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Disciplinary Action Letter for Late Coming

Disciplinary Action Letter for Late Coming

A disciplinary action letter for late coming is a notification document that is prepared by an employer for his/her employee. In this letter, the employer highlights the issue of late coming and the consequential disciplinary action that has been decided to be taken against the employee.

The observance of the proper office hours, protocols, rules, etc., is important for the maintenance of decorum and discipline in an organization. When the employees fail to do that, they affect the overall performance, effectiveness, and efficiency of the company.

If an employee is coming late in the office or in the meetings, he is affecting the overall timing and work, especially of the subordinates whose work is directly dependent on him. Therefore, the companies cannot ignore or overlook such behavior. Unless and until the matter is not severe, usually, the company first issues warnings. However, if the warnings do not resolve the issue, they are followed by disciplinary action.

While creating a disciplinary committee, it is tried that the committee has a minimal bias. After considering various factors and the severity of the issue, the committee decides about the correct disciplinary action to be taken. It is often considered that the decided step should not only be a punishment but also should push the employee to avoid such behavior in the future. In addition, the action should be a lesson for other employees as well, so that they would avoid indulging in such sort of behavior of late coming.

The employee is informed through a disciplinary action letter about the committee’s decision. This letter can have varying details, depending on the company requirements and the situation severity. However, the general template of such letters includes the following information:

  • Details of the employer
  • Details of the employee
  • Issue and incidences if any
  • Effects on the company
  • Disciplinary action
  • Dates of the effectiveness of the action, including the duration.
  • Consequences in the case of repetition
  • Show hope of improvement.
  • Salutation and signature

Employees should know that they cannot be casual about the office hours, and that late comings can make them face some serious consequences. As this letter is kept in the record, affects the employee reputation, and can be used for any reference in the future, often, the late coming behavior of the employees gets changed after receiving the warnings, as they to avoid such disciplinary action letters. However, if the behavior continues, the disciplinary action is unavoidable.

Sample Letter

Dear Ms. Emily,

This letter is intended to inform you about the disciplinary action that has been decided against you for your lack of seriousness in terms of the observance of proper office hours.

It has often been reported by your subordinates that the missed deadlines of many projects are due to your absence or late comings. Being a manager, it’s your responsibility to keep the projects moving and approve the required resources at the right time. However, as you have a habit of coming late to the office, many delays have been experienced over time.

The disciplinary committee, after detailed discussions, has decided that you will experience a 7% cut in your salary for the month of March and April 20XX. However, if you will not change your habit of coming late, you will either be demoted or terminated.

We hope that after this punishment, you will understand that your habit is affecting our company’s effectiveness and efficiency. Being our valued employees, we expect a change of behavior.

Steven Smith.

application letter for prefect of late coming



Your Office Partner

Application for Late Coming in Office Sample

Sample application letter for coming late in the office, school, factory, or company due to any reason like a traffic jam, road blockage, rain, heaving snowfall, accident, etc.

Email/Whatsapp Application for Permission to Come Late in Office

Please note that today I will come one hour late to the office due to domestic work. Please grant me permission. I will be grateful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Request Letter for Late Coming to Office in Email

I want to inform you that I will come late to the office for few days due to (mention your reason here like guest arrival, emergency, etc.). Therefore, I am seeking your permission not to face any attendance and late arrival issues.

(Your name)

Apology Letter for Coming Late to Office

Mr. Clark, Head HR,

I have been working in the accounts department of this company as an accountant. Unfortunately, I did not come on time today because of a traffic jam in our area. I left my house the time I did every day, but unfortunately, the traffic was so jammed, which causes my late attendance in the office. I am well aware of the company policies towards the latecomers, but I have a genuine reason beyond my resources. Therefore, I am assuring you not to be late in the office again.

Please accept my apology for coming late office in the morning.

Louis Hug, Accountant

Leave Application to Come Late In Office

The operational Manager,

It is humbly informed that I have received a call from the school of my son. They have informed me about his current progress in studies which is not satisfactory according to them. They have also noticed some serious ill-mannered activities, like abuse, which we did not expect. They have called me for a one-hour meeting with his class teacher and principal. I request you to come to the office at 11 o clock instead of routine timing. Thank you

Senior Accountant,

The Manager,

With due respect, it is stated that I was badly stuck in the traffic this morning. There was an accident on the road, and it was all jamming packed that I had to wait for almost 1 hour to get the traffic clear. I request you to let me mark my attendance, and I will inform you in advance if such a situation occurs again. Thanks

Mr. Max William

Application for Late Coming in Office Sample

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I am a content creator and entrepreneur. I am a university graduate with a business degree, and I started writing content for students first and later for working professionals. Now we are adding a lot more content for businesses. We provide free content for our visitors, and your support is a smile for us. View all posts by David Beckham

6 thoughts on “Application for Late Coming in Office Sample”

shifting of home late warning letter response

Need late coming approval application

Please tell me ,it’s right notice for late coming

NOTICE- FOR LATE COMING IN OFFICE” All Employees’ are hereby advised to be punctual and regular in attending office and mark their attendance sheet. If you will be late regularly for 3 days your half day salary will be deducted. If you take leave without any prior notice your 2days salary will be deducted. As par company norms

Yes it is good enough to serve the purpose. go ahead.

1st point is applicable 2nd is not applicable

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  • Mar 13, 2022

Classroom Leadership: how to effectively choose school prefects for your subject area

How to ensure you get the right subject prefects...

application letter for prefect of late coming

School Prefects: every school seems to have them, but very few seem to have mastered the art of using them effectively. So why is this the case? And, more importantly, how can you select the ones who will save you time and improve standards? Read on to find out more...

application letter for prefect of late coming

The Historic Problem

Time after time we've all seen the "prefect thing" become a "lip service" exercise... where students often gain the title without having to "buy in" to the expectations, or the workload.

Everyone starts out enthusiastically and with high hopes of great change, but in reality this rarely seems to happen. Prefects turn up to the expected Open Evening and dawdle about (frequently checking their watches!), and the only types of questions they ask are: 'When do you think I can go home?' or 'Are there any biscuits left?'

You might be lucky and get one or two decent prefects and you may even get a bit of a classroom display put up for you ... wonkily, but still, it counts as something. Occasionally, you may win the 'holy grail' of prefects and think 'this year we'll finally get things done'... to then have them stolen away by the allure of a better school position when everyone finally realises how good they are. (And this always seems to happen partway through the year when you thought 'all your ducks were in a row'!)

It seems that (excluding the rare exception) we never seem to get 'our money's worth' when it comes to "hiring" prefects, especially not in the long term.

So why do we even bother?

Well, aside from being directed to do this, what is in it for you? FREE TIME! That’s what’s in it for you... if you get this right. (* And obviously the satisfaction that you are nurturing the hidden leadership talents of the next generation.) But mainly free time. And you'll probably think ' Yeah, right’ , but my department are now in the fortunate position where our prefects not only save us time, but actually help us raise standards too.

It sounds so obvious, but the simple truth is that it’s all about motivation. BUT, it's not simply enough to create it… the trick is sustaining it.

What's in it for them?

Let’s face it, students need motivating factors to do pretty much anything. Some you can buy off with ‘ This will look great on your UCAS application ‘ ( Yes, that ol’ chestnut!) and others you will probably have to literally buy off… with time and biscuits… and Amazon vouchers.

This being said, everyone is motivated by something, and that something is usually success. Benjamin Ball's 'Summary of Motivational Theories’ claims that individuals want to work for an establishment where they feel they are able to make a positive difference. If this moral reason fails, then helping people to feel (and look) important can be a very effective motivational tool, too. My department sustain this sense of importance by creating a student hierarchy for our subject prefects.

application letter for prefect of late coming

The Prefect Hierarchy

The Prefect Hierarchy follows a similar pattern to our own teacher hierarchy. Humans adhere to hierarchical constructs, hence the influence Religion, Monarchs and Politicians have always had over us... and why we try to curry favour with our line managers. Students follow a hierarchy in your own classroom with you as the leader they instinctively know they should follow.

Age and status are the two main ways of creating a strong hierarchy. As prefects are close in age, the only structure left is to create status roles within the subject prefect team. schools have been doing this with their 'Head Girl' and 'Head Boy' roles for decades, but I've rarely seen this idea filter into the subject prefect sphere.

My department aim to employ 5-6 subject prefects with the following roles:

Head Subject Prefect

Deputy Head Subject Prefect

Subject Prefect (specific role)

Subject Prefect

This year we've created a 'Head of Literacy Prefect' as this fits well with our department and school aim, but you could create subject prefects with different roles to suit your own department needs. However, be careful not to give every subject prefect a specific role otherwise you tend to get all leaders and no followers... and too many cooks tend to spoil the broth!

You also need to ensure that your 'Head Subject Prefect' is strong enough to 'rally the troops' and keep them in check, but is also kind enough to not become a power hungry dictator in your absence. Young adults are still in the process of learning to be adults, after all.

So, to choose wisely, you need a suitable application process…

application letter for prefect of late coming

The Application Process

With more and more demand to prepare students for their future careers, treating your school prefect application process like a “real” job interview has multiple benefits:

It weeds out the unmotivated

It provides a sense of gravitas that shows students this is important to you (and so should be to them!)

It’s an opportunity for students to gain some worthwhile interview experience (which works nicely with the Gatsby benchmarks)

It means you can better sense leadership potential for creating your prefect hierarchy

We ”advertise” the posts like a proper job interview. Students are told in lessons and emailed the job posting. The post-COVID world has made this even easier with platforms, like Microsoft Teams, allowing you to set such a thing as a voluntary 'assignment'.

We give them a job description and a deadline, and expect a letter of application that details their suitability for the role(s). It's also a good idea to get them to specify the role(s) they are interested in... this really helps to 'whittle' them down for interview. Finally, we make the benefits of the roles very apparent. It's vital to make it clear what's in it for them as we want to keep motivation levels high.

application letter for prefect of late coming

The Selection Process

Since implementing this system, we are inundated with subject prefect applications. One year we had a record 60% of our course students apply for a post... previous to this we were lucky if we got 2 applicants. However, this comes with its own problems... how do you select the right candidates for interview?

Firstly, you need to know your students. Applying for a role naturally opens you up for the possibility of rejection and that makes you very vulnerable... so managing student feedback and expectations is paramount. An innocent but flippant remark from you could really injure an applicant.

We have THREE golden rules for this:

Applicants MUST meet the deadlines and apply as requested (this instantly whittles out those who are not truly interested and applicants tend to take 'your application was too late' much better than 'we didn't feel you were suitable for interview'.

All applicants are kept confidential and are contacted separately (never as a group). This means a student has full control over whether they tell their peers or not.

Feedback must be provided following the "compliment sandwich" approach : compliment, constructive feedback, bigger compliment e.g. " We absolutely loved your energy, but we felt other candidates had more experience with running extra-curricular clubs and that’s something we really needed, however, we thought your interview answers were strong and we know that Geography are really interested in having you as a prefect".

Don't fall into the trap of interviewing everyone who applies just because you feel bad. It sends the wrong message to the stronger applicants, it wastes a lot of your time, and once people complete the interview stage they have naturally convinced themselves that they are the best person for the job. Therefore, telling them they haven't 'got the job' is much harder on them than if they aren't selected for interview in the first place. If you know it's definitely not going to work out, then don't go there.

Once we've selected students we'd like to interview, all applicants are contacted with either a 'please come to interview' or a 'thank you for applying, however...' email. The former can be very generic, however the latter I like to make more personalised and again adopt the 'compliment sandwich' approach. We tend to follow this up with a face to face conversation too.

application letter for prefect of late coming

The Interview

Again, the interview is just like those for a professional paying job... but a little bit softer. I prefer to have two people on the interview panel - it makes sense to ask one of your main A Level teachers to get involved... to give the interview more gravitas, but also to get relevant team members invested in their prefects. For extra status, you could ask a senior leader or Head of Year to help you interview.

To help with nerves and get the interviews off to a good start, we tell students in their 'please come to interview' email what the first question will be. For us, it's always 'why did you apply for this position?' We pre-decide our questions (choose 4-6 which students can elaborate on... you don't want to be there all day!) and print out answer grids for the panel to fill in and score the answers. This is a bit of extra effort, but really helps with the selection process at the end... especially when trying to decide who to appoint for each role.

Last year 15 applied, we interviewed 10, and gave out 6 positions, and the interview answer grids made the task so much easier. It also means you can give detailed feedback if requested... and helpful constructive criticism is always greatly appreciated.

The interviews are around 10-15 minutes each and for confidentiality, I like to choose a suitable meeting room away from our subject teaching area.

Make sure you tell students when and how they will hear the outcome from you and stick to this agreement. It sounds painfully obvious, but leaving people in limbo is a really good way to pee them off… yet it happens repeatedly. Just think back to your last job interview!

application letter for prefect of late coming

So there you have it, a strong methodology for getting the right prefects for your subject area. Check out the sister blog ' Classroom Leadership: how to effectively use your subject prefects in your subject area' for tips on how to save you time whilst raising standards.

For more useful ideas, check out our blogs on leadership and engagement.

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Classroom Leadership: how to get the most out of school prefects in your subject area

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I am writing this letter in application for the position of Prefect and Head/Deputy Head prefect. I see this position as a central part of the schools foundations, traditions, and effective communication

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I am writing this letter in application for the position of Prefect and Head/Deputy Head prefect. I see this position as a central part of the schools foundations, traditions, and effective communication

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  • Subject English

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Prefect Application Essay Example

 My desire is to become a prefect. I know that I will be a great prefect because I want to fulfill the enforcement and rules of the school, being the oldest child in the family I have a lot of responsibilities and examples to set for my younger family members, I am a very loyal person. With experience I know that being a prefect will be slightly easy even though it comes with challenges. 

To begin with, the school has laws and regulations for everyone to abide by especially during covid 19. I want to make sure as a prefect I do as I am told and make sure the rules made by the school are always taken into action and respected, so that the school can continue to be well, and the virus can be reduced in numbers.  

Additionally, being my mother's first child and my grandmothers first grandchild, I am always accountable, so I am very confident in taking this prefect position because I can help the school by setting examples, assisting students and teachers, prevent fight making sure that both sides are heard and understood.  

Lastly, as a loyal person I can gain teachers and students trust by helping them, announcing important class news, work with and help other prefects, help diffident student's, be a great role model in and out of school, support and represent my school, help students that are being bully and stop bullying and many more.  

To wrap it all up, I would love to uphold this prefect position. I am trustworthy; I will help lead the way positively, abide by rules and make sure people do the same.

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Table of contents

Why addressing late coming is necessary, what is a late coming warning letter, 1. establishes clarity:, 2. documentation for reference:, 3. reinforces expectations:, 4. opportunity for self-reflection:, 5. performance improvement:, 6. legal protection:, 7. consistent application of policies:, 8. performance management:, 1. use a formal tone:, 2. clearly state the purpose:, 3. provide specific details:, 4. highlight the impact:, 5. state the consequences:, 6. offer assistance & solutions:, 1. employee’s information:, 2. statement of concern:, 3. specific instances:, 4. company policies:, 5. impact on the organization:, 6. previous discussions or warnings:, 7. expected standards and consequences:, 8. support & assistance:, 9. timeframe for improvement:, 10. signature & date:, a late coming warning letter template, bottom line.


6 Tips to Write a Professional Late Coming Warning Letter

  • late coming warning letter
  • June 7, 2023


No matter how good an employee is, addressing tardiness is an essential aspect of maintaining discipline and productivity in the workplace. When faced with recurring instances of late arrivals, employers often resort to issuing a late coming warning letter to communicate the seriousness of the matter.

However, crafting a professional warning letter for employees who come late to work requires tact as well as precision to ensure its effectiveness.

In this blog, we will present 6 invaluable tips to help you write a warning letter that strikes the right balance between firmness and professionalism.

With these guidelines, you can communicate your expectations clearly, motivate employees to improve their punctuality, and foster a more productive work environment.

Let’s explore these tips and enhance your letter-writing skills once and for all!

Note:You can download directly from here and edit as per your need.

Just like HRs issue a warning letter for negligence of duty and other concerns, addressing employees who show up late to work is equally necessary.

Firstly, punctuality is a fundamental aspect of professionalism and demonstrates respect for others’ time. When individuals consistently arrive late, it disrupts the workflow, creates a sense of frustration, and hampers productivity.

Secondly, addressing late coming fosters a positive work culture based on discipline and accountability. It sets clear expectations and encourages employees to prioritize their responsibilities.

In addition to this, by addressing this issue, organizations can ensure that meetings and collaborative efforts start on time, maximizing efficiency and reducing wasted resources.

Lastly, addressing late coming sends a message that the organization values punctuality, which can enhance its reputation and improve overall operational effectiveness.

A Late Coming Warning Letter is a formal communication from an employer to an employee who consistently arrives late to work.

It notifies the employee about their repeated tardiness and may include potential consequences if the issue continues. The letter aims to address the problem, provide an opportunity for improvement, and remind the employee of their responsibilities.

Why is Issuing a Warning Letter for Late Coming Important?

There are many reasons why issuing a Late Coming Warning Letter who come late to work is crucial.

Some of them are as follows:

A warning letter for late coming plays a crucial role in establishing clear communication between the employer and the employee. It explicitly addresses the issue of tardiness, leaving no room for misinterpretation or ambiguity.

Documentation for Reference

By issuing a Late Coming Warning Letter, employers create a documented record of the employee’s repeated late arrivals. This documentation can be essential in tracking the employee’s behavior over time and can serve as evidence if further disciplinary actions or performance evaluations are required.

The warning letter reinforces the expected standards of punctuality within the organization. It reminds employees of their responsibility to arrive on time and the impact their tardiness can have on team dynamics, productivity, and overall workplace morale.

The letter provides an opportunity for the employee to reflect on their behavior and understand the consequences of their actions. It prompts them to evaluate their punctuality and take necessary steps to rectify the issue.

Performance Improvement

By addressing tardiness through a warning letter for employee coming late , employers give employees a chance to improve their punctuality and meet the expected standards. It serves as a proactive measure to encourage positive changes in behavior and performance.

In certain cases, issuing a Late Coming Warning Letter may be a prerequisite for initiating further disciplinary actions. By adhering to the appropriate procedures and documenting the warnings, employers can protect their legal rights if the employee’s tardiness persists or escalates.

The warning letter demonstrates that the employer maintains consistency in enforcing workplace policies and rules. It ensures that all employees are held to the same standards and treated fairly, which can contribute to a positive work environment.

For employees who repeatedly ignore or disregard warnings about their tardiness, the warning letter serves as an essential step in the performance management process. It helps in identifying persistent performance issues and guiding subsequent actions, such as additional coaching, training, or disciplinary measures.

Read More – When and How to Issue an Employee Final Warning Letter: Best Practices!

6 Tips To Write A Professional Warning Letter To Employees Who Come Late to Work

Writing a warning letter for employees who show up late to work is no rocket science but drafting a professional one can be tricky.

To crack it, here are 6 effective tips for you:

When drafting a employee warning letter for late coming to work , it is essential to maintain a formal and professional tone throughout the communication.

Avoid using casual or overly personal language, as it may undermine the seriousness of the matter at hand. Use proper salutations and maintain a respectful tone throughout the letter.

The introductory paragraph of the letter should clearly state the purpose of the communication. Make it explicit that the letter serves as a warning regarding the employee’s frequent late arrivals. This sets the tone and ensures that the employee understands the gravity of the situation.

To strengthen your case and demonstrate that you have been closely monitoring the employee’s attendance, include specific information about the instances of late arrival. Mention the dates, times, and duration of each occurrence. This provides objective evidence and makes it clear that tardiness is a recurring issue.

Clearly articulate the negative impact the employee’s late arrivals have on their own work, their colleagues, and the overall productivity of the organization.

Emphasize the importance of punctuality and how it contributes to an efficient and harmonious work environment. By outlining the consequences of the employee’s actions, you can help them understand the significance of their punctuality.

It is essential to communicate the potential consequences or disciplinary actions that may follow if the employee’s tardiness persists.

Outline the progressive disciplinary policy of your organization, which may include verbal warnings, written warnings, or more severe actions, depending on the severity and frequency of the late arrivals. Ensure that the employee understands the potential repercussions of continued tardiness.

While it is crucial to address the issue at hand, it is equally important to offer support and assistance to the employee. Include a section in the letter that discusses ways in which the employee can improve their punctuality.

Provide suggestions, such as setting alarms, adjusting commute time, or utilizing time management techniques.

Encourage open communication and invite the employee to discuss any challenges or obstacles they may be facing that contribute to their tardiness. This shows your willingness to help them rectify the situation and improve their performance.

Read More – 5 Myths of Warning Letter Format


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Things to Include in a Late Coming Warning Letter

A Late Coming Warning Letter must have the following details:

Include the employee’s name, position, department, and any relevant identification details.

Clearly express your concern regarding the employee’s repeated late arrivals at work.

Provide detailed information about the dates or time periods when the employee was late. Mention the number of occurrences and any patterns observed.

Refer to the company policies or employee handbook that outline expectations regarding punctuality and attendance. Highlight the importance of adhering to these policies.

Explain the negative impact of the employee’s late arrivals on the organization, team, or work processes. This could include disrupted workflow, delays in tasks, reduced productivity, or strained team dynamics.

If you have previously addressed the issue with the employee, mention those conversations or any prior warnings given. This serves as a reminder that the issue has been brought to their attention before.

Clearly state the expected standards of punctuality and attendance. Specify the exact time the employee is expected to arrive at work and any consequences for continued tardiness. This could range from verbal warnings to written warnings, loss of privileges, or further disciplinary action.

Offer support and assistance to the employee in improving their punctuality. Provide suggestions for overcoming obstacles, such as adjusting transportation arrangements or modifying schedules. Reiterate that you are available to discuss any challenges they may be facing.

Set a specific timeframe for improvement and request the employee to make a conscious effort to improve their punctuality within that period.

Sign the letter and include the date to authenticate it.

Read More – What is a Regret Letter & Why is it Known as the Catalyst for Growth?

Late Coming Warning Letter Template

In conclusion, HR management tools play a vital role in writing a professional late coming warning letter, requiring careful consideration to effectively address the issue of tardiness in the workplace.

By clearly communicating the incidents of late arrivals, employers can provide employees with a factual basis for their concern. It is important to maintain a respectful tone throughout the letter, while still emphasising the impact of tardiness on productivity and teamwork. Check out poor performance warning letter.

So, the next time you write a warning for employees who come late to work, make sure to implement the aforementioned tips, thereby addressing the issue effectively and promoting a more punctual & productive work environment. Checkout our HR toolkit.

Written By :


Alpesh Vaghasiya

The founder & CEO of Superworks, I'm on a mission to help small and medium-sized companies to grow to the next level of accomplishments. With a distinctive knowledge of authentic strategies and team-leading skills, my mission has always been to grow businesses digitally. The core mission of Superworks is Connecting people, Optimizing the process, Enhancing performance.

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Request Letter for Permission to Come Late To Office – Sample Letter Seeking Permission for Late Coming to Office

application letter for prefect of late coming

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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To, The Human Resource Manager, _________ (Name of the Company) _________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____(Date)

From, _________ (Name of the Employee) _________ (Address)

Subject: Permission for late coming to office

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, my name is _________ (Your Name), working in department _________(mention your department), holding employee ID number _________ (ID number issued). I have been working in your company from past _______ (Mention number of years).

This letter is to seek permission for coming late to the office on __/__/____ (Mention date). I will be late for _________ (Mention time duration – 1 hour/ 2 hour/ 3 hour/any other). The reason for coming late is _________ (Mention Reason- Family problem/ Urgently have to go somewhere/ Doctor appointment in office hours, any other reason).

Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me permission. I assure you that I will not be late for more than the given period of time and I also assure you that this will not affect my output in your company. Hoping to receive a positive response from you for the same.

Yours Faithfully/Sincerely, _________ (Signature), _________ (Name of the Employee)

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  • Yes, including these details provides context and helps HR identify the employee.
  • Yes, providing a clear and concise reason helps HR understand the situation and make an informed decision.
  • Yes, assuring HR of continued productivity demonstrates professionalism and commitment to fulfilling responsibilities.
  • If late arrival is a recurring issue, it's essential to communicate openly with HR and explore solutions to address the underlying cause.
  • Yes, suggesting alternative arrangements or offering to make up for lost time can demonstrate proactive problem-solving and commitment to the job.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • sample letter to company seeking permission for coming late to office
  • letter requesting to allow for coming late to office

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Employee Warning Letter for Late Coming to Work: 4 templates

We must write the employee warning letter for late coming to work because this becomes very necessary for the employer to notice what his employees are doing. For coming late, a person must be charged or at least issued s letter. Following are four templates you can use-

Letter Template: 1

Table of Contents

Employee Warning Letter for Late Coming to Work

[Mention the name of the sender]

[Mention the address]

[Mention the contact details]

[Mention the date]

[Mention the name of the recipient]

[Mention the address of the recipient]

[Mention the contact details of the recipient]

Subject- Employee warning letter for late coming to work

Hello Mr./Ms [Mention the first name of the employee],

We hate to inform you that for the majority of the past[Mention the number]  weeks, you have been showing up to the office after the designated time for reporting to duty. We saw that these are not simply tiny delays of a few minutes but rather significant time gaps.

You are well aware that according to business policy, such delayed reporting carries a penalty. Your half-day salary will be taken away as a result for the days you were late. Please be aware that such tardiness is taken very negatively into account when determining whether to promote you or give you a raise at work. We expect you to follow the guidelines exactly.

You are further encouraged to arrive on time to work and to avoid repeating such late arrivals in the future for your own benefit. Please be aware that if you keep arriving late for work, the company will be compelled to take the necessary disciplinary measures. Your employment might potentially be terminated as a result of this.[Mention the phone number and email address].

You will have a copy of this letter in your personnel employment file. Please sign one copy of the enclosed letter to indicate receipt of this letter.

Thank you very much,

I’m grateful.

[Handwriting signature]

[Mention here, if there is any post note to be given]

Download Template : ( pdf, docs, ODT, RTF, txt, HTML, Epub, Etc )

Letter Template: 2

Dear [Name of Employee],

Management considers your continued tardiness to work unacceptable. This letter serves as a formal written caution. You have specifically been tardy on the following occasions:

 [Date and time the employee was late reporting to work]

[Date and time the employee was late reporting to work]

We work hard to make sure that every employee has a fair workplace. Regularly arriving late to work not only violates the standards we have for our workers, but it also unfairly affects your coworkers’ working conditions.

This is a warning letter about your frequent tardiness, which demonstrates your carelessness with the task. Despite our verbal warning, you continue to arrive late for work. Take this [Mention the email address] as the management’s final warning, and explain the situation clearly.

To properly accomplish our company objectives and provide our clients with the finest service possible, we set regular periods for your work. Everyone on the team works hard to ensure our company’s success, thus it would be unfair to the other team members who are upholding our high standards if even one member of the team were to arrive late.

We anticipate you to make up for this violation of our attendance obligation swiftly.

If you are consistently late, you risk being fired or facing other disciplinary measures.

Letter Template: 3

We noticed that you have been regularly arriving late for work without a good excuse or authorization. We would like to let you know that this activity is completely prohibited by company standards and is regarded as misconduct. If you anticipate needing to be late for work, please let your immediate manager know in advance and give a plausible explanation. If it’s an emergency, you can call and let them know, but given how frequently the offenses occur, that’s hardly the case in this situation.

You have already heard this information verbally, and nothing has changed on your end. Please take this letter as a formal warning. We anticipate that you will alter your attendance to match your duty hours and demonstrate rapid improvement.

awaiting some fantastic news from your manager.

In light of our recent observations, it has come to our attention that despite receiving numerous repeated commands and our warning letter dated[Mention the date] regarding your tardiness at work, this memo from the [Mention the job position] department outlines the need for you to make an early improvement in the aforementioned matter.

I hope you understand, embrace, and put the following into practice right away.

For [Mention the name of the Company], failure to comply with the aforementioned will result in the termination of your employment at.

Letter Template: 4

Dear [Mention the name employee],

Many of you have been arriving late to work without a valid justification, as we have seen. This kind of conduct is not acceptable and is not permitted. [Explain using your own words.] This is an office job, not freelance employment. You are expected to arrive and depart at the appointed times. [Explain the actual issue and circumstance.] Rules in the office must be followed.

This letter is to let you know that there have been complaints against you to us, including the fact that you have consistently neglected to complete your obligations. [Explain using your own words.] We would want to inform you, sir, that business does not operate in this manner.

You have been arriving late to work for the past  (insert the number of days) days, as per our most recent observations. Please consider this letter a formal alerting for this misconduct. The office is open during the times listed below:

From [Mention the number of time until [Mention the number of time],

Describe the actual issue and circumstance. We are giving you one final warning, and if we find out, we will fire you and give another deserving person a chance. [Explain what you need.] I sincerely hope you will take this notice seriously.

We will take immediate action if we discover that you keep arriving late without a valid excuse. (Explain what you need.)

Letter Template: 5

Disciplinary Employee for Letter

[Mention the address of the sender]

[Mention the Email address]

Subject- disciplinary letter for employee

[Mention the contact information]

Dear [Mention the name of the recipient],

This is an official written reprimand for your inability to carry out the duties of your position correctly to protect the private information you have learned about the employees who are under your supervision. It is against the employee’s confidentiality rights to divulge information that was shared with you in confidence to other employees.

Furthermore, it violates your expected and trusted managerial position. In fact, discussing business with another employee in any situation constitutes a breach of your expected management duties, even if the employee had not specifically stated that the material they shared with you was confidential. The disciplinary action that could result in termination of employment is justified, given the seriousness of your behavior.

For a previous transgression in which you divulged private information given to you by a coworker, you have received verbal counseling. I’m reminding you with this letter of reprimand how crucial it is for you to protect confidential information because that’s part of your job description.

I’m also reminding you of how crucial it is for you to use trustworthy judgment in your role as an employee who has been given managerial responsibilities. Your position means that going forward, you’ll need to be even more diligent in fulfilling your duties.

Additional disciplinary action, up to and including the risk of employment termination, will be taken if you again undermine our faith in your capacity to perform any of your expected managerial tasks.

Your official personnel file will receive a copy of this reprimand.


[Mention the of the sender]

[Mention the phone number]


Letter Template: 6

Late Coming Warning Letter

(Mention your name)

(Your address)

(Your contact information)

(Name of the Recipient)

(Address of the Recipient)

(Contact Information of the Recipient)

Sub: Warning for Late Coming

Dear (Name of the Recipient),

Please consider this letter as a warning for your coming late repeatedly.  This news came to us that you are coming late regularly without any valid reason. We are very much upset with your misconduct of behavior towards our company (mention the name of the company). Your attitude is strictly against the policies of the company.

You are being informed officially that if you need to be late to the office then you have to inform the H. R. manager (mention details) ahead of time with a suitable reason. You are not allowed to come as you please.

We have already informed you about this in our previous meetings. Hope you will try to follow the rules and regulations of the company properly, and we don’t have to warn you again in the future.

We are waiting to see your immediate progress.

We hope we will get the good news from your manager very soon.

With regards,

(Hand-written Signature)

(Notary or witness if required)

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Rahul Panchal

“Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”

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