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20 Common Resume Buzzwords (and What to Use Instead)

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(Reposted from Stephan Maldonado’s VAULT.com blog, 16 January 2019)

January 18 th  is National Thesaurus Day: a chance to celebrate the complexity of words and the variety of creative ways to express yourself. Thesaurus Day recognizes Peter Mark Roget (born on January 18, 1779), who published the  Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases  in 1852. Until the advent of the digital age, Roget’s Thesaurus was one of the most widely used lexicons of the English Language—a staple among writers, students, and virtually anyone who’s ever put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard).

another word for brief resume

When describing your accomplishments/responsibilities

Employers want to know what you’ve accomplished in your previous roles, and what you can bring to the table. Here are ten common words or phrases and some synonyms you can use as an alternative:

  • Lead (as in leading a project): execute, initiate, helm, orchestrate, oversee, spearhead
  • Manage (as in managing a team of people):  coordinate, direct, guide, head, pilot, supervise
  • Create : design, devise, envision, establish, formulate, launch, pioneer
  • Improve : influence, optimize, overhaul, redesign, revitalize, transform
  • Increase (as in growing profits, production, etc.):  advance, amplify, boost, expand, generate, maximize
  • Decrease (as in saving time and money or cutting down on losses):  conserve, condense, ease, moderate, reduce
  • Research:  analyze, examine, explore, inquire, investigate, study
  • Write:  author, brief, compose, define, verbalize
  • Achieve (as in reaching a goal):  attain, demonstrate, earn, reach, surpass, win
  • Communicate (with clients or colleagues):  convey, correspond, interact, liaise, mediate, network

When describing your personality/attributes

Are you a go-getter? A self-starter? A team player? That’s great if you are, but there are far better ways to describe yourself. Try these instead:

  • Self-starter:  enthusiastic, inspired, motivated, zealous
  • Go-getter : ambitious, aspiring, determined, industrious, passionate
  • Detail-oriented:  analytic, attentive, comprehensive, meticulous, precise, systematic
  • Team player:  collaborative, collegial, cooperative, helpful, supportive
  • Proficient:  accomplished, adept, apt, competent, effective, experienced
  • Results-driven:  committed, efficient, intent, purposeful
  • Go-to person: enlisted, entrusted, expert, relied upon
  • Dynamic:  agile, diligent, energetic, engaging, lively, versatile
  • Innovative:  avant-garde, creative, groundbreaking, imaginative, inventive, pioneering, resourceful, shrewd
  • Strategic thinker:  critical, flexible, focused, logical, methodical, perceptive, studious

A few words of advice

When it comes to revitalizing your resume, there’s a thin line between creativity and hyperbole. While you want to stand out from the competition, you also want to keep things professional. Most recruiters can tell when you’re grandstanding or exaggerating your qualifications. Overly embellished language can read as flowery and convoluted, which is the last thing you want for someone who might spend  less than 30 seconds reviewing your resume.

Every word on your resume counts. Be specific and concise, only using works that illuminate your point. Utilize  keywords from the job description , but only where they’re relevant. Avoid repetition, and only use words that you understand. This last point might seem self-evident, but as you search for creative synonyms, it can be easy to reach for words you don’t firmly grasp—and that can come across during your interview. And never forget to  proofread your resume  multiple times; recruiters and hiring managers overwhelmingly cite typos or bad grammar as an immediate deal breaker.

Stephan Maldonado for VAULT, http://vault.com/blog/resumes-cover-letters/20-common-resume-buzzwords?&utm_source=WCU_Letter&utm_medium=Newsletter&utm_campaign=01_17_2019&referer_ID=7778&utm_source=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=103375

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  • Resume Help

How to Write a Great Resume Summary: Examples for 2024

Roma Kończak, CPRW

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When recruiters have less than ten seconds to look at a resume, you need something to catch their attention. And that’s what a resume summary can do. I've gathered more than fifty resume summary examples you can take inspiration from. In this guide, I will also teach you what a professional summary for a resume is and how to write one that's effective at grabbing the recruiter's attention. 

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here .

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 A resume summary is only one sections you should learn how to ace. Read our other guides:

Resume Objective

Experience Resume Section

Education Resume Section

Skills on a Resume

Additional Resume Sections

How to Create a Perfect Resume Header

  • Resume Headline

How to Add Contact Information to Your Resume

Resume Sections & Categories

What Is a Resume Summary?

A resume summary statement is a short professional introduction to your resume. It highlights your most valuable qualifications. It helps your recruiter make a quick decision whether you’re the right fit for their company. A good summary for a resume starts with a positive character trait. It includes your job title, key skills, and the highlights of your career.

Sounds a bit too theoretical? Here’s an example summary statement for a resume that will clear your doubts:

Good Resume Summary Example

Experienced PMP with a background in law and 7+ years of experience growing revenue for a Massachusetts-based electronics firm. Seeking to leverage leadership expertise as project manager for Paylocity. Guest speaker at the Northeast Lean Conference in 2014.

See? This example includes all the elements I mentioned in the definition, such as a character adjective, the job title , professional skills , and a sample career achievement . That’s just 3 sentences, but they speak volumes about the candidate.

Using a resume introduction like this is one of the tricks that can help to make your resume more successful . Hiring managers rarely read the whole resume from top to bottom. Instead, they use selective attention to find the information they need. So, a professional summary that uses the resume keywords from the job posting will catch their attention like a charm .

Now, if you want to see more examples of good resume summaries straight away, jump here to the last chapter of this guide: Summary Examples for a Resume.

Who Needs a Professional Summary for a Resume?

Before your keyboard catches fire from your writing speed, take a second to ponder: is a resume summary right for you ? After all, it’s not the only type of resume profile there is. 

You can benefit from a resume summary if:

  • You’re a seasoned professional
  • You’ve got 1+ years of experience in your profession
  • You’ve got a traditional career path
  • You’ve got achievements relevant to the job

So, if you’re writing an entry-level resume , a resume with no experience , or a career change resume , you’re more likely to succeed with a career objective instead of a resume summary. There are exceptions, of course—for example, you can write a student resume summary highlighting your academic achievements when you’re applying for an assistant researcher position.

Pro Tip: Before writing your resume summary, make sure all other sections of your resume are ready and polished to perfection. Then you can combine the best statements you put on a resume into your profile summary.

How to Write a Resume Summary

How difficult can it be to write up to 5 sentences about yourself? Well, it may be trickier than it sounds. A professional summary for a resume must not only accurately describe your qualifications for a specific position but also ooze confidence.  People prefer self-confident individuals , so that’s how hiring managers must perceive you.

Follow the tips below to craft a powerful resume summary statement:

1. Tailor Your Resume Summary to the Job Ad

It’s not about writing any professional summary—it’s about writing the one that matches the job. Why? Because only a tailored resume has a chance against automatic screening systems. And when your ATS-friendly resume with a clear-cut resume description reaches a hiring manager, they’ll be way more impressed with it than with a generic one. So make sure your summary statement for a resume mentions the core competencies outlined in the job posting.

2. Use the Evergreen Formula for a Good Resume Summary

Let me show you a simple formula. Once you it, you’ll be able to write a better resume summary than a professional summary generator. Here it goes:

[adjective(s)/strong character trait(s)][your job title][your experience]. Eager to support/help/assist/etc. [company name][what you want to help the employer achieve and how you want to do it]. [your key achievement(s)].

how to write a resume summary

Now, just fill in the blanks with the key skills from your resume , info about your work experience, and throw in a few resume power words to make it sound more impressive.

3. Show Quantifiable Achievements

What sounds more impressive: “Streamlined internal reporting processes” or “Simplified reporting using project tracking software to increase productivity by 27%”? The second example is an achievement statement. It follows the Problem-Action-Result formula, which is perfect for talking about accomplishments.

A good summary for a resume must include a relevant achievement. And the ones involving numbers are the best.

4. Follow the Style Preferred by Recruiters

Your profile summary for a resume must stick to the following rules:

  • Skip personal pronouns such as I or my .
  • Limit the length of your professional summary to 2–5 sentences.
  • Describe yourself using strong adjectives .
  • Stay away from resume clichés such as go-getter or hard worker. .

To make it clearer, here’s a terrible summary statement coming straight from a bad resume example :

That is NOT what a summary for a resume should look like . It doesn’t follow the rules, and the tone is overly confident. This applicant is most likely lying on a resume .

Enough learning—let’s see professional summary examples that work.

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check . Start building a professional resume template here for free .

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When you’re done, Zety’s resume builder will score your resume and our resume checker will tell you exactly how to make it better.

50+ Resume Summary Examples for Multiple Jobs

Here’s my neat collection of career summary examples. Use them for inspiration, or simply adjust them to your needs!

Resume Summary Examples for Administrative & Office Jobs

Administrative assistant resume summary .

Dedicated senior administrative assistant with over 7 years of professional experience. Organized travel plans and schedules of 5 senior executives whilst doing general office admin duties. Eager to help ABC Inc. with managing appointments and communications. Also, skilled in accounting and ready to assist in bookkeeping. Devised and implemented 3 office initiatives that helped the company save over USD 10,000 a year.

For more details, go to Administrative Assistant Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

Administrative Coordinator Resume Summary

Personable administrative coordinator with 4+ years of experience in the corporate environment. Seeking to utilize organizational and collaboration skills to boost the office efficiency at Orange Trading. Improved wastepaper recycling by 37% and cut office supplies cost by 5% in 2022.

Learn more here: How to Write an Admin Coordinator Resume

Clerical Resume Summary

Meticulous and goal-oriented office clerk with 4+ years of experience in law firms. Eager to support information processing operations at Hartford & Partners with data entry and archiving skills. At BlueDot Law, improved office operations by implementing the use of image-to-text software and reorganizing the filing system. 

For more information, check this guide: Sample Clerical Resume with Tips & Key Skills

Data Entry Resume Summary

Detail-oriented Data Entry Specialist with 2+ years of experience. Eager to support office operations at OutlineCats Ltd. with typing skills and Microsoft Office knowledge. At Fish Tent, spotted inaccuracies in 40+ invoices and helped prevent a loss of over $12,000.

See more: Data Entry Resume Example & Writing Tips

Executive Assistant Resume Summary 

Dependable and devoted executive assistant with over 7 years of professional experience. Keen to support ABC Inc. with excellent organizational and analytical skills. At DEF Inc. optimized travel costs and effectively slashed them by over 30%. Also, saved USD 500K a year by redesigning and implementing a modernized call system.

For more details, go to Executive Assistant Resume Sample and Complete Guide

Office Administrator Resume Summary

Energetic office administrator with 3 years of experience. Excellent Microsoft Office skills and broad knowledge of office equipment. Seeking to implement cost-cutting administrative solutions at Icofly Inc. At NA20X, decreased operational costs by finding new suppliers, leading to savings of $7,400 in 2022.

Learn how to write a resume for office admin jobs here: Resume for an Office Administrator

Office Manager Resume Summary 

Dynamic office manager with over 7 years of professional experience. Seeks to leverage top-notch managerial and organizational skills to boost efficiency at ABC Inc. Managed a team of 5 office assistants in a high-volume retail business. Grew the number of new contracts by 30% a year, and reduced lead times by 45%. Optimized office supplies spending and saved over $50,000 per year.

For more details, go to Office Manager Resume Sample and Complete Guide

Receptionist Resume Summary 

Agile and well-organized receptionist with 6+ years of professional experience in the private and public sectors. Skilled at dealing with sensitive situations and keen to support ABC Inc. with organizational, diplomacy, and communication skills. At DEF Inc., implemented a CRM system with reporting capabilities that contributed to cutting costs by up to 25%.

For more details, go to Receptionist Resume Sample and Complete Guide

Secretary Resume Summary

Dedicated secretary with 5+ years of experience in a business setting. Keen to support administrative operations at WollFrame with excellent organizational and Microsoft Office skills. Praised for efficiency and professionalism at FluffPuff Co. In 2023, introduced calendar management and conference room booking solutions that helped decrease the number of unnecessary in-person meetings for company staff by 9%. 

Learn more here: How to Write a Resume for a Secretary

Virtual Assistant’s Resume Summary

Resilient Virtual Assistant with 3+ years of experience managing social media channels, creating content, and handling travel arrangements for three businesses and over 10 individuals. Excellent time management and communication skills. Eager to boost brand recognition for SoloPet by creating unique Instagram and blog content. In 2023, developed a social media strategy for a fitness influencer which led to an increase in followers from 3,5K to 75K within six months.

See more: Resume for a Virtual Assistant: Sample & Writing Tips

Resume Summary Examples for Business Jobs

Business analyst resume summary.

Inquisitive Business Analyst with 10+ years of experience in shipping industries. Excellent data analysis and management skills. Eager to supply the executive team with strategic analyses and forecasts to aid decision making at OverSeaS. At Oceanique, detected opportunities to boost vessel capacity by 9%, leading to a decrease in operational costs by 12%.

Learn more: How to Write a Resume for Business Analyst Jobs

Business Development Resume Summary

Goal-oriented Business Development Manager with 5+ years of experience in corporate environment. Eager to create market analyses for WizardGrow to detect opportunities for further growth. Conducted market research at CFly Inc. that led to increasing profits by 13% in 2021–2023.

Learn how to write a successful business resume: Resume Example for Business Professionals

Business Intelligence Resume Summary

Creative Business Intelligence Analyst with 4 years of experience in SaaS companies. Keen to utilize analytical skills to support finance and development teams at SaffronSky. At Belugeau, spotted cost-cutting opportunities in sales and marketing operations that led to over $31,800 in savings in 2021–2023.

See more: Business Intelligence Analyst Resume Example & Writing Guide

Project Manager Resume Summary

Seasoned IT PMP with a degree in law and 8+ years of professional experience in growing revenue for a fintech company. Keen to leverage leadership and managerial expertise as a project manager for ABC Inc. Executed a lean training project that led to cutting costs by up to 40% in 6 months.

For more details, go to Project Manager Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

Data Analyst Resume Summary 

Disciplined and insightful data analyst with 6+ years of experience analyzing business processes. Eager to leverage big data interpreting and visualizing skills at ABC Inc to drive growth and boost sales results. In current role, identified a major bottleneck, reduced operating costs by over 20%, and saved upwards of USD 500,000 a year.

For more details, go to Data Analyst Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

Human Resources Resume Summary 

Meticulous and efficient HR manager with 7+ years of experience. Eager to boost employee retention for ABC Inc. In previous positions, increased employee retention by 20% YOY. Cut recruitment lead time by 30%. Also, improved employee effectiveness by up to 20% and boosted participation in training by 15%.

For more details, go to Human Resource Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

Resume Summary Examples for Customer Service 

Customer service manager resume summary.

People-oriented Customer Service Manager with 5+ years of experience in an international company. Fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. Seeking to utilize leadership skills and improve agent efficiency while coordinating the customer service team at White Line Co. Received the Management Excellence award in 2020 for continuously exceeding team KPIs for four consecutive quarters.

Learn more: Resume for a Customer Service Manager: Example & Best Tips

Customer Service Resume Summary

Energetic and optimistic customer service representative with over 3 years of professional experience assisting customers in solving complex issues. Keen to support ABC Inc. in becoming a market leader through proven customer support skills. Awarded Consultant of the Month three times. Helped reduce First Response Time by 20% within the first quarter of employment.

For more details, go to Customer Service Resume Sample and Complete Guide

Customer Success Manager Resume Summary

Efficient customer success manager with 10 years of experience. Eager to collaborate with Sales and Product teams to detect opportunities to increase customer satisfaction and boost sales for True Flow. At FonoGrow, helped increase the company rating on TrustPilot by 26% through changes in CS processes.

Learn how to make a great resume for this profession: Tips for Writing the Best Customer Success Manager Resume

Retail Resume Summary

Personable retail associate with 3+ years of experience in a busy fashion store. Keen to utilize sales techniques and interpersonal skills at LiliCoSlow to strengthen customer loyalty while exceeding sales targets. Recognized as Top Staff Member at Alter Dress for excellent customer service skills and dependability.

See more: Sample Retail Resume & Writing Guide

Resume Summary Examples for Counseling & Social Work

Aged care resume summary.

Personable Aged Care Specialist with 4 years of experience. Certified Nurse Aide. Seeking to support the residents of Boca Raton La Vida with restorative care and a personalized approach to their wellness. In 2020–2023, cared for 150+ geriatric residents of Moon Health Center and received 100% positive feedback from patients as well as fellow staff members.

Learn more here: How to Write a Resume for Aged Care Workers

Caregiver Resume Summary

Empathetic caregiver with 10+ years of experience in assisted living facilities. Certified in First Aid. Keen to improve the quality of life for Ribbon Lane Living patients by providing personalized care plans and supporting their daily activities. At Homes4All, created a successful arts & crafts program attended by 80 geriatric patients.

See more: Caregiver Resume Example & Step-by-Step Writing Guide

Disability Support Worker Resume Summary

Energetic disability support worker with 2+ years of experience with special needs children and teens. Keen to support students’ academic efforts at Emerald Future using personalized activities and teaching aids that match their needs. In 2021–2023, provided 1:1 Math and English tutoring for individuals with learning difficulties, helping them to improve their performance in standardized tests by 37% on average.

Learn how to write a resume for disability workers here: Resume Example for a Disability Support Worker (+ Tips)

Mental Health Counselor Resume Summary

Empathetic mental health counselor with 6+ years of experience. Eager to support the students of Salem Technical University with personalized counseling sessions to decrease the freshmen dropout rate and prevent antisocial behavior. Provided group and individual counseling to 100+ undergraduate students with a 94% satisfaction rate.

See more: Sample Resume for a Mental Health Counselor

Social Worker Resume Summary 

Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 7 years of professional experience. Eager to help ABC Center’s clients through first-class treatment plan development and assessment skills. At DEF Center devised 35+ plans for treatment and cooperated with 40+ clients to achieve their goals with a 90% success rate in under nine months.

For more details, go to Social Worker Resume Sample and Complete Guide

Resume Summary Examples for Education Jobs

Teacher resume summary.

Dedicated secondary education teacher with over 8 years of experience in devising individualized curricula within state standards. Eager to join ABC School to utilize expert knowledge of English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching methodology, including project- and content-based instruction. Prepared 300+ students for international language certifications with a 99% pass rate.

For more details, go to Teacher Resume Sample and Complete Guide

Teacher Assistant Resume Summary

Enthusiastic Teacher Assistant with 3+ years of experience with high school students. Eager to support the educators at Open Minds Center with lesson planning and one-to-one tutoring. At STEM Workz, created 20 unique lesson plans and helped 30+ students improve their scores in Math and Chemistry.

Learn more: Teacher Assistant Resume Example & Key Skills

Resume Summary Examples for Finance & Accounting

Accountant resume summary .

Disciplined and persistent senior CPA with over 6 years of professional experience. Eager to employ proven account reconciliation and IT skills at ABC Inc. In previous roles, improved DEF Inc’s cloud-computing practices that led to saving as many as 800 hours yearly. Identified and eliminated an issue that saved almost $1 million per year.

For more details, go to Accountant Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

Financial Analyst Resume Summary 

Chartered Financial Analyst with over 7 years of professional experience. Seeks to leverage budgeting, cost, and revenue-maximizing expertise for ABC Inc. At DEF Inc. saved USD 3.5M through identifying low-margin transactions. Also, optimized pricing policy at GHI Inc. that boosted customer retention metrics by up to 40%.

For more details, go to Financial Analyst Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

Resume Summary Examples for Food & Restaurant Jobs

Bartender resume summary .

Charismatic bartender with over 6 years of professional experience working at high-end clubs in large metropolitan and seaside areas. Thanks to exceptional memory, rapport-building, and storytelling skills achieved a 20% boost in up-selling to all patrons. Holds a Bartending Certificate valid in the vast majority of states.

For more details, go to Bartender Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

Cook Resume Summary

Versatile cook with 3 years of experience in busy restaurants. Passionate about fusion cuisine and locally-grown ingredients. Eager to team up with the kitchen staff at Yenocita BBQ to prepare high-quality meals in a timely and organized manner. While at Pollo&Stella, created a signature dish for the summer seasonal menu that received 30+ rave reviews on Google and Yelp.

Learn how to write a resume for a cook here: Professional Cook Resume Example

Fast Food Resume Summary

Dependable crew member with 3 years of experience in a fast-food restaurant. Excellent customer service and time management skills. Seeking to provide personalized service to Pasta&Pizza’s patrons in an efficient and friendly manner. Exceeded sales goals by 22% for two consecutive quarters in 2022.

Learn more: Resume for Fast Food Jobs: Sample & Writing Guide

Server Resume Summary 

Dependable and friendly server with over 3 years of experience waiting on guests at ABC Restaurant. Eager to join DEF Restaurant to offer its guests exquisite dining experience. Served up to 80 guests nightly and made sure all the dishes were delivered in a timely manner.

For more details, go to Server Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

Resume Summary Examples for Health & Wellness

Cna resume summary.

Dependable multilingual CNA (BLS and CPR certified) with over 10 years of experience in various healthcare settings. Seeks to utilize proven managerial and patient advocacy skills at ABC Medical Center. At DEF Care Home managed a team of 7+ CNAs. Also, developed and implemented a set of procedures that reduced medication administration errors down to 0.1%.

For more details, go to CNA Resume Sample and Complete Guide

Nursing Resume Summary

Bilingual Pediatric Registered Nurse with 10+ years of professional experience in the ICUs and PICUs of community hospitals. Keen to join the ABC Hospital staff to leverage top-class management experience and patient care skills as a Pediatric RN at DEF Hospital. Thanks to a deep knowledge of hospital procedures and high standards of service consistently scored over 90% in compliance rate assessments.

For more details, go to Nursing Resume Sample and Complete Guide

Massage Therapist Resume Summary

Licensed massage therapist with 4+ years of experience in wellness centers. Knowledgeable about classic bodywork and Eastern modalities. Eager to provide the customers of Flying Orchid Spa with rejuvenating massage sessions customized to target their needs. At previous workplace, built a customer base of 30+ recurring clients through professionalism and personalized care.

Learn more: How to Write a Resume for a Massage Therapist

Medical Assistant Resume Summary

Certified Medical Assistant with over 5 years of professional experience. Eager to use impeccable patient care skills to support excellence at ABC Med. At DEF Med, received 99% positive reviews. Reduced the number of errors by 22% and saved USD 70,000 a year thanks to a good understanding of EHR.

For more details, go to Medical Assistant Resume Sample and Complete Guide

Medical Doctor Resume Summary

Personable family medicine specialist with 8+ years of experience. Excellent customer care and interpersonal skills. Eager to provide patients at Jade Family Clinic with personalized and efficient healthcare. At Health Lion Inc., received 91% satisfaction rating while seeing 20+ patients daily. 

Learn more here: How to Write a Resume for a Medical Doctor

Resume Summary Examples for Hospitality Jobs

Hotel receptionist resume summary.

Resilient hotel receptionist with 3 years of experience in upscale and boutique establishments. Well versed in booking management systems. Eager to utilize customer service skills to resolve all customer inquiries in an efficient and courteous manner while creating a great experience for hotel guests at Nana Coastal Retreats. While at OpuLux Lodgings, provided front-desk services to VIP clients and received a 98% satisfaction rate. 

Learn more: How to Write a Hotel Front Desk Resume

Event Manager Resume Summary

Resourceful Event Manager with 5+ years of experience in corporate environments. Eager to coordinate in-house and public events for Satay Trade Inc. with great attention to detail. Successfully managed a team of 5 to organize a business conference for 200+ guests on very short notice in 2022.

See here: Event Manager Resume: Example, Skills, & Writing Tips

Housekeeping Resume Summary 

Well-organized housekeeping supervisor skilled in deep and daily cleaning. Eager to join the ABC Hotel to help maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and organization. In previous roles, managed six housekeeping staff members at the DEF Hotel and contributed to boosting positive customer reviews by over 45%. Identified and resolved a recurring issue with guest room air conditioning that saved USD 300K.

For more details, go to Housekeeping Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

Resume Summary Examples for Industry Jobs

Cnc machinist resume summary.

Detail-oriented CNC machine operator with 4 years of experience. Eager to provide equipment maintenance services and boost production efficiency for Hydra Inc. In 2021, helped decrease equipment downtime by 23% through improvements in routine maintenance operations and staff training.

Learn more: How to Write a Resume for a CNC Machinist

Forklift Operator Resume Summary

Dependable forklift operator with 5+ years of experience. OSHA Forklift Certification holder. Eager to join the warehouse staff at Blue Ship Holdings to support shipping operations and train new forklift drivers. At Pea Dockyards, consistently exceeded loading and unloading targets while keeping a 100% safety record for 2 years.

Learn to write an impressive resume for a forklift operator here: Sample Forklift Operator Resume & Writing Tips

Warehouse Resume Summary 

Qualified warehouse associate with over 7 years of experience. Eager to join ABC Inc. to deliver top KPIs and impeccable organizational skills. As a DEF Inc. warehouse associate achieved picking-packing speeds and efficiency in top 96%. Five-time winner of the DEF Inc. picker of the month.

For more details, go to Warehouse Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

Resume Summary Examples for IT & Tech

Software engineer resume summary .

Dynamic and creative software developer with over 5 years of experience in producing robust code for high-volume companies. Eager to support the dev team at CDE Inc. with top-notch coding skills. In previous roles, doubled code-efficiency of ABC Inc., and increased customer retention by 30% among others.

For more details, go to Software Engineer Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

Engineering Resume Summary

Ingenious and determined mechanical engineer with over 10 years of experience. Seeks to use first-class production design and process skills to push forward manufacturing excellence at ABC Inc. Boosted production efficiency by 25% at DEF Inc. and consistently delivered to customer needs at over 20% under budget.

For more details, go to Engineering Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

IT Resume Summary

Likable and dedicated IT consultant with over 5 years of experience in a fast-paced fin-tech company. Eager to offer superb analytical and computer skills to help ABC Inc grow its client base. In previous roles recognized for top company-wide quality satisfaction rating (over 99%). Also, reduced client wait time by 20% and boosted client satisfaction ratings by more than 40% in a single quarter. 

For more details, go to IT Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

Resume Summary Examples for Sales

Sales resume summary.

Determined retail clerk with over 4 years of professional experience. Eager to help ABC Inc. boost its KPIs through outstanding customer loyalty-building and sales skills. Constantly received upwards of 90% of positive customer reviews and achieved 30% above average repeat customer scores. Also, runs a popular unboxing channel on YouTube with over 3K of monthly views.

For more details, go to Retail Resume Sample and Complete Guide

Sales Associate Resume Summary 

Insightful sales associate with 5+ years of professional experience in online and print media. Eager to boost DEF Inc’s revenue by at least 40% over the next fiscal year. In previous positions, exceeded quarterly sales targets by 10% every quarter. Maintained a customer retention rate of 90% YOY thanks to which won Salesman of the Year Award in 2018.

For more details, go to Sales Associate Resume Sample and Complete Guide

Cashier Resume Summary 

Likable cashier with over 5 years of professional experience. Seeks to utilize top-class organizational and attention to detail skills to boost efficiency at ABC Inc. At DEF Inc., awarded Employee of the Month four times in a row for accuracy and efficiency. At GHI Inc., worked a streak of 450 days with no sick leave and a 30% higher accuracy score than peers.

For more details, go to Cashier Resume Sample and Complete Guide

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here.  Here's what it may look like:

matching set of resume and cover letter

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

Key Takeaways

Here’s how to write a resume summary that’s short yet effective:

  • Start with a good personality trait, your job title, and years of experience.
  • Follow with specifying what you can do for the employer.
  • Throw in a relevant achievement and key skills.
  • Make a tailored professional summary for every job application.

Do you have any questions about crafting the perfect resume summaries? Would you like to share your advice with other readers? I'm always happy to hear from you. Give me a shout-out in the comments below!

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This article has been reviewed by our editorial team to make sure it follows Zety's editorial guidelines . We’re committed to sharing our expertise and giving you trustworthy career advice tailored to your needs. High-quality content is what brings over 40 million readers to our site every year. But we don't stop there. Our team conducts original research to understand the job market better, and we pride ourselves on being quoted by top universities and prime media outlets from around the world.

  • https://bpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/u.osu.edu/dist/1/56827/files/2018/08/Selective-attention-filtering-and-the-development-of-working-2muqip9.pdf
  • https://www.princeton.edu/~rbenabou/papers/CONFQJE2.pdf

Frequently Asked Questions about Resume Summary Examples

What is a summary on a resume .

A resume summary (also called a resume profile or resume introduction ) is a short and catchy paragraph that sums up your qualifications for a specific job. Its purpose is to catch the reader’s attention and immediately show your value to a recruiter in just 2–5 sentences.

No matter which resume format you decide to use, your resume summary should always go near the top of the page, below the resume header . If your resume template features a sidebar rather than a header, put the summary statement at the top of the main column. 

How to write a professional summary for a resume? 

Here's how to write a professional summary for a resume:

  • Start with a character trait plus your job title and years of experience.
  • Add a quantifiable career achievement relevant to the position.
  • Offer to use your expertise to achieve a specific goal for the company. 
  • Weave in a few of your key professional skills relevant to the job ad.
  • Always tailor the resume summary to a specific job you want.

These are just the essentials. To make a good resume summary, you should also use action verbs that help to convey confidence, and add resume keywords from the job posting .

What is the best resume summary generator?

You can use a free resume summary generator that’s featured in our resume builder . It will create a professional summary for a resume based on your profession, skills, and work experience. 

You can also try stand-alone professional summary generators available online. However, they can only provide you with a fill-in-the-blank template for your resume summary. This means that you will have to spend extra time personalizing it.

How do you write a summary for a resume with no experience? 

If you’re making a resume with no work experience , such as a recent grad resume , consider writing a resume objective instead of a summary. A resume objective is basically a beginner summary for a resume: it too aims to show your skills and catch the reader’s attention, but it does so using your academic achievements and transferable skills rather than work experience. Objectives also work well for career-change resumes . 

How to start a resume summary? 

Start your resume summary with a positive character adjective, then mention your job title, years of experience, and your expertise. Follow with examples of career accomplishments and key skills relevant to the job. It’s easier to write a good summary for a resume when your other resume sections are completed.

Where can I find more resume summary examples? 

Browse our collection of resume examples for 500+ specific jobs to see resume summaries for various professions. Each sample comes with a writing guide so you can learn exactly how to write a resume for your profession or experience level.

Roma Kończak, CPRW

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Resume Synonyms for Explained

Want to emphasize your communication talents and ability to clarify complex information? The term 'Explained' is safe but misses chances to highlight your skills making concepts clear. Let's explore vivid alternatives to 'Explained' that showcase your talent demystifying the opaque.

Table of Contents

Using explained on a resume.

'Explained' is a term that conveys the act of making something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it. It's about breaking down complex ideas into simpler, digestible pieces, making it accessible to others. In the context of a resume, 'Explained' is often used to highlight one's ability to communicate effectively, especially in roles that require teaching, training, or presenting information. It suggests that the individual has the capacity to articulate ideas, concepts, or procedures in a manner that others can comprehend. However, while 'Explained' is a useful term, it may not always be the most impactful choice of language on a resume. It's a rather common and expected term, and may not fully capture the breadth and depth of your communication skills or your ability to engage, persuade, or inspire others. To make your resume stand out, it can be beneficial to consider using other, more dynamic synonyms that can better express your abilities and experiences. This can help to create a more compelling narrative about your skills and achievements, thereby maximizing the potential impact of your resume.

Tailor Your Resume Content to the Job Description

another word for brief resume

Strong vs Weak Uses of Explained

Examples of using explained on a resume.

  • Explained complex software solutions to non-technical clients, resulting in a 30% increase in product adoption.
  • Developed and explained comprehensive training materials for new hires, leading to a 20% decrease in onboarding time.
  • Explained and demonstrated product features to potential customers at trade shows, contributing to a 15% increase in sales.
  • Explained things to customers.
  • Explained stuff to new hires.
  • Explained product features at trade shows.

How Explained Is Commonly Misused

"explained company policies to customers".

This statement is too generic and does not provide any specific information about the impact or outcomes of explaining company policies. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your communication skills and customer service abilities.

"Explained technical concepts to non-technical team members"

While this statement highlights the ability to explain technical concepts, it lacks impact and does not provide any specific examples or achievements. Instead, it is better to mention the specific technical concepts explained and the positive outcomes or improvements resulting from the explanations.

"Explained job responsibilities to new hires"

This statement is too vague and does not provide any specific information about the job responsibilities explained or the impact of the explanations. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your ability to effectively onboard new employees and ensure a smooth transition.

"Explained project details to stakeholders"

While this statement indicates the ability to communicate project details, it lacks impact and does not highlight any specific achievements or outcomes. Instead, it is better to mention the specific project details explained and the positive impact on stakeholder understanding, decision-making, or project success.

When to Replace Explained with Another Synonym

Explaining complex concepts.

Instead of using "Explained," job seekers can use synonyms like "Clarified," "Simplified," or "Conveyed" to demonstrate their ability to break down complex ideas and communicate them effectively. These alternatives highlight their skill in making information more understandable and accessible to others.

Training or teaching others

When describing their experience in training or teaching, job seekers can opt for synonyms such as "Instructed," "Educated," or "Coached." These terms emphasize their ability to transfer knowledge, provide guidance, and support the development of others. Using these alternatives showcases their expertise in facilitating learning and helping others acquire new skills.

Presenting information or ideas

Instead of using "Explained," job seekers can use synonyms like "Presented," "Demonstrated," or "Illustrated" to highlight their ability to effectively communicate information or ideas to an audience. These alternatives emphasize their skill in delivering engaging and informative presentations, showcasing their ability to capture attention, convey key messages, and persuade others.

Best Resume Synonyms for Explained

How to replace explained with a stronger, more relevant synonym, replacing explained in your resume summary.

Using Explained

Using a Strong Synonym

Replacing Explained in Your Work Experience

  • Explained technical product details to customers to increase product understanding and sales.
  • Clarified complex technical product features to customers, enhancing their understanding and contributing to a significant increase in sales.

Powerful Explained Synonyms for Different Job Categories

Best explained synonyms for marketing resumes, best explained synonyms for customer service resumes, find the right synonyms for any job, frequently asked questions.

A great replacement for the word 'Explained' on a resume could be 'Clarified'. This word implies that you made a complex topic easier to understand, showcasing your communication skills. For example, instead of saying "Explained technical processes to non-technical team members", you could say "Clarified technical processes to non-technical team members".

It's appropriate to use 'explained' on your resume when you're describing a role or accomplishment that involved conveying complex information in a clear, understandable way. For example, "Explained technical product features to non-technical customers, increasing customer satisfaction by 20%." However, ensure it's used sparingly and in the right context, as overuse can make your resume sound repetitive.

You can gauge if "explained" is relevant for your resume by considering if your role involved teaching, training, or clarifying complex information to others. For instance, if you were a project manager who regularly explained project goals and strategies to your team, or a sales representative who explained product features to customers, then "explained" would be a suitable verb to use. Remember, the goal is to accurately represent your skills and experiences.

Which Job Titles use Explained the Most?

Top 5 titles/functions with the most mentions of explained on their resume:, related resume synonyms, explore full resume examples to find other improvements.

administrative assistant resume

Guidance to Improve Your Resume Language for Greater Impact

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adjective as in informed

Strongest matches

  • knowledgeable

Strong matches

  • enlightened

Weak matches

  • in the know
  • know the score
  • know what's what

adjective as in instructed

Strongest match

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Example sentences.

There is even a brief chapter in which Bezos explains why he bought The Washington Post.

As he disarmingly and frankly acknowledges, little is certain beyond that the fire started near the Circus Maximus and, with a brief respite, burned for nine days.

For that brief moment last Sunday, it appeared his rise was going to include his first NFL touchdown, as he hurdled Detroit Lions cornerback Justin Coleman just a few yards from the goal line.

When Knox appealed a second time to the Supreme Court, Attorney General Janet Reno filed her own brief arguing that the appeals court had ruled properly — a highly unusual departure from the argument of her own solicitor general.

RaceAhead is back after a brief hiatus and will return to a normal schedule next week.

He did not mention rectal feeding, but perhaps he was not fully briefed.

In the early days of the program, CIA officials briefed the leadership of the House Intelligence Committee.

So a well-briefed and disciplined nominee could change things.

White House officials briefed reporters that afternoon on the failed mission.

One source briefed on the incident said multiple FSA fighters were killed in the attack.

Yesterday evening I was briefed to defend a political prisoner before the Deputy Commissioner.

Ripley briefed the general situation as it stood on the night of the engine theft in a few terse sentences.

Of these eighty-nine cases three are clearly misquotations — for Pascal was badly briefed.

At one o'clock Tom briefed the flight crews and technicians.

The tale of the years succeeding may be briefed in a bare sentence or two.

Related Words

Words related to briefed are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word briefed . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

adjective as in cognizant, conversant

adjective as in trained

On this page you'll find 43 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to briefed, such as: abreast, knowledgeable, learned, acquainted, apprized, and enlightened.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

LAist is part of Southern California Public Radio, a member-supported public media network.


Santa Ana residents who are behind on their water bills could begin receiving water shut off notices starting in August.

Why now: Starting as soon as August, officials will have to give delinquent customers at least 60 days after a bill non-payment before shutting off services, which hasn't been done since March 2020. Officials also have to also give written notice, according to state law, which also prevents service disruptions in the case of a "serious threat to life or health and safety of a resident or severe financial hardship.”

The backstory: Pandemic-era moratoriums on shutting off water services due to non-payment have expired. Santa Ana has not shut off water supply to residents since March 2020.

Next steps: The ordinance authorizing the practice is slated to be back in front of the city council for final approval on June 4.

Read on... for information on bill assistance options.

Santa Ana residents could soon begin receiving water shut off notices for falling behind on payments now that pandemic-era moratoriums have expired.

Starting as soon as August, officials will have to give delinquent customers at least 60 days after a bill non-payment before shutting off services, which hasn't been done since March 2020. Officials also have to also give written notice, according to state law, which also prevents service disruptions in the case of a "serious threat to life or health and safety of a resident or severe financial hardship.”

A city spokesperson said the city is currently “developing policies and procedures to ensure we comply with state law and will be sharing this with residents soon, as we begin a citywide information campaign to ensure that our community is aware of the changes to water shut offs.”

The ordinance comes back in front of the city council for final approval on June 4.

Santa Ana officials have cited the fact that federal and state funding to help delinquent residents are coming to an end as a reason for the change.

Here are resources available for Santa Ana residents who might be having trouble paying their water bills:

  • Share Our Selves is a local nonprofit that provides financial assistance to individuals and families on a case-by-case basis, including for water service payments, (949) 270 2100
  • Family Promise of Orange County offers assistance with water bills for families with at least one child under the age of 18, (657) 482 3798
  • Low Income Household Water Assistance Program Supplemental Benefit : While the program is no longer accepting applications, those who previously applied for and received a benefit will automatically receive the supplemental help, which will show up on their water bills as a credit of $198.23.

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Ncba series resumes after short hiatus caused by the heavy rains.

The series returns after a brief hiatus caused by the recent heavy rains that affected various golf courses in the country.

•Over 200 golfers are expected to grace the event at Muthaiga course, which is renowned for its challenging par-71 layout.

•The tournament will provide an opportunity for six standout performers to secure their slots at the 2024 NCBA Golf Series' Grand Finale.

Ruiru Sports Club's Chris Karimi in action during his home club's leg of the NCBA Golf Series

The 2024 NCBA Golf Series returns as the ‘Home of Golf’— Muthaiga Golf Club hosts the sixth leg this weekend. 

Over 200 golfers are expected to grace the event at Muthaiga course, which is renowned for its challenging par-71 layout.

The golfers will be vying for coveted slots to compete in the series' Grand Finale later in the year.

Muthaiga Club captain, Bo Ciera, said: “We are delighted as Muthaiga Golf Club to be hosting the NCBA Golf Series once again. NCBA has been a key partner of the club for a long time and we are delighted they have given us this opportunity to be part of the series.”

He added: “Our course is in impeccable condition, ready to challenge and inspire golfers of all levels and with the support of our partner NCBA and the enthusiasm of our players, I am confident the event will be a memorable one,” he added.

NCBA Group Managing Director, John Gachora, said: "As we return to Muthaiga for the next leg of the NCBA Golf Series, I am thrilled to witness the passion and skill of our golfers on display. This tournament not only showcases the best of Kenyan golf but also embodies our commitment to supporting the growth and development of the sport in our community."

The tournament will provide an opportunity for six standout performers to secure their slots at the 2024 NCBA Golf Series' Grand Finale.

These slots will be awarded to the Division 1 male and female winners, Division 2 male and female winners, the overall winner of Division 3 and the top performer in the Junior category.

At the same time, the NCBA U.S. Kids Golf Fall Local Tour tournament continues this weekend at the same venue with at least 186 junior golfers aged between 5 and 18 years old set to participate.

The tournament is jointly organised by U.S. Kids Golf and the Junior Golf Foundation Kenya courtesy of NCBA Bank. 

The event aims to provide the juniors with a platform to refine their skills and enhance their competitiveness as well as offer the junior golfers a chance to qualify for international tournaments organised by U.S. Kids Golf by earning points for Priority Status.

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Synonyms of summary

  • as in outline
  • as in concise
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Thesaurus Definition of summary

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • summarization
  • recapitulation
  • summing - up
  • encapsulation
  • run - through
  • abridgement
  • condensation
  • curtailment
  • abbreviation
  • simplification
  • streamlining

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • enlargement
  • amplification

Thesaurus Definition of summary  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • telegraphic
  • compendious
  • epigrammatic
  • monosyllabic
  • sententious
  • apothegmatic
  • abbreviated
  • substantial
  • significant
  • well - turned
  • repetitious
  • tautological
  • long - winded
  • exaggerated
  • circumlocutory
  • supplemented
  • tautologous
  • embroidered
  • embellished

Synonym Chooser

How does the adjective summary contrast with its synonyms?

Some common synonyms of summary are compendious , concise , laconic , pithy , succinct , and terse . While all these words mean "very brief in statement or expression," summary suggests the statement of main points with no elaboration or explanation.

When would compendious be a good substitute for summary ?

The words compendious and summary are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, compendious applies to what is at once full in scope and brief and concise in treatment.

When is concise a more appropriate choice than summary ?

In some situations, the words concise and summary are roughly equivalent. However, concise suggests the removal of all that is superfluous or elaborative.

When is it sensible to use laconic instead of summary ?

While in some cases nearly identical to summary , laconic implies brevity to the point of seeming rude, indifferent, or mysterious.

How does the word pithy relate to other synonyms for summary ?

Pithy adds to succinct or terse the implication of richness of meaning or substance.

When might succinct be a better fit than summary ?

The meanings of succinct and summary largely overlap; however, succinct implies the greatest possible compression.

When can terse be used instead of summary ?

The words terse and summary can be used in similar contexts, but terse implies pointed conciseness.

Thesaurus Entries Near summary


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“Summary.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/summary. Accessed 24 May. 2024.

More from Merriam-Webster on summary

Nglish: Translation of summary for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of summary for Arabic Speakers

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Triangle’s small towns stay hot, Raleigh growth resumes, latest census numbers show

After a brief lull during the COVID-19 pandemic, Raleigh is growing again.

An estimated 482,295 people lived in the city last July 1, according to the latest municipal population estimates released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau. That’s up nearly 1.9% from a year earlier, the highest rate of annual population growth in the city in several years.

In fact, after decades of steady growth, Raleigh’s population dipped slightly between 2019 and 2020, according to the census. Now the agency estimates that nearly 17,000 more people lived in the city last summer than in July 2020, an increase of about 3.6%.

The census estimates show that people continue to pour into smaller, increasingly suburban towns in the Triangle . Wendell has been the region’s fastest growing; the town’s population grew 44.2% between 2020 and last summer, to an estimated 14,400. Statewide, that’s second only to the Brunswick County town of Bolivia, at 48.4%.

Three other Triangle towns have grown more than 25% in just three years: Zebulon, Fuquay-Varina and the Harnett County town of Angier .

As new home development moves increasingly to outlying areas, Cary has matured. The town, now North Carolina’s seventh largest city with 180,000 residents, was Wake County’s slowest growing municipality between 2020 and 2023, at 3%.

What is North Carolina’s largest city?

Other findings from the Census Bureau estimates:

▪ Of the 551 cities, towns and villages in North Carolina, 91 lost population in the year ending last July 1. Most were in rural areas of the state, but they included three in the Triangle: Carrboro, Hillsborough and Siler City, which all contracted by a half percent or less.

▪ Charlotte is still by far North Carolina’s largest city, with an estimated 911,311 residents last summer. It’s the nation’s 15th most populous city, just behind Columbus, Ohio, and ahead of Indianapolis.

▪ Raleigh remained the state’s second largest city and the 41st largest in the country, just behind Omaha and ahead of Virginia Beach.

▪ Durham has grown at twice the rate of Greensboro since 2020 and will likely be the state’s third largest city before the decade is out. Last summer, Durham had an estimated 296,186 residents, about 6,100 fewer than Greensboro.

▪ Johnston County has been among the state’s fastest-growing counties for decades, and that’s reflected in the populations of its small towns. Of the 50 fastest-growing towns in North Carolina since 2020, 11 are in Johnston County. Clayton leads at 13.2%, but all 11 towns have seen their populations grow 9% or more in three years.

This story was originally published May 16, 2024, 5:00 AM.

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  1. The Best Synonyms for Common Resume Verbs & Adjectives

    Example: Evaluated market trends and competitor strategies to identify key insights, informing strategic decision-making and achieving a competitive edge.. Synonyms for your resume introduction. A resume introduction is a short paragraph at the top of your resume that summarizes your key qualifications as a candidate.. A strong resume introduction sells your candidacy by targeting the job ...

  2. What is another word for résumé

    A summary or synopsis of something. A summary or account of education and employment experiences and qualifications. An account of an event or situation, typically intended for publication or broadcasting. (usually "minutes") A summarized record of the proceedings at a meeting. History or biography of a person's life.

  3. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Briefed [Examples + Data]

    Use our library of 600+ synonyms to find the perfect words for your next resume. Cover Letter Examples 1,200+ cover letter examples to help you craft a meaningful narrative in your next application.

  4. 20 Common Resume Buzzwords (and What to Use Instead)

    (Reposted from Stephan Maldonado's VAULT.com blog, 16 January 2019) January 18 th is National Thesaurus Day: a chance to celebrate the complexity of words and the variety of creative ways to express yourself. Thesaurus Day recognizes Peter Mark Roget (born on January 18, 1779), who published the Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases in 1852.Until the advent of the digital age, Roget's ...

  5. RESUME Synonyms: 77 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for RESUME: continue, restart, reopen, proceed (with), renew, revive, pick up, resuscitate; Antonyms of RESUME: complete, finish, conclude, end, consummate ...

  6. How To Write an Effective Resume Summary (With Examples)

    Your resume summary must showcase you, your talents and your experience in a succinct, well-crafted sentence. This will make your resume standout from others and is worth the investment in time to do it well. 2. You want to highlight your key skills and experience earlier.

  7. How to Write a Great Resume Summary: Examples for 2024

    Use the Evergreen Formula for a Good Resume Summary. Let me show you a simple formula. Once you it, you'll be able to write a better resume summary than a professional summary generator. Here it goes: [adjective (s)/strong character trait (s)] [your job title] [your experience].

  8. Experience Synonyms for a Resume: How To Choose and Examples

    Here are some steps you can follow to choose the best experience synonyms for your resume: 1. Review the job description. Emphasize keywords that apply to your skill set or professional qualities. This can include hard skills, soft skills, tasks you've done before, your level of education, and other factors.


    RESUME - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus

  10. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Explained [Examples + Data]

    Best Resume Synonyms for Explained. Clarified. Clearly explained or elaborated upon a topic, removing any doubts or confusion. Interpreted. Explained, translated, or understood the meaning of information or data. Illustrated. Demonstrated or made clear by using examples, charts, or pictures. Demonstrated.

  11. 18 Synonyms & Antonyms for RÉSUMÉ

    Find 18 different ways to say RÉSUMÉ, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

  12. resume

    resume - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. All Free. ... summing up, recap Collocations (informal), brief Collocations, summarization, summarisation (UK), ... Could resume vs could be resumed - English Only forum CV, resume and job profile - English Only forum

  13. Best Synonyms for Experience To Include On Your Resume in 2024

    In this brief but comprehensive guide, you'll find a list of synonyms for "experience" you can use on your resume. 23 Synonyms for Experience. Using synonyms to replace "Experience" is a great way to show recruiters, hiring managers, and prospective employers that you have an in-depth understanding of what you accomplished and learned ...

  14. BRIEF Synonyms: 260 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for BRIEF: concise, summary, short, succinct, pithy, terse, blunt, curt; Antonyms of BRIEF: wordy, circuitous, prolix, rambling, diffuse, verbose, windy ...

  15. Brief synonyms

    Another way to say Brief? Synonyms for Brief (other words and phrases for Brief). Synonyms for Brief. 2 486 other terms for brief- words and phrases with similar meaning. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. words. phrases. idioms. Parts of speech. adjectives. nouns.

  16. "Provide" Synonyms in Resumes: Employers Prefer These Words

    How you can choose synonyms for your resume Here are some tips you may use to select synonyms for this word in your resume: Show your personal brand Each individual has a unique personal brand that includes all their skills, qualities and values. Choose synonyms that display your personal brand and help convey a consistent message throughout ...

  17. Free Resume Summary Generator (Make a Resume Summary Fast)

    Most resume summaries are roughly three sentences long, and include the following information: Sentence #1: Your biggest selling points as a candidate, including how many years of relevant work experience you have. Sentence #2: One or more specific accomplishments or skills from your career to show employers what they can expect from you if ...

  18. 94 Synonyms & Antonyms for BRIEF

    Find 94 different ways to say BRIEF, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

  19. BRIEFS Synonyms: 144 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for BRIEFS: summaries, outlines, summae, résumés, resumes, resumés, synopses, précis; Antonyms of BRIEFS: enlargements, expansions, amplifications ...

  20. What is another word for resumes

    To occupy again, or to take back possession of something. To recur or happen again. To return or change back to a former state. To go back to a previous state. To make assets or funds available. To copy or create (the same thing) again, potentially with a variation. Noun. Plural for a brief summary of something presented.

  21. 40 Synonyms & Antonyms for BRIEFED

    Find 40 different ways to say BRIEFED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

  22. In This Brief synonyms

    in the brief. in the little. in the present note. in the short. in this memorandum. in this note. in this quick. in this short. this brief.

  23. Santa Ana Water Shut Offs

    The backstory: Pandemic-era moratoriums on shutting off water services due to non-payment have expired. Santa Ana has not shut off water supply to residents since March 2020. Next steps: The ...

  24. Substitute Teacher Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Start Building. 1. Write a brief summary of your substitute teacher qualifications. Your goal is to captivate hiring managers with a brief two to three-sentence summary highlighting your top qualifications and skills. Thoroughly review the job description and mirror relevant keywords that demonstrate your suitability for the role.

  25. NCBA Series resumes after short hiatus caused by the heavy rains

    The series returns after a brief hiatus caused by the recent heavy rains that affected various golf courses in the country. •Over 200 golfers are expected to grace the event at Muthaiga course ...

  26. A Day of Bruising Questions for Cohen, With More Ahead in Trump Trial

    It was a startling moment: Mr. Blanche on the attack, accusing Mr. Cohen of lying about a brief phone call on Oct. 24, 2016, which Mr. Cohen had previously said was to update Mr. Trump about the ...

  27. | Latest US politics news from The Economist

    How to take part in the quiz: From Monday to Thursday we'll quiz you on American politics. Email all your answers with your name and where you are from to [email protected] before 5pm New York ...

  28. SUMMARY Synonyms: 102 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for SUMMARY: outline, brief, summa, digest, sum, inventory, resume, synopsis; Antonyms of SUMMARY: expansion, enlargement, amplification, supplement ...

  29. Triangle's small towns stay hot, Raleigh growth resumes, latest census

    After a brief lull during the COVID-19 pandemic, Raleigh is growing again. An estimated 482,295 people lived in the city last July 1, according to the latest municipal population estimates ...

  30. Michael Cohen grilled

    Michael Cohen once called himself Donald Trump 's "pit bull". During his second day of testimony he was doleful and subdued: less pit bull, more basset hound. Mr Trump's lawyer suggested ...