are processed and packaged, they need to be transported to their destination. This can be done using trucks or other vehicles equipped with cooling systems to maintain the freshness of the fruit.

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How To Sell or Market Watermelon Products In Nigeria or Africa

  • Local markets: Watermelons can be sold at local markets in Nigeria and other African countries. Farmers can set up stalls in areas with high traffic to attract potential customers.
  • Direct sales to consumers: Farmers can sell their watermelons directly to consumers, either through a farm stand or through home delivery. This can be done by establishing a website, social media accounts, or other means of communication.
  • Supermarkets and grocery stores: Farmers can sell their watermelons to supermarkets and grocery stores, which then sell the products to their customers. It is important for farmers to ensure that their watermelons meet the necessary quality and packaging standards.
  • Exporting: Watermelon farming in Nigeria and other African countries can be exported to international markets. This involves complying with international trade regulations and packaging standards.
  • Food processing companies: Farmers can sell their watermelons to food processing companies, which use them to make products such as juices, jams, and canned fruits.
  • Online marketplaces: Farmers can sell their watermelons on various online marketplaces that cater to customers in Nigeria and Africa.
  • Farm-to-table restaurants: Farmers can partner with farm-to-table restaurants that source their produce from local farms.
  • Cooperative marketing: Farmers can form marketing cooperatives with other farmers to pool their resources and increase their sales potential.
  • Community-supported agriculture (CSA): Farmers can set up a CSA, where customers pay for a share of the crop and receive regular deliveries throughout the growing season.
  • Agricultural fairs and exhibitions: Farmers can showcase and sell their watermelons at agricultural fairs and exhibitions, which provide a platform for farmers to promote their products and connect with potential buyers.

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Challenges Of Watermelon Farming In Nigeria and Africa

  • Pests and Diseases: Watermelon crops are susceptible to various pests and diseases, which can cause significant yield loss if not managed properly.
  • Weather: Watermelon requires specific weather conditions to thrive, including consistent moisture and warm temperatures. Erratic weather patterns can negatively impact crop growth and yield.
  • Irrigation: Watermelon crops require significant water throughout their growing cycle, making access to reliable irrigation crucial for success.
  • Soil Quality: Watermelon farming requires well-draining, nutrient-rich soil to support healthy plant growth and development.
  • Labor Intensive: Watermelon farming can be a labor-intensive process, especially during planting and harvesting periods.
  • Transportation: Watermelon crops must be transported to market quickly and carefully to avoid spoilage.
  • Market Fluctuations: Watermelon prices can fluctuate significantly based on supply and demand, making it challenging to predict profits.
  • Capital Intensive: Starting a watermelon farming operation can be capital-intensive due to the need for land, equipment, and labor.
  • Marketing: Effective marketing is essential for success in the watermelon industry, as competition can be fierce.
  • Post-harvest Management: Proper handling and storage of watermelon crops post-harvest is essential to prevent spoilage and ensure product quality.
  • Lack of Access to Credit: Small-scale watermelon farmers may struggle to access the credit necessary to invest in their operations.
  • Limited Storage Facilities: Limited storage facilities in rural areas can make it challenging to store watermelon crops for extended periods.
  • Inadequate Infrastructure: Poor infrastructure in some areas can make it challenging to transport watermelon crops to market quickly and efficiently.
  • Limited Access to Markets: Small-scale watermelon farmers may struggle to access markets, especially in rural areas.
  • Climate Change: Climate change can significantly impact watermelon production by altering weather patterns and increasing the prevalence of pests and diseases.

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To Sum It Up

In conclusion, Watermelon farming is a profitable business that has the potential to contribute significantly to the economic growth of Nigeria and Africa as a whole. The demand for watermelon is high both locally and globally due to its nutritional and health benefits. Watermelon farming also creates employment opportunities and supports the growth of related industries, such as transportation and packaging.

Starting a Watermelon farm in Nigeria and Africa requires adequate planning, knowledge, and resources. It is essential to choose suitable varieties of watermelon, prepare the soil, and maintain the right soil moisture level throughout the growing season. Farmers can access government loans, grants, and support programs to help them establish their farms.

Watermelon farmers can sell their products locally, through wholesalers and retailers, and can also explore the export market. The export market presents a significant opportunity for Watermelon farmers in Nigeria, as the country has favorable weather conditions for growing the crop, and the government is taking steps to improve the infrastructure and attract foreign investors.

However, Watermelon farming in Nigeria and Africa faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, pest and disease outbreaks, and climate change. It is essential for farmers to seek knowledge on best practices, adopt modern technologies, and collaborate with other stakeholders to mitigate these challenges and maximize the benefits of Watermelon farming.

See Also:   How To Start A Business In Nigeria and Africa: The Complete Guide

Professional Business Plan Writing Service Writing a bank and investor ready professional Watermelon farming business plan can be challenging. If you need a professional and affordable business plan service,  STARTUPTIPSDAILY’S MBA STANDARD PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS PLAN WRITING SERVICE  is perfect for your business. All you have to do is request an understanding of your proposed business model, and you’d have a professional MBA standard business plan ready for you in anywhere from 5 to 14 days.  YOU CAN CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED WITH USING STARTUPTIPSDAILY’S PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS PLAN WRITING SERVICE TO CREATE THE PERFECT BUSINESS PLAN THAT’D GET ACCEPTED ANYWHERE.

What are your thoughts on how to start Watermelon farming in Nigeria, Africa, or any other part of the world? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Stan Edom

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I think it is a good business but where can on get the seeds and how much is it pls kindly let me know because i am a cassava farmer and my nest harvest will be due in February and i want to change to to a crop that does not take up to 7 months before harvest thanks.

Hi Stephen,

You can reach out to some of the organizations listed on the web page.

Thank you for asking.

Do you have cassava stems for sale? I want to start a cassava farming business and I need the stems and also advice from expertise like you who have gone through the business.

in your analysis you said “Using black plastic to keep the soil warm” at he first paragraph under caring for the crops. what does it mean

Hi Abdulwahab,

Black plastic absorbs heat during the day and keeps the soil warm during the night.

Can facilitate pilot training scheme, for water melon farming

Sorry I mean you,to facilitate the training

Do you conduct seminar topic in growing watermelon? if yes where? I’m seriously in need of a seminar topic in growing watermelon. thanks

I’m sorry we don’t.

When we do we’ll do well to let everyone know.

My experience is that almost half of my watermelon balls was infected by millipedes and other animals, thereby reducing my harvest. How can one tackle this. Also, can we harvest and before it’s ripe or only when it’s ripe?

I’d advice you invite a consultant to visit your farm.

do you hv a consultant you can recommend plss am in need of one or a professional farmer

When I started watermelon farming on a small scale,I had no issues with millipede. But on a large scale I noticed that burning the debris after land clearing can reduce the number of millipede in the soil and help return ash as a manure to the soil. I hope this helps?

Please any number tocontact

And like how much can it cost to start a watermelon farming, size of land ?

In what areas should one expect the assistance concerning cultivation of crops

Can I start cultivating watermelon farm in Oyo area in June ? Also, how can we control the presence of millipedes on the watermelon farm ?

Hello, You can spray any systemic insecticides in the morning and re-apply after 2weeks.

Hello, just got a plot of land and don’t know the best crop to cultivate this month of November. Please can anyone share tips? I can also pay for mentoring/consultation. Thank you.

When I started watermelon farming business on a small scale,I had no problem with finance or labour. It yeilded properly and am grateful to God. This post just renforced my knowledge on the business

Nice work you did here, I want to confirm something, what are the temperature requrirement for the germinatin of watermelon, is it the same everywhere considering that places differ. A post I read from the link below gave some range but I want to be sure if its the same for every country.

Th post states the temperature requirements as follows

The temperature requirement for watermelon germination is between 27°C -32°C, with night temperature expected not to be lower than 24.

The optimum growth temperature at night is 18°C -20°C, during the day is 24°C -30°C and for ripening, you have 15°C -25°C.

Is this the same everywhere?

Here is a link to the post

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Watermelon Farming in the Philippines

Watermelons are a popular and profitable crop to cultivate in the Philippines, but they require specific climate and soil conditions to thrive. Firstly, Watermelons prefer warm temperatures ranging from 25°C to 35°C. In terms of soil requirements, Watermelons prefer well-drained soils with a pH level of 6.0 and 7.5. To ensure optimal growth, choose a site with full sun exposure where the Watermelon plants can receive at least six hours of direct sunlight daily.

The country’s diverse climate and soil conditions make it ideal for cultivating different types of Watermelons. One popular Watermelon variety in the Philippines is the Sugar Baby Watermelon, known for its small size and sweet flavor. It matures quickly and has a high yield, making it a favorite among farmers. Another option is the Charleston Gray Watermelon, which has large fruits with bright red flesh. 

For those looking for seedless varieties, the Crimson Sweet Watermelon is an excellent choice. It produces large, juicy fruits without any pesky seeds. The Jubilee Watermelon, on the other hand, offers a deliciously sweet taste with its vibrant red flesh. In recent years, hybrid varieties such as Sangria have gained popularity in the Philippines. Selecting the right variety depends on factors like local market demand, climate suitability, and personal preferences of farmers.

The Philippines boasts abundant production areas dedicated to cultivating Watermelons. Regions such as Pangasinan (in Luzon), Bukidnon (in Mindanao), and Negros Occidental (in Visayas) are known as major players in this industry due to their extensive farmlands dedicated solely to growing these juicy fruits.

In Luzon, particularly in Central Luzon and Cagayan Valley, vast stretches of fertile land provide favorable conditions for Watermelon cultivation. In the south, the Visayas region also boasts significant areas dedicated to Watermelon production. Regions like Western Visayas and Central Visayas have a conducive climate that supports high-quality yields year-round.

The Watermelon season in the Philippines typically starts in March and lasts until June, coinciding with the dry season when temperature levels are high and rainfall is minimal. During this time, farmers across the country eagerly prepare their fields and sow Watermelon seeds. As the months progress and the temperature rises even further, these juicy fruits thrive under the scorching sun.

In case you missed it: How to Grow Watermelon Faster: Best Tips to increase Flowering, Fruiting, and Production Yield


In some regions of the country, particularly in Luzon and Mindanao, where large-scale commercial farms are prevalent, multiple harvests can be achieved within a single growing season. This allows farmers to maximize their crop yield while meeting market demands throughout several months.

Protecting your crop from pests and diseases ensures a healthy harvest and maximizes your profits. One common pest that affects Watermelons is the cucumber beetle. These small insects feed on the leaves, stems, and fruits of the plants. To control them, you can use insecticides or biological control, such as releasing beneficial insects. Another common issue for Watermelon farmers is powdery mildew.

Regularly monitoring your Watermelon plants for early signs of infection and applying fungicides can help prevent its spread. Aphids are another Watermelon pest that can wreak havoc on crops by sucking sap from the plant’s tissues. These tiny insects multiply quickly, so it’s important to regularly inspect your plants for infestation and apply appropriate insecticides if necessary.

You want to make sure that you pick them at the ripeness for maximum sweetness and flavor. To determine if a Watermelon is ready for harvest, look out for some key indicators. The skin color should be dull rather than shiny, the underside of the melon should have a creamy yellow color, and when you tap on it with your knuckles, it should produce a deep hollow sound.

When picking your Watermelons, handle them with care to avoid any damage. Cut the stem about an inch above the fruit using a sharp knife or garden shears. Once harvested, it’s important to properly store and manage your Watermelons to ensure their longevity and quality.  

Watermelon production in the Philippines plays a significant role in the country’s agricultural landscape and economy. The statistics of Watermelon production in the Philippines highlight its importance as one of the top fruit crops grown across the nation. According to the PSA (Philippine Statistics Authority) data,

Watermelon production has been steadily increasing over the years. The majority of Watermelon production in the Philippines is concentrated in regions such as Central Luzon, Northern Mindanao, Western Visayas, and CALABARZON. These areas provide favorable conditions for cultivating this juicy fruit due to their suitable climate and fertile soil.

The average yield of Watermelon per hectare in the Philippines is approximately 30 tons/hectare. The average yield in the country varies depending on many factors like climate, soil conditions, cultivation practices, and pest management techniques.

The cost of Watermelon farming in the Philippines depends on various factors such as land preparation, seed acquisition, labor, fertilizers, pest control measures, irrigation systems, and post-harvest handling.

The demand for this juicy fruit is consistently high, both domestically and internationally. The profit can vary based on specific circumstances, location, market conditions, and farming practices.

Total Profit per Hectare (2.48 acres) = Total Revenue – Total Cost = 450,000 – 98,000 = 3,52,000 (PHP)

In case you missed it: Watermelon Farming Information Guide

Young Small Round Watermelon

The government of the Philippines recognizes the importance of Watermelon farming in boosting agricultural productivity and supporting local farmers. As a result, they have implemented various initiatives and programs to provide support to Watermelon farmers across the country. One such initiative is the provision of financial assistance through loans and grants.

Another initiative is the Department of Agriculture’s High-Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP), which aims to improve the productivity and profitability of high-value crops like Watermelons. In addition to these initiatives, there are also market linkages established by the government that connect Watermelon farmers with potential buyers. To further boost the competitiveness of Filipino Watermelon growers in both domestic and international markets, the government also provides market information services.

The future of Watermelon farming in the Philippines looks promising, as there is a demand for this juicy and refreshing fruit. With its tropical climate, the country has great potential to increase its Watermelon yield and become a major player in the global market. Furthermore, advancements have made it easier for farmers to improve productivity and efficiency on their farms. The Department of Agriculture provides financial assistance through loans or grants specifically targeting small-scale farmers looking to expand their operations or adopt modern farming techniques.

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Watermelon on Vine

Watermelon farming plays a vital role in the Philippines’ agricultural sector. Watermelons are a popular fruit consumed by Filipinos year-round. The Philippines has favorable climatic conditions that allow for year-round production of high-quality melons. As such, Filipino-grown Watermelons have gained recognition in international markets due to their taste and quality.

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Watermelon Farming Business Plan in Nigeria

April 2, 2022

Watermelon farming is a lucrative farming venture anyone can engage in. The cultivation of this type of vegetable can be very profitable if done in the right way.

To engage in watermelon farming , a business plan has to be developed. This post explains the business plan of a typical one hectare farm of watermelon in Nigeria.

Business Financial Plan (in Naira ₦)





The profit analyses above were done using three scenarios (best case, mid case and worst case).

Drip Irrigation : This model assumes that the cost of drip irrigation for one hectare of watermelon farm is N450,000.

Fertilisers : In this computation, it is expected that N200,000 will be spent on the purchase of fertilizers. Please note that the exact quantity of fertilizers needed can only be rightly estimated after a complete soil analysis.

Also, the types of fertilizers to be used can only be known after a complete soil analysis. A soil rich in nutrients will not need a lot of fertilizers.

Pesticides : The expected cost to be incurred on pesticides is N60,000. Pesticides include insecticides, fungicicides, nematicides and all other types of pesticides.

Cheap sub-standard pesticides should be avoided.

Sales Revenue : We have assumed that a one hectare farmland of watermelon will yield 30,000 watermelons (watermelon balls). At the peak season, one of the watermelon ball can be sold for N250 each, this will give a sales revenue if N7.5 million.

The base case scenario assumes that 30,000 watermelon balls will be sold at N150 each, making a sales revenue of N4.5 million.

When there is glut in the market, the 30,000 watermelon balls are expected to be sold at N50 each, making a sales revenue of N1.5 million.

Please note that the sales figures used here are assumptions.

Manure : This computation assumes that N50,000 will be spent on the purchase of chicken manure or compost. Chicken manure is very potent and its one of the best types of manures to use for the cultivation of vegetables and other crops.

The chicken manure should be cured or treated before it is used.

Hybrid Seeds : The cost of hybrid seeds per hectare of watermelon is assumed to be N120,000. Please note that the cost of hybrid watermelon seeds varies. There are seeds that are far more expensive than the assumed N120,000.

Cost of Labour : The cost of labour to cultivate one hectare of watermelon farm is expected to be N240,000.

This cost may be higher or lower depending on your circumstances.

Knapsack Sprayer : N10,000 is expected to be used to buy a knapsack sprayer. One knapsack sprayer is expected to be adequate for a one hectare farmland of watermelon.

Farm Tools : N20,000 is expected to be spent on small farm tools that will be used to cultivate a one hectare farmland of watermelon.

Business Description of Watermelon Cultivation

watermelon farming in nigeria

As explained earlier, watermelon farming is one of the most profitable farming businesses in Nigeria. Watermelon farming is also one of the most profitable three months crops in Nigeria .

Watermelon farming as a business does not involve only the planting and harvesting of watermelon fruits. It also involves the process of marketing and selling the watermelon balls to people in the market place.

A watermelon plant can produce a lot of watermelon fruits .

Market Analysis

Market Trend : Nigeria is a highly populated country. It is the most populated country in Africa. Nigeria has over 200 million people.

The large population of Nigeria presents a huge advantage for watermelon farming as a business. With the huge population of Nigeria, more people will buy and consume watermelons.

Watermelon is eaten as fruits and food in Nigeria. Watermelons are also used for the manufacturing of processed fruits and other processed foods.

Watermelon has a good demand all year round in Nigeria, however, there are times of the year or season when the demand for this crop peak.

During the Muslims fasting period, the demand for watermelons is usually very high. Other times of peak demands in Nigeria are the festive seasons of Easter, Christmas, New Year and other Muslims’ celebrations.

About 80% of the watermelons produced in Nigeria come from the northern part of Nigeria especially from the states of Gombe, Bauchi, Sokoto and Kebbi.

Target Market: The state with the biggest consumption number for watermelons in Nigeria is Lagos State. Mile 12 market in Lagos is also the largest market for watermelons in Nigeria.

Several trucks from the northern part of Nigeria offload freshly harvested watermelons in Mile 12 market in Lagos every day.

There are other markets in all cities and towns in Nigeria where watermelons are sold. The good thing about watermelon is that it is eaten by almost all Nigerians.

Large hotels, supermarkets and juice processors also consume a lot of watermelons.

Competitive Analysis : The truth is that there are a lot of watermelon farmers in Nigeria but a lot of these farmers are illiterates who do not implement sound farming practices. The lack of sound farming practices lead to low yields and profits.

Most of the watermelon farmers in Nigeria cultivate the crop during a particular season; this often leads to glut and depressed prices.

To be competitive in watermelon farming, a watermelon farmer should use smart farming technologies so that he can maximize its yield and profit and also boost his efficiency.

Some of these smart farming technologies include drip irrigation, motorized farm machines and tools and plastic mulch. Drip irrigation for instance uses less water for irrigating crops; it also allows farmers to cultivate their crops all year round.

Sales and Marketing Strategy

To make money and earn good profit from watermelon farming in Nigeria, a farmer must implement sound sales and marketing strategies and tactics.

Most farmers in Nigeria think that farming business stops at the harvesting of their crops. This is a big mistake. Marketing is a key component of farming as a business in Nigeria.

You should never cultivate any crop if you have not sorted out the sales and marketing issues.

Most watermelon farmers still sell their watermelons in big markets in cities and towns across Nigeria. To sell watermelons in these markets, you will need to go through agents in most cases.

You should familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of these selling agents. These agents charge a commission of 5 – 10%. You should also devise a way to monitor these agents so that you will not be cheated.

For farmers who want to sell their watermelons to supermarkets, hotels and other organized channels, they need to visit these places and ask for their terms and conditions.

Most of the organized channels will ask to see the samples of the watermelons. You may also be asked to sign an agreement.

Do you need a business plan or feasibility study about watermelon farming in Nigeria? If yes, please contact us on 08025141924 or [email protected] .

Interesting and insightful write up

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watermelon farming business plan

Multi-generation farm supplies watermelon to Florida

MOORE HAVEN, Fla. - When it comes to the sweet taste of watermelon during the summer, nothing tops Florida. 

About a billion pounds of watermelon a year are grown in the Sunshine State. Behind every crop of melons is a Florida farmer making it happen. 

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"I'm proud to be a fifth-generation Floridian, and my son is sixth. You don't find many of us," says Al Wroten, founder of Global Produce Sales .

The Wroten family has been involved in Florida agriculture since 1830. Al started Global Produce in 1982 with his father. 

"I've been working in the watermelon fields since I was like 16. He had been in the sales business, and I had been working in the groves," he recalls. 

Al’s son, Lee, got into the family business at age 15. 

"I told my dad I wanted to go work for a summer and he dropped me off with a harvest crew, and there I was," says Lee.

Global Produce grows about 800 acres of seedless watermelon every season. They're bound for major grocers up and down the east coast, all the way to Toronto. 

"When a consumer comes to me and says, 'I picked up one of your watermelons at Sam's and it was great'. Thats just makes your day," says Al.

Their large watermelons grow quick. Planting is done in January and by April these crews begin harvesting. 

"We spend all this time planning and doing the hard labor and the hard work taking care of the crop, and the biggest thing we can't control is the weather," says Lee. 

Watermelons love dry weather. One bad thunderstorm can ruin an entire crop. Funguses and animals, like hogs and deer, can do some damage as well.

Al says no animal will bring down this operation, but he’s not sure about the farm's future. 

"Well, I think we're probably here for maybe one more generation, possibly two," he says. 

Labor costs and land development are major issues. And selling to larger companies means more costs in keeping up with regulations. 

"I counted it up one time. I think we were under seven or eight different federal and state regulatory agencies. The cost is becoming so high, your input cost. And so, your ratios are getting skinnier and skinnier all the time," says Al.

But despite the challenges, these proud Florida farmers keep their melons moving. 

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"Oh, you know, it's in your blood. And it's been a great life. I would not trade it for anything," says Al.

Multi-generation farm supplies watermelon to Florida


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    Raise the financing needed to launch your watermelon farm. With your business plan in hand, you can tackle one of the final steps to open a watermelon farm business: the search for financing. Raising the capital needed to launch your business will probably require a combination of equity and debt, which are the two types of financing available ...

  8. How to Start A Watermelon Cultivation Business in 7 Steps

    If so, find here in this article a sample business plan guide on the cost, process, and techniques to start the cultivation of watermelons. Watermelon is a warm-season crop. It needs a warm temperature of up to 80°C during the daytime. ... 7 Steps to Start Watermelon Farming Business 1. Learn the Health Benefits of Watermelons.

  9. Watermelon Farming: A Profitable Business Idea

    Our Watermelon Farming Business Plan is the perfect tool to help you establish your own watermelon farm with a direct-to-consumer sales model. With a focus on locally sourced, organic products and agritourism experiences, our plan will guide you towards maximizing profits, supporting sustainable farming practices, and contributing to the local ...

  10. Growing Watermelons for Profit

    Watermelons are long-period crops. For growing outdoors, they need on average 100 to 120 days from seeding to harvesting. However, if you are planning to grow watermelon from seed, there are some facts you need to know. First, watermelon seeds require at least 18 °C (65 °F) soil temperature in order to germinate.

  11. Watermelon Farming

    Planning on starting a watermelon farm? We have the answers. Learn about the cost of producing watermelons and the profits you can reap from growing watermel...

  12. How to Start Watermelon Farm Business Plan Tips Guide

    Starting a Watermelon Farm Business. 1. Get Your Land Space: I mentioned earlier that it takes a lot of land to successfully run your watermelon farm. The first step is to find the land needed for cultivation in a place where the watermelon plants can receive six to eight hours of sunlight per day. 2.

  13. A Comprehensive Guide to Watermelon Farming and Cultivation Practices

    Preparing the ground is key to a successful watermelon plantation. Start by selecting a well-drained area with plenty of sunlight. Clear any debris and weeds to provide a clean slate for your Watermelon seeds to thrive. Consider conducting a soil test to determine nutrient levels and pH balance.

  14. Watermelon Farming Business Ideas & Cultivation Process

    When it comes to watermelon farming, it is a very profitable crop due to the income per acre and increasing demand. By growing watermelons in a farm, farmers get a profit of 2 to 3 lakh in 3 months. Also, the watermelon farming business idea is best for both commercial farmers and marginal farmers, and they can make more profit at a minimum cost.

  15. Watermelon Farm Business Plan

    This business plan provides a blueprint for how to start and manage your Watermelon Farm business. Our detailed research and analysis, including interviews with entrepreneurs and stakeholders, will ensure that you plan your future business for success. A business plan is used for various purposes including to (a) Raise funding from investors ...

  16. Complete Guide to Watermelon Farming Kenya

    Watermelon farming in Kenya takes about 3-4 months from planting to harvest. The fruits should be harvested when they are fully ripe and have a deep, rich color. The fruits should be harvested using a sharp knife, taking care not to damage the stem. Marketing is an important aspect of watermelon farming. There are several market opportunities ...

  17. Farming Haven

    Farming Haven - Farming Tips & Training

  18. 9 Steps to Launch Your Watermelon Farming Business: Follow Now!

    Regularly review and update your business plan as your watermelon farming business evolves. This will help you adapt to changing market conditions and make informed strategic decisions. By developing a comprehensive business plan, you will have a clear vision for your watermelon farming business and be better equipped to navigate the challenges ...

  19. How to plan, start and profit from a Watermelon Farm in Africa

    Increasing Demand: According to UNdata, The leading producers of watermelons in Africa are Algeria and Egypt with 2.1 million tons and 1.5 million tons respectively.Kenya is the largest importer of watermelons in Africa. To supplement its domestic production of 190,000 tons of watermelon, Kenya imported $480,000 worth of watermelons in 2018; mostly from nearby Uganda.

  20. How To Start A Lucrative Watermelon Farming Business In Nigeria And

    Watermelon farming is an important aspect of agriculture in Nigeria and Africa, providing numerous benefits and opportunities for farmers and entrepreneurs. In Nigeria, watermelon is one of the most important fruits produced for both domestic consumption and export. The country is ranked as one of the top watermelon producing countries in Africa, with an estimated

  21. Watermelon Farming in the Philippines: How to Plant and Grow for Profits

    Watermelons are a popular and profitable crop to cultivate in the Philippines, but they require specific climate and soil conditions to thrive. Firstly, Watermelons prefer warm temperatures ranging from 25°C to 35°C. In terms of soil requirements, Watermelons prefer well-drained soils with a pH level of 6.0 and 7.5.

  22. Watermelon Farming Business Plan in Nigeria

    Business Financial Plan (in Naira ₦) FARM SET-UP FOR ONE HECTARE OF WATERMELON FARMING VENTURE. Cost of Drip Irrigation. 450,000.00. Installation of Drip Irrigation System. On Site Training of staff in precision farming. Soil and Water Analysis. 450,000.00.


    Objective for Patilad Watermelon Farming Business Plan in Nigeria. To produce and sell Watermelon of approx. 900 tons in the first year. To have our products in major stores, malls and markets in Lagos and its environs. To establish thriving sales relationship with bulk purchaser who market our products.

  24. Multi-generation farm supplies watermelon to Florida

    You don't find many of us," says Al Wroten, founder of Global Produce Sales. The Wroten family has been involved in Florida agriculture since 1830. Al started Global Produce in 1982 with his ...

  25. Weekly Watermelon Update #8 & 9

    For this stage of growth, our standard recommendation is 2.0- 2.5 lbs per acre per day of nitrogen and potash. In many of these low N cases, the crop was receiving less N than that recommendation. Note, as we begin harvests, the sap nitrate nitrogen level recommended range for seedless watermelon will go to 400-600 ppm.